#i need someone to look like this at me please give me a clone of him i need A HO RNY WIFE OF MY OWN
guzhufuren · 26 days
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comeback of the horniest men in the world
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
What's your favorite person of Bruce interacting with his kids?
Wayne Family Adventures Bruce has my whole heart.
But if you mean in fanfiction then it would be
Dick - "Please get down from there. you're not an adorable nine year old anymore. The chandelier is going to break!"
Jason - "Have you heard that my Jason is the top of his class at Gotham University? He's on the way to being valedictorian. Jason, stop shushing me, I'm right"
Tim- "I beg of you, do not become a supervillain at this slightest inconvenience. Tim, you just need to take a nap, have some water, and eat something"
Damian: "Every time I'm called into your school, it's because you hit someone, bite someone, or you caused the teachers to unionize. "
Cass: "Look, I know we both don't like Galas, but that doesn't mean you can vanish as soon as the doors open. Cass, sweetie, you need to make friends like me- I have friends! I have loads of friends! Of course, the Justice League counts. Why wouldn't they!? "
Steph: "I invite you into my home. I feed you, clothe you, and give you a roof over your head every other weekend when you're not at your mother's and you repay me by slapping my other guests with white gloves? No, the rich don't challenge each other to duels anymore!"
Duke: "Duke, son, stop organizing protests over parking fees and daycare prices. I know their unfailingly high, but this is not going to work. Why dont we just start our own daycare and- What do you mean Eat the Rich!? YOU'RE RICH NOW"
Jarro, Terry, Helena, Carrie, Harper, Cullen, Maps and unknown Wayne clone: I have done nothing wrong ever in my life
Bruce in tears of joy: I know this, and I love you
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radioisntdead · 6 months
I have an idea.
Mom susan and daughter are reader
How about the reader tries to introduce her husband to her mother??
Good evening my dear! I wanted to see a Susan and Alastor in-law showdown and I wrote a drabble and then some headcanons, so I hope you don't mind, but if you do just let me know and I can replace Alastor with another requested character or an oc or something,
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The mother in-law
Susan & daughter reader, Alastor x female reader
Cannibalism, violent elderly, implied Violence AGAINST the elderly in the headcanons mostly, Susan invading boundaries, Alastor gets insulted by Susan, Reader needs a drink, poorly drawn Cat Alastor in a suit, OOC characters, not proofread, does anyone know a replacement for Grammerly??
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Alastor made the most of falling to eternal damnation, seeing it as a new opportunity,
He become an overlord, a cannibal, the feared Radio demon,
It was shocking enough to him that he had met you, and while it did take awhile and a long long friendship he did end up realizing he had feelings for you, a sweetheart of a cannibal, who worked with his dear friend Rosie and asked to court you in the gentlemenly way, with a bouquet of seven roses and a kiss on your hand, He was the happiest lil' deer in all of hell.
He'd take you dancing, you'd do something like reading or taking a nap as he did his radio broadcast, the two of you would go on walks,
It was bliss
Unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it, Alastor disappeared for seven years taking you with him, much to the distain of your mother.
During the time away you were wed, it was a small ceremony, only the two of you and the fucked up cat thing that looked strikingly like Alastor you adopted as your witness.
Anyways with the sudden seven year disappearance and marriage, he never got to formally meet his mother in law that you've told him so much about,
So once everything was settled and you got to visit your dear mama a couple of times, you decided to finally introduce them,
Unfortunately they already knew each other.
Oh no.
Alastor wore his best suit, he even put that evil radio cat into a suit, you wore a lovely dress that matched the aesthetics of cannibal town [Or an exact copy of Alastor's regular suit if you wanna give Susan a heart attack]
He walked arm in arm with you to the cannibal town home your mother lived in, and from the moment the door was opened there was only one thought on his mind.
Oh shit it was Susan, you were the daughter of the Ornery old bitch,
How was someone like YOU related to SUSAN??
Were you adopted? You had to be, he refused to believe that old lady had spawned you in any type of way, maybe she picked you up off the street?
Susan grabbed your hand pulling you in and looking over you, not bothering to greet the radio demon beside you,
"Where have you been I thought you died, Why are you with the guy with the shitty haircut that looks like someone went at him with a fucking hedge trimmer"
"Mama I visited you last week,"
Susan questioned immediately as you laughed nervously, barely two seconds in and she had already insulted Alastor,
you look over to Alastor who stood awkwardly in the door way, waiting to be invited in, the cursed cat in a suit standing by him also waiting to be invited in.
"And apparently you already know my Alasto-"
you were cut off swiftly by Susan squinting at Alastor
"You married the fucking embodiment of red-40?"
Alastor blinked, "Excuse me?"
"You're excused." Susan moved to shut the door in Alastor's face but was stopped by you stopping her
"Ma, please, Alastor come on in"
You said gesturing for your husband and the thing to enter, Susan scoffed mumbling about something as she turned around and sped into the kitchen.
Alastor leaned into you, hooking his arm with yours as the messed up cat clone moved around immediately crawling upon Susan's rocking chair.
"My dear it's not too late to leave and dine elsewhere''
"Alastor please, It's just one dinner with my Ma''
"Who's an ornery old-"
It's a very very awkward dinner, Alastor tried to compliment Susan's meatloaf? He got bullied, you did step in to shut that behavior down but that didn't do much, Alastor tried to help wash the dishes after supper? Susan stood over him watching as he washed every plate and each piece of cutlery, judging him.
Susan did not fear the overlord, and you were concerned.
After dinner was finished and dessert was eaten Susan stared both you and Alastor down as you sat on her couch.
"How long have you been married?"
"Six years."
"Where are my grandchildren then?!"
You hold up the mini Alastor, it's tail wagged slowly as Susan looked upon it with a look of disapproval,
"That's a shitty looking rat, is your husband dysfunctional?"
"Ma, can you not- NO, Alastor put away the tentacles she will RIP THEM OFF-''
AND HEADCANON TIME BECAUSE I am not the best at writing action.
You poor soul.
They can't kill each other because you exist,
It's like stopping two toddlers from fighting except one's well over a century old and your married to the other one,
You're an unpaid babysitter I'm so sorry
Alastor was raised to respect woman and the elderly but he is very close to attacking Susan
He can't do much because he doesn't want to get into trouble with Rosie because attacking one of her cannibals no matter who it is, was a whole can of worms he rather not open, and also she was unfortunately your mother,
He's questioning that, like after this dinner expect him to sit you down and just start throwing questions, like how?
He liked Susan's meatloaf well enough, he could live without it though,
Susan runs into him randomly on the street? She asks if she has a grandchild yet, no? He's getting attacked with the cane and asked if he cannot perform properly Violence on the ace deer
She tries to convince you to leave him and tried introducing you to a random cannibal she pulled off the street, but she stopped after you got upset at her.
Assuming you live at the Hazbin hotel with Alastor Susan visits, she somehow got a key to the room you and Alastor shared so you could be sleeping and Susan pops in swinging her cane, dropping lore
Alastor lives in mild fear, he's changed the locks, he's put Niffty outside the door as security,
Susan always GETS IN.
You have boundaries with her but she breaks them and your working on getting her to stop,
It becomes a hotel wide situation of getting Susan to not break in
She oddly enough likes Angel dust and you use him as a distraction whenever she appears without warning,
You owe Angel several favors.
You are in debt.
Susan eventually grows a fondness for the freak grandchild, she gets clothes, dresses him up and calls him sonny,
Alastor's not the most pleased but it's better then getting asked if he suffers from certain conditions
They sometimes fight over your time, like he's taking you out on a date and Susan pops in and drags whisks you away for tea or something,
They can't do much aside from verbal Insults and glares, but they did get into a physical fight, Alastor got hit with a chair, Susan almost got eaten, Alastor sent Niffty on her and she almost got stabbed
You threatened to tell Rosie and they both stopped, thankfully
Susan keeps divorce papers on hand just in case you ever change your mind, she's not afraid to attack an overlord, this woman is down below for a reason and she is FERAL.
If she catches Alastor chompin' down on your arm he's getting whooped with a cane and the both of you are getting a full lecture on if he's doing anything he's not supposed too, and if he is, he needs to go.
Alastor is very adamant that he would never intentionally harm you apparently the BITING DOESN'T COUNT AS HARM???
Dude has a fear of becoming like his father.
They have issues but they agree on things like this,
There's eventually a group meeting about Susan breaking into the hotel and while she's welcome she needs to stop popping in at late hours of the night or at the crack of dawn,
There's a Susan security system set up now.
Susan's never going to fully approve because you'll always be that small child she found on the side of the streets long ago to her and no man, woman or whatever is going to be good enough for her little girl, but she'll put up with it, she knows that while Alastor isn't the best person it could be worse.
She eventually respects your boundaries, yay!
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in! I hope you liked whatever this was, I'm slowly working though requests! Now it's 3 am and I'm tired, goodnight! Have a cursed cat Alastor in a suit that I drew with my fingers
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He looks like a tatortot
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
*Ten years have passed since MC arrived in the Devildom*
Mammon: Oi, MC! Are you done with your homework? Lucifer will get mad at ya' if you didn't do any of it.
MC: Mammon... I need help with Math.
Mammon: Huh? Ya' strugglin' with it? Let me see.
MC: *hands him their Math homework*
Mammon: Yo, this one is easy. Aren't ya listenin' in class?
Mammon: You're lucky you have a genius like me.
Levi: *walks by* That's the only time you're useful.
Mammon: Hey! What did ya say just now, huh, Levi?! Grr! *gives MC's homework back*
MC: Thank you, Mammon! *hugs him*
Mammon: Yeah, yeah. Don't get close to other demons, okay?
Mammon: Stay vigilant.
MC: *nods*
Lucifer: MC? Are you ready?
MC: Hm. But Luci? I thought Tantan would take me to RAD today?
Lucifer: No. I'm not busy so I will take you there as usual.
Lucifer: Unless you don't want to spend time with me? *sad frowns*
MC: Of course not! I always enjoy your company, Luci. *smiles innocently*
Mammon: Oi! Oi! Cut it out! *pulling MC to hug* I'm your best brother here and not Lucifer!
Lucifer: Mammon, it seems you're forgetting that I'm their adoptive father.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: *hugs MC tighter* So is Lord Diavolo, but why are ya not living together?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Mammooon...
Mammon: Eek!
MC: I'm going to be late to school.
Lucifer: Right. Let's go now, MC. And Mammon, you're dead to me later.
Mammon: Ugh...
Lucifer: Always call me if anything happens.
MC: *nods*
Lucifer: Or if you cannot reach me, you can ask Diavolo or Barbatos.
MC: But are they not extremely busy?
Lucifer: We will always make time for you. *kisses their forehead*
MC: *smiles*
MC: Take care, Luci.
Lucifer: *smiles back* You too. *then takes his leave*
MC: ...
Mephistopheles: MC, there you are.
MC: *turns around to face Mephisto* Good morning. *smiles*
Mephistopheles: Good morning. Are you going to class now? Let me accompany you.
MC: Haha, thank you.
Mephistopheles: What's funny?
MC: I just recalled how you shooed me away on our first meeting.
Mephistopheles: That's because you looked like a certain someone.
Mephistopheles: You gave me the creeps that day.
Mephistopheles: *mutters* I thought Lord Diavolo made a clone of them again.
MC: ???
Mephistopheles: Nothing. I'll be subbing for your first period. Make sure you can answer my questions later.
MC: Won't you just tell me the answers?
Mephistopheles: What's the point of studying then? And I'm your teacher. At least be respectful.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* You don't look like a teacher, Mephisto.
Mephisto: You-
Diavolo: Look at this, Barbatos! *chuckles* My baby got a perfect score on their quizzes!
Barbatos: Yes, my lord.
MC: *smiling, but feeling a bit embarrassed*
Diavolo: I should frame these and hang them on the wall.
MC: Barb, please stop him.
Barbatos: Unfortunately, it won't be possible.
MC: *is on their way to Majolish*
MC: I wonder what Asmo is up to.
Luke: On your own again?
MC: Luke?
Luke: *walks up to them* How many times do I need to warn you?
MC: *smiles* You've been doing so in the last ten years.
Luke: Where are you headed?
MC: I'll be meeting Asmo. You have nothing to worry about.
Luke: ...
Luke: Let me put a protective spell on you just to be safe.
MC: ...
MC: Luke, thank you for always looking out for me.
Luke: I'm only doing this because I can't trust those demons.
MC: ...
MC: Is there really no way for you to-
Luke: No.
MC: ...
Luke: I'm done. Always take care of yourself, MC. *then walks away*
MC: ...
Asmo: What do you think, Lucifer~? MC looks good in their clothes, right~? Meticulously selected by Yours Truly~.
The brothers: It's ugly.
Asmo: What?!
Lucifer: Can you NOT make them wear anything revealing, Asmo?
Asmo: Huh?! They're basically covered except for their shoulders!
Belphie: Still revealing.
Satan: I agree. MC, next time Asmo asks you to wear something, decline him immediately.
Asmo: Hmph!
MC: Haha...
Simeon: Where have you been, Luke?
Luke: I came to check on the human.
Simeon: Are they doing fine?
Luke: Fortunately, yes.
Simeon: *smiles* It's been ten years. And the brothers are taking care of them well.
Luke: *looks displeased* Are you trying to imply something, Simeon?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: You haven't still let your guard down...
Luke: ...
Luke: Has Michael sent another letter asking us to return?
Simeon: Yes. Will you be answering it this time?
Luke: ...Yes. But I want him to send someone before we go back to the Celestial Realm.
Simeon: Who's on your mind?
Luke: Gabriel.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Yes. He's a good choice.
Michael: Let me borrow your identity for a while, Gabriel.
Gabriel: You would still do it even if I don't let you.
