#i realized this might be saying luffy is not fighting with himself but i already wrote the paragraph
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
Sanji has adquired top sad wet cat status
#that cream guy just watching luffy tear his arms off ajdhakw#sanji had gone past his angst too quick.... picnic and everything damn...#i finally realized why his guard is offering him aubergines. he looks like an aubergine#but to me it is a metaphorical remainder of his bisexuality he is abandoning by marrying pudding (he is getting out of his polycule)#he wants the aubergine for later akdhkashsk see... he is already tempted by the familiarity#'pudding might be changing that's why she is busy.... oh didn't her room have a balcony' SICK IN THE HEAD#'oh is this inapropiate??' idk MAYBE 'it wont be a crime we will be married tomorrow' JAIL#THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SNOOPING AKDHAKA#his face is so... that one meme drawing of the guy in a war....#i mean it is sad bc she was his only like light in the darkness but damn... hard lesson#oh luffy is cursing her out this is serious#well good thing aanji snooped...... is he gon a save his sister now or.... he wont fight pudding i am sure of that#sanji is gonna grab that gun and kill himself at this point pudding#jesus christ how long can this go on for.... you already killed him pudding stop hitting the dead horse#i believe reiju could kick her ass now that pudding is distracted but alas.... no girl om girl violence is allowed#sanji not being able to lit his cigarette is so..... this poor man... NOT THE SHOT OF HIM CRYING#omg perfect episode..... jesus christ.....#i uave to say.... i would have really liked for pudding to be normal and have sanji get away from a lover to go with the crew again...#its so bittersweet you know....... and shows his priorities#goddamn sanji crying in the rain trying to get a smoke...... this is like too much... peak poor little meow meow#wait a fucking moment... the intro song starts with my feelings for you are beating intensly.... this really is so gay....#gay sex on screen is less subtle#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 817#wtf pudding... if she didnt want reiju to die why tf did she shoot her....#sanji the flowers... she will know sanji..... sanji noooo#i get the soul thing but where do zeus and prometheus come from???? what kinda power is that...#JINBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#episode 818
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innerfare · 5 months ago
Luffy Fluff // Angst Compilation 
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Summary: A compilation of Luffy angst and fluff from my multi character posts (You're Wounded, Brushing Your Teeth Together, Flowers, Type of Date, You See His Cabin, Fighting and Making Up, Paradise, Nightmares, I Love You, You're Jealous, Wearing His Hat).
Genre: Fluff // Angst
CW: None // SFW
You’re Wounded: 
Makes a light joke, inspects the wound himself even if there’s a doctor present, will help bandage you up if you need it. Pretends to be nonchalant about the entire thing, is panicking inside. Fully realizes the depths of his affection for you, is terrified to realize it’s love.  
Brushing Your Teeth Together: 
Turns it into a competition. “First one done wins!” “Luffy, no!” Also gets toothpaste absolutely everywhere. If he was in the habit of wearing shirts, all of his would have toothpaste (and food) stains on them. 
Not one to buy you flowers. Instead, he picks them. Sometimes they’re weeds he thought looked pretty, other times, he presents you with a lush bundle of pink carnations you think he must have picked from a commercial flower field (this man has no concept of private property). He’s always very proud to present them because he worked hard to secure them; you'd better give him a kiss for his effort. Has, on occasion, accidentally brought you some that are poisonous. Also once brought you a bundle of radishes because he thought you would like the color. Receiving flowers from Luffy can be a bit like receiving a lizard from your pet cat. 
Type of Date: 
Everyone thinks he’d want to take you to dinner, probably to an all you can eat buffet, but this boy would actually drag you to an amusement/theme park. You’ll go on all the rides, riding the scariest ones multiple times over, and by the end of the day, you’ll have a stack of photos taken just before the roller coaster dropped. He’ll probably want to grab a bite to eat afterward, as if he didn’t already sample everything the amusement park had to offer; definitely something casual, like a burger or bbq joint. 
You See His Cabin For The First Time: 
He's literally so proud of just his hammock. Insists it can hold the both of you and could probably hold the entire crew if you tried, asks if you want to try, asks you if you’re sure when you say no. Definitely has a couple of dirty dishes that he’s forgotten about, as well as a few wrappers on the floor. Has some fishing poles, a net, quite a few different games, and a bookshelf that’s full of both comic books and snacks so that he doesn’t have to go all the way to the kitchen if he gets hungry in the middle of the night. 
Fighting and Making Up: 
You fight about his recklessness. You knew who he was when you fell in love with him and you don’t want to change him, but sometimes, it gets to be too much and you lose your cool. One perk of dating Luffy, though, is that he has very high emotional intelligence, so if it’s one of those fights where you just need your space, he’ll give it to you, waiting patiently for you to approach him to make amends (although it does weigh on him quite a bit when the two of you are at odds, like he’s waiting for the hammer to drop on your relationship; he has such an intense fear of you leaving him it’s unreal. He also struggles with the separation because he’s so clingy). He doesn’t really talk through the fight and do the whole apology thing, just pounces on you and kisses all over your face as soon as he can sense you’re good and ready to receive his affection again. If it was a really bad one, he might pick some flowers to give you. 
Paradise 1: 
Meandering through the woods in search of the tallest, most impressive tree, him giving you a boost up to the first branch to get you started before climbing up himself, staying behind you the entire time so he can catch you in case you fall. Finally piercing the canopy and poking your heads up above the forest, his hand on your leg to keep you steady, the two of you grinning as birds fly by, basking in the afternoon sun. 
Paradise 2: 
Escaping the chaos of life and climbing a desolate hill, sharing a late afternoon snack as you stare up at the clouds and point out different shapes, saying, “that’s you,” when you see a funny one. Arguing over which one of you gets to be the dragon cloud, your argument turning into roughhousing and the two of you accidentally rolling down the hill, him laughing and kissing your cheek when he knows you’re okay and then starting the argument again. 
He grins at the sight of you standing on a cliffside looking out over the water, tranquil in the peace of night. He hurries toward you and puts his hand on your shoulder to turn you around, ready to place a happy kiss on your lips, only to stop short at the sight of your face. You’re completely devoid of joy, the life and will to live sucked out of you by a force he can’t control. You’re a husk, and he’s powerless against it. He realizes the darkness isn’t from night, that there are no stars glimmering in the sky, that the world has had the goodness sucked out of it, yours along with it, leaving you empty. He wakes up with tears in his eyes and buries his face in his pillow to muffle his sob. 
Wearing His Hat: 
Luffy is very protective of his hat. It’s his most prized possession, given to him by his beloved father figure. He’d fight the bloodiest war in human history to get that hat back should someone steal it from him. It’s for that reason he’s shocked by his own reaction when you get a little tipsy one night and pluck it off his head, placing it atop yours. 
“Call me Captain,” you tell the crew, going member by member and giving them orders, getting onto Zoro’s case for not saluting like Usopp and Chopper did. 
He doesn’t feel the urge to snatch it back, doesn’t feel even a touch of anxiety that you could misplace or damage it. Rather, he feels a sense of pride- everyone knows him by his straw hat, so if you’re wearing it, everyone knows you’re his. And it’s in that moment he realizes that you’re his- not his belonging, but his person. You’re the one he wants to walk through this life beside, the person who chose to wear his hat. 
I Love You: 
He showed it first, asking you to join his crew, making sure you had a safe and healthy place to be yourself, fighting anyone who stands between you and your dreams, saving his funniest jokes until you're around to hear and giggle at them, even going so far as to share a little (really, only a little) bit of his meal with you, but you were the only who actually said it first. He gets severely injured after a nasty fight, and you stay by his side while he sleeps it off like he normally does, though it takes him longer than usual to wake up. When he does finally wake up looking for you and something to eat, you fling yourself on him and tell him how much you love him. You didn’t intend on confessing, but you were so worried about him and the words fell from your lips as soon as you knew he was okay. Your brows are still furrowed, and when Luffy asks why, you voice your insecurity that he doesn't feel the same way. Luffy just laughs at that and ruffles your hair. “Of course I do.” With that, he crawls out of bed in search of food. He quickly falls into the habit of telling you in the morning when you wake up, and it fills you with so much joy, it’s like he’s giving you a happy vitamin to start your day. And saying those words bring him so much joy that saying them is like he's taking a happy vitamin, too. 
You’re Jealous: 
He never told you Boa Hancock was in love with him, and when you find out, you have to remove yourself from the situation before you have an emotional outburst and start something with the Pirate Empress. The problem is, you don’t even know which emotion will spill out of you. Finding out the world’s most beautiful woman, and a powerful Warlord, no less, is desperate to marry Luffy is a whirlwind, to say the least. Luffy can seem clueless at times, but his emotional intelligence is through the roof, and he picks up on what has you upset almost straight away. He knows to give you some space, and when he senses you’re ready, he approaches you with a handful of wildflowers he picked. He doesn’t really say much, just pulls you into a hug, presses a few kisses into your cheek and temple, and says in your ear, “you’re my girl.” 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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beaulesbian · 1 year ago
Every once in a while I think again about the end of Thriller Bark and feel completely insane and ill about Zoro's sacrifice, FOR LUFFY, specifically (you know, the character Kuma's threat was directed at). It wasn't even that long into traveling together, a few months maybe, yet Zoro was ready to give up everything in that moment - in the chapter with Kuma appearing being titled The End of the Dream ! - to protect his crew and Luffy, so he could continue in his journey.
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Since Luffy and Zoro met, they always understand how words and promises were imporant to them - with Luffy punching Helmeppo in ch. 3 for lying to Zoro. Zoro learnt how serious Luffy was about his dream, and soon he realized he backed up his words with actions as well - untiying Zoro and giving him his swords back - his biggest treasures. It meant that Zoro could be honest and honor-bound in the same way to Luffy, to gain this mutual respect and trust between them since day 1. To wield his swords to protect both Luffy and later their whole crew, and to step in a way between Luffy and danger.
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He was being actually more upset that Sanji got up from the previous Kuma's attack and interrupted their fight - Zoro was trying to keep the whole crew safe by this exchange for Luffy's head - if Sanji was offering his life for Luffy half dead and without much strength left to fight for himself (he started the offering of his own life already believing he woudn't survive, with a "you should find a new cook"), then this very specific sacrifice would be meaningless to the crew (- if this arc was taking place post WCI, then it would turn out very differently, with the strength of Sanji believing in Luffy, but it wasn't his moment during this scene) - it would hurt them more than help them, because as much as Zoro was prepared to die as well, he was prepared to keep fighting until the last breath.
Zoro was thinking he might die - Kuma's words were pretty certain he WOULD die - but he still had the willingness and strength to take on the deal for Luffy, for his captain and his crew. ("if i die here, it just means I wasn't worth much to begin with" this line he says times and times again during the overall story, like in Rogue Town throwing Kitetsu and waiting if it would cut off his arm, up until standing against King in Wano "it's my power that was lacking", and all the other times he was questioning his worth - it's something he tempts the fates he doesn't believe in, to actually harm him, to take his strength away if he doesn't deserve to survive. and it's him saying he knows and accepts his own weaknesses - of not being strong enough (in comparison to Sanji in this example), and always fights through them.)
He threw away his swords, including Wado Ichimonji - literally throwing aside his and Kuina's dream, to compell Kuma into a duel (with the anime playing 'The Very Very Very Strongest' when Zoro bowed down and pleaded Kuma, offering him his head instead of Luffy's) so Kuma wouldn't go after the crew and specifically Luffy later - no matter the outcome if Zoro would surive or not.
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And then, he was actually strong enough to survive taking his captain's fatigue, agony and pain! Possibly being the only one who could survive taking Luffy's pain.
