#i missed canon school wolfstar
I posted a oneshot on my ao3 and forgot to post it here haha. Enjoy!
"Right, what has got you moping about?" Mary asks suddenly, snapping Sirius out of his daze. 
"Hm? Nothing, nothing, I'm fine," He says back vaguely. He's prepared to go back to staring into space, feeling a bit sorry for himself. Mary, however, isn't one to drop a topic. 
"You haven't talked my ear off about anything today, and it's weird, okay? What's going on?" 
"I-" He looks at her a little helplessly, but she just arches an eyebrow. Okay, so she isn't going to let this go. "I asked a guy out," He concedes with a sigh. 
"Okay, and?" 
"And he said no," Sirius adds, after an unimpressed look from Mary. 
"Sirius, I love you, and all, but you can't act like this every time someone doesn't want to go out with you. You'll be over it in a day or two, anyway!" Sirius just shakes his head, frustrated. He really doesn't think he will, not this time. 
Not with Remus. 
Yeah, he's had fleeting crushes, but Remus has been a constant. Somehow, he has stuck around, at the forefront of Sirius' mind, since fifth year. In two years, Sirius fell head over heels in love with his best friend. Well, more realised that he had never done anything but love him. 
So of course he's a little mortified that he brought Remus to the top of the astronomy tower and confessed everything, only for him to turn bright red and stutter a quick 'no'. Still, there's something else. Something that's nagging at him, that he's really hoping isn't just sadness induced delusion. 
"That's not it," Sirius says, half-truthful. "I don't think he rejected me because he doesn't like me." 
"Sirius..." She looks at him carefully, and Sirius knows he needs to elaborate. 
"Listen, I'm not stupid. I know what the signs are, and I'm sure there's something there. The amount of times we've almost kissed, I mean..." for a moment, his mind gets lost, having to blink harshly back to reality. "I- I can read him like a book, okay? There's something else going on. Some other reason why he said no. Some stupid, self-deprecating, endearing reason, and I need to know what it is." 
Mary just looks at him blankly for a second, before shrugging casually and leaning back against the sofa. 
"Ask him, then." 
"...yeah. Yeah, I think I will." 
Remus is revising. 
Well, trying to revise. 
No, he's staring at his book. 
It's not his fault, though! It's all Sirius'. Sirius and his stupidly perfect face, looking Remus in the eye and telling him that he loves him. Every single braincell in his head is taken up by picturing it again. Honestly, he doesn't know if it's daydreaming or torture. It doesn't really matter in the long run, it still has him pretending to flick through the pages of his History of Magic textbook, sitting up against a tree by the lake. 
He's so wrapped up in his thoughts that he doesn't even hear a person approach. He's blissfully oblivious to the presence of another person until a voice rings out. 
"Hey, Moony? Can we talk?" Sirius snaps him out of his daze. Almost immediately, he shoves his book aside, feeling a little like he's been caught thinking about him. Like Sirius can read his thoughts, or something. He cranes his neck slightly to look at the standing Sirius, and almost immediately feels guilty. He's shooting Remus a polite smile, but he can see the hurt that he's trying to cover up. 
"Huh? Yeah, yes, we can, yeah," Remus says quickly. Sirius wastes no time in dropping down opposite Remus, eyes meeting his. He isn't really sure what Sirius is going to say- 
"How do you feel about me?" He asks suddenly, watching Remus carefully. 
"What- what d'you mean?" Remus asks, confused. 
"I mean, did you really reject me because you don't have any feelings for me?" Involuntarily, Remus' eyes widen, shock rippling through him. He was hoping that they'd never have to talk about the whole... confession thing again. He's not even sure he can find the words, really. Instead, he focuses all of his energy into keeping his eyes on Sirius', not letting them fall to his mouth. "We never have to talk about this again if you don't, I promise," Sirius says quickly, almost reading Remus' mind. "I just- well, tell me you don't have feelings for me. Say the words." 
"I- I don't-" 
This is harder than Remus expected. 
He fights with himself for a few seconds, before just sighing. 
"I don't want to lie to you, Sirius," He says hopelessly, shrugging slightly. 
"So you do? You have feelings for me?" 
"Yes, Padfoot, I have feelings for you," Remus admits in a rush, feeling his face heat up. Sirius smiles triumphantly and, even now, that grin makes Remus' heart warm. A kindness weaves it's way into Sirius' features, concern etching into his eyes. 
"Why'd you say no, Moons? Was it- is it me? Whatever it is, I can work on it-" 
"No! No, it's not you, I swear!" Remus says hurriedly, his mind solely on reassuring Sirius. "It's me, it's all me, really." 
"Remus," Sirius says, with a tone so earnest that Remus feels compelled to stop and listen. "There's nothing about you that would change the way I feel, okay? Not a thing." 
He needs to stop saying everything Remus has wanted to hear. It's just making it all more painful. 
"What about the moon?" He says quickly, practically incoherently. 
"The moon? What-? Oh, Remus, you know I don't give a toss about your... furry little problem," He says calmly, glancing around for students as he speaks. 
"I quite literally turn into a monster every month, Sirius!" He exclaims quietly, desperately. Sirius isn't getting it. "You can't really hold onto any feelings. You might think you do, but you don't. You'll get over it, Sirius. I'm not doing that to either of us when it'll be over in a month, anyway." 
For a second, Sirius just stares at him. Christ, he's fucked it up, hasn't he? Sirius isn't even going to want to be his friend anymore- 
"I'm in love with you." 
"I think I've always loved you, really," Sirius adds with a breathy laugh. "And that's not in spite of anything. I don't love just one part of you. I love you. All of you. That's not going to change anytime soon. Especially not since I've known that for well over a year. You can tell me you're not good enough, but I disagree. You're everything, Rem. Merlin, I wish you could see that. I've known you for years. Your lycanthropy hasn't gotten in the way of how I feel; not once." 
"Not even-?" 
"Not once," Sirius emphasises, reaching out and grabbing Remus' hand. He squeezes it once, offering him a gentle smile. "You aren't going to change my mind. If I'm not changing yours, then I'll keep trying. Now that I know you have feelings for me, I'm not going to stop trying to make you see what I see." 
Sirius' other hand reaches out and presses against Remus' cheek. Honestly, Remus is dangerously close to tears. Too much is happening, making his head reel. He's not even sure what compels his next decision. 
All he knows is that he's leaning in and kissing Sirius. 
He hears a small, muffled noise of surprise escape Sirius, before he's kissing Remus back in earnest. It's... everything Remus could have imagined and more. Sirius' lips are soft against his, the hand that was sitting comfortably on Remus' cheek winds around and lands on the nape of his neck instead. Remus wishes that could be it. 
Instead, his brain decides to keep whirring, forcing him to pull away and talk again. 
"I'm going to die first. Shorter life span," He blurts out, instantly wincing at himself. Sirius just arches an eyebrow. 
"You're not dying tomorrow, right?" Remus shakes his head, confused. "Then it's a bit early to be thinking about dying," He says with a grin. Oh, Merlin, how it makes Remus' stomach swoop. "What else have you got? Hit me with it." Remus finally smiles properly. 
"Can't think of anything off the top of my head," He says calmly. 
"Okay, great! That means we're going to try, right?" Sirius asks gently, looking at Remus hopefully. 
"Yeah. Yeah, we're going to try." 
