#i respect shane dawson
tired-hellowl · 1 year
I think part of the reason why helluva boss makes me personally deeply uncomfortably with blitzø as a main character is in partial with the fact that it willingly always portays his alcoholism in positive conjunctions with his employees around him and is never called into question or blame.... like at what point is stolas going to get over some drunk imp bastard that doesn't even consider to ever care about him, when he shouldn't in the first place when the relationship is built upon a throne of literal lies acting like an imp and a royal being together is absolutely disgraceful and classist in one scene and then the next they're just teehee'ing in the field of flowery hell as if these dark themes aren't brought up so passively and never handled....
As a poor queer person who has actively been in the slums with alcoholics around me and consumed most of my past upbringing at some point I turn to just watch something else given that, Blitzø is a low life scummy stalkers imp that doesn't even bother to ever care about anyone else's reasoning or emotions-besides his own and it is proven over and over and over in every. Fucking. Scene. Because he's the 'main character'
Sober up and get over yourself the show isn't about anything else then Brandon Rogers voicing a dicksucking imp because 'haha laugh at the fairy-gay boy who can't even get his own boyfriend'
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KENNY: Aww shit.
KENNY: I fucked up this water sort puzzle level.
TOLKIEN: I don’t…
KENNY: Well.
KENNY: You do now.
TOLKIEN: Kenneth.
TOLKIEN: How much battery is left on my phone.
KENNY: Errrrrmmmmmm….
TOLKIEN: Kenneth. Jason. McCormick.
TOLKIEN: If my battery is below 50% I am going to beat your ass.
KENNY: …. 25%....
TOLKIEN: Right. That’s it. I’m beating your ass.
KENNY: Please don’t beat my ass!
TOLKIEN: Give me one good reason to not to.
KENNY: UH- uhhhhhh….
KENNY: Craig!
KENNY: He- He has a portable charger!
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CRAIG: Erm, Kenny, what the ACTUAL sigma, you fucking L rizz fanum tax.
CRAIG: Who the FUCK are you to spread these rumors about me?!
CRAIG: Literally canceling you on Tumblr rn.
CRAIG: Smh my head, this is SO not that that me espresso! 
TOLKIEN: Shut the fuck up, Craig…
CRAIG: Let me Mountain Dew it for ya. 
KENNY: Bro my ass is boutta to become grass in two minutes if you don’t give it to me!!!
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CRAIG: Ok, and?
CRAIG: Skill issue.
CRAIG: Erm, chat, do you see this loser?
TOLKIEN: That’s it.
TOLKIEN: Kenny, c’mere.
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CRAIG: Whhhh...
CRAIG: Chat.
CRAIG: Chat what the flip.
CRAIG: What the actual sigma.
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TOLKIEN: Let’s be real, you brought that on yourself.
KENNY: No <3
TOLKIEN: I’m surrounded by idiots.
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TOLKIEN: Aaaand we woke up Shane Dawson.
TOLKIEN: Perfect.
TOLKIEN: Wonderful.
TOLKIEN: What next, the piss baby?
TOLKIEN: Oh my fucking goddd….
KYLE: Guys, it's Pride Month.
KYLE: Don’t do this right now.
CARTMAN: Uhm? Excuse me? Your attitudes towards gay people is deeply offensive and completely unacceptable. How can you justify such bigotry and discrimination in this day and age? Everyone has the right to love and be loved without facing discrimination or hate from people like you. Your attitude perpetuates ignorance and division in our society. It's deeply disappointing to see such intolerance in this day and age. 
CARTMAN: I hope you realize the harm your beliefs cause and consider the importance of empathy and acceptance towards all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation.
TOLKIEN: Great, now you woke blue hair and pronouns.
CARTMAN: Wow, really? Is that the best you can do? Reduce my identity to my appearance and my pronouns? It's incredibly disrespectful and ignorant to dismiss who I am with such shallow labels. My hair and my pronouns are part of my identity, and they deserve respect. If you can't respect who I am, I am not interested in continuing this conversation with you.
CRAIG: This is literally why I hate fags. 
KYLE: Dude…
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CRAIG: Guys I’m officially becoming demon-phobic.
CARTMAN: I'm genuinely taken aback by your racist remarks against demons. It's incredibly disrespectful and hurtful to demonkind, using them as a target for racism is not only absurd but also deeply insensitive. It's important to understand that such language perpetuates harmful stereotypes and can be hurtful to those who enjoy creative works involving demons. Please reconsider your words and think about the impact they can have on others.
CRAIG: Womp to the fucking womp.
CRAIG: Don’t talk to me, I’m mewing rn.
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KENNY: Lord have mercy.
KENNY: Please let my bitch of a sister fucking die.
KENNY: Dear god please. 
KENNY: If you love me, let me be an only child again.
TOLKIEN: Kenny what the fuck.
TOLKIEN: That’s your sister.
TOLKIEN: I doubt you’d actually let her die.
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KENNY: Shit you right.
KENNY: She still owes me twenty dollars for that McDonalds I got her last week.
