#i need to feed my people and im going to use these birds to do it
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months ago
Chickens likely domesticated themselves the same way wolves did which is basically by hanging around our settlements and eating our refuse.
Living with chickens in this sort of way was likely happening way before the estimated times of 8,000- 10,000 years ago. The relationship was likely already long established it was just during that time some chickens started developing smaller/weaker adrenal glands which caused them to become much easier to raise and handle which eventually lead to the domesticated chicken we know of today (and how that happened so suddenly is a completely different but very interesting topic)
Also due to this you could argue that there isn't any true wild red jungle fowl left untouched and uninfluenced by humans anymore. Not only due to constant cross breeding with domestic chickens but because red jungle fowl are still doing what their ancestors did in their current range, if there is a town or village nearby the bravest junglefowl will still choose to intermingle with the village and eat the refuse, agricultural byproducts, and waste. People will still catch and care for these "wild" birds like their ancestors did. This isn't to say we shouldn't try our best to preserve the wild red jungle fowls wild genetics, their should be populations left to be in their natural environment but it's likely they are not truly same wild birds they once were thousands of years ago and honestly that's OK because thats how its been for thousands of years.
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conceptofjoy · 8 months ago
SHIT I loVee your real boy seb. hes like if autism and adhd had a child. him having selective mutism and hiding behind someone close im crying. ive been feeling down/tired lately and seeing him made me genuinely giggle and smile. AND AHHH his interactions with other kids i love how you do the relationships in your posts not only <333 in your art style he and his expressions look so familiar and close.. hes my baby. my head aches its so good. seeing seb doing his bunny deals warms my heart like chocolate cheesecake in the microwave in fact. HELL FUCKING YEAH DESTA GO ON!!!
btw thats offtopic as hell but im that anon who originally said dorkhell LMFAO i saw you made the word? a whole hashtag uhoh! i opened my jaw like a smol bird opening its beak 180 degrees so that its mother bird would feed it WHEN i noticed. its actually so funny to me because i didnt even think about that too long. just a sudden thought i decided to add. but yes... this is your inheritance now joy (>_0)
well back to seb im about to disintegrate into sand. i really like how everyone uh... treats him in some sense? though he, i admit, may be a little disaster here and there but they love him <3 so, the way people treats seb with some kind of understanding (im not sure if thats the right word b i cant find anything better than this) is frankly comforting. i just go all "god damn it" as a person who was that neurodivergent child growing up. i may repeat, but i just adore your relationships between all the characters and I DARE to wander into another field BUT the vriska polycule,,... damn yes thats the thing anyone needs to see to make their earth spinning like its should. and they all care deeply about each other despite their ways of showing it is different. i see now!!!!
i literally cant form sentences anymore but they all are so dear. tyyy for making&sharing your art w random people on the internet again!! puts a turtle in your hand and frogblinks at you
AAAA THANK U puts turtle in a well maintained tank. everyone loves little seb n even though no one rlly has experience talking with kids, all of them are nd + have sibling energy/experience. his mischievousness matches a lot of the others lol.
hes a smart kid and knows how to use his cuteness/ how to play dumb to get out of situations (youngest child behavior) but is also incredibly silly. he takes after hal a lot in his smugness and dirk in his explosive displays of affection.
guh thank u so much for ur kind words. im glad i could make u feel better :) also dorkhell was just so good lol its so fitting. i should def elaborate on the vriska polycule l8r but it would take SEVERAL posts lmfao
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sugarcryztal · 6 months ago
Hi i was wondering if you could do a romantic matchup for genshin! Call me C. i use they/them pronouns and I’m pan. I like being in charge but i love sitting in my room on my phone. I love taking naps to the point my friends make fun of me for it! School grades were pretty horrible but still was class president… Im a bit of a nerd who reads manga and watched one piece but I also do alot of crafty things like drawing and crocheting. I dislike fake people but i don’t get mad or hate anyone very often. Personality wise i try to make people laugh but end up embarrassing myself all the time lol! Tysm :)))
I’ll match you with. . .
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Alhaitham !
- I imagine you both met at the akademiya when there was this big project between coworkers and he just so happened to be in your group.
- When you took charge you immediately earned his respect, which is not something easily earned! He admired your leadership and talking skills.
- Safe to say that project went swimmingly… At least he thinks.
- But even after the project he still hung out with you. He was still in denial about being in love with you though.
- Once he realizes though, his first instinct is to write a confession letter. He’s better at words through pages rather than face to face given the fact he can be so blunt.
- So one day, when you’re taking a nap at a table in the library, he ever so carefully places an envelope underneath your elbow. Later after you read it and texted him, you guys decided to take it slow.
- Moving on, HIM AS A BOYFRIEND!!!!
- You guys are definitely an indoor couple. While you’re on your phone he’s sitting or laying behind you, one arm around your waist and the other being used to hold a book in his hand to read.
- He can either read to you or with you. It doesn’t matter to him. As long as you’re there.
- While he may be more on the stoic sarcastic side of humanity, but he can show his care in other ways.
- He tidies your room for you.
- Especially your napping spots, he always makes sure to keep them clean in order to let you have a comfortable nap experience.
- Also loves the fact that you’re a napper. Gives him more time to hold you close before he gets rudely interrupted by his roommate, Kaveh, for something meaningless.
- Speaking of Kaveh, what role does he play?
- Because Alhaitham doesn’t really have the same artistic eye as you do, Kaveh is there to fill in that gap!
- At first Kaveh was hesitant to befriend you, not because of anything you did, but because you were dating Alhaitham! Of all people why him?!
- So he assumed you would be the same as Alhaitham, aloof and sarcastic. But… You weren’t! In fact you two got along pretty well once he figured out you’re also into creative hobbies!
- You and Kaveh have arranged days where you guys would meet and share drawings/ideas with each other!
- Kaveh always ends up dragging along Alhaitham to these meet ups because Alhaitham could at least show a bit of interest!
- It’s not that he wasn’t interested, he just loved watching you quietly draw or knit. It was peaceful. He loved watching you show your creations to him with confidence, to which you were always awarded with high praise.
- Alhaitham thinks you’re silly when you try to make him laugh, your foolishness feeds his amusement. Whenever you get embarrassed though, he just subtly smirks and makes a light hearted teasing remark. For the jokes of course!
- If and when you need help studying for things, Alhaitham is always there to lend a hand. Making sure you’re reading the right material, you have the correct notes, etc.
- He also is the one to make sure you don’t get distracted or go on your phone.
It was a quiet and peaceful evening, you were sitting on a comfy arm chair next to a stain glass window Kaveh recently just had installed. The soft sound of pencil dragging along paper lightly being the only noise along with the birds chirping outside. You were sketching out something for a project until you heard the front door open and close softly. You smiled to yourself, immediately recognizing the sound of a coat being shrugged off and footsteps coming closer.
He, your boyfriend Alhaitham, huffed out softly, “Move.” He gently nudged your leg with his foot. You inwardly giggled, standing up for a brief moment as he sat on the chair behind you and lowered you onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around you while leaning down to bury his nose into your hair, your scent intoxicating him with a warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity and relief to finally be home. You two stayed like that. In silence. Enjoying each other’s company.
Until the silence was rudely interrupted with, “Alhaitham let go of them! We need to go to out and look together for good stationary deals!”
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Thank you for requesting!
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amethystfairy1 · 1 year ago
(Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.)
Hi! Hello! How are you? :]
Let me just say, your work is simply incredible.
I've been binge-reading your TTSBC series for a few days now, as you can probably tell from all the kudos (you deserve them!), and I have been going crazy
First of all, I think this was the first Hermitcraft ship fic I've read. Conclusions/thoughts;
1) You've made me a flower husbands fan, great job, I am now obsessed with them
2) the relationship between Scott and Martyn is so precious to me, you have no idea
3) I am now a fan of ALL the relationships you've written; flower husbands, treebark, desert duo, Tango/Zed, Lizzie/Joel, Shelby/ Katherine, Etho/Doc (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
4) PEARL IS A MENACE AND I LOVE HER. SHE IS MY FAVOURITE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She is the big sister™ and she is the best
5)Scar is a sweetheart and that is a FACT. HE WAS SO SWEET TO CUB?? AND TO GRIAN?? I LOVE HIM
6) I absolutely love mom Cleo, her and Bdubs are so kind and thoughtful and caring to each other, I will simply explode
8) I need more Scott as a journalist. I need to see his hunger to get all the details. I need to see him use his silver-tongue skills on someone, and I need to see Jimmy(or anyone) be scared but also fascinated. I need to see more Scott and Pearl fighting for the best interview.
I don't even watch cc!Scott, and now look at me. Im obsessed with his character.
