#i originally was gonna post this as a oneshot but i have never heard of patience
glitterslag · 8 months
yo i posted hellcheer
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Hey, I heard you did like the idea about Henriett and Yurie relation? Orphanage stuff aside, how do you feel about the idea that they were Damian's daughters? o: Like maybe he even had to leave them at some point because School of Mensis was too dark path to thread for them in his eyes and whatnot? ok ok ok in general, what are your thoughts about these girls?
Mouahahahahah i see i am converting people with my ideas?! 👀
Hm ok more seriously. I don’t think Alfred and Valtr have any family link or smt just because they’re blond (sorry Crow 💔)
(I mean they don’t really look alike no? But who knows…you could tell me that Damian and the girls might not be link too but it’s different!! They have the healing church and Byrgenwerth in common! Source : myself)
Ok so about the girls like you mentioned they looks really similars (face) + with the data we know Yurie/Julie is supposed to be blonde too. (posting your image btw) They looks really alike and we need more siblings lol.
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Pretty sure Yurie grow up inside the healing church/orphanage she became a member from the choir and is one of the last one alive. Still I think she might have perhaps part way with the church to come back to the roots of byrgenwerth and found stuff there + secure Rom (&willem) souls in the lake.
For Henriett well I won’t be surprised if originally she was supposed to be a part of the church with the black garb and all a doctor or a religious but wasn’t as efficient as Yurie. The choir is the elite after all (and probably know many dark secrets…) But perhaps she discover things and decided to quit (like that ALL clerics beasts were clerics, maybe she killed one too) and decided to come back to the roots of the hunt as a hunter ! (Not from the church)
As for Damian well he’s blond too (kinda) and have the same lashes and eyes color.
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For me I like to imagine Damian as being like the most normal dude ever. Where everything and everyone are quite unusual if not a bit crazy and he's just the normal guy x) I headcanon he had a normal family, ok parents, no tragic backstory, or really big problems in his life, average results at Byrgenwerth + is kinda strong too (great fighting ability).
Also of course the game is never gonna tell us but I won’t be surprise if a few characters you know had period in their life where they were happy, got married, had children (and not just Gascoigne lol) Some 10mins oneshots AUs & original characters exclude I headcanons only a few bloodborne characters having kids depending the interpretations too. Damian not the one I first thought off to XD
But yeah just to say he’s really like the typical dude in this who happen to be too close to the main protagonist XD (without being a rando who could died either or a figurant, it’s Damian come on!). Like you have the charismatic Laurence, Gehrman, Maria, Caryll, Rom, Ludwig, freaking Mico, Willem, Dores etc and Damian who's freaking "normal" in all this mess and wonder what in the great ones he is doing here XD (he looks so tired too ;-;)
So I guess if he ever had kids he had to probably leave them (at least at beginning he probably just leave them during day or night time at the church daycare XD) but perhaps had to put them somewhere safe after Mensis (and Mico) began their descent in hell and madness. And he realized that if he did something wrong or if the menses scholars thought he was devoted enough to the cause they could hurt or take away the one close to him!
Also while typing this i just had an enlightenment!!! Another idea! (Help)
WHAT IF! What if, actually Amelia and Henriett are the ones who are siblings! (No link with Yurie but Damian being her dad still work!)
Amelia don’t have a face data sadly but she’s blond right? She was probably in the healing church since little too? (I hc that the precedent Vicar, the white church doctor in the nightmare in the 2nd cathedral praying could be her mother? + she kinda looks like henriett too 💀)
Plus we can fight Amelia with Henriett (summon) imagined THE DRAMA!!
So in the end idk i’m not settle but i don’t need to right now. I’m to focus on the old hunters era anyway xD and like you know I hc that almost 3 generations pass since the beginning of all this mess at Byrgenwerth. (So yeah clearly Amelia, Henriett, Yurie, Edgar Iosefka... were not born yet in my main version/fic verse at the time anyway).
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idleglowingpixels · 11 months
Okay so, I watched the Miraculous Ladybug movie...
Originally I wasn't going to because the show was such a massive disappointment (mainly Seasons 4 and 5), and I mentally put my foot down saying I wasn't gonna consume anymore official content from the franchise. But morbid curiosity be damned, my God, it was probably everything I could have asked for from a movie for the franchise.
(Spoilers Ahead)
I'm gonna start with my critiques, with a lack of chronology, only so I can save the good parts for the end. I have a lot of nice things to say and I wanna end the post on a good note!
They really could've spent the time it took for Tikki and Marinette's song for the kwamis to explain the powers to Marinette and Adrien (and, in turn, the audience that might not know about/haven't seen the series). I love that song, and I thoroughly enjoyed Tikki's more sassy mentor-like position she takes in the movie, but I do feel that the powers are a bit difficult to understand if you're a newcomer to the show.
The fact Plagg, my favorite character from the series, got dumbed down to a fart joke made me so upset. It felt a lot like when Plagg got dumbed down to purely cheese puns and poor writing, he didn't feel as significant to Adrien's side of the story as Tikki was to Marinette's. RIP Plagg with nuance. :') To be completely honest, I think Plagg was really the only downgrade in characterization here though.
Did anyone else notice Nooroo had a different English VA in the movie??? I heard it and was like "WAIT YOU'RE NOT BEN DISKIN NOOOOO" haha. In fact it made me TERRIFIED they replaced Tikki and Plagg too, but I'm so happy they didn't. I don't hate the new voice tho! It does fit the character, but definitely leaned too grown-up and feminine sounding for me. I got too used to the squeaky, scared little baby voice Ben gave him. (EDIT: I actually really like the new voice lowkey, I think it's just as good as Ben but I do miss Ben for sure haha)
Obviously, the pacing had to heavily rely on montages throughout to move the story along due to the 90-minute runtime. I think of all children's film franchises to deserve a trilogy, this was the one, especially because of its international and overlapping appeal between its target audience and older fans. If we got the 3-act structure of this film evenly divided between 3 separate movies, it would've had much more time to flesh out the current cast of characters and narrative they were trying to tell. It's definitely the movie's biggest fault in my opinion, but I think fans of the series who have a baseline knowledge of the plot at the very least will enjoy the movie (unless they don't like musicals, I suppose).
I thought the best way to describe what it felt like watching boils down to "if someone took the series and wrote it into a 10k-to-20k-word oneshot fic." And I mean this affectionately, but with most fanfiction, generally you'd have pre-established knowledge of the world and how it works. The movie kind of goes off the assumption you have a baseline knowledge, so I wouldn't recommend it as a starting point for the show (tho I'd NEVER recommend the actual show to anyone), if only because it's so jarringly different in terms of their powers and characters. You'd only be setting up your poor friends for disappointment. :'D
The songs were fun, they're nothing crazy, but they're adorable. My only complaint for the songs is Marinette's singing VA being different than her speaking VA, another common complaint I've shared with others. Her singing VA is a wonderful singer, don't get me wrong, but Christina Vee/Valenzuela is such a talented singer and I would've loved to hear her sing for Marinette. I know Bryce wasn't singing for Adrien either, but his singing VA sounded similar enough that it wasn't as bothersome.
Okay, the best parts, let's go:
Now, admittedly, the story is rushed to hell and back. As a writer, I can't understate that. But what I can give the writing props for, unlike the show, is having its narrative not get overblown and out-of-focus. By the end of the series, there's so many characters and micro-arcs to keep track of -- Kagami's friendship with Lila, Luka's awareness of Ladybug & Chat Noir's identities, Alix being forced out of the picture at the start of Season 5, the ZagHeroes and Fae from the two specials that aired between S3 & S4, the fact I could go on should speak volumes enough -- that the actual story of the show crumbles beneath the weight of it all.
The movie condenses this narrative, and in doing so, it sets up the main characters of this film and what's looking like the next film, should this movie succeed. The main focus is on Marinette, Adrien and his father Gabriel, all of whom are well-known as the main heroes and villain of the series respectively. Through their stories, we somehow have that "vintage era" Miraculous charm that the first season or two of the show had, and also gave an ACTUALLY GOOD AND SATISFYING CONCLUSION TO THE STORY -- Sorry, I got sidetracked, we'll get back to that point later.
We also have Alya, Nino, Chloe and Nathalie, all in the movie BUT as a minor focus. The trio of kids get a bit more screentime than Nathalie, but they're present just enough to imply that they'll be important for the next film (Which I assume will have a return of Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee and Mayura respectively).
The animation, the big selling point of this film for most people, is incredible. Even seeing leaks before the movie dropped, you could tell this thing had cost big bucks for its animation. Apparently it was one of France's highest-budget animated films? It was gorgeous, I don't have much complaints with it, the style they were going for was just eye candy animation. Everyone's designs got elevated in this style, I think the only criticism I have for that is that Alya's hairstyle could've been changed to reflect the volume it has in the show, it looks a bit too thin and flat for my liking. But I guess that's just personal preference.
Master Fu! He's back, and he's a cooky AND wise old man! I was ecstatic to see him back. Once he was written out of the show in S3's finale, the show hasn't felt the same tbh. Idk why, but I didn't realized I missed him as much as I did until seeing him at the start of the movie. XD
No sentimonster bullshit shenanigans, THANK GOD. I really like the concept of senti-people, but good lord, the show's story was overly complex as it was, the movie didn't need to go making it worse. (Note, I got nothing against the theories! I just can't stand how the show executed that aspect of the plotline. It's awfully vague for absolutely no reason and screams that it was shoe-horned into the plot around mid-S3 for fan interest. The show only suffers from the inclusion of implications for the theories.)
And I'm SO HAPPY they gave Adrien some motherfucking agency. That scene where his father walks down the stairs looking disheveled af, demanding Adrien listen to him only for Adrien to say he doesn't have a father or that he lost his father a long time ago?!? Amazing. Bare minimum shit, yes, but it was executed so well. And him being an angsty teen, drowning out his solitude through music, and getting a bit of an ego through his Chat Noir persona? When I tell you this movie feels like a fanfic (affectionately), I mean it. It feels like the writers were actually competent enough to understand how to make a character 3-dimensional.
Same goes for Marinette. As much as I miss Rose, Juleka, Mylene and Alix being her friends, I think having Marinette start as a loner with no friends made her parallel with Adrien's feelings of isolation. Her arc of gaining her confidence and befriending Alya, Nino and Adrien, while Adrien's arc focuses on his grief and learning to open up to others again, was a nice contrast. And both of them actually felt equally important, which was probably the best part for me. (Side-tangent; If they introduce Kitty Section into a possible next film (which would make sense since they're a band and this movie is a musical adaptation), Marinette could befriend the old friend squad through the band. Maybe they could even be manipulated by Mayura in the next movie, and we could get a 5v5 battle between the Miraculous 5 and Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Luka and Ivan's amoks...? Just an idea I thought of on the spot.)
I didn't hate any of the songs, and the general consensus I've seen is that Hawk Moth's villainous song in the midst of the film was the best one (an opinion of which I agree, I had watched this with my cousin and we both agreed to start the song over after listening to it the first time, and it was the only song we did that to on our viewing). It also made the transformation into becoming Hawk Moth truly feel like a Jeckyll and Hyde style situation for Gabriel, like Hawk Moth was the alter-ego he could use to let his grief consume him and drive him mad. I'm a sucker for Jeckyll and Hyde tropes, and while it might've been intended, that's how I'm interpreting it. It was honestly a great change, and I joked that the top hat during the song made Hawk Moth officially a Tumblr sexyman lmao.
The 3-way reveal. WE GOT THE 3-WAY REVEAL. NO PREACHY, TIME-WASTING REVERSALS, NO BULLSHITTING FROM ASTRUC. WE ACTUALLY GOT THE 3-WAY REVEAL BETWEEN LADYBUG, CHAT NOIR AND HAWK MOTH. And it was just as fucking fantastic as the show ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE made it. There was NO EXCUSES for the show's ending for Gabriel/Hawk Moth to be as atrocious as it was, nor for Adrien to be completely fucking absent and not have an identity reveal -- and I refuse to let anyone say executive meddling was the reason for it. Jeremy Zag was Astruc's executive, and clearly with the movie being his passion project, Zag cares enough about the franchise that he wouldn't prevent Astruc from writing a good story. But Astruc is a horrible writer, whose faults really began to shine the more tone-deaf and preachy his writing of the show got. Istg, half of the episode's "lessons" was just Astruc venting his frustrations against fans who had valid criticism of the writing. But goddamn, it's gotta be real embarrassing for Astruc to have his own franchise/story made and written better for a 90-minute film by his colleague than he could write with 5 seasons and over 100 episodes...Yikes. XD
When I tell you some parts of the movie -- the kwamis having a bit more agency themselves (Nooroo popping out of the brooch was so cute!!! :'D), the characters in general, Gabriel's story (tho it could've used more GabeNath imo lol), the focus on the characters while also having some engaging & wild battles, the long-awaited identity reveal, the masquerade ball trope -- felt like aspects the series just completely didn't have or vastly underutilized, it's insane. The difference between the film and series is like night and day.
Overall, it wasn't the best-written movie, but it's EXACTLY what I assume most Miraculous fans desperately craved from the show that crumbled its quality in its hands, spat on it, threw it in a garbage bin and lit it on fire. I genuinely saw parts of this movie that paralleled the rewrite fic I wanna write for the series soon (THE CAT IN ADRIEN'S ROOM WHEN HE FINDS THE RING BRUH), and unlike the series, which inspired me by how bad it was, the movie had a few parts that were so well-written that it inspired me to write scenes as good as those (THE FUCKIN PART WITH LADYBUG SAYING "I need to go..." AND THE DESPERATION IN CHAT'S "...Don't...").
I feel similar after-the-fact as I did with the Super Mario Bros Movie -- imperfect, but satisfactory to pre-established fans of the franchise. If anyone you know ever wants to give the franchise a chance, I'd honestly exclusively recommend this movie, and maybe S1-S2. A solid 8/10, only having a high ranking because of how much fun and entertaining this film was to me, a fan since around S2's airing.
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myersmikey · 2 years
Okay, I'm gonna start posting my fics here. They're only on Wattpad atm. This was the first one I wrote. I like it and I think it's my most well-liked oneshot so far? Anyway... Oh btw, I'm not doing requests atm. But I probably will in the future. I'm just kinda writing what I wanna write.
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Protection (2018!Michael Myers x GN!Reader)
Original post date: November 5th, 2021
Summary: It's when Michael goes up against the mob in Halloween Kills. YN has too much empathy for their own good and does something kinda probably stupid.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, some spoilers for Kills (although I keep certain deaths vague), just a lot of violence ok?, some cursing
A/N: This fic can be interpreted as romantic or platonic, either or. I wrote this because watching Michael get his ass kicked made me almost cry (and still does.) I wanted to protect him so. Yeah. Here it is.
Word count: 3k+
This felt wrong. You watched as the mob full of angry Haddonfield residents landed hit after hit on this small town's own Boogeyman. You knew that he probably deserved it. After all, he's hurt many people and haunted this town for years. You'd heard all of the stories. Who hasn't? But even so, watching all of these people beat him as he laid face down on the cold, hard ground felt so horribly wrong.
You had come with the group, not because you were out for Michael's blood, but rather because your friends were. You just so happened to be in the bar that night with them. You had seen the look on Tommy Doyle's face. The man had riled a good amount of people in the town up, including your friends. You wanted no part in the violence. Not because you were afraid (well, maybe you were), but because you never liked the idea of solving violence with more violence; an eye for an eye. But your friends had ended up dragging you along into this madness. You hadn't even wanted to leave your house tonight, but your friends had harassed you about joining them at the bar.
You reluctantly went with them to the showdown, but announced that you would not be leaving the vehicle. This earned you a few scoffs and eyerolls, but they didn't bother you too much about it in the end. They were too set on letting their anger out on the silent killer.
You now sat in the shotgun seat of one of the trucks whose headlights were illuminating the area. Your hands gripped tightly at the seat, a horrified look on your face, breath audibly shaking, and tears threatening to spill over. You knew the tears were most likely not deserved. The Shape of Haddonfield never showed mercy, so why should all of these people? Regardless, it tore at your heart more than it should have to see him being kicked and beaten while seemingly laying there defenseless. With every swing, you winced and your breath would hitch. After several minutes of this, you no longer could stand seeing it.
You thought that it would be best to run away, far away from this street. You didn't want to see nor hear any of it anymore. You opened the car door as quietly as possible, ready to take off in any direction that was anywhere but here.
You glanced over at the man once again. He was bleeding heavily from being shot and beaten. And now looking closer you could see he was missing some fingers too. Although, it seemed like those were lost earlier in the night judging by the bandages wrapped around the hand. Your legs suddenly began to move on their own. But not in the opposite direction like you had wanted. No, instead you were running right into the center of this chaos, pushing people out of your way in the process.
Putting yourself in between Michael and some of the crowd, you stared straight into the eyes of one of your friends. 'Shit...' you thought, 'what am I doing?' You knew at that moment that the entire town of Haddonfield was going to hate you. You would be shunned and driven out of the city, hell maybe even out of the state of Illinois.
The entire crowd fell dead silent as they just stared at your shaking form, standing in between them and their prey. You were terrified. Trying to find your voice, you began to speak. "Isn't that enough?" You said, your voice trembling. "He's already down. Haven't you hurt him enough?"
You began to hear whispers all around you and people sharing looks. They looked shocked. Angry. Disgusted. Closing your eyes for a moment, you gulped. "Violence doesn't get anyone anywhere."
Glancing up at one of your friends, he looked appalled. Gripping at his weapon tighter, he spat out, "How can you say that!? You know what this man has done to us, to all of us!" You gave a small nod. "I know..."
Your other friend spoke up. "So how the fuck can you defend a monster like that!?" Her voice was dripping with venom and you winced slightly at the word 'monster.'
"I'm just saying that this is enough. You've gotten your anger out. Let the police take care of-" you were promptly cut off by someone unseen shoving you to the ground. Letting out a whimper after your body collided with the ground, you sat up and looked at the jerk who shoved you. The man, who you didn't know, peered down his nose at you. "Crazy bitch..."
Your lower lip quivered as you looked at the people all around you staring down at you and Michael. You knew that you had gotten yourself into this mess, but you've already come this far. You slowly peeked down at the man you were just mere inches away from now. The murderer you just threw your entire reputation down the drain for. Your heart ached all over again seeing him in the state that he was in.
Your eyes adjusted more to the harsh light cutting through the darkness. You could just barely see into the eye holes of the mask. Your blood ran cold as you realized that Michael was awake. And he was staring straight at you. The air left your lungs and wouldn't return as you realized just how close you were to a serial killer. He could end you within seconds right now if he wanted to. And still, you felt pity.
Time seemed to stand still as you both looked at one another cautiously. Until his eyes suddenly snapped up above you. Before you had time to even react, let alone turn around, you felt a sharp pain in your back. Letting out a yelp of pain, you looked back to see just as you were getting kicked again. It was your now ex-friend. It was obvious everyone hated you at that moment.
You raised your hands in defense as hot tears spilled down your cheeks. 'How ironic,' you thought, 'my sad attempt to stop this mob's rage just made it worse.' You felt another pain, this time in your shoulder, from somebody's 2x4 piece of wood. "Traitor!" They shouted, striking you again.
The anger once again became contagious as one after the other, the crowd starting attacking both you and the man you were trying to protect. Being knocked down so that you were practically face to face with him, you could see that his eyes were now shut. Feeling that pang of sadness again, you got up on all fours and crawled to him. You should be terrified of him and wanting to get as far away as possible. Instead, you pulled yourself on top of the larger man. Wrapping yourself especially around his head, shielding him from the blows.
Whether he deserved it or not didn't matter to you anymore. You couldn't let this man die. This only seemed to piss everyone off more. You squeezed your eyes shut and choked back sobs as you felt yourself acquiring more and more wounds. All around you, you could hear shouts of you being a traitor, you deserving all that's coming to you, you being insane. You found yourself thinking that maybe they were right.
You felt someone grab at the back of your shirt and yank you backwards. Instinctively, you reached your hands back to grab their arm. "Let me go!" you shouted. When your cry fell on deaf ears, you slammed your elbow as hard as you could into the person's shin, causing them to drop you. 'So much for no violence.' You thought, before quickly dismissing it as self defense.
You crawled back as quickly as you could over to Michael. Every muscle and bone in your body hurt. But you were already in this, and you weren't going to stop now until these people settled down. Sitting on your knees in front of the man laying behind you, you glanced up at the crowd in front of you. "Fuck this!" Shouted one man as he came forward and raised his aluminum baseball bat over his head. You squeezed your eyes shut and braced yourself for the impact. You heard the unmistakable sound of the bat colliding with something near your head, but yet you didn't feel any pain. You slowly opened one eye to see the bat inches from your face being held in place by a bloody and damaged hand. Glancing in the direction of the hand, you see an arm coming over your shoulder.
