#i normally feel so embarrassed about sharing my music taste
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
10 & 20 for the spotify asks!
10- shuffle your daily mix 2 and tell us what song comes up and your favorite lyric!
okay so this is actually my daily mix 1 bc i didn't know any of the songs on the daily mix 2 lmao
Lords of the Sea- Galavant "we're the lord's of the sea (with quotes around the word "sea") we're the lords of the sea (except for the part with the sea)"
i haven't listened to the galavant soundtrack in so long and now i wanna listen to it all again it's so ridiculous i love it
20- show us a screenshot of your spotify app right when you open
is it any surprise that 4 of my 6 most recent playlists are stargate related 😂
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
First Time...
filthy filthy filthy thoughts i can't get out of my head so here they are
🥀Cw: smut, dom!lute, fem!reader, praise, oral sex, body worship, scissoring, established relationship
🥀Pairing(s): Lute x fem!reader
🥀minors dni
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"lute..." you gasped as your back hit the wall, her athletic stature pinning you. you can still hear the party music humming in the background as lute held you against the wall of your shared bedroom. throughout the entire party you had both hosted you'd been forced to be separate from eachother as you dealt with guests. lingering touches and meaningful looks were all you had seen of your girlfriend all night, yet it seemed the tension had come to boiling point.
you're face flushes as your eyes met her amber ones, she was so close you could feel the heat from her body enveloping you. a soft, electric tug in your core ignites like a flame as lute took another step forward. "are you sure..." you whisper, careful not to break the boiling tension between you two. "i've never been with a woman before, i'm probably not very good...." lute scoffed, leaning in so tantalizingly close. your eyes trailed down to her soft lips, mesmerized by the smooth planes of her pale face. her brow quirks in amusement when she notices you staring and you can feel even more heat travel to your face. lute leans in, so close that you can feel her breath tickle your neck. she's electric, practically humming with lust and tension.
you can feel your own arousal soaking your panties, and while you would normally be embarrassed about getting so aroused from such simple movements, this was no normal situation. lute whispers in your ear, each syllable so seductive and sinful that your stomach tightens. "you truly think i care about that, doll?" lute purrs, her hands slowly coming to rest on your hips. "unless you don't want too..." her tone is sultry, almost pleading as she looks into your eyes for confirmation. your throat seems to clamp up, your senses buzzing with her scent, her touch, fuck, you could barely imagine how she would taste.
"lute... kiss me, please," you plead, grabbing her collar and pulling her impossibly closer. her body flushes against yours and your chests collide as her knee slips between your legs. you let out a small whine as your sensitive breasts rub against hers, and she smirks. lute's kisses are like a storm, wild and wonderful and seductive in an alluring of lust and emotion. her hand travels up from your hips to hold your face as her plush lips capture yours, her tongue slipping into your mouth as you gasp.
"you're so beautiful," lute murmurs, her soft lips swallowing yours while she held your jaw in a firm grip. her thigh presses against the aching heat between your legs and you grind down instinctively as lust blurs your senses. a strained moan slips past your lips and lute gives your hips an appreciative squeeze while her skilled tongue explored your mouth. lute had kissed you before, she had memorized everything about you and every way to pleasure you, and was sure that you weren't a virgin. yet, you were so tentative about not being able to please her. she intended on showing you just how much she truly desired you.
suddenly, lute pulls away, a warmth flushing her cheeks as she admires you. her gaze pauses on your kiss-bruised lips, and then travels to your flushed cheeks and needy expression. "how the tables have turned," you chuckle, and she rolls her eyes affectionately. "bed?" the question is seemingly simple, yet you know she's offering you another way out. you could refuse, you could always deny her, and yet why would you? throughout your entire relationship, she always gave you the opportunity to say "no", from your first kiss to now, your first time. the act of respect only made you want to say yes even more. "bed," you agree, and she smirks. "thats my girl". like an animal unleashed, her lips capture yours again, yet this time she holds less restraint. one of lute's hands tangles in your hair, the other groping your ass as she pulls you over to the bed. a stifled whimper is swallowed by her lips when you both crash onto the mattress, your kiss a heated mess of teeth and tongue as she easily dominates you. lute moves to straddle you, her thighs caging you in as one of her hands cups your cheek. she doesn't pull away from the kiss as she slowly begins to toy with the hem of your shirt.
"can i take this off?" lute rasps, her lips just barely ghosting yours as a thin trail of spit connects you both. you nod eagerly, too needy for words as she peels your top off of you. a few beats of silence follow as lute stares at you in shock, and now it's your turn to smirk. "do you like it? i picked it out just for you. don't think you're the only one who was looking for something more tonight..." lute stares at the lacy lingerie, mesmerized by the way your breasts almsot spilled out of the thin white fabric. you looked like a goddess, and the erotic clothing accentuated your features and left little to the imagination. "i fucking love it," she groans, tugging down your waistline to reveal a matching set of lacy panties. "fuck", she cursed, her hands ghosting over your sides, unsure of where to touch first. "you're so gorgeous baby. so good f'me". lute's hands settle on your hips, rubbing soothing circles onto your flushed skin, slow and teasing as she kisses you again.
her lips trail down to your jaw, peppering your face with kisses as she moves towards your neck. you gasp as her lips graze over a sensitive spot, and she pauses, her warm breath against your neck was downright intoxicating. the sensation made your cunt throb as your thighs squeeze together, longing for stimulation. lute continues her assault on your neck, sucking a deep hickey just below your pulse point. you whine, throwing your head back to give her better access. she continues down to your collarbone, sucking another hickey, this one rougher and darker. you gasp, squirming slightly while she presses a gentle kiss over the forming bruise. her lips trail even lower between the valley of your breasts, and she nips at the soft flesh. you whimper as her hands trail up your sides, coming to rest over your tits as she gently gropes the sensitive skin. she pinches your hardened nipple through the fabric and you mewl, your back arching off the bed. with a skillful hand, lute reaches behind your back and unclips your bra, removing it in seconds as you squirm beneath her.
"fuck, thats so hot," you whine as she tosses your bra aside. lute doesn't reply, letting her actions speak for themselves. she nips at your soft skin, her mouth latching onto your nipple and sucking while her free hand plays with your other breast. her teeth graze the sensitive bud, her tongue swirling over your chest as you writhe from pleasure. she continues to grope at the other breast, giving it equal attention as she pinches your hardened nipple. the ache in your cunt was growing unbearable as you struggled to keep your composure, but you couldn't help but buck your hips up against hers. your thighs were clenching as your clit throbbed, desperate for any attention, yet it wasn't enough. "lute.." you whisper her name, gently pulling her head away from your chest. "please... i need you.." lute's eyes meet yours, her gaze electric and exhilarating. "aw, my angel needs me? what do you need baby?" you pout, embarrassment preventing you from saying what you wish. lute crawls up higher, her hips dragging over yours and making you gasp from the friction. with two fingers she grabs your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. "use your words, baby". you're cheeks flush at her commanding tone, and you whisper, "i want you to touch me."
"i'm already touching you baby, you're gonna have to be more specific," lute teases, her eyes dark with lust. you pout, whining as she holds you still. "you- you know what i mean!" you whimper, nearly begging her to touch you. lute chuckles and you sigh, her gaze dropping down to admire your body as she lets go of your face. "why don't you show me, hmm baby? just take my hand an' show me where," she cooed, using a childish tone as your cheeks heat. slowly, you grab her hand, trailing it lower down your body to your aching core. lute follows the movement carefully, her sharp eyes admiring every inch of your body. your underwear is soaked, and the sheer fabric gives lute a perfect view of your pussy. "you want me to touch you here?" lute meets your gaze, her long, thin fingers rubbing ever so slightly over the soaked fabric. you nod fervently, the slight stimulation making your hips buck. "stay still," she commands, her eyes not leaving yours for a second, "or i'll stop". you immediately freeze, holding your breath as she slides down to lay between your legs.
lute spreads your thighs, admiring your glistening heat through your pretty lacy panties. you can feel her breath against your inner thigh as she just stares intently. its a battle of wits, who will give in to their desires first. you tremble as her hand makes its way up your thigh, reaching your aching cunt. "you want me t' touch this pretty pussy?" lute coos, toying with you as she tugged the hem of your panties down. "yes lute- f-fuck-" you moan softly as the cold air meets your aching heat, and lute runs a finger over your folds. she trails up to your clit, slowly circling over your pearl as she played with your drooly pussy with her other hand. she spread your glistening folds, watching your cunt flutter with each circle over your clit. leaning in, she licked a stripe up your soaked cunt, and your whole body shudders at her skill. "you taste wonderful..." she purrs, her stare bearing into your soaking heat with a carnal desire. "i could just devour you."
you whimper, thighs already trembling as you struggle to stay still. your mind is fuzzy with lust, and lute teases your entrance with a finger. you were already so wet, you didn't know if you could take much more. lute's finger slips inside your heat and you gasp, the stimulation making you squirm slightly. lute pauses, letting you adjust to the slight stretch before curling her finger, watching your expression intently as she continues to play with you. soon she adds in a second finger, giving you a few seconds of preparation before she begins to curl her fingers and reach that sweet spot inside you. her other hand moves to circle your clit, your gushing pussy soaking her fingers as your thighs quiver.
"fuck babe, you're so wet," she mumbles, leaning into clean up some of the mess. her fingers thrust into your cunt as soft, sloppy noises fill the room. lute leans in to suck on your puffy clit, her tongue swirling over the needy bud as you writhe from pleasure. you can already feel the coil in your abdomen tightening as your orgasm build, and your eyes roll back as she slips in a third finger. "ff-fuck-ngh- lute 'm gonna-" your thighs clamp down around her head and she uses her free hand to spread them again.
"c'mon baby, you can cum," she whispers against your pussy, her nose nudging your clit as she licks your folds sloppily. her fingers curl deeper inside your gummy walls and your mouth opens in a silent scream as a wave of euphoria washes over you. all you can do is babble her name in between broken moans as your mind goes blissfully blank, and lute continues fucking you through your high. "thats my girl, you're doing so good f'me, c'mon," she whispers, rubbing your shaky inner thigh as you tremble and keen from pleasure. your drooly pussy gushes, squirting over your lover's face as she laps up your slick. slowly you begin to calm down, gasping for breath as lute continues to gently lick and suck at your clit. looking down at her soaked face and your dripping thighs, your eyes widen at the realization. "i didn't know you were a squirter," lute teased, licking your juices of her lips. "fuck, thats so hot", you whine, turning away as she chuckles again. "c'mon baby, lets get you all cleaned up," she coos, rising out of the bed to presumably get something to start cleaning.
"what about you?" you ask, and she turns to you. "don't worry about me darling, i'll survive," she chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "your pleasure is enough for me". you pout, dissatisfied with her answer. "what kind of girlfriend would i be if you didn't even come on out first time together? 'm not tired, i can take another round," you plead, and lute's mouth twitches. "are you sure?" her eyes are wide with list, yet you can tell she's holding back, for your sake. you nod eagerly, pulling her onto the bed. you trail your hands over her wings, making her shudder as you tug on the hem of her shirt.
"may i?" lute nods, and you toss the shirt to the side. shes wearing a plain sports bra, and the top of her boxers are visible under her pants. "you're so hot" you repeat for what must bw the umpteenth time that night. you marvel at her sculpted figure, and trail your hands down her sculpted abs to her waistline. "go on," she mutters, and you giggle at her eagerness. "patience is a virtue~" you reply snarkily. you make quick work of her undergarments and bra, until your both completely bare. you can already feel wetness forming between your thighs, and from the way lute is squirming, she isn't as satisfied as she claims. you grab her smaller waist, moving her to straddle you again. her legs slot in perfectly over yours and her glossy pussy grinds against you. a soft whine slipspast her lips and you shudder at the friction.
"c'mon," you whisper, grinding upwards against her cunt. "jus' like that," your voice slurs, the soft, sloppy sounds of both of your cunts grinding together fills the room as lute clingw to you. her hips jerk with each thrust, her clit rubbing against yours as she whimpered. "f-fuck-" she gasps, hands grabbing your hips to steady herself. "fuck, 'm already close," she hisses, and you nod, too breathless for words. her needy cunt pulses, her puffy clit grinding against yours which each grind as her movements become more sporadic. you have a perfect view of her tits, watching as they bounce in time with each roll of her hips. you can feel your release building in your stomach, and lute pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. her tongue slides into your mouth with ease as she continues grinding against you, her folds fluttering as your slick mixes together.
"m' gonna-" she whines, tucking her head into the crook of your neck as her cunt spasms and she shudders. "me too baby," you gasp, rutting up against her a fee more times before your orgasm washes over you. a wave of pure euphoria swallows you up, engulfing you in a torrent of pleasure as you come fast and hard. lute moans into your ear, panting and gasping for breathas she collapses against you. you fall back against the bed, your legs tangled up with hers as you gently run your hands over her wings and back as she calms down. she nuzzles into the crook of your neck as you wrap your arms around her while you lay on your back.
"you okay?" you whisper, and she nods, pressing a kiss to your neck. "yea, fuck that was good," she mumbles, lazily tracing a finger up and down your arm. you giggle, lost in your pre-orgasmic daze and she joins you, soft laughter filling the silent room. "whats so funny?" she asks, her eyes crinkling into a soft smile as she turns to look at you. her hair is tussled, her cheeks flushed, and her lips swollen and pink. in your eyes, she's never looked more beautiful. "nothing," you whisper, leaning in to kiss her again. "i'm just so lucky to have you." lute sighs, pressing her forehead against yours, cherishing the moment together. "me too," she whispers, followed by a beat of silence. with a sigh, she moves to get up, yet you pull her back down. "five more minutes?" you whisper, and she sighs. how could she ever deny you? she curls back into your embrace, knowing damn well you both won't be getting up until tomorrow morning.
yes i just wrote 2812 words of pure lesbian smut what about it 😇
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lacroixwh0r3 · 1 year
The First Taste (p.2)
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DBF!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Summary: It's the second day at the lake and you meet some people that live in the neighborhood.
Warnings: SMUT!!! DUB CON (sorta? Just gonna leave it to be safe), heavy sexual tension, pet names, age gap (Joel is 36 and reader is 21), masturbation (F and M), voyeurism, daddy kink, dom!Joel, Joel is a perv and an asshole, cursing, Bill, Frank, and Tess appearance, use of Y/N (1x), jealousy, degradation, no outbreak
Song inspo (feel free to read if you want): Skin by Mac Miller
A/N: I am sooo sorry for taking so long with this one, life has been crazy and weird, but I already have plans for the next part hehe. Also, this is probably all over the place...I wrote some parts of this high lol
Please share, comment, like, and reblog...enjoy my pookies!<3
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Trying to act normal around Joel was a bit of a struggle for you.
It was the second day of the trip and he was completely normal during breakfast—he laughed and joked with everyone, seeming a little more lively than the day before. It didn't seem like he had seen or heard anything last night. And if he did, he was being very closed—lipped about the whole thing, which you were grateful about that because you'd probably die from embarrassment.
Sarah had done the honors of waking up early and making breakfast this morning, which consisted of pancakes and eggs. It was something simple and everyone enjoyed it, meanwhile, you could hardly touch your plate. Not because the food wasn't good, but because you were too occupied with staring at Sarah's dad, the man you had fantasized about the night before. It seemed that no one was even paying attention so you assumed that no one would notice your lingering eyes.
Unbeknownst to you, Maria had quickly caught onto your crush on the older Miller brother, yet she never said anything. Not even to Tommy, her husband. She sat there quietly as she watched you watching him. She really thought nothing of it other than a simple crush and from what she could tell from Joel's stoic attitude, the feelings were not mutual. However, Maria didn't know that Joel was beginning to grow a desire for you—he could hide it better than you.
You were glad that Sarah has been too busy typing away on her phone to even pay attention.
“Y’all had fun last night?” Joel asked as he peered over at the three that went out last night, but mainly looking over at Maria. 
Joel was interested in their night, but he also knew how Tommy was after a few drinks. After Tommy and Maria had gotten married, it was obvious that he matured, but he still had his moments.
“It was lots of fun—there was good live music and good drinks there,” Maria said to him as the other two just nodded their heads in agreement.
"We actually ran into Bill and Frank while we were there, they were with a friend...what was her name again?" Tommy asked as he tried to recall the unknown woman's name.
Joel didn't know much about Bill and Frank outside of the fact that they were married and lived next door. During the very brief encounter with the two yesterday, he could tell that Frank was the outgoing one out of the two and Bill was more reserved and not too keen on strangers—Joel didn't blame him, he was the same way too.
"Her name was Tess." Your father reminded Tommy as he took a quick sip of his coffee.
"Right, it was Tess!" Tommy said before speaking up again, "I think you'd like her, Joel...she's your type." he said slowly to his older brother.
This instantly piqued everyone's interest—Sarah's head had snapped up from her phone, while your eyebrows raised with surprise. Joel didn't need any convincing because he instantly shook his head after Tommy said that, letting him know that he wasn't interested.
"Oh come on, Dad!"
"You can't be serious."
With these responses from Sarah, your dad, and Tommy at the same, Joel scowled at them. Meanwhile, you just sat there silently as you picked at the food on your plate with your fork. For some reason, you were happy that Joel had turned down Tommy's suggestion.
"Tommy is right, Joel, I think you and her would get along well and she's beautiful," Maria shrugged at Joel. "You should meet her and get to know her first."
He hadn't dated in a very long time and hadn't been interested in dating either. He decided that he would agree to get everyone off his back
"Fine, I'll meet her," Joel said as he put his head down and looked up at you. From the corner of Joel's eyes, he can see his daughter and Tommy high-five each other from across the table, while you looked at him with an unreadable expression.
You didn't think that he would agree that easily, but it didn't matter. You couldn't get jealous over someone who isn't yours.
"Great! Tommy and I will go over there to invite them over for this evening and we'll be sure to tell them to invite Tess," Maria winks at Joel.
Before Joel could respond, he was interrupted by Sarah's phone. it began to blow up with messages by the second. Sorry—she said as tried to silence it until eventually, the person called her, making her answer the phone before telling the person on the other line to hold on. Joel was about to scold her until she cut him off, "I gotta take this, I'll be right back. Girl problems!" she tells him with a sheepish expression as she hopped off her chair and started to loudly to talk to the person on the phone as she walked up the stairs to her room.
You all heard her yell into the phone to her friend about some boy before her words became intelligible. You stifled your laugh as you watched the look of defeat washed over Joel's face and he shook his head.
"That girl," Joel whispered, making everyone at the table laugh a bit. When he heard you laugh, he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow, and you did the same.
The split moment between the two of you was briskly intervened by your dad.
"What did you two get into last night?"
You were about to make up some bullshit lie about what you had done last night before you stopped yourself and began to internally freak out because you remembered that Joel caught you smoking weed yesterday and he could easily tell your dad right now if he wanted to. You looked over at Joel with silent pleading eyes not to tell your dad what he saw, but he just looked at you with a blank stare as he proceeded to answer your dad's question.
"Nothing really, I think this one found out there's a balcony connected to her room, you should ask her about it," Joel said before finishing the rest of his food on his plate as he looked over at you. You felt everyone turn their attention to you, making you feel like your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest after Joel said that.
"Oh yeah? How was it, honey?" Your dad asked.
You felt like you had the words guilty written across your forehead, lying was not your strongest suit. You looked around the table and gulped down your spit, noting how amused Joel looked as he watched you become a nervous wreck.
You realized how insane you must've looked at that moment and cleared your throat before speaking up, "it was cool," you said in a composed manner.
"It was just 'cool'?" Your dad asked you, confused by your short response.
There you go again, embarrassing yourself in front of Joel.
"I mean the view was really nice from there, I liked it a lot," you shrugged. Your dad let out a hum, letting you know he was a little more satisfied with your response, making you relax. You looked over at Joel to see him looking at you with a discreet smug look on his face.
You had eventually finished their breakfast, to which Joel offered to wash everyone's dishes. Your dad got up from the table with a groan as he grumbled about going to the couch to rest for a bit, while Tommy and Maria headed over to Bill and Frank's house.
You decide to help Joel bring the dishes over to the sink.
"I can help you with that," You tell Joel as placed the mugs down and stood next to him by the sink, grabbing the drying towel that sat on the counter before looking up at him
"I got this, darlin'. You go sit and relax yourself," he said reassured you, yet you made no attempt to move. You shamelessly checked out Joel, watching as he focused on the dish, not even sparing you a glance. He could feel your gaze on him, but he said nothing to you. You peaked down and saw as he gripped the plate with his strong hand as the other rubbed the soap around the plate, the suds were dripping down his wet hand.
You pushed whatever thoughts that were about to appear in your head and looked back up at Joel. "It's fine, Joel. You wash, I'll dry," You tell him. He stops scrubbing before looking back at you, letting out a sigh, and going back to what he was doing.
You said nothing to him as you dried the dishes and Joel said nothing to you as well. There was this weird, awkward tension that lingered between you two. You got a feeling that Joel wanted to say something, he was just waiting on the right time to say it. You decided to break the silence first.
"Thanks for-um-for not saying anything to my dad, by the way,"
"That was nothing, sweetheart. Didn't wanna get you in trouble," was all he said. You weren't sure what to say after that so it went back to being silent.
Joel rinsed off the plate then passed it to you before clearing his throat and speaking up. "So, uh, how'd you sleep last night?" He asked you lowly and passed the plate to you. As you open your mouth to respond and go to reach for the plate, your body stills and your words get stuck in your throat. You had registered what he had said to you.
He was so casual with his words; to anyone else in this house, it didn't seem like anything, it was just Joel asking about you. However, you both knew there was a deeper meaning.
Joel new favorite thing was making you flustered-saying things to you that would catch you off guard and just leaving you hanging. He absolutely loved it.
"Oh come one, sweetheart, I asked you a question. It would be rude not to answer me," he said teasingly as he pushed the plate toward you some more so that you could take it.
You slowly reach for it as you watched him from the corner of your eyes, afraid to even turn your head to him. "I-I slept pretty well. Wha-what about you?" You asked him. You were nervous as hell and you could feel your hands shaking, so you decided to start drying the wet plate in your hand to cover it up.
"Me too, sweetheart," he said to you. You thought that was going to be the end of that conversation, but no, he kept going. "You know what though?" He asked you before turning to face you, got close, and bent his head down slightly to catch your eyes, but never did because your eyes were laser-focused on the now dry plate in your hand. You could feel his warm body close to yours.
"I was sitting on that balcony last night and heard some strange noises comin' from your room, had t'make sure you were alright before I went to bed." He said as he began to speak you again, "but I'm sure you were too busy to notice, right, darlin'?"
Kill me, you thought to yourself, just fucking kill me.
He was right, you were too busy too notice, but you refused to admit that to Joel. Just as you were about to lie to him again, you think back to the night before when he had called you out on lying to him about smoking.
You sat the plate down with the other plates and looked up at Joel, "I don't know what you're talking about," you say innocently as you turn your head to look at him and gave a tight, faux smile, which he returned as well.
This motherfucker.
"Mmm, I'm sure you don't, sweetheart." He says before the phony smile dropped from his face as he got closer to you. Your eyes flicker over to where your dad was sitting, making sure that he didn't see what was going on, before going back to Joel's dark ones.
"But I know what I saw when I looked in that room. I saw the way you fingering that wet cunt, moaning my name," he whispered to you menacingly. You suddenly feel his damp finger gliding across the back of your arm, causing goosebumps to spread around your body. You tried to move put some distance between the two of you, but he followed. "Cummin' all over those fingers while you thought of me."
There is no way your dad's friend is admitting that he watched you finger fuck yourself, while you moaned his name at that. It didn't feel real to you.
You had yet to say anything back to Joel, so he kept going. "Made me cum so hard in my hand. I couldn't help myself, you looked so perfect touching yourself." Instantly, you gasped loudly before looking over at your dad again, and luckily he wasn't paying a lick of attention. The sound of the running water must've covered it up.
Joel's confession should've disgusted you, but it didn't—in fact, it turned you on a lot. Some sick part of you liked that he jerked off while watching you.
Finally, you had gotten the courage to speak up. "You're a sick fucking bastard, Joel," you told him as you push his arm from you and your face scrunched with false disgust. "A sick pervert," You spit out at him as you turn your body to him and point close to his face.
You refused to feed his ego, which was already inflated.
Your words did nothing to him, not even a little bit. "Oh, honey..." he said as his large hand rested on your lower back, "You were the one moanin' my name last night, but I'm the pervert? Now that ain't fair," Joel smirked.
You scoff before you speak again. "Get your hands off me now before I tell my dad."
Instead of letting you go, Joel pulls you into his body, making your hands come up to his chest so you can push away. Still, he didn't budge and kept pulling you closer to the point you could feel the hardness of his cock against your stomach.
What a sick man he is.
"Do it, baby, and I'll tell 'em all about what I saw and heard last night," he says as his hand drifts down to get a quick squeeze of your ass.