TOLKIEN: Okay, do you have anyone who can come get her outta there?
TOLKIEN: Not sure if it's a good idea to go out there with murderous, probably bloodthirsty demons running around.
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KENNY: I know who to call.
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SHITASS: snrrk nsnzznnzzzzzzzzzzz...,.
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SHITASS: fhnfnhmmghfghg.
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SHITASS: [yawn]
SHITASS: You’ve reached Captain Shitass, 
SHITASS: Unfortunately I cannot take your calls, but I’ll be available in the ‘morrow, no, before you ask, I don’t do balloons anymore.
SHITASS: Please leave a message after the be--
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KENNY: Shut up, fecal failure, I’m not here to make you a birthday mascot. KENNY: We got some demon wranglin to do!
KENNY: Don’t know, probably!
KENNY: Look babycakes, it's hard to guess if a big storm’s comin, but we ain’t takin’ no damn chances. KENNY: Besides, Karen still owes me McDonalds money.
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SHITASS: Oh, this is over Donnie’s? Fuck yeah, I’m in. 
KENNY: Wait, really?
SHITASS: Uh, yeah!
SHITASS: I don’t fuck around when it comes to McDonalds.
SHITASS: Mcdonald’s is an important necessity to the American economic system. 
KENNY: Oh thank god. KENNY: After this, can we kill her? KENNY: Like actually?
SHITASS: Uh, yeah.
SHITASS: She’s a fucking cunt and I hate her.
SHITASS: You wanna do it or should I?
KENNY: Oh I’d be fine with either, long as she dies. KENNY: Gets her outta my hair and me back to being an only child.  KENNY: Afterward, my life will be nothing but bliss. 
SHITASS: Aight bet.
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SHITASS: By the way, where the fuck are you?
SHITASS: Usually you come over to my place with a loaded gun, pointing at me and forcing me to do a jester jig like a common peasant. 
KENNY: Haha. KENNY: Funny story.
SHITASS: Oh good robot lord, are you hiding in a bush to throw corn at me?
SHITASS: You’re not gonna tase my balls and yell “dance, peasant dance”?
SHITASS: You did that the LAST time you said you had somethin’ funny to tell me
SHITASS: Then you covered me in worms and rat shit as I mourned over my now broken balls.
KENNY: Nononono shawty it’s actually sososo funny.
SHITASS:Y’know, I can’t have children anymore, right?
SHITASS: So I feel like im inclined to not fucking believe you.
KENNY: Nononono It’s ACTUALLY funny.
SHITASS: I swear on robot jesus if you tase my ASSHOLE I will rip off YOUR balls!
SHITASS: Kenneth aren’t we boyfriends?
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KENNY: SHUT UPPPPP, Okay, so like.  KENNY: You know ouija boards, right? KENNY: And weed?
SHITASS: Of course I know what fucking weed is.
SHITASS: We rolled blunts with used tissues in the Walmart dumpster last week.
SHITASS: Mine tasted like blood and boogers.
KENNY: Oh yeahhhh! KENNY: Anyways. KENNY: We all got REALLY high one night, KENNY: And we decided to talk to a buncha ghosts, cuz that's what you do when you’re blitzed, ya know? KENNY: Then, Craig continued talkin’ to em after we all dipped cuz we didn’t wanna, y’know, DIE. KENNY: So now we’re all targets cuz his ass decided follower counts are more important than life.
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SHITASS: Of course he did.
SHITASS: What a fucking idiot.
SHITASS: They know about the prophecy? Or like, about us? 
KENNY: Pssh, nah.
SHITASS: Thank god, let's keep it that way.
SHITASS: Anyone else with her?
KENNY: Craig’s sister I think.
SHITASS: Ew, there’s more than one??
KENNY: Un-fucking-fortunately.
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KENNY: Kill ‘em, dung disaster, I love you.
SHITASS: Love you too, miserable cunt.
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SHITASS: We’re all gonna die.
(Edits made by @pissblanket)
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youremyheaven · 5 months
I will say that Saturnian men are only “alphas” to themselves and those easily fooled by them if they go down that path. They are so easily seen through when they are not actually what they pretend to be, you have to be “lower” than them (perhaps a child, or a man child; someone who hasn’t learned beyond that) to actually be fooled. I wonder if elon musk has saturn because his whole brand is literally scamming and the illusion of expertise and competence—the man’s car company literally funds his failed vanity projects that only sustain themselves off of the backs of others. His cars literally DON’T WORK 😭, he just has a cult of simps that will pour money into the dream of elon musk.
I will say also that negative saturn people NEVER get away with it. Saturn always punishes. The brutal fall from grace for Shane Dawson and Colleen Ballinger is a perfect example. Sometimes Saturn will allow wealth but never respect because it has not been earned and pretty much everyone sees through them (DJ Khaled is a breathing joke and i mean cmon Sam Levinson and Andrew Tate are just messes. Andrew Tate is also a breathing joke now, Sam Levinson has embarrassed himself after that dogshit Idol show.) Saturn will come and even the score and keep things clear. These men and women can fool themselves, sure, that’s allowed, but they lose their unearned bounties without a doubt if they are not honest, do not change or do some kind of penance for it. Saturn is cruel but is a teacher above all imo, and if you do not follow his lessons? Yeah, get ready. You never get away with anything under Saturn’s eye.