You gasped as you realized it was Michael. He had propped himself up, although still laying on his stomach. He stopped the bat mid-air. Did he think that they were aiming for him? No, it was obvious they were aiming for you. Did he just save you? You weren't sure you could believe that.
He gave a tug, pulling the bat from the man's hands before more people on the other side had started hitting him again. One particularly hard whack knocked him back down and caused him to release the bat and you watched as it rolled away. "Dammit..." you mumbled. You weren't entirely sure who or what you were saying that to. The mob, yourself, Michael, the situation. Probably all of the above.
You leaned down and hesitantly placed a hand on his masked cheek and tried to look at his eyes. He was alive, although it seemed barely conscious judging by his half-lidded stare. Feeling yourself being pulled backwards yet again, you grunted in frustration and pain. The person dragged you several feet away before releasing you with a thud.
Looking over again, you see Michael weakly reaching for his knife that laid just inches away from his grasp. You didn't know how to feel at this moment. You still felt that same pity from seeing him so hurt. But you also knew what would happen if he got ahold of that blade again. And that scared you.
Before Michael could reach his weapon, Karen Nelson stepped over to him. You knew her but not enough to call her a friend. You did know that she also had a tendency to want peace and had a kinder heart. You wondered what she was even doing here. You knew her mom was one of Michael Myers' few survivors. You're sure that made her hate him. But her pacifist nature would typically keep her far away from things like this.
But in that moment, the woman's eyes were filled with seething rage and hatred for the murderer that laid just a few feet away from her. You watched as she slowly bent down and picked up the knife and gripped onto it tightly. What was she doing? There was no way she was about to kill this man. The crowd remained silent as they watched her every move. She turned to face him and stared down at him.
"Karen!" You hadn't even realized you had shouted her name until you saw many pairs of eyes staring your way. You shakingly stood to your feet despite your body's protests not to. "Karen..." you repeated before taking a couple of small steps towards her, placing your hands up in front of you as if to tell her to stop and think about what she was doing. She stared at you wordlessly as you stumbled another step towards her. "What are you doing?" You asked softly. Before she could answer, you continued. "You don't want to do this, Karen. Think about your daughter..."
Her iron grip on the blade seemed to loosen for a moment before tightening once more and turning back to Michael. You saw the rage in her eyes as she began to lift her arm up. With the last bit of your strength, you bolted at her, half tackling her and grabbing her arm that was weilding the knife. You looked in her eyes and pleaded, "Please stop! No more blood needs to be shed tonight!" Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued looking not at you, but at the man laying behind you. She choked out a sob and mumbled something that you couldn't quite hear. You were sure you heard her say "Ray" though. Wasn't that her husband's name? In your confusion, she pushed past you and drove the knife down into Michael's back. His body jolted before going limp and you let out a scream and covered your mouth with both of your hands.
Your legs finally gave out and you fell to your knees, staring helplessly at the sight in front of you. Karen turned almost robotically with tears running down her face and walked off in the direction of some nearby houses. Everything had become too silent besides your ragged breathing. The mob began to lower their weapons and relax. Some even turning to leave, ready to go sleep soundly knowing that the Boogeyman was finally dead.
You desperately wanted to look away from the gruesome sight before you. But you just couldn't. You should be worrying about your own injuries and your now destroyed reputation and friendships. You should feel relief that this 40 year nightmare was now over. Instead, your heart broke into pieces. You tried so hard to protect him but couldn't in the end. You thought back to the hand grabbing the bat that nearly put a dent in your head. It seemed clear that he had tried to protect you as well. Although, that thought seemed irrational. He was a merciless killer who seemed void of emotion.
You closed your eyes for a moment as you felt yourself get dizzy from the adrenaline wearing off. Time seemed to slow down and your ears began to ring as more of your pain began to catch up to you. Trying desperately to cling to consciousness, you still collided with the ground.
That's when you heard a scream. Followed by more screams. Opening your eyes, your vision blurry, you could see a lot of movement again. Confused, you tried to get your eyes to focus. And then you saw it. Michael Myers was up on his feet slashing his knife in all directions as more and more bodies fell to the ground. Upon realizing what was happening, your body was hit with another dose of adrenaline.
Propping yourself up on your elbows and then to your hands and knees, you watched in horror at what was happening before you. You forced yourself to your feet, every instinct in your body telling you to run and to hide. But instead you froze. Eyes locked on the older man who was taking the lives of everyone around him. His body moving as if he didn't just sustain countless injuries. You began to wonder if he was even human.
You watched as the last person drops after being knifed in the chest. A quiet shriek escaping your lips once you realized who it was. His bat taken from him and swung down, his life ended with his own weapon. Everything went quiet once again after the clank of the bat falling to the ground. You and Michael were the only ones left standing.
To your horror, the man turned to face you. You wanted to scream; to run. Something. Anything! But instead you froze like a rabbit being stared down by a predator. You may have protected the man, but you were still completely and utterly terrified of him. 'I'm gonna die...' was the only thing you could think.
Michael started walking towards you and you began to back up in fear. He got closer and your legs gave out on you again, finally at their limit. You fell backwards and all you could do was look up at the man. He stopped and tilted his head at you slightly. You open your mouth to speak but instead everything begins to spin again and you start to black out.
After a moment, you feel yourself being lifted from the cold and sharpness of the gravel. Feeling like you were moving, you tried to open your eyes wondering if you were actually moving or if it was just the dizziness. Your eyelids fought you.
You felt yourself being sat upright and finally managed to open your eyes only slightly. Michael stood beside you and you realized you were sitting in the same truck you started out in. Had he carried you here? Your eyes flick up to meet his blue ones. You tried to move and felt a large hand on your shoulder, stilling you. It was as if he was silently telling you not to move and hurt yourself more than you already were. Once he felt that you had stopped moving, you felt that same hand move to your head. Your eyes closed again as you felt him rub your head slightly before pulling away. You wanted to chuckle thinking that this had to be a dream. But chuckling would of taken energy that you no longer had. You barely pulled your eyes open one last time to see him reaching into his pocket before everything went completely dark and silent.
Your eyes slowly opened and you tried to move your head before being hit with a wave of pain. "Fuck..." you hissed. It was still dark out and you were in your friend's truck. You tried to remember what exactly happened before it hit you all at once. Your eyes snapped over to your right to where Michael had stood before. No one was there and the door was shut. Had you dreamt or hallucinated it? You had to of managed to get yourself to vehicle or something.
You went to move your hands up to your temples in an attempt to calm your throbbing headache. It was then you realized something was in your hand. Confused, you flipped your hand over and opened your palm to see a small piece of Halloween candy. You blinked in confusion before remembering that the last thing you saw before passing out was Michael reaching into his pocket. A tiny grin appeared on your face as you realized it was his way of saying thank you.
Huh... who knew the Boogeyman had a sweet tooth.
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lizardkingeliot · 2 years
It’s Wednesday and you know what that means... I’m here to toss another lil fic snippet onto your dashes. As promised, this week I have something from the first chapter of part 3 of the time cast a spell on you series. If you’ve read my end notes on the last chapter of part 2, you already know the concept for this fic. Our boys are going to Encanto Oculto and will be leaning hard into the monogamous aspect of their relationship while making Quentin’s getting fucked in public dreams come true lol. I had originally planned on this being 3 chapters, but I’ve since expanded it to 4 for... pacing reasons. And also because I can never shut up when it comes to these two in this ‘verse lmao...
If you’re not caught up, there are no real spoilers here aside from the basic premise. You can expect this first chapter to be posted... IDK. Sometime this summer? I really am trying to get the super top secret mystery oneshot posted first before I allow myself to make this the focus. This might be my last WIP post for a few weeks as I don’t wanna spoil too much from either of the things lol. Anyway! Enjoy... 🥰
Quentin swallowed, a little pebble of uncertainty catching in the hollow of his throat. “So you have heard of it?”
“Q, I literally—” Julia was laughing again, shaking her head, her eyes cast down on the leafy green of her salad. “I literally told you about Margo inviting me to Encanto weeks ago.”
Quentin pinched his brows at her. “You said you were going to magical Burning Man, Jules.”
“Oh my god—” She leaned back in her chair, raised her eyes to Quentin, an incredulous fit of laughter sputtering from her mouth. “I said a lot more than that, Q. I swear all that kinky sex you have fucks with your memory. I—”
“My memory is—” Quentin huffed. Okay, so—that was probably fair enough. At the very least, he’d certainly been distracted. Across the board, forever and always. Quentin Coldwater had a terminal case of Eliot Waugh on the brain. “I’m sorry.” He let that sit for a moment, fidgeting with the wrapper of his sandwich, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Is it gonna be, like—a problem? If Eliot and I go too.”
“I mean, I’m not, like—” Julia flashed a grin that was impossible to read. “Crazy about the idea of seeing Eliot lead you around on a leash or whatever it is you two plan on—”
“Oh my god—we don’t use—that’s not how we—” He drew a breath and exhaled hard, running both hands over the top of his head, touching his hair just to feel it. “I won’t go if you don’t want me to, okay, it’s—I’m sure Eliot will understand.”
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Choosing Baby Names(Rex x F!Reader)
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Captain Rex x Pregnant!F!Reader oneshot
Rex really hasn’t thought about baby names... but for a really good reason.
A/N: Hey! So the title might be a little bit misleading(not really but maybe?), it still is about baby names though! Also, I know I haven’t posted anything in a hot minute but I got a second job so writing has taking sorta a backseat. Don’t worry I have no plan on leaving this blog. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings/notes: Pregnancy and fluff
GIF is not mine, credit goes to the original creator
Reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated!
“What about Zalge?” You asked, reading out of the book in your hands.
Rex responded with the silence of his head shaking no.
“Okay then,” You flipped a couple more pages, scanning over some more names, “What about Zedne?”
Rex responded with more silence. 
Over the last couple of hours, you had gone through an entire baby naming book while Rex had put together your future newborn’s speeder seat. Over ten thousand possible names from a book that “Guaranteed to Help You Pick The Very Best Name in the Galaxy For Your Baby” and Rex still hadn’t given you a single reaction to any of them you suggested.
“Oh baby,” You looked down at your third trimester bump, “At this rate I don’t think your daddy is ever gonna find a name he likes,”
Rex huffed a small laugh and briefly looked up from his half-complete project that sat on the dining table, “ You know Fives suggested we should name our kid after him,”
“Absolutely not,” You refused immediately which made Rex laugh, “That soldier’s ego was already bigger than Coruscant, I don’t need our baby adding to it,”
Rex shrugged and agreed with you. It was probably for the best that the two of you didn’t. Rex couldn’t imagine how it would be after your delivery and sharing a barrack with the trooper and his unfiltered mouth talking about how you two named a baby after him.
“Besides Rex,” You waddled yourself over to sit next to him “What’s the point in having a baby naming book if you’re not going to use it?” 
“That book was a gag gift from Jesse. I didn’t actually think I’d ever use it,” He looked down at it in your hands. 
“What? You never told me that” You said. 
Rex originally gave you the book a few days after you told him the two of you were expecting, right after your daily morning session in the refresher due to your pregnancy nausea. He didn’t know much about pregnancy, nonetheless morning sickness at the time so he thought you could read it while you were in the fresher during those times. 
Oh how wrong he was about that. However the two of you could only laugh about it now. Instead, most of the times when he was home, he ended up being right beside you, keeping your hair out of the way. 
“I don’t know why I kept it,” He shrugged.
You looked at him as if you could spot his lie from a mile away, “Oh come on Rex, that’s a lie if I ever heard one,” You called him out with a smile. You knew he only kept things he really treasured. Kriff, you had spent ten minutes trying to convince him not to throw away the instructions to the speeder seat before he begrudgingly agreed. 
“Well you know cyar'ika,” He sighed, leaning away from his project and towards you, “What are pipe dreams if they don’t occasionally come true?” His hard, calloused hands came to rest over your bump.
Rex had never thought kids would be in his future, specifically kids of his own. Simply because he never thought he would live long enough with half of his time spent at war. But there you were, sitting at a table he had baby-proofed not too long ago with the child you would have together. Yeah he wouldn’t lie. It was hard, everything from leaving you to go on a mission to having to remove pickled ruik root from his diet because you couldn’t stand the smell of it. 
But then there would be good times that would come to outweigh anything else. The doctor appointments, lots of beebleberry ice cream in the freezer to keep up with your cravings and your baby kicking were just a few. 
All of those were so far out of reach for him for so long because he was just a clone captain and nothing else. Yet there you were. Not afraid to be with him, to carry his baby, start a family with him and let him be something else than just property. 
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 3 years
could you do a marcus rashford imagine where he meets your french family? thought it might be cute x
( WARNINGS: swearing, fluff )
word count: 1.5k
< i think i just posted this because i needed something to post, apologies if it's not up to standard...might rewrite later >
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“I can hear you stressing.” You spoke through the silence. It was that quiet it seemed the birds had stopped squawking and all signs of life had halted. You swore if a pin dropped and landed on the carpeted floor of your car you’d still be able to hear it, it was that silent.
Marcus hadn’t been this quiet ever. It was unnerving to say the least.
His eyes were glued to the house in front of him and he was deathly still, only seemingly able to blink every so often. He gave no indication that he’d even heard you speak, so you leaned over the gear stick slowly, nudging his arm gently.
It seemed to do the trick because he snapped his head towards you, pressing one hand to his pounding heart in a whirlwind of panic.
“It’s like you’re trying to kill me, woman.” He breathed shakily, his gaze quickly fixating back on the house looming in front of him, just as his knee started bouncing up and down.
“I did say something but I don’t think you were quite there.” You said, pressing a finger to your temple with an expression of faux concern.
“Really? What gave it away?” He muttered under his breath, seemingly forgetting that you were of such close proximity in the car that you could hear the words.
You rolled your eyes, leaning away from him and making a move to open your car door, but you were stopped by a hand on your arm, dragging you back into your seat.
“What are you doing?” You both chorused in unison, Marcus’s and still gripping your arm.
You sighed, “I’m going into my parents’ house. What’re you doing?”
He, too, sighed, reciprocating your actions, but you knew it held a tone of sarcasm.
“I’m freaking out, that’s what I’m doing.” His eyes were wide, and you pressed your lips together, fighting the urge to laugh because you’d honestly not seen him this nervous in a while. You carefully peeled his fingers off your elbow, linking your hands together.
“You’ll be fine.” You reassured, “They already love you, I promise.”
He swivelled in his chair, hanging his head low to look at you out of the corner of his eye, skepticism dripping from his stare.
“They’ve never even spoken to me.” He pointed out, raising his eyebrows in your direction.
You shrugged, “Doesn’t mean I’ve never spoken to them about you.”
He blinked. Rapidly.
It was rather concerning.
“I…” he started, “When did you speak to your parents about me?”
“About a week ago...on the phone.”
He closed his eyes slowly, letting go of your hand and leaning back in his seat, the palms of his hands pressing into his eyes. The lack of a sarcastic comment was disconcerting to say the least.
“Why are you acting like I told you I left the front door wide open on the way out of the house?” You asked, leaning forwards with your elbows placed precariously on your knees.
Marcus groaned in response.
“Because you were speaking French to them.” Was his answer.
You furrowed your brows in confusion.
“That’s because they’re French.” You stated, shaking your head. “I told you that.”
“Yeah. But now I’ve got to impress them with my French too. Do you know how shit speaking French sounds with a Northern accent? It completely butchers the language.” He complained, screwing up his face as if he was going to cry. He wasn’t going to, but he sure as hell felt like he could make himself do it, especially if it meant stalling for a few more minutes.
You failed to choke back a laugh, this time the sound managing to break past your lips.
“They’re not gonna care how well you speak French or even if you speak French--”
“If it matters to you that much I can help you slip it into the conversation.” You offered, slowly sneaking your hand towards the door handle, preparing yourself for a quick escape.
Marcus hesitated, his mouth opening and closing in thought.
“Well...I-Now you’ve made it sound like it doesn’t matter if I speak French or not.”
“That’s because it doesn’t.” You exclaimed, fingers curling around the handle, waiting for him to turn his attention away from you for long enough that you could climb out of the car without being held captive again.
“It does to me.”
“So what do you want to do about it? You’ve got approximately fifteen seconds before I get out of this car, and you’re hilarious if you think you can stop me.”
“That’s mean--”
He covered your mouth with his hand, his eyes narrowed accusingly in your direction.
You smiled, and you know he knew you did because his scowl deepened, and he slowly took his hand away from your face.
“Let’s talk about this like adults.” He said, nodding his head as if he was having a one-sided conversation with himself.
“Go ahead...eight.”
“Stop counting down, it’s properly stressing me out.”
You rolled your eyes, resisting your countdown, even if you enjoyed torturing him a little bit.
“Okay.” You shrugged, gesturing for him to carry on.
“Okay…” his eyes glazed over slightly.
“Is anyone home?” You asked, poking him lightly in the arm, and his gaze slid over to you, his lips pursed together in consideration. His eyes snapped over to the house then back to you. This happened a couple of times, and just as it was getting tiring, he spoke.
“You know what? Let’s just go in. Get this over with.” And with that, he unclipped his seatbelt and climbed out of the car, knocking on the window once he realised you’d yet to move, your eyes still trained on the seat he was sitting in moments prior, mind not quite able to digest the sudden change of attitude.
“Weird.” You mumbled, climbing out of the car and shutting the door behind you.
The gravel on the driveway crunched under your boots and as you cast your eyes to the front window, you saw a silhouette move, and it was then that you knew your parents had just witnessed the near entirety of your exchange with Marcus.
Marcus intertwined your hands, pulling you along behind him, and he was the one that knocked on the door. You half expected him to take a little step backwards so he was in line with you, but he stayed put on the step, his arm reaching out behind, hands still collapsed together.
You had half the mind to ask him about the sudden change of demeanor, but before you could spit the words out, the front door creaked open, your mum’s familiar eyes greeting you at the doorway.
“Bonjour, bonjour!” She opened the door, ushering the two of you inside with bright smiles and the scent of fresh wildflowers.
“Bonjour.” Marcus replied, complying with the hug your mum enveloped him in, and you swore you could see any excess tension rolling off his shoulders.
Your mum tilted her head in fascination, eyeing Marcus with a suspicious glint in her eye as he took off his shoes and coat, that smile still etched on her lips.
"Ah, parlez-vous français?” She asked, only taking her attention off him for a split second when your dad came barrelling into the corridor, hurriedly tucking his shirt into his belt before your mum noticed.
“Oui, un petit peu.” Marcus answered, reeking of modesty, and you bent down to untie your laces to hide the smile making its way onto your face.
That was one way to work French into a conversation.
“As if I couldn’t like you even more!” Your dad beamed, holding his hand out for Marcus to shake, wasting no time in whisking him off into the living room, leaving both yourself and your mum in the doorway.
She tiptoed towards you, nudging your elbow to peel your attention away from the two men now conversing quietly.
“Did he get cold feet?” She asked, a curious expression printed on her face.
You shrugged, “Kind of. He wanted to impress you with his French and then had a whole thing about not being able to have proper pronunciation.” You breathed a laugh, fondness bubbling up in the pit of your stomach as you realised he cared about what your parents thought of him more than you originally came to think. You’d always known he did; it was Marcus, but simple things like that really did catch you slightly off guard.
“Your dad was that way about meeting my parents.”
You turned to look at her, eyebrows raised in shock at the revelation.
“Yeah. He really worked himself up. If I’m right, he was on the brink of having a mental breakdown.” She elaborated, before adding, “It’s those ones that you keep.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to hide your smile as she sauntered off into the living room.
You already had absolutely no intention of letting Marcus go, not if you could help it.
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amintyworld · 3 years
I'm Like You - Origins SMP Oneshot
A/N: So... Origins SMP may be over but that won't stop me from posting this-! :D
Origins SMP please come back
Anyway here's some hurt/comfort more on the fluffy side. - Minty
TW: Blood/gore, mention of death, kidnapping, mention of chopping one's wings off, mention of selling body parts, almost drowning, cursing. (Let me know if I need to add anything else!)
Phil remembered the day they found him - he was tangled in some seaweed and reeds, floating along in the water, leaving a trail of crimson red in his wake. The teenager's right wing was a shamble of blood and feathers, bruises and cuts littering his skin that ignited Phil's anger - he had half a mind to find that damn village and set it ablaze. But, his mind made sure the boy was the priority. Phil untangled him, thankful that the ocean hadn't let him float out to sea, and pulled him on land, quickly searching for a pulse and practically sighing in relief when he'd found one. Phil wondered how long the kid had been out here - he felt ice-cold to the touch, skin ghostly pale.
