#i really could not care less if you disagree with the actual literal game
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toomanycharr · 1 year ago
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A reminder that male and female charr have different horn/ear set ups!
(Of course, do what you want but- It seems a lot of newer charr people just don't know!)
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h0nkch0c0late · 1 year ago
i will literally do anything for jordan li x fem reader
enemies to lovers
Oh my God anon you are setting me up for such a good plot....you have too much faith in me.
Top Five
Jordan Li x Reader
SUMMARY: You and Jordan had always fought about everything. Whether it was because of something you two disagreed on, or a simple topic, but it was always mainly due to your Top Five rankings. While Marie was put in #1, you stayed in place at #3. As they say: the enemy to your enemy is your friend :)
WARNINGS: swearing, slight Gen V spoilers, implications of sex (not specifically written)
You and Jordan had been enemies since you could remember. Both of your parents had been close friends, and thought that their children would be the same.
That had never been the case, though, as you two had been each other's sworn enemies since the day you had met.
Why? Neither of you really had a reason. It had nothing to do with your powers, and most times your arguments had no real...argument. just pointless yelling.
But then, as you grew up, and you both entered Godolkin, it became more than just pointless arguments.
You spent every day trying to prove who the better person was. Which one was liked best, which one performed the best, etc...
It didn't help your case that Jordan was all buddy-buddy with the headmaster, Professor Brink, which let them be in with the popular crowd.
That didn't prevent you from being #3 for the top five, of course, but you were still upset.
Its not like you weren't friends with the "popular" crowd either, being friends with Cate Dunlap and Andre Anderson had its perks.
The only downside was that you were constantly in the same room with Jordan when you all hung out together, and she INSISTED on glaring at you every time.
Your response to it was always sticking your tongue out at them like a child, to which they always rolled their eyes.
To you two, it was like a game of cat and mouse, and neither of you could figure out which was which.
To your friend group's eyes on the other hand, it was a game of "who will kiss who" first. They saw your constant fighting as blatant flirting that neither of you were willing to admit.
So, when Marie Moreau came to the school, and Luke had killed himself along with killing Brink, you two finally had someone to be genuinely enemies with.
After all, the enemy to your enemy is your friend, right?
So, while Jordan was thrown to #5, and Marie moved up to #1, you couldn't stop glaring at Marie every time you walked past her.
As you walked down the path towards the dorm rooms, you had noticed Jordan standing there, clearly upset.
Ever since their rating had gone down, it was like they were a ghost to the rest of the school. You could relate, however, as being #3 wasn't as nice when the top 2 were being practically worshipped for something they hadn't even done.
So, gathering up your courage, you walked over to him, lips casted into a frown, "you okay?"
Her upset expression turned into one of annoyance (defense mechanism due to the fact her enemy was talking to her), and she groaned, "why do you care?"
You rolled your eyes, expecting nothing less from the supe in front of you, "because ever since Marie got to #1 and you got pushed, you've become a ghost. And you seemed pretty upset so...I don't know."
"You're still #3. You shouldn't be caring about anybody who's below you." They scoffed, their eyes refusing to meet yours.
You sighed, "the enemy to my enemy is my friend, I guess? Look, Jordan," You paused for a moment, "I know we aren't the best of friends, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how close you and Brink were and what happened fucking sucks."
Jordan's eyes moved to look at you, her frown slightly disappearing as she noticed that you actually genuinely cared. "Yeah, I'm fine."
You tilted your head, furrowing your eyebrows as you knew that they were lying, "there's no need to lie to me. We may hate each other but I do know you."
Jordan sighed, "can we not do this here?"
You gave them a look of confusion, "Okay...where do you wanna-"
You were cut off by Jordan taking your hand and dragging you off to their dorm room, and suddenly you found yourself sitting on their bed as they began to pace around. "Of course I'm not okay! Marie took all of the credit for something she didn't even do! She fucking took off! She ran! And it seems like I'm the only one pissed the fuck off about it because come ON! you did more than her! You actually tried to talk to him! You tried to talk him down and yeah it didn't work but you tried! And I fought him! Where the fuck is our credit, huh?!" Jordan ranted, getting angrier by the second.
Your frown deepened as you watched Jordan get heated, "Look, yeah, I'm angry I didn't get any credit, but at the end of the day, the rankings aren't that important to me. And yeah, I'm stuck at #3, but it's been like that for a while. I'm fine with not getting any credit because at the end of the day, it wouldn't have changed anything. You would have been #1, and Andre would have been #2. I care more about the fact that I lost a friend." You explained, standing up and walking over to Jordan, grabbing their hands in your own to stop their pacing.
She stopped in her tracks, her eyes downcast at your interlocked hands, head low to hide the rising blush that began to cover her cheeks.
"But I thought you did care. Yknow, our constant fighting and all?" Jordan questioned.
You chuckled, "Jordan, I constantly fought with you because thats what we do. We're supposed to be enemies, remember? Enemies fight."
Jordan stared at your hands for a bit longer before gathering the courage and looking up, "what if...what if I don't wanna be enemies anymore?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "what do you-"
You were cut off by Jordan planting their lips on your own, and you didn't hesitate to kiss back as your hands let go of their's and cupped their face.
And soon enough, you were back on her bed.
It's a little rushed but fuck it we ball 😎
Also, how do we feel about me calling yall gentlebitches bc I find it kinda funny
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vegantinatalist · 1 month ago
I respect vegans' love of animals, really I think animals deserve more compassion than they get. I am personally not vegan. I do not think it is wrong to eat the body of something that was once alive. Tbh thats including humans given the individual had consented, (ideally similar to how organ donations work). I think it is wrong to torture animals such as what factory farms do, I'm a strong believer in small-scale hunting and ethical farming, we as a species have been eating meat in some capacity for thousands of years, the best we can currently do is be kind about it. It's something we have to reconcile with as a species. Truly I don't think a vegan revolution will be viable until we have affordable lab-grown meat.
