#i need to know more about him like i am ravenous for information
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inkykeiji · 8 months ago
ok oK OKAY but LETS consider sunday-nii right? like it had always been the three of you; sunday, robin and you. and then robin flew off to be the star and sunday just never really adjusted from the gap. he had all this love to give and since robin was no longer there to receive it, he just doubled it over on you. like he just gets this obsessive attachment, always needing to know where you are and what youre doing? thats too far. too dangerous. its better to just stay at home, i have everything for you here. the man has pretty much clipped your wings and left you stranded in his grip. and from there its just so easy for the lines to blur. youre not just his sister, youre his everything. so why not add wifey to the title list. after all, you dont need anyone else but him. so who else would be fitting as the title of your husband 🩩
ANON omggg i am in love with this because it feels so on brand with sunday’s character. we know he is obsessive + compulsive, we know he likes order and rules and complete control (and seems to get anxious/angry/agitated when he doesn’t have it or it is threatened), and we know that he truly believes himself to be benevolent + that his actions are in the chief interest and welfare of those he cares about.
he’s really protective, and he’s really overbearing with his protection and his love, and he genuinely believes he’s doing what’s right for you, what’s best for you, because (in his mind) he is more intelligent than you are and he knows so much better than his precious baby sister ever could. it’s so easy for sunday to delude himself into thinking that what he’s doing is not only right, but it is just as well, it is his duty as your older brother, his god-given role to fulfill and then exceed, and he plans to do so flawlessly.
and the worst part about it is that he’s so fucking sweet about it, too!!! he’s so doting, so darling, loves you so fucking much that you feel bitter guilt churn heavy and sick in your stomach at just the mere thought of disobeying him or questioning him + his motives. he’s so authentic in his self-deception that when your own sound logic and gut feelings break through the conditioning, you feel awful for doubting him and his intentions in the slightest, and gaslight yourself into believing that your paranoid or spoiled and ungrateful for such a adoring, devoted big brother.
i also think it’s entirely possible that he believes himself to have made a mistake with allowing robin to go off on her own, and vowing secretly to himself to never make that mistake with you. he’s learned his lesson from allowing his other younger sibling too much freedom; that it’s safer and better for all parties involved if you’re locked away in a gorgeous golden cage, where he can tend to all of your needs with precision and perfection. you’ll be happier and more peaceful and truly free locked away inside your big brother’s pretty cage, he promises.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 8 months ago
Unconsummated -Aemond T.
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Aemond finds himself quickly falling in love during the week long celebration of Aegon and Helaena’s wedding. Sadly his perfect lady is already married to a Baratheon. Happily, the idiot has yet to consummate their marriage as he never wanted to marry Y/n Arryn in the first place.
Aemond sets out to take the sweet girl for himself and he will not take ‘No’ for an answer

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It was much too loud for her tastes.
Y/n’s husband lived for parties like this, being honored that he was invited to the wedding of Aegon and Helaena and enjoying himself in every way he could. He was drunk 10 minutes after the ceremony and would be for the entirety of the next 6 days that the week long party went on for.
Y/n left the room as soon as it was acceptable for her to do so, her husband being locked on another noble woman, one who would happily spread her legs for him in a dark hallway later that night and she could do without the embarrassment of that. She ended up locating the library on her walk through the castle and she couldn’t help but stop. The room was huge, 10x the size of her husbands library as his father, his fathers father and on and on before had never been able to read (and neither could her husband).
He forced her to read all of his ravens to him in private as if he believed that no one was aware that he couldn’t read them himself. Y/n ended up knowing quite a lot about the houses and their leaders, her husband threatening to kill her if she ever breathed a private word of it. She was privy to quite a bit of sensitive information because of his illiteracy, knowing that many houses had secretly sworn to follow Aegon as the true born King or people like her husband who were sworn to Rhaenyra as the King commanded. She honestly didn’t care who ran the realm, all Y/n cared about was her small life, her duties, and her children (of which her husband didn’t seem to care to give her). He was too busy with his whores to give her a child.
She found herself a book that interested her, it was a book on High Valyrian which she had always wanted to learn. She had been teaching herself for only about 20 minutes before she heard a throat clear and she jumped up in fear, the book landing on the floor as her eyes met with one purple one staring back at her.
‘My Prince! I am so sorry! I did not know anyone would be here while the celebration went on
He stared at her for a moment before responding. ‘No reason to apologize, I understand more than anyone not wanting to celebrate with drunken strangers.’
‘Thank you for your hospitality
I will leave you be then-‘
‘No!’ He insisted, startling her a bit. ‘I’m sorry, I mean no, you don’t need to leave. Please, sit.’ He moved to take the seat beside her, picking up her book and looking at it before smiling. ‘Teaching yourself High Valyrian? Impressive
I am Aemond by the way, might I know my beautiful company’s name?’
‘Y/n Baratheon, my Prince. It is an honor.’
The two of them spent the next 3 hours by the fire in the Library just talking. They got to know each other very well and Aemond even gave her her first lesson in High Valyrian which he admitted she was a quick study at. It wasn’t until Aemond asked about her family that any of their conversation became uncomfortable.
‘You’re married to the eldest Baratheon son, are you not? I knew he had a wife but I did not know he had brought her with him while he-’ Aemond stopped himself as if he was unsure if she knew what her husband was up to.
‘I am aware of his indiscretions. It is how he has always been, nothing to concern yourself with my Prince.’ Aemond’s face was stoic as always but she sensed sympathy like she got from most other people. ‘He never wanted to marry me, his father wanted my name and the alliance of certain supporters. He had hoped marrying me to his son would stop his
activities and make him happy to have a family
he has no interest in such things however and I am left 6 months after our marriage unloved and childless
I’m sorry
you don’t care about that.’ She laughed though Aemond could tell it was hollow.
‘Your husband is an idiot if he does not want you my lady. I have known you for mere hours and I know that you are a smart, kind hearted girl without a judgmental bone in your body. You would be a good mother, of that I am sure.’ Aemond had no clue where that came from. Seeing this girl all alone and feeling unloved was breaking his heart
what is she doing to him?
‘Thank you my Prince, you are too kind.’
Y/n retired not long after, in bed hours before her husband joined her, collapsing into the bed in his clothes and for once she did not move to take care of him, Y/n left him in his clothes and on his chest in the bed.
Her days went on like that for most of the week. She would have breakfast and enjoy a walk in the gardens before finding her way to the library again and spending the rest of the entire day with Aemond. They both made an appearance at the party every night as was expected before abandoning the noisy, drunken mess and enjoying each others company again.
Aemond continued teaching her Valyrian and they could hold conversations now (albeit simple ones) as she was a fast learner. He also told her all about Vhagar, loving her interest in his dragon where most ladies were terrified.
She had raged when he told her of how he really lost his eye, furious that his nephew would do such a thing, all of them. She also condemned the ladies in the court who had made Aemond feel ugly just because of his injured eye. She swore to the heavens that he was one of if not the most beautiful man she had ever seen and she would not take his negative words into account.
Aemond had quickly come to love Y/n and she loved him as well, they both knew but neither of them crossed the line to say it. Though as her husband had never consummated their marriage Aemond had decided that he was going to ask his father to annul the marriage so that he could marry her instead. It would be a good match for his family, Y/n originally being an Arryn, and he knew that her father would take insult from the Baratheons for not taking care of his daughter or making their marriage legal. He was determined to convince her that night, the second to last day of the celebration, however his soon to be Princess never arrived.
Aemond waited for over an hour before searching the party. He found her husband, nearly as drunk as Aegon and with his tongue down a ladies throat but Y/n was not there.
He then left the castle and walked the gardens in search of her as he knew she enjoyed the Red Keeps gardens. After about 5 minutes he found her sitting on a wall overlooking the beach.
‘You are difficult to find, my dear.’ She jumped, turning slightly but not looking at him, turning back to the view.
‘I am sorry my Prince. I have enjoyed our time together but it must come to an end, please forgive me but I wish to be left alone now.’ He was stunned, unsure of how to respond but knowing that he wasn’t about to leave her like this.
‘Whatever I have done, please forgive me Byka Zokla? I do not-‘ (Little Wolf)
‘You have done nothing my Prince! It is I who is in the wrong. I have led you to believe that we could be friends and that was wrong of me. My job is to be there for my husband and I have not been doing my duty-‘
‘Your duty? What about him? He has not taken care of you as is his job as your husband and protector! You’re not waiting on him hand and foot anymore so he is upset, yes? Please? Do not push me away Y/n, I can help you to-‘ he cut himself off as he turned her head to make her look at him and he finally saw what she was hiding from him. Her right eye was black and blue, her bottom lip was split in 2 places and her throat was bruised, clearly in the shape of hands. ‘Oh my Love! No! This will not stand! Come with me.’ He insisted, holding out his hand. She hesitated but he looked down at her softly, giving her time to decide. ‘Trust me?’ After another few seconds Y/n took his hand and allowed him to whisk her off and they arrived in the Small Councils meeting room where the Queen walked in not a moment later having been fetched by a guard for her son.
what is the meaning of this?!’ Alicent snapped, storming over to the girl and seemingly thinking that her son had done it but she changed her tune when the girl flinched away and hid behind him instead.
‘Mother. This is the girl I spoke to you about, her husband has proved
ungallant. I wish to take her as my bride.’ Alicent was looking over his ladies face when she fully understood what he had said and jerked her head up.
‘My son, she is married already. You cannot just take another man’s wife, even as a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. You-‘
‘Their marriage has not been consummated.’ She stopped speaking and looked between them in shock.
that changes things
she will need to testify it to the King and he will need to annul the marriage before anything else can happen. It will take time. I will speak to the Hand and start the process for it, we will find a room for her here to keep her safe from now on.’ Alicent turned to Y/n and held out her hand. ‘Come, let’s get you out of those dirty, bloody clothes and put you to bed.’
‘I will come and say “Goodnight” in a bit. You have a bath and relax
I will take care of you, I promise.’ Aemond swore, kissing her hand and watching her blush before she walked off with his mother.
Aemond straightened himself as she left the room and turned to head back to the party where he almost immediately found the man he was looking for.
Y/n’s husband was holding a full goblet of wine with his arm around a ladies waist looking quite content. Aemond moved beside him to grab himself a cup of wine, purposefully causing the idiot to bump into him.
‘Fuck! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.’ He laughed obnoxiously and Aemond found himself wondering how Y/n ever stood being around him at all.
‘Evidently.’ He rolled his eyes and could instantly see that this man didn’t appreciate the action.
‘You may be a Prince but you’re still only a second son, and no where close to Daddies favorite. Watch yourself. I am the head of Storm’s End and soon enough the Vale, you are nothing and even less than that without your Dragon behind you.’ The man was clearly drunk as fuck but Aemond was happy with that. It would make this easier

Aemond smirked as he leaned in close, the young Tully girl that he had had on his arm long gone, not willing to upset a Prince, let alone the one eyed prince himself. ‘I fucked your wife.’ He mumbled, close enough that only he could hear and he absolutely did.
‘What the fuck did you say?’ He snarled, eyes nearly catching fire in his instant rage but Aemond stayed calm. He needed to control himself for this to work.
‘I fucked
your wife
Gods knows you weren’t doing it. Such a lonely girl, desperate for a man’s affection and all she was given was an insolent child. It’s pathetic. Don’t worry though, soon enough she will be raising my son and she won’t be worried about you anymore.’ The boy was practically shaking in his rage, fists clenched and men were beginning to take notice, several of the women moving to alert the guards so Aemond would need to do this quickly. ‘Give it 9 months and everyone will know exactly who your wife strayed from you with, the silver haired boy suckling on her tits will be evidence enough. I’m sure with enough words to the King I can ensure my son will inherit all of your lands when you die. Too bad you weren’t man enough to impregnate her yourself or y-‘ He was finally cut off by a truly pathetic punch to his face but he played into it, falling dramatically to the ground and biting his tongue, spitting blood out to make it seem worse than it had been.
He was grabbed instantly and held back from coming at Aemond again who smirked up at him, the boy only seeming to now realize what had happened. ‘Chain this drunken fool and take him to the Black Cells for-‘
‘No!’ Aemond snapped, cutting off his Grandsire. ‘It was me that he assaulted and as a Prince of the realm it is my decision what happens to him.’ He declared and though Otto looked at him strangely he nodded nonetheless. He reached out, grabbing the collar of the drunk and yanked him forward, dragging him from the party and outside through the front gate.
‘He dies tonight, would you like to argue?’ The one eyed Prince hissed at his Grandsire who knew not to argue with him in this state.
Vhagar peeked her eyes open at the sound of men approaching her beach, seeing her rider dragging along a man that was trying very hard to get away or hurt him making her bare her teeth and hiss instantly.
‘Dokimarvos Vhagar! Umbās!’ He spoke to her and she sat her head up and waited for her rider to speak. *Pay Attention Vhagar! Wait!*
‘This is a message to anyone that thinks to defy me or Gods forbid, harm the people I care about. I am not merciful, you can find mercy with my family but not here. Anyone who wants to disagree with this will not end up in the Black cells, but with my Dragon as their punishment!’ Aemond ignored Otto who was trying to stop his rushed decision. ‘Dohaerās Vhagar! Kisās!’ *Obey Vhagar! Eat!*
Everyone watched on as the giant she-dragon lifted her head over the abusive asshole and opened her mouth wide before chomping down on the man and seeming to swallow him whole which had several people screaming and one man actually fainting.
Aemond was proud of himself, he had saved his girl and it barely took an hour.
He quickly made his way back into the Red Keep and up to the room that he knew his mother had put his soon-to-be wife in. As he entered, knocking softly as to not frighten her, he saw her in a sleep shift and he couldn’t help but stare. His girl was beautiful and she was going to be all his now.
‘Did you have a nice bath?’ He asked, moving to pull the blankets back for her and enjoying her soft blush as she crawled into the bed.
‘It was very relaxing. I’ve never had servants to wash me like that before.’ She teased, though Aemond was surprised by that.
‘You are a lady, are you not? How-‘
‘My mother took care of us as children and when we grew she insisted that we were able to bathe ourselves. My husband however, did not want anyone seeing me in a state of undress
it was strange but nice I suppose. A lady could get used to such treatment.’ Her soft laugh was everything Aemond loved as he reached out and cupped the side of her face.
‘You will get used to it. You are to be my wife, and my wife will have the best of everything. I will bathe you myself if it brings you happiness.’ He teased her, kissing the side of her head before standing again. ‘Get some sleep my lady, no one will bother you, you have my word-‘
‘Will you stay?’ She asked and though he was startled he did not let it show, knowing she was still probably feeling afraid after all that had happened, especially now that she’s in a strange place that she’s sure to never leave again. She would need to get used to being his and knowing that she is completely safe here, she would learn to trust what he said when he told her that he would never let anyone harm her again-let alone another husband. Aemond removed his shoes and coat, as well as his weapons before crawling onto the other side and feeling her head rest on his shoulder. He was careful not to touch any of her injuries as he let her drift off to sleep. He knew his mother would be upset at his sleeping here but he didn’t care. Y/n would be his wife by the weeks end and he would give her everything that bitch of a “husband” could not.
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Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months ago
Little Knight
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader Reader - Visenya Hightower (Daughter of Rhaenyra and Wife of Gwayne) Rating - 15 Word Count - 1715
Requested -
Hello Miss Witch, me again! Can I request again in your “Boys Yet To Have Books” please? I really love the Oscar Tully I requested, how you write it is simply divine! But now I’d like to request a Gwayne Hightower story. Wherein he is married to Rhaenyra’s sister named “Visenya” (many years after Alicent’s marriage to Viserys) to have a stronger bond between Hightower and Targaryen. But the thing is that they both resided in Old Town. They both had their first child, a girl the same age as Daeron and now expecting another one. No spice please, just Gwayne being the best husband and father ever, being really clingy and touchy, showering sweet words and kisses to his wife exactly like a simp haha. I am a million times grateful if you do this request, thank you! <33
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Gwayne rides into the stables, pulling up and dismounting his horse bag slung over his shoulder. He tries to hurry his way inside fast and easy but finds the Maester pestering him as he walks
"Ser, Ser, A raven from your sister," The short man bobbles about following Gawyne around the yard,
Gwayne lets out a sigh, “What does my sister want?”
