#twst ruler
harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Deuce: Oi, Ace! Why don't you just apologize to Housewarden Rosehearts?!
Ace: No!
Deuce: What's wrong with you? You ate his tart!
Ace: I didn't know it was his!
Deuce: It was in the rules!
Ace: And do you expect me to remember all that?! I can barely even remember 30!
Deuce: Housewarden Rosehearts won't allow you to return to Heartslabyul unless you apologize.
Ace: Guess I'll just stay somewhere else.
Deuce: And where? No dorm is going to accept you.
Ace: Hmph. *then realizes something*
Ace: *smirks* Doesn't this school have a rundown dormitory?
Deuce: Huh?
Ace: And a student is staying there too.
Ace: I'll just ask them if I can stay over.
Ace: I'm sure they won't mind.
Deuce: Are you nuts? It's a stranger!
Ace: So? We're in Night Raven College. It should be fine~.
Ace and Deuce: *has this funny, mesmerized expression on their faces*
MC: *in their night robe* I'm not expecting any visitors today. Nevertheless, how can I help you?
Ace: I-I uh... My name is Ace Trappola and I'm a first-year from Heartslabyul.
Ace: And this is my pal Deuce.
Deuce: H-Hello! I-It's nice to meet you!
Ace: And we came here to, uh, stay over?
MC: May I know the reason why?
Ace: Oh my seven- They smell so nice!
Ace: I was punished by my housewarden for eating his tart. Therefore, I cannot return to my dorm until I apologize.
MC: Your situation doesn't seem to be difficult.
Ace: Y-Yes, but...
MC: ...
MC: *chuckles* Well, it's late. It would be rude of me to send you off.
Ace: Wait- Really?
MC: Yes, but I advise you to resolve the situation soon.
Ace: Hehe, okay.
Ace: Deuce, you can leave now.
Deuce: Huh?
Ace: Well I'm the only one banned from Heartslabyul.
Deuce: This jerk-
Ace: Bye-bye~ See you tomorrow~. *closes the door on him*
Deuce: ...
MC: *opens the door* Please come in. I'll inform your dorm leader so he won't be worried.
Deuce: Th-Thank you!
Ace: Tch.
Deuce: *glares at him*
Cater: I didn't see both Acey and Deucey last night and this morning.
Trey: Both of them stayed over at Ramshackle dorm.
Trey: Riddle received a message just before bedtime.
Cater: Ramshackle dorm... Wait. That place is trash!
Cater: Why would they sleep there?!
Trey: Haha, I've heard it has one, decent bedroom.
Ace and Deuce: *have arrived at the cafeteria together with MC*
Ace: *whines while clinging onto MC* Can't I just be part of your dorm~?
MC: *chuckles* I'm sorry.
Deuce: Ace, you're embarrassing.
Ace: But I'll be a good underclassman-
Cater and Trey: ...
Ace: ...
Deuce: ...
Cater: So this is why neither of you came home last night until this morning.
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skyenish · 1 month
| Ruler of Everything | Scarabia animatic 🐍☀️ |
I love songs that can be interpreted and applied in so many different ways, and Ruler of Everything is one of those songs. I felt like it fit Jamil, not just in the lyrics of the part I used here, but for a big part of the song!
The anger and sense of injustice “Juno” feels towards time, this all mighty and powerful thing that rules over all, fits Jamil’s anger towards a system that he’s but a pawn in. And the way that Juno takes his frustration for the injustice he endured out on the sun, his best friend, can also resemble the way Jamil took it all out on Kalim, his “best friend”. There are a lot of really cool comparisons, and the video essay “Ruler of Everything is a song about Time” by MarcButEvil has a really good analysis/theory on the song, and a lot of what he said I felt kind of resonated with Jamil in a way? Not all of it, but certain things.
The line “in the gallows or the ghetto, in the town or the meadow, in the billows, even over the sun, every end if the time is another begun”, refers to the way that Time rules over everything and everyone, the poor, the wealthy, and even those above. But in this metaphor, where Time is the system of the Scalding Sands, or even just the ruler of it, Juno, or Jamil, isn’t happy with it. He is mad that he’s been had, so he lashes out. He doesn’t understand why it has to be like this, and like Juno, Jamil feels like his life means nothing in the grand scheme if thing. He’s just a servant to be thrown away and discarded.
The line “If this mirror were clearer, I'd be standing so tall” really reminds me of the way Jamil pities himself, the way he makes up excuses. “If only (blank) I could show them all.” He is arrogant, he thinks he’s so much, and maybe it is, but in the grant scheme of the system he lives in it’s not worth a lot. “You understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything?” I think it’s interesting to think about!
