#i proofed read but i didn't really proof read
ocinstar · 24 hours
Like a cake
Spencer x afab!reader
Summary: Spencer accidentally eats a special brownie and gets baked for the first time, making him reveal some things.
Cw: drug use (devils lettuce), fluff, use of y/n
A/n: cooked this up at 3 am while watching that scene in the perks of being a wallflower where charlie gets high and thought high spencer would be hilarious 😭
Also this is not proof read, so if u see any spelling mistakes, no you didn't 😇
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"Do I really have to go to this thing?" Spencer asked Derek from his seat beside me.
Derek had gotten an invite to a house party by some of his friends and had insisted on us coming along with him. Emily and I were pretty quick to accept the invitation, but it took a lot of convincing to get boy wonder to agree to join us. He only agreed after I promised to lend him my copy The Undertaker in the original Russian print.
"Yes, you do." Morgan answered with a breathy chuckle. Spencer sighed and sunk lower in his seat. I sort of felt bad now for pushing him to come, especially since I know he's uncomfortable with things like this. But that's also exactly why I pushed him, to get him out of his comfort zone a bit and have the chance to talk with people in a low stress environment. Derek had said the party wasn't supposed to be to big, just a few friends. Which of whom were all going to be intoxicated, therefore easier to talk to since drunk people tend to be less judgmental than sober people.
"Don't worry, spence. It'll be fun." I gave him a reassuring smile. He let out another sigh that let me know he didn't really believe me.
"Yeah, Reid. It'll be fun." Emily reiterated from the front seat. I didn't plan on leaving Spencer to fend for himself at this party of course. I planned on staying by his side until I was sure he was going to be fine, but I realized that might be a bit harder than I thought as we pulled up to the house. It was crowded with cars and some people hanging out on the front lawn. As we stepped out, we could hear the music coming from inside.
"This is definitely more than 'a few friends', Morgan." Spencer fidgeted with his hands nervous. Derek patted his back before clapping his shoulder and shaking him slightly.
"You'll be just fine, pretty boy." He said before him and Emily walked off and into the house. Spencer's anxiety was very apparent as he cracked and played with his fingers.
"We can leave if you really want to." I offered once I realized something like this might be way to out of his comfort zone. He took a deep breath and shook his head.
"No, no, it's fine."
"Are you sure?" I asked again just to make sure he was ok with this. He nodded his head yes so I linked my arm with his as I lead him into the party.
From the amount of cars parked outside of course I expected there to be way more people than previously anticipated, but I definitely didn't expect this many people. I held onto spencer's arm a bit tighter as we walk through the sea of people. I saw some people head down to where I assumed the basement was and lead spencer down the stairs. It was calmer down there, less people and softer music. So I thought this would be a better environment for spencer, who was currently as stiff as a board. I unlinked my arm from his to give him some space. I spotted the vacant couch and gestured for him to follow me as he went on about how Morgan was a liar.
"'Just a few people' he said. He promised just a few people! This is what I get for trusting him. He's always trying to get me to go to parties with him, of course it wasn't gonna be 'just a few people.'" His rant continued as we walked.
"Yes, yes, Derek is a liar and I'll put salt in his coffee tomorrow. But for now, just try to have a bit of fun tonight, ok?" I sat down on the couch, making myself comfortable. He sighed heavily and nodded.
"Ok, I'll try." He sat down, awkwardly positioned on the edge with his hands on his knees. It was obvious he felt uncomfortable sitting on a strange couch with God knows what on it. There was an ottoman beside the coffee table that looked like it opened up, so I opened it in hope to find something for spencer to sit on. Sure enough there was a thin blanket that looked clean.
"Here, up." I ordered him to stand and he did without a word. Cute.
I draped the blanket over the couch and gestured for spencer to sit back down. He smiled me gratefully as he sat back down, now looking much more comfortable.
"Thank you." I waved my hand dismissively, I mean it's the least I could do for making him come here. Some people filed back upstairs, so I saw an opportunity a drink from upstairs while it was basically empty down here.
"Will you be ok if I go get a drink?" He looked up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes, which made me want to just sit back down and forget about the drink.
"Yes, I'll be fine." He gave me a tight liped smile. I was reluctant to leave him, but I walked off regardless.
I felt awkward sitting all alone. After y/n left, I just started fiddling with my hands and looking around. I wish I had told y/n to stay. She was the only reason I had came and now without her here, i felt out of place.
I hear a group of people come down the stairs, their loud laughing filling the room. I get insanely anxious when I realize their voices getting closer to me.
"Hey man, mind if we sit here with you?" One of the guys ask. Of course I couldn't say no. Well technically I could, but I don't know how without coming across rude.
"Uh, yeah, sure." I slide over to the very end of the couch as 2 of them sat down and the others sat on the floor or stood. They continued their loud conversation and I wondered if I should just leave.
"Whatever, star wars and star trek are basically the same thing." One girl said from the floor. I suddenly thought back to earlier and the promise i made to y/n to try and have fun. So I interjected before I could over think it.
"Actually, Star Trek is more based on probable science as basis for it's plot while star wars is more sci-fantasy more focused on how people react to their surroundings, instead of how the surroundings are possible." I regretted opening my mouth immediately. They stared at me, surprised I had spoken to them.
"Thank you!" The guy sitting beside me shouted. "See! I told you!" He pointed at the girl who was speaking earlier. She simply rolled her eyes at him and he turned his head to me.
"Continue telling her how wrong she is." They all looked at me, waiting for me to continue my informational rant. Which I happily did. As I talked more about the differences and similarities between the 2 worlds, one of the guys, who I hadn't noticed had left, approached us with a plate of brownies. He held them out to the group and they all excitedly reached for them.
"You want one to?" He offered and held the plate out further so I could reach it. Of course I wasn't going to pass up a free treat, so I took one without giving it much thought.
"Thank you." I chewed on the browine as I carried on with what I was saying before being interrupted. This night is turning out to be fun after all. I do wish y/n was her though.
"Can I have another one please?"
Upstairs felt like a nostalgia trip back to high school. A room flooded with drunk people and people groping each other. It took some time to navigate my way through everyone and it took even longer finding the kitchen. But I eventually found my way. I was delighted seeing the familiar face of Derek Morgan as I entered.
"Well if it isn't the liar." He looked up from pouring his drink. He smiled at me and laughed.
"How's boy genius doing?" He asked as he took a sip of whatever drink he mixed together.
"I think he might climb out a window and run home any second now." I grabbed 2 empty solo cups, filling one up with water and the other with vodka and cranberry juice. Derek laughed.
"Ah I think he has a compelling reason to stay." He winked at me and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I regret telling him about my crush on spencer. I told him to shut up, which just make him chuckle.
We talked for a few minutes about how Emily had almost immediately found a girl to flirt with and has been with her all night. And almost as if on cue, she walked in. We all teased her about her party crush for a few minutes, until the teasing turn onto me. I also regretted telling Emily about my crush.
I hadn't realized how much time had passed till Emily mentioned something about spencer being left alone for so long. A whole 30 minutes had passed since I had come upstairs and I immediately felt bad for ditching spencer for so long without a word. I quickly grabbed the 2 cups and bid them goodbye before hurrying off.
Getting through all the people took longer than before since I had to be extra careful as to not spill anything. I felt relieved when I finally reached the stairs to the basement. I was worried that spencer had been just sitting there for the past half an hour in silence. But my worries were quickly squandered as I saw him talking with a group of people who looked to be about our age. He had changed spots, now sitting criss-cross on the coffee table while all the other's surrounded him like it was story time.
"And I don't understand why leia kissed luke if she literally said in return of the jedi that she always knew he was her brother." Spencer babbled on as the people around hilm laughed loudly.
"Hey, spence." I saw his eye's light up when he saw me and he smiled wide.
"Y/n!" He threw his hands up, which caused him to almost fall backwards. He caught himself just in time and giggled a bit. It wasn't until I got closer to him that I noticed how red his eyes were. That, mixed with his odd behavior, it was clear he was not sober.
"Are you stoned?" I tried my best to contain my laughter, but it was funny watching him rock back and forth looking like he was really thinking about the question i just asked.
"Yes. No. I only had 2 brownies." He counted 2 on his fingers and held them up to me. The people he was talking to all started laughing and spencer joined in with them, probably not registering they were laughing at him.
"Ok, wanna come with me to a quiet place away from these people?" I leaned in closer to him, careful not to let the others hear. He doesn't say anything right away, just looks at me with an expression i couldn't place, but one that made my stomach flutter.
"Yes, please." He whispers back and stands up quickly. He sways back and forth for a moment before steady himself.
"We're gonna go somewhere else." Spencer tells the group and they all start booing in protest and all shouting disappointed "no's". Spencer seemed unbothered by them, but does say a quick apology regardless. I gestured for him to follow me as I stared walking away. He waved them goodbye before hurrying after me.
I lead him down a dimly lit hallway and into an unlocked room, which thankfully had no one in it. It appeared to be a guest room that was pretty empty, besides a queen bed, a night stand with a lamp and a rug.
"Those people were nice. They knew nothing about star trek though." Spencer sat down on the rug, returning to his criss-cross position.
"You do know there's a bed right there." I laughed, pointing to the bed that was right behind him. He shrugged.
"The rug looked softer." He said as he felt the rug. I took a seat next to him, putting the drinks off to the side. He looked completely out of it, like he was on a different planet.
"How are you feeling?" I asked and leaned back against the bed.
"I assume you've never been stoned before?" He shakes his head.
"I've read about the effects of marijuana, euphoria, altered perception, impaired memory and cognition. But It's so much different actually experiencing it first hand. It feels weird. I also probably shouldn't have ate 2 of those brownies. Brownies sound really good right now. Oh! Another effect of marijuana is increased appetite, or the "munchies" as they call it." He smacked his lips together, then licks them.
"My mouth is really dry." I couldn't help but laugh. This is definitely not how i expected this night to go. He turns to me as I laugh with a painfully cute expression that made my stomach flip. I reached for the cup of water i had gotten for him earlier and handed it to him.
"Here." I chuckled and he took it quickly. He didn't even look to see what was in the cup before downing the whole thing. Once he had finished, he whipped his mouth and put the cup down.
"Thank you. Your so kind." He turned to me and smiled gratefully. He looked absolutely beautiful in that moment. His hair was slightly messy, his eyes were glossed over and dreamy looking, his smile was simply adorable and the light was hitting him just right. His compliment made me blush and I turned away from his gaze. I felt him continue to stare at me.
"I'm sorry you're stuck taking care of me. I know you probably wanted to have fun tonight." His face had dropped and he sighed.
"It's ok, spence. I am having fun." I reassured him. Witnessing his first experience being high was admittedly very entertaining. He sighed again. He just looked at me in silence for a few moments, making me nervous.
"You're so amazing." He blurts out suddenly. His words took me by surprise and I felt my face heat up, probably now a light shade of pink.
"You're so pretty too. And caring, and smart, and funny, and pretty." His tone was light and distant, like he wasn't aware he wad saying all this out loud. That made me snap back to reality and remember that he was high. I felt a wave of disappointment hit me when I realized he was probably just saying all this stuff because he was stoned, not because he meant it.
"Ok, spence." I said dismissively and laughed a bit to hide my disappointment.
"I think you're the most amazing person I've ever met. I mean, there's a party happening right now and you choose to stay with me. You're always doing that, taking care of me. I think that's why I love you so much." The last part really caught my attention, my disappointment quickly dissipating and being replaced with shock.
Did he really just say that? I know I shouldn't take anything he says right now seriously, but admitting that he loves me seems pretty serious. I take a few seconds just to process what he had just said. I was sure he didn't mean it like that, I'm sure he meant as just a friend. But that didn't stop my heart from fluttering.
"What?" I finally said with a uncontrollable smile on my face. He turned to me, confused.
"You just said you love me." His eyes widened and he shot up straight.
"What?!" He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. He groaned, putting his head in his hands and shaking his head.
"Spence, it's ok. I know you didn't mean it like that." He sighed. He said something, but it was muffled by his hands.
"I can't hear you." He sighed again and lifed his head up so i could hear him clearer.
"I did mean it like that." He said, his voice quite and low. I couldn't believe what i had heard, so I just stared at him in shock for a moment. He glanced over to me when I didn't say anything for to long, groaning when he saw my shocked expression.
"Ugh, this is not how I wanted to tell you." He put his head back in his hands and slouched forward.
"I know you don't feel the same and we're just friends. I'm so sorry, y/n. You can forget I ever said that, i don't want it to be awkward or uncomfortable for you. I just-"
"Who said I didn't feel the same?" I cut him off before he got to in his head. He turned his head so face that I thought he'd get whipe lash, his red eyes wide in surprise.
"Wait, what?" The look on his face made me giggle.
"You're smart and funny and kind and you're insanely cute, you understand me in a way no one ever has. You're so passionate about your work and helping people. You're the most incredible, extraordinary person I've ever known. How could I not love you?" I felt a huge weight lift off my chest as I tell him everything I've wanted to say to him for so long. He just stares at me wide eyed, his mouth opening like he was about to say something, but then closing it again.
"I- what- wait- huh?" He stammered, making me laugh.
"I'm sorry, it must be the drugs or my own wishful thinking. But did you just say what I think you said?" A piece of hair fell onto his face, so I tucked it behid his ear. His face turned red and his mouth hung agape slightly.
"Maybe we should talk about this when you're sober."