I disagree with everything you said, heres why. -"I respect animals" then immediately proceeds to call them "things". You respect humans because you considered their consent and previous lives in the matter and how your action may have affected them, you did not with animals. Animals do not consent to being raped farmed and slaughtered. Meat doesnt come from the sky. Vegans dont revere dead bodies either. This is not some religious crap. We care about the harm being caused to the living as a result of paying an evil industry and supporting an evil practice. We want to stop the breeding of animals for the sake of exploiting them. Vegans do not necessarily love nonhuman animals at all. Plenty dislike being around or are indifferent to nonhuman animals. Veganism is not rescue, its not about having a sex-buyer-like savior boner for them like carnists do. It's just sparing them and leaving them the fuck alone and not tormenting them. -The only way small farms are consistently "more ethical" is just that not as many animals are being abused. Any revolting disgusting practice you have seen a large scale farm practice, I have seen a small scale farmer do the same or worse. I have seen farmers prostituting their barn animals, I've seen countless horrific hoarding cases that arent technically illegal and so no one can do anything about it, I've seen every horrific practice from teeth cutting and tail docking to too small enclosures, shutting animals out to intentionally cause them to die by exposure, killing with a hammer etc etc etc. -There is no such thing as ethical exploitation. The animals in hunting zones are raised in game farms. Even if they werent, hunting is not ethical. I've seen deer with their jaws blown off slowly starving to death and every kind of terrible injury you can imagine, many inflicted on purpose. Not to mention how hunting is a practice that attracts sadists and abusers and preens their violent tendencies, increasing rates of domestic violence. -Appeal to tradition fallacy. And no it's not the best we can do lmfao veganism and not killing them is very obviously better than "being nice about how we kill them". You dont have to reconcile shit. Stop doing it. Literally just stop. Spare them. You have other food available that is nutritionally complete and cheaper that takes less resources to grow and distribute. A vegan revolution is and always has been viable since the dawn of man. People were opposing animal agriculture since it's inception. Pythagorus and his students didnt need lab grown meat in 470 BCE. Benjamin Lay didnt accept slavery of humans or animals in any capacity and refused to use horses and lived just fine. Coretta Scott King and Dexter Scott King both spoke of veganism being the next logical step to antislavery and were vegan animal rights activists. Alex Hershaft. I could go on and on and on. Please discuss this more with me if you are interested, or spend time immersing yourself in content made by animal rights activists and learn what we are actually trying to inform people of.
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flagellant · 2 years ago
I’m a trans Jew and I know you can’t actually verify that because this is anon but (1) even if you could see my profile that wouldn’t prove anything, people can lie on the internet and (2) no way am I putting myself out here on this topic, people are crazy, I don’t want to be harassed
But like, I don’t really care that much about JKR. You want to play a game? Fine, play it, but donate at least as much to a trans or jewish charity. Fine, participate in fandom, but spend ~as much time and effort on fighting transphobia and antisemitism.
(I know the common refrain, that activism/money don’t matter as much as the symbol of playing the game, but that’s bullshit, money and activism are more helpful than the game is harmful)
Obviously other Jews and trans people disagree. That’s cool, we’re not a monolith, and my opinion isn’t a weapon to be used by people as “giving permission” for them to be uncritical JKR fans. But you can choose to be a fan of a thing and still support people who are harmed by the creator of that thing, and I really doubt that most people who do that are doing more harm than good. I don’t like criticizing people for being less-than-perfect.
Anyway. I kinda doubt you’ll post this. Big fan of your blog, even though we disagree sometimes. I hope you have a nice day and that my rant hasn’t been too annoying.
"Its actually fine to be a fan of the books The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Atlas Shrugged, just donate to Jewish charities and spend the same amount of time that you post about Atlas Shrugged building up your community!" you're, respectfully, insane, and while i know i'm goy and therefore don't speak as an authority myself i feel like this is absolutely not a valid "two jews three opinions" situation and i am under literally zero obligation to respect you and your feelings any more than i would a Log House Republican
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cursed-blade-gf · 8 months ago
First Impression Best to Worst Boss Fights in Shadow of the Erdtree
DLC has been out for a minute and I’ve done my initial runthrough and taken as much as I could from it. Suffice to say, I did love it a lot and thought that it has a solid amount of staying power. This list covers the main bosses only (and a few notable side bosses) and as usual, unless you don’t care about SPOILERS, I recommend not reading past this point:
Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame: Now, already, I feel like people are gonna disagree with me. Hear me out. When I first hit this fight, I was like “they integrated a PVP-centric status condition into a boss fight. How is that fair?”. And then I thought about it for a second. No fight style makes this fight easier. No weapon, no spell, no armor makes this fight easier. It is as you see it. This man’s attacks can cover almost an entire room, snipe you from a thousand miles away, his melee attacks hit like a train, and builds up your Frenzy, which can leave you vulnerable and chunk your health and FP. But, he also is easy to stagger, he doesn’t move very fast, and his attacks are telegraphed a year in advance. It’s perfect. He doesn’t have a ton of health, but he is absolutely savage. He’s what difficulty SHOULD be and the sigh of satisfaction when you beat him is REAL. You can’t really cheese or simplify this boss beyond KILL HIM and it’s so refreshing to find a boss that no matter your choice of loadout, Midra will keep you on your toes in the most horror game-like way. Also lore wise, the vibes in this entire area were unsettling and immaculate and the “Eyes of Sauron/Winter Lantern” enemies actually made me jump in that horror game fun way and I adored it.
Messmer, The Impaler/Base Serpent: Now, this was the fight I forced myself to learn through sheer force of will. I literally slammed my head against this man for a day because I knew that the only thing that was killing me was my own arrogance and IT PAID OFF. By the end when I finally beat him, I adored this fight. This man lets you fucking have it, but at no point did it ever seem unfair or bullshit or, hell, even free. This fight is a perfect mix of cinematic, difficult, and a riot to learn and improve at and I genuinely look forward to this fight each playthrough now.
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight: A scaled-up version of my favorite base game Dark Souls 3 boss and she didn’t disappoint. Incredible fight, solidly learnable, and definitely one of the highlights of my first runthrough.
Bayle the Dread: The quickest love-hate relationship I’ve ever had the pleasure to wade through. In my first ten tries, I could not help but think “this is the worst. What can I do against this man except die?”. But the more I fought him, the more I enjoyed it and the more fair I found it. He is overwhelming, yes, but his tells are obvious and when you recognize the areas his attacks affect, he becomes a lot less oppressive. He also has the greatest phase 2 transition of all time. I mean my love for Placie has grown over the past few months, but I think Bayle edges out for Second place in best Dragon fights in Elden Ring. Fortissax takes first.
Scadutree Avatar: This fucker seems easy at first, and then he starts driving around. I severely underestimated this boss at first due to how much damage he was taking compared to everything else. Then he hits second phase and until then, I’d never been jumpscared by a sunflower before. Still not the hardest boss by any means, but definitely checks you at the door.
Romina, Saint of the Bud: I mean, outside of the obvious, I don’t know why I enjoyed this fight. Her rushdown is legendary and she deals in Scarlet Rot, so you’d think I would hate this fight. But her tactics ended up being fairly straightforward, her Rot wasn’t as oppressive as I thought it would be, and she really is such an aesthetically pleasing fight.
Putrescent Knight: The goofiest looking creature on this list by far, but this dude kicked my ass several times. He definitely came with his fair share of surprises, but he never felt overly obnoxious or overstayed his welcome. Not the most fun fight, but definitely worthy of more praise than scorn.
Allies of Miquella: Debated putting this in here because it’s more of a PVP standoff than a boss fight, but I feel it’s worth a mention. Nothing particularly exciting, but it definitely is much more of a marathon than I was expecting and a very difficult one at that. Come prepared here. These people don’t pull punches.
Ghostflame Dragons: More a mention than anything. Nothing unique, but it did force me to rethink how to fight dragons a la Darkeater Midir which I enjoyed.
Metyr, Mother of Fingers: Well, we had to hit the lower half eventually. Metyr doesn’t have a ton of health which puts her up here, but I generally dislike bosses that remind me of The One Reborn where it feels like no matter where you hit the boss, you’re still being dealt damage just for walking up to it which, I’m sure, incentivizes spellcasters, but frustrating nonetheless.
