#i remember those things
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dadycoool · 1 year ago
No child that handled one of those didn't try trapping things inside. Starting with their own hand.
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cronchy-baguette · 27 days ago
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thank you for loving me
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hinamie · 5 months ago
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in spite of everything, I had fun <3
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your-therian-parent-says · 5 months ago
Remember to take breaks.
Your paws are tired, little beast. Rest your legs.
Your claws have put in their work for today. Let them be idle if they must.
Your wings have carried you far, flying friend. They need to recharge.
Your teeth have brought you through tough times. Rest your jaws, as their job is never over.
Your eyes have shown you the world and beyond. Show them solace if just for a few minutes.
If not you, who will care for your body? And what of your soul? Your entire being needs its time. Don't deny it.
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turndecassette2 · 1 year ago
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bunnieswithknives · 6 months ago
Dev thinks the Minecraft movie trailer is epic, I think.
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He likes nfts and ai art too smh
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linipik · 24 days ago
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Valentine's Day isn't really for everyone
Love Letter💌 first |  PART 1 |  part 2 >
A comic answering Love Letter💌's most common question "Where did the Valentine's Card come from in the first place?" featuring Keith's Side of the story~
Download the whole comic +  extra content  >>here or start reading > here 
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bamsara · 1 year ago
is solar lunacy discontinued?
Nah I just stopped sharing the chapters publicly because people were being weirdly hostile about my update schedule, so rn the only people who's seen the updates is myself plus one other person. I'll prob continue to wait to share the writing tbh until I feel like its chilled out more
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wildestheart4ever · 3 months ago
Danny Fenton being a grinch on Christmas is everything to me.
But the episode was a bonkers approach
Which is crazy because typically when one introduces a holiday episode centered on a cynic, they usually go through the process of helping them regain their holiday spirit.
Tragic event, estranged family or just plain dislike. Help to process those feelings, reaching outs, introspections, anything to help see Christmas in a positive light [again]
That, that doesn’t happen here.
And even if that was the route the episode took, it’s pretty obvious Christmas cheer can’t be brought back by nostalgia - ‘cause hey! This poor schmuck has no fond memories of Christmas, everything is overshadowed by his parents stupid arguments on Santa’s fucking existence
Ahem, anyway………
Danny? Danny is punished, although admittedly for something he did that was uncalled for, and he is put in a situation where any love he did have should have gone up in smoke
The fights he gets in only ends up framing him in a bad light, he has no control over the situation and it’s one inconvenience after another
The ghosts’ Christmas truce was probably his one actual moment of reprieve.
Other than that, he is given no actual reason to like Christmas.
But the reason he hates the holiday in the first place? Never addressed, never resolved, his parents stupid needless arguments over the existence of Santa will probably start up again like clockwork the year after
Can’t recall if anyone was actually understanding of that.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he winds up preferring to spend the holiday in the ghost zone
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katabay · 6 months ago
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WOW this has been ROUGH in the Life Events category of things, but. slowly crawling out of that. hopefully
this was the opening scene for a something I started writing after watching the Manben inverview with Nishi Keiko and thinking back to all the classic shoujo manga I stayed up reading back in the day, like damn that's so true Urasawa Naoki
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it's partially a love letter to all the greats of the genre that I read, and also to the late night teleseryses that captivated me over the years lmao. it'd be nice to find the time to tackle it properly as a comic, but I'm having fun working on it recreationally :)
✨but since it's recreational, some character info✨
the first character seen is lawrence 'law' valenciano (late 30s), the one with the glasses is cris volante (mid-later 20s). law works at a karinderya, cris is an extremely broke university student.
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / insta / tip jar!
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gaspshichat · 1 year ago
can i just talk about one of my favourite pearl images?