"No, I want to talk about it now." He scooted closer to me. I was almost certain this is not how he wanted this conversation to go, him stoned out of his mind and in some random room in a random house. Of course I wanted to say it again, to tell him I love him and that I've loved him for years. But I'd rather tell him that when he can process more than 1/2 things at once.
"Later, when you're not baked like a cake." He laughed like it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard.
"'Baked like a cake'" He repeated after his laughter died down to a frequent giggle. His face suddenly turned more serious and he looked me right in the eye.
"Cake sounds so good right now." His face was so serious, like he had to have cake at that very moment or someone would kill his whole family. The intensity on his face was enough to make me burst into laughter. I had to look away from him to compose myself, so I didn't see him go to lay down. I felt his head rest on my thighs, the sudden contact taking me by surprise. I look down to see him turned away from me with his eye's closed.
After my initial shock disappeared, I hesitantly ran my fingers through his hair. He sighed in content and placed his hand on my knee. I smiled to myself as I continued to play with his hair.
"I'm tired." He mumbled. As if almost on cue, i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to reveal a text from Derek. I chuckled as I read it over.
"Well you're in luck because Emily puked on a girl and now we're leaving." I tried to get up, but his head remained on my lap.
"Come on, spence. You gotta get up." He groaned in protest and gripped my leg to keep me in place.
"Don't wanna."
"Spencer." I said softly. I didn't want to move either, but unless we wanted to take a taxi home, we had to get up. He sighed before pushing himself up, his hair a complete mess. I reached over to fix it for him, combing his hair with my fingers. He looked at me like I was an angel on earth, his eyes fixed on me. Though the urge to pull him in right then was strong, but I hate to get him home.
"Come on." I stood, reaching my hand out to help him up. I interlocked his hand with mine once he had stood up. I lead him out the door, back out to the basement, upstairs and through the crowd to the front yard where Derek was waiting for us.
"Hey, love birds." He smirked when he caught sight of our interlocked hands.
"Hi, Morgan. Do you have any snacks in your car?" Spencer asked. Morgan looked at him funny and smiled wide when he saw his red eyes.
"Are you baked?" Spencer giggled to himself before responding.
"Like a cake." He started laughing and Derek looked at me for answers.
"I'll tell you later." Derek nodded and walked over to his car, me and spencer following behind. Emily was already in the front seat, passed out. I felt bad for how she was going to feel in the morning.
The ride home was quiet, besides the occasional snore coming from Emily. I turned to Spencer to see him fighting off sleep, his eyes just slivers and struggling to keep his head up. I squeeze his hand to get his attention. He turned to me with tired eyes and I gestured for him to lean his head on my shoulder. He whispered a "thank you" before resting his head on my shoulder. We stayed that way till we reached Spencer's apartment complex.
I shook him slightly as we parked outside his building. His eyes opened slightly and he removed his head from my shoulder.
"Come on, I'll walk you inside." He gave me a tired smile. I escorted him out the car and into his building.
He talked about the book he was reading on the way up to his apartment, he barely making any sense as he did so. Once we reached his door he got quiet.
"You really meant it right?" He asked and I looked at him confused.
"Meant what?"
"What you said earlier." I smiled once I realized what he was talking about.
"Of course I meant it."
"Good. I meant it to." He smiled sweetly. I would've never imagined that spencer would like me back, or that I'd find out this way. But I'm happy regardless. I'm so happy. Spencer Reid, my best friend, loves me.
I cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss his cheek. He looked at me wide eyed when I pulled away.
"Goodnight, spence."
"G'night." He muttered, his surprise still evident. I waved him goodbye before heading back down to the car.
The ride back to my place consisted of telling Morgan how spencer had managed to get high on accident and him telling me how Emily drank way to much, resulting in her throwing up all over the girl she'd been flirting with. I left out the love confession part to avoid any further torment that spencer would definitely have to endure from him at work.
As he talked about what had happened while me and spencer where in the basement, I thought about everything that had happened. My smile grew more and more as I replayed the events of tonight. Just then, I felt my phone buzz. My smile growing impossibly wide when I read the text on the screen.
*ate everything in my fridge. I love you.*
I laughed before typing my response.
*I love you too.*
A/n: first tumblr fic guys! This was longer then i expected so oopsies my b 🤗 anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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bratzforchris · 2 days
bed chem-m. sturniolo
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SUMMARY: in which matt is looking a little too hot in his new tiktok
WARNINGS: masturbation (f)
A NOTE FROM LILAH: i love sabrina carpenter so much that's actually my wife if you were wondering
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Manifest that you're oversized I digress, got me scrollin' like Out of breath, got me goin' like
You laid in your bed, scrolling through Matt's TikTok account yet again. Did you have better things you could be doing on a Saturday night? Probably. But that didn't motivate you to get up and move. Instead, you continued to watch each and every video, biting your lip shyly when you noticed a video in which Matt's bulge was clearly visible in his baggy jeans. The more you scrolled, the heavier your breaths became, the knot in your lower stomach slowly tightening as your eyes trailed from Matt's happy trail to the waistband of his jeans and beyond.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Who's the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent? Ooh (Ah) Maybe it's all in my head
Just as you were about to close the app out for the night, a notification appeared at the top of your screen. @mattsturniolo just posted a new video it read. You smiled to yourself, immedaitely clicking on the notification and navigating to the video. The TikTok showed Matt in a white jacket and baggy jeans, lip syncing along to a song you didn't know, by an artist with a British accent. All it took was one play of the video, and your breaths were increasing in speed again. He looked good. He always looked good, but today was different. Maybe it was the song, or the jacket, or the tousled hair, but whatever it was, it had you slowly trailing your pink, manicured fingers underneath the waistband of your pajama shorts and the elastic of your underwear. No one was home right now, so you were free to let your imagination wander...wherever it would take you.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ But I bеt we'd have really good bеd chem How you pick me up, pull 'em down, turn me 'round Oh, it just makes sense How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things That's bed (Bed) chem (Chem) How you're lookin' at me, yeah, I know what that means And I'm obsessed
Your fingers slowly began to trace circles on your already swollen clit, the thought of you and Matt tangled in silky sheets together playing in your mind like a movie. You could imagine the way he would pick you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he carried you to bed. He'd practically tear your lacy thong off, throwing it somewhere on your bedroom floor. Maybe he'd even turn you so that you were facing a mirror; the more you thought, the faster your fingers pulsated against your clit, your folds already slick from the mere thought of Matt. You could practically hear him whispering the dirtiest, most depraced things in your ear as he took you from behind, forcing you to watch yourself get absolutely railed in the mirror. You thought about the way you'd be able to see him smirking, those oh-so-blue eyes that you had fallen in love with when you'd first started watching the triplets would be alight with the mischief of making you accommodate his cock. In short, you were absolutely obsessed with the idea of Matt fucking you, and the way you began to pump your fingers in and out of your dripping pussy was physical proof of that.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Come right on me, I mean camaraderie Said you're not in my time zone, but you wanna be Where art thou? Why not uponeth me? See it in my mind, let's fulfill the prophecy
Your mind flipped scenarios as you began to grind your hips against your bed, fingers working overtime on your clit and pussy. Matt was on top of you now, thrusting into you roughly. He'd have his head buried in your neck as he pulled out quickly, thick, white spurts of cum covering your stomach as he whimpered in your ear. You knew it was stupid, but you didn't care. Rationally, you would always be just a fan to Matt. Hell, you didn't even live anywhere close to even having a remote chance of meeting him. Part of you even wondered if he would want you in the way that you wanted him. You were pulled back into reality by the ache in your lower tummy that was begging you to stop edging yourself. You once again thought about Matt on top of you, his tattooed arm holding you down as he pumped into you, desperately chasing both your and his orgasm. You could see it in your mind so clearly, making you wish Matt was here to fulfill your wildest fantasies.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Ooh (Ah) Who's the cute guy with the wide, blue eyes and the big bad mm? Like
Your legs violently shook as you fingered yourself, your clit throbbing wih each thought of Matt you had. Maybe he'd even finger you himself, the cool metal of his rings being a drastic contrast to his warm hands as they pumped in and out of you, encouraging you to take the punishment with faux "tough guy" façade. Those bright blue eyes would crinkle as he watched you squirm underneath him. That was the thought that sent you over the edge. You finally released, covering your fingers in your cum. You knew that all Matt would ever be to you was a fantasy, but for now, you enjoyed the feeling of thinking about the chemistry in bed between the two of you.
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tags ♡: @blahbel668 @mattsturnswhore @sofieeeeex @jetaimevous @pkfferoo @idekman1231 @svphscc @littlestar44 @https-roman @flow3rsturns13 @supercoolgirl69 @hearts4chriss @urprobablyscuffed @pepsiluvr0209 @vsigishishis @addiestarx @sturn1ololuvr @sturnclouds @memea32221 @hoes4matthew @whoreformatthewsturniolo @facingreailitysgravity @sturnsmia @sturnobsessedwh0re @sturniolos-f4n
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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tommysdaddykink · 2 days
I keep seeing talks about how Lou was fired for his cameos on here and twt and I just wanna ask these folks if they even know what cameo is for? it's very common in the industry for actors and entertainers at large to have cameos and interact with their fans. It's the whole purpose of the site.
Lou answering fans' questions about tommy and his own personal insights/thoughts on the character he plays is exactly the kinda shit the site exists for. A lot of actors go on there to answer these kinds of questions. Eric Winter from The Rookie regularly answers fan questions about his character and the show. The Rookie is also an ABC show. He hasn't been fired for actually spoiling things.
Hell from 2019 to 2022 JLH was active (on and off) and answered a whole array of questions including some 911 related ones. Sure JLH didn't spoil anything that I know of in her cameos but she has on her Insta. Nevermind the fact that Lou wasn't even the first to "spoil" the medal ceremony looking at @osh-my-prince's timeline of events anyway so it doesn't even make sense that he would be fired for his cameo to begin with.
And logically speaking if Lou was actually fired he would have no reason to stop the cameos. Why stop guaranteed income like that if you no longer have the job? It's far more likely that he took a break before filming started.
Another thing I see brought up is the price of Lou's cameos and how they kept going up. Lou doesn't control the prices completely, Cameo uses dynamic pricing and when demand spikes so does the price. It's automatic. He might have the option of fixing the price again somewhere in his settings but in all honesty Cameo seems to have it down and part of pricing is keeping demand somewhat manageable so most people can get their cameo response by the deadlines they were told when purchasing. And if for some reason the response couldn't be done by the deadline, you'd get your money back.
It makes sense for how the site works, and this is a luxury purchase to begin with. It's as personal as it gets without all the hassle of going to a con and seeing a favourite actor.
The last thing that I keep seeing get thrown around and used to point out "how rude Lou is", are messages on Cameo. For $5 USD you can message Lou and he'll read it, but a response isn't guaranteed. You will more than likely be left on read. He could respond if one gets really lucky but the site warns a person multiple times that a response is not guaranteed. And yet I keep seeing people say that Lou is being so rude for leaving fans on read or that he's breaking the terms of their purchase. That makes no sense.
I'm sorry, but if for just $5 a person could get a guaranteed message back some of these actors would never get a moment of peace ever again. how could a guaranteed message response be that inexpensive?? where's the logic in that? Do some people get lucky? Yes. But it's a gamble, a gamble that the site warns about. It's the cheaper option for folks who don't want to spend tens maybe hundreds on a video response and it works. A fan can send words of encouragement, love, support, anything and their fave reads it. It's like sending a letter except you get a read receipt with it. Again it's a luxury, priced like a cup of coffee.
It's been incredibly frustrating seeing some of the bullshit coming from parts of the fandom about the whole cameo situation but at the end of the day Lou stopping his cameos is just more proof that he's back for S8.
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blucampbell · 1 day
And it's only because you're feeling alone. // W. BUTCHER X M. READER
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Summary: Butcher fails to inform you about the Boys trip to Russia, and leaves you in New York while they're on their trip. When you learn about it last minute, he assures you that he'll come back in one piece, and that he'll make it up to you. But while the Boys wait in the van for Kimiko, he gets an unexpected call from you and steps out. And while Kimiko is dealing with her part of the mission, Butcher decides to take a small break.
(honestly, I do NOT remember if Butcher was with them in this scene or not but let's pretend he is)
Warnings: NSFW, phone sex, use of sex toys, sub reader ig, Butcher teases too much, orgasm denial, gay stuff, not proof read
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"Right, now we just wait for the lass to do her bit, and then we're off," Butcher reassures the rest of the group, patting M.M on his shoulder. The other male gives him an annoyed look, swatting his hand away. Butcher leans against the inside of the vehicle, standing around in the silence. He starts to nod off ever so slightly, before getting startled by the sound of his phone buzzing. He takes out of his pocket and makes a humming nose, walking towards the doors of the van. He holds it up for the others to see, saying a simple "Gotta take this," before stepping out.
He moves towards a darker spot in the alley they're parked in, answering the call with a smile on his face. "’Ello there, sweetheart," Butcher says warmly into the phone, listening in for your voice in return. When he gets back a timid "hey", he starts to get a bit concerned.
"You alright?" It's a simple question, with a simple answer. It was either a yes or a no, but he didn't get either one of those back. He was surprised with the answer he got in return. His face flushes slightly when you let out the tiniest whimper into the phone, a smirk forming on his bearded face. He now knows exactly why you called, and exactly what you want. "Thinkin' about me cock, boy? Getting yourself off when 'm not there?"