10) I also,,, kinda,,, want to see someone react a bit badly to seeing their partner being from the under-city. Maybe,,, Martyn being angry with being lied to? Maybe,,, Scott screaming at him that what he's doing is helping no one? Maybe, maybe,,,,
(im secretly an angst-girlie at heart, what can I say. I love me some good hurt/comfort)
12) please let zed and tango have a happy ending pleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLE-
13) also the titles have all been so cool! I saw a post of yours that said you use terms of endearment, and I thought that was really cute :)
In conclusion, I am crazy for your work, please feed us more.
To show you how crazy I've been over this series;
I went completely nuts, explaining to my friend some basics about it the moment I was sure I've read everything, and Im probably gonna make them read it too. I've already sent them the link to the series.
They are not even a Minecraft fan. They don't know what Hermitcraft is.
Anyway, this was all to say; you're amazing, your work is truly fantastic, your writing style is one of the best I've ever seen/read (and I've read a lot of fics, do not doubt me)
Please don't feel forced to write anything I've said! I'm just throwing ideas that came over my head when reading!
(your traveling thieves series is also amazing! Im just currently full of ttsbc thoughts rn, its eating me alive /pos)
Hope my spam liking was not annoying!
Have a great day!
It was not annoying in the SLIGHTEST!
Hello hello, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad TTSBC has been so enjoyable for you and that you've had fun binge reading all of it!
I am delighted and honored to be the first author you've read that has written Hermitshipping and that you've enjoyed it and it's caused you to love all my ships! That's a great day for a fanfic author!!!
FLOWER HUSBANDS ARE MY FAVORITE! More people who like Flower Husbands? HAPPIER I AM! It is a DIRECT correlation!
Someone commented at some point that they reminded them of drunk girls comforting each other in the bathroom after a party, and I think that's exactly accurate 😆
Pearl is the Big Sister ™️ of the group and if anyone hurts any of her little siblings it is game over!
Scar is SUCH a sweetheart in this AU! He's a superhero, he's a boyfriend, he's a best friend, he's a professor, and he's just doing his best to juggle it all!
Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick. Only the best combo!
Katherine said "Wait crap I think that was the love of my life!" and dove back in!"
Journalist Scott will be making a return in several pieces of the future, don't you worry! We'll get to see him strut his stuff! I'm very glad I've gotten you to love c!Scott even if you don't watch cc!Scott, that's just the best!
ooooo there's an angsty take. Hm. Well, there is certainly more angst on the docket for everyone, I assure you, and while I can't promise that brand of angst in particular, there is other stuff left to unpack! Please look forward to it!
Zedango will return! That is all I shall say!
I'm so glad you like the titles! I think it's very cute but I have to admit I'm starting to struggle to come up with terms of endearment I haven't used before 😆
I'm so glad you're trying to get your friend into TTSBC! The nice thing is I don't think it's too terribly difficult to spring into without context of watching any of the CCs because the characters all pretty much explain themselves within the AU. Maybe looking up some fanart for what everyone ought to look like, but it's not the worst thing!
Glad to hear you also like Traveling Thieves! I was gonna point you that way when you said you were an angst girlie so good that you're already there!
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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nuevo-city · 7 months ago
can i have. oc infodump please im genuinely so curious
some background info on this world; ~700-1000 years in the future. cyberpunk dystopia. almost all of the world is a desert, with only one city of mutated humans remaining. nuevo. these humans main survival adaptation is their ability to survive the slight remaining radiation from the nuclear apocalypse that happened, as well as their ability to drink saltwater, but they have powers too. the city has been divided into three “levels”, all built vertically on top of each other.
the lower levels are a cyberpunk undercity type place, with crime both violent and harmless running wild due to the lack of the hero society’s influence here (i’ll talk about them in a seperate post, but unfortunately to convey it simply, imagine the heroes from mha if they were basically the fbi and the cia at the same time and also even more corrupt and like. paying off the villains to kill people)
. the middle levels are basically solarpunk aesthetic with none of the e benefits of solarpunk, vaguely-futuristic nyc. think spider-verse earth 1610 for what daily life is like, just a lot more future-y.
upper levels are where the hero society mainly influences, the city in the sky. the RICH people live here. generally if you’re up here you’ve got ties to the hero society or the government, or you just work here and live in the middle levels.
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NOW. this is my precious son leo grayson arnaud. vigilante name red noise. bisexual transmasc disaster/professional enabler older brother/part time wannabe wine aunt. he is sad and pathetic and here for a bad time, not a long time. (*cough cough* leo-grayson-arnaud.carrd.co check it out if it still works)
he’s a vigilante!!! he’s awesome!!!! he’s a boyfailure!!!!!! he’s cool as fuck!!!!!!
some info: he’s deaf! his powers let him control sound waves, so he uses them to be really fucking loud so he can utilize noise to electricity to electrocute people with the power of punk rock, but uh…. (garfield meme here) you are not immune to power drawbacks. safe to say, he’s lost most of his hearing. he was also raised the cyberpunk equivalent of a catholic lol? but it’s more akin to like,,, the legal religion from the silt verses than anything. he’s also got an AWESOME boyfriend
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(the cowgirl in the second image is @the-lonelyshepherd’s oc shay. if you’re reading this and don’t know her, check her out!!! she’s cool and shep’s stories are so awesome)
this is sam pines. my BOY. fellow disaster tboy, professional hunter noceda relater-to. absolute poor little meow meow. he’d probably like mother mother but he doesn’t even HAVE a mother mother, carrion bird motif, “my guilt does not purify me” ass.
(the flower clasp is only part of his design while he’s in the cult.)
anyway he’s a born and raised lower level kid. he was abandoned by his mother (DO NOT THINK SHE WAS BAD FOR THIS. it was her only option) and grew up in the foster system until he was nine. at that age he was roped into a cult known as the sentinels. (ill go more in depth with them in another post too) they promised him food and shelter, and he needed it, so he took it. over time he was made to be a soldier for them.
he’s basically a prophet for the sentinels? of sorts. it’s very confusing and strange because it’s a Cult and that’s how they are but yeah. he does get out eventually but it’s more “outcast as a heretic and hunted down and almost killed and then saved by the leader because she thinks he’ll be useful if he still has some devotion left”
bonus info: he’d probably like will wood and jhariah tbh. he lost an arm to his own powers (if i had a nickel for every time power drawbacks showed up in my main ocs if have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice). he feeds stray cats. he falls asleep in the weirdest positions. chronic pain haver (the haverrrrr). all i can think of as basic info rn but im working on making full refs and posts for the rest of the team
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smolcuriouskitten · 24 days ago
❤️(three positive traits) & 💔 (three negative traits) for all three siblings!
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● This man is extremely loyal to a fault. He would literally do anything and everything for those he loves.
● Chris is a major big brother! If his sisters are sad, he makes them happy. If they need help, he will help them. All of the things!
● Able to make any situation work in a positive manner. No matter how traumatizing, somehow someway he can make those around him happy and briefly forget it.
○ Anger issues. He is very mellow and calm but during those moments where he cant contain himself, his anger becomes explosive and can be devastating to those around him.
○ He can take his humor/jokes too far. He has a bad habit of being unable to read a room and would make a joke or comment in a somber space and would often get yelled at.
○ Cant control his facial expressions. Phew you would think for a man being a psychologist he would have the best poker face but he doesnt. Out of the trio, he is the most expressive and will make it known he disagrees with something.
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● Observant. Very observant. With her quiet and reserved nature, she can notice details, features, and possibly motives in under a minute. Sometimes she plays a game with herself to find out a persons favorite color just by their personality and 99.9 percent of the time shes right.
● Artistic and Creative mind. God this woman could make a mural with a pencil and make it meaningful. She will always make creative gifts for those she loves, including those fancy sliding cards and handcrafted self portraits.
● Animal lover. God she would attract birds and squirrels all the time and sit by them and feed them. Anywhere she goes, she always has an animal or another following her. Think of her as a disney princess with it comes to nature haha.
○ Blunt. Renelle with her observant nature, if she knows you that is, can be honest to a fault. She never means the bluntless in a mean way and since she notices more than the average person, it will be something she feels like may need to be addressed.
○ Quiet. This by itself is not a bad thing but she often doesnt speak loud at all. She wont yell, she wont scream, she would just move closer or clam up if told to speak up. It only happens when shes first starting to know someone or a new area, after awhile she may start to break out of her shell. Just dont make her do it prematurely, its like a turtle in its shell, it comes out in its own time.
○ Gives up too easy. If it doesnt go her way the first time, she would give up. This goes for anything in her life. Careers, hobbies, etc etc. She is the type of person to give something up out of frustration and not pick it up again.
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● She would give you her left kidney, the shoes off her feet, and all the money in her bank account if you needed it. Anyone in need, she tries to help anyway she can, even if it means giving her last.