Zoro could have back out when Kuma offered him the 'taste' of the pain, with the realization of the scale of the hurt with the very possibility of dying from it. But that wouldn't be Zoro now, would it? He accepted and took all of Luffy's pain so his captain wouldn't have to suffer or die, and when they found him afterwards, he still kept standing, tense with the fatigue but alive! (again, with anime adding the music of 'Luffy's Fierce Attack' to underline the importance between these two).
He was training for this since the beginning - to become stronger to shoulder the pain of his crew if necessary. (And not only that - he was preparing for that so another Kuina incident didn't have to happen). He was the first one to fight one of the Warlords before anything really began: his fight with Mihawk at Baratie really set the tone and his own goals to overcome - a glimpse to see on how much different levels the Warlords actually were in comparison to Zoro, Luffy and the others, and if they were supposed to beat them so Luffy could become the Pirate King, that always meant to be ready and to get even stronger than them.
(small spoiler for egghead, ch. 1102: seeing Kuma (a Warlord at that time) remembering this Thriller Bark event later, during Egghead arc, and thinking that even he might have passed out from the pain, makes it all the more meaningful that it was Zoro who took the pain and withstood it - establishing how high was the strength of his willpower, already before timeskip.)
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There could be so many other nuances and details from these last few chapters of this arc, and even what this deal meant for the following arcs! Zoro was still in pain on Sabaody, and because of that the crew wasn't as strong as it could have been (not to say they would have a chance anyway, knowing what all was in the motion).
The next is the tragedy and beauty of LUFFY never finding out about this. Half of the crew knew: Sanji, Brook and Robin knew the details, but would never tell Luffy - and that shows their loyalty to both Luffy and Zoro (and Zoro's decision). Luffy woke up and first thing he did was to jump up and down, excited not to be weighted down by his injuries, and only seeing his swordsman being down with injuries so severe he was out more days afterwards, knowing that something else attacked them (him = Zoro), after he was passed out from the fight against Moria, brought down his mood (even if it's not much noticable, but the change into subtle worry is there in the few next chapters).
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"I can't explain it either!" - meaning he was thinking about it too, possibly how weird it was for him to move normally after such long fight. We don't really ever hear/see Luffy thinking about something, except when it's mentioned how he came up with a solution or idea, telling us there's more to Luffy than just being straightforward in his goals and speech. With Luffy being sometimes very emotionally intelligent when he wants to be, he could have figured it out from all these other people in the room asking similar questions and deducing. Even Usopp was putting two and two togehter. We might never find out if Luffy actuallly knows or not. Luffy probably wouldn't ask Zoro directly, especially if Zoro wouldn't tell first and didn't want to talk about it
- because for Zoro, nothing happened! Nothing, that would compromise his and Luffy's first promise. For Zoro to become the Strongest he couldn't back down from the duel with Kuma (just like before with his duel with Mihawk at Baratie. When he's faced with something he swore to overcome, he can't back down or evade. Even back then Luffy understood that as he held back Johnny and Yosaku, but Sanji was perplexed how far Zoro (and Luffy) would go to reach their dreams). When Sanji was asking him in front of Kuma "What about your dream?" Zoro was still thinking about his dream- it was just that the context has changed, it changed into a journey. His dream is the most important thing, but it wouldn't mean much, if, when on his way to accomplish that, he would betray his other words and promises.
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l-in-the-light · 6 months ago
Trafalgar Law and his rare friendships (Law and closeness series part 4)
Let's venture into less explored territory. And we will start with no one else but our beloved Kinemon!
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They met at Punk Hazard, Kinemon doing some rampage and Law was sent by Caesar to stop him. At first he cut him up into three pieces apparently, but I think Kin is colorizing here a lot.
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Because let's take a look at his awesome feats. He might be cut into pieces, but he's still a decent threat despite that! I think Law started by cutting Kinemon in half, then got surprised he still tried to fight him, and then he cut off his head as well only to realize that even the head alone is probably bouncing around as well! So he caught it, but in the meantime the legs already run somewhere else and the torso escaped Law on his way back to lab somehow which is where Brook finds it later. And Law was probably like "screw it, I don't have time for this" and left it be for now. But I bet it wasn't "letting his torso to rot, and feed legs to wild beasts" like Kinemon claims. After all his legs turned out to be just fine lol. And we know by now that Kin's legs just run off on their own aimlessly, so this is probably what actually happened.
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And this is how Strawhats find Kin. I guess Kinemon was still causing a lot of trouble despite being only a head. Maybe he tried to bite Law? Anyway, he must have been really *mad* to cut him up into that many tiny pieces. I think Kinemon was behaving like a little shit. It's important to mention Law never did that to anyone else before.
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And he attempts to do the same to Tashigi who is also trying to bounce around while being cut in half.
Yeah, Kinemon and Law started off on a great note there. But I think Kin earned Law's respect for that, because this is probably what Kin shouted at him while being cut into smaller and smaller pieces:
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And Law shoved his head into some closed off room, instead of giving it to Caesar. I think he was trying to spare him and hoping he can restore him back later on.
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As soon as they both end up on Strawhats ship, Kinemon already treats Law with respect! It's no longer "that warlord" but "Law-dono".
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It seems that despite what Kinemon says, Law actually earned his respect back there already. He even tried to catch his name or the title to know who he is.
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It's so sweet he's already asking Law to give him a ride to Zou and before he can get an answer Luffy butts-in haha.
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He's always listening carefully to Law's plan in Dressrosa and keeps closely with his assigned group. And yes, it's implied that Law was the one who strategically seperated the groups.
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Kin is the first one to raise a concern to stick to the plan and not waste any time. He understands the stakes but won't venture off on his own, instead making sure the whole group knows what to do. That's because they left before Law finished going over the plan again. Kinemon took it on himself to make sure "they got the memo", so to speak.
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Kin's also the one who seems most worried about Law, probably because when he almost rescued him he realized in what kind of terrible state he was. "Answer me!!" there is a lot of concern there he didn't show for any of the Strawhats yet, but he did for Law.
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His idea to distract and cause some chaos by disguising himself was also something Law would approve of.
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On Barto's ship Kin is already taking care of the dangers ahead of others, because he's aware his friends are still recoving from their injuries.
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Kinemon never forgets that Strawhats and Law are in alliance and are two seperate crews. He asks Law specifically for help as well, clearly surprising him with that request. Kin's amazement seems to be very genuine and he is very polite in how he asks for help.
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And then alliance happens, they bump fists together I bet Law must have braced himself for it and Luffy declares "Being in alliance means we're friends!". This is the moment Luffy defines what Kinemon and Law's relationship is supposed to be from now on: friendship. And of course Law is annoyed about that, it should be up to him to decide stuff like that! Luffy doesn't care though, pushing Law's boundaries further for him.
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Law already takes on his role in the alliance, assuring Kin they will be safe in his submarine and no one will be able to suddenly attack them on his watch. Now this is a turn of 180 degrees, Law takes them as his own personal responsibility from now on, gives emotional reassurance and basically saying "count on me" but with different words. He already succumbed to the fate Luffy bestowed upon him.
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And take a look at this. There is team Luffy, team Nekomamushi, Team Inuarashi and Team Kinemon. Do you know what that means? Yes, Law handed the leadership over the group to Kinemon! Meanwhile himself taking the role of a support and protection. And this trend will continue all the way in Wano as well.
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Apparently he visited Kinemon at the castle ruins every single day. Most likely worried about his health condition.
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Law apologized immediately to Kinemon the moment the other asks what's going on. Even takes the blame for himself, but also takes extra time to reassure Kin that his part of the plan is unaffected and no one knows about the samurais. I think it's implied again that it was Law who seperated the tasks in each group meanwhile taking a supervisor role himself. He told Kinemon to find Akazaya samurais and they had a whole operation going on in the background with gathering supplies of weapons and food, bit by bit, while officially putting the blame on some third party. Knowing Kinemon he wouldn't be smart enough to think of it this way, so Law at the very least helped him organize stuff. Besides we don't see Kinemon running around and making sure everything works out: that's Law actually, checking up with all the groups and resolving any potential crisis situations (like when he warned Sanji of trouble and took it on himself to lead the whole group to safety). Besides we have Sanji's words for proof when Law apologized to Kinemon: "What kind of shoddy operation are you running, Law?!" which is pretty direct in pointing out who the actual mastermind is behind the Wano's battle.
Seeing how Kin also wasn't the smartest at reading the coded picture message about the raid, I think it was originally Law's idea as well that the message should be some sort of code only people involved would understand. The raid picture also mentions meeting up at a port specifically, and that seems to be a reoccuring point plan in every of Law's plans ever since Rocky PORT Incident. Even in Dressrosa and Punk Hazard the chosen meeting points for all seperated groups were told to be specific ports.
When it turns out there was a traitor in the midst of their core team, it's Law who seems to have taken it on himself to dig up information from Hawkins. Interestingly enough every last samurai arrives for the raid despite that every single bridge in the country had been destroyed. I have no evidence but I think it's likely Law helped all those people travel to the "true" meeting spot. After all we didn't see him for days before the raid, and while many fans believed Law turned into a snitch, the raid itself denies it: Law was from the very beginning to the very end on the alliance's side. But then why didn't he take credit for what he did to make the raid a success? Well, he didn't take any credit at all before either, giving it all to Kinemon, so why would he start to take it for himself suddenly?
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Here Law rescues the samurais, scolding them for underestimating the sea. Doesn't it look similar to you? Law is rising them up just like Oden did on his execution day. This symbolically proves Law is the actual person carrying the whole battle operation on his back. Just like his full name, Trafalgar Waterloo, should have hinted us all along. His reactions to all the others discussing what's happening are also very telling - Law's the only one not surprised that samurais aren't there yet, that there is a traitor, not even surprised that Kid is there. But he is taken aback about news of Big Mom and Jinbei, because that's some wild cards he didn't know anything about before.
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Even though Law protests his submarine isn't samurais garrison, it's pretty clear who samurais themselves think runs their plan in reality. And worthy to notice here: Law no longer calls Kinemon by his full name. It's "Kin" from now on. And how many people did we ever see Law using such an affectionate name for before? With him you're either "something-ya" or a full name basis. Kin is literally the only exception. You can't see it as anything else but affectionate. Throughout Wano they became really close friends.
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And of course Law saves Kinemon's skin by coming up with a backup plan on the fly and even decides he will carry the samurais to the back entrance of the island on his submarine. He also allows Kinemon to take the full credit, not really expecting any gratitude. He just sits there in the background, letting others take the spotlight.
And this is a good moment to remind us of what Sengoku told Law about love. It should be unconditional, which means you don't expect anything in return for your help. Law usually operates on "favour for a favour" basis or impersonal alliance level. But in this "alliance" he doesn't even want the credit, doesn't expect anything in return, and breaks his own rule of not calling people in affectionate ways. And does he even get anything for himself from this alliance besides the rise in his own bounty?
Imo there's only one possible conclusion here: Law accepted the condition of the alliance Luffy set up all the way back in Zou, it's supposed to be a friendship. Law indeed fullfilled that condition, he truly became friends with Kin. Of course he still wouldn't admit openly that they're friends, but like always with Law, we need to actually look at his actions and subtext. This friendship wouldn't have happened if friendship with Luffy didn't happen first! After the raid Law doesn't stay at the shogun's palace and instead stays with the ships at the port, but I bet you anything Kinemon ran to him at least once to tell him how grateful he was for his help.