Wow, that was a long ramble about a song most of you probably don’t even know! Sorry if it was hard to follow, I kinda just started typing, zoned out, and ended up with this. But I do highly recommend this song, it’s a lot of fun and quite existential. Thanks for reading the description, and now that you’re here I have a question for you: what is a song you find oddly fits a TWST character, and why?
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anekogia · 9 months
Malleus straight up having the biggest glow up of the Century!
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Half-Human, Half-Dragon Faerie Baby ❌️
Giant Baby Lizard ✅️
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weirdmango8 · 1 month
Riddle with Serperior
(Tap on for better quality)
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justanotherfanfolks · 27 days
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The OG Culinary Crucible Duo didn't deserve this, Malleus and Jamil were BRUTAL!
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icryaboutit · 9 months
I'd like you to hear me out... Even though it has some relations, I'm not talking about him being the Ramshackle prefect. I'm talking about Yuu having built an underground community that rejoiced and lives in peace and harmony by ACCIDENT.
And the people who he accidentally befriended and joined together calls him the prefect, because they found out he is the Ramshackle prefect of NRC.
This Yuu had built a freaking nation just by being in Twst for a few months and suddenly he's famous underground.
I also thought it all started because he got bored, suddenly stumbled into one of Ramshackle's hidden doors by chance, and came out to another side of paradise. The place looked so much more ethereal than Ramshackle you wouldn't believe it WAS Ramshackle.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Gothel and Lilia Parallels/Tangled & Cassandra 
I was talking to Mumble ( @/081314) and Amy ( @/the-knaves-world) and how Lilia has a lot of elements from Gothel (From Tangled)
Lilia’s new title from the 3rd Anniversary update has been Seeker of Cradles. We know that Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel because she has the healing properties/ablility to reverse age from the flower.
Rapunzel is also the kidnapped princess and with the theories that Silver could be a descendant from the Knight of Dawn, that could make him royalty.
Then we come to the age aspect. Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel so she can use her to become young again. Who else do we know that is old and lacking magic? Lilia Vanrouge, who can’t use his magic and is dying.
On top of that, Lilia has been hiding many secrets especially from Silver. As can also be seen with Gothel and how she hid Rapunzel’s background from her.
If Silver has symbolisms from Rapunzel, then he might also have her abilities as well. The power to heal. In the movie, Rapunzel brought back Eugene with her tears...and who else do we know has been crying? Silver. Maybe it is his tears that heals Lilia? Maybe returns his magic? It would make sense and is in parallel with the live action Maleficent 2 Movie. Since it was Aurora’s tears that brought back Maleficent. If that is the case, that means that Lilia can then help bring down Malleus’ OB.
Most of the Flowers that Lilia has been associated with recently has had healing properties to them, so hoping (please) that means that one way or another Lilia will be healed (or have more time with his sons).
We know that Silver and Lilia lived far away from other villagers, but we don’t know why. Mumble and I assumed it could be because Silver has so many qualities of the Knight of Dawn. Time will only tell why that is so. Gothel kept Rapunzel away so she can keep the child to herself and use her powers.
Lilia, despite becoming weak in the sun, has been in many sun related events. The sun symbol is the main design in the kingdom of Corona. Not only that, but Gothel literally became dust out the window when she fell out of the tower. It was bright and sunny outside, despite the cold and dark inside the tower. Not saying that will happen to Lilia, but he is weak and dying is he not?
Bringing back the point that Eugene got stabbed and then healed by Rapunzel, who got hurt recently in Chapter 4? Protecting Silver no less? Do you see where I am going with this? It points that someway somehow Lilia might get healed and Silver might be the reason. (Love heals all, does it not?)
Back when I was really into Tangled, I read this post that talked about how Rapunzel was raised not to show emotions. We have seen how Fae have trouble expressing themselves, verbally and emotionally. We have seen how Lilia’s role in Malleus’ and Silver’s life has affected them so. Malleus having to act and always keep the image of a king. Then we have Silver, who expressed how he has trouble showing how he feels and how that troubles him (Silver Dorm SSR). That is until we get to book 7 and he breaks down in front of Malleus which ends up cascading to the whole OB event. All of this to say, Gothel raised Rapunzel not to show physical affection and when it was needed, Rapunzel would seek comfort from her and no one else. Just like how Silver can only seek comfort from those he is close with. (though, to be fair, those he is close with know him better than anyone else and we have seen how NRC reacts to how chivalrous Silver is)
Sun Drop/Moon Drop Symbolisms & Cassandra 
Elements from the animated series can be seen as well.
We know that Silver and Malleus have traits that are the same and yet opposites as well,
Silver gives off light vibes. He always had his animal friends even when Lilia was away. Malleus gives off dark vibes. He has always been alone despite being surrounded by people. Silver has lived in a cottage out in the forrest with plenty of sun while Malleus (if we go by animated movie vibes and aesthetics and what we have learned from him) probably lived in a dark atmosphere at the castle, only escaping to visit the others.