"She requests for you to take coach and begin the road to king's landing, Ser."
Gwayne grumbles, rubbing his forehead. “By the gods do I need to spell it out for her
 no. I am not going to Kings Landing.”
"But Ser-" He began,
Gwayne held up his hand, stopping the man there. “What part of “no” are you unable to comprehend? I will not be going to that viper’s nest, I do not care for how much my sister begs and nags, nothing she can say will change my mind.” Gawyne sighed once more, "I will not risk such a movement, I will not do it. Visenya could begin her labours any day I will not risk taking her on the road in her condition much less to Kings Landing just to please my sister. Visenya will remain here, in our bed-chamber, with her maids and maesters while we wait for the baby. and I will be here. By her side."
The Maester began to argue more but at this,
“Do. Not. Push. Me.” Gwayne turned to face him, a growl upon his lips.
the Maester froze like a deer in the headlights at this, his legs going still and his lip quivering slightly as he nodded his head. The maester grumbled but relented, knowing he was not going to get any further than that, “Very well, ser, I shall inform your sister
Gwayne let out a scoff, running a hand through his hair in a bout of frustration. “I would not waste your birds on my sister
 I’m certain she has a mind to flay you alive if you say “no” once more.” Gwayne heads inside the Hightower, heading up the many stairs to his chambers, already he felt a giddy smile as he opened the door.
The balcony doors open letting a soft breeze blow in from the sunset sea, the sweet canopy bed shaded by wooden screens. And there she lay Visenya his beloved wife. Long hair messy from her rest, wearing only her long white nightgown and her socks, her baby bump ripe and ready to pop any day. She hums softly as she slowly sews little baby clothes.
Gwayne stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her with a soft smile. He thanked the gods she was his, and questioned whatever luck he had been given for the brief time just to call her his own. He could have watched her forever, until Oldtown and the Hightower sank into the sea. But he moved further into the room, closing the doors behind him. He sets his bag down beside the bed, walking over and sitting on the edge. He looks at her sewing before his eyes move up to her face, his smile only growing. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, then her forehead, then her nose, then her lips, then her jaw, then her collar, then her chest, then her bump, where he finally stops. He reaches out, resting his hand on her belly, rubbing it softly with a gentle smile. “Are you working on the clothes again, my love?”
she nodded "Mhm, I made our little knight some little socks to warm his tiny toes,"
Gwayne chuckled softly, grinning at the thought of their child and their tiny little toes ripe for kisses and tickles, “How shall our little night shall be to have such tiny socks, why I could fit the whole knight in my sock,”
“And poison the poor lad,” she joked,
“You are cruel to me my love,” he teased giving her another kiss, “You know not yet if it is a boy or girl, love
"No, we shall have to be surprised."
Gwayne smiled softly, taking her hand in one of his and intertwining their fingers. “Indeed, though regardless, I’m certain they will be a gorgeous and strong child. They have us as parents, after all
she nodded with a giggle in agreement,
“And I spent the day in the Old Town gardens and I gathered you enough Moonblooms for a whole batch of soap.” He cooed glancing to his bag, “As soon as your hungry let me know and I will make it myself for you,”
“Thank you darling,” she cooed, "What did the maester want, he came looking for you earlier"
Gwayne let out a sigh, he laid down resting his head on her bump in such a way he could still look at her face, “Ummm have I ever told you how beautiful you are,”
“Yes you have,” she smiled, “Maseter
 what?” She reminds,
“You know just staggeringly beautiful,”
“Gwayne!” she complained, “Don’t just avoid the topic,” She warns, “You are causing me distress,” She teased rubbing her belly,
“More ravens from my sister, demanding my presence in Kings’ Landing
 I once again refused, I will not take you on the road with you in your current state. It is not fair to you, nor the babe.”
"You know she will not stop her asking until she feels the babe in her arms"
He let out another sigh, “I do not care how many ravens she sends, I will continue to refuse her. I will not risk you or our baby for my sister’s whims.” he explained, “It is three months ride to kings landing, swiftly and you are in no condition to travel for that long, let along be on any swift movements. Our babe will be born by the time we arrive and I will not risk you and our baby’s health to have your labours in the back of a coach. No. You will be here. With all the citadel’s maesters to aid you, all your handmaidens. And I by your side. In your own bed, with your own views, Visenya,” he took her hand in his holding it to his chest,
"But don't you want to take your beautiful wife, swollen heavy with your babe to court to show off?" she teased
Gwayne chuckled, bringing the back of her hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it.
“While seeing you in court would be wonderful, you are more important then any lords, ladies or my sister. You are my wife, my love, my Visenya.”
He shifted once more so he was lying partially on top of her, his body mostly on her side, his head now against her torso. He wrapped his arms around her waist, He listened to the sound of her breathing, the steady beat of her heart, and most importantly the sound of the little pitter-patter of their child’s own delicate little heartbeat. Everything was perfect, here in this moment in his mind, often he whispered sweet cooes to her and peppered her with kisses telling her and their baby how much he adores them,
Suddenly the door to the chamber flies open
"Did I miss it!" Lianna yelled in panic, standing at the door in her green gown, fresh from her library session with her cousin Daeron,
Gwayne nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden shout from the doorway, not expecting his daughter’s sudden appearance. The surprise was soon replaced with a sigh and a chuckled at the girl’s question. “Miss what, Lianna?”
"My baby brother!" She bolted over jumping onto their bed with excitement
Gwayne chuckled, shaking his head, his hands going to her little arms to prevent her from accidentally moving the bed too hard, knowing Visenya needed to be on her back most of the time these days. “Lianna, you’ve asked this every day for two months, and it’s always the same answer. Your brother has not arrived yet.”
"Why not?"
Gwayne sighed, smiling at his impatient, and at times, irritatingly stubborn daughter. “Because these things take time, sweetling. Give it another month or two, you’ll have your baby brother to dote on and bother all the time.”
lianna nodded, and pulled a bundle of flowers from her back "For you mama," She offered the flowers to Visenya,
"Awww thank you my sweet girl," she cooed taking the flowers from her, setting them in a vase beside the bed with the flowers’ Lianna brought her yesterday, but keeping one out to rub on her belly to soothe the little baby within,
Gwayne scooted over, The sight made him smile. Lianna was so sweet, though a handful at times. “Those are beautiful Lianna, you did well with them,”
“Lianna, would you like to feel your sibling move? I can feel our little knight right now
Lianna immediately came to rest her hands on Visenya's belly "I feel him! I feel him!"
Gwayne chuckled softly, watching Lianna rest her hands on her mother’s belly, a smile upon her face. He reached out, gently resting his own hand over Visenya’s stomach, smiling at the feeling of their child moving around in there. He could practically feel Lianna’s excitement, and he smiled softly at their daughter’s enthusiasm for the little one.
Visenya chuckled, placing her own hand over her Gwaynes, both of them now resting on her stomach.
“See? He’s a little knight indeed. He has been very active lately, moving around in there quite a lot.”
“Umm, I think he is almost ready to join us,” He smiled,
“I think so too,” 
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mythicmanuscripts · 7 months ago
So I’m imagining Aemond’s wife has to leave him for a few days or even weeks. (perhaps to return to her family’s home somewhere else in Westeros for some reason) Perhaps she flies on dragonback or rides by horse/carriage. Either way she’s gone for some time and the longer she’s away the more on edge Aemond gets. Like he behaves his regular cold and withdrawn self but otherwise normally for a few days. But then slowly his already hard edges seem to grow sharper and sharper as the days without his wife creep by. His attacks in the training yard seem more brutal and vicious than normal. He stalks down the halls in an almost predatory walk as nobles scramble to stay out of his way and not meet his eye. He snaps at his servants more and more. And then suddenly the weeks are over and his wife is home and those hard edges are sanded down once again. He practically melts into her arms the moment they’re behind closed doors. Face buried in her neck or chest. The next day his training is much more subdued. He does not snap at people or move so hostilely about the Keep. Most people put two and two together. Now every time Aemond’s wife leaves him for more than a few days the whole of Kings Landing holds its breath until she returns.
(Bonus points: a few days before her return, Helaena states completely out of the blue to Aemond that she’ll be home before the week is out and he need not worry about her. Aemond starts. How could she know that? Was his wife writing to her and sending her a raven with that information but not him?? He knows they’re close friends but he’s her husband!? So he asks Helaena if she’s had a raven. Helaena just stops her needlework and looks at him confused: “No.” And then resumes her needlework without explanation. He decides to think nothing of it. Until two days later his wife is walking back up the steps of the Red Keep and his heart is doing somersaults in his chest he’s just so thrilled to see her.)
**nsfw thots**
On an unrelated note to all that: imagine them the night before she leaves. Riding him gently, holding him close, pulling orgasm after orgasm from him til he’s over sensitive and completely spent. Making sure to give him as much attention as possible before she leaves. As he lays there in a daze she gently showers him with kisses. Kissing up and down his neck and jaw she whispers in his ear “Aemond, my darling? I want you to think of this night while I’m gone. I want you to think about the night we shall have when I return. I want you to touch yourself and think of me. But you’re not allowed to cum. Not without me.” Another gentle kiss to his temple over his sapphire eye. “Can you be a good boy and do that for me, my love?” He shifts slightly and moans a quiet yes in response. Of course he can do that. He’s a good boy. With more willpower and obedience than anyone. And he will be rewarded handsomely for it when she returns.
I.... Anon you are truly a visionary. I am in shock and awe these thoughts are INCREDIBLE. I love everything about this oh my god.
So instead of splitting up my answer like you did here, I'm gonna answer this as one long ask about before you leave for a few days, how he is while you're gone and then what happens when you return so the entire thing will be NSFW sub!aemond with varying degrees of explicit content. So yeah! Venture under the cut if you dare :))
When you first married Aemond, not much changed because he hardly knew you. But, very very quickly he started to get attached. He realises that you care for him, that you enjoy talking to him and that you mean it when you praise him. For a long time your relationship is almost... professional? Once a week he'll attempt for an heir with you laying flat on your back and then leave immediately and besides that, you'd only see him at dinners and events.
When you started to show Aemond affection and began to ask him questions and love him, he really just melts into you? He becomes so needy so quickly, like a switch is flipped and once he's allowed a little of his self restraint to falter, he's incapable of controlling himself around you anymore.
People are shocked at the change in Aemond. He's much mellower, much less likely to lash out and he hears people out much more. They also learn that they can go to you with any issues, and you will relay them to Aemond. This process always works much better because he's always much better when speaking to you.
(Side note: you know how kings used to have a servant whose only job was to read their letters aloud for them? When Aemond becomes king he immediately gets rid of that servant and has you read the letter aloud instead. It's much, much better to hear your voice and be able to discuss the content of the letters with you)
Maybe this is the first time you've gone away without Aemond? By this point he is attached to your side, and the entire castle is thankful for it. You both spend every night in your shared quarters, and he allows himself to be open in how much he loves you and how much he needs from you.
So when you tell him you need to leave for a few days, at first he doesn't even consider the possibility that you mean without him? His response to hearing this is to nod and say, "Where are we going? And for how long?" Maybe his lips even twitch upwards a little in a very small smile because he thinks the two of you will be travelling alone together. Even if you're going somewhere terribly political and boring, the journey itself is enough to get him in a good mood. Just you, him and Vhagar would be perfect (and your own dragon if you had one, but Vhagar loves you and is more than happy to carry both you and Aemond, in fact sometimes she won't fly with just Aemond because she can tell he's angry and might do something rash, so she'll refuse to take off until you join them so that you can stop Aemond from doing something stupid).
(Side note: Aemond buys a small house somewhere far away and only reachable by dragon and that becomes your little sanctuary, whenever he’s about to lose it he goes up there with you and Vhagar and Vhagar actually won’t fly him back to the keep until he’s doing better)
When you clarify that you need to go yourself, his smile falls? He understands why he can’t go with, but that doesn’t matter. He just
 you’re going to be gone for over a week?? What’s he supposed to do??
I think he’d be insistent on you taking Vhagar if you don’t have your own dragon. Not only because she’s quicker than any horse but also because he knows she’d melt down entire kingdoms if someone dared to lay a hand on you and knowing you have that kind of protection is the only way they’ll be any chance of him getting any sleep while you’re away.
You don’t even bother trying to argue against this, because you know he’ll just follow you on Vhagar if you don’t take her yourself.
The night before you’re set to leave, you tell him to get dinner delivered to your chambers and to tell everyone that the two of you are not be disturbed. He knows what this means, he’s so thankful.
You ride him first, until he’s so desperate to cum that he can’t stop bucking his hips. And then you get off him and make him eat you out before he’s allowed to fuck you again. His thighs are shaking when you eventually lower yourself down on him again and he cums almost instantly.
That’s when the overstimulation starts. Your goal is to take him apart completely until he’s a mess, until he’s twitching and whining and mumbling in high Valeryon. It honestly doesn’t even take that long to do.
When you give him the rules, he can only nod and turn to cuddle into your neck. He’s so plaint and completely wrecked, not a single wall left between you. He’s so sweet then, nodding and trying to kiss your neck because he’s just floating on cloud nine.
You slip out of bed the next morning before he wakes up, because you know that will be the easiest for him. If he has to actually watch you leave, he will almost immediately become hostile and unhappy until you return. This way there’s a chance that he might not immediately start terrorising the servants.
When Aemond wakes and you’re not there, he understands why you chose to do that and deep down he knows it’s the best choice, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t feel like a punch to the gut anyway. This is the first time in your entire marriage that he’s fallen asleep with you and woken up alone. You’ve always ensured to stay in bed until he wakes up and he does the same, so to roll over and find nothing but cold sheets actually makes him let out a sob out loud.
He pulls your pillow closer, hugging it tightly and curling himself around it. He knows he’s acting ridiculous and he does not care about it, not at all because his wife isn’t in his bed and he’s all alone.
He’s alright for the first three days, still very withdrawn but he wasn’t too bad. From the fourth day onwards he just got worse and worse. He was not used to going this long without you, without your attention and touches and voice. He’s so used to popping into places he knows you’ll be just to see you, bringing you food or wine or even just to ask your advice for something. Sometimes he’ll even come find you to invite you do dinner despite the fact that you eat dinner together every day.
So yeah he’s not doing very well. I also think he becomes even worse about touches? A servant accidentally brushes against him as they walk past carrying laundry and he flings himself against the opposite wall feeling like his skin is on fire where they touched.
Sparring with him is dangerous while you’re away, and if he loses he will just drop his sword and walk away. He would normally go to you and you’d kiss him gently and listen to him and give him advice. But now he just walks right out.
He also doesn’t make any big decisions? Irrelevant of whether he’s king, prince or prince regent, he always goes to you for advice and to hear your thoughts. You’re an extremely important part of his council and he won’t pledge to anything without discussing it first.
So the whole castle walks on eggshells for the next week or so until you eventually come back.
The moment one of the dragon keepers spots Vhagar, they immediately run to the keep and tell Aemond because they know how badly everyone needs you to be back with Aemond. The dragon keeper doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before Aemond is out the door and running for the dragon pits.
He’s there when you get off Vhagar.
The dragon keepers and servants know better than to try and get close to you before him. Normally, you hand the dragon riders your gear and the servants help take off the gloves and boots but no one moves this time because they all know that Aemond will kill them if they get in the way.
The moment you get odd Vhagar, Aemond is walking forward and before you can even say a thing he’s pulling you into a bone crushing hug. He clings to you as tight as he can, nuzzling his nose against your clavicle. You try pull away a little to give him a kiss and he refuses, his grip on you only tightens.
