#i need the compliments and i'll get them wherever i can
lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode five (pt. 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
I KNEW IT!!! There were four towels in the gift dae woong (ki ho's childhood friend) gave to mr jung (ki ho's father). He said there's one for each of us, meaning one for the dad, one for the mom, one for ki ho and the last for ki ho's sibling. So that means bo geol is ki ho and woo hak is ki ho's older brother. I'VE CONNECTED THE DOTS.
Agh! I'm so mad!!! i don't want president hwang to be swayed by lee seo jun's offer. Please refuse it so ran joo can become the majority shareholder of rnj.
I didn't expect the show to give us the whole backstory on ran joo's singing career. So, president hwang gave up his job and abandoned his family to make ran joo famous. And then she left him to go to lee seo jun's company. He must feel a lot of regret and I hope he didn't sign the contract lee seo jun offered him. I want to believe he still has a little bit of room in his heart to help ran joo.
The parallel between president hwang lashing out at ran joo and ran joo lashing out at mok ha is so clever. I hope ran joo learns from her mistakes and doesn't take mok ha for granted. Like president hwang said, "we tend to take it out on the kindest pushovers" and then the camera pans to mok ha. She's apologized to ran joo when she wasn't even in the wrong, she forgave her quickly, she's doing the most to help ran joo's album sale goal and yet it seems ran joo only hoped mok ha would magically hear her apology when she (ran joo) didn't say it out loud to her (mok ha).
Hilarious how both ran joo and mok ha forgot to talk about album sales with president hwang and bo geol being the one to remind them lmao
I like how president hwang saw right through seo jun. He knew as soon as he signed the contract, lee seo jun would discard him. Finally someone with a brain and using it against lee seo jun!!!
Nice parallel between the two brothers. Bo geol at the beginning of the episode affirming he doesn't know ki ho, but still letting mok ha know he must be doing okay. And woo hak at the end of the episode letting her know he saw ki ho and he's doing well. Each brother taking a different approach to it but still reassuring her ki ho is alive and okay.
So dae woong got into an accident after he tried dissuading mr jung to find ki ho.
Okay so here's my theory as to why woo hak keeps having these flashbacks. So, as I confirmed from the towels (and the mugs in mr jung's seoul house), there are four members in the family: mr jung, his now ex-wife, ki ho and his brother. Woo hak keeps having these flashbacks that happen in the seoul house, not in the chunsam island house. I think woo hak is ki ho's brother that mr jung manage to keep with him when ki ho escaped. Mr Jung is mad about it and takes it out on the other sibling aka woo hak. Woo hak's amnesia must have happened around that time when during one of his bursts of anger, Mr Jung hit woo hak on the head and it was so violent woo hak ended up having amnesia. I'm not sure about that but I wanted to share my thoughts with whoever's reading this.
Okay so the plot thickened a lot and I am not ready for what happens next hahaha laughing in pain emoji.
This episode has developed a lot of storylines and it made me excited more like fearful for what will happen next. It's a 9.75/10 for me
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samofmine · 1 month
"de, can i do yours next time?" sam says, big smile on his face, wiggling his feet excitedly as he watches dean painting his nails with a light shade of pink.
"no way, sammy" dean says, "stop moving or i'm gonna screw it up."
he gives sam a stern look, holding his leg still.
sam sighs, "you'd look good with it, though. i could paint yours green! to match your eyes."
dean shakes his head.
no way in hell he'd ever do that. what would dad think?
sam came up with this idea and dean agreed to do it, because there's very little dean won't agree to when sam asks, but only while dad was away and as long as he'd take it off before he came back.
the next day, dean took him to the mall and bought a set of nail polish of different colors. sam was happier than he'd been in a long time and dean felt proud of himself. he was an awesome big brother.
one day, though, john caught them. sam was wearing a red nail polish. he didn't say anything, just gave dean one of those looks that got him sweaty and nervous.
after that, sam doesn't feel the need to hide it from dad anymore.
"see? i told you he wouldn't even notice!"
but yeah, he noticed. dean is glad sam didn't realize it.
but there's no way dad would be cool if dean were to do it.
he finishes the last nail and applies some oil.
"you know the trick. careful with your hands."
sam holds his palms in the air, admiring dean's work.
"i think this one's my favorite." he smiles, showing it to dean.
sam has nice hands.
dean misses when they would hold hands all the time, sam demanding to be by his side wherever they went.
the pale pink color contrasts with his pale skin. he looks softer, prettier even. something in dean's mind makes him want to lock sam up and stop people from seeing him. he knows how to deal with this feeling now, ignoring it until it fades almost completely. almost.
"yeah, pink is definitely your color, baby brother." he messes with sam's hair as he teases, but sam doesn't get dean's tone and just smiles as if he just heard the best compliment ever.
"thanks, de." sam leans in and kisses his cheek, like he always does after dean finishes painting his nails, and dean can't help but melt every time.
"any time." he says softly. he means it.
sam needs to get ready for school and he complains that he should have dressed and brushed his hair first because now he can't use his hands. and dean just pretends he didn't think about that.
"stop whining." he says, dressing sam up in fresh clothes.
sam watches while he brushes his hair. it's getting too long again, but dean won't let him know. he likes it like this.
dean pats his knee when he's done, "alright, i'll start the car, go get your stuff."
dean drives him to school and watches sam talking with his friends, showing off his painted nails, and his chest fills with pride from being the one who did it.
(something in him wants to mark sammy in other ways, have him showing off more things he can leave on his body. he ignores that as well.)
maybe he should get the damn green nail polish. sammy holding his hand carefully, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he tries to do a good job, his attention fully on dean the entire time... yeah, that's too tempting.
he drives to the store right away.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 2 months
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"Fuck why am I even considering this??? I've already completely destroyed my tits. I don't know what I was thinking! They were so big and soft and fun to play with. I fantasized every day about getting them mangled and chopped up, cut to bits! Men absolutely loved them, I couldn't go out without guys grabbing them and having some fun, which I always encouraged. I was a OO-Cup, it would've been selfish for me to keep them all to myself and not let them grope me wherever I went. But in the last couple months before my reduction I started asking the men how they'd feel if I got my tits chopped off. Some reacted in horror, others told me they'd love to see my breasts get destroyed in many creative ways. I wanted to indulge some of those fantasies, and boy did I ever when I was alone at night... but I had to be somewhat reasonable and just ask for a reduction by a professional surgeon and not some TikTok dude chopping off girls' boobs in his garage for cheap.
Nope! I proved I still have some control..... even though my breast destruction fantasies had totally consumed my life. It started to be all I'd talk about. If I saw a big breasted girl I'd tell whoever I was with she'd look awesome if she had her boobs chopped off. I did the same with women in the restroom, I'd tell them I'm doing it and they should totally go flat. I think I convinced like twenty some girls to have their boobs reduced or totally removed..... I feel like a total freak for doing it but it turns me on to no end. I even confided to my surgeon that I was going down to a B-Cup because the thought of 'ruining' my breasts was my biggest turn on. He assured me I was far from the first girl to say that. But he warned me I'll still be greedy and want to have my perky little B-Cups cut off....
Everything was fine for like three months. I loved showing off my new, although very scarred boobs. I never wore a bra. Soooo many girls asked me who my surgeon was and complimented 'what an amazing job he did', like it was this huge accomplishment that I paid a man to cut apart and maim my breasts, then throw most of them away in the trash. I encourage every busty girl I see to get a reduction, even if they're only a DD. I love showing my before/after pics and watching their jaws drop. I wish I wasn't so turned on by this! It's amazing how many girls with big 'perfect' tits you can easily talk into getting a reduction or even double mastectomy. You just have to tell them they'd be so much hotter without those big bouncing weights dragging them down. My favorite was calling their breasts 'excess fat', that always did the trick. Or if they had big fake boobs I'd tell them they'd be so much prettier without all that plastic stuffed in their breasts. Even if their implants were glamorous and looked natural I'd tell them they should really have them yanked out, since they're so unflattering.....
Then one day I slipped up. I told a girl with gorgeous JJ-Cup boobs that I went down to a B-Cup and she totally should, too. She agreed and said she'd been considering it for ages and I gave her the push she needed! But I added after that, 'I'm still thinking of going smaller'. She seemed surprised but told me good luck and she said I'd look hot totally flat chested. So I started telling more women I was thinking of going flat...... Guess what? I'm having the rest of my boobs removed on Monday! I know, they look so cute and I do really like them, but I also loved my OO-Cups..... Fuck I can't believe I'm going to completely chop them off. The really perverted thing is.... all I can think about is how much easier it'll be to convince more girls to go for double mastectomies and just pull the Band-Aid and get their boobs chopped off completely. I'm already salivating just thinking of all the big fat titties I'm going to get destroyed with my friendly advice.....❤️"
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spidernuggets · 5 months
this is so tropey and cliché yet I cannot help but adore it sooo a calm chill peace n love pacifist type of gal who only uses computer skills/detective skills/whatnot for the titans but never violence. that is until some asshat takes jason hostage and reader to the sheer shock of everyone goes deathstroke level violent, demolishes everything, sneaks out alone to single handedly rescue jason whilst the titans are still tryna figure out a plan, and jason wakes up back in titans tower to find out that it wasn't a team effort to get him back, that reader did it all alone and killed the people who took him, jason is maybe a lil shit and is all thanks but I had the situation under control, and then he asks why she cares so much and she's like I don't but if they killed you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself 😊 👉👈
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Note: I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING SO LONG TO GET THIS OUT, BABES!!! I'M IN MY FINAL YEAR OF SCHOOL, AND I HAVE EXAMS LIKE EVERY WEEK REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CRIES. ALSO, the first part of this fic is kinda based on Jason and Gar's little moment before they go down to the subways.
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"What are you doing now, nerd?" Jason walks into the computer room where yoh sat in front of the downgraded version of the Bat Computer. He leans against the edge, budging your leg with his to get your attention.
"That name is hypocritical, theatre nerd," you bite back.
"Holy shit, they're thespians, not theatre nerds."
