youorme-producer · 18 days
a song about wanting to go to sleep really badly but your brain won't let you and keeps throwing irrelevant facts/thoughts at you, ft. gumi SV
it's getting late and i'm tired so
i'm gonna try to go to bed
my eyes are shut i'm almost asleep then
for some reason, my brain says
"Remember that time you peed,
in your chair, in 4th grade?!
It was great!"
Pissing me off....
filling me full of rage.
Hard to fall asleep now
A movie plays in my head
where a little old lady regrets everything's she's said
A still of a baseball team appears
they're standing in a dugout
and it's bizarrely clear
repeat after me
you're gonna fall asleep
think of nothing, mmm
that didn't work so
start counting sheep, oh
backwards from a hundred
100, 99, 98, 97-
then my brain asks:
"wanna hear a song?
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
wait this next one's better!
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na"
fuck it i give up,
guess im gonna get up
for an hour eat a sandwich, and idk what
blue light penetrates my eyes
my melatonin drives
now im back to square -5
so, try again
lay back down
hopefully it,
goes better this time.
"Guess what!"
The guano act of 1856 states any barren island with bird shit
gets annexed by the US
i still need to do my taxes
do i earn more filing joint or should I do separate?
Yola is an extinct language related to english
hmmm maybe I should learn it
I think about punting a baby woah what am i saying
dawg that's fucking crazy
a movie plays in my hear where I cant fall asleep
no matter how hard I cry
oh well well at least I fucking tried
I gotta get ready for work and the sun's about to
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youorme-producer · 1 month
youtube/pv release for my short ahh song
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youorme-producer · 2 months
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youorme-producer · 2 months
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youorme-producer · 2 months
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youorme-producer · 2 months
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youorme-producer · 3 months
im on spotify! please stream if you would like
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youorme-producer · 3 months
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youorme-producer · 3 months
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youorme-producer · 3 months
A sad song about a disappointing year paired to a noisy instrumental
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youorme-producer · 3 months
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youorme-producer · 3 months
the first of more recent songs i made, an introspective song about feeling stuck and consulting the worst possible person for answers, urself
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youorme-producer · 3 months
an original song i made with jun, will probably definitely redo this again to make the instrumental and mixing better
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youorme-producer · 3 months
my "first" original
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youorme-producer · 3 months
i make synthv music
i yearn for the days of the early vocaloid fandom. wayback when, vocaloid music was really special because anyone could make a song anytime. i remember being a wee child and hearing sakasama rainbow and being so blown away -- i loved everything about it. the visuals, the sounds, the (awful, completely wrong) translation made popular by lordxwillie (i was so glad to actually see the more accurate translation bc it gives the song some more character)
but you dont see songs like sakasama rainbow anymore. you dont see songs like sweet float flats, or even the really cool, less than 500 view count songs on the electronic drugs tag on NND
especially with the advent of that annoying ass animation style used in rabbit hole by deco 27, it's all so soulless and branded and packaged and just, not special. i don't deny that there's artistic value, but in an ai-generated landscape, it overall falls flat
there's still good songs being made even today, don't get me wrong. but what i really miss is the creative environment/atmosphere that earlier vocaloid created
i want to make music like the old days,
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