He teases you, taken aback slightly at the amount of needy noises leaving you. First it was a couple more whimpers, that soon transitioned into full on whines. He shushes you gently, thinking of a way to satisfy you while being over four thousand miles away. He checks over his shoulder for a second, glancing back at the parked van. He hums to himself, sticking his hand down his pants. "Tell ya what," he begins, using his hand to give his cock a few lazy strokes. "If ya tell me what you want me to do with yous, I'll give it all to ya when I get back," he states, groaning and biting his lip at how hard his dick is getting because of the scenario.
"Want you to fuck me, Billy," you gasp into the phone, one of your hands stroking quickly at your cock, hips grinding against the sheet on your shared bed. "Need you t- to fuck me so bad," your noises pour into his ears like a song. Butcher liked when you were like this, open and vulnerable to him. He liked how much trust you put in him to allow him to see you in such a state. He continues to stroke at his own dick, grunting at the way your words roll off your tongue. And then, he got an idea. A really great idea. He starts to speak once more, gaining your attention.
"Why don'tcha get that toy I bought ya and put it to good use," he murmurs as he looks over his shoulder once. You whimper before sitting up on your bed, Butcher hearing the rustling of the sheets from the other side. When you get back to your phone, you make a noise to alert him of your return. He welcomes you back in a teasing yet sweet tone.
"Get started for me, boy," he coaxes you with a velvety tone, smirking at the way you whimper. When he hears the pop of a cap, he knows how engulfed you'll be in pleasing yourself in the next few moments. As you spread lube onto your fingers, you start to mumble his name, letting out little noises when he starts to reassure you that he's there with you, and that he'll make you feel a thousand times better when he gets back. Drool is collecting at your lip, biting down on your bottom one when you start to finger yourself up.
You start to huff and pant, listening to Butcher sputter as he tugs at his own shaft. As you stretch yourself open for the toy, Butcher looks around again at the van, knowing that he hasn't got that much time left. Kimiko wasn't a slow worker. When you're finally done prepping yourself, you grab the toy and put it towards your entrance. You let out a yelp as you push the tip in, Butcher imagining the lewd image of you in his mind and groaning as he draws closer to his release. You start to fuck yourself with the toy, pushing it further and deeper inside of you after every other thrust.
You imagine Butcher in place of it. You think about him hovering over you and pounding into you, making you see stars. But while also reassuring you that you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on, praising you for how well you're handling him. As you bite down on your lip, it almost slips past you that Butcher curses on the other end of the phone, releasing into his hand. As you try to follow suit, he curses again while pulling up his clothes and tucking away his cock.
"Sorry boy, but I think we're gonna have ta cut this short for tonight," he says, frowning as you start to make noises of complaint, mumbling about how close you were. He shushes you gently, calming you down enough for you to just pout, agreeing to his instructions. "Gotta go now, love, see ya when I get back," he says in his usual gruff tone, imagining the noise you make after paired up with that usual pout you do. He chuckles after you say goodnight to him, hanging up his phone.
Right on cue, Hughie opens the door of the van and whisper yells for him. He wipes his hand clean of any fluids and hops back into the vehicle. He waits to hear the report back on what's going on, but then his phone dings. As he lifts it to see what it is, he's taken aback by the sight displayed on it. You'd sent him a picture of your cock, cum splattered onto your thighs with the words "couldn't wait for you :(" written underneath the attachment. He chuckles, stuffing his phone into his pocket and thinking of a way to punish you when he gets back.
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luvvictoria · 2 days
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Favourite game
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( ♡ ) pairing : Gen Narumi x fem!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe, sex , explicit content , p in v, idk bro
( ♡ ) a/n ✏️ : I feel very creative those days 😭
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"You're really going to play that now?" You rolled your eyes, but the playful smirk on your lips gave away your amusement.
"What?" Gen didn't look up from his console, his thumbs dancing over the controls. "You know I can't miss the new update."
The room was a mess of discarded action figures and half-eaten ramen bowls, a stark contrast to the gleaming cityscape outside the office window. It was a rare moment of peace before the chaos that often accompanied your lives as members of the Defense Forces.
You shifted in his lap, the friction sending a shiver down your spine. You leaned over, your hair brushing against his cheek. "You're going to miss the best part."
"And what's that?" He finally glanced up, one eyebrow arched in curiosity.
"This." With a swift move, you pulled his head towards you, capturing his lips in a fiery kiss that left you both breathless. The game controller slipped from his grasp, forgotten amidst the growing heat between them.
The tension in the room was palpable, a silent symphony of desire that had been building for weeks. Gen's hand slid down your back, cupping your ass as he pulled you closer. The sound of your heavy breathing mingled with the distant sirens, a stark reminder of the world outside your bubble.
With a playful nip at his bottom lip, your stood up, strutting towards the desk. You leaned over, your breasts pressing against the cool surface. "Are you going to keep playing, or are you going to show me what Japan's Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant is really made of?"
Gen's eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you. He set the game aside, the battle on the screen fading to black. "Alright," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's see if you can handle it."
The door to the office slammed shut, the echo muffled by the thick carpet. He stalked towards you, his movements predatory and graceful. The respirator mask hung around his neck, a stark reminder of the battles he faced outside these four walls.
You felt a thrill run through you as he stepped behind you, his hands sliding up your thighs to grip your hips. He took off your combat gear, sliding it down your legs and he unzipped his. He leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "Ready?"
Your heart pounded in anticipation. "Always."
The first touch of his dick against your wetness made you gasp. He didn't wait, pushing into you with a force that made your knees buckle. You braced yourself against the desk, your nails digging into the wood.
Your rhythm grew frantic, the sound of your skin slapping together a sharp counterpoint to the sirens wailing outside. Gen's grip tightened, his hips pumping harder, faster, as if trying to outrun the inevitable call to duty.
You moaned, your eyes squeezed shut, the sensations overwhelming you. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing through your body, making you forget the tension of their daily lives. You could feel his muscles flexing against you, his strength a stark contrast to his usual laid-back demeanor.
The desk creaked under your weight, papers fluttering to the floor in your wake. Gen's breath was ragged in your ear, his voice a low growl as he whispered dirty encouragements that made your core clench around him.
Your movements grew erratic, the room spinning as your climax approached. You reached back, your hand finding the back of his neck, your nails scraping against his skin. "Harder," you panted, pushing yourself back against him.
He obliged, driving into you with an intensity that left you gasping for air. You could feel him swell inside you, his breathing matching the erratic beat of your own heart.
Suddenly, the desk phone blared to life, the shrill ring piercing the air. Gen cursed, his body tensing. For a moment, you thought he would ignore it, that he would let the world burn for the sake of your passion. But duty called, and with a final, powerful thrust, he groaned, filling you completely.
Your bodies stilled, panting, as the phone continued to ring. With a sigh, Gen pulled out, his cock glistening with your arousal. He reached for the phone, lifting it to his ear. "What is it?" he barked, his voice still thick with desire.
The voice on the other end spoke urgently, the words a blur to your lust-filled brain. But you could feel the change in Gen's body, the tension coiling back into his muscles like a spring winding tighter and tighter.
"Fuck." He slammed the phone down, his expression shifting from passion to grim determination. "We've got a breach. Code Red."
You straightened, your own arousal fading as reality crashed back in. You reached down, adjusting your clothing as Gen turned away to grab his combat gear. "Let's go," you said, your voice steady. "We've got a city to save."
The room was a flurry of activity as you both dressed, strapping on your weapons and gear. The playful banter of moments ago was replaced with the seriousness of the situation at hand. But even as you prepared to face the monstrous threat beyond the office walls, the heat of your encounter lingered, a reminder of the connection that made you more than just colleagues.
When you were both ready, Gen turned to you, his red eyes intense. "Stay safe," he said, his voice gruff.
You nodded, your own eyes gleaming with a fierce resolve. "Always."
And with that, you sprinted out of the office, leaving your passion-filled sanctuary behind, ready to face whatever the world threw at you.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 8 hours
4 Eddies
So, as a commenter pointed out, there ARE 4 Eddie videos in Commercials, does that translate to 4 separate Eddies running around on Homewarming?
1. Decorating Poppy's tree. Eddie is happy to be helping her with the tree. The focus of the video is Eddie pouring gravy on the red ornament, which is referenced later in The Bad Time. Poppy asks Eddie when he is going to rest and enjoy the holiday. This really reminds me of something (a horror movie? People around them telling them they need rest and something is actually happening? They live? Soultaker? None of them are quite fitting but I know this is a trope.)
A line of Poppy's that sticks out to me is "when are you going to give yourself some time (pause) to enjoy the holidays?" It is a weird way to say that. “Give yourself some time.” Eddie has the only timepiece in the place. Edit: that is what i thought but now there is a cuckoo clock.
But. "What’s a Homewarmin’s eve without a Homewarmin’ Ham in the tree, after all!" So it is Homewarming Eve.
2. Bored, but have Homewarming gifts to deal with. (He also notably has intrusive thoughts during this bit, which he talks himself down from.) He wraps an apple for Wally, which is slapping a bow on it. You know, he never gives people their gifts. We had him wrapping them, but they said later it was all done. He had his mail bag but he didn't say anything about distributing them, despite Sally saying they distributed all their presents. We have zero proof there are presents.
3. Super bored, has played tic-tac-toe against himself at least 18 times, but it could be more with the 2nd page. The score is 4 to 14. It should be the other way, if we are reading left to right, as the 1st player to move has a much higher chance of winning. Or ties, since that is probably how playing yourself goes.  
He gets mad and shoves things around in this bit, and I have always found it odd that he says "how is anyone supposed to get some recognition around here if they don't have anything to do?" Acting primarily for recognition is weird--especially for a puppet. He seems kind of desperate, too, like the consequences of not having recognition are dire.  
He also has a shopping list: envelopes, pencil, construction paper, paper (lined), egg, milk. (I would say eggs, but he has a weird swoop at the end of all of his words.)
4. Eddie goes for his walk, and immediately is spotted/called to by Sally, who says that everyone has already delivered their gifts without him so he could rest and enjoy the holiday and that he should walk her to the party.
[Cartoon/puppet mix]
Ok, what about this? Eddie is stashed away in the post office because the other Eddies are around and we can't have 2 at the same time? I really had this thought because we didn't get any info on the present delivery, and an alternate Eddie could have delivered it. Along the same lines, what if the Eddie that encounters Sally is not the same Eddie as was in the post office? He does decide to go for a walk in the end of 3. This could be one of those sitcom i have 3 dates and i can't let them know type deals.
But 1 happens on Homewarming Eve. 2 is on the holiday, "I ain’t never had so little to do on a holiday before." 3 says "all day," so we can assume the same day, but that isn't stated. Could we be seeing multiple years' Homewarmings? But Sally says he was there all day. 4 says Homewarming party, so maybe the same day.
Maybe we should consider the split between the Eve vs the Day?
What if Eddie knows there are 4 of him? Or at least 2 of him? Eddie 2 is wrapping presents. Then Eddie 2 and 3 are playing tic tac toe, with OG Eddie smoking Eddie 2, since copies tend to degrade in media. Then, finally, Eddie 4 is meeting up with Sally, because despite the fact that Eddie said he was going to go for a walk, we have no proof that he did so. Besides, this Eddie is a cartoon.
Eddie 1 could have delivered his presents? No, for this to make sense, Eddie 1, the highest functioning (and OG) Eddie does the Homewarming Eve, then we see Eddie 2 putting presents together. Then Eddie 2 goes and delivers his presents, while Eddie 1 and Eddie 3 play endless Tic-Tac-Toe. Maybe Eddie 1 goes shopping at that point, since we have a shopping list. Eddie 3, being a copy, is breaking down, getting mad about being useful, because that's all he is for, to be of use to Eddie 1, and by extension, the others. Eddie 4 gets scooped up by Sally, who may never realize that she is watching different iterations of Eddie throughout the day.
I wonder if through the other bits of Eddie there are any indications that he might be more than 1? We have that one concept drawing that sparked the idea--
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Another concept drawing that fits:
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There are multiple letters, multiple hearts, multiple versions of the word mail, and Eddie has a ? He has doki doki cheeks. Also, behind this drawing, we see a version of Eddie in some kind of distress. I can only really see the red face and pained look, as well as it looks like some movement of his arm. We can see the pocket of his shirt vaguely, but not sure what else is going on there.
In "commercials," we have layered sound and layered visuals. What if that layering represents multiple Eddies experiencing different things? Like the single pea and then saying 4, all the things he experienced as each version of himself played simultaneously. In this, I can see a wreath, Home's eye from this part, the Welcome home logo, all with Frank on top.
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In line with the toy Eddie looking at his price, this Eddie sees himself dwarfed by toys. The realism involved in this presentation during a cartoon version of Eddie segment is jarring. Could he be having a realization about the degrees of realities his different personas have?
And as we can see it the detailed screens at the bottom of that image, we go pea on a plate, nightmare home, real/puppet version of pea on a plate, surrounded by giant toys, the clock, ornament, and gravy, which puts me in mind of Poppy:
And this--
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this is definitely part of Eddie's realization, or derealization, I guess, depends on how you look at it. Under "Having a Get-Together?" it says "Consider inviting more peas to the party!" and "Add additional peas according to how many guests there are!" What if Eddie looks down and his thought is "that isn't enough peas for all of me." Especially possible considering that Eddie flashes back to this pea on a plate multiple times throughout his Bad Time.
I have considered before that the pea on a plate is important because it leads to Eddie considering being in two places, but what if it is important because he is think about how he's been in multiple places at the same time?
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Puppet Eddie is at Home, and Cartoon Eddie is at the Post Office? Obviously, it would be backwards, because we know Cartoon Eddie is at Home. Maybe it is time to reconsider this idea?
