#i really liked dying and dinosaur and ice cream as well
sleepyjim · 10 months
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years
SteveTony Weekly - July 10
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Happy Sunday!! Here’s what I read this week. Be sure to leave your author a comment or kudos if you enjoy a story! 
***Marks my recent favorites 
champagne laughter by cryptidpoet
“I love you,” you huff out, half-breathless, half-laughing. You didn’t even mean to say it. But he’s attempting a turn, getting twisted in your arms, bright laughter in his eyes. It slipped out, but you meant it, and when he twists to stare at you, something akin to confusion skittering across his face, you say it again. “God, I love you, Harley.”
He lets your hand go, steps back, and at first your heart bursts, because he opens his mouth. But then he turns away, jerks out of your hand grabbing at his shoulder, and the look on his face-
Not horror, not hate. Not even sorrow. 
You’re not actually sure.
can i go where you go? by meidui
Tony always imagines Steve with his shield.
Free Bird by Captain_Panda
"Lord, I can't change."
Steve loves the rough-and-tumble lifestyle of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony is just there to sit back and watch the show.
Too bad there's no "viewing room only" in Steve Rogers' life. You either get in the ring or get out. Tony gets in the ring.
can we always be this close? by ArabellaAM, meidui
Tony shows up at Steve’s house in the middle of the night, tonight.
i'm yours, body and soul by meidui
When Tony wakes up in his husband's body at six in the morning hundreds of miles away from his conference, he almost puts a pillow over his head and goes back to sleep because, really, stranger things have happened.
Becoming Better by scifigrl47
Just a melancholy short story on July 4th, in honor of Steve's birthday, when the United States of America really isn't living up to Steve's expectations, or mine.
love me naked by meidui
What kind of man wears makeup? Steve thinks to himself.
polaroids on the hardwood floor by ohjustpeachy
"What were we thinking, partying all night? We're no spring chickens," Tony groans.
Steve follows him with his eyes, watching as he takes in the detritus of the birthday party the team had thrown for him today. Well, yesterday, technically, but it still feels like his birthday, sitting here with Tony in the quiet of the morning, the sun just peeking up at them over the horizon.
"Hey," Steve teases, poking Tony in the side. "Speak for yourself."
this wind won't blow our summer away by meidui
Tony plans himself a grand trip for his twenty-first birthday, but he doesn’t make it past Ireland.
dust off our new love by ArabellaAM
Tony’s clothes are full of dust when he finds the box.
the two of us by meidui
It's one of those summer afternoons that seem to glow forever and the two of them lay there on the floor of their treehouse, fingers sticky with melted ice cream from the parlour down the street, and Steve dares Tony to kiss him.
The Pleasure of the President by betheflame, FestiveFerret, starvels (dinosaur)
During an interminable meeting, Steve, Tony, and the dick of Tony's amour, take a lunch break.
Reach For You by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
When Tony gets captured, Steve comes after him. The result is disastrous.
To the Future by Captain_Panda
Steve gets a promotion.
It brings out painful memories of what will never be. Tony helps remind him he's worthy of what is.
duck, duck, goose by meidui
Tony's a special kind of drunk at Pepper's pool party.
clint barton's backwards morning by meidui
Clint just wants to eat his sandwich and cookies and drink his milk, but Steve and Tony are acting weird.
On the Ropes by Captain_Panda
Tony Stark, present day, accidentally lands in a dying western town known as Timely, circa 1872.
He's about to meet the Sheriff, who doesn't take too kindly to strangers that don't recognize the law of the land.
Creating the Perfect Love by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
When Tony can't find pleasure in sex with Steve after his Snap, he thinks his relationship with the great Captain is all over. How wrong he is.
I Know a Thing or Two About Bloodstains by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
Steve hides in his room for three days after getting hit with an energy blast in a fight. Tony's worried, so he gets to the bottom of it.
Our Future History by ralsbecket
Tony glances up to the black chalkboard menu hanging above them, squinting at the neon chalk that's lit up with a blacklight. With a furrowed brow, he questions, “What the hell is a ‘blonde Americano’?”
“You’re lookin’ at him,” a voice chimes in. The man behind the counter throws Tony a lopsided grin, brushing his fingers through a head of silver strands. “Or, well, I used to be.”
Mr. Rogers by goobydooby
When single father Tony Stark hears his son Peter going on and on about his new Kindergarten teacher, Mr. Rogers, he'll be the first to admit that he thought of a friendly old guy, like the Mr. Rogers on TV. It’s safe to say he did not expect Mr. Rogers to be some twenty-something, all-American, blonde-haired, blue-eyed grade A hunk of beef. He especially did not expect said hunk to have a biting sense of humor or to care so much about their rag-tag family.
(( where Tony is a sleep-deprived single parent, Steve gets in over his head, and Peter insists on giving them both a heart attack ))
Earthbound by Captain_Panda
When Steve Rogers crash-lands the Valkyrie, his left leg is grievously injured. Help will not arrive for sixty-seven years.
Coping with a failing leg might make the rest of the twenty-first century seem almost easy.
Then he meets the rest of the Avengers, and things get really complicated.
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could you write something where Reader and Stephen are married and have a son but something goes wrong in your universe maybe it was stephens fault maybe not but he dies. Somehow reader and her kid get relocated to another universe (616) and are just out going for a walk when the kid starts getting excited and shouting look it's dad, hey dad and runs over and hugs 616 stephen and stephen looks so perplexed and the kid is still hugging him and you have to pull him off and explain that yes that's stephen but not your stephen that his dad is gone and just basically just stab me in the feelings lol and whatever stephens reaction to this would be? 🌌
Tags: feels
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Word count: 1044
Chapter's Note: You want to be stabbed in the feelings? I‘ll stab you in the feelings! Here you go. Have fun. - I wrote this last night, so it‘s a bit of a mess. Just like it needs to be.
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Life could be better. It became simpler after you had jumped universes. But you struggled. You hadn’t jumped by choice. Neither you nor your son had.
Your universe had been dying. An incursion caused by the very man you loved, the father of your son. He hadn’t done it on purpose, it had been an accident. A terrible, irreversible mistake. And he had used the last of his magic to bring you both here. To safety.
You would have preferred to die with Stephen. But your son should live, that had been Stephen's wish and you respected that, trying your best now as a widow and single mother.
This new universe was similar enough that you were able to integrate well. Similar enough that you sometimes forgot what happened, only to be reminded the next moment of what was missing at your side: Stephen. It stabbed your heart every time.
Your son, Vince, was six years old, had just finished pre-school and had experienced enough magic in his short life that he understood the explanation that his father was on another world without the possibility of ever coming back.
He missed him terribly. So did you.
You built a new life for yourselves. A modest one, without magic, without dangers. You lived in the suburbs, far away from New York. The city held too many memories of what you had lost, and you couldn't bear to be reminded of that every day. Besides, there was the danger of running into someone there who recognized your face. It was better not to spend too much time there.
That said, however, now you are back in New York with Vince for a short visit. Your son had begged you for weeks to visit his favorite museum, the AMNH. He loved it and they currently had a special exhibition about dinosaurs.
You had eventually given in and promised him this trip. And Vince loved it.
Afterwards you went to Central Park and to look for his favorite ice cream stand. It didn't exist in this world, but you found waffles that were just as good. Eating them you sat on a bench and enjoyed the sunshine.
Vince was so happy that it was worth it. And you are also feeling better than you thought you would. Your arrival in this universe had been two years ago, maybe you could finally move on.
The park was a popular place, full of people walking their dogs or sitting on blankets on the grass reading or picnicking. Everyone was in a good mood and it was contagious.
Suddenly, Vince jumped up excitedly. "Daddy!" He dropped the rest of his waffle and ran across the meadow. Startled, you almost choked before hurrying to follow him. Your eyes are wide as you spot Vince standing by a man who really looked like Stephen Strange.
Of all the eight million people in this city, you had to run into him. You shouldn't have made the mistake of coming so close to Greenwich.
This Stephen had stopped, looking down at the boy in confusion. Next to him was a teenage girl you didn’t recognize.
Your heart pounded loudly in your chest as you saw the spitting image of your deceased love. How were you going to explain this to Vince?
Vince had his little arms wrapped around Stephen's waist. "Daddy!" he cried joyfully at the reunion.
"I'm so sorry." You rush to pull your son away from him. "You look just very similar to his father. Sorry to bother you."
Your head hung low and you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. But Vince wasn't having it. Understandably he was being difficult about the situation, so you picked him up.
"Y/N?" this other Stephen asked, and you close your eyes for a moment before putting on a neutral expression and slowly turning to face him. Hearing your name out of his mouth brought back old memories. Painfully fond memories.
"Hey..." It was awkward and you had no idea what to say. Of course, he knows you in this world too, even if you don't know what kind of relationship you have here.
Stephen tried to assess the situation. His eyebrows drawn together as he tried to figure out what was wrong.
Now, that you could see him close, you notice that he looked a little different than your Stephen. Good thing, because you don't know if you could stand it otherwise.
When no one said anything, you raised your voice again. "Sorry again. I didn't mean to bother you and… your daughter?" Your gaze briefly wandered to the teenager, who was watching you thoughtfully.
"She's not my daughter," Stephen said at the same moment she stated, "You're not from here."
You took her statement as a way out of here. "That's right. And we gotta leave."
"No, I mean, you're not from this universe."
Double shit.
Stephen raised his eyebrows.
"Mommy, why is daddy so weird?" Vince asked softly on your arm. You gave him a kiss on the forehead to calm him down.
"I think you have some explaining to do," the wrong Stephen said.
"No." You shifted your stand and looked at him. "No, I don't think I have to." With that, you turned and left. The situation was too much. Both for you and for Vince. Your top was wet at the shoulder, where he was sobbing into your shirt. He didn't understand why the man who looked like his father and talked like his father didn't act like his father.
"Y/N." His voice made you stop, but you didn't turn around. "We can take you back to your home."
"There's nothing left to go back to." It hurt to say the words and a lump formed in your throat.
There was a brief pause in which Stephen seemed to contemplate things. "In your universe, you and I... he..." You looked at him, tears forming in your eyes. You nodded, unable to speak. "What's his name?" Stephen asked.
"Vince Strange."
With that, you left without another glance back.
Maybe one day you'd be strong enough to seek out the Sanctum. When your heart was no longer bleeding. When Vince was old enough to demand more answers.
Okay, but imagine: a young adult Vince coming to the Sanctum to meet the man that’s the closest being to his own lost father. To talk to him, to get an idea of what his real father has been like. Are you crying? Good. You’re welcome.
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
But... He died!
this really happened irl.I just finished reading in another life a day ago and I am still sensitive whenever IAL flashes in my mind and idk why the other day while eating a banana i suddenly remember IAL and it made me tear up ; Z ; so can I request a hcs of bois (ur choice) suddenly comforting their s/o because out of the blue they started to sobs while eating somethin' and when asked they answered because they read a vv sad story and still affected by it? tHANK YOU SO MUCH IF U WILL NOTICE DIS- Anon
Pairing: Bokuto x Reader, Tsukishima x Reader
Warnings: Slight language, Assassination Classroom spoilers, The Fault in Our Stars spoilers
A/N: I feel like I’m bad at asks because I go off topic?? But, I loved writing this, anon, please marry me, it was SUCH AN AMAZING ask! LIKE HOW CAN I NOT NOTICE THIS!! Also I never actually ready In Another Life. I don’t plan to??? Like I’m scared of reading it! But, I can tell you the Bokuto x Reader part is from personal experience because I am 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴. Anyway I hope you Enjoy. Asks are OPEN.
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You had been warned, way before you had decided to watch Assassination Classroom, that you were going to cry at one point, but you didn’t care what’s life without a broken heart?
So, during a long weekend, you built yourself a small fort, snuggling into the covers and started watching
You were emotionally wrecked by the end of it, especially in the last episode. Tears streamed down your face as you watched Koro Sensei turn into small, elegant lights
You stayed in your small bed fort, ignoring every call or text that was sent your way. How could he die. He was such an amazing character.
You thought, stupidly, you would be fine once school started again, too busy on homework and tests to remember the yellow octopus
Oh how wrong you were.
The first incident happened when someone brought up eating octopuses, during lunch, a tear dropped down your cheek as an image of Koro-Sensei flooded your mind.
The second incident happened when someone had mentioned the end of their favorite anime. You sobbed at the thought of not seeing any of the characters anymore.
The third, and final, incident happened in front of your own boyfriend, something you should have thought of twice before doing.
You had walked into the gym, after school. Searching for your boyfriend. Your eyes were red and puffy from the numerous amounts of breakdowns that had occurred.
Your lips wobbled at the thought.  RIP Koro-Sensei
You kept your head down, as you walked into the gym, obviously sad.
It had taken a few minutes for Bokuto, and the rest of the team, to even realize that you had even arrived.
They had quickly surrounded you, encasing you in a small circle as the looked at you. Their eyes widened as you looked up at them tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N-chan?” Konoha asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, inquiring eyes pierced you as you looked away
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong” Bokuto asked, bending down slightly as he scooped you into a hug.
“Bokuto” your lips quivered as you clutched his back, pressing your face into the crook of his neck, the slight smell of sweat and mint lingered.
“Bokuto.” you sobbed, tears pooling in his neck, the team lept back in surprise as you had a whole breakdown in front of them
They scattered around, shouting to each other to help you.
“Get her some water.” “Oi, give her your jacket” “Do you want to buy some ice cream? ”
“Y/N, what’s wrong”Bokuto asked, voice slightly muffled, 
“Koro-Sensei is dead” you shouted, as the entirety of the gym froze giving you an odd look.