"Same difference. Anyways, if you must know, Arkham Asylum's system broke down. Dick asked me to help them fix it. It's fine now, but a bunch of crims broke out. Some are back in, but a few handfuls are still out there. No one above Riddler level. We'll be fine," you say, leaning back on the chair, hands resting behind your head.
"Need any help, babe?" He asks.
You'd be a pathological liar if you said all the nicknames he gave you didn't make your face heat up. You always liked Jason. He has the smart potential that everybody else seems to refuse to see. But you appreciate it.
You shrug. "I dunno. You can if you want, I'm just trying to find where these criminals would be next. But it just looks like they're breaking in and stealing shit from wherever. They pick one building and then move on to a whole different area," you frown, unable to find a pattern.
Jason squints at the big screen. "Hey, zoom into that street over there," he points to the corner of the city's map. You furrow your brows, but oblige. "They're not targeting random buildings, sweet thing," he mutters.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Look. See those buildings there? They already have past records of breaking and entering, and robbery. These Arkham crims are targeting untouched places." Jason says, observing the area.
You then go on your own computer, searching the history of crime through Gotham. Sure, the majority of residents were witnesses or victims to these crimes, but there's still places that have been safe for a good while.
"Hey, all these buildings. I know them." He adds. "Bruce enforced higher security. They're aiming for Wayne Enterprise sponsored buildings!"
"How did I miss that?" You whisper to yourself. "Fuck, Jason, your a bloody genius." You missed the whiplash he got, looking at you in awe for such a simple compliment. "Alright, let me just go mark these locations and I'll go and let Dick know."
"Woah, woah," Jason holds your shoulder. "He doesn't need to know. He's already so busy. I'll handle them. You said it yourself, 'we'll be fine'." He says proudly.
You sighed. "Jay, I know you'd be fine. What's not fine is knowing for a fact that you'd show no mercy and probably make all of them bite the curb." You crossed your arms, folding one leg over your other.
"Ugh, c'mon, Y/n. I promise I won't, and I promise I'll be safe. Dick and the other guys need to know that I can do shit on my own!" He starts to beg. You always knew how important Robin is to him. You were actually impressed about how passionate he was to a mask.
You sighed again, staring at the floor while thinking. "Fine. But you need to be wired. At least be in contact with me. The moment you get into trouble, you call me, I'll get the others to help."
"Why don't you just come out with me? I know you git them badass combat skills?" Then, Jason gives you those eyes for when he asks you for something, and shamefully, you always give in. Not this time.
"Jay, you know why. Even just giving someone a oetty slap just doesn't do it for me."
"Yeah, yeah I know. But if you're ready to throw a punch, make sure I'm there to see," Jason winks as he's about to leave to suit up. But you call out to him.
"Jason." He turns. "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Not to me at least," you gave him a sympathetic look. Jason just gives a slight nod in return before turning again and leaving to get ready.
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"You sent Jason out there?!" Dick storms into your room without knocking.
You were sat on your bed, holding your hands up. "Woah, man, I could've been changing or something," you say nonchalantly. "Jason will be fine, Dick. He is capable enough of defending himself. Besides, I have him wired, so if he needs help, he can contact me." You say, eyes focused on the laptop placed on your legs.
"Okay, genius, then why did Hank inform me just now that Jason's unresponsive and that his tracker has been disconnected!" Dick yells at you. You stop typing.
"I'm sorry," you choke out a sarcastic laugh, getting off your bed, walking out of your room, Dick following suit. "What? It sounds like you're saying someone cut off all connections that Jason has to us," you said, hoping that you heard wrong or that it was some lame, insensitve prank. You walk into the debriefing room, where the other Titans were. And to prove what Dick said was true, the screens showed that there were no signs of Jason, his tracker, or his wire.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." Dick replies sternly. "Jason's gone missing, possibly kidnapped. Why didn't you tell me he was going out?! Why didn't you tell us?"
Hank chimes in. "Yeah, kid. You know how reckless Jason can be-"
You chucked your laptop to the wall, completely smashing it, the screen chipping everywhere, and the keys scattering across the floor. It instantly made the room dead silent.
You stayed silent, too. You said nothing, giving the others no explanation to your sudden, quiet outburst, and headed back to your room.
From behind you can hear Dick sigh, and preoare everyone to find Jason.
You had other plans.
You didn't know where Jason could be. But from the tracker, you can pinpoint his last known location. Not that you told Dick or even Bruce, but you managed to connect your smartwatch to Jason's tracker. No, you are not a stalker... is what you always repeated to yourself. You just wanted to be the first one to always be sure that your spontaneous friend is okay. And look at what good it's doing.
Opening your closet, deep in the back, situated your throwing knives and flame thrower.
"Come to mama," you whispered. Sure, the use of violence is more or less a disturbance to you. But these assholes have your friend hostage. And you know that if you stay with the others, they'd slow you down.
You packed a backpack with everything you think you'd need, and you climbed out your window and ran to where Jason was seen last. You didn't have a hero suit of your own, seeing as you refused to kick ass with the others. Oh, well, you thought. A face mask would do you good.
You ended up in the outskirts of the city. There was no noise, and no Jason. But there was blood. Possibly his.
Unfortunately, there were only splatters and no trails that could guide you.
"Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" A deeo, raspy voice said behind you.
You turn around and tilted your head. "Hello. I'm lookin' for a friend. About yay high, black domino mask, Christmas coloured superhero suit with an R on the left breast of the chest plate. Goes by the name Robin. You seen him anywhere?" You politely ask.
The gruffy man hummed. "Hmm. Show me what you're made of little lady, and I might spill a secret or two," he disgustingly smirks.
You shrug. "Since you asked so nicely." Swiftly, you threw a knife at him, slicing right through his shoulder as the man howls in agony.
"YOU BITCH," he screams.
You slowly walk up to him, and right as he tries to throw a punch, you dug, slicing his leg with another one of your knives, making him tumble to the concrete.
As he lays on his back, you tower over him, your foot resting on top of the knife that was impaled through his shoulder, making him cry out in pain.
"Now you listen to me, pretty little thing," you smile, mocming him. "After this, you're going to live. Because the sight of a dead body makes me gag. But the catch is," You reach for your flamethrower from your back, pointing it to the man's crotch as he whimpers in fear. "You're gonna be walkin' around with a fried dick. So what's it gonna be? Giving me a location? Or giving yourself a grilled sausage?"
You blink twice before he yells and reveals where Jason is. "Thank you so much, sweetie," you smiled, moving the flamethrower away and your foot lifting off the knife, turning to go find your friend.
He sighs out in relief, but you then turn back around. Saying nothing else, you point the flamethrower at his face, setting it off, letting the flames char his skin.
You hide behind crates in a dimly lit, abandoned warehouse, trying to search for Jason. You then go into a different room, and upon going in, you see a figure tied up in a chair, mouth covered in a dirty rag and a blindfold over his eyes.
My poor- shit. I mean. Poor Jason. You think.
The room was empty. It's an opportunity for you to help him. You cut the ropes, take the rag, and blindfold off.
"Jay?" You whispered. "Jason, wake up, c'mon we gotta go." It was no use.
"So you're the little gal burning up faces," another rough voice says.
You stand up straight, facing the significantly larger man in front of you. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm the average height," you complained, crossing your arms.
The man grunts, snapping his fingers. Then, what seemed to be a whole army of men dressed in black and white striped jumpsuits appeared from every corner, with crooked grins and nasal chuckles.
"Naw, but you'd be cut, chopped, and sliced into little pieces after we're done with you, little thing," he smiles.
"All of you against me?" You pouted. Well, that's just not fair, is it? How about a little disadvantage for you guys." You threw knives in all light sources, smashing the bulbs, now with the only source of ligbt being the moon shining out from a window or two.
You quickly whip out night vision goggles, activating them and your flamethrower ready in your hands.
You start blasting at all the men that attempt (and failed) to attack you, quickly burning their faces, hands, legs, all over their bodies.
All you could hear were the sounds of their writhing pain. You also made sure to stay close to Jason, making sure no one tried to hurt him.
Just as you were about to roast another guy, your flamethrower suddenly ran out of fuel.
"Well, shit," you muttered to yourself. "Old fashioned, it is."
You used the flamethrower itself as a combat weapon, hurling it through their guts and crotches, any of their most vulnerable areas.
The last guy to go down was the supposed leader. You smash the flamethrower into his head, probably leaving a dent, and he falls to the ground. You then take out any knives that remain, stabbing them through bith his shoulders and shins.
You took out your remaining anger and adrenaline out on him by using the flamethrower, striking it against his abdomen.
"Asshole! Perveted! Kidnapping! Ugly! Son! Of! A! Bitch!" You exclaim with every blow.
You pants, looking around the room full of unconscious men. Even the one in the cape.
You lift him up, throwing his arm over your shoulder, beginning to haul him out of the warehouse.
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By the time Jason woke uo, his head was spinning, his throat was dry, and his vision was blurry. He sits uo, trying to stay still to focus his vision. He then notices that his shirt is off and his torso is bandaged. There were also many patches all over his face.
He slowly gets uo from bed, wincing at the pain. On his nightstand, he sees a glass of water, pills and a sticky note.
"Take the pill and drink all the water, theatre nerd
- Other Nerd."
Jason couldn't help but smile at the little message and consideration. He did as was told, swallowing the pill and gulping down the water.
Wanting to get into bed, he heard voices coming out of his room. He leans against his dokr, trying to listen.
"Half of those guys are in death threatening condition! The other half have permanently damaged bones! You killed a guy, Y/n! When the fuck do you even kill!" It was Dick. Who seemed pissed. Wait.
Did he just put your name and the word kill in the same sentence?
"What was I meant to do, Dick? Lock them up and wait for them to escape again? You and I both know the justice system is bullshit!" You spit back.
"That doesn't make you the judge of death, Y/n!"
"What-Fucking-Ever! Here's an idea! Maybe if you had just a little faith in Jason, he wouldn't feel the need to go out there! He was just trying to help! You're his older brother. Act like it!" You bite, not wanting to hear another word coming out of Dick's mouth, and stormed into Jason's room.