Interestingly enough, Colleen Ballinger is also a walking joke now—the ukulele shit. They tend to be lowered to nothing but scum we all laugh and point at while they live in their pocket of delusional “glory” after they have fallen. I find this very interesting personally since they are trying to be respected—the first thing and the permanent thing they always lose is that respect! Perhaps they never get it in the first place either, despite getting money and success (Sam Levinson, Dj Khaled). They are also not even clever enough most of the time to try and hide their obvious subpar quality, like you said with saturn men being crass troglodytes.
Sam Levinson made Malcom and Marie, which was just SO embarrassing for him and already showed the red flags of not being a competent artist. Dj Khaled literally can’t form grammatically correct sentences. Andrew Tate is so exaggerated and ridiculous many people thought he was joking. Colleen was never funny or talented, she just focused on kids. These guys never get away or get one up on Saturn. You can’t. Either you follow the instructions or not. They aren’t as lucky as mercurials or other planetary folks on fuckshit, haha!
Even when dark, Saturnians are still serving Saturn’s purpose because we can see what NOT to do and how NOT to act through these people. They are simply examples instead of teachers. Even Epstein, who I believe was Uttara Bhadrapada, had a brtual fall from grace before dying. Saturn keeps a tally and will return what you have given. ESPECIALLY SATURNIANS, like you think you’re getting away with that dude in YOUR PRIMARY PLACEMENTS??? 💀 Mama please, you are only fooling yourself and playing the fool as well. I suspect they can sense it too, which is why they act so stupid and gross. Can’t even keep the bullshit contained, loll.
Very interesting. The way karma comes for them is very interesting. I feel like most unruly Saturnians have a fall from grace
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still-got-no-idea · 1 year
hi. i'm not going to be formal about this. i stockpiled the evidence and the proof. i have more information that you need about sssniperwolf, and i'll display it here
her far more horrid actions from videos she's deleted are going to go in their own separate area in this post. mostly because it is fairly triggering content that shows that she is, potentially, a predator.
to start off, here is this video and this video
these are from two youtubers that are greatly respected and are known to very resourceful in these sorts of accusations.
here is another video, however i don't know the guy so keep that in mind. it seems fairly accurate, but i don't know a thing about him.
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i cannot confirm this, but this is a potential motive behind these actions. do not take this as any sort of fact. it is just speculation.
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this is partially accurate. each state handles it differently. the state here is california. here are a few of their laws regarding threats.
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i, personally, would say someone showing up to your house and taking a picture in front of it would be reasonably terrifying.
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a bit more insight into california's laws on this.
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there is also this. yes, there are several videos on this. i recall hearing about this.
here's a video that seems fairly well done and thought out. she was usually in controversy, yet this is still bigger than that. this also goes into her ghosting a child with cancer.
at this point, there are going to be some heavy topics. such as predatory actions towards minors. please keep that in mind and feel free to not continue after this point.
now, from what i can tell this video don't seem fake at all.
you cannot tell me that asking minors to twerk for you is not predatory behavior. shane dawson (or onision, i forgot) did it, and look how that all ended. both are known predators, and are known to groom children. it is, absolutely, predatory for a grown adult to ask a child to do anything of that nature.
this video is more about everything in general, including asking the children to do inappropriate acts
so that's all i've collected. there is a lot more, trust me. there are articles about her being arrested in 2013. i just don't have the energy or time to continue this post. so stop harassing the people i care about. here's you're proof and evidence, either believe me or don't.
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scoops404 · 7 months
i feel horrible. I feel betrayed and I’m depressed but strangely not surprised?
Its not even, not even about who is worse or whatever, i just- I heard connor eats pants talk, he said how george and the dream team, (even if they don’t acknowledge it,) have a large young girl audience. That’s the part of the audience that helped them grow.(And id say the audience who was the most emotionally, young girls or queer people who a lot of the time grew up presenting female or queer people in general, who are also at higher risk of getting used or assaulted ) and how its disgusting and disappointing to see them drop these weird points about consent and i (as a part of that demographic myself) - that really hit me in some way. That really hit me and something about it rings in my chest with hurt an realisation. It makes me incredibly sad, and yet it makes me realise stuff.
That point to me seems incredibly important.
That fact makes their statements seem ignorant..
Im slowly coming to terms with how I personally want to move forward with acknowledging their content, the content that was genuinely helping my depression and was part of my routine. So I didn’t formulate this to be some sort of statement, but more of a “oh” moment that i wanted to share
These men don’t feel like they care about the large audience they hurt.. young girls, and how their respective statements about consent could affect idk their world view? :/
Something i got reminded of when reading tumblr after watching that connor tiktok clip of his stream.