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technically two BUT I LOVE THEM. why?
aimsey is 4'11, and pearl is 6'0. in the first picture, aimsey is leaning on pearl's shoulder. either aimsey is standing on a box [sadly, i doubt it] or pearl is just CROUCHING DOWN ?????
also the second picture looks like pearl is once again crouching down to be level with aimsey, WHO SHE'S OVER A FOOT TALLER THAN 😭😭😭
they're just generally silly PLUS THEY LOOK SO HAPPY and i love their duo sm. like genuinely such an underrated duo and i wish we could get more interactions
my favourite pearl and aimsey interaction has to be valentine's day. pearl was streaming and it was late night for her [usual stream time] but for aimsey it was more late afternoon
aimsey comes into chat and xey just shout to pearl how they're going to do pottery with guqqie and pearl got so excited for him and asked to see it iirc
it was just such a genuinely sweet moment !!
this part is unrelated to aimsey but pearl is just such a sweet person. i've extremely active in her chat and give bits every stream. my first stream i gave bits i talked about my unexplained chronic illness
do you want to know what she did?
she gave me a minute long message that still makes me cry to this day. i genuinely can't watch it bc i just instantly start crying
also yes she called me gaspie chat which is so funny to me. nowadays she calls me gasp or gasps but i do miss the gaspie chat day /hj
anyway, during last night's stream i talked about how i'm FINALLY going to get answers. after two years of constant sickness, i'm going to potentially get answers soon
she was so happy for me and hoped that i could finally get my answers soon before asking to give updates if i was comfortable
pearl is genuinely the nicest person i've ever seen in this community and her community shows that too. everyone is so kind to everyone that it's like taking a breath of fresh air
sorry [not really] for the big, rambling post, but i needed to say this
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starlumi · 13 days ago
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yall still fw the dsmp ?
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reunitedinterlude · 7 months ago
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dnp's best friends club
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year ago
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The Ones Who Live - 1x01 - Years
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banditblvd · 2 months ago
Uh happy holidays and whatnot take the bandit equivalent to a lump of coal
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th3-c0ll3ct3r · 1 month ago
Especially considering I was never a fan of him in the first place I will have no bias in this horse race
The entire video genuinely sounds like a more constructive Dream allegations video minus the detective outfit and 2hrs of rambling and a serious lack of evidence due to privacy reasons which kind of, so lightly sound like an excuse
He claims that when he was alerted to these allegations, he was given a 1hr and 30 minutes deadline to produce proof to the Hermits he didn't do anything
He then contact the police and a lawyer
Girl we are going to pause right here because stunning that you contacted the police and a lawyer but if you didn't do the things that you're alleged or doing then you would have proof that you didn't do those things like the whole situation could it take in 20 minutes
If he didn't do even one of the things he was accused of it would have taken less than the hour and a half he was given to screen share his screen with multiple Hermits and just start scrolling through Discord
Then he goes on to say that he wasn't given enough time etc... And that they'd rushed him.
There have been MULTIPLE sources stating they tried for MONTHS to get into contact with the Hermits.
But IT IS odd that when he was "notified" of his wrongdoings, he first went to the police and a lawyer, DESPITE a hermit telling you first. If everyone knows then it's not a matter of privacy anymore.
Like personally if that was me, I'd have jumped into Discord no questions asked, shown the proof THEN contacted a lawyer for defamation or other relating charges
It's very unusual for someone to go the legal route in the situation not because it's never been done before it's because it's a waste of money and time. They will not gaf. Most cases in the similar situations come out with inconclusive responses and the person does not come out with a response themselves as their is seemingly enough evidence to smear their name and they would not like to proceed if there's that much evidence.
And it's VERY clear he's going the "innocent till proven guilty" route. Which is fair enough.
But, and I cannot stress this enough, HE'S NOT BEING ACCUSED OF TEXTING MINORS
He's being accused of having inappropriate relationship with multiple members of his audience/community and moderators, and using his Discord server as the catalyst for it all.
Which is especially alarming as some have said he's a moderator for them, which IN SOME PLACES is illegal to have a boss/employee relationship.
But it genuinely sounds like he's missing the point, as a content creator you have to hold yourself to higher responsibilities, accountability and credibility then the rest of your community. And even if it's not illegal, it's EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE for a content creator to have any form of relations with a fan, WITHOUT it being for certain types of videos (like challenges or servers) or for commissions/work
So unless they were gaining genuine service or having particular videos, having that sort of PM relationships with your fans is inappropriate, especially if your working with them or not. It's not appropriate at all.