Michael: *smiles* I appreciate your cooperation.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Generous offer
Word count: 4.2♡
Part 1/4. My praise kink was going crazy with this 😍
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Warnings: fem!reader, demon reader + referred to as a woman, praise kink (ex: pretty girl, good girl), rough sex, cluckolding, sub reader, dom akaza, shy dom Aizetsu, virgin Aizetsu, teacher kink?? (Akaza tells Aizetsu how to please you), hair pulling (akaza to aizetsu but NOT in a ship way), throat fucking, oral sex (reader receiving and giving), squirting
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The infinity castle felt like a maze, even for an upper rank. This beautiful yet haunting place is mainly inviting for upper ranks to be summoned and to take orders from their lord Muzan. Upper one and three are a great example of being a favorite to muzan and for that they are given "special permission" to do whatever they wished in the castle.
Aizetsu felt like he had been walking around the castle endlessly. His main reasoning for taking this long walk was to clear his head from the fight that broke out between him and his fellow clones, or "brothers," as they liked to refer to each other. The patients for Muzan's arrival after being summoned caused some heated tension, and Aizetsu is known to be over simulated by heated conflict.
"What a disappointing way to start the night," he spoke to himself, thinking out loud with his eyes shut. "I wish lord muzan would arrive soon so we can leave. How sad this is turning out to be." Aizetsu sighs and drops his shoulders to the point where his body becomes sluggish sluggish but keeps his legs moving, taking him to God knows where.
Aizetsu started to become lost in his depressive thoughts and became unaware of the room he was approaching, too. He walked past many rooms, but this one had faint noises coming from it. Even a demon could hear it from that distance, but before Aizetsu could comprehend the noises his demon sense got to him.
His eyes softened, and he felt cheeks heated up from the scent coming from the room. It was the sexual aroma from a female demon. The scent alone made Aizetsu excited. His heart pounding a little faster, his breaths becoming heavy and his mouth opening slightly to expose his fangs. Aizetsu takes a few steps further, wanting to take a peek in the room until he comes to a hard stop.
"L-Lord, Akaza!~" You moaned, loud enough for anyone outside the room to hear. Aizetsu's arousaled, heavy breaths soon turned into a panic once he heard upper 3's name and quickly covered his mouth with both hands. He was screwed. He got so caught up in your scent, thinking it's just you masturbating alone in the room. The thought of you being with someone didn't hit him until now.
Aizetsu knew very well that male demons are very possessive over their partners, especially during sex. He knew that, yet he just couldn't seem to leave. Your moans were so pretty, and the sounds of the skin smacking against each other roughly made Aizetsu more excited than he realized.
"That's my girl. looking so pretty when you take it. Haa~ you're gonna make me cum just from your pretty moans alone beautiful" Akaza said with his hands grabbing at your tits and giving each nipple a lick. "Akaza... a-aah akaza!" Your whimper softly and your back started to arch reaching your orgasm.
"Yeah? Gonna cum? Be a good girl and cum on my cock" Akaza chuckles, fucking you more roughly. "Yes, lord akaza~ haa~ I'll be a good girl." You become a moaning and even scream in pleasure until you cummed.
Aizetsu couldn't help but whimper in his hands softly. Did you really have to sound like that? His eyes trailed down to look at his dick printed out through his pants and sighed softly. He knew this would happen since he made the choice to stay and listen to your sweet moans but now he needed to leave to take care of himself. In this state, it would only embarrass him if muzan came back to see him like this.
Aizetsu uncovers his mouth and grips onto his spear tightly. His eye brows rised high in some worry, hoping he dose not make a sound on his attempted leave and started by lifting his foot to take a step away from the door. "Where is it you think you're going. Upper four" Akaza's low, yet formal voice calls out to him. Aizetsu felt like eyes were watching him through the wall and a chilling sensation hitting his body, causing a cold sweat to run down his face.
Aizetsu couldn't think of excuse. There was no way out of this, and it would be futile to try and outrun akaza if he wanted to run away. Aizetsu's hands and knees fell to the ground without thought and rested his head gently on his hands to bow. "i-im sorry. I'm sorry, Lord akaza. How sad... I didn't mean to interpret you with my presence. Please forgive me." he begged, rather wanting to be beheaded then scolded.
Faint whispers came from the room before Akaza spoke again. "Come in," Akaza said, rustling with the blanket to put over his lap and cover his lower half. Aizetsu lifted his head from the ground in confusion, hoping he heard Akaza right. "I will not repeat myself," Akaza said in a harsh in his tone, showing clear annoyance at the slow obedience.
Aizetsu quickly rushed up and put his hands together and over his crotch to hide his erection. He uses his elbow to slide open the door, and his eyes widen at the site. You were sitting next to Akaza wearing a silk, see-through night gown. "He's cute~" You giggled and sat up more to make your arms squish your boobs together. Aizetsu's eyes softened again, and his mouth opened slightly to let out a deep sigh with his eyes narrowed down at your boobs.
Although your night gown is see-through, Aizetsu couldn't help but bit his bottom lip at how your harden nipples blug out through your clothing. "Hey." You said to catch his attention and your arm covering your boobs as you began to crawl towards Aizetsu on the bed. "Yes ma'am?" His voice quivered and pressed his held hands together on his buld to hide it as you came closer to him.
"Ma'am? How charming." You smirked and came to the edge of the bed. "How about you come join us, upper four?" You asked seductively and stood close enough for your boobs to almost press on his chest and looked at him with pleading eyes yet still having that smirk on your face. Aizetsu risked it and took a glance at your boobs, biting his bottom lip harder and felt himself getting more aroused in his pants. However, Aizetsu had to calm down and sighed.
"It's sad, really. To turn down an offer like that.... I wouldn't want to make Lord Akaza upset..." Aizetsu said with a bummed out tone. "I called you in this room, didn't I?" Akaza said, making Aizetsu have direct eye contact with him. "If I wanted to, I could've killed you before you even took another step closer to that door, but I didn't"
Akaza is right. He's known to despise all the upper ranks and is not afraid to be violent if he wanted to, especially to upper two and one. Despite knowing that Aizetsu was left with more confusion. What did Akaza want? and what did you want? He remained calm and broke his silence for the conversation to continue. "I guess you're right." He said and looked down.
"Be nice. He looks like he's going to cry." Your smirk turned into a soft, welcoming smile. "I appreciate you calling me ma'am, but my name is y/n." Your smile became wider and showed your fangs. "I know you have a name instead of "upper four." may you tell it to me?" You asked, and gentle took his hand away from his crotch, making him drope his spear and hold his hands in yours.
"A-Aizetsu," his face felt like it was heating up again from your touch when he looked at your face. "My name is Aizetsu... You're a beautiful woman," he spoke softly. "You're a handsome demon. Your eyes are so gorgeous, I want you to keep looking at me with those eyes," your arms started to wrap around Aizetsus's neck, pressing your boobs on his chest and being inches away from his lips.
"I have a proposal for you, Aizetsu," Akaza said with a smirk on his face. "What is it-" Before Aizetsu could turn to look at Akaza, you placed your hand on his cheek gently and turned his gaze back to you. "You can hear but keep your eyes on me~" You smiled. Aizetsu gulps "Okay, y/n.." his voiced quivered softly and his jaw tightening, clenching his teeth together to hold himself back from kissing you.
"How about you fuck y/n in front of me" Akaza bluntly said and began to man spread on the bed as he watches you all over Aizetsu. "Im afraid i don't follow.." Aizetsu said and made Akaza, and you chuckle. "I just can't help but fantasize about my beautiful y/n getting fucked from behind in front of me. I want to see her fucked out face and her body jerk roughly when she takes it" Akaza said and grabs his hard cock through the blanket at the thought.
"I may not be an upper rank, but even a regular demon has good hearing," you said, slipping your hand in his kimono. "Is this okay, Aizetsu?" You asked, and he nods his head. "I know a demon has good hearing... b-but why bring that up?" Hos voice shakes when he feels your hand rub on his bare chest. "I heard those whimpers you made. Your voice is so cute." You said and began to undress Aizetsu from the top further.
Aizetsu felt embarrassed at your call out but also feeling weak in your touch. "You have such nice skin," you said, letting the top part of his kimono fall to his hips to expose his upper body and admire his beautiful dark skin. Your hands touch his chest, then his biceps and then his slim waist. "I was right to pick him for your desired fantasy, Lord Akaza... I want him so badly," you said and kissed Aizetsu's chest, making him let out a soft moan.
"Do you accept? Y/n seems to he getting needy for you," Akaza asked and waited for this response. "If you don't want to, then you're welcome to leave. After all, it'll get rough. " Akaza smirks, and so did you.
"No. I accept your offer," Aizetsu said.
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"Catch me," you said and jumped from the ground and wrapped your legs around Aizetsu's waist. He catches you and holds you up with both his hands on your ass. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Akaza asked with a dark chuckle. "Very gorgeous." Aizetsu said and grabbed your ass in his hold.
"Can I kiss her?" He asked Akaza, then looked up at you. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, pressing his mouth between the space of your boobs. "Yes," both you and Akaza answered, giving Aizetsu the confidence to kiss you.
"mhm~," you moaned softly as your head leaned down to press your lips on Aizetsu's, giving him a soft peck, and then pulled back. "Is this your first time kissing someone?" You smiled and kissed his nose, then turned your head to the side to kiss at his pointy ears. Aizetsu frowned. "It's sad, isn't it? I don't have experience in kissing nor sex. It makes me sad that I could fail this." His head falls between your boobs to hide his face.
Akaza groaned. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood for this. Sit on that chair with y/n." he points to the chair next to the bed. Aizetsu didn't hesitate to obey and walked to the chair with you in his arms and sat down, placing you on his lap gently. "You're doing fine. Stop being so damn sad. It was just a small kiss she gave." akaza crossed his arms.
"Then again, you're a literal clone, so it is your main purpose in this life it to be sad and miserable, but right now isn't the time. Be grateful I'm assisting you. Just kiss her lips. Right now, you're in charge of her pleasure," he said with his arms still crossed. "You're doing fine already. I love the way you grab my ass... do it again, please, " you asked and leaned in for deep, passionate kiss.
Aizetsu nods at Akaza's instructions, and then his hands slip under your night gown up and grabs at your ass lightly. His eyes closed, and his mouth opened slightly once he felt your tongue press on his. Aizetsu let out a gentle sigh as his 'sorrow' tongue made its way inside your mouth. "That's it. During this start to touch her body more" Akaza instructed again and now palming his cock as he watch your hips grind softly in Aizetsu's touch.
Aizetsu moaned softly when he felt you adjust yourself to sit on his cock and grinding your hips slowly. A hand leaves your ass and makes its way up to your boob. He roughly grabbed it at first but started to softly grope and massage you tit and then lead using his thumb and finger and play with your nipple.
Aizetsu could taste your heavy breathing in the kiss, and you could taste his as your tounges play with each other in your mouths. "Good choice to go for the nipples. She loves that, don't you y/n?" Akaza called out purposely and smirked when you opened an eye to look at him, exposing your little fetish.
"Y/n~" Aizetsu pulls away from the kiss, having both your tounges stick out and a thin line of Salvia connect you two for a moment. "If you like having your nipples played with... c-can I suck on them?" He asked and rubbed his thumbs in circles over both your nipples. "Aizetsu~" you moaned his name and grind your pussy harder over his clothed cock.
"So sensitive.. You're so pretty when you moan my name." Aizetsu let out a heavy breath and watched as your body trembles as he plays with you. "What eles dose she like lord Akaza," he asked, and you whined, "What's wrong, princess? I know how shy you can be when saying what you want. Let me tell him," akaza teased and chuckles at your cute pout.
"Y/n loves her clit being played with while you suck on her nipples. Having her grind on your cock it better, if you can't tell since he's been grinding on your hakama pants this whole time" Akaza couldn't help but chuckle at you both but Aizetsu takes note and pulls his pants down just enough to expose his cock.
"Is this okay?" He looks at you with his frowned eye brows and his pretty blue eyes. Aizetsu pulled your hips to make your pussy make contact with his cock and watches you nod. He leans down and hums when his tongue makes contact with your nipple.
Your head falls back with soft moans, escaping your throat as you hold onto his shoulders, almost digging your nails into his skin. Your moans grew louder when you felt his thick veins on his hard cock brush past your wet folds as you grind upwards. Aizetsu moaned on your nipple at your actions, pressing his cock against his stomach to grind your pussy.
"You're being such a good girl for Aizetsu aren't you y/n" Akaza's breaths slightly shake with his hand stroking his cock and watches you desperately plesure yourself just from grinding on Aizetsu. "Yes~ y-yes~" you answered and speak your hand down to grab at Aizetsu's cock in your hand making him but down on your nipple.
"Y/n," he moaned. "I want to be inside you. You're pussy feels so good on my cock b-but I bet it would feel better inside your pretty pussy" he said and uses his thumb to move your fold to see your wetness "you're so wet for me. Can I fuck you now? Please? I wanna hear you say it too" Aizetsu whimpers and uses his free hand to place on your back to support you as he starts to rub his tip on your wet hole and beginning to thrust it in and out.
"I want you inside me too," you moaned at the feeling and grabbed his wrist to stop him and then go to the edge of the bed. You were in Akaza's direct line of eye site and rest half your body on the bed with your feet on the ground but spread apart. You look at Akaza with begging eyes and he chuckles "you want two cock at once mm? You've been a good girl, so I'll allow it," he said and looked at Aizetsu. "Get over here.
"Yes, lord Akaza." Aizetsu got up from the chair and walked over to stand behind you. He looks down at you, spread out for him, and grabs a handful of your ass. Aizetsu admires your body from behind and starts to become more bold "can you shake your ass a little?" He asked, and you did as he said. You yelped once you felt his hand spank you, and you looked over. "Hurry..." You begged.