“Who?” Bokuto leaned back from you tilting his head in confusion, “Koro-sensei.”
You let out another sob, giving a frantic nod. 
“He’s dead!” you cried out, fingers digging into his back. Bokuto felt tears forming in his eyes as he watched you bawl.
“He’s dead!”he whispered, before turning around to his teammates, who gave them an odd look, “Guys, he’s dead!” 
He brought you in, sobbing into your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
“He’s dead.” you simultaneously bawled
The team looked at you both, deadpan and slightly disappointed.
“Petition to get a new Captain.” The vote was unanimous. 
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He warned, quite a few times, to not read The Fault in our Stars. He told you, so many goddamn times, you would cry.
And cry you did. Reading the book, just to piss him off. Nobody gonna tell me what to do
Tears had formed, blurring your vision as you closed the book. You bit your lip to stop the heart-wrenching sob that threatened to come out.
You never expected that. Not that. 
The only thoughts in your mind was the death of Augustus Waters. He was dead.
Your lips were forced apart, as the trembling increased, taking in a deep breath before you let out a sob.
It was loud and forceful, rasping your throat as more continued to come
Drops of tears fell, promptly on your book. You were sure Kei was going to kill you for even letting anything happen to his book, but you were too heart-broken to care.
You took a deep breath as you chucked the book onto your head, watching as it landed with a small plop
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. She didn’t know who she was mad at. But, you were mad. Mad at him for dying. Mad at yourself for reading it. And mad at Kei for letting you read it.
You gritted her teeth, tears falling loosely, as you swiped your phone from the near table, quickly unlocking it
A few text messages from friends and two from Kei. You scowled.
You went into his contacts and blocked him, proud of yourself for giving him some his own medicine.
You turned out the nights, closing your shutters, as you snuggled into bed, ignoring the very tiny rip in your heart from the book. You stupid person
He spammed you through friends, making them send his own stupid collection of reaction memes. Tell me this boy doesn’t have rude reacts on his phone You gritted your teeth, as you turned your notifications off, shoving your phone back in your pocket
“And he got sick” you whirled around, hearing part of a conversation. Your heart raced as you stared. They looked at you, weirded out. You blushed, mumbling a small apology as you walked away. Oh god what was that. That’s heartbreak. That’s the tweet.
You found yourself more attentive as you walked down the hallways of Karasuno High. For two reasons.
One to stay away from your boyfriend, who you caught waiting for you by your locker
And second, well, you felt yourself on the verge of tears, every second of the day. 
To the point where you almost bawled in the middle of your science class.
“Class, today we’ll be talking about the mutation of cells.” You felt your breath hitch at that. 
“Can anyone tell me the name—” A hand stretched out, as someone blurted the answer, “Cancer.” The teacher furrowed her eyebrows, mocking an angry look.
“Correct, but wait for me you pick on you first.” The class laughed, as the student eyed the teacher sheepishly. That student was not me. No wrong Mushroom.
But you. You couldn’t care less about that student. Your ears were blurry as you bent over your desk. 
Cancer that’s what he died by. You choked on your sob as it caught in your throat. Earning her, some odd glances from the people around her.
Shit. Tears were so close to pouring out. It do be like that sometimes
You raised you hand, surprising the class and the teacher
“May I please use the restroom” you croaked out, standing up and motioning to leave the classroom before anyone could stop you. 
You walked, almost running, away from the classroom, trying very hard to hide the sobs that you wanted to release.
“Y/N.” a gruff voice made you stop in your tracks as blonde hair peeked into your sight
“Tsukki?” you questioned, your voice cracked as you looked at him. He was panting, slightly, as he glared at you. But, you could see the anxiousness in his eyes.
“Y/N, what the—”
“Kei,” you sobbed, throwing your arms over his neck, “Kei.”
He backed away, surprised at first, but soon rested his hands on your waist pulling you towards him.
“I hate you.” you hissed, tears pouring down your cheeks as you looked up at him, “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate—”
He slammed a kiss onto your mouth, eager to shut you up I wanna be shut up now
“You read the book didn’t you.” he smirked, as you glared at him in all your anger
“I told you—”
“Shut up you useless excuse of a dinosaur.” you snapped, burrowing your face into his chest.
He smiled, stroking your hair as you sobbed into his chest, murmuring small phrases as you blabbered to him
“Ms. Y/N may I ask what you and Mr. Tsukishima are doing in the hallway?” Oh good Lord, you were screwed.
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titconao3 · 4 years
tagged by @beguilewritesstuff​
i’m going to change the formatting bcs i’m evil like that and must ramble on, feel free to ignore. as usual, i take these things way to literally and i don’t understand the questions, probably.
tagging: whoever’s into this!
indoor plants or gardens: depends on whether we’re talking in my place, or everywhere. If everywhere, both. If my place, none: i can’t be arsed to take proper care. also i’ve tried to have plants in pots and i tried to Do Things Right and it didn’t work out, so... i gave up. know thyself and thy limits etc
cloud-watching or star-gazing  both yes both, as long as i have proper eye-protection from the sun for option 1.
water or fire ...uuuh.... watching a fire in a hearth etc (i mean, not Nero style, obv) is great? but the ocean too? i don’t understand T_T
paperback or hardcover hardcover: too heavy. but i often use an e-reader.
running or hiking: omg neither. running means dying lungs, Extremely Painful Knees, etc very quickly. Hiking is... idk, everything is bad: i get all the branches in my face, all the rocks start moving when i step on them, etc. Put me in a city and i can walk for hours; put me in nature and i #suffer. i have also been somewhat traumatized by people claiming “Oh come one it’s a small easy walk not even a HIKE” and it was in fact climbing up a small mountain with very narrow, gravely, unstable paths hugging the side of the mountain and if you stumbled, ti meant a fall so SOMEHOW i have become Extra Wary of the word “hiking”
sleeping with socks or without socks although with wouldn’t be a problem. i use a hot water bottle in winter.
fruit or vegetables fruit only if i can use them in a salad, or cook them LIKE a veg.
hanging plants or succulents see above re indoor / outdoor plants. succulents also mean repotting etc; they’re not care-free.
dark wood or light wood both yes both. i have both at home, in the same room.
handwritten or typed typed is way easier to read. ofc if we’re talking postcard, personal letter etc, handwritten is more pleasant, personal touch etc. my handwriting is terrible, btw.
instagram or pinterest: neither. who wants to see my face or what i eat? no one, not even me. pinterest: i don’t even really understand what it’s for apart from thing to filter out of my google & co searches.
braids or pigtails: on me, neither. my hair refuses (because length when it’s short, because it’s not thick enough if not, and in any case it just Won’t Stay In Place)
dc or marvel i’m not super familiar with DC, although Batman is my kind of character.
books or movies why would i choose? my attention span has drastically reduced since childhood, but it means it affects both. 
oceans or meadows: meadows > flowers > sneezing.
forests or fields: see meadows above
sweet or salty oh yeah i’m def not one for sugar.
ice cream or chocolate you... you (person who created this) do know there’s chocolate ice-cream, right? but i’ll go with DARK chocolate. DARK only, 70% cocoa minimum. i can accept salt / pepper / coffee / mint if i MUST, in it. D A R K
hoodies or sweaters: tbh both but a hood is def good at times.
piercings or tattoos: i have or want neither. they’re cool on other people, but i don’t really feel a need for myself. If for other people, both, if for myself, neither.
summer or winter well, the cold is easier to deal with than the heat because once you’re naked you can’t take your skin off, but longer sunlight is good? probably??
boots or sneakers WhaT Am i DOinG How Am i SupPoseD tO KnoW
cars or motorcycles: public transportation ;-) but i have a licence for cars only, not motorcycles.
curls or straight hair: i have curls, if that is the question; on other people, idgaf
castles or cottages to visit? to live in? i mean, castles are super expensive to maintain... and what kind of castle? European Middle Ages? even among those, there is a Wide Variety in architecture. if we’re including more geographical & historical areas... 
sunny days or storms: once again, *bafflement* storms are really cool to watch but can be destructive, and sunny days can be too hot or painful if i don’t have sunglasses but are pleasant if mild...
reptiles or birds: as pets neither. i don't want to be responsible for a living thing, and end up not caring for them properly because i’m too tired / not in the mood etc. otherwise, i’m totally cool with both. however... birds are dinosaurs are reptiles (private joke moment!!! @pixelbypixelfanfic​ do you remember that museum). a baby bird pooped on my once, idk if that counts. oh and i got adult bird poop on me too. this hasn’t happened, yet, with reptiles.
disney or nickelodeon: (what about if you’re not the USA) i have never been into what we think of Disney (princesses and THE CONSTANT SINGING), and don’t have nickelodeon here
strawberries or watermelon: well i’m not into fruit or sweet things, as previously established. Watermelon can go into salads, and strawberries one in a while are okay i guess?
essays or posters... i don’t understand. posters go on wall? do you people put essays on walls??? what IS the question *sobs*
phones or laptops or desktop desktop because big screen, big keyboard, separate mouse: more comfortable. if not, laptop. if i’m desperate and far away from both, phone.
glass or stone i drink in glasses, i wear glasses, i have Pretty Decorative Stones. ik, what are we talking about?
dark or light: if it’s a computer screen setting, dark. if we’re in winter and outside, light, otherwise it’s too cold. i need context!!1!1!1!
photos or paintings: uuuuh. i have a few paintings from my grandfather around, but not photos. that's, um. i mean. photos... that’s... old? or are we talking about stuff that stays on your hard drive? i have a bunch, from trips. as long as my face isn’t there, cool; i take them to remember. i’ve found that the action of taking the pic was enough to help me remember, not necessarily looking at them again: because i make the conscious decision of taking the pic, thinking about what i want to preserve,et c, somehow it sets the brain drive into memory mode, at last better than if i didn’t take pics.
circuses or theatres: neither; RL, live shows make me uncomfortable.
reading or writing i do both but i only write fanfic.
dogs or cats i like both, i would have neither.
poetry or novels poetry just leaves me cold. i know, i know, how dare i.
monsters or ghosts why choose?? (shaniac though)
thrift shops or libraries: i like browsing through thrift shops, and i’ve lost my voracious Real Grownup Book reading obsession that i had in my younger years. i like looking at silly mugs and cute objects and sometimes i’ll buy something, and Do Good at the same time when they’re charity shops!
fiction or non-fiction both, although these days fiction is mostly fic.
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openheart12 · 4 years
I Did Something Bad
A/N: Today is my lovely adoptive mom’s @burnsoslow birthday! I never thought me making a post about yk what would lead to our friendship and Kryce! I hope you have the best day ever and that it is every bit as amazing as you are! I’m so thankful for your friendship and how you make me laugh until I cry or pee fvhujskdghfn and you’re the only one who could ever make me into a Drake stan. I love you so much! Eat all the cake you can for me! Happy birthday, love! I hope you know how much I adore you ❤
A/N 2: This is very much full of Donald Trump hate and despitement because who wouldn’t hate him anyways jkhkdjgh there’s also quite a bit of cussing 
Word Count: 2,613
Thank you @rigatonireid for pre-reading!! 
“This is bullshit,” Kurns exclaimed as Bryce and Dick were watching the events unfolding at the United States Capitol. “This is why you don’t vote for oranges.” She said while rolling her eyes. 
“Agreed,” the two men replied in unison. 
“Jinx!” They replied again at the same time that led to twenty minutes of them saying “jinx again” in response until Dick finally gave in and let Bryce win. 
“You win, Bryce-y poo,” he had said. Kurns had kept her attention glued to the television during their little game. 
“You okay over there, banana flavored moonpie?” Dick asked, directing his attention over to Kurns. 
“No, look at all those turnips. And the cult leader himself told them to do this shit. People actually voted for this moron? They should all get head CTs to check for brain damage which they undoubtedly have.” 
“Would it make you feel better if we overthrew the government while kidnapping Donnie?” Dick asked seriously. 
“Yes, actually,” she answered with a wide grin. 
“Okay, let me make a few phone calls and can you download some episodes of My Little Pony on Netflix for Bryce?” Kurns nodded her head in response, she also took the liberty of downloading Among Us on their phones so they wouldn’t be bored on the flight. 
The flight from North Delanois was a little over eight hours and being on a plane that long with a toddler, well Bryce, was going to be a challenge. 
It was a private jet so hopefully it would be more bearable, but just in case she also downloaded a few episodes of Max and Ruby and Yo Gabba Gabba. She also downloaded some episodes of Parks and Rec and Friends for herself. 
After packing the essentials; clothing, toiletries, handcuffs, whipped cream, ice cubes -who knew- and My Little Pony gummies, they were off to the airport.  
“Dick Kock,” Dick said introducing himself along with Kurns and Bryce. 
Kurns was decked out in a Taylor Swift 1989 t-shirt and a pair of leggings with her trusty white vans whereas Bryce was dressed in a rainbow colored polka dot shirt, black and white striped pants, one blue croc and the other was yellow, and socks with weed on them. Him and Kurns had forgotten about meth since it already landed them in jail one. Chris P. Bacon was still a sore subject for the pair. 
They boarded the plane and Bryce immediately went to find his gummies. Kurns took a seat next to Dick and pulled up CNN news to get an update on the attack on the Capitol. 
Suddenly breaking news flashed across her phone screen: Taylor Swift set to release her tenth studio album later today. 
“OH MY GOD! BRYCE LOOK!” Kurns exclaimed, jumping up out of her seat to show Bryce. 