"You liked thinkin' about me fuckin' you? Makin' you squirm while you cum all over my fat cock." He whispered. You saw how Joel's eyes darkened with desire as he said this. Truthfully, it was giving you a strong indescribable feeling deep down in your stomach, reaching your core.
For a brief moment, the disgusted expression on your face faltered, your eyes had batted open and shut, and you let out a shaky sigh as you looked up at Joel—hopeful that he hadn't seen your quick moment of weakness. Except, he did. You looked back up at him only to see him deeply observing your face with a small smirk on his face as if he had just accomplished something great.
"You liked that?" He asked you cockily with his hand still resting on your ass. You just rolled your eyes at him as you tried to push yourself away from him a second time. "You like it when I talk to you like that?"
You didn't even have to answer him because he already knew the answer.
"You need to let me go before someone catches us, Joel," You tried to change the subject, but this only made his smirk bigger.
"Aw come on, sweetheart, no one is gonna see us," Joel insisted before looking over at your dad. "They're all doin' their own thing
His actions after this had caught you off guard.
You can feel his big hand trail up your body, while his other one still rested on your ass to keep you close to him; going from the back of your waist to the front and going up to your breasts, giving them a quick, firm squeeze as he cupped them over your shirt. You whimpered as you looked down at the sight between you and looked back up at him.
Joel's hand moved up again, but this time he wrapped his fingers around your neck. He loved the softness of your neck against his rough calloused hand.
His long fingers flexed around your neck, growing firmer as he held your face up at an angle just under your jaw as he bent down. "Or I can take you upstairs if you want..." Joel's grip tightened some more. "Make sure to take my time with you, darlin'," He said as your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head. Not because of his hand around your throat—Joel made sure he wasn't choking you to death, but because of his words.
Joel had this seductive nature about him and it was obvious that he knew how to use it to his full advantage. He could probably get you to do anything he wanted.
Fuck—you couldn't believe that you were actually thinking about saying yes to Joel after the way he spoke to you. But again, there was some sick part of you that got a kick out of the way he spoke to you. You weren't exactly sure what it was about Joel that you allowed him to speak to you this way, but if this were anyone else, you were sure that you would have absolutely freaked out on them.
"Fuck, Joel," you whined as you felt him inhale the scent of your perfume that you spritzed a little below your ear earlier this morning.
"Mmm, you smell so good, baby, just wanna taste you," He murmured, taking in your scent. His mouth was so close to your neck, you wanted him to place his plush lips onto it. You wanted to feel the prickly feeling of his facial hair on your neck while he sucked, licked, and kissed it.
"Sweetheart!" You heard your dad call out, instantly pulling you out of the half-conscious state that Joel had you in. Your eyes shot wide open as quickly pushed Joel away from you, making release your neck and causing him almost fall to the ground as he stumbled back. Shit—he cursed out as he caught himself. You really didn't mean to push him that hard, but you were deathly afraid of your dad catching sight of his closest friend choking his daughter behind his back.
"Uh-yeah? I mean, yes, dad?"" You said as you scrambled to fix your clothes and make yourself seem as normal as possible. The adrenaline rush made you feel like your heart was damn near beating out of your chest and made your hands shake with fear.
"Y'all still ain't done with the dishes yet?" He asked, making you tried to voice out some lame excuse, but was unable to. Instead, all you could do was make these odd sounds.
"Anyway, you don't mind gettin' me a glass of water, do you? This damn headache won't go away," he groaned out. You felt relief at the fact that he couldn't hear the nervousness in your voice.
"N-No, I'll-uh-get it for you in a sec," You told him as you looked over at Joel. He just looked at you with a faint worrisome expression on his face—his breathing was just as hard. You gave him an apologetic look before getting the glass of water for your dad.
You made no attempt to look at Joel as you brushed past him, you were too ashamed to look his way. Your hand was still trembling as you walked over to your dad, who was sprawled out on the couch, and handed him the water.
"Here you go,"
"Thanks, sweetheart!" He gave you a weak smile before downing the water, to which you returned as well. You plopped down next to your dad on the large couch as you heard Joel shut the water off in the kitchen and shuffled his way up the stairs.
You sat there feeling guilty as your dad talked to you about whatever was on his mind.
Even though you and Joel didn't go all the way, it still wasn't right to think of him in that way or allow him to do those things to you. You decided that you were going to stop thinking about joel for good.
Bill and Frank were great, though Frank was a little more lively. The moment you greeted them Frank gave you a quick side hug with a bright smile on his face, which caught you be surprise, and Bill just stood awkwardly next his husband as he introduced himself to everyone.
And then there was Tess.
You along with Sarah watched the painful sight in front of you as her and Joel introduced themselves to each other. You tried not to listen to their conversation, but you were curious and you couldn't help it. They barely speaking a word to each other besides saying their names and where they were from, which made you a little happy because it meant Joel wasn't interested.
Thank god.
"Well, that was a fail," you heard Sarah say not-so quietly, making you let out a chuckle.
Then Tess came over to us, making you both straighten up. From the moment you met her, she was nothing but nice to you and Sarah. She introduced herself to the two of you, smiled, and shook your hands.
"I'm Sarah, Joel's daughter," Sarah beamed at her.
"It's nice to meet you, Sarah," Tess smiled warmly at the young girl before turning to you, "And what's your name, sweetheart?" She asked. Her calling you sweetheart caught you by surprise honestly.
"Oh, i'm Y/N...that man right there is my dad," you said as you pointed to your father who was a little behind Tess, making her laugh a bit.
"Well, it's lovely meeting you as well." She softly stroked your arm, causing you to tremble with nervousness. Just as she finished her sentence, your dad and Tommy suggested that all the older adults go and hang out in the back while there was still light, to which they all agreed.
"Hopefully I'll catch up with you girls later?" she asked. Sarah and you just nodded your head before she gave the two of you one last smile before walking to the back.
That was weird, you thought for a moment.
"Tess seems nice," you said now that the house was completely silent, making Sarah nod her head in agreement.
"Yeah, she did, too bad my dad didn't seem interested in her," she shook her head, "anyway, what do you wanna do now that it's just us?"
"Mmm," You tried to think about what you could do with her, "I think Maria has some cookie dough in the fridge, you wanna bake cookies and play card games?" You asked the young girl.
The two of you walked to the kitchen—you grabbed the cookie dough from the fridge and the baking sheet from the bottom cabinet. "You mind preheating the oven?"
Sarah walked over to the oven before staring at it, confused on how to use it. "Um, I think you're gonna have to do it. I'm not sure how to even work this thing," she turned to you.
You let out a giggle as you go to preheat the oven. After you did that, you stood next to Sarah as you both began to place cookies onto the baking sheet.
"You know we're gonna have to make a lot, right?" Sarah giggles out.
"And why is that?"
"My dad is obsessed with chocolate chip cookies," She confessed to you, "he'd probably eat them all if you let him."
This made you laugh.
Joel Miller liking chocolate chip cookies came to somewhat as a surprise to you. He didn't seem like the type to enjoy sweets, but according to his daughter he did and you found it cute.
Once you two had finished putting the last pieces of cookie dough on the sheet, you picked it up and went to open the oven. "Can you put on a time for 15 minutes, please?" You asked her as you place them into the oven.
"Sure," Sarah then began the timer for the cookies right as you closed the oven.
"So what was up with that phone call you got earlier? Sounded pretty serious," you asked her as you sat down at the island next to her.
Sarah lets out a loud sigh before talking, "where do I even start," she groaned. She began to tell you all about the drama amongst her friend group—supposedly, her best friend, Lillian, got with their ex-best friend's current boyfriend and now it's a whole situation. Sometimes you would ask a question or even give your two cents about the situation.
"And you wanna know the kicker to all this? Him and Lillian used to date last year and our ex-best friend got with him while they were dating, so we kicked her out the friend group," Sarah tells you. As soon as you let out a dramatic gasp, the alarm for the fifteen minutes had went off.
You got up and went to the oven, "wait, why would Lillian get back with him again? That doesn't seem smart," You say as you grab the mits from the countertop and took the cookies out the oven.
"I don't know," Sarah sighs out, you couldn't help but to laugh at her frustration at the situation.
Teenagers are so funny.
"You guys are crazy," You tell her as you, "You should tell your friend to leave him alone, he seems like bad news,"
"I have, but she doesn't listen," Sarah said in a disappointed tone.
You just shrugged your shoulders, "cookies are done, we just gotta let them cool for a bit,"
Just as you were letting the cookies cool down, Sarah asked you about your high school experience. You began to tell her all about it—your friend group was small and you mostly stayed to yourself throughout the whole time there. You made sure to focus on your school work rather than getting wrapped up in the silly drama or with boys.
Bill walks into the house and asked where the bathroom was, which you point him to the direction where it was and he went on with his business.
A few minutes later, as you and Sarah were munching on the soft chocolate chip cookies, Bill comes back from the bathroom, "It smells delicious in here," he mumbles as he makes his way to the door.
"You can have some if you would like, Bill? We made sure to make enough for everyone," You told him as you give him a small smile.
"I shouldn't," he said reluctantly, but you quickly reassured him that he could have some if he wanted.
"Well if you insist," Bill grabs a napkin before taking two cookies and said a low thanks as he made his way outside with them.
"I bet they're all gonna come in here to get cookies," Sarah laughs as she finished up her cookie.
And she was right.
They all eventually crowded into the kitchen around the island as they devoured the cookies, nearly eating them all. In between their chews, they spoke loudly to each other.
You tried to engage in with conversation with them, but you were too busy watching Joel. You watched as he had his right arm wrapped loosely around his daughter's shoulders while the other one brought cookies up to his mouth—he looked relax right now.
And sexy too.
You didn't see that Tess was next to you until she spoke up.
"Thank you for the cookies by the way, they were really good," She said to you with a kind smile on her face as she looked at you. Her eyes lingered on your face for a little
"Oh-thanks! I-It was nothing really, we were just really bored and needed something to do," You laughed awkwardly, squirming with nervousness. You couldn't even make eye contact with her while speaking to her.
Tess made you feel nervous in ways that you couldn't describe. Not as nervous as Joel makes you, but close.
"No problem, sweetie,"
You were starting to fucking hate this.
Sitting here and pretending to not be affected by watching Joel flirt with the hot, older woman made you want to flip your shit.
You hated to admit it, but your dad and Tommy was right—Tess absolutely was Joel's type. She's hot, smart, a tough woman, yet she was kind, and most importantly, she is close in age to Joel. She was also kind of like the female version of Joel.
At first, there was this awkward tension between Tess and Joel that was almost hilarious to you, but it quickly dissolved as the evening progressed and the drinks began going, making it no longer funny to you.
You had to remind yourself that you decided to back off of Joel that morning, but whatever was happening between the two quickly made you forget about it.
After a little while of being around them in the kitchen after baking the cookies, you sat down on the couch to unwind for a bit. However, that quickly ended when Joel and Tess decided to join on the couch right across from you.
While everyone was still sitting around the kitchen island, listening to music and laughing, you were sipping on your beer and looking at them with no expression on your face.
You didn't even like beer, you just needed something to drink on right now.
Joel was relaxed as he spoke to her, with his muscular thighs spread wide open as he held onto the beer in between them while the other arm rested on the head of the couch. He looked so relaxed and comfortable talking to her.
Sometimes, your eyes would sweep down his body, causing you to catch sight of his pants-covered bulge. You weren't going to lie and say that you weren't looking because you absolutely were.
Next to him was Tess, she sat closely to him with her legs folded up on the couch as she faced Joel, giving him her undivided attention. They both spoke in hushed whispers to each other, occasionally letting out some laughs.
She looked so beautiful as she sat there attentively listening to Joel as she gave him a smirk and flipped her long hair to the side, giving him a view of her neck.
God, you hated how jealous this made you.
And the worst part of this all is that he hadn't given you an ounce of attention since she got here. Ever since the incident in the kitchen this morning, he was distant and didn't pay you any mind—matter-of-fact, Joel just pretended that you didn't exist and that made you even more mad. Whenever you were around, he would avoid eye contact with you.
While you were staring down Joel and Tess, Sarah had suddenly appeared next to you as she plopped down on the seat next to you.
"You alright?" She asked you as you took another sip of your beer. "You look pissed right now."
Was it that obvious? If Sarah can notice the look on your face, that meant so did everyone else.
"Oh, me? I'm good, just some boy problems back at college," You lied to Sarah so she wouldn't know the real reason you looked mad.
Okay—was all she said to you, sounding unconvinced, but didn't push any further.
"My dad and Tess look pretty comfortable now," She leaned over and whispered to you. "Never seen him this way with a woman before,"
Honestly, this didn't seem surprising to you at all.
From the way Joel seemed reluctant to even get to know Tess earlier and the awkwardness when she had gotten here made it very apparent to you. Had you not seen any of this, you would've thought that he was quite the ladies man from the way he spoke to you whenever the two of you were alone.
"Interesting," was all you said as you took a sip of your beer again.
"Anyway, you wanna go to my room and watch a movie?" Sarah asked. "I'm gettin' bored of them already," You laughed and nodded your head in agreement and began to get off the couch, still watching the two across from you. Still, Joel continued to talk to the lady without even spairing you a glance.
You let out a scoff and roll your eyes as you make your way to the steps to go upstairs.
Fuck Joel.
It was getting late and Sarah eventually fell asleep a some time after you started the second movie. She was knocked out cold. You were tired as well, but not fully tired to the point that you were ready for bed—you didn't feel like hanging out with everyone down stairs and you didn't feel like seeing Joel and Tess all over each other either so you decided to go to your room for the night.
Before quietly slipping out of Sarah's room, you made sure to put the blanket over her and turn off the tv. Afterwards you brushed your teeth and changed into your pajamas, which was just a tank top and your underwear, before getting into bed.
For a while, you laid in the dark and scroll through Instagram while you blasting music through your headphones. You were tired, but not fully tired to the point that you were ready for bed—you didn't feel like hanging out with everyone down stairs and you didn't feel like seeing Joel and Tess all over each other either.
You suddenly felt the vibrations of a door slamming shut and heard the muffled sounds as well, making you yank your headphones off. It almost scared you to death.
You waited a moment to hear for any sounds that might follow up after. It was silent for the most part besides the sound of Joel's heavy footsteps next door, he must be getting ready for bed. You also assumed that Bill, Frank, and Tess had went back to their place because you didn't hear the music playing downstairs anymore or the sound of them talking loudly.
You were about to put your headphones back on until you heard Joel start to talk. You thought that he must've been on the phone or talking to himself until you heard the tone of a females voice—it was Tess. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but you hear them talking back and forth to each other.
At this point, you were holding your breath as you tried to eavesdrop, completely interested as to what they were doing in Joel's room together.
Joel must've said something funny to Tess because she laughed fairly loud at whatever he said.
He isn't that funny, you begrudgingly thought to yourself.
One of them flopped down on the bed, causing the bed to creak and the headboard hit against the wall. And because the beds were on the same wall, you could hear almost everything. They continued to talk for a while until it went completely silent and the bed creaked again.
You didn't want to jump to conclusions because you weren't sure what was going on in that room and you and Joel aren't anything so it really shouldn't matter to you. You also felt weird sitting there in the dark, snooping on Joel and Tess so you decided to try and get some sleep.
You readjusted in the bed and closed your eyes—occasionally tossing and turning because it felt like there was a million thoughts going through your mind right now.
Your eyes snapped open when you heard faint sounds of the bed screeching and the headboard thumping against the wall. The sounds were unbroken until Tess lets out a low moan, causing the noise to come to an abrupt stop and Joel shushes her.
He was fucking her and you were hearing it.
Joel says something to her and the noise continues again, this time it was a little fast. Your heart was beating against your chest just as fast, if not faster. The sound of your heart beating almost muted the sounds of Joel and Tess fucking.
Joel's grunts got a little louder as Tess lets out a few fucks here and there along with a couple moans. You listen closely to the plap-plap-plap sound that were smothered by the wall.
There's no way that you were the only one hearing this because they were not quiet.
It probably would've been best if you put your headphones back on, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. There was something about it that made you furious, yet aroused. It shouldn't have, but it did and so much to the point that you felt a throb begin to form at your core.
You needed to relieve the ache somehow and suddenly this bright idea popped into your head. You slipped your underwear off and threw them somewhere off the bed before grabbing a pillow as you get onto your knees on the bed and tucked in the sides a bit, and straddled it.
You began to steadily rocking your hips back and forth, feeling your folds grind against the pillow and the wetness spreading as you became increasingly wet, as you tried to match the pace. Quiet whimpers escaped your mouth though you were trying to stay silent.
You felt like a creep listening to them and you knew you would feel ashamed of your actions later, but right now you didn't care, you just wanted to touch yourself.
At that moment, you thought back to earlier, remembering the way that Joel sat on the couch, sprawled out as he talked to Tess. You imagined him under you, seated the same way while you were on top of him grinding against his hard cock. His warm, rough hands would be gripping at your waist underneath your tank top, as he guided your hips. One of his hands would trail up to your braless breast and cup it while he would thumb at your erect nipple.
You grab onto the headboard, picturing it was his shoulders you were holding onto.
"Feel so good, daddy," You breathed out as if he were actually under you. "Makin' me feel soo good,"
"Atta girl, you like grindin' your pussy against this cock? Huh, baby?" he would ask you before letting out a loud grunt as he tried to hold back from cumming over his stomach and between your thighs.
Goosebumps trailed down your spine as you imagined this and your hips move faster against the pillow, making the headboard hit the wall harder.
"Yes, Joel," you moaned out as if he were actually there, not even realizing how loud you were.
You assumed you weren't being loud at all, but in actuality, you were. Tess and Joel had heard everything from the moment you started. Due to the wall and the fact that you were just so caught up in your own fantasies, you couldn't even hear them talking about you.
"S-she can hear us, Joel," Tess groaned out to Joel, but not once did Joel stop his thrust. He kept going because knowing that you were pleasuring yourself turned him on.
"Yeah? Let her hear," Joel purred as he felt Tess pulse around his cock. His thrust got faster, intensifying the harsh sound of the frame striking against the neighboring wall.
Just on the other side of the wall, you were hunched over listening to them and humping against the poor pillow. "P-Please, daddy, don't stop," You shook your head as you go to grip the pillow under you so you could get more friction. You could feel the sweat dripping down your face from how intense this whole thing was, but you didn't dare to stop.
You were barely listening to Joel and Tess anymore as you were close to your orgasm.
"Don't fuckin' stop," your torso was stiff as you opened your legs wider and pushed your core down on the pillow harder. Your toes wiggled and curled as you were seconds away from cumming. You whimpered Joel mindlessly the closer you got.
You needed this badly, you need him.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cumming," was the last thing you rasped before biting down on your lip. Not once did you stop nor slowed down the thrust of your hips as you shook with pleasure. You kept going as you chased your climax, hardly even breathing.
Right after you, Joel came shortly after.
"Aw, fuck!" he grunted loudly as he held onto Tess' hips. His seed spilling into the condom. Because his thoughts were so hazy at the moment and the only thing he could think of you, he nearly moaned out your name while fucking Tess, but thankfully he stopped himself before it could roll off his tongue.
"Shit, Joel," Tess groaned, cumming around his cock. Joel stayed behind her for a moment, still holding onto her buckling hips.
Eventually, Joel pulls out and collapses next to her before pulling the condom from his cock, tying it, and sat it on the nightstand. Tess does the same. They both say nothing to each other as they lay there.
Joel wondered what you were doing now.
Meanwhile, you were still trying to catch your breath, still holding onto the headboard as you tried to calm yourself.
You heard the talking as they got out the bed and moved around the room to put on their clothes you assumed.
Finally, Joel's door opens and you can hear them walking out of the room and go down stairs.
The front door opens as they quietly exchanged a few words to each other.
Joel eventually shuts the door and makes his way back upstairs. Once again, you could hear his heavy footsteps as he trot up the steps.
You decided that once he goes back in his room, you were going to dash to the bathroom to clean up the mess you made on yourself.
You were about to get out of the bed so you could clean yourself until heard Joel's feet about to shuffle past your door before he stopped right in front of it. You sat down on the middle of the bed, waiting for him to go to his room.
Joel hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should knock on your door, but he decided to do it anyway.
Joel's hard knuckles knocks at your door making your body go stiff. You were going to pull the blanket over your body and answer him, but you decided to pretend to act like you were sleeping.
You thought that this worked until your door suddenly swung open, revealing the large outline of Joel Miller. You scrambled to pull the duvet over the bare bottom-half of your body, hoping that he didn't see anything.
He stood there a moment before speaking up. "You good, sweetheart?" Joel asked you. He obviously knew you were awake.
It took you a few seconds before you replied as you were trying to calm your beating heart after he scared you. "Yeah, i'm fine, Joel," you said, thinking that he would just fuck off and go back to his room, he didn't. Instead, he came fully walked into the room and closed the door behind himself before making his way over to the bed.
"W-What the hell are you doing, Joel?" You asked him, caught off guard that he would just come in here.
Joel was going to speak until he realized something got caught onto his slipper as he approached the edge of your bed, making him suddenly stop and look down. Because it was dark in the room, he could tell what it was, but it was obvious that it was a piece of clothing. He bends down and grabs it, feeling a slight dampness to it before coming back up and holding the material out in front of him.
Joel goes to flick on the lights and your heart flutters when you see what he was holding. You look at Joel with a panic look on your face and see that he had this surprise, yet smug expression on his face.
It was your fucking underwear that you threw off.
"Look what we have here, sweetheart," He says as he walks closer to the bed, making you clutch the duvet closer to your body. "These yours?" He asked you even though he knew the answer.
"Can you put them down, please?" You pleaded with him silently as your face burned with embarrassment. He doesn't answer you, instead he brings the damp fabric up to his nose and inhales your scent, closing his eyes as he took it in. You let out a squeak, surprised that he was doing this.
Again, if this were anyone else you'd probably be creeped out by this, but there was something about Joel that made you want him badly.
"Smells so fuckin' good," he says as he pulled them away from his nose. You just look at him, mouth agape as he opens his eyes, balls up your panties into his hand, and sits on the edge of the bed. As if your grip couldn't get any tighter, you pull at the duvet again, hoping that Joel wasn't seeing anything under it. He immediately noticed you doing this and looked at you curiously with his dark eyes, making you feel nervous.
"What's under the blanket, baby?"Joel asked as he pointed at your lap.
You shook your head and avoided eye contact with him, "please don't make me do this, Joel," you begged him again, but he didn't budge one bit.
"Oh come on. Be a good girl and show me what you're hiding under there," He said sternly. You didn't need much convincing because you quickly gave into his demand. You slowly move the blanket off of you, shaking as the feeling the air hits between your legs.
Joel groans at the sight. "Baby, look at you," his deep southern voice says so softly as he brings his warm on on top of your thigh, making your thighs clench together.
"No no no, you don't close those legs unless I tell you, you understand me?" You nodded your head and let him pull your legs open.
"So beautiful up close," He groans out. His hand moved to the inside of your thigh and slid up, making you whimper. Your core throbbed again, longing for him, but he never did.
"Touch me, daddy, please." You whispered to him, so desperately.
"Mmm, not tonight, baby," He says, while his fingers continued to tease you. "Can you do somethin' for me?" He asked softly.
"Yes, Joel," you said and nodded your head without a second thought, ready to do anything he asked you.
"I want you to show me how you were touchin' yourself when you were listenin' to me and Tess,"
You stilled once he said this, you didn't know that he heard you moaning. "W-what?"
"Don't be so surprised, girl. You weren't bein' very quiet." He teased you before speaking up again. "Now, I want you to show me,"
You sat there for a moment, embarrassed that you were about to do this in front of Joel. You grab the cum-soaked pillow before getting up onto your knees on the bed and stradling it, trying not to look at him.
"Look at me." He orders. You look at him, feeling nervous as he watched you with his intense gaze. "Now, ride the pillow. Slowly."
At first, you were reluctant as you began to slowly grind against the pillow, so embarrassed at the moment that you couldn't even enjoy the pleasure. And the look on Joel's face made you want to die.
He brings his hand onto your thigh making your stop, "Relax yourself," he mutters.
You nod your head before you let out a loud sigh. You try to calm yourself down before you lean forward, making your back arch and held onto the pillow with one hand while the other kept you up.
You began to move your hips, this time feeling a little more comfortable as you did so. You let out a weak whine as the pillow grazed against your wet clit.
"Good, darlin', go a lil faster now,"
You didn't need any convincing with that, you instantly went faster, making the bed frame to knock against the wall.
Joel's cock jumped in his pants as he watched you with greed in his eyes. He wished he could take you right there, make you weep and bite into the pillow as he pounded into your wet pussy.
"Look at ya, humping that pillow like a slut," he groaned, thinking about you riding him the same way. "You like being a slut, don't you?" Joel asked you.
"Mmhmm—I love it so f-fucking much, Joel," You moaned as you convulse on the pillow, nearly cumming.