Akaza scoots himself to the edge of the bed. He used his large hands to grab both your ass to spread you open more. "Before you fuck her I wanna play with her pretty pussy again" akaza said and slips his thick fingers inside and fingers you. "Lord akaza!" You moaned loudly with your back arching and almost standing on your tippy toes. "What's wrong, pretty girl? You're pussy was begging to be stuffed wasn't it?" Akaza asked and kissed your ass cheek continuing to finger fuck you faster.
"More~" you managed to say. Akaza watched Aizetsu practically stand behind you, almost drolling and watches his cock twitch. "Lick her clit. When you make her cum she feels so fucking good when you put your cock inside" Akaza said curling his fingers deeper inside of you.
While Akaza has one hand holding your ass cheek open and his other hand having his fingers to fuck your pussy, Aizetsu gets down on his knees and uses his hand to hold your other ass cheek open. He brings his head down to your clit and sticks his tounge out, pressing his tounge flat on your clit. "Oh my god!" You moan having your nails dig into sheets, your legs shaking from having both the demon men play with your clit from behind.
Aizetsu moans on your throbbing clit while tasting your juices leaking out everytime Akaza pumped his fingers inside of you. "Right there!" You whined "be a good girl and cum. Let Aizetsu taste more of you," Akaza said and gave your ass a bite, sinking his fangs in and groans at your pussy tightening around his fingers.
You've reached your orgasm and creamed on Akaza's fingers. Aizetsu catches some of your cream leaking down and licks it up, slowly stopping his tongue and pulling his mouth off you. "Are you ready for more, baby?" Akaza asked and watches you weakly nod.
Akaza holds open your ass cheeks again and looks at Aizetsu. "You can put it in yourself. I'm not helping you with that," akaza joked, making you chuckle and shaked your head. Aizetsu couldn't help but smile at the comment, feeling more comfortable.
Aizetsu remembers before that you liked having your clit teased so he takes his cock and rubs his tip on your clit slowly. "Looks like you don't need my guidance anymore." Akaza chuckles. Aizetsu lined his cock and pushed the tip past your folds and beginning to push his length inside. "Oh fuck Aizetsu~" you whispered and lift your head from the sheets as you felt his cock half way inside, opening your up.
"Haaa~ you're pussy feels so good" Aizetsu lets out a longish moaned and shuts his eyes at the feeling of your warm, wet walls sucking him in half way. "Y/n~" he moans your name and begins to thrust his hips slow and fucking the rest of his length inside you. "A-am I being too rough? Is this ok?" He asked with soft broken moans between his sentences.
"It's so good~" Your moans drag out, and your sharp nails dig into the sheets. "Keep going~ You and Akaza prepared me, remember?" You giggled with broken moans, "so it doesn't hurt. Be as rough as you want to. I love it!" You said. Aizetsu's thrusts began to sped up at your words and his hands grabbing your hips tighter with his nails digging into your skin.
"Hah~ Her pussy looks so pretty taking my cock" Aizetsu's mouth fell open, becoming a moaning mess and getting pussy drunk. His eyes are locked on your pussy and watching his veiny cock slide in and out easily and seeing your cream form a white ring around his cock.
"Oh yeah, it almost slipped my mind. There's one rule I have for you," Akaza said, stepping closer to Aizetsu and smirking at how your ass jiggles from the back shots. "A rule? What is it?" Aizetsu asked, not fully focused until his vision was at akaza and a painful tug on his hair, causing his thrusts to come to a full stop. Akaza had grabbed a fist full of his hair and looked at him with murderous eyes. "Don't you dare cum inside her inside her." He said and kept his grip.
"U-understood..." Aizetsu whimpers softly with a nod. He gasped at his release and watched as akaza went on the bed in front of you "continue to fuck her. But more roughly now," Akaza said as if he didn't just scare Aizetsu out of his mind. Aizetsu continued to continued, now fucking you more hard and watches as your pussy and your hole thob and your moans becoming louder.
Akaza's hand grabs under your chin with a chuckle and squished your cheeks lightly. "That face really turns me on," he said and slipped his thumb in your hung open mouth and watched your drool spill from your lips. "Cock drunk already? You look so pretty getting fucked. Maybe next time Aizetsu can fuck you in front of a mirror to see how pretty you look" Akaza said slipping his fingers inside your mouth playing with your tounge.
"Lord A-Akaza~," you managed to call out with your tongue being played with and started to suck on fingers. "Sucking on the wrong thing pretty girl" he said and holds his cock to your face. "This is what you should be sucking on. C'mon. Suck it like the good girl you are, yeah?" Akaza rushed his tip past your wet lips until you opened your mouth to take his cock in your mouth.
You bob your head and use your hand to hold his cock in place while moaning on it. "Ah~ she got so tight at your praise. You really are a good girl," Aizetsu said and snapped his hips harder, making your body jerk forward and his skin smacking on yours. "Taking two big cocks at once and being so pretty while you do~ haa you clench around me so hard, do you like being called pretty?" Aizetsu asked and watched as you nod your head with Akaza's cock in your mouth.
"Pretty girl who's sucking this cock just right" akaza pet's your head "while creaming on the other~ fuck I'm gonna cum in your mouth. Can i fuck your throat pretty girl?" Akaza asked. You nod your head and took your hand off his cock to place your both your hands on his thighs, holding them tightly. Akaza flexes his abs, laying back slightly as he starts to thrust his hips upwards while grabbing onto your hair.
"Breathe through your nose. Yes, that's it~ You're doing so good. Such a good girl," Akaza moaned. You felt his cock hit the back of your throat and breathing heavy through your nose while moaning with small gagging sounds. "Get ready to swollow it. Fuck~ I know you can do it baby" Akaza's body lays back fully and his head going back "fuck I'm cumming~" he moaned clenching his teeth together as he cums down your throat.
"M-me too" Aizetsu whimpers and leaned down to rub at your clit while moaning in your ear. "I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm c-cumming!" Aizetsu gasped and sat up quickly to pulls his cock out, almost forgetting Akaza's rule and shoots out his cum onto your onto your pussy.
Aizetsu went back to rubbing your cum covered pussy and watches your legs shake intensely as you squirt on his hand. Once you've drank all his cum your mouth quickly pulls off his cock, screaming in pleasure until your squirting came to and end.
The room was filled with heavy breaths calming down from the intense orgasms. Akaza slowly got up from the bed to see your fucked out pussy and then looked at Aizetsu "I'm serious. You'd be dead if you came in her, but good job for making her squirt," he said, and Aizetsu only nodded.
"Go see if lord muzan has arrived yet. I still don't sense his presents. I have to take care of y/n right now," Akaza said, looking at your head and resting on his thigh. He smiles and begins to pet your head softly while looking at Aizetsu. "I'll let you join next time. How does that sound?" Akaza asked, and you looked at Aizetsu with a weak smile and giving him a flirtatious wink.
"I will definitely join next time..."
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
👀👀 u no what I'm gonna ask right (please more for the uncle clark pretty please 🙏🥺)
What's this? Another 565 words? Couldn't be.
Danny wanted to fidget, only he was floating a foot above the ground without legs. “I can fix that!” He took barely a thought and his human-half bled through to his ghost form—his internal organs started working again and his legs formed as he let gravity bring him down to the ground. “See?” he asked with a self-conscious grin. “I totally have a heartbeat and you have nothing to worry about Uncle Cl— Wait. What do I call you? Uncle Superman?That’s weird.”
Danny’s grin faltered when Uncle Clark didn’t reply right away and appeared to be taking a few deep breaths. “You just. Restarted. Your heart.”
“No I didn’t! I always had a heartbeat!” Danny tried to insist. His uncle just gave him a look and Danny laughed self-consciously. “Okay, fine. But seriously, what do I call you?”
“Superman or Kal. And how about you? Constantine calls you Prince Phantom and said you were thousands of years old when I know for a fact you’re seventeen.”
“Oh, Danny’s fine. I go by Danny Phantom when I’m like this. And dude, I can’t believe my uncle is an alien! That’s so cool. And, wait! The older superboy! He’s your clone. Dani is gonna flip when she finds out. Can we introduce them? They’re so gonna make up a mirrors-only club and talk shit about us and their creators.”
“You’ve got a— No. Nope, later.” Uncle Clark took another deep breath and Danny suppressed a wince. He was so not joining the Justice League after this, was he? But then he watched as his uncle turned to Batman. “Batman, once this gets sorted, I’ll need you to sit Danny down and give him the presentation on secret identities.”
“It’s fine! No one expects the dead kid to have a secret identity. Besides, all my rogues know who I am. There’s no secrets among the dead, after all. It’s my parents and the government I have to keep off my back.”
Uncle Clark took another deep breath and looked at Batman. “Batman, I apologize for every time I laughed at you when you complained about your kids getting up to things behind your back.”
Batman’s lips turned slightly up and he nodded his head to Uncle Clark, but didn’t say anything besides, “Hn.”
Then Uncle Clark was looking at Danny again. “Okay, we’re gonna start over. Danny, why does Constantine think you’re thousands of years old and a death prince?”
Danny sighed. Uncle Clark so wasn’t going to let him get away without answering. “Well, I am a death prince. And my regent and adviser is the Ghost of Time, responsible for upholding the time stream. He sends me to the past or future occasionally if he needs someone to intervene. Your likeness gets carved into a couple of stone tablets and all of a sudden everyone thinks you’re thousands of years old.” Danny rolled his eyes. “No one even asks anymore!”
Clark closed his eyes and mouthed something. When he opened them again, he looked straight at Danny. “Okay, here’s what’s going to happen. You and I are going to find an empty conference room. I’ll get us some tea and refreshments. And you are going to explain everything. And you know what my day job is, I’ll know if you’re lying or trying to hide anything.”
Danny winced. “Yes, Uncle Cl— Kal. Uncle Kal.”
I guess there's a next
Again, if anyone wants to continue this, go for it! It's so much a back burner fic it's not even funny.
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Part eight of Clone Danny au
"Who is this person?" Red Robin asks, and Danny huffs irritably. Gotham's cool air was seeping slowly into his clothes -- he never had a problem with it in Amity, he was always moving too much to get cold.
"Does it matter?" he signs sharply, his patience suddenly growing thin with his increasing paranoia. His mouth twisted into a scowl under his mask. "I have someone who can come pick me up, they're clearly not dangerous if they're friends with me."
Red Robin held his hands up in surrender, sighing in a way that made Danny's tired, scared brain almost see red. He whirled on Batman, "Do you have a payphone anywhere? A few cents so that I can call Spirit? Please?"
Silently, Batman reached for his utility belt, popped open one of the compartments, and pulled out a few quarters. Danny made a mental note to make himself some kind of utility belt -- a fanny pack maybe? -- he needed to be more prepared for the unexpected. Like Batman was.
He pressed the tip of his fingers to his chin and gestured outward, "Thank you." he says, and takes the quarters, clutching them tightly.
"Hn." Batman grunts, a flicks the compartment closed with a silent click. "There's a payphone nearby for you to use. I will show you it."
"Thank you," Danny signs again, slumping in relief. "I'm sorry again for being here. I didn't mean to. It's my first time fighting this guy."
Batman grunts again and steps to the side, unhooking his grappling hook from his belt. "Do you not have a mentor to show you these things?" He doesn't turn away while he asks, which is nice. The living have a habit of turning away from him while they're talking (during the rare moments he sticks around long enough to chat), forgetting that Danny speaks with his hands.
He shakes his head, reaching for his own, homemade grappling hook. There was nothing like swinging through Amity's skyscrapers after a ghost, he felt like he was flying. He had to make it himself after his first dozen run-ins with ghosts where running on foot couldn't cut it. "Mentors are a privilege, you know. I'm doing this all on my own, or did the homemade costume not give it away?"
Red Robin passes around Danny with his own grappling hook, and he heard a barely-there snort of laughter from the man. Batman 'hrms' in a vaguely disapproving note, and readies his hook. "The payphone is that way, Phantom. Are you ready?"
Under his mask, Danny grins widely. Finally, something good. Perhaps flying will alleviate some of his anxiety. He holds up his hook, and nods sharply, walking over to the edge of the roof.
He watches Batman wait a moment, aim, and then off they go.
Flying through Gotham City felt much like flying through Amity Park, with its towering skyscrapers and close-built buildings. Danny bit back the holler of joy building in his throat as the wind rushed past him, blowing back the hood of his jacket and rustling through his hair.
God, he loved flying.
He watched Batman and Red Robin as well, entranced with the fluttering of their capes as they soared. It was inspiring how the two of them cut such striking silhouettes. It was memorable -- and, hey, where was Robin?
Danny wanted to ask, but with the roaring wind and the lack of freedom in his hands, he had no way of doing so. And he wasn't quite sure if it was any of his business... Regardless of how Batman and Red Robin dug into his own.
At some point they reached a stretch of air where the gap between buildings was bigger than before, and through his adrenaline-induced joy, Danny suddenly swung himself forward with more force than before.
He swung up, up, up into the air... and released himself, launching himself high high into the air. he looked down, seeing Batman and Red Robin further away and latching onto the next building.
Danny whooped loudly, confident in the wind to catch his yell before it caught the ears of the vigilantes accompanying him. His momentum began to slow, and for the length of a heartbeat he was stranded in the air, skies above and ground below. He breathed in, and like a bubble popping he began to fall again.
It took only a singular twist of his body for him to right himself and chase after Batman and Red Robin, who had turned their heads to look for him. He grinned apologetically once he caught up to them, although they couldn't see it.
It took only a few regretful minutes later to reach the payphone that Batman was referring to, and Danny mourned the loss of the sky to himself as his feet touched the ground alongside the two gothamites. "Thank you for the escort, gentlemen." He signs once he's hooked his grappling hook back onto himself and fished out the quarters. "If you could be so kind as to stand out of hearing range, that would be most appreciated."
Batman merely grunts and Red Robin nods, neither move when Danny half jogs over to the payphone. Pulling up his mask just enough to reveal his mouth, Danny inserts the coins and jabs in Ellie's number.