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saintsenara · 1 year
Call for asks: I’ve noticed you’ve avoided saying anything about Jegulus for the last few asks so…. Jegulus 😈
anon please, i’m not avoiding saying anything about jegulus, i genuinely don’t know her.
but, fine, let’s imagine i do.
i don’t enjoy it as a pairing, not because i think it’s unfeasible [in my view, the joy of fanfiction is taking a completely implausible premise and making it work], but because i don’t like the way that the fandom which has built up around jegulus expects certain tropes and characterisations which turn the characters into just profoundly uninteresting people.
and this is the case for all the marauders and marauders-adjacent characters [i’m looking at you, fanon barty crouch jr.!], undoubtedly because the era has so little actual canon material that fanon becomes canon and authors run from there. and that’s great - anyone writing stories in a world hostile to hobbies and creativity is a triumph - but the standard way of writing jegulus which has coalesced around this fanon doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.
there are many jegulus tropes i don’t love: how it always becomes a parallel wolfstar [james and peter would be the cultured choice if we have to do that]; how it’s just drarry but in the seventies [when the cultured choice for that is lucius malfoy/arthur weasley]; how james becomes a tediously good person when the evidence of canon is that he’s a bit of a dick; how it relies on an exaggerated portrayal of orion and walburga’s abusive parenting which misses the fact that regulus evidently colluded with them against sirius; how it assumes the marauders aren’t intensely codependent [sirius mentions-lily-once black is definitely going to let his brother hang around with them, sure]; how snape is sometimes there and always a knob. james and regulus are also so similar in terms of background, social position at school etc. that there’s no juicy spark [as in snack, for example]. and, of course, prongsfoot is canon.
and so on… 
but the biggest reason i can’t get into it? 
regulus is a death eater, and not by mistake.
now, we all love a fluffy no-voldemort au, but unless that is a jegulus author’s stated setting, they are going to have to deal with the fact that regulus fucking loves the dark lord. this is a teenage boy who has press clippings about voldemort’s terrorism taped above his bed. he knows exactly what he’s getting into and he likes it.
indeed, my reading of deathly hallows is that regulus’ decision to go and get the locket has absolutely nothing to do with a damascene conversion that conducting a campaign of sectarian violence against muggles and muggleborns is bad, but that learning of the existence of the horcrux - and also voldemort’s lack of respect towards his property, kreacher [after all, we see an attitude expressed canonically by wizards that other people have no right to interfere in how you treat your slaves] - makes clear to him that the dark lord’s aims are not oligarchy, with those from pureblood families ruling in happy condescension over a ministry which is fundamentally unchanged, but ruling in majesty as an immortal absolute monarch. his death is a repudiation of his beliefs, yes, but it is a repudiation of the fact that he believed voldemort was his champion, rather than that he believed voldemort was wrong.
and, actually, i don’t think this in and of itself makes jegulus insurmountable. james is a pureblood, and while there is absolutely no evidence in his few canon appearances that he harboured blood-supremacist views, the very fact of his background would allow a complacency which might let him overlook some of regulus’ opinions [think, for example, about ron’s attitude towards house elves]. equally, we have no evidence that regulus couldn’t completely disavow his former beliefs.
but, it requires the fact that regulus isn’t just a tiny baby who aspires to join a terror group by mistake to actually be dealt with, and i have never seen a single piece of jegulus which does so.
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Wolfstar in Canon:
I’ve been annoyingly into canon recently, so here’s how I think Wolfstar would have went down realistically.
Sirius is mean, Sirius is reckless, but above all, Sirius is hot, and Sirius always gets what he wants. He wants Remus, Remus who always feels unwanted and probably believes that no one else would want to be with him knowing his secret. Remus who refused to date because he doesn’t want to hurt or burden another person, but Sirius and Remus aren’t dating, so it’s okay, they’re just two bodies, there when the other needs them. The apparent only option for each other as queer teenagers in the 70s.
They never talk about it, but as they continue they begin to fill the role of boyfriends more and more. After leaving school, Remus spends so many nights at Sirius’ he just starts living there (again unspoken), although the war means that neither one of them are there often. They are in love with each other, but neither of them would ever admit it, assuming that the other doesn’t feel the same.
After reuniting, during GOF, they keep light contact, but it’s awkward considering they’ve never had much of a verbal relationship outside of James. Remus struggles with still missing Sirius, but having matured enough to know that he shouldn’t be with him. Sirius would be happy for the relationship to go back exactly to how it was.
When Sirius is sent to live with Remus, they finally discuss and agree to have a real relationship for the first time. Neither of them are great at relationships and their personalities still clash often, but they have always been in love with each other in this complex way, and they have to be together.
Shoutout to againaweasel and nothingeverlost’s videos (linked) for making me rethink Wolfstar, I still believe it to be totally canon. If you know fics with canon compliant characterizations GIVE THEM TO ME!
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noblehouseofgay · 2 months
My top 5 favorite marauders fics (number 1 will surprise you!!)
(All jegulus <3)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
5. Werewolves of London- crackspines
- the first fic I ever read. I was attempting atyd, stumbled upon this, ditched atyd and the rest was history
- jegulus and wolfstar
- regulus is sent to the tree by snape and gets bitten
- platonic moonwater!!
- black Brothers angst and a bit if jegulus angst
- the only thing it's missing is rhe skittles but I love it nonetheless
4. Second Chances- introvertedhufflepuff
- magical de-aging spell hits regulus
- so fucking cute
- both friend groups take care of a tiny reggie
- jegulus
- black Brothers bonding
3. Teach them How to Dream- calamitoutside
- jegulus ofc, marylily, wolfstar, and rosekiller
- regulus is Harry's teacher
- trans regulus!!!!!!
- the black Brothers reunion in this one is beautiful
2. The Long Game- lackadaisical_lizard
- jegulus and wolfstar (plus others I don't remember)
- high school au
- will make you want to watch shrek but you'll love it
- jock x artist
1. Only the Brave- Solmussa
- a literal fucking masterpiece
- canon compliant ADJACENT, no main character death
- jegulus, wolfstar, pandalily, rosekiller, dorlene
- the only war fic on this list
- minor character death but like only 3
- the best piece of literature I have ever read
- I think about it every single day
- literally life changing
- you will go through at least one box of tissues
- and you will suffer
- but believe me it is worth it
I recommend all of these ten times over!!
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sleepymimixx · 3 months
wolfstar fanfic rec again, i realized that i was constantly looking for fanfics and i thought i should do my part bc i’ve been reading wolfstar fanfic for a few years now so it’s becoming harder to find some gems but i get so happy when i finally find a fic that really makes my heart ache etc
so this one is Date me, Remus Lupin by her_smile_forges_galaxies
remus is dared to date someone new every week until the school dance and sirius has been secretly in love with him for years.
it’s a modern au/high school au, there’s a bit of a swap between canon characters and relationships : remus and james are best friends and the popular one and sirius is very close to his brother and lily and not very popular, i was a bit surprised at first bit the author really makes it work !
there’s a bit of background jegulus (im very critical about this ship but they are very sweet in this one)
it is finished (just missing the epilogue) so don’t let it stop you from reading it ! and i think it’s on private so you need an ao3 account to read it
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orchideous-nox · 6 days
Talk more about Peter please!!!!
Okay I've let this sit here for a hot minute while I think.
I think Peter is not only underutilised by the fandom, but also a victim of his own future. So many headcanons about Peter come from what he does years down the lines as if his past is a consequence of his later betrayal. I hate this because it means he's never truly made his own character.
I'm going to try my best to yap about him in my own way and not just whatever I ingest from conversations with @futurequibblerjournalist about him.
Yes, Peter is fat. I don't want to talk about that though, but we're getting it out of the way because I won't stand for an Dane DeHaan fancasts when I feel like we're better than making fat characters skinny.
I love that idea that Peter and Marlene were friends before Hogwarts, his limited muggle knowledge comes from her family. They know each other through their parents and Marlene is just glad to have someone her age to play with and Peter is used to being around girls because of his older sisters.
When they got to Hogwarts and found other friends, they weren't necessarily as close anymore. Peter shared a dorm with the boys and they all became friends. With Sirius and James being so loud and energetic, Peter felt drawn to the quieter Remus and they became friends, and he ultimately was the reason Peter became part of the Marauders.
Peter is an observer, he notices so much because people either ignore him or don't think much of him. He sits in corners and listens and this is his contributing factor to the pranks. While they're planning them, he'll notice weak spots like "well this won't work because X said that they were going to the library at that time so won't be in the dorm". When they realise how good he is at spying for them, they start sending him off to scout information in the lead up to pranks.
I think there's so much emphasis on the other Marauders and music, but I like to think Pete was really into music too. He would have loved Madness, Ralph McTell and he gained a love of Fairport Convention from his dad who had discovered muggle music, they were hiting up Cropredy Festival every year. I think he would deny his love of folk music to his friends though, that was something he kept to himself.
