#i ordered a wig for this cosplay and everything there is no backing out now hehe
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
going through my mom’s old manicure things and I noticed she had some dark purple nail polish...........
is the world ready for a dark nail polished shuu iwamine, i wonder,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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captainx-camino · 11 months
I got Buggy done yesterday just in time for my local Japanese Festival event today so, here are some highlights:
Starting off small, here's the wig (and scarf, which I didn't make) chilling on my wig head waiting for me to struggle to put it on.
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90% of the work I did on this wig is going to be covered the entire time I'm wearing it, but did I let that stop me from hand laying an entire glued hairline? Lmao of course not! That would have been easy, and we don't do easy in this house!
As stated above, I didn't make the cap I just got one online simply because I was having shit luck finding the striped fabrics I would have needed and the idea of having to sew two different stripes together was giving me hives.
Ascot, vest, gloves and glove cuffs~ In other words, 90% of the work of this costume and his accessory friends.
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The Ascot was stitched together by my lovely partner via the piss poor instructions I was able to give them on how I wanted it made. Seriously, give them a round of applause for somehow decoding my incoherent babbling. This is beautiful. @kadaverc0splay did a fantastic job.
The gloves are just purchased leather fencing gloves of which I fold under the length and hide it under the cuffs I made, which are simply craft foam, paint, and buckles I had to order online with almost not enough time to get them because, for some reason, craft stores no longer find it necessary to carry and assortment of styles and sizes of buckles. *Internal screaming*
*sharp inhale* Ok. The vest. *Reconsiders every life choice he's ever made* This thing is a BEAST. It was a pain to make, it's a pain to wear, the leather belting that secures the garment closed is held on by glue, prayers, and human sacrifice via my own blood, sweat, and tears. It took me more hours than I care to even think about, let alone admit, to do all the top stitching on this godforsaken goblin of a clown man and that's not even half of the ironic tragedy that gathering the supplies for this disaster was.
Not only did I have to replace more than one of the FIVE DIFFERENT TYPES OF RIBBON AND TRIM THIS BASTARD HAS ON HIS VEST but nowhere had everything I needed in enough yards to complete anything I needed done, so I had to make several trips and buy several different things to finish any part of it. INCLUDING THE BUCKLES, which arrived here Thursday...for an event today. So, that was fun.
Oh, and also, the white ribbon is wired, but the wire refused to be pulled out, so it's just in there now I guess. Lucky me!
(the belts aren't entirely accurate, but I'll save adding the additional headache that will cause for the con I'll be wearing this to next spring. I'm tired.)
Buggy's many belts of despair and loathing...
I swear the cosplay gods are never kind to me, but tricking me into thinking this was going to go well because I was able to get some good sized chunks of real, genuine leather for dirt cheap? Not cool, guys!
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The leather was chocolate brown and not black, as I had previously believed it to be upon purchase. So, it had to be painted with latex paint. (Thank you again, pretty boy, I seriously couldn't have done it without you. Seriously.) Actually , another round of applause for all the belts being painted by my partner, because they also painted the foam under belt for me. Because he was smart and got his costume done several days ago.
Not me. I'm not that bright. No. But alas, we trudge forward.
And by trudge...
These boots weren't made for walking, these boots were made for traversing through the dusty floor of the fun house you've built around yourself to forget how salty your rat ex has left you - AND IT SHOWS!
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Ignore my poorly made foam buckles. I'm not going to repeat myself about that bs, lest I may sink back into a depressive state equaled only by my ability to pass it off as a joke. These crumpled, sad black asskickers were originally brown! And suede. Don't ask me how I got them to look like old, worn leather. I simply fell into a dissociative state and awoke with black boots and no memory of where I'd been. The belts are foam, and the weird pattern on his tongue is simply a quilting square from Joanne fabrics that I glued on and then mod podged over.
As stated above, the buckles are foam and painted. They look awful, but if anyone is close enough to my feet to say something about it, my foot is going to need to detach to be removed from betwixt their teeth.
The entire costume was also weathered by @kadaverc0splay (including the pants, which are not pictured here because I didn't really do anything to them) while I cried over the wig that you won't see most of so you know what, just send all your praise to them I'm not even here all I did was top stitch and cry.
All in all, and in true Buggy fashion, the build of this costume was entirely, and regrettably, failing upward. Because, hot damn, did it come together. 🔥
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See you at Aki Matsuri.
I never want to do this again~!
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sheliesshattered · 9 months
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I did a lot of sewing in 2023, and spent more time on my sewing projects than on any of my other hobbies, even though I ended up with relatively few finished products. I drafted patterns, fitted mock-ups, and worked with specialty fabrics, several of them new to me. I'm pleased with how all of them came out, and feel like I improved my skills in both sewing and drafting. And most importantly, I had a ton of fun wearing each one of these projects!
The majority of the year was spent on my Rhaenyra Targaryen cosplay, starting last January with drafting a pattern from my measurements, sewing a mock-up, fitting the mock-up to achieve a more screen-accurate look, and adjusting the pattern accordingly. I worked with silk for the very first time, black silk organza for the underdress and red silk jacquard (woven by a small maker in India) for the main dress. I dyed lacing cords to match, hand-sewed several yards of trim, set a couple dozen grommets by hand, sewed on several different types of beads, and did a lot of handsewing to complete the whole thing. I worked on it continuously for just over seven months, in between work and alongside other sewing projects in the last month or so.
The other major sewing project last summer was the sequin shorts for my Harley Quinn/Taylor Swift mashup cosplay. I based them on the sequin shorts in the first Suicide Squad movie, but made them red and black to match both Harley's more typical color scheme and Taylor Swift's Red color scheme. I drafted a pattern by altering a swimsuit pattern I drafted in 2020, and made a lining out of swimsuit fabric to check the fit, then cut out the exterior sequin fabric. I'd worked with sequin fabric before, but never one with sequins attached in one continuous chain of stitches, which took a little while to figure out how to best handle to keep from unraveling when cut. I ended up handsewing extra sequins onto places of the shorts where the sequins had fallen off.
I purchased the Taylor Swift tshirt but added quite a lot of hand-sewn details, to make it look more like the Suicide Squad tshirt. In July and August I also finished a bunch of other small cosplay crafting items, everything from wig styling and jewelry making, to gluing rhinestones to a pair of bunny ears, repairing the beading on a purchased dress, and adding a hidden pocket to a purchased skirt, all in preparation for Dragon Con at the end of August.
After Dragon Con I needed a couple of months to recover, and while I did start (but not yet finish) a simple knitting project, I didn't do any sewing or pattern drafting again until late November. At that point I knew I wanted to make a cozy stay-at-home winter dress and get it finished just as soon as possible, so I could start wearing it as the weather turned colder.
I drafted a new dress pattern based on the pattern I drafted for Rhaenyra's dress, and a pair of funky wide legged pants from a pajama pant pattern I'd drafted in 2022. The whole project, from drafting the pattern and ordering a sample of the heavy fleece fabric I wanted to use, to the final hand stitching on the hem, took just under a month -- much faster than the Rhaenyra project, with much less fussy fabric and far fewer details. Now that I've gotten to wear it around the house over the last week and a half, there are a few small changes I may make to it in the future, but generally I'm very happy with it.
Currently I actually have two other sewing projects in process, too: hand-sewing/quilting the print from an old tshirt onto the back of a hoodie for Jack (slow going but getting close to done), and a surprise birthday gift for a family member. I'll post pictures of each once they're done, but probably won't post about the surprise project until the gift has been given.
After that, I have plans to start making some layering pieces to put over (and under) the fleece dress. I have some scrap fabric from older projects I'd like to turn into wearable things, and that bolt of cotton herringbone fabric I got a good deal on on Ebay arrived the other day, and needs to be washed and ironed and such before I start figuring out what I want to do with it.
I'm hoping to continue my streak of 2023 sewing into 2024, with that focus on more practical, everyday wearable items, rather than on cosplay. I don't know yet if I'm going to have any cosplay events to attend this year, and even if I do, I'd be quite happy bringing older projects, including those I finished in 2023, out to play again. As much as I love making those big show pieces for conventions, and pushing myself with new-to-me fabric types like silk and sequins, I'll get a lot more use out of everyday pieces, and feel better about my day to day wardrobe at the same time.
Thank you to everyone who liked and commented on my sewing posts throughout the year! I mostly post about my projects here as a way to document them for myself, but it's always so wonderful to hear that other people like my work, too. I hope 2024 treats all of us well, and to any of you out there with sewing projects you're working on, may your thread stay untangled and your scissors sharp!
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Welcome to my creation. I present you, my own interpretation of Thranduil’s Wife, Elven Queen of Mirkwood, Elven Queen Arianiel.
Long post ahead for those people who’ve witness this journey with me.
It’s been 11 years of an unexpected journey ever since I envisioned Thranduil’s wife. I was really insecure about myself: my looks, my body. I nitpicked everything about myself because I am so far from Tolkien’s Elves, but my love for the Mirkwood family surpassed it.
“There is no grave, nor memory.” That was Legolas' line from the movies, but my creativity as a writer and a fan of Thranduil made me write from scratch of what could be the Elven Queen’s background. I roleplayed as her in this Tumblr account to explore more of my original character. Sadly, Thranduil’s wife will forever be nameless as she’s not mentioned to any Tolkien books, but I named her Arianiel in my own headcanon.
This is my passion project, and I won’t accept any flaws in the result, so the planning took some time, obviously, because I needed to build my confidence, money, and find the right people to make this Cosplay possible.
I was really planning to release the Elven Queen at APCC, but they never came back. Now, Cafeterium Chaldeas happened, and I told Ding Parado that I wanted to release the Elven Queen on my birthday. Alas, her talented hand made it possible and surprised me with the result. This was not what we initially planned at the beginning because I had so many things to incorporate in one go, but that’s not going to happen in just one dress. Nevertheless, she surpassed my expectations of what the Elven Queen’s spring dress could be.
Now, with the announcement of Ren Faire, I was so excited about it because I can finally wear the Elven Queen at a convention and geek out about Middle Earth once again. Joining Queen of the Faire was a spur-of-the-moment decision since we’re going on the last day too, so why not try joining?
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be The Elven Queen of Mirkwood once again, Ren Faire PH. I really thought I wouldn’t be able to wear it again aside from our upcoming wedding.
📷 Sir Romeo of Moonstruck Creatives
🪡 Ding of Solibeau
Elven Ears (c) Gerz
Made to Order Lace Front Wig (c) Red
Wig Fix (c) Eri
to my ever supportive Thranduil, Jelz
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famej · 2 years
Whose Costume’s the best, Rurin?
Leviathan x Reader
« Mirror , mirror, tell me who’s going to make Levi happy tonight, rurin ? »
You turned on yourself, holding your wig and hat to prevent them from falling.
When you came to face the mirror again, you pointed at your reflection and winked.