Promised Consort Radahn: Malenia without all of the charm and enjoyment. Malenia, I still firmly believe takes the cake in terms of hardest (and best) boss in Elden Ring, but Radahn did not skimp on the difficulty round two. That being said, his move set is far less enjoyable to learn than Malenia’s and often, it just felt the impressive amount of health and the absolutely unhinged amount of capable range this man has is unjustifiable. Plus, Malenia invites aggression and allows for so many ways to contest her despite her making you work for it while Radahn just hurts. Pain for the sake of improvement is great. Pain for the sake of pain is a lot less fun.
Ancient Dragon Senessax: I did not think that the thing that would make me hate a fight like Lansseax or Fortissax would be just setting the damn thing in a pool of water, but here we are. The lightning AOE’s in this fight are ruthless and are a lot less avoidable for how much they stagger on a regular day. Definitely not the worst, but not a fun development.
Golden Hippopotamus: This thing definitely killed more innocent players than real hippos do every year in real life. This thing SUCKS to fight. Camera monsters in general are just a pain, but when half of your screen is covered in porcupine quills (yes, YOU HEARD ME), this thing becomes substantially more of a drag. That and this abomination punches above its weight class and I just generally found this fight as entertaining as a mosquito bite.
Commander Gaius: Fuck this man. I’ve never had a dude kill me so consistently or so consecutively in the first 5 seconds of the fight. It’s been a minute since a boss legitimately made me yell at my TV screen and I did not welcome the experience. Also, this man had absolutely no right or privilege to ride my ass this fucking hard unless he bought me dinner first. Will not enjoy revisiting this dude.
Divine Beast Dancing Lion: Brace yourself. This is gonna be a long one. I apologize in advance. *breathe in* *heavy sigh* I’ve never actively thought any boss in any Dark Souls game was purely unwarranted or worthy of true hatred. Despite all of the bosses I dislike fighting across all FromSoft games, I always attempted to find a bright side or something like lore or environment or something to justify its existence and I had succeeded. Until I met this fucking thing. This menace didn’t have the most kills on me (that goes to Malenia and Messmer) or did anything in particular that actively exploited my playstyle (like Maliketh, Mohg, or the Crucible Duo). This cockroach merely existed and it was enough. Its body is a giant blob. Its hitbox is horrific. It punishes aggression. It punishes passivity. This thing has ranged attacks, melee attacks, magical attacks, passive effects, movement patterns, retaliatory tactics, and even him just looking at me hits like a goddamn truck. He is so hard to read and does so much damage and does the most unhinged, wtf follow-ups that I’ve ever seen with the most hairpin trigger aggression I’ve ever experienced in my life. He does frost damage, lightning damage, physical damage, I’m pretty sure there is fire damage in there somewhere, emotional damage, and mood damage. And, to top it all off, THERE’S A FUCKING SECOND ONE OUT IN THE BOONIES THAT IS EVEN FUCKING WORSE. Basilisks have been in the Soulsborne conglomerate for as long as I can remember and I’ve tolerated their existence until FOUR OF THEM WANDER INTO THIS FUCKING FIGHT AT THE BEGINNING OF PHASE 2. THIS LION HAS A DEATH BLIGHT PHASE. You know, the one status effect in Elden Ring that INSTANTLY KILLS YOU. And the best part? If you don’t kill him fast enough, HE CAN DO IT AGAIN. It would not surprise me if the same sadist that came up with the Double Gargoyle fight came up with this one. And like I said, he doesn’t have the most health I’ve ever seen, but it doesn’t fucking matter. The only thing that matters is how fast you can remove his health because he WILL kill you if you give him any leeway. I fought this thing twice and I know about as much about how to fight this thing as I did the first time I walked into its arena. I succeeded twice by SHEER DUMB LUCK. I despise this thing and if I could actively avoid it, I would not hesitate.
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
just to note this, as much as i love botw, i am not uncritical of it, like while i personally like the weapon breaking and rain mechanics everyone else seemed to hate i do agree that the bosses and dungeons were kinda repetetive and there could have been more bigger sidequests, some more diverse epic music tracks also wouldnt have hurt tho i fully disagree with anyone trying to claim it didnt HAVE music, im convinced those people played it with sound off bc wth (edit. plus the unfortunately still orientalist design of the gerudo plus that belly dancer outfit for link ... that thankfully got removed in totk as far as i know but the rest still stands)
personal criticism id have that i would have prefered zelda never gaining her sacred powers but instead finding a different way to fight back, bc her gaining them like that kinda made rhoams abuse .. right, like turns out to activate her powers you need to literall kill everyone she cares about (at least thats why i feel a bit meh about that), her maybe not being as sidelined like that (tho youd have to change alot for that .. which totk had the perfect chance to and then kinda did it again but worse lol) and the yiga clan being less of one little side mission
(also way too many people kept hating on botw for the same few reasons, often without giving it a chance, i think we all heard all the endless complaints about usually little things so i dont need to retread all of that)
alot of those little criticism things got adressed in totk, which i LIKED, but overall its so much less in harmony, this should have been a game about rebuilding and recovering about working together and then zelda gets immediately booted off and we get introduced to characters we never learn enough of to really care and yet they still take away the mystery botw had left us for the world to feel more alive, they ripped out parts that were so internally organically connected to the world and pretended they never mattered nor existed, characters act off and i cant help but feel like the main 'plot' is, as much as i hate to use that comparison, a badly written fanfiction ... it builds on nothing and just leaves you .. or me at least feeling empty, like i am playing through a mockery of the game i loved ... like all the fun i had thinking about the things in botw, the theories you could come up with was all wasted time
i honestly cant describe it better than totk, despite the little QoL changes, and the changes i DID like, it just feels ... empty? not in a literal way but more ... mentally? it feels so shallow? like at multiple points i felt like the game was actively mocking me, when i reached the shrine of life and was faced with barren walls and a puddle of water i felt betrayed for caring so much about what botw had done .. i felt like i could hear the game laughing while i stood there not knowing what to think of it, and while this was the time when i felt the most actually physically compeltely betrayed, that feeling of being mocked kept happening, i kept feeling like i was treated like a dumb player character that just eats up anything they say without thinking or remembering the title this was supposedly a sequel of, like i should play with the little toys of glueing things together and forget the world around me like a 5 year old
that may sound harsh but that is how i, personally, feel about it
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marina-the-witch · 10 months ago
My Souls Hot Takes
Decided to write up a couple of my less popular opinions for souls games. Please don't get upset over any of these, if you disagree that's totally valid
Dark Souls 1:
Bell Gargoyles is my favorite base game boss
I don't like Ornstein and Smough that much
Gwyn's theme is nowhere near as sad or dramatic as its made out to be in my opinion
Painted World isnt fun to me at all
Tomb of the Giants isnt that bad
I miss the whimiscal 80s fantasy aesthetic the series lost in the following entries even if i understand it narratively
Dark Souls 2:
I'm not just a hater or fail to appreciate an underrated gem, I simply dont enjoy this game
I think Darklurker is mid and the runback gimmick is stupid
The world and lore arent that much better to me than any other souls games and dont save the game
Life Gems are actually pretty okay
Old Dragonslayer is really not that big of a deal
Royal Rat Vanguard is the single worst boss in souls to me
Fume Knight is just kinda alright to me, I enjoy Sir Alonne much more
The health cap loss fucking sucks i hate it