When he eventually pulls away, you take his hand in your hands and give him a soft kiss. He responds immediately and then hugs you tight again.
“You’re ever going for that long again,” he mumbles against your shoulder, “ever.”
You just rub his back and let him hold you for a moment because you know that there’s no point in trying to tell him you had to go. He’s too upset right now, and he just needs to be reassured to that you’re back.
Maybe you’re supposed to speak to the small council about something or give them a debrief of your trip but you end up only doing that the next day because Aemond refuses to share you with anyone. If anyone else tries to take your attention he may genuinely commit murder because it’s been far too long and he’s your husband, not them. He’s the one who gets your undivided attention.
He walks with you back to your shared quarters. On the way there, run into some of the ladies currently being hosted at the court and of course they all want to greet you and ask about your trip. Aemond is having absolutely none of it. He literally just says, "not now" and drags you away from them.
Normally if Aemond did something like that you would refuse to go with him and punish him later, but you know that this is different because of how long he's had to go without you and so you'll make some exceptions. Of course Aemond knows this, that's why he even did it in the first place. If he thought there was even the smallest chance of you being unhappy with him, he never would have done it.
Once you're alone in your chambers, he pulls you back into a hug, and pretty quickly you can feel his shoulders shaking.
"It's alright," you whisper to him, keeping your voice soft and gentle, "I'm back, it's just us here, it's alright." He nods, but he keeps himself firmly against your shoulder, crying softly.
When he stops crying, you tell him to boil some water and get a bath ready. Ordinarily you would call a servant in to do that, but you can see how unsettled Aemond is, how overwhelmed he is. He's clearly happy you're back, but he's also kind of unsure what to do with himself and clearly is just feeling a little too many things. So you give him a task to do, because that always settles him and he relaxes knowing that he's pleasing you.
You watch as he readies the water and then pours it into the bath with some cold water to make the perfect temperature.
Since you flew back on dragon back, you're in need of a bath before bed and so you tell Aemond to join you and let him wash you. It's one of Aemond's favourite tasks, one that he can't believe he is privileged enough to get to do.
He takes his time washing you, being so so gentle and ensuring he does is properly. Multiple times he pauses and looks to you, waiting for your approval before he continues. You can see him start to relax as he does it, can see the tension start to leave his shoulders.
You'd love to wash him in return, but you know it's not the best idea right then. Aemond is relaxed and at ease because he's served you and he knows he's being good. You know that if you turn the attention back on him and wash him, you run the risk of him getting overwhelmed and shy. So instead you just tell him to wash himself once he's done with you and you make sure to watch him as he does so. He absolutely loves having your eyes on him.
You let him dry you afterwards as well, and when you see his eyes trailing your body, you tell him that he can kiss you too. Immediately he does, kissing your skin after he swipes the towel over it.
He's turned by this point, of course, but he doesn't even think about touching himself. He knows the rules, and he knows you will look after him.
Originally you were going to ride him and edge him a few times, but when you see how vulnerable he is, you change your mind. He's missed you so much, and you can see how he's keeping his hands on you for as long as possible each time he kisses you, like he's afraid you're going to disappear. You don't need to wreck him, he's already wrecked.
Instead, you let him sit between your legs, his back to your front and give him a nice, soft handjob. He's shaking and whining in your arms, nuzzling against your neck and mumbling in high valeryon. He's so beautiful when he cums, crying out as his back arches away from you. He collapses once it's over, curling up between your legs and bringing your hand to his mouth to lick it clean.
You let him shuffle down the bed then and eat you out to his heart's content. He's so so happy, groaning against you because he's having as much fun as you are.
Even once you've came, he stays there and just rests his head against your thigh. He falls asleep like that soon after.
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months ago
Kalim: Headmage, aside from Malleus and Leona, is there any other royalty studying at Night Raven College?
Crowley: ...Why do you ask, Mr. Al Asim?
Kalim: My dad asked me to give a gift to a royal, but I’m unsure who he’s talking about. He mentioned it’s not Malleus or Leona.
Crowley: *clears throat* I should check...
Kalim: 'Check'? You mean there is?
Crowley: I’ll update you later, Mr. Al Asim. For now, please return to your classroom.
Kalim: Okay!
MC: *chuckles* Ah, yes. The House of Al Asim.
MC: I thought they would never get in touch with me.
Crowley: I see. Should I inform Kalim that you are the royal he’s looking for?
MC: No, I have no dealings with him.
MC: However, do inform him that I would like to receive a response from the Viper Family.
Crowley: Viper...? Your Maj- Sorry. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your connection to the Viper family?
MC: *smiles* I am considering their daughter, Najma Viper, as a suitable match for the prince.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: Pardon?
MC: Hmm? Is something amiss? You appear rather pale.
Crowley: N-No, Your Majesty! *immediately smiles* I happened to remember that there's something I need to do.
MC: Oh, really? I thought you were trying to flee after potentially offending me.
Crowley: No, Your Majesty! I've been quite busy lately!
MC: *chuckles* I’m merely jesting. You may take your leave now.
Crowley: Th-Thank you, Your Majesty.
Jamil: *received a phone call from home; it was Najma to be exact*
Jamil: What is it? Tell me quick. I still have a basketball practice to attend to.
Najma: I think... I think I'm getting married!
Jamil: What are you talking about?
Najma: Father and Mother are panicking right now!
Jamil: Najma, calm down. You're not getting married.
Jamil: You don't even have suitors.
Najma: Hey!
Jamil: I'm guessing it's a prank. Don't think about it too much.
Najma: Hmph! *hangs up*
Jamil: *frowns* What's wrong with her?
*In the Kingdom of Arendelle*
Evan: *MC's 15-year-old brother; prince regent of the Kingdom of Arendelle*
Evan: *blushing after he found out that MC sent a marriage request to Najma on his behalf*
Lucas: ...
Lucas: Not to make the situation worse, but Their Majesty also sent your photo.
Evan: !!!
Evan: MC would not do that!
Lucas: Nah. I know your older sibling more than you.
Lucas: So, are you going to officially court Lady Viper?
Evan: ...
Evan: I'm not sure... I'm a stranger to her.
Lucas: Well, you can be friends first.
Evan: A marriage request was sent.
Lucas: So? You should be fine.
Evan: ...
Evan: You're so indifferent to me, Sir Lucas.
Lucas: No. I'm just stressed and worried for Their Majesty.
Lucas: And pissed off, but I would probably get punished for saying that.
Evan: ...
Evan: You are aware that the rules in the kingdom doesn't state as such.
Lucas: Yeah, I know.
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and-claudia · 5 months ago
Little Sundress (Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader) SMUT!! DAY 1 of KINKTOBER
Set during First Class
Warnings: sundress kink, oral (f receiving), I think that is it, let me know if I missed one though!!
Wordcount: 1500+
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Being in Charle’s childhood home was interesting, to say the least. He and I had very different upbringings, and seeing how massive this place truly was only seemed to prove that more. 
“And here is the kitchen.” He said, “I know it’s not anything crazy b-”
“I love it.” I said, cutting him off. 
He turned to me and smiled. 
“It’s charming. And honestly, anything is better than our tiny one back in Oxford.” I said with a laugh. 
“Well, I am glad you like it. And you do know, you don’t have to cook for all of us.” He said, stepping closer and placing his hands on my hips. 
“I know, but I want to. Plus, it will make me feel more helpful
 my mutation isn’t the most useful in a fight.” I said, looking down. 
“That won’t be the case much longer, dear. That’s why we’re here to train and grow our abilities. I believe you’ll be able to copy any mutation of anyone at any time without touching them by the time we’re done.” He said, using his thumb and pointer finger to grab my chin and tilt it up to look at him. 
I smiled at him, “I hope so.” 
I didn’t actually say it to him out loud. Since he was touching my face, I was able to say it to him telepathically. 
Charles finished showing me around and ended in the room we’d be staying in. I took some time to unpack while he went off to do his own thing. Once all my clothes were unpacked I decided to take the chance to shower before I went down stairs to make dinner. We had been traveling all day so I felt a little gross and I knew a shower would feel amazing, especially since I would be getting the hot water before everyone else. 
When I got out, I decided to throw on one of my sun dresses. It was always so rainy in Oxford I hardly ever got a chance to wear them, so I intended to take full advantage of that. I threw on some simple kitten heels so that I wasn’t walking across the mansion barefoot. Then, I made a few adjustments to my outfit before heading out. 
On my way to the kitchen I passed a few Raven. 
“Why are you all dressed up? Are you and Charles going out or something?” She asked, slightly confused. 
“No, not tonight. I am actually just on my way to make everyone dinner. I just never really got to where these dresses often, so I figured I’d take advantage.” I said. 
“Make sure you make it to the kitchen before Charles sees you. He won’t be able to keep his hands to himself once he sees you, and I’d like to make sure we get fed tonight.” She teased, and I just laughed and rolled my eyes before continuing to the kitchen. 
Once I got there I set about getting everything I would need for dinner ready. I was just beginning to chop the vegetables when Erik, Charles and Hank all walked in. 
“Hello, boys,” I said, spinning around to greet them, causing the dress to flow out. 
Erik and Hank both said their own hellos, but Charles was too busy staring
 I was starting to think Raven may have been right. 
“Dinner will be ready in probably half an hour.” I informed them. 
“Do you want some help?” Hank offered. 
I was about to tell him that he could help finish chopping while I got the chicken in the oven, but Charles cut me off before I could. 
“I got it, I can help her
 you two go ahead and
 yeah.” He said, clearly already a little flustered as he walked over to help me. Luckily, the other two men got the hint and left us alone in the kitchen. 
“Well, that was smooth, Charlie
” I teased. 
“I got it, I can help her
 you two go ahead and
 yeah.” I mocked his voice as I repeated what he had just said. 
“Well, can you blame me?” He asked, turning to look me over, not even the slightest bit ashamed of the way his hungry eyes racked over my body. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said, stepping past him to grab something from the fridge, but he caught my arm. 
“Oh, but you do. It doesn’t take a telepath to know that
 but it is useful being one because now I know that you have nothing on under there.” He said, reaching for the hem of my dress but I smacked his hand away. 
“I gotta cook dinner.” I said, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his cheek but he turned his head and I kissed his lips instead which he immediately took advantage of that. His hands gripped my hips as he pulled me against him. 
“Mm, I’d rather start with dessert.” He said against my lips as he grinded his hips against me. 
“Charles, we can’t. Not here.” I said. 
“Who said? It’s my house, I should be able to fuck my girlfriend wherever I please
” In one swift motion, he turned us around so that my back was now to the table that sat in the middle of the room, “And right now, it would please me to fuck her right here.” 
Without our lips separating, he lifted me up onto the table as we continued to make out. His hands slid down to my knees, and he pulled them apart so he could stand between them. 
“What if someone walks in?” I asked, glancing over to the door. 
“Don’t worry about that, darling.” He said, subtly inching my dress up higher and higher. 
He finally broke away from the kiss and gave me a look before dropping down to kneel on one knee between my legs. 
“You should wear these more often, love.” He said as he began planting kisses along the inside of my thigh. 
He left a trail of kisses and a few love bites all the way up my inner thigh. Then, when he reached where I wanted his lips the most, he hesitated. I felt the cool air of him sighing so close, sending a chill up my spine. I was mentally preparing myself to feel his tongue delving into my cunt. So, when I felt his lips press to my other thigh and begin working their way back down it, I accidentally let a small whimper slip through my lips. 
“So impatient.” He mumbled, and I could feel his smirking against my skin. 
“No, you’re just a fucking tease.” I sighed. 
“Oh really? Maybe I should just let you get back to cooking then.” He said, going to stand up. 
I reached forward and caught his shoulder, pushing him back down, “Don’t you dare. You’re going to eat me out.” I said to him telepathically. 
“As you wish.” 
He dropped back down and went straight the my cunt. No time was wasted as he began fucking me with his mouth. His tongue was working wonders. I was trying so hard not to let anyone hear me. 
Suddenly, he pulled away and looked up at me. His lips were shining with a mix of my wetness and his own spit. 
“No, let them hear you, darling.” He said. His eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them. 
He didn’t even wait for me to respond before going back to lapping at my cunt. His nose was now also rubbing up against my clit, sending me soaring towards ecstasy. 
“Fuck, Charles, keep going.” I said, running my hands through his hair, pulling it lightly, which earned a grunt from him that I felt vibrate up through my cunt. 
I could feel that oh so familiar and welcom feeling of the coil tightening, knowing it would snap soon from the tension. Charles must have felt that I was getting close too because he began to speed up. 
“You taste so good, love.” He said to me telepathically, “Wish I could eat you out every day.” 
” I moaned out loud, not caring that I could hear my moans echoing off the walls. 
“Go ahead, darling, come all over my tongue.” 
“Fuck!” I moaned as I came. 
Charles refused to let a single drop of my release go to waste as he lapped up every bit of it. Once he was done, he pulled back, chin wet with a mix of my release and his own spit. As he stood, he grabbed the rag from off the table and used it to wipe his chin, and only his chin, before he leaned over to kiss me, allowing me to taste myself on his lips. The kiss was so soft and gentle that I never wanted it to end. That was until I smelt something burning. 
I reluctantly pulled away and glanced around him. 
“Fuck, the chicken burned.” I said. 
Charles turned around and just turned the oven off. 
“Oh well, that gives me more time to fuck you
 where shall we take it next? My new office, perhaps?” He asked. 
The thought did excite me, but what was everyone supposed to do for dinner now? 
“Change of plans. Go into town for dinner tonight.” Charles said to everyone in the house using his mind. 
“Problem solved.” He said before leaning in to give me another kiss, “So
 my office?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at me. 
Kinktober taglist:
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sundrop-writes · 10 months ago
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One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson
Season One, Episode One: "Titans"
You and Dick haven't spoken since the Titans parted ways in San Francisco five years ago.
Even though you used to be as close as two people can be, both of you are doing just fine leading your own separate lives - until your psychic powers cause you to have a vision of the end of the world, and you have to turn to him for help. As much as Dick doesn't want to get involved, you know that him leading The Raven on the path she needs to travel is the only way to stop the terrible fate you saw.
He wants to deny it, and stay as far away from you as possible - but he can't avoid you or the truth that you have told him when he runs into that very Raven you speak of in an interrogation room later that night. He has to face a simple truth he has always known: you're always right.
Dick Grayson x Fem!Powered!Reader. Childhood Friends/Exes to Lovers. Emotional Angst and Bantering/Humor. Set during Season 1, Episode 1.
Word Count: 2,300
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link | Series Masterlist
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: the reader uses she/her pronouns (some people might accuse the reader character in this story of being more of an OC and I am okay with that - I try to make all the reader characters in my other stories as blank and open as possible and every now and then I let myself have a little bit of a treat) - but as usual with my stories, the majority of pronouns used in the fic are you/yours; other than clothing style and a scar that informs her backstory, the reader's looks are not described and are left vague (as far as race, body type, hair colour, etc. - those things are not described); the reader character does have powers - I might make a separate post detailing the reader's entire backstory and power set (or I might just let it be spelled out slowly through the chapters) - but for now, I will tell you that the reader character is psychic and can see glimpses of the future in dream-like visions; the reader and Dick are 'exes' - their relationship was never official (they never explicitly called each other boyfriend/girlfriend), but they used to have sex often (and they both have feelings for each other that they never openly spoke about), and they are childhood friends, so there is a lot of emotional history there; mentions of canon-typical violence; this fic does use Y/N; mentions of the reader being shot during a past undescribed incident; there is references to sex and discussions of sex, but no explicit smut (but there might be some later in the story? idk yet); emotionally constipated Dick Grayson; idk what else ? - pining, emotional angst, using humor to deflect emotional tension, banter. I just really like the vibes of this. there is not a lot of big content warnings for this fic (yet).