There's also the fact that Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek are a type of Dark Fae. Silver is not Fae and could be a descendent of Knight of Dawn. You know dawn, which is the light before the sun rises.
The Sun drop has healing properties. Silver has symbolisms in pastels (which is of course in correlation with Sleeping beauty as well).
The Moon drop is destructive, causes death, decay, ruin, and destruction. It can also drain the life force and vital essence from living things, such as plants and people. Which we know is what's happening with Malleus’ magic as it expands and destroys the nature around him. How people can die if they don't get rescued from this dream world soon.
The moon drop can summon black rock spines...which in instances can look like thorns. The Moon drop can also keep track of the sun drop, as it always knows its location.
Gothel played a role in the animated series as well. She neglected her daughter, Cassandra, and then abandoned her once she kidnapped Ranunzel. To condense what happened in the series, theres misunderstandings which eventually leads to Rapunzel and Cassandra butting heads. In short, Malleus and Silver are currently butting heads. 
Cassandra and Silver has parallels too. Lilia often went traveling leaving Silver behind. (We don’t know to what degree the Zigvolts took care of him nor how often Malleus visited). Silver had to fend for himself and do chores in the cottage. Cassandra would often get left behind while Gothel would got about doing her own business, leaving Cass to fend for herself. 
Cassandra repressed her memories of Gothel and grew to be a mature, intelligent, and skilled fighter. She had the dream to become a Royal Guard just like her adopted father. Who else do we know that shares those same ambitions? Silver who’s adopted father is the General of the Royal Family.
Cassandra is loyal to the King and Queen but was willing to break rules  and lose her job to make Rapunzel happy. Silver is willing to to go against Malleus so Lilia can do what he wished despite his actions hurting all three of them. Silver is also willing to go against his King to stop him knowing that it is wrong and Malleus is not in his right mind and knowing that Malleus is suffering while OB.
Reuniting the two stones are said to bring ultimate power, but what if in this case, Humans and Faes getting along brings peace? (Its not like we can yeet Silver and Malleus to space lol)
Alternatively, we have seen how Malleus has used his powers to fix the stage in Book 5. We have seen how Malleus healed Vil. Maybe, once Silver helps brings Malleus back, both Malleus and Silver can heal Lilia. The ultimate power is the love they share for Lilia, the sun and moon, which ultimately heals. Like how Cass died, but Rapunzel used the two stones to bring her back. (Malleus magic does deal with nature and we have seen how connected to nature and magic the Fae are and Silver has always also had a connection to animals/nature).
Fun Fact: Hikaru Midorikawa was one of the singers in “I see the Light”... I bet Lilia is seeing the light alright--okay, okay, I’ll stop 😂( I know a few people who are going to give me looks for that lolol)
(Disney really out here saying we should focus on the movies and the animated shows 😂, I did not expect to delve into Cassandra as much as I did but it all makes so much sense).
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the-great-empress · 3 months
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Best Ruler
choose one wisely as an ally and the rest will try to kill you☠️
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merakiui · 11 months
Bro you don't even KNOW how much alien azul is rotting my mind. ESPECIALLY HIM CUCKING INDIA OHHMYGOODD UR A GENIUS BRO
AAAAAA THANK YOU!!!!!! I'm happy he rots your brain because he rots mine a lot!!!! orz my two favorite loves in horror fiction are androids and aliens. I just adore them!! >w< and so I like the idea of creepy-cute alien Zuzu who is so down bad for you that it leads to him cucking Idia. >:D
Also,,,, maybe all of the overblots should be aliens!!! Consider alien Riddle who is a plant monster and he can create all kinds of unique, never-before-seen species of flowers. It's amazing how fragile and dainty he looks, but he's nearly indestructible in design. And coupled with the wide variety of flora he can create at will, he makes for quite the powerful subject. He's very preferential to the rose. <3 those usually bloom frequently in his enclosure when he's in a pleasant mood, but if that happy mood sours you will find his containment chamber is filled with the sharpest of thorns and poisonous plants.
Essentially, you can have many cliché shoujo moments with alien Riddle because if he's happy there will be dozens of roses in full bloom, bright red and smelling so sweet. Or if he's flustered he just,,,, disappears into the foliage sprouting from his person, allowing himself to be swallowed by leaves and branches and thorns. It's unexpectedly cute!!!
Omg omg or alien Jamil who is something like a naga!!! :0 but then he's also a little like Medusa with the snakes that take the place of his hair and, rather than turning others to stone when they look upon him, he can hypnotize them!!!!! Jamil who hypnotizes you into setting him free, but you're just so good and obedient for him that he unintentionally grows far too attached. <3
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
Kalim: Headmage, aside from Malleus and Leona, is there any other royalty studying at Night Raven College?