Okay and now for the fun part that's been brewing for a little bit. Peter and Sybill were an unexpected couple, I think the Marauders noticed that he was sneaking off sometimes and would go missing in Hogsmeade and started placing bets on who it was but none of them had said Sybill Trelawney. They hadn't crossed paths very much, she's a Ravenclaw and he's a Gryffindor, but she'd noticed him in the library struggling to find a charms book. Sybill was known to have been able to produce a non-corporeal Patronus at some point so was gifted in charms and helped Peter to become more confident in his own capability.
I think there was a gentle quietness to their relationship, they weren't loud like Rosekiller or as affectionate as Wolfstar or as tragic as Jegulus. They would sit together at meals or in the library, they'd talk walks by the lake. Peter would love sitting with Sybill while she yaps enthusiastically about divination and prophecies because he loved seeing her light up. He shows a lot of interest when she talks about Cassandra Trelawney who she is proud to be a descended of, which is new for her.
We know that Sybill ends up (briefly) married to another man after Hogwarts but I don't see these two having a big eventful break up, they have different priorities for their futures and decide that after school ends they will go their seperate ways fairly amicably. I think Sybill doesn't particularly like the Marauders and thinks they make Peter reckless, and Peter doesn't like her cat (for obvious reasons) but she won't part with it. There's no drama, they still love each other but they don't want to sacrifice a part of themself for their relationship to work. We know Sybill ends up divorced in canon because she won't change her surname, she knows what she wants, she's stubborn and I love that for her.
After Hogwarts, Peter dates but never really settles down and does feel a bit of regret about Sybill, especially all those years later returning to the school and seeing her there.
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ghaniblue · 9 months
HP Rec Fest: days 10-13
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I neglected my reccing duties. This happens when you don't prep and queue all posts beforehand. Did I prep and queue the upcoming posts yet? Of course not. Onwards!
@hprecfest prompts: A fest fic, a dark fic, a WIP I'm following and a fic with >100k words. 2 Drarry and 2 Wolfstar recs.
Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage (21014 words) by @goblinmatriarch (Drarry, Explicit)
Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
For the fest fic, I give you my favourite story from this year's @hp-bodiceripper fest. It made me laugh so much every time a bucket was mentioned. I need more stableboy!Harry fics in my life. Or to say it in Draco's words: "Surely, Draco had the self-control to be around a saucy drop-trou and his hypnotic bucket-related coquetry without succumbing." Spoiler: he did not.
Do not miss the embedded 12th century rimming debate. It is glorious.
Railway Lands (65012 words) by Maelipstick (Drarry, Explicit)
Draco finds his own way to cope with being a failed Death Eater at Voldemort's headquarters. Voldemort finds a way to destroy the wizarding world even after his death. Harry is trying to hold the world together while his mind quietly comes apart. Warnings for graphic drug use, depression and suicidal ideation, Draco being an arsehole, sex work, criminality, non-con sexual situations, shifting POVs, ofc werewolves, self neglect and self harm, general unprettiness, unplanned parenthood and references to other works of fiction.
This dark fic got its hooks in me during my last time in Drarry fandom. It's pretty unrelenting. I haven't re-read it in a long time but it's still rattling around my brain.
Gathering Home by Quietlemonhush (Wolfstar, 20/?, 74k, Explicit)
Remus flipped the light on and sucked in a breath as he looked over his classroom, as neat and tidy as he had left it the day before. The room exuded warmth, colorful and bright, playmats on the floor and books stacked up along the walls, little boxes of crayons on all of the tables. By the end of the day, ten kindergarteners would arrive to what was functionally their second home, to once again tear it to smithereeens. Eleven, Remus corrected himself—four months into the school year, a new student was joining their class.
Remus shouldn’t be attracted to Sirius Hill, not when Remus is responsible for teaching his five-year-old little brother to read and count, and especially not with that mysterious baby strapped to Sirius’s chest. He shouldn’t. He isn’t. He is not.
This canon-divergent, trans!Sirius raising Regulus und Harry fic is both a comfort fic and a story hurting my heart in the worst ways. Every single thing this little Reggie says hurts every one of my feelings, and Sirius is trying so damn hard to take care of his boys, and then there is Remus and his mother, who are both so bloody lovely I can't stand it.
marginalia (266547 words) by @spindrifters (Wolfstar, ensemble, 52/59, Explicit)
This story began a long time ago. That part is already written. Nothing can be done about it now. It began with two young men—barely more than boys—who upended the world, magical and mundane alike. Grindelwald and Dumbledore, glorious leaders of the revolution, who brought wizardkind out of hiding and into the light during those last, violent days of 1899. But a winter's night seventy-seven years later is where things really kick off. Because Remus Lupin knows what to expect when you’ve been sold somewhere new. He knows it better than he ever thought he'd have to by this point. He knows how to survive. And Sirius Black is doing his best to just graduate Hogwarts and get himself and his brother away from this goddamn house. He's got it figured out by now. He has a plan. Neither of them, however, had accounted for the other messing everything up by the mere fact of just existing.   (Or, the one where Sirius is heir to a pureblood first family and Remus is a half-blood servant, but a chance meeting leads to healing old wounds, stumbling into love, and just maybe accidentally kickstarting a revolution.)
For my second WIP and >100k fic, I picked this marvel of world building. I'm only at chapter 28 so I need to catch up before this WIP is no longer a WIP. The breadth of characters, backstory and universe creation is incredible. I often get bored with fics this long, but this one is so immersive and ernest in the best ways. You can tell the author wants to tell this story honestly and truly. It is a pure joy. You probably heard of this story already if you're into Wolfstar. It really is that good. Also, Pigoletta is recording the story as a podfic.
>> rec fest masterlist <<
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impishtubist · 2 years
not really a hot take but what are your thoughts/headcanons for wolfstar only admitting their feelings and/or getting together after azkaban
We all already know that I'm not really interested in them at Hogwarts or during the First War. They're too young and I don't care. But during the canon years, when they're in their 30s? YES that is the best version of Wolfstar. Characters are only interesting to me when they are full adults, apologies to the twenty-something crowd.
I think this could happen many different ways! Maybe Sirius doesn't know that he's queer--he always thought that he was straight at school, and then after he was focused on the war and his friends dying and sexuality sort of took a back seat to all of that. Maybe it's not until he's stuck in Grimmauld with Remus during OOTP that he starts to realize he's not as straight as he once thought.
Maybe they both knew they were queer but they always dated other boys at school--which is fine! Sirius and Remus are allowed to have other loves who are not each other, and who are important to them! I'm sick of fics where the two of them are jealous over each other lmao, you don't own someone just because you have a crush on them. Actually, I love the idea of them never having a crush on each other as kids and young adults! And then in their 30s, they're both like "wait...............you're kind of attractive actually."
I think it happens during Sirius’s birthday in 1995. He and Remus are alone at Grimmauld, and while Sirius is miserable being stuck in the house and missing Harry, he’s glad to at least have his oldest/closest friend with him. I think Remus does what he can to make the day special for Sirius--maybe bakes him something of Effie Potter’s that he’d always liked, though Remus is shit at baking and it comes out terribly. Sirius eats it anyway, because Remus had tried and that means more than anything. Remus doesn’t have any money for a present, but maybe he found a box of James and Lily’s things he’s been keeping all these years, or a box of Sirius’s old things, or maybe they sit together with a photo album and Remus describes some memories to Sirius that he forgot b/c of the Dementors. And then, idk, I think at one point Sirius would just go for it and lean over and kiss Remus, and they both would be like oh.
And then when the school year ends Harry runs away from the Dursleys and goes to live with his gay uncles the end.
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somewhat-exhausted · 1 year
Hey tumblr.
My name’s Elliot, and I’m not exactly new here, but this is a new account and blog. There’s not that much to know about me, so I’ll just spit anything important right here.
I’m very, very tired.
School is shit. I’ll probably complain about it.
Still figuring out the sexuality and gender stuff, all I know is my current pronouns and that I am definitely somewhere on the aroace spectrum.
I love art. I love to find it and look at it and cherish it.
I like drawing things myself, but it’s been months since I’ve had the motivation to. If I draw anything worthwhile I’ll post it on here, I guess.
Reading is the best.
I like writing, too. Demotivation plagues that too, but I love writing. Original pieces, fanfiction, anything.