A/N: Honestly, I am really excited about this one. I have a lot of ideas for future episodes (especially the episode where Dick loses it emotionally and just gets followed around by a hallucination of Bruce for the entire episode - but that's not until Season 2, oop). Titans is one of my favourite series ever - if you couldn't tell - so getting to examine each episode closer and appreciate each individual episode as a unique piece of art while writing this instead of binging a whole season gives me a whole new appreciation for the show. I hope you guys enjoy these as they come out - especially because I do have an idea of where this fic is going, but I don't know where I want these characters to go in Season 4. (I kind of want to do a secret surprise reveal of two of the characters being related and being siblings, but... idk. Sometimes people don't like that.) But this is definitely a good opportunity to send me ideas of where you want this story to go/how you want it to end up. Anyway - please enjoy!!!
Dick needed some fucking air. 
He could barely fucking handle today. He had to compose himself before he lost it and started breaking things. It was all such a shitshow - the department pushing a new partner on him, footage of Robin all over the news, every other half-cocked beat cop making comments about how Robin was just another masked psychopath who wasn’t that different from The Joker. 
Fuck them. 
If they only knew what Gotham was like - if only they had to deal with a department full of asshole’s on the Joker’s payroll. If only they had to watch criminals walk away because they made bail on the decision of a corrupt judge. If only they had to sit behind a desk and listen to a mother’s sobs as she begged for him to find her missing child - knowing how many people elbow to elbow with him would laugh at her tears rather than start looking. 
If they only spent one night tending to civilians while the smell of burning flesh permeated the air, with the Joker’s screaming laugh stuck in their ears because he thought that bombing a low-income housing complex was just that funny. 
Fuck all of them. 
Dick clenched his fist tight - his knuckles aching as he resisted the urge to drive his arm right through the glass at the front of the precinct. He just - he really needed some air. 
Dick walked out the front doors (rather than smashing the glass), and took a deep breath of the cool night air, trying his best to calm down. It was getting late, and things were relatively slow, even for it being a Tuesday. No influx of late-night chaos yet. He had some time to collect himself before- 
“So - Robin’s in Detroit now, huh?” 
That voice. 
Dick felt the sting of familiarity pluck at his spine, and he whipped his head around at lightning speed, looking in the direction of the voice. Surely enough - you were the one standing there. It hadn’t been some kind of auditory hallucination on his part. 
So much for time to calm himself down. 
He was immediately met with a confliction - lust and annoyance bubbling up inside of him. He didn’t want to see you again, he didn’t want you to be here, especially not without warning. But you looked so damn good - it was a distraction from that fact. 
That was always the thing about exes, wasn’t it? 
(If Dick could even call you his ‘ex’ - the two of you had slept together more times than he could count, both metaphorically and literally, but the two of you had never put an official label on the relationship like he had with Dawn or Barbara. He cared for you like a friend, and like a lover in a way that he was never willing to admit - but did that make you his ex? Especially if he never stopped caring about you?) 
That thing about exes being: they always look so fucking good when you see them after a long time of being apart. The universe dangling something in front of you that you’re not allowed to have and technically, should no longer want. 
But oh - Dick found himself wanting so very badly. (And he tried his hardest to hide that fact as he continued to carefully stare you down.) 
Because you looked so good. 
You were wearing something of your usual style - an outfit of many confusing layers that somehow showed off the natural curves of your body and hid you all at the same time. 
A long skirt with a ruffled hemline and bold, colorful pattern. A pair of boots that you had probably gotten from some vintage store that were likely older than both you and Dick, leathery and well worn in. Your jacket was much the same - a supple brown leather with a soft fur lining that made you look very warm and cozy. 
Topped off with a pair of the largest, gaudiest dangling earrings that Dick had ever seen - the kind that would have gotten snagged on one of his nice shirts and gotten the two of you tangled up during one of your hook-ups. A pair of earrings that he would have scolded you for wearing - but he would have delighted in finding them on his bedroom floor after you left because it meant having a piece of you still with him. And it would mean having an excuse to visit you later because he had something of yours to return. 
Those earrings glistened in the light of the street lamps, just as your eyes did while you stared him down with those inquisitive, knowing eyes. Looking at him with that same expression you always wore - the one that seemed to say you knew everything that he never would. It equally fascinated him and infuriated him. 
He hated the fact that you had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, causing his heart to race - had you snuck up on him on purpose? Did you find it funny? 
“Y/N,” Dick said your name curtly, still feeling a slight twinge of shock that you were standing in front of him at all. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
You let out a dry chuckle, and stepped closer to him, making his whole body stiff. His first instinct was to step backward - to gain more distance from you. But he didn’t want to seem like he was afraid of you - afraid of that closeness. So he forcefully locked his legs and stayed in place as you drifted closer, and you idly conversed back. 
“Oh, Dickie.” You sighed in return, using his childhood nickname. “A warm welcome as always.” 
Dick rolled his eyes at this. Did he really need to bother with manners and formalities? The two of you had known each other for so long, he guessed that you were both well over stuff like that. 
“Do I need a reason to be here? Can’t I just visit an old friend?” You posed, a humorous tone still running through your voice. 
He shoved his hands into his pockets as he took a more defensive stance. He quickly went from shock then to annoyance. 
The two of you were old friends - you had known each other since you were in diapers together. The two of you had grown up together, raised by a unique circus family. And that meant that Dick knew you well enough to know that if you were here, you had a good reason to be. 
(If you had wanted to chase him when he first left Gotham, you likely would have camped out in the trunk of his car, or you would have shown up at his new apartment the day after he moved in. You wouldn’t have waited this long to contact him.) 
“Do us both a favor and cut the bullshit, please.” Dick replied sternly. “Why are you here?” 
“Grumpy.” You sighed, sounding defeated. 
He waited for a moment, and surely enough - you folded, now willing to directly explain your reason for showing up in Detroit so suddenly. 
“I had a vision.” You explained. “A girl. The Raven. A lot of others consider her to be the eater of worlds, but she is the one who is going to save us all, Dick.” 
He let out a harsh puff of air, reaching up and running fingers roughly over his temple. Yup, there it was - the headache had fully set in now. He really didn’t need this. Not tonight. 
He had known about your visions for a long time. When he was younger, he had been shocked to find out that you had inherited your mother’s ‘gift’. He previously had no clue that her set-up as a sideshow fortune teller with Tarot cards and a large crystal ball wasn’t all psychology tricks and half-guesses she put on for tourists - but in fact, it was actually something informed by larger supernatural forces at play. And it was something you could do as well. 
So he was inclined to believe you when you told him about this vague vision, but he also didn’t want to be involved. He had a lot on his plate right now - he didn’t need this. 
“Look, I’m sure that whatever you saw was important, but-” He began. 
You sighed and shook your head harshly at this ‘but’. 
“Why don’t you just take it to New York instead? This kind of thing is way more Donna’s speed, anyway. I’m sure she can help you find this girl, and-” 
“That won’t help.” You told him. “The girl is already on her way here.” 
You spoke the words with such utter certainty, and it sent shivers up Dick’s spine. The calm, tranquil look on your face - the ominous wiseness you held: it reminded Dick so much of your mother. The other-worldly authority she held that had ultimately gotten her killed. It was strangely creepy. 
“Just so you know, I hate it when you say ominous shit like that.” Dick told you, gesturing to your person with stiff offense in his body. “Just because your mother played the creepy voodoo witch for tourists doesn’t mean you have to.” 
“I’m not playing.” You replied, exasperated. 
You knew that Dick could be frightened of your powers at times. He was someone very logic-based - he built his beliefs around facts. So having you follow your visions and your ‘gut feelings’ when they were never concrete, changing on a dime - he hated the uncertainty and chaos that came with it all. But you had learned to trust yourself and your feelings over time, even if he didn’t. 
“And you know, you’re involved in this whether you want to be or not.” You told him, trying to get the conversation back on track. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Robin made his first appearance in months last night.” 
Dick became stiff at this, and quickly glanced around - as though waiting for someone to appear out of nowhere and point an accusing finger at him, screaming out that he was Robin and he had been caught. 
“You can’t help it, Dick Grasyon.” You declared with intense certainty. “You need to save people, you need to feel like you’re making a difference, you-” 
“So what, now you expect me to save the whole fucking world?” Dick snapped back. 
“She does.” You corrected. 
“Who?” He replied - confused and once again annoyed at your mysticism and bold confidence in your visions. 
“The Raven.” You told him. “She needs you. And whether you like it or not, you need her.” 
You shifted your stance then, waiting for him to tell you that you were right - which was how most of your arguments ended. 
But then, as a sick reminder, the lapel of your jacket opened enough for Dick to get a glance at your chest. The neckline of your blouse was wide open, but his eyes weren’t drawn to your cleavage - instead, he became focused on a large scar that you had sitting over your heart. A place where a bullet had ripped through you, leaving you barely alive. 
He still remembered the feeling of your blood warm under his hands while you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, begging him to save you. He remembered sitting at your bedside, believing that you would never wake up again. 
He couldn’t help but to reach up and gently skim his thumb across the roughness of the scarred skin as he glared at it with a stiff jaw. The touch sent shivers through you - it was the first time he had touched you since that last night in Gotham, when you had woken up to an empty bed and absolutely no explanation as to where he had gone. 
Dick felt rage boil inside of him. 
How could you ask him to save the world when he had been responsible for this? 
This - this was why he was no fucking savior. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said, choking on the words slightly as he took his hand down, shoving it back into his pocket once again. He had to avoid the temptation of touching you any further. 
If you weren’t safe around him, why would some little girl from your visions be? 
“This isn’t about me.” You scoffed. “Or-” 
‘Or us.’ 
You held back, knowing how dangerous it was to mention the royal Us around flighty Dick Grayson. For a bird without wings, he was absolutely capable of taking off in a quick moment when he wanted to. 
“This is about something so much bigger.” You pressed. “She’ll be here soon.” 
Dick let out another strained sigh at you using such ominous words again. 
“Well, next time you’re gonna come here and be all ominous and creepy, you should at least bring some coffee.” He told you, sarcasm tight on his lips. 
You made a mocking face in return. 
“Well, you could be more polite.” You scoffed. 
Before Dick could recommend that the two of you go and get a coffee in order to truly catch up, someone called out his name, drawing his attention away from you for a moment. 
“Hey, Grayson!” Someone called, sticking their head out the front door. “Prentiss is looking for you!” 
When he turned back, you were gone. He tried not to linger on it too much - how creepy it was. You were silent and quick like a ghost - he thought that your ominous jewelry might jingle like a house cat’s bell. 
But - he would call you later. Hopefully you still had the same number. 

Dick walked into the interrogation room, trying to clear his mind of the interaction with you. When he saw a small, scared girl, he thought it best to lighten the mood with a joke. 
“Hi, I’m Detective Grayson.” He said, introducing himself. “I hear you like to play baseball with bricks and cop cars. You wanna tell me what happened?” 
“You’re him.” She said, whimpering and tearful. “You’re the boy from the Circus.” 
At first, Dick thought that everyone was simply being ominous and creepy today. But then he realized:
‘Oh fuck. You were right.’
A/N: Please do not ask me when this fic will be updated - this fic does not have a schedule.
While this is technically the first chapter in a 'series', each chapter is meant to be enjoyed on its own. The overarching plot of the series is still that of the original Titans show, and I won't be making any major changes to the canon of the show - I just intend to showcase smaller emotional moments between the reader character and the canon characters. This is something I want to work on casually in the background between working on other things. This fic is not my main focus, and I will not be rushing to update it or complete it.
Comments and reblogs are encouraged, and I am thankful for them - but please keep those comments focused on the actual content of the series (it's plot, the characters, their dynamics, etc.). Please do not spam me asking me to update this or asking me when I will update this - because I am not in a rush to do so. I have a lot of ideas for this series that I am excited about, but I want to work on it slowly and casually because I don't want to lose my enthusiasm for it and I know that rushing will take that enthusiasm away.
If you enjoyed this - great, thanks. But if you expect this to be updated weekly like a factory pumping out stuff on a clearly outlined schedule - then you are in the wrong place. If you are expecting constant updates of this fic and you will be disappointed if it doesn't get updated regularly - you should just block me now and pretend you didn't read it. But if you are a patient person - feel free to read and enjoy my other Titans works while I am working on updates for this (and working on other exciting things), and feel free to send me a message telling me what you thought of this fic or other fics in general.
Also - if you can't get Dick Grayson off your mind - my requests are open.
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 6 months ago
[TWST AU]: This MC/Yuu/[Reader] may have more than just fairytale magic.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu/[Reader] returns back from the “dead” and is ready to unleash their horror-based magic. Also to understand that they were resting for about 30 years.
[Gender Neutral!MC/Yuu/[Reader]]
[TW]: Mentions of murder, blood and horror movie depictions of violence.
[(A/N)]: Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I last posted any content here. Things got busy IRL and also put up some content on my main blog. I’m sorry I didn’t warn anyone about my sudden break. Anywho, I wrote another MC/Yuu variant twisted from Ice Nine Kills (the vibe of the band).
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To begin this journey, there is a hidden grave deep in the forest behind Night Raven College. Nobody has visited that very spot as their families have either passed or moved far away.
The etchings of the tombstone reads

“Here Lies [Y/N]/MC/Yuu [L/N]”
“You Left Too Soon”
“Therefore If A Miracle Happens, Doom Will Be In Tune”
Then one night as the Dorm Sorting Ceremony, a storm occurs with lightning striking down.
Then, a strike hits the unbothered grave, electrocuting the fencing that protected the grave from trespasser and the ground shakes as a resurrection happens.
[The ground cracks open as a coffin unveils its lid and reveals a well-preserved corpse.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: *Yawns from their supposed eternal slumber* That was a long nap
Why am I in a coffin?
[The living corpse leaves their disturbed burial and walks aimlessly out of the forest, unintentionally leading themselves to the NRC building.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I don’t remember much, but this place

[Then a voice boomed across the hall to grab MC/Yuu’s attention.]
Crowley: *From afar* You! Why are not at the ceremony?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I beg your pardon.
Crowley: *Closing the distance between him and MC/Yuu* I asked what
 *Stops dead at his tracks* You
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Old man, I don’t know what kind of ceremony is happening but I remember now. I’m already an NRC student.
[And so, after the ceremony ended, Crowley gathered the Staff members and explained they have a student returned from the dead. They weren’t pleased by this sudden information. In the meantime, MC/Yuu will have to start NRC again as a first year student and they were transferred to the infamous Ramshackle Dormitory.]
[At the Heartslabyul]
[MC/Yuu was invited by Cater as they joined back the Music Club and the MagiCam influencer thought they were cool.]
Cater: You got a new phone? Need help with anything?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I still need help with the apps. How do you find movies on this thing?
Cater: I can teach you.
[Few Minutes Later]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Whoa! You guys released new horror films? It’s been years since I watched one. The last one I seen was some hockey-masked killer.
Cater: *Little concerned* MC/Yuu, when did you stop attending NRC?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Oh. Well
I guess around 30 years ago? Why asking, suddenly?
Cater: That explains why you asked what MagiCam is.
[During a Dorm Leader meeting]
Riddle: You’re explaining you used to attend Night Raven College 30 years ago?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Yeah, I used to be the president of the Music Club and still well versed in the darker side of magic.
Azul: What kind of magic you possess?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: The kind if you can stomach the macabre world. The goriest parts of that field.
Vil: Necromancy, I presumed?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Sort of. It’s hard to explain about my magic, but all I know is it gets stronger when I perform music.
Kalim: Like it’s your Unique Magic.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Yeah, like that. Crazy how today’s people are using that term.
Leona: Still odd how you came back to life. You remember your old life?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I remember my family used to live on this island and the accident that happened in this school

[Chapter 5: During the VDC event and Vil’s Overblot]
[Ice Nine Kills - Welcome To Horrorwood]
Epel: We need to distract Vil-Senpai.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Allow me. I know the perfect song.