"P-please—" was all you said. You couldn't even get the words out of your mouth as the the uncontrollable waves of pleasure passed through your body.
"Please what, baby? What do you want?" He pressed for you to continue your sentence.
"Please touch me, I need to feel you right now," You grab Joel's hand from the bed and bring it up to your breast, taking him by surprise.
Such a needy girl, Joel thought as he felt your hard nipples through the cotton. He fumbled and teased at them before pinching your nipple, making you yelp loudly and your back arch more.
"Baby, you gotta be quiet or someone will hear you." He whispered to you, trying to get you to be quiet.
Instead of just being quiet, you shook your stubbornly, closed your eyes in pleasure, and bit your lips, loving the feeling you were experiencing right now.
"I don't give a fuck," You said as you breath out a humorless chuckle, after releasing your lip from your teeth.
The way you were acting right now in front of Joel surprised him a bit—it was different than the way you were this morning, even minutes ago. He didn't mind though, not one bit. Joel actually enjoyed seeing you this way. So wild, allowing your pleasure to take over.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum," You gasped out.
"Yeah? You gonna cum?" Joel teased. Mmhm, you whimpered in response as he releases your breast and starts to move his hand up your shirt, starting from your hips and going up your tank top. He palms your breast again, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin, and flicks your nipple hard.
"Come on, cum for me, sweetheart. I wanna hear you moan for me," He eagerly said as he watched your body tremble, ready to fall apart for him. Your moans got louder and louder before your breathing hitched and got caught in your throat.
You came almost immediately, your body shook and your hand went to your clit as you keep on grinding on the pillow, intensifying your orgasm. "Daddy, oh fuu-shit!" you squeaked.
"Look at you, my pretty, slutty baby. Cummin' so hard f'me," he purred, but you couldn't get out your words. You were so overwhelmed that you nearly fell over as you tried to keep yourself up, but luckily you didn't.
Joel continued to spew out teasing comments as he egged on your climax, until you eventually calmed down a bit. He removed his hand from your shirt as your slumped against the bed with exhaustion.
He let out a chuckle as you face plant into the bed before giving your back some rubs as he tried to calm you down. You were breathing heavy as your body trembled and your hips rolled against the pillow, causing you to let out a dreamy moan.
"Oh darlin', come on, get up so you can lay down right...gonna hurt your back laying like that," Joel said to you softly. You were tired as hell and on the verge of falling asleep right there, so you stayed there for a little before getting up.
Once you did get up, you fell back into the soft pillows with your eyes closed as you felt yourself relax into them.
You can feel as Joel grabbed the pillow from that you humped from between your legs. You thought that he was going to put it to the side or something, but that wasn't the case at all.
"Oh, baby, look at the mess you made," you hear him say, almost moaning. Your eyes shoot open, which you catch him running his finger through your wetness on the pillow, bringing it to his mouth, and licking it off. He groaned the moment it touches his tongue, which made your eyes widen with shock and you let out a gasp.
To Joel, you tasted as good as you smelled and he loved it.
"Joel, why would you do that?" You asked him, shocked that he would do that.
He gives you a wide smirk, making your stomach flutter with butterflies. "Why not, baby? You taste so good."
You say nothing after this, feeling flustered by his actions.
It was quiet between the two of you until you remembered that you didn't have anything on from the waist down.
You were tired, but you gathered the strength to get up from the bed.
"Where you goin', sweet girl?" Joel asked you as you made your way to your bag.
There's that name again. You loved it when he called you that.
"Just grabbin' some shorts," you looked over at Joel as you bent down to grab your shorts and put them on, feeling his eyes on you, watching you so intensely. "I can feel you watching me, Mr. Miller," you tease him.
"Mr. Miller, huh?" You turned around and made your way back to the bed to find Joel still watching you.
You just nodded your head as you plopped down onto the bed a lay down. You pat the spot next to you, trying to get him to lay down next to you, which he obviously got the hint.
"Want me to lay with you, darlin'?" He looked over to you, searching your face for permission.
You quickly nodded your head as you scoot over to make room for Joel, making him crack a small smile on his hard face.
God he looked so handsome when he smiled.
"Alright, baby."
Joel laid on his back on the pillow next to you, making readjust yourself as you snuggled into him with your head and hand resting on his chest. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pressing you closer to his body.
You laid there listening to his steady heart beat, your heavy eyelids almost closed.
You noticed that he had all the chances to touch you, even have sex with you, yet he never did and it made you wonder why.
Before you could stop yourself, you called his name."Joel?"
"Yeah, sweetheart?" He asked
You hesitated before speaking up again, afraid of what you might hear from him, but fuck it.
"Why won't you touch me?" You asked him curiously, the sleep was audible in your voice.
He was quiet for a moment, making your wrench with rejection, until he spoke up. "One day, baby. Just not right now, okay?"
You nodded your head against his chest before answering. "Okay," You said softly, feeling somewhat content with his response, but still feeling a little rejected.
At least he didn't say never, you thought to yourself.
"Good girl, now get some sleep." He said, making you nuzzle into his chest and close your eyes, almost instantly drifting to sleep as you felt his hard body under you.
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amagellaniccloud · 2 months
Giving a Blowjob
Hi, I was feeling very horny so I decided to write something to cope(?) with my horny. Also around ~1450 words.
This post contains sexually explicit content. If you are a Minor please respect this rule and scroll past and DO NOT ENGAGE WITH NSFW POSTS
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, making out, blowjob (obv), Male reader
NSFW under the cut:
It wasn't a good day too say the least, Simon was stressed out all day. One of the majors didn't come in so Simon had to handle his share too. He had also been busy the entire week. All Simon wanted was to go home and and venture into a long slumber where he would never have to worry about his past, present or even the future. He could just exist in an infinitely blissful state. Unfortunately for him, that was just a fantasy waiting to be fulfilled. He was also unsatisfied with his sex-life to say the least. The man hadn't been touched by someone else for months.
He'd be off of work the next two weeks, so he decided maybe it would be nice to meet someone. Normally, due to his intimidating appearance most people just avoid him. Today though, he was desperate, desperate for some form of pleasure. He decided that maybe he could meet someone in a club, hopefully. Truth be told, he had not bought someone a drink or even gone to a club in an embarrassing amount of time.
Simon walked towards a club that was closest to his apartment. He'd decided that even if he couldn't find someone to sleep with, having a few drinks might not suck. As soon as he walked in he was taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere. Outside was a quiet, chilly autumn day but here, were flashing lights of different colors and loud music playing for the people drunkenly dancing on the dancefloor. He did not enjoy this type of environment, but he felt like it was something he had to do, to meet someone.
Simon found himself sitting by the bar and drinking until someone caught his eye, You. You were sitting on bar stool, seemingly by yourself. Maybe you were here for the same reason he was. You looked incredible, the clubs multi-colored light highlighting and accentuating your facial features perfectly. You wore a dark tank top and skinny jeans that hugged your lower half perfectly. You had dark and silky hair that came down to your shoulder.
Simon was infatuated, and decided that he'd shoot his shot. What did he have to lose? Its not like anyone else there had really caught his attention. He decided to buy you a drink.
"Its from that gentleman," the bartender said, pointing at Simon, after pouring you a glass.
You looked back to see a giant 6'4 man, arms covered in tattoos and with very muscular build, looking at you. You decided to drink it, wanting to see where this goes. As you chugged the glass, the man approached you.
"Hey, You here with someone?" He asked, his voice deep and gruff.
"No, but why'd you ask?" You questioned. A stupid question, he was clearly interested but you had to get the conversation somewhere.
"Well, how could I resist after seeing someone like you here. After all, you did accept my drink"
"Guess I can't argue with that" You said with a chuckle
"We can leave this place, go somewhere more private" He said, putting his arm around my waist. He seemed trustworthy, enough. So you decided to go with him.
Simon led you to his car and drove you both to his apartment. His living quarters were nice and clean, everything was neatly organized and put into tidy spaces.
Inside his room the only light source that was on was a lamp on the side of his bed. Before you could get to examine dimly lit room though, he pulled you into a hungry kiss.
You leaned into the kiss and your hands ventured round his face as his did yours. Your tongue got to explore his mouth fully, tasting every inch of it. As the kiss got more heated his movements became more brave, hands slowly inching down your body and stopping at your waist. You broke the kiss to get some air, and Simon took this opportunity to move down to your neck. Sensually, kissing and nibbling on areas that gave you more pleasure. You tilted your head to give him full access to all the sweet spots.
The heated session got you craving for more, you wanted to see what faces he'd make when you'd give him the sweetness he's giving to you, you wanted to hear what sounds would come out of him, you wanted to taste him, all of him.
He quickly took off his shirt and threw it aside, and presented you with his perfectly built body. From his broad shoulders, perfectly chiseled pecs to his abs that lead down to waist.
"On you knees" he said, in his deep voice. The commanding tone sending shivers through your body.
You obliged, sitting down on your knees as he sat on the edge of his bed. You went to unbuckle his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Pulling the zipper down you were met with white cotton underwear over his throbbing bulge, a wet spot had formed in it. You caressed his dick from over this underwear, running you hands over it which led him to groan from the slight stimulation.
Simon's eyes were completely fixated on you, waiting to watch you beautiful face be stuffed full of him. He watched as your hands went to his waistband and pulled down the final piece of garment he was wearing. He shivered slightly at the exposure, as his hard cocked bounced freely in the air when you pulled the the garment to his ankles. You were drooling just at the sight of it. He was big, bigger than you had anticipated. His dick was pale with a swollen pink tip that was oozing out precum, making it drip down his cock.
You adjusted your sitting position, knees sinking into the fluffy dark carpet. You took one of your hands and lightly fisted his length, earning a breathy groan from him. As you moved you hand up and down his length he let out quiet groans from pleasure. You finally opened your mouth and took him in.
At first, you just put your lips around the the throbbing pink tip. Your tongue glazed across it and generously painted the head of cock with you saliva, earning you a delectable moan from Simon. He watched with heavy breaths as you moved your mouth further down his dick. He took note of the lack of gag-reflex as you took him deeper down your throat until your lips reached his base, your nose lightly grazing his trimmed pubic hair. After a few moments, you started to retract, which made Simon moan slightly.
Looking at you here from above, made him go crazy. The image of you sitting in front of him, on your knees while trying your best to swallow his monster of a cock made him shiver and he found it hard to keep his hands under control as you reached his tip again. He wanted to grab your head and slam his dick into your throat and hold you there for as long as his heart desired, but for now, he'll let you do the job.
You moved one of your hands to his base and started to move you head back and forth, making him let out several moans from the stimulation. Your other hand moved to his balls, grabbing them and massaging them. Simon gripped the bedsheets tighter, he threw his head back from pleasure as you hollowed your mouth while taking half of him in. You jerked of the lower half with your other hands making sure to bring him as much pleasure as possible.
You slowly went back to his tip and lightly sucked on it, sensually licking his slit. Simon couldn't hold himself back anymore, he lost control of himself and his mouth uttered words on its own.
"~Yeah that's right, keep going darling~"
"~F-Fuck, good boy~" he complimented as he rubbed the back of your head with his large hands.
Simon began to feel the accumulation of pleasure in his abdomen, and all it took was a slightly aggressive suck from your well trained mouth to push him over the edge and run the waterfall of his seed into your mouth. His hips jolted up slightly, pushing his cum deep down your throat. You sucked on his now softening dick, milking him for all he's got.
Deep pants filled the room as he took a second to catch his breath. After he noticed the growing wetness in your pants and decided that it would only be fair if he returned the favor by bringing you to your own high…
───────────────────── ౨ৎ ────────────────────
Hi so first post lets go ig. Don't really have much to say since nobody is reading this lol.
If you did read this and liked it then tell me and if you didn't then..... also tell me.
also if you wanna request anything for Ghost, feel free. And even if its for Hazbin hotel UWU
Ok bye have a nice day ❤
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bbrissonn · 6 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
☆⋆。°‧★ in which dahlia and will can't stop talking to each other
☆⋆。°‧★ will smith x dahlia monroe
☆⋆。°‧★ wc: 2k
☆⋆。°‧★ au masterlist
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when dahlia got back to her dorm room, she stared down at the new contact in her phone for probably ten minutes wondering if she should text the blond boy or not. she wanted to, she really did, but she just did not what to say. she choose to just wait for the boy to text first, after all he was the one with her number written on his hand.
dahlia went on with her night, doing her skincare routine as she listen to her music, trying her hardest not to constantly look at her phone to see if he had texted. 'his phone his dead' she kept reminding herself when the only message she got was from violette wishing her a good night.
it wasn't until she girl was about to go to sleep that the boy messaged her. it was just a simple hey :) yet the girl found herself kicking her feet slightly as his notification popped up. if violette were here right now, she would probably die of laughter at the smile plastered on her best friend's face.
hi (:
thanks again for helping me
no worries
honestly it was a little
embarrassing watching you
spin around in circles
i had to do something
im wounded lia
you get hit by grown men
and your ok
but a little teasing
and your hurt??
you're softer than i
thought smith
oh so yk my last name
wonder how that it
good night.
good night :)
it was safe to say that the girl fell asleep with a wide grin as her mind played her encounter with the boy over and over again.
the next day, dahlia found herself sitting in the same exact spot for the third time now. violette was next to her again, but this time her boyfriend was with them. dahlia did not know him very well, but she knew he was treating her best friend perfectly and that's all the mattered to her.
"something weird is going." violette mumbled to her boyfriend, alex, as she watched her best friend share a small wave with the blond freshmen.
the two had spent pretty much the whole day texting one another, beginning with will texting her good morning. the two got to know each other, their favourite colours, favourite movies, music taste, favourite meal, all the question that could be asked were asked. granted, will looked up his question online, but the effort was all that mattered.
dahlia had never been so attached to her phone before, always having it open as she waited for the boy's next message. even on his way to the rink, he was still texting her, and same for her, making her almost bump into a boy twice her height. that was also something that violette quickly noticed.
as for will, his attachment to his own phone did not go unnoticed by his friends either. when gabe had woken up that morning, his best friend was already awake, smiling down at his phone, which he pretty much spent the whole day doing. it also was noticed by his teammates in the locker room.
will was normally always locked in the second he got into the rink, barely ever looking at his phone. but today, he could not go more than a feet away from it, feeling the need to always check if dahlia had answered him.
"you guys all saw what i saw right?" gabe asked his fellow freshman as they all stood in front of the bench. the warmup was ending in less than two minutes and will had decided to make his way back to the locker room. of course, as he made his way down the tunnel, a wide smile was stuck on his face as he passed dahlia.
"he's so whipped." ryan laughed as they all started making their way down the tunnel as well. they all could not help but look at will's mystery girl, who was typing away on her phone with a smile that mirrored will's.
unsurprisingly to any of them, when they arrived in the locker room, the blond freshman was also silling down at his phone. the boys all exchanged smirks before going to their stall and finishing their pregame rituals.
"jeez man, you know it won't run away from you." jamie chuckled as he sat down in his stall next to the freshman. everyone had noticed how dependent of his phone the boy had been, and they were all waiting for someone to bring it up for them to really dig into the poor blond boy.
"huh?" will asked, looking up from his phone and over to his teammate. by then, pretty much everyone in the locker was looking at him, making will a little self-conscious. "what?"
"your phone. nothing's gonna happen to you if you don't touch it for more than a minute." jack said from the other side of the boy. some of the guys around the room chuckled slightly, making will blush a little, he did not think they had realized how much he was using it.
"who're you texting anyways?"
"uhm, n-no one." will stuttered, mentally cursing to himself for how he was acting.
"you sure it's not mystery girl?" ryan teased from across the room with a smirk on his face. his words made the whole team erupt in ooh's, while will's face became a dark red shade.
"there's no mystery girl."
"sure there isn't, buddy. we all saw that little smile you gave her." drew added. will had never wanted to disappear as much as right now.
"hey, who's phone number is on you hand?" jamie said, grabbing a hold of the boy's hand. somehow, will's face became even darker than before as more laughs echoed in the room.
"no one's!"
"is this no one the same no one that you're texting."
"maybe." will admitted. he figured his friends were not going to let this go any time soon, or that they would end up finding out the truth anyways, so what was the point of lying. "but it's none of your business, so just drop it."
will's words came out harsher than he had intended. he was never one to react like this, and all the boys knew that, meaning they stopped bothering him about it.
none of them brought it up on the bench when he would sometimes look back at the girl and send her a soft grin. or when their eyes would connect for a long time whenever will made his way back to the bench. but, just because they did not bring it up to him, it did not mean they did not bring it between themselves.
gabe and ryan pretty much spent the whole gossiping like a bunch of teenage girls, giggling whenever they would noticed their interaction. they knew will heard everything they were saying and laughing about, but the boy did not care. they were leaving him alone about it and that's all that mattered.
unfortunately, the game did noy go their way, losing 3-4 to denver, but will had scored two goals, so dahlia did not really care about the score. just as her, and the other two were about to exit the forum, her phone dinged, making her stop in her tracks.
did you leave yet?
wanna see you
uhm idk
wasn't on my schedule
its almost ten
what could you possibly
have to do thats more fun
than seeing me
im a busy gal
you'd be surprised
where do i go?
come near the locker rooms
you'll see me
this is my third time
being here you think
i know where that it
"you guys go one, i have to meet someone." dahlia said to her friend. a smirk grew on violette's face as the pieces clicked in her head.
"you coming home tonight?"
"yes." dahlia said sternly to alex, making the boy frown slightly before the couple said their goodbyes and made their way out of the forum. the next second, will was calling her.
"hi." the girl spoke, a shy smile on her face as she moved to the side so people could make their way out.
"hey. you really don't know where to go?" the boy chuckled making the girl scoff a bit.
"no, i don't." the girl sassed, making while chuckle a little more.
"meet me at your seat." he said, and before the girl could say anything, he hung up. it took a couple of seconds for her brain to understand what had just happened.
eventually she snapped back and started making her way back to her seat. there was pretty much no one left in the area, only one or two janitors that had started cleaning. as she approached her section, she could see a boy leaning against the wall right besides the entry to the stands. he was holding his phone in his hand, texting his friends not to wait for him.
"hey." he said with a wide grin, slipping his phone into his pocket when he noticed the girl. he pushed himself off the wall and took a couple of steps to meet her in the middle.
"hi." the girl giggled, her nervousness taking over. when the two teens were standing in front of each other, they stared at each with wide matching smiles. will was the first to move, wrapping his arms around her waist bringing her close to him.
the girl was a little shocked at his boldness, but she liked it. it took her a couple of seconds before relaxing into his arms and wrapping her own around his neck. her head was resting in the crock of the boy's neck, his cologne filling her nose.
"thank you for coming."
"you played great." the girl whispered back, making the boy scoff a bit. "you did, will. last time i checked you're the only one with two goals."
"we lost."
"so? it's one game, there's a like i don't how many more left. i had a lot of fun watching you." the girl said, trying to cheer him up. the two now had their foreheads resting against the other's, their words barely being loud enough for them to hear. will's eyes were closed as one of dahlia's hand came up to his face, cupping his cheek and rubbing the skin on his cheekbone.
"it's just... hard." the boy sighed.
"i get it, sorta, i think? when i try a new baking recipe and it turns out horrible, i get mad. especially when i do everything right, and it just doesn't work." the girl explained, making the boy open his eyes.
"you bake?"
"helps me calm down. the best part is getting to eat though." she said, a soft smile on her face as the two locked eyes.
"teach me one day?" will asked, and the girl was quick to shake her head yes. "good." he added before leaning in a pressing a small peck to her cheek. the girl blushed, her eyes avoiding his as she bit back a smile.
"food?" the girl asked, trying her hardest to change the subject, while still avoiding his gaze.
"you pick."
soon, the two young adults found themselves sitting in a pizza place not too far from campus. the two spent the night laughing and getting to know each other even more.
the night ended with will walking dahlia back to her dorm, his hand holding onto hers. once the two arrived at her dorm room near midnight, dahlia turned around to hug the boy goodbye.
"thank you for cheering me up."
"you're too pretty to be sad." the girl answered boldly, her head laying against his chest as they hugged. when the two pulled away, dahlia pressed a kiss right besides his lips, grinning afterwards.
"'night, will."
"good night, lia."
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thebigbiwolf · 10 months
Mine, if Only for the Night
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Based on a prompt given to me by a wonderful anon: Astarion/reader fic where he finds out she's never had a lover 'finish the job' so she doesn't see what all the fuss is about, and he decides to use his skills to ruin her for anyone else and show her what she's been missing out on?
Fic Tags: Porn with feelings, Multiple Orgasms, Overstim, Astarion POV, LOTS of Pining, Vaginal sex of all kinds (jesus), and Reader's First Orgasm lol
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), language
Word Count: 5.1k~
Read on AO3: Here
A/N: I loved this prompt. No notes. This is also maybe a bit of a fix-it fic where Astarion does not dissociate during your first time in the woods because my baby deserves to have a good time.
Thank you Lari @imaginarydromedary for being the best beta ever.
Astarion leans his shoulder against a tree, surveying the clearing. 
While the surroundings were still a tad rugged for his tastes, he’d taken it upon himself to arrange a few furs and pillows here and there until it felt acceptably comfortable. 
He peels off his nightshirt, discarding it into the plush grass as he works his jaw, wondering where you might be. 
You should have arrived by now. More than an hour had passed since the distant, jovial music and chatter had faded into nothing, and the tieflings have long since said their goodbyes. The night envelopes him in silence, broken only by the distant murmur of a nearby stream and the usual cricket song.
He’s starting to wonder if perhaps he had misread this entire situation. Maybe he pushed too far - made some sort of error in his assessment of you. 
Or maybe you didn't desire him at all. 
The idea gnaws at him - unsettles him more than he’d ever care to admit.
An uncomfortable weight in his chest. 
He brushes the feeling aside, scoffing to himself.
As if you or anyone else would deny themselves a chance to indulge in his body, especially when offered an immediate out. No unnecessary promises. Not even a cuddle.
As if.
And yet, he can’t seem to shake this uncomfortable doubt.
Step by step, he paces, turning your interaction with him at the party over in his head until he’s exhausted every word - until the grass flattens beneath the soles of his feet. 
How the topic of your disappointing sexual history came up could perhaps be attributed to your shared bottle of wine. He’d nearly choked on the damned drink when you explained to him, in detail, about every encounter, every night you spent satisfying a man’s ego rather than having your needs met, and how you no longer believed there was any real point to sex.
He could hardly believe his beautifully pointed ears.
And while he would normally revel in the opportunity to embarrass someone over being the tragic victim of terrible sex, your case is… different.
You are different.
You stood by his side, even through the disastrous revelation of his condition. More than that, you allowed him to drink from you - a favor he won’t soon forget. 
Part of you even enjoyed it. 
He felt it the moment he put his mouth on you, the very second his fangs breached the delicate skin of your neck. He felt it all: the subtle hitch in your breath, your little twitches of excitement. 
And yet, you asked nothing more of him. 
So, what is a friend to do?
It took some insistence - a bit of reassurance that no , offering to bed you properly was not brought about by a sick sense of obligation, nor was it a way to repay you for your kind deeds - but honestly, for the life of him, he doesn’t understand why this feels so damn important - why there's this incessant urge to bring you the release he knows you so desperately need. 
Perhaps it's the promise of a challenge - one that pokes at his male pride like a petulant child. It goads him, raising an egotistical brow his way, the knowledge that unlike all the other men you’ve wasted your time with, Astarion could get you off with ease.
He’d pull out all the stops, use every trick in his little black book to reduce you to a quivering, obedient mess. He’d take his time with you - have you wet and pliant, begging beneath his fingers before giving you everything those pretty little lips could ever ask for. 
He would ruin you, if you’d allow it.
All you had to do was give him one night. No strings attached.
And yet, here you are, keeping him waiting.
Five, then ten, then 20 minutes pass, and only when he’s about to pack his things - when his growing impatience threatens to twist into a feeling dangerously close to disappointment - does he hear movement behind him.
The rustle of leaves, a snapping twig. 
Astarion turns to find you grappling with a particularly thorny bush - your hair a mess, adorned with small sticks. With a frustrated huff, you kick at the plant, muttering under your breath.
You haven’t noticed him yet, too busy fighting to free your foot - and it suddenly occurs to him that your inferior human eyes had to navigate these woods in the dark. 
That little detail must have evaded him when he made his proposition, but realizing it now, knowing that you weren't simply wasting the night away, wrestling with the decision of whether to leave him waiting and wanting… sets him at ease.
“You should have been a druid.” he teases.
You freeze, head perking up and swiveling towards the sound of his voice.
“I don’t see why the lot of them insist on camping out in the wilderness,” you huff,  “There’s a perfectly fine grove less than a mile from here.” 
You finish prying your boot out from the thicket, nearly toppling over in the process. He almost considers helping you, but watching you struggle like a newborn dear is just too amusing to pass up. He’ll make it up to you soon enough.