He remembered, holding the teenager close in his arms as he took off in the air, wondering why. Why would someone hurt a kid, a child, for something they couldn't control? Why would someone have so much hate in their hearts to land deadly hits on a defenseless person? Why then, after everything they did to him, did they leave him in the river to die? Phil never really got an answer that night as he returned toward Ghostbur's mansion on the mountain. He guessed that maybe the world just didn’t have an answer, or rather, they just didn’t have an answer he wanted to hear.
Phil’s roommate, a good-natured phantom called Ghostbur, practically rushed the kid upstairs to a bed, grabbing supplies before Phil even had a chance to explain what happened. “Ghostbur, you really shouldn’t-!” Phil huffed as he launched himself to the second level, grabbing his friend by the arm, feeling his friend’s body shake with adrenaline, emotion. “Wil, he’s got a broken wing - wings are very sensitive and extremely delicate, we need to be careful.” His hand reached up to steady his phantom friend. “Can you grab a couple of potions, bandages, as well as a needle and thread for me? I’ll work on cleaning him up.”
The phantom took a deep breath, silently phasing through the floor beneath his feet to grab the items Phil requested. He understood Ghostbur’s worry - damaged wings for winged creatures could quickly turn detrimental, it was a natural part of who they were, how they felt, and sensed danger around them. Without it, they’d feel incomplete, empty, but most importantly - they’d be in their most vulnerable state.
Phil’s fingers were soft and light as he cleaned out the wounded wing, picking out and straightening feathers that were stuck, misshapen, or out of place. Gently, using lukewarm water, he washed the dirt, rocks, and dried blood from the wound, careful to move slowly so as to not cause alarm to the kid. Ghostbur floated up next to him, placing the things he asked for on the bedside table, crossing his arms, and looking over to the teenager. “Is he gonna be okay, Phil?”
“I…” Phil sighed. “I dunno. The wound’s deep, half his flying feathers are gone… thank gods whoever left him had a shit aim, it looks like they were trying to take the wing off at the source.”
“Can you fix it?”
“...I can try.”
Tommy’s head pounded, his body wrapped in a comforting warmth that practically screamed at him to sink into. His muscles ached for rest, but Tommy knew he needed to get moving. His head ached so much it made his brain go fuzzy as he struggled to remember what happened yesterday. He and Tubbo were moving to go collect some honey… Did he fall asleep again?
Tommy would admit it wouldn’t be the first time he found a good sunlight patch to catch a nap and the shulker hybrid had to carry him back to their base on the mountain. How long had he slept? Why was he still tired?
His ears perked up as he heard shuffling around him. His instincts began to flare, sending signals up his spine. Wait… the hunters… the hunters took him… Tubbo’s in danger-
He felt someone touch his wing, gently moving it toward themselves. His wing… they tried to take his wings, they wanted to sell them for money-! Tommy’s eyes snapped open. He wasn’t home. He didn’t know where he was and a stranger was touching his wing.
Ignoring his body’s protests to rest, he leaped up, surprising the attacker as he tackled him toward the wall quickly to restrain him, pinning his neck with his arm. A crash sounded behind him but Tommy didn’t care. He was getting out of here and saving Tubbo no matter what. His eyes bore into the ill-intended stranger, ready for a fight. “Where am I?!”
The stranger’s eyes flicked up toward Tommy’s, at first matching his intense gaze before quickly softening, silent as he became acutely aware of the razor-sharp talons digging into his leg. “You’re in my house.” He did his best to keep his voice calm. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Where’s Tubbo?”
Tommy slammed the man back against the wall. “Don’t act dumb you fucker, where’s the shulk?!”
“I don’t know, okay?! Just-!”
Tommy’s eyes flicked over toward the window - an escape! He needed to get out of here, clearly Tubbo got taken somewhere else if the stranger didn’t know him. He needed to get free and… and come up with some kind of plan...yeah! Adrenaline pumping like mad from the close encounter, the stranger noticed his gaze as realization hit him.
“Wait… hold on, you really shouldn’t-!”
Tommy felt the wind flow underneath his wings, perched on the window ledge. They were achingly sore - who knows how long he’d been trapped here? Moving to crack a tense spot in his back, Tommy felt a sense of relief. He smiled, knowing that his wings wouldn’t be sore for much longer. They just needed to stretch.
Phil rushed forward, an inch too late as Tommy leaped from the building.
The teenager stretched his wings out to catch himself on the breeze, confident for the span of at least a minute. He closed his eyes like he usually did to better focus. Why couldn’t he feel his wings picking him up? Why wasn’t his body doing what he needed to - it was as simple as taking a step! Just stretch and glide on the breeze.
Stretch, and…
For the first time since the avian learned to fly, Tommy found himself crashing down onto the grass. Shame welled up in his stomach, paired with confusion. Hearing the door bang open behind him added to it all a twinge of fear. He stumbled, trying in vain to gather his bearings. Ignoring the sting of scratches from the crash, he ran into the forest.
“Wait! Mate, just wait for a second!”
The wind picked up through the trees, tangling through hair and setting practically every nerve on Tommy’s wings aflame. There was danger. He needed to fly. He needed to fly away, but… but he couldn’t. He was trapped and alone with hunters chasing him down to finish the job they started. He couldn’t stop running. He couldn’t, because if he did he could say goodbye to flying ever again. He’d never grow his wings back, and he’d look like a useless disgusting human.
He’d be normal.
Flying was the only hybrid skill, the only uniqueness about him. Tommy would rather die than ever have that stripped away from him. Chopping away bone, muscle, and feather - all in the interest of earning a few gold coins! Well, fuck them. His body barely running on energy as it was, his legs gave out on him as he fell to the ground again.
No. Please.
He heard footsteps, flipping around to see the blonde man. Pure fear gripped him for the first time in his life. He scooted backwards as the man tried to approach. Another pathetic attempt at escaping - why was he even trying anymore? His back hit a tree trunk, his wings shrinking back, as scared as he was. Yet, the blonde man moved closer.
“Stay back! Stay back, or…” Tommy struggled, quickly moving to grab a rock, holding it up in some sort of threat. As if a rock could take down a hybrid hunter. “...or I will mess you up, bro!”
The blonde man stopped walking forward. “Look, I know you’re confused and scared, I would be too. But I promise, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Liar! I won’t let you take them!”
The man’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Take them…? I…” He looked down at the teenager in sympathy. “I don’t want your wings, I swear!”
“Bullshit!” Tommy yelled. “I know your game, stop acting so innocent! You can’t lure me in, you can’t make me trust a single word you say, hunter!”
“I’m not... I’m not a hunter, okay?” Phil said, stepping closer and making Tommy tense. He sat down four feet away from the teen, taking a deep breath before shouldering off his green robe, leaving the white tank. Immediately, a pair of translucent, metallic wings unfurled from his back, so large Tommy almost felt intimidated. Tommy wanted to say something, but words died on his throat. Phil shrugged his shoulders after stretching his wings out looking up toward the avian. He awkwardly smiled. “...well mate, I’m like you.”
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
utopic desire finale — jjk
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Plot: Under an elist system of Vampires, Jungkook is torn between his old values and the lowest ranked Vampire he begins to fall for.
Pairing(s): Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!OC
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Series
Genre: Supernatural/Vampires | Angst/Fluff/Smut
Tags & Warnings: discrimination, explicit smut, angst, coarse language.
Authors Note: this is a repost after my break since I’m not really going to convert this one to original fiction. So enjoy to those who missed it! I’m doing it in parts cause posting big posts on Tumblr sucks.
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A week passed since Belle closed the curtains on Jungkook but she still remembered how flooded his eyes got when she broke their ties. However loose and frail they were, it left a stain in her memory that didn’t seem to wipe off easily.
The sky faded into a deeper shade of purple welcoming mid evening. Belle walked through the campus courtyard to her car, books hugged to her chest tight like a shield. It became a habit whenever she felt it getting dark and she was walking alone. As she came close to her Centenario, her heart dropped noticing a group of boys hanging around it and laughing to one another.
Belle took a deep breath and kept padding casually to her car until one of them turned her head to face her. She felt her stomach twist when recognition smacked her like a brick. Jung Hoseok standing near the passengers’ door caressing the top of it with his eyes flashing red. “Can I please get into my car?”
Hoseok scoffed as loud as he could muster erupting more chuckles from the group. “You expect me to believe this is your car?” His gaze flickered up and down her body in both judgement and slight interest.
“It was a gift.” She mumbled.
“Ah…” He nodded. “…yes you’re Min and Park’s fuck toy.”
“They’re my friends.”
“Of course they are, sweetheart.” Hoseok gave her a mocking pout while more snickers echoed in the air. “I also heard you’re Jeon slut now too, aren’t you?” He began to take a few steps forward.
Belle stayed frozen in her tracks, stomach lurching and twisting as she tried to figure out what to do. “We don’t know each other.”
“Right…” A wide, toothy smirk spread across his lips. “It’s funny ‘cause he told me—you had the tastiest blood he ever tried.” Hoseok leaned forward and took a faint whiff, humming a little in delight when he found something very sweet lingering in his nostrils. “Kind of want to see if that theory is true.”
“Please…” She finally started backing away, running back to Taehyung’s dorm or calling someone but Hoseok kept walking forward. “Please leave me alone.”
“I will.” The pure blood nodded still moving closer and closer until he completely towered over the girl. “As soon as I get a little bite.” Hoseok leaned into her without hesitation, mouth parted and fangs baring.
Belle didn’t know what else to do. She could have ran but he would be just as fast as her. So she raised her hard cover book and swung it across his face. A thud echoed in her ears as Hoseok groaned and fell back against the side of the car. Eyes widened when she noticed the blood trickling down his nose. “Stay away from me.” She tried to warn with the hardest voice she could possibly muster until her tongue clipped when the group began surrounding her.
“You’re gonna pay for that, breedling.” Hoseok growled, pupils completely red as his fangs were still bared. He snarled at the girl and lunged forward but was harshly tugged back causing the group to scatter.
Before Belle could gather her bearings and blink away her blurry tears, a figure towered over Hoseok with his back facing the girl. She would have expected the group to fight back against him but they only backed away further looking a little worried.
Vision finally cleared and her heart jumped seeing familiar dark curls and a raspy voice laced with pure fury.
“I could squash you on this pavement right now and no one would blink twice.” Jungkooks’ deep crimson pupils burned into Hoseok’s battered face. “Don’t ever touch her again.” He gripped onto the male’s collars, nails ripping into the fabric as he pulled him back on his feet despite his light stumbling.
Hoseok spat blood out on Jungkook’s shoe with a clear grimace on his bruised and cut face, eyes almost permanently red. “Your father will hear about this, Jeon. I’ll make sure of it.”
Jungkook tightened his jaw, body still burning with so much anger he wished he could throw more punches to relieve himself. “Get out of my sight.” He seethed.
Nothing but a sharp glare shot towards Belle, Hoseok walked away down the pavement with the group following him like little puppies.
He turned around and walked over to Belle examining her for any injuries. Expression softened so quickly when he focused on her movements. “Are you okay?” Jungkook asked.
“I’m fine.” Belle muttered, shaking her head. “Why did you do that? He’s going to tell your father, he’s—”
“I’ll take care of it.” Jungkook replied simply giving her a weak smile. “I promise. Just go home.”
“Go home, be safe.” The pure blood muttered before walking the same direction as Hoseok and his group leaving Belle in a deep pool of confusion and concern.
I’ll take care of it.
Five days went by and Jungkook was nowhere to be found on campus. Even when Belle tried to peek at the groups Vira or Hoseok were in, he wasn’t there. Not in class. Not in the courtyard or even in the bars. He was gone. She hated counting how many days but it was officially the sixth day and Jungkook still wasn’t in campus.
“Why are you looking so sad these past few days?” Jimin asked breaking her out of another trance. He forgot all about his assignment to notice the girl’s face looking blank for long minutes at a time before freezing on her readings.
Belle shifted in her seat with a significant pout on her lips. “I’m not sad.”
“Concerned then? About what?”
“I—” She sighed in defeat. “I’m just worried about Jungkook.”
Jimin’s face hardened almost immediately as he glared down at his assignment.
“See that’s why I didn’t want to tell you.”
“No, it’s fine. Look he didn’t attend a few days of school.” He shrugged, scratching a few doodles on the corner of his paper. “It’s no big deal.”
“He beat Hoseok up.”
A silence spread between them that made Belle uncomfortable. Usually she would expect a jab about how Hoseok deserved it or the two pure bloods were just having a dick sizing competition of some sort. Unfortunately when she searched Jimin’s expression, she saw reluctance and the same concern she saw in the mirror for the past few days.
“Why did–why would he do that?” Jimin leaned forward resting his elbows on the table.
Belle gulped down lowering her gaze for a moment. “He—he tried to feed on me.” When she met the original’s gaze, she immediately noticed the long fade to pitch black as his face hardened again.
“You never told us.”
“Then you’d kill him.”
“He would’ve deserved it.” He spat, the full black hue of his eyes unable to wipe away.
Belle reached out and held onto his tightened fist hoping to ease him somehow. “Nothing happened to me.”
“What if Jungkook didn’t come around? You really think Hoseok was going to just feed on you once?” Jimin winced feeling his breathing growing heavy and ragged. “Fuck, Belle he could’ve—”
“He didn’t.” She emphasized the words as sharply as possible even though the original didn’t look like he was going to let Hoseok live after this new knowledge. Not that Belle cared much about the ordeal. “That’s not what I’m worried about. Jungkook protected me in front of them…Hoseok told him that he was going to tell his father. A-and then Jungkook told me he was going to take care of it.” The more Belle voiced what happened that day, the more her stomach began to lurch again so harshly she couldn’t even look at her iced coffee without feeling nauseous.
“We’re usually the exception to protect you but—Jungkook’s father is not a tolerant man.” Jimin shook his head.
Dread travelled up to the middle of her ribcages squeezing into a tight ball as Belle let out a shaky breath. “You don’t think—” She almost winced. “You don’t think he’s being punished, right? For—for me?”
Jimin took a deep, drawling breath finally opening his fist and holding onto the girls’ hand. This time attempting to give her some comfort. “I can’t say for sure.” He spoke honestly. “But whatever happens…it’s not your fault, alright? I know Jungkook won’t want you to blame yourself for his decision.”
“Why are you talking like he’s not going to come back?” Belle pressed her quivering lips together, tears burning at the brim of her eyes like a dam had been shattered behind them.
“I love you…so I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. Pure bloods and originals don’t have to go to universities or schools, they just do it for their own enjoyment.” Jimin sighed. “If I know our culture accurately, he might be forced to stay at his apartment for a few months until he is welcomed back to the mansion.” He held onto her hand as firmly as he could to ensure she didn’t pull away but tried not to hurt her skin. “Then he’d have to train there until he’s ready to run the Jeon’s respective community.”
Belle hung her head slightly, sighing. “Is that the whole punishment?”
“I really can’t say, Belle. I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry too, she tells herself as an possibly dangerous decision passed her mind.
Deep in the dead of night, a Lamborghini Centenario parks in front of the luxury apartment buildings specifically for well off vampire students. They usually tried to keep humans and vampires separate unless humans don’t really care or prefer it that way. Belle turned the car off and padded quietly towards the apartment room number she got from Yoongi who ‘convinced’ Hoseok to blurt it out.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” Belle asked.
Yoongi scoffed with a bitter smile. “I fucking wanted to…but Kiku promised me something in exchange for keeping him alive.”
“What kind—”
“Don’t ask.” Jimin shook his head with a grimace. “I did…don’t do what I did.”
“When you have someone, you’ll understand the appeal.” Yoongi pointed at the younger male.
Up the elevator to room 418, Belle stood in front of the door observing the numbers for a moment. She hadn’t truly prepared on what to say coming this far. If he even was still here. What would the punishment have been? Would Jungkook’s father really hate the lower classes so much that he would hurt his son for protecting them?
Letting out a detached sigh fingers curled into a loose fist and rapped on the wooden door a few times. Feet continuously shifting from one side to the other to shake off the anxiety bubbling up from her toes to her head. She really shouldn’t be here. If anyone saw her walking around and recognized who she was, Jungkook might get into more trouble. Before she could think more into it however, shuffling sounded from the other side and the door opened.
Hair tousled and curlier than ever, eyes slightly bloodshot and his lips extremely pouty with his torso completely bare like he had just come out of a nap. Jungkooks’ brows were furrowed when he tried to see who disturbed him but immediately his expression softened.
“Belle?” Jungkook peeked out of the door to see if anyone else was with her before gently guiding her inside and closing it behind him. “What’re you doing here?”
“What do you think?” Belle winced lightly. “You can’t just break the rules like that and disappear for days on end without a single warning.”
He peered through his fringe noticing how much she was shifting around on the spot. “Were you worried about me?” Jungkook walked closer away from the now locked door.
“Well I’m not horrible.” She folded her arms over her chest. “You helped me. Even though you were going to get punished for it. I thought—” Belle sighed averting her gaze to look at the couch setting on her right. “I thought you were gone.”
“But you didn’t want us to see each other anymore.” He shook his head despite the light warmth spreading through his belly. “Why were you concerned about me?”
“Just because I told you we can’t see each other doesn’t mean I wanted it.” Belle turned to look at her left this time, eyes stopping on the things resting on the dining table. Her brows furrowed when she recognized the gauze and antiseptics with towels soaking red tinged water.
Jungkook stammered rushing over to the table. “Sorry I was just—”
Whatever kept squeezing in her chest from time to time now tumbled down into a dark abyss, endless and terrifying. Belle’s gaze paused on Jungkook’s back as her fingers began to tremble from a dangerous brew of dread and anger. Deep red lashes broken his skin in different directions, some of them still freshly bleeding while others were taking their time to heal.
“Jungkook…” She whispered in a light sob. Belle walked over to the male who tried to face her with his torso again so she wouldn’t see but she wanted to. Somehow a part of her felt like it was her responsibility to see. See what happened to people who protected her. Holding onto his arm, Belle gently turned him around again and her features contorted, tears burning in her eyes as her shaky hands hovered over the angry markings. “I’m sorry…I-I’m sorry, why did—why didn’t y-you walk away?”
“Walk a—Belle, he was going to hurt you!” Jungkook argued, wincing turned to meet her teary gaze.
“I can take hurt when it’s directed to me!” She sobbed out. “This…I-I don’t want other people getting h-hurt ‘cause of me.”
“You could’ve been at any level of the system, Belle. I’d still beat the living shits out of anyone who hurts you.”
“If I was in any other part of the system, you wouldn’t be punished.”
He wanted to keep fighting off as much as he could. To remind her that people should still rise up and protect people in need no matter where they stand in some kind of messed up system tradition created. “It’s done now, okay?” Jungkook softened his voice, reaching out and cupping her cheek so she could look at him instead of the lashes. “Besides I should be saying sorry.”
Belle didn’t hesitate to shake her head. “No—”
“I do. I don’t fucking know why I couldn’t say it at the yacht but I’m sorry.” He brushes his fingers gently through her hair. “You’re not an abomination, you’re not dirty, not even close.” Jungkook closed their distance a little more, relishing in the heat radiating from her body again after staying away from it far too long. “You’re so fucking warm and sweet.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I love being around you.”
She tried so hard to respond with the words swirling in her head but they all faded into short, trembling breaths as tears trickled down her cheeks. Something lifted from the abyss back up to her chest, bursting with flowers and butterflies as they soared across her body.
“You know how I told you that the yacht made me feel free?” The corner of his lips curled up a little.
“Mhm…” Belle sniffled.
“The moment you walked into it was I felt free.” He curled his fingers around a few of her hair strands reminding himself that this wasn’t some sick dream from the wooziness. “When you left, I felt trapped again.”
Belle nudged her nose against his, a small smile creeping on her quivering lips. “Feed on me again.” She muttered in a low voice barely audible but it caught Jungkook’s attention with barely any effort.
“I want you to feel free.” She whispered. “It’ll help you heal completely if you feed on me.”
Jungkook pulled his head away to meet her gaze properly. “Blood doesn’t work. They laced the whips with something…makes it harder to heal.”
“They gave you human blood. A few years ago I gave Yoongi some of mine in a bottle and it healed his wound from a silver bullet.” Belle wiped the stray tears away from her jawline. “I didn’t tell him it was mine at first but it works—Jimin explained that original vampire healing powers mixed in with the human immune system creates these…really potent cells in the blood.”
“Belle, I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t…take from you.” He still thought about the first time he did it. How selfish he was to just take from the girl knowing she couldn’t really blurt it out to anyone. “I did it once and I—treated you like nothing, I just indulged.”
“It’s not taking, I’m giving.” She reached out and gave his bottom lip a featherlight brush from her fingers. “I—I liked it when you fed on me.”
Jungkook wanted to relish in her soft fingers for a moment, pursing them to almost resemble a kiss. Then her words threw him over the edge and brought him back to reality. “You what?”