So that's one confirmed friendship of Law we see in the series (besides the one he has with Luffy, but I elaborated on that one all the way back in part 2). The other friendships we can see in the series is that with Bepo, Penguin and Shachi, and Wolf in Law's novel. We know that Law created Hearts Pirates together with them, he doesn't consider Hearts to be his own creation, it's theirs as much as it's Law's. That friendship started off on a sour ground, Penguin and Shachi were bullying Bepo and Law saved him. But they quickly became friends and Law's strength and attitude earned their deepest respect. Penguin and Shachi sometimes allow themselves very cheeky comments ("Captain! You're so sexy now!"), they're also slightly older than him, but despite that they have really big respect for Law and always listen to him, despite sometimes complaining ("Captain got carried away" or "stop him Bepo!!"). They know each other well and as teens they spent a lot of late nights just talking together. They would sacrifice their lives for Law and Law would do the same for them, but he's also not beyond sending them to safety instead and taking all the risk on himself. They often shower Law in compliments, almost like they know he has low self-esteem, but then they know him for 13 years already, of course they would be best friends at this point and know that stuff about him (about his touching trauma probably as well).
Bepo is the only one privileaged with any physical affection, he is Law's safe haven, the last one he allowed himself to keep. The main Hearts also know of Law's past and his full name, as well as the fact he is a D. Of course they also started doing those silly power rangers-like poses when Law introduces his crew and I bet you anything it's a nod to Sora Warrior of the Sea. They're all fanboying the comics together. Law is probably slightly more affectionate with his Hearts than anyone else (which in this case means he allows himself to be a bit more open, but he still keeps some distance from them), but we can see he still acts like a leader for them, trying his best to earn the respect he received. But we also see him worrying about Bepo a lot in Wano when the mink ate a poisoned fish. He almost threw his own raid plan out of the window just because Bepo asked to not leave him alone; clearly they are his firstmost priority. Too bad we don't have that many of their interactions to analyze.
And then we have his friendship with the old man Wolf, inventor from North Blue, who took Law in (spoilers ahead for Law's novel!). At first their relations are mostly "favour for a favour" kind, something that Law knows well because he tends to operate on same basis. So, Law is allowed to stay at Wolf's place if he finds a job and helps with chores and testing the inventions. They take turns preparing the meals. Everything changes when Wolf has an unfortunate accident and Law saves his life. Wolf then asks for a friendship and Law thinks to himself that he can't really refuse a request from someone who doesn't usually do "friendships", he feels honoured with that trust. Wolf still acts as their mentor but it feels more like they became a family. Law is very grateful to Wolf for standing in defense of Penguin and Shachi. Wolf is also the one who teaches young Law how to be a captain and puts it into his head that he needs to take responsibility at all times. In general Wolf acts rather cold and rough, but always shows a kind heart when any of them needs it, and I bet Law took on his habits because that feels a lot like how Law himself acts on many occassions.
Wolf definitely became some sort of a rolemodel for him, but there were also few occassions when Law allowed himself to say some really spoiled and cheeky things to him (like: you do the dishes from now on). Law also helps Wolf make a tough decision: to resign from taking responsibility for his son's actions and not to kill him with his own hands, he literally stops his effort by saying "Family shouldn't kill each other". At the end Wolf gives them a partying gift: a yellow submarine, and encourages Law to go out to seas to look for freedom and experience life as he wants. Even 3 years later both of them think of each other fondly, implying that maybe one day Heart Pirates will return to share stories about their adventures.
That's all the canon provides us. Law generally keeps to himself, but in Law's novel he doesn't seem to have any problem to make friendships, every person he saves becomes eventually his friend, which really gives one more argument that there's no way Luffy would be the exception to that rule. But it becomes clear that the older Law gets the more reserved he becomes and doesn't seek out friendships. He probably wouldn't have perceived Kinemon as his friend if not for the condition of the alliance Luffy applied. And this begs to ask about the elephant in the room: why? Why is he that reserved and why did he allow himself to accept Kinemon as friend in the end? I think he felt it's okay to become friends with Kinemon, because he's a samurai thrugh and through. Even if they win and Kin lives, Law would leave Wano and probably never see him again. I guess that made the decision easier on him to some degree.
I have some ideas about possible reasons why Law avoids any new friendships or affectionate bonds with people and instead tries as much as he can to keep it impersonal. He clearly can be a caring and dedicated friend and I don't think his trauma is the only reason why he avoids people. Because there's no reason anymore (after defeating Doffy and Kaido) to not openly admit he made new friends. I will take a closer look at his possible reasons in the next post.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 1 year ago
I was thinking about the Little Lucky AU and found myself wondering how Ace’s reaction would have changed if he’d seen Lucky before she had a chance to heal, so here's that
Smile For Me
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Not an experience in the world could top the feeling of the salty sea breeze whipping past him as he cut through the ocean in Striker. Ace was positive he would never grow weary of the sensation. The intoxicating views and endless freedom of it was enviable to say the least.
An unimposing wave headed straight for him, Ace only grinned and increased the speed. His prized boat ramped over the wave, temporarily becoming airborne before crashing back into the sea. Water shot up and coated him in a fine mist, enough to feel refreshing but not so much as to weaken the devil fruit user.
The figure of a ship on the horizon caught his eye. It was too far away for him to be able to identify whose it could be, but he changed course anyway. Might as well approach and ask if they know anything about that backstabbing bastard Teach.
Plus, if they turn out to be marines, he’ll get a much needed opportunity to blow off some steam.
As soon as the jolly roger was identifiable, a grin broke out across his face. It hadn’t been long since he’d last seen Luffy and his crew, but who was he to pass up such an opportunity? Besides, for all he knows they’ve heard or seen something related to Blackbeard. Though, admittedly, he’d prefer if that traitorous piece of shit never so much as made eye contact with any of them.
Especially not his niece. 
For most of his life, Ace would have never considered himself to be a family oriented man. Between the loathing for his father and complicated feelings regarding his late mother, the word ‘family’ left a bitter taste in his mouth. Sure, he eventually opened himself up enough to let his brothers in, but that felt different.
It wasn’t until his introduction to the Whitebeard pirates that he started to come around. At first, all he felt was a gnawing envy for the close knit family bond displayed by them, but as time went on and he grew closer the feeling subsided. Then he was properly assimilated into the crew- no, the family- and accepted Whitebeard’s offer to become one of his many sons. He’d never realized how badly he needed the unconditional love and support of a family until he was thrust into it. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Then there was you, his darling little niece.
Granted, calling you his niece wasn’t necessarily accurate. Luffy was distinctly not your father (Sanji would absolutely never let that mix up take place), but the term just felt right. Who cares if it wasn’t technically correct? Luffy isn’t technically his brother, and Whitebeard isn’t technically his father. Technicalities didn’t matter with them, so why should they apply with you?
Ace would be lying through his teeth if he said you weren’t the person he was most excited about seeing again. Despite not having known you for long, you’d wormed your way into his heart more than anyone ever could hope to. He’d even temporarily put his mission on hold to stay with you while in Alabasta. As much as he knew he needed to be hot on Blackbeard’s trail, he couldn’t bring himself to just leave you while in such a high risk situation. Luffy had barely set foot in the Grand Line and he’d already managed to pick a fight with a warlord. 
While that wasn’t necessarily surprising knowing his brother, what was shocking was that he was doing all this with a four year old in tow. Ace didn’t doubt Luffy’s strength by any means, but he was more unsure of his ability to multitask fighting a warlord and his army of assassins while also keeping you safe. 
That’s why he volunteered to hang back and keep an eye on you while Luffy proved himself, something he was relieved he did after seeing how banged up everyone got during the final battle. He can’t imagine you would have gotten out of that unscathed, and you were far too young to be getting caught in the crosshairs of fights of that magnitude. Just the idea of you scraping your knee made him feel sick.
He doesn’t know what he’d do if you ever got seriously injured. Or worse. He doesn’t want to even think about it.
As he closed in on the Going Merry, a familiar figure in a straw hat hopped onto the figurehead and waved his arms wildly.
Ace waved back while raking his eyes over the rest of the ship. He hoped to see your familiar head of hair peeking over the railings, but had no such luck. That’s fine, he supposes. You could be napping or simply hadn’t realized he was here yet.
The Striker slowed to a stop next to the much larger ship, and Ace barely managed to tie the rope attaching the two before he was yanked up into the rubbery arms of his brother. They both tumbled backwards on the deck with Luffy laughing boisterously.
“Ace! What are you doing here? Did you catch that guy you were looking for?” Luffy rolled off of Ace and pulled him up onto his feet.
Ace readjusted his hat, “Not yet. I was just passing by and thought I’d check in on you.” He snatched the hat off Luffy’s head with one hand and ruffled his hair with the other.
Luffy whined and swatted Ace’s hand away while trying to get his hat back. It’s then that he notices the massive burn on one of Luffy’s arms. It starts at his elbow and goes all the way down to his finger tips.
Grabbing him by the bicep, Ace pulls the arm closer to look at it, “The hell happened there?”
“Oh, that? I fought this guy with weird earlobes and he melted some gold onto my arm. I punched him with it though, you should have seen it!” Luffy grinned and puffed out his chest with pride.
“Only you would somehow neglect to mention that that psycho had lightning powers from a devil fruit,” Nami called out. She was leaning against the mast with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Small burns were littered across her arms.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” Luffy chuckled. It makes sense that he wouldn’t care as much about that part. Since Luffy is made of rubber from his own fruit, those powers would be essentially irrelevant to him. 
Ace dropped the straw hat back onto his brother’s head and playfully shoved him back, “I’ll ask more about that later. Where’s my niece at?”
Nami tensed, then shifted her weight from foot to foot, “She’s napping right now, I doubt she’ll wake up before you have to leave.” The words were spoken sharply.
“I’m sure she won’t mind being woken up when she sees her favorite uncle here. Plus, I’ve got a little present for her,” Ace replied. The last island he stopped at was known for a chewy candy made from a fruit that exclusively grew there. It was all the rage with the kids, so naturally he grabbed a couple boxes of it for you.
He made for where your room was, but Nami leapt in the way and pushed him back. “She needs her sleep, you can just leave the gift with me!” The navigator snapped at him. 
Ace’s eye twitched in annoyance. He was well aware that she wasn’t his biggest fan, but this was ridiculous. “It’s not that big of a deal. I’ll get her back to sleep myself if it matters that much to you,” he ground out. 
She opened her mouth to respond, only for Luffy to interrupt her, “Is she still napping? I thought Lucky was in the kitchen with Sanji.” 
Nami hissed at Luffy to shut up, but Ace didn’t care enough to stick around for whatever disagreement was about to break out between the two. He shoved past the redhead and bolted for the kitchen. His eyes rolled, of course she tried lying to him. He tries to smuggle his niece off the ship one time and she has to go and make a whole song and dance out of it. It was just a joke!
The door to the kitchen was thrown open with what was probably more force than necessary. The doorknob loudly collided with the wall, something that Thatch would scold him for doing if he was here.
The crack of the collision wasn’t the only thing he heard. It was immediately drowned out by a shrill scream. Yours.
He hadn’t even gotten a good look at you yet, all he’d seen was a blur as you leapt from the counter you were sitting on and clung onto Sanji like your life depended on it. Ace’s heart was in his throat from the sight. The last thing he ever wanted to do was scare you. He didn’t remember you being this jumpy last time he’d seen you.
The guilt was piled on more when a small sob could be heard, too.
Sanji cradled you to his chest, whispering soft words of assurance before whipping around with the coldest look on his face. Surprise momentarily flashed across his face before being replaced with an even angrier expression. A hand came up to push your head further into his chest.
“Don’t slam the damn door! What is wrong with you?!” He whisper yelled.
Ace held up his hands in defense, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would scare her.” He took cautious, quiet steps towards you and Sanji, “Hey, Lucky. I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
Your hands were clamped over your ears, but his voice appeared to have still gotten through. Gingerly, you lowered your hands and whispered a tearful, “Uncle Ace?”
Ace, however, was too shocked to hear it. Actually, shocked wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how he was feeling. Horrified was more fitting. Your arms were covered in scabbed over burns. That was bad enough, but what really got to him was the bruising around your neck.
Someone had strangled his niece.
What happened to you? Who did this? And where are they right now? Ace needed to know so he could personally finish them off.