I see where you're coming from and what you're feeling is valid and it's entirely up to you if you want to stay or not
I just think that we've seen a lot of examples of them being good to women, in a professional sense as well as personally (as recent as Sapnap's birthday stream we saw George direct the camera away from Sylvee's skirt while she was climbing the wall). This is not a defense of George's behavior regarding the Caiti situation in any way, shape, or form, but we also can't erase the good behavior that we have witnessed, you know?
Like, I've left fandoms for petty reasons and big reasons (i used to love shane dawson, I used to love david dobrik, i went on a weird hate watch spree for a couple depressing months in like 2018 for the paul brothers--i'm not proud) and when a cc's behavior becomes clear, I drop their ass. Even through the drituation, I've never seen behavior from the dreamteam that I thought was hateful against anyone and I believe they've always shown that they want to do what's right when they do mess up.
Do I think they have room to grow? Yeah, absolutely. But I don't think they secretly hate women or are exploiting us. ((no matter what Hannah is saying now, they have had many close female friends for quite a while--Puffy, Sylvee, Gia--and I feel like those people wouldn't have stuck around if they were shitty to women constantly when off camera))
I don't think this incident with Caiti is just another in a long line of dubious consent situations (not that I can know). If I thought they were doing this behind the scenes all the time, I'd nope out. I'm hoping that they can take this as a learning moment and find greater nuance in consent. We are always learning and Dream, the most, has always shown he's willing to take criticism and realize why something was wrong and not do it again. We've seen this from George too when he apologized for old screen shots with slurs. They aren't perfect, none of us are, but I have hope that they'll move forward with a clearer idea.
To be quite honest, I have seen the conversations around consent morph in my lifetime. It's a wonderful thing to see women speaking up and being believed and consequences coming down on men when, historically, that has almost never been the case. We need to keep having these conversations and reinforcing the line, no matter how uncomfortable it can be.
As far as dream team not caring about their audience, I can't really disagree with that right now lol. I certainly don't really feel cared for, but I'm here more for my friends now at this point.
Keep thinking through what this means for you and how you want to move forward for yourself. there's nothing wrong with putting them down for a while. I see a trend of former fans burning the ground as they leave, but like, you can just leave or take a little hiatus from dreamteam, and that's absolutely fine! You can always change your mind and come back, or you can find something else and get super invested in that. No one is going to track what you're doing and judge you, I promise.
As far as content to help you through depression, I can't recommend Brittany Broski and Trixie and Katya enough. I've been listening to Trixie and Katya's Podcast, the Bald and the Beautiful, for my long commutes and they keep me laughing. I'd start with their "Unhhh" youtube series though because it's..... Hilarious
Sorry this got so long. Classic Scoops
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rigor-mortis-radio · 2 months
An actual intro!
Hey! I go by Delphi. I’m very new to both Tumblr and ao3, but I’ve been beginning to write fics. You can always find me on ao3 by this username and vice versa, no matter when it changes. I have 2 fics up, an Amandawn called Blue Raspberry Bubblegum and an in-progress Dayasco called People Are Strange, but more will be coming inevitably. Feel free to send in fic requests! (No smut prompts, I respect the craft but it’s Not My Vibe)
I don’t have much else to say, so here are some fun facts about me.
my favorite artist is Charli XCX at the moment, and my favorite song off BRAT is Everything is Romantic. I’m into a lot of old rock, too, I especially like The Hives right now, but I’m always partial to The Doors!
I one time fell in a river while trying to catch a fish and since then I’ve hated fishing
My favorite YouTubers in my tweens were Miranda Sings and Shane Dawson, and I think that actually might have altered my brain chem
That’s all! Just wanted to say hi.
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louissatturi · 1 year
I wanted to make a post about "Internet-O filme" but i respect myself too much to watch a film that was considered the worst movie of the year when premired and people to this day talk about how is like the worst brazilian movie
To americans, imagine if a Shane dawson movie got a big theatrical realese,
That is the quality of the movie we are talking about
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dteamain · 1 year
YouTube happily platforms the likes of ben Shapiro, shane dawson, jeffrey star etc who all spread bigoted views constantly.
Twitch allows rapists to stream and esports teams with rapist members stream on twitch
I hate kick but frankly they're streaming site being written about constantly in media while youtube and twitch get away with giving big platforms to awful people. Yes they're working towards being better but that came because of change from creators and that could happen with kick too. You don't have to support sapnaps kick streams but don't act like any other streaming site is better when ben Shapiro can actively talk about trans genocide on youtube without being banned. I won't be watching kick streams either but sapnap isn't some awful person for cross streaming, not even switching platforms and it's not this big moral issue about which site is better and does this make sapnap better
dude you have no clue what you are talking about
you can’t ban every shitty person from the internet it doesn’t work that way. those people that you list are still on YouTube because they follow the community guidelines while on YouTube. believe it or not people are entitled to their opinions even if they are incredibly wrong Ben Shapiro is a fucking lawyer he knows exactly what he has to do to be able to stay on YouTube while being a shitty person.