“OH MY GOD! TS10! TS10! TS10!” He chanted. 
“Oh wow, that sure is exciting!” Dick chimed in. 
“By the way, D, I think we should call this Operation ‘I Did Something Bad’ in honor of Taylor’s new album.” 
“That’s a spectacular idea, Kurnel Mustard!” Bryce said with a smirk, it had been a new nickname he had given her after the three of them had played Clue one night.
“Shut up, Apple Bottom Jeans, Boots with the Fur,” she retaliated, mocking the Little Pony named Apple Jacks. 
“Stfu,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“You must be really mad if you’re talking in text.”
“Dick,” he pouted, “she’s doing it again.” 
“Be nice you two, we have a long flight ahead of us.” 
For the first two hours, they each did their own thing; Dick was reading a hunting magazine, Kurns was watching the news, and Bryce had already finished the entirety of My Little Pony. 
“Do you guys wanna play Among us?” Kurns asked out of the blue. 
“Hell yeah! I just bought the baby crew mate and I’m dying to use it,” Bryce responded. 
“I’ve never played before but sure!” 
“Okay so you’re either a crew mate or impostor and if you’re a crew mate, you have to do these tasks whilst trying not to die and if you’re an impostor, you go around killing other crew mates trying not to get caught in the process. You’ll get the hang of it eventually,” Kurns explained. 
“Thanks love bug,” Dick placed a quick kiss to the side of her head. 
The three of them found an open lobby and talked in the chat box waiting for the game to start and when it did, Dick asked the question of, “why is my name red?” 
“Oh my God, Dick! Don’t say that. It means you’re an impostor,” Bryce explained at the same exact time Kurns called an emergency meeting. 
“It’s purple,” Kurns typed in the text box, referring to Bryce’s color. 
“What the frick! It’s so not me. I’m not playing anymore,” he pouted, turning off his phone and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Now, children, can you two not get along? Think about the bigger picture,” Dick intervened. 
“True, but I’m still not going to play with her.”
His statement didn’t affect Kurns in the slightest and she went back to playing the game. Dick joined her while Bryce was running away from an imaginary dragon and he ended up colliding into one of the seats, face first. 
“Ow,” he rubbed his forehead that was now bright red. 
“That’s what you get for being a baby,” Kurns said, not looking up from her phone while Dick went to go check on his blueberry muffin. 
“You okay, strawberry flavored fig bar? That’s quite a hit you took.” 
“Yeah, a kiss would make it feel better though,” he said, using his puppy dog eyes. Dick smiled softly at him before kissing his forehead all better. 
The three of them spent the next six hours playing games, eating, and watching movies from the age of the dinosaurs that Kurns had saved since she was over 10,000 years old. 
After landing in Washington D.C., the trio headed straight to the Whitehouse, if people could storm the Capitol, how much harder could it be to kidnap the president? That was Kurns logic at least and as it turns out, it wasn’t that much harder. 
Kurns went to the Oval Office while Dick and Bryce went to the bunker since that apparently seemed to be Trump’s favorite place in the Whitehouse. But unexpectedly, Kurns found the Donald Duck under the office in the Oval, tweeting away on his iPhone 4s. 
“Mr. Racist,” she called and he immediately turned to look at her. 
“What? I’m tremendously busy if you can’t tell.” 
“I see that, Mr. Pigman.” 
“That is hugely racist towards me. I happen to be winning very bigly at the moment. I’m trending on Twitter!” He said proudly, he then proceeded to show Kurns his crusty ass phone. 
“Come on, I have some candy for you if you come with me,” Kurns coaxed him out from under the desk and led him to the white van they had brought with them, you know, the kind your parents warn you to stay away from. 
“Fake news!” Trump exclaimed with a huff. “You must be friends with sleepy Joe.” 
“You’re right,” she winked. 
“You know, frankly, this doesn’t make America great.” 
“I disagree, I think this definitely makes America great again,” Kurns retaliated. 
“Does Mikey know about this?” 
“Yeah, we planned it with the fly,” she snickered. 
“Well, it’s fake news, believe me.” 
“Nothing you libtards wouldn’t understand it anyways. Anyways, what's that thing on your face?” 
“My mask?” 
“Yeah, what’s that for?” 
Kurns shook her head, not even being surprised by the question. “We’re in the middle of a pandemic, Donald Dump.” 
“What’s a panoramic?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” She got out her walkie talkie to talk to the boys. “The orange has expired. Over,” she said, their code word for getting Trump out. 
“Okay, bet, we’re on our way out. Over.” 
“Good job, K!” Dick said. 
“See you soon and thanks! Over.” 
Fifteen minutes later, Dick and Bryce arrived with a six foot cutout of Donald. 
“What the fuck is that?” 
“Hey, that’s me!” Trump chimed in. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Kurns said, she was quickly losing brain cells being in his proximity. 
“That is rude, quite frankly.” 
“We found it in his bedroom… along with some other, uh, questionable things,” Bryce explained. 
“Like what?”
“Like a, uh, dildo with Pence on it.” 
“Ew…” they all turned to look at Trump who was looking away and whistling, trying to pretend he wasn’t there. 
“Oh, um, about that. That was a tremendous invasion of privacy.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” they all said in unison and he pulled an imaginary zipper over his lips and threw away the key like a literal child. 
“I can’t be near him anymore,” Kurns said suddenly, getting out her phone to call someone. 
“Who are you calling?” Dick asked. 
“Joe, I was gonna invite him to go get some ice cream.” 
“OMG! I wanna go too!” Bryce exclaimed. 
“And me!” Trump said. 
“No, to both of you. You two have to keep an eye on Don and make sure he stays off of Twitter.” She was explaining when Joe picked up the phone. “Hey, Joe, do you want to go get ice cream somewhere?” 
“Duh! Taylor is actually here right now and you don’t care if she comes do you?” He asked to make sure. 
“Of course not! You can bring Champ and Major too! I know Jill is busy right now.” 
“Okay! On our way!” He said before hanging up. 
“Where are you going to go?” 
“Probably McDonald’s or something, Taylor is also coming with us, he said.”
“YOU MEAN THE TAYLOR?” Bryce asked in shock. 
“Yeah, him and Taylor are like BFF’s.” 
“I still like her music 25% less, okay?” Donald brought up. 
���Shut the fuck up,” Kurns said again. 
“Fine, fine. But could you make sure Barron is fed?” 
“Oop,” Bryce slapped his hand over his mouth. 
“Yes, now shut up.” 
Kurns was getting ready to go meet Joe and Taylor when Melania walked up to the van. “You have Trump?” She asked quietly. 
“Yeah, why? You need him?” 
“Yeah, could you make him sign this?” She placed some papers in Kurns hand. She read them and wasn’t shocked after realizing they were divorce papers. 
“No problem, hold tight real quick. Dick, make him sign these!” 
“Of course, ladybug.” He took a hold of Trump’s hand and wrote his name for him since he wouldn’t do it himself. 
“Here you go,” Kurns handed the papers back to Melania and she left without looking back. “Okay, I’m leaving. Be careful with that moron and for the love of God, don’t let his supporters know you have him.” 
“Roger that!” Bryce responded. 
“Don’t worry, vanilla brown sugar! We’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone. Have fun!” He called after her. 
She met Joe and Taylor at a local McDonald’s and greeted both of them with a hug. “Congratulations on winning the election and congratulations on album number ten!” She reached down to pet both of the German Shepherds who happily wagged their tails. 
“Thanks!” They replied in unison. 
“So how are the boys?” Taylor asked. 
“Good! They sent their regards. They’re actually, uh, holdingtrumphostage,” she said fast enough so hopefully they couldn’t understand but they are actually educated. 
“WHAT?” Joe exclaimed. 
“Miss gurl, how did y’all pull that off?” Taylor asked while hysterically laughing. 
“It was easier than I thought! Either security sucks or they wanted Trump gone and I can’t blame them for that.” 
“Amen sister!” Joe replied. 
“Can we see him?” Taylor asked. 
“I mean, yeah if you want!” 
“Okay let’s go!” She went to get up when Joe gently grabbed her arm. 
“But the ice cream…” He reminded her. 
“Of course, how could I forget?” She playfully rolled her eyes. They all ate their ice cream before heading back to the Whitehouse. 
Once arriving, Taylor and Joe headed straight to the front doors while Kurns stood there like 🧍‍♀️. “Hey guys, he's actually right there,” she said, pointing to the white van. 
Taylor opened the door to find Bryce half asleep on the ground, Dick was listening to ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ and dancing in his seat meanwhile, Donald had his lips glued to the side of the door, making out with it. 
“What the fuck?” All three of them asked at the same time. 
“OMG TAYLOR! HI! HOW ARE YOU?” Bryce shouted, jumping up off of the floor and pulling her into a hug. 
“Hello, Ms. Swift,” Dick greeted, gracefully bowing. “Mr. President,” he nodded. 
“How did you all meet?” Don asked. 
“We actually just met, our hate for you is what we bond over!” Joe explained in terms he would understand. Hopefully. 
“Oh,” was all he said and started to play with his fingers. “I don’t know if you knew this, but Washington D.C. is actually the capital of the United Stats. Did you know that?”
“What did you think it was? And it’s the United States, not… Stats.” Kurns asked in a surprisingly concerning tone. 
“I thought it was like a stat… or well state. Whatever it is.” 
“Oh,” Kurns said while Taylor called him an idiot under her breath. 
“That’s embarrassing miss gurl,” Bryce chimed in. 
“Please, these empty promises you keep making are getting really old just like your term,” Dick said, making the others die of laughter… no literally, some Trump supporter that had been walking by had just collapsed and died. 
“And I oop-” Kurns and Bryce said at the same time. 
“IFHCBXNZNZ, HAHAHAHA,” Bryce barked out. 
“Can we get something to eat? I really want some Dino nuggies 🥺,” Trump pleaded. 
“No,” they all replied. 
“So what are we going to do with him?” Taylor asked. 
“I don’t know, what do y’all want to do with him?” 
“Excellent question, K, I say we feed him to some alligators!” Bryce exclaimed, flapping his two arms together to make an alligator jaw and started running towards Donald who jumped back in fear. 
“That’s not nice,” he pouted, a lone tear trickling down his cheek. 
“Fuck you, but not literally or physically,” Taylor said, making sure to explain what she meant. 
“I want some My Little Pony gummies!” 
“Me too!” Donald said with a smile now on his crusty, orange ass face. 
“No,” they replied again. 
“Fine,” he crossed his arms over his chest and turned his back to them, like the toddler he is. 
“Anyways, y’all want to go get Cookout?” Kurns suggested. 
“Yeah, of course!” Joe responded. 
The five of them headed to the nearest Cookout to get food and milkshakes, leaving Trump behind all alone. After hanging out with Taylor and Joe, it was unfortunately time to head back to North Delanois. With promises to meet up soon, the trio were soon enough taking off at the airport. 
“What ended up happening to Trump?” Bryce asked seriously. 
“He went to prison.” 
“As he should, period,” Kurns said with a smirk. 
“What are we going to do when we land?”
“Sleep!” Kurns and Bryce said. 
“Of course, my love doves. I’m going to try to do that right now, so please try to get along.” 
“Promise!” Kurns said, holding out her pinky finger which he took and kissed. The rest of the flight was surprisingly peaceful, Kurns and Bryce were able to get along while Dick slept. It had been a fun trip, one they hoped they would actually never have to make again. 
Tags: @burnsoslow @ao719 @callmeellabella @rigatonireid because no one else should have to read this :)
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thatnerdnextdoor24 · 5 years
If your face is the last I ever see, I’ll be happy with that.
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3
Kit really needed to learn to pay attention in the midst of battle. Honestly though, its kind of hard to do when your boyfriend looks mighty fine in Shadowhunter gear, and he also happened to only have a few daggers and a seraph blade on him. But also when battle happens to be in the middle of the Los Angeles Shadow Market and there are a lot (a LOT) of innocent bystanders to protect. 
Currently, a rather large Rahab demon was rampaging through the market. IT was the largest one Kit had ever seen, and it should not have been able to get into the market at all. Kit didn’t think the demon really cared about that, though. Seeming how it had already torn up multiple booths. Kit and Ty had been enjoying a rather nice date (technically they were supposed to be gathering intel.)  when suddenly this demon has the audacity to just attack. How. Rude.
To say the least, Kit was pissed. But now he had to focus. Because this demon now stood between him and Ty. And Ty, well, he was in a bit of a tight, situation. He was backed up against a group of fairies and werewolves, who were trying to crawl out but were also screaming in the process. Rahab demons were blind and relied on their sense of hearing and smell. Ty was swiping and dodging with his seraph blade, while simultaneously trying to get people to safety. So Kit vaulted onto the wooden roof of a booth and whistled. “Hey, you oversized lizard! Look over here!!”
The Rahab demons head snapped towards him, and from the corner of his eye, he could see Ty start to herd the crowd to safety. So Kit kept yelling, “You smell like piss! You couldn’t catch me if you tried! YOU DUMB DINOSAUR!!! EXTINCTION CALLED! IT SAID YOUR LATE!” The demon growled and hurtled itself towards Kit, who vaulted himself over the demon and looked again to Ty. He had just gotten the last werewolf away. The Rahab demon called back Kit's attention when its tail slammed into his ribcage, throwing him back into a large rock. He heard a loud, sickening crack, and felt his breath get knocked out of him. And yet, that didn’t matter. 