You’d finally turned to face him, and the tears and busted lip did nothing to calm him. The fire that made up his very being crackled dangerously beneath his skin, and it took every bit of self control he had to keep himself from torching the kitchen.
It wasn’t until you held out your burnt arms to him that he snapped out of the rage he was in and rushed forward to snatch you out of Sanji’s arms and into his own. Despite the cook’s protest, you eagerly clambered onto Ace. Your much smaller limbs locked onto him and you buried your face into his neck while sniffling pitifully. 
Ace bounced you gently, but refrained from speaking. His anger still had a hold on him, and he wasn’t sure he trusted himself to not let it show quite yet.
Nami entered the kitchen, appearing visibly uncomfortable and tense.
The control Ace had regarding holding his tongue went out the damn window. He all but snarled at her, “Is this why you didn’t want me to see her?”
“Don’t pick a fight with her, Ace,” Sanji put himself in between them. 
Ace scoffed at the warning, but he had no intention of starting a fight. You’d already been subjected to more fighting than you ever should have been. What you needed right now was some fresh air, and honestly he needed to step away from this situation for a bit before he exploded. Going for a ride on Striker should do the trick.
He shouldered past them, tightly clutching you to him. Nami and Sanji were hot on his heels as he headed straight for where his boat was tied off.
“Where do you think you’re going?!” Nami demanded. Her hand shot out and latched onto Ace’s backpack, successfully bringing him to a halt. This was not well received by Ace, who then whipped around to shove her away.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Luffy came bounding over, looking thoroughly confused about the altercation. “What happened?”
“I should be asking all of you that!” Ace raised his voice, though immediately regretted it when he felt you flinch. He spoke in a lower tone next, “I’m taking her for a ride on Striker, she looks like she could stand to have some fun for once. You’re all going to tell me what happened when we come back.”
“Absolutely not! Are you insane, why would we let you run off with her?!” Nami made a move to come closer and grab you, but Luffy blocked her. If looks could kill, Luffy would be dead several times over.
Luffy ignored Nami’s venomous gaze and stepped close enough to rest a hand on your back, “Do you wanna go with Ace?” His tone was more soothing and gentle than Ace had previously thought it was capable of being.
You turned your head just enough to be able to look at him over your shoulder. For a moment you mulled over what to say. Your voice was hushed, like you were afraid to make too much noise. Or maybe because your throat ached too much to speak up. Both possibilities made Ace’s blood boil.
“Y-Yeah… It sounds fun, I guess.”
Luffy grinned warmly, patting your back before stepping away, “Alright! Have fun, Lucky!”
Nami and Sanji both started to protest, but Ace didn’t care enough to stick around and hear it. After muttering a quick ‘thanks’ to Luffy for being the most reasonable person here (something he never thought would ever be the case), Ace finished the rest of the short walk to where Striker was. He dropped down onto it and made quick work of untying the boat.
Just like that, you two were off. As much as he wanted to take off at max speed, he kept the pace leisurely. There was no rush, and he did not want to startle you again. 
Your face was back to being firmly planted in his neck, and you haven’t said anything since answering Luffy. You haven’t smiled at all since he’s seen you.
Ace didn’t know what to do. Comforting people has never been his strong suit. Luffy had learned to roll with the punches of his toughlove growing up, but you weren’t Luffy. And Ace wasn’t the same kid with a shitty attitude that he used to be, either. For now, he’ll wait for you to come around on your own. He’s sure you will, you did agree to come with him after all. 
Eventually, he felt your head move, followed by the sensation of you propping your chin up on his shoulder. At least you were finally taking in the sights. Feeling like he was making progress, Ace takes his chance and tries to start a conversation with you.
“It’s a nice view, right?”
A silence fell over you two again. That was… something? At least he got a response, however brief. It was odd for you to be this quiet. Back when you all were in Alabasta you were a little chatterbox. 
The question of what exactly happened loomed over him. Who could do this to a child? What kind of a monster does someone need to be to do this? The idea that anyone could so much as think of hurting his niece made him feel sick. Learning who was responsible would have to wait until later, though. He wasn’t about to risk making you more upset by asking you about it.
This whole situation was extremely frustrating. You deserved nothing but good things in his humble opinion, not this horrible abuse and suffering.
A realization hit him. The candy! He’d completely forgotten about it after seeing you. Maybe that’ll be enough to put a smile on your face.
You’d traveled far enough that the Going Merry was barely visible, so he should be able to take a break and sit down with you for a moment. He might even be able to get you talking. Though honestly, just seeing you look happy would be more than enough for him.
The Striker slowed to a stop until it was doing nothing more than drifting with the current of the ocean. He felt you perk up and look around.
“Why did we stop? Is your boat broken?” The stress in your voice was palpable.
“No, no, no! Everything’s fine! I just remembered that I had a present for you, that’s all!” Ace hastily reassured you, feeling bad that he’d made you worry for even a second. He shifted you to one side and sat down. He attempted to put you down across from him, but the instant panic in your eyes and you clinging to his arms put a stop to that.
So now you were perched on his lap while he rummaged through his rucksack. While you did appear to be mildly interested in what he was doing, your eyes were lacking any real excitement. You were more invested in clinging to him and taking in your surroundings.
Ace was beginning to think he’d lost the candy when his fingers grazed the ribbon bound box hiding at the bottom of his bag. “Here it is!” The package was pulled out and the bag discarded to the side while he held it out to you.
There was a bit of hesitation on your part, but then you slowly took it from him with a small ‘thank you’. You carefully examined the box while lightly picking at the ribbon, “What is it?”
“You’ll know if you open it,” he jostled you a little while trying to encourage you.
Slowly, you tugged at the ribbon, watching with a blank expression as it came undone. Ace took it from you once it was off so you could keep your hands free. The lid was pried off next, revealing the candies inside. Sunlight reflected off the sugar coating the light pink treats, making them appear even more enticing.
Ace watched with trepidation as you eyed them, and almost sighed in relief when you picked up a piece. You scrutinized the candy, sniffed it, then finally popped it into your mouth.
Your face remained neutral briefly as you first bit into it. Then, finally, your eyes widened, and the faintest hint of a smile began to tug at the corner of your lips. You chewed more vigorously and dug two more pieces out of the box.
“That good, huh? I’m glad you like them, Lucky,” Ace moved your hair out of your face as the ocean’s breeze blew the strands about. 
An idea occurred to him at that moment. Moving the ribbon he’d been holding to his mouth, he gathered up your hair and pulled it back. After a messy attempt to finger comb it, he took the ribbon and wrapped it around your hair. He tried his best to tie it into a nice looking bow but… it was bad. One loop was noticeably bigger than the other and the way the knot was tied made it look extremely lopsided. 
Good thing you couldn’t see it.
Suddenly, you turned around in his lap and held up a piece of candy to him. Ace smiled at the gesture, “I got those for you, kid. You enjoy them.”
“I wanna share it,” your tone and serious expression left little room for argument, especially when you started persistently pushing the sugary treat against his mouth. Taking it into his mouth, the first thing he registered about it was how sweet it was. His face scrunched up involuntarily, this was much sweeter than he liked his food to be. Ace could only hope you would be content with this and wouldn’t insist on sharing any more with him.
A soft giggle cut through the air, surprising him so much that he almost choked on the candy. He looked down at you, and sure enough, you were actually smiling.
“Your face was funny,” you mumbled, averting your eyes back to the half empty box in your hands.
“Was it?” Ace laughed. He swore he could feel a weight being lifted from his shoulders thanks to seeing you in better spirits. He swallowed the candy, glad to be rid of it. Hazarding another glance at you, he noticed you were starting to absentmindedly pick at one of your scabs. His hand shot out and pulled the offending hand away, “Don’t do that, it’s not gonna heal if you pick at it.”
You flinched and whined from the contact, making him let go in a panic. In his rush to grab your wrist, he’d unknowingly squeezed one of your many burns. Well then. Now he felt like a piece of shit.
“I’m sorry, I should have been paying more attention to where I was grabbing,” Ace very gently brought you in for a hug, hoping that he didn’t accidentally touch any other injuries.
“It’s okay,” you sniffled. 
“All these must hurt a lot, huh?”
You nodded, “Yeah… It always hurts.”
Ace frowned. It wasn’t right that you had to be in agony around the clock because his brother’s crew dropped the ball when it came to protecting you. He might not know what happened yet, but he knows they’re all feeling guilty for it based on how shifty and defensive Nami got.
Now that he’s thinking about it, there is a way to make all your pain go away.
“You know… One of my brothers could heal you right up.”
You cocked your head to the side, eyebrows knitted together, “Is he a doctor? Chopper is already doing that.”
“He is a doctor, but he’s a doctor with a devil fruit that can heal any injury. On himself and on others,” he leaned in closer to explain this, as if he was sharing a secret. “Not only that, but he can do it in seconds.”
“Really? That’s so cool!” Your eyes were wide and rapt with interest.
“Really! We can go see him right now, how does that sound?”
Uncertainty pulled at your face, and you shifted in his lap, “Now? But what about everyone else? They’ll be all worried if we don’t come back.”
“It’ll be fine! Besides, once they see you healed up they’ll be happy about it!” Ace knew they were going to be pissed about him leaving with you, but he didn’t want you thinking about that. He needs you to focus on how nice it’ll be when you aren’t constantly hurting, “Don’t you want to feel better sooner?”
“I do… Are you sure they won’t be mad?” 
“Of course! Seeing you happy and healthy will make your being gone for a little bit all worth it, I promise!” Okay, realistically some of them will still be mad, but only at him. He knows that Luffy will appreciate it at the very least, and his opinion is the only one that matters to Ace.
“Plus, if we go to Whitebeard’s ship now, you’ll be able to meet Kotatsu. You still want to see him, right?” If the medical treatment couldn’t get you over the barrel, he’s sure the promise of a cat will.
“The kitty?! Yeah, I wanna see him! Let’s go!”
Bingo. Convincing you was easier than he thought it was going to be. 
Ace tossed your box of candy back into his bag and scooped your excited self into his arms. You were downright giddy and it was relieving to say the least. It would be even better when those nasty burns and bruises were nothing more than an awful memory.
Now that you were in a better mood, he fully utilized how fast his boat could go. Small but delighted giggles came from you as the Striker effortlessly cut through the water.
Everyone was going to be more than a little surprised to see Ace come home with a kid given that he hasn’t gotten the chance to tell them about you yet, but he knows they’ll love you just as much as he does. If they could welcome him into their crew despite how hostile he was when they first met, you’ll be adored by them in a matter of seconds.
Ace won’t even need to ask Marco to treat you, he’ll be all over you the second he lays eyes on your battered form. And Pops isn’t exactly the type to turn away a little kid, especially one that’s family.
Honestly, they might not even want to let you go after they get a chance to know you.
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one-idea · 8 months ago
Horrible idea, but:
Marineford au, in which everyone survived. (At least on whitebeards side. Something Something Marco awakening his devil fruit after seeing his family die around him)
Happy end, right?
Exept that Ace is going through major Angst because A) realization that the family he loves would (and could) have died because of him and B) the uprise of people trying to assassinate him.
No matter where he goes, everyone knows who and (more importantly) whose son he is.
He is seen as the son of the devil, a demon that shouldn't have been born
There isn't a place in the world where he is safe, no matter how much his family tries .
So here’s the thing. I have always seen Ace survives Marineford as having this problem. Everyone now knows who he is.
The government wants him dead. His bounty is going to sky rocket and while we normally see that as a good thing it’s not because of any feat he has done. He hasn’t earned his bounty. And that would hurt. He’s tried his whole life to separate himself from his father and now all of his accomplishments are forever over shadowed by his blood.