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We're hanging a lantern on this new monolith in the neighborhood? And/or, the letters mean something? F with the bug, that for sure references Frank. Also, kind of makes us think of Bug-A-Bye, and we've considered that is a representation of a kind of death for Eddie. In addition, that thumb is right on "J" and a present, so it could be Julie, or it could be presents, since they have figured in so strongly. The code we used this for does not include a J, so there isn't a present to be found on the website? (I have to go and check now.) I didn't see any.
I went off and got distracted, as usual, but nothing else to report. This is an interesting idea. Next, I will either be doing mythology or mentions of "time," especially in reference to Eddie.
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everalii · 3 days
Sebastian Sallow/ AFAB!MC one shot
Warnings: characters are aged up to 18y, 7th year Hogwarts explicit depiction of sex, slightly dubcon, use of alcohol, poisoning, swearing, petname, semi public sex, no protection, mentions of sexual abuse.
The ages doesn't follow my headcannons
Not proof read, no beta here, we die like Solomon. Read at your own risk.
I've wrote this in literally 2 hours of insomnia, I had a dream of something like it and decided to write. Also, English is not my first language, is not even my second, so please be kind to me.
MC is a Hufflepuff and her name is Claire, since is my character's name. But be free to imagine any name and any house since no othef trait is described.
Also, Ominis will have a stroke, I'm feeling it...
Be happy, I loved to write this one.
Despite the cold chill in the autumn weather, Hogsmead was heated with the Halloween celebrations. Many people out and about during October 31st, wearing masks and costumes all around, children running with sweets and treats. But the true gathering was in the Three Broomsticks.
Sirona was getting insane with the orders. As much as she loved the full house, she wasn't truly expecting that much of patrons.
Claire was sitting at a table in the second story of the bar with Poppy, Natty and Imelda, chit chatting about the latest quidditch match, much to Imelda's happiness. The Slytherin girl already had a few butterbears, and her voice was getting louder and louder. She looked over her shoulder and spotted Sebastian and Garreth sitting a few tables away, begging for help from afar.
Sebastian chuckled and took a sip of his drink, listing to Garreth's ramblings. Claire could only see Sebastian walking away, probably to the restroom, while other two Gryffindor girls approached Garreth. It didn't took long before they left and Sebastian got back.
The night was brilliant, some other patron got really drunk and started singing terribly in the staircase, some laughed, some groaned in despair. Claire had a few more drinks, and a last firewhiskey shot with the girls after a very long Truth or Dare game, until Ominis showed up in a huff.
- Claire! I need your help! - he shouted as he fisted his hands onto the table, breathless. Poppy hid herself under the table, earning a true laugh from her friends. - Please!
- Whoa, what happened? I thought you weren't coming to the celebration, you know, too much noise? - Claire was trying to keep her thoughts narrow.
- Sebastian is gone! - He shouted, dragging Claire outside - Garreth and he met me at Steepley's, he wasn't acting like himself, flirting with every eligible woman that crossed our way. I went inside to pay my bill and when I returned, he wasn't there!
- And where's Garreth? He was with you! - The Hufflepuff stated, as the pair reached the main square, her blood went cold at the thought of Sebastian gone. She spotted Garreth pacing back and forth. - There he is.
- Garreth, tell her! - Ominis demanded. The Gryffindor looked uneasy, and swallowed hard.
- Claire, I swear I was out for mere seconds! I went to Honeydukes stands real quick. I didn't even got in the shop, but when I came back, he was gone. - he turned to Claire - I'm sorry, I thought he'd wait for us, he usually do.
The trio swept Hogsmeade searching for Sebastian, with no success. Garreth decided to go back to Hogwarts, just in case. Ominis went to the Three Broomsticks to ask for Sirona's help and hurried back to Hogwarts as well, and Claire was searching in the outskirts of the village. They would keep their owls close to send a note if some of them ever came to find Sebastian. It didn't took long before Claire received an owl from Garreth: he was at Hogwarts, but something was truly off.
As she reached both Garreth and Ominis, who was the first to arrive, she noted Sebastian wasn't with them.
- Alrighty, where's him? - she asked. - I'm truly worried with him.
- I talked to him by the Great Hall, and he said he would go to his dorm. - stated Garreth, until interrupted by Ominis.
- Again, you let him slip through your fingers, you bloody idiot! He's not at the Slytherin common room, I just came from there.
- We'll find him! He can't go out at this time anymore. - the red head defended - But his eyes, I know when someone is under the influence of a potion. The pink hue around the pupils is a clear sign, someone dosed him with some kind of Amortentia, that's why he was acting strange! I don't know when, but someone gave him an ill brewed love potion.
- Oh Merlin... what will we do? - Claire worried.
- We must take him to the Infirmary and ask Sharps help. Whenever there is a problem with Potions, Blainey calls him I'll go talk to him. You both go find Sebastian, and bring him to the Infirmary. Claire is the best shot we have to find him, he's not in his right state of mind, so he might try something, beware.
- No bloody way she'll be the bait! - the blind boy angered.
- I will, Ominis. He won't listen to you. I can take care of myself, and Sebastian. I won't fail! Let's go.
Ominis went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, maybe his friend was wandering around in the Undercroft. Garreth hurried his way to the Gryffindor tower to beg for Sharps help, they'd be waiting in the Infirmary corridor.
Claire went to scan the library, where she spoke to Madam Scriber, and for the first time, he wasn't causing trouble among her precious books. The Hufflepuff decided to take a bold shot and ran to the Clock Tower, asking every awakened portrait if they've seen the boy. That was dangerous, she didn't knew if would have the strength to contain herself if he pushed his luck. "He might try something, beware"
And there he was, lost in his thoughts, admiring a school crest near the Potions Classroom. His hair unkempt, his blazer open and his tie wrapped around his fist. Claire could finally breath, she called for him, and he looked at her way. She couldn't beat the goosebumps and the heat building inside her, he was truly a vision.
- I've been looking for you, everyone was. What are you doing here? - she asked as he walked closer. She could feel her heart sink deeper at every step of his. His dress shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his stern gaze was not helping in any way. There is no possibility that she was also dosed with Amortentia, right? Or it was only the terrible passion she harbored for him? - I was worried.
- No need to worry, love, I'm right here. - his voice was raspy, and Claire could see the pink hue in his eyes, as Garreth said. Sebastian took in her hand and pulled her closer, his face hoovering over her head when he stared at her lips. She shrieked, making him laugh. - Such a sweet darling caring for me like this, all worried and flustered. I might catch feelings, you know?
- Ah, no, and I think that is improper. - she stated, trying to pull her hand back. Sebastian's grip on her arm grew tighter, but not to the point of hurting. - A-are you alright?
- I'm good, love, but better now. - His calloused hand reached her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb. Despite his demeanor like a hunter to a prey, his sweet words and actions were indeed getting in the way. - I like you, you know. Really do, Claire.
Claire trembled and gulped hard. This was a bad idea, she should've listened to Ominis. He was right, he was always right. She needed to take him to the Infirmary, but how? Sebastian's eyes grew pinker as he stared at Claire, she shut her eyes, and he leaned his head so his lips were to meet hers. But it never happened. Claire moaned and opened her eye to see him grinning at her.
- What are you smiling at?
- You're beautiful, love. Promise you're going to moan again for me like this, huh?
Sebastian closed the distance between their lips with a slow yet burning touch. Using a hand to steady her head, he licked her lips, asking for a free pass. Claire's mind was floating above her head, her body melting into his, sweet old dreams where she kissed him returning to her mind like a hurricane as she stated that the dreams made him no justice. He gently pressed her back to the wall with his body, deepening the kiss while exploring every corner, his other hand roaming through her figure eagerly.
- Fuck, I need to have you right now. - he purred, taking a light breath before ravaging her mouth again.
Claire felt something hard pressing on her lower belly, and everything hit back to her head. What was she doing? She gently pushed him away, trying to regain her breath. Sebastian smiled and leaned in again, but Claire stopped him.
- I have an idea. - she truly did. Claire wasn't oblivious to the men erection, and she could use it as an excuse. - Someone might see us here, we should go to the prefects bathroom, I've reserved for myself tonight.
- What are we waiting for, then?
He took her hand as she took the lead to the Clock Tower. They walked in silence, only Sebastian's heavy breaths and soft whimpers were to be listened.
He hugged her from behind, lacing her waist with his arms as they reached the base of the Tower, a very common ground for the members of Crossed Wands. He snorted in her ear, pressing kissed on her earlobe. She could feel him stiff as a board in her bum. Gods, am I this bad to earn such punishment?
The kisses lowered to her neck, and she almost lost her step, being only held by his strong arm around her waist. Sebastian balanced himself at the door of the upward stairs. He leaned at her and bit lightly at the exposed skin, causing goosebumps on Claire's entire body.
- Sebastian. - she huffed in hurry - I've told you, the prefects-
- The prefects bathroom is yours for the night, I know. I'll try to behave. - He finished the sentence in husky tone, and allowed her to take back her balance.
Again in silence, they hicked up the staircase. Claire looked over her shoulder only to see him staring indiscreetely at her figure, she felt another goosebump, but this time he didn't even touched her.
His sultry looks were definitely going to be the end of her, she was sure. She turned to face him for a little when they reached the third floor. Sebastian took the opportunity to pull her in his arms, chuckling lightly at her surprised expression.
Sebastian ghosted his lips on hers, teasing a little, and leaned for a deep kiss, trapping Claire at the banister. His lewd touches were more agreesive, squeezing her hips and outer thighs. He positioned his knee between her legs, pressing her center lightly. Claire cried loudly in his mouth at the touch, and he couldn't hold back a smile.
The Slytherin pulled her skirt, slowly caressing the bare skin above her knee. She gasped and pushed him away to take a breath. This is getting ridiculous, I can't take it.
- Seb-
- Claire, please, I'm so desperate for you. - he pressed wet kisses on her neck, his hand threatening to hike up her skirt. His eyes light and magenta as a fwooper feather - You can feel me, can't you? We'll go to the prefects bathroom, I swear, but please, love, just a quick thing. Or else I'm going mad here.
- Someone might see us here, let's go there, we're close. - she tried to throw him some sense. But by the way he legs were wobbling and the inside of her thighs were wet and hot, she was trying to throw herself some sense.
- Not at this time, no one really comes here now. Come on, love, you want it as bad as I do. - his hands finally reached her most secluded spot, felt the warmth and wetness dripping from her. He coarsed a desperate gasp - Ha, fuck, you really want. Bloody hell, Claire, feel what you do to me, two fucking years living this torture is cruelty.
Claire's mind went blank when his fingers ghosted the thin fabric of her undergarments. She decided it was enough.
- Just a quick thing, nothing more. - she stated in a hushed tone. - I've been wanting this too...
He smiled and nodded, licking his lips and delving into hers. Sebastian lifted her and pressed her body against the stone wall, never ceasing the kiss. Claire wrapped his hips with her legs and buried her hands in his brown locks. He struggled a little setting the suspenders loose, but managed to set himself free from the tight confines of his trousers.
Sebastian was quick to set Claire's legs loose, yanked the undergarments off as she stands, and pick her off the ground. His member pulsed against her heat, both gasped at the touch. She was already so wet, so needy, he didn't wasted time positioning himself at her entrance and pushed slowly into her.
Claire felt a sting and trembled at the sudden intrusion, clawed her nails into his shoulders, steading herself on his arms. Sebastian peppered her cheek with soft kisses once he realized she was adjusting to his size. Not that he was a very big man, but clearly the biggest she ever had.
He allowed her some time to get used to feeling, and began moving his hips forward cautiously. Even in the haze of an ill brewed Amortentia, he was still a gentleman. Well, tried to be. Claire's huffs slowly turned into very soft and airy moans, Sebastian knew he could speed up a little.
In and out, back and forth, Sebastian was lost in his own pleasure, drawing his attention only to the feeling of her walls contracting around him and the lewd sloppy sounds of their skins against each other.
- Claire, fuck, I wasn't prepared for you to be this tight. - He moaned shamelessly in her ear. Claire moaned in return.
His pace began to falter, and he sank his teeth in the curve of her neck. He was close and could feel she was also close. Claire's pleas were now a high-pitched moan.
- Ah, Bash, please! I can't-
Claire squeezed her legs around him and trembled ferociously as she came undone on him. The feel of her contracting even more, to the point that she was strangling him deliciously, made him reach his climax and painted her insides with his white hot seed. He pumped a few more thrusts before leaving her, reveling in his high.
Sebastian held Claire until she was able to fully stand and leaned against the wall as he readjusted and refreshed his looks. They took some time to calm themselves from the high, he embraced Claire and gave her the sweetest kiss possible, cupping and caressing her cheeks.
- Off to the biggest tub possible for the students, love? - he asked with humour. Claire laughed lightly, and kissed him, entangling her fingers in his hair.
- Yes.
He laced their fingers together and hicked up fast to the fourth story.
Too bad for them, they'd never reach the prefects bathroom.
- Sebastian... - she stopped him in his tracks before opening the doors of the prefects corridor. - I'll never forget this.
- Me neither. - he responded sweetly, pressing a kiss on her temple.
Sebastian opened the door to the corridor, revealing three tall figures. He tried to keep his calm, informing he was just accompanying his prefect friend. Ominis, Garreth and professor Sharp were dead serious when they reached him. Claire took a few steps back.