Because know the demon had turned back to Ty as he through his dagger straight into its forehead. The demon roared and spat ichor all over Ty’s front. The demon moved and Kit lost his sight on Ty, hidden behind the oversized lizard. When breath filled his lungs again, all he could hear was the slice of flesh and splatter of ichor and the gnashing of teeth and then a cry from Ty and suddenly Kit couldn’t think. He pushed off the rock, his ribs screaming, and pulled his sword from his sheath. With a grunt, he brought the sword down onto the tail of the monster, the Adamas steel sliced through the tough skin like butter. The demon let out a scream and lashed around. Its claws brought down onto Kit, raking across his arm. But Kit didn’t glance at it, now he could see Ty. blood was soaking through his gear from a wound on his arm, the ichor steaming of the leather armor. “Kit!” He yelled. 
Kit couldn’t understand why Ty was screaming at him. A bite like his was far more dangerous than a silly scratch on Kit's arm- 
Suddenly the demon launched itself onto Kit and its teeth sank his leg, it clawed at his chest. Kit screamed as his world turned into nothing but flashing red and blinding pain. It hurt so bad he could hardly breathe and he couldn’t think his ears were ringing and he could feel the blood rushing out of him and it hurt so bad it hurt so bad it hurt so bad it hurt so bad-
The weight was suddenly thrown off of him and when he could open his eyes, Kit almost thought he was already dead. There was a blinding light and silver eyes of an angel, “Kit! Kit!” the light seemed to call, and then he could make out the rest of Ty’s anxious face and a witchlight in his hand. “Kit!” he called again. Kit wanted to say something witty but when he opened his mouth, all he could manage was a cough of blood. Suddenly the edges of his vision turned dark and he could only distantly see and hear Ty call for help, and a group of Downworlders coming to his aid. Warlocks throwing their hands over Kit and a wash of color came over him and suddenly the pain that had stolen his breath eased. Someone was pressing on the wound on his leg and then Ty’s face was back and he was saying something.
 Something that Kit should listen too. His voice was smooth and monotone as if he was reciting the facts he had learned that day, but his hands were fluttering as he drew runes on Kit's chest. Someone had cut open his gear. Maybe it had been the demon. He couldn’t remember. His eyes were losing focus, but, he wanted to understand the words coming from Ty’s mouth. He always wanted to understand Ty. “-Julian will be here soon, and so will Jem and Tessa and Magnus and you’re going to be fine. You’ll be fine. We’ll take care of you and you’ll be fine but I need you to stay awake. Can you do that for me? Can you stay awake.” Kit wanted to say yes, yes I can. I can do anything if it means I get to stay with you. But when he reached up and touched Ty’s cheek he said, “I love you.” Ty’s face melted and tears filled his eyes and Kit couldn’t understand why he was crying. 
Did Kit make him sad? Earlier tonight, when he had said that, his lover had smiled. Why didn’t he smile now? KIt didn’t understand. “I need you to stay with me.” Ty whispered. Kit’s eyelids felt heavy. He thought it sound very difficult to stay. But Ty wanted him to. His heart whimpered at the thought of leaving. Of dying. Ironic…. Kit thought. 
He had once wished to die, it was true. He had hoped for it to come while he slept and sweep him away to a better place. To let him sleep and never wake up. Now, he felt it cover him like a warm and welcoming blanket. Tucking him in for the night and kissing his forehead. Wishing him sweet dreams. Pulling his eyelids down and telling his heart to take a break. He used to want this. But now he didn’t want that. He wanted to live. 
He wanted to see his little sister grow up. He wanted to watch another horror movie with Dru, to train again with Emma, to have Julian teach him how to make Ty’s favorite food. To talk all night with Livvy and to play games with Tavvy and Max and Rafe and Mina. He wanted to show Ash the wonders of the mundane world and he wanted to hang out with Jace again. He wanted to finally tell Tessa and Jem, how much he loved them. He wanted to ask if he could call them Mom and Dad.
Most importantly, he wanted Ty. 
He wanted to get lost in his eyes. He wanted him to tell Kit his favorite words again. He wanted to lay in the sun while Ty read to him. He wanted to make him pancakes and hold his hands and lose himself completely to Ty. The world could be so bright, it could be full of wonder and life and love and happiness. Ty had taught him that. 
“What are we-” Kit coughed, Ty pulled his head into his lap. “What are we gonna do after this?” He tried. And Ty smiled a little. “I thought we could get ice cream.” He whispered. Distantly, Kit could hear people shouting too one another. He could see the grim looks the warlocks hovering above him had. Kit’s smile felt weak even to him, “That sounds lovely.” His chest heaved. “Keep talking.” His voice, barely loud enough to hear. 
“Then we can go back to the Institute and watch a movie with Dru or we could play a game. Or we could just go to bed, that would be okay too. It doesn’t really matter I just,” Ty’s voice cracked. “I just want to be with you. I love you, Kit. And you’re going to be fine. I’ll be right here with you, and you’re going to be fine. I know, because your Kit Herondale. You can do anything. And you told me that you wouldn’t leave me and you are not a liar. So you are going to be fine. You’ll be okay Kit. You’ll be just fine.” 
Ty’s hand was wrapped tight around Kit’s, but Kit was too weak to squeeze back. “It’s okay.” Kit whispered. Because his heart was tired, and he wasn’t sure how long he could keep this up. “If I have to leave, you’ll be okay Ty. If your face is the last I ever see, I’ll be happy with that.” 
Kit would have begged any God or Devil in order to stay. But he knew better than anybody, what happened when you tampered with death. And right now, all Kit wanted to do was memorize every inch of Tibeirus’s lovely face. His soft black hair, his starry eyes. The curve of his cheek. His long lashes and the soft freckles that you had to be in just the right light to see. His sweet lips that Kit had been lucky enough to kiss. Yes, if Kit had to die if he had to let go. He wanted it to be this face. 
“Please.” Tiberius hushed. “Just keep looking at me. Just keep listening to me.” His voice was a melody to Kit’s ears. In his ears there was also a call of familiar voices, then there was also his voice, and it was far more enthralling. Kit listened while his love talked. His voice sweeping into Christopher's ears and staying there. Resting there and cradling him and soothing his aching bones. The pounding of his head soothed. His eyes felt heavy.
I’ll rest. He thought. Just for a little while. I will rest here for just a moment. He promised, but nobody heard him. He only had a second to think, that maybe, next time, he should pay a little more attention. Only a second to feel familiar arms lift him up, soothing hands and whispers to cover him. Only a second to squeeze Tiberius’s hand, before Christopher closed his eyes, and found that he could not open them again.
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duckingpunches · 4 years
Random shit about me
Thanks for the tag @galaxy-whiskers !!!! Love you dude x 
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? I don’t have one! My hair is currently buzzed and has been sort for about 5 years 
2. name of a food you never eat? Oh gosh where to start, I’m a pretty fussy eater. Top of the list would probably be avocado, gross
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Probably too hot! Especially at night when I’m at university, my boyfriend is a bloody furnace 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching Friday Night Dinner with my family 
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? Ummmmm, probably Green and Black’s 70% dark chocolate. That stuff is goooooooood
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yeah! My brother is a gymnast, so I’ve been to his events. I’ve also been to lots of premier league football games as my bio dad is a big fan.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? Shouting my dog from across the room 
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Either Ben and Jerry’s half-baked cookie dough and brownie or their new ‘Netflix and chilled’ flavour which is INCREDIBLE. It’s peanut ice cream, salted and sweet pretzel swirls with brownie chunks. To die for honestly. 
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? Some Vimto (though Ribena is always superior) squash in my new water bottle. It’s honestly so sick, I bought it off amazon and it keeps my drinks cold all day. For example, I went to work at 4am and when I finished at 1pm the ice cubes I put in that morning were still fully there, excellent purchase. 
10. do you like your wallet? Yeah! It was my first ‘men’s’ wallet and even though it’s starting to fall apart I love it 
11. what was the last thing you ate? A crème egg hahahaha. My work had reduced all of the Easter stuff, so I bought three packs of twelve for less than a pound. 
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? Not last week, but I did the week before. A company I really like called ‘Lame’ were doing an offer where you get a free cap with every hoodie, so I snagged their ‘Satan’s Spinach’ one. It’s super comfy, a lot thicker than regular hoodies, comes in recycled packaging and has thumb holes!!!!!! 
13. last sporting event you watched? Honestly couldn’t tell you 
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Sweet n Salted every single time
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? My boyfriend! I’m missing him a lot at the minute with the quarantine, so I mainly send him memes all day
16. ever go camping? Allllll the time as a kid, but less so now. I was in the scouts, so we went a lot and my family used to go on holiday with a few other families when I was younger, we did it for about seven years until all of us kids were older. I do love it though and as soon as I get my car, I’m planning on buying a tent and going a lot more. 
17. do you take vitamins? Not really 
18. do you go to church every Sunday? I used to, then I came out and got kicked out. Not really religious anymore 
19. do you have a tan? Not currently, but whenever I go abroad, or it gets hot where I live, I tan really well.  
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Hmmm a tough one, but probably Chinese! There are quite a few good places round me, and my sister used to work for a local restaurant so you can imagine we ate it quite a lot 😬
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                                                             Nope! 
22. what colour socks do you wear? Every colour under the sun. I love socks so much. The more colourful and uglier the better 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Nah, I’m still having lessons so my instructor wouldn’t be very happy if I did! 
24. what terrifies you? My friends and family dying. My dog going missing. Never having top surgery. Not enjoying my life. Gah, the list could just go on 
25. look to your left what do you see? My bookcase 
26. what chore do you hate? Probably doing the bathroom or picking up my dogs shit lmao 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? My ex-girlfriend. Shudder. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Fanta! Specifically, orange, fruit twist used to be my favourite, but the classic is just peng as fuck 
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? Into usually 
30. who was the last person you talked to? My sister, we were talking about how shit dinner is going to be 
31. favourite cut of beef? Not a fan of beef really 
32. last song you listened to? Sweet creature by Harry Styles. My Alexa has his albums on shuffle right now
33. last book you read? I’m currently re-reading ‘call me by your name’ which is one of my favourites 
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? Definitely not  
35. how do you like your coffee? Don’t drink coffee unfortunately 
36. favourite pair of shoes? My Dinosaur Vans. They are wicked and my friend recommended them to me after buying a pair herself and they are super comfy 
37. the time you normally go to bed? If I’m working, 8pm because I have to wake up at 3:50am. If I’m not working, about midnight.
38. the time you normally wake up? If I’m working, 3:50am. If I have a day off, around 9am 
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets, I love watching out of my window, reading a good book with my dog curled up on the bed and a chill album playing. Some of my favourite memories are being on holiday or scout camp with my mates and talking as the sunsets. Very zen  
40. how many blankets are on your bed? My duvet, a weighted blanket belonging to my mum which I have stolen temporarily, a grey blanket and my fish blanket. So many….
41. describe your kitchen plates? Mishmash of my grandparents’ old plates, my ones from uni and a few random ones we have had from friends. We are doing up the house, so we wanted ones we didn’t mind breaking. Our nice Gordon Ramsey plates are in the shed hahahaha. Though we have been doing up the house for about three years now, so I haven’t used the fancy plates in an age. 
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Probably the cocktail my sister and I make. It’s vodka, peach schnapps, Malibu, mango juice, mango monster and lemonade. 
43. do you play cards? Not really 
44. what colour is your car? I don’t have one rip 
45. can you change a tire? Yeah! 
46. your favourite province? No idea 
47. favourite job you’ve had? My current job tbf. I work at Waitrose and it’s pretty nice, especially the pay. I have worked at a few places. First being red5 for about 6 months, then I worked at a children’s mental health charity where I loved my colleagues and the groups I ran, but my managers and some of the stuff I had to see and deal with were just terrible. My 18 months there were probably the worst of my life.  
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
TW//////////// Self-harm when I was about 14. I had to have stitches. /////////////////
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? I fed my dog and he was pretty happy about that 😂
I tag @new-brat-in-town @thecrazycreation @yunoaccept @mixmio 
No pressure though!! 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you always carry breath mints? Nope. What is the point of scented pens/pencils/erasers? No point, really. People just like them. *shrug* They were kinda fun to have when I was a kid. Do you buy/wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? We usually just get the plain, simple ones but I don’t mind wearing ones with cute characters or designs. Are you amused by celebrity fashion flubs? I just see some of (a lot of, honestly) the stuff celebrities wear and I’m just like....why? I see the things that are considered fashionable and I really just don’t get it. And they’re not cheap stuff either. What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? I think it’d be interesting to go on a tour of the White House.
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I used to get fun colors and cute designs and such when I was younger, but now I just stick to simple, plain ones. Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? Nah. Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? Oh, those little things that grew when put in water? If so, then yes. Those were really cool as a kid. Would you want to travel into deep space? Nooooo. Just the idea of that is terrifying. Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? No.