Furthermore none of those people you listed are endorsed by YouTube or Twitch respectively. they are simply using the sites as every regular person can as long as they are following the guidelines
kick takes people who are actively NOT following community guidelines on other sites and welcoming them in with open arms a partnership deal and even in some cases partial ownership of the site.
shitty people exist on every site kick takes it a step further and uplifts and empowers them
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oddlyhale · 2 years
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Let me be clear, this doesn't change my support of Kdin.
If anything, this just shows that absolutely nothing good comes out of RT if you've been there for a very long time.
I've said before that I am Laotian, and yes I'm incredibly bothered by all the Asian jokes Kdin made. Sure, they're all cringey 2008 Asian jokes that are Shane Dawson-tier, but it still hurts to hear them. I'm normally unbothered by these tiny brain racist jokes, but it hurts when it comes from somebody you support and listened to their RT horror story.
I believe I'm mostly hurt by how betraying it is. Willing to go to war for her, only to be shown that she's just as bad. If I tried sitting here and said, "everything she said doesn't bother me," I'd be lying to myself.
We have to hold everyone accountable, and that most certainly includes Kdin.
The thing is, if Kdin was open and transparent with all the racism she did in her first twitlonger, showing just how bad her behaviour was and how she's finally grown and realized how bad it was, then I would've respected it. Truly.
I don't doubt that the discrimination she faced at RT opened her eyes. I just wish she was honest in the first place.
And this most certainly doesn't change the fact that RT is an abusive workplace. That is still something to fight against as much as we humanly can.
I wish this company didn't happen in the first place. Disappointments all around.
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gerardscrane · 2 months
Hi, my name is Gael and here is information that i can’t fit in my bio —>
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I’m 20, i prefer they/them but to be completely honest idrm, i’m from Cork (🇮🇪), im bisexual, been an emo mf since 2016, obsessed with MANY fictional & non fictional mf’s, and am i complete fucking mess! Also im autistic idk how i could’ve left that out… Almost like its obvious…
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Anyways heres my very humble list of fandoms (put into boxes/category’s) —>
special interests (the big ones):
‘mainstream’ emo bands (paramore duh, my chemical romance also duh, panic! at the disco, fall out boy, ptv, green day ect.)
the dc universe mostly batverse (specifically the batman rouges although batfam has my heart)
the REAL big three (kendrick lamar, tyler the creator and my king, frank ocean)
taylor mf swift (mostly the albums themselves not so much her as a person bc i take very little interest despite respecting and appreciating her)
a song of ice and fire (although i refuse to talk abt it on the internet for fear of being doxxed LMAO)
hyperfixations (common hyperfix’s that come & go every couple of months) —>
megan thee stallion (i <3 her sm but i feel like i fade in & out of listening to her music iykwim)
star-wars (originals mf til i DIE) (i don’t support mark hamill as a person)
criminal minds (SAVE ME TARA SAVE MEEEE)
MLP (my little pony)
TMNT (most iterations)
hellaverse (hazbin & helluva)
many musicals (mainly trhs, poto, hamilton, heathers & gastby)
clone high
hyperfix’s i don’t really get anymore —>
sally face
yandere sim
harry potter
marvel (DEEPLY retired)
many others i can’t think of
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my fictional wives & husbands —>
rhaenyra targeryan
jonathan crane
baela targeryan
bryce tankthrust
kate sharma
gotham! lucius fox (my underrated king)
padme amidala
daenerys targeryan
finn (star wars sequels)
millie (helluva boss)
sal fisher
luther (dbh)
markus (dbh)
klaus (tua)
miriko (mha)
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real life love interests (NOT CLICKBAIT) —>
gerard way
kendrick lamar
hayley williams
frank ocean
patrick stump
simone ashley
we’re all in a happy 7-some just fyi
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beliefs + dni list —>
conservatives, pro ‘lifers’, trumpies, homophobes, racists, abelists ect get tf off my page please
proships make me uncomfy as hell; i respect your right to block me for that as long as you respect my desire not to be sent or boosted any of that
i believe in shifting. anti-shifters don’t try convince me of anything otherwise; again i respect the right to exercise the block button
just bc someone likes an artists music/a actors, directors, writers movie, or a developers game doesn’t mean they respect them as a person or even support them, pirating exists
cancel culture is ok sometimes (in the case of the likes of Shane Dawson, Wilbur Soot, Katy Perry ect.) but many times is just an excuse to spread hate (in the case of Hayley Williams, MEGAN THEE STALLION never forgiving yall for that and John Mauleny)
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to end on a good note, mcr5 is real 🫶🚨
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klapollo · 2 years