It’s also dangerous because his abilities are now over stated (to the general public and other crews) we see in the show how people react to Luffy and the crews different bounties and how much they are treated like a threat or a joke. If Ace’s bounty sky rockets because of his connection to Roger and not his skill the people coming after him are planning to take down someone of let’s say Kaido’s strength and Ace isn’t there. (We are seeing this with Buggy and Cross Guild in the cannon where Buggy’s strength doesn’t match his bounty. And while we are making memes out of it the man has to be stressed)
The Whitebeard’s can try to shield him but they aren’t what they used to be. Even if Whitebeard survives they got out by the skin of their teeth and the arrival of Shanks. While Marineford is them fighting on enemy territory with a mass disadvantage it’s still going to effect the reputation. And even if Whitebeard loved he’s not fighting fit and the world knows that. Marcos and the crew can probably repeal some people but can they full shield Ace the way they could before the war? No.
In fact it would probably be a constant struggle for the next two years. Maybe at some point Ace disappears for a while but in reality he’s met up with Rayleigh and Luffy and joined in on training up his Haki. (And spending time with his little brother)
By the time Luffy and crew are ready to hit the sea again, Ace’s life is in constant danger. And remains so until Wano. Wano where his baby brother beats the pants off of Kaido and becomes the new emperor of the sea. The new emperor of the sea who has a very public tigh to Ace and has already destroyed Enies Lobby to get back one crew member, successfully broke into and out of Impel Down leading a large prison break to Marineford where he publicly declared Ace his brother and fought to save him once already.
Now it’s not the Whitebeard name shielding Ace but Luffy’s. It’s not being the son of the King of the Pirates that gives him infamy but being the brother of the future king of the pirates Monkey D. Luffy. Even if Luffy doesn’t publicly declare Ace as under his protection you would have to be stupid not to understand that these two would go to war for one another.
Honestly Whitebeard’s statues probably got downgraded depending on how badly they got their butts handed to them in the first place. They might join up as part of the Strawhat grand fleet. Whitebeard just wants to protect his kids and at this point he’s old, injured and not what he used to be. It Strawhat has already shown his loyalty to those that are his and Ace is already his.
Of Whitebeard can’t make a run for King of the Pirates anymore. Can’t protect his children and territories he might as well through his hat in with the person he knows is going to take care of them. Someone so much like Roger’s who believes in freedom above all else. (Shanks would be his second choice but the man has to many of his own plans. And it’s kind of obvious that Shanks has through his hat (or his arm) into Luffy’s ring long ago)
Now that’s idea one but idea 2
But this is where we get to have some fun with abilities, timelines, and shenanigans. Because let’s say Marcos’s phenixes ability when awakened is not just to heal but to burn away trauma for the point he can revive someone. When did the revival happen? Because if this happened at Marineford the Whitebeard’s get a second wind and can probably pull out a win in the fight. But everyone knows they survived and who Ace is.
If he does it after the fight. After Ace dies in front of Luffy and Luffy is whisked away. After the Whitebeards retreat. Looking over the bodies and grieving the loss, Marco unlocks his ability. Receiving Ace, Whitebeard, and the others, now we have some shenanigans.
Because Luffy doesn’t know that Ace is alive and Ace doesn’t know Luffy is alive. Maybe Ace lost his fruit maybe home didn’t but we can tackle that later.
The Whitebeards are hanging low until they get their strength back. No one in the government knows they survived and that’s the way it needs to stay. Until Luffy shows back up at Marineford to honor Ace.
Ace sees the news paper and he thought Luffy had died. He knew Jinbei had taken him away from the battle but no one could tell him where Luffy went or if he had survived his injuries. He wants to rush to Luffy and make sure his brother is okay. Marco has to tell him to slow down. If he races out and the world realizes he survived before he’s back at full strength he will just get captured again. But Ace is stubborn about seeing Luffy and making sure he’s okay.
They know he went to Marineford with Rayleigh so they use some connections to find the old man. He’s not about to tell them where Luffy is until Ace reveals himself. He agrees to take just Ace to see Luffy. After a reunion filled with tears Ace decides that the best way to build back up his strength is to stay and train with Luffy.
Now fruit? Did they keep their abilities? They technically died. So either yes they kept them, they lost them, or Marco restored their body and powers but the fruit also exist outside of them so two people can now have that ability. (Meaning Sabo can still get the Mera Mera and Blackbeard still gets Whitebeard’s fruit.) this is helpful to keep the story moving but also reinforcing the lie that the Whitebeards died.
If this is the case Ace and Luffy train their Haki and abilities together for two years. When Luffy is finally ready to burst back o to the scene so is Ace. Stronger than ever.
Again maybe the Whitebeard’s eventually join the grand fleet. If the world thought they were dead they don’t have their statues as emperor crew anymore but they would be a lot stronger in this version.
In both versions they Whitebeard’s help out with Wano and Ace and Sabo get to reunite.
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maigo-san · 7 months ago
What are your zolu hcs?
this is inspired by a scene from the anime during Luffy's flashback post Marineford. It's the way Luffy doesn't cross Zoro's boundaries. At first, Luffy sees a lot of himself in Zoro and that's why he finds that Zoro can take the way he treated him (i.e. the manhandling, flinging around, teasing him relentlessly) and he was right to some degree, Zoro seems to tolerate pain despite not made out of gum so he does sometimes still yanked Zoro when he ran in the wrong direction and stuff like that. Zoro also does the same thing as him, pinching him, bonking foreheads, using his full power to fight Luffy, scolding or teasing Luffy back. But Luffy realizes that Zoro is an immovable force when it comes to things like sleeping or training and he stops bothering him. Sometimes he still asks Zoro to play with him as a way to share his excitement but he doesn't disturb him or poke him or steal his stuff anymore and just tap on Zoro's shoulder or his weight. Luffy doesn't even need to say anything because Zoro already knows what he wants and he also knows that his "clingy" captain likes to do this just for the sake of seeking Zoro. Sorry, it's such a small gesture but I will die on this hill because Luffy cares for Zoro as much as Zoro does for him
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they call each other aibous/partners LOL either in the final saga or post-canon or when they get together. Had this idea after a Sabaody arc rewatch and saw RayRoger call each other that. Also why I find a lot of parallels between ZL and KidKiller. I find it even more fitting than right-hand man or vice-captain (but he could be all of them)
Zoro has a weird way with PDA. He doesn't do that much because he gets embarrassed by it. But he can't keep himself away from Luffy's personal space. Probably because Luffy does the same. He likes to sniff him discreetly; swing his leg on top of Luffy, acting like he was just nonchalantly chugging his beer; randomly pin Luffy down with his whole weight and falling asleep on top of him while Luffy looks so confused at first; press a palm on the back of Luffy's neck and pulling him to press their foreheads together while staring intensely into Luffy's eyes; neither of them saying anything until Nami told them to get a room; Zoro likes to bite Luffy, on his shoulder blades or his cheeks, due to cuteness aggression. He is actually the one who started it before Luffy developed a habit of biting him.
In modern AU, I really like to HC kindergarten/daycare/preschool teacher Luffy. His jobs can be pretty diverse, ranging from errand boy, to sex worker, to sumo wrestler, to boxer or MMA, to child care, to delivery service, pet sitter, warehouse operator, oil rig worker, beetle expert/scientist, and (a moot suggested) animal whisperer. Did he get a degree? maybe. Did it take him multiple tries to get a degree? could be. Did Sabo or Nami hook him up with a fake certificate? also possible. He might not even need them, this and that offered him after he helped them or something. While Zoro for me is usually pretty straightforward. A kendo athlete or teacher, anything by Luffy's side, bounty hunter or a hitman, or he gets paid to do the math equations in his classmates' assignments. At one point he was offered a data analysis or statistics job where he didn't last for a week because he got bored, had a bad attitude, and was often late due to getting lost
I have so many zl hcs I have not made any fanwork of, but these are the ones I thought abt at the top of my head so I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think.
Bonus mature one to make this five hcs in total
Luffy bottoms, Zoro tops. Sometimes, Zoro is more of a side or touch-me-not, so they would use toys, hands, or tongues. Luffy looooves Zoro's mouth, almost more than getting dicked down. They either have quickies almost every day or they can go months without having sex so they don't have it planned out and they don't really experiment. One or both of them will just ask the other if they're horny or not, if they want to let off steam or not and just go at it. Zoro finds more pleasure in Luffy's reactions and looks than his own while in return, Luffy lets him in his most vulnerable state and gives him all his unbridled attention. Oftentimes, Zoro does it because he misses Luffy.
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an-au-blog · 1 year ago
Trans (ftm)Sanji who absolutely refuses to sleep with Zoro for multiple reasons. They've been together for a while but he never let's them go further than making out. (because i need to post angst more than I need air)
CW: some sexual themes!!!, body dysmorphia, easting disorder, internalized transphobia, mentioned pregnancy, emotional breakdown
Sanji's main concerns were that: 1. Zoro wouldn't want to be with him because he "wasn't a proper man", 2. he'd treat him differently or 3. he would end up pregnant. That probably terrified him the most. Everything about it was horrifying to him: the idea of carrying a living thing in his body appalled him. And even if he lived through it, he was also scared with how the child would turn out. What if it turned out like him, or even worse - like his biological brothers or father, not to mention it could be physically unwell with how much he smoked.
One day, in the heat of the moment making out, Sanji gets carried away and forgets himself. It was only when Zoro started grinding against him that he started getting nervous again. The swordsman broke the kiss and pulled away a bit. "Is something wrong? he asked, I have a feeling this isn't doing anything for you..."
Sanji realized he was talking about not feeling his erection, and he feels like a moron for letting it get to there. On autopilot he answered "I'm fine, I'm a bit under the weather is all" while lighting a cigarette. He walked out ignoring whatever Zoro tried to tell him and as soon as he was out of sight he rand to a secluded area. Thought started flooding him.
He'll think I'm not attracted to him, and then he'll break up with me, and he'll hate me, he'll find out what I am and he'll hate me, even worse - he'll think less of me, that I'm weak and tell everyone and they'll leave me, or worse.
He doesn't know when he had fallen on the ground but he was rocking himself with half a pack already gone. His vision was blurry. He wanted to scream to rip his throat open and let all the painful noises bubbling inside it. But everyone would hear... they would hear and would hate him for not being what he's supposed to... So he stood there, hoping he doesn't catch a cold, muffling his sobs best he can, and wondering why he couldn't die on that Godforsaken rock when he had the chance.
But he didn't have the power over that. What he did have the power over was his own wretched body that caused him so much pain and what he did with it.
He decided from that day on, he was going to reduce his meals in half. If he became thinner maybe what little was left of his breasts would vanish and at least he wouldn't have to wear something to suppress them. So he did. He did it as subtly as possible. But maybe didn't do it as well as he thought. He realized they might be onto him when Luffy of all people offered him some of his food. Sanji declined and lied saying he had a big lunch, so he's not hungry now. But then the next day Zoro approached him to call him out on his bullshit. He would end up pushing him away eventually, maybe if he started being meaner and more standoffish from now, it would seem less of a problem when Zoro leaves him.
Still, Sanji didn't know how to deflect the accusations, so he did what he did best and agitated him best he could. It led to a fight that Sanji lost. Not eating was more draining than he thought. They would usually tie or at least have someone interfere but he was out in less that five minutes. He was weak. As punishment, he decided he would stop eating dinner altogether.
He was good with food. He's known food all his life, and it's the only thing that he feels like he could control. So at least that, he could do.
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alexiethymia · 5 months ago
The Trigger to Sanji's (Germa) Powers
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I'm sure everyone has noticed that it's been thrice now that Sanji's eyebrow has changed directions possibly signifying his shift to his Germa mode.