« Yes, it’s me, rurin! »  you sing sang, half giggling at your own silliness.
But wasn’t it the whole goal of Halloween?
The cosplay in itself hasn’t been that hard to make, thanks to Asmo who volunteered to help you. Not that Levi wouldn’t like to do so but surprising him was your ultimate goal of this year’s holiday.
It was surprising that you haven’t thought about dressing up as Ruri-chan before but hey! It takes time to elaborate a surprise in order to make your beloved demon happy.
And to perfect your attire, you’d brought an Azuki-Tan backpack, the detail, which makes the difference.
On that note, you glanced one last time into your mirror and smiled, content and excited.
« Yosh! Let’s go Rurin! »
While leaving your bedroom, you kept wondering what kind of costume Levi would be wearing and what would be his reaction.
Just imagining his adorable face, all red while he tried to hide it from you but being all excited to see his beloved Ruri-chan at the same time…
You could already feel your heart melt.
After reaching Levi’s bedroom, you checked one last time if everything was in its designated place  then knocked on the door, calling out :
« Levia-chan, it’s me! Do you mind if I come in, rurin? »
You refrained a giggle at your little imitation and listened carefully to what was going on on the other side of the door, which clearly sounded like hurried footsteps coming toward you.
A few seconds later, the door bursted open, revealing the avatar of envy; wearing an adorable goldfish onesie.
Speaking about fishes, his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets
« Aw Levi, you’re so cute dressed like that Can I take a picture, rurin? »
For a long moment, he didn’t move an inch, nor displayed any kind of reaction. You were seriously starting to worry.
« Levi? »
You waved your hand in front of his face to try and provoke a reaction.
And after a few additional instants of stillness, a thread of blood poured out of one of his nostrils, down to his chin.
With widen eyes, you cupped his face, inspecting him worriedly before you looked around the room for something to wipe his nose.
The moment your eyes fell upon a tissue box, you were about to reach for it when Levi seemed to retrieve his senses and grabbed his forearm to prevent you from moving.
You turned back to him with a questioning look, finding your demon in his flustered mode, face completely red, eyes trying to focus anywhere but on you.
“I just want to wipe your nose” you said, using your other hand to take a tissue and start to dab at the blood.
Now that his face had recover his original state, the shyness still showing.
“How about we go down to the living room to grab something to eat, it will surely make you feel better?”
Again, Levi’s hand pulled you back toward him.
“Can we…stay there? Please…”
You glanced at the open door briefly.
“But…The party, you were so eager to show off”
Leviathan, still holding your arms, walked around you to push the door close again.
And for the first time since the last few minutes, Levi’s orange eyes found yours, showing no more signs of shyness.
“I want to stay with you, only…I don’t want the others to see you dressed like that.”
It was now your turn to blush under the weight of his words.
His hand slid from your wrist to intertwine with your own.
“You’re mine” he stated, eyes never wavering but blush clearly betraying how affected his was by his own sayings.
“Yes I’m yours, Levia-chan, rurin”
Levi blinked and another round of blood poured out of his nose. The next second, you felt his hold on your hand loosen before he collapsed right on the spot.
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
Here's my breakdown off my Eret cosplays!
With most of them being up now (on tiktok, coming soon/later to youtube) I wanted to breakdown certain parts of my Eret cosplays, given that I put thought into certain pieces and reveal details you may have missed.
(For simplicity sake ill be using Erets real name - Alastair - when referring to CC!Eret)
For starters, each look has a small bit of stubble around the edge of the jaw, starting from the sideburns and each look is also accessorized with a purple cancer awareness ribbon, cause fuck cancer
L'manburg Era:
For starters I fashioned the uniform out of other cosplay pieces and thrift shop buys
I used the more square glasses as they look more like a "common" type you see. Square glasses like those are also usually more on the "mens" side of the shops, which is where i wanted to start with the look to show the change both Eret and Alastair went through over time.
Also went for shorter hair since, again, that's how it looked at the start
You cant see the earrings, but on my left I wore a small strawberry stud earring and on the right a simple black stud.
on my pinky is a ring with rainbow gems in it. This is a hint to Alastair's' family crest ring (im pretty sure its a crest ring anyway) This stays on for all of the looks
Crowned Eret:
For the outfit I swapped the blue L'manberg jacket for a red cloak, keeping the rest of the uniform underneath.
For the cloak clips I used gold clips (which, fun fact, are actually clip on earrings) to give it a more "official royal" vibe.
The crown I decorated to have green gems, since Eret was crowned King by Dream. However, although they had the status, Dream was still manipulating and controlling them.
Which brings us to the left earring: a black, green tinted, queen chess piece (cause sometimes I like some obvious symbolism) The right is a sword to give a more "War and Peace" look especially given how they earned the crown.
Dethroned/ Pogtopia Era:
Removed all the "royal jewels" and changed into a casual, green, long sleeve shirt.
The chess piece is switched back to the strawberry stud and the sword earring stays.
Around this time Alastair took time off from everything, i'm not sure if there was a cannon reason for Erets absence, but I headcannon that they were off exploring the server, more of their Kingdom and doing some self reflecting. Along their travels they found the stronghold, and for characters that have found a strong hold I put on an Eye of Ender accessory, in Erets case, its a ring worn on the index finger.
I would have worn a different wig to make the hair look a little longer, but it simply wasnt working in terms of being styled.
i added a little more stubble compared to the other looks to make it appear more unkept
Monarch Eret:
No longer taking orders from Dream, Eret became their own type of Queen...
The crown was changed into something a little more fancy and decorated with rainbow gems.
The right earring has a big, dangle strawberry and the other had a black gem with a wither skeleton.
The gold clips of the red cloak were switched for wither roses.
An off shoulder white top with a black corset.
A gold necklace
More rounder shaped glasses (fun fact: my prescriptions)
Wig swapped to a longer wig, now similar to how Alastair wears her hair today
Revenger Eret:
Cloak and crown remain the same.
The earrings are swapped again for a Sword and Nether Star.
Shirt was swapped for a button down, 'industrial' red shirt.
Black gloves would have been worn if i could find them ( i still cant)
Smaller, vintage styled glasses are worn
While i haven't gotten around to using this detail yet, ill still share it: Alastair has a scar on their left(?) elbow and an injury to their left leg from years ago, she noted how he only seems to get injured on the left. Come time for scar work (most likely in Eggpire AU and other AUs) ill be focusing the scars on the left of my body (unless I'm wrong and its the right)
So thats the brain brrr, the cosplays can be seen on my Patreon or tiktok (coming to other socials later) thanks for reading and stay hydrated
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thatoneweebsworld · 3 years
The Brothers’ Halloween Costumes (that would suit them best outside of canon)
Lucifer - Dracula
- his everyday outfit already has the aesthetic
- I headcanon them all with fangs to various degrees and Lucifer’s are on the sharper end
- Slick back his hair, throw on a bit of white makeup and a big cape and he’s done
- No, he can’t do the laugh. He’s above that.
Mammon - Pimp
- This man’s wardrobe is practically set for this
- would absolutely go out and buy an expensive hat to complete the look
- doesn’t quite fully understand the entire meaning of pimp but let’s be honest he’s kill the look
- egged a house
- is actually a sub but let’s not get into that now
Levi - Hatsune👏🏻 Miku 👏🏻
- Wouldn’t want his precious handmade Ruri-Chan cosplay to get ruined
- Decided to go with this more well known character to avoid having people ask questions
- absolutely bought contacts for the eye color
- has been getting help from Solomon for over a year to grow a big enough leek
Satan - Cat
- Satan isn’t going to just go for a standard black cat.
- This man is doing Mr. Mistoffeles.
- fluffy coat, full makeup, wig, ears, everything
- absolutely animated the ears and tail using magic
- makeup whiskers? No way he conjured his own
- this may or may not have been how he actually got turned into a cat for that one audio drama
Asmo - Himself Sexy Princess
- So imagine a Disney Princess most likely Cinderella or sleeping beauty but as a stripper
- Wig, makeup, even a protective magical bubble
- The shortest skirt known to man
Beel - Pumpkin
- He has the hair
- think of one of those inflatable things
- had to order two sizes up from Akuzon because of his ab tiddies
Belphie - Sheet Ghost
- the most low effort out of all of them
- no makeup or shit
- just occasional evil laughter
- has the most frightening evil laugh out of all of them when he really tries even Lucifer
- scaring all the children
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woogyu · 3 years
A World Tinted Gold | Mingyu; Chapter Two
Kalon; beauty that is more than skin-deep
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streamer!y/n x werewolf!mingyu
notes; werewolf au
word count; 1749
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summary; The only werewolves you encountered were the ones living inside your video games. They were nothing more to you than mythical creatures you often had to kill in order to complete objectives. You had a good thing going with your online gaming setup. Your supporters were kind and usually tipped well during streams. Sure it meant you had to deal with the occasional creep sliding into your DMs, but it was worth it. Playing games online was putting you through college. Little did you know your quiet life was about to be turned upside down at the hands of someone you didn’t think existed outside of the virtual world.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Are you seriously watching that steamer again? Why don’t you just play the games yourself?” Seungcheol questioned as he stepped into Mingyu’s room, chuckling as the younger wolf quickly turned around and blushed.
“It’s not the same… I’m not really interested in the games, I’m interested in her” Mingyu admitted sheepishly, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. He didn’t know what it was about you that made him so transfixed, but he had a hard time tearing his eyes from the screen. Hell, just the other day when you read his comment aloud, he was over the moon.
“It’s rare for you to show interest in a girl at all” Seungcheol remarked, eyebrow pulled up in question. Until a wolf found its mate there was little reason to get involved with or show interest in others romantically. There were of course some wolves that preferred being unmated; it allowed them to be explorative with their romantic partners. Not all wolves longed to find their mate, and not all wolves would end up finding their mates. He knew destiny had a hand to play in it all, but the thought of never finding who he was supposed to be with made the wolf in him whine. Mingyu wasn’t an unmated wolf that enjoyed exploring his options, he was desperately waiting for the day he met his mate. Right now, Mingyu wasn’t sure if he was simply lonely or if there was something more going on.
“There is just something about her…” Mingyu started, pausing for a second to find the right words, “I just have a hard time tearing my eyes away from the screen. There is something about her that just draws me in” Mingyu explained. He wasn’t doing a very good job at explaining the feelings that bubbled up inside him when he saw you on screen. When he tried to explain it he could never quite describe the feeling that settled over his chest and body, it was a warmth almost like a subtle glow within him.
Seungcheol didn’t comment on it any further as he moved into the room and crossed his arms over his chest. Mingyu knew better than to ignore the alpha, closing his laptop he turned to face Seungcheol fully. Their pack had a different dynamic than most. Normally a thirteen-member pack would be impossible because of the strain it put on the head alpha. It worked for them because while Seungcheol was their main alpha, they had two secondary alphas, Jihoon and Soonyoung. The three of them shared the work of looking after the group and it worked perfectly for them. He liked that the alphas didn’t abuse their power, there was a lot of lenience in the pack and it made for less confrontations.
