#i really wanted to draw them in some jumpers
soldieryaoi · 1 year
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pav's jumper cost £660, levi's turtleneck and cardigan cost £740. angora and cashmere and merino wool
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nick's wallet has seen better days...
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uzukali · 2 months
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some of my fav little guys from the ouroborous magma :D
bonus derap and flame because I was dissatisfied with my flame design and I also fucking. Forgot derapchu existed 😭 so he didn't make it in the magma
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Here's all of them though ;]
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Astronomy Teacher Danny
so dp x dc idea, i don’t know if anyone has thought of this but instead of danny teaching chemistry in gotham( which i really love) because of his fenton/phantom/amity park craziness, he teaches astronomy because space obsession danny is best danny , it could be an elective or a club it doesn’t really matter.
i totally see danny as the fun and sweet teacher that all students liked, he would wear comfy clothes like jumpers or knitted sweaters, have a cup of something warm in his hand as well as an extra thermos and paper cups for his students (tea, hot chocolate, hot lemon), and just be an all around nice person.
damian had join the astronomy club because he had always thought that the stars of nanda parbat were beautiful, not because he was kicked out of the art club for acting ‘condescending’ towards the teacher one too many times or anything, definitely not, but his father insists that he be in a school club to develop his social skills.
damian had not expected to be so enamored by his teacher. on his first day his teacher made everyone push the desks back, layed down a rug/carpet on the floo and placed a projector in the middle( he made it himself) and made them sit around like some kind of camp fire, he handed out drinks, it was tea, he said that his friend sam started growing flower tea and tea leaves and she needed someone to taste test. the he started to talk about what the club will be about.
danny seemed to glow as he explained the origins of stars, their life cycles, how they were formed, how constellations were dicovered and the myths behind their names. talk about platents suns and moons, about the type if life you could find in each planet like the spices you could find on mars( something he shouldn’t have known)[he learnt this from martians in the ghost zone].
he would draw stars and constellations on the board, have them make up stories about stars and constellations just based on their name, play games such as having the projector on and one of the constellations would light up and they get a point if they manage to correctly guess their name then they would get extra points if they could say some more facts about it, and danny always made it so engaging for the kids, it was that one class that every student couldn’t wait to get to because it was just so fun.
damian would totally try to be the teachers favorite by giving him accurate painting of stars and constellations, he would be in competition with that girl that makes dioramas of planets, he would stay up all night researching really obscure space related things so that he could impress his teacher. his family would at first be really happy that he’s getting a new hobby until they hear him asking martian manhunter if he could get such and such spice/plant from mars so he could gift it to his teacher, and now his family is curious about where he learned about this and become suspicious when he tells them it was his astronomy teacher that taught such things in class along with martian/kryptonian culture among other things.
so now damian trys to stop them from ruining his favorite class by being nosy vigilantes.
so this was more of a dp idea than a dpxdc idea, but i might add more later. if anyone wants to use this idea feel free to do so just tag me because i really want to see what other could add on.
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
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I have ten billion WIP sketches I need to finish, but for some reason I stayed up from 9 PM to 4 AM conceptualizing, making patterns, sewing, painting and applying makeup on this stupid fucking felt squid......the detailing needs to be cleaned up cause there's only one coat of paint so far, but he's pretty much done
my neighbors probably think I'm insane because I was running around the yard clenching this toy kallamar in a death grip and flying him around like an airplane/putting him in the barbecue/poking him with a stick. I want to tie him to a string and recreate the opening of napoleon dynamite >:) ALSO I MADE HIM SMOKE OUT OF A STUPID CRYSTAL PIPE BUT PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY USE THOSE, THEY ARE SUPER TOXIC LMAO MINE IS FOR DECORATION
I don't have any process pics because I had tunnel vision autism style and forgot the rest of the universe existed while I was working on him. BUT if you're curious I'll ramble below the cut
Okay I am not a seamstress by any means. I've sewn my entire life but very, very infrequently. I've done plushies, clothes, cosplays, fursuits, accessories, etc. but I only do one like once a year, so while I planned to make all 5 bishops, I'm not really sure I'll get them all done. The material cost was like 20 bucks tops so I'm not too upset if I don't finish them. I AT LEAST WANT TO GET SHAMURA OR HEKET DONE.
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here is the concept sketch ft. heket's toes and shamura's fingers. I decided to do his pre-schism version so I could fit him with jewelry! I did him first because like I said I sew infrequently and don't know wtf I'm doing, everyone else seemed a lot more complicated.
So I basically just traced this drawing on a printer paper-sized canvas in SAI, and guesstimated how everything would look in a 3D space. His head is four pieces, one triangle identical to the one in the picture, two wide triangles that are sewn together in the back, and a circle for his chin. You can't really see it in any of the pics but he's literally like a black cylindrical stick with little tentacles sewn on where his mantle connects to his cloak. The leg tentacles are one piece of felt that look like tassels, where they're connected by a rectangle but branch off into individual pieces. He can't stand up very well, so his cape keeps him up (that's gonna be an issue for every other bishop too except heket cause she's gonna be ROUND). Mostly everything like the crown, cloak, head, etc. are cones so I just had to make a lot of wide triangles.
For the details, I just used acrylic paint that was watered down so he's not especially crunchy, and for the blush tone I used a makeup palette my mom bought me 10 years ago in hopes I'd get in touch with my "feminine side", but I grew up into a nonbinary butch lesbian so OOPS. Kallamar looks better with makeup than me anyway. I'm kinda sad I couldn't get his freckles as lopsided as I draw them but it probably looks better in plush form to have them even anyway....
I could just post the pattern so I don't have to explain this but 1. I am mentally ill about the thought of my kallamar being in someone else's house and 2. the original pattern had to be tweaked while I was working on him so the final pattern straight up doesn't exist, I winged it the whole time
OH and the jewelry is just scrap pieces I had laying around, I might repaint it all to be gold instead of silver + bronze. I used 20g aluminum wire for his armlet thing, jumper rings for his earrings + ring (+ a diamond dot from my mom's kits for the gem) and chain for the bracelet. I made him an amulet as well but it felt like overkill so I took it off. I'm probably gonna make him a plague doctor mask and medicine bag sometime because I think about nurse kallamar more than I probably should :') I've already sewn one as a prop for a toy raven before so it shouldn't be too hard
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mellohiizz · 14 days
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my life is a chaotic mess rn, but i finally got around to drawing for the #lsyuriweek !! very late, but i really want to finish it. took me some time to figure out what i wanted to do for the prompts, though..... notes/yapping about it below ig??
[1] okay so day one was the hardest to figure out cause i couldn't decide between mutiny duo or devotions. but i've been having so much thoughts about devotions recently, and i really wanted to draw them. [i'll do mutiny for day 4!!] using blood as lipstick, maybe? [2] i had to do something with eclipse, and i just knew that i wanted to draw them for the death/rebirth prompt. angst, sorry,i'm not happy about it either... there's some symbolism i guess? idk man, i'm just sad about them...
[3] also a prompt that took me a while to figure out but i ended up settling down on doing jumper and squiddo ^_^ im not sure if they have a duo name or something?? but i find them cute, so there!! taking your gf flying <33
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rockingrobin69 · 1 year
Malfoy did this thing where he only used a finger and a thumb for crisps. He’d wade through mud without a second thought to retrieve Scorp’s ball from the hissing nettles, he put his arm up to the elbow in cold spaghetti sauce on a dare, he rolled down not one but three different hills with Teddy on their hikes, but when it came to crisps, he was his perfect lordly self. A finger and a thumb going in neat motions, barely even crinkling the bag. A dignified amount of crisps pinched tightly, brought slowly into his mouth. So careful and clean and entirely unintentional. He didn’t even know he was doing it.
Harry did.
Harry noticed everything about him. Hard not to when Malfoy was like this, weird and loud and awkward, pathetic and incredible and everywhere. When Teddy adopted him and Scorp (officially, with a letter he’d hand-written, signed with a drawing of, randomly, a horse); when they moved in, and Malfoy’s pyjamas became a recurring vision, llamas and tiny buttons following even in his dreams; when he found the stray cat, named her Nibbles for no earthly reason; when he was a menace, and Harry adored it. Him. Adored—the whole thing, how their lives suddenly became this, tight and uncomfortable and too warm and perfect.
Teddy was no help. He practically had love-hearts for eyes whenever Malfoy walked in the room. All these ‘Draco, look!’ and ‘Draco, can you—’ and ‘Draco, Draco, come sit next to me!’ that drove Harry spare. And Scorp was such a tiny little thing in all his Molly-made-jumpers, babbling with a look of utter importance and following Teddy around, and cackling with joy whenever he was in Malfoy’s arms. And the cat, fucking, cat, always getting kisses and—
No, Harry wasn’t jealous, that wasn’t quite it. He was… overwhelmed with how gentle it all was. Never really imagined life could be like this, didn’t think he’d want it. Discovered he did with such terrifying intensity, that he yearned for something that wasn’t quite nameable, that he somehow almost had. It kept him up at nights and filled his days with this weird, feverish joy. It was soft and itchy and all his. Almost his. So fucking close to being his.
And Malfoy was right there, sitting across from Harry with his ankle on one knee and the bag of fucking crisps and the way he was eating them, almost—decadently, and utterly, helplessly serious. On the rug, Harry realised he probably loved him.
Stretched, leaned slightly to his side until he was touching Malfoy’s knee. “Hey,” he said, swallowed.
“Hi.” Malfoy offered him the bag. “Want some?”
“You eat crisps funny,” Harry said for an answer. “All cleanly and stuff. It’s funny.”
“Oh. Well. Always happy to amuse you.”
He was so ridiculous, with the little stickers he let Ted and Scorp stick on his socks, on the sliver of his leg that was visible. It would hurt like hell to rip these out, all the fine blond hair caught underneath. Harry couldn’t breathe for a moment, it struck him so hard.
It was the middle of August and a really cold day. All the lights in the living room made it look like… something Harry wanted so badly. Instead of trying to make it into words, he leaned his head against Malfoy. Allowed the fingers threading through his hair. The movement so, so gentle.