Its perfectly fine to both love and hate this game please calm tf down
Dark Souls 3:
Soul of Cinder isnt that exciting, I might just be biased though bc i started the DS games with 3
Jailers arent that bad, Thralls are way worse
Ancient Wyvern kinda funny tbh
I really really dislike Sister Friede
The random wolf guy in ariandel is the wost boss in 3
Corvian Knights are the coolest enemy in the trilogy
The game isnt actually as ugly and monotone as people say
Pontiff Sulyvahn is sooooo mid to me I could not care less for his parry bait jojo stand ass goofy fight
Yhorm is such a nothing boss without the siegward narrative to me
Demon Prince solos literally any other duo boss and its not even close
R1 and O spam is a dark souls staple to me, not DS3 exclusive at all
Dragonslayer Armor and Oceiros are insanely underrated
Demon of Hatred actually slaps
Corrupted Monk actually slaps
Great Shinobi Owl is really mid to me, too gimmicky
Guardian Ape has the same issues as DoH just to a lesser extend
The 2 giant beast (serpent and carp) area hazards are so good
Souls should give underwater another shot imo
Most of the minibosses are kinda bad to me
Laurence is actually peak
Not really a fan of Maria's fight, gonna replay the game soon to see if it'll finally click
Winter Lanters are pretty cool
Micolash fans are weird why are there so many
Yharnam Sunrise is the most boring ending of any souls game
As much as i would love it, I cant feasibly see a logical contuination of the Bloodborne universe
Saw Spear mid idc
Chalice Dungeons are both infinitely better and worse than people say I really dont know how to feel about them
Simon's Bowblade is one of the coolest weapons in fiction
Elden Ring:
Morgott is underrated
Dragons are underrated
Placidusax's theme is kinda eh to me
Radahn and Malenia are equal, both fandoms can stfu, it said fought to a standstill for a reason
Rykard is genuinely a good fight even with the gimmick in mind
I don't care for vyke, frenzy, shabriri or any other madness hoobla
I hate using great spears so much
Summons are VALID. If they were cheating they wouldnt be in the game. Get over yourself
Idc how much you can counter it I dont like malenia's waterfowl dance and health regain
Godskin Duo isn't that bad, the REAL enemy is valiant gargoyles
Royal Revenants, Birds and Runebears at least have the decency to be rare... Imps and Lobsters though
Volcano Manor is underrated as fuck, such a unique level for a souls game with so much cool lore and visual flare
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hsrlorefreak · 1 year ago
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(Guardian of the Shoreline: drift bottle V) because i swear that in this game only really important/related text is highlighted gold like that. and this? this is a random daily quest. it didn’t do anything after.
i’m looking at the wiki and it doesn’t say that trailblazer says that line. who is that. because i thought it was just a game mechanic mocking you but that might have actual story significance?
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there’s even more if you say you disagree. except only elation gets a repeat, and Aha’s simulated universe appearance is. interesting, considering they’re the only one to realize that they’re not the actual aeons.
not remembrance, but elation.
but back to the not-trailblazer narrating. because you would assume it’s just their thoughts, yeah? like any other game. but we do have that already, and they’re labeled trailblazer.
so who is narrating when it’s not?
right now, without anything else to go by(?), it honestly might be elio.
we have like, zero knowledge of who he is other than that the ipc wants him captured unharmed and alive unlike the rest of the stellaron hunters and that he’s probably a cat. but he could just be controlling it.
but the trailblazer has the option to make references that don’t quite make sense to the other characters, even though herta has been around for quite some time and is a genius (albeit one who loses motivation easily).
and elio is “cursed/blessed” with future sight, but that’s just the ioc’s description of him. the stellaron hunters talk about “his future” and “his script” and if kafka wasn’t lying during her truth and lies game in her companion mission? trailblazer is artificially made. according to blade, who has literally zero reason to lie, trailblazer followed kafka around, before they were left in herta’s space station.
there’s a theory canon idea thing that elio is the cat that was in Scene 47 Jepella Rebellion that was watching, which is great, but hsr is great at making your choices matter but not at the same time.
you get different endings, technically, but the main story will go on (elio’s script) will go on no matter what you do. even if you choose to not go to kafka and blade, they escape the xianzhou luofu anyway.
i don’t think the trailblazer *is* elio, but i think he’s more involved with them than anyone in the story realizes, just because there’s so little information about the stellaron hunters in general, and even less so about elio.
is this implying that your dialogue options might actually change what path you go on in future story? that seems really unlikely but like. what if.
trailblazer might recognize elio, if they see him. i know kafka says she’s the only one that trailblazer recognized, they probably won’t see him in penacony, but i do think he’ll show himself not soon, but not like. final boss battle late.
i wonder if elio actually cares about trailblazer at all, since he presumably had hands in their creation.
or not, since he put them in kafka’s care for at least as long as blade’s been with the stellaron hunters.
i really, really hope penacony is cool.
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beanieman · 2 years ago
I fucking hate the names "logic route" and "emotion route". it's precisely fucking backwards. Killing Shin, the one who has been a thorn in your side and will obviously continue this trend if you kill Kanna instead of him, is objectively the logical choice. Conversely, killing Kanna is the emotional choice made for emotional reasons, either being to ensure Kanna doesn't suffer anymore, to give someone hopeless like Shin a chance to survive, or for some players I've seen, to spite Shin.
Also: literally zero point in the entire game actually uses those terms
I actually disagree with your points!
There's a wide variety of reasons the player might vote for Shin or Kanna, and they could come from a place of emotion or logic. For example, I'm a logic player that voted for Kanna because I want Shin to have a chance to survive. Which is an emotional reason.
However, Sara has a canon reason for voting for Shin or Kanna that can differ for the player. If she votes for Shin it's because she hates him despite his useful hacking abilities. If she votes for Kanna, she actually says that she voted with logic because she see's Kanna as less valuable then Shin despite caring more about her.
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So Sara has her own reasons for voting that are separated from the player. For Shin her decision to save him is logical, while her choice to save Kanna is emotional. And she does use logic to describe her choice if you kill Kanna.
Even if you disagree with me, I really like the route names. I think It's a good way to keep track of things and writing "Emotion Route" flows better than "The Route Where Kanna Lives." Plus I'm very lazy and don't want to type out the three extra words.
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mdhwrites · 1 year ago
hey this is kinda short n random but DUDE.
thanks for putting your thoughts out into the world. srsly. your critiques and insightful, genuine, thoughtful writings about some of my fav shows (amphibia, toh) and games (hsr) have given me real moments to sit back and think on lots of things.
you're excellent at clearly stating a point without antagonizing or trashing the other side of the argument, and always seem clear and well-spoken. that's hard to find in analysis or "hot take" style blogs, ESPECIALLY when it comes to writing.
it's hard to get mad at anything you've put down, and easy to let it actually bring up interesting questions to chew on. also, your writing is very enjoyable and fun- I'm gonna see if I can snag me a copy of Crises Girlfriends soon!
keep doing your thing, man. it's great
Thank you. All of this genuinely means a lot to me, especially, frankly, the part about avoiding antagonizing or belittling the other side. My ability to speak my thoughts clearly and bring points together is just kind of part of how my brain is put together (only half of which I can blame on being on the spectrum maybe) but the concept of not being an asshole while I try to make a point wasn't something I always had.