[Then the stage is set for MC/Yuu’s performance. They magically summoned a dark dome to cover the entire stadium for the light effects and manifest some pseudo band mates to play the appropriate instruments. Finally, they summoned their cursed electric guitar to fend off the latest Blot battle.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: *Starts singing*
Ink fills the page
A classic killer completes the cast
If evil's all the rage
Cut to the close up, then fade to black
Sit back for the sequel of your dreams
All psychos crave more shocking scenes
Who cares if it bleeds beyond the screen?
Are you misunderstood?
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back!
[They casted some powerful spells to weaken Overblot!Vil. The rest of the gang starts throwing their spells at the corrupted Head of Pomefiore.]
'Cause everyone is just so fucking

Desperate for fame
Can't blame the savages this town attracts
I guess we're all insane (Insane!)
So silence the critics, 'cause this is not an act
(But here's the soundtrack!)
Sit back for the sequel of your dreams
All psychos crave more shocking scenes
Who cares if it bleeds beyond the screen?
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place it pays to be a hack!
(But will you make the cut if you know?)
Stardom's just an afterthought
For all those stabbed in the backlot
Piled up and left to rot
“So how's this for an establishing shot?”
[MC/Yuu shoots another fire spell at Overblot!Vil.]
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place where everyone should
Fear the premiere
There's always a target out on the red carpet
Between 'Silver Screams' something's awakened
And you'll never make it
But enjoy the show!
[They perform an impressive solo-guitar play as they summoned restraints to trap the weakened Overblot!Vil in one place.]
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place it pays to be a hack
Be a hack!
Welcome back!
[After the song finishes, MC/Yuu holds up their guitar and brutally swings it at Overblot!Vil to dislodge the Blot stone.]
Vil: *Turns back to normal and groans* What happened?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: You kind of went berserk and we had stop you from almost killing everyone.
Vil: I see. My head is aching, however.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Uhhh
You probably hit your head during VDC.
[Back in Crowley’s Office]
Crowley: *Shaken up by day one* I couldn’t believe they’re back

“Dire, you wanna hang out today?”
“Dire, you forgot the assignment? Fine, just copy mine but change it up a bit.”
You’ll regret the day I resurrect from my slumber. Heed my warning!”
Crowley: *Spooked by the outburst* IT’S NOT MY FAULT!!!
Crewel: Great Seven, you seemed out of your mind lately.
Crowley: Oh, I’m extremely busy, especially since their return.
Crewel: Oh yeah. They seem to be doing well with academics despite having to teach them newer materials. Their magic is what I fear about them.
Crowley: Yes, yes. Their magic hasn’t changed much.
Crewel: Dire, I heard that.
Crowley: It’s nothing. I’m just worried about the students.
Crewel: Uh huh. I’ll leave my reports here. *Leaves the office*
Crowley: *Suddenly scared* What if they remember that day?
Ace: You murdered someone?!
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I didn’t murder anyone.
Sebek: Then what is this?! *Points at the crimson stain on their shirt*
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: *Wipes it off and taste the content* Oh, ground beef. I was helping Jade and Floyd with some hamburger orders.
Jack: And you just licked it? Won’t you get sick?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I’m undead. Nothing’s gonna harm me, again. *Bites into their extremely rare steak as some myoglobin leaks down from their lips*
[The First Year group felt fear of their new friend.]
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navia3000 · 7 months ago
hello! I'd like to request a Tom Riddle oneshot, maybe a part 2 to Amortentia? But if you don't want that, I have an idea where Tom sees y/n as an academic rival but they get partnered yet realize that they enjoy each other's company.I only request that it's a ravenclaw reader hehe and it's up to you to make it more fluffy hehe, advance thank you!!
Potions Class - T. Riddle
Pairing : Tom Riddle x Ravenclaw! Reader
Warnings : Cursing
Genre : Fluff, or, where Tom and reader are forced to work together after years of rivalry
A/N : I saw this request and got to work immediately! I hope I did your vision justice! And, I am working on Amortentia part two so I will let you know when that’s out <3
Requests are Open
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“Y/N, you’re with Riddle for this one.”
Her professor’s words made her heart stop. No, she thought, it can’t be. It’s no secret that Tom Riddle is her biggest rival. The Slytherin has been a thorn on her side ever since first year, the two competing for the highest grades possible.
Of course, if you asked her, she’d say she’s the best of the two, and that Tom Riddle is nothing but a stuck up piece of sh-
“Well, I knew the day would come when we would have to work together at some point.” Tom Riddle’s aggravatingly smooth voice jolted her from her thoughts.
“Yes, I suppose so,” she spoke with reluctance. She watched as the boy sat next to her, and she galked at his nonchalance. “Does this not bother you?”
“Very much so, but nothing I can do about it. Well, other than show you how to correctly brew a potion.” He struck a nerve and he knew it.
“I know how to brew a potion, thank you very much. My excellent grade in this class proves it.”
“Whatever you say, darling.” The nickname brought a heat to her cheeks, her mind overrun with thoughts of how devastatingly irritating Tom Riddle was.
The pair got to work in silence, only speaking when reciting the recipe from memory, or asking for an ingredient from the other. As they worked, Y/N found herself oddly at ease. She had to admit, they worked well together.
As they waited for the cauldron to boil, he broke the silence. “What are your thoughts on the Astronomy project?”
She was surprised at first, but answered honestly. “I thought it easy. Not exactly necessary seeing as it was information we both already knew, but I found it enjoyable.” He huffed out a small laugh at her words, an action which took her completely off-guard.
“Yes, I thought it enjoyable as well. Although, I am quite positive I got a better grade than you,” he spoke with a teasing smirk.
“You did not!” She exclaimed with a laugh.
“Did too. Denial is not a good look on you, dear raven.” Once again, she was surprised at seeing this side of Tom, the two so busy competing and never actually getting to know each other. Yet she was enjoying their easy banter, her affection for him certainly growing as the minutes ticked by.
“Alright, just add the basil and stir, and we should be fine.” He spoke as she did what he instructed. However, they were both startled when the potion began bubbling and overflowing from the cauldron.
“What did you do?” Tom exclaimed.
“I did what you said!”
“No, this clearly is not what I said.” At his words, she turned to stare at him in disbelief. How dare he accuse her of messing up the potion? Yet, as the pair made eye contact, they couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, drawing the attention from their classmates.
“Well,” he spoke after three minutes of uncontrollable laughter, “it seems we have managed to fuck this up royally.”
“It seems we have,” the smile was glued on her face.
“What do you say we get together to study, we clearly need the work.” She paused at his words, searching his eyes to decipher a hidden motive to his offer.
“I’d like that,” she spoke after she couldn’t find one.
“Great.” He began cleaning up their workspace.
“Great,” she whispered back.
Tom Riddle is definitely not what she thought.
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year ago
Twisted Captivity
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A/n: im so excited for this story and I can’t wait to write the first chapter! I tried to make the prologue look as interesting as possible but I think I failed💀😭
“What’s this?” You asked your father as you stared at the paper in front of you curiously.
“Read it” You eyed him suspiciously before grabbing the paper in front of you and reading it.
Twisted raven
and what does this have to do with me?” Your father rolls his eyes before setting his cup of coffee down.
“A dear friend of mine owns that aquarium. Recently he told me about how a couple of his workers quit for some unknown reason and how he has to do extra work now” He says as he walks back to refill his cup.
“And so I told him that you might be interested in the job”
“You told him what?!” You ask. It’s not that you don’t want the job, you’re just confused and shocked about how your dad made you accept something without you knowing about it first.
“Let me finish” You huff before sitting back down.
“I told him that you wouldn’t mind since I know how much you love those little sea creatures”
“Not only sea creatures, but the whole ocean itself!”
“See what I mean” You rolled your eyes as you felt your face heat up.
“Anyways, this would be great for your little sea creature diary”
“Once again it’s my research journal dad”
“Same thing” You rest your head on the table as you continued scrolling through your phone.
“This job is perfect for you dear”
“Not only will you do something that you enjoy, the pay is also really good” He says as he walks over to the sink to throw his dirty cup in.
“Well that’s all I wanted to tell you! Thank you so much for letting me come over dear”
“You sound like I don’t allow you in my house”
“Because you don’t!” You chuckle before getting up and giving your dad a hug.
“Bye! Tell mom I said hi and that you guys should come over for dinner when you’re free”
“Of course! Now please do think about it! I can’t stand him whining any longer” He says as he rubs his temple.
“I will. Thanks dad”
“Ah! You must be y/n right?” You nod your head as the man with the crow mask shakes your hand.
“Oh I’m so glad you came! I was getting worried for a second thinking you might’ve changed your mind!”
“And then I would’ve have to take care of those ungrateful brats!” You just stood there awkwardly as he whispered to himself.
This is my new boss?
“Oh! How rude of me! My name is Crowley! I am the founder and owner of twisted raven!”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you Mr. Crowley”
“Pleasure meeting you to Ms. L/n! But you can just call me Crowley! No need for the formalities”
“Ah okay”
“Now follow me!” The man quickly turns around before walking away. You quickly follow suit.
“Your father told me you’re a researcher”
“Ah yes something like that”
“Great! Then I think you will definitely like it here! Perfect for the job already”
“What was that?”
he sure likes to mumble things
“All the sea animals and creatures we have here are very different from one another! Some may be aggressive while others are not. Some poisonous and some not! So do be careful when you handle them”
“We can’t have any more accidents”
“What was that last part?”
“Nothing important”
“Oh okay”
“Anyways! I would like for you to be in charge of feeding them and cleaning their tanks! I would also like it if you could write down anything that happens between you and the mers”
“We’ve been wanting to get more information about them but they’re just not cooperating with us!”
Your brows furrowed at that
What does he mean by mers?
“You will be in charge of group 3 while some of my other workers will take care of group 1 and 2”
You frown
Group 3? What does that even mean?
Mr- I mean Crowley
what do you mean by group 3?” He halts before turning around.
You both stared at each other in confusion.
“Did your father not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You asked. Now you were confused but also curious.
“What did your father tell you exactly y/n?”
“Erm- that you need workers and that this is an Aquarium?” You can see his eye twitch as he still had on that cheerful smile on his face.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No no no
.its just that-”
“This isn’t an aquarium”
“It’s a research facility”
“A what now?”
“Research Facility!”
“And I suppose he also didn’t tell you about the beautiful creatures we have here in this facility, correct?”
“Great! More work for me”
“Nothing! Ah just follow me! I’ll show you what you will have to do!” You did as he says as you guys continued walking down the long hall.
This will be a long day
For both you and him
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year ago
Symphony of dreams
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You are his lover. When Morpheus was captured, you fell into the deep sleep. He has no idea until he returns to his realm where Lucienne tells him what happened. Unable to help you until he gets his tools back, he is more determined than ever to get his full power back.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: This chapter just includes a lot of information from about 3 episodes worth. I apologise for that. My plot will pick up again soon.
Chapter Two - Old friends
Morpheus stayed by your side for a couple of hours. He just sat silently beside the bed with your hand in his, his eyes never leaving your face.
He was riddled with it. Of course, being captured as a complete accident, out of his control, but still felt guilty for not being able to come back to you.
Here, you lay in a dreamless sleep. It was his fault you had been unable to wake. Simply returning to his realm wasn't enough to wake you. Perhaps if he began to rebuild The Dreaming, his power would wake you. He had to at least try.
Morpheus presses a kiss to your forehead and rises up from where he sat. He was reluctant to leave, but he had to do something. Anything. He needed you to wake up.
Lucienne met Morpheus in the throne room. There was debris everywhere. It looked nothing like how it used to. Morpheus was pained to even look at the steps. The last time he was here, he was on his way to bring back a rogue nightmare. That was a century ago. He almost wished he never left to begin with.
He stood among the rubble and opened his hands. Morpheus summoned as much power as he could. The rubble began to lift into the air, but it wasn't enough. He was weak. The rubble and glass fell to the ground, and so did he.
Lucienne moved to help him. "You need rest, and food, and perhaps a bit more rest, and then you'll be back at full strength."
"No. Not without my tools." Morpheus slowly gets up from the ground.
"Your tools?"
"My sand, my helm, my ruby."
"Why, what happened to them?" Lucienne asks.
"They were taken from me." He subconsciously rubs his ring finger. "Among other things too. By my captors. And then taken from them. I know not where. Nor what I am without them."
Morpheus' breaths become uneven. He is not strong enough to build his home to its former glory. Therefore, he is not strong enough to wake you.
He must wake you.
There are some who could help him find his tools. The fates. But they require a price. One that will be hard enough to pay if he can not travel through dreams to get what he needs.
He needs something with an essence of his power to help fulfil his travels. Otherwise it cannot be done.
Lucienne knows who can help, but they won't like it.
Cain and Abel.
Morpheus stands beside your bed and gazes down at you as you sleep. You're always so beautiful. Not even your current state can take away the beauty you hold.
For the last century, all Morpheus could think about was getting back to you. He needed to be by your side again. You were the one thing that kept him going all this time. He never gave in. Never gave up.
Jessamy. She had been shot down in that basement long ago. He knows you will be heartbroken to hear the news. His beloved raven was a dear friend to you. There was so much he needed to tell you.
"I promise, my love. When I get my tools back, I shall wake you and never let you go again. I am sorry for being away so long. I am sorry for causing this to happen." His voice is soft as he caresses your face gently.
He presses another gentle kiss to your forehead and rises from the bed.
His heart aches at the sight of you.
He will wake you even if it's the last thing he ever does.
Gregory, the gargoyle. He was a gift to Cain and Abel from Morpheus himself. He had been a loyal friend and companion to them.
Morpheus never wanted to ask this, but he had to. Cain and Abel didn't want to let go of their friend, but Gregory made his choice. For the good of The Dreaming. For the good of you too.
Cain and Abel were saddned to hear of your condition. They had heard about what happened from Lucienne, but to hear you did not wake upon the king of dreams return, that was devastating news.
So, when Gregory said goodbye, they understood.
Morpheus absorbed the power from Gregory. It wasn't easy, nor fun, not wanted. Yet, it had to be done.
Morpheus was sorry. He really was.
The Fates speak in riddles.
Three questions. Three answers. One from each. Those are the rules. Morpheus would take what he could from them.
"My first question. I had a leather pouch filled with sand. Where is it?" He asks.
"It was sold. In London. Last purchased by a magic user called Joanna Constantine."
"Constatine. I knew a Constantine, but that was 300 years ago. Does she still have the sand?"
"Dream. You know better than that. You get one question and one answer."
"My apologies. My second question. My helm. What happened to it?"
"It was traded away to a demon. For the amulet of protection."
"To which demon was it traded?"
"One question. One answer, love."
"Last question. My ruby. Who holds it now?"
"Your gem was passed from a mother to a son."
"Where are they now?"
"You have asked your questions!" The Fates disappear. Morpheus is left standing alone.
Well, it's a start.
While fetching the snake The Fates requested, he had picked up an egg. An egg he did not give to them. It was a gift for someone else.
Morpheus returned to Cain and Abel and left them the egg. It was his apology for what he did to Gregory.
Morpheus has his answers, and Cain and Abel had a new friend. He managed to fix something, at least.
First stop, London.
Morpheus needed to get his sand back. It was important he had it. Constantine was a name he knew. He had met a Constantine before, a long time ago.
Finding her didn't take him long. However, she was not in the mood to stand around and chat. It seemed she had an exorcism to perform. He had to wait.
Unfortunately, he lost sight of her when a raven appeared. A raven he told Lucienne he didn't need. Not after what happened to Jessamy.
Matthew, his new raven, wasn't about to let him get out of this. Lucienne had told Matthew their king was stubborn, and that was starting to seem like an understatement.