Now this won't be about (primarily) sanami since I think (quite ironically) the trigger for when Sanji shifts into his 'emotionless' Germa mode is actually his passionate emotions, and I would say primarily his anger and his drive to protect someone, which most often gets triggered in relation to Nami. I say that this won't primary be about sanami since I don't think Nami would be the only one to trigger that side of him. I think any life-or-death situation which would need him to protect Robin, for example, or any other crew member might trigger the shift. We just haven't seen it yet. I find it a bit ironic and also a bit sad that the first time this happened Sanji was struggling with what he thinks Luffy needs on his crew - the kind Sanji but the one who can't fight women, or the ruthlessly efficient yet emotionless Sanji. It's ironic that it would be his drive to protect his crew that might lead him to becoming the person he hates - but that is also on brand for Sanji, self-sacrificial as he is.
At the same time, it is also true that Nami (again ironic) might be the person closest to triggering that side of him. As many others have pointed out, he has already exclaimed so many times how willing he is to be a devil or demon if it's for Nami. I've seen some interesting observations about how Sanji is starting to mirror Hancock's speech patterns, like using 'insolent'. Which leaves me nervous, because apart from his kindness, Sanji is characterized by his humility. And him using the word 'beloved (itoshiki)'. (Again not discounting the possibility that the Sanji-Hancock parallel may be because of their 'unrequited' feelings). Which made me squeal (but apparently he has already called Nami, itoshi or dear before, anyway I digress). Again irony because apart from Luffy, it was Nami who saw him at his worst version when he pretended to be Vinsmoke scum and acting all high and mighty, the opposite of himself, and she absolutely hated it, driving her to despair. It's quite tropey but I worry about a scenario where Sanji willingly loses his sense of self for Nami (perhaps even Usopp or Luffy, with Zoro attempting to fulfill the promise to end him) and her absolutely hating it because of what it will cost them. Roaring rampage of revenge is a trope for a reason, and has never ended well ever.
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Anyway, onto more lighter stuff. I absolutely loved these last two chapters! Sanji's game has been steadily improving in the New World, who would have thought? Honestly, Sky Walk (huhu, and now I cry realizing his new name for the move might have been a homage to Sora) might have been the best thing he ever learned since it lets him carry girls more often. But on Nami's side, I think she is actually getting used to being carried by him. Other people have pointed out the subtle shift to their dynamic. Like for meta reasons Nami is almost always asleep or unconscious for Sanji's gestures, but that may be changing like when she smiled happily at him when he caught her in WCI unlike in Thriller Bark, or even now when she's awake as he piggy-back carries her unlike in Drum Kingdom. I also love the subtle callbacks too like in Jaya.
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This is what I mean (rip Usopp lol) about that subtle shift. Nami was sometimes dismissive when Sanji was being all silly like this ('Do you love me now?!' 'Hai, hai.'), but it's nice that she can sometimes act spoiled with him too.
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BUT, BUT, mainly I loved these two chapters for the peak East Blue crew dynamic. Two idiots and three idiots' minders, with Sanji blatantly pointing out how Zoro enables Luffy. I seriously love their dynamic. With them finding Chopper in the most recent chapter, I wonder if Oda-sensei is referencing the One Piece Live Action here. A girl can dream haha (I mean I already thanked him for fulfilling my dreams. Like there was absolutely no reason to have the sanami princess carry on the first page, he could have had all of them together already on the ground level, but I will not say no to the fanservice).
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
Sanji has adquired top sad wet cat status
#that cream guy just watching luffy tear his arms off ajdhakw#sanji had gone past his angst too quick.... picnic and everything damn...#i finally realized why his guard is offering him aubergines. he looks like an aubergine#but to me it is a metaphorical remainder of his bisexuality he is abandoning by marrying pudding (he is getting out of his polycule)#he wants the aubergine for later akdhkashsk see... he is already tempted by the familiarity#'pudding might be changing that's why she is busy.... oh didn't her room have a balcony' SICK IN THE HEAD#'oh is this inapropiate??' idk MAYBE 'it wont be a crime we will be married tomorrow' JAIL#THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SNOOPING AKDHAKA#his face is so... that one meme drawing of the guy in a war....#i mean it is sad bc she was his only like light in the darkness but damn... hard lesson#oh luffy is cursing her out this is serious#well good thing aanji snooped...... is he gon a save his sister now or.... he wont fight pudding i am sure of that#sanji is gonna grab that gun and kill himself at this point pudding#jesus christ how long can this go on for.... you already killed him pudding stop hitting the dead horse#i believe reiju could kick her ass now that pudding is distracted but alas.... no girl om girl violence is allowed#sanji not being able to lit his cigarette is so..... this poor man... NOT THE SHOT OF HIM CRYING#omg perfect episode..... jesus christ.....#i uave to say.... i would have really liked for pudding to be normal and have sanji get away from a lover to go with the crew again...#its so bittersweet you know....... and shows his priorities#goddamn sanji crying in the rain trying to get a smoke...... this is like too much... peak poor little meow meow#wait a fucking moment... the intro song starts with my feelings for you are beating intensly.... this really is so gay....#gay sex on screen is less subtle#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 817#wtf pudding... if she didnt want reiju to die why tf did she shoot her....#sanji the flowers... she will know sanji..... sanji noooo#i get the soul thing but where do zeus and prometheus come from???? what kinda power is that...#JINBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#episode 818
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stretchyyonko · 1 year ago
- Just my imagination of lawlu since I found them cute 😭💗
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- jealous luffy(?)
- idk I just randomly thought of this 😭
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After defeating kaido a grand party was held by the people of wano for those who gathered up to help defeat the rests of the beasts pirates and of course big mom.
There trafalgar law just enjoying the party by sitting and watching in the corner when suddenly women and men began surrounding him asking him random questions like, "How did you defeated big mom?" "Can you introduce us your crew?" Or either offering drinks on his mug as he doesn't mind the ladies sitting beside him and just casually answering their questions one by one.
Meanwhile luffy who was just also having fun in the said party holding the usual food in his hand and shouting "SO GOODD!" and kept munching more, not until nico robin tapped his shoulder amd sat beside him.
"Erwh? Rwobiwn? Whawt'ws twhe mwahtter? ( Erh? Robin? What's the matter? ) He asked while he kept munching food on his mouth.
"Are you okay with your ally being surrounded like that?" She said emphasizing the word ally as she pointed using her index finger to where law was being surrounded with people very close to him specially the random woman who tried flirting with him like she was his but it wasn't.
Luffy gulped the food first as he stopped eating as he processed first what was that he saw and went silent for a while and he lowered the meat he was holding and began havig questions on his head.
"Who's that girl?"
"Hmm? You mean the woman beside law? I remember her she was in the court house where I performed as a geisha before and she's an attention seeker...beware of her antics she might get him too luffy"
Luffy went staring back again where law was at and saw that he was happily talking with the woman nico robin just describe with and his heart felt weird after seeing him happy by just talking with her.
Due to this luffy stood up from his seat still holding a meat on his hand as he left on the pavillion to go back to the docks as he kept thinkig what that woman have that he does not to the point where law was happily talking to her.
He was always like that too to him.
He was always smiling sweetly to him everytime they meet.
He always gives him the warmest and tightest hugs.
He always tease him by chasing him with bread.
Then what was he lacking then?
He didn't realize tears are already falling from his eyes when he felt his chest hurt and even stopped eating his favorite food.
He then thought what if he also do what that woman was doing with law in front of law himself....he just need someone he can associate with it..
There Eustass kid shouted ay him as he enjoys having party in peace with his crew and other people
"Tch...Just a request you loser it wasn't that hard to pretend like that" luffy clicked his tounge at him since he won't go along with his plan.
Their argument seemed to caught half of the attention and they began laughing at their childish antics as the two was about to get ready to fight each other.
So they fought like little children hitting each other not until ussop who was just enjoying the scene decided to throw a banana for them to slip on the floor and eustass fell on top of luffy.
Let's just say eustass kid went questioning his sexuality there for a moment.
The two were stopped when they both heared Law interferring their fight and was about to yell back at him when law sent a death glare at eustass kid
"Hit him and i'll be having your heart in a second" he threaten him with his usual pose where his thumb, his index finger and middle finger in place.
"Ahahaha okay now stop stop this should be a happy feast not the three of you getting worked up in a fight" nami interferred as killer took eustass back to their seat as law faced luffy looking down at him like he was about to commit murder.
"Ahahaha t-torao?" Luffy asked and in one scoop he was on law's shoulders.
"We pray for luffy to walk properly tomorrow"
Even the strawhats are supporting the said newly found relationship.
"YOU GUYS ARE WORSEEEE!!!!" luffy shouted as the strawhats just chuckled and continued partying as law bring luffy to the thousand sunny and sat luffy on his lap.
"You have 60 seconds to explain why are you suddenly under that eustass loser" law said as he went gripping luffy's hips.
"W-Wait torao i was just having a rematch fight with him and we both slipped in two banana peels i don't know who throwed that there!"
"Mmm okay you're forgiven..."
Law began leaving light kisses on luffy's neck as luffy let out whimpers in his lips but was stopped when luffy pushed him away gently.
"Why are you here making me explain where you're the one who needs explaining?"
"What will I explain to you?"
"Well you're clearly flirting with a woman back there and you are clearly enjoying it."
"What woman? That was a man just like that fella who name kiku"
There luffy went silent as he was being jealous in a childish way plus does robin told her earlier was a lie too?
Law smirked and went back on giving light kisses on his neck when luffy pulled him away again and he became irritated that he grabbed his head and tilted it sidewards and gave him a bite.
"It seemed that my plan along with robin to make you jealous is effective then" law smirked as he scoffed and gave luffy kisses in his face.
The next morning luffy was fussing out on robin for lying to him just to make him jealous now knowing that the woman beside law was really a man.
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badlandsx · 5 months ago
Foolish Death
Synopsis: When such a silly and stupid question became the moment when Law realized he started to lose himself in those stupid feelings.
warnings: Law really needs a hug, angst with no comfort, some minor spoilers from Dresserosa.
pairing: Trafalgar Law x Monkey D. Luffy
WC: 1.4k
Ps: This is my first time writing, I'm not very proud of it, but I wanted to share it, so that's it. English is not my first language, so I'm already apologizing if there are any mistakes, and I was inspired by this post, at first it wasn't supposed to be so angst, but when I saw I was already hurting my own feelings while writing it :)
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The night was cold, a few stars shone in the dark sky, and the sea reflected the moonlight. His arms rested on the deck railing, his eyes focused on the gentle waves as he listened to the sound of the ocean, his mind lost in thought. The Polar Tang was heading towards Wano. Law knew he had to stay focused—on the plan, on what they would do when they arrived. They had just picked a huge fight with Kaido, and Luffy was heading to Whole Cake to retrieve Sanji, where Law knew he’d pick a fight with Big Mom, even if that wasn't part of the plan, because when did Luffy ever followed a plan anyway?
But he couldn't stop thinking about Dressrosa and everything that had happened. He had spent all these years waiting, longing for the moment he would overthrow Doflamingo, fulfilling Corazon's will. And now... what would he do now? After they defeated Kaido.
Law had never stopped to think about what came after, because, to be honest, he never believed there would be an "after." But Luffy had changed everything. Law knew he might never have succeeded without his help, and he didn’t know how to feel about it. In fact, Law didn’t know how to feel about anything involving him. Luffy was supposed to be just another part of his plan, a means to an end, but now Law couldn't get him out of his head—the way his voice sounded, the way his brown eyes sparkled with excitement, how his laughter echoed and carved itself into his hollow chest, and the black hair that Law often found himself imagining what it would feel like between his fingers.
A few days earlier, when they were on the Thousand Sunny on their way to Dressrosa, Law had been sitting on the deck, his back against the wood of the ship, head tilted back, eyes closed. He was trying to take advantage of the rare moment of silence to organize his thoughts and calm his nerves when Luffy threw himself beside him.
"Oi, Torao."
Law didn't bother opening his eyes.