Belle gulped down before lowering her head and putting her fingers down. “It made me really excited.” She admitted shyly. “I en-I enjoy it when it hurts a little.” Her cheeks ignited with a deep heat that didn’t seem to cool over any time soon. Anything to ensure Jungkook was convinced it wasn’t wrong to feed from her if she consented and liked it.
“You enjoy pain.” His own voice and words swirled in his mind like a potent drug as the heat from her body coated the air around them. Jungkook leaned in to brush his nose against her hair when she had her head lowered in adorable shyness. Her sweet, thick scent floating and filling his lungs to the brim where he could almost taste it on his tongue like honey.
Her hands absentmindedly pressed against his stomach gently, feeling his skin on her warm palms. “Only when you do it.” Belle had to close her eyes, allowing her body to succumb to the heat and the satisfying heaviness forming in her lower belly. “No one else.”
Whatever wall they tried to build between them practically melted as Jungkook placed his fingers on the underside of her chin to lift her head. Leaning in, he pressed a warm kiss on her lips, cupping her cheek firmly to push her into him deeper. Tongue pushed through Belle’s teeth, exploring every inch of her mouth taking whatever remanence of her taste he could get almost selfishly.
Belle let a hum into the kiss sliding her hands up his torso to his rising chest, fingers tracing his collarbones as their tongues danced against one another in messy but beautiful sync. She felt him pull away from the kiss, immediately moving his lips down to her jawline, licking down her neck to find the best spot.
Jungkook nibbled on one particular area, kissing and licking it making sure Belle felt as comfortable and loose as possible. Then his fangs bared sinking into the soft skin. His ear pricked when he heard a small gasp. But feeling her hand grip at his roots and gently push him further in, Jungkook didn’t hesitate to let the warm, sweet liquid touch his tongue and travel down his throat.
A growl emitted under his breath vibrating on her skin as he drank in more, gulping it down with such enthusiasm. Head spinning with bliss and the ache on his back fading away completely.
“Kook…” She whispered, tugging at his roots a little.
Pressing his tongue flat against the wound, he closed the intrusions up in seconds before moving to press his forehead on her hers again. Breathing heavy and ragged but his whole body felt a thousand times better now compared to the past five days.
Belle moved away from his grasp even though the male tried to tighten his hold on her. She peeked at his back and let out a sigh of relief seeing only blood stains on healed skin. “It worked.” She walked towards the towels in the bowl of water and wrung the cleanest one before moving to Jungkook’s back again.
Despite the injuries completely healed, she still carefully cleaned the leftover blood stains until all she could see was his glistening bare skin. “Does it feel better?”
“Much better.” Jungkook murmured turning around and taking the towel off her to put back on the table. As his strength reeled back to him, he took her lips again, hands trailing down her chest and slowly unbuttoning her cardigan.
She shrugged off the thin clothing letting it fall to the ground before wrapping her arms around his neck. Distance closed between them, bodies pressed taut against each other as their tongues began their dance. Belle felt his fingers grip at the hem of her dress. “Take it off.” She requested in a whisper.
Jungkook didn’t hesitate to pull the dress over her head, smiling at her hair completely covering her face. He brushed away her soft locks before kissing her again.
Belle moved her hands at his hips, pushing down his sweat pants letting them pool around his ankles before he kicked them away. She felt him walk forward forcing them to stumble and hit a wall behind her, soft moans jolting out of them. Unclipping her bra from the front, she pulled it off along with the other clothes scattered across the floor.
Jungkook’s lips travelled down to her neck, nibbling until he could see blood rushing to the surface forming a gorgeous redness to the skin. Kissing the valley of her beautiful breasts, middle of her ribcages right down to her clothed more, knees rested on the floor for her. He pressed a hand over the slightly soggy clothing with a smile tugging at his lips. “You really like being fed on, don’t you?”
Belle let out a mixture of a whine and a giggle, hips swaying against his hands lightly brushing against her throbbing clit. “Only when it’s you.”
“Good.” He hooked at the hem of her panties, pulling down to her ankles slowly letting her walk out of them before sliding them away. Jungkook pushed her legs apart just enough for him to lean in and taking her clit between his lips.
Letting out a shaky sigh, her fingers came up to bury themselves in his hair watching him move his head up and down. Toes curled in against the wood. Hips jerked a little into his mouth trying to get more friction from his tongue. Though the action earned her a firm slap on her bottom, her walls clenched around nothing, inner thighs glistening with wetness. “Do it again.”
Jungkook pulled away from her core with an excited smirk brightening his features. Standing up, he turned Belle around.
Cheek pressed against the wall, Jungkook kept one of his hands on the back of her head to keep her still.
Belle let out a breathy giggle, curling her back so her ass poked out in front of him.
Jungkook caressed her soft peach with his free hand. Kneading the soft flesh before giving his first swing. Palm slammed on her delicate skin, light blush forming a few seconds after.
She gasped at the first impact. Fingers curled against the wooden wall, trying to shift but the grip on her hair prevented her from doing so. Another slap came down making her ass jiggle.
Jungkook moved his fingers down to her sodden entrance, pushing in two digits carefully and curling down to find the rough spot inside her. The sweet scent so thick and intoxicating as it mixed with arousal and sweat. The more she moaned, the faster his fingers thrusted into her, faster and harder until he could feel her juices sputtered out on his hand. “You’re so hot, baby.” He leaned in and pressed a hot kiss on her shoulder blade.
Belle hummed in delight at his words before immediately whining when he felt his fingers pulled out of her. In a second, another harsh slap hit her ass again. Over and over. Jungkook’s drenched digits leaving remnants of her arousal on her blushing skin. Slap. Slap. Slap. Entrance drooled and dripped down her inner thighs. Slap. Slap. His fingers pulled at her roots just enough for her eyes to close. Slap.
It looked like a beautiful work of art seeing the deepening red marks on her skin, raw and fresh. Jungkook traced a finger over the darkest patch hearing a light hiss from the girl. He pulled his hand away and turned her back around again, raising one of her legs up to hook under her thigh. Wrapping another hand around his aching member he gave it a few slow strokes before positioning it at her leaking slit. Jungkook pushed through her with ease, walls hugging and clenching around him with such enthusiasm he could come done right there and then.
Ruby encrusted eyes fixated on how focused Jungkook looked when he moved inside her. As if getting all that he wanted but being careful to give her pleasure at the same time. Belle cupped his cheek, gasping a little as he slowly slid in and out of her, steady thrusts hitting deep, brushing against her sweet spot. With a light smile tugging at her lips she brushed her thumb across his knitted forehead.
Her core completely swallowed every inch of his length causing a groan to vibrate in his throat. Jungkook kept with his steady thrusts, flickering his gaze up to Belle as her lips parted allowing more choked moans to pass through her. “Feels good?” He breathed out, noses nudging against each other as they trembled where they stood.
Belle nodded frantically, another whimper stopping at the roof of her mouth. “So good.” She felt her leg aching a little as it pressed down against the floor while other was still locked under his arm. “Go harder…” Her voice came out in a faint whisper against his lips.
Jungkook’s eyes faded into a deep crimson red. Not a flash but complete transformation, growing darker and darker as her words sunk in. He hooked her other leg under his arm and dug his fingers into her hips until he could feel her bones. In mere seconds, Jungkook began his onslaught of thrusts slamming her back down harshly while the room filled with her pleasured cries.
Every time she was pushed down, Belle could feel him hitting the soft walls of her cervix sending her over the edge. Toes curled into themselves tightly as her fingers gripped at his hair, messily kissing his upper lip before she was bounced up and down again. The impact caused a sting on her reddened bottom as her throbbing clit rubbed against his lower belly. The tight ball coiled beyond its control, so ready to come undone every time his tip slammed deep inside her. “’m c-close…” She whimpered.
Despite the curdling heat ready to rush to his tip at her words, Jungkook pulled out of her smirking at the pleading cry she uttered. “Not yet.” He loosened his death grip on her hips soothing the dented skin before carrying them over to the bedroom.
Jungkook laid her down on all fours, placing one of the pillows under her hips not bothering to turn the lights on and leaving the moonlight from the windows to shine through. It didn’t take a second before he noticed Belle slowly grinding on the soft pillow to gain some of the lost build-up back. He swung another slap across her beautiful bruised peach, relishing in how she whimpered so desperately.
Knees sunk into the soft surface of the bed as he wrapped one hand around her neck, bending it back so she could look up at him. An ache tugged at the back of her neck from the stretch but it immediately drowned into a tremble of pleasure, his length filling her sloppy pussy once again, twitching for more. Belle whimpered, ragged breathing hitting Jungkooks’ face like a waft of fresh air. He leaned in and pressed a tender kiss against her puffy lips.
“You like being held down, don’t you, sweetheart?” The vampire growled into the kiss, hips pressing tight against hers so she could feel every inch of his length deep inside her. “Fucked like a hungry little animal in heat.”
Belle hissed in response, trying to swivel her hips but her knees were so far apart she could barely move. Her mind melting into a submissive state. Allowing the senior vampire to do as he pleased in his own pace. Sweat drizzled all over their writhing bodies, a few beads dropped from the ends of Jungkooks’ raven curls softly landing on her cheek.
The room was dark but couldn’t match the pitch black taint of lust in his orbs. “I asked you a question, kitten.” Jungkooks’ voice rasped. Pulling his hips back down, he applied full force to slam it back against her raw, reddened ass coaxing a shaky cry from her.
Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes as the ache from her neck further mixed in with the impact against her g-spot. The insane mixture of pain and pleasure made her shake, both in anticipation and desperation. “Ye-Yes—Yes…”
“Yes what?” He whispered but it still exuded the most delicious amount of power. Enough for it to crawl under her skin and further her lust fueled insanity.
“I—” Belle tried to take a few breaths. “I like—” A hazy smile tugged at her lips, staring up at him. “—getting fucked—like an animal…”
“Good girl.” With that praise, he pulled his cock out until only the tip filled her. A light hum emitted under his breath feeling Belle clench desperately around it. When she clenched tight enough Jungkook pushed it back in relishing in her sweet whimper. “Good girl.” He whispered again softly as he slammed inside her again. And again. He began his onslaught of thrusts releasing her neck from the lock.
Belle felt a slight relief from the back of her neck as he fucked into her, skin slapping against her raw ass. She dropped down to rest her cheek against the pillow as the heaviness in her belly coiled, tightening so hard that her head began to spin. The bed creaked a little, headboard hitting the wall at every thrust.
Jungkook dipped down, burying his head into her shoulder as his thrusts grew sloppy as he felt her walls pulsing around him. “I can feel you cumming, sweetheart.” He whispered with an intoxicated smirk against her skin as he reached one hand in between the pillow and her core, roughly rubbing her clit. “Let it out.”
Fingers gripped the sheets so hard, it pulled out from where it was tucked. Heat coating her aura closing on her as the only thing she could utter were a string of pleasure infused cries. Her entrance burned, coil tearing up at the seams until it completely burst, juices sputtering out of her in a soft sprinkle soaking Jungkook’s hands and the sheets underneath them. Belle’s legs trembled trying to close but her knees were still so far apart.
He moaned in excited desperation feeling how much her release spewed out of her before the heat rushed to his tip. Heaviness inside him emptying and spilling into the beauty as burning ecstasy spread through his veins. Jungkook kissed her shoulder softly, pulling out of her carefully before pulling her legs so she could lie on her stomach in a more relaxed way. “You did so good, baby.” He brushed her hair away to kiss her cheek. “You’re not an animal.” Jungkook whispered against her skin as he moved down her back, staining the words on it so she could always remember. Even if she didn’t, he could spend more nights constantly reminding her. “You’re a blessing.”
Belle let out a small, breathy chuckle despite the tears brimming at her eyes from how warm her belly felt at his words. She reached behind her and weakly brushed through his hair where she could catch it before feeling him kiss her fingers.
“I’m gonna clean you up then we can sleep, okay?” Jungkook soothed over the reddened patches on her bottom trying not to rub too hard.
“Okay.” She sniffled lightly, a smile almost permanently plastered across her lips.
Grabbing a wet cloth, Jungkook wiped the excess from her body before helping her get out of bed to the bathroom. A quick lukewarm shower involving the two stealing kisses from one another as their chuckles echoed against the tiled walls. He draped her in one of his T-shirts and some comfortable shorts before they walked back to the bedroom to change the sheets.
Finally they were settled under fresh blankets with Belle resting her head on his chest and nuzzling her nose against his jawline. Pleased hums emitting from under her breath as Jungkook’s traced up and down her arm.
“Say it again.” Belle murmured in such a tiny voice, he almost didn’t catch it.
She kept her gaze on his bare chest, tracing circles on his left breast. “That thing you said before.” Her voice kept dwindling down in her shyness. Cheeks burning a little as she snuggled more into him.
“Blessing.” Jungkook smiled up at the ceiling feeling her body warm up so beautifully coating them in comfort. “You’re a blessing.” He brushed his lips against her hair. “Want me to say it again?”
Belle giggled completely hiding her face in his chest making Jungkook chuckle. “No…it’s okay. Thank you.”
“Thank you too.”
“Why me?” She looked up to meet his gaze.
“You came to see me.” Jungkook grinned, moving his hand from her arm to her cheek brushing his fingers against her warm skin. “No one’s visited me ever since that day. You were the only one who checked on me.”
Belle’s heart dropped thinking about the few days Jungkook had to tolerate and treat his injuries alone without the help of any of his ‘friends’. The moment he was seen going against the system, they all walked away without a second thought. “I’ll always come and check on you then.” She wrapped an arm around his torso as an attempt to hug him. “All the time.”
Jungkook fully embraced her with a light giggle under his breath. “Or you could just stay here.”
She grinned to herself. “Or I could stay here.”
“My blessing.” He whispered one last time before they drifted into a deep, exhausted sleep.
Morning broke in warm and comforting as Belle snuggled into the soft surface of the bed. She adorned in the soft T-shirt while shifting under the blankets. Her whole body wanted to just stay in here all day. But when she slid her hand to where Jungkook slept, something emptied inside her when there was nothing but a free space. Opening one eye to peek at the side, Belle whined a little.
Though eventually her annoyance faded when she smelled faint waft of berries in the air, fading the exhaustion as her eyes opened completely. Belle pushed off the bed slowly, fixing herself up as best as she could despite the clear thrilling bruise marks on her neck that made her body flutter in glee.
Walking out of the bedroom to the kitchen, she saw Jungkook pouring some hot water into two cups. The liquid was almost pitch black aside from the reddish tone glinting in the light.
Jungkook’s eyes flickered to see the girl, hair a little disheveled and lips incredibly pouty when she walked towards the kitchen counter. “Onyx tea.” He slid one of the cups towards her. “I forgot I ran out of coffee so this is all I got.”
“It’s okay.” Belle smiled down at the cup, blowing off some of the stream before taking a small sip and her tongue tried to push the bitter taste back out. “Little pungent.” She attempted to hide her grimace.
“Oh yeah it tastes disgusting.” He chuckled. “But apparently it helps in relaxing the muscles.”
She remembered the slight soreness between her legs and continued drinking past the putrid taste. Part of Belle wanted to keep dragging on the comfortable silence just for a little bit longer but nothing good came with holding back reality into a tiny box for it to burst. “Jimin told me what happens when you break the rules.”
Jungkook’s smile faded at the mention, gripping at the edge of the counter with a deep sigh. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“But I do. You can say that it was all your doing but it’s not going to change anything.” Belle tightened her grip around the cup when she remembered the marks on his back again. “I want to help.”
“Help how?”
“Maybe if I ask Yoongi to take you in like he did me.”
The vampire scoffed immediately, shaking his head. “I highly doubt that.”
“We could go talk to him and Kiku. Jimin–Jimin’s gone through something like this before, I know he’d understand.”
“The last time your friends saw me, they all wanted to kill me.”
“Because that’s what they do.” Belle got off the stool and walked closer to the male, caressing his forearm. “They protect the members of their group. Please…” She held onto his hand and hugged it to her chest. “Please let me do this for you.”
Jungkook stammered lightly trying to come up with an excuse or an argument that could convince her otherwise. That this system was impenetrable and his punishment was going to be inevitable. But the way the rubies in her eyes glimmered so brightly, he was reminded of the things Belle must have gone through. Despite all of it, she still stood here trying to convince him that good can come out of their suffering. Jungkook found it hard not to be swayed. “Alright. We’ll talk to them.”
Dawn brightened into midday when Belle escorted Jungkook to her group’s regular café hangouts. The colours were oddly cutesy with its mint and pink colour scheme when it served the best desserts and coffees for vampires. However no one really liked a horror themed café in the morning. She already noticed Kiku sitting near the window in the last booth while Yoongi shyly kissed her cheek.
Her arm hooked around Jungkook though his steps were slower than normal. Belle looked up to see the male gulping when he noticed the group.
“Are you sure about this?”
“It’s gonna be fine.” Belle muttered. “Besides we’re in a public place so they can’t kill you in front of witnesses.” She couldn’t help but giggle when Jungkook gave her a look of disapproval.
Jungkook couldn’t be mad for too long when the girl leaned in to press quick kiss on his cheek.
“They’re not horrible people, Kook, they’ll understand. And your plan might even make them like you.”
“Or trust me even less.”
“Well…on the bright side, this café has the best crimson macarons.” Belle smiled already feeling her mouth-watering at the thought of having it again.
“I’m here pissing my pants scared and you’re thinking about cookies?”
“Macarons, silly.” They walked into the establishment feeling a cool air rush though their clothes before stepping to the counter. “And try not to actually piss your pants.” Belle murmured under her breath but enough for Jungkook to hear.
Belle ordered her macarons and a red latte while Jungkook ordered a ruby black with two extra shots of blood. She felt a small tingle in her belly when he absentmindedly placed his hand on the small of her back.
“Did they all have to be here at once?” Jungkook rubbed her back, somehow oddly giving himself comfort by doing so. “Can’t I do it one by one?”
“They kind of always come in a unit nowadays so no.” Belle patted his chest. “I want you to talk to them properly, Kook. So you can at least be civil with each other in the long run.” She held onto his hand and finally led him over to the end booth.
Immediately Kiku noticed the girl and waved with a wide grin. However Yoongi managed to see someone else coming behind her causing a significant frown on his face.
The couple stood in front of their table while Jimin and Taehyung also joined in to shoot sharp glares at Jungkook leaving him in more of an uncomfortable position.
“No one freak out.” Belle muttered glancing at his friends. “But he’s here in peace.” She picked up a chair and placed it at the table so Jungkook could sit down albeit reluctantly. Belle opted to sit down next to Jimin while Taehyung observed the window outside.
Kiku hooked her arm around Yoongis’ when she noticed the anger radiating from him.
“His father hurt him a lot for protecting me.” Belle spoke plainly ensuring everyone knew why it was so important not to push him away. Especially with what their group stood for.
“He hurt you too.” Yoongi seethed.
Belle glanced over at Jungkook for a moment and saw him hanging his head. “He was ignorant…a lot of you were. Jimin, you cut off ties with Gaia because she was a human.”
Jimin’s head shot to face her. “That’s—That’s not the same.”
“Oh? Did you not feel weary about showing her off to your parents?” She tilted her head as the older male pressed his lips together. “Because you were afraid you two would get married and make someone like me?”
“Gaia was really heartbroken, Mini.” Kiku explained with a saddened expression. “It’s…kind of why she transferred to Tokyo.”
Jimin’s swallowed down the lump in his throat, blinking profusely before hanging his head.
Belle then looked over at Yoongi who had his gaze lowered in the thickening silence of the group. “Yoongi…you hated me when we first met. You wouldn’t even look at me until that day you got shot.”
The older male didn’t try to argue but he could still see that little glint of guilt spreading across his features as he tapped the side of his cup. “I love you now though.”
“I know.” She smiled. “And I want you guys to do the same to Jungkook. Maybe not now or even a couple of years from now but the system turned its back on him just like the rest of us.” Belle paused her words for a moment as the waitress came in with their orders, placing them carefully on the table.
“The Jeons are a little harder to sway when it comes to loopholes in the system.” Kiku explained while the other boys were trying to get their bearings after the walls Belle broke down between them. “Your father might not even care if you’re under our protection.”
“I can get my father to talk to him.” Jimin spoke up which caused Jungkook’s head to shoot up though the older male didn’t look over at him. “If he hears from an original, it might—at the very least—make Jeon weary of testing boundaries far too much.” He side glanced at Belle for a moment, shifting in his seat. “I will have to tweak the story a little, however and tell him you were protecting a half-blood or a turned to make it more uh—”
“Palatable.” Belle answered for him, giving him a reassuring smile.
Jungkook glanced over at both of them with a slight frown. “You’re going to lie for my benefit? I thought your parents hated lower classes.”
Jimin sighed. “Abiding by my parent’s beliefs has never gotten me anywhere good. I think everyone here can agree with that when it comes to their families.”