● Forgiving to a fault. She wont forgive you if its at the expense of hurting her family though, herself on the other hand? She will forgive you for hurting her.
● Curious. She will try her best to learn more about a subject, as much as she can until she exhausts all brain power from learning too much about something.
○ People pleaser. To the point of her own detriment. She gets herself or is put into a situation thats uncomfortable, she will often deal with it until she cant anymore.
○ Everything is fine! No these arent tears you see on my face! Ignore the bottles of wine and weed smell, I am totally not spiralling! What do you mean you see the pain on my face? Nooo, you must be mistaken. Im not sure how to describe it as a trait but I will use the phrase 'denial of emotions'.
○ Isolation is a comfort for her. If shes sad, angry, or going through a depressive episode, she will go ghost. She wont answer the door, she wont answer calls, she will just disappear. It isnt personal but the signs are there when she begins to spiral and if your muse(s) do show up to check on her, she will pretend everything is fine.
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yuco-the-alien116 · 2 years ago
Mind I Ask What The Scientific Name For Yuco's Species Is? Aswell As C-C's? And You Also Mentioned That C-C's Species Is Somewhat Closely Related To Yuco's, What Would Be Their Common Ancestors?
Sorry For The More Info Related Questions, Im Just As Interested As Hell Atm.
This is what I have been working on for th3se two and will reblog this in the future to explain more about them!
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This is basically all the comparisons from this two!
Starting with their heads, Yuco has a smaller and slimer head size mainly made for quicker speeds among his kind, helping for arrow dynamics! Hir kind can range from meny colors to eyes to even horns so those don't really matter. (Their horns are used as a sign of dominance to show off and sometimes used to fight aswell) Yuco has many smaller teeth used to mainly rip apart prey rather than holding it down. Smaller teeth help with breaking down food. The smooth tongue is not really used for anything besides show sometimes.
C-C has a wider jawline and head, with fewer teeth that are larger. Their teeth are made to hold things in place. Have the jaw strength to crush human bone is a second. Their jaws are incredibly strong, so if you get caught, you're not getting out. C-Cs kind of specializes in swallowing thir food whole. Alive or not. Having a tounge like sandpaper helps hold prey in place, and the strong jaws lock them in. Slowly pulling them to their demise. Their kind also have eats to help them hear better and hear their prey from far away. (Yucos kind can still heat. They just can't easily pick a sound and focus on it.)
Going to their stomachs, Yuco has a larger stomach that has a higher capacity. They can eat a lot and keep moving, being natural born hunters! Their stomach take days to digest food, sence they have adapted to not needing to eat or drink for months. Their saliva will slowly break down food before they acids even can.
C-Cs kind have storage stomachs, made to hold food and bring home to feed their family's. Their storage stomachs have no saliva or liquids in them. The only way prey or food will be soaked is if C-C licked them a bunch. Even then, she would need to do it a lot. Their second stomach is digestive, which is almost always ready to digest stuff, hence why they eat so much and even have a storage stomach.
To physically appearance, Yuco has built-in armor out of scales (if my art style was more detailed), you would be able to see all of Yucos scales. All of his kind have stripes going down their front and even on their horns! It's most used for show, and it glows in the dark.
C-C has darker scales. You can barely see her scales because of how small they are. (But as you can tell, some have been ripped off) The yellow on the tip of her tail feet and hands also glow and are used to communicate to others where they are. They can make them glow and stop them from glowing!
Yuco has a long slimer body's (not yuco lol), making them fater and more of the hunting kind. They go out and find food rather than lie and wait.
C-Cs kind wait for food to come to them. Being quite creatures that communicate through clicking and bird noises. They keep their cover by mimicking the noise of other animals so that they don't run away. Some even mimic the voices of people screaming......so their is a horror story for you....
Yucos kind have smaller hands and built-in claws to grab quickly and move faster. They also glow and are almost always striped.
C-Cs have larger hands with beans on them to grab and hold prey. Be careful, though. Her beans have sharp rigids in their beans to gold prey. Their strong and large hands made it impossible to escape once grabbed.
Yucos kind have smaller, stiffer tails, made for helping them stand up right, and if they are light enough. They can act like kangaroos and kick people balancing on their tails!
C-Cs kind have more snake like tails that are strong and can hold prey tight. They have mastered the art of not moving, so if prey come up behind them, they can still grab them.
That's all I have for now but I will reblog when I have more, so just enjoy this!
Also! C-C is biologically female, but they go by any pronouns and could careless what people call them!
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months ago
Hi, as my designated bird professional i have a bird related question, in particular if you know any tips or tactics on how to approach people in public to get them to stop feeding ducks and other birds?
bc i was in a park yesterday with some friends and a stranger sat down next to us and started throwing bread (and fries??!) at the birds; which is not only prohibited but we could directly see why, bc they then started swarming us too and one of the bigger seagulls got so greedy that it bit a smaller one in the neck and wouldnt let go for a while(?!?) it was kind of scary situation and i was very uncomfortable and wanted to say something but i... didnt ;_; we just got up and left and i still feel bad about it so i wanted to ask if you maybe had some... tips and tricks so i can prepare in case something like that happens again :D
As the resident hand-thrower over some of this stuff, yep I do XD Im just gonna ramble on about this topic some and give some tid bits about why you don't do that stuff usually.
I will admit, the amount I stress it personally varies depending on what food they are feeding, how much they are feeding, and what species they are feeding. In all cases it is technically (and for valid reason) illegal cause the idea is that it can 1) create dependence on humans 2) cause them to become too comfortable with humans which can result in them "attacking" or being perceived as attacking humans which can end up with humans calling to have them killed 3) if not eaten, the food (particularly bread) can rot in the environment and make it unhealthy for them to live in 4) for migratory species it can encourage them to skip migration which can potentially fuck up population dynamics
So as a disclaimer, I tend to "care less" if the birds fed are birds that don't tend to migrate as much / the damage is done (mallards, canada geese, any released domestic ducks and geese, any non-native ducks and geese that were likely also released from farms) as it doesn't really harm them anymore than they already are so long as the feed stuff is actually good for them. By "care less" I mostly mean "don't feel that bad about not saying something."
That said, I do actually support feeding waterfowl In Minecraft that are KNOWN to have been released from domestic settings occasionally - especially if theyve been recently dropped off - as a means of kinda helping them wean off of human care and into natural foraging. But again, only if you KNOW they were released into parks and only if you can reliably feed ONLY them. (usually my go to for this is if they are non-native domestic ducks and they - without hesitation - eat from your hands, its probably safe to say they were raised on a farm or in a domestic setting; this is pretty helpful for not feeding waterfowl that weren't released like this too because even the imprinted ones will be hesitant to eat directly from the hand imo)
If any food is given to any waterfowl species, bread and processed high carb foods are horrible for them and can directly cause horrific long term disabilities if they are fed too much bread. The two largest conditions they tend to develop are these things called "Angel Wings" which - due to poor nutrition - the feathers around the wings grow back in incorrectly and make their wings practically useless; I'm sure I don't need to explain why thats horrible for a bird. Additionally, when given too much bread, you tend to get these obese and misshapen waterfowl that become so heavy in the rump that they are also completely unable to fly (you can see in the right image how much the rump sags).
Both of these can be relatively difficult to rehabilitate and medically treat and thus a lot of these birds are either put down or - if they are lucky - sent to a sanctuary.
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Admittedly, a large portion of people feeding bread and other unhealthy foods often know that its illegal and that they shouldn't and do so anyways, so I will say most of the time you confront them, they will get awkward and leave for a bit but theyll likely come back again if you just tell them no.
Usually my go to is to kind of try to find a way to kindly bring it up and the negative affects (usually talking about angel wings is and showing it to them and explaining the long term affects of angel wings is one of the more visceral things that kinda make some of the better people go "oh maybe I shouldnt do this" as the other points tend to be a lot more of a concept than a real thing to them) and deeply suggest that if they care for the waterfowl to Not Feed them Bread
And a lot of them still want the attention and experience of feeding the ducks, which is something you can't really convince people against doing if Angel Wings doesn't deter them, so when I realize its probably that case, I usually just go "if you HAVE to feed them, please feed them something more nutritious for them like peas, cut leafy greens, grapes, oats, and cracked corn.
Most of the time, I have to settle with damage control because people are stubborn.
That said I still do tend to try
As for why french fries are unhealthy and bad to feed...
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hyliandude · 1 year ago
I had a dream last night.
There was a middle eastern guru that seemed homeless and dirty in the streets. He asked me to follow him to help save the people i care about. He seemed solemn and genuine so i went with him in the streets without care of calling off from work.
He took me into street markets in between a temple with devout followers of another religion, but there were people of all ethnicities.