“Joshua has to head into town tonight and won’t be able to run the perimeter. Would you be alright with doing it?” Seungcheol asked, pursing his lips as he looked down at the younger wolf. Mingyu normally enjoyed running the perimeter, it meant he got to shift and stretch his body, but this time he was a little bit more hesitant with his answer. Mingyu knew that later on tonight you would have a new video posted and he would have to wait even longer to watch it. It seemed like a silly reason, but his heart ached at the thought of not being able to ‘see’ you on screen until early tomorrow morning.
“Sure! I don’t mind” Mingyu answered with a half-smile, Seungcheol never asked him for much so he figured he could help him out with this. Seungcheol breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back against the wall.
“Thank you, I didn’t really want to be the one stuck doing it again” Seungcheol admitted, the alpha had been on perimeter duty for the past 3 nights and must have been eager for a good night’s sleep. Mingyu smiled and nodded his head a few times, his own wants would just have to be paused for a little while.
Before leaving the room Seungcheol patted him on the shoulder, yawning a little bit as he headed toward what Mingyu assumed was his own room. Mingyu was thankful that Seungcheol’s parents had left him their families pack house. Coming from a family of alpha’s certainly had its perks, and it meant they all got their own rooms.
Once Seungcheol was gone he checked the time, he had roughly 4 hours before he would have to head out.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I just don’t understand what this trend is supposed to be” you complained to Ciri for probably the 20th time over your video call. Apparently, there was a trend going around among streamers to recreate video games in real life. You hadn’t thought much of it when it first gained popularity, but now Ciri thought it would be a good idea for the two of you to join in on it. Her big plan was a two-part video where the two of you recreated iconic aspects of the Witcher 3 video game. You should have known she would want to do it, she already owned a Cirilla cosplay.
“It’s going to be fun” Ciri reminded you, drawing out the last syllable as she drew a fake scar along her face, effectively transforming herself into the iconic video game character.
“Come on, I even sent you the Yennefer cosplay and everything!” she exclaimed, using her make up brush to point at the camera accusingly. You rolled your eyes as you reached up to adjust the dark black wig that you now wore. To her credit, Ciri had sent you everything you would need to transform yourself into Yennefer of Vengerberg. How she somehow guessed your sizing right you would have no idea. Probably the Witcher powers.
“I wish we lived in the same city” you sighed, leaning your head back and looking up at the ceiling. Things would be so much easier if you and Ciri, and the other girls, didn’t live so far away from one another. But that was the price you paid for finding your friends online.
“Me too” Ciri said with a gentle sigh, setting her make up tools down and picking up her phone, her face coming into full view.
“I sent you the script, I won’t be able to stay on the call with you while we are filming because data rates are crazy, but I know you’ll do amazing” Ciri said with a reassuring smile. You would have to film all of this on your own, which was just a little bit intimidating. Ciri’s script mostly just directed you to do a lot of handwaving and she would add in the ‘magic’ elements later.
“Just find a good spot in the woods and it’ll be perfect” Ciri finished with a nod of her head. You sighed, straightening yourself up and looking down at your phone.
“I’ll call you later on when I’m finished to send you the video” you mumbled, pouting a little bit as you stood and picked up your phone.
“Good luck!” Ciri told you, waving a little bit before ending the call. Great, now you actually had to go do it…
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were lucky there was quite a bit of woods around where you lived, the problem was going to be trying to get to the woods without anyone seeing the ridiculous clothes you were wearing. You threw on a huge coat, effectively covering up most of the costume. After grabbing the bag with your equipment, you ventured outside, keeping your head down as you walked to avoid drawing attention.
Twenty minutes later you were standing in the middle of a beautiful calm forest. Now that you were here you questioned why you didn’t come out here more often. You couldn’t hear the loud noises that came with living in a bustling city and the air felt fresh on your face. Once you reached a small clearing by a river you laid your things down and took a deep breath, basking in the coolness of the air. Maybe this trend wouldn’t be so bad.
After setting up your camera in a place you were at least half sure wouldn’t result in it falling over, you walked into frame and took a deep breath. You briefly checked your phone to see what Ciri’s notes asked of you, before you began doing your best to follow directions. Your portion of the video wouldn’t be long, but you did re-film it 4 times to try and get your motions to be less stiff.
After forty-five minutes of waving your arms around, you walked back to your camera, picking it up before taking a seat on a nearby log. Reviewing the footage, you winced at how awkward it looked, you seriously hoped that Ciri could work some magic on this because you didn’t have it in you to film it again.
The forest around you was darkening as the day began to draw to a close, but you couldn’t bring yourself to head back right away. The forest was too peaceful and serene. Reaching up you pulled your wig off, stuffing it in your bag as you sighed with relief. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, focusing in on the sounds of nature around you. Maybe coming to the woods would become a weekly thing for you, like therapy.
A low deep growl broke you out of your trance, your eyes flying open and flickering around to find the source. Your heart hammered against your chest, and your whole body stiffened in fear. A few moments later a dark black wolf emerged from the trees, larger than any wolf you had seen on tv. You could vaguely see blood dripping from its muzzle, and its dark red eyes were focused right on you.
It paused at the edge of the clearing, its lips pulling back to reveal sharp blood-stained teeth. Your breath came quick as you leaned back, unsure if you should run or try and hide behind the log. Both seemed unhelpful in this current situation, but you were really low on options.
The wolf’s body tensed before springing toward you. Your hands instinctively grabbed whatever was nearest to you, which happened to be your very expensive camera, and threw it toward the wolf. This did nothing to deter the predator from its prey, and within seconds the beast was on you.
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cosplayinamerica · 3 years
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Oracle (Batgirl) & Jason Todd (Prince of Gotham) // Cosplayer: smiley_hayleyy & @jay_pines / photo: @catmonkeyphotography
Batgirl has always been my favorite DC character, she's a total badass and I've always admired her intelligence and strength, not to mention her character development and the amount of hardship shes had to overcome in her lifetime. Even after she was disabled she continued to be a hero, and honestly its just inspiring. I've also always wanted to be a redhead and loved dying my hair/ wearing a wig for the part! I have cosplayed a few different versions of her and love playing around with different looks.
Since the version of oracle I cosplayed was specifically from the Arkham Knight games, not a whole lot of people knew who I was, but the seasoned batman and DC fans recognized me instantly. I got compliments on how I even included the backpack on the back of the chair and the buttons on the sweater. I think my favorite response was this one lady who was absolutely nerding out on the skytrain ride to the convention, she didn't even know there was a convention on that day but she came up to me and was like "I know this sounds weird but you seriously look like Barbara Gordon" and then when I told her I was cosplaying she got so excited haha
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EDS is a rare connective tissue disorder caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for collagen, which is an important protein your body needs to hold together, joints, blood vessels, organs and skin. There are several different types of this condition, and it varies in symptoms and severity from person to person. I was born with the condition, but my symptoms were pretty random and unable to be diagnosed growing up. I discovered I had the condition a few years ago when I started to have severe organ issues, and my joints spontaneously started dislocating everytime I moved. My skin is extremely fragile too and I have to have a doctor for every one of my body parts to keep an eye out for complications.
EDS definitely affects my cosplaying, some days I need a wheelchair to move around or a cane, or a lot of supportive braces, and I try and incorporate my mobility aids into my cosplays. I get fatigued very easily and I have chronic pain all the time so I need to take a lot of breaks, and my costume has to be able to come off easily for when it gets too much or too heavy.
The fabric is very important too because my skin tears, bruises and gets irritated very easily, so I have to make sure that the fabrics I choose agree with me! As well as my spine is very unstable, so I have to be careful with helmets or anything heavy on my head, or anything irritating my neck or shoulders. My joints dislocate with light touches so I have to make sure I am very careful with what positions I pose in, and the kind of stress I put on my joints.
I think I've learned that you can't take your life for granted. I went from being fearful about trying new experiences and going outside my comfort zone, to now being unable to do 50% of the things I could do before and missing out on a lot of things. If you have the health, and the ability to do something, just do it, because you never know when that chance might be taken away.
I've now learned that I should do everything that I can to find joy and enjoy myself while I still have that capacity. I've also learnt that there isn't a doctor who can teach you how to put your own joints back in, and that's been super isolating and terrifying, staring at yourself with a dislocated shoulder, or knee, or hip and having to YouTube how to put them back in, because the hospital turns you away to go see a chiropractor. I've had to learn how to navigate my life by myself, and in a new way. 
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I wish people would know that its insanely hard for people with disabilities, especially "invisible" ones to get adequate care and services in their communities. I've had to fight with all my strength even to get disability services because I'm considered "young" and "healthy enough" or because I can minimally function on some days.
Getting chewed out by old people when I sit in a disability spot on the bus, or park in a disabled parking spot. You constantly have to prove that you are disabled enough to doctors, the government, people around you, in order to qualify for services or even receive basic medical care. You never know what's going on behind the scenes for a person.
I've always been a little shy and awkward, I'd say cosplay has been a neat experience, having people come up to me ask ask for pictures, nobody had ever really asked for my photo before and it feels pretty awesome! I think its brought me out of my shell a little, and I've met some pretty talented people through it.
I started going to conventions with my dad about 7 years ago, because we both enjoyed nerding out over collectables and other peoples amazing costumes. Twice we dressed up but it was like the absolute worst home made costumes haha. Then we stopped going, but after I met my boyfriend a few years later, he introduced me to the world of cosplay, as he was already a pretty seasoned cosplayer. He started making me costumes so we could do cool photo shoots together, and I really loved doing it as a hobby with him. We've gone to conventions every year together since we've dated. Since then I've been slowly getting better at starting to make my own costumes, but have him to thank for getting me into the hobby.
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Batboys x Cosplayer!reader (preference)
Requested by the great @middevil465​: Batboys dating a cosplayer,but downside is that they have to put up with their sewing at 2am
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Okay so this boy will be your biggest fanboy
ESPECIALLY if you cosplay him as Nightwing
(Not to be kinky on main, but depending on how..uhm... showing... the costume is he might get a bit frisky if ya know what I mean)
He wants to help as much as possible
You have to finish sewing that cape, but your wig isn’t styled yet? Don’t worry, Dick has enough expirence from his long hair phase to take care of that for you!