Though Morpheus knew you would be disappointed in him for turning away a raven.
Morpheus helped Constantine with an old friend of hers. An ex. She had the sand. She had been holding onto it tightly. Her dreams were happy ones. The sand was keeping her alive, but Morpheus needed his pouch back.
She died happily.
Constantine accepted this and told Matthew to keep an eye on Morpheus. He could do with the company.
For a moment, Morpheus was reminded of you. That sounded like something you would say to him.
Morpheus clutched the sand in his hand.
"I will save you." He whispered.
Matthew looked up at him. "What was that?"
Matthew had been made aware of you and your condition. Lucienne had told the raven their lord's mood will certainly be affected because of it.
Matthew didn't ask any more about you.
While Morpheus travelled to Hell of all places, Lucienne came to sit by your bedside. She did this sometimes. She hated the thought that you were alone, even if you couldn't tell she was there or not.
"He's gone to get his tools back. I sent him a raven. I will make sure he keeps in touch this time, my lady."
Lucienne looks at your face. You looked so peaceful, but she knew this was deeper than that. She wanted you to wake up so could be with Lord Morpheus again.
"When you wake, the realm will be complete. My lord will be complete. Heartbroken doesn't even cover how he felt when he saw you, my lady... I wish there was more I could do."
Deep down, she knew there was nothing else she could do.
"I shall be here watching over you until he returns. I promise, my lady."
Walking through Hell is about what you would expect, really.
Lucifer. The ruler of this realm.
Getting his helm back would not be easy, but he would do what he had to do to get it back. No matter what he was up against, Morpheus would do this. He was doing this for you and the realm you both shared.
Seeing Nadar was hard. He had told you be had loved before. He spoke very little about what happened, though. His luck in love was very little.
He reminded himself why he was here. For his helm. For you.
To get his helm back, he must play The Oldest Game. If he loses, he will become a slave to Hell. If he wins, he gets his helm back.
Morpheus tries to get Matthew to return to The Dreaming, so he may send word of Morpheus' fate if he does not win. Losing will not just leave him in Hell with his helm, but it would mean leaving you behind forever.
You would be safe with Lucienne. He needs you to be safe.
Matthew refuses to go.
The Oldest Game begins.
"I am a dire wolf. Prey stalking, lethal prowler." Lucifer begins.
"I am a hunter. Horse mounted, wolf stabbing." Morpheus replies.
Lucier takes a hit. Blood pouring from their torso.
"I am a serpent. Horse biting, poisoned toothed."
Morpheus feels the poison in his veins.
"I am a bird of prey. Snake devouring, talons ripping."
Lucifer receives some scratches to the face. More blood is shed.
"I am a butcher bacterium. Warm life destroying."
Morpheus curls over into a heap. His flesh appears to be rotting away.
"I am a world. Space floating, life nuturing."
They stand in a field. Calm. Peaceful.
"I am a nova." Lucifer opens their wings. "All exploding, planet cremating."
Morpheus lays on the ground. Scorched, in pain. He tries to get up, but he can not.
"I am a universe." He whispers. "All things encompassing. All life embracing."
"I am anti-life. The beast of judgement. The dark at the end of everything."
Morpheus is still. His breathing is laboured.
"What will you be then, Dream Lord?"
"I... I..." He is struggling. Matthew comes over.
"Boss? Hey boss!"
"Still with is Dream?" Lucifer asks, leaning over him slightly.
"He is, and it's his move." Matthew argues. "Your majesty."
"There are no more moves. What can survive the anti-life?"
"Hey boss, listen to me, you know what can survive the anti-life? You. Dreams don't fucking die. Not if you believe in them, and I believe Dream of the Endless would never leave his raven here alone in Hell with Lucifer. And he certainly wouldn't leave his love again in The Dreaming alone without him."
"I... am..." Morpheus sits up. "Hope."
The room brightens up.
"Well, light bringer? It's your move. What is it that kills hope?"
"Give him his helm," Lucifer orders.
He did it. Morpheus won.
The helm is returned to Morpheus. He reminds Lucifer that dreams do have power in Hell.
He leaves, Matthew right behind him.
Morpheus puts his helm on. He knows where the ruby is. He uses his sand to take him there.
One more item, and then he can return to you. He can wake you and hold you again.
"Wait for me, my love."
@missdreamofendless - @mischievousvillainy - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @emarich7 -
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rosewoodcafe · 2 months ago
But Daddy I Love Him
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Sebastian Sallow has been my brothers best friend since their start at Hogwarts. Since that day Ominis brought him to the Gaunt Manor I have been irrevocably in love with him. Only recently I've found out that he loves me just as deeply. Would the Gaunt family relinquish their societal positions and views in the name of love?
Sebastian x Reader
[This was based off of the song But Daddy I Love Him by Taylor Swift]
I looked down the length of the Slytherin table, spotting my brother and his best friend. It was their seventh year, the last time I will be able to casually see the love of my life in my day to day life.
"Are you with us or too busy in your la la land." Imelda said as she waved her hand in my face. She was graduating after this year as well.  
"I am just thinking." I responded.
"About your future husband?" She laughed, picking some food up with her fork. "You know your family would never allow it."
"I know, but I can't help that I've loved him for years." I sighed, placing my head in my hands as I balanced my elbows on the table. "He'll never notice though, and I'll die if he ever dates anyone."
"It is a shock that he's never even asked anyone out. He's the finest guy in school, almost every girl has gone for him at some point."
"No need to remind me Imelda."
She laughed as she put more food in her mouth, my gaze focusing back down to the end of the table. Sebastian turned his head while talking with Ominis, looking directly at me. I moved my gaze away, staring at the food in front of me.
Classes ended later that day, the last of the summer air lingering before fall came in made it perfect to study outside while the quidditch tryouts happened. Ominis ended up joining me, stating that he couldn't have any of these Slytherin boys trying to win my affections in their sweaty uniforms. I neglected to inform him that one of them had already caught my eye.
I hardly focused on my homework that I had pulled out to work on. Ominis chatted next to me, about how he got accepted into the law school in America, how his girlfriend would be going with him. I loved his girlfriend, she was a pureblood but didn't share the same views as our parents, which made her a perfect addition to the family. Our parents were perfectly fine with Ominis marrying her, as she would fit the perfect Gaunt and produce Gaunt heirs that would be of their approval.
Would they think that about Sebastian? Approve of him and I? He was a half-blood, his mother being a muggleborn, but they didn't need to know that- did they? 
I focused back at the practice as a bludger came directly towards us, a panic rising in me as I feared Ominis and I would be slammed with it. Sebastian raced the ball, beating it to the punch and batting it away.
"IF YOU'RE GONNA HIT IT, DON'T KILL THE PEOPLE ROOTING FOR YOU!" He yelled out to the kid who was trying out to be the second Slytherin beater. Ominis laughed as if we couldn't have just died, and Sebastian flew a bit closer to us. "You two alright?"
"Of course Sebastian." Ominis said without a second difference. Sebastian's eyes lingered on me for a moment before he smiled.
"I'm- yes I'm okay." I said, trying to keep the red away from my cheeks.
"Good, I'll talk to you both after practice." Sebastian said, shooting a wink in my direction.
I think I may have died and come back to life. In my shocked state Ominis simply leaned back into the stands.
Maybe my feelings aren't so unrequited as I thought before.
As the snow began to fall, ushering the end of the autumn season, I was seen with Ominis, Sebastian, and Ominis's girlfriend more often then not. At first I thought it was a one off thing, I so happened to be in Hogsmeade at the same time the three of them were, but then I was getting invited to join them whenever they wanted to get out of the castle. Ominis and Raven, Ominis's girlfriend were natural partners who clicked together like two puzzle pieces, and she understood him in a way nobody else could. Which left me and Sebastian to hang out with each other while they were off being love birds.
I grew to know him closely, figuring out that we honestly had so much more in common then I thought.
"So you've been friends with Ominis since you were eleven, right?" I asked one day as we walked the snowy village, trailing behind Raven who was leading Ominis about.
"You are correct. I met him on the train ride to Hogwarts, with my sister." His laughter filled the air, and filled my body with warmth. "He was like a small kitten, curled up close to a window in one of the compartments. He was timid as all hell, but he eventually warmed up to us."
"That's so sweet, I was worried for him when he left." I smiled toward my brother, who was smiling lovingly at Raven who hadn't seemed to notice yet. "I'm glad he found friends, and someone who loves him like he should be loved."
"And what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Have you found someone who loves you in the way you deserve?"
The question hit me like a train. Of course I have, and he happened to be standing right next to me, tall and lean, the absolute beauty of a man. I couldn't tell him that though.
"Well, no. I wouldn't say I have yet." I looked down to avoid eye contact, and avoid him seeing my red cheeks. "I guess I haven't found the right one yet."
"A shame," he paused, "you'd be a lovely girl to be with."
The crowd burst into cheers, Ominis and I screaming with the crowd. Sebastian and Raven met in the middle of the field, high fiving with the snitch firmly in her grasp. I led Ominis and I down with the rest of Slytherin house, Raven slamming Ominis with a kiss, which he gladly accepted.
"WE DID IT!" I felt two hand pick me up by my waist and spin me. I laughed and met his eyes, those gorgeous brown doe eyes. He set me down and brought me closer to him, our faces mere inches apart. "Can I kiss you?"
His lip pressed needily into my own. They were sweeter than anything at Honeydukes, soft and slightly cracked, his musk filling every portion of my head. He pulled away, looking directly into my eyes, the biggest smile on his face.
"You won the game!" I said stupidly, my eyes wide in shock of what just happened.
"This was a bigger win in my book." He grinned, pulling me in again.
Heaven couldn't get better then this.
"Father! Why don't you give him a chance!" I yelled, tears flooding my eyes as I walked about Gaunt Manor, trailing my father.
"He is a half-blood, and no daughter of mine will be with someone less then what the Gaunt name is worth." He spoke sternly.
"But I love him! Doesn't that mean anything to you!" I cried out. "Doesn't love mean anything to your cold heart?"
"This cold heart will not have this family be disgraced by your foolish idea of love." He yelled. "You will leave this boy at once!"
The door of his study slammed shut. I dropped to my knees, my sobs echoing the elegantly decorated home. Ominis found me later, a wreck of a girl, helping me up and trying to make me feel better.
Returning back after the break was hard. Attempting to be happy while knowing you were going to be forced to leave the one person you've loved I had barely spoken to Sebastian since we've all returned.
"Hey! Love, wait up!" Sebastian shouted as I walked quickly out the Slytherin common room. "Please I need to talk to you!"
"What Sebastian?!" I snapped. My coldness caused him to be a little shocked, which saddened me to do this to him.
"I need to talk to you." He said softly. "You've barely spoken a word to me since you've returned, and even Ominis won't tell me what's going on. He deemed it a conversation me and you should have alone. So please, tell me what happened?"
I felt tears well into my eyes, his arms immediately wrapping around me.
"My father won't allow it. He says that I cannot be with someone who tarnishes the Gaunt name." I cried into his chest, he squeezed me tighter. "He wants me to leave you, but I can't and I don't want too."
He didn't speak at first, only holding me tighter. Small whispers were passed about as people walked by, ones that were particularly loud enough for me to hear.
What a mess.
Over a Half-blood, a Gaunt should be better then that.
Sebastian Sallow is hardly a boy to cry over.
Would've been better if he stayed away from that Gaunt.
He pulled me away, dragging us into the boys dorm.
"Sebastian I can't be in here-"
"I don't care, listen to me love." He said, holding my face gently. My cheeks cupped in his large calloused hands. "I am not, letting you go. They will have to pry you away with dark magic, because I am not letting you go."
"Sebastian, they will hurt you."
"And I will take it all, as long as it means I get to spend every moment of me being alive with you in my arms."
That day we held each other, the sadness of the winter break washing away with each kiss he planted on me. Why would someone want to destroy such a happiness?
Their seventh year had come to pass, Ominis and Raven getting married that summer, and Ominis running away, just as he always wanted. I still received his letters, but it wasn't the same without him.
Sebastian rented a small home in Hogsmeade, being close enough that it wasn't suspicious when I visited him. He had gotten accepted into the Auror program, which took some convincing on my part to get him to sign up for. He was genuinely happy, and nothing could ruin what we had. As soon as I graduated I would run away, right into his arms, and never see the cruel Gaunt Manor again.
"By law of the Gaunt name, you will be married to Thomas Malfoy on June first of the year eighteen ninety-six." I read aloud the letter on my bed.
The feelings all came crashing down. Father had said I would be married, but I didn't think it would be so soon after graduation. I hoped it would be enough time that I could run, and not have to deal with the wrath of two angered families.
I held the letter, my tears soaking the signature of my father, and the family crest stamped below.
"My love, how I've missed you!" Sebastian said gleefully as he opened the door to his house. "What's wrong?"
"Seb- they... oh Sebastian!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight to his body. "I want you to have me! Before this foul loathsome boy can."
"Woah, what is going on my love? Why are you asking this of me?" He said softly, petting the back of my head as I cried.
"They want to marry me off," I took a breath between sobs, "to that Malfoy boy!"
"What!? You can't marry him! He's older then I am! Love we have to stop this!" Sebastian panicked.
"I can't do anything about it! My father has it planned right after school is over. I will be stuck in a loveless marriage."
"No you won't I-" He started. I held him down, looking up into the same doe eyes I fell for years ago. 
"Please, stay. If I only have this year left with you, I want to make the most of it." I said to him, placing my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch.
"You're my girl, forever." He said leaning down to meet my lips. "That will never change."
Our lips collided in a passionate embrace, his sweet lips being my addiction for centuries.
With graduation passed the wedding preparations started, a white gown with lacy long sleeves. Something that would show off the riches of the Gaunt family. I felt empty, a shell of myself.
Ominis returned to see me, knowing that he would be the only other family I'd willingly want here.
"How are you doing?" He asked me as the house elves prepared my dress on my big day.
"You know it's bad luck to see the bride before she walks down the isle." I said sadly, trying to get a smile out of someone today.
"Lucky for everyone here, I can't see." Ominis smiled. His hand touched my hand, trailing up the sleeve up to my shoulder. "I can only imagine how beautiful you look. I'm sorry things are going this way."
"Thank you Ominis, I suppose not all of us can be lucky enough to run away before the Gaunt name eats you whole." I said to him, placing my hand over his. His own wedding band shinned brightly. Light piano music began to play as a knock on the door let me know that it has started. "Well, let's get this over with."
"Wait." Ominis said, he was listening intently. "I- never mind. Let's go."
He held out his hand, guiding me out into the hall. Flowers cascaded across every surface, the gardens in full bloom. The entire Gaunt family, and the families of the sacred twenty-eight were all here to witness the reunion of two powerful pureblood families. 
A house elf handed me my bouquet of flowers, which I held at my waist. My father held his elbow out for me, which I took reluctantly.  As I walked down the isle, I felt every pair of eyes on me, their own whispers accompanying them.
Such a good Gaunt.
Marrying into a good family that one.
So civilized and perfect.
She'll produce perfect Gaunt babies.
My father released me at the end of the alter. I stepped up to meet my future husband. Ominis was nowhere in sight, and neither was Raven. 
The officiant droned on while I was stuck in my own head, trying to hold myself together. My life was over, and this was the final straw. I would never see Sebastian again.
"Do you Thomas, take her to be your wife?" The officiant asked him.
"I do." He responded.
"And do you take Thomas to be your husband?"
I lingered for a moment, taking in my families gaze.
I turned my head to the house, where Sebastian stood. He had a white button down on, and his black slacks. He ran down the steps to the back of the isle, the crowd shocked and murmuring amongst each other. 
"Love I will be your husband and cherish you everyday!" Sebastian shouted. "If you love me, then run!"
I kicked off my heels, and picked up my dress, sprinting down the isle to him. The shocked shouts and gasps caused enough chaos for me to collide with Sebastian, hugging him close.