My favorite books: The Book Thief, Code Name Verity, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The Queen’s Thief series, the original Sherlock Holmes canon, and probably I’m missing some but it’s okay.
Favorite movies: The Imitation Game, Return of the King, Interstellar and Inception.
Favorite tv shows: BBC Sherlock, Granada’s Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Heartstopper.
(I have a lot of favorites.)
Main fandoms are anything Sherlock Holmes and the Tolkien universe (including all movies (but not RoP because it’s barely even Tolkien)).
Other fandoms that I still enjoy but am not as involved in include (but are not limited to): Star Trek, the Marauders, and the MCU? Also Star Wars every once in a while.
Some favorite ships for any of these (in no particular order) are: Bagginshield, Samfro, Gigolas, Johnlock, Mystrade, Jegulus, Wolfstar, Spirk, and once again there’s others too that I’m leaving out.
I fucking love music so much.
I play the piano quite nicely and I play the violin not even half as well (but I play it anyway).
My two favorite video games are Portal (and Portal 2) and Hollow Knight.
GAH I feel like there’s more I should add but I’m useless so I don’t know what the “more” is.
Anyway, yeah. That’s a little bit about me.
I’m also intensely lonely and I like tumblr friends, so don’t hesitate to message me if something in here catches your eye.
This message will be updated periodically as I see fit.
<last update: 08.09.23>
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Remus Profession: Teacher/Professor
everybody wants you (but i don't like a gold rush) - @emmagoldmanfanclub
Author: greenleaves23 Word Count: 1,508 (Oneshot) Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Celebrity Summary: With the release of the Marauder's third studio album, guitarist Sirius Black is suddenly thrust into the spotlight. For the first time ever, his own lyrics are included in their songs.
Remus Lupin's third period history class loves the new album, and can't help but wonder who the beautiful love songs are about. They eventually find out.
Second Generation - @msalexwp
Author: MsAlexWP Word Count: 47,355 (14 Chapters) Rating: Explicit Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Raising Teddy (and Leo), Getting Back Together Summary: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black spent their late teens in a happy haze of sex, troublemaking, and playing in their band, but break up in college. But when their respective children get in trouble together more than 20 years later, Remus and Sirius find themselves at odds with their very different parenting styles and dealing with a spark that was never quite extinguished.
One Fish [+Podfic] - @xinasvoice
Author: xinasvoice Word Count: 5,016 (oneshot) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Muggle, Modern Summary: Inspired by this tweet: "Just watched a man bringing home a goldfish on the train accidentally pop the bag- fish flops on the floor. 3 people swarm to save him (the fish not the man). Guy chugs the last of his coffee and throws the fish in his cup. Lady next to him empties in her bottle of water."
So this is that, only wolfstar.
The Courtship of Harry's Godfather in Five Parts - @msalexwp
Author: MsAlexWP Word Count: 18,349 (5 Chapters) Rating: Explicit Alternate Universe: Muggle, Modern, Teacher Remus, Raising Harry Summary: Harry Potter has a very cute literature teacher and decides to play matchmaker for his godfather and guardian, who has refused to date since gaining custody of Harry.
A guide to changing the wheel and seducing a celebrity - @sknyy
Author: deadwizardskinnie Word Count: 5002 (oneshot) Rating: General Audiences Alternate Universe: Muggle, Modern, Celebrity Summary: About how Remus became a Twitter trend, changed the wheel and nearly had a heart attack in the middle of the class. But maybe in a different order.
You Are Everywhere - cowbee485
Author: cowbee485 Word Count: 4,431 (Oneshot) Rating: General Audiences Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Teachers, Getting Together Summary: Sirius Black realizes that you will miss all the chances you don't take. (cheesy summary, basically Sirius is a school nurse and Remus Lupin is a clumsy science teacher, brief mentions of depression, nothing too serious).
Stood Up - @larrythepotato
Author: Larry_the_Potato Word Count: 3822 (oneshot) Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Alternate Universe: Muggle, Meet-Cute Summary: Remus has been stood up. That's when, out of nowhere, the most gorgeous man shows up, pretending to be his boyfriend. The man is a complete stranger, who just wants to help someone in a shitty situation, but it honestly feels like they’ve known each other their whole lives.
A Store of Happiness - coyotesuspect
Author: coyotesuspect Word Count: 10,845 (oneshot) Rating: General Audiences Alternate Universe: Canon Divergence, Raising Harry Summary: Harry spends the summer after his third year living with Sirius and Professor Lupin.
Of Memories, Bitter and Sweet - @msalexwp
Author: MsAlexWP Word Count: 9,473 (Oneshot) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Amnesia Summary: Remus loses his memory, but there are some things that can't be destroyed.
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#albus severus potter - 51 posts
#james sirius potter - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#a lot of times it seems like the characters surrounding these characters have issues with these differences than the actual characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Remus Lupin headcanons for his birthday
(Even tho I missed it by about an hour)
He doesn’t have a good relationship with his father, even before the attack
He was always kind of small and scrawny, and he just grew to be tall and lanky
He grew up moving around a lot and watching the strain it took on his parents to be mobile
When he was eleven, he met Dumbledore and it changed his life, he became a willing servant
Going to Hogwarts was so amazing and cool, making friends was an added bonus
He hit his growth spurts first, making him a good six/eight inches taller for about a year until his friends joined him
(He was still the tallest at almost 6’5”)
James often asked him how the view was
Hogwarts became his safe haven when his mum died and his dad remarried a year later
When he was home he spent so much time alone, and he grew very depressed in the summer
Remus took the leap and started writing Lily the summer between fourth and fifth year, knowing that her home life wasn’t very easy
It made their friendship easier to form when they both became prefects that school year
Remus loved being a prefect and helping younger students, he got James and Sirius to help out with tutoring, James was the only one of the pair to keep it up
Sirius and Remus did butt heads a lot, but they were both really close and often shared stories about their home life together
(Personally I don’t ship wolfstar, but this is where they would start to realize their feelings for each other and start dating - end of 5th year/beginning of 6th year)
Remus was the one to bridge the gap of Lily’s in sureness about the other three boys, Sirius was the first Marauder after Remus to become her friend
He really took on the role of “best friend” for Lily after her falling out with the human garbage
He also sat in between James and Lily and listened to them flirt with each other with a straight face
His blank face was his strongest disguise
He left his home when he was seventeen, crashing with the Potters too
He really took on his “furry little problem” by himself once he was of age, but his friends didn’t allow him too
Graduating for Hogwarts was such a bittersweet moment and he wished his parents, or really his mum, was there to see it
He didn’t have the luxury of throwing all of his efforts into the war, he worked A LOT odd jobs during that time
He was the first person to find out about Harry, holding Lily’s hand when the test turned positive
He constantly reminded James and Lily that this wasn’t the end
(What he didn’t know and would never have wished too)
He held Lily’s hand when she went into labor and watched Harry come into the world
He was the first person after James and Lily to hold Harry
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53 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
we'd still worship this love
My (first) entry to the @cruelsummer-ficfest! I chose Hinny for my (first) fic and was assigned the song False God from the Lover album.
It's a "Harry and Ginny get back together the summer after the war" fic, featuring some mutual pining and really Harry and Ginny being hopelessly in love.
False God
We were crazy to think Crazy to think that this could work Remember how I said I'd die for you?
We were stupid to jump In the ocean separating us Remember how I'd fly to you?
Harry stared at the figure in the distance, her long red hair following after her as she flew in circles. That was how he felt right now, the distance, the confusing, circles seemed to be the only thing that made sense right now when nothing else did. He loved her still, had met his death for her, but it didn’t matter.
Nothing mattered with her in the air and him on the ground.
It made sense, he had left her, abandoned her when they had just started together. He had made a mess of things when it didn’t matter either way, and he had ruined everything when it did matter.
“You can just talk to her,” said Charlie, and Harry turned his head, he didn’t know Charlie as well as the other Weasley siblings, but he was Ron’s favorite of his older brothers…and he wrote Ginny the most often. She had made sure to write him at least twice a week, ever since her life dropped off when she was eleven, Charlie made sure that they never got out of touch again. “Don’t need to be staring at her from the kitchen window, acting all worried like mum.”
Harry blushed, feeling like an idiot. He could easily grab a broom and go chase after Ginny, make her talk to him. She was the easiest person in the whole house to talk too, especially with Ron and Hermione gone in Australia.