Ominis and Garreth binded each os Sebastian's arms and dragged him forcefully. The professors took a look on Sebastian's eyes, and nodded. Sebastian looked back at Claire in distress, not understanding what was happening.
- Both of you, let me go! - he demanded, but his words were ignored.
- He didn't forced anything, did he? - professor Sharp asked dryly. Claire forced a steady stance as she stated a simple no. - I don't want to interrogate, miss Beckett, but if-
- I said he didn't forced, not that didn't tried. He did took no for an answer, despite trying to convince me otherwise. - she declared. Professor Sharp seemed content with the answer, since he didn't pushed the topic anymore.
Claire could hear Sebastian shouting he needed to come back to her, and after a few minutes... complete silence. She went to her dorms straight away, she could have a shower in the Hufflepuff bathrooms.
The next day, Claire woke up to a terrible soreness between her tighs, and some marks left on her neck, which she tried to conceal with a touch of makeup. Poppy noticed, but chose to refrain her inquisition. Ominis asked her at some point what happened, and the only answer she could give was "I failed".
That was context enough for him to understand how miserable she felt.
A couple of weeks later, Claire was avoiding Sebastian whenever she could. Whether she was hurdled by her girl friends, or occupied in the little greenery prison of the Hufflepuff common room with a very long essay to write. Nurse Blainey stated that Sebastian lost his memories of what happened during the effect of the potion, a side effect apparently, but she was still apprehensive, scared and ashamed of what she did.
Sebastian would never spot a chance of speaking to her alone. One day she was his best friend, apart from Ominis, and now she was avoiding him for no reason? He knew he got sick from some drink he had at the Three Broomsticks, but nothing happened. So he thought.
The Slytherin, tired of running around her like cat and mouse, sat with her during Charms, stealing Natsai's place. Claire tried to reason, but considering that Garreth pulled her friend away, she noted that there were some scheme going. Most of the class went uneventful, a plain silence between them, until...
- Long time no talk, huh? - he broke the ice-cold wall between them. Professor Ronen was happily chatting with Duncan, a happy distraction.
- The saying is "long time no see", I believe. - Claire stated, coldly and avoiding his gaze.
- Considering I've been seeing you and not talking to you, against my will I must state, I've altered the phrase a bit. Simple, I'd say. - he responded cynicaly. - So, what happened? I got sick and you got icked of me? How cruel, love.
- Nothing you need to know. Can we go back to class?
- No, and I do require to know. What happened?
Claire deadpanned. What should she say? That she used him when he was vulnerable? He'd hate her forever, and even if she deserved, she couldn't bear the thought.
- Nothing. I just took you to the Infirmary when you were sick, that's all. - she answered, avoiding the truth. Sebastian gaze darkened. - Really, I'm just tired of the prefects routine.
He leaned to her, getting dangerously close, and waited until the class bursted into laughter with some of professor Ronen's banter. He dismissed the class, they'd be free from classes now. The entirety of the students roamed free and Sebastian took hold of Claire so no one would get near until they've endend their conversation. He pushed her closer to the Clock of the Undercroft.
- Just for your knowledge, I remember everything.
The colours were drained from Claire's face, her heart sunk with the realization. He remembered? How? Before she could run away, Sebastian caged her between is arm and corner of the corridor. He raked a hand through his unruly hair and sighed heavily, a blush spreading on his cheeks.
- Nurse Blainey said you wouldn't remember almost anything. - she spoke.
- Good thing she isn't a legilimens, right? I could play with the symptoms easily. But yes, I remember... Every single moment. - Claire was about to pass out at any time. Sebastian pulled her closer discreetly. - There were nothing that happened that I didn't wanted. I guess the potion only messed with my morals and ethics, not with my desires.
- I beg your pardon?
- I meant everything I said that night, and every single word. - His voice faltered, and the blush heavied across his freackled face. - You're really a... hard problem for me for the past two years.
- ...I must be dreaming. This must be a dream. Or nightmare. Soon Peeves will come with some prank, always happens in my nightmares.
He chuckled - No nightmare here, love. And definitely no Peeves. If I remember correctly, you wanted too.
- Don't start...
- I have an idea. I heard about someone who reserved the prefects bathroom for tonight. - He played, flirting shamelessly. She barked a laugh in disbelief. - Off to the biggest tub possible for the students? This time you'll take me there, right? Hopefully, there's no deviat plot against me.
- The plot was to save you, beetle-head. But, yes, I'll take you there. - she tried to hold back a smile. Sebastian rested a strand of he hear behind her ear, as me smiled back.
- I'll be waiting for you, love.
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nukabrain · 3 months
3 Partners, 1 Night, and 1 Saloon.
Oh my god guys so much happened during the past 2 weeks. FIRST, I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, WE WERE MOVING AND I HAD FINALS N SHIT BUT IT'S ALL OVER!! IT'S SUMMER. AND I WAS ALSO WORKING ON THIS PIECE! ITS ONE OF MY FIRST LONG PIECE! To be honest, I'm not sure if I really want to post it, or leave it to marinate overnight and then proofread it. BUT I haven't posted in so long :C I don't wanna keep my new followers waiting. (I threw it in grammerly and checked it that way, hopefully that was enough. OKKKK GO READ GOGOGOGOGO!!!
PAIRING: Arthur x Reader, Charles x Reader, Javier x Reader TYPE: Male x Female Reader WRITING: Fluff, Slight Angst, and suggestive. (Just a buncha kisses) WARNINGS: None. WORD COUNT: 1.8k
PROMPT(s): Charles x Reader; charles not being to hold eye contact but the reader can; Javier x Reader, TV GIRL!! (I lied, I only kissed a few hundred) (I know.); Arthur x Reader, "Scary? My god you're divine" but in old western terms.
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NOTE: The video below is a saloon ambience video that I have been listening to the entire time while writing this, so I thought I could use this to add to the experience. (Lmk if you guys like this) Also, when it switches ladies, they start back at the beginning (if that isn't too confusing)
SETTING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgaOFVuf1q0 I’ll tell you when to turn down the volume, for a better experience! (IF you don't trust the link, which is normal, just look up "Rowdy Saloon Ambience | Ragtime Piano I Bar Ambience")
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(Highest Volume)
Friday night at the saloon. It was a lively night, the piano playing ragtime, ladies giggling and fawning over the good-looking drunk men, and bottles clinking all around. A gunshot was heard but nobody paid attention beside the man being shot.
A group of girls were huddling in the corner, chattering like everyone else and paying no mind to the average man trying to lead them upstairs. One of the women whispered, “I’m telling you he’s goin’ to bring his outlaw friends here.”
“Really? And you trust him?” the other gave her friend a questioning look.
“I thought you knew better, and it doesn’t help the fact that he’s an outlaw.” The last lady sighed.
“Don’t you know it’s ALWAYS the outlaws that are the most gorgeous me- OH there he is!” The lady shouted, waving her arms. “Arthur! Over here!”
The man turned around and waved back. He muttered a few words to the guys behind him before making his way over here.
“Hello Ms. [name], nice to see you again.” Arthur tipped his hat “And hello to you fine ladies as well.”
. . .
Y/N x Charles Smith
“Well hello to you too Mister” I nodded my head.
She was right, these men are smokin' HOT
I looked around and noticed one of the boys looking a little nervous. Not out of place, but more like he has no idea what to do. I just know he’s gonna be a ball of sunshine.
“Well then folks..” I announced, grabbing that man by the wrist. “I’ll be picking this one! Seeya!”
Charles stumbled over his feet, turning to his friends for help, but Arthur waved back and Javier gave him 2 thumbs up.
“W-Wait- where are we going?”
“Up to you… I’m sorry that was rude of me, what is your name? Names Y/N!”
“M’name is Charles… Charles Smith.”
“Well then, Mr. Smith, where would you like to spend this fine evening?”
He thinks for a bit, before asking “They have whiskey up in the rooms?”
I grinned “Of course, follow me!”
I weave through the crowd, dodging the elbows and hands. I glance back to see the poor man bumping into everyone, and apologizing. Signaling him to keep following, I ran up the stairs and hid ourselves in one of the empty rooms.
(Volume almost all the way down, should sound muffled.)
“Here.” I poured him a shot of whiskey. “Much quieter up here. We were the first up so I made sure to pick the best room.”
Charles pounds the glass. “What are the other rooms like?”
“Oh, one of them has a weird scent to it. I mean most people are too drunk to notice it by then but it’s a little weird. The others are just smaller.”
“That makes sense.”
A familiar laugh and giggle ran past your room followed by a couple of door slams.
“Hmm, it seems you boys are quick to do it tonight.” I chuckled, turning to face Charles.
We stood there, finally taking the time to properly take each other's appearance in. His skin reflected the moonlight, and his hair perfectly fell over his face. Our eyes met, and I smiled gently, my heart beating against my chest. He breaks away first, clearing his throat as an excuse.
Giggling, I whispered “Oh come here silly.”
I walked up to him and smushed our faces together. He was shocked, but I could feel his hand creep up on my waist, gently guiding me closer. I wrapped my hands around his neck and took a breath of air.
“You’re a good kisser, Mr.Smith,” I whispered
“I think this is where you can call me Charles, milady.” He muttered back
I latched my lips on his neck, eliciting a groan from the man. Leaning up towards his ear, I breathed out “You’re right, Charles.”
Hearing his breath hitch, I quickly went in for that second kiss. It was more hungry this time, instead of enjoying it gently, he was ravaging me like a starved wolf. His grip on my waist tightened, and his other hand found its way to my inner thigh.
The night certainly isn’t gonna end anytime soon.
Y/N x Javier Escuella (Volume back up to OG level)
“Hello.” I nodded my head. I looked around and noticed my friend already picked out the one she wanted. I sighed, knowing that there was no stopping her once she had a target.
“Well then folks..” she announces, grabbing that man by the wrist. “I’ll be picking this one! Seeya!”
“Oh my, she didn’t wait.” I chuckled, watching them disappear in the crowd.
“You sure Charles goin’ to be alright?” Arthur muttered
“Oh he’ll be fine, she may be fast but she’ll slow down if he wants to.” My friend reassures Mr. Morgan.
“Well if we’re picking people out..”
I turned to the man speaking, he had a bowl hat on and a vest suit. He was dressed a little well for the saloon.
Kissing my hand, he introduced himself as Javier Escuella.
Beautiful name.. I thought, covering my blushing face.
“Look at you two!” My friend gushed, making me groan. “You guys look perfect together.”
“Thank you, but we’ll be heading to the bar.” I waved her off, taking Mr. Escuella by the arm, and made my way through the crowd, picking a seat near the wall.
Mr. Escuella waves the bartender over. “Is there anything you wanna drink?” He winks. “It's on me of course.”
“A Sarsaparilla will do.” I smiled
“-and beer for me.” He nodded.
I put my head on my hands, listening to the music. I glanced at Escuella
“Hey did you know I kissed a thousand women before?” He flaunts “I’m a wanted man.”
“I’m sure you’re wanted for a different reason Mr. Escuella.”
“Mi amor there’s no need to mention my OTHER wanted status.” He whines. “But really, the ladies love me.”
I sipped my drink, waving him off as he boasted about himself. Even though, there's a certain charm to him that I can’t figure out. My eyes trace his figure, taking in his build figure, and his silly mustache, and eventually land at his eyes, which are staring right at me.
“Like what you see amor?”
I snapped out of it, crossing my arms in protest.
“I was staring at the wall.”
Finishing the last drop of his beer, he replied “You sure? It looked like you were staring at mi hermoso rostro~”
I downed my Sarsaparilla, slamming it on the counter as a response. I glanced at the stairs and saw my friend dragging her date up into the rooms.
I hopped off the stool and dusted off my dress. “Meet me upstairs darling,” I whispered in his ear, trailing my finger on his chest.
I could hear him rustle to get his money as I weaved through the crowd. He followed shortly after and we settled in one of the rooms.
(Volume almost all the way down, should sound muffled.)
I leaned against the wall as he quickly shut the door. I watched him take off his jacket and hat. I helped him take off his tie and wondered why he dressed so fine just for a saloon date. I lifted my head and caught his gaze.
“Y’know, I lied when I said I kissed a thousand women.”
“I know.”
“I only kissed two or three hundred.” He corrected himself. I snort in response. “What about you? How many men have you kissed?”
“Only a few,” I replied, closing the distance.
Did I know why I kissed him? Perhaps his charming behavior seduced me. I didn’t think, all I did was act on my urges. My back was pressed against the wall, and my hands wrapped around his face. I feel his hands graze my waist as we take a break for air. Escuella went in for the second kiss right away, smooth and gentle, unlike his personality. His hands roamed my lower half as I gasped.
“So why did you kiss me?”
I smiled softly, before snickering. “For a foolish reason, I suppose.”
Javier swooped me off my feet. “For whatever reason, I’m glad you kissed me mi amor.”
This is going to be a long night.
Arthur x Reader (Volume back at OG level)
“It’s so nice to see you again Arthur, I almost thought you weren’t coming.” I playfully slap his arm
“Well miss we were stopped by certain people.” he excuses himself
“Sure sure, oh there he goes.” I wave at the man my friend is dragging.
“You sure Charles goin’ to be alright?” Arthur muttered
“Oh he’ll be fine, she may be fast but she’ll slow down if he wants to,” I said, reassuring Mr. Morgan.
“Well if we’re picking people out..”
I turned around, seeing my friend and Mr. Escuella, having quite the chemistry together.
“Look at you two!” I gushed, making her groan. “You guys look perfect together.”