Too bad you didn't know he was leaning on the other side of the door.
He grunts heavily, and you shove the door against him.
"Shit! Jay, what the hell are you doing out of bed!" You scold him, taking him by the arm and leading him back to bed.
"Hello to you too, nerd," he mumbles, lying back down.
"You just wake up? How you feelin'?" Your hand rests against his face.
"I'm fine. What happened?" He replies groggily.
You sighed, sitting on the floor, resting your chin on the edge of the bed. "You got kidnapped. Your tracker and wire went offline."
"So what were you and Dick arguing about?" His brows knit together.
Your head tilted so that you were leaning on your cheek.
"Just tell me, nerd," he scoffed.
"Went to save you on my own. Killed a guy," you shamefully admitted.
He smiled in disbelief. "I thought I was fuckin' hallucinating. Fuck, wished I was conscious to see you in action. You didn't even need to get me, nerd. I had everything under control." He scoffs at the end.
"Mm.. Okay, Mr. black eye and stabbed stomach," you reply tiredly, while poking his nose.
Jason sighs and stares at the ceiling. "Thanks." He mutters.You smile.
"Hm? What was that?" You tease.
"I'm not saying it again. You know what I said."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." You admire the side of his face.
"Why? Why go through all that, Y/n? You haven't even punched a person in who knows how long. And suddenly you put people in the hospital and kill someone? I don't understand," Jason suddenly says, turning to face you.
You look back at him. "They took you."
He shook his head, unsatisfied. "No. That's bullshit. Gar and Conner got kidnapped once. You didn't kill people then."
You looked away. "They aren't you." You mumble.
"So what? What the hell's so special about me, Y/n? Why do you care so much?" Jason was confused. He wanted answers as to why someone could care so much for him. He wanted to know why someone who doesn't believe in violence would kill for him when even his own family couldn't.
"I don't," you tried to excuse yourself. "But if they killed you, I would've killed everyone, and the Titans, and then myself," you casually say, still avoiding his gaze.
Jason couldn't help but snicker. "Sounds very caring to me, nerd," he lowly says.
You hum. "Mm, whatever."
He then dramatically sighs. "You know what, sweetheart. It's pretty cold up here. And I assume the floor isn't as comfortable as the bed," there's a look of both want and need in his eyes.
You smile. "What? Wamt a blankie?" You teased.
"Fuck, just come up here," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You said nothing else. Just quickly obliged, going around to the other side of the bed, lying beside him.
"You're too far," he complains.
"I'm gonna mess up your bandages," you pout.
"You're so stubborn," Jason says, using his gokd arm to pull you closer, making your head lay on his chest.
"You're one to talk," you snap, though nestling your head into his warmth.
He just hums in response, letting his lips linger on the crown of your head.
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I'M SORRY AGAIN, ANON. this is probably lame... and I didn't know how to end it
cries 🥲
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
HI same anon from last night I’ve been going absolutely bonkers over you rambling about Bee since you posted it. I love that guy… 😭. If you want more specific (and this is only if you wanna!) do you wanna expand on maybe g1, animated or earthspark? how they’d be in a relationship, maybe? it’s totally up to you. i’m just excited to be fed good content about my favorite guy 🙏
Yes yes yes of course! I covered what Earthspark Bee would be like if he had a crush in the last ask, so I'll gladly go over what these Bees would be like in a relationship!
G1 Bumblebee
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Of these three, I think G1 Bee is the shyest, even when the two of you are already in a relationship. The puppy love doesn't wear off when you start dating with him. If he had it his way he'd trail behind you wherever you went, dopey and lovesick and unbelievably fond.
He's incredibly gentle with you, never picking you up without asking first, always checking in on you to make sure you're comfortable when he takes you for a drive. He's also a much more careful driver than the other two versions of Bee when you're riding with him. As much as he loves to feel the wind between his plates and tear up the road, he's a lot more hesitant to do so when you're his ride-along.
He loves the human cliche of getting your partner flowers, and he especially loves the way your whole face lights up when he presents them to you, even if he just spent an hour delicately picking them out of the nearby woods. He'd be a complete, flustered mess if you ever returned the favor or, better yet, went out of your way to court him in a way more familiar to Cybertronians. Bring him a cool rock or pretty gemstone you found at a hobby shop and he'll fall to pieces right there in front of you.
Whether you're a alone or in public, he absolutely melts under any affection from you. Even a kiss on the cheek can turn his processor to a staticky mess. He's so whipped for you and he absolutely loves it.
Animated Bumblebee
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Even in a relationship, he still loves to tease and play with you. Teasing is your shared love language, he shows his affection best when you're calling him a giant dork and he's responding 'Yeah, but you love this giant dork!' The only times he gets really soft and embarrassed are when you genuinely compliment him or tell him how much you love him without some silly goof to cushion the blow. You can practically see his whole faceplate glowing with the force of his blush.
Anything fun is doubly fun when he's doing it with you. Listening to music, ripping around downtown Detroit, or even just vegging out on the couch playing video games. Having you there makes everything ten times better. Even things that you enjoy that he isn't as fond of are better with you. He'll gladly watch a documentary or go stargazing if it makes you happy. Besides, you can still bounce jokes off of each other, so he'll enjoy it no matter what.
He's such a showoff about you it's adorable. He brags about you whenever the chance comes up, and NOBODY gets away with talking smack about you if he's around. Especially other bots that don't like organics, that's when he gets to his most protective.
He's not always the best at reading the room, so you need to be pretty up front with him if he ever says or does anything that genuinely upsets you. After all, teasing isn't very fun if it's something that you're genuinely self-conscious about. And he knows you'd never tease him for stuff like his height, so all you have to do is point out the lines that you don't want crossed, and he'll never let himself or anyone else cross them.
Earthspark Bumblebee
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Like Animated Bee, Earthspark be loves loves loves to go racing with you. But he's also painfully aware of how much more fragile humans are than Cybertronians, so he saves it for routes he knows like the back of his hand, or racetracks where there's absolutely no chance of you getting hurt. It makes his spark sing whenever you cheer around a tight turn, warm hands gripping his steering wheel like you never want to let go.
He's not a bragger by any definition of the word, but the people around him that know him well can tell just how proud he is of you. He gets this incredibly fond, dreamy look on his face whenever he sees you teaching the Terrans something new, like it's taking everything in him not to scoop you up and smooch you right then and there.
He's okay with casual displays of affection, hugs and chaste kisses and carrying you around in his arms or on his shoulder. But he does get pretty embarrassed if he ever gets caught in a more affectionate position with you. He can handle the teasing from the Maltobots just fine, but Primus forbid Optimus or Megatron start ribbing him for how cuddly he likes to be with you when no one else is around.
Speaking of cuddly, I think ES Bee is the MOST touchstarved out of these three. He's incredibly tactile and if he could he'd literally always be touching you, but he's been on his own for so long that he doesn't really know how to voice when he needs that kind of casual physical affection. He loves to cuddle but almost never brings it up. After all, a soft, gentle human like yourself can't possibly get as much out of cuddling a angular slab of metal as he gets out of cuddling you. Please cuddle the man, he needs it so bad.
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
A Day With Huh Yunjin (Huh Yunjin)
Author: This is a requested oneshot from my other book in Wattpad. Lastly if you want to check out more oneshots do go to my Masterlist and I hope you enjoy it :)
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Waking up to a beautiful sunrise, I looked over at my bed to see the missing presence of my gorgeous girlfriend which made me wonder where she could've gone.
Suddenly, I smelled a delicious aroma of food coming downstairs from the kitchen, I got up from my king-sized bed and walked down the stairs to see Yunjin-Noona cooking breakfast.
Quietly as she was occupied with cooking pancakes, I snuck a backhug making her jump a little before becoming a giggling mess.
"You almost gave me a heart attack baby," She said and I chuckled.
"Well I can't help it Noona, you are just so beautiful," I replied as I kept hugging her.
"Okay birthday boy, can you please get yourself cleaned?" She kindly asked and I nodded.
Letting go of Yunjin, I ran upstairs to shower and brush my teeth, I went back downstairs to see that Yunjin was finished cooking breakfast.
She placed the food on the table, I wasted no time digging in as Yunjin did the same enjoying her fruits of labor.
"Do you have anything particular you want to do for your birthday?" She asked.
"Uhm, not really, I just want to be with you," I answered and she smiled.
"Always cute aren't you~? But are you sure you want to stay home?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Unless you have something planned then I'll be more than happy to go with it," I replied and she nodded.
"Is the mall cool with you?" She proposed and I agreed.
As soon as we finish eating breakfast, Yunjin takes the dishes and cleans them up, we get dressed, and go into the garage into her car.
The drive was about ten minutes long until we reached the shopping center, she parked in an open stall and we got out.
Making our way into the shopping plaza, there were so many stores to browse and shop, but I followed Yunjin wherever she went, which is the Lego store.
"I thought you never liked being here," I mentioned.
"Which one do you want? The UCS Venator?" She asked and my eyes widened.
"W-What?" I stuttered and she giggled.
"You heard me right? Which set do you want?" She asked and I gulped.
Pointing at the UCS Venator she nods, she takes the huge ass set from the shelf and places it on the cashier's counter after waiting in line for a bit.
"Is this all for today?" He asked as he rang it up.
"Yes please," She answered.
"Alright that will be $619," He said and she paid with her card.
Putting the set into a giant bag, he handed over the receipt to her and wished us a good day, and we thanked him before we left the store.
Left totally in shock that Yunjin-Noona actually paid for a $600 Lego set that I've been saving up for months now, she pecks me on the cheek.
"You lucky that I love you so much," She mentioned.
"B-But you didn't have to, Noona..." I mumbled and she giggled.
"It's your birthday baby and I've been so busy with my Idol life so it's the least I can do for you," She assured and I sighed.
Continuing shopping and browsing the numerous stores, she kept on spoiling me with expensive gifts and shit which I'm not complaining but damn this is too much.