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? Yeah. Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? Yep yep. That was like the staple of a 90′s kid room. Does your house have an attic that had stuff in it when you moved in? My house doesn’t have an attic. What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? I wasn’t worked up or dying to see Gretel and Hansel, but I saw it recently and yeah it wasn’t good.  Does/did your school have special dress-up days? Yeah, my elementary, middle school, and high school had those.  What cartoons did you watch when you were little? 90′s shows on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, Kids WB, and Saturday morning cartoons.  Do you eat peanut shells along with the peanuts? No. Have you ever gone white-water rafting? Not for real, no. I’ve only been on the amusement ride version. I definitely couldn’t do the real thing. What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? Honestly, the hardest part for me was always just getting started. Once I got started; though, I was fine. Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? No. This is your chance to get it out! Place random rant here: Nah. How often do you need “me” time? I’m someone who needs time to myself to just do my own thing and rest.  Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? No. I’m all about the convenience of doing things like shopping, paying bills, filling out forms, looking things up, having easy, quick access to various things, etc. Also great when you’re not a social person like me, but can be “social” on various social medias. I can see what people are up to and be in the loop about things without even communicating lmao. That sounds awful, but hey. You can reach more people that way as well.  Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? No. Who is your favorite superhero? Iron Man, Star Lord, Spiderman, and Ant-Man.  KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? I don’t like KFC. What class in school do/did you secretly love? I didn’t have any that I secretly enjoyed.  What animal do you most resemble while eating? Growing up my family always jokingly said I ate like a bird cause I picked at everything. And a sloth cause I was (still am) a slow eater.  Pop-Tarts vs. Toaster Strudels. Discuss: I like both. Not much to discuss lol I just think they’re good. Do you believe there are subliminal messages in songs? I think there can be. Ha, remember the big conspiracy back in the day about playing songs backwards to hear secret messages. Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? Nope. It was awkward, but quick.  Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? I’ve never seen the movies, but from what I know; absolutely not!
Name a song lyric you heard wrong the first time and what it really said: I can’t think of a specific one right now and don’t feel like giving it much thought. Do you text/call while going to the bathroom? (Go multitasking!) No. Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? It usually is. I do charge my phone every night before bed; though, and it’s usually fine throughout the day until the next charge. It just depends how much I use my phone, I guess. And how long I’ll be gone and whether I have access to a charger. My parents and brother have phone chargers in their cars, so. Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? I wanted the food, too. haha. Plus, McDonald’s happy meals used to have these cookies that were shaped like the different McDonald’s characters that were actually really good. Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? Yes. I’ve seen my mom cry on several occasions and my dad cry less than a handful of times, but regardless of how many times, it really hurts me to see them cry.  What are your thoughts on Chuck Norris? I remember when Chuck Norris jokes were a big thing in like middle school for some reason. I never really knew who he was at the time, I just saw in an informercial I think haha. Did you answer that last question with a random Chuck Norris fact? Well, not about him, specifically. I shared a random fact from my childhood involving him.
What is the most annoying sound in the world? That makes me think of that scene from Dumb and Dumber, ha. Anyway, for me one of them is eating sounds. The smacking, sucking, slurping... C R I N G E. Do you honestly care about calories and fat content? No. Do you often shift blame towards others? I’m actually quick to blame myself for everything. I can be understanding and forgiving towards others, but be very harsh, critical, and unforgiving towards myself for the same things.  Do you ever feel like you’re smarter than your boss? I don’t have a job. Your very first best friend: Is he/she STILL your best friend? My mom still is. Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? I liked strawberry and/or chocolate syrup with vanilla ice cream. I’m not a sprinkles gal. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Shoplifting.  What’s the coolest personalized license plate you’ve ever seen? I can’t think of one right now. Did you ever have a piggybank that literally ate your money? No.
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Survey #217
“roses are red, and my heart is black. we creep about the floor to indulge like rats.”
Do you know anyone who works in a laboratory? No. What was the very first social media site you signed up for? MySpace. Can you see yourself marrying your current partner? (if you have a partner) Easily. If you were in a coma, who would be making healthcare decisions for you? My mom. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? Not entirely, but mostly. Do you have commitment issues? Not at all. What was the last thing you had an allergic reaction to? Silver. Have you gone out to dinner in the past week? No. What’s something you’ve done that sounds too crazy to be true? The only thing I think someone would actually find "crazy" would be I've been in a psychiatric hospital five or six times (I seriously can't remember). Are there any flowers planted outside your house? No. Well, not by us. There's a camellia tree by our back door that we didn't plant. What’s the weirdest decoration you’ve seen in someone else’s home? I'unno. I generally don't find decorations strange. Spice up your house with what you like. Did you have your own bathroom when you were growing up? No. Do you know anyone who never disciplines their children? I know of people. What’s the longest you’ve gone without leaving the house? Weeks. Are you more of a practical thinker, or more of an imaginative thinker? I think I can be on either end depending on the situation. Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad does. How well do you know your neighbors? I've never interacted with the ones to the right of us, but Mom knows the woman to the left, and she's apparently very nice. Mom was talking about her just the other day about how she always brings our trash can back to the fence, actually. How far are you into the book you’re currently reading? N/A Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? I don't believe so, at least not permanently. Do any of your exes know each other? Jason and Juan did. Girt and Jason know each other because of me; we all hung out a few times. It's both funny and sad now to know how friendzoned Girt was... ha ha. Sorry man. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? "Dinosaurs didn't exist." What the fuck are fossils then, bitch. What was the very first election you voted in? I haven't voted in any yet. Do you know how to make omelettes? No. I could probably figure it out, but I don't know for sure. What is your favorite summer month? Fuck summer. What do you want to be for Halloween this year? One of the witches from Hocus Pocus would be super cool, but yeah, I don't have the money to even try to make a costume. Do you have a desk in your room? If so, do you use it as a desk that you sit and work at? No. Do you wear band tees? if yes, which one is your favorite? Yes. I love my Metallica one. It's got a really cool design. Would you ever want to live in a home with all-white walls and furniture? "Not white furniture, no. That seems like it’d be a pain to keep clean." <<< Definitely. Do you have pajama days often? I'm literally always in pjs unless I have to leave the house and get out of the car. There's no point in changing otherwise; I'd just be creating more laundry. What is one thing you’re behind on? Instead of the usual "life in general" answer, I'll make it more interesting. RP. Jesus fucking holy Christ, I am over a year behind in SO MUCH because I just haven't had motivation, all the while plots have grown like mad. Thank god my partners are really damn patient, lol. And/or have other business, too. Do you ever re-arrange your room? No. I HATE moving/changing shit. Do you share a room with anyone? No. Who was your first roommate? Jason, Jacob, and Amanda. What season do you want to get married in? AUTUMN!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frosting: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Ice cream: chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla. Milkshake: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, more often. Do you drink protein shakes? EW that shit mad gross. What was the last type of candy you ate? Uhhhh what was it. I don't have candy a lot now, so uh... I think Airheads? What was the last craft project you completed? It was VERY weakly a "craft," but Sara's first Valentine's Day present. Which is better: starting things or finishing them? Finishing. I start things all the damn time and never finish them. What is the highest name-brand thing you own? Good question. What color GameBoy did you have as a kid? Red. What was your favorite GameBoy game? Hm. I liked a lot. We had a whole case of different ones. I suppose maybe the Spyro one I could never get far into. But I liked it anyway because yeah. Spyro. What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? "The Call" probably tops the list, but also you're full of shit if you thought "Larger Than Life" wasn't a fuckin BANGER. Damn, "The Shape of My Heart" was great, too. BSB were/are just great, man. Did you ever wonder what it felt like to get slimed? Ha ha you mean like on Nickelodeon? Yup. Did you ever name a pet after an imaginary friend? I never had one. Do you believe in angels and demons? I don't know. I believe in spirits, but I don't know about actual angels and demons. Do you have a PayPal account? No. What race do you consider yourself? ... You can "consider" yourself a race? You don't get to pick that. Whatever, I'm Caucasian. Should unwanted animals in shelters be killed to make room? Fuck that shit. Should cows be killed for human food? See, this is why I want to return to vegetarianism. TECHNICALLY, no. It's murder upon a conscious, feeling, living being. But at the same time, humans are designed as omnivores, and surviving off of a plant-based diet is, sadly, extremely difficult. It's difficult to obtain the proper nutrients and their advised amounts to be healthy. Therefore, I can't confidently answer this question. I wish they didn't have to be, but human civilization would have an incredibly more difficult time continuing with all meat products removed for consumption. Does the technique used to kill an animal matter to you? I mean if I KNEW, yes, but at least from the research I've done, there's no real "humane" method used to kill livestock. Most live in awful conditions/are already unhealthy, too, and that should matter . Should farmers be allowed to cause suffering in animals to save money? Fuck off. Should production of medicines be justification to cause animals to suffer? No. We neeeeeeed to find other ways. Use pedophiles or some shit. Should violence against animals; such as rodeos/ bullfights be legal? Fuck to the hell no. I get some kind of dark pleasure out of hearing about shitheads being gored and stuff for it, honestly. Should homosexuals be allowed to work with children? This shit pisses me the fuck off. Of course they should be. Like I'm sorry, but your children aren't going to be hidden from them forever. Do you believe homosexuality is caused by genetics? Well yeah. You don't get to choose your sexuality; something has to be responsible. Are Americans are truly free, or suffering from controlled freedom? CONTROLLED FREEDOM JFC TRY TO DENY IT. Are there other countries that offer more personal freedoms? Not that I KNOW of. Like yeah, my above answer clearly states I think America could be better, but I don't know I place where it's actually better. Do you trust your government? Fuck no. They hide a lot of shit. Should religious beliefs outweigh science in the making of laws? Lolololololol no, hunny. Separation of church and state. What is one moment that you missed out on that you wished you didn’t? Hm. OH, that solar eclipse that happened I think last year? We saw nothing here. :< Do you or have you ever had braces? For a long time. Got them on, then didn't have the money to take them off for a while. Can you text? Yeah, but not quickly. I am - usually - very thankful for autocorrect. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? OH BOY HAVE I!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you scared to death of? My mom dying, for one. I DO NOT know what would happen to me. Are you good at art? I'm told so at least; I'm aware I'm at least decent. It also depends on the art form. Are you afraid of needles? Nah. What TV show is the stupidest to you? I honestly had a really big problem (and have, if it's still even on) with the Teen Mom series. Yes, I do in fact believe it made looking like one cooler and more normal than it is. Do you hate being ignored? Yes; I start to think I'm not cared about, badly. Especially if it's family or "friends." Like no, I don't at all expect attention constantly, or even a lot of it, but I think it's only natural people who claim they love you should not pretend they don't know you, particularly when you actually reach out. THEN it hurts. Where do you currently live? North Carolina, please get me out. Do you like marijuana? I wouldn't know. Do you donate to charity? I can't. I seriously don't have money. Where is your favorite place to go out to eat? Olive Garden. What is your favorite TV station? Discovery. Do you think you’re clever? No. Did you wear socks today? No. I avoid wearing socks as much as I can. Know any magic tricks? I don't remember the ones I learned as a kid. Do you sleep well most nights? No. When’s the last time you baked a cake? Never. What’s your preferred frozen snack? Ice cream, yum. Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? CLEAN. It inspires me to do well and with an organized strategy. Do you know any vegans? I don't believe so. Earphones or headphones? I personally prefer earphones since they go into the ear and are just more comfortable than a weight on your head that can move easier. Do you like bananas? Yeah, but the timespan in which I enjoy them is short. They have to be "perfect." What’s a film you’ve seen that confused you? I know there are some, but none are coming to me curr- WAIT NO okay so I saw Warcraft when it came out into theaters, and I barely understood a single thing because the orcs' voices were way too deep. I need to rewatch it with subtitles. Do you ever wear black lipstick? I pretty much always do if I wear lipstick. What would you change about yourself appearance-wise? HEY can I Please fix my fucking weight??? Because I do like everything I can do already & nothing works??? :') How long do you normally spend in the shower? Just short of ten minutes, I think. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? *opens novel of ideas* Don't make me pick just one. When trick-or-treating as a kid, was there any kind of candy that you didn’t like to get? Tootsie rolls, ew. What is your favorite memory of Christmases past? The time my mom, sisters, and I went to a Christmas light show one night, and we got back to the car only to realize Mom left the keys in there. Sooo while we waited for my drunk dad and brother to come help us, we all chilled on the car's hood with chocolate covered peanuts and THE best hot chocolate. That place is no longer around, and I'll forever be mad tilted about it. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? Lmfao remember the days I denied evolution and gay rights? Them were the wild times. When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why? First, paleontologist because I adored (and still adore) dinosaurs, then a vet as I wanted to help animals. In high school, it changed from movie director to game designer. Name the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with. No one. If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? Um like have y'all ever heard of this guy named Mark Edward Fischbach because I have time to enlighten you of all the reasons- What article of clothing most closely describes your personality? Pj pants, lmao. Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them? Steve Irwin. I adore animals in general, push very firmly for conservation, and madly support proper education of wildlife, especially your local kinds. How did you learn to ride a bicycle? I had a bike with training wheels at first, then my dad took them off and would jog alongside me, holding the bars and then releasing them after a few moments for me to go on my own. Repeated 'til I got it! Based on something you’ve already done, how might you make it into the Guinness Book of World Records? This is going to be VERY embarrassing to share, but fuck it. I have so little reason to leave my bed that my legs have actually experienced muscle atrophy. My knees especially are extremely prone to awful pain when standing or walking. I don't really have a way to exercise in this tiny house, my road is too sketchy to walk along, and at least this time of year, I physically can't handle the heat if I was to walk in the back yard. I'm dying to go somewhere where I can swim to fix this shit. I could ramble on forever about how painful it is to be on my feet. I'd be happy enough with even just a treadmill. When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? Hm. I guess foreplay with a girl. I don't exactly experience new things much. What is your concept of a fruitful day? Actually doing productive shit. If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? Violence. What is your best personal characteristic? I am like, incredibly passionate. If I believe in something, you'll know. If I love something, it's to an insane degree. If you had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would your talent be? Being able to hide my thumb under my palm to where it looks like it's entirely non-existent lmao. What is your worst personality characteristic? I am VERY sensitive. I also have a hard time taking criticism without beating my ass up because I feel like I did something "bad." I don't get defensive, I just get hurt. Man, I could go on. There's a lot I don't like about myself. If you had to be a teacher of something, what would you teach? I'd be most interested in teaching science. How would you like to be remembered? I loved ferociously and spoke strong of peace. What is one thing that you constantly think about (other than material things)? The future. Does your country have free healthcare? *points at top five list of things America needs to fucking fix* Does your job allow visible tattoos? N/A How is your road rage? I drive so timidly and rarely that I don't think I really even have a clue. Who are your closest friends and how did you meet them? I'll exclude Sara as she's more than "a close friend." I don't have many close friends otherwise tho, so really... I think only Girt applies. We met in high school band. Well, then there's Alex, but considering she now acts like I don't exist as well, I don't know how close we really are. But anyway, we met in WoW because we were both camping the time-lost protodrake and talking w/ others in the general chat... but she and I really clicked. That was an awesome day. Started some damn adventures with her lmao. Are you still cool with any of your exes? The only two who may still have a problem with me are Jason and Tyler, but I have no bad feelings towards them. What Hogwarts House are you in? I took quizzes once for a survey because I was curious, but I couldn't answer most of the ones I found bc they had HP references I didn't get. But anyway, I think Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were pretty much tied. What’s the next special event in your life? Returning to school. :') Whose birthday is coming up soon? My nephew's. :''''') Do you delete people from Facebook if their views are vastly different than yours? It depends on the views and their severity. Usually I can handle averse opinions if you're actually a friendly person and composed and mature about what you believe and how you express that. What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? Cream cheese. What’s the most important key on your key ring? I only have one, and that's to my house. What was the last argument you got in about and who was it with? AHAHAHAAHAHA okay so. There was a video on FB of a pet meerkat having its belly rubbed, and it was chirping happily. It was very cute, but especially because this video was on a big page, I commented how awful and unhealthy of an idea it is to have a pet meerkat for both it and yourself. It's illegal in a lot of places for good reason. I got a lot of agreement, but of course there was one imbecile who disagreed enough to tell me to shut the fuck up. Now I am normally very, very terrified of confrontation or even the HINT of it, but for once in my life I couldn't have been more unfazed. At what age did you start picking out your own outfits? I don't know. I've come to find via surveys that I can't really remember events by ages. How spicy do you like your food? Pretty spicy. Spicier than most like, but I don't enjoy it when it's just pure pain. What was the last really intense pain you felt? You know that awwwfuuuulll pinch of pain you sometimes get in your ribs when your lungs expand to a certain, small amount? That. I couldn't take deep breaths for anything. What is the best thing that’s ever happened to you? Recovery from the breakup. What are three things you have been a victim of? Uhhhh. Idk, nothing major. What is your passion? Wildlife conservation, probably more than anything. When was the last time you truly felt alive? Ha, good question. How many siblings do you have? Technically six, but I don't know one at all. Are you married? No. Are you dating someone? Yeah. If not, do you wish you were dating someone? N/A Do you want an indoor or outdoor wedding? I'm not sure. What states (or countries) have you lived in? Just one. Does your first crush know you liked them? No. Do you wish on stars? Nope. Are you happier now than you were 10 years ago? I don't know. I can't really remember exactly what I was like at 13. I think I'm maybe happier now? Are you happier now than you were 5 years ago? Yes. ^If not, why not? N/A ^If yes, why? My depression is under control. Do you live in your dream house? Definitely not. What was your first job? Sales clerk at GameStop. ^Did you like it? No, thanks to feral social anxiety. Have you been bullied? No, very thankfully. What do you wish people knew about you? I sincerely care about my loved ones, a lot, even though I have trouble being the one to reach out first. What health issues do you have? A lot. Don't even feel like putting them all together. Do you still cross paths with your first crush ever? No. What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? None. Do you have a secret nobody knows? Yes. It's nothing major, just little things I don't want to share. Who are some of the most selfish people you have ever met? I don't know. Is there anyone you want back in your life? Yes. What color was the house you grew up in? True shit, I somehow don't remember for sure. I think it was brick? What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Charcoal, a cat, was the first pet I had a serious, deep bond with. Do you receive more insults or compliments? Compliments, I guess. Do you meditate? No. Do you pray? No. Have you ever seen a spirit/ghost/shadowy figure, etc.? I've sure as hell seen something. What would you ask a genie for, if you had three wishes? World peace, end of disease, and the end of poverty. When someone messages you and you know it’s going to be rude, do you ignore it and not read it, or do you read it and reply? Honestly, most of the time, I ignore it. I am so, SO sensitive, so my feelings are super easily hurt by what others have to say. Do you find online drama stressful? Yes. Even more than irl drama because you have to wait painstakingly for them to reply, and you can't hear their tone of voice. How stressful is your life? I'm pretty damn stressed for someone who's trapped inside their house lmao. Was any of your home decor inspired by Pinterest? No. Do you do yoga? No. What is something you have tried and hated? Oral is NOT my jazz. Do you have regrets? Yeah. Are you mad at someone? No. What is this month’s calendar picture? I don't have a calendar. What is your last ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s name? Technically Donald. Do you have an ex-friend that you miss? Yep. What color do you want your wedding dress to be? Most likely black. Would you rather go out for pancakes or steak? Pancakes. I like them more in general, and I'm also suuuper picky with steak. What’s your favorite Ramen noodle flavor? The only kind I've ever liked is the Yakisoba brand of spicy chicken. How do you feel when you read the Bible, if you read it? Encouraged? Angry? I don’t read it. Have you ever suffered from anxiety? I had some anxieties as a little kid, and I was officially diagnosed with it in the 6th grade. Have you ever suffered from depression? Since the 7th grade. What is something a lot of people like but you don’t? Pie is what came to mind first. What’s an uplifting song you like to listen to? "High Hopes" by P!ATD. Think about the person you fell hardest for. Why do you think your feelings for this person were so strong? How is he/she different compared to everyone else you’ve had feelings for? Well, he was my first real love. They're always special. I was fucking crazy for him, and it grew to an unhealthy degree. Trust me, you can love too much. He made me happy when so few could back then, and we had a connection unprecedented in my whole life. He himself felt like my home. I could write you a goddamn novel on why I felt so strongly. Have you ever caught your friend cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend? If you have, what did you do about it? If you haven’t, what do you think you would do? No. Quite honestly, I'd tell them. I could NOT keep that a secret. Whether they believe me or not, I'm not withholding that from them. When your last relationship ended, how long was it before you felt ready to think about being with someone else? I know this technically sounds bad, but Sara and I started dating the day after I broke up with him. One of the reasons we split is because I realized I liked her. It was so quick because I never had to "move on;" I never came to be truly interested in him romantically. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to sleep last night? Do you remember what you talked about? Sara and I were texting, but I don't remember about what. When are you at your happiest? When I'm with Sara. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. I don't really remember if I ever kissed Girt. How many of those people are you still friends with? Two. Where did you go, the last time you left your house? Mom and I went to multiple places. She had errands to run. Do you like your singing voice? Rarely. I think it fits only a few songs. Are most silences awkward for you? UH-HUH UH-HUH. Name someone you wish you had never met. Why? Jabari. He was scary and almost assaulted someone in my family. Who has the nicest singing voice, that you know personally? Probably Sara. Say something nice about someone you really don’t care for: He loves his kids to death. Ever won school awards? Yes. Do you drink more soda than anything else? Not anymore, thankfully. Do you curse a lot? I curse possibly more than anyone you know. Have you ever been in a courtroom? Yes. Do you eat a lot around Thanksgiving? No. I actually don't like 99% of Thanksgiving food. Were you a chubby child? No. Are you afraid to sing in front of people? Yes. Do you enjoy your family? Yeah. When did you last dance with someone? I forced Sara to last June lmao. Do you feel awkward watching sex scenes? VERY. Did you ever have senior photos done? No. Are your parents protective of you? Mom is for sure. I don't see my father much, and he's changed a LOT since the divorce, so I can't really answer for him. I know he is to some degree, I just don't know how much. Have you ever been bullied? I've had some mean shit said to me, but I don't believe I've ever really been consistently "bullied." Do you ever help decorate during the holidays? No. I just don't have the motivation and don't really care enough to put things up that're only coming down in two months. Do you have carpeted floors? Only my room and my sis's old one. Can you count to ten in another language? German, yeah. Have you ever been arrested? No. Do you always lock your door at night? Yeah. Do you get allowance? No, never did. Do you have a Facebook? Yes. Do you enjoy the presence of children? In most cases, no.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
What’s your favorite episode for each season?
Aw, heck... this is a terrible question! Like asking what my favorite flavor of ice cream is. It changes, depending on the context, I guess. I mean, gut feeling, first reaction when put on the spot? Hrm...
1.12 Faith
2.13 Houses of the Holy (heck maybe 2.11 Nightshifter) (or 2.01 In My Time Of Dying, I mean that is my favorite song too so... heck) (or 2.09 Croatoan because Ominous Foreshadowing for like... everything for the next few seasons)
3.11 Mystery Spot (aw heck no It’s probably 3.12 Jus In Bello)
4.16 On The Head Of A Pin (or 4.20 The Rapture) (no maybe it’s 4.01 Lazarus Rising)
5.14 My Bloody Valentine (but really 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon) (or heck maybe 5.03 Free To Be You And Me) (no wait, can I change it again and say 5.08 Changing Channels?)
6.15 The French Mistake (yeah, no that’s a lie. really it’s 6.11 Appointment in Samarra, and don’t try to let me tell you otherwise) (no I’m sure it’s 6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe because it’s the only truly good soulless!Sam episode and Dean and fairies is the best fic fodder ever) (or maybe 6.18 because Cowboy Dean and the beginning of understanding just how big Cas’s betrayal has been...) (and since I still feel like I need to make this clear, with 100% honesty I am saying it’s NOT 6.20... that’s at least like... fourth on the list, because while Important™ and heartbreaking and how earth-shattering it is, I’d hardly describe the terrible feelings it gives me as making it a “favorite”... like I skipped over it during my first two or three rewatches because I COULD NOT and can only watch it now because I’ve memorized it to the point it’s lost its initial power to hurt me anymore)
7.14 Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie (nah it’s 7.17 of course because CAAAAASSSSS!) (or wait, probably 7.20 because CHARLIE!) (7.07 because too much real psychic stuff squeezed in through the cracks between all the fake psychic stuff) (oh heck, 7.21 because PLAYING SORRY and Kevin)
8.17 Goodbye Stranger murdered me (but 8.10...) (aw heck who can resist handmaiden Dean and Queen Charlie in 8.11?) (no wait 8.21 because that’s one long series of the most badass things Cas has ever done, like edlund knew cas was gonna fall and become human and was like-- oh okay I got one last shot to use these powers so i’m gonna just.. go nuts with it in a theoretical physics kinda way okay good good)
9.18 Metafiction (but 9.10 is sooooo goooood and 9.06 is divine)
10.14 The Executioner’s Song (no wait... am I actually considering a Bucklemming with 10.16 here? O_O) (or maybe 10.19 The Werther Project, or even 10.09 The Things We Left Behind) (heck there’s also 10.20 because ANGEL HEART)
all of them. just... well okay, most of them... (11.14 The Vessel) (or 11.11 Into The Mystic) (or oh gosh the “how to read gay subtext primer” of 11.19 The Chitters) (11.17 Red Meat, aka the episode 90% of everyone completely missed the point of) (11.21 for the Sad Dean Being Sad and everyone going to save Lucifer, because by lucifer they mean cas) (and duh, 11.23 because I’d called it more than a year earlier. Just all of it.)
12.12 Stuck In The Middle With You (no wait, 12.10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets) (no wait, can I change it back to 12.12?) (hrm... maybe it is 12.10) (maybe we should take both of these episodes and let them fight it out?)
13.06 Tombstone because COWBOY. HATS. (heck maybe 13.05 because OWWWWWW), (or 13.19 Funeralia... what a game changer...)  (13.14 maybe...) (or duh, 13.16 because SCOOBY and the GIANT STUFFED DINOSAUR IN LOVE)
So you see, anon, it’s a really difficult question for me to answer. :P
I have different reasons for picking a lot of these. This is why I don’t even try to keep a “top 10″ list or anything like that.
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guardians-of-blood · 3 years
More incorrect quotes! Hooray! (i will add the title later)
Tsubasa: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Ray, desperately, as Tsubasa bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Tsubasa: Oh! B positive.
Mars: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Kuno: I think you mean cards.
Mars, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.
Pluto: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Mars: Stop romanticizing the past.
Ray: Where are you going?
Tsubasa: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Kayda, in a meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something.
Vian: I saw a squirrel in a tree today!
Kayda, with the tone of someone who is used to Vian: Outstanding.
Kayda: This is what I’m talking about people.
Pyrrhus: Vian was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Vian: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Pyrrhus: Vian, you ate a chair.
Tsubasa: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Kuno's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get him out...
Nina: What's wrong with you?
Celeste: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Tsubasa, texting Ray: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater…
Ray′s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later.
Ray, texting back: Fuck you.
Celeste: There is no future. There is no past. Don't you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact.
Burnet: ...All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Celeste: I wish I was a dinosaur.
Valkyrie: Why? Cause they're big and scary?
Celeste: Because they're dead.
Ray: I failed my safety training course today.
Tsubasa: Why, what happened?
Ray: Well one of the questions was "In case of a fire, what steps would you take?"
Tsubasa: And?
Ray: Well apparently "FUCKING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer.
Tsubasa: We all have our demons.
Tsubasa, grabbing Ray: This one’s mine.