“Thank you, but we’ll be heading to the bar.” She waved me off, taking Mr. Escuella by the arm, and blended in with the crowd.
“That was exciting! I’m so glad they found their partners!” I clapped my hands together
“I knew Charles was worrying too much.” Arthur chuckles “Talkin’ about spooking them away n’ stuff.”
“No way, he looks like a ball of sunshine.”
“A dangerous ball of sunshine then”
I snickered, “Damn right.”
We stayed there for a bit, basking in the lively atmosphere. I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt him flinch. I giggled at the reaction.
“Wanna get outta here?”
“Like in a room or outside?”
“The sky’s beautiful tonight.”
I laugh, following him out of the saloon.
The chatter and music slowly fade into the distance as you make your way to an alleyway.
(Volume almost all the way down, you should barely hear it.)
“Hmmm” I hummed, “You’re right, night’s gorgeous. Reminds me of you.”
“Now that’s something I never heard, being compared to the night’s sky.”
I snuck a glance at Arthur and saw that he wanted to say something, and I knew what. He wanted to ask why.
“That’s cause’ everyone thinks the night is scary, but it’s not. Look at em' stars.”
Arthur sighs “But the night is scary, plains creeping with bad men with bad intentions.”
“Hmm, you’re also right on that.” I turned around and faced Arthur
“But the bad men don’t disappear in the daytime, do they? So what’s the difference between night and day.”
I swing my hands over his shoulder and around his neck.
“I’m one of those bad men [name].”
“Bad? Oh Arthur you are downright heavenly. Whatever stuff you did, I’m sure they had a reason.”
Arthur sat there, slightly shocked. He looked in my eyes for any sign of doubt but couldn’t find a single drop.
“Now if you’re done lookin’ at me, how about we get moving-”
Was shut off by a kiss, strong but gentle, like he was saying thank you for seeing something in him that he never saw. The break didn’t last long as I leaned into him for the second round.
A beautiful night indeed.
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joannasteez · 4 months
pairing: eddie kingston x black reader warning: lovey dovey smut. minors pls dni! authors note: this one is for my eddie girls lol word count: 1900 tagging: @harmshake @kill-the-artiste
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brooklyn is quiet. the slow lazy drone of his car engine and soft to skirt steps as bleary nightlife party goers usher themselves along the street. brooklyn is quiet. annoyingly so. eddie itching to make it to your three story walk up. a right turn and then a left. a few miles of a drive and the slothful change of red street lights. his shoulders stiff and his eyes a little lower than usual. exhaustion rife. near a full consumption. but eddie is a stubborn prick about the things he wants. fights against himself as he makes his hands to parallel park. the short quick lock of his car before he's out and prepping tired bones for a trifling trek up too old steps. his head shaking. a wry smile and disbelief. fitting his car into too tight ass spaces—some people just couldn't fucking park to save a life—and begging his weary over wrestled body to endure the creaky and slightly tattered steps of an old brick house. 
some woman you are. and some fucking storm of adoration he's in. taking messy interstate highway traffic on the chin. slim bits of road rage and the calm delicate memory of your skin to appease the natural heat of his nature. 
the key you got made for him twisting in the door. a soft entry. your place still and smelling of warm vanilla. his tongue running hot and mindless at his lip, shuffling slow into your bedroom. body delicate and sleeping. light deep breaths and the wrap over of fine silk against your body. curled into the fluff of a pillow. 
his fingers itching. shoes forgotten as he steps up towards the bed. palms gentle, taking to the silk of the robe that covers your belly. a caressing shift of his hand, something delicate and lacking urgency. his mouth close to the heat of your skin as it runs over. pursing light to kiss along the sweet exposure of your neck. a tight jump of a reaction, your hands grabbing, pulled out of sleep. nails sinking in before they settle. "eddie", you sigh. still attempting to pull yourself from that harsh lingering drowsiness. your touch growing loving. soothing over where your nails had bitten into him. his thick fingers playing at curling into you, a knee dipping into the bed. his cap falling off along the sheets. lips going still, up the line of your neck till they linger at your jaw. gentle takes at your skin. his chest bursting hot with content as your sigh into the sweetness he gives. 
"missed you mama", he gives. a tender rasp that makes your skin shiver. his mouth spreading to a teasing little smile. intent lively in his hand as it roams. over soft silk till its reaching to hide at your inner thighs. warm and supple. your throat singing soft. feeling the generous weight of it.
your lips find his. pillowy and tender as they purse for a kiss. your thighs rubbing against the hold of his palm. a soft moan that undulates over him. legs parting slight. settling further into the plush of the bed. 
"missed you", airy before it delves into another little song of pleasure. a moan that heats his cheeks. your hands reaching to run along his beard. tongue slipping to wet your lips. a slight against his mouth that invites him to groan for you. "didn't realize i was sleep", you give. nailing at the fresh cut of his hair. 
"s'alright". a short pat to your leg before he leaves you splayed along the bed. riled up and wanting. eyes low and lingering along his little maneuvers around your room. free and comfortable with an easy undress of his clothes. short burly grunts as he feels his muscles tense and flame up sore. your lashes giving him a sweet batting flutter. rolling over on your belly. face in your hands. staring at him with an overly hot intentions. "m'feelin that green though", he says. chin jutting to point out the color of your silk robe. a mellow sage color that attempts to match the color of his eyes.
his shirt and pants forgotten. steps padding to your bathroom. the sweet tired carry of your voice tugging the base of his belly. a sound he wouldn't mind hearing more often. "s'more to feel underneath it". and he can hear the smile over your words. toying with his sore exhaustion till its a mere faint thing playing along his body. coaxing him to endure for the sake of something lighter than wrestling born injuries. his imagination threatening to run wild amidst the quiet of your bathroom. "is that right?" eddie gives. shower running fast and warm as it steps in.
a faint "yeah", blending with the rain over of the water. his movements quick and efficient. letting the heat of the water and the cleanse of your little minty soap subdue him enough till he's toweling off to meet you back on the bed. your robe forgotten. idle along the floor. his palms nearly filled to the brim with impatience as he draws back the covers. a silent maneuvering, skin slipping against skin, his back propped up along your nest of pillows as you settle atop his lap. 
the quiet of the night filling with the wet slip of your mouth against his. a shifting caress along your thighs and the steady growth of heavy breaths. thick fingers everywhere they can touch, prying and slotting till they skim under the pretty pastel sage of your panties. a cautioned touch seeking to breathe life back into the stillness of his memory. wrestling and traveling forcing a slight forgetfulness. but such simple touches is all he needs. the take of your hot needy tongue and the roll over of your hips. thin panties teasing up against the cotton of his boxers till he's groaning and firming up the gentleness of his touch. lips a little less easy and the lick of his tongue more amorous. 
eddie groans. takes a deep fall into his well of adoration. feels a squeezing in his chest and the skid of a shiver up his spine. your thumbs pressing into the grey-black of his beard. lips a deep twist along his till they break. your breaths heavy as he finds sensitive skin to nip at. a trail along the vanilla scent of your neck. 
"love holdin you", his words slipping over your skin. lips pushing into your pulse as he mumbles ardently. "love feelin you all up on me". 
your hips rock into him. fragile panties roughing up against the thick ache of his dick. a sucker for his little words of affirmation. but you've always been that way. subdued easy by his coarse tone and lax demeanor. eager for the full consumption of his touch and his late night mumbling passions. his fingers hot everywhere still. a quick unclasp of your bra before its tossed and forgotten. the bristle of his beard running up against your tender skin. mouth leaving a wet trail in the wake of lingering kisses. tongue led and nipping slight to beautify already beautiful skin. 
his intentions lead him faithfully. the thick pads of overworked fingers taking to a gentleness that melts you into him. firm and secure as he peels away your panties to slot against the slick quiver of your slit. lower lips working to open without much hesitancy as your hips chase the run of them. his mouth finding yours again. never being able to stray too far before they tingle needy and impatient. searching for the fullness that riles them to grow sloppy and singleminded. the wispy charm of moans too broken to be whole working to perform a sweet ache in his belly. throbbing hot and ready as your hips work with a greater fervor. chasing the prod of his fingers. 
"what else do you love?"  your palms cradling his head to keep him close. seeking the security of his adoration. lapping lazily at his tongue. making him dizzy. 
his lips pull away. a short break from their cling to you before his beard his running against your cheek. an aimless knock of his nose against yours as he slips further through the growing mess of your slit. middle and ring fingers gently teasing as they make to dip into you before a sneaky retreat. a cyclic process that dismembers your patience and reduces your little pleasured songs to whines. lips swollen as you search for his again. hips dragging still for friction. for the press of his hard achy dick. another little whine that lets him know just how desperate you are for him.
"love this pretty little face of yours", eddie gives. 
tender kisses to your jaw. your hands cradling him still. 
"love your pretty face too".
and he snorts. thinks you're too deep and lost in him to realize your strange stringing together of words. 
"my mug?", mouth against the seam of yours. "yeah fuckin right".
"m'being serious eddie". your eyes falling into him. the cradle about his head less loose and aimless. fixed in.
a stutter in his chest, the short irregularity just as sweet as your mouth. 
"i hear you baby", taken by the severity of your eyes. the support they give your words. "i hear you". 
a sigh of relief as your body performs good for him. always so good and pliant. dripping messily and clinging desperate as he slots his fingers into you. a surety coming with such deft ministrations. a groan singing heavily from his chest as he roughs you closer. a thick hand prying till they spread you further. an angle that makes the wet stroke of his fingers easier. his tongue lapping at your pulse as your hips grind to fuck against his fingers. his teeth giving into the skin to nip and tug. lazy melodic moans breaking off into the breathy quiet of the room. adoration taking to mix amongst the cool green of his eyes. something like butterfly's bullying his belly, but the feeling lacks that classic shyness so easily attached to it. a heated burden that neither makes him skittish or unsure. settling to live there as you rock over him. your clit messy and swollen as it rushes over the fabric of his briefs. and fuck, maybe the burden is just the overwork of his nerves. body exhausted and sensitive in its own right. 
he'd barely touched you yet and you him. and already he's on the precipice of coming undone like a fucking teenager.
an amused little smile painting into your chest as his head falls there. kissing the hard bud of a nipple. tongue lapping and your pussy clenching along with such a delicious sensation. surrendering to such a sweet burning as you moan still atop him. 
his fingers working diligent still. deepening as they stroke against that wet tender spot that forces your resolve to deadened. legs opening over him more. a steady rhythm in your hips. face tucking into his neck as you kiss and curse delicate at his skin. working yourself to a sweet finish. 
"forgot how soft and warm you are", he rasps. shifting along the pillows to lay against them. "love the way she opens up for me". 
beautiful as ever. fully consumed. pretty lips parted as your jaw goes lax. "right there baby", small and fragile. slipping into the air faint and pleading. 
and who is he not to oblige? who is he not to please you well? 
"yeah? got you feelin good huh?"
"yes". you groan. a light seize over him as you pulse and shudder. soaking his fingers as he strokes you to work through release. catching at his lips for a sleepy kiss. sloppy tongue and your hips rutting still. the night quiet save for the coupling of groans. 
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
The Categories of Final Hallucinations
I noticed 2 types of visions that the characters had in the last episode, specifically in regards to Non
Non was front and center and the visions are about him
Phee: He kept continually seeing Non die in different ways, including some which were new and unseen ways. He's grieving Non's death and also feels guilty for what he's said (the "Get lost and die"). Phee was also the only person who understood that these were visions and Non wasn't real. Even in the 2 years later part (which may or may not be real - tbh I'm thinking of it as a continuation of the hallucinations in the courtyard), Phee sees Non walking into the water.
Tee: Non asks Tee to kill him with a knife on the rooftop because he’s so trapped while working for Tee’s uncle. Tee has been feeling guilty about his actions bringing Non into this world and ultimately being unable to get him out of the mess, so this manifests as a horrific way to help Non, though of course he ends up stabbing White in reality :’(
Tan: Non thanks him, then hangs himself, then thanks him again. Tan just wanted to be a good brother and in these hallucinations, after he has avenged Non, he finally is. His last vision is Non thanking him and walking into the light.
Non may or may not be there but it's mostly about their own situations/consequences/fears rather than Non
Fluke: Non is hardly there except at the end, Fluke's mostly being chased by a cop because he's deathly afraid of ruining his reputation and not getting to become a doctor. Aside: I loved that Fluke gouged his own eyes out, the eyes with which he was constantly witnessing the misbehavior against Non (Top breaking the camera, Jin taking the video) but keeping silent about
Top: He was just being chased by Non through the woods, very little depth because we hardly knew anything about him
White: he never knew Non and so his visions are about his relationship with Tee instead
Jin: I don't think Non even appeared in this but I'd have to double check. It was mostly about what if what Jin did to Non happened to Jin himself with him seeing people taking videos of him in compromising situations, including with Keng
For me, Tee's was the most shocking and horrifying because I was expecting death for Tee (especially after episode 11) but there was the vibe that maybe White is the final girl who will survive. Instead, my mouth fell open as soon as I realized what they were hinting at and I lost my mind as the sequence went on. One of the most unpredictable aspects of this whole show for me and it really is tearing me up, esp after ep 11.
Tan's and Phee's are the most tragic. I didn't cry at all during this show but for a second there, during Tan's visions, I became misty-eyed. (also I've been typing Tan as Non and having to correct... I think NewTan would like that tbh)
I think Jin's was the most disappointing to me because although he knows his actions to release that video were wrong and likely feels guilty, I was hoping Non would at least make an appearance? When Jin apologized to Non the day Non disappeared, Non didn't know what he was apologizing for and said Jin didn't have to apologize. I wanted Jin to apologize to Non while admitting to his wrongdoings, even if it's in hallucinations. Instead, it's Jin being paranoid about what he did to Non being done to him.