However, she takes me into a Victoria's Secret making me blush as there were so many pairs of underwear and lingerie on display.
"Are you okay?" She checks.
"N-Noona, did you really have to bring me here?" I nervously asked.
"Oh, cutie, I just needed your opinion," She answered and I gulped.
Choosing some pairs of lingerie, panties, and bras, she took my hand and dragged me into the dressing room and I waited outside the stall.
"What do you think of this?" She asked wearing sexy black lingerie.
"Oh my God... It looks so good," I complimented and she smirked.
"Okay then," She noted and went back inside to change.
Patiently waiting for her to change, she comes out five minutes later with a different pair of panties and bras nearly exposing her clit and breasts.
"How about this?" She asked and she began posing.
Thankfully, I was able to control my hormones, I gave my critique to her and she noted them before going back into the changing stall making me sigh in relief.
Knowing her antics, I figured that she had something special planned for me tonight and she knows that lingerie and revealing panties drive me nuts.
After changing back into her outfit, she paid for the lingerie along with the panties and bras and we continued browsing the various stores.
"Are you hungry?" She asked and my stomach growled.
"I take that as a yes," She pointed out and I embarrassingly nodded.
Walking to the food court on the other side of the mall, we went to a ramen shop ordered ramen bowls for lunch, and paid for the bill.
"How is it?" She asked.
"It's delicious, thank you for the meal, Noona," I thanked her and she smiled.
"Anything for my precious birthday boy~," She replied before patting my head.
Enjoying the ramen bowls, we finished shopping around the mall, placed our stuff into the backseat of her car, and drove back home.
Later on, she informed me that her members were coming over for my birthday party making me excited.
Around late afternoon, I was working on the UCS Lego Venator set when I heard the doorbell ring I looked at the camera to see it was her bandmates so I went downstairs to the door and opened it to let them inside.
"Hello, Noonas!" I greeted.
"Happy birthday, cutie!" Chaewon greeted and hugged me.
"Yah, back off Unnie~!" Yunjin said as she gently pushed her off of me.
"Aww~. What's the matter Yunjin, afraid I'm going to steal your baby~?" She teased and Yunjin hugged me tightly.
"No one touches my baby except for me~!" She said before pouting making the girls laugh their ass off.
Afterward, we set up the party, Zuha-Noona placed the cake onto the table along with delicious food that they cooked earlier along with fruit punch and drinks.
"Shall we get started?" Chaewon-Noona asked and the girls cheered.
Throughout the whole night, the girls sang karaoke covers of their own songs and other group's songs. Eventually, Yunjin-Noona and Manchae forced me to sing even though I didn't want to but I did it anyway just for the hell of it.
"Wow, you did so well, baby, maybe you should debut with us!" Yunjin-Noona complimented.
"N-No, Noona, I could never!" I argued and they giggled.
"Well, you never know until you try!" Manchae encouraged.
After singing our last song, we went to the kitchen dining table, ate the food, and moved on to cutting the cake after they all sang Happy Birthday to me.
"Did you make a wish baby?" Yunjin-Noona asked and I nodded.
"I wish to spend the whole day with Noona!" I answered.
"Aww~ He really is a cutie~!" Kazuha cooed and I blushed.
Opening the first present from Kazuha, was a brand new pair of AirPods Pro! Jeez, they really spend this much money on me?! But I'm still grateful.
Moving on to Chaewon's present, I took the contents out of the gift bag and it was a Lego BTS set and a letter wishing me happy birthday signed by all the girls.
The rest of the girl's gifts were also expensive as shit consisting of gift cards and even their own merchandise like lightsticks and albums.
"T-Thank you girls so much, I don't know how to repay you all!" I thanked them and they smiled.
"It's nothing Y/N, we're all happy to have you with us," Chaewon replied.
When it was starting to get late and the girls had to return to their schedule tomorrow morning consisting of errands and dance practices, they all went back to their dorm.
I was up in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and changing into my pajamas, I went into the bedroom and my jaw dropped as I saw my girlfriend in lingerie.
"Hello, baby~," She said with a devious smirk.
"W-What is the meaning of this?" I nervously asked and she grabbed me by the collar before pinning me onto the bed.
"Your final birthday present~," She whispered into my ears before attacking my neck.
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Hii wanted to request a Bob headcannon, them with a French risistant
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Ahh this is a super fun idea! Admittedly, I don't know a ton about the French resistance, but I'll give it my best go! Reminder that my requests are open for BoB, MOTA, and the Pacific!
More under the cut, cut for length:
Dick Winters:
-Really impressed with your work and works with you well.
-The relationship is born from a mutual respect and friendship—combined with shared goals, it makes it easy for the two of you to connect and fall in love.
-You promise to take him to Paris one day and you are the one who accompanies him on his leave :)
-Admittedly, he does worry about you because your job puts you in the line of fire, but he trusts you and your ability to handle yourself above all else.
-Does his best to learn some French and it's very very American sounding still, but hey, he's trying haha
-Waits until the end of the war to make a move because he doesn't want to mess things up with you
Lewis Nixon:
-Enjoys getting to know you during intelligence reports and other espionage acts. Is very impressed by you. -Loves talking French culture and appreciated your music and art a ton….he’s an educated man, after all haha. -Thinks you need to let loose every now and then with a drink and definitely offers it more than once haha. -Comes to talk to you about the most random things; from strategy to drinking to his marriage problems to your life story. -Always expresses gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices you make to help Easy Co along. -Probably hooks up with you at least once and then admits he’s fallen for you shortly before the war ends lol
Ronald Speirs:
-Pretends not to listen to any of the stories about you and mostly succeeds. He just figures out the truth and has mad respect for you and your job. -Scary girlfriend with scary dog boyfriend privileges?? Sign me up. -Loves getting to work with you in any capacity and will swap tips and tricks for taking people down haha
-Please just have a hot spar session with him. It’s life changing, I promise. -Learns French quietly and on his own to better communicate with you. -Probably comes back to Europe after the war to sweep you off your feet and admit his love.
Buck Compton:
-In awe??? You’re very cool and he’s very aware of that haha. -Compliments you very sincerely and probably tries to get into whatever sports teams that you have in France. -Also a college boy who is considering doing college in Europe solely so he can see you after haha
-Learns all of your body language so he can better understand how you’re feeling about things without having to ask you plainly. -Is a great support system so please be a great support to him as well. -Invite him to come recover in France, he’ll love that!
Carwood Lipton:
-Painfully shy about being impressed by you and your skillset. But he’s also paying close attention and praising your work. -A great friend and ally to have wherever you travel. He’ll always have your back. -He’s quietly harboring a crush that he would be mortified if anyone found out. Easy Company does find out and ships you two quite a bit. -Is not going to make a move until Austria though because he knows that the war is a messy situation and relations between countries are already stressed. -Very sweet about supporting you and always checks in on your emotions and how your family is doing. He CARES okay??? -Everyone is convinced you two are going to be married one day haha.
Joe Liebgott:
-Love at first sight?? Like DAYUM he is impressed and starry eyed and immediately flirting with you the first chance he gets. -It does not go well and he needs a whole redemption friend arc where he proves himself to be a good friend first. -Has cute German pet names for you that he will never speak aloud lol. -Probably invites you to his foxhole for warmth (there’s only some slight innuendos in that instance)
-Makes a move shortly after Bastogne because that was sobering to realize mortality was so frail and it all just works out. -You are the only person he will share his chocolate with haha.
Donald Malarkey:
-Meets you on D-Day and is just ???? Shook??? Bc who are you and where did you come from and how are you so cool? -He’s super easy to talk to and connect with. He loves talking to you and hearing about your life. -Also just wants to introduce you to American food and sports haha. -Writes home to his family about you in passing and they are sus as hell about that haha
-Really gets to know you after his friends die and leave after Bastogne and relies on you a lot. You’re a great strength to him. -Probably asks you if you’d like to come home to the US with him :)
Eugene Roe:
-HE SPEAKS FRENCH, YOU SPEAK FRENCH, instant besties, if only because he understands exACTLY what you’re saying haha 🤣
-You two gravitate easily towards each other for this reason but also, it’s really nice to have someone with actual medical training on your side. -He loves hearing French folktales and legends and he’ll share some American and Cajun ones with you
-Always is the first to check on you after espionage missions or after you’ve been on the line. He wants to make sure you’re doing okay. -Honestly very devoted to you but knows that the timing isn’t right and you both have jobs to do. -But a hand hold here or there wouldn’t hurt…and neither would inviting him to France and to meet your family after the war haha
Bill Guarnere:
-An Italian American and his French S/O walk into a bar….truly the start to an iconic joke….except you two are great together?? -He falls for your devotion and the way in which you are so passionate about things. And he definitely lets you know that. -He starts planning things out pretty early on and if you don’t have any family left, he’d be happy to make an honest Italian American out of you lol. -Consistently had your back in battle and watches out for you. -Go home with him to the US after he gets injured and he’ll take care of him. You’ll get a home and a family and someone who will love you forever. -Honestly?? Too cute.
Joe Toye:
-Not about to admit that he thinks you’re badass but he certainly tells everyone else that haha
-Likes to see you relax and have fun with the guys and prioritizes making sure you feel included
-Is a great listener if you ever want to talk about how you’re feeling or what’s been going on lately
-Trains with you on shooting and hand to hand combat and is eager to learn from you as much as he wants to teach you too
-Definitely wrote back home to his family about you and admitted his feelings before Bastogne.
-Go home with him please :) he’ll love you forever
George Luz:
-This man probably has so many nicknames for you (a la Tony Stark style) and it’s a witty banter filled friendship. -He’s not afraid of telling you how he feels and is very good at watching your six in the field. -Is the type of guy to attempt horrible flirting in broken French. It’s painful for everyone haha. -Everyone is aware that you two like each other and they’re coming to with increasingly deranged ways to get you two together. -Loved hearing you talk about history and your culture and hobbies. It’s one of the few times he’s completely quiet and attentive. -Comes back to Europe in a romantic grand gesture after the war to sweep you off of your feet.