“I’m picking Ted early from school tomorrow,” Malfoy announced some time later, in this awful voice he used for Scorp, or when Teddy had a nightmare. “He hates the dentist, so I promised to take him on a walk after. Maybe the hill where we went last month, the one with the waterfall.”
Harry hummed something delighted and heartbroken. Buried his face in Malfoy’s thigh, surrendered to the feeling of his hands, of his warmth.
“Harry… I meant, do you want to come with us? Sorry. That’s not—wasn’t quite clear.”
Buried his face tighter.
“Or—maybe we can go another day? Just us. You and me, I mean. There’s this place I think you would like. If you absolutely insisted, we could take Nibbles along on her lead.”
Brought his head up, pouted at Malfoy’s pretty face. “No, that’s…” stopped when he noticed the smile. When he realised that this thing that he wanted was already his. Pressed a tiny kiss to Malfoy’s shin, to a sticker of a star on his hairy leg. “You are,” Harry said, and meant it from the bottom of his heart. Breathed, breathed. Sat there and grinned to himself.
The bag of crisps crinkled. The afternoon went on, lit and weirdly warm. It was the life Harry didn’t know he wanted, that he ached for, that he had.
(If you enjoyed this, I've recently shared the first part of Wonderful on AO3. Consider checking it out for your pining needs).
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 months
the Big TMA Furry List
this list with commentary/choice rationale below the cut :] i wrote a lot of thoughts down do please check it out.
jon: common raven
martin: tan jumping spider
sasha: southern flannel moth
not!sasha: red postman
tim: jackson's chameleon
melanie: eastern copperhead
georgie: triceratops horridus
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
jane: cabbage white
michael: spiny softshell turtle
helen: common hermit crab
oliver: black vulture
peter: risso's dolphin
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
jude: black kite
agnes: ???
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
jared: american dog tick
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
dekker: mouflon
gertrude: great tit
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
manuela: gray long-eared bat
rayner: olm
salesa: sea otter
simon: dodo
elaboration below !
jon: common raven
this was a choice i made before i even finished listening to the podcast back in 2020. jon's 1000% a bird to me, and the curious nature of corvids works well here. plus, i think a bird so universally ominous as a raven works perfectly as a horror protag :P i used to draw raven!jon with a couple troodon traits, mostly just cus it was fun, but i wanted to make my designs more grounded for this iteration. made them plantigrade, didn't get silly with body styles like i have with mp100 designs.
martin: tan jumping spider
if you've been here for a while you'll know that my furry martin has gone through about two million iterations. he started off as a european pine marten, to bold jumping spider, to chinese pangolin, to nine-banded armadillo, finally to nurse shark.
out of all of these the spider and the shark are my favorites. i wanted to go back to the jumping spider though- the design is really fun and i wasn't able to get the expressions right, but i'm more confident in my skills now and i'm having fun with the design. i may revisit nurse shark at some point. i switched from bold to tan jumper- i originally chose bold just cus they're my favorite jumper, but their stark black/white and iridescent aqua coloration just doens't work for martin. so, the tan jumper!
sasha: southern flannel moth
another old choice. species chosen because of a friend's fic, pharos by right (another i'm planning to reread now that i'm dipping my toes back into tma..)! southern flannel moths are poofy and orange, and their caterpillars are those super painful teddybear ones. i really like the design.
not!sasha: red postman
wanted to have her be another lepidopteran, and with all the many examples of mimicry among the group i thought red postman was a fun choice. doesn't look anything like a southern flannel moth, but that's sort of the point.
tim: jackson's chameleon
yet another choice from the oldtimes- most of the main characters are, i've mostly switched around the more secondary chars. first suggested, i believe, by @/ofdreamsanddoodles. i think there's something very fun about chameleons being basically a living mood ring & tim's Descent s1-3 showing physcially not just through the worm scars but through like, constant stress coloration during s3.
melanie: eastern copperhead
one of my favorite choices. i have a young copperhead specimen named after her. this one is quite vibes-based, but i do really like the copperhead as a viper that is not deadly. and i'm always a sucker for the "animal perceived as scary and violent that in actuality only strikes when under extreme stress" thing in furry assignments.
georgie: triceratops horridus
another favorite choice. visually, i really like how this works out, and trikes as a social and protective animal works well. she's literally got a shield on her face. horridus was chosen because i like the shape of the head and horns better than prorsus.
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
got a little cat/dog thing going on for dasira. i like the inversion of the usual cat/dog dynamic with their unhealthy devotion instead, and visually it just works very well for them both.
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
yeah i know this one's an exceedingly obvious choice.
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
it's the institute logo! it's him! barn owl for elias specifically because of its very sleek look, designing him went fantastically. also, i can make the eagle owl's face disk work as a mimicry of ben meredith's muttonchops, which i think is a fun design bit to give to magnus.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
certified gerryguy @/gerrydelano's choice. to quote a discord message from 3 years ago (sorry ron): "i feel like.........my INSTINCT is some kind of canine because like. the whole symbolism thing about being either an obedient or rabid dog. something something muzzled all your life. being a dangerous figure if people only see the silhouette but you just want scritches and nobody'll get close enough to you." black dog symbolism + breed which has ears cropped and tail docked, unecessarily molded for a Purpose which the dog has no say in
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
sort of my original choice- she used to be part white-booted racket-tail, part anna's hummingbird. kept with the racket-tail cus it's fun and very cute. i've had a couple people express surprise that she wasn't a spider, but i think that's way too obvious. hummingbirds, though- they steal the webs of spiders to use as material to make their nests, but can sometimes become trapped in the webs and eaten by the spiders themselves. which is probably the metaphor-via-fursona-assignment i'm most proud of in this whole list
jane: cabbage white
the cabbage white is a butterfly whose caterpillars are routinely parasitized by the parasitoid wasp the white butterfly parasite. in case you're not familiar, parasitoid wasps lay their eggs on (usually) caterpillars, which hatch on the still-living caterpillar, devouring it from the inside before eventually emerging from the consumed husk of the host. also, i really liked the image of parasitoid wasp larvae emerging from an adult butterfly, rather than a caterpillar.
michael: spiny softshell turtle
for michael and helen, i wanted to choose animals which were, in some way, their own home. turtle is an obvious choice- and spiny softshells are a favorite of mine, and sufficiently strange-looking.
helen: common hermit crab
see previous entry. also please google "hermit crab without shell"
oliver: black vulture
bit of an obvious choice, but i adore vultures so i had to. black vulture chosen because i think the monochrome color scheme + straighter face work better than a turkey vulture for him
peter: risso's dolphin
i really like the idea of a cetacean for peter and the lukases as a whole, a famously social animal for the seemingly contradictory nature of this lonely-but-huge family, plus with so many cetaceans being endangered getting that lonely angle (risso's specifically are not, though, as peter is lonely through his own choice, not by circumstance).
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
it's a dimorphodont. he feels like a pterosaur to me, and i like the idea of a vast avatar as a usually short-flying arboreal species, for the unnaturality/contrast of it.
jude: black kite
black kites are one of the species of kites known to intentionally spread fires by picking up burning sticks to flush out prey.
agnes: ???
the only one i'm still undecided on. will update.
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
i can't top that
jared: american dog tick
great choice from @/magnusarchivememes. Takes Your Blood And Gets So Big
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
vaguely russian animals that are large and imposing but remain somewhat generic. which is the hog and which is the bear is not consistent.
dekker: mouflon
dekker has very much mammal vibes to me. the mouflon is a neat species of wild sheep. i think the noble, imposing but kind image of the ram works well for dekker as that sort of true-good hero figure, and mouflons in particular are very nice looking with good shapes. the statement giver in distant cousin describes dekker as "though he was slightly shorter than I was, it seemed like he towered over me." which i think this sheep works well with.
gertrude: great tit
i wanted all the main eye avatars as birds, just like how i give them all glasses. just a fun little treat for me. great tit was chosen for gertrude as a kind of classic british bird, and as tits in general are VERY fiesty despite their round and adorable appearance. i really like this image of a great tit posing with a dead mouse like it's a hunter with a trophy deer. the cheek markings also work really well to bring to mind the image of old person jowls.
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
vibes. also i like the idea of him as a spoiled domestic animal. if i remember correctly, this was also @/ofdreamsanddoodles' suggestion
manuela: gray long-eared bat
she's a bat. what's to say. WELL actually okay there's the perception of bats as blind but actually having quite good vision which i think meshes in a fun way with the dark, and the way manuela does her sciency stuff.
rayner: olm
i mean, yeah
salesa: sea otter
largely design-oriented, suitably scruffy. ocean animal with strong social bonds, it was a slam dunk soon as i thought of it.
simon: dodo
how couldn't i, come on.
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
I’m feeling in a really wintery mood today, so may I suggest for fluffy friday TTN hobie x reader as kids playing in the snow during winter break from school?
(Love your hobie x readers btw! Especially ttn!)
AHHH A TTN REQUEST I LOVE U FOR THIS ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!! I'm glad you like my lil series 💕
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader, Fluff
TTN! Hobie is based on my series ❤️
It's Fluffy Friday!
You build a fort with snow, walls almost as tall as you, cold biting at your bare hands. Maybe you should've taken your winter gloves with you. It's too late now though as Hobie places his finishing touches on his side of the battlefield. The tip of his tongue poking out from his lips, brows furrowed in concentration. He's bundled up nicely compared to you, missing your gloves.
"Hurry up, Gromit!" Hobie pats the last bit of snow on his fort, hands already forming his first snowball.
"I'm trying!" Briskly trying to complete the fort, it looks wonky on the side. You huff in annoyance.
"Need help?" Hobie asks with a snicker, you glare at him across the snow covered field.
In retaliation, you hastily mold a snowball in your hand, hiding it behind the wall. It's not a perfect shape but it'll do. Aiming for his head, you throw it with a grunt. The snowball flies across, hitting Hobie square in the face.
"Ack!" Snow slides on his skin, wiping it clean off, revealing his mischievous smile, fiery eyes staring at you. "I'm going to destroy you!"
You screech, wide smile on your face as you duck away from Hobie bombarding you with snowballs.