You want to cosplay a certain hero (or villain), but can’t fid that specific item that would make the cosplay perfect (maybe a weapon, a mask, etc.)? Dick might or might not steal borrow said item from the original hero for you (of course he gives it back after you had a photoshoot or something similar and he always feels a bit bad for the hero (not for the villains tho))
Now to the “downsides”
Dick, unlike some of his siblings, actually rather enjoys sleep
“I need my beauty sleep, all this perfection doesn’t come from nothing”
And he is honestly torn
He loves and supports you so so so much and he understands that you can be your most productive around the nighttimes, but he just came back from like two to three hours of patrol after a whole day of working at the police station and he honestly just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeep
So he finds a comprimise and fucking sound isolates the room your sewing in
It’s a win-win if we think about it and you probably would go as far as to just completely take over the room to make it your own little cosplay studio 
Everyone sleeps is happy 
Jason is a whole ass hurricane 
Don’t misunderstand me, he loves your hobby and he thinks it’s cool, but how excited he is depends on who exactly you cosplay
Him? Amazing, showstopping, great, breathtaking, nothing more amazing ever happened in this triste gray world before that
Robin (also slightly depending on which incarnation)? Cute, want to cuddle, 9/10 would do again
Batman? “That looks nice babe, you can take it off now” (Please don’t wear a more feminine toned (or just in general reaveling if you’re not female) batman cosplay. Jason is not ready for that amount of daddy issues) 
Someone like Harley, Ivy, Selina? Hell, even penguine or Riddler? He digs it for some reason and he might even show the respective rouge a picture of the cosplay (if he knows that it’s not possible to identify you).
They all love it, possible have a little fanclub
You cosplay as any other hero? Depending on how much of a little fangirl Jason is he will be really exsited and happy with you
Now, if you, for some unknown reason like losing your brain, because quite honestly that’s what it would take for me, decide to cosplay the Joker...
Welp, you’re single now... Sorry not sorry, but Jason is not okay with that
But that’s just a real extreme so let’s get away from that again, shall we?
Jason is used to being kept awake at night, be it from his thoughts or his nightmares (Housten, we’re sinking to deep)
So when he comes home from patrol around 2/3 a.m. and finds you sitting in the living room or the bedroom on your sewing machine (a gift from Bruce so state of the art technology and relativly silent, BUT NOT SILENT ENOUGH) 
He just sighs
He might just sit down beside you and watch or chat a bit or, if he feels a bit more touchy, stand beside you and braide your hair 
When you’re finished he’ll pick you up and cuddle with you in bed, trapping you effectivly for the next 8 to 10 hours
Did someone say couple cosplay? Because Yes. Yes you do
It isn’t that Tim ever really thought of doing cosplay or plans to use his rare free time to do it, but as soon as seing you cosplay literally anyone, he’s sold
He is a gigantic fanboy, has you cosplaying him (not Red Robin, just Tim) as his lock screen and you cosplaying Red Robin as his home screen
He’s not sure what it is, but one day he’s just sitting at his computer doing Wayne Inc. stuff when you send him a picture of you cosplaying someone and just has a metaphorical lightbulb over his head
He sneakily finds out who you will cosplay next and luckily for him it’s Zelda 
He puts everything in order and the day you want to test the cosplay out, see if everything goes together and you can pull it off, a wild Link appears
He did one hell of a job for his first cosplay (he might have had Wayne Inc. designers for the upcoming clothing line do it, but who cares amiright?) 
After that it’s kind of a tradition that once in a while the two of you pull off a couple cosplay and it’s the cutest thing ever
The highlight was when you cosplayed Batman and Catwoman on a (private) halloween party, just with the catch that you had it gender bend so Catman and Batwoman (not the Batwoman-Batwoman, but y’know what I mean), not breaking the character to the amusement of everyone present (excpet maybe Bruce who acts annoyed, but kinda thinks it’s funny)
So now to the nights
contrary to popular belief I do think Tim sleeps more than an hour or two at times
Maybe not in a healthy rythm or with any logic behind it, but he does 
Just not nights for the most part, it’s mostly in the afternoon after a few hours at Wayne Inc, or the homeoffice or college (depending on which Tim!state we’re thinking off) and before Patrol
so when he comes home to find you sewing he’s actually rather happy
He won’t let you go to bed after you’re finished until you’re really tired or if you have something important the next day
You will watch a movie or do something stupid or even go out and see what Gotham city can give you around 3 a.m. (of course with a hidden weapon on tim’s part and him not letting you out of sight) 
Those nights are his favorite
Damian, like so many things, doesn’t quite understand
What’s the appeal of dressing yourself like someone you’re not?
Why do you wear fake hair?
He also doesn’t seem to see any connection between him dressing up every DAMN NIGHT 
It’s two completely different situations for him
It’s not like he does anything against that hobby of yours, but at least at the beginning he just keeps out of it 
That most likely will change if you ever decide to cosplay him (as Robin) 
If he comes to visit you after school at your place and he walks into your room (given your parents opened the front door for you) seeing you in a surprisingly good replica of his costume?
Bby boy is sold
The better the replica looks the quicker he is to fuzz over it
After that he kinda sees the point behind it (or not, but he supports it now and wants you to have even better, more detailed, costumes)
He’ll get you so much stuff
You want to cosplay someone, but the only wig you have that fits is a bit too long?
Well hillerihoo, you got a new one that fits perfectly and is almost life-like now
Don’t ever mention that you don’t feel comfortable with him spending so much money for you, because he won’t stop
He’ll find his ways to spoil you, believe me
quick interruption before we go to the night part:
If you’re Damian’s GF, you’re most likely bound to be good friends with Jon
So it’s only a question of time until he asks you to cosplay him
If you do he’ll be excited like a puppy you just gave a treat while Damian will pout
A lot
And I mean A LOT
You’ll either have to suffer through a few days of pouty Damian or you make an even better Cosplay of him (as Robin) or Batman (both works for him since he sees himself as the future Batman already)
That’ll make him happy again
Now to the night-part
Okay so let’s assume we’re talking about Teen!Damian (obviously also Teen!reader!!!) 
You two won’t be living together so that won’t be a problem and since you’re living with y’alls parents and I will assume they won’t be happy about you sewing at 2 a.m.
Also, Damian will offer to have people make the costumes for you, but he will let that go if you tell him that making the costumes is a big part about all that, the part that makes it so amazing
IF we’re talking about grown up!Damian and Reader and the two of you live together, it’ll be a lot similair to Dick (in as he get’s you your own little cosplay studio) so that he won’t be kept awake by it
but somedays he’s more like Jason and will stay up with you and to keep you company during these creative sessions
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red-as-mars · 3 years
Saeyoung Choi x F!MC
Word count: 4K+
Summary: In which Saeyoung meets the girl of his dreams... but she thinks he’s a girl.
A beautiful stranger looks at him from afar. Saeyoung noticed her since the moment she came into Jaehee’s cafe, as she unknowingly sat down at the table next to Saeran. His ears captured the melodic tone of her voice after she stood up to order a bubble milk tea and a waffle, just as he did one hour before. Hearing her laughing with Jaehee makes his curiosity spark, but something is stopping him—the emptiness in his stomach is not normal, not after gulping down several milk teas just to keep himself busy. Suddenly the air conditioner of the cafe is not enough. As he is about to run a hand through his hair, a guy sits right in front of him.
Suddenly, he remembers they are not the only ones in the cafe and that he almost, almost, messes up the wig he spent several minutes putting on—with the help of Saeran, much to the latter’s despise. He changes the route of his hand midair and awkwardly moves to grab his bubble tea, just to notice that there is nothing left. He smiles at the guy in front of him to try and erase whatever weird actions he had done as he thought about the stranger. There’s a light blush covering the guy’s cheeks and he can barely make eye contact with him.
“Noona, do you want me to buy you more bubble tea?” asks Yoosung, suddenly appearing by his side. He is way too happy to monetize from his ‘noona’ to notice how distracted Saeyoung is. He nods without truly understanding what the youngest told him, but he doesn’t care. All his energy is being used on trying to focus on the guy in front of him rather than on the pretty stranger, who is back at the table sipping from her drink.
“Saeyoung, I have been a fan of yours for a long time. Your cosplays are so amazing… and you are… so beautiful… I mean, you have set the bar too high! There’s no way I can go out with other girls knowing that you are my ideal type… so… will you be responsible for my singleness?”, says the guy way too fast for Saeyoung to understand him.
It takes him a moment to realize what he has just been told and, as soon as he gets it, he can’t help but furiously blush. No matter how long he has been cosplaying, hearing things like that still makes him uncomfortable, mostly when he knows that the girl they claim to love was born out of his will to mess up with Yoosung. He never thought that a simple joke could get this far—sure, he used a Tripter bot to gain several followers, but who would have thought that he would remain popular with the bot gone?
Just as the guy he was talking to, others had come to see him… her… and they were patiently waiting for their turn while ordering food and drinks. Even though she was against the idea of holding a LOLOL event in her café, Jaehee now seemed happy with the decent amount of customers giving her money while waiting for a chance to talk with pretty Saeyoung. No matter how embarrassed he was with all the attention, he had to act cool as the customers were focused on everything he said. He remembered Yoosung’s motivation before the event started (“Hyung, I am counting on you!”), and that was enough to encourage him to reply.
“Oh my, what are you talking about? There are plenty of girls more beautiful than me out there. I am nothing in comparison,” he replies in a cheerful, slightly playful, tone. Just as Yoosung comes back with his bubble tea, he manages to hear Saeran chuckle. As his attention moves to his twin, he locks eyes with the pretty stranger and his mind goes blank. There’s a light blush spread across the girl’s cheeks and it only makes her look more gorgeous. He knows she heard him when her lips break into a slight smile. He can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, “but I really appreciate your words! They mean a lot, so thank you for coming to see me!”
He doesn’t really get embarrassed when posing as a girl, but there are some factors making him feel insecure. He can’t help but feel Jaehee slightly judging him as he unconsciously flirts with the guys. Or Saeran smirking as he writes down things to later tease him. Or Yoosung saying ‘noona’ every time he gets a chance just to remember the guys that they are close. Or how the stranger keeps on glancing at him every 2.35 seconds with a curiosity-filled gaze, making feel trail off mid-sentence. His nervousness is a vicious cycle. The more nervous he gets, the more flirty stuff he says while thinking of the stranger, but… as long as he can look at her, he doesn’t mind.
Even if that means being teased for the rest of his life.
Almost two hours later, the café is empty except for the beautiful stranger who remains seated a few tables away from him. As the number of customers decreased, she stopped gazing at him and instead focused herself on the screen of her computer, headphones covering her ears, as she slightly moved her head to the rhythm of the music. There are no more gazes, no more blushes, no more hearts skipping a beat or two—Saeyoung can’t help but feel like he’s missing something, but can’t he be more silly? Missing something he never had.
They are just strangers who happen to be at the same place at the same time. Tomorrow morning, she will have forgotten about him and keep on going with her life. There’s no way they are randomly meeting again in a city as big as Seoul. She must live near the café, but his apartment is on the other side of the city, near the river. Seeing her again would be more like a miracle.
“I didn’t think a lot of people would be interested in this kind of event,” says Jaehee, finally taking a seat next to Saeran after making drinks non-stop for three hours, “but I think I sold more than average.”