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nervocat · 1 year
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★ 📝 — notes: first writing for flufftober, first Omori writing. don't think I'll do this specific top with hsr or genshin impact but if people rlly want me too than I will.
this is strictly platonic btw and reader (you) just come over to their house, you're not siblings with anyone and is hinted to being on the younger side.
       — word count: 857 , fandom: omori , cw: omori spoilers, sorry, it's like a bittersweet moment for this.. but it's still fluff and ig with the smallest hint of angst, idek if it's that, more so hurt/comfort ig — ✦
                     " Cooking Halloween Cookies with Them "
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★ — Sunny & Mari
     Mari does most of the work like the cooking of the cookies, but you and Sunny do the icing together and help mix the cookie batter (you two sneak a bite of the raw cookie dough, but Mari notices it and just lets it slide with a stifled giggle). Sunny's cookies probably turn out better than yours if you're not experienced with this stuff, the icing being relatively straight, maybe uneven. You and Sunny decided that you would do ghosts and he would do pumpkins, Mari doing other things like witch hats, candles, black cats, the usual, but she doesn't mind. You guys normally make a minimum of 30 cookies so you can share with the others every year since Mari was 9.
     When Halloween day comes around, you bring the cookies over to wherever a Halloween party is being held between the friend group and the cookies are always the best. Whenever it's your guy's turn to make the cookies for this year, it's always good.
     Even after the death of Mari and since Sunny shut himself away, you brought cookies to his door every Halloween with Kel to remind him that you're there for him and to remind him of the good times. ☆
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✦ — Hero & Kel
     Again, Hero does most if not all the work while you and Kell goof off. Hero's not mad at all, quite the opposite, and you two normally get only about 3 cookies decorated, which were a couple ghosts and a black cat and a pumpkin. You two eat a lot of the raw cookie dough and he has to scold you guys after your third bite.
     "Kel, [name], you've eaten six total raw cookies, you're lucky I made more batter than needed."
     "Sorry Hero.." You and Kel say in unison, looking away from Hero and each other while you fidgeted with your fingers with your heads down. Hero just sighed and let out a breath of laughter, patting both of your guy's heads while Hero and Kels mom watched on in the back with a smile.
     The friend group loves Hero's cookies. They're always just right and look very nice and people can always tell who decorated what cookie since your guy's is a little messy (especially Kels). You and Kels cookies taste the same though, and Aubery teases you two about your messy decorating job and it turns into a mini playful fight — like always, the others just laugh to themselves.. other than Sunny of course, who just watches on from his sisters side.
     After Maris death, you two made it your mission to get good at making cookies and with the help of Kel and Hero's mom, you succeed, and try to get Hero to have some when Halloween comes around. You two always notice how the couple of cookies you gave him are gone the next day. ✧
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★ — Aubrey
      She's actually a pretty good cook. Aubrey always comes over to your house to make them though and if you also don't have the best home life, you go to Mari and Sunny's house to make them. The group likes her cookies and she adds her own little flare to the cats, hats, ghosts and whatever else she decides to make by adding something pink to them. She really does love to cook with you and it always reminds her that her friends and you are there for her.
     She likes to have quality time with her friends and teases Kel for not being able to cook cookies or decorate them properly, which is just playful banter the two have and they still are good friends. Whenever Hero or Mari compliments her cooking, she always beams at the praise and hugs them, to which they reciprocate with gentle laughter.
      Even after Maris death and everyone kinda ditched her, you made sure to stick by her side throughout all her changes and even though her group tells her to ditch you, she can't get rid of her cookie cooking buddy, and still has the little flare to her cookies when it's Halloween. ✧
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★ — Basil
     Doesn't actually know how to cook very well. He focuses more on gardening and taking pictures so he doesn't really find much need to cook complex things like cookies. If you're good at cooking, you show him how to make it and if not, Polly helps you two. Basil's very good at decorating though, and he loves to decorate the cookies with you. He decided to make Halloween colored flowers while you made the typical Halloween stuff.
     The group likes how Basil does his cookies even if he didn't exactly cook them himself. When the group and you are just hanging out, like always, he takes pictures of you all and makes sure he gets the cookies in there as well.
     After Maris death, you notice he becomes more jumpy and skittish, but either way, he still makes the cookies with you every Halloween and thoroughly enjoys doing it. It's one of the things that kept him grounded when Mari died and helped him temporarily forget his involvement in the incident. ☆
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🌊 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ 📖
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Hi there! I was just wondering if i could request headcanons for knives and what he looks for in a partner (not that he would actively look but what would make him fall for the reader) and also what would make him and smile and laugh? I feel like he has the cutest laugh and we all know how beautiful his smile is!
If youre not comfortable with that, thats totally fine! Thank you though!
Yo. I'm doing smaller requests for now bc we went to a family thing today and that burns me out apparently. I'll write the other stuff later. For now I'm rolling with headcanons.
What makes you happy? --- Millions knives
SUMMARY: Headcanons of what knives wants in a relationship and what makes him happy.
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To Knives, honesty and loyalty are two of his biggest needs. To be honest with him is to always speak the truth, how you feel, what you think, if he scares you... He wants to know it all and he wants to know it's the truth. Being loyal to him is for you to never mistreat him, it's not about following orders and it's not following in blind trust. Loyalty is to stay by his side, confide in him about your problems, being able to disagree with him and have your own thoughts. He doesn't want a mindless slave, he already has plenty of those, he just wants someone who's not afraid to say what they think.
He likes someone who's independent and doesn't need someone else to care for them. That includes basic needs. Knives likes to have peace of mind that you can care for yourself if he's not there. That makes his day to day much easier not having to watch someone constantly. Knives is however, a thorough enjoyer of keeping his partner company wherever they go. Sometimes, he doesn't want space and others he does. If his partner can understand that then it works out perfectly in the end.
Playing piano is just one of his past times. Though it's often you'll find yourself accompanying him while he plays these well drawn out tunes. This piqued your interest and you wanted to know how to play. Knives was against it at first but later on allowed you to watch him play and copy after him. He likes watching you try and piece together what he shows you and he even watches you try to play when you think he's not around. He enjoys the fact that you take interest in his hobbies.
Knives loves it when someone can sit down and listen to him rant for hours on end without cutting the conversation short or not really listening. You like listening to him talk and watching you intently stare at him when he rants makes his heart swell. Even better than this he loves in-depth conversations, not many are or have been close enough for such conversations to happen so any one who slips into this with ease is of interest.
When you actively try to get to know him, he feels seen or validated by the fact that you want to know him for who he really is and not who he comes off to be. Just mindless chatter while he talks about himself makes him feel content enough to place his trust in them. It takes a lot to fully earn his trust and it seems like there's so many barriers to break down but it's really a compliment to his personality.
When you finally learn to play a song for him on the piano, he's over the moon. To have someone else composing even an already written song for him is so personal. Just watching you intently stare at the keys as you focus is enough to make a smile break out onto his face.
Your curiosity at times makes him chuckle or laugh. You're so persistent to learn about all these different things that he tells you or shows you that it's entertaining. You show a willingness to learn and he loves that about you.
Vash isn't very big on physical touch however he loves it whenever you play with his hair. He likes how you'll braid random strands together for him to untangle later. He smiles every time he sees one, it reminds him of how gentle your hands work away at his head.
Though knives doesn't have to eat he still sits with you while you eat dinner anyways. He likes to sit and listen to you ramble on about your day, it makes him happy when you get all excited to talk about something.
Even though he doesn't need sleep either he lets you use his room for sleeping quarters. Oftentimes he'll lay beside you as you fall asleep the tips of your fingers tracing the design over his skin tight suit. He loves the way your touch makes him feel giddy inside.
When you compliment him he absolutely adores it and chases the attention. His all time favorite is your Nickname for him. "Angel, my angel," there are a few others but hearing you say that makes his heart soar in adoration.
On days where Knives is In a bad mood, he tends to lash out at anyone near him, you included. Yet even in those moments you treat him with care and patience. It reminds him that he doesn't always have to be so violent, that there's a part of him that can relax in your presence.
The others that work beneath him don't exactly like you, this leads to interesting situations. So when you absolutely chew one of them out for trying to do something he can't help but smile with pride.
He enjoys listening to your fixations and generally will get you something to do with that when the chance presents itself to him, he absolutely loves seeing you so excited and happy, it's contagious.
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oversizedcat538 · 7 months
Gojo Satoru x Reader
TLDR: You agreed to be Gojo's fake girlfriend and now you have to attend dinner with his parents.
Gojo and (Y/N) have been close friends since their freshman year in high school. They used to go on all kinds of adventures, stirring up mischief wherever they went. However, since they started college together, things have been relatively calm. 
That is, until a month ago. Gojo began having trouble with a new girl in his class. He was trying to be nice to her, but it quickly turned into a headache as she wouldn't leave him alone. (Y/N) could see the stress on his face every time his phone rang. So, when he asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend, she agreed without hesitation. The plan worked perfectly! The girl began to back off and leave him alone, making him feel more relieved than ever.
Even though (Y/N) wanted to end it, Gojo insisted they keep up the act to satisfy his parents' curiosity about a possible daughter-in-law. She reluctantly agreed, wanting to be a good friend. Until now. Gojo stood in front of her, with a smirk on his face. "My parents are asking about you again," he said, "Do you think you can attend a dinner with us tonight?"
"I absolutely can't," she exclaimed as the absurd suggestion of meeting his parents left her breathless. "This is getting ridiculous. We need to just call it quits and come clean." 
Gojo's tone was half-joking and half-serious as he replied, "I can't just call it quits, babe. My dad is already pressuring me about us being in love and getting married. If he finds out it was just a cover-up, he would lose his mind. You have to do it... It's the only way we can keep this charade up a lil' longer." She crossed her arms, mirroring his stance. "Why exactly do we have to keep this going? Didn't that girl leave you alone already?"
"She did, but now the drama has moved to my parents," he rolled his eyes. "They were already suspicious it was all fake, to begin with. Now, they're calling me every day and asking about wedding plans and kids. You think I haven't tried to stop their insanity? Of course, I have, but it's not working. I need you to come tonight."