Crowley: ...Why do you ask, Mr. Al Asim?
Kalim: My dad asked me to give a gift to a royal, but I’m unsure who he’s talking about. He mentioned it’s not Malleus or Leona.
Crowley: *clears throat* I should check...
Kalim: 'Check'? You mean there is?
Crowley: I’ll update you later, Mr. Al Asim. For now, please return to your classroom.
Kalim: Okay!
MC: *chuckles* Ah, yes. The House of Al Asim.
MC: I thought they would never get in touch with me.
Crowley: I see. Should I inform Kalim that you are the royal he’s looking for?
MC: No, I have no dealings with him.
MC: However, do inform him that I would like to receive a response from the Viper Family.
Crowley: Viper...? Your Maj- Sorry. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your connection to the Viper family?
MC: *smiles* I am considering their daughter, Najma Viper, as a suitable match for the prince.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: Pardon?
MC: Hmm? Is something amiss? You appear rather pale.
Crowley: N-No, Your Majesty! *immediately smiles* I happened to remember that there's something I need to do.
MC: Oh, really? I thought you were trying to flee after potentially offending me.
Crowley: No, Your Majesty! I've been quite busy lately!
MC: *chuckles* I’m merely jesting. You may take your leave now.
Crowley: Th-Thank you, Your Majesty.
Jamil: *received a phone call from home; it was Najma to be exact*
Jamil: What is it? Tell me quick. I still have a basketball practice to attend to.
Najma: I think... I think I'm getting married!
Jamil: What are you talking about?
Najma: Father and Mother are panicking right now!
Jamil: Najma, calm down. You're not getting married.
Jamil: You don't even have suitors.
Najma: Hey!
Jamil: I'm guessing it's a prank. Don't think about it too much.
Najma: Hmph! *hangs up*
Jamil: *frowns* What's wrong with her?
*In the Kingdom of Arendelle*
Evan: *MC's 15-year-old brother; prince regent of the Kingdom of Arendelle*
Evan: *blushing after he found out that MC sent a marriage request to Najma on his behalf*
Lucas: ...
Lucas: Not to make the situation worse, but Their Majesty also sent your photo.
Evan: !!!
Evan: MC would not do that!
Lucas: Nah. I know your older sibling more than you.
Lucas: So, are you going to officially court Lady Viper?
Evan: ...
Evan: I'm not sure... I'm a stranger to her.
Lucas: Well, you can be friends first.
Evan: A marriage request was sent.
Lucas: So? You should be fine.
Evan: ...
Evan: You're so indifferent to me, Sir Lucas.
Lucas: No. I'm just stressed and worried for Their Majesty.
Lucas: And pissed off, but I would probably get punished for saying that.
Evan: ...
Evan: You are aware that the rules in the kingdom doesn't state as such.
Lucas: Yeah, I know.
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oreoskys · 2 years
Hello everyone~ with chapter 7 part 2's release, we got Malleus's overblot! And I've gotta say I was a little... underwhelmed. I wanted to see Malleus in a more monstrous Form. I have no qualms about most of the outfit, except.....
the corset was... plain. He had not NEARLY enough scales and he was GREY!! NOT GREEN! The tail was so small and not nearly imposing enough. The end of his tail looked like a weed leaf, we couldn't see his tiddies, and his hair was... short? And so, I took his fate into my hands. I present to ye, dear reader, the Malleus overblot redesign:
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closeups below:
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anekogia · 2 months
Look, I love that we are getting proper closure for the other characters, but...
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omside · 3 months
My biggest twisted wonderland pet peeve is how many people think crewel is holding an actual whip
In his artwork you can see it’s an extendable pointer that he’s holding like a cigarette holder and not a whip like yes he is still a freak and has a dog collar keychain attached to the end of it but he’s not walking around smacking desks with an actual whip T.T
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*sees recent spoilers for Book 7*
...Okay, now I am very frightened on a number of levels.
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ruler-of-thorns · 1 year
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I'll show you a true happy ending.
(Alt versions under the cut)
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eternalsnowfan02 · 1 year
Okay so this post reminded me of a headcanon I had.
I would 100% believe that after entering Pomefiore, Rook would start microdosing bits of poison here and there to see if he could build up an immunity. (A practice called mithridatism, named after King Mithridates VI who was known for doing just that. There was apparently even a play written about him in the 1600s. I could absolutely see our resident unhinged theatre history buff, Rook, knowing about the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of this and deciding to try it for funsies.)
So, by the time we get to current day, something as potent as the cursed apple juice in Chapter 5 would absolutely do him in and it is still buck wild that he would try to drink it and not toss it… but also, he could probably down a bit of belladonna as a party trick.
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