He waits, breath held as the dialtone rings. Once, twice, before finally there's a click and a groggy, familiar voice: "Hr'o?"
Danny can't stop the grin of relief that stretches over his face. "Spirit." He whispers, and glances back to Batman and Red Robin. His fingers tap against the phone nervously. "I need your help."
"Dan- Phantom?" Ellie says, sounding much more awake as rustling follows in the background. "What happened? Are you hurt?" There was a protective tinge layering Ellie's voice that Danny was all too familiar with.
"No, no, I'm fine." He says, trying to sound reassuring while retaining his hush voice. "I have a new rogue; a teleport ghost. he took me to Gotham and I need you to come get me."
"To Gotham?" Ellie hisses in disbelief, "Fuck, Phantom, that's miles away from here. Yeah, I'll come get you. Don't go anywhere."
Danny huffs sardonically, fingers twirling around the phone wire nervously. "Not like there's anywhere for me to go. I'll be waiting on one of the rooftops, Spirit. I'll see you then."
"See you then, be safe."
And then the phone clicks, the line going dead. Danny sighs, heavy and tired, and it turns into a jaw-cracking yawn. He hangs the phone back up, and pulls the mask down.
A silent figure approaches from the corner of his eye; Batman. Red Robin, at some point of the conversation, had left. "Is your person coming?"
Danny pulls his hood up. "Yes. They should be here... soon. Hopefully," he signs, "Thank you for your help, Batman."
------ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
Taglist: @the-navistar-carol @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @gin2212 @youracearocroatneighbour @luckybyrdrobyn @deeplyconfusedbear @epilepticnerd @beautifulmomenttodrawblank @sara0055 @blusunkhild @letmesayfuxk (?) @latheevening226 @tkiesai @rosedasy @meira-3919 @igotafewbadideas @princessbelix @cyber-geist
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abbygrabska · 9 months
11th Doctor x reader x Ganger!Doctor Threesome Smut
this was a request from my ao3
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It’s strange, there being two Doctors. One is a Ganger, a clone, the other is the real Doctor.
You really couldn’t tell which was which, that was somewhat alarming.
You kept glancing between the two, trying to find subtle differences to figure out which one was really him.
Your glances came to an end when one of the two went off with Amy and Rory.
“I don’t know.” The Doctor in the room with you chuckles lowly.
You turn your head to him, “Hmm?”
“I don’t know how he can stand to be in the same room as you.” He speaks, walking towards you slowly.
“What does that mean?” You back away from him, until you hit the wall.
He leans down and grabs your chin, making you look at him, “Look at you… So unaware of how much he wants you…”
“What are you talking about?”
His free hand strokes from your lower thigh up to your waist, “You really have no clue, do you?” His eyes darken, slotting his body between your thighs, arms caging you in.
“What are you doing?” You ask fearfully.
“Showing you how he feels about you.” He smirks, leaning in to kiss you.
The door opens, and he pulls away from your face.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” The Doctor stalks up to his double quickly, pulling him away from you completely, “You may look like me but you sure aren’t me.”
The Ganger smirks, “You’re right, I’m not scared to go after what you want.” He glances at you.
The Doctor’s face pales.
“Doctor, what does he mean?”
He doesn’t answer you, glaring at the Ganger, “She is off limits to you.”
“I think you’re forgetting we’re the same. We have the same face, same thoughts, same urges. And since you won’t tell her, I will…” He trails off, turning to face you, “He fancies you. Can’t stop wondering what it would be like to kiss you. You wouldn’t believe how many times he’s got off to the thought of you coming undone on top of him.”
Your face flushes, snapping your head to look at the Doctor, he looks furious, ready to kill.
He grabs his Ganger by the jacket, pushing him against the wall, “You have no right to say that to her, to tell her that.”
“Well, it’s not like you were ever gonna do it.” He grins, “Besides it’s not like she doesn’t like it.” The Ganger turns the Doctor’s face to look at you.
You are staring at the both of them, wide-eyed and flushed in the face, thighs clenched.
“See the way her thighs clench together?” The Ganger coos, “Imagine the way they’d feel around your head as you—“
The Doctor chokes him, “You do not get to talk about her like that!”
“Why don’t we ask her?” The Ganger hisses out, looking at you, “You like this don’t you darling? Want his hands wrapped around your throat?” His eyes flicker down to your clenched thighs. You rub them together, nodding shyly.
The Doctor stares at you, “D-do you really want that?”
You nod, licking your lips.
He lets go of the Ganger’s throat and walks up to you.
The Doctor strokes his fingers over the column of your throat, watching your pupils dilate and a whimper escape your lips.
The Ganger pushes himself away from the wall and peers at you over the Doctor’s shoulder, “See how good of a girl she is?” He coos, “Why don’t you wrap your hands around her pretty little throat?”
You whimper at his words, the Doctor wraps a hand around your throat, and a breathy moan escapes your lips.
“Hear that? Such a needy little girl, just wants someone to take control and fuck her senseless, huh?”
You nod.
The Doctor’s breath hitches in his throat, his grip tightening on your own.
“See? She needs it, badly. Why don’t you give in for once? Take what you want.” The Ganger whispers into his ear.
You nod along with him, “Please Doctor.”
He swallows, looking into your eyes, “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” You whisper.
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours.
You sigh against his mouth, reaching your hands up to go through his hair, only to be stopped when a pair of hands pin them above your head.
“Ooh, naughty girl, trying to touch without permission.” The Ganger tuts.
The Doctor breaks the kiss to look at him, “What should we do with her?”
The Ganger ponders something for a moment before a smirk graces his lips, “Spank her.”
The Doctor nods in agreement, letting go of your throat.
The Ganger lets go of your wrists, “Strip.”
You nod, unbuttoning your shorts, and pulling them down. You undo your shoes and pull them off so you can take your shorts off.
The Doctor licks his lips, “Top too.”
You hesitate, the Ganger doesn’t like that.
He stands in front of you and pulls your shirt up, revealing your bare breasts, “Oh? Going without a bra, in front of everyone? How naughty.” He pinches your left nipple, enjoying the yelp you let out, “Now take your panties off too.”
You take your shirt off and slide your underwear down your legs.
The Doctor stares at you, memorizing every inch of bare skin, beckoning you forward with a motion of his hand.
You step towards him, looking up at him through your lashes.
He takes hold of your throat again, pulling your body flush against his, the Ganger comes up from behind and grabs your ass.
You shudder.
“How many spanks should we give her, hmm?” The Ganger asks.
“Ten.” The Doctor answers.
“You heard him, sweetie, now count.” The Ganger smirks, before striking the first time.
“One.” You whimper.
His hands soothe your skin before he spanks you again.
You’re dripping wet by the time it stops.
The Ganger notices, sliding his hand through your folds, sucking the slick off of his fingers, “Divine.”
The Doctor looks at him, “Better than we thought?”
“Much.” The Doctor’s eyes darken, and his free hand slides between your thighs, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbing lightly.
You suck in a deep breath.
The Ganger’s hands join in, stroking and caressing your thighs.
The Doctor’s grip tightens around your throat, kissing you roughly.
His thumb rubs harder and rougher against you, two of his fingers delving into your wetness.
You moan into his mouth, he pulls away to look into your eyes.
Your breathing picks up as his fingers thrust in and out.
His eyes bore into yours, bringing you to the edge of orgasm before he stops his movements.
You almost cry, he smirks at you.
The Ganger’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against him as the Doctor tightens his grip.
Fingers rub at your clit, and a mouth goes onto your breast, nipping and sucking.
You can feel the coil tightening in your stomach again, you pray to whatever deity is out there to let you cum.
It doesn’t work, the hand pulls away again.
The hand at your throat disappears.
You watch the Doctor kneel in front of you and spread your legs apart, hiking your thighs over his shoulders before he looks up at you with a smirk, “You’re going to be a good girl and cum on my tongue, maybe then I’ll let you cum on my cock.”
With that, he buries his face into your cunt.
He sucks at your clit and thrusts his tongue into your sopping hole.
His fingers soon join his mouth, entering your hole slowly.
You gasp at the feeling.
He thrusts his fingers in and out of you, slowly at first, but speeding up to match with the movements of his tongue.
A coil of pleasure starts to tighten in the pit of your stomach, you pant loudly.
“Doctor!” You moan out, going to grab at his hair only for your arms to be restrained by the Ganger.
“What did I say about touching without permission?”
“I’m sorry, please let me touch!” You whimper.
Your hips buck against the Doctor’s face as you chase your orgasm.
“Hmm…” The Ganger thinks for a moment, “No.”
You whine, “I’m so close.”
“Oh, are you?”
You nod.
“Doctor, please let me cum, I’ll be a good girl I promise! I need it so bad!” You nearly scream.
His ministrations speed up, and his eyes bore into yours.
“Then cum. Cum for us.” The Ganger orders, pinching your nipples.
You do, crying out as your walls tighten around the Doctors’ fingers, body writhing at the intensity.
The Doctors fingers fuck you through your orgasm, until you try and squirm away from him.
He stops, letting your legs drop from his shoulders, and standing up.
The Ganger lets go of your arms and you slump to the floor.
You get on your knees and a hand grips your face.
“We’re not done with you yet.” The Ganger smirks, undoing his pants with one hand.
You whimper, pressing your thighs together.
The Doctor pulls you up, already naked.
He spreads your thighs apart and hooks his arms under your knees.
His hard length is resting against your cunt.
The Ganger grabs his own length, pumping slowly as he walks up to you.
He shares a look with the Doctor, smirking.
The Doctor guides his cock to your hole, just the tip resting inside.
The Ganger presses his cock to your hole as well, and together they push inside.
You cry out, trying to escape their grasp only for the Ganger to wrap his hand around your throat.
“Such a tight cunt, it can barely fit both of us.” The Ganger bucks his hips slightly, causing you to let out a sob, “Does it hurt?”
You nod, tears brimming your eyes.
He pouts before smirking, grip tightening on your throat, “Too bad.”
The two bully their way into your pussy, until they both bottom out.
Tears escape your eyes at the intensity.
“Feel that?” The Ganger asks, caressing your lower stomach, where a bulge resides, “That’s us. We’re up in your tummy.” He presses down on your stomach, and you moan.
The Ganger’s hands slide down to your hips, gripping the flesh roughly, “Get ready, we’re about to ruin you for anyone else.”
And with that, the two begin to thrust in and out of your cunt.
The fullness feels so good, you almost start to drool.
The Doctor gets your attention by kissing you. His fingers intertwine with yours.
His thrusts are slower, more drawn out than the Ganger’s but just as desperate. He’s holding back, is it because he hopes this will happen again when the adventure ends? You hope the same.
A mouth latches onto your shoulder and bites down. You moan into the Doctor’s mouth, clenching around their cocks.
You can feel both of them shudder at the feeling.
The thrusting speeds up greatly.
“God, she feels so good.” The Ganger grunts, “Wouldn’t you agree?”
The Doctor pulls away from your lips, “I think she’s close.”
The Ganger smirks, “Gonna cum, huh?”
You nod, whining, “Please.”
“Good, we’re gonna fill you with our cum. Put a baby in you, make you nice and round with our child.” The Doctor groans, his thrusts getting rougher.
You clench around them, moaning.
“Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” The Ganger asks, “Getting a baby fucked into you?” His hand finds your clit, rubbing circles into it.
The Doctor’s rhythm falters slightly, you can tell he’s close.
Your moans increase in pitch as they slow their thrusting, shooting straight into your womb.
Your pussy spasms, walls clenching and unclenching as you reach your orgasm, eyes rolling back into your head.
“Good girl.” The Ganger groans, “Fuck! Taking all our cum like a good little girl.”
Their hips slow to a stop as your head lays on the Doctor’s shoulder.
The Doctor’s arms wrap around your waist as he and the Ganger pull out.
Your feet touch the ground, your legs like jelly. Your hands grab the Doctor’s shoulders.
One of his hands holds your head up and he looks at you, “You did wonderful, darling.” 
A mouth presses against your back, kissing the skin softly, “Such a good girl for us.”
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
jealousy angry sex to fluff what do you think I really love a jealous ani like in the clone wars
I adore jealous clone wars Anakin. The whole Padme and Clovis thing was just so 🤤 especially when Anakin beat the shit outta him. Here's a lil headcanon-y piece. I went a lil overboard but...I kinda like it 🫣 I hope you enjoy lovey.
Warnings: degrading, dirty talk, no protection (please be safe), spanking, possessive asf behaviour, and more 18+!!!
Word Count: 1.5k
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༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
➮ Anakin is so vocally jealous. He’s a cocky ass hole and he will talk to the person flirting with you in the most condescending way ever and it gets on everyone’s nerves.
➮ He’s just so possessive of you and wishes you just wore a sticker on your shirt saying “Anakin’s my husband go away” so everyone fucks off. He also starts getting annoyed at you if you seem to be entertaining someone's flirtatious behaviour. Anakin’s watching you with some douchebag and he’s thinking “Yeah I bet that dick head can’t make you cum as good as I can” cause his mind goes straight to sex.
➮ It starts with his firm assertive ‘I’m the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, fear me fucker’ voice. He stands up straight, with crossed arms and a clenched jaw as he storms over to retrieve you. (this part is incredibly sexy because he’s so hot and jealous)
➮ You can just feel the envy radiating off his body and you almost enjoy it. Anakin will make some shitty excuse to take you away making it somewhat obvious you’re his and only his. He’ll firmly grab your arm basically pulling you away from the guy. Anakin shares his partner with no one. If anyone is even talking to you with any kind of suggestive tone Anakin will go for their throat and sometimes it can be a little embarrassing if he makes it seem like you can’t take care of yourself.