“Or you can leave her alone,” said Percy from his seat at the kitchen table, not looking up from his cup of tea. “She’s going back to Hogwarts in three weeks, let her be.”
Harry felt uncomfortable, he had once felt like Percy was an older brother, someone he could rely on, but he had betrayed them in the beginning of the war. He had chosen the Ministry’s story over his, and even though they knew now it was on Dumbledore’s orders, it didn’t hurt any less.
But Percy was right all the same. Ginny was leaving again for her final year, and Hermione was going to go with her too, hopefully finding her parents before they had to get on the train again. Harry didn’t even know if he could say goodbye, he loved Hermione as a sister and he loved Ginny…he loved her more than anything.
“Don’t be a cynic, Perce,” said Charlie, sitting down across from his brother, and Harry took this as his chance to slip out the back door. He could recognize an argument brewing before any of the Weasley siblings could.
He sat down on the back steps and watched Ginny fly, wishing that he could make himself get on a broom and follow her. He was tired of leading the way, he had been the focus for so long and he wanted to hide in the background.
But Ginny had never made him feel that way.
You can read the rest on Ao3!
53 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Headcanons about Fleur?
@theravenclawartist asked for some Dominique or Fleur headcanons too, so let’s go!
She grew up just outside of Paris with her parents and sister and never imagined ever leaving her country
It took a lot of convincing to get her to come to Hogwarts for the tournament
It was Gabrielle who convinced her
It was during her time at Hogwarts that she decided to leave France and move to London
It was only supposed to be for one year, with A LOT of visits home
But then she met Bill, and fell in love very quickly
Bill gave her a sense of comfort that she never had in France, or with her family, and that, along with the war made her say yes to his proposal
Molly was against it, but Bill fought for her
After the war, Fleur just wanted to have a baby and keep that warm feeling of safety
Victoire became her life and joy, and everything felt perfect
The family was growing, George and Angelina were going to have a baby, Harry and Ginny were engaged, Ron was thinking about proposing
And then Angelina had a stillbirth and the whole family didn't know what to do, but Fleur tried to be there for Angelina, even though Bill wasn't for George
Fleur was a bridesmaid in their wedding that next summer, and she found out she was pregnant again a month later
She lost the baby, Jacques Frederick Weasley, 'Jack'
It was the first break in her and Bill's relationship
Fleur took a very long time to recover, and then she got pregnant with Dominique
Dominique had been a very hard pregnancy and Fleur was constantly anxious, but then she had her second daughter, just as perfect as her first
Finding out she was pregnant again so quickly after Dominique scared her
Louis was born at around 28 weeks, he was only four pounds and they were told that it was unlikely that he would live through the summer
He came home on his original due date in August
Fleur loves to sing, and it's how she used to wake up the kids for school
Her favorite is John Denver for waking the kids up, she loves his voice (though she thinks she does the songs better)
She also tried teaching all three of her kids French, but none of them were a natural at the language, though Louis did pick it up best
Even at her lowest points in her marriage to Bill, she still loved him and went to him for that sense of warmth and protection he put in her when they were younger
It took all three of their kids making a stance and leaving them for them to come back together
I know a lot of people don't like my opinions on Bill and Fleur's relationship, but I like how I wrote them. I see a lot of protentional for them as a couple that fell out of love and found their way back together. I've seen it more with Ron/Hermione, but I think it really would fit Bill and Fleur's characters more.
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60 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Ginny Headcanons for her birthday
She has always loved her birthday
Being the youngest, she gets so much attention, and even Bill and Charlie always seem to be around in her birthday
Percy always reads her “babbity rabbity and her cackling stump” for her birthday, a tradition that continues after the war
(It’s their favorite Beedle the Bard story)
She finds out she’s pregnant with James on her 22nd birthday
Okay, onward - she and Harry get married on Aug 16th…right after her 22nd birthday
Ginny is the one to name James actually, she won the right in a game of “rock, paper, scissors”
She knew that Harry wanted to name their son after his dad, and she loved the name James since she was little
But Harry wanted James’ middle name to be Albus and she wanted it to be Sirius
Sirius had been so kind to her when she got nightmares at Grimmauld Place, he would make her hot chocolate and tell her about the uncles she never met
In fact, Sirius told her a lot of stories that she was able to pass onto her brothers, Harry, and later their children
Ginny is always the storyteller
Al was born a week after Ginny’s 24th birthday
She lost the game of “rock, paper, scissors” this time around, but she never once calls him Albus, it’s always Al or Albie when he’s a baby
In fact, Ginny is the reason why Al only goes by Al when he’s older
And finally, she came up with Lily Luna’s name
Harry had been gone in a mission while she was pregnant, and Luna had been a big help to Ginny, practically moving in with her twin boys
They were always going to name their daughter after Harry’s mother, but the middle name was always up in the air
(Originally it was going to be Lily Molly, after both of her grandmothers, possibly Lily Minerva after Professor McGonagall, matching Lily Evans initials)
Lily looks the most like Ginny, but she finds more similarities between herself and her boys
James reminds her a lot of Bill and Percy, even if he does have a trouble streak, he is very loving and great leader and looks after his younger cousins/siblings very well
She finds so many similarities between Al and Fred and George. Al has the same freckles across their nose like the twins, and he Carrie’s so much on his shoulders like they did during the war, she often tells Al about how he reminds her of Fred in his teen years
Lily is all Harry and her grandmothers, she’s the parts of them that clash with Ginny, causing some friction in her teen years that they fight through
Ginny loves her kids so much, she really strived to make their home as comfortable as the Burrow and loves having their kids, their friends, and all of her nieces and nephews over for the summer holidays
She just loves a full house, it brings her back to her childhood
She quit the Harpies for her kids, but looking back on it, she knew that it was time for her to commit to her family in that time
She does keep up most of the workout schedule after she leaves, even years later when her kids are grown
She and Harry like to run together, and living out in the countryside they have plenty of privacy to just go wild
She lets Harry teach the kids how to fly and ride a bike and even how to drive (Ginny never learns how to drive a car) but Ginny teaches their kids her best moves from her playing days (all three of them play chaser like her)
See the full post
80 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Weddings & Weasleys:
Bill and Fleur:
They’re colors were gold and dark blue
Fleur’s dress was antique lace with a simple bodice and skirt
She wanted people to notice their inner beauty, not their outer beauty
Bill wanted all of his siblings to have a part of the wedding, but Fleur wanted a smaller bridal party
Charlie was always going to be Bill’s Best Man, but asking Ginny to be part of the bridal party wasn’t in the books
She is Bill’s favorite of the younger siblings though
The reception wasn’t what Fleur wanted before the Death Eaters arrived
She had really wanted to get married in France, but she resigned herself to the Burrow
Still, they were surrounded by people she loved, and one of her children would get married in France someday
Percy and Audrey:
They eloped
Percy didn’t want to be boggled down by plans, he had wanted to propose a month into their relationship
Audrey only had her little brother and she knew that he wouldn’t care if he missed her wedding
They were also pregnant
Audrey does imagine it, the dress she would’ve made for herself, the ceremony in the church she grew up going to, the reception in her parents back garden
Her mother helping her get ready, her father walking her down the aisle, both of her brothers mixed in with the other groomsmen
But it’s all wishful thinking because marrying Percy is the most happiness she gets until their girls are born
Percy remembers their wedding day whenever anything bad happens to them or their girls, because it means he has Audrey at his side
George and Angelina:
They planned it for a few months
They got married at their home, in the back garden with their families
They both were a mess during the ceremony, both crying and clinging to each other, but so so so happy
The reception was wild
Lots of alcohol and dancing, lots of joy and the toasts were ridiculous
Percy stepped in as Best Man and Alicia was Maid of Honor
Their godchildren and Victoire and Teddy were flower girls and the ring bearers
It was really cute and lovely and neither of them would’ve changed any of it
They were missing quite a few people, but they were remembered throughout the day in their friends and family
See the full post
173 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
What We Do to Get By
Bit of an angsty Wolfstar fic that I started. Canon divergent. Let me know what you think.