That's not just me being humble either. I lived with a friend for two years, helping take care of their mom while they helped give me a place to exist while dealing with my depression, and they straight up told me that who they had known five years before then wouldn't have been allowed on their couch. I literally stopped being a part of Discord or Skype groups (to really date this) for I think at least three years because I would spend so much of my time just trying to prove I was right. To win and show how superior I was.
The change from needing to be right and instead to simply have a conversation/debate was a major change to how I saw analysis and ended up the way I am. Not to say my emotions never get the better of me, not helped by when I got into analysis being when The Nostalgia Critic reigned supreme (I haven't watched him in well over half a decade now), but I try to keep it more about the work itself. I've even talked about in multiple blogs how my opinion blogs are less just about reviewing things or the like (again, not perfect, especially with TOH) but instead a lot more about teaching lessons and thoughts on things that I think can genuinely help people.
To that end, belittling others is counterintuitive. For as upset as I get with the Amphibia fandom about their takes on the ending, I do empathize with them. I can understand why they wish for the ending they wanted, even if I disagree on it being better. I can see a lot of why TOH, especially as someone's first big fantasy work, would mean a lot to them and draw them in and be something special, even if a long term fantasy fan might find a lot of it trying too hard. Not only is that approach more humane but it also allows for better analysis because for as easy as it can be to say how something is bad, it's a lot harder to genuinely address why that work may also be popular. At least, you know, without being an asshole and going "It's wish fulfillment so only losers who want to escape this world could enjoy it." That's reductive and useful to literally no one.
Anyways, I think that's more than enough bragging? shrug On my part. Again, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy Crises Girlfriends when you get the chance! Have a good day everyone and see you next tale.
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sammygender · 5 months ago
8, 10 and 12 for the violence ask game ✨️
ask game
8. common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
im trying to not go for the easy ones here and am pretending that 'fandom' means me and mutuals and mutual adjacents. so here's a controversial one that i think i disagree w a lot of people on: john definitely hit them. not necessarily regularly, but enough that it was still part of their experience of him.
and this isnt even because i think it makes sense for his character, though i do, and it's not bc i think it's more interesting that way or anything, because it isn't whatsover. it's just because i think supernatural, the show, wants us to think he hit them. its intentional on the parallels it draws even if it refuses to ever say it directly (because it refuses to say ANYTHING directly, come on, this is like spn stone number 1, every core theme is alluded to).
ive been steadfast on this since 1x14 (nightmare) which is the first (of many other) episodes to intentionally parallel sam and/or dean to kids with physically abusive parents. u can make a case this is about hunting as physical abuse by proxy -which in the case of nightmare it kind of is and i could see! - but its not just about that, especially looking at, say, 7x03 (the girl next door). i have better posts about this somewhere so i wont go into detail so this isnt too long.. cause these keep being WAY too long.
10. worst part of fanon
there really is so much in mainstream spn fandom that this took me a while. but my absolute hatred is for Dean Winchester Is Sam Winchester's Parent. yes that is an ao3 tag. yes i have even probably tagged my shit with that ao3 tag before. I DON'T CARE. deangirls, PICK A SIDE. if dean is sam's sole parental figure and john is an afterthought (just blatantly canonically not true but wtv).... that makes dean absolutely AWFUL for the way he treats sam in multiple pre-canon episodes nevermind in canon. and that literally is not even fair to dean. yes dean's parentified and in some ways i am sure he 'raised sam' but 1. hes not Actually sam's dad and 2. most importantly, if he WAS, he certainly would not be a GOOD dad. he is a child too for most of the time he's 'raising' sam.
half the tragedy is that he can't be a good parental figure, no matter how much he wants to. because he's not capable. because he's four years older. because he doesn't have a good parental figure himself. he occupies this weird position with more authority than brother and less knowledge than parent. hes left alone to feed and look after and control sam but he's still shouting in his face and shoving him and belittling him but you can't even blame him because he's twelve (plot of spn christmas ep). sorry thats so fucked up and so interesting actually. like please. can we look at the power dynamic here. oh and the people going 'dean was sam's real dad!!' are the same people who then insist sam and dean have an equal relationship. Girl what??
12. the unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them
answered here, but tldr: late seasons lucifer.
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epickiya722 · 1 year ago
My first impression: I was immediately taken back by her character design. The green flaming hair, claws, and fangs? I was here for that!
My impression now: Burnin has jumped on the list of my favorite BNHA characters. She's just so fun! Even her bits in BNHA: Vigilantes made me happy. (If there is a BNHA spin-off you should take interest in, it's Vigilantes.) Out of all the fire users, she's my favorite.
Favorite thing about that character: As I mentioned, I really like Burnin's design. She's literally a hothead, but I love that for her. Also, her quirk. She's can take chunks of her hair flames and throw them at people or shape them into weapons. She can also fly! Like, out of all fire related quirks, that's probably the most creative.
Least favorite thing: I hate there's little backstory for her. If there's one sidekick I want some backstory on, it's her.
Favorite line/scene: In the OVA, the one with Mr. Smiley, Burnin has this scene where she got so mad she wanted to shoot Mr. Smiley with a rocket launcher. Meanwhile, Kido and Onima are just staring at her like "... maybe you should calm down". That had me laughing. 😆
Favorite interaction that character has with another: There may not be a lot of scenes, but I love her, Kido and Onima as a trio. Other then the whole rocket launcher scene, there's this bit in Vigilantes where they go "FLAMING SIDEKICKERS" and I just love that.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: If you have followed me for long enough, you already know I need her and Miruko to interact. Not even just for shipping intent, but I would to see how those two would act around each other.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: The only one that really comes to mind is that flame from Howl's Moving Castle, Calcifer. Oh, wait, every time I heard Burnin in dub, I think of Musa. I remember first hearing her and childhood memories came at me. I grew watching Winx Club, so I'm going to know Lisa Ortiz's voice. (So yeah, I also know she voiced Amy Rose, and in Winx Club, Lisa also voiced Icy, Digit, and Mitzi.)
A headcanon about that character: Okay, if you read my BurnBunny fics, you may notice that I sometimes describe Burnin's hair another color other than its usual yellow-green color. It's because I headcanon that depending on her mood or what she's doing, her hair flames changes colors. Think it would be neat if her hair could do that.
A song that reminds of that character: Fire Again by Ashnikko! Love that song, just give me Burnin vibes. I actually didn't really know it was a sing for Valorant, at first! Which is funny to me because Burnin looks like she belongs in a video game. Put her ass in Mortal Kombat! I want to see fatalities she can do!
