#i rambled but. ty for the ask <33< /div>
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claudiablogger · 7 months ago
im excited for s3, mostly about Louis role tbh but I have to admit I’m dreading armandstat, so many so-called Loustat fans are creaming themselves about them, is gonna be a nightmare, bc all of them hated loumand for two years, and let’s not talk about Sam& Assad in contrast of how those same people treated Jacob&Assad, disgusting. anyways s3 is gonna be a ride and also the new little white boy Paul revere aka Nicki lmao a nightmare
yeah unsure if i'm watching if we don't get louis in every ep.....people's princess for real and the star of the show always. to me. r.j. did say Choices in s2 were made w the intention of having louis on screen as much and as significant as possible so i do have faith. and omg i have no idea how armand will be featured tbh i haven't read any of the books except interview and i don't even want to know truly armandstat doesn't intrigue me.....the louis-off is over her hot girl vampire summer has begun there's nothing they could add to their dynamic imo the most interesting aspects have already been explored. especially in pain ep3. it's frustrating and insanely antiblack how ppl want to focus on anything but louis and it's only going to get worse w the lestat season but i'm staying in the mutuals and louisgirls bubble for the most part. besides there's no lestat without louis what are they going to do? pretend there's some other love of his life he's writing 2 albums about? I'll confess I'm excited for the lestatgabrielle aspect of s3 + the gothics and hopefully the show stays horror bc from the excerpts of their relationship that i've seen there's so much to explore wrt gender and incestuous enmeshment and how a parent seeing their child as an extension of themselves is taken to the extreme w lestat and gabrielle. as for nicki.....truthfully i don't think this show needs more white ppl lmao. but nicki does establish that lestat has a type and everything is about louis if you squint. or loustat. i look forward to w/e they do w armandnicki though if anything bc didn't louis insinuate that he knew (is he going to lick my boots or chop my hands off) like was it another instrument of violence armand always threatened to play....probably ! as a loumandgirl i wonder if it'll unearth any aspects of their relationship like of course it won't be from new angles per se but the nicki/louis parallels are crazy crazy.....im curious im tuned in armand is one of my favorite villains of all time. abjectly terrifying :)
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months ago
Ok two things, because I’ve decided that since I’m starting to actually use tumblr and not just be lurking and that means that per the contract, I must address some things that I was really tempted to before. I apologize that it’s all gonna be on posts you made a While ago.
One, that post you made about the Batfam from the original timeline finding out Tim was dead. That killed me. Like I have been thinking about that for months. I still have a screenshot in my camera roll of the last line.
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Two, the poll you made? of flipping heads or tales? Devastating. On one hand I live for the angst, but on the other I am so glad that we didn’t have Jason yelling at Tim for the pie. I would have simply been destroyed. I don’t know if I would have recovered. Ever since learning that was even an option I’ve been distraught.
Anyway just wanted to tell you how much I love the fic. It makes me what to bite them, but I’m scared I’ll give them rabies. I have fully reread it about 4 times now not including the passive reads. I feel like the words are ingrained into my soul. At some point I saw one of your post talking about how you have laid hints in the story I have been trying to actually absorb the words into my skin and blood stream. So who knows. Maybe at some point I’ll have a theory on what’s going on. But I am not very smart so i won’t hold my breath about it.
Congratulations on using tumblr more!! Join the collective :D And no worries!! if anything I ADORE talking about older posts, the new takes, recontectualized shit etc.
The Jason with a shovel thing is actually something I nabbed from a friend @ihavenotsleptindays based on their fic i've been viciously obsessing over here because my god the implications were too fucking good and so so on brand I couldn't resist the brainrot.
I tend to do polls when im like "Yeah I think I know what I want but im not sure" because then watching the direction swing one way or another, I truly learn if I really WAS indecisive or if I was like "NO I WANT THIS ONE" and for heads and tails?? While Jason deserves a good yell- i'm happy how it turned out.
Again thank you so so much <33 And oh yeah, there are LOTS of things scattered throughout each of the chapters. One way ill contextualize it is theres an entire closet of Chekovs guns, some that have already been fired and just the powder and casing remain, others who i've yet to even load.