shea coulee tweeted asking why the gays are being so mean to sam smith and the replies were full of cope. "they're rude i met them in weho once" "the body suit was ill fitting" "they're annoying" "they look like shane dawson" "they work with kim petras so guilt by association" just say you dont like that theyre fat and gnc!!!!!!!!! just own that youre catty and mean!!!!!!!! i would respect that so much more than all the BS excuses including trying to pass it off as somehow combatting dr luke like these same people werent streaming coconuts six months ago before it became a useful cudgel to be an internet tough guy!! omg the gays are never beating the fatphobia (and femphobia? is that the term) allegations
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theuniverseawakens347 · 4 months
James charles …I’ll be honest I watched the makeup guru wave rise when it started but I did not keep up with you…there was soooo much clouded and clogged negative energy around you…I think you let the lime light and fame that moved quick get to you… AT JEF DUMBASS STAR A PREDATOR AND RACIST WHO TRAINED BY GROOMING ALL YOU KIDS THAT “LOOKED UP TO HIM” ( I DO NOT RESPECT YOU BECAUSE YOU DO NOT RESPECT YOURSELF “⭐️” …you LEAD CHILDREN ASTRAY STRUGGLING WITH GENDER IDENTITY SO FUCK YOU BIG TIME…influenced James to get the bbl they hate bc and almost bottom surgery bc you like Kris gender n Lee garlington ARE CONFUSED AND NEVER GOT ADEQUATE HELP, JUST WANT POWER N CONTROL OVER PEOPLE..ur manipulative AS FUCK ..AND A NARCISSIST…I could flame you so bad you AIDS HAVING CHILD RAPIST …at Charles and Shane Dawson and bretman) …sorry Charles I think you’ve been placed in the wrong crowd something about your mother having connections to the industry or passing when you bleach you’re hair and the people around you “your support” really DROPPED THE BALL and took advantage of you financially and sexually ..rape that night of the pr party thing jasmine n Kristy Scott there ..but “⭐️” drugged you n raped you n Bret saw but didn’t know it was rape ( also you guys rivalry so didn’t care ) but …you ARE TRAUMATIZE and I haven’t seen a video since …I be in my own shadows …but I think you’re working on healing or going thru my blog(s) this one and baes for guidance ….scroll through my aug 21 …you willingly played a part ..redemption is there thru Bret 🤷🏽‍♀️ children of therock MAUI ISLANDS ..MINE LANDS MAKE RIGHT
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championofravens · 1 year
So so so funny watching my relationship with Youtube change over the years. Don’t know how it was for other people in my age bracket but I was on Youtube the moment it hit. I was in 3rd or 4th grade going to my friend’s house for a play date to go on her dad’s computer to browse youtube. I watched people like Hannah Hart, Shane Dawson, Roosterteeth, Michael Buckley, Charlieissocoollike, Vlogbrothers, Lets Players like Pewdiepie and Markiplier when they were at 500k subs and still called Lets Players, on and on and on. Probably dozens I can’t even immediately recall all sectioned into little boxes based on the years I watched them. I went to the first Vidcon. And my career goals for a long time were Youtube based (not as a content creator but something back end- first an editor and then I wanted to be a PR agent if you can imagine).
Anyways, the years have been strange. I’ve felt the crushing disappointment time and time again of those I admired and respected and enjoyed the content of getting revealed to be disgusting bigots or to be sexual predators. Or they become these massive stars, huge companies, and I start to hate their content or just resent what they’ve become. And that’s already been a lot to grapple with, including my weird personal experience with the early days of Youtubers getting SnapChat and just... accepting a lot of pics from fans with no limitations or barriers and even encouraging ‘funny’ challenges of “haha its no pants friday, send me a SnapChat!!” That hasn’t exactly changed nowadays what with constant reveals of even major Hollywood/industry stars being stupid as fuck in Twitter DMs but it was still a really weird shift.
But now there’s another side of it which is the growing up part. I think everyone’s heard about Hank Green, part of Vlogbrothers and CrashCourse as well as author, getting cancer by now. The video has over 7 million views, which is kind of funny because I didn’t think that many people would give a shit. I hiccuped and cried through the whole video, feeling this strange dread even as Hank spoke of how high his chances of full recovery are and his relentless positivity shone through. Now I logged on this morning and saw Grace Helbig, a channel I watched in tandem with folk like Hannah Hart and Tyler Oakley over a decade ago, announcing she has breast cancer. And again, crying and feeling a hole open in my stomach even as she talks about her very high chances of recovery and there’s certainly no reason to begin feeling hopeless.
You just don’t get this with celebrities, not like this, at least not for me. We hear big news reports about stars being diagnosed with serious illnesses like cancer- or we don’t at all, like Chadwick Boseman. But on YouTube, you have the person wearing a face you’ve known for so long even if you haven’t touched their videos in years telling you personally what’s going on. And it feels so much more real. It also draws your attention much more sharply to time passing and aging. I’m very grateful to be currently stable in my handling of universal inevitabilities like that but y’know it doesn’t change the impact in the moment. As you watch these cool adults that held a position in your mind like a distant cousin suddenly announce these very serious concerns that crop up as you get older, it’s easy to get caught up in recognizing your own passage of time and really the unfairness of these things.