An unpopular opinion about that character: Someone is gonna disagree but... Now, in 349, she mentions how Endeavor is good at his job, but she couldn't care less about his family affairs and I know some people gave her heat for that (hee hee), but personally, I'm on the same page. Whatever the Todorokis had going on isn't her business and at this time, defeating the villains is a priority. Of course, what Endeavor did to his family is terrible and I bet Burnin would also be horrified by it. The time to be involved in their family issues is just not appropriate. And it's not like the Todorokis want everyone to be involved in their business, fight their battles and whatnot. Storywise, it makes no sense for Burnin or anyone else to even be involved with the Todorokis dealing with Dabi. Personally, I just feel like some people wanted to hate on a female character.
Favorite picture: Remember how I mentioned the rocket launcher scene? That's one of the pictures!
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Send Me a Character...✨️
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dewphox · 2 years ago
I can’t believe people would use a being that is a homage to the late Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata, as uwu-waifu bullshit.
So disrespectful.
I see where you're coming from, though I don't think that the way you are going about it is constructive or appropiate at all. Since you're on anon I can't say for sure if you're like 10 or 30, but I'm not mad either way.
So yeah I wanna give an honest answer to this, if anyone else feels the same way and maybe wants to have a discussion (though the whole anon thing feels like talking to a wall) you can really just talk to me. Ngl I am incredibly emotional and quick to get defensive, but the beauty of messages on the internet is is that I can give myself time to calm down and be rational and process these emotions before I respond. So Anon I hope that once you've hopefully seen my response that if you still feel a certain type of way about it that you can maybe give me the same courtesy. I just think that there's enough hate to hate communication on the internet already and I'd honestly truly appreciate the effort.
To start of I think it's ignorant to say that how I choose to enjoy my favourite media is ''uwuw-waifu bullshit''. People enjoy different things in many different ways. The way I do it is no different from D&D. There is a world with lore and characters that i adore and I love it so much that I want to experience it through something I've made. Making a character for a franchise is connected to so much research on the source material, as careful as it was crafted I take the time to think of many different ways to integrate a whole new person that hypothetically could fit like a DLC or you know, my player character (sometime it is more indepth than other times, but I always do research one way or the other).
Being put into Links shoes is a predetermined lens which i can enjoy as it's own story, but to me, I like to be a part of it either with a straight insert or an otherwise character of my own making. A tale of legend and heroic deeds is but one perspective and I love to see in what different ways this story or world can be enjoyed and looked at. And i don't think that this is wrong or something to look down upon. Just as is romance within that world and other bonds and relationships one will create and connect to their creation. Like how I made the windfish my OC's Father.
It is so much more than you make it out to be and I have had so many people throuought my art journey come to me and grief because they were bullied for simply having an oc be romantic with a canon character or god forbid a selfinsert or mary sue (and most of them were children, though I was more sad about the adults who's passion was taken from them before they could fully explore it). It is makebelief and hurts no one just because these people decided to share these scenarios with other people. I hope that in the future you can be less dismissive about that. I think it's important that we take the time to be kind, even if there's something we might disagree with and want to debate.
Now to the main point. To put it simply I think a character is allowed to be it's own entity regardless of intent, if ofcourse the intent isn't explicitly stated. (Like for example when they literally have Barack obama as a character in South park etc. Then that's not a refrence but a depicition) Which in this case it isn't actually. While researching what came up was filled with ''maybe'', ''possibly'', ''probably'' etc. More importantly though the game itself never states it and a game and franchise should always be able to be judged on it's contents alone wihtout outside remarks people may or may not have made.
Then there's also another character within the game. Botrick. His wiki also eludes to the fact that he might be a homage to Satoru. Wikis however are all written by fans and we can all just speculate even if the probability is very likely. The difference however is that Botrick shares a similar appearance with Satoru while the lord of the mountain has a similar name and I think both are tributes in their own right. Though Botrick may be a physical reference while Satori is a sort of spiritual tribute to him as a mentor and guardian figure. But it's still it's own character. Both of these characters aren't Satoru, the same as how actors aren't synonymous with the characters they play.
Also what if someone doesn't do deep dives into wikis and articles and forums? What if someone simply plays the game, enjoys it and make characters, contents AU's for it? What if had only read the genral wiki and not scrolled down to the trivia section where people first brought up it might be a tribute? I don't think that it should be neccessary to first get a bachelors degree in order to enjoy a game in fear of missing a detail that although never mentioned in the game was once maybe hinted at by someone. It feels like a roundabout and tiring way to enjoy a medium. And you should give people a fair chance and not come at them so aggressively, even if you're emotionally charged.
Having said all that, I was actually hesitant to make this idea I had using Satori for the same reason haha. Since I generally don't like characters that are meant to be real life people ( the same I don't like to ship with characters that are in canon relationships (hence i dropped Sidon UU ). With Satori however I felt it's removed enough that it's not an issue for me as explained above.
But I'm not opposed to the idea of changing a few things up! Names are changed in the blink of an eye and i am not uncreative enough to be incabalbe of thinking of different ways to incorporate my design into the lore. I could make it a blupee instead, or a descendant, or otherwise further removed entity with close ties to Satori. (My OC Dreem was close to being something like that before I thought of the windfish!) I simply adore these nature god archetypes like the forest god in princess mononoke and since in it's lore Satori was a sage before that died the idea of a humanoid version wasn't too far off for me.
So yeah, tell me what you think, I'm open for discussion and how other people see it as long as you give me the same courtesy and time that I did to formulate an appropiate response! I hope that we can all be kind to eachother and I wish you all a wonderful day!
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sir-sillybunny · 9 months ago
i have never been so deeply disappointed in a story's ending as i was with this game
it was such an amazing beautiful game. there were so many very intriguing mysteries that had very satisfying answers. it was just so amazing and i was ready to consider it one of my favorite games of all time but then after the end of like chapter 5 i think it just all went downhill.
the story just went in a direction that felt really like boring? and just kind of forced. it started to feel less like i was reading a real story and more like i was a reading a fanfic of the story. like a fix it fix. it was nice to see the characters get a chance at getting fixed but just? idk. their motivations behind what they did were already obvious. we had already seen their personalities and what lives they led before in the first 3 doors. we did not need to it again. it was just the same story again except the characters were wearing costumes. and i slighlty disagree with the message it was trying to push. i understand that revenge is often not worth it and only serves to hurt you more if you seek it and i understand that everyone should get a chance at a new life to change for the better. but i dont believe that morgana was wrong for hating those men as deeply as she did. i agree that she shouldnt have cursed them, to that degree at least. but she had every right to hate them and to want terrible things to happen to them. idk. it was just so frustrating to have to sit through michel talk for hours with morganas murders and sympathize with them about what they did to her. all while knowing that morgana, the girl they were leting fucking die in a locked room, was upstairs from him slowly dying.
i get that the 3 men had the keys to free her but he didnt have to spend as much time with them as he did. the fact that he spent so much time talking with them made him too late to save her and she died anyway. which i guess it wasnt real anyway, he couldnt have actually saved her. but still. she deserved his attention and care more than any of them ever did. all she wanted was someone to save her. she didnt need to understand her murderers stories, she didnt need to feel any sympathy for them. i think if she was saved by someone before she died she wouldnt have turned into the witch after death.