It was a fight to the death, giggles and laughing sounding out in the cold winter air. Hobie gets numerous hits on you whilst you focus on precision, hitting him where it hurts. His fort tumbles down from your pelting, leaving him unprotected.
He gasps out in realization, you laugh triumphantly, arms at the ready to throw your arsenal.
"You cheeky–" Hobie gets cut off by your snowball smacking him on his temple. You laugh like an evil villain. "That's how it is, huh?!" He runs towards you at full speed, snow crunching under his footsteps. Hobie grabs a handful of snow on his way.
Your eyes grow wide, yelping as he grows closer, running for dear life. Unfortunately for you, your opponent has longer legs, he catches up to you in seconds. Feeling ice sliding on your back where Hobie pushed snow inside your thick jumper.
Yelling, you try to take out the ice from your clothes, jumping and wiggling about. Hobie guffaws on the sideline, clutching his stomach in laughter.
Finally getting rid of the snow in your clothes, you tackle Hobie while he's distracted. You two tumble in the snow, bringing your frozen hands to his cheek. He shrieks at the cold making you copy his earlier laugh.
"Why aren't you wearing gloves?!" He howls out, pushing you off.
You fall on the thick snow, giggling as he fists your jacket collar. Sticking your tongue out, you try to rile him up more. "I forgot it"
"Y'know you could get frostbite from that" He tries to scare you.
"Pssh, no, I won't" you roll your eyes.
"Yuh uh, then I have to cut your fingers off just to save your hands!" He takes your hand pretending to chop it off. That does it for you, gasping in fear of losing your fingers, how are you gonna draw without them?
"Noooo!" Sitting up, you rub your hands together in a futile attempt to warm them up.
"That's not gonna work, here" Hobie takes his gloves off, putting it over your frozen hands for you.
Heart warming at the scene, you let Hobie give you his gloves. "Thanks" he lets out a quiet 'sure', "softie" you continue, he flicks your wrist at your quip.
"You want hot chocolate? I have some at home" you ask, eyes twinkling.
"Sure, but no milk for me" Hobie stands up, extending his hand to help you up.
You take his hand without question, clouds puff out of your cold lips as you beam up at him. "Let's go then! I have tiny marshmallows for it"
Hobie follows you with a wobbly smile.
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Reblog banner by @/cafekitsune
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hunterevie · 3 months
Story - Crotched Bee Family
Pairing - Castiel/Dean Winchester
Word count - 1557
Rating - Teen
Summary - With Cas spending more time on earth he wants to find a hobby to keep him busy, he decides on crocheting household items and clothes. When Dean starts hunting again he leaves Cas alone at home, who spends his time on his hobby.
Every time Dean comes back from a hunt though, he finds a new little crocheted surprise in his bedroom.
Cas had a new hobby. Ever since he had decided to spend more time on Earth with his husband, and less time with the angel garrison, he was finding himself getting a little bored. He tried to while away days by reading, doing a little research for cases, or writing poetry, something he had found he had a natural talent for. But he got bored of them quite quickly, preferring to do something a little more hands on.
That’s when he starts crocheting. 
It was a weird thing for him to progress to, but he was really good at it. Jumpers, hats, scarves, blankets, bags, you name it Cas could probably crochet it. He had already made them matching jumpers, soft to the touch and wonderfully comfortable. Sam laughed when they wore them the first time, but Dean just thought he was jealous that he didn’t get one.
As he grew in confidence, he decided he could sell some of his items. So that he wasn’t just clogging up their room in the bunker. Dean was all for it. Anything for a bit of extra money. And Cas was making quite a bit of money, enough for them to put some savings away to look at buying a property for their own.
It would be nice to get away from the bunker, and stop mentally scarring Sam every time they were remotely affectionate. Maybe the space could help them move further forward in their relationship. They had spoken in the past about having a family of their own, maybe with a home it was one step closer to becoming a reality.
Things were going well with the new hobby, that was until Dean started doing a bit of ad hoc hunting.
At first, Cas insisted on going with him. Wanting to be there to make sure his husband was safe, knowing he would be able to heal him quickly if he became too injured. But Dean insisted on Cas staying in the bunker, telling him that if they were in too much danger they would call him. As he was still an angel, Dean was confident he would be there in seconds and everything would be fine.
Still Cas worried.
On Deans first night back from a hunt, they were cuddled together under the comforter. Pressing soft little kisses against each others lips, biting gently and massaging to draw out wonderful stuttering noises. Wanting to feel more of his husband, Cas started sliding his lips down Deans neck. Licking and sucking at points, pulling out intoxicating groans. Although lost in the sensations, Deans eyes fluttered open briefly. Wanting to see his husband.
It was then he saw it.
Out the corner of his eye he saw a little soft crocheted creature, a bumble bee with bright yellow and black lines on. The wings were a pure white, soaring high from its back and it had an adorable little smile on his face.
“Erm sweetheart.” Dean said, tapping him lightly on the thigh. The only response a soft ‘hmmm’ against his neck before Cas went back to kissing tenderly. “Sweetheart.” That bought Cas out of his task, he pulled back, looking into his husbands eyes with those beautiful blue lust filled ones.
“Yes handsome?” He asked, hand coming up and gently caressing his cheek. Staring at him with so much affection it was making Deans cheeks heat up.
“What’s that?” Dean asked, pointing over to the table behind Cas. His husband turned around, searching where his eyes were looking. He could see his shoulders jerking a little where he was chuckling to himself.
“It’s a bee.”
“I can see that sweetheart, but…where did it come from?” Now Cas was looking back at his husband, a look of confusion in his eyes.
“I made her.” Ah right, he had obviously graduated from making bedding, clothing and accessories to making tiny little soft toys.
“Yes. She’s called Britney.” Of course he picked the name of a famous pop star to name his little creation. That was so adorably Cas. “Do you like her?”
“She’s very cute Cas.” Dean responded, moving down and taking those lips in his own again. Now he had satisfied his curiosity, he got back to the matter at hand.
With things becoming more dangerous out there, Dean found himself on more and more hunts. Leaving Cas alone in the bunker more frequently. Although Cas insisted he could come with him, Dean still refused.
Every time Dean came back home, he found himself faced with even more bees that Cas had made when he was away. Large ones, tiny ones, medium sized ones. All taking pride of place on the bedside table. Staring at them as they were reacquainting themselves after being away from each other for a short period of time.
It was after the 10th bee he decided he had to say something. When Dean had arrived back, Cas pulled him straight into their bedroom. Pushing him up against the wall and pressing delicate kisses against his neck and shoulders, petting softly down his sides and hips. As he opened his eyes and looked over he noticed the latest addition to the bee family, one that was so large it took up a portion of the bed and was the size of a pillow.
“Cas…Cas.” Dean said gently, pushing his husband away so they could look into each others eyes. “What is going on with the bees?” It wasn’t tactful but he thought he should approach it head on.
“What do you mean?” Cas asked, that confused little lilt in his voice that made Deans heart melt. His husband was truly the most adorable man in the world.
“Well erm…you only seem to make them when I’m away on hunts. I just wondered why I guess?” His husband looked away for a moment; staring over at his little bee family. It was as if he was trying to work out why himself. After nearly 5 minutes he looked back at Dean.
“It’s the only way I can cope when you’re gone.” His eyes were watery from the admission, a stray tear rolled down his cheek, wiped away by Deans calloused thumb as his hand held Cas’s cheek with all the tenderness in the world. He pushed forward and pressed their foreheads together. Cas shut his eyes, breathing in Deans scent for a moment as he composed himself. “I’m so scared when you are away Dean. All I can think about is a call saying you’re hurt or…or worse, you’re…” He couldn’t say the words, stopping as a little hiccup escaped his lips, head dropping to his husbands shoulder. Dean rubbed his husband back, hoping it would sooth him.
“I know sweetheart. I’m fine though, Sammy is with me and I know you’ll be there quickly if anything goes wrong.”
“Why can’t I come with you on these hunts Dean?” He asked, looking back up with glassy eyes. “I’ll feel so much better knowing I was there to help if things went wrong.” Dean understood that, he did. But he had his own reasons for wanting to protect his angel. Sighing he pulled Cas into his chest, arms completely wrapped around his body as he pulled his head into his chest. Swallowing, gaining the courage before speaking.
“Because I’m terrified of losing you Cas. If I get hurt, at least I know you’re around if I need saving. You can get there quickly and heal me. But if somebody has an angel blade, if they get one good shot at you then…that’s it.” He managed to unwrap his hand from his husband, laying it on his chin as he pulled his head back. Tenderly tilting his head up so their eyes were locked again. “And I can’t lose you sweetheart. Not after it took me so long to get you back.” He leant down and nuzzled their noses together before he pressed his forehead against Cas’s again.
“I don’t want you to hunt anymore Dean.” There was so much pain in those words, tears were forming in the back of Deans eyes now. Seeing his husband so vulnerable and scared about his hunting.
“That was my last hunt angel. I promise. I spoke to Sam on the way back and told him I couldn’t do it anymore. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you in safety, not putting myself in danger on hunts.” The relief that flooded Cas’s eyes made Dean smile.
“Thank you Dean.” They pushed together again, lips meeting in a chaste kiss once more.
“No worries angel.” Dean looked around the room at all the crocheted toys. “What are we going to do about all the bees?”
“We’re keeping them Dean. They’re our little bee family. I can’t get rid of them.” Cas said with all the seriousness in the world, causing his husband to laugh hard. Almost doubling over as he did so, loving how adorable and dorky he was at this moment. Cas couldn’t help but smile also.
“Okay, I guess we can have our bee family watch over us then.” Dean said, kissing his husband once more.
Maybe one day, in the distant future, they could pass that little bee family onto their own children.
He could only dream.
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ultimatetattletale · 26 days
Hi sorry I died for a while but I've been waiting for my computer to be fixed so I can draw pretty stuff again (yes it's taken like 6 months). Now please consider my thoughts on what animals different danganronpa characters would be
I tried to make sure there weren't any duplicates unless the characters are related and some of these I've put more thought into lol
Yasuhiro is a goat but like the fainting ones because it sounds funny and I can see him freezing up and falling over.