A brief silence fell over them as they exchanged looks. Feeling a bit uneasy, she looked elsewhere, not wanting to look at him anymore. She could feel his eyes burning into the side of her face. After a moment, she glanced back and groaned in defeat, throwing up her hands. "Ugh. Fine! You get one night!" His whole face lit up into the most wide-mouth smile. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I knew I could count on you. I'll pick you up at 7:30! No later!" Gojo was practically bouncing with excitement, which was a little off-putting. "Oh! And... wear something nice." She rolled her eyes and watched as he bounced away in a hurry. 
~Time Skip to 7:30~
 She looked at herself in the mirror, making sure she was dressed appropriately. It was skin-melting hot outside, so she chose to wear a casual black summer dress. She heard a car honking outside just as she sprayed some perfume on herself. She felt nervous about leaving the house but decided to swallow her pride and go. She was a damn good friend after all.
Gojo's white BMW was idling in the driveway, its bright lights beaming from the dark driveway towards the front door. She could almost hear him humming a tune from within, waiting anxiously for her to get into the car. The windows were slightly rolled down, his elbow sticking out the window as he waved at her to come. As she got closer, her anxiety increased. What if Gojo's parents didn't like her? What if they thought she wasn't good enough for him? Even though they weren't dating, these thoughts made her anxious.
She opened the car door and swiftly got in, closing it behind her. The tension was thick as she buckled up her seatbelt. Before Gojo could even put the car in gear, he looked at her with a mischievous grin. "You look great! My parents are gonna love you." He glanced at her, making sure the compliments were working before turning his attention to the windshield as he began to pull out of the driveway. She began to dread the rest of the night, sighing in response. She turned her attention to him, putting on a small smile. "Thanks.." She paused, unsure of how to continue. "So..is there anything I should know before we get there?"
Gojo glanced over, shooting her a playful grin. "Not much... Just that they're a little intense. Especially my dad... He'll probably give you the whole rundown of our family's history and expect you to know all about it. If you just pretend to be interested, it will hopefully go over smoother." He glanced again with a reassuring smile on his face, "That's pretty much it. Not too complicated." She just smiled and nodded, glancing out the window "Right.." 
The rest of the car ride was nothing but awkward and anxious silence, with the soft sounds of the wind and the radio. Before she knew it, they were pulling into a driveway. Suddenly, she began to feel like she might be sick from the sheer terror that lingered inside her chest. "We're here..." Gojo said, bringing the vehicle to a stop and turning off the engine. She could feel her stomach turn into knots at the mere thought of meeting his parents. He turned towards her with a grin and gave her shoulder a playful bump, "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you the whole time. If they start getting too intense, I'll step in." She nodded, taking a deep breath and opening the car door. Gojo joined her side and grabbed her hand with a grin. "Hey..let's head in, yeah?"
 They approached the house, a modern two-story home with a mix of traditional Japanese architecture. It was quite nice, her eyes observing the detail. Gojo's grip on her hand only tightened as he noticed her growing anxiousness, hoping that it would reassure her. She looked at him, a smile instantly lighting up her face. (Y/N) squeezed his hand back in response, feeling a bit flustered at the fact she was actually holding his hand, something she had never done in the past 5 years of their friendship. Before either of them could speak up, the front door opened. There stood an older couple in sleek casual clothing, his mom had long, straight white hair and his father had shorter wavy white hair. Both had stern looks on their faces as they observed the pair. "Ah, so this is her..." His mom said as they approached, "You've finally brought her home, son."
(Y/N) instinctively bowed at them, wanting to remain respectful. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Gojo." The pair looked at her for a moment, his dad sizing her up carefully as his mom nodded. "We've heard great things. Come in, come in. We would love to get to know you a bit better." His mom gestured the pair forward as she and his father began walking back into the home, his dad glancing back with a serious look on his face. His mother led them into the kitchen, which looked like something out of a cooking show. Gojo gently squeezed her hand, hoping to distract her from the intense stares of his parents. Taking a deep breath, she entered the dining room where Gojo courteously pulled out her chair and pushed it back in after she sat down. She acknowledged his gesture with a grateful nod and a smile. Gojo gave her a reassuring nod as his parents took their seats across from them, with his mother stealing another glance at her before starting to speak. "We are very pleased to finally meet you. Gojo speaks about you so often, and getting to see you in person brings us much joy."
~A lil time skip~
After dinner, there was a lot of chatter at the table. The small talk at first was a bit awkward, but Gojo's parents did what every other parent does when their child invites a love interest over; they shared embarrassing stories from his childhood. It all made sense now why Gojo was the way he was, as his adventures and mischievous behavior as a child had contributed to his personality. As they all laughed, her eyes met Gojo's, and she felt an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach. She noticed his eye contact lingered on her a few seconds longer than it should, and there was almost a faint blush on his cheeks. She couldn't take her eyes off him, noticing little things about his body movements and mannerisms that just felt slightly different from their usual ones around each other. Throughout the rest of their time at the table, she could feel Gojo's eyes on her, as if he wasn't even listening to the current conversation. Eventually, Gojo's parents and (Y/N) stood from the table, catching him off guard. (Y/N) looked at him confused and motioned her head to the door with a small smile. "Hey, it's getting late."
As they walk out the door together, (Y/N) turns and waves, yelling her goodbyes from the driveway, feeling more comfortable now with their presence. She smiles big as she gets into the car, closing the door. Gojo cranks the car and seems to be a bit off. "What's wrong?" she quietly says, glancing over at him with a worried look, "You were a bit quiet after dinner." He looks over at her and smiles, trying to hide what he is feeling. He can tell she's picking up on his emotions, and that worries him a bit. He pulls out of the driveway, driving for a few seconds before speaking up, "Nah, nothing. Just a lot on my mind. My parents were just getting on my nerves a bit is all." 
They share a pause of silence before (Y/N) speaks up, sounding very apologetic. "Oh, I'm sorry Satoru. I didn't mean to upset you by laughing. I was just trying to make conversation with your parents."
 "That's not what I mean..." He paused for a moment, thinking of how best to explain his thoughts. "I liked seeing you laugh. It was nice." He paused for a few seconds as he looked at her from his peripheral vision, trying to gauge her response before looking at the road again. She smiled even though she was a bit confused, feeling at ease knowing he wasn't upset with her, "You make me laugh all the time, though?"
He chuckled at her response, glancing at her again as he thought about what to say. Just do it. It's what you've wanted all night. Why back out now? Just say it. "You make me happy...is what I mean" 
 There it was. That feeling again. Feeling a bit surprised by his seemingly cryptic response, she looks at him, wanting to read into his words correctly. If he meant what she thought he meant, she wanted to come clean too. "You make me happy too, Gojo." He smiles brightly, taking a deep breath with a look of relief on his face. He can't stop himself from taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers. He looks over and gives her that playful, devilish grin of his. "Well, well, well. Look at you, all confident." She playfully nudges him hard, feeling a bit flustered as he seemingly puts the attention on her, "Oh, shut up. You're the one who said it first." He laughs at the sudden jab on his abdomen and looks over, amused at her playful anger. "Yeah.. So? You were obviously flirting with me the whole night, too, so don't go trying to deny it all of a sudden." He looks back straight ahead, making his eyes wide with a grin spreading across his face. She gasps at the false accusation he threw at her, looking at him sternly. "Oh, says the man who was eye fucking me at the table!" He bursts into laughter as he can't contain the noise any longer. His fingers squeeze hers tightly as he looks her over with that look in his eyes. "Heh heh.. guilty. I might've been." She groans and rolls her eyes, holding a smile back as she turns towards the window.
As they drove, he chuckled and continued to gaze at her with a slight grin on his face. The air was filled with a comfortable silence. After a few moments, he broke the silence with a question. "Are we even pretending anymore?" She thought for a moment as they stopped at a red light, then looked back at him. "I...don't know, are we?" They remained silent for a few seconds before he replied with one word. "No." He followed her lead and turned to face her. 
They shared a lingering look before Gojo leaned over and connected their lips in a soft kiss, catching her off guard. She eased into the kiss, closing her eyes and moving slightly closer to him to tighten their locked lips. They embraced each other tightly as they kissed (one of his hands still on the wheel ofc), with each moment making their hearts beat faster and faster. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, which made her want him even more. There was a lingering sense of ecstasy and pure bliss that filled her mind as they continued to hold the kiss, neither one wanting to pull away just yet. 
Then, a sudden and loud car horn startled them both, causing them to jump back into their original positions. The car behind them continued to honk as the green light illuminated their flustered and embarrassed faces. Despite the awkward situation, (Y/N) couldn't help but start giggling, Gojo joining in as he began to drive. His hand rested on her thigh during the remainder of the drive as they snickered and joked about the events that had just unfolded. 
The chatter between the two eventually subsided as they pulled into (Y/N)'s driveway. The pair exited the car and walked up to the porch. (Y/N) nudged Gojo and said, "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for inviting me to your parents' dinner. They were both lovely."
 "I'm happy my parents approve," he said with a serious expression, stepping back after giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. "It was my pleasure having you around. You were an absolute delight." He winked at her and chuckled. "Otherwise, that dinner would've been a lot more awkward if they didn't." 
(Y/N) took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. "Mannn, that would have sucked," she laughed, and Gojo joined in. "For sure. We can't have you becoming the target of their lectures too, now can we?" He smiled and playfully poked her on the shoulder. "Anyways, it's quite late, and I should get going, so you can get some rest. Unless you want me to stay the night and protect you from those evil cursed spirits? I could always cuddle and give you forehead kisses." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. She giggled at his "smooth talk" and sarcastically said, "Say, how'd you know I have a cursed spirit problem?" 
She turned to the door and unlocked it, heading inside and leaving the door wide open for him. 
*Hi, thank you for reading if you've read this far! I haven't written fan fiction since like middle school, so if the writing or story seems jank, then I apologize. Requests are open if you feel like submitting something! Again, thank you!!!!* EDIT: Hi, again! Soo for some weird reason, a few paragraphs like..duplicated over top of each other? I'm low-key embarrassed, but it should be fixed now!!