“Never underestimate the power of LOLOL!” says Yoosung, as if he didn’t just monetize from other people’s fantasies in the name of his guild.
“...or a wig…,” adds Saeran, drinking from his cup of black tea.
Saeyoung can’t help but glance at the stranger, but she is too busy on her work to hear what they are saying. He feels slightly relieved, as taking down his wig right now would only make things awkward. He doesn’t mind bearing with the itchiness on his scalp as long as he can keep on looking at her, the way she pouts as her fingers stop smashing the keys, the way her brows furrow as she unconsciously licks her lips, the way her eyes shine after blinking several times… 
All her actions stop as her phone rings. She quickly picks up the call and a warm feeling invades his stomach as he listens to her voice once more. The warmth quickly goes away as he hears her say “I’ll be there in an hour”, collecting her stuff as she thanks Jaehee for her service. Before she reaches the door, she stops and with her, Saeyoung’s heart. What is she doing? Is she missing something? Or… no, that’s not possible. She turns around, takes a napkin from the counter and leaves the café.
Immediately, Saeyoung smashes himself against the table.
“…are you okay?” says Saeran, although his voice holds anything but worry. At this point in his life, Saeran is used to Saeyoung’s sudden actions so he’s rarely surprised by whatever his twin does. Was he okay? Well, he just missed the opportunity to speak with the prettiest girl he has ever seen… He barely manages to give Saeran a thumbs up.
“Oh no, the girl left some stuff…” says Jaehee, slightly worried. Without thinking about it, Saeyoung stands up and the next thing he knows, he’s standing right in front of the table where the beautiful stranger sat. He ignores the suspicious looks of his friends as he looks at what she left: her transportation card and… one of the banners they made for the event, featuring Saeyoung’s most-liked Instagram post. Surprisingly, his face is surrounded by hearts and he can’t stop his cheeks from burning.
Saeran takes the paper from his hands and looks at it, then at him. “...guess she came to see you.”
“What?! But she didn’t come close to her… him!!!” exclaims Yoosung, looking at the banner with his eyes wide open.
“Maybe she was shy. I mean, it is always intimidating to talk to someone you admire,” shares Jaehee knowingly.
Saeyoung is barely listening to them. His mind is focused on the hearts surrounding his face, triggering the memories of their discreet eye contact, the blush on her face as they looked into each other’s eyes from afar… His heart starts beating like crazy, skipping more than a beat. A sudden wave of adrenaline invades his body as he realizes something.
“So… this pretty girl… actually came… to see… me?” he asks, although he already knows the answer. Listening to the confirmation of his friends is enough to give him back his confidence. He puts on his coat as he takes the transportation card and the banner from Saeran’s hands.
“Wait—where are you going? You better not do something weird to her!” exclaims Jaehee.
“What do you mean weird? She’s not going anywhere without her transportation card, so I’m giving it back to her,” he replies as he storms out of the café. Before crossing the door, he adds “It’s just a girl helping out another girl!”
And he ventures into the coldness of the night.
Although there are a few bus stops near Jaehee’s café, Saeyoung is lucky enough to find her at the nearest stop. She’s waiting there with one hand hidden in the pocket of her coat and the other one holding her phone. As he gets closer, he can clearly see several pictures of him on her screen. He suddenly feels hot as he realizes that she’s looking at the pictures he’s tagged at, most of them from today’s event. He feels some warm weight on his stomach, just as if a cat had fallen asleep on his tummy.
He stands right behind her without moving, carefully thinking about the best way to approach her as he doesn’t want to mess up this opportunity. Just as he gathers enough courage to talk to her, a pair of buses arrive and the beautiful stranger looks up from her phone to get in one. Before she can walk closer to her transportation, Saeyoung quickly puts his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going away. She immediately turns around in surprise, red tainting her cheeks as she locks eyes with him.
“Wait—I mean, uhm, sorry if I startled you,” he slightly laughs, trying to compensate for the awkwardness of his actions, “it’s just that you forgot this at the café.”
He gives her the transportation card and as she is about to thank him, he shows her the banner with his face surrounded by the cutest doodles he has ever seen. The pretty stranger stumbles over her words as her cheeks and ears burn red from embarrassment. Before she can justify herself, the bus closes its doors and begins its journey. Saeyoung is in shock. Did he just make her miss her bus? He begins to apologize, but the stranger laughs it off.
“Don’t worry, there’s another one coming in about… ten minutes, I guess? I just have to wait for it,” she says and Saeyoung can’t help but think that her voice sounds ten thousand better when she is talking to him, “Thank you for bringing it to me. I don’t know what I would have done without it.”
That’s a lie, of course. Saeyoung knows it pretty well. She would have to pay the driver in cash and, maybe tomorrow, buy another one at the nearest convenience store. Nothing bad would have happened if she missed the card—someone else could be using it—and that made him feel worse, after making her miss her bus. Yet here she is, smiling gently at him as if somehow she was glad of having to wait some minutes for the next bus.
“I guess I will wait for you, then. I mean, if you don’t mind,” he manages to suggest calmly, although he is nervous inside, “It is already dark and there are not many people left. I would be preoccupied leaving you here.”
He is not saying the truth, but he is not exactly lying. He is just omitting information to avoid looking like a creeper. I want to talk to you for a little bit longer, is what he actually wants to say, but there’s no way he’s actually saying it. Not without blushing extra hard. When she accepts his company, he just stands by her side, trying hard to focus on what to say and not on how fast his heart is beating. She is the first one to talk, formerly introducing each other. Saeyoung can’t help but keep on repeating her name in his mind, enjoying how each letter combines into making the most pleasing sound he has ever heard. 
“I, uh, well- I, ah,” he doesn’t really know how to start talking to her, not when she is looking so endearingly at him, ”I was just wondering why… why didn't you come to take a picture with me… when you were already there…”
The beautiful girl blushes slightly, gazing at her feet.
“I didn’t expect a lot of guys to be there. I thought there would be at least another girl besides you and me, but there wasn’t. Well, except for the owner, I mean,” she admits, playing with her phone in her fingers, “I thought it would be weird to be the only girl approaching you, so I waited until the guys were left to do it, but I got really shy at the end.”
Saeyoung’s heart is beating even faster than before. He can’t believe what he is actually hearing, but even though they just met, he trusts in her words, so his confidence increases.
“Well, you can’t go home without completing your mission, right?” he says while taking her phone away from her fingers and opening the camera. He positions himself beside her and makes a half-heart with his free hand. She looks at him in awe, clearly shocked at his actions, but doesn’t follow him. “Really? You are going to leave my heart waiting? Come on, people are staring at me weirdly.”
And that is enough to make her move. Their fingers faintly touch each other, but that’s enough to send warm waves through his body. He can’t help but wonder if she’s filling it too or if he's just crazy. All his happiness disappears as soon as he sees himself on the screen. He manages to snap the picture before his smile collapses, reminding himself that currently, he’s not yucky Saeyoung, but pretty Saeyoung, and that means the beautiful girl is interested in her, not him. However, there’s something about the glow in her eyes as she thanks him for the picture that makes him decide to ignore it and continue as it is. She asks for her Instagram username before the bus arrives. She’s quick to search herself on his phone, and waves goodbye before the bus departs.
Saeyoung is left alone at the bus station with his phone in his hand, looking at the feed of the girl. Somehow, when he sees her warm smile through her pictures, he doesn’t feel alone anymore.
Saeyoung clicks the notification as soon as it pops into the screen. He contains himself from liking it when he sees her bright smile on the picture and actually refreshes the page waiting for someone to like it before he does it. Once the heart is coloured in red, he goes into the comments and writes the nicest thing he can think of. She’s quick to reply back.
They have been chatting nonstop for a while. They have met a few times, too, but calling it a date is way too much. They were going out not only as friends but as girl friends. Just one girl meeting another girl at the subway station to get lost on the streets of Seoul, walking several miles per day without even noticing. It was just them finding new restaurants to enjoy, going together to get their nails done—and even getting friendship bracelets that they wear all the time. It was like a dream come true… except she still thought he was she.
“Hey, are you even listening?” Saeran’s voice brings him back to the moment. “Of course you aren’t.”
“Yes, I am,” says Saeyoung, although it’s not true. Ever since he met her, he can’t help but keep his phone in his hand, ready to answer her texts, but she hasn’t been pretty active today. 
“...you’re thinking about that girl, right?” he asks, although something about his tone tells him that he already knows the answer. “You shouldn’t hide anymore. You have been talking enough to tell her how you’re feeling. The real you, I mean.”
“It’s not easy. I don’t wanna mess this up,” Saeyoung confesses, gazing down. ”Before I do that… I just wanna know if she likes Saeyoung more than Saeyoung!”
“...what are you even saying?”
“I mean, how am I supposed to know if she likes yucky me more than pretty me? I look gorgeous in a dress, the competition is harsh enough!” his cheeks are burning. It is time to change the topic, “Wanna look into that store?”
“...that’s what I told you before…”
They are looking for new clothes for Saeran since Saeyoung accidentally mixed a red t-shirt into his pale clothes. Saeran is surprisingly picky with the clothing he chooses, so after almost two hours of searching into various shops in Hongdae, Saeyoung decided to take him to Apgujeong. So far they have visited three different stores and Saeran has (thankfully) picked some new clothes for him, although he is still searching for a vest.
As soon as they enter, Saeran starts touching the clothes, feeling the materials as he walks. He stops to pick up around three and, as he is about to enter the changing room, he stops. Saeyoung has been watching his twin so far, trying to calm himself down because of the lack of texts from the pretty girl, so he noticed how Saeran glanced at a shirt several times as he was choosing the clothes. Before Saeran can head back to pick it up, Saeyoung is already giving it to him. Saeran thanks him before disappearing behind the curtains.
Now that he is alone, Saeyoung starts walking around the store looking at the clothes. His style differs from Saeran, so many of the clothes are not appealing to him, yet there are some that he wouldn’t mind trying just for the sake of diversifying his style. As pretty Saeyoung, he dresses fashionable and mature; but as himself, as yucky Saeyoung, he wears whatever is clean—or less dirty, depending on whether he did his laundry or not. He can’t help but wonder what kind of guy the beautiful girl likes… or if she even likes guys. Up until now, he hasn’t really gotten information about that. Whenever he tries to find out if she would be interested in him—the real him—, she just changes the subject or answers back with another question.
He doesn’t know when he ended up in the women section, yet there he is. Standing in front of several accessories that he can’t help but think would look incredible on the beautiful girl. Soon he is busy looking at them all, trying to find the best one for her… but he can’t give her that as if it was nothing… maybe if he… bought two… one for her and one for him…
That would be nice.
He settles up for a pair of necklaces. Saeyoung is smart: he knows that if Saeran sees them, he won’t stop bothering him, so he is quick to go to the cashier to pay for them before Saeran comes out of the changing room. Yet as he gets closer to the cashier to pay, his heart stops as soon as he is greeted.