Making your way toward the clearing, your eyes gradually adjust to the moonlight. They find his gaze, then wander over the pale expanse of his chest, before quickly darting away to focus on the ensemble of blankets.
“Oh. This is… nice.” You remark, gesturing towards the furs, and at first, Astarion assumes you’re mocking him - turning a nose up at his thoughtful efforts.
But when he turns toward you, preparing to make a less-than-savory comment about gratitude, he is instead met with a genuinely surprised, and somewhat irritating, smile.
Just what sort of lovers have you settled for, thinking that this constitutes ‘nice’?
“And you thought I was going to, what,” he scoffs, “Drag you into the cold woods and have my way with you against a tree?” 
Your face flames at the suggestion, burning bright red at his boldness, but you don’t deny it. 
In fact, his keen ears pick up on the subtle flutter of your heartbeat as soon as the words leave his lips.
That’s all the confirmation he needs. 
“Ah,” he purrs, “I see.”
With that, Astarion closes the distance between you, toned arms sliding beneath the firmness of your thighs to lift you with ease. A surprised squeak leaves your mouth as your ankles instinctively lock around his waist.
He takes a few steps forward until the dull edges of bark press into your shoulders.
“Is this what you want?” He punctuates his words with the firm press of his clothed cock against your core, already hardening with interest. It’s almost maddening - how responsive you are, already squirming in his arms when he’s hardly touched you.
His grip tightens on your rear, nails digging into your soft skin.
“Answer me, dear,” he growls, “I want to hear you say it.”
It’s a lie, of sorts. He doesn’t want to hear it - he needs to. Needs you to beg for him, as ridiculous as it feels. 
He’s had more lovers than he could count, heard their sweet cries like a symphony of praise, but they fell on deaf, pointed ears compared to this - to your ragged breaths.
“ Say it .”
“ Please , Astarion. I want this -”
As soon as the words leave you, his lips are on yours, hungry and demanding. He sets you down, one hand leaving your thighs to grab at your jaw and tilting it just so - steering your face into a more accessible angle, the tip of his nose finding its place against your flushed cheek.
His other hand snakes its way to the back of your head, twining the soft strands of hair between his fingers, tightening them in his fist and pulling .
The sudden sting elicits a whine, stolen from your parted lips, and he takes the opportunity to run his tongue along the seam, dipping into the inviting heat of your mouth. Notes of cheap, flat wine still linger on your tongue, but he quickly finds he doesn’t mind the taste - barely notices it at all when you're opening up for him so eagerly.
He long expected himself to turn off - to hide behind his practiced movements, allowing his body to do the work for him - to wake up sometime after you’d found your pleasure in him.
But here he remains - his script thrown to the wind while your little sounds of approval hang in the air between you, driving him with a hunger that is wholly unfamiliar. 
He wants this, but that realization will come later, when he’s gathering his clothes with the heat of the morning sun at his back, wondering why the idea of leaving you there in the plush grass settles like lead in his stomach. 
It’ll wait for him there, hidden behind layers of denial and fear, then follow like a hound biting at his heels for months on end until he makes peace with it - until he chokes on his own tears in the safety of your arms where you’ll welcome him, along with all of his complications.
But for now, he kisses a line down your shoulder, feeling more alive and present with every swipe of his tongue against your collar bone. You sigh, and he pays special attention to the thin skin there, warm and jumping in time with your pulse.
Astarion's deft fingers skillfully unhook the buttons of your shirt with practiced ease. He tears away the offending fabric, and a low growl burns its way out his throat as the last two buttons pop off, landing somewhere in the dirt beside him. You’ll have something to say about that later, he’s sure.
When the morning comes, he’ll notice you searching for them and offer to sew in new ones - more suitable ones, in whichever color you’d prefer. When he hands the shirt back to you just a few hours later, now embroidered and finer than even before his careless blunder, your impressed smile will awaken a fondness in him that will linger naggingly in the corners of his mind for the foreseeable future. 
He’ll ruminate on that later, when his mouth isn’t descending on your breasts, and his hands aren’t palming at your newly exposed skin.
Falling to his knees, he works at the laces of your trousers. Then, when the troublesome strings are finally undone, his eyes meet yours, holding your gaze as he peels the cloth slowly down the length of your thighs. He takes his time with it, dragging the fabric over your knees and trailing the blunt edge of his nails back up to the curve of your hips, watching intently as the skin prickles beneath his touch.
You wiggle, restless and flushed bright red from your neck to your ears, suddenly avoiding his stare. 
It’s a strange, uncharacteristic shyness—until he puts two and two together when he runs his finger over the white lace of your smalls and finds them positively soaked .
“Is this all for me?” he teases, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
His thumb presses knowingly into the wet fabric, petting the skin beneath with practiced pressure. 
You don’t answer - you can’t - with your head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut, too busy rocking mindlessly into his touch. 
Well, that certainly won’t do.
A hard slap lands on the inside of your thigh, jolting you to attention. The responding hitch in your breath goes straight to his cock.
“I asked you a question, darling. Is this all for me?”
“I - agh , yes.”
“ Very good,” he purrs, satisfied, “Now, spread these for me.” 
You obey, parting your legs and giving him more space to work with. He tugs at your pants, quickly ridding you of them, then goes back to work kneading lazy, unhurried circles into the thin, sticky, wet fabric. It clings to your skin so perfectly, outlining your form for him as if you were wearing nothing at all.
You're panting above him now - small, rushed breaths suspended in the charged air. The muscles of your thighs twitch with each pass of his thumb over your clit.
And again, you’re not looking at him - head turned to the side and whispering curses quietly to yourself.
Another slap to your thigh, then - the same one, because he’s cruel - now marked with the vivid red imprint of his hand.
“Eyes on me,” he commands.
When your eyes meet his again, they’re hooded and glossy, filled with a familiar haze. 
Lust .
He’s got you now.
Pulling the now thoroughly ruined garment to the side, Astarion rewards you by dragging a finger through your folds, watching your arousal drip down his wrist. It practically drools out of you, coating the rest of his digits, slickening his palm as he presses one into your entrance. 
Your hands instinctively fly to his hair, settling atop the tousled, white strands, and your body takes him in greedily . 
Astarion smiles to himself. 
This feels… good - being so in control, pulling little pleasured sounds from your lips. His pride swells as he adds another finger. You buckle forward, letting out a strangled groan, losing yourself to the feeling of being stretched - being prepped for him and every inch of cock he has to give you, sitting impatiently hard and neglected in his trousers.
He pumps in and out of you, slowly at first, but it only takes a few short moments before your impatient squirming turns into a mindless, needy grind. Each small thrust forward has your body taking him deeper, clenching him tighter until he can feel you throbbing around his fingers.
There’s a level of self indulgence here that he would deny if questioned - perhaps even under oath - but the wholly unnecessary way he pauses to tear the fabric of your smallclothes would quickly betray him. 
Your squeak of surprise is all he hears before the press of your thighs deafens him - and if he was naive enough to believe that your blood was the most enticing thing he’s tasted in the last two centuries, it pales in comparison to the mess you’ve made for him. 
An anguished hum escapes him as he drags his tongue through your folds - so hoarse and strained with disbelief, it almost sounds more animal than man.
He drinks you in, letting up for only as long as it takes to press tender, soothing kisses into your clit, sucking gently at the nub before dipping his tongue back into your hole for seconds, thirds -
This is madness . How someone could pass up this opportunity is far beyond him. Your fist in his hair, surrounded by your pulse as it thrums within the warm, pillowy skin of your thighs, the way you chase your release, rocking into his mouth and coating his chin with your slick, is everything . 
It is everything.
In the cornered haze of his mind, he almost regrets his promises. Had he known it would be like this, that you’d be the first and only memorable partner he’s had in the last two centuries, he may have reconsidered. 
Hells, he should have reconsidered the moment his tongue slipped into your mouth and you had the gall to taste that fucking sweet - to be that damned responsive . 
How is he supposed to play this off as if it changes nothing - as if this means nothing at all?
“Shit, Astarion -”
Pesky details. He’ll have to sort those out later.
“I’m - I think I’m close -” 
Astarion is a smart man - smart enough to know that the best course of action here, when you’re on the precipice of coming apart, is to simply redouble his efforts and continue on as he has been. No special trick up his sleeve, no overly indulgent stylized movements, just sucking as gently and generously as you need. He applies the same steady, circular pressure of his tongue, curls his fingers and fucks you with them in a steady, calculated rythm, until -
The moment you fall apart will be forever burned into his mind. 
He will remember it all: the twitching of your thighs, the tight pinch of your brows, the sound of your cries as your hips stutter in his strong hold. He’ll remember the way he moans, earnestly, as he laps you through it, eager to extend your high for as long as your body allows him. And he will surely remember the thrill that runs up the length of his spine at the sight of you losing yourself at his hand.
But most of all, he will remember the moment immediately after - when your movements slow, and your tight grip loosens from his hair; when your warm hand falls to the side of his face, the soft pads of your fingertips rubbing gentle circles into the shell of his pointed ear. 
You may not have even noticed the small gesture, too blissed out and trembling, but when the two of you look back on this moment years from now, Astarion will laugh at how blind he was - how he should have seen the spark of fondness in your eyes as you fought to catch your breath, the kindling that was twisting in his chest at the sight of your flushed skin, and the fire that would grow there until it nearly consumed him. 
He should have known that this was the start of something greater.
But at this moment, all he knows is the sudden, inexplicable urge to keep you here tonight - to prove himself worthy of coming back, should you ever have an itch that needs scratching. Perhaps tomorrow, or the next night, or any other time you’d see fit. 
Astarion places a final kiss on the junction of your hip, right where the skin is thinnest above the bone, then leans back to fully appreciate his work. 
You are breathless , chest heaving from sheer exertion.
“That was…”
You huff out a laugh as you try to find the right words.
“Perfect?” he raises an eyebrow at you, grin tugging at the corner of his lips, “I know. Like I said, I’m quite good at this.”
He wipes at the clear slick on his chin and shamelessly licks his hand clean, sucking your mess off his fingers with a playful pop.
Your face flushes with embarrassment - the pretty color now matching the puffy, reddened skin of your sex. 
“Do you want more?” he asks, as if his cock isn’t threatening to leak a dark patch into his trousers, “We don’t have to, of course, but -”
Astarion’s smiles are normally calculated - purposeful, and poised to perfection, but the one that finds its way to his face at your eagerness is as real as the ache beginning to bloom in his knees.
“Come here, then,” he says, dragging his weight back to the blankets. He doesn’t even have the time to readjust the decorative pillows before you’re clamoring on top of him, covering his neck with impatient kisses and helping him remove his clothes. 
“Eager, are we?” he teases, but he’s met with no response. Your mouth is too busy sucking bruises into the pale, hard planes of his chest, hands working diligently at the laces of his pants. 
The moment his legs and cock are free, Astarion wastes no time wrapping his arms around your midsection and seating you perfectly on his hips, the searing heat of your slit molds around him, dragging up and down as you grind against his length. 
There’s urgency in the air - in the way your mouth finds his own. It buzzes and hums, growing with every pass of your hips, prickling like burrs beneath his skin. He’s as much a victim of it as you are -here in this little corner of the wilderness - to the strange and unrecognizable pull. 
This desire to touch you.
With one hand anchoring the back of your neck, he takes his length with the other, notching himself at your entrance - an invitation you eagerly accept.
You sink down, enveloping him in suffocating heat . 
The grunt that escapes him is entirely involuntary - the honesty behind it bleeding out between his teeth, escaping with a hiss. 
“Shit,” he huffs under his breath, willing his brain to focus on anything other than how you mold so perfectly to him. It’s almost like you were made for this - for him - and the notion itself is almost enough to toss him right over the edge.
It’s hard enough to believe he’s present with you, here in this moment, rather than falling into oblivion and allowing the act to pass him by.
But to be enjoying it this much? 
Sheer disbelief.
Your hips move experimentally, sighing with relief as you take the rest of him down to the hilt. His grip on the nape of your neck tightens, nails digging small grooves into the base of your scalp. The slow rock of your hips as you adjust to his size would surely be enough to finish him, were he any ordinary man - were he not determined to brand this night into your mind for the rest of whatever time you have left on this earth - tadpoles be damned.
It’s not supposed to be like this. You’re not supposed to be like this, melding so beautifully around his length. But he has appearances to maintain, and spilling into you now would surely ruin his carefully crafted reputation, so he steals what’s left of his composure and continues on. 
Astarion stares at where your bodies meet, bringing a practiced thumb back to your perfect little nub and pressing . The delicious pressure has your forehead falling to his shoulder.
“Can I - agh, ” you pause as he cruelly begins to rub your clit, much too slow to actually finish the job, but just enough to feel you clench around him. He continues like that for a few seconds, savoring the way you grip, release, and start to dribble down from where he’s rooted so deeply inside.
“Can you what, my dear?”
“Can I move, please?” 
“Hm,” he sighs with feigned indifference, “Well, since you asked so nicely.”
His hands guide you into a comfortable rhythm, stroking your walls and filling every inch of your greedy cunt as it swallows him up - back and forth, rocking into him until you’re good and split open.
You ride him until your legs begin to fail you - until he has to grab your waist to keep you steady as he fucks up into you in earnest. The hard, wet slap of his damp skin against yours mixes with your strained, desperate moans. He pounds you like he’s sating some sort of hunger - fucks you with so much force that your slick forms a thick white ring of cream at the base of his cock. 
His thumb rubs expert circles into your clit with firm, gentle pressure, until he feels that telltale fluttering of your walls around him, and your blunt nails are digging into where his shoulders meet his chest. 
“You’re close again, aren’t you?” he grunts, and the question is met only with an affirmative whine. “Good. This time, I want to feel it.”
His hands move to your rear, squeezing and kneading - pulling and pushing your hips to grind himself even deeper into you until your body gives up its orgasm.
It drags you under like a raging current. 
You wail pitifully against his shoulder - the suffocating grip of your sex working to milk him dry, gushing around him and soaking his thick cock as he relentlessly fucks you through it.
It's almost enough to end him, it truly is, but Astarion is nothing if not thorough, and G ods be damned if you leave this clearing tomorrow morning without your cunt permanently molded to his shape - without this encounter seared into your very being.
His arms wrap around you, pulling your chest tight against his own and turning you over until your back meets the soft furs - his hips rolling into yours as the waves of white-hot pleasure pulse through you. 
There will be many more where that came from. When you eventually crawl back to his tent with a shy gaze and offer him another taste of your neck, pretending it was simply a coincidence that you waited until the dead of night to seek him out, when the rest of your merry little troup were fast asleep in their bedrolls. Couldn’t stay away? He’ll joke, pretending as though his heart doesn’t stir at the sight of you.
He’ll bed you again, and again, and again. Whenever and wherever you should ask: on his desk - tomes shoved carelessly to the ground, between the cracked stone walls of a cave while the others ready their gear, tangled within the sheets of the first real bed you happen to find. He’ll fuck you in those stolen moments with a willing mouth and hands and cock, however many times it takes for him to realize this does mean something to him - even if he isn’t quite sure what that something is . 
And you, being the perfect thing you are, will be patient, and give him the space he needs to figure that out.
“One more,” he whispers hot against your cheek, “I think we can get one more out of you.” 
“This is insane. How are you so - gods, ” he’s got just the right angle now, dragging languidly in and out of your thoroughly fucked hole. 
He’s done quite a number on you already, and you’ll likely need a day to recover the strength in your legs. The others will surely mock you for it, but perhaps you’ll manage to blame it on the hangover?
“Astarion, I - I don’t think I can do another -”
“You can,” he says with the confidence of a man who’s done this before - one who knows the limits of a woman’s body and exactly how to push them. “And you’re going to stay right here, wrapped beautifully around my cock, until you give me what I want.” 
He drives the point home with a sudden, hard thrust, and the rush of it has you keening in surprise, hands flying to his back and heels digging in for purchase. 
In fairness, he’s hardly given you a chance to come down from the last climax, but you sought him out tonight. You knew what you were getting into, no less than a mouse offering itself to a cat. He’ll toy with you until he’s had his fill - the first man in your life to ever make you come apart. Not just once or twice, but three times once he’s through with you.
And while the third takes a bit more work, as expected, he quickly realizes you appreciate a decent amount of force, so he feverishly pounds into you - pinning your wrists at your sides to prevent too much useless, unnecessary squirming. 
Astarion thinks could get addicted to this level of control if he isn’t careful - his brave, unwavering, diplomatic leader held captive beneath him as he wrings every last bit of pleasure from your body, drunk on his cock and fucked out well past the point of any decorum. 
The way you moan for him now would put some prostitutes to shame - eyes glazed over and thoughts entirely wiped of anything other than being split open and thoroughly used. 
It reminds him of why he’s here. The thankless months you’ve spent worrying yourself over every vagrant’s problems are now practically a thing of the past. And after tonight, you’ll surely be ruined for any other man, securing himself in your good graces. A win, win, all around.
Your orgasm almost sneaks past him, too caught up in his own musings to notice, but the subtle rush of slickness and the resounding sound of your body sucking him in even deeper gives it away. Your head rolls to the side as you choke back a sob, tears forming the corners of your eyes as your exhausted cunt barely manages to scrounge up the effort to squeeze him, and that’s when he finally decides you’ve had enough.
“Where do you want me?” he asks.
“Inside? Agh - Inside, please, ” 
An unexpected answer, but not an unwelcome one.
And so, he does.
For the first time in his memory, he comes entirely apart. 
With a few more strokes, he spills inside of you, and the sheer impact of it takes him by surprise.
Hissing between his gritted teeth and buried in your warmth he floods you to the brim, floods every inch of your cunt until his come has no more room to fill. The spend clings to his cock with every stroke, drooling out of you and tracing a cloudy white line through the valley of your rear before soaking into the blankets beneath.
Astarion heaves like a man with functioning lungs, groans from the sudden, noticeable soreness in his limbs, and actually, truly laughs at the absurdity of it all.
Just how long had the two of you been at this? Over an hour, surely?
He’s about to ask you - maybe try his hand at a bit of pillow talk for the first time in his life - but when he looks back at your face, he finds that you’re barely conscious, just on the precipice of passing out from exhaustion.
He pulls out of you, trying his best not to grunt through the overstimulating drag of your skin against his.
Astarion could count on one hand how many memorable encounters he’s had since the beginning of his servitude, and even less when considering how many he enjoyed. 
Well, enjoyed would be a very generous descriptor. More so, how many he was able to stomach until the end. And while his anatomy was capable of producing results despite his head being elsewhere, this was… different.
You are different - that much was clear from the beginning, since the moment you forgave him for pulling a knife on you and, for whatever reason, trusted him enough to allow him to stay with you, despite it being an objectively stupid thing to do.
He’ll tell you as much, when he finally confesses his feelings for you. That had it not been for your endless patience and your unfathomable kindness, he may have never learned to love at all.
But he wont have the words, let alone the maturity , to articulate that for quite some time.
For now, here you are, snoring softly beneath him. 
And here he is, with the beginnings of a strange, unrecognizable tingling in his chest.  
What ever will he do with you?
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boredandwiredkitty · 11 months
In honor of kinktober I wanted to post some little drabbles I made. Featuring my favorite mech in some of my favorite kinks. So here ya go even though no one asked.
I apologize if it's written weird as this is my first tf smut.
TFP Wheeljack x reader
Reader is human, AFAB f!Reader
Warnings: Mild Breading kink, size kink, marking, 18+ ONLY! Minors DNI!
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Living with wheeljack was everything you had ever hoped for. It had many perks that would take too long to list. But you soon noticed it also had came with some drawbacks.
Since you started to accept and embrace your feelings for the wild wrecker. Some things were hard to ignore. Like the growing ever present desire you also harbored for him. Though that was something you wanted to put a tight lid on. You were too embarrassed to let him know you had it down BAD for him. Your Relationship had started as good friends. Which slowly blossomed to something much more. And while you both shared an intimacy with eachother unlike with anyone else. You still haven't crossed that line.
There wasn't much privacy in his ship. So trying to seek release for your pent up feelings was rather impossible. You would feel mortified if he caught you doing that. So whenever the urge to jump him passes over you. You would just grit and bear it with a smile. Though this proved difficult when your dreams let you get a taste of what you sinfully craved.
So many times you've dreamt of him fucking you into his berth. Stretched tight over his large girthy spike while he hit all your sweet spots. You would arch your back while crying his name as you chased ectacy. Many times over.
What you didn't know was that your mech was also holding back for your sake. While you both were considered conjux endura. He wanted to wait till you were ready. You were much smaller than he was. So he could only worry for his little conjux. Even if he was a smaller mech compared to the rest of team prime. He towered over you. Not to mention he was quite well endowed. He knows what he has and knows how to use it. But he didn't want to pressure you or worse. He would get eaten alive by guilt if you were injured because of him. But he couldn't help himself for laying it on thick. Amping up his usual cheeky one liners and teasing flirty remarks.
What you also didn't know was he was aware of your nightly dream adventures. The way your thighs rubbed together and soft moans would escape past your lips while you slept. How you would wake up clinging to him. Then try to act discreet while going to go change your soaked underwear. He wasn't stupid and quickly figured out what was going on but never pressed. He wanted you to tell him when you were ready.
You noticed as he would gaze at you with warm optics. There was something much more intense behind them. There were a few times where while you were sitting in his lap flirting back and forth. You heard him grip the controls so tightly it would creak under the strain. You would turn to look at his servos quizzitively while he released the abused controls when he realized what he's done. He would roll his shoulder joints and try to play it off like it was nothing.
But today was different. You were having your usual playful banter when you made an exceptionally lewd remark. You both were out on a drive. Sun was reflecting off of dry desert sand. It's orangy hues flying past the window you occasionally looked out of while you talked to wheeljack. Idly listening to some music over his speakers.
A sexual innuendo filled song started to play and you let out a huff. Normally you wouldn't mind but as of late... "Please change it. I already dealing with enough sexual tension. I don't need another to make me beg for you to frag me into your berth." Your eyes went wide. It was too late to take back the words you unconsciously blurted out.
You were about to apologize and take it all back when wheeljack revved loudly in response. "How badly do ya want it?" There was an unmistakable edge in his voice.
You pressed your thighs together as your heart started to race. The huskiness of his voice heating your body. Shyly averting your gaze to your feet you murmured out, " more than I can take."
Whatever task you both were previously on was forgotten the moment you uttered those words. You weren't ready when you were thrown forward. His seatbelt preventing you from slamming face first into the dash. "What the hell?!" You barked out as he whipped around and took off in the opposite direction.
"Sorry babe. I can't take it. You'd be lucky if we made it back to the jackhammer before I have ya takin my spike." His voice growled through his cabin over his speakers. Your poor heart skipped a beat as heat pooled between your thighs. Oh... OH. It was happening. It was finally happening. Your heart wouldn't stop racing as you filled with nervous anticipation.
You watched as his speedometer climbed. He was just as eager as you were. You squirmed and practically bounced in his seat. Hardly containing the desire to start stripping right there in his cab for him. You could feel heat radiating from him. The growing warmth making you restless as he arrived back at the jackhammer in record time. Not wasting any time as you practically jumped out, Before he could even fully stop you had undid the seatbelt and was moving to open the door. Usually you waited for him to do it for you. But this time you couldn't wait any longer.
The moment he transformed he scooped you up. Crushing his mouth against yours in a firery passionate kiss. Him stumbling in blindly till he bumped into his berth. He was going to have you. And he was going to have you now.
Your skin heated while your heart drummed loudly in your chest. Soft plush lips melding perfectly together with his metal ones.
Chancing a taste your tongue slipped out to find his. His servo further tangling into your hair. Feverishly grasping you. Any space between your bodies was too much. He needed you just as badly as you ached for him.
Rolling your hips against his you tried to calm the ache between your thighs. Moaning into the kiss as a servo slipped lower to press into the soft flesh of your ass.
Breaking away from the kiss to catch your breath your eyes flicked up to look into his optics.
They burned brightly for you. Filled with repressed charged energy just begging to be released. He burned so hot for you. Every circuit begging to tear your clothes from your soft supple body and ravage you. Waiting to hear you cry his name in ectacy while he would fill you to the brim.
He needed this. He needed you. Just as bad as you needed him.
He helped you pull your shirt over your head and discard it. Thankful you didn't bother with a bra today. Watching your tits bounce earlier with the seatbelt wedged between the soft flesh while he drove was delightful torture.
The way your cute ass squirmed in his seat as you obviously battled your arousal was almost too much. He had just barely held himself together to not fuck you into the ground right then and there on the side of the road.
But as much as he was eager he wanted to savor this. To take his time and really enjoy this moment. To fully expose yourselves to eachother. He wanted to last. To watch every expression. To hear every gasp and moan. To feel every pulse of hot pleasure. To ingrain every small detail into his processor. He wanted to mark your skin. A deep carnal desire to protect you and show what he had claimed as his. Daring anyone who dared to touch you.
You. Were. His.