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adallegra · 2 months
My dearest Joy,
I hope I am the first to say it to you today: Happy Easter 🐰🐥 🥚
I will see you later to say it all in person but for now, let's hope that the new season sprouts plenty of goodness for the both of us! Let's enjoy spring to the fullest!
I have a little something for you. I painted eggs for most of our friends whenever I got the time but your present? Hopestly, it all came from memories. I barely remember myself but you? You always stood out. Even your voice and your laugh, things that are so easy to forget but I remember them. I remember you when you were excited, I remember you when you were bored at social gatherings. I remember you when you were upset. I remember you when you came to my defence over and over again.
I remember you and I do not want to ever forget. I am terrified of forgetting. Time flies and we cannot get back what we used to have. We can only move forward and cherish our memories. I know I do, and I know that you do, too. I love you and always will.
I'm starting to get emotional so I'll save the rest for when I see you. Hope you like our Easter egg. I cast all kinds of protective charms on it just in case. You never know, with Nosy and Clementine running around.
Happy Easter, my joyful companion, my sister, my trustful confidant. I do not know where I would've been without you and your support.
With undying love, William ☀️
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My darling Will, 
You are almost certainly always first in everything, and this time is no exception. Happy Easter, William. 
As ever, I am struck by your talent. Small as it may be, your beautiful recreation of this particular memory, which I can still precisely place, is a nostalgic reminder of all the happy times we have shared. The giggle that spilt forth when I told you that our plan of distracting our fiercest competitors from actual eggs with those large, painted rocks had worked brilliantly is a sound that I will never tire of hearing.
You deserve happiness, Will. And whilst both age and life generally have unsettling and unforgiving ways of distancing people, know that my settee (if you deem it satisfactory enough, of course) will always be there if you need it, wherever I am in the world. 
Yours always,  Egglegra
PS. I must compliment you on your foresight. It seems like those hours poring over parenting books have paid off. 
*Slipped between the parchment was an old, well-kept photograph, despite being slightly frayed at the edges. A young William and Allegra were sitting side by side in picture-perfect practised poise, dressed immaculately for a portrait shoot, which would have been flawless if not for the grin that betrayed the young witch’s intentions. 
The photograph moved, and a beaming Will burst into uncontrollable laughter when Allegra suddenly twisted in her seat and tackled her best friend with unrelenting tickles to his side. It was that moment when the lens shuttered, capturing it permanently in film.*
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bluelolblue · 3 months
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
📚 The last thing I have in my notes is me loving my two oc's. These two are special in some way
Okay, Romano and Luna complete each other. I honestly love this ship so much, and yeah it's canon. Just that I'll make it more meaningful. Romano x Luna is living in my head rent free. Romano needs someone like Luna and Luna needs someone like Romano, they are perfect for each other.
Nothing too exciting, but they mean a lot to me ^ ^
I'll also give what I have last written for a wip fic, why not :>
“What are you doing?” He asked, slightly annoyed with that action. “Just focus on what you're doing, Santi. Everything's okay, I promise,” Gianna said,
❄️ AAHHHH ommgg but there's so many ideas that I have in mind for Santino and John... like not just me writing it, but in general, it would be amazing if it was written by anyone. I was gonna say something with omegaverse, and yk it can be that, too why not but it's not necessary.
Hmm, a long plot of them never having peace. OOOH Santino having arranged marriage to keep the bloodline going (so he would also have to have a kid), even though he doesn't want that, he wants to be with John. Yk, Camorra... D'Antonio's... old-fashioned and have very strict rules. I mean, it can be without this, but it's something I was thinking about. Can't go without Santino having childhood trauma. Just make it even more intense... like it's really bad (why... why can't I just make him happy?) Hmm why not throw in the impossible task and them both nearly dying in the whole process. Basically, one nearly ended up sacrificing themselves for another. Like, it's really intense. Blood, crying... panic attacks >:] oof I got a bit too evil... and I'm not done yet! I had this idea of John cutting off his finger (like that scene in the 3rd movie), but like idk he had to do it for some other reason and it's not in the desert. And Santino managed to find him, sees all that, and wants to help him but ends up getting pushed away for his own safety. So everything kinda becomes too much for Santino and he has a breakdown and ends up destroying his room or idk wherever he is, he just destroys things. And even if Gianna or someone else tries to stop him, he pulls out the "I'll kill everyone and myself" talk. Like... he lost it a little (a lot 💀). So it gets dark... BUT OF COURSE it gets horny, too. We can't forget the horny ^ ^
So that's a big idea for a fic I kinda can say that I dream about. I did say anyone can write it, I'll gladly read more Santino x John fics. BUT @mrssimply I think is already doing such a great job of writing something already traumatizing and hot, like you have a fic that makes you feel it emotionally, that's a win for the writer (remembering how I was a little sobbing puddle with so many compliments and was shaking irl HHSHS). The way she writes Santino and John is really unique, and I think this could definitely work in that way. So, I think this idea would be written amazingly and make you really feel it! ^ ^
Ask game
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 2
"A simple, mysterious talisman."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[City of Flowers – Topsy-Turvy Event Hall]
Azul: Rook-san…
Azul: That massive stone building we visited just now… It was overflowing with the rich history of the City of Flowers.
Azul: The "King's Attire" they had in the glass case was a thoroughly interesting display as well.
Rook: Just so. A cape, a staff, and a crown made of fabric… I hear it was used for the Topsy-Turvy Festivities back then.
Rook: Isn't it just invigorating to imagine how the people of that time would use such a costume?
Azul: Indeed. And with all the trivia you gave that can't even be found in guidebooks, it was quite the learning experience for me.
Azul: Thanks to you, Rook-san, I feel as though I've gained more appreciation towards the fine arts.
Rook: I, too, was elated that you would listen with such interest. Ah, oh yes, and speaking of fine arts…
Rook: Azul-kun. Your singing voice is absolutely spectacular.
Azul: My… singing voice?
Rook: Just so! You displayed such control over your tone and pitch since day one of practice, but…
Rook: Your singing voice grew more polished and captivating with each passing day.
Rook: I'm certain that you continued to practice on your own to further your abilities, even when no one else was watching.
Rook: That vibrato in the second half of the song was especially rich and intoxicating! It certainly showed just how much you put into your practicing.
Rook: Your single-minded dedication to reach even further heights is truly beauté! I'd expect nothing less from you, Roi de Fort.
Rook: I am so looking forward to the masquerade tonight!
Azul: I-I can't believe you'd grasp just what specifically I was focusing on just from listening to our practices…
Azul: Ahem! Could I ask you to save the rest of your compliments until after tonight's performance is over?
Azul: It is a waste if we were to stand around talking after coming all this way to the City of Flowers. Let us get moving.
Rook: You're right! Then, next, let's head west. …Oh, what could that be!?
Azul: Eh, you want to go down that narrow alleyway?
Azul: …And he's gone. I suppose I have no choice but to follow.
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[City of Flowers – Underground Waterway]
Azul: …
Azul: …......
Azul: …Excuse me, Rook-san.
Rook: Mm, what's wrong? Don't hold back on my account.
Azul: You've been heading down these narrow streets for a while now… Wherever are you trying to go?
Rook: I have no objective in mind whatsoever. I am simply strolling around this unknown city as my whimsy dictates. That is one of the thrilling parts of a journey, after all.
Azul: EH!?
Rook: These alleyways are as winding as a labyrinth. If a quarry were to escape into these roads, it would be more than difficult to find them.
Azul: Indeed, it's as you say.
Azul: How frustrating… We've wasted so much precious time. And there's still so much I wish to see…
Azul: Let's return to the main roads. I'll pull up a map app and find our current location…
Azul: …Hm?
Rook: Azul-kun, is something wrong?
Azul: I only just noticed when I tried to open up the map on my smartphone, but… it seems like these alleyways are more simplified here on the map than they should be.
Azul: Take a look. This road that we are currently standing on is not shown on the map at all.
Rook: Let me see… You're right. This whole area is blank. And we made so many left and right turns coming here.
Azul: …
Rook: Azul-kun? Why do you look so glum?
Rook: No need to worry over finding our way. Even if we were to be lost, eventually, all roads will lead back to a single path!
Azul: How can he be so haphazard… Ah, no, that is not what I am thinking about.
Azul: I only thought... I've seen this empty shape somewhere else before.
Azul: Hmmm… Where did I… Ah!!
[rustle, rustle]
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Azul: …Fufufu, I see.
Azul: "When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand."
Azul: …So this is what that legend meant.
Rook: What a unique necklace. What prompted you to pull that out all of a sudden?
Azul: Oh, I had just left it in my pocket this whole time that I had a sudden worry that I had dropped it somewhere, that's all.
Azul: Now, let's see. Now that I've confirmed I still have the necklace… Let's continue our sightseeing tour.
Azul: Now that we've opened this map of the City of Flowers, I've found a shortcut that should come in handy.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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rivangel · 1 year
I have a head canon that by the time they meet, Levi is already starting to view himself as nothing more than a weapon, but Furlan thinks the way he fights is BEAUTIFUL. Like not even in a wow this guy is so well trained type of way. More of in a watching a trained dancer performing type of way. Levi would have such good control over every muscle in his body and I just KNOW Furlan could watch him for hours.
On the same note, I think Levi could be a really good dancer. Whether or not he ever bothered to learn, I'll leave up to you.
i think about this…
- one of Furlan’s much much more secret reasons he wants desperately for them to get out of the Underground is how much he imagines all of them flourishing; being able to fly not with a ceiling constraining them but a boundless sky. Furlan having this recurring dream about gliding effortlessly through the air, all three of them, free to go wherever they please with the means to get all they need.
but all of this is especially true in his feelings for Levi. of course Levi is amazing on the ODM gear. his movements are precise and even elegant, seemingly effortless and as instinctive as a bird using its wings. like a dancer.