I tried catching up to him but he was so fast, and everyone knew and bowed to him. There was this column everyone was huddled around at one point, and before proceeding he chanted something around it, seemingly “blessing” the column and gently told people to respect the area. Everyone got away from it (he later told me the column was unstable and needed repairs, so this was the fastest way to get people to clear the area and be careful with the column).
We entered this kitchen area and he changed attire. Food safety prep attire? I didn’t question it, but it seemed like we were going into some sort of food kitchen or prep kitchen to prepare meals for the homeless. Ok. I didn’t mind at all, and i remember thinking about how small the operation was. We were only probably going to feed like 80-100 people, but i also realized how MUCH more of an impact this was than me sitting at a desk pretending to do work for companies i know nothing about. (The attire they gave me was some sort of bib, and event shirt. It was a memorial shirt, for someone named Carla Mae, but i knew it wasn’t you b/c you were alive in my dream and the picture of the person was someone else. But it still made me think about the event. Before i could speak to anyone about the coincidence, my shift was over and the guru was having me haul leftover stalks of some of the food we prepared out back. All waste, and super heavy).
There was a lady out back, either washing clothes or collecting trash to place it in a giant pile of a courtyard. There weren’t many people there because of the horrid smell, and i think even residences above were no longer there because of the stench. It was only the one lady. She was peeling something with a knife, and then i realized she was mincing the trash to make it easier for herself to toss it. She took pride in her mundane task, but no one seemed to appreciate her efforts. The guru greeted her like a long time friend, but she was blunt and almost rude with him the entire time (in hindsight, im sure people were rude to her all the time because of the stinky area she was patrolling so she developed this personality as a defense mechanism). The guru conversed with her and eventually convinced her to hand use each a knife. I took it gladly. With the leftover stalks of food waste we had, we started peeling them to better expose the insides. The lady asked us why we were “taking her job” and the guru replied that we were just here to help. To which she relaxed and continued to quietly converse with us. The guru would peel a few stalks from the pile we had, and tossed them into her pile. He then gestured to me to do the same. After a few hours, we were finished with our pile, and finished sprinkling the chunks across her pile. She thanked us, and so did others before we left (i didn’t know, but it turned out that the leftover food stalks were a natural deodorizer. The guru had killed 2 birds with 1 stone in his efforts). It took a while, it smelled, i was sweaty and gross. But i felt so fulfilled and impactful, I can’t even explain.
(Throughout this entire time there’s been music playing from the temple area. Id had it stuck in my head since i woke up, but it’s now 6:55 AM and i dont remember how it goes anymore).
Later in the day we are in the temple, for some service i suppose, and i swear people are huddling around the guru as we walk like paparrazzis, but with more decorum and respect. He’s not mad at any of them, and he addresses those he can without losing sight of his path through them.
The only one i remember was a man asking for the presence of “god” in his village. He was wondering what it would “cost” him to have god come and be at his village. This question stood out to me, and it mustve stood out to the guru too, because he stopped and turned to the man:
“This is a common question, but an easy one”
I assumed he’d be asking for a donation of sometime, which was a concept that disillusioned me to the entire establishment.
The guru then proceeded to talk to the man. His village was going through a rough time. This man was the only one of strong enough mind and body to come out into the temple from afar to seek help. The guru said it would cost him the salary of multiple builders, cooks, fisherman, etc. The man said that he was strong and well versed in many skills, but that he had no funds to pay more people to come and help in the village with those things.
The guru then whispered something to the man, which must’ve shocked him immensely as i saw the wave of revelation come over him, and he left the crowd!
The guru turned to me and quickly said
“Why pay for god if he’s already there?”
There was another scene where i was at a private rooftop dinner with the guru and a family overlooking the city. We were clearly there for the father, a strong and clearly wealthy man who had evidently been religious in the past. He wanted the guru’s influence and advice on military and commercial conquest, and i dont remember what else was said, but we just left. Something about how the man had lost sight of “all his past lessons”.
In the end, i didn’t quite understand why i was playing “hooky” all day. I didn’t know how to “save those that i love”. He told me people just want to be heard and understood. Not a surface level thing, but truly HEARD and UNDERSTOOD. It seemed so cliché, but he also mentioned how the time we spend with our loved ones is 1. An investment and extension of ourselves that they’ll remember and learn from. A piece of ourselves inevitably makes it to them, and he wanted to make sure it was the BEST piece of ourself. And 2. The time is something we’ll both cherish. At the end of the day, we’ll all be gone without thoughts or memories. In our final moments we’ll regret spending time on a computer or pointless meeting instead of with the people we love. To save them, means saving ourselves of course, but it means spending as much time with them. They aren’t with us if we’re not spending time with them, just like they won’t be with us when we’re all gone - so spend as much time with them to save them. Take that time back with them. And cherish it.
I still had the jaunty music stuck in my head. I vividly remember what i was wearing, what he was wearing, and what others were wearing.
Just wanted to jot all this before i forgot.
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verybouquetgay · 7 days ago
I woke up to the birds
Laying on my back my head groggy, I lean over slightly to grab my glasses pawing at my desk to try to get them with my hand. I sit up and I put them on, adjusting my stomach so I can sit more comfortably. The birds were always a wake up call, I guess that's the good and the bad of living in the middle of nowhere. When my eyes unfuz and I feel a little bit more awake, I go to try to stand.
My cats ready for breakfast come to me yelling, I check the time it's only a few minutes past six.
"Ladies you know you get fed at 6 30, I'm gonna go to the washroom and when I'm done, I'll feed you I promise."
After i'm done in the washroom, I look at myself in the mirror. It's only been a few years, but the testosterone has definitely changed how I look at myself. Finding this place to call home so I feel safe has been an interesting journey, my heart aches, knowing that i'm too anxious to interact with others simply because since I transitioned, I could not be what my soul mate expects.
I'm scared for the day where I can finally see color, ( the sign that I found my soulmate because currently, all I can see is black and white.) because what if I get rejected by the person who is supposed to love me no matter what. As convenient as it is to have something that could tell you, who will eventually love you, it's scary knowing that I don't look anything like they might expect.
The cats meow loudly again, reminding me what i'm supposed to be doing.
" Yes, yes, yes, oh my ladies, my sweet babies. I know it's breakfast. I'm sorry. I was just thinking."
" No matter what you guys will love me, right? and that's all that matters. it would be nice to see what color you guys are though."
I cook my self some eggs and put some coffee on to brew while the kitties chow down. It's going to be a long day of peopling so I need my energy and strength. I grab some water to take my pills, sitting at the counter, I reach for my pill box.
"Crystal what's the temperature?"
"Good morning Tobias it's plus ten right now with a high of 24 for the day.
The little robot a comfort that I have chosen, "she's not a real person but it helps when I feel alone" I think to my self.
I go and get dressed finally, putting on a typical outfit of shorts and a crop top. Ever since I got top surgery Crop tops are my favorite to wear, it doesn't matter how you look they always look good.
"I think Im Ready for the day, phone? wallet?Keys? A kiss on the kitty's heads? Check check check and double check okay I think i'm good to go!"
I'm very tempted to stay home, but I need groceries, and I have another vial of testosterone I need to pick up.
I drive through the countryside in my old ford fiasco, the way to this city is always so pretty. with many fields and birds, Occasionally, I get to see other animals like, opossums and deer and bears. My favorite are the sunflowers I get to see, they aren't quite in bloom, but it's almost fall so they will be soon.
As I pull up to the Shooper mart, I look around to try to find a spot. I'm having a good pain day, but I don't want to jinx it Getting a faraway spot.
I use my cart key to grab a cart from the cart, shed outside the store. Fumbling over it with my hands, not quite pushing it all the way in. Finally, i'm able to grab the cart and I go to head inside.
As I walk up and down the aisles I don't notice it all at once, but there's little pieces of what I can assume is color!
" Damn it not today"
I don't want to meet them today! I'm not ready! I rush through my groceries, slowly seeing all of the things that I would normally buy illuminated by the fact that I could truly see them, how i'm supposed to.
"Eggs crackers milk a frozen dinners for bad days, cheese, peanut butter bread muffins noodles pasta sauce meat." I go through the list of my grocery's a loud.
The longer i'm here, the more vivid things are. I go to the toy section, hoping to dull the color as well as thinking I can pick out a new action figure.
But it gets brighter when I get closer, which makes me panic even more. So I head over to the pharmacy, hoping I can just grabbing all my stuff and go. But my soulmate must have been trying to figure out where I was.
Because, as I wait for my prescription a tall beautiful girl wearing a cat on her shirt also approached the pharmacist. She didn't see me at first, but I definitely saw her, she also looked panicked her brows furrowing, disturbing her otherwise delicate features.
" Hey! I was wondering if I could pick up my estrogen prescription? I am in a bit of a hurry."