The scent of arousal filling the air as he helped you free yourself of your shorts in his lap. Luminescent optics taking in every naked detail as you were fully disrobed in his lap. The soft lighting of his ship illuminating your features. Your glistening eyes lidded and cheeks flushed. Lips parted in anticipation. The soft rise and fall of your chest. He wanted to touch it all. Hungry servos explored your body. Cupping your supple breasts to firmly squeezing your bare thighs. He could feel your slick arousal dripping onto his modesty plating.
A gentle servo shifted to explore the area. As it came into contact with your wet plush folds you arched your back with a gasp. Drinking in your reaction he explored further. He pressed his finger against your entrance. Your arousal coating his finger as he slowly pushed it inside. You couldn't hold back the string of moans at his pleasureable exploration. He was practically fully pressurized behind his panel as your velvety walls perfectly molded around his digit. His spike just begging to feel those same warm slick walls molding around it. To feel you throb and writhe around him.
"Tell me what ya want. And I'll give it to ya." His deep voice rumbled in your ear. It dropped in an octave lower than normal that sent tingles up and down your spine, while more heat pooled in your abdomin. Your hips twitched in his lap. Your voice came out breathy as you begged him to fuck you senseless. Him slowly fingering you had you begging for more. The sounds of him slowly teasing you with his fingers inside your wet heat was sinfully erotic. Watching you made him come undone. Charge starting to build in his circuits.
He gently lifted you up and plunged back into a brusing kiss while the panels shifted away to let himself fully pressurize. You protested as he removed his fingers and used your slick to coat his spike. Even while slightly mass displaced he was huge compared to you.
Hearing panels shifting you moved away to look down to see his throbbing spike. Entrapped by all the different seams and ridges you wanted to explore more of the appendage. The biolights along the shaft giving off an ethereal glow.
You kneeled between his thighs as you swiped some of the fluids dripping your own slickened thighs and wrapped two hands around the hot metal. Letting your hands move from tip to base as you explored every inch of him. You could hear the creak of strained metal when he gripped the berth tightly at your teasing explorations. Hot vents coming out in quicker bursts and cooling systems kicking on.
Watching entrapped as lubricant started to bead at the tip. You delicately brought your tongue out to taste the viscous fluid. The groan he let out was music to your ears and only encouraged you further to try to suck on as much as you could fit in your mouth. You chanced a glance up to watch his expression. His lips parted as he desperately tried to cool his heated systems down. His hips twitching slightly with every suck.
"Frag babe you're killing me here." He hissed out, gripping the berth tighter. Any more and he might overload right there. His hips twitched and backstruts arched when you gave a few more good sucks before releasing him with a pop. Watching as a string of saliva stretched from your bottom lip to his weeping tip.
With a primal growl he lifted you up and softly dropped you on the berth. Pulling your hips close to the edge of where he stood.
He wasn't going to wait any longer to have you. His berth creaked with the change of weight distribution as he rubbed his spike against your dripping velvety folds. Teasingly pressing the tip if his spike against your opening. Coating it in your slick as he watched you try to buck and grind your hips against him. Hearing your soft moans as you tried to seek relief.
"Come on. Be a good girl and tell me what ya really want." He purred, slowly dragging the length of his spike against your over sensitive clit with a wet squelch.
"That's not fair!" You protested with a loud breathy whine. "I already told you!"
A deep sultry chuckle rumbled from him ad he watched the desperation build in your eyes. "I wanna hear you say it again."
You bit your lips as your eyes watered. The tension you felt was almost painful. You were desperate to feel him inside. "Jackie please!" You pleaded, "fuck me till I can't stand."
With no further explanation needed he pressed his spike past your plush folds. The immediate feeling of fullness as he slowly sunk into you till you bottomed out had you arching your back with a cry.
He couldn't hold back a moan as he felt your walls perfectly mold around his spike. The light fluttering almost sending him over the edge. Almost his entire length was hilted inside you before it seemed like you couldn't take much more. But it was perfect for him. It was taking everything he had not to start pounding into you. But you needed to adjust. He watched you carefully with gritted dentae making sure you weren't hurt. Waiting till you were ready before fucking your brains out. As he made sure you were ok he watched as his spike made a bulge in your belly. Your body adjusting to take his large size made him throb at the erotic sight. He couldn't get over how perfect you were in that moment. Your smaller body making room just for him. He wanted to fuck you senseless. To prove to everyone you were claimed. He pulled out halfway to thrust back into you. Plunging himself as deep as he could. The usual idle sounds of the jackhammer was being drowned out by your moans and the wet sounds of metal against skin.
Bent over your smaller form his lips met yours in a ravenous kiss while he set a brutal pace. You saw stars as he pounded into you. Your hands clawing at the berth, moving to the plating of his arms, then to his chassis. Desperately trying to find something to grip onto you as he made a mess of your drenched pussy.
One of his servos gripped your hips tightly. While the other tightly tangled in the hair at the base of your scalp. You were sure you would have little bruises where his fingers pressed into your tender flesh. But you couldn't be bothered. You wanted him to mark you. To leave the memory of your love on your skin. He released your swollen lips to nip at the junction between your neck and shoulder. Peppering the sensitive area with kisses and love bites while his hips snapped up against yours. "Ya like that don't ya." He murmured in your ear as he adjusted you. Spreading your legs wider while rolling his hips into yours making his spike grind against all the right places. You could only let out a low needy whine in response. Mind too hazy to form a coherent sentence at the blind pleasure that coursed through every nerve.
He trailed his glossia apologetically over the fresh marks that he made. Watching you intensely as building charge ran over his super heated frame. He was so close, and by the way your head was tossed back. Mouth open as cries and moans tumbled past your lips he could tell you were also at your limit. That fire in your veins building as you neared your climax. Every thrust bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Are you ready babe? I want you to take every last bit of the load I'm about to fill you with." His voice rumbled through you and shot straight to your core. His thrusts getting more sloppy and uncoordinated.
"Ahn Jackie i- i-.." you cried out as your orgasm crashed over you. Your body shaking and eyes watering at the intensity that raced through your whole body. Your walls clamping around him and drawing him even further inside. "Primus babe-!" He let out a strangled groan. His hips feverishly snapping into yours as his spike pulsed and throbbed. Pumping hot thick ropes of transfluid into your pulsing channel.
He stayed hilted, giving a few shallow thrusts as you milked his throbbing spike of all that it could give. Your belly even rounder as you took the full amount of his overload.
He held you close. Pulling you on top while still wrapped around his spike. Murmuring how well you took him and his load as he rubbed your back. A thick knot at the base of his spike keeping all the fluids locked inside of you.
The overwhelming fullness coupled with the intensity of your orgasm had you spent. Sleepily you rested against him as he kept you nestled in his embrace. Looking up into his shining optics that overflowed with different warm emotions.
"Ya did great babe. You were amazing." He spoke gently as he brushed some of your hair out of your eyes.
You smiled and gave a small giddy laugh before you sighed content. "Not as amazing as you."
He gave you a soft smile as you started to drift off asleep while resting against his chassis. This could definitely be your new normal.
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gavramous · 3 months
i know ghost's actor said that ghost listens to fucking classical music of all genres (idk, maybe i'm just not cool enough to understand), but in my heart of hearts he's a grunge/metalhead who has a weird relationship with being a grunge/metalhead.
there's periods of time which can last for weeks (but usually last for months) where he doesn't listen to his music at all, because the sound remind him too much of who he was and what he went through. the thought of trying to find new music to listen to seems like an irritating task, though; a task that would only leave him frustrated with himself for letting this be an issue in the first place. of course, he does understand why it is an issue: it's association. he, on his bad days, has trouble disconnecting the music from his father. but it's also music that he likes, and on his good days enjoys listening to. these oscillating moods irritate him to no end, and he doesn't see a clear conclusion for them.
- - -
ghosts and gaz are in the kitchen, sharing each other's company and the last dregs of communal sugar in their tea, and they're talking about music. gaz is explaining what makes him so passionate. it turns out to be because of his father and his zeal for music of all genres. he explains how there was always music on in his house growing up; they always had a cd or a vinyl or a casette playing, and it was always something new, something unlike what they had listened to the week before.
ghost listens intently to gaz. he enjoys hearing about his normal childhood and his positive relationship with music. he enjoys hearing about his not perfect (in gaz's words), but loving family. he asks gaz what the weirdest album his father got obsessed with was, what genres his siblings enjoyed, gaz's favourite song, and gaz answers all his questions happily.
eventually, gaz asks ghost about his relationship with music, and it's ghost's turn to open up and sour the good conversation.
ghost explains that it can be a bit... tense sometimes. his father had a huge impact on his taste, and unfortunately that means some of the time he has trouble listening to his music without sordid feelings arising. ghost tells gaz how he's unwilling to try and find anything different, as it would just overwhelm him, so he makes do. he tacks it off with "it's just music. not the end of the world." that is, in his humble opinion, an acceptably casual (but also not too undermining) way of ending his answer.
apparently not to gaz. he looks at ghost seriously for a beat, then says, "i could always recommend you some music."
ghost thinks on this for a bit. where's the harm? gaz has good music taste. the worst that could happen is a deflated ego on gaz's part if ghost happens to not enjoy his recommendations. gaz might take that as a challenge, though, and spend a lot more effort trying to find something ghost enjoys. the thought of gaz putting in so much effort for him bothers ghost, but ghost also knows that gaz wouldn't offer to do something he doesn't want to do. gaz would probably also get a huge kick out of reccomending something to ghost that he'd end up liking.
"why not," ghost says.
gaz's face lights up, and he asks, "what type of music do you wan't to try out?"
ghost furrows his brow. he hadn't thought about it in that much depth. he just knows that sometimes he wants out. he guesses that something soft would suffice. something he can put on and not have to fight to listen to; something that carries him. but not something too light and airy. something that's grounded. he tells this to gaz, slightly embarrassed with his wording, but gaz tells him that's a perfect description, and he already has an album in mind for ghost to check out. gaz sends him a text with the album linked and says he will look for some other recommendations for him. ghost thanks him, and their conversation continues, and eventually moves onto something else.
- - -
it's a week later that ghost finally has time to sit down and do nothing for more than 5 minutes. he's relaxing in his room, and he remembers the link for the album gaz sent him. the message is still sitting unseen in his inbox, and he decides that there's no better time to give it a listen.
he grabs his shitty earphones from his desk and lays on his bed, opening up the album and starting it.
it starts off slow, but it's strong and sure of itself. it's flowy, and if he's honest, ghost can't really tell when one song ends and another starts. the lyrics are there in random intervals, and they're much softer than the sound of the music itself, but the voice that sings them is strong. it's obvious the focus is on the instrumental, and ghost apprciates that. it allows him to relax fully.
this is exactly what he has wanted.
he listens to the whole album and lays there after it finishes. he sends gaz a text, thanking him and letting him know it's a wonderful recommendation.
ghost still enjoys the music he's grown up with. but gaz has helped him more than he can know. he has helped give him options for the days he struggles with, and that means so much to ghost.
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oliverreedmasterass · 7 months
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Words: 8k
Synopsis: Based on a hilarious personal anecdote from the incredible @writingcold about seeing something bizarre at a hotel in Green Bay, the GVF guys find themselves caught in a heap of trouble. The problem is, they can't quite work out what they did.
Warnings: language, drinking, drug use, mentions of theft, drowning, and running into traffic
“Do you know why you’re here, son?” a graying man dressed in a loose-fitting two-piece suit with a strewn purple tie leaned close to the young man who sat across from him at the aged wooden table. 
“No clue,” Jake avoided eye contact while wringing his hands together out of sight of the older man. He snuck a quick glance at the man’s golden nametag pinned to his chest. Doug. “I was just minding my business in my room and then somebody dragged me down here. Am I in trouble?” 
“Depends on how much you’re willing to share with me today,” Doug stared back at Jake with his piercing blue eyes. “I’m gonna need you to tell me what you were up to last night.” 
Jake’s face pinched as he tried to think back. He made a humming noise to stall, and wiped at his mouth - a nervous tick he had never been able to shake. 
“My band and I were out getting drinks,” Jake remembered. “At Ned Kelly’s Pub. Someone recommended the place to us since they’re known for their sour beers. It’s something I’ve been getting into a lot more recently.” 
It was a perfectly normal evening. Like, genuinely, nothing crazy was going down. Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny all squeezed around a tall pub table, leaning over their pints to sip out of the top of the overfilled glasses. Jake wiped his mouth with the back of his hand to clear the foam from his upper lip and craned his neck to look over Josh’s head at the live band. They were playing a Creedence Clearwater Revival song, and it sounded good enough that Jake started to tap his foot to the beat.
“I can’t believe we’re in Green Bay,” Josh called over the music to his friends. Jake took another slurp from his glass and then nodded his head in agreement. 
“We had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, and we settled on Wisconsin.” 
“I don’t regret it,” Sam shrugged. “It’s not too far from home and, hey, I’ve always wanted to get my hands on one of those Packers cheese hats.” 
Jake gazed at the ridiculous cheese hat that was perched atop Sam’s head and grimaced at how stupid his younger brother looked. 
“I’m becoming one with the cheese,” Sam proudly stated.  
Jake flicked at Sam’s hat, knocking it just slightly off of his forehead. 
“Are you really gonna keep that thing on all night, Sammy?” he asked. He had noticed Sam was earning some strange looks from the other patrons in the bar which gave him serious second-hand embarrassment. Sam let out a loud laugh at Jake’s question and forced the hat back down on his head so it was set in place. 
“I know you hate it, Jake. So, yeah.” 
Jake faked a scowl, but couldn’t help chuckling into his beer. He took a deep sip and let the taste of the sour beer wash over him. Their Lyft driver had totally been right when she recommended this place. It was by far the best sour beer he had ever had, which was seriously saying something.
Jake took in the bar around him while he worked on his drink. It was classy and pretty packed, which felt just right. He knew he had stepped foot in hundreds of bars like Ned Kelly’s Pub before, but that just made it feel more like home. 
When he finished his drink, Jake stepped away from the table and grabbed his glass, motioning back towards the bar that was only getting more crowded. “I’m gonna get a refill. Anyone need anything?” 
“Ask if they have peanuts!” Sam shouted with enthusiasm. He enjoyed throwing the peanut shells at Josh and getting them stuck in his curly floof. 
“Don’t do that,” Josh firmly told Jake. “It took me two weeks to get them all out of my hair last time. Two weeks!” 
Jake looked beyond Josh to Danny, who was mouthing at him to go and get the peanuts. Jake shook his head at his friends and made his way to the bar, where the bartender was finishing up another order for a group of women around his age. 
“Just a second,” the bartender held up his finger to Jake, who nodded his head with a smile. While he waited, he bobbed his head along to the live band’s Allman Brothers cover. 
“Hey,” a voice said next to Jake. “You look familiar.” 
Jake was curious where the conversation would go, so he turned to his left and looked at one of the women who was waiting for her drink. “Do I?” he asked with a cheeky grin. While he usually didn’t like the attention, he sometimes got a kick out of people trying to place his face. The amount of times people had mistaken him for Julien Baker was extraordinary. 
“Did we go to high school together?” the woman guessed. Jake had heard that one plenty of times. 
“Not unless you grew up in Frankenmuth, Michigan,” Jake replied. 
“Really? You don’t sound like you’re from Michigan,” the woman observed. This comment threw Jake off. 
“Where would you guess I was from?” 
“You’ve got, like, an echo of a British accent. It’s really interesting.” 
“What can I get for you?” The bartender’s attention was finally on Jake. 
“Fill ‘er up,” Jake motioned down to his glass. 
With his glass filled to the brim once more, Jake made a detour over to where the band was playing so he could watch the guitar player. The guy obviously had a lot of experience under his belt, because he was hitting every note in perfect precision. Jake liked to think that he was a pretty talented guitar player, but this guy wasn’t making a single error, and it was blowing his mind. 
Once they finished their song, Jake gave them an extra loud whoop in front of the stage. “Bravo!” he added. 
“Hey, thanks,” the lead singer grinned at Jake. “Got any requests?” 
“Play Cream and I’m never leaving this joint,” Jake beamed wide. 
“You better get yourself comfortable then,” the guitarist chuckled before launching into SWLABR. Jake let out a whoop in glee, gave the band a thumbs up, and made his way back to his friends’ table. 
“Hey there, social butterfly,” Josh poked fun at Jake. 
“I like the vibe of this place,” Jake shrugged. “The band said they would play Cream for me.” 
“So what you’re saying is it’s gonna be impossible to get you out of here, right?” Danny stared at Jake. 
Jake swigged down more beer, and then nodded in Danny’s direction. “You’re gonna have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming.” 
Danny shook his head at Jake with a smile between his pursed lips and Jake stuck his tongue back out at him. He jumped in surprise when he saw the woman from earlier at the side of their table. 
“I figured out where I know you from,” she announced, looking proud. Jake arched an eyebrow. “You’re from that rock band!” 
“Bingo,” Jake pointed at her. As fun as it was to get misrecognized, there was something gratifying in knowing that they were big enough to get spotted out in public. 
“My sister is a huge fan,” the woman continued. “She saw you guys during your last tour and said that your show was literally life changing. She’d die if she knew I was talking to you right now. But, uh, I’m sure you’re used to hearing this, so I’ll keep it brief. I just wanted to bring this over to thank you for making my sister so happy.” 
Jake stared at the tall pint that the woman was handing out to him in awe. 
“It’s a Copper State Sun Soaked - I overheard you ordering it at the bar,” the woman continued as she slipped the glass into Jake’s hands. 
“Thank you,” Jake told her, and he really meant it. The woman waved goodbye to him and made her way across the bar back to her friend group. Jake looked down at the pint in his hands, and set it next to his other glass. 
“Water for the rest of the night after this, I promise,” Jake looked around at everyone. “Mark my word.” 
“And that’s what I did,” Jake told the older man. “We hung around the bar for about another hour, and then we made our way back to the hotel. I went to my room and crashed almost immediately. Then, when I woke up, I was brought down here.” 
“Interesting,” Doug studied Jake. The kid looked like he was being sincere, which threw Doug and his hypothesis in for a loop. He searched Jake’s face for any signs of deceit. “I sent you down here to talk to me because there was vandalism reported in the lobby last night.” 
“Really?” Jake’s eyebrows raised. “What happened?”
“Let’s just say that someone tampered with something that’s really important to me and my hotel.”  
Jake had no trouble looking Doug in the eyes this time around. “I can promise you, sir, I had nothing to do with it.”
Doug gazed at Jake a few beats longer, and then nodded his head. “You’re free to go.”
“Oh thank god,” Jake heaved out and then rose from his seat. 
“But I want you to send in someone else from your party,” Doug continued. Jake frowned at that. 
“We have to hit the road soon.” 
“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.” 
Jake gave a grunt, and left the room in silence. A few minutes later, his twin, Josh, entered into the hotel manager’s office, looking around at the IKEA-inspired decor. 
“Love what you’ve done with the place,” Josh greeted Doug. “Fake plants are really in right now.” 
“Take a seat,” Doug motioned towards the wooden chair that his brother had just been nervously sitting in. Josh slowly lowered himself into the seat and then folded his hands politely in his lap. 
“Is this about the bathrobe I took from the bathroom? Because I thought it was complimentary. If it’s not, I’ll put it back.” 
“Don’t worry about that,” Doug shook his head. “It’ll just get charged to your card.” 
“Aw man,” Josh pouted. 
“I’m trying to fit the pieces of a mystery together, and I need your help. Can you tell me what you did last night?” 
Josh gave Doug a look that showed he was surprised by the question, but shrugged. “My pals and I went to this pub right by the river for their tap selection. We wanted to have a celebratory night out before we headed back home to Michigan.” 
The night was already exhausting. Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny all squeezed around a tall pub table, leaning over their pints to sip out of the top of the overfilled glasses. Josh winced at the taste of the sour beer and nudged the drink away from him. The rest of his friends were still hard at work, slurping down the beer with content. Josh folded his hands in front of him and thought about their weekend away from home. Their trip to Green Bay had started on a whim, inspired by a side comment from Sam about how they had never really spent any quality time in Wisconsin. Paired with Danny’s recent That 70s Show obsession, it only seemed right that they would squeeze into the Jeep Truck and hit the road west. 
In their 72 hours they had enjoyed some hikes, visited a cool botanical garden, and, of course, hit up as many bars as they could. Josh wasn’t sure what he thought about Ned Kelly’s Pub. Although the massive chandelier made out of glass bottles was pretty impressive, Josh didn’t feel like it outshined the other places they had visited. However, looking around at his friends’ faces, he could tell that they were all enchanted by the bar. They were gonna be there for a while. 
After trading some jokes about Sam’s goofy cheese hat that he had picked up at the National Railroad Museum gift shop earlier in the day, Josh noticed that Jake’s big glass was already empty. The guy must have enjoyed that sour beer a whole lot more than he had. 
“Pace yourself, tiger,” Josh found himself telling Jake without thinking. Jake had promised that he would drive a leg of their trip back to Michigan the following day, and there was no way he was getting out of it by pulling the hungover card. He had used that one way too many times. 
Josh noted that Jake genuinely looked surprised by his alcohol intake, but his shock seemed to last a millisecond since he bounced over to the bar for a refill without hesitation. 
“Do you like this shit?” Josh asked Sam and Danny, pointing an unenthusiastic finger down at his sour beer. He was relieved to see Sam and Danny both shrugging. 
“It’s okay, I guess,” Danny sounded indifferent. 
“I don’t get what the hype is,” Sam chimed in. “This tastes like soap.” Sam then proceeded to take another long chug. 
“Jake seems to like it though,” Danny commented. They all turned to watch the guitarist saunter up to the bar, slam his empty glass down on the counter, and grin at the bartender. The three watched with more interest when they noticed a woman peel away from her group of friends to talk to him. Jake seemed to be torn between getting the bartender’s attention to fill his glass and listening to the woman, but he eventually started conversing with her. 
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Josh wondered. 
Sam snorted. “He’s probably trying to convince her he has a Grammy.” 
Josh noted that Jake’s body language was unusually confident as he talked to the stranger. The woman towered over him in her heels, but he seemed at ease as they laughed over something. When he got his drink, he looked like he was coming back to them, but then quickly diverted his path to head to the live band, who was playing Midnight Rambler. Josh couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw Jake move uncomfortably close to the stage, staring at the guitarist with his eyes wide. 
“He’s freaking that guy out,” Josh commented under his breath. Sam and Danny paused their side conversation about how Sam could style his cheese hat to watch Jake take slow steps closer and closer to the stage. “He looks like he’s on the brink of taking the guitar away from that guy.” 
“He better not,” Danny frowned. “We’re already banned from a handful of bars because of that.” 
They all exhaled in relief when the band broke into a Cream song and Jake, in complete euphoria, returned to the table. Josh watched in horror as Jake guzzled his second glass down in less than 10 seconds like it was nothing. He let out a burp, smiled happily, patted his stomach, and then jolted upright when he realized he had cleared his pint. 
“How is that surprising to you?” Josh asked Jake. “You’re the one who drank it all, it’s not like it magically disappeared.” 
“These are just going a lot faster than I had anticipated, I guess,” Jake looked troubled. 
They made a pact after some arguing that Jake would stick to water for the night, but that quickly went down the drain when the woman approached the table, gave Jake a wink, and placed another tall pint of sour beer in front of him. Josh wanted to scream at the lady to give that beer to literally anyone else in the establishment but Jake, but his mouth remained glued shut. He watched in despair as Jake, once more, threw the entire pint back like it was a shot. Frat guys around the world would be in utter awe of what he was doing. 
“Water for the rest of the night. I promise,” Jake promised, starting to slur his words. “Mark my word.” 
Jake did not stick to his word. 
Over the next 45 minutes, Jake managed to sneak three more pints of the Copper State Sun Soaked. Whether it be bribing someone to bring him a glass in the bathroom, sipping one under the table, or lapping up spills behind the bar, Jake’s BAC was guaranteed to be nearing staggering heights. 
When Jake decided to tear off his shirt and jump on stage to play the tambourine with the poor live band that was just trying to get through a Bob Seger song, Josh threw in the towel. 
“I can’t do this tonight,” Josh admitted to Danny, who looked equally tired of Jake’s antics. “I’m gonna go back to my room and watch some HGTV to unwind.” 
“And I left the bar after that,” Josh concluded his story. “I’m pretty sure I heard them get back to their room around 2am last night. They were a bit loud, but they quieted down pretty fast.” 
“Your brother said that he stuck to water last night after his third drink,” Doug tapped his chin. 
“Well then, he’s a liar,” Josh shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. But what does Jake’s drinking last night have to do with anything?” 
“Nothing you have to worry about,” Doug shook his head. Josh looked like he wanted to protest, but Doug quickly motioned for the door. “Please send your brother, Sam, in. I want to talk to him.” 
“Fine, but you better take it easy on him. He’s a sensitive guy, it doesn’t take a whole lot to spook him,” Josh warned Doug. He chuckled at Josh’s warning and, once more, pointed for the door. 