Belle watched Yoongi lean back against the booth couch, letting go of his cup with an unreadable expression on his face.
“You’ll need another place to stay.” Yoongi spoke, silencing everyone else completely.
“He can stay at mine.” Belle nodded. “It’s too big for one person anyway.”
“I gave you that penthouse as a gift.” He pointed at the younger female with a slight pout.
“And it’s lovely but there’s two spare rooms that are doing nothing for me so you can take one.” Belle smiled at Jungkook who whispered a small thank you.
Taehyung scoffed with a smirk, leaning his back against the window to face them properly. “Yeah, like he’s going to use the spare room.”
Kiku cleared her throat, giving the male a soft warning look before smiling back at Jungkook as she held onto Yoongi’s hand. A silent way to thank him for not pushing the boy away when he was in need. “So it’s decided. We remind Jeon not to enforce his beliefs on one of our own.” She looked at each member of the group.
Jimin nodded followed by Taehyung before Kiku turned to Yoongi.
The oldest male gazed around the group, stopping at Jungkook before looking over at the hopeful look on Belle’s face. “Always wanted to piss on the system one day, what the hell.”
Belle’s lips stretched into a wide grin as something fluttered in her belly when she saw Jungkook letting out a deep sigh of relief.
The air around the group lightened in a few minutes as Kiku started teasing Yoongi for being such a good caretaker. He would have looked annoyed usually if Kiku didn’t whisper something else in his ear causing a smile on his face. Even Jungkook began joining in on the laughter as they talked about how crooked Hoseok’s nose looked after he battered him.
Although Belle could feel a raging storm brewing in the future as they all did, it was a moment of small joy and comfort. In a world that wanted to shun them forever, they could still laugh and joke to show off their new freedom.
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I should warn you that this was not proofread at all but I just had to post it cuz I said I was gonna do it but then I got distracted by a million other things so it took a long time and there's this au august by @/tsshipmonth2020 next month and I wanna do a few of the prompts there so have this poorly written oneshot that was based on this post by @aplethoraofquotes
Ship: Prinxiety(I mean what else do you expect from me) and a little bit of implied logicality
Word Count: 2017
cw: caps / mention of something on fire / tentacles mention / swearing (just one)
“WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY?” Thomas exclaims for the video intro.
“FINALLY!” Roman angrily but excitedly shouts after. The two other light sides pop up to also complain about the lack of videos in production in the past year, all the while attempting to calm down the royal side.
“Ok, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m doing it now, ok?” Thomas shouts over the complaining sides to divert the issue at hand. “It hasn’t been particularly easy. You know that guys, right?” He continues as he glances at the empty spot at the bottom of the stairs. They all silenced with a guilty look on their faces aside from the logical side, as he has been the one trying to compose the internal panic Thomas continuously endures within the past year. “Okaaaay! Let’s lighten things up a bit! I’m so glad you guys are here because we are having another Q&A!” Thomas excitedly announces to the three sides present.
"Not to put your siren to sleep but, you can't just repeat an episode, Thomas," Roman interrupted.
"I do concede with Roman's opinion here, Thomas. Haven't we talked about the originality of your videos before? Continuously repeating concepts not only bore viewers but also lessens the probability of their engagement to any or all of your future content," Logan discusses.
"I don't think 'all' would be possible, Logan. But, Thomas, isn't there anything else we could do today, maybe? We have been gone for a while, kiddo, so maybe there's other stuff we could do?" Patton adds.
"Calm down, guys. You're all starting to sound like Virgil. But, let me explain first. We're doing a Q&A because, as you said, it's been a long time since the last video AND even longer since the last Q&A, and so much has changed since then," All the sides present appear to be content with the explanation provided.
"Plus," Thomas adds. "This one has a twist," he says directly to the side to his right. Logan slightly nods in approval but remains skeptical. "And, what might that be?" asked Roman.
"The questions will be provided by each of us," Thomas states with pride seen on his face. Roman and Logan met eye to eye with worry and slight fear in their eyes. "I'm sorry. Can you elaborate more on that, Thomas?" Patton worriedly asks.
"Well, we have to think of a question that we want everyone to answer. For example, I think of a question and each of you has to answer it,"
Now, all three sides share glances with worry seen in their faces. "Why do you all seem worried?" Thomas asks with a nervous chuckle. "Roman has been bothering me with this idea for a few months now, I thought you all would be okay with it," All eyes were on the royal side. "I didn't think of that idea…" He trails off.
Realization falls to the four after a few seconds. "Ahh. I forgot. I'm not your only 'imagine dragon'," Roman confirms their suspicions.
"Which one of us scares you the most?" Thomas asks the four sides present.
They all agreed to the concept Thomas has presented and seem to be convinced that 'playing wouldn't hurt.' They eventually got the anxious side to play as well after a few minutes of convincing(and bribing).
"I used to be scared of Janus' scales before but I'm fine with it now. Hmm... Oh! Remus' tentacles really creep me out," Patton answers and shivers a little with the mention of tentacles.
"I'm offended you're asking me! I AM A PRINCE! I have nothing to fear. And none of you can do actual harm to me as far as I'm concerned," The four give the royal side a 'refuse to take that answer' look. "Fine," he sighs in defeat. "Remus," he says with an unexplainable expression on his face. They all agreed before that they're allowed to not explain their answer if they aren't comfortable with it. So far, until the current question, only the anxious side's answers remained without explanation.
It's now Virgil's turn to answer and they wait for it even though they already seemed to know. "Roman," he stated. All the sides were taken aback but refused to ask him to elaborate. Roman's expression was unexplainable and distracted for the duration of the entire game.
After a few, they were now on the last question, and it was Patton's turn. He suggested that it should be a little personal but not too much, and they were still allowed to refuse to explain their answer. They were all skeptical, so they agreed that if the question Patton thought of was too personal for them, they'll just rethink another question and edit out that section for the final cut of the video.
"Okay, what was your worst romantic gesture?" Patton asked. They all nod to signal that they were all comfortable answering the question.
"Well, I am the romantic side so I don't think I even HAVE a bad romantic gesture..." Roman answers but continues to think of an incident. "Oh. One time, I had a crush on someone and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled their room with heart-shaped confetti…" Roman answered while rubbing the back of his neck from embarrassment.
Virgil's head shot up to look at the royal side. "That was YOU?" He didn't mean it to be that loud. He immediately covered his mouth with his hand and lowered his head back down, avoiding the others' glances.
Roman blushed and froze in place. He forgot that Virgil was right next to him.
Thomas made a mental note to cut the video from after Roman's answer to before Virgil's answer.
"I left them flowers but I never told them it was from me" Virgil tried to make his answer as vague as possible to prevent any more mishaps. Thomas and the other two sides could almost hear the cogs turning inside Roman's head as they heard Virgil's answer.
After their recording session was finished, the four sides sank down to return to the mind palace. They all rose up in their living room except for Virgil as he is the only one allowed to rise up anywhere directly from the real world. An ability Logan plans to learn about soon when Virgil allows him to. Roman retreats to his room, still processing Virgil's answer earlier. While Patton asks Logan to help him prepare their dinner, he also processes Logan's answer to the last question of their game earlier.
*time skip brought to you by Roman's band references*
Virgil was, no surprise, wide awake in the middle of the night, still reading the little notes written on the "confetti." Apparently, Roman thinks that tons of pieces of paper, three inches in size, are considered confetti. Some of them have lines from song lyrics. Some with lines from poems. While some were just plain feelings. How Roman described Virgil's eyes and how beautiful he looked in his makeup that day in small letters written on the piece of paper (front and back) almost made him melt. And how Roman apologized for how he treated Virgil before made him regret not putting a note or not giving the flowers to Roman personally instead of leaving them on the royal side's bedside table.
*flashback brought to you by my hopeless romantic ass*
Virgil just finished his shoot with Thomas for his "80s-Glam-Virgil" look. At first, he wouldn't stop complaining about why he gets to have a glam look while Logan and Patton got the casual look. Eventually, he let it go cuz' he slowly was starting to like the look. After the shoot, he was so exhausted that he couldn't bring himself to rise up in his room directly so he rose up in the mind palace living room and dragged his limp body to his room.
As he opened his door, pieces of paper flooded a small portion of the hallway in front of his room. He looked inside and saw that his entire room was flooded too. He went inside and snapped his finger to close the door and to get the papers outside back into his room. He was too tired to deal with the suspected "prank" at hand so he snapped his finger once again to gather all of the papers into a giant box to keep in his closet for the time being.
The box remained untouched for months.
*end of flashback*
Roman sat on his bed, staring at the red roses he kept in a vase on his dresser. It was made of red heart-shaped pieces of paper glued together to the shape of a rose. Something about it seemed familiar yet mysterious. Roman could sense it was made with the magic from the imagination, but it wasn’t his. And, it definitely wasn’t Remus’, for obvious reasons. There was a bit of dark but endearing and comfortable aura. Roman laid his back on the bed in defeat. Covering his face with his hands as he blushes and groans at the same time. He tried to get some sleep but couldn’t keep his suspicions off his mind.
His knuckles hover on the purple door for a few moments before fully knocking, knowing the side behind it was also wide awake. He heard some paper shuffling and a sliding door closing after, presumably a closet door. A few moments pass before the door opens just enough for a part of Virgil’s face to peer out. “Please tell me this is as important as something burning on fire or I am slamming this door on your face,”
“Uh… Not really but-” Virgil resumes to close the door only for Roman to grab the door frame at the last second. “Ah, shit!” Roman whisper-shouted.
Virgil returned to his bed, leaving Roman in his current state, not even bothering to close the door anymore. Eventually, Roman let himself in, clutching his hand. He sat down on the beanbag in the corner, glaring at the other, while Virgil stayed on his bed with a blank expression. Virgil, then, gestured to Roman expectantly as if to let him continue what he was going to say.
Roman, then, slowly lowered his hand but continued to glare at Virgil. “Was it me that you gave the flowers to?” Roman asked skeptically. Virgil seems to have lost his confidence and slowly lowered his head, unable to look at Roman. “I'm gonna take that as a yes. You know, you could have easily gotten away with giving me flowers if you told me that you also gave the others flowers, seeing that it was Valentines that day,” Roman, amused, grinned smugly.
“Still not as sappy as your stunt,” Virgil snickered, glancing at his closet door. “Yeah, about that… I’m actually glad you didn’t bring it up anymore cuz’ it was actually a spur in-moment kind of thing,” Roman confessed, averting the other’s gaze. Virgil admitted it was actually kind of sweet and that he hasn’t finished reading each of the notes.
“Sooo…” The anxious side trailed off. The tension was so thick that both of the sides were staring at the floor as if it was a fireworks display. “Sooo…? You like me too…?” Roman started. “I mean, I thought I made that pretty clear when I answered the question about our worst romantic gesture,” Virgil chuckled and blushed as he attempted to catch the other’s eye. “Well, I like you too,” Roman blushed, and the two fell in comfortable silence before Virgil patted the spot beside him to invite Roman to sit with him.
Virgil’s smile fell suddenly as he looked at the taller side next to him and asked “So, what now?” Roman looked back at him with a small smile and gently reached for the other’s hand, “You tell me. I’m down with anything you’re comfortable with,” Virgil laid his head on the other’s shoulder with a sad smile, “Can you just stay here for a while?”
“I can do that, Mr. Darkside,” Roman replied with a quiet voice.
Yeah sorry this has "written at 2 am" vibes. Cuz half of it is. Also I just found out that I don't know how to write dialogue by Patton or from his perspective at least. And I am very proud of the band references my 2 am brain thought of
Also thank you to @thethreeunity for the last-minute comments before my sorry ass posts this without giving it a second thought XD love you lots Trin <3
“What is it with you and your band references today?”
“I was hoping you’d notice,” Roman answered with a chuckle.
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ptitelidio · 3 years
Finally I can post the Rivetra oneshot commission because I had a weird problem with my account.
for @himebee-5 (I know you already read it but I wanted to post it here :))
-> Petra acting jealous when girls are talking about her captain
Petra couldn’t think properly due to the noise around her, her head ached, and she needed some fresh air. The bar was full to burst at night, and her friends Nanaba and Nifa were drinking some beer, clearly not sober anymore. Their complexion was now reddish while some incomprehensible words were coming from their mouths.
Petra was the only one that didn’t drink too much, actually she barely touched her glass. Before going to the bar with her friends, Levi went to see her and made her promise to stay sober. He couldn’t be there tonight, he said he had something important to fix. She didn’t seek more, all she wanted to do was to have fun with her friends. Yet she still found it odd, it was a break day after all...
She stood and looked for an exit downstairs. Once out, Petra felt way better and could finally breathe. She sat against the brick wall and let her head falling back. She closed her eyes a moment, but rapidly something came to disturb her tranquility. She heard familiar voices from afar, women voices.
“Did you really talk to him? Is he really grumpy as everybody say?” said one tall blonde woman.
”Yes he is, but oddly it is somehow attractive...” the second one blushed with her hands on her cheeks as to hide her face.
”Even though he’s not physically attractive, I should say that he’s quite popular because he is strong and has a high position in the military... some women could be interested?”
“Oh I don’t think so Sofia, what woman would marry someone as coldhearted as he? Have you seen how he treats his subordinates? Do you remember that young boy who has a titan ability?”
“Yeah that’s right... I heard what happened at the court... then, do you really wanna try something with him or?”
“Well, even if he’s grumpy and all, Captain Levi’s still a good choice for a woman. After all, he could provide her some protection, even if it’s not by a marriage, he still could have fun with a woman, couldn’t he?”
Petra was listening to their conversation with great attention, when it was about her captain, she was immediately careful to everything that was being said. She was the loyal kind and she respected too much her captain to hide something from him but this time... she didn’t want him to be disappointed when she’d told him women in town were planning on flirting with him only by interest. She didn’t want to hurt him so she kept the conversation for herself.
Later on, after Nifa and Nanaba went home by cart, Petra stayed a little longer outside. Her joyful mood from the little party totally wiped out and she felt a disagreeable twinge in her chest.
“Who are these women?” she whispered loudly. Why did she felt that way? After all, Captain Levi is not the type to flirt with unknown people. Then why?
“Petra?” Someone caught her off guard. It was Captain Levi, he was sitting in a cart waiting for her. She didn’t even notice him.
“What are you waiting for? Get in.” he said.
She raised her hand so he can help her getting in. She sat calmly but a million of questions were turning round in her mind. She hesitated to ask him a question, the question, actually Captain Levi seemed preoccupied by something.
“Captain, may I speak?”
He turned his face to look at her.
”You don’t have to be so formal with me, you’re not on duty, aren’t you?”
“Right.. so, uhm, I thought you had some urgent matter outside the town? So...”
”Yes that’s right. Actually... something unpleasant happened...” he mumbled some insults.
“Really? Do you want to talk about it?”
His eyes crossed hers with a glimpse.
”Not really, don’t worry. Not a big deal.”
She knew Captain Levi is a man of few words, but she couldn’t stop worrying when he spoke so little, in general when it was the case it meant that something annoyed him a lot.
“Is it Eren again?” she asked with a little smile.
“Fortunately not this time. Eld and Oluo take care of him right now.”
“I don’t think Oluo’s gonna make it...” she whispered by clenching her fist.
”What?” he asked.
“Oh nothing.. and what about Gunther? I didn’t heard much about him these times...”
“Don’t worry he’s going to be fine, I sent him back home. His injuries are not so bad.”
They went quiet for a while, Petra didn’t dare asking him again what was the matter and Levi was too preoccupied by her reaction if she knew what happened. But he wanted to know.
“Petra, what would you said if some lad asked your hand?”
”Uh? What do mean?”
”You know, even if, you.. you didn’t have feelings for them, would you still marry someone?”
Petra felt herself blushing because she could never imagine talking about love with her Captain.
“To be honest, feelings are important to me... I couldn’t imagine marrying someone without feeling something... for him.”
Her eyes lifted up to Levi’s and he seemed to be chewing the thing over.
”The thing is, marriage’s not good in a world with titans, y’know.”
”I understand. So, can I- can I ask you who is the origin of these troubles?”
”Tch.. it’s embarrassing...”
He stayed silent but he finally answered.
”Look, you have to keep this for yourself. I swear if you don’t–”
”Captain, don’t worry!” she immediately said.
”Okay then. Well. When I arrived at Mitlas, two women came in front of me and they asked me some weird questions.”
”Like?” she asked but she knew who it was about. She felt a fire burning inside.
”Y’know, some marriage stuffs. If I would marry one of them... or some crap. Plus, they had annoying attitude.”
”And what did you do?”
”I left. Then they said I was rude, I don’t understand. That’s probably true..”
Petra began to laugh out loud, even her Captain was startled. She laughed because she found his reaction quite funny, how he felt uncomfortable with them. But most importantly, she thought her reaction, being jealous, was a bit childish of her since he couldn’t even notice any ounce of romanticism.
When the horseman stopped at Karanes, Levi helped Petra stepping out of the cart and accompanied her until her front door.
”Thank you Captain, it’s nice of you. You shouldn’t pick me up to Karanes every night you know... if it’s bothering you–”
”Don’t worry Petra. It’s not. Besides, I hope to cross path with someone actually... but he never seems to be home this late.”
”Who’s that?”
”Your father. Is he home?”
“Oh he’s never home at this hour, he’s probably helping some friends. He’s good at selling haha.”
”I see.”
Petra didn’t know what to add, she wanted to invite him in but she was afraid to bother him. He surely had more important things to do than wandering with her like that.
”Do you have some tea?” Levi suddenly asked, pointing her door with his finger.
”Uh... I think I do, do you want some?”
Now they were drinking some tea in the silence of the night. Levi had been admiring her house and complimenting its cleanliness.
Petra hold her teacup with her two hands to warm them up and she said
”You know... I’ve been thinking about what I would do after the 57th expedition. I know that it took a lot of preparations so we will have a lot of free time after that.”
Levi sipped a little more tea in her cup.
”What if... well... if we succeed this mission, do you think... we could move together?”
”I mean, I heard you didn’t have a proper house for yourself... and sometimes when I stay in the headquarters late at night, I notice that you sleep in one of those rooms... it doesn’t seem comfy at all.”
”That’s right but I’m not complaining. I already knew even worse, you know.”
”I saved some money because I also work as a waitress in my dad’s friend bar when I have time, well maybe you don’t want to live with me or–”
”I could probably do that. I guess. But y’know how I don’t like to talk about these matters if I don’t know you’re safe. We don’t know what will happen in the future...”
”It’s about the expedition, isn’t it?”
”Yeah. You’re probably aware that you’ll be in the front lines with the rest of the squad, right?”
”I do. That’s my duty after all.”
”I didn’t tell the brat, he still think you have to watch him. If I tell him you’ve been assigned to protect him because he’ll be used as a bait, he’s gonna screw it all up. Tch.”
“That’s right, he’s a bit impulsive. He’s a child after all,” she smiles softly. Then Petra began to laugh again, Levi was wondering what was the matter with her today.
She just felt more confident as he accepted to move with her.
”Captain I think... I didn’t act well when I heard those women talking about you that way...”
”Those women? Have you met ‘em?”
”That was a pure coincidence but yes. I didn’t talk to them but I think... I was a bit jealous. The very idea of seeing them flirting with you... it’s not that I don’t want you to be happy with a wife, but I hope you’ll have someone nice. That truly cares.”
Levi stands and take the teacups to the sink.
”I know. Don’t worry about that, you can believe me when I say that as a child I learned to analyze people. I’m able to notice who cares about me.” His glare stays on her a moment.
”It’s late now, I have to go. Thanks for the tea.”
”Wait Captain... I- Promise me you are not going to take some risks during the expedition.. I’m afraid I’m not going to watch you back for long.”
“Stop talking shit, Petra. You are one of the best soldiers in the military, you’re going to do just fine. But, if anything happens... you’re aware I won’t be able to do anything this time?”
”I know, anyway my duty is to offer my heart to humanity and I didn’t enroll for pleasure. I have a dream too...”
”Don’t worry, even if it’s dangerous... this time more than ever, I will have an eye on you. I’ll be close.”
“Thank you. Well, have a good night, Captain.”
Before leaving, Captain Levi grabbed Petra’s hair softly and put a little and chaste kiss on her forehead. Petra felt herself blushing so much, that was so unusual of him. Maybe it was their last goodbye before the expedition she thought.
”You too.”
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mainlytechnotrash · 3 years
Forest Protector(s) (NEW AU)
This is mainly just an AU for fun n fluff
SBI centered
Medieval fantasy AU
Quick summary: Phil is a dragon, born as a Forest Protector, but decides to live the life of a normal human farmer after a few centuries. He soon finds out that the new Forest Protector really likes potatoes, and around this time his mortal friend that has no idea who he truly is brings him an old... friend...
