malificandy · 3 days
I’m ngl most of you are really antisemitic and you don’t realize it because you don’t know anything about Jews and the history of antisemitism. It’s so easy to say ha, that’s not me, when shit is so incredibly ingrained that you wouldn’t even notice if anything less than a sieg heiling-nazi hit you over the head.
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malificandy · 18 days
edit: thirteen hours later and I know it doesn’t matter except for my own documentation, but his bluff got called. he’s definitely too much of a coward to take them up on this:
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“if you are too afraid to witness the truth of what took place, we beg you to stop speaking on the matter.”
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as much as I believe the hostages deserve to be acknowledged, I cannot STOMACH them being exploited and tokenized by these rancid celebrities who don’t actually care about Jewish lives and just want to use our deaths for their own ends. I’m furious at all the leaders involved in this too, Bibi and Biden wholly included, the difference is that I know the direct blame is on Hamas, which he can never bring himself to mention, and I’m not online spreading blood libel to millions of people. this man has done nothing but post misinfo and antisemitic propaganda for months. sit down, shut up, and stop pretending that you care about anything other than using his murder for your own purposes. people love dead Jews is not a compliment.
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malificandy · 18 days
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No surprise to anyone paying attention: a new report in The Telegraph today confirms the BBC’s blatant bias against Israel, with skewed coverage since October 7th.
People consume this news like it’s coming from an impartial source— clearly, it’s not. The real question is: how much longer will we tolerate biased reporting that fuels hate and distorts the truth?
Were you surprised? Let me know
Hen Mazzig
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malificandy · 18 days
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malificandy · 18 days
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I think one of the most important things most goyim don't understand about Judaism is that there's a process for forgiveness, but forgiveness isn't required. And even then, the process of teshuvah requires more than just a simple apology.
It requires that one recognize that they have done something wrong, it requires that one regrets those actions, it requires that one strives to do better, it requires that one changes themselves to be a better person as to not repeat the mistake, it requires one to face the person they have wronged, admit their misdeeds, and declare their intention to do better.
If the offender's apology isn't serious enough, they repeat the same offending deeds, or something else happens where it's clear the apology was not sincere or the offender hasn't taken concrete steps to become a better person, forgiveness isn't required.
And even in the case where the apology is seen as sincere enough, the minimum required amount of forgiveness is "mechilah," which simply forgives a debt (physical or metaphorical) that is owed because of the offending actions. But the crime still exists. The crime is still there.
And EVEN THEN, one is not halachically obligated to offer mechilah. They may be morally obligated to as a sign of good faith, but in no way are they required to.
This is Jewish forgiveness. It is a process that takes time, energy, and trust. Sometimes, it's not granted, but when it is, it's granted because there is faith that the offender will become a better person and not repeat the crimes of their past, at least not intentionally (although that is a whole other topic).
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malificandy · 1 month
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It’s wild that every time Israel rescues or recovers a hostage or hostages that antisemites anti-Zionists will come crawling out of woodwork to talk about how bad it was that Israel did so. All the while they’re still justifying Hamas’s actions on October 7th and since then.
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malificandy · 2 months
ive already made a post sorta about this but if you reblogged something about boycotting Hogwarts Legacy or JKR because of the goblins but you haven't reblogged anything about the Nazi chants and salutes at the Olympics
You're a fucking awful ally to Jewish people and the antisemite is in the room
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malificandy · 2 months
ohio removed 160000 inactive voter registrations
Search for yourself here: https://registrationreadiness.ohiosos.gov Voter registration:
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malificandy · 2 months
a literal terrorist group, hezbollah: oh yeah we just fired another rocket at the jews
hezbollah after learning that it was arab children killed: nooo we didn't do it nooo believe us we would never do such a thing
people on this website, for some reason: i believe you 100% it was obviously staged by israel because everything you guys say is the compelte truth
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malificandy · 2 months
I think I’ve finally reached my “no more fucks to give” era. I used to be willing to engage in good faith, or at least try to reason with the anti-Zionist crowd into being slightly less horrible towards Jews, but they have stuck their heads so far up Hitler and Stalin’s asses that I can’t be bothered anymore.
So yeah, I’m done. Get fucked, you asshats. Am Yisrael Chai 🖕🏻
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malificandy · 2 months
“Let’s be clear — targeting a synagogue is pure, unadulterated antisemitism which is intended to have a chilling and intimidating effect on members of the Synagogue and the Jewish community more broadly,” the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies said in a post on X.
---- "But we're just criticizing Israel! Those Jews. Always accusing us of antisemitism"
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As a historic note - the Nazis in this picture are boycotting the department store of Wilfred Israel, an ardent Zionist who played a significant role in the Kindertransport. If only they could see their ideological descendants today. They would be so proud.
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malificandy · 2 months
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today i was in the museum of world war ii in gdańsk (poland) and hmmm.......
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what a coincidence
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malificandy · 2 months
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malificandy · 2 months
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malificandy · 2 months
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בוכה דמעות
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malificandy · 2 months
Having been a part of the left for decades I think I can sum up how they went wrong
The left used to look to grassroots fighters of injustice as role models. They saw what the Black Panthers did giving school children free lunches. They saw groups like the Gay Liberation Front fighting for rights. They saw so many people in developing countries fighting for freedom and safety
A generation ago we knew why we were fighting. Then minority groups started to gain more of the equity they fought for and membership became about identity; nobody wanted to be a straight white person. The new generation came in after the struggle and tried to continue but so many of the fights were won and instead of picking up the fights remaining, they just wanted to continue with violence
They looked at radical Islam and assumed if someone is being violent there must be a righteous cause. They kept the violence and lost the fucking point
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malificandy · 2 months
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