and also????????? why is no one talking about how fucking creepy and literally pedophilic it was that the original jacopo was in love with morgana???????????? when she was 12 and he was 21?????????????????? that happened multiple times in the story. weird age gap relationships that are not at all presented as bad. the first times i noticed it i could chalk it up to trying to being historical accurate or something but that last one was just too much. jacopo literally said he had a crush on a 12 year old girl and that he would "wait for her." until she turned 18. which he didnt even do btw. he told her he was in love with her when she was 16, and attempted to do it before then. it was just gross and completely and utterly unnecessary to add to the game. also im remembering that earlier in the game the player gets asked which of a group of 3 girls he fancies and you had the option to say he fancied one of the girls who was 14 years old !! just so unnecessary to add and so creepy. this game came out in 2012, its not like it would have been normal to think that was okay.
another thing that weirded me out is that giselle in her normal character sprite had a normal sized chest and her dress wasnt all that revealing. but in every cg her tits were huge and basically completely out. in every single cg. theres nothing wrong with that if it was simply part of her style and looks. but it wasnt like that in her character sprite. it took away from the cgs and was just annoying.
it just sucks because up until that point it was such a good game. the music was beautiful, the story was so so good, it was all just so good. but i really wish the game ended when when saw morganas real body for the first time. it should have ended with a big long conversation or something. but instead it was another several hours of gameplay after that about forcing yourself into morganas memories and sympathizing with the men who killed her. it just sucked. even ignoring me disagreeing with the moral of it, it was just bad. we learned nothing in that chapter. every single major thing that got revealed about the mens motivations for what they did was already completely obvious. it just felt like they were trying to make the game longer. and after that the ending i honestly couldnt even pay attention to. i skipped through half of it. which maybe there was some super amazing dialouge in there that compeltely magically fixes all the stuff from before but i doubt it lol. either way the pedophila was still gross. so im deeply disapointed either way.
i spent 30 hours in that game and im never getting them back lmao
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girlmetalsonic · 2 years ago
this is probably the bitchiest and most nitpickey thing i will ever post but
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(art is from the idw issue 27 B cover, very good art please check it out and other stuff by jonathan gray, all of his work is VERY cool looking. my extreme focus on a minor detail should not reflect badly on the art lol)
i disagree on a fundamental level with almost every single leaderboard placement in this image.
the rest of this is under the cut bc im going to ramble for so long here. also, i need to put a disclaimer im not actually that mad i just dont think the placements make sense.
im aware that this is the "i dont like that sonics arms are blue, i hate sonics new shoes" kind of crazed sonic fan ramblings. but i do not care. this is like a he would not fucking say that situation to me. except its a they would not fucking place that if they all played video games situation.
KNUCKLES. IS 1. WEARING BOXING GLOVES. AND 2. ALSO HAS LIKELY NEVER PLAYED A VIDEO GAME! HE GREW UP ON A REMOTE ISLAND! THEY DID NOT BRING HIM FORTNITE! you can make the argument that he has since played video games after becoming friends with sonic. but fifth place? he played his first video game at age 16 and youre telling me he beat amy? and tangle? and rouge who, im still not over this, IS CHEATING??
but i digress. im going to give my own ideal placements and reasoning for all of them.
OK; my reasoning for each of these is as follows.
Big is funny and it would be funny if he beat everybody else, its unexpected. its a good joke.
Tails is tech-savvy, i wouldnt be surprised if he knew a few glitches and some speedrun tech. he also likely has good control and experience with playing.
Rouge is literally cheating. the only reason she isnt first is because i think she doesnt play video games that often so she is at a disadvantage on pure technical skill, and also she is sitting upside down (not pictured)
Tangle just seems like a gamer to me. She is a normal person who plays video games in her free time and so she knows how to play fairly well.
Sonic, by all means, SHOULD be in sixth, however i cannot in my mind separate sonic from being a gamer. i know he likely barely plays because he spends his time outdoors and travelling, but sonic being in sixth is so viscerally wrong to me that i had to put him in fifth. its the highest i could justify.
Amy, by all means, SHOULD be in fifth, however, in the image she is raging (not pictured) so i feel that she would be playing worse than usual. shes a normal person who i can see playing video games sometimes.
Cream is a normal kid who i think plays video games fairly often. her mom probably has screen time limits or something but cream is playing minecraft when she can. she is only this low because she is six years old. gemerl is giving her strategy tips. she would be much higher if she had fully developed fine motor skills.
Shadow and Knuckles i can really see being flipped, however, i just see Shadow being a teensy bit higher. While i think shadow knows less about video games, i think he would do better while playing since he has perfect reflexes and also isnt wearing boxing gloves. but i must stress both he and Knuckles are dogshit at video games.
Knuckles could be swapped with Shadow, but, despite knowing more and having possibly played a game or two before, Knuckles is wearing boxing gloves which are bad for gaming, and despite having warrior reflexes due to his training, he really cant beat the ultimate lifeform reflex kind of junk. but again, it could go either way, they both suck at video games.
Jet loses because its funny if he loses. same thing as Bigs. good joke, 10/10 i have no notes.
and thats it. that is my ideal ranking. it will forever slightly piss me off that the official sonic the hedgehog "which characters are gamers" lore does not fit with my interpretations of them. but what can you do.
(make an overly long text post about it, thats what!)
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klugpuuo · 11 months ago
i love this and i think its amazing genuinely but as a certified freak who's replayed all the telltale games abt 2 morfucktillion times i am going to have to
generally when i look at what could and could not be 'canon' in the sam & max timeline i check for exactly one thing: if it would directly contradict another thing, or disallow another thing from existing.
and i dont mean in text. in 101, sam mentions he 'regrets' his 'lack of technical background' which goes against him reprogramming that robot in hit the road, AND basically all of chariots of the dogs. this means its still canon that sams a big robot nerd.
i think your idea of the comics being the beginning of it all is pretty awesome, but i mildly disagree with the thought of TTIV being seperate from the telltale series, primarily bc of the frequent references to the telltale games - sam mentions the events of 305 like twice
canonically, poker night 1 happens i think right around the same time as beyond time and space, while poker night 2 happens after 305
re: your thoughts on the charactarization of the duo in TTIV
i agree for the most part, even going past the fact that max IS extremely jealous of lumpy, considering the opening where he loudly opposes lumpy's joining, the throwaway line about him "protecting his territory" from them, etc.