"I’ve been sleeping so little the past few nights that when I go to the alarm app, I click on the “power nap” button. I don’t set up alarms, I set up timers, Ray."
- Tsubasa Amanogawa
Tsubasa: I have an idea.
Ray: A good idea?
Tsubasa: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
"You know what’s funny about Ray? He's my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt him is someone I’d murder, probably."
- Tsubasa Amanogawa
Tsubasa: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Tsubasa: Not you Ray. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Ray: I have no fears.
Kuno: What if one day you woke up and Tsubasa was taller than you?
Ray: I have one fear. 
*on Ellen*
Ellen: So I hear you tweet about wanting to die
Celeste: haha yeah, I do
*Death comes out, creeps up behind her*
Celeste: omg Ellen you didn't 
Kayda: Weird. All my shirts are disappearing.
Noir and Pyrrhus: *wearing Kayda’s shirts for the 5th time in a row* Spooky. 
Celeste: Does anyone have any questions?
Basil: *Stands up* Okay, well I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been going through a lot lately.
Celeste: That’s not a question.
Basil: And I know you’ve often wondered: “Who is Basil, really?”
Noir: Nope, never.
Tsubasa: Until February, I thought your name was Jasper.
Basil: You know, there are times when I look out these windows, and I know you’re all thinking, “What makes the measure of this man?”
Mars: Oh my god, you’d better be dying!
Basil: Look, I’m telling you all, with pride and excitement… and a lot of pride, about the new and improved Basil. Noir, give me a beat!
Noir: Sorry, what?
Basil: When somebody asks for a beat you just, you don't ask a lot of questions. You just get down on it.
Noir: Oh, you want, like, a syncopated thing or, like, a vibey thing?
Basil: Just do it. Hmm? *Basil sings '80s pop rock song about being Bisexual*
*All the Dreamseekers stare at him*
Basil: Oh, come on. You guys aren’t weirded out because I’m bisexual, are you?
Pyrrhus: No, we’re weirded out by the fact that you interrupted the meeting to tell us that.
Celeste: Anyone have questions? Besides Basil, who seems to think that every Dreamseeker meeting is about him for some reason. 
Noir: *Having an existential crisis* Do you know… what it’s like to be afraid of yourself?
Vian, thinking about that time he ate an entire family sized bag of doritos in one evening: God dude I sure do. 
Feliks: Shit, I’m late for school!
Feliks: Oh wait, I’m 20.
Feliks: I’M A TEACHER!!! 
Vian: A spoonful of Nutella counts as lunch, right?
Pyrrhus: Vian, that will kill you.
Vian: I'm only allergic to like four things in it.
Pyrrhus: VIAN!!!!
*somewhere else*
Noir, terrified: What was that?!
Kayda: That was the call of someone who is very pissed and on a mission to fuck someone up.
Basil: So, how’d you convince all of them to betray me? What’d you offer them?
Chalcedony: I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you, and they instantly said yes.
"bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches"
- Kuno Aurich
"So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress"
- Raymond 'Ray' Seidel
Vian: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over his mouth* I said stop eating it.
Tsubasa: *writing a letter*
Tsubasa: Dear Santa,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
Ray: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Tsubasa: All I drank was Redbull!
Ray: How many?
Tsubasa: Eighteen
Tsubasa: Hey, are you okay?
Ray: Yeah.
Tsubasa: You don't look okay...
Ray: Then stop looking.
Mars: Fight me!
Pluto, standing behind him and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
Tsubasa: I'm going to fight the next person who insults Ray.
Ray: I hate myself.
Tsubasa: Alright, square up.
Pluto: Know why I called you in here?
Mars: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.
Pluto: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
Pluto: When's the last time you slept?
Mars: Uh... a few days ago, I think.
Pluto: A few- how many?!
Mars: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...
Pluto: What you need is sleep!
Kuno: When you’re gay in your house with nobody else, you’re homolone
Ray: When you’re bi and there’s nobody else around, you’re biyourself
Basil: Please stop
Feliks: Top 30 reasons Feliks is sorry. Number 5 will surprise you.
Leni: Ray, are you high?
Ray: Am I what?
Leni: High.
Ray: Hi.
Pluto: So what’s for dinner?
Mars, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
Pluto: Am I in trouble?
Mars: Take a guess.
Pluto: No?
Mars: Take another guess.
Pluto, standing with his back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Mars.
Mars: How did you do that without turning around?
Pluto: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Pluto: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Mars: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Pluto: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Mars: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Mars: No! Four to five seconds!
Pluto: Too late!!!
Pluto: I was arrested for being too cool.
Mars: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Pluto: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Mars: Thank you
Pluto: I didn't say that was a good thing
Mars: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Pluto: Okay, truth or dare?
Mars: Truth
Pluto: How many hours have you slept this week?
Mars: ...Dare
Pluto: Go to bed.
Mars: I don’t like this game.
Mars: I’m going to take you out
Pluto: great, it’s a date!
Mars: I meant that as a threat.
Pluto: See you at five!
Mars: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Pluto: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Mars: Absolutely not.
Pluto: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
Mars: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Pluto: Okay, help me please!
Mars: Got two words for you.
Pluto: I bet they won't be helpful.
Mars: Your problem.
Pluto: I was right
Kuno: Why did you give Luth a knife?
Tsubasa: He felt unsafe.
Kuno: Now I feel unsafe.
Tsubasa: Sorry.
Tsubasa: Want a knife?
0 notes
kellexplainsitall · 5 years
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Phew. What a lovely, long weekend. I mean, it's not Aruba -  but it will do!
On Thursday, I lifted and taught spinning, came home and then walked Miles. We finished packing and got on the road around 10. We hit a little bit of traffic getting into DC, but it wasn't bad. Fortunately, our room was ready when we arrived around 12:45, so we dropped our stuff off and wandered off to find lunch. We found a restaurant with a gluten-free menu, where we both inhaled sandwiches. I had a DELICIOUS gluten-free grilled cheese and Tim had a burger, it really hit the spot. We also stopped by Trader Joe's to get some snacks and some stuff for home too. I love TJ's so much!
After we wandered around for a bit, we walked back to the hotel and relaxed by the pool for a little - it was nice to lay there and read and then hop in when we got too overheated. I needed a nap after such a #busy day, so I did that and then we headed out to visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Tim loves dinosaurs, so he was very content.
After that, we walked to a pizza place called Pi. I was getting hangry, but the pizza was really good - I ate a lot of really good food this weekend. We got home around 8, and I went to bed. It was a long day, I had more than 26,000 steps without any running.
We slept in a bit then headed over to the mall. The views were beautiful, but stopping every 5 minutes for traffic was not! Oh well, it was an easy day anyway. I got in 7 miles and a photo shoot and called it a day.
Tim and I had breakfast at the hotel (buffet was included with our package) and then I needed 20 minutes of quiet time (aka laying in a hotel bed) and then we walked over to the Newseum. I had been dying to go there for years and it's closing at the end of 2019, so I am glad we made it. Hands down, it was my favorite museum I ever went to. We spent nearly 3 hours there and I could have spent more. There was just so much to look at and learn.
We eventually wandered off to find lunch, ending up at Poets and Busboys, where we both got a salad (so weird for me, but I will take it if I am craving it) and split sweet potato fries (aka I ate 95%).  After eating, we went back to the pool, but I started to not feel well at all, so I went to the room to lay down and it was a rough night. From 4:30 on, I barely left bed. I was so nauseous, I could not even read my book. I just had to lie there. I was super disappointed that we had to nix our plans to go out to eat and visit another museum but I just felt so awful and had no energy.
So I had an almond butter and jelly sandwich and a pint of halo top and Tim had arepas and we sat on the deck and relaxed. Not the night we had planned, but it was still pleasant.
I joined a DC running store for their group run. It was .... alright. The store was super unorganized. No one greeted me or was particularly friendly. I ran 10 miles with two girls, it was fine. I had hoped they would have had a better route, but nope. All stop lights again, we were stopped at least every half mile - it's hard to get any momentum. Also, no water fountains or bathrooms on the route? I was disappointed, but you can't win them all.
After a quick shower, Tim and I hit the buffet, where I ate my weight and fruit and then we got on the road. We didn't hit much traffic and were home by noon! Miles was very excited to see us, and Tim went off to the bar to watch the Spurs, while I got organized. I forgot I was supposed to run a nautical mile (1.151 miles, don't even ask) for a reddit thing I am doing, so I set out to do that. Our morning miles weren't particularly fast and my legs were itching to move. I did a 1.151 mile warm up, turned around and went off. I was hoping to average sub-7, and I was so shocked/thrilled to average 6:25 for the whole thing! These legs still got a little bit of speed.
After a short cooldown, I went back to organizing our lives. Tim got home around 3, so we went to Aldi and Giant. At Giant, we were buying things like ice cream (Tim), halo top (me) and frozen waffle fries (me). I was like ... If you can't tell someone is knocked up from this cart, then...
We ate dinner and watched half of Bohemian Rhapsody before calling it a night.
I got up early and ran a few before meeting everyone. On my solo miles, I saw: my old running group (LOL), a lot of Muslims celebrating a holiday on the island with a HUGE police presence and then I got stuck in a herd of the cycling club because they were riding SO SLOW they could not pass me. That was stressful. Thankfully, once I picked up Rebuck, Molly, Jenny and Tim, it was fine and enjoyable! The weather was so tame for mid- August, temperatures in the low 60s! Post-run, Tim and I went to Costco and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
I had the best day of eating EVER yesterday. First, I had paleo pancakes (from a mix) with syrup and CHOCOLATE CHIPS. I can't even tell you the last time I had syrup or chocolate chip pancakes (ok, these were healthy ones, but whatever). It's been years. It was amazing.
After that, Miles and I went to Wildwood for a 3-mile walk. He loved it, of course.
Then, I had vegetable soup with nut thin crackers and cheese! For dinner, I had an almond butter and jelly sandwich on TOAST and it was seriously heavenly and I may eat it every day from now on. We also split some waffle fries from the freezer.
It was AMAZING. The best day of food in months! And it was the best I've felt in months. Nausea wasn't as prevalent (still there).
Another beautiful morning, I actually felt cold when I walked out the door - it's supposed to go back to hot today, but I sure enjoyed this morning's easy run. I have to work 5 days this week, I am not happy.
0 notes
bruitist · 7 years
Thingy @realkaijuhavecurves tagged me in. I’m not gonna bother to tag other people, because I’m lazy ...
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Old Jamaica diet ginger beer 2. Phone call: God knows. I avoid using the phone whenever possible. 3. Text message: Bethan asking for tea 4. Song you listened to: A World Alone by Lorde is currently playing 5. Time you cried: ... possibly watching Moana? I can’t remember a more recent time.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Yep. Engaged to her now. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Obvs. 8. Been cheated on: Yeh. 9. Lost someone special: Yep. 10. Been depressed: Nah. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Purple, grey-blue, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yep. 16. Fallen out of love: Nope! 17. Laughed until you cried: Yep. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Apparently our DM tells people about my character because he really likes them?? 19. Met someone who changed you: Don’t think so. 20. Found out who your friends are: Got to know some new people better. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: If Beth counts.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: About 85%. 23. Do you have any pets: No :( 24. Do you want to change your name: I did when I was a kid. It’s very dull. But I can’t really be bothered these days. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Played board games with Bethan :D 26. What time did you wake up: Sometime after 12pm 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: My history says I was reading Twitter 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Thought Bubble. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Christmas. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: More time and more motivation to do the stuff I want to do. 31. What are you listening right now: Still Lorde. But it’s The Love Club now. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I lived with one for a year. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The ice cream van annoyed me earlier because it meant I couldn’t hear what I was watching. 34. Most visited Website: Here. Or Twitter.
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Doesn’t everyone have them? 36. Mark/s: 5 out of 10. 37. Childhood dream: Dinosaurs. 38. Haircolor: Brown. 39. Long or short hair: I miss my long hair sometimes, but I think I look better with short. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Always. 41. What do you like about yourself: I have excellent taste. 42. Piercings: Nope. 43. Bloodtype: I know it’s O, because I couldn’t be anything else, but that’s it. 44. Nickname: Nope. 45. Relationship status: Engaged. 46. Zodiac: Gemini 47. Pronouns: Whatever. 48. Favorite TV Show: Elementary. 49. Tattoos: Just one. I want some more at some point. 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Is indeed a thing that’s happened to me. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Not for years. 53. Sport: No thank you. 55. Vacation: Not since 2010. 56. Pair of trainers: Vans at the moment,
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I had some Dairy Milk earlier. 58. Drinking: We had this one. 59. I’m about to: Go to bed. 61. Waiting for: Not much. 62. Want: The flat to clean itself. 63. Get married: Eventually when we can be bothered/Beth is up to it. 64. Career: Going well, thanks.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Unexpected hugs are great. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes are prettier, lips are more fun. 67. Shorter or taller: I like being able to reach things. 68. Older or younger: I’m going grey :( 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I have no preference on this? 71. Sensitive or loud: What? 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Neither?
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Of course. 75. Drank hard liquor: See above. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yeh. 77. Turned someone down: Yeh. 78. Sex on the first date: Nope. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe? 80. Had your heart broken: Yeh. 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yep. I wasn’t really ever good at anything else.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Nah. 85. Miracles: Nah. 86. Love at first sight: Maybe. 87. Santa Claus: Nah. 88. Kiss in the first date: Why wouldn’t you? 89. Angels: Nah.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Alex, if Beth doesn’t count. 91. Eyecolor: Blue. 92. Favourite movie: I honestly don’t know.