- it’s not even a conscious observation when furlan feels in some instinctual way that Levi isn’t meant to be bound by the constraints the cold Underground fosters. he and Isabel are the only ones who know the best that Levi is kind, loyal, and sacrificing to a fault at his core. not only that Levi feels, but he feels deeply. but he’s had to make choices that eat away at that. that’s why Levi hides it - in order to survive.
- knowing each other intimately, Furlan is the only person who’s seen Levi up close, and specifically his eyes. Levi changes the subject or dismisses the times Furlan compliments him, which leads him to believe that Levi doesn’t think much of his appearance.
nobody knows that Levi’s eyes aren’t just light grey or silver under cover of the Underground’s darkness. but they’re blue. like an evening sky is blue, as far as Furlan knows what an evening sky looks like, and he wants to reach the surface in order to make better comparisons. and so the sunlight can make the true color of his eyes stand out with his beauty rightfully on full display.
- Levi comes off untouchable by being unapproachable stoic and intimidating. but another way that totally stuns Furlan is in how much he makes violence look like a choreographed dance that he planned, somehow. he’s just full of poise. it’s superhuman - and Levi is superhuman but that’s besides the point - the amount of control Levi has over every movement in his body and the skill to carry it out.
- and yet Levi doesn’t dance. in fact he doesn’t express himself that much at all. all dancing is is free-flowing expression you know? you can’t hide your feeling. Levi never learns how to dance.
- intimately knowing Levi carries it all to the next level. Levi’s eyes being soft and him relaxed is rare, and he never lets himself be vulnerable, but he’s still stunning in his moments of awkward romantics and this deeply buried hue of longing Levi sometimes looks at him with, bordering on something pained. the depths of Levi’s strength is one thing, but his heart is something else entirely.
Furlan is smart and pays close attention to things. sometimes when he and Levi would hold hands in private, alone, the first times it ever happened Levi would hold his hand like gripping a knife.
there is something to savor about taking Levi out of his element, and that being somewhere Levi silently agrees to let Furlan to take him. i feel like their feelings for each other would be paralyzing for Furlan at times.
Levi who can and has taken down men twice his size, but also Levi who cradles his jaw and kisses him without moving, because he wants to explore every single facet of what it’s like to kiss Furlan. unhurried, precise, thorough.
Levi creates space from others like he’s a weapon meant to be put away when it’s not being used, but when he and Furlan have a moment to be close, a slow and prolonged length of time they’re guaranteed, Levi grips his shirt or his sleeves in tight fists and doesn’t want to let go.
Levi always in control of a situation no matter how chaotic or high-stakes, being stoic at the sight of something no matter how horrible, but also becomes bashful and can barely meet Furlan’s eye when he touches him.
Levi is so unassuming and quiet as to blend into a background of conversation easily, but he can’t be silent when Furlan’s hands are roaming his thighs and hips. only he has heard some of the sounds Levi’s voice can make.
that’s beautiful, too. just like everything else.
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
Hey! I'm the anon from 2 days ago who was talking about the lesbian struggles with being desired.
Thank you for your replies, it's a comfort just to hear I'm not the only who's struggled with this.
I used to be very self-conscious in public, very much thinking about what strangers near me on the bus or wherever were thinking about what I looked like, and would like, adjust how I sit so my legs wouldn't look "as" big, that kind of thing. Somehow intensely aware of gender standards and feeling like I was always on trial for passing them or not. Did not know I was gay at the time.
Eventually, with delving into feminism and its theory, it helped me a LOT, to rebel against these thoughts and let my body be, to just think about what was comfortable for me. That was a tremendous change and felt way more free. I went from being hyper aware to not really caring, and feeling my body as the neutral thing it is.
But even with that, it's hard to get to a next step of seeing something beautiful or worthy of compliments in it. I got to a comfortable, freeing stage, of using my body and feeling confident using it, but /looking/ at it and accepting compliments is still very difficult. I'm grateful for it, see it as my vessel, but not much beyond that, and that, I believe is why it's hard to comprehend why my body could elicit desire in someone else.
Like yeah I'm not attracted to myself, I get it, but still weirds me out a bit that anyone can be? I think you said it was helpful to you to have women fall in love with your mind, and I completely agree, I think that was essential for me to have this foundation because I doubt I could pursue a romantic relationship if that wasn't the case.
Still, someone else wanting my body doesn't feel like wanting me, I guess, I feel separate from it even though I am comfortable in it. Being in it is great; looking at it creates the separation. So that's an odd one to figure out, cause I don't actively hate my body?? I do push away compliments because they feel silly and I know that's not good, I'm trying to be better at thag, but I genuinely don't know how to take them, except nodding politely and saying thanks. Like it doesn't turn me on to hear compliments, it does the opposite 'cause then the focus is on me. Which I feel like is a key difference when I read about people being self conscious? Seems like being complimented affirms them and makes them feel better.
Agh, this is already a long message so I'll leave it here for now. Hope it's not too much :') It is nice to share with other gay women 🩷
bestie we are on the same dang journey. "But even with that, it's hard to get to a next step of seeing something beautiful or worthy of compliments in it." YES! i also relate to "someone else wanting my body doesn't feel like wanting me."
like i can understand why someone would fall for my mind and personality, i don't think i lack in that department, but society taught me my body will be the let down. i'm specifically weird about my boobs (not as much as pre-25 tho, age does make it better) because they are just not "pretty." and i'm not into "pretty" aesthetics myself nor care for it as a concept, i'm into strong and androgynous and butch, but the women who are into me typically ARE into "pretty" bc i do have feminine idiosyncracies and vibes despite the assertiveness. and if u are into feminine vibes u usually prefer "pretty," too. which im fine w my face, i do think there's something attractive about it, but not so much my boobs. and yeah i guess im a unique kind of hot that's gonna only be for a unique kinda lesbian. it's always gonna be daunting getting naked in front of someone without worrying we're disgusting them or letting them down. but maybe we need more faith in the one we're fucking
so the hard part is trusting. trusting the woman who desires us actually does. and has more character than to be turned off bc we have "big legs" or a certain type of boobs. and that can be difficult to tell bc many lesbians are just looking for a partner for the sake of it or loneliness and, being women, tend to have sex they aren't enthusiastic about--even with other women--because they're deprived of their own subjective desire by heteropatriarchy so take on the passive role. or if they do have active desire, they don't know what to do with it bc we simply arent taught (unless u include the anti-feminist porn way we're taught to desire and be desired but that's not healthy). that's why i'm into andro/butch because there's a lack of regard for the male gaze in their presentation, which is hot, and they're typically less passive/male gazey about themselves when it comes to intimacy too. i'm into the smart type of woman who would rather go single than date someone they're not into and that's what set me on the healing process. i can trust someone genuinely desires me if i have enough faith in their character that i know they'd prefer being alone than wasting time on someone they're not
so maybe the key for you is to do your partner the service of trusting her. see it more as offensive towards her that you find her desire untrustworthy. unless ofc there is something u genuinely dont trust about ur partner and need to break up (which i dont think is the situation as you've consistently implied/said she's a great person who truly cares about you)
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cheonmaneechan · 1 year
I don't have much to say about what would happen if Maebara Keiichi from Higurashi were made to be trans and how it would affect things storywise. All their friends or the characters their age (except Shion probably given her comment about men with long nails or whatever) would be supportive given the events that happen in the original story and the way they support each other especially during the anwser arcs. It probably wouldn't be brought up to any of the adult characters except maybe Chie for uniform reasons maybe, though the uniform rules at the Hinamizawa school seem fairly loose for reasons given its nature of being an all grades school for a rural village that almost didn't have a school. I think Chie would be supportive too but as for most of the adult characters, I don't have a lot of grounds for that other than that she's a good teacher who'd support and care for her students' needs wherever she can. I can't imagine how it'd be brought up to Ooishi but he'd probably be transphobic about it as with most other adult characters and adults in the village in general cause it's 1983. Maybe Takano or Irie wouldn't be transphobic but I don't know.
I think that in order for there to be much plot relevance to Keiichi being trans, one would need an episode at least partially dedicated to it and how it could affect them and help trigger L5. Actually now that I think about it, that aspect would probably be best added in Onikakushi (Ep 1) where they'd be most afraid of and least familiar with the villagers around them and feel most isolated as a trans person with something to hide and fear that the villagers are suspicious of or know something about them as well. Maybe it could also come up when involving the love that Mion has for him and all that that leads to in Watanagashi (Ep 2) and Meakashi (Ep 5) and can be used to show more of the difference between Mion (trans ally, maybe trans themself) and Shion (transphobic probably, unless Satoshi gets brought up and they're trans maybe). Actually now that I think about it, if Satoshi were also trans then that could be used for some dramatic and potentially tragic irony. One way is adding similarity to Keiichi and Satoshi when it comes up and the five demon club (or whatever it was called, I forgot, fake ass Higurashi fan) already have something to go off of for their understanding of and support for trans people, same with Chie even perhaps, and the resemblence of what happens to both Keiichi and Satoshi with the whole bat thing in Tatarigoroshi (Ep 3) as well as Onikakushi (Ep 1) would increase. The other way is the much more tragic irony of Shion possibly being transphobic to Keiichi when she's told or they bring it up when Mion wouldn't respond that way in Watanagashi (Ep 2) and Meakashi (Ep 5) under the circumstance that Mion knows about Satoshi being trans but not Shion perhaps due to the transphobic or homophobic comments she makes, only adding to the irony that she'd be discriminating against Keiichi for the same thing that the one she loves us, and that that's the very reason Satoshi couldn't open up to her about it. It would compliment well with her going against her promise to Satoshi and Satoshi's wishes for her to care for their sister when they're gone, which at least both would be resolved in Minagoroshi (Ep 7) and Satoshi could perhaps be able to come out to her during or probably after the events of Matsuribayashi (Ep 8).
I know that that got a little longer than I'd anticipated and a little very fanfictiony, but I feel that exploring the potential possibilities was still pretty interesting. Actually, all of these entries are kind of fanfiction to some degree lol. Oh well. Maybe I'll do Battler next to go along with the trend of protag focus.
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