- Philza was born as the first Forest Protector of the Great Mystic Forest and took the form of a dragon
- His job was to protect it from the harm of the human hands, only allowing ones with pure hearts to enter
- He was more respected than feared by the humans, but he still cursed and killed his fair share of humans when he had to
- As time went on, he grew more and more curious about human life and what it was like, so he finally learned to master a human disguise
- He left his life of being a Forest Protector behind and started to live the life of a normal human, which was difficult at first but he got the hang of it
- He soon heard news of a new "ferocious beast" guarding the forest, one that was apparently a lot more brutal than he was
- Part of him wanted to meet the new Forest Protector, but he didn't know how to go about it exactly
- He became a farmer and bought a patch of land that happened to be right next to the Mystic Forest
- He was warned that every person before him had a lot of trouble with the area, mainly with the beast attacking them, their animals, and their crops
- Phil was sure he'd be fine, so he began his farm like normal
- Around harvesting season, Phil woke up one morning to find that all his fields had been tampered with... and his potato field was COMPLETELY raided
- After some investigating, he came to the conclusion that it was the Forest Protector... and he figured that it really liked potatoes
- He started to grow a lot more potatoes, and when they were ready, if his field wasn't already raided, he'd bag up the potatoes and leave them at the edge of the forest for the Protector to take
- The Protector seemed to get the message, as it didn't mess with his other fields anymore and would take the bags that Phil set out
- During all of this, he had started to grow close to a mortal named Wilbur, a bard from the local tavern
- One day, Wilbur came by his house with a bag... a moving bag
- "Hey Phil, remember that raccoon I've been complaining about for the past few weeks? Well, I caught the fucker and figured 'hey, Phil's a farmer! He deals with wild animals all the time! Why not give the annoying cunt to Phil since he'll know what to do!'"
- Wilbur lets the raccoon go in Phil's house, and immediately it starts growling and barking at them
- Then the raccoon stares at Phil, and the two have a staring contest for a moment... before the raccoon turns into a person
- The person still has raccoon ears and a tail, as well as the black circles around his eyes, and hes surprised for a second
- Wilbur stumbles back, beyond confused at whatever the fuck just happened right in front of him
- Once the raccoon realizes hes a person again, he immediately starts cursing out Philza, and Phil just facepalms
- "Shut up or I'll do it again, you little shit!"
-"Don't you fucking dare!"
- Wilbur finally speaks up
- It's then explained that the half-raccoon (Tommy) annoyed Philza, so Phil cursed him to be a raccoon "until we meet again"
- "Yeah, you just casually cursed him, makes sense- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CURSED HIM??"
- Phil then has to finally explain that he used to be the original Forest Protector but decided to start living as a human
- just as Wilbur is trying to process that, Tommy starts talking about the new Forest Protector
- "That pig fuck is really annoying. He's tried to kill me multiple times and I didn't even do anything!"
- "Wait, its a pig?!"
- "Yeah! Well, he's quite a bit larger than a pig, and he does look a bit tougher than one, but he's still a pig! Have you never met him before?"
- "No, of course not! But he does come by and take my potatoes whenever they're grown!"
- "Well, don't meet him. Ever. A real dickhead, he is"
- Phil definitely plans to meet him whenever he can
- Wilbur excuses himself, as this was all a lot to process for him
- Tommy also leaves, insulting Phil one last time before leaving
- Phil decides to finally go out into the forest to meet the new Forest Protector
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Mother(Ghost) of Mine but Danny's parents come home
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24227953/chapters/58372924 <THE FIC THIS IS BASED ON
@kattythingz @laylatheqhitta
btw I read like.. three chapters so far of the story but i'm already in love and I suddenly realized that you didn't include Danny's parents and wanted to write a oneshot of them showing up and just being really confused as to why Danny is suddenly a mom. Also, I modified Dan so he was slightly more physically a kid, so he looks like.. sixteen or something, instead of thirty.
(I also originally submitted this post to you directly katty so sorry if you get it-)
Clockwork was the reason Danny's parents had been gone for two months on a 'hunting trip' and Danny was just now finding this out when he flew to Clockwork Tower to try and figure out what the hell he was going to do when his parents are coming home today and he has two kids.
"What do you mean you know?!" Danny shouts, waving his arms around, easily more dramatic in his panicked state. He was trying to get this solved quick as well, since he left Dani and Dan in Jazz's care. 
"I mean exactly that, Daniel, I know they are coming back," Clockwork replies with a sigh, "I am the one who sent them away in the first place, I gave you time to be accustomed to Danielle and Dan, and now that you are you should be able to handle this as well," Danny went pale.
"Please, Clockwork, send them away again, I don't want my kids getting.. getting," he waved his arms around again, "Experimented on! Mom and Dad will probably pull guns out the moment they see them and shoot before asking questions!"
Clockwork turned away from the looking clock and towards Danny, "Trust me, Daniel, you can handle this. And if you can not, I can go back," he shrugged.
"Clockwork, I don't know about you, but I still don't want to watch my kids getting blown to bits, even if I know you can fix it," he ran a hand through his glowing white hair, "Please, Clockwork," he begged, not even entirely sure what he was begging for. Does he want his parents to never come home..?
"No, Daniel, I am sorry but you must deal with this alone," he turned back towards the looking clock, "You may want to be heading back," Danny looked at the glass and his eyes widened when he realized his parents will be pulling in in a couple minutes.
"You're a jerk, Clockwork!" he shouts as he shoots off out of the tower and towards home.
Dani is pacing, Jazz is guarding the Lab (where they're waiting for Danny to come back) and Dan is biting at his nails pretending he isn't about to combust with panic. They had their initial panic when Danny came flying (literally) into Dan and Dani's room (They had modified the guest room and completely forgotten that hey, it'll be kinda weird when Danny's parents come home and find the guest room turned into a bedroom for two ghost kids they don't remember having).
He was panicked and he gave them absolutely no further explanation than, "I'm going to clockworks, Jazz is in charge, she's waiting for you in the lab, do not leave the house!" and then he phased through the ground.
The kids, reasonably, panicked and ran down to the lab, hoping to get further explanation. Jazz is biting at her nails, staring at the closing portal. She turned when she heard them coming down, made a relieved noise and ordered them to stay in the lab while she stayed by the door.
It very much felt like some big bad murderer was coming to kill them, Danny and Jazz trying to protect them.
"Mom!" Dani shouted and Danny came through the portal, he turned towards them and let out a relieved sigh, flying over.
"Jesus christ," he pulled Dani into a hug, looking at Dan over her shoulder and seeing the jealous scowl on his face. He switched kids after a moment, "Okay, you guys need to stay down here a bit longer, okay?" he told them once he pulled away, "Don't make any noise, don't try and leave, just stay put, I'll come get you when I can," Dan and Dani turned to look at each other worriedly, before silently nodding to Danny, "Okay, I promise everything is going to be fine," and then he switched back to his human form and ran up the stairs.
"Jazz, they're gonna be pulling in in a few minutes," he warned, closing the lab door and locking it in the hopes it would slow down his parents if they tried to go down there.
"Clockwork isn't going to help?!" Jazz exclaimed, "What the heck does he think we're gonna be able do?"
"Not sure, but as it turns out he is the entire reason they left in the first place, and his only backup plan is to just bring me back in time to before-," he glanced at the door, having turned around so they could do their best to look casual for their parents. 
Jazz turned with him, minutely confused before her eyes widen, "Seriously?! Oh my god," he ran a hand through the part in her bright orange hair and Danny nodded with a dramatic sigh.
"It's fine, we can, tell them before they have a chance to do anything rash," 
Jazz gave him a look, "Your first idea wasn't to hide them?"
"Where the hell would I hide two eleven year old ghost kids? I don't have an accessible lair and they sure has hell don't wanna leave," he exclaimed, Jazz went to respond before the loud rumbling of the Fenton RV interrupts them.
They both turn to the front door with wide eyes, look at each other, then sprint to sit on the couch and look as casual has possible. Three minutes later Maddie and Jack Fenton come barrelling through the door carrying as many bags as possible.
"We're home!" Maddie calls into the house, before turning and spotting them on the couch, "Oh! You're already downstairs," she laughs, "Can you help us with bags?" she request. Both kids give a varied response that implies a yes, give each other a worried look, glance at the lab door before smiling fakely at their parents and rushing outside to grab things.
"Are you sure you wanna tell them?" Jazz asks hushedly as they speed walk past their parents and begin grabbing bags, Danny nearly forgetting he's supposed to be a frail teenager when he went to grab half of them at once.
"What if I tell them.. I convinced you to come with me into the ghost zone, and I accidentally got stuck in something and it popped out two ghosts that were really similar to me, and they just kinda came home with us and now they call me mom?" he explains his fake story on the spot, fleshing it out slightly in his head.
Jazz hesitates slightly, beginning to walk towards the front door, "You could try..? And if It doesnt work-?"
"I get clockwork, or like, tell them the truth," he shrugs, "I don't know, Jazz! I just want to avoid them killing my kids," he feels the need to throw his arms in the air, and almost does, before remembering he's carrying a bunch of bags and would end up throwing them. Jazz give him a small smirk,
"You just called them your kids," she teases, and Danny lights up in blush.
"Shut up," he groans dramatically, kicking the door open the rest of the way so they can get through. Only to see his parents missing and the lab door open, "Oh shit," he whispers, before dropping the stuff in his arms and rushing down to the lab, "Guys?" he calls anxiously, looking around the lab. The ghost portal is open, Jack is looking at it confused and Maddie is already working on something at the table, it looks like Dani and Dan must've gone through the portal when they realized Maddie and Jack were unlocking the door.
"What's up, Danno?" Jack calls, reaching to close the ghost portal before turning to him.
"Uhhhh," Danny leans back, "Uhm, me and Jazz got the bags, what do you want us to do with them?" he asks, doing his best not to sound like he's covering something up.
Maddie turns to him, "Oh! Sorry we'll come up, don't worry about it," she smiles, setting her stuff down. Her and Jack make their way upstairs, Danny stepping out of the way and getting his hair ruffled by his mother. He follows them up and glances at Jazz who's standing by the door. 
'They're fine' he mouths and she gives him a weary look before smiling at their parents.
"Hey, uh, mom? Dad?" Danny calls, fiddling with his hands, they pause reaching for their bags.
The two adults share a look before Maddie asks, "What's wrong, Danny?" Danny fiddles with his hands.
"Uhm, so, me and Jazz went into the Ghost Zone and we ran into these like ghosts that looked kinda like Phantom but they were uh, not him and they somehow ended up just hanging out with us and we brought them home and this was at like the start of you being gone on your trip so we kinda just kept them here in the guest room and now they call me mom so I have ghost kids now and I really don't want you to kill them," he spits out, nearly choking on his words a bajillion times and pulling in a lungful of air once he's done.
Maddie and Jack stare at him for a second, seeming to not register what he just said before it's suddenly them bombarding him with questions, How far did you go? What was it like? The ghosts are friendly? Why did they take to you as a maternal figure? Was it safe? Were you safe? Where are the ghosts now?
"Mom, Dad!" Jazz shouts, causing the already reeling Danny to flinch, their parents pause their questioning before apologizing quietly, "We don't know where they are, we left them in the lab but they fled when you came downstairs,"
"I can go get them," Danny says quietly, quickly escaping the situation, he hears Jazz stop them from following him.
"Dani, Dan!" Danny shouts into the ghost zone once he's gone through the portal, floating in his ghost form. He doesn't get a response, so he calls again, moving further into the zone. Eventually he spots the bright white flames of Dan's hair and hears Dani's crying, "Guys?" Danny calls one more time, both of them jump up from what was very close to cuddling and turn to him.
"Mom!" Dani shouts, flying into him and sending them both spinning a few feet into the zone, "What happened?!"
"We saw Maddie and Jack come downstairs and left," Dan explains quickly, his voice a low rumble.
"It's alright, that was smart, but you guys have to come back now," Danny lets go of Dani, "You're going to meet my parents, and if they try and kill you we can live in the Ghost Zone for the rest of our lives," he laughs slightly, but it does nothing to ease the fear in both his kids' eyes.
"Okay, whatever," Dan grumbles, crossing his arms and floating over towards them, somehow seeming smaller than his usually bulkiness, Dani does nothing to mask her fear, and just nods slightly, curling inwards probably unintentionally.
Danny gives them a reassuring smile and begins the trip back to the portal with them.
Upon returning Danny made sure to transform before he went into the portal, so as to not give away another secret on top of his unintentional kids. It takes a minute for Dani and Dan to follow him, but eventually they do and they find Maddie, Jack and Jazz on the other side.
"Mom, Dad, this is Dan," he gestures to said character, "And Danielle, they're, uh,"
"We're Phantom's clones, who's first name is Danny so we've got similar names to him," Dani pipes up, talking a bit too fast for it to seem like anything but a lie but Jack and Maddie don't ask any more questions.
"And you.. aren't going to kill us or hurt us?" Dan asks, closest to the portal and refusing to come any closer in case they decide to try and kill them.
Maddie and Jack seem incredibly hesitant, before Maddie assures them, "No, of course not sweetie," she smiles gently, Danny looks back at his kids, "Uhm, you guys have been living in the guest room?" she asks, the kids nod, "Well, then I don't have to make you a room at least," she smiles awkwardly.
Dani and Dan's eyes widen significantly, "We can stay?!" Dani exclaims, flying higher into the air in excitement.
"Well, of course! You're like.. our adopted ghost grandkids!" Jack exclaims, throwing his arms out. Dani squeals excitedly.
Dan floats up next to Dani, "Do we have to call them grandma and grandpa?" he whisper to her, and Danny snorts when he hears it, covering his mouth. Dani giggles as well.
"I mean, I might," she shrugs, keeping her voice low, "We already call Jazz auntie," Dan nods in response, keeping his eyes trained on the adults.
"Thank you," he calls to them, "for not killing us," Danny and Dani both give him wide eyes, neither of them hear him act so sincere very often.
Maddie and Jack just give him a smile before Jazz claps her hands, "Who wants to make Pancakes?" 
"Oh, no! Last time you let them make pancakes you burned down the kitchen!" Danny exclaims.
"But, mom! We fixed it in the end!" Dani whines, "Plus Jazz will be helping!"
"Absolutely not! If anybody is making pancakes, it's gonna be Jazz and Jazz alone," he decides, "I will not have you two burning the house down right after you get accepted into it,"
Maddie giggles quietly at the fact that Danny of all people is really acting like a parent, and how casual the fact he's the mom to two ghost kids is for him and Jazz. Jack smiles fondly as they argue, Dan and Dani beginning to pick on each other's cooking skill, Jazz giggling and Danny looking absolutely exhausted. 
It's a happy ending, and that's all anyone ever needs.
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babydollangelica · 3 years
Well, Hiee people! This is gonna be my first post ever and I am not sure if it is a good Idea starting off with an angst, but I am dedicating it to a Yagi Toshinori/All might oneshot! Since its my first time on tumblr, please pardon any mistakes. I initially wanted to put it as Y/N but since its kinda gore, it didnt feel right.
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Synopsis : Some Regrets will never leave you.
This event was placed during the time Bakugou got kidnapped and All Might used his full potential and lost his One For All against the Villian All For One.
Warning : angst, sexual assault foul language, gore, death.
Pairing : Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Fem/OC- Ayame
Original Villian Thorn
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It was just another day for Ayame. She hummed and watered her plants. Ayame wasn't really special. Her quirk was mainly growing flowering plants. So she worked as a florist and grew various beautiful flowers. While humming she wondered 'oh, maybe tonight we can try out recent essential oil mix in the hot tub! Eucalyptus and rosemary will do well for toshi' she giggled and thought about all the possibilities after a hot tub would lead to. While Ayame was day dreaming, peonies bloomed all around the Flower Shop. Few locals who knew her very well called out "There you go again Ayame-san, are you missing him already?" She blushed and quickly apologized for the floral storm she caused. An elderly woman who was picking out flowers said "You don't have to apologize Ayame-chan you and your flowers are so beautiful. Your boyfriend is a lucky man. Ah..love. such a beautiful thing. Isn't it?" Ayame smiled and carefully handed the bouquet of white Lilies to her and said "don't worry about the payment Mrs. Ito" the elderly smiled and waved goodbye.
Ayame quickly closed the shop and headed home. She prepared the hot bath and some light dinner and waited for Toshi to come home. She noticed that Toshi was feeling low recently and wanted to do help him. She understands that although she can't fix his problems, she wants to be by his side when the going gets tough. So she patiently waits.
It is past midnight. The bath is gone cold. And so is the food. Ayame stomach growls woke her up from where she fell asleep on the kitchen counter. 'He still isn't home yet.' She gives him another call. And hears Toshi's cell ring outside the apartment. Frowning she walks towards the door and it opens, revealing a disheveled and exhausted Toshinori. Ayame gasped and held him in her arms and rubs his back. "Your alright. You are alright" she whispers reassuringly. He sigh "Bakugou is kidnapped and Young Midoriya and most of 1 A and 1 B are injured." She bites back tears, refusing to cry before him. "And here I am. The number one hero. Unable to do a thing in this state." He said bitterly and pulled away from Ayame's grasp. "Toshi, you-" He cut her off "we are making plans on raiding the place where Bakugou is kept captive. Momo smartly placed a tracking device on Bakugou. But the main issue is, All for one is most probably behind this. Ayame recalled the past conversation with Night Eye and looked at Toshi while she choked out "Toshi, no please don't" Toshi gingerly held her fingers between his own "This.....is why, we should have ended.....this, no. We never should have started anything to begin with. I should have never-" Ayame grasped his hand between hers and whispers "please Toshi, don't say this. Don't do this. We promised to be there for each other. No matter what the consequences were, we are going to face it together. Didn't we?" She kisses his finger, afraid that he may break out of trance and do what he has been planning to do. But Toshi pulled away again. "Ayame..... you are still so young. You still have so much ahead of you. I am nothing but a shell of a man, that may die tomorrow. Or soon. My power is not even my own, which I may lose in this battle. Please. Don't tie yourself down to me." She grabs hold of his shirt "Don't you dare say that! I am in love with Yagi Toshinori. Not because you are powerful. Or strong. But because you are you. I love you for who you are Toshi, and I am ready to walk down by your side to whatever path you have chosen. All I ask is for you to survive." Toshi grabs hold of his head "And you did Ayame! You have fulfilled it! You have walked down by my side. But I can't promise my survival. Which is why, you need to let go of me." Ayame rest her head against his chest. Tears running down her cheeks. "Toshi, my love... please don't" Toshinori gently pushes her away from him. He couldn't look at her. "Ayame, I am sorry.....Goodbye" he turns away and walks out of the door. Ayame froze. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered "Toshi..." getting back to her senses she rushes out of the door, trying to stop him. But she couldn't see him anywhere. She runs out on the streets in her nightgown yelling out his name. Searching for him. Asking the trees for help. But she never found him. Ayame sank to her knees and wails "Toshi, please don't leave me. Please" she kept crying in the middle of the streets. Her heart shattered.
The following day, the raid was conducted. Izuku, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Iida was able to rescue Bakugou while All Might intervened and fought One for All and defeated him. And in that process, he barely survived,completely lost his All For One Abilities and All Might's identity as Yagi Toshinori was now revealed to the world. But during that chaos, while all the Pro Hero's attention was on this raid, minor villains began causing havoc in most parts of the city. And now that the number one hero lost his power, doubt and fear began to rise in the country, feeding the Villians, making them more stronger. Unfortunately, Ayame fell victim to one of Hero Killer's followers, Thorn. And he has been keeping an eye on Ayame for a long time now. An obsessive psychopathic Villian who's quirk are Thorny Creepers. He made a pattern of her movements for over a span of 2 months now. Even keeping an eye on her ex-boyfriend. (Yes. He witnessed the whole breakup scenario) who surprisingly is revealed to be the former number one hero. With him out of the way, a perfect opportunity of having his way with her arose. He broke into her home and drugged her. The usual kidnapping tactic. Dumping her in the van, he drove away to the outskirts of the city into a dingy warehouse, he cuffed her with a power dampner and assaulted her, tortured her with his spiny creepers untill she was ripped apart. Her screams were music to his ears, while he filmed her. As she begged him to let her go, he began torturing her all over again. The very idea of hurting a former pro hero lover fed his ego. Ayame realized this and slowly turned unresponsive. It was the fourth day and he finally decided that since he no longer had fun, it was time to end her life. "You have served me well Little Flower. I enjoyed ripping off your petals. You look even prettier covered in blood. But its time to weed you out." All Ayame could think of was Toshi as she lay on the bloodied ground, trying to reach out to her pendant, while waiting for the final blow. 'I Love you Toshi' That evening while Toshi was recovering at the hospital, Naomasa visited him. There was a grave look on his face that made Toshinori heart drop. "Naomasa? What is it? Is Bakugou alri- "Naomasa cuts him off "There has been another crime by Thorn." Toshi Frowns "After 5 years? Are you sure its him?" Naomasa sinks in the chair "yes, the same pattern..but Toshi... I.." he takes a deep breath and says "this is hard....Its Ms. Ayame, we got the video from Thorn. They are still searching for her." Toshi's blood runs cold. He whispers as he jumps out of the bed "what did you say? I don't think I heard it right" Naomasa stand up "the Video was sent through her number. We tried tracking her cellphone but it was found in the river and-" Naomasa's cell rings. Time was suddenly slow for Toshi. He could hear his own heart beat. His eyes burned and when he closed it, all he could remember was Ayame's face when she hugged him and begged him not to leave her. Naomasa touched Toshinori's shoulder and said softly "They found her. I am so sorry but-" Toshi yelled "NO! No... No this can't be. I NEED TO SEE HER. WITH MY OWN EYES." Naomasa nodded. After an hour, they reached the warehouse. Toshi prayed for some miracle. Prayed that Ayame would be alive. There were police cars and Coroner's Vans. A crowd of people gathered at the distance. Murmuring lines of pity. But Toshi was numb. His face pale as he walk toward the entrance. Stench of Iron fills the air. And there, in the middle of the room lay a body twisted in a strange angle, in a large pool of blood. And he walked closer. And he saw her. Ayame. Lying on her stomach, but her neck twisted, facing upwards, her limbs flayed, while her left hand reached out towards the celtic knot pendant. The gift Toshi gave her a year ago. Toshi knelt on the ground and wailed as he reached out to touch her stiff hands. "Ayame, My Love, Please..." his words no longer sounded comprehensible as he choked on his tears. He began crawling towards her body, his trousers soaked in
cold blood.