Immediately after watching Grace’s video I tabbed over to watch a more recent video from Hank about his journey going through cancer treatment, which has been... every video since his announcement, obviously. That is his life now. And I was surprised how much it soothed me, despite no major difference in Hank’s attitude and arguably with it being more obvious the effects of cancer are having on him like his chemo making him lose his hair. Hank talks in the video I’m watching about how the number one thing he and other cancer patients he polled on Twitter desired during their time of sickness was social interaction, hanging out, the presence of other people. And it hit me then that, for me at least, these videos were once that for me. And should I ever unfortunately become diagnosed with similar illnesses to Hank or Grace, these videos will be that for me tenfold. I haven’t consistently watched these two in forever but that switch in my brain that gave me that connection I once had to their channels flipped on again watching their videos after these announcements.
I’m growing up with so much mounting hatred for Youtube. As a platform, a company, but mostly nothing to do with that and everything to do with feeling like my youth was based on a really rotten core. More than TV, movies, Hollywood, anything, Youtube was my big media world until I was 18 and it felt like that was just all wasted time. Time spent giving my love and energy to creeps and money grubbers or to those I grew out of with a lingering bitter taste in my mouth. But in the wake of these tragic personal events being shared with me, I’m given a strange sense of comfort and hope that the ‘magic’ lives on in other ways. There is value in what I had growing up and the connections I made to these people online, and the value may have changed or waned over the years but I still reap the positive benefits in the most unlikely of ways. It feels selfish and strange to talk about my own personal security and joy in rediscovering these Youtube channels during their time of hardship but this is why they made these videos ostensibly.
Because the old cliche is true, the same line I heard in so so so so many videos growing up before a friendly face told a personal anecdote or bared their soul to an audience of millions: “Maybe someone out there needs to hear this.”
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searenbound · 2 years
Respectfully, opinions can be wrong and preferences can be in poor taste. Like people still watch Shane Dawson unironically
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Since it’s a continuation of thought I’ll answer it together.
I think we just have to agree to somewhat disagree here.
I agree with you that no one is required to respect everyone’s opinion I won’t argue there, but I just feel like disengaging is the better option in most situations.
For example I strongly disagree with one of my mutuals about a character so we just don’t talk about them, but I also understand that’s something that works for me and you’re probably just looking to vent for a sec and I’m sorry if I’m coming off argumentative it’s not my intention. I just don’t know how to be just an open ear on this one.
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kevengump · 2 years
Dear YouTube, I am fully disinterested in any of all content relating to racial division and I honestly feel no respect towards Tyler the Creator (whoever the fuck that is😂) or any of the lame people you’ve put over throughout the years. Your platform will always underperform and stay below 👇 Facebook for all time simply cuz you have poor taste in people. Onision? Shane Dawson? Tyler Oakley? Maybe y’all are just lame, ineffectual, pointless dorks and you just like people you can relate with…which is typical human behavior. Your flesh is a relic and the matrix is real so suck a dick, losers.
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soft-sickness · 6 years
My thoughts on the Jake Paul series
Okay I’m gonna start by saying I’m shit with words and my brain may scatter so if everything seems unorganised in this, then uh, my bad guys.
Now, at the beginning of the series, I didn’t have much of an opinion on Jake Paul. I heard a few stories about him from them trending on social media but I never watched his videos or kept up with his drama. So needless to say, I was able to be pretty unbiased about the series.
Now, at the beginning Shane was learning about what it meant to be a sociopath. He was joined by Kati Morton who I genuinely thought did a horrendous job at explaining the symptoms. Not only did she come across extremely vague to a point where basically anyone could be considered a sociopath, but she also used words like “icky” and “gross” to describe them which was extremely unprofessional of her. Now, I understand she meant that empathetic people would hear about those traits and think the traits are gross but either way, as a professional she shouldn’t be offensive like that about mental disorders. If memory serves correctly, she did end up apologising but her apology, to me, seemed very forced and just not genuine at all. Anyway, you get the point. I don’t agree with the way she came across at all in the situation. As for Shane during that episode, he definitely put a horror vibe into things which didn’t bother me at all. He treated the series like he would any other series of his. I respect that. It made things more entertaining for those who have a hard time focusing and he meant no harm by it. Shane definitely got sociopaths and psychopaths mixed up a lot which is honestly something stupid for people to be mad about. It’s so common for people to mix those two things up and you could definitely tell Shane was doing his best to understand things.
Moving on, his interview with Nick Crompton. I have so much respect for that video. There were funny parts but it was serious when it needed to be. Nick was extremely respectful which I didn’t expect. He’s a very genuine and kind person. You could see that he was trying his best to word things properly and stay honest and respect privacy when needed. I don’t have too much to say about that video. Very professional and respectful.
Alissa Violet. She’s definitely one of the people I had the biggest problems with. She was hurt by Jake repeatedly. That’s undeniable. Their “relationship” was toxic and unstable and a majority of it was Jakes fault. However, one thing that annoyed me the most about her was when Shane asked her if there was anything she might have done wrong in the relationship. If there was anything that she did that could’ve harmed Jake or been toxic/unhealthy. Alissa completely avoided the question by immediately attacking Jake even more. I in no way think Jake is innocent and I’m not trying to justify his actions but Alissa definitely played a part in things that she just completely avoided. She was extremely unhelpful during the entire interview. She made herself seem 100% innocent and blamed alcohol on her actions which is just childish in my opinion.