“No need to worry, I’ll be nice to the little guy.” 
Sam entered the room next, still wearing his cheese hat, which he had styled with a pair of black slacks, a yellow button up shirt, and yellow Adidas. 
“What’s up, Doc?” Sam greeted the older gentleman as he peeled a large orange and started to slide the slices into his mouth. Doug motioned for Sam to take a seat at his desk and Sam complied after he took a pause to snap a photo of Doug’s bald head with his fancy camera. “I never thought I’d get to chat with a hotel manager one-on-one like this,” Sam continued to chatter while balancing the orange peels on top of the desk. 
“Sam,” Doug cleared his throat. “I want you to take this conversation seriously.” 
“Are you mad at me?” Sam theatrically called out, his eyes started to well up. Doug started to stumble on his words, panicking over the fact that the curly haired one had been right about his younger brother. 
“No, of course not,” Doug assured Sam, using his sweetest tone. “I just need you to tell me about your time last night at Ned Kelly’s Pub.” 
“How did you know I was at Ned Kelly’s Pub last night,” Sam squinted his eyes at Doug.
“Your brothers told me.” 
“Oh, well, in that case,” Sam chuckled. He grabbed the desk lamp from Doug’s desk and flicked it on so he could hold it under his chin, creating grisly shadows on his face. “It was a cold and dark night in Green Bay, Wisconsin,” Sam started off in a dramatic tone. Doug took a seat across from him and held his head in his hands. This was going to be a long testimony. 
“Since you already know that we were at Ned Kelly’s Pub, I’ll spare you the details about Daniel and I stealing a horse downtown beforehand. You don’t need to hear about that.” 
“Wait,” Doug tried to interrupt Sam. “I actually do want to hear about that.” 
“I was standing at this tall table with my best friend and my brothers, feeling on top of the world with my cheese hat,” Sam cut off Doug, staring into the distance.
It was a bonkers night. Sam and Daniel kept flashing each other excited grins. They had taken something in the parking lot of the bar to really lean into the That 70s Show fantasy that Daniel was trying to live out. Sam had no idea what they had sent into their systems, but it tasted like cherries and made him feel like he was floating. 
He could hear what his brothers and Daniel were saying, but his head wasn’t processing any of it. He felt like he was on autopilot as he gave short answers and laughed when everyone else did. When the conversation shifted to Jake’s drinking, Sam found himself staring daggers at the bartender. He couldn’t help it, the guy looked just like Ben Affleck. In fact, the more Sam stared at him, the more certain he was that the guy really was the A-list actor. Sam had hated his portrayal of Bruce Wayne in Batman Vs. Superman; it was a travesty.
He was ready to storm up to the guy to demand who he thought he was, dating J-Lo and being the moody cigarette “it” boy and all, but Jake beat him to it. Sam watched Jake approach the bartender and let his shoulders slump in defeat. That was a fight to pick later. Plus anyways, Sam had a bigger bone to chew: there was a portal opening on the dancefloor. Sam stared at the streaking lights of blue, yellow, and orange that seemed to be flinging out of the portal in every direction and could tell that his eyes were dilating. 
“Woah,” he whispered out in awe. Josh gave him a quick glance but shook his head and went back to blabbing about how Jake was weird for liking the sour beer. Sam was pretty sure he had agreed that it tasted bad, but really he didn’t mind it. His sense of taste was heightened to God-levels, so each sip made him feel like he was consuming the elixir of life. 
Sam tried to send Daniel morse code messages by batting his eyelashes, but Daniel just winked back at him. He was disappointed that they hadn’t reached the point where they could telepathically communicate with each other, but he knew it was bound to happen eventually. 
“How do bus drivers exit the bus and close the door when they’re the last shift?” Sam wondered aloud. Josh didn’t hear him, but Daniel did and widened his eyes, his mouth hung open. 
“Dude,” Daniel mumbled in awe. Sam was too hung up on that philosophical question to notice Jake rejoining their table, cradling another pint. He only turned his attention towards his older brother when he saw Jake unhinge his jaw to suck down all of the beer in one animalistic gulp out of the corner of his eye. Sam paled at the sight and started to run through the possibilities. 
Was his brother a lizard person? Was that a normal thing that people could do? Or did he and Daniel take some seriously good shit in the parking lot? 
Josh started to yell something at Jake, and Sam cupped his head in his hand, focusing on breathing through his ears. He saw a woman with five arms approach Jake and slip another drink in his hand. All over again, Jake’s jaw unhinged and the drink was gone. He chewed the glass and everything. 
Sam couldn’t stay silent on the issue anymore, and tried to blink in morse code to Daniel, “BATHROOM” but Daniel fluttered his eyelashes back at Sam, obviously not getting the message. Sam sighed and jutted his thumb in some general direction. 
“It’s piss time for me, the piss boy,” he shouted over the music. Josh and Jake both paused from their arguing to stare at Sam, and then Sam scampered away. 
He was grateful that Daniel trailed behind him and leaned into his side when they were out of sight of the twins.
“Jake is a lizard person,” Sam shared. Daniel jumped away from Sam and shook his head in disbelief. 
“No way. But he doesn’t like the sunlight that much.” 
“Did you see him eat that pint glass?” 
“You must have been distracted by something else.” 
“I saw a guy standing in the corner of the room who claimed he was my great-great-grandfather,” Danny remembered. “Wait, what were we talking about?” 
Sam tried to think back on what information he had been so desperate to share with Daniel, but came up short. “I think the bartender is Ben Affleck,” he remembered. 
“That guy stunk as Batman,” Daniel clenched his fist. 
By the time they made it back to their table, Josh looked beyond fed up. He went on a rant about something, but Sam was too busy trying to spot the light molecules coming off the disco ball over the dancefloor to listen. Jake wandered away a few times and, each time he came back, his face looked brighter and happier, until he was a beaming ray of light. Sam squinted to see him. 
“I’m going back to my room,” Josh grumbled, tugging on Sam’s arm to get his attention. Sam made a comment that he thought might make sense, and then focused back on Jake, who had magically appeared on top of the bar and was missing his shirt. 
Ben Affleck shouted something towards Sam and Daniel, and his face turned tomato red when Sam gave him a thumbs up. Sam wondered if the thumbs up gesture meant something rude in Wisconsin, and made a vow to keep his thumb to himself. 
From 10:30pm to 12:30am, Sam stood in the bathroom, gaping at his reflection in the mirror. He could have sworn that his eyes were starting to droop down his cheeks the longer he stared, and the only way he could put them back in place was if he smiled as hard as he could. It was a daunting task but, after 2 committed hours, he finally decided that droopy eyes were actually kind of cool. 
He exited from the bathroom and turned in fifteen full circles looking for Jake and Daniel, but they were nowhere to be seen. Sam wanted to sob at the thought of being left alone, but he quickly reasoned with himself that they trusted him on his own, and had given him a quest to make his way back to the hotel in one piece. 
So Sam stepped out of the bar and dawdled around the empty Green Bay streets. At one point he shed his shoes and chucked them into the river for the fish to wear. He plodded through the desolate neighborhoods, whistling classical music to himself that his parents had played for him on Baby Einstein CDs as a child. He was everywhere and nowhere at once. It was beautiful. 
He couldn’t say for certain what he had accomplished in those hours, but he vaguely recalled something to do with a helicopter, multiple slices of Kraft singles, and a raccoon who wouldn’t stop screaming. 
Around 3am, Sam finally stepped foot into their hotel lobby and was struck with a jarring familiarity at the space. 
“This is my home,” Sam realized in delight. “I made it home. My journey is complete.” 
“And then I fell asleep until literally 20 minutes ago when Josh dragged me out of my room to come down and see you,” Sam finished his tale. Doug looked at him with a twitching eye. 
“You’re telling me you were the one who hijacked the helicopter off the top of the Bellin Building and drove down near the interstate to throw cheese slices at cars?” 
“Probably,” Sam shrugged. “I still don’t know where the screaming raccoon came in though.” 
“Tell me this,” Doug pinched at the bridge of his nose. “Do you remember seeing anything out of the ordinary when you came into the hotel lobby?” 
“I was on drugs,” Sam reminded Doug. “Everything I saw was out of the ordinary.” 
“This is no use,” Doug grumbled. “Is your friend gonna be any help to me, or was he out tripping balls all night long too?” 
“Daniel has a crystal clear memory, inebriated or not,” Sam proudly shared. 
“Send him in then,” Doug asked. Sam shrugged, popped up from his seat, took one more photo of Doug’s bald head, and skipped out of the room. 
“This is a nightmare,” Doug groaned before taking a couple aspirin. 
Danny wandered into the room, looking around him in a panic. When he saw the hotel manager staring at him, he gulped and forced his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. 
“Can I help you?” Danny squeaked. Doug’s furrowed brow loosened when he saw how much the poor guy was trembling. 
“Your friend told me that you have a pretty good memory,” Doug sounded out his words. “It would be a massive help to me and my report if I could get a detailed look into everything that happened with you and your friends last night.” 
Danny looked pale, but he slowly nodded his head. 
“What do you need to know?” 
“Tell me what happened from the second you entered the bar, to when you made it back to your hotel room.” 
“Okay,” Danny whispered. 
The night was frankly a mess. Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny all squeezed around a tall pub table, leaning over their pints to sip out of the top of the overfilled glasses. Danny was feeling a bit woozy from the LSD he and Sam had taken in the parking lot before entering the bar. It had been Sam’s treat: he wanted Danny to feel like a teen in the 70s as much as he could. Weed probably would have done the trick, but Danny appreciated the gesture. 
It was clear that Sam was hallucinating more than Danny, because every glimpse he caught of his friend, Sam looked like he was seeing the world for the first time. Danny, on the other hand, was dealing with a gnarly headache, a rapid heartbeat, and an overall feeling of disorientation. Sure, he kept seeing a guy who kinda looked like him, but dressed in Pilgrim clothing, speaking in a hush about being his ancestor, but that was the only thing that felt out of the ordinary. 
He took slow sips of the nasty sour beer that made his stomach groan in even more protest, and listened as Jake and Josh poked fun at Sam’s cheese hat. Danny wanted to stand up for Sam and tell off the twins for not respecting the cheese hat, but he felt so queasy, he didn’t want to risk what would happen when he opened his mouth. 
Jake took a long sip from his beer, entirely clearing it of its contents, and Danny was relieved when Josh spoke up. 
“Pace yourself, tiger,” Josh warned his brother. 
“Oh, geez,” Jake murmured under his breath, staring at his glass in awe. Danny could tell that he was surprised by how fast the beer had gone down; they had hardly been standing at the table for more than five minutes. Danny knew: he could feel every second tick away. 
Jake looked conflicted, but eventually opted to take his glass back to the bar for a refill. While he was gone, Josh leaned forward to check and see if Danny and Sam liked the beer at all. Danny let out a burning burp that made him flinch, and then coughed out that it wasn’t great. What really wasn’t great was how his body was reacting to the LSD. 
He watched through squinted eyes as Jake chatted with a nice looking woman at the bar, and then meandered over to the live band that was playing the Allman Brothers. Once he got them to play a Cream song, he made his way back to the table, looking proud of himself. 
“Hey there, social butterfly,” Josh taunted Jake. 
“Fuck you,” Jake growled. "So maybe I like this place."
“So what you’re saying is it’s gonna be impossible to get you out of here, right?” Danny stared at Jake. The last thing he wanted was to be trapped in that bar while he felt like such shit. 
“You’re gonna have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming,” Jake chuckled in between drinks.  
“Jesus Christ,” Sam gaped at Jake. 
“What?” Jake asked, confused once more. Sam, Danny, and Josh all pointed at the tall pint in Jake’s right hand. Jake held it up to his eyeline and paled. It was empty again. “How the hell did I do that?” Jake choked out. 
“You drank that thing like it was a watering hole in the middle of the Sahara,” Danny observed. Jake studied his loose black button up top and took in the dark beer stains dotting his chest and collar. His face reddened in embarrassment. 
“I’ll tone it down, I promise,” he said. “I know we’re leaving tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, and you’re supposed to drive the second leg,” Josh nodded. “I’m not covering for your ass.” 
“I’d ask Sam to drive that leg before I asked you,” Jake protested. “You stink at driving.” 
“Look who’s talking, Mr. Go-95-On-The-Highway!” Josh exclaimed, waving his hands around in a fury.
“It was late at night, there was hardly anyone on the road!” Jake defended himself. 
“Hey, hey,” Danny waved his arms across the table to get the twins to quit bickering. It was really starting to hurt his head. “Let’s not argue over something that isn’t even a problem yet, okay?” 
Danny felt like he had gotten the situation under control, until the woman approached their table. 
“I figured out where I know you from,” she smiled at Jake, looking proud. Jake arched an eyebrow. “You’re from that rock band!” 
“You finally got it,” Jake laughed. 
“Here, have this on me," the woman said.
Jake stared at the tall pint that the woman was handing out to him with hungry eyes. 
“Oh no,” Danny could hear Josh whisper. 
“It’s a Copper State Sun Soaked - I overheard you ordering it at the bar,” the woman continued as she slipped the glass into Jake’s waiting hands. 
“Cheers,” Jake told her. The woman waved goodbye to him and made her way across the bar back to her friend group. Jake looked down at the pint in his hands, and then up at his band members. 
“Give me that,” Josh motioned at Jake. “Before you do something stupid.” 
Jake kept the glass firm in his hands, and tipped it back. 
“You’re kidding me,” Danny gaped. 
“He did it again,” Sam’s eyes widened. 
Jake’s hands shook as he gaped at the third empty glass he had seen in under 20 minutes. “I swear,” he croaked out, “I’m not doing this on purpose.” 
“It sure as hell seems like you are,” Josh countered. “You downed that whole thing while making eye contact with me. In fact, it felt really targeted.” 
“Water for the rest of the night. I promise,” Jake looked around at everyone. “Mark my word.” 
Danny wished they could have just gone back to the hotel at that point, but things never went that smoothly. After having a brief check in with Sam that confirmed Danny’s suspicions that Sam was having the trip of a lifetime, they returned back to their table to find Jake in a much worse state than they had left him. 
“He keeps drinking this shit,” Josh grumbled to Danny, motioning at the pile of empty glasses surrounding Jake. “I can’t get him to stop.” 
“Can’t stop, won’t stop,” Jake burped out. 
“Can stop, should stop,” Josh countered. Jake gave Josh a loud and juicy raspberry, and then tore his shirt over his head. 
“No shirt, no service!” the bartender hollered at Jake as he hopped onto the live band’s small makeshift stage and smacked a tambourine against his ass to their Bob Seger song. 
“I DON’T NEED SERVICE FROM YEW WANKER!” Jake hollered at the man in between barking laughs. Josh stared at his twin in silence for a few beats, and then shook his head in disappointment. 
“I’m not doing this tonight,” Josh spoke in a low grumble. “I’m gonna go back to my room and watch some HGTV to unwind.” 
Danny watched him step away from their table, flip off Jake, and silently move out of the bar and down the city street. He desperately wanted to run after Josh, begging for them to leave together, but he remained glued in place. Jake was transforming into Oliver Reed, and that was something you couldn’t leave unsupervised.
“BOB SEGER IS A GENTLEMAN IF I’VE EVER KNOWN ONE!” Oliver Reed hollered from the stage. He took a pause from his incoherent shouting to bash the tambourine a couple of times over the drummer’s head. 
“Security!” the guitarist called out in a panic. “Can you get this guy out of here?” 
Danny hurried to the stage, climbed up onto the elevated wooden platform, and hoisted Jake over his shoulder. “HOW DARE YEW PUT YER GRIMY HANDS ON ME YEW BIG OLD BUFFOON!” Oliver Reed howled at Danny while trying to scratch him. He got in a few good swipes that slowed Danny down, but he successfully carried his friend out of the bar and was even met with applause as they left. 
Once they were a block away from the bar, Danny set Jake down and forced his shirt into his hands. 
“Put that back on, dude,” Danny snapped. “It’s, like, 30 degrees outside.” 
Danny stared at Jake in disbelief. Oliver Reed was being more of a menace than usual. 
As if his words weren’t biting enough, Jake leaned forward, kicked Danny in the shin, and then tore in the opposite direction down the street. “I hate my life,” Danny groaned before chasing after Jake. 
“RUN RUN RUN AS FAST AS YEW CAN, YEW CAN’T CATCH ME CUZ’ I’M THE BDE MAN!” Oliver Reed cackled over his shoulder at Danny. 
Danny wasn’t happy that Jake was outrunning him by so much, but he could blame that on the LSD. It was challenging to run in a straight line when it felt like the night sky was below Danny’s feet. Talk about bad timing for the hallucinations to kick in. 
“Jake! Oliver! Whoever you are!” Danny called after his friend in desperation. “Can you please stop? I’m so tired!” 
“NO!” Oliver Reed’s voice echoed off in the distance. 
Danny huffed and tried to pick up his pace. Jake was edging closer to the waterfront, and it was making Danny nervous. When Oliver Reed came out, he was often motivated to dive into whatever water was closest by to “seduce the mermaids.” Danny knew for a fact that Oliver Reed didn’t know how to swim (the man sank like a stone), so the stakes were higher than ever. 
Thank goodness Jake stopped. Danny would have been more relieved if he hadn’t done it in the middle of six lanes of oncoming traffic. 
“I PART THEE, RED SEA!” Oliver Reed held a hand up to the cars that were swerving to avoid him. Danny forced back a scream and put his head down to power towards his friend without being smushed into oblivion by an 18-wheeler. How he made it to Jake unscathed, he had no clue. “THE RED SEA! JUST LIKE YER MUM’S PANTIES LAST NIGHT!” Oliver Reed screeched at a cab that just barely missed him. 
“OLIVER!” Danny yelled at the top of his lungs. He was surprised that he actually had his attention. Even though Jake had somehow acquired sunglasses and a fake beard since leaving the bar, making it hard to read his facial expressions, he could still see that Jake was listening to him attentively. “Get out of the road!” Danny continued. 
Jake stared at him a bit longer, and then started to sprint away from Danny again. 
“SKEEDOOSH!” Oliver Reed called over his shoulder with a barking laugh. 
Danny chased Jake nearly everywhere in the city, from the downtown area to the less-populated rural areas just outside of town. It was exhausting work, and Danny kept thinking that Jake was bound to flop over, but he wouldn’t stop. Danny was starting to think that the guy really was a machine, until they made it to the front doors of their hotel. 
“Best be getting me to bed,” Oliver Reed announced at the most normal volume Danny had heard all night. 
“Good,” Danny gasped for breath. 
Entirely unaffected by their extensive aerobics, Jake pushed the front door open and made his way into the lobby. 
“Wouldn’t turn down a sip or two of the good shit,” he decided. Danny tried to stop Jake, but he was moving on a mission towards the bar area, even though it was closed. Danny nearly tripped over Jake’s feet when he came to an abrupt halt, looking up at something in awe, as if looking into the face of a deity. 
“Would yew look at ‘at,” he breathed out as he took in the lifesize statue of Captain Morgan that was standing tall and proud in the middle of the hotel lobby. “The captain of the seven seas, Mr. Cap’n Morgan. I thought he was only a myth, but there he is. Wild shit.” 
“Take a picture, it’ll last you longer,” Danny said, trying to move Jake along. Jake stood firm, staring at Captain Morgan with a newfound interest. 
“He’s tellin’ me I’m shit,” Oliver Reed suddenly growled. “That old Oliver Fucking Reed himself is no worthy pirate. Well, I’ll show ‘im. I’ll show that bastard.” 
“Jake,” Danny’s voice squeaked in shock as he watched Jake jump at the Captain Morgan statue and tear his left hand away like a rabid animal. The sword that was in the statue’s hand loudly clattered to the floor, and Jake was quick to scoop it up. 
“Jake!” Danny cried out once more as Jake swirled the sword around and jabbed it into the statue’s plaster chest. 
Danny had to plank to the ground with a yelp when Jake chucked Captain Morgan’s left hand as hard as he could across the lobby. They both watched it soar towards the front doors, which automatically opened for the hand and closed when it had fully passed through. Jake attempted to chop with the sword a couple of times as if he was cutting a head of lettuce, and then lit a large cigar to celebrate his victory. 
Danny rose back to his feet and, while Oliver Reed was chuckling to himself about what a great swordsman he was, he lurched forward and forced the sword out of Jake’s grasp. 
“BOLLOCKS!” Oliver Reed hollered in despair. “I’VE BEEN ROBBED!” 
“You’ve been saved,” Danny corrected Jake, holding the sword under Jake’s chin. 
“I’ll call it a draw,” Oliver Reed gulped. 
“You’re gonna do what I say, okay?” Danny growled at the troublemaker. Jake nodded, wincing at the feeling of the sword up against his jugular. “We’re gonna take a nice walk up to your room, you’re gonna get in bed, and you’re gonna have the best night’s sleep of your life.” 
“That sounds bloody nice,” Oliver Reed thought aloud. “Better than a sword through the heart, I reckon.” 
So Danny led Jake upstairs to his room, saw that he made it under his covers, and only left when he heard soft snores coming from the bed. Then he went to the shore of Lake Michigan and chucked the sword as far as he could. 
Finally feeling content with where things were at, Danny made his way to his own room and immediately passed out under the covers to sleep off the LSD. 
“I’m so sorry, Sir,” Danny told Doug with sincerity. “I tried to keep my friend from messing with your statue, but you should see how fast he moves while intoxicated. He’s like a cat.” 
“I should have talked to you first,” Doug gazed at Danny in interest. “That would have saved me a hell of a lot of time and a headache.” 
“What are you going to do with us?” Danny looked fearful. “I can promise you all of this was a big mixup, we have nothing against Captain Morgan, his brand, or your hotel partnership.” 
“Gather your friends. I want to talk to you all.” 
Danny looked on the brink of soiling himself, but he left the room and shortly came back with Jake, Josh and Sam. In his time away, Sam had managed to acquire a cheese board to serve as an accessory with the rest of his outfit. 
They all crowded into the cramped office and Jake shot Danny a worried glance. Danny wasn’t sure how much Jake knew or remembered, so he opted to keep his eyes glued to the floor. He hated how awful he was at lying when he was stressed; he should have done more to cover for his friend instead of recounting every part of the night in excruciating detail. Jake was bound to never talk to him again. Probably Josh too. Sam would most likely still be his friend because he thought it was funny when Jake got in trouble. 
“You’ve probably pieced together why I brought you all in here today,” Doug shared with the group. 
“Nope,” Sam shook his head. “I’m still stumped.” 
“My Captain Morgan statue was desecrated last night, and it’s come to my attention that one of you is at fault.” 
Danny continued to study the floor. 
“Captain Morgan?” Jake’s voice trailed off. His face dropped. The previous night was coming back to him fast. He had not stuck to water after his three pints of beer. 
“Oh no!” Josh called out. “I liked that guy! Very nice decor. Very aquatic.” 
“Captain Morgan,” Doug looked at Jake. Jake stared back at him with wide eyes. “Son, you really need to tone it down with the sour beers.” 
“So I’m not the one who’s in trouble?” Sam asked around. When no one responded to him, he gave the room a peace sign and strolled out the door. “Later skaters,” he called over his shoulder. 
“I know,” Jake choked. “Sour beers aren’t good for me.” 
“They’re just not good, period,” Josh corrected Jake. 
“It’s my fault too,” Danny burst out. “I should have stopped Jake.” 
“You tried your best,” Doug gave Danny a sympathetic gaze. “You weren’t the one who tore off the hand.” 
“But I did dump the sword in the lake.” 
“For the welfare of everyone in the vicinity. I can respect that.” 
“Wait, Jake had a sword last night?” Josh looked around at everyone. “And I missed it?” 
“I’m going to ask that you cover the charge to fix Captain Morgan,” Doug told Jake. “Whether it was your alter ego or not, you were caught on those security cameras doing the dirty work.” 
“So you knew it was me all along?” Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Then why did you make us go through all of that interrogating?” 
Doug shrugged. “I mostly just wanted to try to understand why someone would destroy something as sacred as my Captain Morgan statue.” 
Jake pondered this and eventually nodded, like he understood where Doug was coming from. 
“But now I’m also sitting on a lot of information that the Green Bay police department would find valuable about that horse and helicopter theft that went down last night.” 
“You know, it’s been so nice meeting you,” Danny nervously chuckled, pushing on Jake and Josh’s backs to steer them out of the room. “Jake will get that check sent to you as soon as you get us the invoice. Whatever the price, we’ve got it covered. Thank you so much for your hospitality, and we’ll make sure to give this place five stars on Yelp.” 
Once they were out of the doorframe, Danny looked between the twins. 
“Run,” he hissed. “We’re not getting caught for any more of our crimes today.” 