“Alright, Prongs. We’re all set for the party, and people have started showing up.” Sirius glanced in James’s bedroom and found him standing by the window. He raised an eyebrow. “For a guy who is about to have his dream stag party before marrying his dream girl, you don’t seem too happy.”
James sighed, uncrossing his arms and turning back with a small smile. “Sorry. I just got a little lost in a sad thought.”
“Well, might as well get it out before the party.” Sirius leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. “Let’s hear it, then.”
James grimaced. “I don’t know that you want to.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I’m your best man. You absolutely should tell me.”
Jame sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Remus should be here.”
A weight fell in Sirisu’s stomach, and he looked away. Remus should be there. They’d been saying it for four years now–well, no, they’d all been thinking it, but no one had been saying it. It was Sirius’s fault that Remus wasn’t there. Sirius, who had the bright idea to tell Severus Snape about the knot at the base of the Whomping Willow, and for some unknown reason, the idiot decided to go see what a real werewolf transformation looked like. If that wasn’t bad enough, he told the entire school what he had seen, and Remus was expelled as a dangerous beast.
Remus had missed out, and it was all Sirius’s fault.
Sirius looked up at James again. “He should be. He would have loved this.”
“I’m sorry,” James said, running a hand down his face. “I’m not still holding it against you, but I just keep thinking that he would be here otherwise.”
Sirius nodded, swallowing down the dry ash that seemed to have filled his mouth. “He would be. He should be. We could try to find him again.”
James shook his head. “If he’s even still alive, he doesn’t want to be found.” James walked over and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go celebrate."
Sirius let out a long breath and then plastered on an almost real smile. “Wormtail’s pretty excited for the stripper he hired. Apparently the guy’s pretty popular.”
“Where did Peter find a male stripper?”
“Huh.” Sirius shrugged. It was odd, considering Peter was the only purely straight one out of the group of them. “I’m not sure.”
“Oi, Wormtail.” James called when they walked in the living room. “Where did you get the stipper?”
Peter beamed. “He was recommended by a friend.”
James and Sirius exchanged a look. “Who?”
“Barty Crouch. He got his number after he saw him at another stag do. Evan Rosier’s, I think. Said he was a really party pleaser. Passed it along to me when I mentioned looking for yours.”
Sirius groaned. “Why do you hang out with him? Crouch is terrible.”
Peter shrugged. “I like him.”
The party started without well. Sirius had charmed loud music to play in every room. Frank, Kingsley, Fabian, Gideon, and Eddie all came as well. The drinks were plentiful, and by the time the stripper knocked on the door, Sirius was already feeling a thick buzz.
Frank opened the door, as the rest of them herded James into the seat of honor in the living room, shoving a crown on his head that Sirius had charmed to throw glitter over him. Sirius heard him before he saw him, but there was no mistaking that voice, even if he was masking the soft Welsh lilt that Sirius had fallen for.
“I hear there’s some balls on the loose here. Good think I’m a Chase–” Remus froze when he saw them standing there, James in a crown, with Sirius and Peter. His bravado seemed to fall the longer he looked at them, seemingly shrinking in the quidditch kit that he wore as costume. “Shit.”
“Remus?” James stood up and walked forward, not even a sway in his step. Sirius was almost surprised, given how much alcohol they had been shoving in his hand all night, but he had sobered up pretty hard himself when Remus walked in the door.
Remus smiled weakly. “I should have known when I was asked to dress as one of the Arrows for this. Who other than James Potter would have a stripper double as a quidditch player.”
James didn’t hesitate but wrapped Remus in a hug. Sirius saw Remus flinch, becoming more statue than person in James’s arms. Remus backed away as soon as he let go. “I should go. I can get you your money back, or I might be able to get someone else to–”
“Please don’t leave, Moony.” James’s voice was low, and if it wasn’t for the extra hearing his animagus gave him, he might not have even heard it. He definitely didn’t miss the way Remus flinched at the nickname.
“James, I can’t stay.” He took another step back. “You can’t possibly want me to dance for you.”
“If it will get you to stay, I’ll let you dance as long as you’d like.”
“Or, I’ll pay you double to just stay and talk to me.”
Sirius could see Remus wanting to refuse, like there was something pulling him back out the door again. He must have really needed the money, though.
"Alright, fine." He shifted nervously. "I'll stay."
"I'm really glad to see you, Remus."
Remus sighed. "I am too, James."
James moved to kick everyone out, leaving Remus standing where he was. Remus looked up, and his eyes finally came to rest on Sirius, and Sirius wondered if Remus was happy to see him too.
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wolfstarhaven · 3 years
I'm not sure if you've answered this or not, but do you have any long fics you'd recommend?
Hi anon🌸 I don’t usually read fics that are longer than 200k, and a long fic for me is when it’s >80k... But here we go!
* = personal favourite
Hogwarts era:
nothing left (but some blood where the body fell), by indexofangels (806k)
General themes/feeling: canon divergence later on, all 7 years, slow burn, friends to lovers
(The fic formerly known as Helter Skelter) A massive canon compliant fic! I’m still reading this, but I can already tell you: it’s beautiful! @pavementlupin is a wonderful writer, their prose is incredibly poetic. Just so you know, this fic is also quite centred around Jily!
*All the young dudes, by gamesformay (158k)
General themes/feeling: 1st to 6th year, slow burn, friends to lovers, angst and fluff
Not to confuse with MsKingBean89’s ATYD! This is a completely different fic, and it’s AMAZING! Such a perfect marauders story. Definitely a favourite of mine!
Into the Fire, by wilteddaisy (taotu) (153k)
General themes/feeling: canon divergent, Triwizard tournament, slow burn, friends to lovers, child abuse
A Hogwarts era fic on the plottier side. It’s truly amazing! The Triwizard tasks are incredibly well thought out, there are some interesting OCs, and it’s overall very well written.
Did You Miss Me?, by Fantismal, Krethes (600k)
General themes/feeling: texting, strangers to lovers, famous!sirius, past abuse, trauma, secret identities, SMUTTY!
This is still a WIP, but all the chapters are written and are being regularly posted. A classic texting fic, centred around the marauders gang, not just Wolfstar. There are some darker themes of violence, abuse, abduction etc in this fic, so be careful! Also, this fic contains ALOT of sexting. A lot! It’s perhaps a bit to explicit for me, but if that’s what you like then you’ll love this!
*Blends, by rvltn909 (177k)
General themes/feeling: coffee shop!au, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, pining!remus, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort
A classic that I reread a bit too often. I just love the slow burn and the misunderstandings of this fic, and how in the end they learn the lesson of communication. Pretty smutty though, so you know.
Sweater Weather, by @lumosinlove (156k)
General themes/feeling: hockey!au, famous!Sirius, physical trainer!remus, closeted!sirius, secret relationship, found family, smutty!
Another classic. Of fame and pressure, sexuality and falling in love. And lots of hockey! Well written and lovely! Very smutty though!
Dear Your Holiness, by @mollymarymarie (142k)
General themes/feeling: priest!remus, bassist!remus, texting, religion, secret identity, smutty!
A fic centred around themes of religion and faith. Read the tags before reading! This fic is also quite smutty without being explicitly smutty - the sexual tension is extreme.
*Text Talk, by merlywhirls (141k)
General themes/feeling: texting, strangers to lovers, chronically ill!remus, boarding school!sirius, fluffy!
The classic texting fic. If you haven’t read it already, read it! There are some darker themes, but mainly it’s fluffy and comforting. And funny!
*Staying Strangers, by 3amAndCounting (>114k WIP)
General themes/feeling: texting, slow burn, strangers to lovers, REMUS GETS A KITTEN
I usually never rec WIPs, nor do I often read them, but I just had to include this texting fic cause it’s BRILLIANT! In which the incredibly sarcastic Remus gets to know Sirius via texting. It’s so sweet, it’s so funny, it’s soooo slow burn! I’m not the biggest fan of texting fics but I LOVE this!
all my cards are here, by haey1 (112k)
General themes/feeling: band!au, bassist!remus, fame, secret relationship
Another popular long fic! A classic band au, in which fame takes its toll, and falling in love isn’t easy.