The coroner who was collecting evidence protested but Toshi paid no heed as he held her up against his chest and whispered in her ear "your alright, you will wake up, you are alright my love. Now please, please wake up. I can't.....I shouldn't have left you. My love please. Please comeback" he kisses her forehead as he rocks himself back and forth holding her close to him. And that is when he see's it. There is a huge hole in her chest. He whispers "your heart..... where is your heart" he looks around and sees it pinned by thorny branches against the wall. He gasped "I am so sorry my love. I am so so sorry. I love you. I love you so much. This is all my fault. I should have stayed. I should have come back home early. My sweet sweet love. Please come back, please, I can't live without you. Please" The Coroner walked over to Naomasa. "Its been 7 hours since she passed away. And according to my analysis, she had been held captive for four days. Mutilated body and signs of resistance blows were found. We did find rubber between her finger nails. She was also sexually assaulted, so his Semen was found in her. There are also photos of her found on the desk. He has been preparing this for months now. Naomasa groaned "Yes. Parts of it was also shown in the video. He killed her because in the end, she showed no resistance." Upon hearing this, Toshinori slowly turns around eyes dangerously zoning in on the coroner as he seethed "Four Days? She was kidnapped four days ago? Tortured and raped.?" Toshi shivered. He could still feel the ghost of her kisses when she held his hand one last time. Every time he closed his eyes, he could still see her smile. Her sweet scent every time he held her in his arms. But now he held her cold body, he couldnt see her smile, nor the sweet scent. It was but the lifeless body and dead eyes that stared up at him. His heart slowed down. He kissed her cold stiff lips one last time. He gently closes her eyes. And weeps again. Yagi Toshinori screams. He may have saved the world, but he lost his. Regret is the most painful thing.
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A/n: Hello! Really important, before you read this, this was inspired by @negans-lucille-tblr 's Daddys Little Princess one-shot. Please read that before you read this or it won't make sense. She has many more amazing fics so read those as well. Enjoy!
*tw* sexual assault, rape
**Flash forwards 3 weeks after the original story**
It all just started as a typical night, your brothers and dad on a hunt as you sat in the freezing motel room with an involuntary shiver running down your spine.
As you lay on the couch, not able to fall asleep, watching the stupid soap opera on the black and white TV, your mind traveled and you wished it hadn't. It hadn't been long since the night you came home from a party, clearing showing signs you had had sex.
The only problem is, you don't remember it. You do however remember the fury you saw in your fathers eyes when your two brothers brought you home and he saw the state you were in. You were sure he was going to shoot you on the spot. You didnt want him to be mad at you, you hadn't even remembered the sex.
As soon as he saw you, you knew he was doing his best to keep from grabbing a knife and stabbing you. You were more scared than you've ever been in that moment because he's never been mad at you ever. To see him like that had you thinking of an escape plan. He instead decided to get the hell out of dodge.
So there you were laying in your motel room three states over, with the thinnest blanket ever. You hadn't even know you had fallen asleep until the door swung open and the lights flicked on. You covered your head with the blanket and let out an audible groan.
"Y/n? What the hell are you doing?" Your brother sam asked you.
"I was sleeping, turn off the fucking light." The absolute worst way to wake someone up was by turning on the lights.
"Y/n, language. Dean get the lights." Dean walked through the door and turned off the lights.
"Where were you guys anyway? Nothing can be open at this hour." You sat up and rubbed your eyes, stretching your back and your shirt rode up a little. You failed to realize the quickly averted eyes of sam and dean.
"Salt n burn. Quick and easy, sorry to wake you sweetheart, go back to sleep. In fact that goes for all of you." John said as he kissed your head.
"Okay daddy." You yawned as you layed down and fell asleep again.
The next morning you woke up and only sam and dean were there. "Wheres dad?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen, your shirt settling on your hips nicely.
"Coroner's office, they called and said it was urgent." You grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down next to dean.
"And you guys didn't go with him? If its urgent why wouldn't you go?" Sam shrugged.
"He said he wanted us to stay with you until you wake up. Now that your up, we have to go into town. A woman called and said her house was broken into. Figured we check it out for dad." You nodded sipping your coffee. Soon enough sam and dean left you.
"Alone, once again, oh joy." You said to yourself. You decided to take a nice long hot shower. Going to the bathroom, you turn the water on, temperature all the way up. Once your shower was over, you threw on some shorts and a hoodie. You walked out and turned on the TV, watching the film that was on.
As the hours ticked by, you hadn't heard anything from anyone. You called your dad but got no answer, called again and got no answer so decided to call dean. As his voice-mail started to play, you found it incredibly weird that no one was answering. Just then the door burst open and in walked sam and dean.
"Hey y/n, whats up?" Dean asked as he set down food on the table. Sam followed and you sighed relief.
"I called you and dad multiple times. Got no answer. Where were you all day?" You stood and walked to the table annoyed.
"Well we went to the woman's house and looked around. Guess what we found." You looked at him annoyed. "Sulfur." Your nose scrunched up.
"How? I thought dad said there was a ghost not demon." You sat down across from your brothers who were devouring their food.
"Well he must've been wrong because we went to the hospital and saw a pattern. Every victim went to the same house on the old road outside town. Dad decided to go take a look at the house." You swallowed your food.
"Again, why didn't you go with him?"
"We were hungry and he said if he needed anything he'd come get us." You nodded and finished your food. You looked outside seeing the dark sky night.
Just then, your phone buzzed multiple times. You looked at it and saw a text from someone from the school you had gone to 3 weeks prior, the one your dad fled from. It was the only person from there you still had the number of. You look at sam and dean who are looking at you.
"Apparently California has an earthquake. A news app just alerted me." You lied. They both nodded and went back to their food. A second later, the phone buzzed in your hand, not nearly as loud at the previous messages. You look at your phone and see a video from Caleb, the kid you kept the number of.
"Hey I'm gonna use the bathroom." Both of your brothers nodded. They didn't think anything of your behavior. Both of them quickly decided they would never tell a sole what they did, seeing as you didn't know anything. They were going to take the secret to their graves.
Once you got inside the bathroom, you opened the text conversation between you and Caleb. You saw three new texts with a video. The texts confused you.
There's no way this is you, right?
Did you really do that?
Im so sorry you had to see it this way.
You were so confused, you opened the video and saw something you never thought you'd ever see. It was a video of the night of the party, the night your dad took you from the town you were in. You were seen laying on the bed, your eyes closed and you saw the guy above you. You recognized him from the school and hated him instantly.
As the video played, you saw your brothers come into the room and stopped the guy, you were asleep and it was clear he was trying to take advantage of you. You saw your brothers beat the guy and kick him out of the room. You didn't think that much of it, in fact you were proud that they protected you like you knew you would protect them.
You didn't think anything of it and were about to close the video when you saw dean start touching you, in places he shouldn't.
You eyes were glued to the screen as your jaw fell open and all thoughts left your brain, except 'there's no fucking way.' You watched as sam and dean opened your legs, as dean started fingering you and as sam watched. You realized it was from a corner of the room, a security camera possibly.
When you saw dean take his dick out if his pants and move yours down, you felt tears slip down your cheeks. You kept silently begging it not to happen, but then it did. You watched as dean put his cock in your pussy and start fucking you, you saw sam watching and getting hard. You saw dean holding you down. Tears were streaming down your face and everything in you told you to turn it off, but then something even worse happened.
Dean pulled out and came on your stomach, and you saw sam hesitantly come between your legs. "No sammy," you whispered as more tears streamed down your face. You watched as sam started fucking you and moaning, seeing you laying there with no control over what was happening, you felt sick to your stomach. You watched as you started to wake up and dean held you down and you cried even more.
You watched as sam grabbed your thigh, and you looked down at your current thigh, seeing a bruise that looked like someone grabbed you. You had it since that night and then it hit you, sam gave it to you.
At this point, you turned off the video and started pacing, you were having a panic attack as you tried to disbelieve what you had just witnessed. 'There's no way, there's no way, there's no way that just happened.' But it did and you couldn't deny the gut wrenching feeling of the so dark truth you knew.
Just then, you heard a knock on the door, followed by deans voice. "Y/n, you die in there or something?" You froze, dean. The same dean that, no, that raped you. They both, truly raped you. It hit you like a freight train, your brothers, raped you. "Y/n?" He knocked again.
You took a deep breathe and tried to compose you voice. "Y-yeah, give me a sec." You said in the most wobbly, broken voice you had ever heard. You mentally cursed yourself, now he knew something was wrong. "Y/n, open the door. Now." You were shaking at how scared you were of him. "Y/n open the god damn door!" He screamed. You knew sam was next to him and were so scared by both of them. You tried your best to wipe your tears off of your face.
As you opened the door, you saw sam and dean at the threshold, staring at you. It was sam who spoke up.
"Y/n, are you okay? What happned?" He reached for your arm, which you recoiled harshly at, that certainly didn't go unnoticed by either of them. All your effort to stop the tears failed as you looked up at them.
"What did you do to me?" You whispered so quietly, they almost didn't hear you. With tears streaming down your face, you showed them your phone, the video still on your screen. Sam looked like he'd seen a ghost and dean looked like he just shit himself. As dean went to say something, the door to the motel room burst open and in came you father.
"Sam, dean, y/n, let's go. We got a house of demons outside town that need to be killed- whats going on?" He was packing his guns in a hurry but stopped when he saw the three of you frozen to the spot. Both of your brothers looked towards you.
"Nothing daddy, just cramps. Where're the demons?" He walked over to you as sam and dean walked away.
"Baby do you need to stay here? We need your help but if you can't I get it." You shook your head, tears completely gone.
"No daddy, I'm fine I promise, I can help, I want to." You needed to help your father, but you were so scared of sam and dean. He started packing his guns and you went to his truck with him. "Sam, dean follow us, come on sweetheart." As you climbed into his truck, you didn't dare look at sam and dean. They got into the impala silently as you and John left the motel.
The ride to the house was silent in johns truck. As you pulled up, he explained that there were five demons inside, the men responsible for majority, you help if you can without getting killed. The entire time you were at the house, you didn't dare be alone or near sam and dean. Fear of them was constant on your mind, but you needed to help your dad so you tried to not think about it.
Sneaking around the back alone, you saw a demon alone watching through a window. You took your chance and threw holy water on it, instantly burning it as it looked towards you. You started fighting the demon and were winning until John, Sam, and dean came around the back after killing the others. Dean and sam took care of the demon as John rushed to you, checking you for wounds.
When sam and dean killed the demon, you kept your gaze on John, not looking at sam and dean, who shared a glance, remembering your encounter with them.
You got back in johns truck as you watched in the rear view mirror as dean got into the impala. John started the truck and you all went back to the motel. Before the trucks engine even died down, you were at the motel door heading straight to the bed. You layed down as the three men entered.
"Y/n? You okay sweetheart?" John asked. You didn't look at anything besides the wall in front of you.
"Yeah, daddy, I'm fine, just tired, gonna go to sleep." You shut your eyes and heard them shuffle around for about 10 minutes. You of course did not see the way sam and dean were looking at each other. Eventually they went to sleep at which point, you got up and started packing your bag, so hurriedly, you for sure grabbed something that wasn't yours. You looked at your phone and decided against it, knowing they could track you from it.. You didn't know where you were going or how you were gonna get there, but you just knew, you had to get away from sam and dean before they try to rape you again. You were guided solely by fear.
You knew you couldn't leave from the front door, you didn't want to be tracked at all and figured someone might see you. You didn't leave a note or anything, you grabbed your bag, and a wad of about five hundred dollars and went to the bathroom. You shut the door, opened the window and climbed out.
You walked across the street to the gas station, looking at a clock seeing it was about 2 am. You looked around hoping for someone or something to get you out of town and away from sam and dean. You could feel the tears streaming down your face and heard a car pull up next to you.
Some blonde guy reached over the seat and opened the door. "Hey, you look like you could use a ride." You looked around one last time, at dads truck, at the impala and at the motel and climbed in. "Yeah, thank you."
You said wiping a stray tear. "Where you heading?" You sniffled.
"Anywhere, I don't care, just anywhere but here." With that the car started up and you drove into the night, feeling a little easier knowing that sam and dean would never find you again. You didn't care if they would be worried or if they thought a monster had got you. You knew now that you were going to be okay, Sam and dean would never see you again.
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it, again this was inspired by @negans-lucille-tblr 's post so go look at her page, she has amazing fics and is an amazing writer.
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wherevermyway · 3 years
can’t wait for you (to shut me up) // binsung // oneshot // 18+
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pairing: seo changbin x han jisung rating: explicit! 18+ warnings/tags: smut, food kink, roommates, spicy (literally), dacryphilia, don’t try this at home, explicit sexual content  word count: 5,475 also on AO3
originally posted: 14 december 2020
Han Jisung doesn’t turn down a dare. Ever. His roommate and occasional fuckbuddy, Seo Changbin, however, makes Jisung regret being so cocky and arrogant after he gets his hands on some capsaicin extract.
Alternatively: fuck bruh moments, Jisung has an Icarus moment.
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disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! any reference to persons in this work of fiction are purely coincidental. the characters referenced from Stray Kids are  interpretations loosely based on their personalities in the group and do  not represent the real people behind the personas. if this, or any of  the content included in the warnings above make you uncomfortable,  please stop reading now.
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Saturday nights always proved to be bizarre. Jisung’s friend and roommate, Changbin, was quiet and reserved six out of seven days of the week, only completely opening up as he got drunk and played some stupid multiplayer game every Saturday evening. As the night went on and Changbin’s friends logged off, the two of them would usually split a twelve pack of cheap beer together, take a break from their class projects, and do stupid things that usually involved drunken dares.
Jisung was never one to turn down a dare. He had an arrogant nature that would likely prove to be a fatal flaw one day. “You’re gonna regret that,” Changbin would tut, shaking his head after Jisung would accept a dare without hearing it out. Usually, it was something stupid or mindless, like licking honey off of Changbin’s foot, or walking through the library with a vibrating butt plug for as long as the upperclassman deemed necessary.
They weren’t dating — at least, not officially; this was something they constantly stressed with each other and their friends. Their relationship was just an eclectic, liberal interpretation on the boundaries of friendship. Friends could fuck each other after all, right? Honestly, the sex was too good between them to really bother with dating other people, but they did agree that they weren’t exclusive, even if it had been a year and a half of the same strange dynamic.
“You stupid motherfucker!” Jisung could hear Changbin shouting at the television all the way down the dorm hallway. The anthropology student was generally mellow and calm, until he had a couple beers in his system and joined a gaming session with his friend Chan.
The younger blond shook his head with a smirk as he ripped his lanyard out of his pocket, shuffling around to get the correct key to their dorm in between his fingers. The four single-serve shots Jisung snuck into the library for his study session were having an effect on his ability to smoothly rifle through the keys, but not enough to actually affect his cognition. Jisung slid the key into the lock and turned it.
When he opened the door, he expected to see Changbin, but he didn’t expect to see him in a loose, torn tank top and basketball shorts, especially not in the dead of winter. Toronto was cold, even indoors, and Changbin was sometimes nothing short of a madman. The older man was too busy yelling banter into his headset to notice Jisung standing in the doorway with his eyebrows comically raised and his jaw hanging open a bit.
Jisung tried to regain his composure before Changbin realized that his roommate was home, but, as he brought his bottle of beer up to his lips, the older man turned his head slightly, and they made eye contact. A bit of lager splashed up against Changbin’s face; he recoiled and quickly wiped his chin off. Jisung darted his eyes away, nearly forgetting to remove his key from the lock as he shut the door behind him and awkwardly mumbled some sort of greeting.
There was tinny chatter coming from Changbin’s headset, knocked slightly askew, and the older man scoffed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he rolled his eyes and offered a polite wave with his fingers as he stared at the television, mashing some buttons on the controller in his hand. He set the near-empty bottle down on the table and raised his voice a bit. “If these motherfuckers would stop spawning missile launchers and aiming them solely at me, maybe I’d be able to help better.”
Jisung set his bag down on the kitchenette countertop, then opened the fridge and grabbed two beers from the door. He scanned the contents of the fridge, hoping that there was still leftovers from a couple nights prior. However, his face fell to a slight frown as nothing but a half-empty carton of whole milk and seven bottles of beer stared back at him. It was late, and Changbin probably figured Jisung would eat while he was out.
He wasn’t incorrect, but Jisung really looked forward to stealing one of the cold slices of leftover pizza when he got home; it always went well with the Molson Changbin would get for the weekend after class on Fridays. It was a mediocre beer at best, but it was good for mindless drinking. “Bummer,” Jisung muttered under his breath, grabbing a couple of the bottles from the shelf. He closed the door to the fridge and took the magnetic bottle opener off of the door. He popped the caps off of the beer bottles, leaving the bent metal on the countertop as he made his way over to the cheap, scratchy couch, languidly flopping down next to Changbin, putting an amber bottle down on the table next to his other beer bottle.
The older man grunted as thanks, focusing on the enemy in his sights on the screen, his tongue between his teeth and eyes squinting in concentration. This week’s gaming session with Chan featured Grand Theft Auto V, Jisung recognized the map. Changbin had mentioned something about a double XP event, and that he and Chan were trying to get their crew’s ranking higher up the list. It was all some inane bullshit that went in one ear and out the other to Jisung, but he enjoyed listening to it, regardless, since Changbin’s face would light up as he passionately explained just how renowned their crew had gotten.
This also meant that Jisung could get away with being a little handsy with Changbin, especially since he started drinking a little sooner than normal for a Saturday night. He took a long swig from his beer, then set the bottle down on the table, scooting closer to the older man. Changbin didn’t notice, still leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. Jisung crawled his fingertips up Changbin’s thigh, causing the upperclassman to involuntarily flex for a moment, his head twitching to the side but unable to break his gaze away from his match.
Jisung’s fingers kept creeping closer and closer to the inside of Changbin’s thighs, which parted further and further away with each little movement. After Jisung’s fingers landed over the stretched fabric above Changbin’s pelvis, the older man lifted his arm and leaned back a bit. He nodded once, silently granting Jisung permission to continue. The younger man bit his lip in excitement as he slipped down to the floor on his knees.
There were a lot of nice, strange little oddities about their relationship that Jisung loved. About a year ago, when things started to shift from stupid drinking dares to more sexually explicit dares, Changbin had drunkenly dared Jisung to suck him off while he was on voice chat, gaming with Chan and a couple of his friends. “Don’t look away from my face,” he had demanded with a bit of an ironic quiver to his voice. “I wanna look down and see you staring up at me.”
“That sounds like fun,” Jisung giggled as he accepted the dare. “You sure you can stay quiet enough for your friend to not notice, though?”
Changbin flushed, looking away from Jisung as he gritted his teeth. “You don’t hear me in my room late at night; Chan won’t hear anything. Besides,” he rolled his eyes and sighed, “Chan’s heard me get off over voice before, and he doesn’t care; actually probably finds it hot, knowing him. Wouldn’t shock him, really.”