[Edited because the Tee/White scene did a whole number on me so I got a bit confused about their visions when I first posted this right after watching the ep]
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malarkgirlypop · 11 months
Warriors (Edward Tipper x F!Reader) Part 2
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Hola! Here is part two! Feels weird to finish a story since my other one is going on forever ahaha. I hope you like it @lenabob! Special thanks to my ghost reader @brassknucklespeirs who gets to be read these fics like a bed time story. You're my bitch! Even now when she is violently hungover she gets to proof read my work. Thanks boo, you have officially created a monster. Based on the HBO series and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the men who served.
Y/N loads into the plane, struggling to climb the ladder due to the extra gear that had been given to all of the soldiers. Needing to be pushed from behind to get her into the plane. She takes a seat on the bench, her heart beating in her ears. Tipper sits beside her, he doesn’t say anything but takes her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She looks over to the man, his face covered in paint, but still the same handsome man as always. His eyes crinkle at the sides as he gives her a smile, she can’t help but smile back. They keep their hands locked together. As the reality settles in. Soon they would be jumping out of this plane and into war. Some of them would make it and some wouldn’t, there was no guarantee. The engine of the plane roared to life being the only thing you could hear. 
“I’ll find you.” Tipper yells in her ear. Y/N nods. They had made a plan that they would find each other and stick together after they had landed. It was optimistic of them to think that would happen. The plane rattled, the men sitting in silence. Nervous looks on all of their faces. This was happening, everything they trained for was coming to fruition. The plane shuddered forward, taking off down the runway. After gaining enough speed the wheels left the ground as it soared into the air. It felt like the longest flight. Soon it was dark outside. Tipper and Y/N were still pressed together holding hands. They were savouring their last moments with each other before dropping into the mayhem that was war. The chaos soon found them though before they had even landed. The red light signalled on. Winters commanded everyone to their feet, readying them for the jump. Bomb blasts lit up the night sky. The bombs hit closer, sending the plane sideways, as the men got thrown off their feet. Scrambling to stand back up. Fire exploding around them, Y/N could feel the heat of the explosives as they blew. A gasp left her lips, from where she was standing she could see out the open door. A plane to their right took a direct hit. Splitting in half, the front of the plane nosedived towards the ground as the back of the plane followed suit. A blast close by sent shards of glass flying through the cabin hitting some of the men behind her. They cried out in pain. She begged the light to turn green, up here they were sitting ducks. She was ready to be out of the flying death trap. The plane flew up and down, swerving out of the way of other falling planes and debris making it hard for the men to stay on their feet. The light finally turned green, a sigh of relief leaving Y/N lips. The men jumped one by one. Tipper jumped ahead of her, sending her a tight smile. Soon she was falling out of the plane. She winced as bullets ripped past her, explosions blast nearby sending waves of heat in her direction. She couldn’t see anything in the dark of the night, disorientated from the scattered blasts of light from the explosions. Y/N looks to the ground where she was heading to land, finding a plane beneath her on fire. Yanking on her parachute straps she was able to dodge the fiery mess. She landed harshly on the ground, quickly removing her gear to get out of the open field she just landed in. Fumbling around she brought up the rope her leg bag was attached to. Only to find a frayed end, oh that’s just great. After walking in the dark for what felt like forever, Y/N finally stumbled across some of the other men, greeting them with the code word flash and their reply of thunder. They were a while away from their objective but they were able to locate where they were. They walked all night, strolling down the road the sun rose behind them leaving a beautiful burnt orange sky. They marched into the farm where the rest of the soldiers had gathered. Y/N eyes scanned the faces of the men who walked past, looking for a certain nose she had saved to memory. Y/N spotted Lieb who sat on a stone wall.
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Lieb joked, giving Y/N a squeeze. She peered over the man’s shoulder as they embraced still searching. A helmet popped up from behind the wall, followed by a familiar face, Y/N almost pushed Lieb out of the way to reach the man. 
“Tipper!” She yelled at the man who hadn’t noticed her yet. His eyes flicked to her recognising the voice. 
“Y/N!” They rushed towards each other, Y/N jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his sides, she could cry with happiness to see the man alive and uninjured. They sobered after hearing the other men fall into silence watching their intimate reunion. Y/N quickly unhooked her legs from Tip as he placed her back on the ground. Giving each other a sheepish smile. She looked over to Lieb who was grinning, she raised her eyebrows at him daring him to make a comment. Lieb made a face and shrugged his shoulders. As the rest of the men started chatting with each other again. Tipper and Y/N sat next to each other as they exchanged stories about how they had reached the farm. By nightfall the second battalion had secured Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, and elements of the 4th division were beginning to move men and material inland. They had given the soldiers an hour to rest and scrounge for any food they could find. Y/N and Tipper sat in the back of the truck with the other soldiers of Easy company. Malarkey was cooking some stew in a half cut gasoline tank. Y/N chuckled as Buck told them about poor Popeye being shot in the ass that day, when they were securing the guns. Malarkey started handing out his dish he had made. Tipper and Y/N stared eating, giving each other a surprised look of, wait this is actually kinda good. 
“Don’t look at each other like that!” Malarkey said as they exchanged a glance. 
“Look at each other like what?” Y/N laughed. 
“Like you're surprised it’s good. Of course it’s good, I made it!” Malarkey puffed out his chest in pride, making the pair laugh harder. 
“It’s very good, thank you Don.” Y/N thanked the chef as they grinned at each other. Tipper nudged her with his arm as they shared another chuckle between them. 
Easy company sit around the monument in the middle of the town, waiting for instructions to move. Tipper and Y/N are stuck to each other. 
“This is my first time in France.” Tipper says as he sips on his canteen looking around the town. 
“Me too, is’t it nice we get to see France together.” Y/N jokes, Tipper elbows her. 
“You know what I mean. Weird to think the only reason we are here is because of the war. I don’t think I would’ve travelled to France if it wasn’t for this.” Tipper ponders. Y/N nods her head. 
“Well we wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the war.” Y/N thought out loud. 
“Should we cheers to the war then, for letting us find each other?” Tipper held out his canteen, and Y/N clinked them together. 
“To the war!” They mumbled together.
“Let’s go first platoon, Easy’s moving out! On your feet!” Welsh yells from in front of them. They help each other stand making their way in front of Welsh to listen to his command. Welsh tells the soldier’s they are on light and noise discipline, and that they are taking Carentan. The men move out following behind Welsh. Y/N nerves return, this will be the first time in combat. 
Night falls quickly, as they march towards their next destination. Everyone followed orders keeping quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the crunching of ground underfoot and the distant echoes of gunfire. Everyone was on high alert as they walked. Due to the poor visibility of night Y/N eyes flitted from one thing to another. Her brain used to trick her when she was younger, when she would be lying in bed unable to get to sleep her mind would race. Thinking about monsters lurking in the shadows, her eyes would land on a darkness in her room which looked like a man standing in the corner. She would be quick to turn on her flashlight pointing it in the direction of the shadowy figure, only to find her coat hung over the back of her door. Her eyes did the same on this walk, any bush or tree that looked oddly human shaped would make her jump and point her gun in it’s direction, only for her eyes to adjust and see that her brain was showing her things that weren’t really there. The other men would continue their walk past her as she glared at the humanoid bush, cursing it for being so creepy. Tipper stayed close, walking behind Y/N. He would wait for her as she assessed her surroundings, not making any jokes or teasing her for thinking everything was alive, because he felt the same. 
D-day plus 6, that was when they finally came upon Carentan. The small town was desolate, smoke rising from the centre, due to old fires finally burning out. There was an unmistakable air of kenopsia around the town. Crouching down just outside of the town the platoons waited for instructions. The signal went for the ambush to begin. In a group they charge down the entrance to the town, soon to be met with enemy fire. Y/N and Tipper dive into the ditch as men fall to the ground around them. Y/N ducks as she is pinned down by the rivals fire. 
“GET MOVING!” Winters screams at the men. Y/N rises to her feet clambering out of the ditch, running into the field nearby to find another entrance into the town, other men follow her lead. Y/N barges through a side gate into a back road. Y/N pins herself to the side of a building. Peeking her head round the corner she spots gun fire from the top window of the nearby shops. Raising her rifle, she lines up the shot. Squeezing the trigger letting her round fire into her target. The shooting from the shops stops. The soldier across from her is shot as he collaspes to the floor. 
“Sniper!” She yells to the men behind her, as she glances around trying to figure out where the shot came from. She spots a man lying down hidden in a stairway with his rifle propped up. That’s him. She turns her fire to the sniper, raising her rifle once again. Hitting him with precision, the man slumps down unmoving. Machine gun fire hits the building Y/N and the men cover behind. They duck back further behind the wall to ensure they aren’t hit. Y/N gives the men a signal telling them to wait, when the fire stops she knows they are reloading. Popping around the corner she takes out the machine gunners in the lower shop window. Now with the machine gun down they are able to move further into the town. They move forward as a group, keeping low. Some of the men split up to clear the other building close by to ensure all of the enemy were gone. Y/N glanced around at the men who were with her, faces all familiar but the one she desperately seeked was not there. Y/N turned her attention back to the task at hand, Tipper will be fine, stop worrying. 
Tipper ran with Lieb, also scanning the faces for Y/N but he hadn’t seen her in a while. She had gotten out of the ditch so fast he couldn’t keep up. He knew she would be safe though. 
“Tipper take Liebgott, start clearing these buildings.” Welsh ordered the men, as they took cover in a doorway. 
Tipper got down on his knee propping the bazooka onto his shoulder aiming for the building across from them. The sound boomed from the weapon as the rocket soared into the structure blasting a hole through the front of it, sending debris flying into the street. Tipper was on his feet again moving to clear out the next house. A loud rumble shook the ground they ran on. 
“They got us zeroed! Spread it out! Spread it out!” Lip yelled from a high point. The whistling sound piercing through the air signalling bombs were being dropped from the sky as they hit the town the men were in. Bombs rocked the town blowing the street and houses to pieces, the men fled from the street, trying to get out of the open. Tipper watched as a soldier standing in the street got torn to pieces from a shell landing next to him, his legs stayed planted to the ground while his body flew into the air landing on the ground next to his legs. Tipper looked away from the horrific scene, trying his best to not think about what he had just witnessed. 
Running towards a pharmacy, Lieb and Tipper kick in the door, ensuring the building is clear. Guns at the ready, they sweep the inside. Tipper moves to the back of the building, opening the back door. A sheet flaps in the wind making the man gasp in fright, as he staggers back. Lifting his gun. 
Tipper yells, “Hello?” to the green shed in the back garden. “Anybody there?” he calls again before firing a couple of shots into the structure. 
Y/N sees Lieb leave the pharmacy. “Where’s Tipper?” She calls to the man, he motions behind him to the building. Her eyes fixed onto the window trying to see if she could spot the silhouette of the man. Moving towards the building she makes her way to the doorway. A whistling sound catches her attention. SHIT. Tipper stands just a couple of metres away. Everything slows as she runs forward towards him. Lunging forward she captures him in her arms tackling them to the floor as the shell hits, sending them flying further back into the building. They groan as they lie on the floor together. After getting her bearings again, Y/N crawls up to be closer to Tipper’s face. Y/N scans his head and torso looking for any injuries. Tipper does the same grabbing her face in his hands giving her a once over with his eyes. 
“You ok?” He pants, too stunned to speak, Y/N nods her head. “You saved me!” he says shocked. 
“Of course I saved you idiot.” She replies. He shakes his head in disbelief, pulling her into a tight hug. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Tipper whispers into her ear. Y/N pulls back to see if he’s being genuine. His eyes shine as he looks at her.
“What?” Y/N asked, baffled by his confession, he loves me? 
“To tell you the truth Y/N, I have loved you ever since we collided on Currahee. I had just been waiting for you to figure it out.” He confesses. She’s speechless, looking at the man that she has loved now for years. Their eyes looking from each other to their lips. They moved forward gently, finding each other in the middle. Their lips press together softly, as they hold each other close. Letting the world around them fall away for just a moment. They pull away, only to collide again. This time with more lust and need. Y/N gripping her fingers into the back of Tipper’s hair, needing him closer than they were currently. Tipper’s hand slipping under her jacket to grip her hips rocking her forward. They part once more, panting, “I love you.” Y/N whispers back.                        
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ageless-aislynn · 9 months
Nowwwwww, I facetiously mentioned at the bottom of this post about the Halo: Reach achievement:
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To do that, you have to go under or close to par time on pretty much each level ON LEGENDARY.
I have beaten Reach on Legendary but it probably took me closer to 30 hours than 3 because I did my slow, methodical strategies to get through. I did the par time achievement by running past everything I could on Easy. Can I combine the two successfully?
I decided to give the first level "Winter Contingency" a try (after watching some Youtube vids on getting this achievement, of course 😉). Par time is 15 minutes.
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That was my third try, the first was 16 and some minutes, the second got it to 15 and some and then that one got under the par by 32 seconds! I should note that this is considered one of the easiest levels to do on Legendary and the guide I watched by the ever-awesome Halo Completionist did it under 12 minutes and you're going to need every spare second you can scrap together to give you a buffer for some of the long, difficult levels. But still!