" Sorry, there's someone in front of you in line, but you can just wait over there and I can help you as soon as possible."
She turns to approach me the only other person in line, and as her face turns We lock eyes.
The next few moments were the most beautiful I had ever experienced, a wave of color washed over the world. For the first time, I was truly seeing everything how it was supposed to be seen. In front of me, the beautiful girl who caused it.
"Hi" she said trying to hide her face with her hand.
"Hi" I said still admiring her, every second I look at her, the more I truly get to see her, and I am in awe. So much so that for a split second, my anxiety is put on hold.
" Tobias your testosterone prescription is ready" says the pharmacist snapping me back to the reality.
"Are you, are you also trans?" The girl asks. " oh my God, that's so stupid. I'm so sorry you don't need to tell me that." She quickly follows up with.
Suddenly, every fear that I ever had about finding my one are gone. If this beautiful woman in front of me can accept me. love me for who I am without Considering what I was born as then maybe everything's gonna be okay.
" i am I am trans, and you are the most stunning thing i've ever seen" i say to her and smile.
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ramblesbambles · 3 months ago
I see that now but I'm still afraid. It's just one speeding up the process of splitting ourselves. No matter what we do our finite world cannot sustain us.
It doesn't squander my vision, but it does make me pessimistic still. Sure I can disconnect and choose not to involve myself in consumerist practices. But it's almost imperative; self sustaining still needs preparation, mental and physical health needs treating, and safety / justice is often preferred. I can dream and murmur some prayers but the world won't answer. Unfortunately the world is going to collapse, at least the world I know. I just hope that the birds, cows, lions will outlive us. I can live a life without these needless things, but I've heard that the society of today has changed the minds of humans. That even in a world of no capital, I cannot believe that we'd simply work together for the "greater good". It's a blessing we have free will, but it has led to our present day issues.
Would knowingly feeding a culture that has 'benefited' " 1st world" countries do anything? Or even in my absence, trying to convince people who see the benefits of slave/consumerist labor be a fools errand? My words sing proudly of the Marx, but I do not believe I align with him. I don't want my thoughts to be categorized or dumbed down to make it susceptible to ignorant stereotypes. In my hypocrisy, I eat a premade meal, I play games, collect figures, I'm typing my thoughts into this web of "free speech". I've benefited from the 'economy', and my mental state may falter without it. I'm no saint to believe that these things should change, because I am feeding the beast. Everyone feeds the beast. You cannot do anything without feeding the beast. We've become reliant on it, and every green solution, progressive strike, communist and fascist government, new medical miracle, further understanding of science, and art to express ourselves. All are feeding the beast. I don't hate you beast, I just wish the ticks would stop lying to the dog. Taking what they need and jumping ship if necessary, the chunks of flesh will not suffice, the beast needs the whole dog to stay alive.
Im no intellectual, no philosopher. I'm simply using this post to process what I've learned, and sharing it to maybe start a conversation. I don't doubt what I said may be foolish, my beliefs will ebb and flow. Per usual. And I'll be sure to cringe once I read it again.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months ago
WELCOME BACK!! Hope you had a fun time!!!! And so real sometimes a bit of recharging is in order after going hard on activities LOL also we really are synced up I just got back from a meetup so back to chronically online again!! Lowk costume photoshoot with takis kinda slays but OMG LMK IF YOU DO RESTART ONE??? Lowk I would join you if you did do that but I have no idea where my ds is oops so gotta find that first
FREEDOMMMM *insert that chain breaking meme pic here LOL* honestly good for you looking back on wattpad now it truly is a bit of a train wreck
The premonitions are crazy Yuta and then tabieitaken….lowk your blog/writing is just manifesting material atp I’m convinced
Older sisters meet up when they definitely bully their bros in a sibling way and have coffee over how dumb they are LMAOO ugh I need to see their visuals (besides chigiris since we’ve already seen her but the more content the better)
So real wait I’m crying this just feels like another crossover with pursuit it’s giving Niko when he saves Prof Aiku and picks a starter except he’s feeding pigeons with Aiku in a park playing Cupid LMAOO
If Karasu had that accent I would’ve cried but FR especially since Rin even calls Nanase country bumpkin??? And just looking prefecture wise Kyoto and Osaka are still two of the main places while Nanase is from ibaraki (I think) which is definitely not a central prefecture lmao but it is what it is wait I forgot until you mentioned but I love chigiris too!! The boyish sass is really nice I love his dub and sub voice I’m glad they didn’t choose some like stereotypical super high pitched voice LMAO also yeahhh just sound wise I don’t enjoy Bachira’s but I feel like it does match him relatively well? It’s got kinda that quirky feel iykwim
LMAOAOAOA real the hunched over non proper delinquent stance it’s so funny but FR like imagine him throwing hands kinda like the kiyora fic situation you’d definitely be safe with Karasu defending you….SHIDOU PLEASEEE he would fr do that though like cmon Shidou help us out…maybe use up all the wax while you’re at it too……
Karasu’s arms look too good at least we know the studio won’t screw up a muscle scene LMAO
I’m crying I saw a comment saying “close enough welcome back satoru gojo” LMFAOOOOO so real though I need to know what’s going on with the white hair (ik it’s probs not actually and just for dramatic effect but I do wanna see how it ends up being colored) but no fr im SICK OF THE OPPS it’s literally just been Kaiser Rin isagi for the past idk two months WHERES MY KARASU MOMENT RAGGGGHHDGHSHS
LFMAOAOA STOPPP NOT RHE EINSTEIN CUT AND THW COMBOVERS SHDJLSKS imagine otoya bald except for one strip of green in the middle of his hair waxed up into a Mohawk (I’ve fr seen people unironically choose this look and I’m ngl I wonder what’s going on)
YESSS STARTING NEXT WEEK!!! The stubble is SO. BAD. You could never catch me going for him with that stubble someone please hand that man some shaving cream
Wait speaking of any crazy Mira lore this time?? Judging by the fact that your back on here I think it’s safe to say you made it out in one piece though LOL
Always wishing it was Karasu ugh I’m still always shocked that he doesn’t have more fans just worldwide in general like you’re telling me you really like Kaiser with the piñata looking hair more than Karasu??? Whatever I guess
LMAOAOA omg CHIGIRI???? Lowk that edit makes him look really good but sadly at the expense of nagi SHEHSJS but I remember two birds flooding tiktok for a long time with a bunch of fanart so seeing that back gave me war flashbacks
- Karasu anon
KADHSHSN I FEAR I LIED A BIT i was PLANNING on lying in bed eating takis and watching tv or smth but after my photo shoot i ended up hanging out with one of my best friends in her apartment until 3am so i did in fact drive home and crash immediately hence the tumblr silence from me but everything is done now so i am finally ACTUALLY free 😭🙏🏻 omg wait lmk if you find your ds i wouldn’t mind restarting a game…probably either pearl or alpha sapphire (or maybe i’ll suck it up and play moon or ultra moon through without hating the entire time)
wattpad is going so downhill and the way they try to get everyone to pay for premium and stuff is soooo annoying plus with every year that goes by i get more and more easily annoyed by the people on the app LDBDHSN it doesn’t help that I had so many readers that the comments really ran the gamut in terms of being super mean or super sweet honestly i feel sm better having it gone though even if it does mean i get way less comments/readers it truly just stopped being worth it
LMAOOO if kashimo blows up with jjk s3 then that’s how we’ll know for sure ☝🏻 i’m just a side character enthusiast what can i say…always seeing the potential in men who don’t get enough attention 😫
OKAY BUT HE KILLEDDDDDD THAT GLAM POSE LMAOAOA THE WAY HE WAS LIKE “wait this is kinda fun” WAS SO FUNNY TOO DKFHDJD oaeu niko fr is just him in canon i can’t wait for NEL to be animated just for the different team’s additional times…like imagine karasu shidou rin nanase additional times…bachira otoya lavinho additional times…UBERS ADDITIONAL TIMES…ngl idc abt mc additional times because they’d make them be super nagireo focused but maybe a chris prince additional time ☝🏻
the tension between wanting more girls vs knowing they will never draw or write any because they don’t like women…fine…i’ll do it myself (writing wise ofc someone else will have to pick up the slack on the drawing side)
i was worried that chigiri’s dub was going to be weird and overly feminine/sassy somehow but i’m really glad he actually has one of the more masculine (not necessarily deep) voices and his sass just feels like typical trash talk not some weird borderline stereotype 😭😭😭 agreed i thought kyoto was like one of the bigger cities in japan?? just based on what i know abt the region i feel like maybe uhhhh a boston accent might’ve made more sense?? if they HAD to do an accent for hiori ngl him with a boston accent would’ve cracked me tf up though either way it def should’ve been much slighter than what it is…bachira’s fits him for the most part i think the exaggerated vowels just get to me sometimes 😔
karasu would def never let anyone bother me LMAOAOA need a man like that in my life 😩 but FRR SHIDOU PLEASE JUST ONCE JUST DO THIS FOR ME PLEASEEEEE omg wait can you imagine they get in a fight BECAUSE shidou uses all of the hair wax so it’s just hair down karasu punching shidou…i’m blushing omg PXG ADDITIONAL TIME MANIFESTING RN
