#i miss cc pants
sweetbans29 · 5 months
Hey You - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x reader
Summary: You and Caitlin have a history - from growing up together to dating in high school. You both decided that it would be best to end things before going to college and that's what you did. Little did you know that seeing each other nearly four years later would have you both admitting things should have been different.
Warnings: You are looking at some angst, some suggestive themes and some fluff, nothing too crazy ;) mentions of head injury
Word Count: 6.0k
Hey You PART 2
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Hi and welcome! This is my first writing and would love any feedback or ideas! I hope you enjoy!
You were sitting in the backseat of your friend's car rubbing your hands on your jeans. Your friend Jamie was driving you and two other friends to the women's NCAA basketball game in Cleveland. All of you attended a university in Pittsburgh and thought it would be a fun girls' day to go watch the championship game. It was going to be iconic and deep down, you knew you wouldn't miss it for the world. You had been following the teams closely this year despite the squeeze to your heart that came with seeing her name. Looking out the window you continue to rub your hands on your pants.
Your friends all knew Iowa was home for you and that you played basketball growing up. They knew you had friends who ended up playing college ball but an injury you suffered junior year of high school caused you to shift gears when it came to college. They also knew that you and Caitlin Clark had played high school ball together - but that was all they knew on the subject. They didn't know you had grown up together and had been best friends since the first day of sixth grade or that she held your heart in high school and may or may not hold it today.
As you look out the window your mind begins to wander back to when you were young...
It was the first day of sixth grade and your family had just moved to Des Moines, IA for your dad's job. Starting at a new school at the start of junior high was not ideal but you were determined to make the best of it. As you entered homeroom - you took a seat next to another girl who wasn't completely dolled up due to it being the first day. You didn't say anything as you sat down and pulled out a notebook that was completely covered in NBA stickers. The girl next to you perked up when she looked over and saw several familiar faces, even some of her favorites.
She leans over and points to one of the players and says, "That is one of my favorites." I look up at her with a huge smile and reply, "He is great but not as great as Kobe." She nods in agreement and we continue talking about other players who made their spotlight on your Fivestar notebook.
Fast forward to freshman year of high school - you and Caitlin are at pre-season training. Both of you had a single goal in mind which was making varsity. You knew she would make it no problem, but for you, it was going to take a little more. The two of you put in the work, when you weren't at training you were either at a park practicing or at her house training. When you found out you both made varsity after all those hours of hard work you went out to get froyo to celebrate. The night ended with a sleepover at yours that included a movie marathon and many many snacks.
When you snap back to being present with your friends, you realize you are already at the arena. You take a deep breath and get out of the car with your friends to brave the lines to enter the stadium. It was amazing to see the attention women's college basketball has gotten during March Madness this year. The spotlight on all the teams in the Sweet Sixteen, then the Elite Eight to the Final Four all leading to today had brought a lot of attention to the sport and the players. Not only the spotlight on the teams but the spotlight put on Caitlin was something that never really surprised you as you knew how incredible she was and is. Seeing how much she had blown up made you proud of the player she had become but also rattled the box you had put her in that lived in the deepest part of your heart. As you are standing in line to get in, your mind takes you back again...
It was the summer before junior year and your mom and dad just surprised you with your own car. You freaked out and couldn't stop thanking them. Of course, it was their pleasure as you were almost the perfect child. Caitlin was already on her way over as you had plans to go out to get food before having a lazy day. The two of you always worked hard but on the other side of that, you both had major lazy days throughout your friendship. These lazy days consisted of movie marathons, pillow forts, naps, and all the snacks you could ever imagine. The beginning of these days stemmed from making plans one day but you were both so tired you ended up napping on the floor in Caitlin's living room, never seeing the light of day.
Caitlin pulls in and you come running out pointing at the car in the driveway. She jumps out of her car and you both freak out and jump right in. After grabbing food you headed back to yours and settled into the pillow fort you had set up before she got there. You throw on Princess Diaries and you both are knocked out within the first 20 minutes.
When you feel yourself come back to consciousness, you notice the only light in the room is coming from the TV screen. You also felt extremely hot. As you begin to move you feel a squeeze around your torso. Looking down, a smile appears on your face as you realize Caitlin is cuddled into your side and hugging you as if you were a teddy bear. Your arm is draped around her back as her head is nestled into your neck. Her breath is steady - inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. It was slightly comedic as she has a solid few inches on you but when she was curled up into your side she looked like a little girl. You slowly start to rub her back and you hear her groan and bury herself deeper into you and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
This wasn't the first time that you both had ended up cuddling next to each other on a lazy day. It had become more common over the last few months than it had been before. You noticed it was typically Caitlin who ended up cuddled into your side but every blue moon you ended up in her arms. Once one of you woke up, you would usually break apart almost immediately - secretly both wishing it would last longer. It all felt so natural that neither of you questioned it. Due to how dedicated you both were to your sport neither of you really had time for boys or relationships so you both just leaned into each other.