It is her.
The beautiful stranger is here, in front of him, smiling sweetly even though he is looking as terrible as he always does whenever he is not dressed up as a girl. She doesn’t seem to recognize him, but he keeps her head low as he pays for the necklaces. Oh my, he can’t give it to her now that she has seen them. It would be so obvious…
His face is burning red from embarrassment. He can’t believe that out of all the stores she could be working at, he just happened to come into the one… Then it clicks. Hasn’t she been answering lately because she is working?
“Would you like a bag for your necklaces?” her voice brings him back from his thoughts. He tries to hide his emotions by holding his breath. He says ‘no’ with his head, scared that she might recognize his voice even though he always makes sure to keep it higher than usual when he’s talking to her. There’s no way she’s recognizing him… right?
He slightly bows as soon as he pays, deciding to wait outside for Saeran as he might die from embarrassment if he stays close to her. Just as he is about to exit the shop, his phone rings. He waits until he is outside to answer the call.
“Hello?” he says, looking for the keys to his car.
“Saeyoung?” the voice on the other side makes him freeze.
He turns around and, on the other side of the window, there she is. His sun smiling back at him even though she now recognizes him as a liar. He wants to run away as she approaches him, but it is like his feet are stuck to the floor. He can’t move—and maybe he doesn’t want to. There’s something about her smile, the warm look in her eyes, that stops him from running away and hiding in his room for the rest of his life.
She’s now in front of him, but before he can explain himself… she’s hugging him tightly. 
“Oh my, thank goodness you’re a guy! I felt really insecure whenever we went out because you’re so gorgeous and everyone looks at you in awe. But with your actual appearance, I can be the pretty one of the duo!”, she says brightly, surprisingly relieved.
Saeyoung is at a loss for words. Maybe, just maybe, a few tears are forming in his eyes. Why is she acting like this when he lied to her?
“...did you just call me ugly?” he says, but as much as he wants to sound offended, he can’t hold back a giggle.
“In comparison to me, yes, of course.” she releases him, and suddenly it feels cold outside.
“Can’t deny you’re beautiful,” he mumbles looking at his feet. They stay quiet for a while before Saeyoung gathers the courage to speak again. “I didn’t mean to hide my identity from you. It’s just that you were so happy with pretty Saeyoung that I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Well, I enjoy it whenever I am around you. My opinion is not based on your appearance, you know,” she says, “To be honest, I kinda already knew you were a guy, but I didn’t want to mention it as I thought you had a good reason to keep it to yourself.”
Saeyoung meets her gaze, slightly leaning his head to the side. “Then why did you just call me now?”
It is now her turn to look away, her cheeks tainted in red. “You looked as if you were about to have a panic attack. I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. After all, we’re friends.”
“I wish we weren’t… Wait, I, uh, I mean…Gaaah!” he can’t believe he just messed up. “It’s just that… I think you’re… extremely pretty and I, well, you know, maybe I like you?”
He is pathetic and he knows it. She just came up to tell him all this beautiful stuff about accepting himself as he is, and he has to mess up? It’s almost as he subconsciously wants to auto-sabotage himself.
“Just maybe? Because I like you a lot,” she says, getting closer to him.
Suddenly his hands are not empty anymore. They had held hands before, but this time it’s different. It may be the fact that she is right in front of him and not by his side, that their chests are one step away from touching it other… or maybe that her thumbs are tracing circles in his palms, sending an electric sensation through his whole body.
“Saeyoung, I really like you. No matter if you're prettier than me or not,” there’s a playful grin on her face as she says so. He gulps, nervous that she is either being honest or playing with him. “For real, I liked you ever since I saw you, but all this time we have been going out… I think I have fallen for you. Really hard. So, please, if you like me, don’t just say maybe.”
There’s hope both in her voice and in her eyes. He can’t think clear anymore, not when she is this close, telling him something he thought he would never get to hear. He wants to tell her how much he likes her, for how long he has been waiting for this moment… but he can’t.
Not when his body is moving on its own, hugging her waist to pull her closer until their faces are a few inches apart. Not when his head is leaning to the side as he closes the gap between them. Not when his eyes close and he feels the warmth of her lips on his own.
Not when love has made him speechless and the only way to show his feelings is with actions.
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mahou-queen · 4 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚lolita fashion then vs now: how the fashion has changed over the last decade ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I started getting into lolita fashion in 2010 and so much has changed in the fashion since then. Trends, websites, community opinions, etc. So I thought we should take a look into the past and reminisce about lolita fashion since 2010~~
Everything below is based on my personal experience and perceptions in the egl community. These are not necessarily facts, and other lolitas may not agree or relate to everything stated below. 
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✿❀Rectangle headdresses:
At the height of 2010-2012 sweet these types of headdresses were not in style. They were considered ita and absolutely taboo for new lolitas. At the time the community was trying really hard to separate themselves from lolita cosplay and maid cosplay which were both really popular at the time especially at cons where a lot of lolitas would also be. In recent years with the resurgence of old school lolita, rectangle headdresses are back in style and I personally couldn't be happier as I have always liked them. 
✿❀Animal ears:
Also considered ita and taboo for its associations with cosplay. Today we see a lot of animal ears, particularly bear and bunny, sometimes cat but not as much. Even big brands like angelic pretty are releasing animal ears regularly. While they can definitely still be ita if they are costume quality or irrelevant to a coord, they are definitely back in style and looking very cute
✿❀Chiffon half blouses:
The 2010 sweet era was all about cotton blouses. And while cotton blouses are still alive and well, these days we have the wonderful chiffon half blouse. Very comfortable, more size inclusive, light and pretty. These were not in style/ not widely available when i first got into lolita. 
✿❀Low collar blouses:
Absolutely existed, but were not as in as they are now. Peter pan collars and high necks were all the rage, these days with the prevalence of chiffon blouses, we are seeing a lot of slightly lower neck lines.
✿❀Chocolate explosion:
Around 2013, it seemed like every release was chocolate themed. All these chocolate prints came out in 2013:
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Angelic Pretty started transitioning into “sweet classic” around 2014 which was when I took a break from the fashion. 
✿❀Split wigs:
Split wigs were super popular in the early 2010s both in natural and unnatural color varieties. These day some people would say they’re ita but I think the fashion has come to a really nice place of balancing old and new styles so many loltias still wear split wigs and wear them well. 
✿❀Circle lenses:
When i got into lolita it seemed like circle lenses were almost mandatory. They were a part of every makeup tutorial, every popular lolitas coord, circle lenses were everywhere. I could never wear them due to my astigmatism so I was always upset about circle lenses. I am glad to see they have not been prominent in recent years.
It seemed like replicas were everywhere, everyone had one, they were generally accepted, and promoted by other lolitas. Dream of lolita was making replicas of all the major AP prints and filled the pages at clobbaonline, oo jia was a facebook based brand that made the most convincing replicas available. Replicas still exist but since 2011 major bans have been placed on reselling them and reputable resellers stopped carrying them for the most part. They are not celebrated and most lolitas are against them now. 
Refuse to be usual was a taobao reseller on ebay in the early 2010s. Idk if they are still around but i know they up-charged more than twice the price of the item. Secret shop tea parties were going for $95 on rtbu. They had hit or miss reviews and a lot of people didn't trust them. I never bought from them but i did window-shop
✿❀The only real resellers were clobbaonline and qutieland:
Clobba did not have a full website, only a gallery where you had to place your inquiry and order via email. These days clobba has a fully functional website with a wishlist and shopping cart feature. Qutieland no longer exists. These days we have seemingly endless taobao reseller options of varying quality
✿❀Egl comm sales:
I never figure out how this worked because lacemarket took over not too long after i got into the fashion. But it was an entire second hand market being run out of livejournal. It seemed very Intricate
Ohhh bodyline in the early 2010s. The lace monsters, mr yan, the sundries department, the items never restocked, good times. I have 3 bodyline main pieces these days and I love them and plan to keep them for as long as i'm in the fashion because they are cute, comfortable, and the prints look good. There was a time in the mid 2010s where bodyline and people who wore bodyline were scoffed at and everyone who had only burandoo thought they were better than everyone else. But these days with the booming lolita industry in china (on taobao) and even western brands getting bigger, the emphasis on brand is becoming less and less and what makes good lolita is based more upon actual quality and coordination skills and less on the tag. 
✿❀My old dream dress list:
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I never got any of these and many of them would never fit me anyway. I did get sweetie violet but in lavender as I no longer like the sax colorway and I don't know why I ever did.
My favorite lolita online at the time was @herajika-blog
Sweetrococo.com, does anyone remember this place? You could allegedly design a lolita dress yourself with any colors/prints/images from the internet and they would make it for you. I remember designing a my little pony skirt on the site for fun and not getting it because it was $200 LOL. I swear that site was a fever dream. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚as we can see a lot had changed in the lolita fashion community and trends over the last decade. Do you remember any of these things? What is your experience? I really enjoyed this trip through memory lane. And while sometimes i miss the times when i was just starting out, these days the lolita community is so much more accepting, more accessible, and more experimental. It doesnt even seem like there are trends right now, just that any trends are ok as long as theyre lolita. What do you think?˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
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It feels like ages since I last posted an update for my Rhaenyra cosplay for Dragon Con 2023, but the last four weeks has been nothing but attaching the narrow trim to the seamlines of the overdress -- a tedious and fiddly process that had to be done by hand, and the trim had to be sewn down on both sides despite how narrow it is. I made good progress on it day to day, but the pictures were rather boring and similar week to week.
The nine vertical seams that have trim (no trim at center back, per the screen-used costume) come to a total of 447 inches. Sewing down each edge of the trim doubles that to 894 inches, or just under 25 yards of handsewing just to get the trim attached. At 7 or 8 stitches per inch, I figure that's something like 7000 itty bitty invisible stitches. Plus another two yards or so for basting the center front trim to make sure it was really centered once sewn down.
No wonder it took me four weeks, lol.
I still need to put the narrow trim on the edges of the sleeves, and I might get started on that today while watching Fourth of July movies (Independence Day and Hamilton at a minimum, maybe a few others), at least do the ironing to curve the trim slightly and baste it in place if nothing else. We're going to a friend's place for dinner and fireworks tonight, and while I certainly don't want to haul the entire (silk!) dress out of the house with me, taking one or both sleeves to sew on the ~30 minute drive over might not be a bad idea.
Besides getting going on the sleeve trim, now that the narrow trim is finished on the dress itself I've also been able to shift gears and start focusing on the wide neckline trim. I did a whole series of pinned tests to figure out what I wanted the center front to look like, how to make the pattern come together in the most visually pleasing way, and Jack helped me pick out the best option. Yesterday I trimmed the first two pieces to length and carefully handsewed the center front seam so the pattern matches up exactly:
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The raw edges are currently just tucked under and pinned, and I need to figure out how much extra I want to leave -- enough so it won't fray or unravel, but not so much that the center front is weirdly puffy or stiff. This trim is at least partially polyester so I have been able to singe the cut edges to keep everything in place. I might be able to carefully do that on the center front edges, too.