➮ “Anakin! That was humiliating I can look out for myself I don’t need you constantly lurking around me asshole” You complain pacing your shared bedroom. “Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you in front of your new boyfriend,” He says sarcastically. “You possessive jealous little boy. Get over yourself” You roll your eyes frustrated with his behaviour, but knowing where it will get you is the real goal here 🤭
➮ “Possessive? I’ll show you possessive” He growls standing up and towering over you. His large muscular frame is just too much to deal with. He grabs your face gripping your jaw to make you look at him. “Do you not value my protection love?” He asks his eyes are dark with lust. “I don’t need you over my shoulder constantly” You huff. “You’re so naive Y/N” He states. You turn your head avoiding his dangerous gaze. “Darling, who do you belong to?” He asks in such a fake-sweet-sounding tone. This is when he decides he’ll just fuck the bratty attitude out of you. “I don’t belong to anyone” You reply. He scoffs before pressing a hard, lewd kiss to your lips.
➮ Knowing what’s coming next you return the kiss threading your fingers through his hair as you both fight for control in the kiss. His tongue dominates yours and he pulls away smirking. “Strip for me, then get on the bed” Anakin whispers lowly in your ear giving your ass a smack and you’re quick to do as he says. As you take your panties off he snatches them from you. “Hey!” You try to grab them back and he smirks. “I think I might keep these in case I have to gag you” He replies swinging them around his finger and making you turn bright red.
➮ He’s the kind of guy to act fake sweet and humiliate you before angry fucking you till you can’t cum anymore.
➮ Slowly, you get on the bed as he takes off his own robes. “Touch yourself” He states still standing at the end of the bed. “What?” You reply shocked by his request. “Touch. Your. Self. Don’t make me repeat myself” He says again as you hesitantly move your hand down to your dripping heat. Biting your lip you slowly begin to circle your swollen cunt and Anakin can’t help but smirk watching the way your eyebrows are drawn together and the breathy moans you let out. “For someone who doesn’t need me you’re soaked princess” He sneers coming even closer to you, his eyes trained on your pussy. “Not for you” You reply. “Really?” Anakin laughs. “Should I leave? Maybe I’ll find someone at a bar who wants me” He sighed getting up. “N-No, no Anakin I-I didn’t mean it,” You whine reaching up to grab his arm and pull him back.
➮ He puts you on your back and cages you between his arms. “That’s what I thought, you're just my needy little slut aren’t you,” He chuckled, the sound of his breathy laughter making you rub your thighs together in pleasure. “I am” You whimper pulling him down for kisses. You yelp as he flips you on your stomach and roughly squeezes your ass while kissing your neck and back. Anakin’s a sloppy messy bitch and decides to lick up your spine and make you squirm first. “Ass up,” He says firmly. You shift positions gently and he gives you a few hard spanks making you moan.
➮ “God you’re so easy,” He tells you grabbing your hips and pushing his hard cock inside of you. “You just love all this attention don’t you, is that why you flirt with these creeps? You’re an attention whore huh?” He asked. You stay silent and he grabs a handful of your hair tugging you upward and keeping your back to his chest. “Answer me” He whispers biting your earlobe. “Yes” Is all you whisper wiggling your hips desperate for him to move. “Please Ani” You continue before he lets you go and starts fucking you at a merciless pace letting out his pent-up anger on your tight pussy.
➮ You’re whining into a pillow moaning at how deep he is inside of you. Anakin’s hands gripping your hips, his cold metal hand probably leaving marks. “You like it when I fuck you, dumb sweetheart, I bet your boyfriend couldn’t make you feel this good” Anakin grins in your ear. “H-He’s not my b-b-boyfriend” You stutter barely being able to speak from pleasure. “I’m the only person that can turn you into such a dumb cock drunk whore” Anakin continues his dirty talk the whole time.
➮Then he reaches down and grabs your throat pulling you back into him. You let out a loud moan at the angle change and he’s holding you up tight against him while he’s fucking you. “Ani” You whimper and he gently squeezed your airway closed. “Good girl taking me so fucking well” He rasped. He lets go of your throat he uses that hand to play with your clit. “Tell me who owns this pretty little cunt baby” His sadistic grin is crazyyy. “You do Anakin! You” “Mhm yeah I do”
➮ “Please l-let me cum Ani I promise I’m yours all yours” You moan before he flips you on your back. Anakin loves the sight of you all messy and sweaty desperate for his dick. “Good girl, you are mine. You don’t need anyone else” He continues fucking back into you causing you to start scratching his back. “I’ll make sure they all fucking know your mine” He groans leaning down to suck the biggest, purple hickeys across your neck to get his point across. “Cum on my cock sweetheart,” He says licking across the marks. “Anakin! Oh, fuck Anakin” You moan coming undone around him quivering in ecstasy. “Mhm, baby I’m gonna cum so deep inside you, get you all p-pregnant with my child. No one will ever touch you if you see you big and fucking swollen with my baby” He growls before finishing deep inside of you.
➮ Afterwards he goes all soft on you. “I love you so much” He whispers so softly making you grin at his sudden change in tone. “You know that?” He asks. “Course I do…I love you too” Laying beside you he smiles and presses the softest kisses to your face. “Y’know I don’t mean any of that right?” He makes sure. “I know, it’s fun” You grin squeezing his bicep. “Let me get you cleaned up pretty girl” He grins.
➮ He’s quickly cleaning you up and getting you a cold glass of water. Eventually, you’re just cuddled up to his chest as he strokes your hair. “I’m sorry for getting so jealous. I just hate seeing other guys talk to you like that. I know you can handle yourself…I just like protecting you” He blushes. “It’s okay, I like how possessive you are Skywalker. It’s cute” “I’m not possessive, I just love you” Anakin whispers kissing your temple making you giggle. He he fully believes with his whole heart he is not possessive, but like bro he so is “Don’t laugh at me” He grins kissing his cheek. “Love you Ani…m’all yours,” You say softly. “I’m all yours too” Anakin replies pecking your lips once more.
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deeva-arud · 9 months
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Deeva Årud - Club Wear Voice Lines
When Summoned: Lights dimmed, tension building up… Are you ready to feel our rhythm? Summon Line: Playing music with friends is fun, I’m glad to be here even though I’m starting to feel a bit nervous.
Groooovy!!: We’d be delighted to see you at our next show. Spotting a familiar face among the crowd is always nice. Home: “Let’s rock and roll”, as some would say. Home Idle 1: I joined the Pop Music Club on my second year. Perhaps it’s quite a drastic change from my previous club but… it’d be a lie to say I’m not enjoying my time here. Home Idle 2: Most of the time I’m the one suggesting we should practice, but somehow Lilia, Cater and Kalim always distract me with all these unknown snacks and gadgets. Sometimes I have the feeling they do it on purpose… Home Idle 3: I need to warm my hands, it’s hard playing an instrument when they’re cold. Home Idle – Login: *humming Piece of My World* Ah- sorry, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you with something? Home Idle – Groovy: I’ve been playing violin and other instruments since I was a kid. My family has always had a connection with music and I’ll gladly continue this legacy. Conveying your thoughts and feelings through sounds is quite satisfactory. Home Tap 1: My first concert with them? Since it was the first time I’d be playing in front of many people, I knew I’d have a hard time trying to look at the audience. Cater noticed and told me to look at him so I could feel less overwhelmed… Let’s say I didn’t expect him to be so literal. His clones substituted the audience because no one came to see us. Home Tap 2: Hm, my violin? Indeed, it’s not the same one I use at Mostro Lounge. An electric violin is more suitable for the club’s activities. I’m surprised you noticed it. That means someone’s been paying too much attention to the musician playing ambience music… That was a joke. Home Tap 3: Kalim and I joined the club in the same year so I got to see how much he’s improved his drumming technique. It’s impressive. Certainly, Lilia’s been an excellent teacher to him. Home Tap 4: I like the idea of having customized masks for our performances. Maybe I should mention it once we have enough funds. Home Tap 5: I recently accepted to do some vocals just for our club sessions. You can come see us, but please refrain from telling everyone else. At the moment, I only feel comfortable singing for a few people. Home Tap – Groovy: When it comes to a band like this many wouldn’t think of a violinist, but that actually gives songs an interesting feeling, don’t you think? Duo: [DEEVA]: Ready for a shocking performance, Cater? [CATER]: Ready as ever, Dee-chan!
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
Okay but the clones and thigh riding😌 I need a headcannon of this from someone because the thought of it just gives me butterflies 🥰
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Riding their thigh •°*”˜.•°*”˜
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Network: @enchantedforest-network
Sekido is so mean about it.
His thick thigh is wedged between yours as his nails dig into your hips. He makes you grind your self against the rigged muscles, fangs gritting in a snarl as his blood red eyes watch you sob and moan out. One hand leaves your hip to tangle in your hair as he yanks your head back.
"You dirty whore, you wanted this. Just look at the fucking mess you're making. I shouldn't have even let you do this. Was my cock not good enough?"
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Karaku teases you about it.
Hands grip your hips loosely as he watches you desperately grind yourself over his thigh. He could feel the damp spot growing and a grin spreads over his lips. His slips his tongue out and licks at your lips – his signal that he wants you to open up. Once you did as he requested, he slips his fingers into your mouth.
"Come on, slutty little slayer. Shake your hips more. Fuck yourself on my thigh like you wanted. Or do you need my help? You poor human."
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Aizetsu is blushing the whole time.
Nimple fingers hold on gently to your waist as he rocks you back and forth on his thigh. Bright blue eyes watches each lewd expression that flashes on your pretty face. He can't resist kissing you, pushing his tongue past your lips as he blushes deeply and feels the wet spot growing over his thigh as you came.
"Look at that. You came just from riding my thigh? Did it feel that good, pretty little plaything? Do you want me to keep doing it? Use your words and tell me, please?"
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Urogi is amused by it.
Giggles fall from his lips as he gently presses his talon against your clit over the material of your panties. It was so cute watching the way you squirm around on his thigh. His chest presses against your back as his other hand grips your hips, sharp talon threatening to rip your skin as he has you grind down to the pace he wanted.
"I know you can do better than that? Don't you want to cum? I know you fucking you, you dirty slut. But you're my dirty slut! Be a good girl for me, yeah?"
895 notes · View notes
Hello. It's Talita from Ao3 here, I said I would come. 🤭😂 So I'd like to request Hunter x shy fem reader with the last smutty prompt: ❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜ Maybe the reader's inexperience might come to the surface when they're all in 79s and a drunken Crosshair suggests she get someone to f*c*? But reader waits for the right partner. ♥️
Hey Talita! Thanks for the request and all the love you’ve been sharing 🥰
Shy readers seem to be the flavour of the moment, as I just went out with one for Crosshair!
This one ran away with me. It’s my longest to date. Hope it's okay 😊
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Waiting for You
A night out at 79’s leads to a revelation that surprises the whole batch, and with feelings becoming increasingly more difficult to hide, it was only a matter of time before you and Hunter reached a crossroads. (Pre Echo)
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Word count: 6.8k
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: friends to lovers (🤌), Cross is a shit stirrer (what else is new?), alcohol consumption (but both parties are sober for spicy time), sibling teasing/banter, sweet sweet tension and yearning, sexually shy!reader, virgin!reader, first kiss, first time together, oral (f!receiving), light fingering, unprotected PiV, reassurance and comfort, pet names, praise, sprinkle of dirty talk, soft aftercare.
Translation: (Mando'a) Gar ru'lis ganar kaysh. – You could have her.
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The thump of the music wasn’t so heavy, tucked away in a back booth of 79’s. It wasn’t often you visited, preferring to frequent other bars and clubs whenever you and the boys had shore leave - there were perks to them not looking like Regs. However, 79’s was close to where you were all staying and cheap enough that the few credits you’d all managed to save would go much further than they would anywhere else.
Wedged between Wrecker and Hunter, with Tech and Crosshair taking up the seats on the opposite side of the booth, you watched as Wrecker pried a well-worn card from the pile in the middle of the table. During your last Venator stop, you’d made a few trades with some of the Regs and had walked away with a small pile of loot, including a set of ‘drink or do’ cards. They were common amongst the clones during downtime, providing distraction and intoxication.
Wrecker flipped the card over, huffing as his eyes skipped over the text. “Let the group message anyone on ya datapad or take two shots.” He read the card aloud.
Crosshair’s hand immediately extended for the datapad, fingers curling in a ‘give it here’ gesture. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and you laughed as Wrecker huffed, handing over his device to his younger brother.
“You are aware this is a group effort, yes?” Tech asked, leaning in towards his twin to look at the screen. Out of all of you, Tech had elected to stay sober, hating the way his mind went fuzzy with the effects of alcohol. One of you needed to ensure you all returned to the hotel in one piece.
The deadpan look Crosshair gave him pulled a giggle from you. You were several drinks deep by now – some of the cards you’d drawn had been wholly inappropriate, so shots had been the only option. Everything felt good, your inhibitions lowered, and you knew you were safe. Your men would look after you. 
A year you’d been with them, traversing the galaxy, trying desperately to keep them alive. Nat-born medics were a rarity in the GAR, but sometimes they were called in. You’d been head-hunted from Coruscant Medical after the Batch had been out in the field for a few months –they hadn’t gotten on well with the Reg medics initially assigned to them.
“Please pick Fox.” You insisted, leaning a little across the table. Gasping, you had a new idea. “Wait, no! Wolffe.” You leaned back with a wide grin, enjoying Wrecker’s groan. Knowing Crosshair, the message would be salacious, and you knew a few of the men in the Wolfpack who would absolutely fill you in on their Commander’s reaction in the morning.
Crosshair lifted a finger, pointing it at you. “I like the way you think, doll.” He complimented. Only when he was several drinks in did his tongue loosen and compliments flow more freely.
“That’s why you keep me around.” You tease, watching as the sharpshooter taps out a quick message. A gentle hand on your knee has you turning your attention to Hunter, your smile widening at his touch and how he pushes a glass of water closer to you, encouraging you to hydrate properly to stave off a hangover in the morning. Warmth seeps through you at his care, and you’re grateful for the cacophony of sounds and stimuli in 79’s that mask the way your heart rate spikes a little.