"Let's get out of here!" He said excitedly.
"I don't have anything packed?! I hav-"
"Raven and Ominis have everything covered, we are going to America with them." He smiled. "Now let's go!"
He took my hand and sprinted up the stairs as I heard my father scream. We reached the top step and I stopped for a moment.
"FATHER, HOPE YOU KNOW I'M PREGNANT WITH THIS HALF-BLOOD'S BABY!" I shouted out. He shot a curse out, which we avoided. Manically laughing we ran through the house, finding Raven and Ominis at a carriage out front.
"Hop in we don't have a lot of time!" Ominis said, ushering us both in. "We'll be right behind you, they'll take you all the way to London, where we will make our getaway. You have the money right Sebastian?"
"Right here." He responded, holding a small pouch up.
"Alight now get going!"Ominis yelled. The carriage took flight as we watched them apparate away. The crowd of people ushered out the front door, but we were to high to be stopped.
"Wait," Sebastian said breathlessly, "are you actually pregnant?"
"I had hoped it would be a more special way to find out." I smiled. His face dropped into shock, then a grin. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me deeply.
"I think finding out by giving your father a heart attack is the most memorably way you could have told me." Sebastian laughed against my lips.
"Do you Sebastian, in sickness, in health, in poverty, and in riches take her to be your wife?" Ominis asked. The cliffside below creating a beautifully scenery as Sebastian and I held each others hands. My dress silky and simple, how it was always meant to be. Raven stood as a witness, our baby girl in her arms.
"I do." Sebastian said, his doe eyes looking deep into my soul.
"And do you, dear sister, take this idiot to be your husband." Ominis said. "You can say no if you wish, I can always plan another escape."
"I do!" I laughed out. Ominis smiled at my acceptance.
"Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife." Ominis had a tear fall from his eye, which he quickly wiped away. "You may now kiss Mrs. Sallow."
Sebastian smiled as he cupped my face, leaning closer before pressing his lips into my own. The sweetest taste I've ever known. He pressed into me, lifting me up and spinning me, our lips still locked. We pulled away breathlessly.
"I love you Mrs. Sallow." He whispered, his stubble growing in slightly. The freckles I loved so deeply being so prominent as the sun started to set.
"I love you more Mr. Sallow." I whispered back. "Promise to never leave?"
"Never." He smiled.
[Raven is actually based off of @ravenwind-75 who has been so supportive and kind to me as I've been writing on here. I just want to say that I appreciate you and everyone else who interacts with my content daily. I write for me, but it's nice to know other people get some joy from it too]
[Other account I want to thank is @shyamanuensis who has followed me since the start, and each time has always been there to show support, ily sm <3]
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mollymagician · 2 years ago
Matthew didn’t go immediately.
When Death visited the Dreaming that day, it was just he and Lucienne she was there to see. A quick visit, she said. Informal. Just the three of them in a quiet corner of the library. Because, she said
 if anyone deserved to know, it was them.
She smiled that smile of hers, and he swore something that had been broken in his little bird-sized heart started to knit back together.
He would have been gone in an instant, out the window in a flash and demands on his
 be damned. But Death crooked a finger at him, and leaned down, conspiratorial, to whisper, “Matthew, give them time, okay? It won’t be easy, at first. He’s going to need it.” A quick hand stroking his back feathers, like an apology.
He coughed and studied the wood grain of the desk . “Uh
yeah. I mean
right. Of course. You
you got it, uh, Ma’am.”
But she was already gone.
So, he gave them time.
A month passed, in the Waking, by his reckoning.
How much time was time, Matthew wondered.
What did ‘time’ mean to someone who was a few billion years old? Was a month enough time for the anthropomorphic personification of everybody’s brain-stuff to become Some Guy? How did that even work, anyway? Did he need to, like, solidify? Like a pudding? Probably not the instant stuff. But what the hell did he know about pudding, he’d only ever eaten it out of a little plastic cup.
While he pondered the pudding-to-Endless equivalency method of time measurement, another month passed.
Then one evening, as he perched on one of the palace spires and watched the sun sinking down towards the rippling mirage that concealed the horizon, his patience snapped completely, without warning, and he found himself winging his way into the Waking before his own common sense could sweet talk him out of it.
He landed on the narrow sill outside of a very familiar window. Mellow lamplight spilled through the glass. He could see inside, across the comfortable living room with it’s well-worn couch and cluttered dining table, to the two figures standing together in the small kitchen.
Holy fucking shit, Matthew thought.
He lunged foreword to tap out that familiar little rhythm on the glass— shave and a haircut— and Hob was hustling over to open it in an instant, grinning like a searchlight. Then he was skidding to a stop in the middle of the kitchen counter and before him was
Before him stood
If possible, he seemed even thinner than before— whatever had happened over the past two months had happened to him hard. But he was also
softer. Was that a thing that could be? Standing in the kitchen in a faded blue (blue. blue?) tshirt and threadbare gray sweatpants and smiling. SMILING. He was Some Guy and he was looking at Matthew and smiling.
He was exactly the same. He was entirely different.
“Holy fucking shit,” Matthew said.
Dream leaned his forearms against the counter, bringing himself down to ravens-eye level and said, “Hello Matthew.”
Very eloquently, Matthew said, “Dude.” Then, the floodgates opened and he couldn’t seem to stop. “DUDE. Fuck
you! It’s you! Look at that! Holy shit! I can’t even
I mean why am I surprised I died and woke up a fucking bird but I mean
look at you!! FUCK!!” He flapped his wings emphatically and stomped, as best he could with his spindly legs. “Goddammit! These
ARRGH. No thumbs! An’ no arms! I just wanna
HOB. My dude. Would you help me out here????”
Hob, who had been standing by with the expression of someone who had sprained an internal organ with the effort not to laugh, drew a shaky breath and a hand across his mouth and stepped foreword.
“Okay, I think I see. I get you.” He stepped up to Dream, laid broad palms on his narrow shoulders, and said with great formality, “Dream
from Matthew.”
And tugged Dream forward into a crushing, bone-creaking hug, compressing the breath clean out of him.
Dream squeaked like a squeezed balloon and that
that, more than anything else, made it real.
“Yeah,” Matthew said, “That’s the stuff.”
When Hob released him a solid minute later, Dream staggered a bit and caught himself on the counter, looking slightly stunned. But the smile was back, tugging up the corners of his mouth.
I thank you, Matthew,” He said. “I missed you as well.”
Matthew looked down at his skinny little bird feet, listening to the sound of his claws clicking as he fidgeted. He felt
what was this? Shy. When the hell had shy ever happened to him? Never, that’s when. Fuck that. Matthew cleared his throat and looked up at the pair standing there beaming at him under the gold kitchen lights. “So, uh. What’cha up to? Got any big plans for
for your afterlife tonight?”
“Ah. Hob is teaching me how to.” Dream paused. “Not set the stove on fire. We are making—what is this?” He plucked a small box off the countertop and studied it. “Pudding. Apparently.”
The sound Matthew made would have been pppPPPpppffffftttttt if he’d had lips. Which he didn’t, so the noise that actually came out was more or less indescribable.
“It’s a step up from tinned soup,” Hob said. “Progress is being made.”
Dream slanted him a look and picked up the can of whip cream, fiddling with the nozzle. “I did make perfectly adequate tinned soup. The second time. I believe I will be more than capable of—“ The rest of the sentence was obliterated by the sound of aerosolized dairy product spurting across his face.
Dream sighed.
Hob turned around to face the refrigerator, his shoulders shaking silently, organs once again in peril.
Oh man,” Matthew said. “This is gonna be great.”
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asrascissorhandz · 7 months ago
Quick little Elijah Volkov biblical Parallels study for you:
Before I get into it... yus I know he would be peter in the Bible.. and I'll get into that too... but I shall also get into elijah from the bible since that is his name and I think it says a lot.
Also disclaimer. I am a freak of nature and MUST over analyze things... so this is very far fetched ... it's just me having fun and linking things together.. don't take all I say as a seriously theory type thing.
Elijah Name meaning: Yahweh is my god
Volkov: wolf
Elijah in the bible:
He brought about many Miracles.. some which are worth noting are: bringing a boy to life and bringing fire down on the alter.
Elijah was proficised to come before the "great and terrible day". He was sent also to show people the evil of their ways and encouraged them to return to the Lord.
Parallel to Elijah volkov..
Now I believe this is what elijah believed... either what he was told when younger (this name was given to him) or what he eventually started believing by himself...
This feels like something that would help fuel / motivate Elijah's actions..
This obviously applies to the chnt situation that is rather similar to biblical events: preaching about sydneys holiness, *making* others *see* and *love* sydney, the Pyre and the fire, The Day, sydney and his not exactly aliveness, etc etc
Peter in the Bible:
Follower of Jesus. Most prominent apostle.
He is known for denying Jesus three times after Jesus was arrested and for leading the early Church after Jesus' death. Church burnt down.
Peter was first known as Simon. Name was changed by Jesus.
Simon: to hear, listening
Parallel to Elijah Volkov:
This is very yummy information of which to me mostly signifies to what could happen later on in the podcast or what could have already happened before the podcast was set..
Also !! 12 apostles ?? 12 as in the hours on the clock?? As in THE most prominent apostle?? Could he be number 12?? The END of the BEGINNING, the BEGINNING the EMD?? Camp HERE and THERE???
also three times?? Hmmmm...
And then obviously the church.. and the fire.. but then the betrayal ? Hmm
So much I must chew on...
In the bible- false prophets, wolf in sheep's clothing.
"a ravenous wolf; In the morning he consumes the foe, And in the evening he divides the soil"
 the ravenous wolf to refer to the Temple's altar which devoured biblical sacrifice
divine punishment against transgressors.
General symbolism- bravery, loyalty, protection, and wisdom
Parallel to Elijah Volkov:
This simply explains him so very well... need I say more?
I love this freak...
Lotsaluv Asra
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 1 year ago
Ahoy!Hoy! How are you today, Ms Raven? I hope you're well and all is well.
Out of curiosity, Which of the twst boys have their unique magic and what/ how do their unique magic work?
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The UM names, chants, effects, and restrictions we know of so far are below the cut. Please note: JP uses the term “unique magic” and EN uses the term “signature spell”; I will be using the abbreviation “UM” throughout this post to refer to it. Note that some incantations are taken directly from the official localization; others come from fan translations that I happen to like or prefer over the official ones, which I will indicate with "***".
Please also know that we don’t know the same amount of information about each UM nor their effects or limitations. I’ve done my best to compile what information we do know for certain though. I’ll update this post as more information comes out!!
***Beware of spoilers, as this post has information from TWST JP!!***
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"Off with Your Head" collars a target and seals their magic away, preventing them from spellcasting.
The collar cannot be removed by any means unless Riddle himself chooses to do so.
It can be used on multiple targets at once.
It does not work on Ortho (not registered by the magic as something organic) or Chenya (no neck to collar).
“Are you ready for your sentence? The verdict comes afterwards. Any last words? Off with Your Head!” (TWST EN official localization)
“Sentence first! Verdict afterward. Off with Your Head!” (TWST EN official light novel localization)
First use of UM: prologue-3 of the main story
First instance of incantation: Episode of Heartslabyul manga chapter 1
In JP, Trey’s UM is called “Doodle Suit”. In EN, it’s called “Paint the Roses”, which likely derives from how the UM is written literally as “(Let’s) Paint the Roses”.
His UM allows Trey to temporarily override or “paint over” a targeted aspect of something or someone else, usually the senses. For example, he can rewrite taste as well as rewrite “other people’s magic” as “his magic”.
“White to red, and red to white. Paint the Roses/Doodle Suit!” (TWST EN official light novel localization)
First use of UM: 1-14 of the main story
First instance of incantation: Twisted Wonderland Novelization Volume 1
Cater’s UM is “Split Card”, which allows him to create clones of himself. The clones can act independently, but the more clones Cater creates at once, the more strain is placed on him.
In the manga, the clones are shown to revert to playing cards when they’re no longer needed or damaged.
When using Split Card, the clones' magic is weaker than the original Cater. The original Cater's magic is also weakened, since he has to expend magic to manipulate the clones. To use his UM is like using 2-3 spells at once, so it easily strains him.
It takes a powerful imagination to create convincing clones.
“I am he and we are they. Split Card!” (TWST Episode of Heartslabyul manga official localization)
"I’m him and he’s them! Split Card!!” (TWST EN official localization)
***"I am he, and he is me. Split Card!"*** (by the Turtle Soup Scans team)
First use of UM: prologue-3 of the main story
First instance of incantation: Episode of Heartslabyul manga chapter 7 and/or P.E. Uniform vignette
Ace's UM, "Joker Snatch", manifests in book 7, in Riddle's dream.
It seems to allow the user to "snatch", or steal/borrow a target's UM. Then Ace is able to cast it.
Sebek notes that it seems like "Ace and Riddle swapped magic".
We do not yet know the limitations of the spell or what exactly it does. Will update as we learn more information about it.
***“I’ll take your best/most precious treasure. Joker Snatch
!”*** (fan translation)
First use of UM: 7-290 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-290 of the main story
His UM first manifests in book 5; in JP, it goes by the name “Bet the Limit”, whereas in EN, it’s “Double Down”, both of which are betting terms.
Bet the Limit allows the caster, Deuce, to send back all the damage he has taken at double the power.
"It's payback time! Get a load of this! Bet the Limit/Double Down!" (TWST EN official localization)
***“I’ll make you pay for that! Grit your teeth and take it! Bet the Limit!”*** (by Mystery Shop TLs; some creative liberties taken)
When Azul uses Deuce's UM in Glorious Masquerade, the chant is: "... It's time to pay up! You're in for a world of hurt! Double Down!" (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 5-45 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 5-64 of the main story
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“King’s Roar” turns anything Leona commands into sand. It also seems to induce a dry environment. The UM is called “The King’s Roar” in EN.
According to in-game dialogue, anything Leona touches after casting King's Roar turns to sand. Due to the limitations of the visual novel style of the game, it's unclear whether or not Leona's spell requires physically touching something. If we reference other official materials (such as the animated trailer) it doesn't look to be a hard requirement.
He can control the sand he creates.
Leona's UM has the capability to kill (since it has an effect on even living beings); this terrible power is part of the reason why he was gossiped about and feared by the palace servants (seen in his post-OB flashback).
The light novel implies that Leona was "born" with this magic, rather than having developed it.
"I am the one who hungers. I am the one who thirsts. I am the one that robs you of your future. Kneel before me! King’s Roar!" (TWST EN official localization)
***“I am your hunger. I am your thirst. I am what steals the light of your tomorrows. Kneel before me! King’s Roar!”*** (by twstarchives!)
First use of UM: 2-25 of the main story
First instance of incantation: Leona Dorm Uniform vignettes (part 3)
“Laugh with Me” lets Ruggie control the movements of other people by forcing them to copy his own body.
The more people he's controlling, the more difficult it is for him. (It's possible to take magic-enhancing potions to increase the number of people he can control at once, seemingly without negative detriment.)
***"Both kings and hyenas are my friends! Laugh with Me!"*** (by MysteryShopTLs!)
First use of UM: 2-2 of the main story
First instance of incantation: Episode of Savanaclaw manga volume 2 (I think chapter 7)
"Unleash Beast" gives Jack the power to turn into a large, powerful wolf form without the help of a transformation potion or other outside means. In EN, it has become "Unleash the Beast" to comply with English grammatical rules.
In his wolf form, Jack has heightened strength, speed, etc.
Jack had to train himself to be able to stay in his wolf form for long periods of time.
***"Faster, sharper, stronger! Unleash Beast!"***
First use of UM: 2-25 of the main story
First instance of incantation: light novel volume 2 (in game, 7-218)
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"It's a Deal" grants Azul the ability to confiscate an agreed-upon ability or spell of his client; Azul is then able to use these abilities or spells for himself.