Palo Alto, by NachoDiablo (110k)
General themes/feeling: American!wolfstar, friends to lovers, asexual!sirius, pining!sirius, slow burn, recreational drug use, light angst
Honestly, this fic really helped me figuring out some things concerning my sexuality. If you want a fic centred around asexuality, then you should definitely read this. It’s incredible!
Currents, by @quoththethestral (109k)
General themes/feeling: olympics!au, swimmer!remus, swimmer!sirius, light enemies-to-lovers, American!remus, smutty
Such a comforting fic! A story of rivals falling in love, and working to build a healthy relationship.
*Liebestraum, by @/ quoththethestral (101k)
General themes/feeling: muggle!au, American!wolfstar, pianist!remus, violinist!sirius, past relationship, past break-up, getting back together
There’s a special place in my heart for this fic. This is beautiful. Such a mature fic (and not in the sexual way!) of getting back together after years apart. Lovely!
*Just what the doctor ordered, by @wrapped-up (97k)
General theme/feeling: veterinarian!remus, age gap, strangers to lovers, breakup, learning to communicate, getting back together, comforting!
Another fic I’d like to call “mature” in the way that it’s not just about falling in love: It’s also about learning to communicate, balance, and building trust. It’s incredible!
The Lab, by @de-sire-blog  (95k)
General themes/feeling: scientist!remus, intern!sirius, age gap, abusive relationship (not wolfstar), learning to communicate, comforting, smutty!
In which Sirius is in an abusive relationship (mentally and physically), and begins the long way out of it. + a lot of smut!
Dress up in You, by MsKingBean89 (88k)
General themes/feeling: band!au, bassist!remus, hair stylist!sirius, angst
Surprise to nobody, this fic by mkb is absolutely amazing. It hurts like hell (once again, nobody’s surprised), but it’s beautiful. I never thought I could love a band au this much.
*Go East [+Podfic], by @xinasvoice (84k)
General themes/feeling: fantasy!au, Howl’s Moving Castle!au, slow burn, werewolf!remus, wizard!sirius
Came for wolfstar, stayed for the plot (and wolfstar ofc). A story of adventure, magic, finding a family, and falling in love.
SHAME, by wilteddaisy (taotu) (82k)
General themes/feeling: SKAM!au, Sirius=Isak, Remus=Even, closeted!sirius, bipolar!remus, funny, angst, smut
If you’re a sucker for SKAM as well as wolfstar, than you must read this absolute gem. It’s hilarious, heart breaking, and comforting all at once.
Some long fics from my tbr-list:
It Never Goes Out, by everythingintransit (473k)
Momentum, by Children_of_the_Shadows (259k)
Fearless Liabilities, by femme_de_lettres (200k)
Camp Casanova, by Farquad (156k)
The Survivor, by apolesen (146k)
A Taste of Honey, by biremus (120k)
Time is a Fine Invention, by bluepeony (106k)
I hope you find something you haven’t already read!
Love, Elliot🌸
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sneverussape · 3 years
snape fic recs - old magic/epic worldbuilding
related to this post. i decided to dig through my bookmarks and wrack my brain for some of the fics i remember reading that scratched this particular itch. this will have fics that had the characters practice old magic and are more focused on the adults/hogwarts staff rather than the kids, or if the kids would be mentioned they would not be the main povs. these will be multi-chaptered, often long (and obviously au), and some of them have pairings. please heed the tags and warnings that the individual authors would have left; what you consume is your own responsibility. the fics are also listed in no particular order:
In His Name by moira of the mountain -  After the Final Battle, a fallen Snape is hidden, bearing Tom Riddle's last Unforgivable. There are three Secret Keepers and a Muggle healer to protect him, but will it be love - or an obligation - which finally frees him?  - no pairings // kinda brotp between mcgonagall, snape, and hagrid // also unfinished so fair warning. the lore is so rich though, it feels like how magic in hp should have been.
Death’s Dominion by MMADfan - Severus Snape’s life was changed when he was hit by an errant spell, and he comes to a decision that defies Dumbledore’s wishes. Even the fate of the wizarding world is altered by this ill-cast curse and Snape’s subsequent resolve.Long after the spell has dissipated, its effects continue echoing in the lives of Severus, Albus, Minerva, and Hermione, and they bring with them a shadowy figure whom Snape does not trust and whose motivations and influence on Minerva are murky. Not all is as it seems, and conspiracies and schemes swirl around Severus as he continues on his path of deception to his final confrontation with the Dark Lord. A “Light” fic of love, loyalty, and redemption. - mm/ad, ss/hg // this fic. is LEGENDARY. this is one of those fics that require your full attention and will eventually suck you in and spit you back out with your whole life changed. it will take you on a whole rollercoaster of emotions. the mm/ad pairing is quite an obvious one but the ss/hg is a subtle one and it’s more friendship throughout the whole fic than an actual romantic relationship. the ocs (a lot of them minerva’s family) are also SO well-made you’ll forget they’re not canon. 
FALLING FURTHER IN by kaz2 - Hermione begins to learn something of the man behind the dark sarcasms of the classroom. - ss/hg, also features wolfstar, brotp between the faculty and severus // this was one of the fics i had in mind when i did that last post about missing old hp stories. this was started in the early 2000s and the author had free rein on a lot of the material. flitwick and sprout are married here and are the cutest things on earth. it’s also set during the summer leading into harry’s final year so all the teachers are staying at hogwarts and are all good friends with each other. hermione is there as well because her parents had been murdered by death eaters and so she’s spending it with them. the way the ww is written here is so...epic, jkr couldn’t even. snape lives in an invisible tower called serpens tower, the teachers often go to a brothel-which-isn’t-really-a-brothel in hogsmeade, the other teachers often baby severus subtly because he’s the youngest, wolfstar are tolerable and remus actually learns to brew his own damn wolfsbane, etc. the story is in story format until near the end iirc and then the author outlines what happens next rather than writing it out. i can’t blame them; it really is a massive undertaking.
The Crest by sheankalor -  Dumbledore only holds partial say in who the Head of House is. Severus Snape is nominated as the Head of Slytherin, but has to pass a final test. Can he? Does he work well with the other three Heads of House? And just what is The Crest? - no pairings // staff fic // one of the rare one-shots but it’s in an au which feeds into other stories // i loooove the lore in this. it provides an explanation as to how a house head is approved by the school and i’m a sucker for any fic that has the faculty getting along.
Balance by rabbit and -v-Jinx-v - Hogwarts is under siege, and it's going to take everyone to find a way out of danger. - no pairings // brotp minerva and severus, also harry and draco form a friendship // this is one of my personal faves. it’s not only old magics but the entirety of hogwarts come together to battle against dark forces (not even death eaters but...balrogs...and other things). there’s no build-up to it; you enter the story after the battle’s already begun and then you get taken along for the ride. also has a part where the heads of houses meet the founders and there’s this epic dance that’s reminiscent of the danse macabre in The Graveyard Book (if you’ve read that you’d know what i mean).
Another World by Aeryn Alexander - Detention with Snape turns into something of an adventure for Hermione and Ginny, not to mention Professor Lupin, as they all discover that Hogwarts holds a terrible secret that none of them want to learn. - ss/hg, rl/gw // this fic took me by surprise because i didn’t expect it to go the way it did based on the summary lmao. the 4 basically get trapped in a mirror version of hogwarts after a potions accident, and the mirror world has literal demons in it. they have to find a way to get back into the real world while not getting killed at the same time. i actually liked lupin in this one and he and severus form a tenuous friendship. 
In One Spirit by mavidian - Voldemort and Dumbledore prepare for war and survival. Plans go awry, intrigues abound and nothing is what it seems. Snape created the Dark Mark but that mistake may cost him everything. Can Hermione be his saving grace? - ss/hg but it’s such a slow build you barely notice it during even the first 20 or so chapters because he’s his usual asshole self and they’re too busy trying to protect hogwarts // the concept of this fic and the lore it built up...wow. the faculty are all friends and they’re trying very hard to protect hogwarts using their own magics and their own clever schemes (war brooms? battle wands? blessing tree? filch even gets powers!). voldemort is also equally devious here and snape has loving pureblood parents! (not that it matters, he’s still an ass, but then it’s nice to read about him having a nice family for once). neville also steps up as a member of one of the Traditional Families so he’s quite a BAMF here. 
yo pls feel free to add your own recs to this post, i’m pretty sure there are loads more out there!