Junko and ikusaba are both chihuahuas because they're super cute but stereotypically people say they're little demons and that fits junko, she seems innocent but is just a big meanie. And I see ikusaba as being like a buff chihuahua who's all awkward but could eat you alive.
Makoto and Komaru are ferrets, ferrets need other ferrets for inrichment and that's basically makoto he wants friends to be happy. Also I think ferrets are very silly, I have 4 named noodle, little man, chonk, and rebel (like Starbuck).
Kyoko is a cat, I felt like a cat could match many different characters but I believe that she fits a cat the most. Cats are cute but pretty solitary also I think it matches with the fact she isn't very scary compared to some characters (ik she's like mysterious type scary and stone cold but I think she's a cutie).
Fukawa is a skunk bc she's stinky.
Byakuya is a cheetah and I thought about this quite a bit, I had a few different ideas on what to pick but honestly I think since he's blonde he's obviously a cheetah!! Duh!!
Asahina is an otter bc swimming and cute.
Sakura... I had so much trouble deciding this one ommmgg 😭 I was thinking about bigger animals and like martial arts and I was thinking about a gorilla and how they like punch their chests. It's the best I could come up with.
Leon is a weasel because I could see a weasel trying baseball and not liking it very much.
Sayaka is a panda because people love pandas and I could see a panda singing pop music.
Chihiro is a bunny because cute and small, also he's like Judy hops cuz he and her wanna prove they're stronge or smth 💪🏻
Mondo is an alligator bc grrrr scary 🐊
Hijumi is a walrus bc his lips kinda look like a walrus and he's chunky like a walrus, I thought of a hamster too but I thought it fit another character better.
Ishimaru I can see being a Labrador dog bc he's a silly little guy. He'd be the dog that barks at flys.
Celeste is a fruit bat bc vampire bat is what she wishes she was so she tries to be scary and goth but she's just a cute fuzz baby.
Nagito is a wolf bc he's literally wolf in sheep's clothing but he's also kinda cute.
Hajime is a panther who doesn't know how to be a panther, he tries to be a house cat.
Teruteru is a mouse bc ratatouille but I wanted him to be a mouse bc they're smaller and I think someone else fits the rat better.
Twogami I was thinking maybe a pig who wears cheetah fur or smth, like he wears the animal skin of what he's imitating.
Pekoyama is a gazelle bc they're coooool.
Mahiru is a red panda cuz they're small and cute and red like her hair
Soda is a rat bc I can imagine him being a sewer rat who smells bad in his silly little jumper.
Sonia is a swan bc they're elegant and pretty like a princess.
Fuyuhiko is a honey badger bc they're not very big but they give 0 fucks abt anything.
Tanaka is a Vulture and everyone's like 'whaaat a vulture taking care of hamsters???? Craaazy he'll eat them' but really he loves his little guys and would never.
Nekomaru is a lion bc team work and big.
Akane is a jaguar bc big and grrrr.
Chiaki is a sugar glider bc tiny and cute.
Saionji is the basilisk bc I can see her Jesus running on water.
Ibuki is a parrot bc caawww and repeating people and singing bird.
Mikan is a possum bc they faint when scared and that's funny haha but also I think they're cute.
Kamukura is a panther but he knows how to be a panther and doesn't wanna be a house cat like Hajime.
Shuichi is a coyote bc he ain't a big wolf but he isn't a tiny dog, he's like in the middle and he's adaptable I'd say.
Kaede is a spider monkey cuz they're like very social but can be aggressive and I think kaede is a more bold but friendly character (ignoring pregame)
Amami is idk!!! I thought about it alot and I stuck with a tortus or a super chill deer.
Maki is like a black mamba cuz they're fast and when I think of an assassin I think of snakes. Also I believe black mambas aren't super aggressive unless bothered and I think this applies to Maki. She isn't aggressive really for no reason she might be sassy sometimes but she isn't gonna throttle you for no reason at all.
Himiko is a dove bc magician.
Kiibo is a chicken bc it made me think of the robot chicken TV channel thing.
Tsumugi is a fox bc cute and pretty but sneaky and will probably give you rabies.
Kirumi is an owl because she seems wise and owls are usually depicted as wise in media.
Ryouma is a poison dart frog bc tiny but will kill you with his tennis balls.
Korekiyo is a giraffe bc tall and lanky.
Tenko is a mongoose and honestly idk why I couldn't think of anything else except maybe that lizard that's like only girls and reproduces asexually so they're all female lizards.
Angie is an African wolf dog bc they work really well when hunting and it would be her little cult of dogs.
Kaito is a border collie bc they're really smart but cute and people always assume they're dumb but they're very smart and everyone says Kaito is dumb but honestly he's gotta be smart to be an astronaut.
Kokichi is a racoon bc he's a trash panda who would also give you rabies.
Miu is a pelican bc she has a big mouth and doesn't shut upppppp!!
Gonta Is an eleghant bc usually elephants are pretty chill and they're suuuuper cute and big.
OK thanks for listening to my Ted talk I might post drawings of chiaki soon bc she's my favorite female danganronpa character and I love her
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
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Absolutely stuck on the overwhelming amount of louis today so I'm just gonna turn that energy into recapping everything that made my heart melt today (warning I love all things):
his close to 1.5 hrs late grandpa entrance pls, and that security said it was because he was having lunch
the place was playing his Tour Bus Playlist yey
the many pictures and videos of him looking up at fans, full of love and smiles and warmth and mhm fuck this
when a fan asked him to write "bisexual rights" rainbows and crying emojis go here
him getting real confused when asked to write "nothing's changed" because he was thinking of the line "some things change" instead like mans wrote an album full of lines "contradicting himself" (his words) including a massive pile of "change" everywhere dont play
his face when the fan with the trans flag was talking to him
when a fan said "you're really beautiful" and he responded with "hahaha nice one"
when a fan asked if he knew her twitter because she does piano covers of his songs and he was like YEAH THE PIANO YEAH YEAH YEAH I SEE YOU ALL THE TIME *sparkly eyes*
when a fan asked him to write "hey babe" and he laughed like "hahaha yeah" like just the tone you gotta hear it he knows everything were fine
saying he likes "i choked when your smoke got in me eye" just hearing him say and put emphasis on that line.
so. much. football. talk. here's one
on that note him making this lil shit face when he told a fan their team was gonna lose
when a fan was wearing the green nike jumper he wore recently and he said "ive got that jumper - i know you know that already"
the little wave to the people in the screen
him saying hes not gonna draw a heart "only because im fucking shit at drawing hearts" and then drawing a heart and ye she quirky but i hope he knows that makes it even better
or when a fan asked to draw a little star and his response was to ask them whether they wanted it "5 sides or 6" and "I've not drawn a star in years" again excusing his drawing and then draws a star just fine
writing "we'll be alright"
his lil hiya's and nice one's and cheers'
^Seriously the way he greeted everyone was so early 1d days signings esque im not coping with the passage of time rn
the gum chewing
that a fan told him OTB wasn't a lonely song anymore
When a fan told him "if france wins the game you have to sing angels fly next week" he immediately went "but what about if england win" and told the fan if england win they have to show up in an england shirt at their next gig in france and then his crew apparently very much in on his betting behavior dead serious going REMEMBER HER FACE! REMEMBER HER FACE! ILL REMEMBER HER FACE and then they also thanked the fan lol
the harry meme shirt lookin eyein gazin smirkin seein perceivin happenin
his jumper. that's it.
yk his hair also.
The whole chat about AFH in Mexico within the next 5 years and that video especially these frames thank you
personal favorite: when he was asked to write Faith In The Future's initials and he kept looking at the title on his own album cover to make sure he got the right letters
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
The Defiant One, Pt. 3
They reach the crashed hive ship. The whole way, they walk in two pairs. McKay does not leave Sheppard's side. And it's not (certainly not predominately) because he's looking for protection from Sheppard, it's just that it's where he wants to be. Walking and standing next to the Major.
If in the several previous episodes Sheppard was the one drawn to McKay, now it is very clearly Rodney that is being drawn to him. And once more they are creating their own insulated universe even when they are with other people.
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Sheppard still seems to explain to McKay why to do things, he's not giving commands or orders. But McKay obliges him easily even when he doesn't personally see the usefulness of something. And Sheppard is still teaching him about military protocol, especially about it being better to be safe than sorry.
He can't hide that he's actually excited to be on this mission with Rodney as he turns to him and says: "Good! Let's go take a look."
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The whole time Sheppard really seems to be talking only to McKay, not to all three of them. He doesn't really even react to the others or their comments. And he smiles to Rodney for the second time in very short order, and very obviously to Rodney alone.
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They are like two giddy school boys on an adventure.
Entering the hive, they have perfect trust in each other. McKay trusts that Sheppard is going to keep him safe and Sheppard trusts that McKay will be able to warn him of potential dangers.
Rodney gets a little too close to him switching open his flash light, and Sheppard first makes to pull away but then pushes himself back toward him (he actually reacts to McKay drawing in a breath, before he's even had time to move, that's how attuned he is to McKay's physical presence). He both wants to keep the distance and he wants to get close. Outside, Dr. Gaul tells Dr. Abrams something that Sheppard might as well have just been telling himself: "Look, I know how you feel, but how many opportunities like this are we gonna get?"
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The two pairs are contrasted. Abrams and Gaul have to verbally have a conversation that Sheppard and McKay don't even need to have, because they're automatically on the same page about this.
Also, where previously, before the Genii siege, we saw Sheppard constantly looking at McKay, here it's McKay that keeps looking at and to Sheppard. He's looking for confirmation, he's looking for reassurance, he's looking for guidance. Sheppard doesn't really look at McKay except to answer his half verbalized question ("It is..?") with a look. This shows us, again, how by now they know each other so well that they don't need actual words to communicate, they can have entire conversations just through looks and expressions. At this time, Sheppard doesn't look at McKay. In fact, there are a few times he seems to catch himself and tries to purposefully not look at the other man. But, like back in the jumper, they end up working terribly, terribly close:
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They figure out that the hive was a wraith supply ship, coming across where a storage of human bodies used to be. It's interesting how Sheppard tells Abrams and Gaul what to do ("Gaul, Abrams, check it out, but be careful"; it's also pretty obvious that everything so far that he didn't precede with their actual names he has been saying to Rodney alone). He does not tell McKay what to do but instead, just assumes that the other man is going to accompany him to the ship's bridge, again using 'we' pronouns ("Maybe we can get some useful intel"; "We'll stay in radio contact"). He's speaking for the both of them but at no point does he tell McKay what to do. They're just... working as one.