hmm i think it’s probably meant to just be like a lot of light being thrown at him??? so if they color it it’ll probably be smth like that 🤔 agreed though i’m so tired of the opps continuing to win i need this game to be over i literally don’t even care who wins i want to see how barcha vs mc goes!! IF I CAN’T HAVE KARASU GIVE ME BACK NAGI 😭🙏🏻
HELPPPP NOT OTOYA WITH A SINGULAR SPIKE PLS I’M CRYING I’D ACTUALLY DIE imagine that’s how he pulls up in a time skip epilogue thing i’d laugh so hard
maybe it’s because there’s different values in the anime so it’s not just black and white but the stubble is sm more prominent and horrible looking in the anime 😭😭😭 like i was kinda getting over it/glossing over it in my mind in the manga but it is EGREGIOUS in the anime oh my god 😰😰😰 pls also i forgot how much of a beast aiku was at first he lowkey became irrelevant in NEL but he was a MENACE in the u20s game like bro single-handedly prevented the bllk11 from absolutely DESTROYING them 😫 the u20s truly would be nothing without him…also smth about him and nagi being the only ones who are the same height (only gagamaru and that one irrelevant rlly tall guy are taller) is crazy to me
HAHAHA WE MADE IT OUT ALIVE 🤩🙏🏻 it was mostly just guys flirting with my best friend and i vs me accidentally shutting them down…i have 0 filter when drunk so i’m either really nice or kinda villainous 😭 but we didn’t have enough to go TOO wild so in general it was just low level crazy interactions instead of anything too terrifying 😪 we did see a couple of opps but they stayed away so nothing too bad there!! my best friend and i (we actually went out as a trio but our third best friend is lesbian and men must sense that because they never really flirt w her thankfully) did pass by these two really hot guys who complimented our costumes and dropped a few lines but we were going in the opposite direction and were too drunk to remember much abt them except that one of them had a tattoo on his chest that was super memorable but that’s all 😩 in another life or smth maybe…
I THINK IT’S INSANE THAT PEOPLE HATE ON KARASU’S HAIR AND THEN TURN AROUND AND ARE KAISER FANS KFJDHSSJS as if his hair is not equally as goofy…at least karasu’s is THEMATICALLY fitting kaiser’s is just like that for unknown reasons 😭😭😭 ngl it’s always the kaiser stans acting up and saying the most abt other characters as if their man is not literally…kaiser…
LMAOOO THAT’S PROBABLY THE FIRST CHIGIRI EDIT I’VE SENT YOU but yeah sometimes you just have to accept the slander 😔 it’s okay like i said i don’t mind nagireo slander if it’s them as a duo because i myself am a hater of them together so like it’s fine…i guess…anyways yeah i remember that audio being really big a while ago ngl i never really liked it smth abt it as a song doesn’t vibe w me 😫 but i do like edits that remixed it like that one did!!
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year ago
She asked me if I wanted some vaseline so I said no my lips are hunger....overpopulations of prostitution in catholicized areas will look like birth viruses....most women carry it....my sanitation and help is just that much of a weirdo....when the prostitution population is finally lowered.....i will then look negative and dormant again....
That would be second wave feminism I would get mad at the guys but they all look mafia stalked and oh my God those women to us they don't talk to us or do anything at all
Their young women and they could be like look im an artist and for gainful corporate placement and this is what they do to poverty go threaten it with shit beaches....
Most of it tries to cause european displacement....the English to model for high end clients...he will pay for a half hour party then they all have to job with a title more then worker....that designer just kept letting it go on and on and on for hours ass
The English have to have royal title portrait with dog....oh my God how those people treat dog.....that not into war service anything to get a mental label to not go
Uhm it's the English portrait that doesn't then have to go....
She asked me if I had family to go to........so I said I actually am a mental not one of these creepy old felons out here that experiments with psychedelics
Pamela George their indigenous people and they will train a white to kill a prostitute and people finally don't have to tolerate bitch needs die of bitch needs
They will eventually shock value it and the government will tell it all it can have a welfare settlement and not go anymore
That's why I don't enjoy Canadian governments trying to give her killers more then seven years in jail....she was a whore and everyone has self defense pleas.....
Peoples who refuse to take part.....in taxation systems kill people of neglect...I was white and I don't owe white boys anything or anything....
That's me the white kids killed her but a whole community needed ritual sacrifice or the same unendurable system wouldn't stop
Its her own indigenous systems that left her around as a prostitute so I would see law as it's them that just killed her the community of course has no obligation
There is no communist information from ghana...about ritualistic gang murder within indigenous communities...Lauren
My Lakota friend from Tennessee she will finally let them see this she will show them in her head
Hare Krishnas are compassionate but they do not have feelings they don't do these good things because of feelings
Anyway I actually am a mental my birth father was killed and my mother had to work at a hospital with a physical handicap and I had to live with federal food replacement of folk culture and go to schools and get jobs....with no compensation out of the job money....their firm i only have job money.......and I had to be discriminated against at school....so I at least do not have secret brotherhood
Some of these bitches do lie out here nude they do have vet husbands and dads and they come out here acting like they need and their a bitch
Indigenous people are police now hopi prophecy they may be all one people
Anyway I was white so I don't want to practice many of the things Asian and indigenous peoples do.....I was catholicized and they will not kill something as grotesque as a rooster.....
Those dogs are heinous and they won't put it to use and be away from us
They could keep a chicken coup out back of the hare Krishna temple so that cars may not ruin people's food of emissions and they won't do things to remove cars from their building
Jesus eating is better then not....Carissa at least accidentally killed a dog so for her to starve and take battery they at least didn't steal her bed these people out here don't even have an asylum chair to avoid obligation
Those dogs finally will be a coat
I at least would feed the birds so they finally display their greedy dispositions and go for things they shouldn't and die off....so I still have in comparison....
Those birds steal anything they can
Birds aren't cute all the babies all cute
Indigenous people stalk me with those Jews were treated the worst slowly become the worst problem then you may....
The Catholics are mostly from Europe so I don't want to do catholicism either the Africans or Ghana communism had to live and practice in the basement because their athletic practice did ritualistic kills like joint removal for synthetic a.i. objects....
Their populations practice ritualistic kills till endangered emigration populations have to survive away from it because of iatrogenic disease....
They have diseases......and their phobic of anything different
She asked me if it's the women and the men so I said men are not prostitutes....men would never be people who just work.....men have military enlistment and they practice homo genetics and learn necessary trades that save humanity....men would never say they just work....
Anyway the mafia is really angry at them about them making me look like birth diseases and calling themselves that huge and muscle fit of aptitude because they can go out looking like piece of shit concentrations and that's all they do....
Skinner....they look like pieces of shit
Their woman is a bitch....so they may jog as pack
The mafia as explained to me is illegal immigration national Muslims seek to blame wealth Christians for things poor lazy muslims would not produce didn't like it wouldn't want to and the mafia looks for signs of missing inheritance from women and why their boyhoods were so oppressed it's christian women and christian women prefer raising boys
Because christian men prefer raising girls...they expect them with age to do sport with men instead of girls
Christian women with age do really start deteriorating physically and without a boy....
She asked me why I didn't get a job.....so I told her these people exhibit no reality there is no Time here nothing.....I am 43 and I have been homeless now like ten years the past few years of conflict have passed by so quickly it's like one day went by and ten years of steet battery....a few people came up to me for jobs but they are Asians that still live off their parents and so have too little respect for older people
So they wanted me to job like I was 18 or something and I am not going to die of a lot of Asian factory problems...when there are good people that give the same and labor less
Fools.........they start forcing people to run around in non sensical patterns when a few different engineering and management decisions stops stalking staff with physical conditioning their is little to no good here
The hare Krishnas will not farm at the temple
They won't do anything to remove traffick and buildings from themselves so military enlistment feels that it's sacrifice is given privileges
The worst Jew problems do go around revenging.....and it's you don't have to they can finally be someone and help....
The Jews for it committed hiroshima and Nagasaki.....and I suspect the hare Krishnas of showing some of the worst Jew problems how to travel among populations charming it into viruses....
That's me about military it's a fighter would you want people who manipulate your feelings to not have a political cause the way these people do....