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krethes · 3 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Sooo I was also tagged by @bluesundaycake and @polyjuicedpadfoot, but I'll just stick to the 5.
1. Did You Miss Me? | Rated E | Wolfstar, Jily, Other | 382,524 published words, 39/58 chapters (COMPLETE, M/W/F updates) Modern, non-magical texting AU with big narrative portions and heavy themes.
READ THE TAGS and Ch 1 for Important Warnings/Descriptions!
Co-written with @fantismal, this feels like a Magnum Opus, lmao. It's the longest (by FAR) fic I've written, and we got to construct a world from the ground up with complex characters and multiple plots that are cohesive and entertaining and heart-wrenching.
Though the new boy at Hogwarts University, James Potter, appears to be an adorable himbo with deep pockets, Remus Lupin and his friends instead find a horrifically dark past on Google. Did he really attack that boy and leave him for dead? Why won't he talk about his mysterious childhood best friend, "Pups"? Would it kill him to stop messing with his hair?
At least Remus got his phone back after losing it, but now he can't stop texting the mysterious number of the man who had sent it back. Padfoot is funny and charming, and Remus is NOT going to fall in love with him.
2. Lines | Rated E | Wolfstar | 23,533 words, 5 chapters Canon Divergent AU, DILF!Wolfstar at 56.
This was just an exercise in self-indulgent, serotonin-boosting smut. This is the happy ending they deserved, and I adore exploring established, secure relationships.
As if feeling Sirius’s eyes on him -- and maybe he does, Remus just Knows Things sometimes -- he looks over his shoulder with eyes heavy-lidded and sleepy. “We’re far too old to be having morning sex and you know it, Padfoot,” he warns, his voice still gravely and deep from slumber.
3. Smoke Trails | Rated T | Wolfstar | 20,156 words, 6 chapters Get-together fic with 6th-year Marauders, involving misunderstandings, miscommunications, and moonlit confessions.
This was my first chaptered fic without time skips. I wanted to put my idea of how Wolfstar got together out there and show some truly tender moments between them. I'm endlessly proud of this fic, and it won several awards on the Harry Potter Fanfic discord, which is still mind-blowing to me!
Sirius has a surprise planned for Peter's 17th birthday, which has the littlest Marauder ill at ease and Remus on high alert. Muggle cigarettes, fancy lighting tricks, firewhiskey, and late-night confessions lead to spilled truths and hurt feelings.
4. Quintuple Meter | Rated E | Wolfstar | 7,811 words, 5 chapters Non-magical, modern, musicians AU. Remus is a renowned cellist and Sirius is an accomplished pianist.
I wrote this for the Wolfstar Discord's 2021 Wolfstar Bingo under the "Musicians AU" prompt and I wanted to do something other than like, a band fic. This is another self-indulgent write for me because I play the cello (and viola & violin) and have been in love with the instrument since before I really knew its name. Sirius knows magic isn't real—that's the stuff of story books and fevered dreams—but now, watching Remus play, he reconsiders his convictions.
Pianist Sirius Black has worked his entire life for this opportunity and considers himself a master of his craft. Remus Lupin, the most sought-after cellist in Europe, proves him wrong.
5. Silver for Monsters | Rated E | Wolfstar | 18,829, 4/? chapters Witcher AU with Wolf School Witcher Remus and Aen Seidhe Sirius.
I don't even know where to begin explaining myself... I fucking love the Witcher franchise and I was listening to Wolven Storm one day like hmm...yeah, I can make this Wolfstar. I've gone full-throttle into my poetic descriptions and the animosity between Sirius & Remus was/is so fun. It's not finished, I KNOW, but DYMM? delayed it and I'm finally feeling up to writing long things again!
Eyes narrowed to protect against further assault, Remus tracks the origin of the noise to a tree 100 yards away at the edge of the river. Lightning shatters again overhead, illuminating a tall, slender figure perched high on a branch and a flash of teeth -- perfectly white and smooth, no cuspids, before they're lost to the shadow of the leaves and he's left with a tinkling, mocking laugh.
"Gar'ean, Vatt'ghern. Aé ess'neén aen aep taedh aep marw." (Careful, Witcher. You'll catch your death out here.)
He squints to stare at the boughs again, bristling. Elves. What an elf was doing in Hogsmeade, a human village of little renown, was beyond him. Grimacing, Remus reclaims his silver sword from the sticky corpses and stalks over to the drowner nests at the riverside. Two carefully-placed palm-sized bombs later, and Remus retrieves the silver necklaces of the two women who fell prey to the monsters. He’ll try to return them to their families, if they even want them back. Superstitious lot, humans.
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diademsandtiaras · 3 years
My Favorite Wolfstar Fics (part 2)
These are some more of my favorites that are less well known. They’re a bit less fluffy than last, but it’s most canon divergent fics because that’s what I’ve been reading the most lately (* means it’s a WIP)
you can find part 1 here
- fluff -
That I Should Love A Particularly Bright Star by fuutenfantasy on ao3
Sirius convinces Remus to go out into the Forbidden Forest late at night to 'help him with Astronomy homework
In Your Own Sweet Time by shaggydogstail on ao3 and @shaggydogstail on tumblr
Sirius is in love, James is violent, and Remus is an idiot.
note: (i’m not sure if this counts as fluff but close enough) I absolutely love this fic, I feel so bad for Sirius, but I think the way you characterized everyone is just so accurate.
- canon divergence -
a list of things we said we’d do tomorrow by everyfragment *
Remus leaves the wizarding world at 18. It changes everything.
note: I love this so unbelievably much, it’s one of my favorite fics of all time to be honest. I really like the idea of Remus leaving the wizard into world and having a good career.
Thick Ties by letsdothepanic on ao3 and @nymphadoratonqs on tumblr
Remus and Sirius never reconcile after the Prank in year five. After missing most of his final school years out in dangerous Order missions that culminate in Voldemort being defeated, Remus goes on to travel around and study Dark creatures with his father. Eight years after the end of the war, Remus isn't expecting to be called up by Dumbledore with a professor position for him to fill or to find Sirius at Hogwarts as well, teaching Ancient Runes and raising Harry Potter.
note: I absolutely love this, oh my god. If you can’t tell, I love fics where Remus leaves and they eventually reconcile, and this is one of my favorites!! <3
Hiraeth by llassah on ao3 and @llassah on tumblr
During the first rise of Voldemort, Remus gets into the spying game. No one told him it would be quite this difficult to lie for a living.
note: this is so incredibly good, it’s just written so well
5 Times Remus was Hurt in the First War and 1 Time It Was Sirius by theicerecite on ao3
A first war fix-it where nobody dies, but Remus does get hurt a lot. And where the Marauders+Lily are far too young and far too full of promise to be facing such horrific circumstances—and how they do it anyway.
Souvenir by sopdetly
Remus returns from another mission; Sirius has missed him.
note: so this is a little bit angsty, but I really love it
Dissonance by rian on ao3
Dissonance (noun): lack of agreement; the inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs.
note: so this is pure angst. I honestly didn’t think it was possible for a canon divergent AU to be sadder than canon, but this exists it’s so well written, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days after.
- alternate universe -
Axe and Sword by Athenowl on ao3 and @wayward-demigod-witch on tumblr *
When Sirius accompanied his best friend, Prince James of the Eastern Coast, to Frystmark for the annual council, he was expecting to be very bored and very cold. This expectation was utterly destroyed within a few days of arriving, when three things happened:
1. He met Remus, the exceptional prince of Frystmark with an unholy amount of freckles
2. He learned to ice skate on a frozen lake
3. The city was attacked, sending him and his six new friends on a wild chase across the continent, where they have to evade assassins, track down a magic dagger that hasn't been seen in 70 years, and defeat King Riddle before he starts a war that would destroy the tentative peace between nations.
Medieval AU where James, Marlene, Dorcas, and Remus are royalty, Sirius and Peter are hanging on for dear life, and Lily is the only one with actual common sense.
note: this is one of my favorite fics of all time, oh my god. I love the plot, and it’s so well written. also, remus in this has my heart and everyone is characterized perfectly
tag list:
@kielemarie @wwolfstartrashh
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