It still wouldn’t shock him a year later, but now he’d give Changbin shit for roping his roommate into it, instead of just handling it himself. None of their friends knew that they were more than roommates, but Jisung’s friend Felix had suspected something was happening when Jisung agreed to be roommates with Changbin again for his junior year of university. Likewise, Chan had made some choice quips about how Changbin should have moved out and gotten a real apartment, not an apartment-style dorm that was ultimately owned by the university.
For this odd dynamic, some things were worth sacrificing.
Jisung worked in a calculated fashion as he offered small licks and nibbles up and down Changbin’s cock. The main objective wasn’t to get him off, just riled up enough to cause a bit of tension. Changbin slowly started to become more and more disheveled the longer Jisung teased him, the final nail in the coffin was when Jisung kept tonguing at his frenulum with progressively lighter and lighter licks.
“I’m done, man,” Changbin growled into his mic, grabbing Jisung by the hair and roughly pulling him back. There was a pause as they stared at each other, the younger man smiling and showing off his teeth with a wide, proud grin. “It’ll be fine, dude,” Changbin continued with a hint of a whine, pressing a couple of buttons on his controller. “We can deal with it tomorrow. I’ve got more important things to deal with.” The older man motioned for Jisung to get up and rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Chan. You’re just jealous. Night.”
Changbin practically tossed the controller across the room after he turned his system off. “You’re trouble, distracting me like that when you knew it was a big weekend for Chan and me,” he tsked, standing up and tucking his dick back into his shorts. “I hope you’re ready for a hell of a dare.” He padded off to the kitchen and Jisung smacked his hands against the coffee table to a loose rhythm.
“I’ll take whatever you throw at me,” the blond smirked. “Favourite part about the weekend.”
The elder shook his head. “You’re not going to think that after tonight.”
Jisung watched Changbin rifle through the cupboards of the kitchen and he tucked his head into his hands. “Come on,” he drawled out with a whine, “all of the stuff you’ve dared me to do has been mild and pretty boring so far. Unless you’re gonna have me walk around naked, blindfolded, and in high heels with nipple clamps down the hallway, I don’t think you can really shock me at this point.”
Changbin paused. The mental image of Jisung’s words must have danced around in his thoughts, because he was frozen for at least half of a minute, letting out a stifled shudder as he turned around. “Not quite that, but it won’t be mild, to say the least.”
“So get on with it. What’s the dare you’ve got in store, Binbin?”
“The first part is simple,” Changbin smirked and leaned back up against the counter, folding his arms. “Let me suck you off.”
Jisung’s eyes lit up, and Changbin already knew this was going to end up poorly. “Hell yeah!” The blond shimmied his shoulders and nodded his head. “I’m already down for whatever you’ve got in store.”
A simple shake of the head is all that Changbin offered in response. He untucked his right hand, showing off a tiny vial with a small, viscous liquid inside of it. “You didn’t even hear the whole dare.”
“When have I ever said no to your dares?” Jisung had a point: a year of dares every Saturday, and he never once declined. It was stupid, though, because he never heard the entire thing through. Changbin would bait him with a good idea, then throw in the crazy idea afterwards. It had always worked out, but tonight’s dare could easily go sour very quickly.
“This isn’t like the others,” Changbin’s smile faded and he shook the bottle between his fingertips. “I know you get really eager over these dares, but this one is gonna hurt. It’s high time you learned to stop being so overzealous, Sungie.”
Jisung scoffed and rolled his eyes, slapping his hands down on the table. “Whatever, whatever, man. What’s the last half of the dare?”
Changbin gritted his teeth and pulled his lips into a straight line. “This isn’t something you can really say ‘no’ to after you actually ingest it.”
“I mean, technically? It’s a chemical.”
A confused frown grew on Jisung’s face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You wonder why I’ve been ordering spicy takeout all week?” He sets the vial down behind him and tucks his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Jisung shrugs his shoulders and makes a noncommittal grunt in response. “I’ve been gauging your tolerance level to see if you could handle an intense dare.”
Jisung rolled his eyes again. “Spice challenges are boring, dude,” he pouted as he looked at Changbin. “We killed that one at Roma’s last week—”
“Twelve million scoville units.” Changbin cuts off the excited junior. Jisung quickly loses the arrogance in his demeanour and sinks into himself a bit as his eyes grow wide. “Yeah, I thought so. Don’t worry, it’d only be two drops from this vial. You consume two drops of this hellfire oil, and I’ll distract you by sucking you off. Still interested?”
There’s a long, uncomfortable pause that hangs in the air as Jisung weighs his options.
Changbin curses something unintelligible under his breath. “I’ve got other, less potent ideas,” he offers, biting his lip as he watches Jisung think.
“Sure, I’ll still do it,” the younger man says with a shrug, like it didn’t really matter to him at all.
“Sungie,” Changbin brings his knuckles to his forehead, shaking his head as he sighs with disappointment, yet still smirks to himself. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
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Jisung stared at the plate in front of him, with two neon red spicy cheetos set in the middle, one on top of the other. It almost looked like a photo he had seen in one of his art history books, so captivating by its simplicity. He had eaten these MSG-laden salt bombs several times. Adding a couple drops of oil infused with the epitome of lava would be fine, right? Temporary discomfort. Temporary.
“Sungie,” Changbin grabbed Jisung’s shoulder, softly shaking him. “Did you hear what I just said?”
The blond shook his head. “Sorry, got distracted.”
“This is a really stupid idea,” the older man sighed, “like, I really don’t think we should do this.”
Jisung knitted his brows together and scoffed. “I’m not turning this down. We’re doing this, dude.”
There was an irritated groan that came from Changbin as he gritted his teeth and tucked his head into his hand. He stared at Jisung and frowned. “I’m going to regret challenging you to do this more than you’re going to regret accepting this dare, I just know it.”
“That’s on you,” the younger man arrogantly quipped, running a hand through his hair with fake confidence. He grabbed the bottle of beer that was next to the small plate and chugged the last of it, slamming it down on to the table. “Anything to get you to get me off.”
“You know, you can just ask me.”
“Yeah, but dude, where’s the fun in that? That’s so… domestic, like actual couples do that.” Jisung rolled his eyes and smirked. “Anyway, let’s get this over with. Hey, we could film it and go viral or some shit, too, that could be fun.” Changbin deadpanned and scowled, causing Jisung to wave a hand nervously. “It was a joke, man.”
The older man shook his head and grabbed the tiny glass vial, staring into the oil as it lazily sank down the sides of the bottle. He continued to scowl, squeezing the dropper and unscrewing the lid from the glass. “You don’t have to do this,” he repeated, yet still brought the dropper over the red snacks.
“Shut up,” Jisung folded his arms and sighed. “If you really didn’t want to do this, you wouldn’t be going through with it. Just admit you wanna watch me sweat and cry and suffer and call it a day. You’re such a sadist.”
A flush crept up on Changbin’s face. He said nothing, just shook his head and dropped a single, quick drop of oil on each nuclear red corn puff. As he hovered his hand over the plate, Changbin nervously looked up at Jisung and opened his mouth to say something.
“Nope,” Jisung grumbled, shaking his head. “I’m not backing out of this, so don’t say anything.”
The older man rolled his eyes, then screwed the cap back on to the vial. “Fine,” he muttered, standing up and making his way into the kitchen. “Then I’ll just tell you that, again, you’re an idiot for accepting this.”
“You’re an idiot for suggesting this!” Jisung shouted and let his jaw hang agape for a moment, hands thrown up in the air in disbelief.
Changbin spun around on his heel and pointed a finger in Jisung’s direction. “You need to stop accepting dumb things without hearing the whole thing first!”
Jisung pouted and dropped his hands, recoiling a bit. “I only accept these things from you because I trust you, Binbin.”
The way Jisung’s voice went from an irritated shout to a soft whine caused Changbin to visibly wince. “Sungie,” he started, bringing his palm to his face with a heavy sigh. “That was harsh of me, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I guess,” the blond mumbled. “Just grab the stupid milk and get back over here. The whole point of this was so you’d suck my dick and distract me anyways.”
Changbin did as requested, but the air in the room was different now. He set the carton of milk down on the table and tugged his tank top down, playing with the hem of his shirt as he sat down on the couch. “You gonna be okay?”
Jisung took in a deep breath, looking away from the plate in front of him, turning his head to look at Changbin. They stared at each other for a moment, and then nervousness behind the blond’s eyes faded as he arrogantly smirked. “I’ll feel a lot better once you’re between my legs and doing your best to distract me.”
The older man couldn’t help but deadpan again, rubbing his temples with his middle finger and thumb. “You’re something else, Jisung,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, but you like that about me.”
“It’s true,” Changbin shrugged, dropping his hand to his lap. “You ready?”
Jisung turned to look at the plate and he nodded once. “This is a dumb idea, but fuck it.” He reached his hand out to the hellish crisps, fingers twitching a bit as he grabbed both of them off of the plate. He turned to look at Changbin, whose eyes were wide as he swallowed with anticipation.
“You sure about this?”
“Shut up, Changbin.” Jisung rolled his eyes, then shakily put the food into his mouth.
He chewed for a couple of seconds, nothing really happening. Maybe the oil that Changbin got from his friend Hyunjin was a dud. Then, he swallowed and everything started to fall apart. Rapidly.
Jisung’s eyes went wide as he coughed and shook his head a second later. “Oh my god!” He panicked, hands flailing and fanning his head as his face reddened. “Jesus fucking Christ, that’s—” he choked on his own saliva, coughing up a fit. Changbin’s face contorted in reactionary terror, reaching out to the carton of milk, offering it to Jisung as the younger man shook.
“This was a horrible idea, why the fuck did you go along with this?”
Jisung ignored Changbin’s comment, practically drowning himself in milk as he choked down the liquid, trying to swallow it and breathe at the same time. “Hot,” garbled up from his throat, some of the white liquid sputtered up into the air as he spoke, some dribbling down his chin. “Changbin,” Jisung whined, his eyes teary, glistening as much as his face was as it started to sweat, some visibly beaded up on his forehead. “Distract me,” he managed to pant out between gasps, wiping his face off with one hand and motioning towards his lap with the other.
“You’re a madman,” Changbin licked his lips, biting at the inside of his cheek as he watched Jisung unravel into a sweaty, teary mess. If Jisung could focus on anything other than the stinging, stabbing pain in his mouth, he would have noticed that Changbin was enjoying this a bit too much. Instead, he wanted to rip his tongue out of his mouth and forget he ever existed.
He decided, right then and there, that he was never going to take on a dare like this again.
Changbin stumbled to the floor, too busy watching Jisung writhe and sweat to pay close attention to undoing the button and zipper to the younger man’s jeans. The blond leaned back into the couch, chest rapidly rising and falling as he panted and whined, letting out strings of profanity as he suffered. Sweat, tears, and saliva dripped down his face, making Jisung’s face shimmer in the bluish white light of their dorm.
“For fuck’s sake,” Jisung loudly whined, shakily reaching a hand up Changbin’s head, curling his clammy fingers in his hair, “distract me, come on.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Changbin apologized, tilting his head down to focus on getting Jisung’s cock to spring free from the confines of his jeans and boxers. Surprisingly, it was already half-hard, causing Changbin to lift one of his eyebrows and offer a quip. “Excited over this, huh?”
Jisung groaned, rolling his head back and pushing Changbin’s head down. “Not distracting me,” a long, drawn out whine interrupted his sentence, “like you promised.”
Changbin chose not to say anything, instead he dug his elbows into the couch as he worked Jisung’s cock into his mouth. He gently pressed the tip of his tongue against the base, eliciting a small squeal from the younger man, who twitched and whimpered in response.
“More, please.” Jisung rolled his shoulder blades up against the back of the couch, furrowing his brows and wiping his forehead haphazardly with his free hand. “Wanna fuck your mouth, wanna come all over that pretty face of yours.”
The older man curled his lips in a devious smile. “I just said I’d suck you off,” he pulled back a bit, looking up at Jisung with a bit of snark, “not that I’d get you off.” Changbin flashed his teeth with an evil grin, until Jisung lifted his head and wildly stared down at him.
“If I didn’t feel like my face was about to fucking melt off,” Jisung hissed through his teeth, trying to stay relatively composed, “I swear to god I—” Changbin firmly gripped the base of Jisung’s cock and wrapped his lips around the head, sucking at it hard enough to cause the blond to stutter over his words. “Distracted, yeah,” he weakly moaned out, letting his head lull back.
There was an audible pop as Changbin pulled his lips off of Jisung’s head. “Distraction and sucking your dick was what the deal was.” He continued to grin, letting his hand continue to work Jisung’s shaft as he watched the younger man’s face contort in reaction. “Maybe once everything’s settled and you stop crying over a little pain, I’ll give you what you really want.”
Tears continued to stream down Jisung’s face no matter how much he tried to mop them up with the back of his hands. There was a fair amount of runny mucous dripping from his nose, too, rendering him into a sloppy, sticky mess.
Admittedly, it was a bit gross, but Changbin found it more disturbing that seeing his junior fall apart made him painfully hard. The way his tears shined on his pink cheeks, the way he whimpered and mewled in discomfort, all of it was strangely arousing to him. “Maybe we should shower first,” Changbin laughed to himself as he moved back down and wrapped his lips around Jisung’s cock.
“Maybe you should,” Jisung panted heavily, looking down to the older man, gasping as he spoke, “should go fuck yourself.”
Changbin looked up at the underclassman and flipped him off with a free hand. He hummed a laugh, the vibrations causing Jisung’s eyes to cross. The younger man threw his head back and rolled his hips up into Changbin’s face, causing the upperclassman to choke a bit, not expecting to feel Jisung’s cock hit the back of his throat.
Jisung pulled his shirt up and off as Changbin continued to bob his head up and down, circling his tongue around the length in his mouth. “Fuck,” the younger man whimpered, hastily wiping his face with his shirt as if it were a kitchen towel. He continued to let out a few strangled curses as he ran a hand through his hair.
Changbin offered a few more tongue flicks against Jisung’s cock before pulling away and standing up. “Come on,” he offered a hand to the perplexed man on the couch, “as much as I’m loving this, I really just wanna get fucked by you.”
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After some extensive handwashing and some half-assed showering, Changbin found himself bent in half over his bed, with two of Jisung’s fingers inside of him. “I should just fucking edge you,” the younger man quipped with a smirk on his face, watching his elder twitch his fingers against the bedsheets, awkwardly scrambling for purchase.
“Please,” Changbin whined, “I gave you what you wanted, Sungie.”
“Yeah, you did.” Jisung slipped a third finger inside, biting his lip back as the upperclassman writhed and moaned underneath him. “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t wanna see you suffer a bit as payback.”
Changbin gritted his teeth, turning his head back a bit to stare up at Jisung. “Fuck you, I told you what you were getting into. Hell, I warned you several times.”
“You had your fun,” Jisung bent over and nipped at Changbin’s shoulder. The teeth sinking into his skin caused the older man to let out a bit of a moan. “My turn, now.” He curled his fingers down, causing Changbin to drop further, letting his head collide against the mattress as he mumbled incoherently in approval.
“Yeah, I like that. You should keep your mouth shut more often, huh?” Jisung rocked his fingers back and forth a bit, then gradually started pumping them in and out of the man beneath him. “I bet you probably loved watching me cry out there, didn’t you?”
Changbin attempted to choke out an affirmation, but he was too lost in the feeling of how Jisung’s fingers moved inside of him to coherently respond.
“Figures,” Jisung tutted. “You’ve always been a weird one. I’m feeling impatient tonight, Binbin. While I’m annoyed you enjoyed making me cry, I’m tired of being hard.” He pulled his fingers out, then brought his hand to his cock, wiping some of the lube around it. Changbin opened his mouth to speak, but Jisung cut him off, slowly pushing his cock inside of the older man.
Instead of spouting off of a bold comment, Changbin lets out a throaty groan, gripping the sheets tighter. Jisung slowly pushes himself completely inside the upperclassman, a smirk growing on his face as he watches the man under him twitch. “You feel nice,” Jisung breathes out, moving his hands to both of Changbin’s hips, “you feel so nice. Want me to keep moving?”
Unable to form a coherent sentence, Changbin simply nods, and Jisung smiles. The younger man grips the hips in his hands tighter as he slowly moves in and out. The men exchange a myriad of lewd noises between them as they blend together.
“Jisung,” Changbin arched his back, tilting his head closer to the younger man. He didn’t have to respond for Jisung to know what he wanted.
The younger man shifted his hand from Changbin’s left hip up into his hair, running his fingers through the soft, damp, brown locks. It started off as a soft tug, then he quickly drew his hand into a fist and pulled back, eliciting a sharp cry from the older man.
This was Jisung’s favourite part of their interactions. Changbin liked to be pushed around a little bit after Jisung completed his dares. “Who’s gonna cry now, hmm?” He ruffled his senior’s hair around a bit, then tugged on it again as he thrusted in hard, stilling his movements. “Asked you a question, babe.”
“You can’t make me cry,” Changbin said, choking back tears. It was a bold-faced lie, they both knew that, but it fed into the moment.
“That a dare?” Jisung scoffed, then tugged at Changbin’s hair once more.
A whine escaped Changbin, eating away at his confidence. “Of course it’s a goddamned dare.”
“It’s always a dare.” As soon as Jisung finished speaking, he started roughly fucking into Changbin. The brunette tried to dip his head down and lose himself in the moment, but the blond held his head up by the hair gripped between his fingers. “I’m not gonna stop until I see you break, babe.”
“You’re gonna,” Changbin mumbled, “gonna have to try harder than that.” He tried to sound confident, but it was obviously false confidence. A few tears fell from his eyes, causing Jisung’s lips to curl upwards.
“Aww,” the underclassman mocked, “you’re doing a terrible job at faking it.”
Jisung let go of Changbin’s hair, letting the brunette’s head drop, then moved his newly-freed hand down to stroke he upperclassman’s cock. His stroking was a bit frantic, his thrusts becoming less and less controlled. “Want me to come on your back like always?” His voice cracked a couple of times as he kept moving.
Surprisingly, Changbin shook his head. “N-no,” he whined, “inside. Come inside me.”
“Really?” Jisung knitted his brows in confusion. That was something they had never done before, and the idea made his stomach flip. “If you’re being serious, I need to know, Bin.” He panted once before Changbin nodded his head.
“Just fucking come inside of me,” the brunette whined, “I’m so close and it’ll—”
Before Changbin could finish his statement, Jisung doubled over and let out a shuddering moan. He kept pumping the cock in his hand, but his movements were disjointed. Changbin shakily reached between his legs, wrapping his hand around Jisung’s, helping the younger man finish him off.
It took maybe two strokes before Changbin came on to his sheets. They would have to clean the sheets later, but that was fine. Hell, they could just sleep in Jisung’s bed, if they were really that out of it. Feeling the sticky, sweaty weight of Jisung atop him was worth it. They awkwardly laid there for a few moments, catching their breath.
“Hey, Jisung?”
“What is it, Bin?”
“No more fucking dares. At least,” Changbin sighed and rolled his eyes, “think them through before accepting them first, yeah?”
Jisung smiled, planting a kiss between Changbin’s shoulder blades. “I’ll consider it. No guarantees, though.”
“You just want me to keep fucking you after you complete a dare, don’t you?”
“Technically,” the younger man shrugged as he shakily rose to his knees, “I fucked you this time. But yeah, I want you to keep doing that. I wanna keep this up.”
“You’re so fucking dumb.” Changbin pushed himself up by his palms, his arms trembling a bit from all of the activity.
Jisung looked down at Changbin before pulling the older man back by the shoulders. “Yeah, but you like that about me.” Changbin opened his mouth to protest, but found his lips locked with the younger man. The energy between them as they kissed was different than their usual kisses. This was needier, more intimate and felt special compared to the others.
The older man broke away from the kiss first, for just a moment, looking down, then back up to make eye contact with the younger man. “I don’t want you to date anyone else.”
“What?” Jisung pulled back, blinking rapidly.
Changbin rolled his eyes, his expression softening. “You’re so dense, Sungie. We should be exclusive.”
Jisung shook his head. “No, no, I get that.” He smiled, awkwardly giggling at the same time. “I just never thought you’d be so cute about it.”
The brunette gritted his teeth and his expression fell into a scowl. “Don’t call me cute.”
“Fuck you,” Jisung laughed. “If you wanna actually date me, then get used to it.”
“You know what?” Changbin shifted his position a bit, letting Jisung’s cock fall out of him and cum drip down his legs as he turned. He grabbed the younger man by the shoulders and pinned him down to the bed. “Maybe I just will.”
They exchanged playful smirks with one another before they connected their lips together once more, kissing each other a bit more tenderly than they usually did.
“The boyfriend instead of the roommate,” Jisung quipped, bringing his hands up to Changbin’s face. “I like the sound of that.”
Changbin pushed a soft kiss to Jisung’s lips before pulling back with a smile. “Me too.”
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