If the client is not able to fulfill their end of the contract or breaches its terms, the client is forced to comply with Azul's every command (via the anemone they'd sprout on their head).
The agreement is valid as long as the golden contract which seals the agreement is left intact; however, the contracts are fragile like real paper. For this reason, Azul electrifies them with magic in order to create the false impression that the contracts are indestructible.
Azul is also able to take abilities without consent or without a contract. This method causes much more rapid blot accumulation, as normally the contracts help limit this.
He destroys/rips the contracts to return the ability he took.
He indicates that he "worked on" his UM, whatever the heck that means. It implies he trained or practiced using it to get better st it or to better understand its limits.
"The song ceases, the sun sets. I extend my benevolent hand to you poor, unfortunate souls. Now, to business! It's a Deal!" (TWST EN official localization)
***"The song ends, the sun sets. Extend mercy upon these poor, unfortunate souls. Now, sign the contract! It’s a Deal!"*** (by Mystery Shop TLs; some creative liberties taken)
First use of UM: book 3 of the main story, but he's been using it long before NRC
First instance of incantation: 5-5 of Glorious Masquerade
“Shock the Heart” forces a target to speak only the truth. It requires the target to look into Jade’s left eye in order to work.
This UM can only be used once per person and fails if casted on someone who is very alert, cautious, or are already aware of its effect. This is why Jade intentionally keeps his UM secret.
Shock the Heart is not all-powerful or absolute; in cases of strong loyalty, a target may not divulge the truths Jade wants to hear. For example, Kalim, who was very easy to initially trick, trusts Jamil so deeply that he resists Jade’s demands to tell him who in Scarabia has a mind-controlling UM.
"Don’t be afraid. I want to help you. Shock the Heart." (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 3-1 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 4-25 of the main story
“Bind the Heart” allows Floyd to redirect magical attacks, thereby rendering him unaffected by them.
His UM is highly dependent on his mood; if Floyd isn’t feeling up to it, then the spell won’t work.
***“It was just gettin’ good, but what if I butt in?”*** (by MysteryShopTLs!)
First use of UM: 3-18 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-187 of the main story
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“Oasis Maker” summons a large amount of (fresh, not salt) water in exchange for only a (relatively) small amount of magical power.
Any additional effects of the water (if any) are not specifically stated; other characters just remark that the water is tasty and at a nice temperature.
Kalim says he doesn’t think his UM is all that useful, especially since the development of waterways in his home country has made it much easier to access potable water.
"Respite in the scalding sands, a neverending party. Dance! Sing! Oasis Maker!" (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 4-14 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 4-14 of the main story
His UM is known as “Snake Whisper” in JP and “Snake Charmer” in English (which is likely taken from the way “Snake Whisper” is literally written as “Snake Charmer” in the original JP).
This spell lets Jamil hypnotize people and make them follow his commands. His targets must make eye contact for him in order for Snake Whisper to work.
The more a target resists Jamil’s UM, the more target will hurt until they finally succumb to the spell.
Long-term use and/or controlling multiple people at once can cause more rapid blot accumulation.
Mind control or manipulation magic like Jamil’s is harder to master.
"The one you behold is your master. When I ask you a question, you will answer. When I give you a command, you will assent. Snake Whisper." (TWST EN official localization)
***"The one you see reflected in your eyes is your master. Answer when I ask. Bow when I command. Snake Whisper."*** (by Mystery Shop TLs)
First use of UM: book 4-6 of the main story, but Jamil has been mind-controlling Kalim before this instance
First instance of incantation: 4-30 of the main story
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"Fairest One of All" lets Vil curse any item he touches and to set the conditions to break that curse. These conditions are immovable and, once set, not even Vil can lift the curse.
"I lose naught and fear naught. This shining crown was made for me. Fairest One of All." (Note: Vil denotes the conditions for the curse after the chant.) (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 5-32 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 6-55 of the main story
In EN, Rook's UM is "Arrow Afar". The original name for JP is "I See You". This is a small, slight (and therefore hard to notice or gauge as dangerous) spell that is cast upon targets. He can then pinpoint their exact location, regardless of distance.
If the tagged item or person has entered a zone which blocks off magic, then Rook cannot track their location.
"Come, see if you can flee from me. I See You/Arrow Afar." (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 6-25 of the main story (for tracking); the tagging is actually done earlier in the book
First instance of incantation: 6-25 of the main story
In JP, Epel's UM is "Sleep Kiss". In EN, it was changed to "Crimson Slumber". This lets Epel conjure enchanted glass coffins to contain people. Once inside, his targets fall into a deep sleep. Epel describes his spell as being able to “stop the activity” of people inside the coffin.
The coffins can be used as powerful barriers to protect others. It may also help in delaying or slowing the effects of a curse if a vicim is placed inside one of Epel’s coffin.
Epel manifests his UM in book 6; Rook helps guide him in using it.
He claims to only have a 70-80% success rate in casting his UM.
"Your eyes will close, your breath will still. Sleep Kiss/Crimson Slumber." (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 6-58 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 6-58 of the main story
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"Gate to Underworld" allows Idia to open and close the gateway to the "Underworld"/Tartarus which is house in STYX HQ. It is written in EN as "Gate to the Underworld". The Underworld holds many dangerous Phantoms which the facility researches.
It is implied that Idia’s UM is hereditary to the Shroud family.
"Game, set, match. Gate to (the) Underworld." (TWST EN official localization)
First use of UM: 6-68 of the main story, though technically Idia may have used it in 6-54 to let OG!Ortho out of Tartarus (we don’t get to see it explicitly being used).
First instance of incantation: 6-68 of the main story
No information available yet; Ortho has stated that he cannot use magic, so it’s unlikely that he can have a UM at all.
UPDATE: Ortho confirms in book 7 he does not have a UM and cannot develop one. However, what makes him "unique" is his robotic nature; he is able to transfer his consciousness to new vessels (first occurrence of this is 7-46).
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“Fae of Maleficence” summons thorns which causes all living beings in its area of effect to fall into a deep slumber. (Ortho speculates that people, if left in this state, will have their bodies deteriorate.) In EN, the name was changed to “Fae Maleficence”.
His barrier grants him absolute control of whatever is contained inside of the space the thorns preoccupy. This includes stopping time and space within the area. Previously, Malleus was also seen stopping time in the event Endless Halloween Night.
It is possible for Malleus to manipulate the sleepers’ dreams and to glimpse into them.
The dreams can run by themselves, pulling reference information from each individual dreamer's memories and desires. If the dreamer tries to wake up, the dream will do everything in its power to keep the dreamer asleep.
It may be difficult for Malleus to enter one’s dream if the dream takes place in a period where he does not exist (such as not yet being born out of his egg) or if he does not understand certain concepts (like technology). This is because magic requires imagination, and it is hard for Malleus to imagine particular scenarios.
"Spinning wheel of fate, spin the threads of calamity. I, the Lord of Malevolence, offer this blessing. Fae Maleficence." (TWST EN official localization)
***“Spin the thread of disaster on the spinning wheel of Fate. For I, the Ruler of the Abyss, shall bestow it (a blessing) upon you. Fae of Maleficence.”*** (by Mystery Shop TLs; creative liberties taken)
First use of UM: 7-37 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-37 of the main story
"Far Cry Cradle" allows Lilia to view the memories associated with an object by touching it.
"As fast as the days pass by, take me there in the blink of an eye. Far Cry Cradle." (TWST EN official localization)
***"As if it were a day. Everywhere I go, it will be in a blink of an eye. Far Cry Cradle."*** (by Yaoyaobae)
First use of UM: 7-81 of the main story (technically, first use in terms of in-game timeline is in 7-94)
First instance of incantation: 7-81 of the main story
Bear with me, Silver's UM has like a million and one parts to it...
"Meet in a Dream" essentially allows Silver to hop between peoples’ dream worlds. It can only be used when he himself is asleep and when he is aware he is dreaming.
Silver does not experience narcolepsy while he is within a dream.
“Dreamways” are transitional places between dreams. These dreamways look like a softly colored sky with birds flying through them. When he uses his UM, he is shot flying through a dreamway and roughly lands in another dream.
Silver cannot control whose dream he goes to, although he has noted that it tends to be people whom he has a strong bond with, such as Lilia or Sebek. It's not clear how he is able to walk in Mickey's dream, as Silver doesn't seem to be familiar with him.
The dreamer is indicated by a shining white bird that flies around them. Silver must stay close to the dreamer or else he will risk falling deeper into sleep.
The dream indicator (the shining bird) can mistake magical copies of the dreamer as the dreamer themselves. (This occurs with Cater; Silver’s UM mistakes a clone for the true Cater.)
He can only leave the dream when the dreamer wakes up (thus dissolving the dream world) or if he uses his UM to hop into another dream.
The dreamer can be woken by a large shock, whether physical or emotional.
Silver says his UM does not take a lot of magical energy to use.
"Those I've met and will someday... Meet in a Dream." (TWST EN official localization)
***"To the one I’ve met before, to the one I’ve yet to meet. Meet in a Dream."*** (by Mystery Shop TLs)
First use of UM: 7-43 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-43 of the main story
"Living Bolt" turns Sebek’s entire body into lightning. He can use that magic to attack and to travel very quickly.
However, the spell will damage his body with use.
Sebek reports developing this UM when Silver enrolled at NRC and when Sebek was training by himself. He wanted to be able to rush to Malleus’s side at a moment’s notice
Sebek says this is the first time he's using his UM and that he hasn't fully mastered it yet. He had not intended to use it until he has mastered it.
"Lightning, pierce the stormy skies! Living Bolt!" (TWST EN official localization)
***"Thrust through the clouds, o' lightning! Living Bolt!"*** (by curekibouka!)
First use of UM: 7-84 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-84 of the main story
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"Not All My Head" allows him to turn himself invisible, whether it is all of him or everything but his head.
Che'nya appears to use his UM to sneak onto NRC campus and to steal food.
While using his UM, his body actually vanishes from existence; you cannot grab his vanished away body parts. This makes it impossible for Riddle's UM to collar Che'nya and easy for Che'nya to dodge attacks.
“Most everyone’s mad here. You might’ve already noticed I’m not all there. Not All My Head!” (creative liberties taken by me version)
“Everybody's weird here. You've noticed that already, haven't you?” Not All My Head!" (more literal version)
First use of UM: 1-18 of the main story
First instance of incantation: 7-259 of the main story
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“Dark Fire” envelops Rollo’s entire body in fire. He can manipulate this fire as he likes, and the flames grow more powerful the more negative feelings there are present.
"Crimson lotus flames, burn my body and guide me. Darkfire!" (TWST EN official localization)
***“O, crimson lotus flower
 Scorch my soul and guide me. Dark Fire!”*** (by Mystery Shop TLs)
First use of UM: 5-5 of Glorious Masquerade
First instance of incantation: 5-5 of Glorious Masquerade
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“Life is Fun” makes a target more optimistic. They are then more susceptible to being manipulated by Fellow.
This UM is notable as the only one so far with an incantation spoken in English instead of in Japanese.
The spell has no effect on people who are already very optimistic like Kalim. It also doesn’t work if Fellow tries convincing the target to do something they would never considering doing “from the bottom of their heart”.
The spell doesn’t work on heavily guarded people or people that recently underwent a traumatic event.
Life is Fun doesn’t cost a lot of magic, so it is difficult to detect. It can be used multiple times and accumulates very little blot.
"Come on, take it easy! Life is Fun!" (TWST EN official localization)
***”Come on to the theatre! Life is Fun!”*** (by curekibouka!)
First use of UM: 5-6 of Stage in Playful Land, but technically we’ve been seeing him cast it as early as chapter 1 of the event
First instance of incantation: 5-6 of Stage in Playful Land
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"Scary Night" allows Skully to turn targets (whether objects or people) into pumpkins.
He is still developing his UM, so he cannot use it often. This is something Skully is a little embarrassed about; he still needs to work on it, especially since appearance-changing magic is hard to master.
While pumpkin’d, the targets can still speak but cannot move or use magic.
He can turn people back to normal by releasing the spell, or whenever he runs out of energy to maintain the spell.
Leona suggests that Skully’s magic may not work on a mage with a lot of mana.
***”Light the Lanterns! Scary Night!”*** (by Mostro Lounge VIP!)
First use of UM: 3-4 of Lost in the Book with Nightmare Before Christmas
First instance of incantation: 3-4 of Lost in the Book with Nightmare Before Christmas
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I'm not sure if you've already said this but I'm asking anyway. Since you're the local Flashfam expert and also a PJO lover (you have no idea how happy I am that we like the same things), what godly parents would the Flashfam have? Like, all of the fam. Counting characters like Linda and Iris
And it'd also be cool if you assigned a cabin for the Titans and/or the Young Justice too-
I mean it has to be Hermes. It literally has to be Hermes for the speedsters. Like, maybe we throw in a Roman twist and say Mercury every once in a while, but that's just gotta be the answer.
Jay literally wears Hermes' helmet. Max named himself after Mercury. Barry wears Hermes' winged shoes and has wings on his head. Same with Wally. Jay is also literally given Hermes'/Mercury's powers on Earth-2.
And it makes sense, it really does. God of travellers? Check. The winged aesthetic? Check. God of messengers? Check! God of tricksters, liars and thieves? Look, the speedsters are all of the above just in a VERY chaotic good way. They don't rob people but also when Wally found out that the museum had the bones of a fallen soldier from another country without said countries permission or consent? HE STOLE THEM BACK. Bart has absolutely no qualms taking things, Max has been a thief in the past, Jay and Barry work by pirate rules aka 'if I defeat you, I get your stuff', ect. They don't do armed robbery and they don't like stealing from random citizens, but bad guys are free game.
Iris I have to go on the nose and say Iris because Iris is the goddess of messengers and rainbows, and Iris is literally a reporter? So her whole thing is spreading information? While looking stunning.
Linda is an Athena kid 125%. Linda writes books, she was a kickass investigative reporter, she went to med school, she knows more about speedster biology and how it works than literally anyone else in her home dimension, she regularly fights aliens with no powers and just whatever weapons she finds laying around. Linda is intelligent, she's cunning and witty and she will cut a bitch.
Joan is a Hestia kid. Just... family, love, warmth. Need I say more?
As for the Titans... well, Donna is already taken care of. Garth... is technically also taken care of I think?? Atlanteans exist in Greek mythology so Garth is just the same I think. Roy... fuck it, Ares. I said what I said come at me bro. For Dick I would want to go with a minor god or goddess, I like the idea of him being a child of Psyche (Goddess of the human soul) because he is very human and he understands people on a level that might be considered supernatural. Lilith would be the oracle. Karen would be a child of Hephaestus and Mal would 100% just be a guy who can see through the mist and has a shield.
Gar is the last son of Pan because that's cool AF. Raven would be the daughter of Tartarus I think. Vic would be a son of Apollo. I know it's really easy to go for Hephaestus for Vic but honestly, the key part of Vic's story to me isn't that he's a cyborg, it's that he's human. He's a survivor, who, against all odds, received bat shit crazy medical treatment from his father and survived a fatal accident. I like the idea that Apollo saw a guy doing crazy stuff to advance medical science and was like 'Hey there 😉😉😉😉'. Also pre accident Vic was a football player which has a lot to do with aim, so idk, I just like it. Starfire would be a demigod child of the sun deity on her home planet.
For Young Justice, Cassie and Bart are already covered. Kon would be a legacy of Nemesis (Lex) and a legacy of a deity from Krypton. Cissie would be a daughter of Ares and a legacy of Apollo. Greta would be a child of Morpheus. Tim would be the son of Lachesis. Slobo is Slobo. Anita.... Tbh I want to say she's a legacy of Aphrodite? Love is a huge part of her backstory and I dislike giving the non powered characters godly parentage that explains away their abilities. They worked hard for those skills!
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