If you do have a theory id LOVE to hear it!! Feel free to ask/comment/dm but of course depending on the medium will vary how much I may or may not confirm/allude :)
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nem0-nee · 2 years ago
Nemo can we play rock paper scissors with the hands on your eyes/j
Sure why not >:))
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[ Your move, Ceru. ]
DBHSKHFS JKJK I SWEAR IM JUST A LITTLE GUY!!! A SILLY LITTLE GOOBER- (casually uses this as an excuse for an upcoming drawing ahjvdad)
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ABSOLUTELY FOUL!!! TvT I'd be in a great disadvantage bc I'll have to pose these hands first!!?!?!? /j
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 8 months ago
glenn and jedediah for the character bingo
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Glenn ^^ love that old man, please let him be happy with Morgan for once :(( (he’s also Not a good person and most of the fandom doesn’t understand that I Hate fanon version of him)
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Jedidiah ^^ I feel like he’s similar to Glenn but a Little different to me. I have mixed feelings on fanon interpretations but he’s Also not the best so yk. (Addie is an amazing fanon version tho :))
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steph-anie723 · 5 months ago
can you show us a oc of yours??(so I can draw and eat them.)
HI UHHHF ABIUT THAT,,,, i technically don’t have any ocs you guys 😢😢👎👎👎👎👎 i would like to make some one day but it’s kinda hard for me 💔💔
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HOWEVER i did. have gacha life characters… i have a few ancient screenshots under the cut…..
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I WAS NINE CHATTTT I WAS NINE,,,, (alice was my favorite she had a gazillion redesigns and was there since day one 🙏🙏 love her forever)
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irritablepoe · 7 months ago
hmmmmmmmmm ohhh!!!! yesss i have a funny lore thing, so i had biologie leistungskurs, and bc we were a really small course (10) we got through the learning material quite fast. this meant we were able to make a field trip. but we didn't go to the museum or sth like that no no. the teacher ordered a small bus where us 11 people fit into. then we drove to some small hut in the forest and yes this sounds really fucking scary and tbf if they'd wanted to, we'd be dead and no one would have found us, we were so far from any civilization istg, but well, nothing scary happened. quite the opposite.
so. this hut was a research station for the lakes that are somehow special, it'd take a while to get into that and i don't quite remember, but basically there were three professors that researched there and held regular classes in a small lecture room. there were quite a few dead stuffed animals (idk how you call these in english) and like. everything was really fucking old, it literally looked like a classroom from old movies yk.
but yeah, we stayed there 3 days, 2 nights. one of these nights we spent in this very classroom instead of sleeping, someone explaining sex and stuff to someone very christian (this was very fucking funny, i shared a room with her and she later told me that she "knew everything already and that she just didn't want to be seen as someone who would know" like okay wtv idc, she is kind of a bitch but yk she never did me wrong or sth), me with a book and judging, my friend with his switch. we also had a drawing competition and everyone was hella biased bc they thought i was good at drawing "bc i'm a nerd" or sth and therefore thought mine was the best?? this was also funny. there was also a really thick fog outside also during the day and when we drove out onto the lake in two small boats we told each other ghost stories or tried to scare each other while we were analysing the water and the ground samples. idk how they saw me beforehand but after that i feel like they respected me at least a tiny bit more
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gingerpeachtea · 9 months ago
🦆 Anything from a MR! wip pls!! (If you are still doing this game)
YIPPIEEEE gladly!!! here is a quote from the wip that's closest to being done :) it doesn't have a title yet (none of them do oops)
“Oh, you truly don’t have to—” “I don’t mind. I want to,” Christian said, looking up at her with an adoration she couldn’t understand. He placed her shoes neatly beside each other beneath her vanity, where she always kept them. He was being awfully kind; she was almost afraid she didn’t deserve it.
(wip game of birds!!)
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starfishlikestoread · 11 months ago
what's your favorite movie?
hi!!! ooh, I think I'll have to cheat a bit and give two answers - the movie that is my personal favourite is How To Steal A Million (1966), starring Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. It's a lovely little romcom with a heist, art forgery, and People Being Competent (or pretending to be but making it work anyways, same thing). Favourite thing to rewatch, but not sure I'd recommend it if you aren't already into the genre.