Sheppard literally only gives McKay this quick look which is enough for McKay to understand his whole plan:
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In fact, these kind of really quick glances seem to be the only ones he's able to give McKay at this time. Like if he does it real fast, it doesn't count.
It's notable that he clearly wants to keep McKay near him when splitting them up some other way would have made more sense as Gaul and Abrams have zero field experience, and McKay was just taking samples so leaving him to take samples e.g., with Abrams would have been the reasonable thing to do. But he's not being reasonable -- given the events of the past few episodes, he's not letting McKay out of his sight when there's potential danger. Not until there's actual danger, and it becomes better to leave him in a safe place.
It's also telling how, now that they're in a real situation, Dr. Gaul seems to be freaking out, doesn't want to be left behind by the Major, barely containing his "girlish fear" where McKay genuinely does not seem to fear anything, at least as long as Sheppard is with him. He tells Gaul "What's the problem? They're all dead." It just does not occur to him to fear anything, not when Sheppard is there. He runs after Sheppard having rubbed this in Gaul's face a little, but the skip in his step tells us that he's not doing it because he's feeling fear with Sheppard having gone ahead, but because he just wants to be with Sheppard that much. He wants to catch up.
But on the other side of the coin, Sheppard actually turns and walks backwards like his body just decided that a few yards was further than it wanted to be from McKay:
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With no evidence to the contrary, I'm going to go on a limb and assume that this is the first time they have been alone together since before the Genii siege (let's just count the moment they had in Rodney's lab as a private moment, even though Weir was there; they definitely both seemed to forget she was there for a moment).
They immediately fall into rhythm: McKay is able to explain the science to Sheppard but Sheppard is quick in thinking things that McKay does not think to think. Working together, it takes them like five seconds to come to the conclusion that they might actually have a live wraith in the hive with them. They complement each other.
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They started finishing each other's sentences back in Underground (S01E07). But now it's like, they don't even have to use whole sentences. They understand each other from half a word, never mind they seem to be able to do without words altogether. Twice now in this episode, Sheppard has only said McKay's name, and he perfectly understood his meaning. Given that in the episode, we have been told about the difficulty of radio communication three times by this point, it's really rather telling. They are communicating on so many different levels.
There is a marked difference in how they are alone together. McKay is talking in an excited, animated way where Sheppard lets his guard down, asking McKay really rather poignant questions rather than pretending he has all the answers or that he's in control. There is not a hint of any kind of bickering or bantering going on, they are both just so nakedly themselves.
There's a contrast in how Sheppard is being extra military with Dr. Gaul, I guess because the way he treated McKay earlier annoyed him. He's using military parlance ("Get a DV and a rough head count"; "Let's fall back to our point of ingress"). He has never done this with Rodney and actually seems to not even want him to do that. We see later, a bunch of times, McKay wanting to learn military slang and hand signs and Sheppard just... isn't having it.
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It's not like knowing these things wouldn't be useful on missions. It's not like he shouldn't be teaching them to Rodney himself. He just... likes Rodney the way he is and doesn't want to see him becoming someone else. And probably also doesn't like to be reminded that McKay is technically (Cf. Harmony, S04E14) serving under him which, in Sheppard's mind, puts him in the danger zone.
The heroes that they are, they run toward danger together. Abrams, unfortunately, is the first to go. Before they go after Gaul, captured by the wraith, two things happen. Sheppard makes sure that McKay has extra protection (and, well, weapons are phallic symbols, so there's that; they're handling a weapon together):
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And he alleviates the guilt McKay is feeling, believing it's his fault Abrams died:
McKay: I swear there was nothing alive when I scanned for life-signs. Sheppard: They don't show up as life-signs when they're hibernating. OK, let's go! [= it wasn't your fault, we couldn't have known]
Sheppard is teaching McKay pretty much all throughout this episode. It's starts with the flying lesson, ends with the shooting lesson, but there are small lessons scattered throughout. They run across some wraith weapons and while neither of them know what they are, precisely, he's teaching McKay strategy:
McKay: What's that? Sheppard: I don't know, but I don't have the ordnance I should have. It takes a lot to kill these guys -- I'll take any edge I can get.
Rodney McKay is an exceptionally intelligent individual. This is a source of pride for him to the point of arrogance. And yet he's not just willing to learn from Sheppard, he is eager. Just like Sheppard has been willing and eager to learn from McKay, as we saw in the previous episode where he displayed an understanding of engineering that could have resulted only from keenly observing the other man work. And no matter how tense the situation gets, Sheppard doesn't stop teaching him things that he hopes will serve to protect McKay, to keep him alive:
Sheppard: OK. Stay behind me. Shoot only when I tell you to shoot.
As it turns out, the fact that they stopped for this particular lesson cost Dr. Gaul several decades of his life-force. They find him cocooned by the wraith. This is when the weight of the events of the past few episodes suddenly come crashing down on the shoulders of John Sheppard.
Continued in Pt. 4
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Same For You (6): The Dinner
Series Masterlist
(5) Changing Roads
Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @theoriginalwhatsername @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme
a/n: here it is everyone!!!! i hope you're ready... things are getting spicyyyyyy (kind of? maybe not i dunno hahah) anywayyyy i love this series and am actually proud of my work for once. Again part 7 is ready to post, i'll be posting it once this has 100 notes :) hope you enjoy, love you all TONS - Lou <3
Being invited back to Charli and George's for dinner wasn't really part of her plan. When the pair met up for a few casual lunch time drinks, Y/n hadn't anticipated being invited back to her house. But Charli was determined if nothing else. She insisted that it wasn't a hassle and George was already planning on cooking food for the couple so one more addition wouldn't hurt. She remembers the brief comment from George about Charli wanting her to have dinner with the couple but she hadn't anticipated it happening so quickly.
She had been to two solo studio sessions and two group sessions, but she still hadn't expected the couple the be so persistent. Not that she was complaining, but slowly the people she once idolised, the people who created music that helped her, were becoming friends and the feeling was foreign, the imposter syndrome she was feeling was unsettling.
Y/n insisted on at least bringing something to contribute, so the girls picked up a bottle of red wine before they jumped in an Uber to Charli's house.
The last thing she was expecting when entering their house was to see one Ross MacDonald lounging in their living room, legs spread casually causing one too many unsavoury thoughts to cloud her mind at the sight. In some alternate universe, one where she's not really her, and her two friends aren't staring at her avidly, she'd be able to go up to the man and drape herself over his lap. In some alternate universe, he would tuck in his head into her neck and attack the skin with kisses, making her giggle, she'd get hot under the collar when those large hands would find her hips and he'd mumble a "miss you" before smearing his lips against her.
"Y/n!" She hears him say cheerfully, snapping her out of her thoughts as he leaves his spot on the sofa and stands to hug her, she can't help but get that feeling in her stomach when he says her name. It takes him all but three strides before he's in front of her. She cranes her neck to look at the man and she wishes more than anything that she could tear her eyes away. He's dressed in black jeans and a cozy brown knit jumper and she can see the collar of the black t-shirt he's wearing underneath. The chain he always wears is tucked beneath the clothing, but she can see the edges poking out, teasing her.
"didn't know you were coming" she can't miss the small smirk that rests on both George and Charli's faces and she keeps her eyes trained on them as she speaks.
"I didn't either... Wasn't really planned" she says but accepts the hug from him, allowing herself to squeeze him tighter, one hand loose around his back as she holds the bottle of wine. They pull away and she turns to George who stands with an arm wrapped around his girlfriend's waist.
"Good to see you love, had a good time?" He asks, referring to the two girls hanging out. She walks towards them, handing George the bottle of wine as she speaks.
"I did thank you, Charli insisted I came back for dinner, said you were already cooking for the two of you... I didn't want to intrude but now I see Ross is too, I don't feel as bad" she laughs and George almost flinches at her words and she wonders why. Until she hears the bearded man talk from behind her, immediately drawing her attention to him.
"What do you mean love? George invited me around for dinner about a week ago" Ross admits and her head snaps to George who now has a shit eating grin, smiling down at Charli. The little shits had planned this.
"No idea what you're talking about" George says as he backs away from them, going into his kitchen to grab some wine glasses.
Charli leads them back into the living room, smiling as Ross sits as close as humanly possible to y/n on the large sofa, plenty of space for them to sit further apart. She rolls her eyes at the black haired girl but the smirk doesn't fall from Charli's face.
"What did you two get up to? Look very lovely" Ross admits and she can't help but blush. She was used to him complimenting her when no one was around, but when Charli is sat opposite them, she can't help but blush deeply.
Ross didn't care that his crush was obvious, he wanted to say what was on his mind so he did. She wears a midi length black skirt with a slit that finishes at her mid thigh and a black crop top. He can't help but desperately want to place his hand on the skin that's revealed at her thigh.
"We had some drinks... Chatted" her answer is short, she felt a bit embarrassed that Charli was watching them and it seems the woman picks up on the vibe and she suddenly stands.
"I'm going to see if G needs help" she says, smiling as she leaves. Y/n let's out a sigh and Ross chuckles.
"This all feels a bit weird doesn't it?" Ross swings his arm around the back of the sofa, resting behind her head, hand curved and beginning to lightly play with her hair. It's the slightest touch but she can feel it and it has her eyes fluttering shut.
"It is..." She finally speaks, once her eyes have reopened and are now beaming into his.
"Missed you y'know...." His voice trails off, eyes wandering to his fingertips which hook into her hair, combing through the soft strands.
"It's only been two days Ross..." Despite her words she's missed him too and she must admit, being with him without the lingering (and slightly distracting) presence of Matty is a welcomed scenario. Her mind was less clouded, less foggy, her thoughts clearer and very much present, with him and him only. If only for this moment, this day.