After thinking about it overnight, I think I'm going to do this same treatment at center back, that mirroring of the pattern, and then just let the shoulder seams be whatever. The wig will mostly cover the center back, but eh I'd rather have the symmetry there.
So the next major task is getting all this neckline trim cut and placed, handsewn to the neckline of the dress and frayed ends all tucked safely away. It's going to be a bit tedious, especially at the shoulder seams, but hopefully it won't take me weeks and weeks like the narrow trim did!
Getting that wide trim in place is the last thing blocking getting the grommets in, so I'll be heading straight into that once the trim is even just mostly applied. There are things like the hem and the question of needing a modesty panel at center back that I can't even start on until I can lace the whole dress closed. And if it comes right down to it, I can cut corners on things like beading and the styling of the wig, or sewing a little bag to carry my stuff in. But the dress absolutely must have closures, or it's not really a dress, lol.
Given that, I think the order of operations is more or less: neckline trim, then grommets at center back and armscye/top of sleeve. Then hooks and eyes at the wrists, and a hem for the dress. Wig styling is probably the next highest priority, then the bag to carry stuff with me since the dress has no pockets. Then finishing the underdress, sewing on the large beads at waist and wrists, and then the tiny beads over the neckline trim. I've got one or two little adjustments to do to the jewelry that should probably come before the little seed beads on the neckline, but hopefully I'll be able to get to all of it in the next 8 weeks (!!) until I need to pack for Dragon Con.
I've also gathered basically all the components for my Harley Quinn cosplay, just waiting on one length of lining fabric to arrive -- but I'll talk all about that in its own post sometime soon here.
Eight weeks feels like hardly any time at all, especially given that I spent the last four weeks on what ended up being just one check mark on my rather long to-do list. But I am thrilled with how the dress is looking, and the narrow trim was definitely worth doing. It makes the dress look so much more like the screen-used costume.
Hokay. Time for movies and sewing. Here's hoping I can get through that to-do list in the next 58 days!
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
all aboard the mystery machine | (feat. the gym 3 squad and y/n)
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this was inspired by a post by @kenchiko which was the ‘being in a friend group with gym three squad’ which i like to read when i’m sad. anyway, they all dressed up as the mystery gang and i thought it was so cute i decided to headcanon it. (thank u kenchiko i love ur tsukki stuff but i’m too shy to interact with u *waves*)
it was the day of electric spookaloos aka halloween and you and kuroo were hyped af 
mostly because you could play ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker with less weird stares than usual
and kuroo’s all about gROuP CosTUmeS 
previously the five of you had dressed up as the power rangers (which you switched for m&m’s because the helmets were too hard to make), the breakfast club, and the teen titans and now the five of you were going to top it off with…
‘the mystery gang from scooby doo!’ kuroo mentioned in your groupchat
no one noticed it except for bokuto who haha-reacted and then it resurfaced three days before halloween
kuroo and akaashi are the only ones who went all out with their costumes
kuroo has a blonde wig for his fred costume and akaashi also got a wig and made a dress for his daphne costume
bokuto ordered a cloth scooby doo mask online and forgot to order the rest of the body so he looks like inosuke from kny except his head is scooby doo
you and tsukki went to the dollar store on the day itself and just bought shirts for your velma and shaggy costumes
kuroo: you couldn’t even bother to get an orange sweater?
tsukki: it was fifty cents more expensive also i’m the blonde one so i should be fred
kuroo: well you didn’t binge-watch scooby doo all night and got only one hour of sleep so you had to sip akaashi’s pumpkin spiced latte before getting kicked by the owner of said latte
bokuto worked on spray painting kuroo’s pick-up truck to look like the mystery machine 
but the painting didn’t work out and only half of the letters are legible so you’re all piled into a pick-up truck that says ‘THE  Y T RY    AC  NE’ on the side
but you’re off to the only halloween party you were invited to !!
and you blast ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker while dancing in the backseat
except on the way tsukki gets a call from his boss (he works at a museum) abt some missing artifacts
you: why did he call you, don’t you just deliver coffee?
tsukki: *kicks you*
you: *kicks back and accidentally kicks bokuto*
bokuto, behind his mask: :’( 
kuroo: missing artifacts??? museum???? 
tsukki: nO–
kuroo: SOUNDS LIKE A JOB FOR THE MYSTERY GANG *drives to museum before anyone can say anything*
akaashi: this is the only party we’ve been cool enough to be invited to this year and we’re going to spend it in mcdonalds again after this is over
akaashi: nO
anyway you, kuroo, and bokuto are excited for this ~~mystery~~
the five of you are miraculously able to sneak past the guards and enter through the back because the mystery gang gave you their blessing to break and enter almost any building on halloween night
kuroo, immediately getting into fred jones mode: alright let’s split up gang! daphne and i will check the upper floors while velma, shaggy, and scooby, you take the basement
bokuto: ruh-roh!·         
you: splitting up is a surefire way for someone to get killed but go off, i guess?
kuroo: also, if anyone curses, they owe a quarter in the swear jar
akaashi: you can only use things like jinkies, jeepers, jiminy, or zoinks
tsukishima: i’m not fucking doing that
kuroo: that’s a quarter
anyway, you’re with bokuto and tsukishima so what could go wrong?
and it all starts when you guys go downstairs into a basement full of creepy artifacts and find a mysterious, glowing amulet
you: i don’t think we should touch that
bokuto, who can barely hear anything in his decapitated scooby mask: TOUCH IT!
tsukki doesn’t care enough to hold him back and bokuto touches the amulet
the basement shakes, the ground beneath you trembles, the amulet grows brighter and pale green apparition appears in front of you. its danny phantom a hooded figure with glowing eyes
tsukki: …a song by Fall Out Boy
you: *trying hard not to laugh but also scared shitless* …jinkies
bokuto: ruh-roh?
tsukki: huh, i guess someone rigged a hologram here as a prank. nice one
you: i mean, i work at customer service so…
tsukki: nice one *high fives you*
ghost: YOU HAVE– *stops when he actually sees bokuto* WHAT ABOMINATION IS THIS?
tsukki: mean, that’s just y/n
you: *kicks him*
meanwhile kuroo and akaashi are sleuthing it up upstairs
kuroo: *having a staring contest with one of the paintings displayed*
akaashi: what are you doing?
kuroo: you know how painting’s eyes tend to follow the main character in cartoons?
akaashi:,,,kuroo that’s a painting of an apple
kuroo: i could have sworn i saw some red eyes 
akaashi: i don’t think anyone would be blazing it in a museum. come on, let’s check the next room
while walking past a row of suits of armor, one of the displays turns its head (but no one notices it yet shhhhh)
back at the basement
the ghost is wreaking havoc: chairs are thrown against the wall, vases are cracked, the faint smell of sulphur is in the air. you and bokuto are fucking terrified and look more like shaggy and scooby despite your shitty cosplays. tsukishima doesn’t believe in anything that’s going on
tsukki: man, these guys here are really putting effort into this prank
ghost: *starts chanting in some unknown, ancient language*
tsukki: ah, nice touch. you watch lord of the rings?
you: tSUKKI NO-
bokuto: don’t worry! i’ll exorcise this spirit with my bible knowledge!
akaashi: *shivers* i just had the strangest feeling that bokuto called manga messiah the bible again
kuroo: zoinks! sounds like him
akaashi: *trying not to cringe* anyway, they’re probably not doing anything right now
the basement, atm: just a complete fucking mess
the walls have started bleeding but somehow y’all are still a-okay
that’s because tsukki’s so salty he’s basically a salt circle with 10m radius but you didn’t hear that from me
the ghost is also tired at this point 
also bokuto is really fucking scared but decides to end things ONCE and FOR ALL
he stands up from under the desk and just tackles the ghost like a football player
he didn’t think that he’d pass through the ghost
but seeing a buff dude with a scooby doo head is enough to scare mr. blood-dripping-from-the-walls shitless, especially when he fucking passes through him
ghost: *disappears back into the amulet*
you: and you still don’t believe that’s real??? 
tsukki: ghosts aren’t real
you: *ready to throw hands*
you pocket the amulet because you can send it to your enemies 
meanwhile: upstairs
kuroo: man, i’d give anything to be chased by a scooby-doo villain dressed in a suit of armor 
a suit of armor: *starts chasing them*
akaashi, in his best daphne voice: jeepers! we better get out of here! 
kuroo, crying out how perfectly akaashi emulated daphne: let’s split up gang!
they don’t split up tho that would be dumb
*cue classic scooby doo chase scene with the music*
and then as they round a corner they run into you, tsukki, and bokuto fresh from the basement and you all fall into a heap
tsukki: *sees the suit of armor running towards then* ah fuck, what now?
kuroo: laNGUAGE *hands him the swear jar*
akaashi: NOT THE TIME
bokuto stands up and once again tackles the knight and this time he doesn’t pass through
it takes five (5) of you to tie up this one (1) guy 
kuroo: oh my god, i’m ready
you: ready for what?
bokuto: the final unveiling
kuroo: now let’s see who’s behind all this! *rips off the helmet which tears off like a mask don’t ask me why but apparently that happens*
and it’s…Bokuto!!
everyone: *gasps and turns to Bokuto who FINALLY removes the scooby doo mask*
tsukki: *gasp* you’re the creepy british dude who keeps trying to buying our local artifacts to display at The British Museum!
akaashi: neo-imperialism is real
bokuto in the suit of armor: guys help!! he kidnapped me!!
all of you (except tsukki because he’s so done at this point) tackle mr. british villain who you thought was bokuto
finally the right person has been tied up
kuroo: your days of stealing artifacts are over!
british villain (let’s say he looks like jude law or something): and i would have gotten away with it…
kuroo: *grabbing your arm* oh my god! he’s gonna say it! he’s gonna say it!
british villain/jude law: …if it weren’t for you fUCKERS!
*dead silence*
kuroo tries to hand him the swear jar but akaashi puts his hand down
you: can we call the police? 
akaashi: *gags* fuck the police 
you: he’s white, british, and a man. they won’t do anything to him
akaashi: exactly
tsukki: hey, you still have that amulet from earlier, right?
you: the CURSED amulet with the GHOST inside?
akaashi: the what now? 
tsukki: yeah, maybe leave it with this guy? and then he’ll get pranked
at this point you’re too tired to argue with mister ghosts-aren’t-real so you leave the amulet with jude law and the five of you get out of the museum and pile into the mystery machine
akaashi: do you think the party’s still going?
you: we could hang out in mcdonalds again like last year
but otw to mcdonalds kuroo’s phone rings and he picks up
kuroo: hello? b-bokuto?
bokuto, over the phone: guys where are you??? the party started hours ago and my headless scooby-doo onesie is hard to get out of and i need to pee !!
akaashi: but…
you all turn to look at ‘bokuto’ sitting between you and tsukki in the backseat. he removes his mask.
it’s…jude law !! 