Things at a distance are to kill school kids in Wisconsin and so I help remove public schooling or these people would go around children
She asked me about meal help and I said the homeless meal places are very unsafe....they need to purge out from themselves people to bad creepy and awful to their organization.....and so they manipulate and use poverty as a bait to have clear case law to finally be allowed maximum sentencing and it finally gone from them and people who use poverty that way.......
Im sorry but they could also increase psychiatric police funding and have traffick more patrolled and instead they let them get away with things so it can just finally die off them.....
These people's practice ritualistic sacrifice they have saints....
That's how I view good there is the right way about poverty like full restitution of their own lives rights and generational meaning then there is the military way which is good people and then there is the wrong way which is racists into death cult bondages.....
The stuff................oryx and crake crake was an indigenous person....if it's a charming mastermind that can run privilege corporate central it is an indigenous person....
So I don't think there was a Victorian age genocide it's look if your going to be Indians and Europeans and nothing else matters you can go there and the whites are going to give Africans stuff
I think African restitution occurred and Indians preferred to practice away from people's who can dominate through means of agriculture
Anyway the Taiwan asians have work I could do to improve my own living condition but they practice vegetarianism......and I can't survive to their company ethos hygiene expectation without meat eating practice here.....
They appear to still believe in a miasmata so to be able to use those types of soap and institutional obeisance you have to eat meat or you will get a psychiatric condition here
It needs an incumbant that can force developers away from land use and I don't think a Democrat or Republican can ever save the people's from large development folk ideas like it are viewed as demonic and if they can company people that's what they will do .....
Uhm to me there is cellular life so I just don't find animal and plant relevant it's victorianism and things reek and stink till people call plants meat eating
You ate a tree and trees have faces and when you admit that to me
If you keep cutting down trees for temples an ent will rise up at your people
I had childhood books about moving warring trees?
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im2tired4usernames · 1 year ago
GoooooOOOOOOoooOOooOooddddd day and evenening and everything to you!!! ;-D
1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25, 29, 35, 39, 53, 55, 73, 74, 77, 79, 84, 90 and 98?
P.S.: Sorry for your current struggle!
P.P.S.: I hope my questions about the ghosts did not make you more uncomfortable!
P.P.P.S.: I hope these are not too many questions for you but I figured since you asked for distractions, more would be merrier. :-)
Goooooooooooooooooooooood times to you too!
Most favorite activity?
i really enjoy drawing i love makin up characters n stories also!
4.Kind of meal you really appreciate?
honest to goodness i appreciate almost anything someone feeds me especially if its home-cooked but i really do love breakfast foods potatoes n cheese best.
6. Do you have any idols?
im not sure what counts as an idol? i once got told that my favorite book series when i was 12 was an idol?
8. Favorite music genre?
i like speed metal
13. A job you can't do yourself but admire people who do?
oh there is a LOT dentists, plumbers, trash collectors, house keepers, teachers, pharmacists there are some very skilled and wonderful people who do a lot for our community
15.Do you believe in ghosts? and 16 If so, how do you imagine them? If not, is it just because you don't want to make contact with them?
i love the idea of ghosts i like the idea of there being some kind of after life so that i can be with the people I've lost again and so i can watch after and not be far from the people i love who are living.
I like to think ghosts just are here waiting and watching able to go where ever they'd like because they don't need to breath or worry about catching on fire or something to just enjoy the afterlife with their friends n family, explore, learn from mistakes they made in life, fix relationships (also i want to go to the bottom of the ocean so bad)
but i don't really believe in them, i want them to be real but i cant help but feel like if ghosts are real then why are there so many crimes against the dead unsolved and why is there no justice for millions of people? I feel like my passed family would find ways to yell at me from the grave for my many flaws and sins (p.s.dont worry friend thank you for caring)
22. Movie you can't stop cheering up for?
alright friend ima introduce you to my most favorite movie it's called Journey to Beginning of Time by Karel Zeman my grandad had the VHS and i have LOVED it since i was three years old. I used to set up a blanket on the floor some chairs and a blanket on top to make a roof, staple some paper together to make "my diary" wear a goofy hat and pretend i was in the movie with the boys goin on they're adventure Its about a four boys who get on a boat and go back in time they each have their own personalities and adventures all of em but one of them have goofy hats! one of them wants to be a scientist so he documents all their findings in a diary theres a lot of great prehistoric critters someone almost gets eaten by a terror bird, someone fights a scary lizard thing i dont remember what it was supposed to be some kind of froggy newt thing it scared me depending on whether you watch the original czech version or the shitty English dub (my grandad had both my grandma grew up with the orignal so she likes that one better) you'll either see the big bang or the creation from the bible i grew up with the shitty english dub so i got weird hand creation ending and ima be honest i prefer that version but probs only because thats what i grew up on. I WISH TO GOD i could find it on dvd in the shitty english dub i grew up with SO MUCH i watched that VHS so much it died im pretty certain i had a crush on the youngest boy played by Vladimir Bejval his character caught a fish.. its a great movie if you get the chance to watch it but it's also like made in like the 50s so uuuuuuh keep that in mind but for the time it was made the special effects were brilliant. it makes me happy its like a warm bowl of soup but in film.
23. Best ingredients for a pizza?
scrambled eggs bacon n sausage or just plan ol pepperoni
25. Can you dance? Is there any dance you want to learn someday?
No not well i know some like old dances from when i was in a few plays like pride n prejudice, id like to learn swing dance
29.Good memory from your childhood you keep remembering?
it was nice having a group of friends and just sitting in our bedrooms drawing, making ocs and stories together and listening to each other gush about the things that made them happy.
35. If you could gain any ability for giving up one, which one would you pay and which one achieve?
uhhhh ability to whistle for the ability to cure all injury and illness (not a fair trade but lemme be reverse Infectious Lass please)
39.What are you mostly in the mood for the whole day?
im always pretty happy to talk to my partner and read books to my siblings ALSO IM ALWAYS A SLUT FOR GOIN FOR A WALK IF ITS PRETTY OUTSIDE
53.Were you a smart kid at school?
55 .Do you like your hometown?
i love some people here otherwise indifferent?
73.Do you do any sports and if so which ones?
nope i was homeschooled
74.What's your dresscode? What makes you choose the clothes you're wearing? (on different occasions)
i really prefer skirts over dresses spef at knee length and i prefer no sleeves or short sleeves with just a sweater if it gets chilly. i like feelin fancy and cutesy.
77.Can you imagine something pretty romantic you would like your/a partner to do for you?
honest the most romantic thing i think someone can do is just to be there for each other that you want to experience life together even when life is incredibly shitty and not ideal at the moment but sticking through it with them anyhow because you want to experience life with them whem it's good or bad, being there the day their parents die, not ditching them if they lose their job being their cheerleader if they get cancer...just kinda knowin your a team that you've got their back n them your's and that you'll build a life together that makes you both happy through it all idk just bein there n lettin me be there for em in return? but idk im kinda shit at the romance tbh uuuuhhhh i appreciate it when someone sets time aside for me that means a lot to me more then they'll probably ever know
79.Is it risky to ask you whether you are a honest person or not?
not sure if im the right one to judge that but i have been told im "stupidly honest" id like to think im honest but im not sure? i dont trust myself in anything!
84.Are you into candies?
yes i love sour candies and chocolates
90.If you know your go-to person currently has time, do you still text them, call them or leave a voice message?
im not sure im smart enough to understand this question?
98.Do you prefer living in a (big) city or in a (countryside) rural area?
they both have their ups n downs probably country side.
Thank you so very very very much for the asks golly gee it def gave my brain a break from all the big scares thank you so much really honest you have no clue how much this helped calm me down i really really appreciate it so much i hope your weekend is wonderful and i hope the weather is nice and you get to eat something nice and your day is full of lots of small joys!
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morelka · 1 year ago
hi we have never met but ur coming to nz so birds right. kiwi is a classic but i guarantee you will love piwakawaka/fantail they are so friendly. ur most likely to see them on bushwalks cause they like to follow u around since you kick up the dirt so they can eat the bugs and stuff underneath
the humble kereru/wood pigeon is also very cute in my opinion i do love them and they’re pretty common like piwakawaka
keas!! very mischievous. like to steal peoples food/windshield wipers so watch out lol. very cool birds i think they’re becoming more common in auckland now which is cool
pukeko, funky little guys. mostly blue with long legs, you might see them by the road out of town or in wetland. my cousin had one when she worked for the spca and it was chill with us we could feed it but it could be aggro around other people. idk if that applies to all pukeko though that’s just my experience
takahe, pukeko’s bigger friend. basically same thing, but rounder (idk if they’re actually related but they look similar at least)
kākāpō, big green flightless babies. i love them so much i have a plush toy of one his name is gerald
kakaruia/black robin, ur not gonna see one of these unless you go to the chatham islands but they’re worth mentioning cause they’re very cute and i had a book about one as a kid (old blue) and because this is My list and i do what i want
waxeyes, common garden birds and very pretty and cute we get them in our feijoa trees i love them
lesser short-tailed bat because if bird of the year can include them so can i dammit. bats!! never seen one personally but they look like funky little guys. we also have the long tailed bat
tuis how have i not mentioned tuis yet. i love them so much my dads ringtone is a tui. you’ll be walking past a kōwhai tree or something and someone will go “look a tui” or “i hear a tui” and you all just stand there staring at it for a bit. beautiful
we also have penguins but to be honest with u i need to get out of bed so. perhaps i will return later with more fun facts for u also i am sorry if you already knew these things also forgive me for sending you an ask literally Out of the blue lmao i saw the neil gaiman ask and thought my country????? must inform them of things
Oh my god this is so nice?? Thank you so so much <33 Please come back with more fun facts about birds!!