"Still missed you" his confession has her smiling a small, soft smile. She knows she should be pulling back, should be moving away so his hand couldn't comb through her hair but she couldn't help it. She wanted this, wanted him and she knew if she didn't at least let these minor things happen (despite how ablaze they set her) she would probably combust with need for him.
He feels it too, the desire to be closer to her, to be touching her, to be doing something. But it feels easier to fight when he allows himself the simple pleasures, like playing with her hair, or hooking some strands behind her ear to reveal more of her face.
His hand drops from her hair just in time, returning to his lap as George and Charli return to the room, wine glasses in hand, the bottle resting in the crook of George's armpit.
"Don't drop that, it was expensive" she jokes, despite it being true.
"I know... I saw, shouldn't have done that Y/n, your company is enough" he says as he opens the bottle and pours four glasses, then sitting down next to Charli, hooking his arm tightly around her shoulders.
Ross looked at the couple and wanted nothing more to mirror them, to slide his arm back to its previous position but closer, feeling the warmth of her body against his as he half hugged her. But he couldn't.
"Take it as a thank you for everything you've done so far" she says and George smiles across at her.
"George showed me a few tracks, it sounds really good so far... think once it's released you'll be able to buy a lot more than just that wine' Charli says and y/n sees her expression change, eyes finding Ross' before she says more "don't see why it needs all three of the boys in the studio but with the way it's sounding it clearly works" she smirks at y/n who shakes her head at her. Picking up on what she was insuating... That Ross and Matty were just there for her.
She chooses to ignore her comment and speaks about something else instead "George showed me welcome to my island" she says with an eyebrow raise. She can't help but smile proudly as Charli smiles, clearly happy with the song and proud of it too. The girls had only spent the day with each other, the first time they truly had been alone together without their overlapping friendship groups present, but they felt closer already. She was already able to sense how Charli was feeling, what was going on in her mind and what plans she was scheming.
"It's really good... Hot" she says and George chuckles. Her eyes flick between the couple and she smirks as they share a look. One in which says, "fuck yeah it's hot". She feels jealous of the pair for a second and her eyes flick to Ross' who is smiling happily, clearly just happy to be there with them.
She can't help but wonder if the chemistry they shared so far, the buzz and the electricity, would lead to songs like that. Songs that reflected hot and passionate love. She thinks, if they let it, it could destroy all the fantasies they had built up in their head. She thinks it would be better than any of them, because it would be with him.
Charli notices the look that is on Y/n's face and when she finally turns back away from Ross, Charli raises her eyebrows at the girl.
George goes to check on the food but Charli stops him, insisting that her and y/n do it instead. As soon as they're in the kitchen, Charli is speaking in hushed tones, demanding an answer.
"What is going on with you two?" Her voice isn't harsh, it is accusing or angry, just curious.
"Nothing..." Y/ns voice trials off as she looks at her feet, her hands, anything to avoid her friends eye contact.
"Come on... With the tension in that room I'd say you'd been fucking for at least a week" Charli says and y/n cant help but hush her.
"You have?" She shakes her head, not trusting her voice "you want to" Charli says. Silence. For a beat, before:
"No char... We work together now, that's it... Nothing has happened and nothing will happen' she explains and Charli chuckles at the whole sentence, shaking her head. She was so in denial it was ridiculous.
"Yeah right... Look all I'm saying is you can cut the tension in that room with a knife... It's inevitable something is going to happen between you and instead of being in denial you could just let it happen... It might even turn out to be really good for you' she says before she walks off, leaving y/n in her kitchen, mouth agape and more confused than she had been the whole time whatever was going on had been going on for.
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They're all sat around George and Charli's dining table, their plates are empty and long gone into the dishwasher and their bellies are happily full of delicious food and wine. She sits with her hands against the edge of the table, trying to ignore Ross' arm which rests around the back of her chair as they all talk about various things, the current topic is touring and how much they think she'd love it.
"The buzz you get from the crowd really can't be explained... And when you can hear them screaming your lyrics back at you... It's really special" George explains and she smiles, nodding along.
"Doubt anyone will be singing our lyrics back to us... If we did join you on tour, that is" it's the first time someone's mentioned Jamie's idea since it was initially discussed. She was trying to avoid the topic at all costs, she knew the band would be doing it at this point, not that she had told them that yet. But she knew the band would sign to dirty hit and join the boys on tour, the offer was too good not to take up, and they had made the deal even more tempting.
But she didn't want to think about being on tour with them, she knew she could try fight whatever was happening with Ross whilst they were working together in the studio. But she also knew that if they were to spend every day traveling the world and performing on stages, together, she wouldn't be able to resist him.
As if he could read her mind, his arm drops from behind her head, landing in his own lap for two seconds before his large right hand moves and clamps around her thigh. It has the air tumbling from her mouth in a silent gasp which she manages to hide behind her glass of wine.
Her eyes never leave George who shakes his head at her words, his deep voice nearly making her jump as he says "once this record is released... I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knows the words" his optimism is refreshing and it would make her smile if it wasn't for Ross' hand holding onto her flesh.
His thumb grazes the skin, driving back and forth and sending her mind into a frenzy. This should not be happening, this should not be happening, this should not be happening she thinks.
His hand is warm but it still has goosebumps rising to the skin, her eyes flick down for a millisecond, so short neither Charli or George think anything of it. But it gives her just enough time to see if this was really happening or if she really had gone mad.
She hadn't.
Ross Macdonald, the guy she had been para-socially crushing on since her teenage years, had his large, calloused and veiny hand, clamped around her thigh. The thumb of which wouldn't stop moving, grazing skin, the nail scraping across flesh lightly, a gentle scratch that had a fire following in its wake.
His hand runs along her skin, dipping under the fabric of her skirt, the slit only revealed a slither of skin and he desperately needed more. His large hand moves under the fabric, forcing it slightly to the side, her tanned skin pricking up in goosebumps as it hits the cool air. She hears his breath falter and she tries her hardest not to react, but her core clenches around nothing and she swears, somehow he knows. He smirks and his eyes darken. Somehow, he knew.
His hand slips slightly further to the left, the fabric that was once budged to the side, covering her skin again. His hand slipping just so until his fingers are grazing the inner most part of her thigh. If he stretched out his hand she swore his pinky finger would graze her most intimate part. She clenches her thighs instinctively and she spots him smirking out of the corner of her eye. The little shit. He knew what he was doing and he was thriving off it.
Her eyes flick from Ross, to George and then to Charli. Somehow the whole scene wasn't obvious to the couple, but she started to feel slightly frustrated that he was daring to do it across from them. No matter how much she wanted it, in that moment, she was annoyed.
"I think I'm going to head home... Feeling tired" she lies. She stands then, his hand slipping from her flesh, the skin somehow pricking up more as it disappears. She still feels the ghost of his electric touch on her thigh, she still feels the warm sensation it ignited on her skin and in her stomach. She still feels him, everywhere. She has to get out of here, away from him, far, far away from him.
"I'll walk you, should probably make a move to" she hears Ross say but she doesn't meet his eyes. They all exchange goodbye hugs and Ross leads her out the door, hand on her back. Warmth, electricity, fire.
They begin walking, but he knows something is up when she walks faster than him, moving away from his embrace when he tries to hook an arm around her shoulders to keep her warm.
"Is something up?" He asks and she stops dead in her tracks, eyes flicking up towards him, rolling her eyes before walking ahead of him. Unbelievable, she thinks. She was unsure whether he was feigning ignorance or whether he truly believed he had done nothing wrong.
"Love wait" he says, hand finding her shoulder gently and pulling her to face him "talk to me" her arms cross over her chest, closing herself off to him. Not that it stops his hands clasping the top of her arms, running along the fabric of her coat, trying to soothe her and get her to speak to him.
"Come on y/n/n.... Please talk to me... What's wrong?" He asks but he thinks he knows the answer so he sighs.
"I overstepped didn't I... I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself, you're intoxicating y/n" he admits and she steps back, laughing one singular laugh to herself.
"You can't do that Ross!" She says, shaking her head at him, but smiling, a bit amused with the whole ordeal.
"Do what?" He asks innocently.
"Say stuff like that... Hold my thigh under the table... Look at me... Like that" she gestures towards him and he takes a step towards her, but doesn't reach out for her, no matter how hard he wants to.
"I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself... If you don't want that... If you don't want this just tell me love and I'll stop" she doesn't speak. She couldn't lie.
"Do you want this?" He asks and she sighs, a conflicted and unhappy sigh.
"No... Yes.. I don't know..." She sighs again, she wanted it, she wanted all of it, with him and so so badly it was tearing her apart.
"We can't Ross" she takes another step back from him and frowns sadly up at her. It was a battle between her head and her heart, her head screamed don't, it's not professional, it wouldn't be fair, whilst her heart screamed yes, begged her to go for it. Her heart was louder, making it harder to be rational.
"Okay... We won't. Leave it at that" he says, his voice slightly clipped. Her brain tells her, don't, but she still steps forward, hooking her arms around his waist and looking up at him, trying to get him to look down at her.
"Ross... Don't be like that" she says, and the man still avoids her eye contact.
"Ross... Please" the please is what gets him, accompanied by the nuzzle of her face against his shirt, it has him looking down at her immediately, one hand coming up to grasp her face in his hand, thumb soothing over her cheek.
"I'm sorry... I can't pretend I don't like you... Not anymore. I can't tip toe around how much I want you" he admits and she frowns up at him. She didn't want that at all. But they just couldn't. Because they were working together and because, no matter how much she tried to deny it, she also felt something towards Matty. Although unsure what it was just yet.
"I'm sorry too... But we can't" she says, stepping away once more.
"Okay..." His voice is less clipped this time, it comes out clear and soft, but sad. He still hooks and arm around her shoulder, attempting to keep her warm.
"Let me walk you home" he says and they do, pretty much in near silence. The walk is short, far shorter than she had realised, she had lived so close to George for so long and never even knew. She wonders what would've happened if their paths had crossed sooner, would he have introduced her to the guys, or would it have been a matter of "my girlfriend knows you" and that be it?
