#thank u for indulging me in my rapidly developing sunday obsession <33
inkykeiji · 3 months
ok oK OKAY but LETS consider sunday-nii right? like it had always been the three of you; sunday, robin and you. and then robin flew off to be the star and sunday just never really adjusted from the gap. he had all this love to give and since robin was no longer there to receive it, he just doubled it over on you. like he just gets this obsessive attachment, always needing to know where you are and what youre doing? thats too far. too dangerous. its better to just stay at home, i have everything for you here. the man has pretty much clipped your wings and left you stranded in his grip. and from there its just so easy for the lines to blur. youre not just his sister, youre his everything. so why not add wifey to the title list. after all, you dont need anyone else but him. so who else would be fitting as the title of your husband 🦦
ANON omggg i am in love with this because it feels so on brand with sunday’s character. we know he is obsessive + compulsive, we know he likes order and rules and complete control (and seems to get anxious/angry/agitated when he doesn’t have it or it is threatened), and we know that he truly believes himself to be benevolent + that his actions are in the chief interest and welfare of those he cares about.
he’s really protective, and he’s really overbearing with his protection and his love, and he genuinely believes he’s doing what’s right for you, what’s best for you, because (in his mind) he is more intelligent than you are and he knows so much better than his precious baby sister ever could. it’s so easy for sunday to delude himself into thinking that what he’s doing is not only right, but it is just as well, it is his duty as your older brother, his god-given role to fulfill and then exceed, and he plans to do so flawlessly.
and the worst part about it is that he’s so fucking sweet about it, too!!! he’s so doting, so darling, loves you so fucking much that you feel bitter guilt churn heavy and sick in your stomach at just the mere thought of disobeying him or questioning him + his motives. he’s so authentic in his self-deception that when your own sound logic and gut feelings break through the conditioning, you feel awful for doubting him and his intentions in the slightest, and gaslight yourself into believing that your paranoid or spoiled and ungrateful for such a adoring, devoted big brother.
i also think it’s entirely possible that he believes himself to have made a mistake with allowing robin to go off on her own, and vowing secretly to himself to never make that mistake with you. he’s learned his lesson from allowing his other younger sibling too much freedom; that it’s safer and better for all parties involved if you’re locked away in a gorgeous golden cage, where he can tend to all of your needs with precision and perfection. you’ll be happier and more peaceful and truly free locked away inside your big brother’s pretty cage, he promises.
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