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hyper-jam · 10 months
More random SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons (part 3)
+some general fnaf movie stuff
-I like the idea that Mike, Abby, Ness, Vanessa, Max, and Cory(/whatever his characters name is/would be) are all friends and call themselves the fazgang, which Ness, Abby, and Vanessa were definitely the ones who came up with that
-Mike eventually agrees to take Ness to Freddy’s after months of asking, and the two of them + Abby and Vanessa all go together to hang out with the animatronics and tell each other stuff about the place (Ness finally finds out the truth abt everything)
-Mike listens to 80’s music and like “male manipulator” type shit (he’s an angsty trans guy bros a stereotype /pos) and Ness is a def a Swifty he loves “white girl who’s friends are almost all gay men” type music /hj
-when Abby finds out that Mike and Ness like each other, she is GOBSMACKED because her brother has always been chronically bitchless on both ends but then she gets all excited to try and play match maker (she asks Vanessa for help and they’re actually kinda good at it)
-Vanessa is a LESBIAN and I am MIKENESSAS #1 HATER !! /hj /lh
-Ness loves embarrassing Mike any chance they get ever (they do try their best not to overstep but they’re a bit bad at gauging where the line is, especially since Mike isn’t very good at communicating, so they do go too far sometimes but it’s ok normally it’s all good and fun and Mike secretly likes it he’s like “hehe that’s right they’re my partner and I’m their boyfriend hehe I’m a boyfriend hehe”)
-Mike and Ness are so clingy I will never shut up abt it they will text and call any time they’re apart but they’re together like any chance they get and when they’re out in public, Ness will make it obvious they’re together in every way they can (without making Mike uncomfortable) and Mike can be a bit possessive over them like if he’s upset or feels left out or like Ness isn’t paying him enough attention to him (etc etc which like doesn’t happen often cause Ness is obsessed with him) he’ll get more physically and openly clingy (example is my last art piece they’re so cute) and in private they’re just like always touching, kissing, hugging, cuddling, rubbing, caressing, tracing, holding they are SO CLINGY IDC
-Abby makes the fazgang friendship bracelets
-Mike is NOT a jewelry person even remotely but he will wear anything Abby or Ness gives him, he just makes it known that he prefers bracelets and rings as they’re more subtle and usually more masculine
-Ness on the other hand loves jewelry and accessories and fun clothing in general. They have earings, bracelets, rings, pins, glasses, jackets, belts, pants and shirts with fun designs, etc. he loves dressing up
-Ness’ love language is yapping (info dumping, rambling, pet names, words of affirmation, etc.) and Mike loves to listen (even though he has no idea what they’re on abt half the time, he just likes hearing their voice and seeing them happy/excited/passionate)
-Mike and Ness absolutely share music with/make playlists for each other, even though majority of the time their music taste is NOT similar like AT ALL 💔💔💔
-Ness likes buying Mike shirts. Usually they’ll be nice and buy him shirts with stuff he’s interested in on it (music, movies, etc.) but he will also buy dumb things or cheesy couple stuff to see how much he can get away with (Mike always wears them, even if he thinks they’re dumb, though if they’re too dumb he’ll usually wear hoodies and jackets over them. Still wears them though)
-Mike and Ness absolutely steal each others clothes. They don’t wear them, cause they’re different sizes and styles, but being the clingy hoes they are, they’ll steal shirts and hoodies and stuff just simply to have, especially if they have to be apart for a long time
-whenever/if Mike eventually gets top surgery, Ness immediately becomes more touchy because they know that Mike is far more comfortable. They hug and cuddle him without worry, they run their hands across his chest, they kiss his scars, etc. UGH they’re so sweet I love them
-fall and winter are Mike and Ness’ favorite seasons. Mike loves it because of the cooler and darker weather, meaning he can comfortably layer clothes and experiences less weather related sensory issues (temperature, sunlight, etc.), Ness loves the holidays and the seasonal treats
-Mike and Ness love carnival and arcade dates. Ness loves carnival treats and rides, Mike likes winning games, they both like getting cute little prizes for each other. They do have to take precautions for overstimulation though lol. Noise canceling headphones (Ness has the obvious over ear ones that they like to decorate, Mike wears ear plugs/buds), sunglasses if lights are too much, little codes to let the other know that they need a break or wanna leave, etc.
-they cook together. Again, I do love the “Mike can’t cook for shit” headcanon but frankly that’s not super likely so they just cook together and it’s cute
-cute at home movie dates where they either bond over nerdy shit (like Marvel, Star Wars, whatever) and Ness can’t stop talking about his theories and Easter eggs and general things he thinks about the movies the whole time, which Mike doesn’t mind since he’s already seen them plenty of times and again he just likes listening to Ness, or Ness makes them watch cheesy romcoms that make Mike want to pull his hair out and he actively complains and makes fun of the characters the whole movie, which Ness doesn’t mind cause like yeah he’s right but they’re also always like “omg us” and Mike is like “what no nuh uh we’re so much cooler than them/I don’t act anything like that” and then Ness gives him a look and Mike is like “babe, stop, no, we’re/im not like that” and then Ness starts making a silly little impression of some shit Mike does and then Mike sees their point but is still stubborn abt it and just akskdslsdn you get the idea
-ok that’s all for now giggles
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angelosearch · 7 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
First off, thanks for this! ❤️ yaaaay an ask game!!!
Second... OH MY GOD five things Iike about myself?! This is going to be hard. But my therapist would be so happy to know I've been given this challenge, haha.
And of course, I have to provide details and addendums to these because I have to treat everything like a personal essay. Ugh.
I am a loud cringe nerd
I have fun facts for days, if not weeks
Music is my religion
I bet I can make you laugh
I understand my narrative
Longer answers under the cut.
I am not afraid to show enthusiasm/honesty and be loud. You know the part of your brain that tells you to not do embarrassing/cringe/over-the-top-thing before you do it? I am not going to try and diagnose it but that literally does not exist for me. I will sing along loudly to songs in public; I am the person at a wedding who never leaves the dancefloor; I dress in bright colors and wear the weirdest prints; I will laugh or cry uncontrollably if the moment calls for it. I am incapable of holding back positivity and excitement. I will gush about how great something or someone is. If I like your shoes, I am 100% going to tell you, no fear. All of this can make life really fun. It attracts people with good energy into my orbit. It makes me feel like the last thing I am is boring - but I also go home and regret every minute of it because of the second-hand embarrassment later. Somehow all these things are wrong to do in my head (even though I am never moved like this by negativity, fear, or hate), yet I cannot stop myself from doing them. I loathe that I am a book with a broken spine that cannot stay closed. I hate every inch of space I take up. I cannot stop being vulnerable which is great for therapy but not so great for being a normal, functioning adult. I fear sometimes that people think that I believe my thoughts are all-important because I share them all. Nope. I just literally have no choice in the matter. The thoughts and actions pop into my head and they must be heard/done.
I am an endless fountain of "fun" facts because I am interested in a lot of stuff and love to learn. I think "did you know that..." is my most used phase. If I have a fun fact on a subject, you will know (it's something else I feel I have no control over). My hand will be up if I don't just blurt it out. And I am always rolling them up in my Katamari-Ball brain, listening to podcasts, reading articles, watching documentaries, and other videos. I remember these weird fringe things but then I will forget your name and your job. Don't tell me what you're into because I AM going to do a deep dive and suddenly be an expert in it. Tbh it's a great skill for a writer, but I am pretty sure it annoys people around me. Especially when all the fun facts are related to whatever I am obsessed with at the moment. You'll never guess what I have way too many fun facts about right now.
I connect with music, so strongly it's almost spiritual. Singing and listening to music have always been my go-to coping skills. I learned to drive very late in life (at 30 - but that is a story for another day) and at first I was a horribly anxious driver. But once I realized my car could become my little mobile box of music where I could just belt it out 24/7, I learned to love driving. Lyrics help me understand the prism of my experience and others. I love when songs make me dance, or cry, or give me goosebumps. My shower is my favorite place in my new house because of the great acoustics; plus, there is enough space to pull off an entire shower concert, complete with choreography. Concerts and karaoke make me feel like I am connected to the universe and everyone in the venue. I love my taste in music, which sounds weird, but I am just so proud of my eclectic taste. Also! I am mad skilled at identifying songs and artists and samples, probably because I have listened to so. Much. Music. The downside to this one is that I emotionally connect so thoroughly with every song that I enjoy that a bad association will make the song/artist or even the genre unbearable to listen to (see: country music). Also, some people in my life don't understand why I prioritize concerts so highly and are very critical of me for it. I can't help that a concert is the closest thing I have to a church!
I have a great sense of humor (or at least I think so). If you have followed me for more than two seconds, you have probably figured out that I am constantly attempting (and hopefully succeeding?) to be funny. I try VERY HARD to make people laugh. If you were to talk to me in real life, you'd quickly discover that I would come up with puns in our conversation like we're having a funny rap battle. My favorite tools are wordplay and re-contextualization but I also have quote upon quote and will use physical humor, too. The good thing is that I can make myself laugh, for sure. Like I said yesterday, I embody Chrysippus. A lot of comedians claim their jokes are hiding pain. I've recently realized that I use my humor a little differently--since my social anxiety has convinced me that no one in the world wants anything to do with me at any given moment, I use my jokes as sort of a litmus test. If you're laughing, there is a very strong chance that you don't actively hate me at that very moment. I think this strategy probably annoys people and probably comes off at inappropriate. Don't bring me to a funeral.
I can contextualize my personal story. Somewhere between taking autobiography/memoir and essay classes in college and over a decade of therapy, I've become exquisitely good at taking an event in my life or facet of my personality and placing it in the context of my life. Does that make sense? Like in high school English class I took so much joy out of reading a novel and analyzing character motivations and author intent and "why is the wallpaper yellow." I am still very good at reading something and identifying symbolism, but now I mostly use this same skill to look back at the story of my life and find patterns and connections. I think this will help me as an Art Therapist, and, if my personal essays and posts are actually any good, then it is helping me as a writer as well. But this is a double-edged sword in therapy. It means I can sit in the chair and practically therapize myself. But lives are not novels. We are not characters. Sometimes the wallpaper is just yellow. My over-cerebral approach to my understanding of self makes me come off as "not sick enough" in some settings--I've been told by peers and staff many times while in treatment, "Why are you here? You seem fine!" Well, the truth is, just because you understand why the monster is in the book, you can't always outrun it. Sure, it can help to know where the monster came from and why he's chasing you, but if you get too caught up in that it may slow you down. Or you will run the wrong way because you are so sure you understand him. Or you will run so well that no one will notice you are running at all.
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atcarpenter · 6 days
Definitely. I think Sam would get into Olivia Rodrigo and Sabrina Carpenter after seeing how big a fan Tara is. She even thinks the actress in the Taste music video kind of looks like Tara and is briefly suspicious but doesn't think too much about it
It's so sad to think of little Tara all alone with just her awful mom and missing her sister and it's sad to think of Sam out on her own and knowing she's missing some of the big moments of Tara's life but believing she has to do it to keep her little sister safe, even if it destroys Sam
I think they'd have really wanted to contact each other but Tara is too afraid of Christina finding out and Sam is worried about how their mom would react as well
I love soft Amber too and she'd try the approach of saying Sam isn't worth it at first but she sees how much that upsets Tara and instead switches to comfort and giving her a safe space at her own home, somewhere she can be away from Christina
Chad and Mindy do their part as well and Martha steps in as much as she can, even communicating with Sam every now and then to let her know how Tara is doing even if she doesn't understand why Sam won't let herself come and see her
Sam is really moved by Tara saving all the stuff and reveals in turn that one of the few things she took with her when she left was a picture of her and Tara together and it was the only thing she made sure to always keep with her as she moved around which makes Tars cry too
Sam loves hugging Tara and being held in general but has always been too afraid to ever ask for affection from anyone because of how Christina used to react when Sam tried to reach out to her but Tara just knows when her sister needs one and asks her if she wants one
It reminds Sam of when they were kids and whenever she was struggling or after fighting with Christina, little Tara would ask "do you want a hug, Sammie?" and Sam would always feel better after hugging her baby sister
Oh, yes, I like it. Amber, on the other hand, thinks too much about it. She's crushing on the actress. "Babe, you'd look so cool with a chainsaw," she says to Tara. "I'd let you quarter me." At which Tara gets very flattered and bashful. Sam wonders if those two are at all capable of flirting normally, without mentions of violence or blood.
Yes, oh my god, they both deserve better 😭 Sam tries so hard to make up for all the shit she's missed when she comes back. Putting extra effort into the milestones that she is there for and asking a lot about the time she's missed
They are both afraid of Christina and what she'd do if she found out they're in contact. I like to imagine even after five years, Tara is the only contact Sam has in her favourites list, and sometimes she just sits there with her thumb over the dial button and has to remind herself of all the reasons why she left and why she can't talk to her and that she'd be a hazard to Tara and that Tara probably hates her anyway -- and now she's rambling to herself and spiralling
Soft Amber owns my entire heart to a degree I find a little embarrassing. And yes to all that. She is still super pissed at Sam for what she's doing to Tara by leaving, but she switches her tone to "I'm sure wherever she is, she's thinking of you the same" and "I'm sure she had her reasons". And having that safe space away from Christina actually made a world of difference for Tara.
I think Chad and Mindy don't always know the full extent of what's going on because Tara only shares it with Amber, but they try. And they're both lovable, bickering idiots which helps keep spirits up a lot. There are probably cuddle piles with Tara at the bottom, getting low key crushed ("Guys, get off, I bruise easy" met with a unanimous "no"). Martha keeping in touch with Sam is sweet, at least a little bit of a life line for Sam. It's got to be difficult for her not to ask a ton of questions about how Tara's doing, but if she did, it would get harder to stay away
I think Tara is really happy to know that that picture is the one thing that mattered the most to Sam. And Sam has spent countless hours just looking at it in her absence.
Yes, exactly that. Sam has too many memories of being literally pushed away from Christina if she even just got within arm's reach
Tiny Tara is so precious 💙 And Sammy literally always wants a hug, back then same as today
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papersirens · 7 months
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⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE ʚ﹕afab/no pronouns ʚ﹕AO3 vers // masterlist // 4.7k
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ʚ﹕warnings // cringe, emo teenager nanami, reader is emo, typical 2000s emo behaviour, old school references, lots of my chemical romance, the entire three cheers album, fingering, handjob, piv sex, biting, surprise satoru, rawr means i love you in dinosaur. ʚ﹕comment // hey no one should read this lmao this is possibly the most cringiest stupidest crack fic that takes itself too seriously HAHA i tried leaning into the cringe crack but then i started writing how i normally do so its just a mess but i had this idea and tried to just roll with it. 2006 melk would've written something like this back on quizilla so! tagging @kentohours bcos she kept liking all the posts mentioning it and taking that as a hint lmao /lh ♡
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ʚ﹕18+ only // minors and ageless blogs dni
“Wow, your room is kinda clean and empty.” You comment upon walking into your boyfriend’s bedroom, seeing that his floor was clear and walls practically empty of posters and pictures. It was a stark contrast to your own and other typical emo kid bedrooms. “I live with my parents and get yelled at to clean all the time – you just live like this?” 
Kento follows you inside and frowns, trying to take your reaction lightly. While he knows you’re teasing him, as is your personality, it still feels like a gut punch. This was the first time you were hanging out together outside of the city and there were big expectations – an unspoken agreement when he asked if you wanted to see his dorm room last week. 
Your smile was sweet when you looked over your shoulder, a look that had him melting inside. “Yeah, I still have inspections and rules to follow.” Kento responds and closes his door, trying to contain his anxiety. 
“Your teachers inspect your room?” He nods and can hardly look at you, feeling like he might be sick if he does. “That sucks.” 
As you busy yourself looking at the few trinkets and features of Kento’s room, he decides to try and set the mood, impress you with his music taste – something you already know about when you practically quizzed each other on favourite bands. It feels like his head is spinning and he can’t breathe, fearful of embarrassing himself and you’d think less of him somehow. You’ve been dating for a few months but Kento still believes you’re out of his league; one of the coolest emo kids in the little group he knows of, somehow his partner and now in his bedroom. 
His anxiety only grows when looking at the two CD’s in his hands: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge or Welcome To The Black Parade, the latter only just being released and he saved up his weekly allowance to buy it. Both of you are big fans of My Chemical Romance and have talked extensively about them, sharing favourite songs that you’d listen to on his MP3 player while hanging out in the city. All your favourite songs are on the Three Cheers album, but have you heard any from Black Parade? Do you want to listen to it now or would that ruin his opportunity? The unspoken agreement that has his palms sweating. 
“Hey,” Kento calls to you on the other side of his small room, “Which one?” 
Both CD’s are held up in front of you, turning from one of the only posters in Kento’s room of ‘From First To Last’. Your decision was made immediately upon seeing them, but just like Kento, you were trying to be as cool as possible for him. Although not as anxious, you were still worried about keeping up a cool persona. Humming and holding your chin like you were deep in thought, the rough fabric of your fingerless gloves scratch your face. 
“Stick to the original!” You say and point towards the Three Cheers CD in Kento’s hand. 
He doesn’t respond but turns back to his player and inputs the CD, joining you to sit on the end of his bed. The song begins playing with Helena, a lone guitar strumming behind the lyrics and you hum along to them. It’s sweet and Kento hears it, smiling to himself ever so slightly before letting it fall. All he can think about is how much he wants to kiss you, unsure how to initiate anything. You’ve shared kisses and had enough make-out sessions in the few quiet alleyways of Tokyo; Kento’s yet to have the confidence to initiate a kiss without feeling like he’s going to headbutt you or you’re going to reject him. 
Once the song picks up and all the instruments begin, you shoot up onto your feet and announce, “I love this song!” 
Kento says he does too, but it’s lost amongst the loud CD player and your giggling as you dance around – ‘dancing’ being a loose term since you were more throwing your arms around, shaking your head and bouncing on the spot. Still, you were having fun and it helped Kento release a deep breath he’d been holding since you first stepped off the train together. 
’What’s the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay.’
You sing along to the lyrics gleefully, without a care that you don’t hold a candle to Gerard Way’s talented vocals or that anyone other than Kento would hear it. It’s fun to watch you having fun, even if that isn’t the way of ‘emo.’ Fun, bright and witty are some of the ways he would describe you, energetic and carefree. It feels like you’re the total opposite of Kento but that’s also what attracted him to you – that, and your incredibly tight, jet black jeans and impressive collection of checkerboard accessories. 
When the lyrics die down into the whispers after the second chorus, Kento fears you’re going to pull him up into dancing with you. He’s not sure if you’re lip syncing now or singing along quietly, but he can only hear the music and was subsequently mesmerised by your interpretive dancing towards him. Some of your moves were straight from the music video, too. It would be a lie to say you hadn’t studied every aspect of it in great detail whenever it was played on TV. 
Instead of pulling Kento in, you pushed yourself onto him instead. Once the song began to move into its third chorus and the lyrics of ’when both our cars collide’ plays, you launch yourself into your boyfriend and press your lips onto his. The kiss is bruising and aggressive, full of your extra energy through dancing around and excitement of the song playing. Kento groans against your lips in surprise, falling back only a little but holding you firm as you climb into his lap. 
It feels natural having you like this; your knees pressing into his bed on either side of his hips, his hands a little stiff but firm on either side of your hips, closer to your waist to keep himself from groping you already, tongues lapping one another to the fast pace of Give ‘Em Hell, Kid. This was much different to him pressing his body into yours against a brick wall, there wasn’t a lingering worry of being caught. The comforts of his own bedroom rather than a busy city, yet he still only follows your movement. 
The combination of your gentle fingers and rough fabric of gloves on his cheeks and jaw were oddly comforting. You kissed with passion, a purpose behind every move. Between kisses and aggressive bites of his lip, you would whisper the lyrics to the music that still played in the background. 
’If you were here, I’d never have a fear.’
Your hips grind into Kento’s lap and subsequently steal the breath directly from his lungs. It feels better than anything he could’ve imagined, than any way he could mould his pillows or move them to imitate what your body could feel like. Soft, fluid, a tease. 
Still Kento struggled to move or do much of anything and he was incredibly self conscious about it. He’s like a statue, an awkward and stiff piece of stone that’s carved in the shape of a virgin emo kid who is trying not to push the boundaries. Even with your abundance of physical signals of permission, everything but your verbal or written consent staring him in the face, Kento is having a hard time taking himself out of his own head. 
All he can do is rub his thumbs along the skin of your hips where your skin tight ‘Gir’ t-shirt has ridden up towards your waist. Contact there is enough to send him over the edge — Kento is thankful he has enough resilience to keep himself from busting before you’ve even had the chance to be pleasured. 
’And say goodbye to the heart you break, and all the cyanide you drank.’
You pull away from Kento and his eyes flutter open so sweetly; he looked like he was dreaming, an angel waking from slumber, brown eyes peeking through long, dark blonde lashes. Smiling down at him, you rub your hands along his shoulder blades and lip sync the lyrics again. 
“You can touch me, you know.” 
Before Kento could say anything, your hands had pulled his own from your hips and pressed them firmly onto your chest. He was bewildered at such a move, feeling his heart in his throat when you giggled at his wide eyes. His hands remain on your chest as you lean in to kiss him again, lips following yours and holding a groan when your tongue is dragged over his mouth in a lewd act. 
The final straw (strangely enough) was the whisper of a pronounced ’rawr’ followed by a giggle. 
’Pain in my heart for your dying wish, I’ll kiss your lips again.’
Kento seemed to gain enough confidence to flip you over onto the bed, gentle and methodical in the way he moved you with hands on your hips. Your lips were connected again in a hungry kiss, Kento swallowing your giggles and quiet moans eagerly. While still a little stiff, you were finally going somewhere you’d been desperate to go and only hoped that Kento would follow through with. 
Your legs wrapped around his hips, locking at the ankles to keep him pressed into you, Kento holding himself up on his forearms on either side of you. The weight of him was an intoxicating comfort, excitement thrumming in your veins with each swipe of your tongues. Settling between your legs, he pushes his hips into yours and takes your breath away. 
It felt like the room was spinning, the fast paced music in the background was a blur that only added to the experience. As Kento moved down towards your neck, you dared to open your eyes. You’ve never experimented with drugs before, but you’re sure this is exactly what it would feel like. 
One hand had begun roaming along your body now as Kento had gained his confidence; your whimpers and breathy moans with each of his actions only served to encourage him. He felt just as high as you did, head clogged full of cotton and the desire to keep hearing you make those sweet noises. It didn’t take him long to find a spot or two you were extra sensitive around, abusing them with his mouth in a mixture of kisses and dragging his tongue along the length of your neck to elicit a loud moan and your hips grinding up into his. 
’For the last time, take a good hard look!’
Kento had already mastered the rough yet gentle approach when groping you, a trick that would normally take the inexperienced years to truly perfect. Groping your chest and your hips with just enough pressure to have you leaning into his touch but it wasn’t as painful as it could be. A curse of his name falls from your lips, followed by a giggle that makes Kento’s heart sing. 
It was still a task to keep himself under control and not cum before you’d been pleasured. Kento’s cock was straining painfully in his pants, even if they weren’t as tight as normal emo kids wear them; a lack of room for anything and cutting off circulation just standing still. Still, he was leaking all over his underwear and each grind of your hips into his had Kento seeing stars behind his eyelids. 
Your shirt had risen up to your waist by now, exposing your stomach and you held back an excited flinch when Kento’s hand grazed your soft flesh there. It’s obvious where he was going and his intentions, though you were excited and just a little bit nervous. Never have you gone so far with anyone before but you’d been mentally preparing yourself for this since being invited to Kento’s dorms. 
He struggles for a moment to unbutton your pants, so tight that they might as well be fused with your skin – not to mention the two belts that had been hanging loosely on your hips obstructing him. Kento groans in mild frustration against your neck as he tries to concentrate, his breath hot on your neck and buried there as he focuses on what he can’t see. Finally, there was a release of the button and Kento immediately went back into your neck with open mouthed kisses. 
Of course he hoped you would be excited and wet enough to compliment him, but the slippery warmth that met his finger was beyond what he expected and Kento had to hold back a moan. Instead, you moaned for him when his middle finger grazed along your aching and sensitive clit. 
Swirling the bud slowly, Kento can’t believe you’re real. There’s no way someone can be so perfect, sound so angelic, feel so addicting. It has him almost choking to keep back his own pathetic moans just from rubbing your clit, worked up to the point he can hardly breathe. In an act of trying to keep himself quiet and slowly sliding his finger inside of your hole, Kento bites down on your neck rather hard. 
’I mean this, I’m okay! Trust me.’
Kento had to try and remain still when his digit was inside of you, daring to insert another one just to hide the fact he was trying not to finish so soon. Peppering small kisses along your neck, the familiar smell of hairspray wasn’t helping to keep his cock from exploding in his pants. That scent meant he was close to you, and being close to you meant nothing but good things. 
Meanwhile, you whined and flexed your walls around him, singing along to The Ghost of You that had started playing. God, you’re way too cool for him – you had to have studied the album to know the lyrics this well. 