Although Hunter indulged a little this evening, he knew his limits. He’d been nursing a Tsiraki for most of the night. If he wasn’t careful, it didn’t take much to frazzle his senses and cause a two-day migraine. Keeping his wits about him also meant he could look after you. 
Nestled between Wrecker and himself, the laugh lines on your face and the glint in your eyes told Hunter that you cherished these moments despite the chaotic nature of their lives. He appreciated how you fit into their world, understanding their quirks and unspoken communication. You navigated the challenges of their unique existence with a grace that fascinated him. To him, you weren’t just their medic; you were their companion, their confidant, a source of solace in a gritty galaxy.
Hunter’s gaze lingered on you as Crosshair added the final touches to the message. The playful banter and easy camaraderie were the moments he adored the most. Yet, beneath it all, there was a yearning, a quiet ache that he couldn’t quite put into words.
He saw the weariness that sometimes lingered in your eyes – chased away this evening by liquor and laughter – and wished he could erase the shadows that sometimes clouded your gaze. It fuelled his desire to protect and shield you from the harsh realities that had become their norm. 
Taking a sip of his Tsiraki, Hunter let his gaze linger on the curve of your profile. The way your hair fell, and your fingers traced absentminded patterns on the table while you chatted with his brothers stirred something within him. Something that he wanted to grab with both hands and hold close.
Lost in his thoughts, he almost missed the moment you turned to him, your eyes meeting his with a warmth that sent a shiver down his spine. “What do you think?” You asked. “Suitable enough?” 
Hunter blinks once, twice, and then nods. “Sure, sounds good.” He answers, having no idea what you’d been asking about. As you turned back to face the others at the table, Hunter caught the knowing look Tech sent him. Try as he might to hide that ache in his chest, his brother was too smart to miss it.
“Ya can’t send that!” Wrecker protests, mild panic in his eyes as Crosshair, eternal torturer of his siblings, grins at his brother as he pushes the send button. “Ahh, I don’t wanna know if he responds.” Wrecker shakes his head, though a smile also tugs at the corners of his lips. He turns his head towards you. “You’re next.”
Reaching for the stack of cards in the middle of the table, you pry the top one free and pull it towards you. You scan over the instructions, grimacing. “Name five different places you’ve had sex or take three shots.” You read it aloud, tossing the card down onto the table.
Beside you, you feel Hunter shift, Wrecker and Crosshair break into laughter, and Tech offers you a sympathetic smile. With a resigned sigh, you reach for your glass. But before you can grasp it, it’s snatched away from you. 
“Cross!” You gasp, jaw slackening as you watch mischief dance in the sniper’s hawkish eyes. 
“You’ve skipped out on nearly every ‘do’ task tonight. But you’re not skipping this one.” Crosshair insists, dragging your drink away so you can’t take it back. His motives were two-fold. One, he was nosey. And two, he wasn’t stupid. He’d seen the way Hunter had been looking at you for months now, and watching his older brother squirm as you shared your sex life would be fantastic. 
With a huff, you cross your arms over your chest, resting your elbows on the table. “Is your sex life so bland you have to live vicariously through mine?” You tease, arching an eyebrow. Boisterous laughter erupts at the table, and you can’t help but giggle along. 
Crosshair scowls. “Please. I could have any woman in this place.” He snorts, leaning in and lifting a hand with his five fingers up. “Five places. I’ll count them off for you.” He challenges.
“Nu-uh.” You refute, unfurling an arm to wag a finger at him.
“Only kriff in a bed then. How boring.” He can’t help but bite back, turning the tide onto you.
Rolling your eyes, you huff, used to this song and dance with him. “No.”
“Out with it, then.” He pushes.
Worry curls through you. You trusted these men with your life, knew that their teasing was all light-hearted and they’d never genuinely mock you, but some things were private. “Cross…” You mumble, fingers finding the neckline of your shirt to play with the fabric nervously. 
“Pretty little thing like you probably has many stories to tell!” Wrecker laughs, giving your shoulder a light nudge.
You laugh awkwardly, trying to make up some stories on the spot, ones you can quickly sell, teeth sinking into your lower lip.
Curiosity painted itself on Tech’s face – he’d spent long enough studying your body language to aid him in understanding nat-born social cues, to pick up on the subtleties. “You do not have any stories.” He states, with no judgement in his tone.
The certainty of Tech’s comment captures Hunter’s attention, and he tilts his head in your direction, brown eyes taking in the nervousness and mild panic that’s now on your face.
“Don’t tell me you’re a kriffing virgin…” Crosshair is equal parts horrified and amused. There was no way in hell you – you – hadn’t been with anyone.
Embarrassment seeps through you, and you drop your gaze to the table, fingers going back to trace the patterns of the wooden surface. 
Crosshair couldn’t believe it; this was wilder than any other confession they had shared during the night. “You’re kidding me…even Tech’s been laid a handful of times, and you haven’t?”
Tech sighs at his twin’s barb, though he’s used to them by now and doesn’t take it to heart.
At your silence, the boys share a glance, trying to hide their surprise at the situation. 
Mulling it over, Crosshair looks around the bar. “Plenty of pickings in here. Then again…Regs.” He sneers.
“I don’t want a random hookup. I want the right one.” You admit quietly, shyness taking a front-row seat.
Crosshair baulks. “Oh, hell. You want romance and love.” The idea horrifies him even more. He goes to speak again, but Hunter interjects.
“Crosshair…” Hunter warns, voice low. He’d picked up on your discomfort and wanted to end it.
A smirk tilts Crosshair’s lips at the reprimand. He’d opted not to say anything or show his hand in the past, keeping his knowledge about Hunter’s affection for you quiet. “Gar ru'lis ganar kaysh.” He teases with a toothy grin, unleashing that hand.
Tech and Wrecker can’t hide their snorts of laughter at his words. Hunter’s lips press together, and he huffs, reaching for a card to bring the focus back to the game and off you. Crosshair’s dark chuckle seeps into the air, delighted at getting a small rise from his older brother.
The Mando’a catches you off guard – you didn’t know enough to understand what had been said, but the laughter and Hunter’s reaction had you frowning. The boys had only taught you the odd word or two as they didn’t use it as much anymore.  As Hunter pries his card from the pile and flips it over, he places his hand back on your knee under the table, reassuringly squeezing it. Reaching down, you give his wrist a light squeeze, appreciating that he’d taken the heat off you. His hand stays in place as he reads the card aloud, and the game continues. 
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Your shore leave had been a welcome reprieve, especially as six back-to-back missions had followed it. You’d wrapped up the latest hours ago, and the Senator you’d helped had been exceptionally grateful for the assistance. He’d offered for you all to stay on the planet for a little while to rest in one of his many hotels. A quick comm to Command had seen it okayed for two days, so here you were, hanging out on the balcony of Hunter’s suite.
You’d accidentally discovered that you had connecting rooms, having knocked on a random door in your suite and been amused to find Hunter on the other side when it had opened. He’d immediately invited you in, and you’d headed for the balcony to watch the city go by while he finished the last report. Crosshair and Wrecker had gone off searching for food, while Tech had decided to tinker with his latest project.
Leaning against the railing, laughter from down below captures your attention. Eyes falling to where the sound was coming from, you watch a couple embrace on the side of the street, sharing lingering kisses. From your vantage point, you can make out their broad smiles.
An ache settles in your chest, that old pesky feeling of yearning tugging at you. Unconsciously, you tug your cardigan around you a little tighter – whether to keep out the chill in the wind or offer some comfort, you don’t know.
In the suite, and with the reports finished, Hunter pauses at the doorway, unable to pry his eyes off you. Something about how you’re standing, the expression on your beautiful face, makes unease sink into his gut. He wants to chase away whatever is making you look so sad.
It was becoming harder and harder for him to ignore his feelings, to tamper them down, especially as he knew his brothers were all aware. How long would it be before you picked up on it, too? That blasted night at 79’s kept replaying in his mind, his fingers itching to reach for you at every opportunity and to make a move before someone else snapped you up and took you from him. Hunter knows he doesn’t have much he can give you and can’t promise a safe or long life together – anything can happen in a war – but he knows he can provide you with romance. He knows he can make you the centre of his galaxy, and you’ll never have to question his devotion.
But would you want that from him, though? It was the one thought that stopped him.
Realising he’d been watching for a while, Hunter joins you on the balcony, moving to your side. You don’t startle; you’re used to him and his brothers silently approaching by now. He follows your focused gaze, watching a couple on the street share kisses before flagging down a taxi. “They look happy.” He comments quietly, wondering if that was the cause of your sadness.
“Mhm.” You hum in agreement, wondering for a moment longer what it would be like to be so carefree and in love. Before falling too far down the ash-rabbit hole, you focus on the man at your side. “Plans for the evening?” You ask, changing the subject while hoping to lighten your mood.
Not wanting to push, Hunter lets it go and instead lifts a hand to count off each element of his plan on his fingers. “Room service, a holodrama, and sleep.”
“Okay there, Grandpa.” You tease, the wind whipping around you a little more as you break out into a smile.
Hunter’s pretty sure your smile could end this war if you turned it on the right people. With a fond shake of his head, he chuckles. Unable to help himself just this once, he reaches out and gently tucks a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
The action makes you pause, smile faltering, lips parting slightly in surprise. For a moment, you look at one another, the air seeming to crackle with something. Hunter had always been soft with you, but he’d been even more attentive since the night at 79’s.
“Join me?” He asks, not willing to let you go just yet.
“Sure.” You reply with a soft smile, not even needing a moment to think about it, and Hunter leads the way back into the suite. The balcony door closes behind you, muffling the sounds of the bustling city outside.
You settle onto the couch and Hunter orders room service. As you wait for the food to arrive, you fall into easy conversation, discussing missions, the state of the galaxy, and anything else that comes to mind.
The food doesn’t take long to arrive, the aroma filling the room, and you both enjoy a quiet dinner. Between you, you select a holodrama that turns out to be surprisingly entertaining. But as it progresses, you find yourself drawn to Hunter’s presence. His arm casually rests against the back of the couch, not quite touching you but close enough to send a shiver down your spine. A fluttery feeling erupts in your belly as your brain helpfully supplies that this kind of thing always happens in the trashy romance novels that clog up your datapad.
Nearing the end of the holodrama, a feather-light touch brushes against the nape of your neck and you instinctively lean into it. Hunter’s fingers trace gentle circles, and you feel a warmth spreading through you. Glancing towards him, you find his gaze fixed on you.
“Sorry.” He murmurs, withdrawing his hand slightly.
“No, it’s... nice.” You respond, surprising yourself with the admission. Hunter’s hand returns and the soft touch continues.
Hunter is at war with himself – if there was ever a time to make a move, it would be now. His senses are on overdrive, homed in on you, picking up every errant breath you take, the heavy thud of your heart, and your soft swallows.
The weight of the moment sits, the holodrama becoming background noise as you witness the conflict in Hunter’s gaze. It doesn’t last long, though, and the subtle touch on your neck becomes bolder, his hand shifting around to cup your cheek as his thumb brushes against your lower lip.
Inexperience makes you nervous, heart thumping wildly. You go to dip your head to break the eye contact, but Hunter’s pointer finger hooks under your chin to stop the movement.
He leans in slowly, closing the distance between you, giving you time to pull away if you’re uncomfortable. But you don’t. You remain still, those pretty eyes of yours focused on him even as your heart rate spikes and your breaths turn a little shallower with anticipation. “Cyar’ika…” He murmurs, a hair’s breadth away from you, gaze dropping momentarily to your lips.
The flood of feelings instead of you is overwhelming - excitement and nervousness, worry and anticipation. It’s hard to single each one out. You’d been telling the truth in 79’s - you were indeed waiting for the right man - but you’d omitted that you were sure it was the man now sat at your side, letting you decide whether to push your friendship into something more.
You lean in ever so slightly, and finally, his lips brush against yours in a tentative, exploratory kiss. It’s soft and sweet, testing the waters. Your eyes flutter closed, savouring the warmth that spreads through you.
The kiss deepens, becoming more passionate, and you respond eagerly. The taste of him, the feel of his hand on your cheek, it’s much more than you expected.
Hunter’s other hand moves between you and the couch, resting on the small of your back, pulling you closer. Your hands find their way to his shoulders, fingers intertwining with the fabric of his shirt as he draws you onto his lap.
Breaking the kiss, Hunter pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. Instead, he finds his desire mirrored. “You okay?” He double-checks quietly, his breath mingling with yours.
You nod, a small smile playing on your lips. “More than okay.”
Hunter grins, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. “Good.” He whispers before capturing your lips in another kiss, the intensity growing between you. The holodrama plays on, completely forgotten, as you lose yourselves in the moment.
The touch of his lips and the warmth of his embrace all feel right. Hunter’s hands explore your back, and you feel the gentle press of his fingers as they slide under your shirt, sending shivers down your spine. Eventually, you both pull back, foreheads resting against each other as you catch your breath. The air is charged with electric energy, and the room feels warm.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” Hunter admits, his voice a low, smoky murmur, but conflict shines in his eyes. “I can’t give you the things any other man could. There’s no guarantee of tomorrow. I know it’s not right an-“
You meet his gaze, feeling warmth in your cheeks. “It is right.” You cut him off softly, breaking eye contact, focusing instead on the slight hollow of his throat as nervousness sweeps through you. “This... with you, it feels right.” You confess quietly.
Delight simmers in Hunter’s veins, and his fingers trace patterns on your back. He still feels guilty, but if this is what you want, and you’re sure it’s right, then who is he to protest? Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he smiles. “Then I’ll do everything I can to ensure you always feel that way.”
Your fingers find his chest, the buttery softness of his shirt doing nothing to conceal the firm muscles beneath it. A slight hum of contentment slides from him as you brush your fingers up and down his sternum. The nerves are back, your eyes flitting up to gaze at him, noting how his own are closed and contentment is painted across his face.