My favourite movie in the "everyone should watch this!!" way, though, is definitely Victor/Victoria (1982). It's funny, witty, has so many queer characters, and I really appreciate how it sits itself so comfortably in that middle space between 'gender' and 'sexuality' and explores both at the same time. TLDR Julie Andrews wears several suits, lots of shenanigans ensue, and Norma might be my favourite character to ever grace the screen.
(The only reason it isn't also my personal favourite is that I like the 1995 Broadway proshot version of the story just a liiiittle bit more (they remove the couple of gripes I had with the original film and somehow make it *even more queer*) - but that's just my preference, the movie is also very good :P)
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attroxx · 11 months ago
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon for Axel !
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it's . . . pretty hard to scare axel. as a child he went through so much and has internalized so many things that he just doesn't get scared often. his self preservation is practically non existent. even when he does interact with dangerous people or beings he just . . . vibes honestly. the only time axel does feel fear is when he gets into a bad headspace and worries he is becoming like his father. axel has done so much hard work to make sure he is nothing like his dad that sometimes when he gets angry or upset axel thinks he might lose it and just do something awful like his father did. and it's the last thing he wants.
as a child axel's anger controlled him but after years of work and therapy he's learned to control that anger to a degree, not letting it explode like when he was young. but he is human at the end of the day and his anger causes him a lot of fear and stress. there is still work that needs done when it comes to his rage and controlling it but axel has already come such a long way and should be proud of himself. but on the off chance axel does get angry and explode, he is a mess after the fact. very apologetic and probably fighting off a panic attack. needless to say he is scared of himself more than anything.
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headcanon meme. — accepting.
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another-corpo-rat · 2 years ago
give us some random Vic lore pls
A lil potluck of Victoria info coming right up 😘😘
She’s got a thing for bald, former-military guys apparently. First Adam, then Kurt. And while I don’t know if she and Kurt will be a thing as I’m waiting to meet him proper in the dlc – she’ll certainly be physically attracted to him, until he opens his mouth potentially.
She will NEVER have children – it’s just not something she’s interested in, nor myself for her. Though I did consider it and came to the conclusion that if she did become a mother, she’d end up raising her own little Azula; a manipulative darling who commits war crimes at the ripe age of 14. Victoria would be so proud. 😌 They’d have her smile, and eyes no one can recognise as their father’s.
It’s a lot easier for her to cool down than it is for her to warm up, courtesy of steps she’s taken to prevent overheating while netrunning her internal systems have been built to prioritise cooling. At least, that’s the excuse she uses when she cuddles into a certain cyborg should they be sent somewhere that’s a bit cooler than average.
In a vein similar to above; she looks down on ‘runners who have to routinely use ice baths. In her eyes it’s a sign of mediocrity to be in their field long enough and not have enough eddies from work to get a decent chair. She told one once to add a toaster to their set-up.
I haven’t figured it out fully yet, but I’ve been tossing the idea of Victoria and Louise Nordin Eurodyne getting along. They met at some official Function while Victoria was in Tokyo on business and clicked easily – and like any good friend of course Victoria keeps Louise updated on the bullshit Kerry Eurodyne has been up to. This is helped by Victoria having a contact within the label Kerry’s signed with, who passes info along
I need to give her more friends tbh
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salemsimss · 2 years ago
32% for Isaac my beloved ꈍ .̮ ꈍ.
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32%. If the character could remove one emotion from their life, which would they choose?
Love. It's not something that Isaac would like to admit. Is Isaac even capable of feeling love? Many would wonder. For a man so full of rage and spite, you wouldn't think so. But the truth is, it terrifies him because when he feels love, he feels it deeply.
For starters, Isaac had a loving family. Two doting parents who he thought loved him as much as he loved them, a loving Grandma who made the best treats, and his loving, compassionate, older brother who he was very close with. But love never lasts, does it? At the age of 9, Isaac's parents had left to go somewhere and never returned. When he was 12, his older brother, Emilio, was rushed into hospital where he was later diagnosed with heart failure. As Isaac grew older, his relationship with is Grandma grew strained, and he is convinced that she has since given up on him.
It doesn't end there, because even his love life would end in heartbreak and betrayal - which Isaac absolutely refuses to admit to everyone.