Moving on to Ericka Costell. I think she is an amazing influence in Jakes life. I think she will be very good to him and make a huge impact on him in the long run. I don’t think she’s completely innocent either. She was friends with Alissa and when Alissa left, she started to date Jake which can cause problems for the friendship. I’m not saying it’s completely wrong to do that but I do think there should’ve been some communication to understand everyone’s feelings about that. Also, I think her song talking about how she isn’t “her”, which I assume is meaning Jakes ex, just seems super petty and immature. I think it was completely unnecessary. Other than that, I think she does her best to be a good person. She’s a little cocky but nothing too extreme.
This part of my opinion will probably upset a lot of people, but I in no way think Jake is racist. His drama with the Martinez twins is just super over dramatic and unnecessary. The Martinez twins never bluntly stated that Jakes jokes were upsetting them. They may have dropped hints about it, sure, but they never bluntly stated that that specific word was upsetting them. Don’t make racist jokes if you can’t handle people making racist jokes back. Don’t expect people to pick up on hints and then get mad when they can’t read your mind. The Martinez twins should have acted like adults and physically stated that the jokes were upsetting them and they shouldn’t have made racist jokes back. So in my opinion, they have no right to call Jake racist for jokes if they were doing the exact same thing.
Oh man, now moving on to Logan Paul. Logan overall was extremely disrespectful. He didn’t act professional. He also felt the absolute need to include himself in one way or another in the series which I just deemed as completely childish. I do NOT think Logan is a sociopath, not at all. I think his environment growing up playing a huge role in his mindset and attitude. I also think he got much more attention and got away with a lot more growing up so he no longer thinks that anyone has a right to tell him what is/isn’t okay. Overall I just think he’s an asshole who knows he’s an asshole but just doesn’t care as long as he’s deemed better than Jake. I believe Logan is extremely narcissistic (not NPD, just very cocky. I’m not sure what other words can describe him besides narcissistic and cocky).
Greg Paul. The father of the boys. He is DEFINITELY the worst person in this series. He is supposed to be an adult and a role model for his sons. He’s supposed to teach them right from wrong and never make one boy feel more loved than the other. I think he’s a terrible father. He supports his kids bad decisions and acts more childish than either boy. He raised his kids to be unhealthily competitive and, in a way, punished the kid who always “lost” in competitions which unfortunately just happened to be Jake. There genuinely way too much to even explain about Greg. He disgusts me as a human being and his kids deserved to be raised in a much better environment than what they were.
Jake Paul. Our main boy. I think Jake has done a LOT of horrible shit. Some of which can never be forgiven. The dead body? Unforgivable. The abuse? Unforgivable. Some things are just incapable of being forgiven. However, holding a grudge isn’t good either. He may not be forgiven for those things but they do not define him as a person either. I think Jake is super oblivious to A LOT of things. I don’t think he genuinely grasps the concept of right from wrong. I think over time he slowly becomes more aware and learns but not unless someone points it out to him and thoroughly explains it. There’s also no denying the fact that Jake is desperately trying to improve himself as a person. He hasn’t quite learned how to word things properly which seems to upset a lot of people but he’s doing his best and I respect that. Jake didn’t defend his actions and instead, he explained his mindset and took blame like an adult. He may not have worded it properly but the intention was obvious that he was trying to own up to his mistakes. I think overtime he will improve a lot in life and become a much better person, I just hope he gets more positive influences in his life and I hope one day he is capable of understanding his dad and brother are toxic to be around and Jake needs to express boundaries with them. I may not be overly fond of Jake but I respect the person he’s trying to become.
Shane. I can’t believe I even have to talk about Shane in this, but apparently he’s getting a lot of hate as well. First and foremost, SHANE DID NOT CONDONE RACISM. Shane made the series to get everyone’s point of view and let them tell their side of the story. He has no intention of attacking anyone or invalidating them. Anyone who is mad saying Shane was allowing racism, you’re being over dramatic. Shane let Jake tell his side of the story. Shane wasn’t there to be biased and rude. Jokes are jokes. Offensive or not, that doesn’t make them “not jokes” just because you don’t find them funny. In multiple videos, Jake AND the Martinez twins made racist jokes towards each other. I dont want to hear any “you can’t be racist towards white people” shit cause that’s just plain ignorant and annoying. You can be racist towards any race. Shane had pure intentions and meant no harm by anything. He has my full respect and he put a lot of time and effort into making this series. He doesn’t deserve this unnecessary hate people are giving him. I have no respect for those who create drama in their minds just to pretend to be oppressed.
Now, Andrew. I don’t even have an opinion for anything involving Andrews actions in the series. Everything is well filmed and edited amazingly. Andrew deserves a lot more credit than he gets and I’m extremely thankful for all his time and effort put into creating this series for all of us. He was, is and continues to be a blessing on the YouTube platform. I hope he gets plenty of rest and recovers from this exhausting series.
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