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eorumverba · 8 years
Jongtae where Taemin has a mad crush on Jjong but he has a girlfriend and its angst?
It’s almost pathetic, how inevitable it is, for Taemin to fall so completely in love, but he doesn’t mind. It’s romantic this way, being in love with his best friend, the person that loves him most.
Taemin has known Jonghyun for most of his life - since Jonghyun was ten and he was seven. They’ve grown up together, and Jonghyun was Taemin’s first everything, from first friend to first kiss. So it makes sense for Jonghyun to be Taemin’s first love as well - and if it were a perfect world, Jonghyun would love Taemin back, and they would kiss and date each other and get married and live together until they both died, still together, always together.
But it’s not a perfect world.
It’s almost pathetic, how inevitable it is, for Taemin to fall so completely in love, but he doesn’t mind. It’s romantic this way, being in love with his best friend, the person that loves him most.
Until he meets Kim Gwiboon.
And no, that’s not it…Gwiboon isn’t the one at fault, not really. She’d moved from Daegu to Seoul, been paired with Taemin in dance class, and from then, it’d been history. Gwiboon is intelligent, beautiful and she deserves the world - and she knows it. Gwiboon’s sharp tongue makes people shy away, but Taemin is one of the few that knows how truly soft she is, how vulnerable she can be and how fiercely loyal she is. He wishes he could love her.
But it all clicks one afternoon when Gwiboon barges into Taemin’s room while Jonghyun is over.
“Hello,” she says, crossing her arms and raising one perfectly plucked brow after flipping her bangs from her face, “you’re in my spot.”
“Your spot-”
“Gwiboon, Jonghyun. Jonghyun, Gwiboon.”
“I don’t really care, Taeminnie. Come on, let’s get ice cream. My treat.”
“No, Taemin and I were working on a project.”
“And what was your project? Poker?” Gwiboon gestures dismissively to the deck of cards on the bed before scoffing and directing her next words to Taemin, “ice cream.”
“Why don’t we all get-”
There is a resounding no from both Gwiboon and Jonghyun, and Taemin sighs. A sharp, almost obnoxious laugh from Gwiboon, and she spins on her heel, calling out a, “I’ll go then.” before shutting the door behind her.
Jonghyun huffs and flops down, head falling easily into Taemin’s lap as he brings Taemin’s hand to his hair, a wordless demand to be petted. “I hate her.”
“No you don’t, hyung. You barely know her.”
“Still hate her.”
Gwiboon promptly texts Taemin a I hate him, he looks like a dinosaur. So Taemin decides that he’ll make Gwiboon and Jonghyun be friends, one way or another.
And that is his undoing.
Taemin somehow manages to get both Gwiboon and Jonghyun to get pizza one day at his house - they both end up agreeing that pineapples on pizza suck, and they turn to each other, startled. Gwiboon has a soft smile on her lips, and Jonghyun lets out a startled little laugh, and from then on, Taemin is the third wheel among his two best friends. He doesn’t mind though, not really - not when they both look so happy.
He minds when Gwiboon tells him how cute Jonghyun is, what a good singer he is, what a natural born performer he is. He minds when Jonghyun giggles over messages Gwiboon sends him, that he’s always on his phone, that every other sentence has Gwiboon’s name in it.
He minds when he texts Jonghyun asking if he wants to come over, and Jonghyun messages back that he’s taking Gwiboon on a date. A date.
Taemin minds when he leans over the edge of the bed and pukes - and all that comes up are soft purple petals.
He’s known that the Hanahaki Disease exists, but he never…thought he’d get it.
Because in a perfect world, Jonghyun would be taking him on a date, not Gwiboon. They’d have kissed in Taemin’s room, confessed either just before or just afterwards, and the rest would be history.
Not this, not Taemin dying over one-sided love while his love cavorts all over with his new girlfriend. Because there’s no way Gwiboon will say no, not now, not ever.
To Jjong-hyung: hey
To Jjong-hyung: i love you, you knwo that?
From Jjong-hyung: haha ya iilyt dude
From Jjong-hyung: movies abt to start ill message later k
From Gwiboon: stp txting jong lmao
To Gwiboon: sorry
To Gwiboon: have fun
From Gwiboon: r u ok?
From Jjong-hyung: tae gwiboon said you’re upset??
To Jjong-hyung: im fine. have fun
To Gwiboon: dnt worry about it. have fun
Neither of them answer - or maybe they do, but Taemin turns his phone off and curls up in bed, silently cries himself to sleep so no one in his family will hear and come investigate.
Taemin deletes all of his social media accounts - his Snapchat and Twitter and Tumblr and Instagram feeds are only of Jonghyun and Gwiboon, and while he’s definitely happy for them, he doesn’t like coughing up hyacinth petals every time he sees a picture of them. (After some research, Taemin finds out that hyacinths mean sincerity, and that purple hyacinths symbolize asking for forgiveness and deep regret. Fucking ironic.)
Jonghyun and Gwiboon find out together - they both come into Taemin’s room, deep frowns on both of their faces. “You’ve been avoiding us,” Gwiboon says, blunt as ever, “why?”
Taemin doesn’t answer, already feeling petals bubbling up in his throat, and Jonghyun tries this time. “Taeminnie, I missed you. Didn’t you - miss me too?” And there is so much raw emotion in his voice that Taemin claps a hand over his mouth to avoid crying out because he missed Jonghyun so fucking much.
“Taemin, open your mouth.” It would be Gwiboon, Taemin thinks grimly. He shakes his head, but he doesn’t protest when Jonghyun gently pulls Taemin’s hand down. Just seeing the worry and love in Jonghyun’s eyes is enough to make Taemin push him away so he can vomit handfuls of petals on the floor in front of him.
And it’s silent.
Gwiboon doesn’t even ask Taemin if he’s going to get the surgery - she knows him too well. She just gathers him in her arms and lets him cry.
And after the funeral, she and Jonghyun linger - Jonghyun’s eyes are dry, and it worries her. Because Jonghyun had been inconsolable when he heard of Taemin’s death, had burst into tears at the mere thought of him. But now - Gwiboon peeks up at him out of the corner of her eye, worrying her lip as she sees him standing stock still, eyes dry and cold.
He’s still staring down at Taemin’s tombstone (in loving memory - beloved brother, son and best friend), and he starts at Gwiboon’s touch, like he’d forgotten she was there.
“Sorry, I - I remember the first time I met him…he was seven and I was ten. I went to his house and we played xbox…god. It seems like so long ago.”
“It was.”
“I just wish he’d told me,” Jonghyun’s voice breaks and Gwiboon feels relieved when he begins to cry, “I should’ve noticed how bad he was, I should’ve done something!”
“He doesn’t blame you. He hid it very well.”
“I was his best friend, Gwiboon.”
“You are his best friend.”
Jonghyun crumples to the ground at that and lets out a poorly muffled sob, not flinching when Gwiboon joins him and wraps her arms around him. He’s shaking (or maybe she is) and Gwiboon lets him cry, waits for him to calm down before standing with him and pulling him away from Taemin’s grave.
They come back every year with a bouquet of hyacinths for Taemin’s tombstone.
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nanalikessurveys · 4 years
A! Do you drink Alcohol frequently? I don’t What Age are you? I’m 21 Do you like Apples? Not really, they are not my fruit of choice Do you believe in Aliens? I’m pretty sure were not the only planet with some kind of life in it Who is your favourite Actor/Actress? James McAvoy. but i like Matt Damon, Leonardo Dicaprio and Jeremy Renner as well
B! Do you like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air? I don’t know what that is
Were you ever scared about getting Bats stuck in your hair? ..no. i’ve never even seen bats Are you always the Banker when you play Monopoly? I don’t think i’ve ever been the banker. it’s been forever since i’ve played monopoly
Do you like going to the Beach? If it’s warm yes Who do you think is the most Beautiful person in the world? My mother C! Do you like Cats? I love cats Are you Charismatic? I wouldn’t call myself that Do you like laying down to look at the Clouds? I don’t do that Are you a pro at Checkers? Noo not at all Has someone ever called you Cheap? No D! Are you more of a Dog person? I’m not, i love cats Do you like Disney films? Yes Do you still Decorate the house for holidays? I don’t decorate my apartment. my my mom does a little Do you have a Dressing gown? I have Do you think Dinosaurs are awesome? Not really, lol E! Have you ever ran up the down Escalator? Or ran down the up one? I have What did you Eat last? I ate banana yogurt last night What’s the most Expensive gift you’ve ever received? I got my first smartphone when i turned 12. so that How do you like your Eggs? Scrambled or omelette Have you ever been so angry you thought you might Explode? I don’t remember, i guess i haven’t F! Would you ever want to be Famous? Not really. not super famous anyway Do you think you’re Funny? I don’t Are Flashing lights fun? Uhh i guess lol When was the last time you Flew in a plane? End of summer 2018 Has a Folding chair ever un-folded and squished you while you were on it? Haha no G! Did you ever wear Glasses, even though you didn`t need them? No Have you ever eaten Glue? Nope Do you Give to charity? I haven’t done that. but i want to someday
Do you think Goats are cute? Sure H! When was the last time you High-fived someone? Forever ago Do you dye your Hair? I haven’t dyed it in ages
Are you Happy with your life? Mostly yes When was the last time someone physically Hurt you? Uhh ages ago Do you always wear a Helmet when you go cycling? I don’t go cycling because i don’t even own a bike anymore, but when i was younger and owned a bike i did wear a helmet
I! What’s your favourite flavour of Ice-cream? Vanilla. or cookies and cream Could you ever live in an Igloo? Nope Do you know what an Icoceles triangle is? Yes What’s the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen? I have no idea Do Insects freak you out? Yes, every single one of them lol J! When was the last time you completed a Jigsaw? It’s ben awhile Do you like Jam? Yes, strawberry jam is the best. or orange jam if it’s with a croissant Tell me a Joke! Noooo
Are you Jealous of anyone? People who are happy with themselves
K! Who was the last person you Kissed? ...my ex Do you have a nice Kitchen? It’s okay Do you like Kiwi fruit? Not really, they just make my tongue tingle lol Do you find Knock-Knock jokes hilarious? Sometimes Do you tend to Keep a bunch of stuff you really don’t need? Yes L! Do you think walking under a Ladder is bad luck? Nah Have you ever been inside a Limo? No Do you really hate Losing? It’s not my favorite. but i don’t midn it usually Do you like playing with Legos? I did when i was younger Do you think you have a cool Laugh? Noo haha M! Did you collect Marbles as a kid? I had some marbles but i didn’t collect them Do you look in the Mirror a lot? I guess the average amount? Do you have a Moustache? No Could you live without Music? I could but it would be fucking boring Do you like going to Museums? Yes, i love museums N! What’s your Name? Nana Do you like your Neighbours? I don’t know them Do you watch the News? No, i prefer to read them What`s your favourite Number? I don’t have one O! Do Opposites really attract? They can Would you hate working in an Office? I wouldn’t hate it but it’s not my dream job to work in an office Are you Open-minded? Yes Do you think Olives are gross? Yes P! When was the last time you made Pancakes? Last week i think Are you wearing Pajamas? Well yeah i slept with these clothes Have you ever been to Paris? Yes Can you play the Piano? Not anymore Do you Pull the door that says Push or Push the door that says Pull often? Not often but yeah i do that sometimes Q! Are you a Quiet person? I am Do you ask too many Questions when you first meet someone? No Are you a Quick learner? Not usually Did you know that Mythbusters proved that a Quack can echo? I didn’t lol Do you know anyone called Quentin? No R! Do you smile everytime you see a Rainbow? Nope Do you listen to the Radio all the time? I never listen to the radio Can you Roller-blade? Not really Do you take a Rubber-duck in the bath with you? I don’t take baths Can you Run fast? Pretty fast S! What makes you Scared? Way too many things Don’t you think Sellotape is cool? What is that Do you get Sick a lot? No, i’m rarely sick Do you still own a Slinky? Not anymore T! Did you like Thomas the Tank Engine when you were a kid? No, i thought he was creepy hah When was the last time you were in a Taxi? 2018 Are you Thirsty? Yes Do you always remember to say Thank-you? I think so Do you take care of your Teeth? I do now U! Do you own an Umbrella? No Do you live Underneath anyone? Yes Do you think hanging Upside-down is fun? Sure Have you ever put water in a rubber-glove and pretended they were Udders? Lol no Do you think you are Ugly? ..yes V! Do you live in a Village? No Do you have a cool Voice? No What’s your Vice? Idk Do you still own any old Video’s? My parents do Do you think you could survive in the Victorian era? Tbh no W! Are you too Warm right now? No, i’m cool now Do you like Weetabix? Noo, i hate it Do you wear a Watch everyday? I never do Are you cautious about your Weight? No, i don’t care how much i weigh, it’s more like how i look like Do you get Worried a lot? Yes X! Do you like to play the Xylophone? Sure Did you ever watch Xena: Warrior Princess? No Have you ever been X-Rayed? Couple times Are you Xenophobic? No Did you know that X is 10 in Roman Numerals? Yes Y! Do you like Yogurt? I love yogurt Was Yesterday better than today? It’s the same Do you like the colour Yellow? Yes How are You? I’m ok Do you Yell a lot? No Z! Do you think a horse painted to look like a Zebra is cool? ..no
Do you know your Zodiac sign? Libra Do you take Zinc? No Did you know that Steve Irwin said to run in Zigzags to escape a Croc? I didn’t. i used to watch his show alot tho
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