He then blames it on cancel culture. WHICH GIRL-
I've seen alot of things pumped out of Hermitcraft fans but "cancel culture" IS NOT ONE OF THEM
Blaming it on cancel culture is the biggest excuse, genuinely.
He acts like it was public execution, even through its been CONFIRMED from MULTIPLE SOURCE that people tried for months to get into contact with the Hermits, so the END OF THE INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONS WITH MEMBERS OF YOUR COMMUNITY SHOULD HAVE BEEN WARNING NUMBER 1-
Like imagine all the people you allegedly had relations with suddenly all wanted to cut contact, did you think they would just disappear?
Cancel Culture, is when you're cut from your career for doing something OBJECTIVELY stupid, as it becomes a growing trend. It's unserious and often a social media trend.
Iskall's situation was not apart of cancel culture because it's genuine. And he knows it's genuinely enough to take legal action, meaning that in some capacity he did do at least 20% of what he's been accused of, to have grounds for a cases
So he's done SOMETHING it's just not what he thinks it is/isn't like what's allegedly
Then he goes on to talk about a developer he defended after they scammed him and we're generally not nice.
I have yet to see this developer anywhere and to my knowledge they have not pushed any allegations onto him.
He instead brings up this developer, because he defended them when they did something that was seemingly objectively wrong and it's meant to be a display of his good character
Personally I would have not used that as an example. Using an example of you defending someone when you in the same breath claimed that they had wrong with you is putting the notion in your fans and audiences heads that even "if I do something wrong you should defend me because it was only a silly little mistake and it's the right thing to do"
And it was necessary. Completely unnecessary. He wants to be a display of a good character yet also once privacy so that's why he shares a personal story of him defending someone who wronged him so show that he's a good person who gives second chances? But then implies in the video that he had to give that person more than one chance?
And I think Goodtimeswithscar said it better then me. GASLIGHTING he's hardcore gaslighting.
It is similar to what Mr Beast, did with his allegations. Actually it's almost a copy.
Instead of completely addressing it he only addresses what he wants to in the face of privacy. He then brings up all the good things he's done to make him seem more trustworthy and like a better person even. And then he pays someone to investigate himself to find himself not guilty.
Iskall it's literally doing the same thing. He only addresses what he wants to because of privacy even though he knew about the situation before he got a lawyer, he uses the worst example possible to show that he's a trustworthy person, and then he pays for a lawyer himself to prove that he is not guilty.
Having the police and lawyers is meant to make it seem more 'fair'. But as we all know the police will only do so much before a lawyer has to step in. And if you're paying for the lawyer yourself obviously the lawyer is going to have bias because they want to do a good job because you are paying them to do a good job.
It's the most hardcore gaslighting I've ever seen.
And worst of all he might actually get away with it, because like Mr Beast he has a younger audience who will not understand how much he's trying to Gaslight them.
So to conclude, he's doing a Dream / Mr Beast remix on a smaller scale because money. And he's getting lawyer involved and unless they're suing for defamation, then there's nothing to sue for because no one is accusing him of pedophilia they are accusing him of having inappropriate relationships with his audience which is a big no-no for content creators..
Now for Stressmonster
Girl dug herself either a hole or a grave and now has to lie in it.
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They tried to protect her dignity and integrity by not stating the reason why she left but it's now clear to many why she also left.
And yet again I would like to make it very clear like no one is accusing him of actually committing a crime (UNLESS HE LIVES IN AN AREA THAT MAKES IT ILLEGAL FOR BOSS AND EMPLOYEES/COWORKERS TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP) he's being accused of having inappropriate relationships with members of his community and moderators, which is not a very good thing if you're a content creator
Its not a jailable offence unless *see point above*, and to be like "I'm standing with you 100% of the way!", is more telling about your priorities than 'what is right'
They act as if hermitcraft is a cult, that kicks members out for not conforming.
But I am entirely on the side of HermitCraft in the fact that I would indeed, kick Iskall out/get him to resign, if he'd had inappropriate relations with mods and fans REGARDLESS OF IF THEY WERE ADULTS
Because the main audience for Hermitcraft ARE CHILDREN. KIDS. NON-ADULTS
Overall he's digging himself a grave and handing out shovel.
And also. To be sosososososo clear.
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