*cue ending music*
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Itaru and Yuki with a cosplayer S/O!
A/N: this wasn’t requested but i had to write something to pump myself up;; so here it is 💆‍♀️
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➥ Itaru:
- He’s easily the most excited of the two about your hobby! The minute he finds out you cosplay he’s fallen 4 layers deeper in love with you.
- He’s always wanted to cosplay, but his work and gaming never gave him much time; so when he finds out you do he’s !! ecstatic !!
- Especially when he figures out you cosplay one of his favorite characters, he’s so excited when you show him a picture and he asks you to cosplay it with him asap.
- “It was one of my first cosplays,” you explained it wasn’t the best but he shut you up and kissed you, he’s so excited and proud like you did that? Amazing. Better than the stage play adaptation.
- “It looks amazing, you look just like them too,” he’s gushing about how good it looks- you two end up talking about the details and how you could better it. He’s so excited, he’s pulling up official art and cards he’s got- he’s been waiting for this.
- Would 100% offer to buy you materials, like he’s so supportive of it? And he’s got the money; who are you to say no?
- Please, please offer him to make a couple cosplay he’s too embarrassed to ask but if you do he’s gonna be so excited. Be careful because he may get a bit too into it.
- Like, you know how happy he was with that video game-rpg style play the Spring troupe did? Imagine that but now he’s doing it with you? He’s so happy he’s willing to sew with you :’) He’s ordered everything, wigs and fabric, props and shoes; Sakyo wants to complain but it’s Itaru’s money so he really can’t.
- Once the cosplay is done he’ll be taking pictures of the two of you; he'll make them his home screen.
- Also would drive you to your cons, he wouldn’t complain a bit because he gets to cosplay with you and spend time in a place he likes? Hell fucking yes!
- Doesn’t matter what sort of cosplay you do, if it’s rather short or sexy, or a cute one from a romance shoujo; he’ll support you 100% because it’s your hobby and it makes you happy.
- He will be protective of you and keep you away from creeps~ Might not be very athletic but he’s learned a few good swings from playing Wii Tenis!
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➥ Yuki:
- Another super supportive boy, but unlike Itaru he likes it because of the process of making the cosplay? The whole process of dressing up as a character, the references and new takes you can come up with, not to mention the community surrounding it all!
- He’s surprised by all types of cosplays you do but he’s even more excited when you show him any dress/cutesy cosplay you’ve made/worn. He gets super excited and starts blabbering on and on about the techniques and fabrics, he compares the official art to the finished piece and asks questions and he’s just so happy and he’s enjoying this so much!
- Even if he can’t support you financially like Itaru, he’d offer to help you make the pieces!
- If it’s an anime he’d be willing to have it play in the back while you two sew! Would make comments about other characters and their outfits, he likes seeing how the costumes look in the world they come from too; it’s one thing to see it on you in the real world but it’s different seeing it on the screen.
- Yuki wouldn’t mind cosplaying with you! I think he’d find the experience to be interesting, to work with reference and dress up like a character is cool!
- (Please cosplay a magical girl anime with him, please. For me and you.)
- Whenever he feels like the workload of making costumes for the Mankai company is too much he works with you on your cosplays, it’s different because the costumes for the company have certain limits (budget and practicality for when they’re being used on stage) that working with you and your cosplans don’t.
- “It’s nice to make stuff like this for fun again, you know?”
- Loves going fabric shopping with you, and if you tend to buy your cosplays he’s willing to help you find stuff to stylize it and make it more you. He has a whole box filled with pearls, ribbons, extra lace, etc. just for you.
- He’d let you put makeup on him and practice the different styles you need, he’s not about that whole toxic masculinity. Boys can wear makeup too, bitch. He lives being able to out on your wigs with the makeup, might say he makes a better cosplayer than you as a joke.
- Would go with you to cons, maybe not always in cosplay but he’d still go with you and that’s what matters.
- Gets super protective of you whenever you wear more revealing cosplays; he might not be the most physically intimidating guy but he will chew anyone out if they even look at you and make you uncomfortable.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Black Clover matchup for @nakunakunomi
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Matchup for me :D No gender preferences I am a biromantic ace. 
Your age: 24 
Your general appearance - most striking features, your fashion style, etc.
Answer: Chubby mermaid lol. Long curly hair almost all the way down my back. Red at the moment, but I’ve had all colors of the rainbow. Ears pierced multiple times and a septum ring whenever I leave the house. My general style is comfy alternative, loads of black, boots and ripped jeans but baggy shirts and sweaters. I don’t like drawing much attention to my chest because my boobs are a very prominent feature. Hourglass figure with extra minutes: so there’s boobs and ass but also a tummy and such. I have dimples when I laugh and a whole bunch of moles over my body. I like a killer liner and mascara but don’t necessary wear makeup every day. I like 4 tattoos and waiting for that fifth one. 
Your MBTI, western zodiac chart, etc.
Answer: INFP (mediator), Scorpio sun, Libra moon, Pisces ascending. Year of the rat. I’d say my MBTI type is pretty accurate and while I don’t have many of the bitchy traits often assigned to Scorpios, I do have some of the passion towards things I care about and a generally jealous and stubborn personality. 
Your personality, how you perceive yourself and how people around you perceive you.*
Your hobbies, interests, life goals etc.*
Answer: Stubbornness and some jealousy (that is always internalized) are my worst traits. I lack self-esteem and confidence and get anxious in new situations. Once I am around people I trust I blossom open and become more giggly (lame jokes and such) my humor is about 50% puns and 50% sarcasm. I am quick-witted with ‘mean’ remarks but I will never intend to offend or cause harm to anyone. Tough exterior comes with a soft interior. I tend to overthink and worry a lot and will usually put a friend’s needs above mine. I often have people coming to me for advice or to help them calm down. I will be honest in the softest way possible, even if the things I need to say aren’t necessarily nice. I want my friends to flourish. I get easily distracted by cute things and can really enjoy beautiful sights, nice food, good company… i am heavily introverted but I do need the handful of people I care about to flourish myself.
I accumulate facts and know loads of small things about a lot of things. I like adding in fun facts every now and then but sometimes I come across as a know-it-all and then I will get really self-conscious about it. I either talk up a storm nonstop or turn into myself and get really really quiet. 
Your favorites, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, fears.*
Answer: anything creative: reading and writing, drawing (although I’m terrible at it), pixel art. Singing, making music, playing instruments, DIYing things. I am quite good with makeup and wigs, and I cosplay but the sewing I still struggle with. I love acting and gaming as well although I don’t spend that much time on them.
I am super heavily interested in true crime, cases, and the psychology of murderers and such. I tend to get overexcited talking about such cases, never celebrating violence, but just being very fascinated by what a human brain can do. I also just really love riddles, mysteries, and solving them.
I’d love to become a teacher or a professional dog trainer. I love animals more than I love people and if I could work with dogs every day of my life that’d be amazing. An unrealistic goal would be to sing for a living, or do musicals. But I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen. 
Any additional info you would like to share, fun facts, etc.
Answer: food! Mainly Asian dishes (from all of Asia) and pastas. I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen and trying out new things to taste. I’m vegetarian but not vegan and I will try everything that’s not meat or fish at least once! I love all kinds of animals, not only your average pets. I will also go pet the cows, and in the zoo you’ll have to drag me away by my ankles from the reptilians and the aquarium. I am fascinated by them and I love them. I love plants and flowers, and if you’d let me be, Id have a small jungle in my house with all kinds of plants and animals. I just love taking care of them, talking to them…
I dislike arrogant people, people who are rude against serving staff. I dislike impoliteness and laziness in the sense that other people are suffering from your lack of work. If I am in a group project I will never procrastinate because it can drag the whole group down, it’s okay to be lazy if it only impacts yourself.
I am afraid of loneliness and the fact that everyone I know just pretends to like me while talking behind my back and secretly hating me. I am not easily startled by monsters, animals, and such, but I do get a little paranoid if I have to walk in the street in the middle of the night. (a side effect from the true-crime consumption) 
Answer: I think I added most things in the other walls of text (sorry they are so long). But when it comes to relationship and goals around that there are these things that I think are most important: 
Love language is mostly quality time and words of affirmation, and that’s what I like too, as well as soft PDA and affections: cuddles, kisses, hand holding… I like spending time together, and even more so I like actually doing things together: sharing hobbies, going out, dates, dinners, walks, adventures, travels… all the things! :hellmo: 
Patience, because I have some anxiety issues as well as fear of commitment. I will definitely need some reassurance. Also consent is the sexiest thing in the world, and that’s coming from an ace person.
Honesty, liars are out. I have a lot of trouble trusting again once there has been a breach of trust. White lies for surprises and such is one thing, but any intentional lying in order to avoid confrontation is an absolute dealbreaker. 
I match you with...
Dorothy Unsworth!
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Despite her being asleep a lot of the time, Dorothy notices more than she lets on. She can see straight through the front someone is putting up and see what they are really feeling. This really helps in letting her support you, who is always supporting others. She’ll remind you that sometimes you need to take a break or that you need to focus on yourself instead of others. With her infectious smile and her own absurd sense of humour, she’ll do her best to cheer you up, or at least to distract you from whatever is bothering you.
Dorothy is very patient and has no rush with any relationship. Everything has its own time and waiting for that time to come it part of the fun, right? She’s also very understanding of your anxiety and is able to adjust her energy to the situation, keeping it low when you need comfort and reassurance, and going straight back to high when you’re feeling better and just want to have some fun.
Dorothy may seem very cute and girly, but she is interested in true crime as much as you are. The gruesome details of a case are not wasted on her and she will gladly talk with you about these cases. In her time as a magic knight she has seen her own fair share of true crime as well and she will gladly share anything that’s not confidential or dangerous.
Her love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. Not a day will go by where Dorothy won’t hug you from behind, kiss you between your shoulder blades and tell you she loves you. She loves loving you and making you feel loved. When she’s in love, keeping her lover safe, emotionally and physically, is her number one priority. She won’t give you even a second to doubt her love for you whenever you’re together. She’s very conscious of your boundaries and makes sure to not cross them.
Not a single lie will leave her mouth, unless as a joke, which will be very clear when she tells it. She is a knight, an enforcer of justice and peace, and lies are not in her book. Teasing, however, very much is, though she prefers to tease you with truths instead of with jokes. If there’s truth to the teasing, it’s just that much more effective.
You want this small strong captain to be putty in your hands? Cook for her, or cook with her. Dorothy greatly enjoys the good things in life and food is definitely on her list of good things. Her preference is mostly sweets, but she knows she needs to eat healthy food as well and she’s not picky when it comes to her dinner. The only need she has is that it tastes good, and that’s something you with your amazing culinary skills can definitely provide!
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