"What's your favorite color?"
The question made him frown, glancing sideways at Luffy with one eye open.
Luffy shrugged. "Because I want to know."
Law rolled his eyes slightly in defeat before looking forward and starting to think about it. He’d never considered it before. There were a few colors he liked... black, maybe dark blue.
"Oh, I know!" Luffy said loudly, excitement in his voice. Law was slightly startled, pulled out of his thoughts. He looked at the boy, confused. If Luffy knew, why did he bother asking?
"Yeah!" Luffy said, full of conviction. "It was the color of your sweatshirt when we met at Sabaody."
He remembered that?
"And it’s the color of the Polar Tang, and your earrings." Luffy pointed at Law’s ears. "Well, actually, they’re gold, but gold remember the color yellow, so… I got it, right?"
To be honest, Law never had a favorite color until Luffy shouted "yellow." Luffy was so excited, smiling like a kid, that Law couldn’t say otherwise.
"Hm, yeah, I think you're right."
He closed his eyes again, hearing Luffy chuckle softly and proudly say that he knew it. In that moment, Law didn’t want to admit it, but he felt something shift in his heart. From then on, he knew he would never see the color the same way again.
That day, Law ignored the thing in his chest. He knew something was happening, but if he didn’t think about it, maybe it would go away. Maybe it wouldn’t be real. But when he saw Luffy fight Doflamingo with everything he had and realized that he was ready to die alongside him, Law knew there was no point in trying to deny it anymore. He had gone too far. He was lost.
He was in love. So in love, and he had no idea what the hell to do about it. But how could he not be? Luffy was... everything. He was the sun, light, freedom, faith, and hope. He was life. And Law was...
Death had chased him all his life, taking everything and everyone he knew and loved, her letters tattooed on his fingers.
How foolish of Death to fall in love with Life.
The thought drew a weak and bitter laugh out of him.
Law never imagined he could feel something like this for anyone, that he could ever desire and crave someone the way he did now. He was so tired of trying to bury his feelings deep down, he was already lost, so what was the point anyway? Defeated, Law sighed and closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel, to get lost in the thoughts he had been trying so hard to ignore.
Luffy's face filled his mind—the bright smile, the brown eyes, the dark and messy hair, the way his voice sounded when he shouted that stupid nickname Law had gradually stopped hating, the scar under his eye and the large one on his chest. Remembering Luffy unconscious on his operating table, his chest wide open, was enough to make Law feel sick. He hoped, from the bottom of his heart, that Luffy would never have to go through something like that again. He wished, somehow, to ensure that even the possibility of such a thing happening again would never exist. He was already caring too much, and that was the fucking problem.
Losing his family, everyone he knew, and then Corazon, had left a hole in his chest. When he started his crew, he told himself that it would be completely professional, just a means to an end. The fear of forming bonds, only to have them ripped away without any mercy, made him never want to let anyone in again, never allow himself to care again. But then Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi slowly made their way into his heart, becoming his found family, and it was difficult at first to handle, but over time he got used to it, even though the fear still haunted him. But now, that fear was returning, stronger than ever. He had never felt love like this before, and just the thought of losing Luffy scared him to death. And how was he supposed to deal with it? How, when Luffy was the most reckless person he had ever met?
Law wished he could be with him, to live all the adventures that awaited after they left Wano. He wished he could fight by his side in all the battles to come. He wanted to spend those rare, quiet afternoons sitting next to him, listening to him chatter about anything. He wanted Luffy to lay his head on his shoulder when he wanted to nap on the deck, to hold his hand, to sleep next to him and wake up beside him the next morning. Law wanted Luffy to be the first thing he saw when he woke up and the last thing before he went to sleep. He wanted to touch his face and watch him sleep, to run his fingers through his hair. He wished he could kiss his soft lips, touch his skin, and make him lose his mind, to hold and hide him from the rest of the world.
And how selfish of him, to want to keep the sunlight all to himself.
Law wished he could be with him until the end, to be by his side when Luffy become the King of the Pirates—because Law knew he would. Maybe he could be there, just not where he wanted to be. But he would still be there, watching from afar. That was all Law could do anyway, watch from afar. Luffy would never feel the same, but Law was okay with that. Just being able to feel something like that, that made him feel so alive, to be a part of Luffy's life was already a gift. So, he would be there whenever Luffy needed him. He would answer when he called, go when he asked, and lock all these feelings deep in the bottom of his heart. And on the nights he couldn't sleep, he would allow himself to think about it, hoping that when sleep finally came, he would be able to dream.
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octopodeez · 10 months ago
Lol you ready for this? Its long. So I have an oc that I made originally for the specific reason to fuck Doflamingo. Its not me directly doing it so it's fine Lol. I might be horny but i gotta draw a line. But I got Waaay to carried away with this and made my oc fuck my 3 main blonde simps (Spoilers up until post dressrosa idk where you are so warning) here's how it happens
So remember when Dof was in Jaya while the strawhats were in Skypiea? Remember that. My character, who I named a weird name so I'll just call them Z, is from Skypiea. As the strawhats go up, he gets, for lack of a better word, thrown down by Enel. Z is blood related to the Shandia (the tribe from skypiea). He basically was pissed and threw himself at Enel early to try and kill him and got royally fucked up. Then was just dropped of the edge and proceeded to fall the 20 thousand ft down through the different layers all the way down until a little before he hit the normal ocean. Cut to Doflamingo, leaving Jaya, loud scream getting closer and closer. Everyone looks up and there is a person falling out of the sky. Buffalo stopped Z in the air and then released, Z falls the rest of the way and lands literally right infront of Dof and smashes into the ground. Z then in a delirious rage, completely fucked up stands up saying some shit like "ILL BURN THAT GOD ALIVE!" and then passes out.
Doflamingo: lol ima keep it
Z is a freak might I add, and at this point, not normal at all. He also truly has no idea what the world is like since they only were ever in Skypiea. Dof takes advantage of this of course and molds him into his vicious personal hitman. (Of course they fuck that was the point of this lol) So Z gets sent out on these long ass missions to hunt down anyone dof says to, doing this earns him the title of "Doflamingo's Hell Hound" since his thing was hunting donw people who thought they got away and 'dragging them back to hell'. The last time Z is sent out he comes back to a now destroyed dressrosa just days after luffy kicked dofs ass. So...now he's just alone?
That being said he tracks down the strawhats lol. But not for revenge, he literally has no idea who to ask about what happened and "why not ask the bigger fish" he thinks. Cut to when he eventually find them, shit gets angsty. Now he's learning all the shit that was blatantly kept from his knowledge. Sure Z was already killing for dof, but what do you mean all the toys were real people and an unimaginable number of people were suffering from so many different angles? So he now learns the whole truth and is devastated. attempts to unalive self right infront of the strawhats. Of course they don't let that happen tho, you know these guys. So now he's really lost. Z then spends like 3 months with these idiots, every stop hes like "alright im leaving" And then for an unforseen reason continues to stick around. This is when Z gets a taste of love from another blonde. Sanji
(Notes: Z is transmasc, and if you didn't know Dofs fav food is Lobster, so I just say he's a seafood person) Z never asked for anything ever, so he basically ate whatever was given to him, if at all, his whole time with dof and into his time with the strawhats. Z barely eats and will avoid the kitchen because of it but Sanji won't let anyone go hungry so he trys over and over to get Z to eat an actual portion for his size. Then one day Sanji makes some meat and Z finally gets a whiff and is like.."what smells so good?" Turns out Z loves meat, luffy level type meat lover. He, without realizing it, hasn't had a single bite of anything besides seafood for now years! Now Z is eating and sobbing at how good the food is every meal; and now he won't leave sanji alone. Z spends a lot of time just hanging out while Sanji cooks, asks to try anything and everything since he wants to now explore the world that was unknowingly denied to him. Sanji slowly is falling head over heels, but fighting it cause "I'm not gay I swear" lol. But Z just looks at him one day and says "well...it's not gay if you don't want I to be, i wont say it is" and that was truly all Sanji needed to hear lol. They fuck like once, but their relationship is just entirely romantic sweet tooth rotting fluff where Sanji unknowingly mends Zs abused heart by giving him the complete opposite from what he was used to. But these two never label themselves. The enjoy each others company and sanjis already panicing about a label, plus Z dont care, so they just exist together for this time until the day comes where Z leaves his temporary home with the strawhats. Sanji now sad as hell, but Z basically tells him he made him love life again and promised to see sanji again someday. reluctant as he was, they let each other go.[Something something if you love someone let them go?] Yeah Z never says It but he is fighting some deep turmoil where he's like "if dof breaks out of prison, he's gonna be pissed and I will not put that on the people who changed my life so im leaving now for real before i marry the guy fighting bisexuality" yea sanji and Z really could have had something if Z had been told that Dof really, truly, stood no chance against Luffy in the slightest anymore, but anytime he asked how dof got beaten all he ever heard was, "yea luffy kicked his ass, it was pretty crazy" so he never really knew that until later when he put two and two together himself
Alright, next blonde! Z now is a wanderer looking for an outlet for his.."talents" you don't kill for a warlord and not come out of it good at the task Okay so this is where my brain hasn't created yet, I'm still actively building this self indulgence story so I'm working on it lol Somehow he ends up with the Revolutionary Army and joins them. he hits it off with everyone, really fits in to well, and when he mentions he spent some time with the strawhats that only makes things easier, now step in ✨️Sabo✨️ these two are both unhinged, yes, but it's like they pass back and forth a braincell and when one is crazy the other is the anchor in that moment and vice-versa. They "friends-to-lovers style" there way into a relationship where they only acknowledge that they are together way after they realize, "oh shit are we dating?" And that leads to Z finally spilling how he feels like he betrayed Dof despite everything and that he couldn't live with himself if someone he cared about got hurt cause of his past. But you know Sabo, he's not even slightly worried about it, and basically explains to Z that if a specific 10ft tall pink bastard with sunglasses tried anything, the entirety of the Revolutionary Army would definitely not have an issue stopping that; Especially if Dof was alone. This is the first time Z has ever had someone say they would protect him (but if he had said something with the strawhats you know they would have made that clear) so now happy ending for him, he's living now and in a real relationship.
To summarize:
Doflamingo: man who already thinks himself a God sees a "fallen angel" fall right infront of him and he said "Profit!"
Sanji(along with the rest of the strawhats): brought the Light back to this poor bastards life and showed him that life is worth it (aw ☺️)
Sabo(along with the Revolutionary army) gave him a home, familiarity, and a good cause to fight for while simultaneously directing his skills into.
So that's how I made my 1 oc fuck the psycho blonde, the people pleasing blonde, and the unhinged blonde lmao
Ask anonymously? Nah
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I’d take a bullet for Z he’s my actual hero
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myristicisms · 20 days ago
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The urge to reach out, to grab at the wrist holding the cup of water is more than enough to draw a low rumble from the wounded fire fist; An obvious displeasure at having what very well could have been the best thing he's had to consume in his life taken from him yet the irritation that comes with that is gone just as quickly as it has appeared. A brief flicker of his temper lighting in tired eyes that swiftly simmers back into a nothingness. He decides it's not worth picking a fight over, especially not with the fact that he's still aching and Trafalgar was the sole reason he was even alive to begin with. He's not stupid enough to think it's out of some fondness, that simply just wasn't something the older man had to offer him.
Perhaps Law wanted to be kind for once, or perhaps it was a means of indebting Ace to whatever cause the man might find himself needing assistance for, whatever the reason was the outcome would be the same regardless and that's something of an agitating thing to think about. Over the years of knowing Law, of interacting with the man briefly between islands, Portgas had always been a man bent on paying people back no matter how tedious it might be. While he's barely grateful to be alive, there's a lingering bitterness too that comes along with the realization he'd have to walk the path of recovery for who knows how long, a product of his own folly and arrogance.