On your next stroke down, your fingers dip slightly lower, catching the first few ridges of his abs. A deep rumble vibrates his chest, giving you courage. Head tilting down to watch your actions, your heart pounds as your fingers skirt close to the hem of his shirt – and the waistband of his pants. A tattooed hand wraps around your wrist, stilling your motions, and you look up from under your lashes.
Meeting your gaze, Hunter’s thumb rubs small circles on your pulse point. “Feels good, cyar’ika. But there’s no rush.”
“I know, but…” You trail off for a moment, averting your gaze. “I want this. I want you.” You confess quietly, feeling warmth return to your cheeks as you chance a glance at him. “I’m tired of waiting, and I-I want you to be my first…”
Hunter was a good man, a strong man, but hell if he didn’t crumble at your confession. His fingers find your face, tilting your head upwards so he can look at you properly. He was touched by your admittance but didn’t want you to regret anything. “Promise me?” He asks gently, knowing how much value you placed on promises.
Meeting warm brown eyes, you couldn’t help the soft smile that crossed your lips. You were nervous, yes, but this felt right. “I promise.”
Leaning in, Hunter’s lips capture yours in a heated kiss. His hands shift, moving to cup your ass, and he lifts you up as he stands. The small noise of surprise you let out and how you grasp at him for stability draws a deep chuckle from him, though the sound is muffled by the kiss. It’s only a few steps over to the bed, and as he lowers you down gently onto the plush surface, he follows, hands smoothing across your hips as he rests a little of his weight against you.
Lips trailing from yours, he drags kisses across your cheek and down to your jawline, following the curve of your throat, giving a light nip as he reaches the juncture where your shoulder and neck meet. How your hips buck at the contact, breath catching, clues him in to how much you enjoy it. Your hands shift down Hunter’s body, and he can feel the nervousness rolling off you. Propping himself up above you with one hand, he uses the other to guide your hands towards his body, encouraging you to touch him in return. “There’s no reason to be nervous. We only do what you’re comfortable with.” He tells you, wanting to make that abundantly clear. “And we can stop anytime.”
You nod, chest rising and falling with each quick breath as your hands meet Hunter’s body. Encouraged, you explore the ridges and planes of him, fingers smoothing over him before gripping his narrow waist. His mouth is back on you, dragging across your throat, pulling soft noises from your lips as you familiarise yourself with the man above you. As your hands shift, a flash of courage rips through you, and you reach down, one hand landing squarely on his ass, giving the firm muscle a soft squeeze.
Hunter startles, not expecting the action, and warm puffs of his breath fan across your neck as he chuckles. “Cheeky.” He murmurs against your skin, the vibration of his laughter sending pleasant shivers down your spine. The atmosphere in the room is charged with a mix of desire and nervous excitement as you continue to explore each other.
Hands pull at clothes, material discarded, fluttering to the hotel room floor as acres of skin are revealed. You’re warm to the touch, the earlier chill from the balcony chased away by Hunter’s hands. Self-consciousness creeps through you as your underwear is cast aside, thighs pressing together to try and hide yourself.
“Cyar’ika…” Hunter tuts, strong hands moving down your body until he can rub and squeeze at your thighs. “Don’t hide from me. Wanna see all of you.” He murmurs, kisses trailing down your body. Tongue gliding across your breasts, he draws a nipple into his mouth, the corners of his lips curling upward as you gasp, your fingers tangling in his hair.
Pleasure rolls through you as you tug gently at Hunter’s brown curls, back arching to press more of yourself against him. He’s warm against you, bronze skin and dark ink pressed as close as possible, and it’s difficult to ignore the weight of his half-hard cock against your thigh.
Switching his focus to your other nipple, Hunter lavishes it with the same attention before he starts to creep back down your body. “Wanna taste you.” He breathes against your stomach, lips drawing across soft skin, fingers teasing your thighs. “Make you feel good.” He adds, pausing to glance up the length of you, finding your eyes focused on him. He can see your trepidation but also your burning curiosity and desire. “No one’s done that for you, have they?” He asks with no judgement.
Embarrassment burns through you, teeth sinking into your lower lip as you shake your head.
Hunter’s heart aches. How had no one loved on you before? Their loss was his gain, he supposed. “That’s okay.” He reassures you, pressing a kiss to the juncture where your thigh and hip meet. “Only if you want.” The reminder is gentle, fingers skirting back up your body to not put pressure on your decision.
You know you could say no, and that would be the end of it, but you’d seen many women enjoying it on the holonet, and they certainly seemed to like it in the novels you vicariously consumed. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. “Please.” You push out the word, embarrassment still sitting in your chest, though it evaporates when you meet Hunter’s hungry gaze.
He hadn’t been expecting your agreement, content to work you up in other ways, but that soft little plea from your lips sent fire through his veins. Hands finding your thighs once more, Hunter slowly pushes them apart. “A little wider, baby.” He encourages, a deep groan vibrating in his chest as you follow his order, and he shifts to lay between your thighs, greeted with the prettiest pussy he’s ever seen. Dropping soft kisses to your inner thigh, his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
Eyes flitting up to gauge how you’re faring, his cock twitches where it’s trapped between his body and the mattress as he catches you watching him. Holding your gaze, he leans forward, nose pressing against you as he inhales, committing the intimate scent of you to memory.
He starts slow, a gentle press of his tongue against your entrance, dragging it up through your folds until his tongue flicks over your clit. You jolt, letting out a small keening noise that he’s desperate to hear again.
Spurred on, kitten licks accompany broad, sweeping tastes, soft open-mouthed kisses dropped against heated flesh as Hunter closes his eyes and focuses on bringing you pleasure. His tongue drags across your clit again, and he grunts as your fingers, tangled in his hair, try to drag his face impossibly closer.
You’d watched for as long as you could, engraving the sight of Hunter between your thighs into your mind. Head tilting back, eyes fluttering shut, warmth coils through you. Letting out low whimpers and quiet gasps, your hips rock, chasing the pleasure he’s so beautifully giving you. Now you understood the fuss, why all those women on the holonet and in the novels adored this.
Lips wrap around your clit, and your grip on Hunter’s hair tightens as the pleasure curling through your body climbs, the light suction and the rapid flick of his tongue across the sensitive bud pushing you ever closer to the edge. The warm wetness of his mouth was better than anything you’d ever been able to achieve with your fingers.
“Hunter.” You moan out his name, enjoying the groan he lets out in response. One of his hands slides up the bed, fingers interlacing with those on your free hand as he doubles-down his efforts.
Most of the time, Hunter considers his heightened senses a curse rather than a blessing, but right now, with the scent of you in his lungs, the taste of you on his tongue, and his name falling from your lips like a prayer, he’s never been more grateful for them. Tuning into your body, to every thud of your heart, every sharp inhale, and the little whines you let out, he uses them to guide him until you’re close, teetering on the edge.
Two fingers enter the mix, pressing against your entrance, slipping in with ease as Hunter laves kisses and licks across your folds. His lips find your clit again, applying light suction as he crooks his fingers right against that sweet little spot.
Caught off guard, you come with a cry, the noise echoing in the room as the pleasure that had been building crashes into you. Thigh’s quivering, tiny trembles coast through your body as you pant through the high, body going pliant as your release works out of your system.
Enraptured, the pride Hunter feels is undeniable as he pries his fingers from your pussy, sliding them into his mouth to clean them off and savour the taste of you even more.
Staring up at the ceiling as you drag your breathing under control, a small snort of laughter escapes you. “Oh, stars, you can do that again whenever you want.” You vow quietly, enjoying Hunter’s chuckle as he shifts back over you, capturing your lips for a deep kiss, the tang of you lingering in his mouth.
As Hunter pulls back, he rests on his knees between your thighs, soaking up the sight of you naked. He still can’t believe this is happening, that you’d chosen him.
Your gaze travels over his body – broad shoulders, firm chest, defined abs. He was gorgeous enough to be a carved statue in a fancy Naboo garden. Eyes roaming lower, you swallow at the sight of his cock. Hard and flushed, it twitches with his heartbeat, girthier than you’d expected.
“It’ll fit.” Hunter can’t resist teasing, tattooed hand shifting down so he can give himself a few lazy strokes. The way you watch the movement gives him ideas for the future. “Still want this, love?” He checks in.
Your earlier nervousness is still there, but it’s smothered by anticipation. Eyes flitting up, you meet Hunter’s gaze, parting your thighs just that little bit more.
Delight flares in Hunter’s eyes, and he moves to rest back over you, one hand supporting his weight as the other stays wrapped around his dick. Holding your gaze, he drags the velvety head between your slick folds, enjoying the way your breath stutters as he brushes against your clit.
“I’ve got you, princess.” He coos, lining up before pressing forward. “Doing so well.” Hunter praises, focused on your face and your body’s reaction as he bottoms out, hips flush to yours.
The sensation is unlike anything you’d experienced before. The stretch burns slightly but gives way quickly to pleasure as he feeds the last inch of his cock into your heat. Love and adoration weave through you, that earlier sense of rightness rearing its head as you squirm a little beneath him.
Hunter’s now free hand drops to your hip, grip firm as he holds you still. “Just…give me a second.” He murmurs, voice strained as his eyes close. “Been dreaming about this for a long time, and if I don’t take a few breaths here, I’m gonna kriffing embarrass myself.”
The revelation that he’s dreamt of this moment makes you involuntarily clench around him.
“Not helping…” He growls quietly, words lacking any bite. You feel like heaven, like everything he’s ever wanted and desired.
Mirth dances in your eyes as you lift a hand to trace along his inked jawline, still unable to comprehend that he wants you and that he’s buried inside you, the two of you connected in the most intimate of ways.
Dark eyes snap open at the contact, and Hunter takes you in, soaks in the sight of you sprawled underneath him, hair fanned on the pillow, lips plush from kisses and eyes still a little hazy from your orgasm. “Kriff, baby. I love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. They don’t get to have you, but I do.” He rasps, letting the last fragments of his feelings for you eke out of the box he’d kept them locked away in for far too long. “Feel so good wrapped around my cock.” He groans.
Hand leaving your hip, Hunter tilts your head back up as he sees it start to dip down. “Don’t go getting shy on me now.” He whispers. “Keep those pretty eyes on me.” He slowly draws his hips back, watching as your lips part and the sweetest sound slides from between them as he pushes himself back inside. Hunter takes his time, building up the pace, focusing on every noise you make, every shift of your body, every flutter of your heart.
With every roll of Hunter’s hips, that earlier pleasure starts to build again. Hands grasp at his sweat-dampened shoulders, providing leverage as you move with him, the harsh sounds of your breaths filling the room alongside the noise of your bodies meeting. The air feels hot, matching the heat inside you as Hunter’s lips crash against yours, devouring you. A whine escapes you as his tongue presses forward, tasting you. It’s unrefined and needy, his usual self-control long thrown out of the hotel room window.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it. You can give me one more. I know you can.” Hunter whispers against your lips, pulling back just enough to slide his free hand between your bodies, thrusts never faltering. Dragging his lips across your jaw, he peppers kisses down your throat as his fingers circle over your clit once, twice, and on the third round, he nips at your throat.
The building pleasure slams into you, tipping over into ecstasy as you cry out his name, back arching, and body clenching around him as the high washes through you. Panting for breath, nails digging into Hunter’s shoulders, you coast through the feeling, small shakes rocking your body as Hunter’s hips snap against yours a little roughly.
The way you’d tightened around him, the sound of you crying out his name in the throes of pleasure, it was all too much for Hunter. “Kriff, cyar’ika. Where?” He asks between ragged breaths, thrusts sloppy as he closes in on his own climax.
It’s probably a stupid idea and could go very wrong, but it’s the first one that comes to mind. And you’re desperate to experience it. “In me. Come in me. Please.” You insist.
Hunter crumbles for the second time this evening, unable to deny you anything, consequences be damned. A few more rough thrusts and he’s growling out your name, pressing himself into you as deep as he can get, lips finding yours for a passionate kiss as he finds his own release, cock twitching as he fills you.
His hips slow to a stop, and your kiss turns softer and more reverent as the haze of lust dissipates. Hands stroke across each other’s bodies reverently, lips parting as Hunter mouthes down your throat to the spot he’d nipped earlier, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin. He sucks lightly, just to leave the slightest mark, so faint that unless someone was standing right beside you, they wouldn’t see it.
Contentment curls through you, hand brushing Hunter’s hair, fingers snagging on his bandana. Feeling cheeky, you pry it off, wrapping it around your wrist, enjoying how his eyes darken.
“Playin’ with fire again, cyar’ika.” Hunter murmurs, lips moving up to ghost across the shell of your ear.
A smile paints itself on your lips. “If that was me getting burned, then tie me to a stake and call me a Nightsister.”
Hunter’s whole body shakes with his laughter, amusement shining in his pretty brown eyes. “Oh, one day I’ll tie you to something, don’t worry about that.” He vows.
A thrill shoots through you, your own laughter joining his. As it fizzles out and the room falls silent, you’re left staring into each other’s eyes.
“How’d you feel?” Hunter asks, slowly shifting you both down onto your sides. The movement has him slipping from you, and you wince a little. Hunter’s arms loop around you, drawing you close.
“Loved.” You answer honestly.
“Good.” Hunter smooths a hand across your hair, pushing it back from your face. He captures your lips for another soft kiss. “Because you are.” He shares as the kiss breaks.
Warmth sweeps across your cheeks again. He was getting too good at pulling this reaction from you. “As are you.” You reply, wanting to ensure he understands how much you care for him in return.
Hunter’s smile is blinding as he draws you closer, suffocating the space between you, tucking you safely under his chin. Burying his nose in your hair, he inhales deeply, picking up on your combined scent.
As the night draws on, the two of you lay entwined, finding comfort in the shared warmth of your bodies. The soft glow of the cityscape filters through the window, casting a gentle illumination in the room as you share quiet conversations.