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It's silly, I know, but I feel so proud of me! I'm an old lady (well, middle-aged, if I'm being generous 😜) playing Halo with shaky hands but I made under par time on Legendary! 🥳🥳🥳
PS - Tried it again and got 13:55!
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yurisorcerer · 6 months
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What an incredibly frustrating piece of fiction this is shaping up to be.
Where do I even start.
OK, on the one hand, the needlessly esoteric and vibey storytelling is kind of a plus. That's not a thing many anime do anymore and I kind of miss it as someone who was first exposed to the medium in part by very high-concept sci-fi anime. Also the action is great; any time a fight happened I was at least consistently having a good time, the choreography and animation are really good and I absolutely love the combat theme and find it weird how rarely they use it. In general I love how the show looks and it will remain watching for its visuals alone even if nothing else comes together.
Which is good, because everything else is a huge mess at this point. Add it to the list of anime I regret giving the benefit of a doubt.
Everything Metallic Rouge does or tries to do is held back by the fact that Rouge Redstar herself has the morality of a gradeschooler. In the early episodes, this was kind of cute and it seemed like the show would be in large part about her shedding that idealism to become....I don't know, pick one; a hero to the Neans? Some kind of cosmic avenger bound to neither side in this conflict? At least someone who has SOME kind of convictions beyond "I hate fighting!" ?
Code Eve is here revealed to be the work of Rouge's mom(?), a biophysicist, and assistant to her surrogate father, named Dr. Eva Kristella. She is the one who installed the Asimov Code in Neans in the first place, which means that in this universe, all of the oppression that the already-wonky analogue for minorities face was the work of a single person. If you disregard any stab at symbolism here, this is a fine plot twist *in a vacuum*, but when put back in the context of the show it completely defangs anything Metallic Rouge has done or seemed like it wanted to do with this material. Systemic oppression happened because Dr. Kristella did an oopsie and ended up regretting it. That regret was what caused her to make Code Eve, which can somehow disable the Asimov Code, but she didn't activate it herself (maybe she couldn't? This isn't elaborated upon) and instead planted it within the "soul" of Rouge and the other Immortals.
It's kind of impressive how thoroughly that strips out any applicability. There is no way to read anything as subtext anymore, because this is purely a genre thing and has no connection to anything real. Any bite this series might've had is gone.
But OK, fine, let's ignore that and just take it as a weird sci fi thing. Surely at least Rouge recognizes that the Neans are being oppressed to shit is a bad thing and joins the resistance, right? Especially now that Naomi has betrayed her (a plot twist that comes out of fucking nowhere btw) and revealed her true colors? Nope! A decent chunk of episode 8 is taken up by mealy-mouthed moralizing more or less dismissing the Neans' situation because, well, The Immortals Are Violent, so it's impossible to say if they're justified or not. Gene, Rouge's brother, says something to the effect of this not being "the right time" to liberate the Neans and that the inevitable violence of a revolution would only make things worse for them. I'm not crazy for reading this as complete fucking lib shit (a term I don't use lightly), am I? The show seems dead-set on playing Rouge's naivete as something admirable instead of something deeply offputting and inappropriate to the situations she finds herself in.
Like, I'm being A LITTLE uncharitable but honestly not particularly so? I'm mostly just confused, like, what even is the point of any of this? A thing I suppose I had conveniently forgotten about some of those sci-fi shows I mentioned in the opening paragraph is that they're occasionally not actually about much. Sure, the GOOD ones are, but there are plenty that have been mostly forgotten because they don't use the genre to do anything or say anything of note. Metallic Rouge's mix of aesthetics is still interesting---all of the Immortals look really cool, for example---but I would be VERY surprised at this point if the series pulled anything coherent together in its last four episodes.
Then again, who knows, I thought I had this show figured out once before and then episode 5 happened, so honestly who can say. Maybe it WILL find some way to justify its milquetoast politics and Toynbee Tiles-ass worldbuilding in a way that's actually coherent and interesting. I really doubt it, though.
The worst part is that through all of this I STILL don't actually think the show is outright bad. It has enough going for it that I'm going to watch the remaining third of the series and I will probably not completely hate those 2ish hours of remaining story, but it has JUST enough going on that the ways in which its deficient are hugely frustrating instead of being the kind of minor flaw that it's easy to brush off.
At this point my favorite character is probably Cyan, who shows up barely-foreshadowed in these episodes to try to kill Rouge for no obvious reason, but she has a fun design and a clear motive, so that makes her easy to root for, in my book.
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sysig · 5 months
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Special Counseling (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#DAX#These are especially funny to me because I remember when I first looked through the gallery and was Deeply Distressed at ZEX like this#I didn't know the context yet so the betrayal was uncomfortable! As intended but unexpected haha ♪#I love ZEX! Why would he do such a thing! Now I know <3 <3 And now I'm doing the same thing! Lol#The thought of ZEX never getting his own body again even for just a night even on the Institute's side ah it hurts#At least he'd finally have visual proof that it's Possible he never even saw Tanaka so for all he knows it was just another ''vision''#But of DAX <3 Of him getting his body back but turning on ZEX about it ough ♥ And the fallout!! Agh!!!#The setups the payoffs <3 <3 <3#I wrote a bit more for both scenarios actually - of DAX actually pointing a laser pistol at ZEX and threatening to kill him#Thus why ZEX is questioning him the next day - was that brainwashing or would you really do that??#ZEX of course wouldn't have flinched at the time - and DAX's motivation either way that this is a fate unbefitting of his Admiral#''He lowered his head feelers in a sympathetic way. 'I can hardly stand to watch you waste away in that form. If you would ask it of me...''#Weh ;;#Can you tell it's a bit inspired by We Do What is Necessary hehe <3#Which btw you've read right it's so good everyone needs to read it <3#Remind me to make a separate post about that one actually I had the oddest reread experience :3c Fascinating ✨#Anyhow lol#I actually like how I've written their next-day meetup after DAX returns to his senses more than I've drawn it hm :P#I think it's a specific line that sticks out to me - VUX communication through human bodies my beloved ;;♥#''He ran a hand down DAX's arm - a poor approximation of the gesture he was trying to emulate but he was sure DAX would understand.#They'd exchanged it enough times before.'' Hhhhhh ❤️💕💖💞💗 ;;/♥ I love them <3 <3#Also forehead touches and holding face and hands and jfdsalkfd the tenderness and loyalty aghhahgah <3#I really like the idea of VUX lacing fingers with each other as a kind of twining/head tendrils holding replacement ♥#The most intense one-eyed eye contact hehe <3
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his-writing-blog · 8 months
Jak ostatnie dni | Shane x nb!Farmer
Shane wasn't it the best mood right now. It has been raining for three days, which meant that the summer was about to end. That meant he had to get back to working even more than full time. Yoba, he's gonna miss having more time to spend with Jas or sloping around the house. As he was walking by Emily's house, someone ran past him almost pushing him down. He yelped but easily steadied himself.
The person slowed down a bit and turned his head around. "Sorry!" And with that they bolted again towards the staircase by the clinic. Ah yes. The new comer. Marvin, or something. They've been living on the old farm for almost half a year now. They were quite a wierdo, in Shane's opinion.
From what he heard from Marnie, they hadn't been socialising at all with anyone. They only talked to Pierre, Robin and her in matters of buissenes. All other interacctions were shot down with them telling how busy they are.
Looking at it from Shane's perspective, he wouldn't fucking care if they didn't almost crash into him. He frowned and yelled at their back. "Watch out, douchebag!" They didn't even look back at him when they dissapeared behind the building.
Shane shook his head and slowly continued forward. As much as he hated his work, he needed the money. He looked at his feet and kicked the pebbles laying on his way. He was already soaked and battered. Shane couldn't wait for visit in the saloon after his shift. He wondered whether he should get himself beer or beer. Tough question, he said to himself trying to light up a bit.
It wasn't a long time before he was by Pierre's store. Shane stopped by the board and looked at the news. It was 26th day of the month, which truly meant only three days and ofically the autumn would start. He sighed and continued onwards.
Shane barely stepped out behind the store when he heard someone shout out "Look out!" and something crashed at him with full strenght. He automatically shut his eyes and grabbed the mass. They fell to the ground.
Shane grunted in pain and opened his eyes to see who was so careless. The problem was, that all he saw was white. At that moment Shane was almost sure that he was left blind by the accident, untill the whiteness got creased and moved with the huff of the person on top of him. As Shane was about to move, a mixture of a few scents hit him hard enough to left him stunned for a bit. He smelled the younggrass, a bit of the salty ocean breeze and, the most impactful, the scent of the ground after a storm. Those scents mixed with the smell of the rain on the concrete messed with his senses. A few second passed before he noticed that the person rolled off him to the side and that the smell was gone.
"Oh shit, are you alright?" The person was now kneeling over him. Shane looked over them. Of course it was the new farmer who could be running around so carelessly at this time. As he tried to sat up, they grabbed his arm and steadily helped him up. The scent hit him again and he couldn't help himself but look the newcomer up and down. They were quite young, probably still in their twenties. They had tanned skin, longer dark purple hair and big hypnotizing lavender eyes. He could swear that they almost glowed in the gray of the day. They wore a white shirt under brown jacket and jeans.
"Maybe we should go to the clinic? I think the doctor will take us in if I tell him what happened." The farmer was getting worried over the lack of any response from the man. Shane imidiately shook off the wierd feelings and shot up to his legs.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Running around, not even looking if there is anyone around you!" Shane scolded the kneeling person. "What if it was Evelyn that you crashed into? She wouldn't be able to just shake it off like me!" He grabbed his head and looked impatiently at the farmer.
They looked at him, their mouth open as if in disbelief that Shane could become so angry. They stood up and brushed off some dirt from their wet pants. They looked sheepishly at Shane and quietly responded.
"I am really sorry. You're usually over the bridge by now and there is no one expect the old lady that would be coming out in a few minutes..." They fiddeled with their fingers anxiously. "But I usually manage to get around here in between of you two walking. It's just that my dog managed to run away and went into the woods in the morning. He didn't get far but made me just enough late to throw me off the rythm... And then you were a bit late to pass the store which I didn't foresee. And I am really sorry about that." They rambled.
Shane shook his head and looked him up and down again, this time putting some disapointement behind it. They were a bit taller than him, but only by a centimeter or so. "Just don't let it happen again, okay?" He felt a bit sorry for the farmer. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he woke up and Charlie endes up missing.
The farmer smiled at him brighly and extended their hand towards him. "For sure." Shane grabbed their hand in an awkward handshake. "I'm Marley, by the way." They introduced themselfves. "Hope we could have met up in a different scenario." They laughed lightly.
"Shane." With that he let go of their hand. They smiled awkwardly at him again. But within a second their face got worried and they were again rushing towards the beach.
"I'm sorry, I have to go now." They called after him. "See you around!" And they were gone.
Shane stood there in shock. But as the nine has struck on the mayor's house clock, Shane was pulled back from his thoughts. He's late to his shift, fuck. He ran to the jojamarkt, cussing at the weather, his boss, and the strangely captivating farmer.
Later that day, Shane dropped a whole package of soup when he realized that Marley smellt like everything he loved about summer. Morris did cut his pay from this incident.
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you have no idea how shocked i was, you're gonna need a bit of context;
so, i've never really been a guizhong/zhongli believer. like i have absolutely nothing against the ship and i think it's very cute, but i personally never subscribed to the idea that that was what hoyoverse was going for. it just didn't seem... it seemed like wasted ship bait potential, if you were going to give THE zhongli a sweetheart and then just... have them be already dead lmao. esp since hoyo seems evasive of straight ships, which- i mean i'm not complaining. like not to make an obvious zhongchi statement but zhongchi seemed far more logical for ship bait than... what's the shipname for guizhong and zhongli........ zhongzhong??? anyway, them.
so in my mind i was always "well it can't be zhongli with guizhong, but surely it wouldn't be guizhong on her own, they're not that brave." i considered it being guizhong and cloud retainer, since moon carver and mountain shaper have something suspicious going on, and azhdaha is dead, and all other known adepti are also all dead or yakshas, so no.
so i figured, well if it's not zhongli, then the only other adeptus of their generation who seemed to follow guizhong's example and lived among the people (and understood humans!) was..... madame ping. who for all intents and purposes seemed to be quite close to zhongli as well, so it wasn't hard to imagine her having been close to guizhong, too. like, of all the adepti of their generation (so all adepti bar ganyu, xiao, and yanfei), madame ping and zhongli are the only ones living in the harbor, among the humans. they're the only ones living by guizhong's example. so if it isn't him, then it would be her.
so, for the LONGEST time, i had a vague crackship/jokeship in the back of my mind that was literally madame ping when she was/looked younger and guizhong. i am not kidding. you don't see it in cyanide narwhal because, as i said, it was an amusing crackship for myself only and cyanide narwhal is more focused on guizhong's friendships anyway, so it would've been weird to add this seemingly nonexistent crackship for no good reason other than having to pair guizhong up so she's not alone (which. ew. no)
so you can imagine my bewhilderment when cloud retainer, of all people, basically confirmed my crackship. and yes i do subscribe to that ship, like you said, it's far too suspicious not to be something. you don't just have a rival turned bestie who you compose for and then never play music again after they're gone because it's no longer the same. i'm a bit affronted at how unbelievably obvious they are, like holy fuck. truly the rivals to friends to lovers of MADAME PING being revealed this lantern rite was not on my bingo card.
(neither was guizhong being revealed at all, but oh well.)
so uh,
sorry for the long rant lmao but your ask kind of enabled my thoughts to pour out so here it is,,,,
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