I knew about some of them, but not all, so this is super interesting- I love birds and particularly water birds (I’m also super excited to finally see some albatrosses since we don’t have them in europe and they’re one of my favourite birds)
Also i can’t believe piwakawakas like to follow people? that’s so wild to me all birds i’ve ever met are shy to humans and even the ones that are not (eg pigeons and seagulls) still keep their distance, especially in the villages im from
I can’t wait to hear a tui ahhh <3
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 9 months ago
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Also woo, I shill JIGOKU all day and all night. You are entitled to therapy and questions of consern for your mental well being from me. The rest of this reblog is going to be me yelling about Hell Screen stuff. I need more work understanding this peice and this is my excuse. Also, I am like the narrartor but biased toward Yoshihide instead so obligitory take everything I say with a grain of salt.
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Why are you sacrifcing little boys, oh great Emperor of Horikawa?
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OR or, lets think for a bit. On your knees in prayer, PRAYING NOT TO DIE. FUck. YOu.
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I dont know anything about hiarchy but what is he supposed to do, poor painter man, interupt the high people's oh so coveted time and risk punishment? All he needed was a model to paint, if they looked pretty or accurate, what the fuck does rank in the palace matter?
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This one feels like foreshadowing to a reason why Yoshihide would want his daughter away from this fucking Lord of Horikawa man. Yoshihide is just being used as a scapegoat here. That sounds like Mr. Lord Of Horikawa did something to them.
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Ohh this is where that quote came from. I've already read this several times but my adhd brain has a habit of just skimming.
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Single father. What the fuck do you mean "Not above hiring street thugs." What else can he afford or get if people keep calling him ugly names beheind his back, you need to protect your child. Yeah? Yeah?
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That's called Focusing On Your Work. WHat man. What.
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How else is he supposed to research? In fact, why is there a corpse on the roadside you fuck? Is Lord Of Horikawa not doing his best to govern his citizens? Is he running them over with his ox? He's too busy fucking woman, aint he? I don't fucking know.
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This is after the nightmare, this is not even Yoshihide at any worse, man is having a night terror and you still feel the need to demonize him.
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My guess is Yoshihide knows he needs to strangle someone, so he picked someone who looked strong and bulky who could handle getting choked, but this is just be thinking very generously. Of course, no one wants to get choked so he doesn't go, "Im going to choke you for a while." because that's not Yoshihide's style. People are already demonizing him, no sane person is going to agree to letting him get choked.
ALSO MR NARRATOR SERVANT MAN, YOU ARE JUST WATCHING. I guess from your point of view, it wouldn't make sense to object to such a *sigh* unreasonable grumpy stubborn old man and there might be socio-political factors but come on. Stop acting like you care. You don't seeem to. You ass.
Then snake comes out of no where some how, legitimate shock to everyone. That's not Yoshihide's fault.
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This scene, fine. Whatever. I can't completly defend Yoshihide here when the owl comes for the child. He should have known better not to touch a bird that might not fully trust him, even if its feeding, esspecially from the back. They are sadly not that chill, you just got this bird Yoshihide. You have not developed a relationship with this bird, I own birds, I don't own birds of prey and their temperments are probably diffrent compared to a bird who is prey as opposed to a predator raptor, but you can't preen or touch them if they don't know you.
But, I don't think he threw the owl at the apprentice on purpose, that's my headcanon. He only got up to paint because it was already happening in front of him and he needed to hussle.
It clearly says "Yoshihide was a man who simply hated to have anyone pry into his business, ... he would never let his apprentices know what kinds of things he had in his studio." Moments later, Yoshihide answers the young apprentice, YOU DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT SOMEONE TO BE TALKING TO THEM AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. LET ME FOCUS ON WHAT IM DOING WHILE TALKING TO YOU, I DONT MEAN TO BE RUDE, OK? ITS THE AUTISM. I KNOW YOUR THERE, ITS NOT NATURAL FOR ME TO LOOK AT YOU. WHAT THE FUCK DO I LOOK AT? Your nose? Your cheek? If I look into your eyes, that's akward for me, ok? Almost vomited just thinking about it. Ill look at you in the eyes I guess but some people find that hostile so what do you want?
I think Yoshihide legitimatly called the other apprentinces to help out this other apprentice being mauled by the owl and its also dark, and then the snake again. After that, the apprentice is fine. Hes fine, you didn't say anything about that, Mr Narrator Servant Man.
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Because hes stressed. I also would stay away from someone who is STRESSED. OK? (I like having beef with fictional characters, its fun and no one gets hurt most of the time.) This is the only way to get his daughter back, he thinks. Hes begging for it, praying for it.
Skipping SA scene but this is a big reason why I really don't like Horikawa. Im also skipping around because I'm getting tired.
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Horikawa you bitch.
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Mr. Narrator Bitch Ass Servant Simp still needs to shoot the artist while hes down, eh?
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I have problems deciphering this part. The narrator switches sides breifly. Yoshihide just feels so much contempt because his one and only daughter and their monkey was just burnt in a carriage. It's easy to say its beautiful as an outside observer but come on, that's his daughter. It's a complex feeling beyond rage because on one hand, your finnished. This was the best way to end the art. On the other, still your family memeber getting burnt and catching on fire. He's broken. Fuckass Horikawa should be fucking sad. He should be ashamed.
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Fuck you and your fucking shit Horikawa. FUck you. FUck you. This is such an ABUSER RESPONSE. Abusive fucking response you shit. This is how abusers rationalize hitting their children, ok? To punish and teach them a lesson, get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck, the termites in their time machines better get to you faster than I will you peice of shit.
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Fuck you. You people suck. Yoshihide and Yuzuki and Yoshihide (the monkey) deserve better then this. He has nothing left but his art. Your lucky as shit he event had the drive to finnish the peice before his death. God, and then you just forget him, just like most artist are treated. You saw the art, you enjoy the art, you don't give a shit that their blood, sweat and tears went into that peice. Labor. They don't get to see their families sometimes, they get demonized, they get mocked, art is very underappreciated as a medium that can change lives and hearts and thoughts thinking, rewritting, and me as an individual am no diffrent to that, someone who also takes a lot in their life forgranted. I'm getting heated for no reason. I'm using targeted langauge but this isn't an academic essay, this is me wanting to put letters to post. I need to learn more about this courtship culture and this higharchy to get more off this text, im doing it such a dissevice.
But yes, unreliable ass narrator. I will throw hands with him any day of the week. That is all I can say.
Hell Screen
narrator: Yoshihide was an artist that everyone hated and who was an awful person, but his daughter was kind and sweet and everyone loved her so we all kinda tolerated her dad
Yoshihide: I would do anything for my daughter, Yuzuki. I can't paint something unless I've seen it with my eyes.
Yuzuki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filial_piety
Lord Horikawa: You've painted some nice art for me. I'll do literally any favor for you now.
Yoshihide: Can you release my daughter from your service
Lord Horikawa: no. fuck you
narrator: he wasn't in love with her or anything, he just felt bad that Yoshihide was her only family.
Lord Horikawa: Also I'm commissioning a massive scene of the Buddhist Hell, artist who can't paint something without having seen it
Yoshihide: ok
[various agonies of Yoshihide's apprentices]
[psychological agonies of Yoshihide also]
Yuzuki: [is seen growing unhappier and more stressed as the days go by]
narrator: people are saying Lord Horikawa's forcing himself upon her. this is false because he is too cool. this is Yoshihide's fault
[incident in which the narrator encounters Yuzuki fleeing from what was clearly assault]
narrator: yeah
Yoshihide: I'm almost done with the painting. I just need to see a maiden burn in a carriage so I can paint it
Lord Horikawa: okay [puts Yuzuki in a carriage and burns it]
narrator: stop saying it's because she didn't reciprocate his love it was clearly to punish Yoshihide for being so fucked up. I know this is true because Lord Horikawa said so
-- End --
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