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The smile tugging upon the muscles within freckled cheeks slowly drops, back pressing against the wall in a pensive silence. So many had lost their lives and for what? The son of the devil himself, a man who didn't care if he lived or died, a waste of space. The answer he's offered is as unsatisfactory as Ace had assumed, ever the enigma that the surgeon of death truly was he couldn't even be surprised that the answer would be vague. “ Tch.. ” Honeyed eyes close momentarily, the furrow of his brow more prevalent while he mulls over his own thoughts and sifts through what he wants to say. “ Should've known, whatever you're after is gonna have to wait but you already know that, doc. ”
There is no shared affection, that he's long since known even during their little exchanges in the past. Law was a man who was, for all meanings of the world, completely unavailable. A bright eyed Portgas from a year ago would have likely deluded himself into thinking perhaps the impulsive choice had been due to some hidden fondness but Ace knew better than that, jaded a man as he's become he knew well enough that Trafalgar was nothing more than Doflamingo's right hand; Perhaps their few meetings over the years had been some form of rebellion against the warlord but that's all it had been to the older man and there was no faulting him for that considering Ace's own motivations for continuing their precarious arrangement. “ Don't drag Luffy down for this favor you've done, I can't do much now but I'll make sure to pay you back for the both of us. ”
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having  hastily  removed  the  glass  shortly  after  the  younger's  sputtering,  the  half-emptied  vessel  of  liquid  is  placed  off  to  the  side,  just  out  of  reach  of  the  injured  man.  the  last  thing  trafalgar  is  interested  in  dealing  with  is  the  grim  reality  of  him  choking  to  death.  after  all  the  surgeon's  painstaking  efforts,  that  would  be  nothing  short  of  cruel  irony.  hours  had  stretched  into  gruelling  marathons  of  relentless  work,  vigilant  observation,  and  unyielding  twenty-four-seven  care,  leaving  their  mark  on  trafalgar's  weary,  splotchy  limbs.  frowning,  portgas's  weakly  mustered  smile  is  an  offering  wasted  on  a  man  notorious  for  withholding  such  gestures,  his  expression  unmoving  save  for  an  eye-roll  that  follows  his  comment.
it'd  been  months  since  their  last  chance  encounters,  a  fleeting  intersection  of  paths,  before  ace  had  dashed  headlong  into  his  ill-fated  pursuit  of  the  new  warlord,  blackbeard.  upon  having  the  tale  recounted,  the  corazón  had  adamantly  suggested  against  it.  trafalgar  had  been  reluctant  to  involve  himself  too  deeply,  but  even  he  could  recognise  the  folly.  though  far  from  whitebeard's  number  one  fan,  the  old  captain  had  weathered  storms  since  the  days  of  gold  roger  and  carried  knowledge  no  child  like  portgas  could  hope  to  fathom.  seems  trafalgar's  warnings  were  justified,  and  for  the  younger's  reckless  insolence,  that  once  invincible  captain  of  his  had  fallen,  a  casualty  alongside  hundreds  of  others.  a  fact  trafalgar  hopes  weighs  heavy,  an  inescapable  burden,  for  otherwise,  his  desperate  act  of  rescuing  him  would  have  been  entirely  in  vain.
dark  brows  furrowed,  a  faint  crease  forming  as  tension  built  behind  his  temples,  he  considers  grabbing  a  chair.  the  nagging  thrums  of  an  impending  headache  tap  persistently  against  the  walls  of  his  skull.  whether  he  likes  it  or  not,  he'll  have  to  deal  with  portgas  and  his  inevitable  torrent  of  questions  sooner  or  later.  while  trafalgar  would  much  prefer  the  solace  of  solitude,  this  is  the  inevitable  consequence  of  his  own  impulsive  actions.  ❛❛  simply  felt  like  it.  ❜❜
trafalgar  recalls  the  summit  war  with  a  clarity  that  borders  on  torment,  the  chaotic  echoes  of  battle.  he'd  been  pulled  into  the  fray  under  doflamingo's  shadowy  influence,  lurking  just  outside  the  raging  battle  zone,  confined  to  the  polar  tang  as  a  reluctant  observer.  it  was  after  the  snail  footage  cut  off  that  trafalgar  decided  to  submerge.  saving  the  brothers  had  been  nothing  more  than  a  whim  —  a  reckless  gamble  driven  by  a  flicker  of  something  he  might  dare  call  instinct.  one  he  hoped  would  pay  off.  ❛❛  though,  you  and  your  brother  most  certainly  owe  me  for  it.  ❜❜
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justice4sasuke · 3 years ago
again, i dont think that that common thread of thought in regards to ichigo and bleach is a fair assessment/a fairly surface level read of events. protecting people is certainly an important aspect of ichigos identity and character mind you, but in practical application hes more of a yusuke urameshi type of character then a more traditional cut that characters like luffy or naruto pull from. -
- that is the emotional journey is more important then the physical journey. not to say kubo doesnt fuck it up in a lot of ways, but to say ichigo is just some dull guy with a protection complex papers over the very much a complex part of that statement that drives a lot of ichigos internal conflict. his natural desire to help and protect others coming into conflict with self preservation and his-
-own delinquent tendencies and general disinterest in pushing himself to the extreme. its why hollow ichigo is fairly important in that regard as a reflection of ichigos literal internal struggle with power and using it responsibly coming at odds with taking the easy way out
sorry, im not tryin to spam you here and i had a lot more to say on the subject then i thought i did, but to summarize as much as kubo fucks up especially once aizens out of the picture, there is a pretty consistent throughline for ichigo as a character that struggles with a lot of internal divisions especially in regards to how to use the power hes been given and resolving conflicting aspects-
-within himself. and as much as it often feels like it copys from yuyuhakusho, i can appreciate that kubo wanted to try his hand at it.
Not to keep going on about Bleach on the Naruto blog I just...if Ichigo's journey is an emotional one I'm REALLY not seeing it. What's the difference emotionally between Ichigo at the beginning and ending of each arc. Ichigo seems to only react to the events that happen to him rather than mature or regress as a person.
If we want to bring up Luffy his journey is mostly physical maybe, but there is emotionality there too. I think maybe it can get missed because Oda makes a point to not give Luffy thoughts ever, but he is maturing emotionally throughout the series and becoming more of a Captain. I mean the point of Sabaody through Marineford is basically to destroy Luffy emotionally because he's a small fish in a big pond and you're going to need more than gumption to make it through. (one day I'll do a thing where I compare Naruto saying he can't be hokage vs when Luffy says he can't be Pirate King bc woof)
Ichigo...once again not seeing the internal struggle. Like I think about how Ichigo doesn't want to do the Soul Reaper duties then he sees a kid in front of him about to get killed by a Hollow and Rukia tells him not to help because he said he didn't want to do it. Then he helps the kid and says he can't just let a kid die and I guess I owe you and I'm a cool guy who repays his debts so I'll help you. And that moment came off to me more like he won't tell Rukia she's right. And I also get the thing where Ichigo tries to act cooler than he is, but it's not well conveyed other than a couple early throwaway lines. And if the hollow is supposed to be like him fighting himself it's kind of ruined by the Trying Too Hard To Be/Look Cool thing shounen does (nine-tailed fox, hollow, anything the we used to make AMVs set to Animal I've Become to) and the hollow coming out during training arcs when I think we should all agree as a society training arcs suck and in the middle of a fight which ruins the pacing just ruins any nuance that might have for me. I'm up way past my bedtime and I need to sleep since I have work so this might not make sense idk. I'd probably have to actually make a Bleach blog to properly convey all my thoughts about how Ichigo is dull and I don't get the point.
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b1tcht0p1a · 2 years ago
Monster Trio realizing they have feelings for you headcanons.
Written with a female reader in mind. (Also had some relationship headcanons.)
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Luffy - Luffy isn't clueless per se, but he definitely doesn't know platonic feelings from romantic feelings. Definitely just thinks liking your presence means y'all are closer friends. - I imagine he would realize that his feelings aren't purely platonic when he notices he 'misses' you. Even if you're just sleeping in another room or when you're out shopping with the girls. - Eventually, he would either just straight up ask you about it or go to someone like Sanji or Robin. I imagine he goes with the latter though. - While Sanji is a huge simp, he would still know what Luffy is feeling. Robin would too, but is the better person to ask. Especially with how Sanji is. - Now understanding what he's feeling; Luffy is very straightforward with telling you. He doesn't like to beat around the bush. - If you reject him, he would flatten for a fat second but quickly gets over it. It's better to have you in his life than not at all and he doesn't want to lose his friend - If you share the same feelings then this man is immediately grinning wide and wrapping you in a hug. - 100% running around with you still wrapped in his arms so he can tell everybody about it. - Clingy in the sense he likes holding or being held by you. Not in the way he has to know what you're doing at every second. - Buries his face in your chest when yall start dating. He's not completely clueless and does know some boundaries.
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Zoro - This bitch is so emotionally constipated that it hurts but he would at least know his feelings for you aren't completely platonic. There's something there that he can't completely put his finger on. - Would push you away at first because he doesn't understand these feelings. - But he can't shake this feeling in his chest when he does this. It's uncomfortably tight anytime he makes up an excuse so he doesn't have to be around you. - Would let up a little so he doesn't have to deal with this uncomfortable feeling, - He could realize that he likes you by himself but it's more likely that someone told him. Someone, probably Robin, noticed his actions and at least hinted at what was going on. -Wouldn't tell you right away. But it would come out because he probably told Luffy who then let it slip during a meal with everyone. - Everyone is shocked, Sanji would probably start ranting that Zoro doesn't deserve someone like you and that you probably don't like him back. Robin is just smiling to herself. -There's a chance Zoro might lightly smack Luffy in the back of the head, and Nami might too. - But there's a chance he is just continuing to eat like nothing happened. - If you ask him, around the others, he'll just shrug his shoulder and continue eating. If you do it in private, then he'll give an actual answer, a simple blunt 'yes.' - This man is unreadable sometimes, so if you reject him then he'll shrug his shoulders and walk off. He's a private person so he doesn't want to show his disappointment. Def sulks for a bit but eventually comes around. Just not as close as before. - If you return his feelings, he's happy about it even if it doesn't look like it. Maybe a smirk or slight smile. - Not a huge change from being friends and now being in a relationship. Maybe more touching but he doesn't strike me as a huge PDA man. Occasional arm over the shoulder or head in lap. - Fights with Sanji a whole lot over his behavior towards you now. Probably already did before y'all started dating.
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Sanji - We are already well aware he's a simp and blindly does anything for women. However, he isn't completely clueless. - He thinks all his feeling towards women are genuine but with you it's different. -He's nervous around you, less confident. He still comes to fulfill your every need but is much more cautious. - It's worse if you willingly hug or show affection to him. 100% leans his face into your hand if you touch his cheek. - He does say things like "I love you (Y/N)-chan!" often but they didn't seem very serious so nothing happened of this. - He probably likes to reflect on his feelings at night when he looks out into the vast blue sea. - When he does work up the courage to confess, it's over a private dinner with you. Everyone has already been fed but he sets up a table just for the two of you on the deck somewhere. - He's so clearly nervous and very much not himself. This is different than randomly saying "I love you" to every woman he sees. -He was rightfully nervous if you reject him. He's so disappointed at this and it shows. Might beg a little but will flatter once you put your foot down. - 100% would occasionally try and convince you to change your mind. It will probs never be dropped. He's still attentive to your needs but there's some strain there. - Over the moon, if you return his affection. Yelling in joy and spinning you around in a hug. - Very loving and pretty clingy. - Please hold this man, he needs it. 100% little spoon.
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This is my first actual post here after lurking for years on this and various other accounts. I haven't written fics since I was like 12, and that was super cringy. I hope you enjoyed and I won't mind some feedback.
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