When he was finally confident enough that he wasn’t going to finish, Kento started moving his fingers inside of you and sat up to watch your face. You felt so good but he would never admit he’s not really sure what he’s doing. A lot of the porn he’s seen doesn’t exactly show you how to efficiently finger someone while you’re in there — especially not when the porn is from a magazine that Gojo and Geto had found, dated the same year Kento was born. 
Still, Kento watched as you reacted to certain movements and explored the areas you enjoyed the most. He was mesmerised by the way your mouth hung open, eyes dark and pupils blown with lust. It was cute the way his face was flushed almost hot pink, a generous dusting on his cheeks and over his nose. 
’And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me.’
“You’re perfect.” Kento breathes out in his high, unable to stop himself from letting it slip or giving a moment to think about it. 
Your hanging jaw closes into a smile, one so genuine and cute that it has a chokehold on Kento. Even though he feels a little stupid for such a declaration, he doesn’t take it back; he can’t take back something that is the truth. 
Leaning up to kiss him, you hum and moan as he continues to move his fingers in and out of you experimentally. He moved slowly with the song at first, until his fingers curled up and brushed against a spot that had you clutching onto the back of his shirt. You pulled away and cried out in pleasure, a high pitched noise that startled him at first — thinking he’d hurt you, Kento almost pulled away completely in worry. Before he could though, you felt his hand moving back a little further and you quickly grabbed his wrist to keep him there. 
“I didn’t say stop, emo boy.” 
The next song came on: The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You and you were revitalised with newfound energy and determination. As the song moved into the first chorus, you pulled and tugged on Kento’s shirt until he relented and pulled out of you to get it off. You hadn’t realised just what he’d been hiding under those dark clothes; lean muscles that had your mouth watering. 
While his hands were free, Kento returned the favour and pulled your shirt up and over your head too, mumbling apologies when you cried about the fabric catching your various wrist and hair accessories. Now it was Kento’s turn for his mouth to water, licking his lips briefly as he stared at your bare chest. You giggle and try to cover yourself, pouting dramatically when he doesn't move. 
“Sorry.” Another mumbled apology slips from his tongue, still feeling like he’s dreaming. 
Kento’s fingers slide back into you again, his hand resting beneath your panties to keep him restricted. You expected him to take those off too, but when he doesn’t, you decide to continue leading his motions. Your hands were warm and soft, fingertips dancing along his lower abdomen before easily finding the button of his pants and having an easier time unfastening them. 
Your staring at his cock should’ve been a compliment, the way your jaw hung open but not because of the way he was fingering you. It made him self conscious and now he understood why you became shy under his previous gaze. Kento sat hot and heavy in your hand; thick and huge, it was almost abnormal in size and you feel like you’ve won the lottery. 
Eventually you were able to tear your eyes away from the red, leaking cock before you and look at Kento. His brows were furrowed in worry and irritation, a little confusion peeking through in a silent question. The reassuring smile you gave him was all he needed. 
’Alright, give up, get down.’
Your hand was heavenly on Kento’s cock. Delicate and an expert, he would think you’ve been doing this for years — while not a jealous man, it’s not something he wants to think about at this moment. A whimper passes his lips and Kento feels pathetic. You stroke his length at a reasonable pace, thankfully it’s not something he can get off to – while his fingers work to make you cum at least. 
The faster he moved, the louder you became, and the more he leaked precum all over your hand. Curses spill from you like a mantra, his name a chant that sounds so delightful. Kento could listen to you like an album on repeat. 
Abusing that sweet spot inside of you when Kento curls his fingers, it doesn’t take long before you’re cumming around his fingers. A moan as you finish, eyes wide and jaw hanging while Kento can feel your walls fluttering around him. He can’t help but smile, something small but it was enough to have you kissing him again. 
The interlude of the album begins playing, making the room quiet. All that could be heard was your heavy breathing and whispers that were shared between you and Kento. 
“Was that good?” He asked and you were quick to nod enthusiastically. 
“Yeah, really good.” 
Hooking your thumbs into your pants and underwear, you shimmy beneath Kento to pull them down and off you entirely. He didn’t think to move — didn’t want to for fear he’ll never have you like this again. However, he did help you pull them all the way off of your body. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Kento asks quietly, his breathing ragged with nerves and arousal. Once again, you nodded enthusiastically. 
Lining up his leaking tip to your entrance, it felt like your hearts were beating together in time. Excitement and fear and lust clouding your minds, thrumming through your veins, dancing at the tips of your fingers as your eyes locked. 
Kento started pushing himself inside of you on the opening guitar for Thank You for the Venom and your gasp was equally as surprising as the sudden sound. It was always going to be a stretch but you didn’t think it would feel like this, somehow. It’s not bad but the way Kento keeps his eyes on you makes it better. 
Thankfully he’s slow as he moves inside of you, pushing himself as deep as possible to fill you up. Your brows downturn and you whine the further he goes, Kento in turn struggling to keep himself upright. You’re so tight and the warmth around his cock is even more addictive than his fingers. 
’So, give me all your poison, and give me all your pills.’
The way Kento kissed you was like a dream, fully pushing himself inside you to the hilt in one final push. You squeaked against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips again to keep him in place. The feeling of being so full was intense but pleasant at the same time. Each little twitch had you whining into the kiss, holding Kento closer to you. 
It feels like forever before Kento starts moving again, drawing needy moans from you that have Kento stuttering in his pace. For a moment he thought he was hurting you again, realising quickly it’s out of pleasure but still it makes him a little nervous. There’s so much going on and Kento just wants to make you feel good. 
Once he finds a rhythm to fuck you – one that’s oddly in time to the song – everything feels a little easier and less overwhelming. The feeling of Kento filling you up was still so nice, especially when his length dragged along your walls and set off every single sensitive nerve you had. Kento was losing himself in all that you were; the music and any and all surroundings became a blur, highlighting you beneath him. 
“You feel…Really nice.” There’s so many thoughts going around in his head and Kento feels like he has to vocalise them, he needs to tell you how good you feel wrapped around his cock. 
Your eyes roll, a wide smile forming on your face with your mouth still open to freely verbalise your pleasure. “Yeah? Fuck, you feel good too.”
’Shotgun sinners, wild-eyed jokers, got you in my sights.’
The sound of Kento’s bedroom door swinging open was lost in your moans and the even louder music that played in the background, though you both were connected so closely that it became white noise. It wasn’t until there was another voice, grating and unfamiliar to you, that either of you realised there was an unexpected guest. 
“Nanami! Turn the music down, it’s giving me a headache!” 
Kento stopped pretty quickly and pressed himself into you, an attempt to help cover you. In turn, you hold onto him and lean up to look over his shoulders, your eyes locking with a pair of bright blues. Dark, round glasses slide down the man’s nose as he stands in the doorway, halfway into the room and jaw hanging open – a facial expression that quickly turns into a mischievous grin. 
“Get out!” Kento’s quick to shout over the music that now feels deafening, burying his head into the crook of your neck and groaning. 
“I didn’t know you had a guest, why didn’t you introduce me?”
“Alright alright!” 
You giggle and rest back onto the bed, kissing Kento’s bare shoulder. It was still quite embarrassing for you, but he seemed to be taking it harder. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles into your skin, “I didn’t think he would just barge in like that.” You don’t respond, still a little stunned and high from your pleasure and the adrenaline. “Do you want to stop?”
“No, it’s okay.” Kento braved to face you again, embarrassed at being caught like that. “I assume that was one of your friends I was going to meet today?” 
He grumbles something so quietly under his breath that you struggle to catch it, stroking his cheek and shoulder in an attempt to comfort Kento who’s still buried deep in your cunt. Kento sighs, “Hardly a friend.” 
With a giggle, you reach up and kiss him again, trying to get both of you back in the mood to finish as the music continues playing and soon becomes white noise once again. You’re both still so horny that an encounter like that isn’t enough to keep Kento from finishing. 
’I’m taking back the life you stole.’
With renewed vigour and determination for neither Gojo or Geto to return and solidify their roles as cock blocks, Kento fucks you even faster than before. Holding onto you tight, his tongue lazily twirls with yours in each other's mouths, swallowing every moan and whimper that leaves you. Kento couldn’t get enough of your warmth, the way you feel on every part of his body. Your skin was so soft, your hands and nails that lightly dug into his back, the taste of you in his mouth. 
It became hard to keep his own noises at bay even while kissing you, though you did smile to yourself when a few moans left him; guttural, deep and desperate. You praised him, begged him to keep going. You felt the tension in your core building and came close to your breaking point. 
Kento hasn’t seen anything so beautiful when you came. 
He couldn’t help but watch for a moment, buried to the hilt inside of you and absorbing the act – a mental photograph or video, a core memory that will stay with him even if you never make it years together. Kento was obsessed with you. 
Burying his face into the crook of your neck again, he keeps fucking into you and chasing his own high now. Your noises weren’t there anymore to help him, but just knowing you’d finished before him was enough for him to let go. Because of this, it didn’t take much longer listening to your tired whines and kissing your neck before Kento came. As much as he’d love to bury himself to the hilt and coat your insides with his release, Kento is conscious enough to realise how bad of an idea that is and pulled out just at the last second to cum all over the sheets between your legs. 
’And the collision of your kiss, that made it so hard.’
Your head is becoming clear again, the realisation of everything that happened. It made your heart flutter, the residual tingling of your orgasm still sitting in the tips of your fingers that rest along Kento’s back. He’s still breathing heavily, blinking away the lust that had overtaken his vision previously. 
“Did you like that?” Kento asks quietly, still pressed against your neck and your laughter vibrates yours and his chest. 
“I haven’t had that much fun since I went to the Fall Out Boy concert.” 
A huff of a laugh hits your skin and Kento pulls himself to hover above you, taking in the sight of your post orgasm bliss; you were glowing as usual, your make-up perfectly smudged and hair barely shifted. If it was possible, he wouldn’t ever move on from this moment. 
You share another kiss, something tender and loving rather than the previous desperate attempts to stimulate one another. Humming into it, you tighten your arms around Kento’s neck and keep him there just a little longer before he can get away from you.
When he did manage to pull away from you, the music was turned down enough to hear your own thoughts and Kento apologised for the mess he’d made when you grimaced at it. Your clothes were handed back to you piece by piece as he pulled his own shirt back over him.
“Kento?” The man in question hums and looks over at you. Curling your fingers like a claw with your palm facing down, you say, “Rawr.” 
He looks at you for a moment, realising what you were waiting for – he doesn’t need the explanation you’ve given him plenty of times about how ‘rawr means i love you in dinosaur’. 
Mimicking your hand motion, Kento says, “Rawr.” 
‘I keep a book of names and those, only go so far ‘til you bury them.’
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oatmealmika · 1 year
CALL ME BATSHIT INSANE BUT HERE IN MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND WITH THIS ASK MEME (this def ain't a normal person thing y'all what would this illness be called)
❣�� - What are their love languages?
Ren's love languages are quality time and physical touch.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
VERY messy
One night, he sleeps like a princess. The next, he stays up all night in a Google rabbithole.
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
Makes a list of what he wants but doesn't expect all of everything that was there.
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
Never dyed his hair, but he does trim his hair on his own when it gets longer than he likes (over the biceps).
🍷- How do they feel about alcohol?
Can handle fizzy drinks and overall would like the taste of alcohol, but he's very cautious with it and won't drink until he's twenty-one!
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
when it's not performing his music, he's sorta awkward but he can definitely be quite funny while nervous.
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
TLoZ is his second coming of Christ
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
He's TOO obvious about it honestly. he out here like "yeah the new TLoZ game is awesome and i'd honestly smash you but Link's design is so cool-"
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
That he likes all the shit movies and shows Netflix puts out.
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
He actually has a green thumb! He didn't know it until recently, but he got a lot of plants after finding out!
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
Probably Pinterest or Tiktok?
Doesn't like the energy on Tiktok, but can deal.
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
Good! They're chill.
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
🧳 - What countries have they been to?
Has been out to Britain before cuz some family's there, but that's it!
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
How people can be so mean and judgy to others while the judgers are the most boring people EVER
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Sage green
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
Loves it! Sings in the rain and dances, with me telling him to come back inside.
🎶 - What’s a song they really like?
Hm... He's a very music guy, but recently I introduced him to Reality Club and he loves it!
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Music. He loves music! He plays bass, but can also play drums (he just prefers bass). He can sing too. Very Thom Yorke sounding.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Pillows to snuggle! If not, I'll need to be right there.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
LOVES amusement parks. Enjoys rollarcoasters with big drops, but just can't do loops.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
Fluently, only English. Knows a little Spanish, but not much.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
Learning. His most advanced dish is probably steak.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
Bakes by the steps since he can't do it on his own, but it actually is very good! Makes a MEAN red velvet cake!
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
He says he likes how understanding I can be and inteligent (more so philosophically rather than academically).
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
Eh... Not his kinda deal! He doesn't like the feeling of it hitting his legs.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
If you match his energy and shares very important view points with him, he can fw you forever!
☕ - Coffee or tea?
Hm... Energy drink
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Loves them! Doesn't really like gore, tho. He's more of a psychological guy, even tho he always claims himself to be stupid.
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
Yes, he does. Has a bunch of pillows he sleeps with, and his stuffed animals sit on the nightstand.
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
He tries to impress me VERY often, ex. playing a ridiculous guitar riff (I do end up very impressed). I do too try impressing him (cuz I yearn for attention), and he always delivers in return. He's great at compliments, and really knows how to make someone feel special.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Spaghetti with red sauce and meatballs!
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids?
Handles them very well and would like to have one or maybe a few more than that someday.
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
A cat named Minto, a dog named Kurt, and a turtle named Zoro.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
When moving down to California, he got accustomed to using "like" a lot.
🏳️‍🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns?
Bisexual, leaning towards women. He/Him pronouns.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
Mhm! His older sister Hannah is three years older than him, and his little brother Thomas is five years younger!
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Uses very corny, dumb names. Ex. "Sweetie Pie", "Lemon Cake", "Sweet Tart". I try and mockingly replicate them with "Shit Stain" and stuff like that.
🌳 - What’s their extended family like?
They're mostly all in New York, but there's some in England! He's a quarter British, a quarter Persian, another quarter Mexican, and a final quarter Native American. He has a very diverse family.
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literarygoon · 1 year
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"Poker Face"
by Will Johnson June stood sentinel at the top of her curved driveway, the fur-lined hood of her snowboard jacket framing her face like a cowl, while her lacy white nightgown swirled around her bare shins.
My headlights splashed her looming silhouette across the front of the house, and she shielded her eyes with one hand as I killed the engine. It was somewhere around 2 a.m., and the street was ominously quiet as I gave my dog Muppet a few reassuring pets on the passenger seat. I didn’t want to leave her behind for too long, but Blayne had texted me in a panic—some coked up dude was terrorizing her, but she was very specific that she didn’t want me to call the police. I’d dealt with enough unpredictable conflict during my decade as a lifeguard to feel confident that I could sort this out. My pulse throbbed in my throat and I took a few deep breaths before wrenching the driver’s door open and stepping out into a frigid blast of night air.
“This is the second time this has happened with this fucking asshole,” June said, as I clumped up the driveway in my hefty snow boots. “Tell your friend she has shitty taste in men.”
I sighed. “Do you know what’s going on?”
“All I know is I was trying to sleep like a normal person and all of a sudden this psycho’s screaming and breaking shit downstairs.”
“Is Blayne okay?”
“Well, she locked herself in the bathroom. I don’t know, beyond that.”
Nine months earlier I’d taken a reporter gig at the Nelson Star, moving across the province with my girlfriend Paisley and our newly acquired puppy. Over the winter months I’d had plenty of opportunity to contemplate the nuances and realities of the local mental health crisis, something I’d written about multiple times at the urging of the police chief. There was a culture of substance abuse in the Kootenays, of excess, and the consequences of that were obvious to anyone paying attention. One woman had come into the newsroom with her iPhone-wielding son to share the story of her husband’s shotgun suicide — a subject that was typically verboten in the journalism world. She took me through their 13-year marriage and described a downward spiral caused by alcoholism.
I eventually turned her story into a column called “One Story of Desperation”.
But it’s one thing to understand these things on a philosophical level, another thing entirely to stare it straight in the face. I stood for a few moments with June, procrastinating, while I imagined the various ways the next few minutes could go. Did this dude have a weapon? Was he looking for a fight? Or would he retreat, embarrassed, when confronted? Blayne had told me his name, but I didn’t recognize it. He was a local DJ and a small-time drug dealer, and my quick scroll through his Facebook feed showed a scrawny-looking trailer park type with spiky hair and acne-pocked cheeks. From the little I knew of her dating history, he represented exactly the sort of self-destructive decision-making she was unfortunately prone to. Blayne was a short brunette in Paisley’s burlesque troupe, with the sort of tragic feminine fragility that was perfectly designed to trigger my saviour complex.
“So, you’re going in there?” June asked, her face obscured in the darkness.
I took a deep inhale through my nostrils. “Yeah, you’ve got your phone ready? You should wait upstairs. It’s freezing out here.”
“Fuck that. If you’re not out in a couple minutes, I’m calling the cops.”
She turned and walked into her carport, then returned with a crimson red crowbar. She pressed it into my hands with a solemn nod. It was probably overkill, but the cold metal buoyed my courage. I made my way around the side of the house, which had a motion-sensor light that illuminated the snowy walkway that wound around to the backyard. Rock music rattled the windows as I approached Blayne’s door, June following close behind. For a moment I saw us as if we were in a movie scene, ridiculous with our fear. What the hell was I going to do with a crowbar? I felt like Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction, right before he samurai sworded that rapist to death.
I pushed open the front door with my foot, and the volume of the music became almost deafening — the current track was “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga. “I wanna hold ‘em like they do in Texas plays. Fold 'em, let 'em, hit me, raise it baby stay with me”. The kitchen was deserted, with a few plates stacked next to the sink, then there were some empty beer bottles and a half-full 2-6 of vodka laying on its side. I inched across the tile to the entrance of the living room, beads of sweat collecting in my hairline.
“Who the fuck is this?”
The guy was perfectly framed in the doorway, surrounded by his destruction. Blayne’s coffee table was upside down, a bookshelf was leaning against the back of the couch with all of its books disgorged on to the floor, and he was standing in broken glass. He was young, maybe early 20s, and had a jittery, feral energy. The dark circles around his eyes made him look like a drugged-up raccoon. He was pacing in a small circle, sniffling and dragging his hands over his close-shaved mohawk.
“Is this your other boyfriend? Blayne? Who the fuck is this?” he yelled through the bathroom door, which had two or three splintery punch-marks in its paneling.
“You cheating on me with this goof?”
I stepped into the room, letting him see the crowbar, and raised my hand in a reconciliatory, reassuring gesture. I spoke to him in the same tone of voice you might use on a startled horse. I told him I was just a friend, here to make sure Blayne was safe, and I didn’t mean any disrespect. I asked him if we could just take this whole thing down a couple notches.
That’s when he charged.
The music was still going hard: “Can’t read my, can’t read my, no, he can’t read my poker face". He grabbed ahold of me and we began to spin, awkwardly dancing with our hands on each others’ shoulders like awkward teenagers at a high school dance. “Baby when it’s love if it’s not rough it isn’t fun”.
I felt the glass crunch, felt my balance go, and then we were tumbling together towards the overturned coffee table. I watched as one of the legs speared into the guy’s lower back, snapping off with the impact. He unleashed an inhuman shriek. Somewhere along the way I’d dropped the crowbar. I struggled back to my feet as he writhed on the ground, swearing.
“Listen dude, we don’t need to fight. You just need to get the hell out of here, okay?” I said. “The landlord’s outside ready to call the cops.”
I watched a series of emotions cross this guy’s face, as he gazed angrily up at the ceiling. He groaned and sat up, glass tinkling off his leather jacket, and for a moment it looked like he was going to cry. He gave an exhausted shake of his head, sniffling some more, then glanced over to where I was standing, in the doorway, taking in gulping lungfuls of air. He looked confused.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you and Blayne, but you need to go home and sober up. You’re not in control of yourself.”
He nodded, suddenly remorseful. “She just drives me crazy, you know?”
I nodded. “I know exactly what you mean.”
Eventually I escorted him out of the house, to where June was still waiting in the cold. She flew up into the guy’s face, emboldened by my presence, and demanded to know if he’d hurt Blayne. She berated him, telling him to never come back and threatening to charge him for the damage to her property, then he apologized under his breath and trudged dejected down the driveway into the darkness. I debriefed with June for a moment, then headed back inside to check on Blayne. She was already out of the bathroom, surveying the damage to her living room, wearing only a black sports bra and a high-waisted skirt that showed off the bear tattooed on her thigh. When she saw me she began to cry, apologizing profusely.
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for,” I told her, noticing a small line of blood trickling from her nose. I grabbed her a Kleenex.
“Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head no, told me she’d successfully hidden in the bathroom through the entire encounter. She explained they’d been partying at Spiritbar, with a bunch of their friends, but afterwards he’d accused her of flirting with other men. She tried to argue that they were non-exclusive, and that she could talk to whoever she liked. That’s when he went batshit.
“You’re going to break it off with him?”
“Yeah, I guess I have to.”�
Right then I remembered that Muppet was still in the cold car, outside. It had been at least twenty minutes. I was scheduled to work at the Star in the morning, and could already tell I wouldn’t be able to sleep properly. Blayne walked me to the door and thanked me again, then I headed downhill the two blocks to my house. As I drove with one hand on Muppet's trembling back, I wondered how many scenes like that were occurring behind closed doors in the community. I wanted to hate the volatile kid, to feel tribal solidarity with Blayne, but instead I found myself pitying him. Here was a guy who didn’t know how to properly express his emotions, who clearly had some sort of drug problem, and was he really responsible for his actions? You could make excuses for anybody, really, so where did moral judgement come in? When did empathy end and condemnation begin? Was violence the line?
Whatever the answer, I knew I didn’t want to worry Paisley with all this drama. I’d successfully sneaked out of the house without waking her, and now there was no need to fill her in.
As far as I was concerned, some stories were better left untold. The Literary Goon
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seokmins · 2 years
Surprise, it's me! The healing you've sent my way did its job, I think. Was suddenly in the mood to do things, go out, get shitfaced with friends (doing a GoSe drinking game, of all things). All thanks to your magical powers! 🥳 How are you, though?
I just noticed that your username underwent a change after all! 😁 It's the holiday spirit, it gets the best of us 😘
I am like "miss you" every time I hear Baekhyun's voice in any track, solo, EXO oder SuperM, so I absolutely get it! And Taemin also needs to come back asap, that precious human being. I mean SHINee overall is doing fine in his absence, as expected, because they are SHINee, duh, but there is still something missing. I want them all free and together again.
Who my other two ults are, you ask? Firstly there is Jay B from GOT7 and secondly -- and that might thrill you (or not, idk) -- it's DK. It's a longer story how he got in there, but idk if you are interested. But yeah, it's those three and I think I've chosen wisely (unless Baekhyun or Seokmin give me secondhand embarrassment, but I will suffer through that with fondness). Who are your ults?
I've heard that there is new stuff in the works for KARD. They just did a tour, I think, and they've got a new management/CEO, so it's understandable that they haven't had a cb yet. They probably had to settle in first.
Ooof, that list of songs you sent. All those songs really float my boat. So I guess you are more into the uptempo stuff than the quieter, ballad-sy songs?
So good to hear you're doing well <3 that sounds like a lot of fun and I'm super glad hehe! I'm doing okay ~ hanging in there 💪🏻
yes!! i decided to be a bit festive for the holidays haha but I'll go back to normal afterwards <3
Omg yes, i saw smth on spotify about baekyun so that's super exciting, when i have more time I'll have to look into it 👁️ and omg ik it's been ages since we had taemin back let alone shinee altogether freed ahah, like you said they can sincerely hold their own but we need them together to be complete!!
mr jay b is such good taste 🫦 i think his vocal color is just so distinct and lovely to listen to and I've loved a lot of his solo releases!! also omg seokmin hehe i love that and ofc if you want to share i'd be interested in listening <3 ajskdjf yes we must all suffer from secondhand embarrassment unfortunately 😭 which is okay as long as they are not getting into any terrible scandals or doing horrific things on the side 🙇🏻‍♀️
as for my ults ajksdjf i'm terrible i usually go for vocal and/or subunits but like at this point I've lost track of mostly everyone 😭 which i feel bad for but it's so hard for me to stay updated on everyone esp w/ how much content svt gives us but i'd say like booseoksoon, 3racha, and a few from ateez/nct/monsta x are in there too </3
i'm glad to hear that about kard! I wish them nothing but success and good luck, i know they are pretty generally loved outside of south Korea so i hope to see them tour more places near me, that would be nice! but i hope the transition isn't too rough.
ooh i'm glad!! technically yeah, if i'm actively listening to music i prefer upbeat things esp cuz i usually am doing a lot of active work around the house or outside. but i do love ballads i just don't listen to them as often 😭 more so if I'm like driving somewhere long or just chilling haha.
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