She couldn't imagine her life without them now. Without Matty... Without Ross. Especially without Ross.
They stop outside her house, she stands on the top step as he waits at the middle, hand now clasped in hers. Two sad smiles resting on their faces. They couldn't. He had to keep telling himself that, just to stop himself leaning up and kissing her.
"Listen Ross..." He interrupts her.
"It's okay... I understand, we can't, it wouldn't be right..." the words coming from his mouth instead of her make her want to cry. She wanted to believe he didn't really think that, that he was just saying it to appease her. But she didn't know. She didn't know how badly he wanted to just say fuck it and kiss her senseless, she didn't know how ever since she stepped foot into his life all he's been able to think about is her, her laugh, her smile, her voice, her touch, her lips.
"I can't lose you though Ross.... Not now" she admits and he shakes his head and smiles up at her.
"No chance" he says and she smiles widely. Good, she thinks, that's good.
"Now go before I change my mind" he jokes but the words open that door again and she doesn't care to shut it, leaving it cracked.
Even with her on a higher step he's taller than her, so she wraps her arms around his middle and hugs him, loving the way he squeezes her, just the same as before.
"Please go... Dont make this harder for me" he admits. They both realise how much has been said tonight, how much has been admitted and they would both blame it on the glasses of wine.
"Okay... I'm going, goodnight Ross' she says, leaning down and pressing her lips to his cheek before opening her door and walking inside. Her lips had just grazed the skin but she still felt the stubble against her lips whilst he felt warmth spread across the skin, taking over all of him.
Her back finds the door, sliding down it, head falling against it with a light thud. What the fuck? She thinks, why did you kiss him on the cheek? Jesus woman if you say you can't, you can't, she thinks.
On the other side of the door, Ross stands with his mouth agape, cheek warming even more and quickly too, still feeling the barely there touch of her lips, hand hovering over the wood, knuckles grazing the door, ready to knock if his body would allow it.
The door would open and she'd gasp as his hand would find her waist, tugging her towards him, his strong hands stopping her from falling.
She try to protest, to stop it, he'd mumble a "just shut up a kiss me" she'd laugh and he'd smile and then he'd lean down slowly and kiss her, their lips would touch and... Fireworks. Just like the movies.
But this wasn't the movies, this was real life. And the real life Ross turns and walks home. The real life y/n walks up her stairs, enters her room, gets changed and goes to bed.
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The door swings open and he's there, standing on the top step leading to her house, he's standing in her door way, one hand placed against the frame, chest heaving as he breathes in and out deeply. Did he run here? She's clad in little pyjama bottoms and an oversized jumper, not Matty's this time but hers and he smiles to himself realising she's clad in an old band jumper, his bands jumper. Nothing could ruin this, not even the thought of Matty.
"Ross! What are you doing here?" She hears her voice but it doesn't sound like her, it's airier, softer, more perfect than hers. But it's her, her in a worn the 1975 jumper that is still way too big for her, her with her hair down, flying all about the place, her with her blushing cheeks, staring up at the large man, who's brown orbs are completely unwavering from hers. When he finally speaks it's him, it's exactly how he sounds, no different from how it usually is.
"I got all the way home and I realised how much of an idiot I am... I can't not do this y/n, I can't. I'm sorry" she doesn't know what he means for a second but then he's there, stepping into the threshold of her house, grasping her waist and tugging her towards him, bodies colliding. His breath doesn't falter, still as heavy and as bated as when he first arrived.
Her breath on the other hand - it gets caught in her throat, the feeling of his hands clutching her waist with a vice like grip, not allowing her to budge in the slightest, no room for "we cants", no room to stop it from happening. Not that she would, not this y/n.
"I need it so bad y/n please" he says, his eyes are flicking between her mouth and lips constantly and suddenly she's breathing again, heavy and bated like his.
"I need you like I need air" his confession makes her feel dizzy, but it feels so good, her head spinning in a way that has her smiling a love-drunk smile.
"Did you run here?" Her voice is quiet, too quiet, too impacted by him, as if she was to speak louder it would ruin the moment.
He nods his head and she feels his lips barely graze hers and they break. They both break. It's not clear who pushes forward first, or if it's him tugging her just ever so slightly that her lips are forced to touch his. They just touch at first, held against each other for a second before he pushes himself forward one more centimeter, lips now pressed firmly against hers. The way he takes in her bottom lip, molding perfectly against his, is heaven. She didn't know what was wrong or right in the world, it being full of doubt and blurred lines, everyone had an opinion on everything... But this, this kiss, was right.
This was meant to happen. They were meant to happen. The way they moved perfectly against each other, they were destined for each other. Not that she believed in that and neither did he. But there, in that moment, with Ross' tongue running along her bottom lip and easily making it's way into her mouth to find hers, they believed in fate and destiny and soul mates and "the one".
She grips the collar of his shirt and his hand tugs against her waist. She leans into him, standing on her tip toes to reach his mouth, they separate for a second, breathe and their mouths realign, tongues dancing against each other. They sigh, they tug, they touch, they take and take and take, taking everything they've ever wanted from each other. It's bliss, it's heaven, it's -
A phone buzzes behind her, they break away, she looks around to find it, but she can't... It's not there, it's not behind her or in her pocket, she looks up at the man who was just kissing her, he's blurry but he's smiling. That gorgeous smile, with those too cute creases by his eyes and those too deep dimples by the corners of his lips, those lips she swears were just against hers. He smiles that smile that tugs at her heartstrings, that demands attention, that makes every fibre of her being flood with him.
"Better answer that love" he says and then he fades away, she reaches for him, but the more she reaches the further he gets. He's gone.
He's gone.
She's waking, arm stretching out to find the annoying buzzing of her phone. That's when she realises, it was a dream. She doesn't look at who's calling her, knowing who the culprit would be. She answers with a quiet, tired "hello" only to be greeted by a cheerful "Ello love!". A smile appears on her face even through her sleep induced state. An automatic reaction, a pavlovian response. That shouldn't happen. Not with him.
She doesn't ask why he's up at such an ungodly hour, or why he's calling her, or why he sounds so cheery. She just smiles as he begins talking about some record she should listen to. She checks the time, 1:45am, she officially went all of 18 hours without Matty clouding her mind, clouding her vision.
She was so focused on Ross, despite knowing she couldn't go there.
But there he is again, the curly haired man making things way too difficult and confusing for her.
"You there love?" He says at one point when he realises he's been speaking for far too long and she hasn't spoken since the single hello she uttered when she answered the phone.
Oh god
She's fucked.
"Yeah... The Japanese House... Tell me about them" she says, proving to him that she was listening.
"Amber she's been my friend for years and g and I worked on this record with them, him more than me but it's sick and I really think you'd like it, comes out soon" he explains and she nods even though he couldn't see her. She places her head on her pillow, allowing her eyes to shut as he continued talking to her.
"You're tired... I'm sorry, I should let you go" he says but she mumbles a "no, don't" and he continues talking, his voice quieter, softer, allowing her to get lost in it, slowly falling back asleep with him the other side of the phone.
"goodnight love... Sweet dreams" she hears him say before she's fast asleep, she's unsure whether he hangs up or if she just drops the phone. But she's too far gone to care, back to her dreams, taken up by Ross, but now Matty is there too, the two of them clouding her mind, making things complicated and confusing but unbelievably blissful.
She lets herself live in that dream, with both of them. She doesn't worry about what she should or shouldn't be doing. This Y/n just does, and the amazing thing about it, is, this Matty, this dream Matty and this dream Ross, they allow it. They share her. It's perfect, but it's just a dream.
She's rudely awakened by her doorbell ringing, she swears as she pulls herself out of her bed, murmuring a "sorry" when she hears multiple groans and shouts of "shut up" coming from the rooms of her bandmates. She runs to the door, opening it and finding a delivery man there, a small bunch of flowers in one hand and a square shape thin package in the other.
She thanks the man, taking both items and closing the door behind her, walking into her kitchen to put the flowers in a glass, they're a mixture of pink, orange and yellow tulips: her favourite. She reads the note attached to the flowers "remembered these were your favourite, sorry about yesterday - Ross" his handwriting is slightly messy but she loves it, she notices he had written the word "your" before Ross but scribbled it out and she can't help but smile. He could've easily rewritten the note but he didn't, he had wanted her to see this.
She then finds the other parcel, another note attached to it, reading "In The End It Always Does by The Japanese House, let me know what you think, love Matty x".
She can't believe these two parcels arrived at exactly the same time, she swears the universe has it out of her, some wicked twist of fate, constantly putting her in confusing situations. She wonders how Matty had found the record so late at night, he must've already had spare copies lying about, it was the only reasonable explanation, especially when she remembers him saying it wasn't out yet.
Both gifts are unbelievably thoughtful but they make her mind foggier, so she leaves both items on the kitchen counter, throwing away both notes and she returns to her bedroom, willing away both the men from her mind, if not for a few hours.
She needed a break from both of them, that much was clear.
(7) Hate Missing You
© all lyrics are written and owned by yours truly (let's ignore the fact they're not that good but yeah) no stealing hehe
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gtgbabie0 · 2 years
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✧Apple of my eye✧
{you stress bake an apple pie when Tommy is late returning home that’s it that’s all}
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“Just please be careful Tommy, please” you sigh wrapping a scarf around his neck, it had gotten much colder recently which often meant more ice which came with a multitude of different dangers.
His hands settle against your hips bringing you closer to him, you could feel the warmth radiating from him and you sigh into the feeling, “I’ll be fine baby, promise— I mean always am aren’t I” he presses a reassuring kiss to your forehead.
“That ain’t gonna suffice Miller” you tut as he laughs at you his hands cupping your cheeks before stealing your lips into a loving kiss, he doesn’t want to leave you, doesn’t want to leave the warmth that you bring.
“Honey I gotta go—“ you don’t let him finish his sentence as you pull him down for another kiss, “Alright Honey I really gotta” he chuckles as you open the door for him, the brittle temperature barges its way into the warmth of your home.
That was twelve hours ago, the sun was now setting casting an orange light over the kitchen as you roll out the dough, an unsettling feeling of stress settles into your bones and your brows knit together, you thought baking just might take your mind off of your husband out in a snow storm patrolling the woodlands and how late he was returning home.