As sleep begins to claim you both, you whisper a quiet promise into the stillness of the night. “No matter where the stars take us, I want to be with you.”
Hunter holds you a little tighter, kissing your forehead in silent agreement. Together, you drift into dreams, wrapped in the warmth of love and the certainty that, no matter what challenges awaited, you would face them together.
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Pro Heroes at the Olympic Games
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Well, it's been another three years and another Summer Games has rolled around. Only seems fair I'd try again with a post about what heroes would belong in what games. This can be based on anything from powers to skills to whatever I think would be the funniest to see.
Kamui Woods-Archery: I just think it'd be really cool for Kamui Woods to make a bow and arrow from his wooden body. I don't need any more reason than that.
Midnight-Rhythmic Gymnastics: I mean, a whip is pretty close to a ribbon. And it's not like the outfit she has to wear is that much different from her hero costume.
Sir Nighteye-Golf: Sir Nighteye seems like the kind of guy that would be into golfing. That's it. I just thought it'd be fitting for the guy that looks and dresses like a stoic businessman.
Hound Dog-Handball: This is a sport all about catching and throwing a ball around and keeping it away from another team. Naturally, this should be no problem for the man who is part dog.
Beast Jeanist-Diving: The need for precision and elegance would, in this event, fit great with someone like Best Jeanist. That and it's the sport with the least amount of clothing for him to cheat with.
Mount Lady-Sports Climbing: She's got mountain in her name. Of course that means she's good at climbing. Oh, who am I kidding? She'll just turn giant-sized and reach the top instantly.
Snipe-Shooting: Considering all of his shots are guaranteed hits, I would want to see how disrespectful Sniper would get with this. Like doing it with his eyes closed or even shooting other people's targets.
Miruko-Basketball: I could have chosen any leg-based sport for her, but I wanted to pick the one with some more direct competition. Plus, there is the easy reference in putting her in a Toon Squad jersey.
Present Mic-Breaking: Yeah, apparently breaking dancing is considered an Olympic sport. And look me in the eye and tell me Present Mic of all people doesn't know how to break dance.
Nezu-Table Tennis: This is just the only sport that I think could fit him. Literally. He might be too small to use or do any of the sports on the roster. Even then, he's going to have to wield the paddle like a claymore.
Wild Wild Pussycats-3x3 Basketball: Considering this is one of the few team events that requires such a small number, it only feels fitting to place Ragdoll, Mandalay, and Pixie Bob here. And what about Tora? He can be a cheerleader.
Fat Gum-Wrestling: Could you imagine someone trying to wrestle as big and plushy as Fat Gum? They're going to go in for the grapple and immediately sink right inside of him. Now the real question is whether or not it counts as a clinch or a pin.
Eraserhead-Artistic Gymnastics: I wanted to give him Rhythmic Gymnastics so badly with how well it fits him, he even has the ribbon for it, but it's a women's only sport in the games. Still, this fits well enough with his impressive acrobatic skills.
Edgeshot-Fencing: Perfect set up for a fencer. He can make himself as thin as an epee and extend himself out as his pleases. Plus, it's the only official sport that lets you wear a mask in game, which should be no issue for Edgeshot.
Endeavor-Boxing: While I could say that I think that Endeavor is smart enough to handle the sweet science of boxing, the real reason is that he is that huge. I don't even think he'd need his powers to demolish someone in the ring.
Gang Orca-Water Polo: While Gang Orca would kill in any of the water-based events, he would definitely kill it in an event where hitting something really hard is part of the goal with his strength boost. Seriously, his spike might actually kill someone.
Ectoplasm-Rowing: This sport is all about being as in sync as possible with the rest of the rowers. Why bother when you can have your hivemind of clones work perfectly together? And if any of them run out of juice, just switch out one of your clones with a fresh one, no one will notice.
Hawks-Skating: Like Sir Nighteye, Hawks just looks and acts like he would be a skater. It wouldn't surprise me if it was part of his training at the Hero Commission to appeal to a younger demographic. Now he can truly become like his heroic namesake, Tony Hawk.
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ghostofskywalker · 3 months
Could I please request something with padmé???
Maybe the reader is a Jedi that is frequently sent to watch over her so they are good friends and one day padmé tells the reader about her secret relationship with Anakin only to be told later that the reader is also in a secret relationship???? (Idk who maybe rex or obi wan (but you can decide who if you think someone else is better)
Thank you ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
this is such a cute prompt omg!! i went with rex, and i hope you enjoy :)
words: 693
summary: both anakin and padme have tried to set you up on dates, but you don't actually need their help.
clone troopers masterlist
“I think Rex is seeing someone,” Anakin said as he and Padmé laid in bed together one evening. The sky outside was just beginning to grow dark, and Padmé could feel fatigue taking over, but she didn’t want to fall asleep just yet. Anakin had just returned from a lengthy tour on the font lines of the war, and the feeling of being in his arms was something she didn’t want to give up too quickly. 
“Really?” she murmured, fighting back the tiredness. “Good for him.” 
“I always thought I should set him up with someone,” Anakin said. “But apparently I don’t need to anymore.” 
“Maybe you can focus on setting Y/N up with someone then,” Padmé said. “I keep trying to, but she won’t listen to me. Maybe the idea coming from another Jedi would be different.”
“Yeah, she’s always been a real rule follower,” Anakin said. “Even if more of the Order are in relationships now than not, it’s basically an open secret.” 
You and Padmé were close, as you didn’t really spend much time on the front lines. Instead, your service to the Republic was mostly through the Senate, where you worked with different politicians as both a secure presence and as an extra ear for some of their plans. It just so happened that you spent most of that time with Padmé, and you had developed quite a close friendship. 
The couch in her Coruscanti apartment was lovely, the cushions made of the softest silks and it felt like you were sitting on a cloud. Waiting for Padmé to get ready, your mind wandered and the daydreams began to take shape, even if soon you realized that you had apparently missed about three sentences of Padmé speaking to you. She stepped into the room all dressed and ready, and she looked at you with an expectant smile on her face. 
“What?” you asked, eyebrows raised
“Come on, you have to let me set you up with someone,” she responded, and instantly you knew what this was about. But what she didn’t know was that you were in no need of her services, and the reason wasn’t because you were a Jedi. 
“Come on, if Anakin and I can be married than I don’t see why you can’t go on a date or two.” 
Your eyes widened as she spoke. “What?” 
She stopped, clearly just now realizing what she said. “Okay, maybe I didn’t want to tell you like that, but the point stands.” 
Amused by the absurdity of it all, you started laughing. “I guess if you came clean about it, I should too,” you said. “I’m perfectly happy in the relationship I currently have, and I really don’t need anyone to set me up.” 
Now it was Padmé’s turn to look shocked. “Wait, with who?” she said, the smile on her face growing more each second. 
“You’ve met Captain Rex, right?” you said quietly, still a little nervous to be telling anyone your biggest secret. 
What looked like five emotions at once crossed Padmé’s expression, but she spoke with grace, likely because she could sense how nervous you were. “I think the two of you make a lovely couple,” she said sincerely, and you could feel a smile begin to break across your face at that. 
“Thanks,” you said. “I think so too.” 
“Does Anakin know?” she asked. “That one of his friends is dating the officer he works with most often?”
“I don’t think so,” you said, shaking your head. “Maybe I should tell him, he’ll probably stop trying to play matchmaker with me.” 
Padmé laughed, and a quiet giggle left your mouth as well. “I think that would be a good idea,” she said. “And I think he’d be overjoyed to know that two of his favorite people are seeing each other.” 
The steadily growing feeling of comfort and warmth in your heart began to swell, and you could feel any remaining worry about what Padmé would think melt away. And hey, now the four of you could go on double dates (under the guise of Official Senate, Jedi, and GAR Business of course).
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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kybercrystals94 · 3 months
A Dangerous Dance
Read here on Ao3!
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 3 | Prompt: "It's just a scratch."
Rated: G | Words: 540 Minor CW: Someone accidentally cuts their hand, but the minor injury is not described in detail.
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The Mandalorian trainer pulls a knife from the sheath strapped around his vambrace, and twirls the short blade deftly between his fingers. The man isn’t even looking at the weapon, his eyes following the movements of his sparring clone cadets. If he notices the shaggy headed cadet unabashedly watching him in the far corner, he doesn’t give any indication. 
Awestruck, Hunter doesn’t notice an enemy attack approaching until Crosshair charges into him, tackling him to the ground and pinning him. “Pay attention, idiot,” Crosshair growls. “It’s no fun getting the advantage if you aren’t even trying.” 
Hunter squirms in Crosshair’s hold. “Fine. Get off.” 
Crosshair rolls to his feet and puts out a hand to help Hunter up. Hunter grudgingly accepts the offer, his brother yanking him up roughly. The two get back into ready position, and while Hunter does put his all into the exercise, he can’t quite stop himself from occasionally glancing at the Mandalorian, the blade catching the light as it flits in a dangerous dance between his fingers. 
Hunter grins to himself. He can do that. 
“That is not a training knife,” Tech observes critically when Hunter pulls the very real weapon from his bag. “Where did you get that?” 
“I found it,” Hunter says. 
Crosshair rolls his eyes. “More like stole it.” 
“You stole it?” Wrecker gasps. 
Hunter frowns. “I borrowed it. I’ll put it back when I’m done.” 
“Done with what?” Tech asks. 
“I wanted to try something,” Hunter says. He’d been practicing with his rubber training knife for weeks, and he’s gotten pretty good in his opinion.
“Please tell me you are not going to try spinning that sharp knife around your fingers,” Tech says.
Hunter flashes Tech a grin. “I’m not gonna try.”
“Yeah,” Crosshair says, sitting down at the table, folding his arms and resting his chin on them. “He’s gonna cut his fingers off on purpose.”
“Could he really cut off his fingers?” Wrecker cries, alarmed. 
“If not his fingers, then his entire hand,” Crosshair says. 
“I’m not going to cut anything off,” Hunter assures Wrecker, “I’ve been practicing, and I know what I’m doing.” 
Hunter holds his bleeding hand over the fresher sink. “It’s not a big deal. It’s just a little scratch.” 
“A little scratch does not bleed profusely,” Tech deadpans, examining the wound before pouring bacta over it. Hunter hisses, jerking away, but Tech’s tight grip on his wrist prevents a full retreat. “Please hold still.” 
Wrecker and Crosshair crowd in the doorway, watching. 
“It did look really cool,” Wrecker appeases, “Well, until you sliced your hand open.” 
“I didn’t slice my hand,” Hunter growls. “It’s just a scratch.” 
“If you keep telling yourself that, maybe it’ll come true,” Crosshair snarks. 
Hunter glares. “Maybe if you shut up, I won’t sock you in the jaw.” 
Crosshair grins back triumphantly. “I’d like to see you try with that gimp hand of yours.”
“I advise you let the cut heal before you get into a physical altercation with anyone,” Tech says, wrapping a bandage around Hunter’s palm. 
Hunter huffs, glancing at the knife balanced on the edge of the sink. He just needs to practice with his rubber blade for a few more weeks before he tries again. 
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youling-the-ghost · 12 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.10 because school's kicking my ass and I need my daily dose of brainrot to survive
AJ: Go fuck yourself. Sam, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch Tom: It doesn’t have a bone. Sam: Then why is it called a boner? Luke: Look, do I consider myself attractive? Yes. But would I have sex with my clone? Also yes.
AJ: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves? Sam: Milfs. Tom: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves. AJ: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for??? Luke: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties. Luke: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago. Tom: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck. AJ: WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK— AJ: I NEVER REALIZED IT WAS ACTUALLY HORNY! Luke: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries? Sam: What? No! It isn't! Luke: THE MOVIE TRAILER LIED TO ME! Tom: Luke... Luke: THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T THINK CALLING PEOPLE MILFS WAS ALL THAT BAD BECAUSE IT STOOD FOR SOMETHING HARMLESS IT JUST HAD A SLIGHTLY SEXUAL CONNOTATION! Tom: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you. Luke: AJ, DOES IT MAKE SENSE WHY I CALLED THE DIARY OF A WIMPY KID MOM A MILF NOW BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS LITERALLY JUST A DESCRIPTOR WITH FUNNY CONNOTATION! AJ: The word milf has been ruined for me. Sam: THAT'S ITS DEFINITION, IT CAN'T BE RUINED THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS! Tom: Y'all are dumbasses. Tom: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might. AJ: I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY- Sam: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Tom: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Luke: Ya know...it might be. Sam: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way? Tom: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you? Luke: What the fuck is wrong with you two? at the supermarket Sam: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil." Sam: Sam: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin. Tom: Capitalisation is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.." (It was then that Junyu realised...he accidentally turned on NSFW only and that's why the quotes have been so horny.) Sam: Hey! Wanna hear a joke? Tom: Sure. Sam: Your life! Tom: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning. Sam: Tom, no. AJ: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? Tom: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition. (in reference to that one guessing game where AJ forgot how math worked) Luke: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Tom: Yeah- Sam: *kicks down the door* Luke: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed. Luke: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it. Luke: But who's to say. AJ: I think France isn't real. Tom: AJ, you used to live in France. AJ: And??? AJ: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Sam: But did I make you cry? AJ: *cries on the spot* Sam: ...Shit. AJ: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Tom: ...What??? AJ: What’s your biggest fear? Luke: I am incredibly arachnophobic. AJ, under his breath: You don’t want spiders to get married? Tom: Luke, I think we have a problem. Luke: What, the fire? Tom: No, the- wait, what fire? Luke: Oh forget about it, this sounds more interesting. Sam: Hey Luke, can you give me the opposite of these words? Sam: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. Luke: Never, Going, To, Give, You- Luke: The fucking satisfaction. Luke: Inside you, there are two kidneys. Luke: I’m gonna steal them. Tom: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in. Tom: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall. Tom: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
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