So if he had to choose one emotion to get rid of, it would be love. That way he wouldn't need to worry about growing attached to a person, only to end up being abandoned later on down the line.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months ago
Enjoy my evil boops >:D
They were enjoyed and returned >:)
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scrawnytreedemon · 1 year ago
You're not very intimidating, but rest assured that you're a menace nonetheless
Heheheheee damn right i am >:}}}
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year ago
BAP characters favorite holidays 🥺?
WOO !!!! hmm
sophia- fav holiday (to eye) is the anniversary of their start to leading the cult. its a holiday in the group and a celebration to their leadership + it makes her feel wanted/loved
rebecca- oooo hmmm it celebrated everything with her family so i think new years and/or the winter holiday season bc of the family joy she got to experience and give
sunni- i think sunni enjoyed christmas/that holiday season in general when he was younger bc he liked to be around family members and friends more. but at this point he doesn't really celebrate anything anymore
blair- halloween !! i sorta mentioned this in my last bap ask but they Really like halloween and always go all out on gorey stuff
david- probably birthdays (not just aers) bc ae really loves giving gifts to show love, and most of the time it would be homemade stuff that he would craft for friends
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asummersday · 2 years ago
For the blow up your inbox (Also I am reading the new chapter TONIGHT or so help me 🔫) which rise ninpo power would you want to have?
And by this I mean either you use them for fighting villains
Or just in everyday life.
OR, if you had to create a new ninpo power for say Venus (rest in peace) what would her power be?
take your time! i know irl stuff gets in the way and oh boy do i know what its like to say "i'll do this thing" and forget because i didn't set myself a reminder lmao. hope you enjoy the chapter!!
thats a good question! honestly, while they all have super cool powers, i think i'd really like to have donnie's green ninpo. maybe i wouldnt be able to use it in my day-to-day life, but it would be cool as fuck to just be able to construct any weapon at a whim. donnie's more tech-oriented, but since we've seen him construct shields, they should pretty much be able to be anything. so. ninpo swords. ninpo handgun. if donnie's weapons do actual damage, who's to say you can't just create a ninpo baseball bat and just go ham on someone pissing you off?
just overall, i think it would be a fun power to have. i'd definitely abuse the fuck out of it though lmao.
that, and purple is my favorite color. an added bonus.
and just for funsies i'll answer the venus one, too.
i'll be honest, i don't know much of anything about venus, so i'm just assigning her a ninpo based on what i think would be very cool to see. honestly? photokinesis. light manipulation in an animated fight would be so incredibly awesome to see.
plus it's just a cool power overall.
yeah, she can manipulate light, but listen. she could bend the light to make herself effectively invisible. darkness is just the absence of light, right? so, in a fight, she could just. metaphorically turn off the light and blind her enemy. since the turtles usually go out at night, she'd just have to turn off streetlights and let her enemies adjust to fighting with just the moonlight or something.
light does so many things, so she could have x ray vision, see infrared light, probably several other things i haven't thought of.
she can see the shrimp colors.
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nem0-nee · 2 years ago
MILGRAM? whos your favorite priosn entity
HMMM- Just a disclaimer first!?! I only know Milgram by the songs! I haven't seen the interrogation/voice dramas/etc just yet- My Milgram knowledge is so smol ;v;
[Deco*27 is one of my favorite producers, so I casually just dip in a bit for the songs]
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Personally, love Mahiru just because of how catchy her song is. Don't get me wrong- that girl has some loose screws, but GOD her song SLAPS 👏
I used to like Mu, till I saw her in the second trial 💀 Another banger song yes- bUT HOLY FUCK did she get cocky?!?!
Like [After Pain] hit really hard for me when I first listened to it back in 2020- BUT SHEEESH?!?! Seeing [It's Not My Fault] got me going 💀 I didn't see that curveball from a mile
...Still lowkey like her though... It's not my fault (pls laugh /j)
Will probably update this when I get deeper in the Milgram hellhole™ But for now, these two are my picks! (Sorry in advance if it's illegal to like either of the two, I'm not in the loop 😭😭)
Would also like to know y'all's favorites- brainrotting with others can be fun shsjswhsis
[Also- Proseka x Milgram collab when- JKJK...unless?]
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