by the end of the telltale games, max is way calmer than he used to be. though this could be chalked up as the max we see literally being a year younger than the original telltale max, there wouldnt be THAT much difference, and considering you the player are not in on the jokes like you are in the telltale games i feel like they shouldve toned it down a bit
having rewatched the end bit, where max PRACTICALLY APOLOGIZES FOR BEING WEIRD TO SAM (!??!!?), which he rarely ever does, especially GENUINELY, and considering the way sam GENUINELY IS TERRIFIED FOR MAX when he thinks max is dead, i'd say that they aren't really tired of each other but more at a low point in their relationship that they arent sure how to get out of. and even then, they still physically fight (which is more or less their brand of affection), they still reminisce about old cases (and that one time max put the aquabears into hibernation), max still gently pokes fun at sam, even if sam's mostly focused on training lumpy 99% of the time. they still care about each other, but theyre just going through it (which also feeds into my personal theory [not hc but theory] that the only reason the two rarely seem affectionate in the telltale games is because of a sudden awareness of other people in the world as potentially being equal to them and a fear of being met with homophobia and backlash and also theyre 2000's games)
ive never played ttiv, just... every single other game...... but i did watch the 99th vr playthrough and have rewatched it about four times and so i hope im not missing something horribly awkward that completely shatters my perspective on these two
i think that in the end their relationship depends entirely on what year it is, who's writing them, what the wind's like today, and how funny their relationship could be in the moment, but what's ALWAYS true is that they ALWAYS care about each other.
as steve elequently put it:
A typical Sam & Maxish kind of day might find the boys hurtling to the scene of a crime in their clanking, smoking, highly flammable 1960 DeSoto Adventurer, Sam with his head out the window (revealing that there's a real dog in there somewhere), Max driving (even though he’s not tall enough to see out the windshield), but never too rushed to stop off and fill up the car with a colorful array of popular junk foods. In fact, the actual case these guys are on is almost beside the point! Sam & Max truly enjoy each other’s company and any time they can get out and mix it up with society is a great excuse for snappy banter and manic interactions with their surroundings.
i was being a completely sane person today (/s) and was creating a timeline tree for snm would anyone even be interested in that. and collecting my shipping thoughts (or specifics about them being a couple etc). know that i still consider my knowledge of the franchise as poor. its just tidying it up in my head so when i talk about something i can pinpoint a specific thing (i was too deep in fnaf theorizing so now i have to suffer thru a franchise that doesnt even have a canon)
in short/tldr the comics are the base that happened in every possible timeline and everything else is derived from that, happening after, except the cartoon, which shows some events the same way so that would be more intertwined; not everything is connected/within one timeline. and the cartoon is my most fav and where i see them as a true couple.
long rant ahead
on one hand i really like the time travel theory where its like comics -> ttg -> cartoon etc by them travelling back in time for that, however there are many holes especially thinking about their families and stuff so
i like the idea of things branching off. one branch is comics - htr - cartoon, as something more intertwined
second is comics -> ttg -> poker night 2 (since it references ttg events) (idk bout 1 i havent played/seen that)
third would be comics -> ttiv (or comics -> htr -> ttiv, i have no idea atm if bosco's is mentioned in the comics but it is in htr and mentioned in ttiv. ttiv is also set in the year it came out, so theres a huge gap inbetween ttiv and htr but i wouldnt say its where the ttg games happened!)
and i dont mean this in like a multiverse way, since the creator seems to dislike that, its simply just a very loose canon that differs with each installment (simply due to different people working on these imo. nothing too deep imo)
but the juicy part!! i even made brackets that im too lazy to remake digitally so i will just write it out for each bigger installment. im excluding poker night 1 as i havent played it nor watched much gameplay
M = married, BF = best friends (in all technically)
comics: M - unlikely; BF - yes absolutely
htr: M - possible; BF - yes
cartoons: M - i take it as canon here. BF - yes million percent
ttg all seasons: M - no; BF - yes.
poker night 2: M - not sure, implied dating, i take that as good enough; BF - yes
ttiv: M - absolutely not. not a couple at all. BF - they seem too tense, yes, but from my experience playing, their interactions were imo the worst in all of their media, so i wasnt buying it at some points
note - ttiv has to be like the straightest they ever were and i also see it in S.P.'s more recent work. im looking too deep into that, perhaps, but im just thinking were never gonna get anything similar to what we got from back in the 90s again, if theres any future projects
people are also saying they got married like 4 times and its making me a bit confused here. do people mean cartoon, htr dress up card, cake topper and tdph ring scene or am i missing something big?? because to me that is married once, other ones being just for jokes (first one as well but its less vague), and in the ttg games its so extremely vague i cant count that (being realistic here) that said its still fun to joke about them getting married several times, but in this case wouldnt it be more of a marriage per timeline?
and to end this, a personal tierlist
my most fave obviously is the cartoon. not only is it the easiest to work with for me, with the fast pacing and short watch time (but ofc i wish it was longer) i absolutely love how their relationship is depicted there, even if a lot of stuff there is just jokes, but if everything is a joke then its also fine to take everything as canon within this media, to me! like when haters say that people only take the wedding scene out of the intro and ignore the rest - as if the other stuff couldnt happen (isnt one of the shots them fighting a giant octopus, which they end up having an episode about too. like cmon. anything goes here) even if it was contained within this specific part of the franchise, im ok with calling them a couple here. and its S tier overall
another S tier is the comics. nothing else to say
HTR is like A tier to me, only taking off points because its soooo sloooowwww and playing it after watching the series took 3 years off my life immediately. otherwise gud game.
ttg is like A to B tier for me, because of some specifics and preferences but thats just me being nitpicky so, the games overall are good. A- it is. thats all
poker night 2 is fun, i watch the gameplay a lot lately when im too tired at midnight to do anything else, A tier
ttiv. oh how mixed i am about you. gameplay by itself and my first experience with the game - S tier. it made me so giddy more than one time and i kept wanting to come back until i finished the game fully. i dont mind the bugs, its just what i expect in VR games and even tho it made me a bit frustrated at times it wasnt all that bad. its also the only vr game i played for over an hour once and didnt get motion sick - the exception was the level at the store which seemed too bright and actually made me nauseous. which is a feeling that somehow comes back whenever i think about this game. what i dislike was the dialogue, while most of it was fun and fine, i had moments where i just burst out laughing, they (or max especially) were way too mean towards the player. i know its a joke and you could chalk it up to max being unhappy with us/jealous, but it got like, generally unpleasant very quickly. with stuff like good throw - "nice!" bad throw - *neverending insults* and the second was how painfully straight it was and like. the vibes i got from them two was like, oh theyre fed up with each other and my shipping self was just left quite disappointed. i did not get all lines during my gameplay which made it great but upon going thru every line manually after, i was just more and more uncomfortable with what they said in their banter. this drops the game to like C for me? maybe B if i squint. being generous. i also got sick of their talking animations over time... the models are fine just got to be too much. bonus points for max ragdoll physics tho. coming up with a conclusion that this is a completely separate timeline and has nothing to do with anything other than the comics and perhaps HTR. i talked so long about this one cause its the one thing that prompted all of this lol.
but its not that serious! i just knew this franchise for ages as "oh its the two animal guys that are married and its funny" and now that i got into it fully, i see a lot of the shippers are obviously daydreaming and taking things out of context - which is fun, i agree!! i also do that. but it just painted a completely different picture for me. so no. theyre not married, theyre not a couple, except for the cartoon, where its implied, which stays on top for me. but in ttg at least, they love each other, its not as romantic, but i can ship them there (so i ship them in the context of the cartoon and ttg basically)
anyway. nothing is canon for them, everything is canon for them, and everything they say or do is a joke so. its not that deep at all. they gay tho
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