You let out a frustrated sigh as scooped the sweet apple filling into the dough-lined pie dish, glancing over at the clock that read ten o’clock the sun had completely gone down now and panic started to rise to leaving a bad taste in your mouth as you put the apple pie in the oven.
A confusing mixture of anger and worry barges through your body leaving an odd weight on your chest and you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to cry or storm up those mountains and drag your husband back home.
You jump slightly as the kitchen timer dings, you take out the apple pie smiling at the homely smell of the sweet treat, “Ooh sumthin smells good honey” Tommy says as takes his snow-covered coat off, his smile falters slightly when he doesn’t get a response.
You turn around facing your stupidly beautiful husband as he smiles at you from the door frame, it’s a sheepish smile and he knows exactly what’s wrong with you as you throw the kitchen towel at him before running over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck brining him into a hug, relief washing over you as he holds you closer into his body his cold nose nuzzling against your neck.
“You're not having any” you mumble holding him tighter and you feel him laugh, “You really scared the fuck outta me Tommy” he pulls away slightly his cold hand cupping your face as he brings your lips into a loving kiss and you can’t help but melt into the tender feeling.
“I’m real sorry sweetheart… it’s a fuckin blizzard out there— I love you” he murmurs the last part against your lips before pressing a soft kiss to them and you can’t help the fluttering feeling that swarms through your chest, his hands settle on your hips and you watch as he glances over your shoulder to the apple pie that sits on the kitchen counter.
“You can have some—” you smile at him your hands threading through his dark hair that’s slightly damp from being outside in the midst of a snow storm, “—on one condition” you add admiring the beauty marks that adorn his skin.
“Mm, what’s that?” He smirks pulling you impossibly closer to his body, stealing your warmth as his hands slip under your jumper, they’re cold against your warm skin and the feeling sends a shiver through you as he draws small circles against your back.
“You take me out once the storms passed… I wanna see the stars” you smile basking in the small loving moment.
His face softens with love as he looks at you with adoration, “Of course, I will sweetheart- I'll do anything ya want” he presses a kiss to your forehead before you pull away to cut him a generous slice of apple pie.
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☾⋆AN/ I want this man so bad. Hope you enjoyed lovelies!! <3 {{requests are more than welcome}} any mistakes let me know!
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archandshri · 8 months
9th feb '24 - [arch] characters, interactions and emotion - making a mini webcomic
Gahhhh Shri this has been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks!!!! Hope you are doing well :)) First of all, WOW! You have a lot of goals, and I’m sure you’ll get them done! I’ve worked a lot on my graphic design during the process of making Winter Wellbeing. If you wanna see a blog post dedicated just to that, I can do so! It would be cool to compare notes on the approaches we take for graphic layouts. If you wanna share your knowledge of camera skills when you build that up that would be awesome 😭😭
It’s been a tough few weeks, art wise. I have been reflecting on my process, motivations to create, the ego and all the baggage that’s lumped into the creative process for me. It turns out there’s a lot. I took some space from my illustration practise (literally for a weekend!) and began to realise how dysfunctional it is. I’ve been writing a lot about that so there may be a larger piece of writing coming about that at some point (no promises!!)
But for now, let's talk about little successes!
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I’ve been playing with some characters for a while but I’d hit a bit of a block with the plot. I realised the expectation of having a finished project of high quality soon is unrealistic, and an unhealthy expectation to put on myself. I rarely give myself time to play with concepts for a long time and let the characters, plot and interactions evolve naturally. Maybe this in part came from sticking to the short university module turnaround. I noticed that that short turnaround was causing a lot of block, so I have decided to bench it as a comic for now and focus on using it as a playground - falling in love with the characters, creating stories and drawing them for fun. Maybe years down the line I’ll make them into a comic - we shall see! 
I *tried* to do hourly comics day this year and it didn’t quite work for me. I think I made 3 comics? And then got distracted with a bigger project that ended up taking a week or so to complete. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?
[you can find the full version here]
First of all, it’s based on an unfinished fanfiction I started a couple of months ago, which was mostly bad, but there was one nice scene that I liked and wanted to expand on. I started by having a look at the script I wrote and thumbnailing on the iPad. I’m away from home at the mo and usually would prefer to do most of my artwork traditionally, but because I don’t have access to a scanner, the whole process was digital this time. A lot of the pages got scrapped because the dialogue wasn’t necessary, and I’m not drawing pages that aren’t necessary.
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some more development screenshots
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I thought a lot about posing during the process, acting the scenes out in my mind and sometimes physically, really understanding the emotions of the characters, why they’re saying what they’re saying, their tone and how to convey that though their body language and expression (i find grian really annoying normally [affectionate] but I want this grian to step on me).
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Pearl was hard with this because she’s quite erratic and unpredictable in this series, so I wanted her to switch from raw explodey anger to playful jabs at Grian. I’m hoping this comes across as somewhat insane, rather than tonally off and inconsistent. I did super enjoy drawing her and her explosive nature though, especially in comparison to Grian’s coldness.
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I played with levels and monotone colour too - I’m not working with multiple colours much at the moment so I’m able to focus on things like values composition, characters and backgrounds. My skills limit the kind of stories I can tell currently, so I’m working to improve those foundations. Maybe when I’m back in the riso studio I can play with colours a little more.
Colours - despite the simple pallete it gets a bit nerdy here.I stuck to specific flat percentages for most of it - Pearl’s hair and Grians jumper are 60%, Grian’s hair and Pearl’s cloak are 20%. Then I added a 14% layer for shadows, using a ahrd blend eraser tool for highlights, making the images quite dark. I fill a layer with texture from Forystr’s riso brush for procreate, and turn it into a 40% opacity colour dodge layer. This gives it some much needed texture and makes the lighting feel low and nighttimecore. It also pushes the values to look really nice - I tend to be too scared to push them by myself.
I tried a few different colour layers to get a *vibe* but settled on a low percentage riso blue in a colour layer. All layers besides the riso blue are in a riso black, colour picked from a riso colour pallete. I learnt these tools - using percentages to get good values - from working with risograph. I really recommend having a look at these techniques and doing some monotone work. It's really improved by character designs, page layouts and compositions.
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That's all from me today, though I have had MANY other thoughts over the past two weeks about creating, but perhaps we'll dive into them another time. If you (or anyone else) has any questions, hit me up with a reblog or an ask and I will get right to it. Lovely to hear from you! Hope your art is going great too :)) Arch :)
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technovillain · 1 year
Obsessed with your alt Gisu design, you have so much talent! 💙💙💙💙 I was wondering how you came up with each of the interns alt designs. Also hope you make a comic using that Alt design for Gisu one day!
tysm!!!! i'm glad u like them ehehehe ^_^ i can give u some design notes. it will be a long post sooooo I will put it under the cut. always love an excuse to ramble abt design choices.
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Gisu: I do like her dinosaur shirt swag, but i feel like her layering doesn't have a lot of clarity in terms of like. what is going on with the shirts (vest?) and since the dino thing is never relevant to her character, I decided to lean into the electrokinesis theme with the lightning bolt jumper & under-cape pattern. Which is just a headcanon but I always forget it is!! I just like the idea of her being into electrokinesis bc it would make a lot of sense for someone who is paired up with Otto. Changed her bag to be a strap for her board so she doesn't have to carry it around all the time. Asymmetrical bun for some of that PN1 asymmetry flavor. Mismatched shoes bc she seems like the type to think that's cool (also maybe bc i do this and i'm projecting) Missing toof from skating incident + torn jeans. Electrokinesis scars on her hands, bc I like to think that psi-powers can leave physical damage if not used properly.
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Morris: tried to balance out his proportions a little bit because sometime i feel like his head is so big you can't even see his body in screencaps. tried to make his head less round and his eyes too, I kind of like the thing that PN1 did where the heads sort of just fade into necks with less of a cutoff so I did that too. Nasty teenager moustache just felt right + some freckles. I changed his nose scar to face the other way bc I thought it was supposed to be nostrils at first. No notes on his levball-lawnchair wheelchair bc it is everything to me.
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Lizzie: wanted to up the 80s goth influence on her. Imagine her hair as the super-teased puffy fried Siouxsie hair of the 80s goths. Nerfed her amount of patterns just for the sake of there is no way I am ever going to draw all of her details ever bc I don't have that kind of patience. again the graphic liner to lean into the 80s goth style. Also took away her chin/neck priveleges bc I did that to norma first and wanted them to still look similar. denim vest for more 80s influence.
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Adam: (his is the only one i haven't stuck to drawing like this yet bc i like his canon round head) but I made him more square in general bc I feel like he's the most grounded and straight-edged intern. gave him more pattern on his dress (tunic?) and hat bc everybody has more pattern than him. the linked lapel pins and hat dangles are meant to evoke his use of the yo-yo weapon. Unified his color palette more with more green and purple. Strings tied around his fingers, again for more yo-yo imagery but also bc he seems like a workaholic who would be overscheduled and have a lot to remember.
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Norma: this girl knits!!! she was the first character i tried to "PN1-ify" and she just felt like she needed a big old backpack. for her overprepared freshman who thinks she knows everything energy. also symbolizes her putting a ton of weight and expectations on her shoulders when she really doesn't have to (which is kind of a core tenet of the little bit of canon personality she has) orange glasses bc my tinted glasses addiction is quite evident. the yellow pompom on her hat matches Lizzie's, giving them a sibling connection, also saying that she knitted her sister's hat :]
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Sam: the first thing that I thought when I first saw Sam's canon design was that she looked straight out of 2013 with her ugg boots and that particular shirt pattern, which maybe isn't exclusive to the early 2010s but once i thought that it was burnt into my mind. So I tried to make her look more 80s with the short skirt and buckled boots and off the shoulder sweater. the too-long sleeves give her kitty energy (and i put cat hair on them). Gave her whale earrings bc she seems to really like whales in canon. gave her a cleft palate scar because i drew her with that once, plus I kind of see it when she makes the :3 face. revoked her neck priveleges altogether because if compton and dogen don't have them why should she!!!
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