You continue to rub her back until you feel her fingers play with the backside of your shirt - this is your signal that she is no longer asleep. Neither of you made a move to untangle yourselves from the other and that was when you knew that the feelings you were pushing down for your best friend might be reciprocated and that alone was enough to hold her even tighter.
Later that night you took your new car and went to get ice cream. You both sat there for hours talking and laughing. That night held your first kiss with Caitlin. It was in the parking lot of your local grocery store, a pint of ice cream in the center console. It was nothing crazy but as you drove back home with her hand in your hand, neither of you could wipe the smile off of your face.
You are brought back to reality when your friend nudged you for the tickets as you were next to get them scanned. While you didn't have to worry about the drive, you were tasked with getting the tickets. Grabbing your phone, you open up your tickets for the guy to scan. As you all pass through security at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, you make your way to your seats before braving the sea of spectators to grab yourself some food and a drink (there was no way you were getting through this whole event without a drink by your side).
The usher directed you to where your seats were and you were insanely grateful that you were the one to choose where you all sat. You choose the same section you always supported Caitlin in your senior year of high school...
It was the championship game junior year of high school and you were in the starting lineup. The game was going to be a tough one but you had no doubt in your mind that it wasn't yours for the taking. Everything was perfect. You were already talking to a couple schools to play in college. Caitlin and you had been dating for a few months and you were going to ask her to be your girlfriend your next lazy day which so happened to be tomorrow. Everything seemed it was going your way.
The seconds were counting down in the second quarter and the score was 38-38. If there was one thing you knew, it was that you were not going into halftime tied. You were passed the ball as the seconds ticked away. The other team had just scored, which gave your team possession with just enough time to make something happen. As you made your way down the court you scoped out the scene in front of you. The other team was doing everything in their power to avoid yours from scoring.
Your first vision played out was getting the ball to Caitlin, knowing she could make it happen but the girl defending her was doing a damn good job of keeping her just out of reach. You then scanned to my other teammate Jada who you knew was great at getting the ball where it needed to go in the nick of time. As you were about to pass it her way you took one final look at the clock and realized that time was just about out. You made the decision to take it up the middle, faking the defender that was covering you and going for a quick layup on the left side. As your last foot left the ground, before you knew it you were back against the ground with a pulsing head and pain shooting everywhere.
You don't dare move, you have no idea what just happened. There is a ringing in both of your ears and your vision is blurry and the pain - the pain has your body shutting down to protect itself. Your eyes start to close slowly as you faintly feel someone grab your arm as someone appears in your sight. It takes you a second to realize it is Caitlin - you give a small smile. Then everything goes black.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. That is the first thing you hear as you start to regain consciousness. Confusion hits almost immediately as the last thing you remember is getting ready to play the championship game. You begin to wiggle your fingers and they feel sore, now that you start to feel more - everything is sore.
Before you decide to open your eyes you try to take a deep breath. Yet another thing that is painful to do. You decide you need to open your eyes to figure out where you are and what has happened. As your eyes open, it takes a few blinks to get a clear picture of what is in front of you. You are in the hospital, in a hospital bed. The sun is shining in through the window and you start to look around to see if you can find any clues as to what has happened. There are no casts or bandages that you can see but when you make a minor move in the bed it felt like you got hit by a truck.
Your mom was in the room reading a book. When you began to move, you let out a groan which caused her to look up and quickly make her way to your side. As she gets to your bedside, your dad makes his way through the doorway.
"Baby girl, oh baby girl," your mom begins as she gives you a hug which really only causes more pain to shoot around your body but you weren't going to push her away. Your dad comes and sits on your other side and takes hold of your hand.
"Hi sweetie," your dad says. You look up at him and with your eyes try and get him to explain what had happened, knowing your mom wasn't in a state to do so.
"You were taken out seconds before the halftime buzzer went off," he began. Your eyes lay intently on him. He takes a moment before continuing. "You were going for a layup to put your team ahead going into halftime and a girl from the other team misjudged your movement and body slammed you causing you to go head-first into the ground."
It then all started coming back to you, the pain that shot straight to your head and trying to not pass out. You let go of his hand and start to feel around your head. It had a wrap around it which you didn't even think about when you were making your first assessment of what had happened. Your dad continued.
"You were rushed to the hospital due to your ears bleeding and you not waking up. The doctors determined you had a skull fracture and took you to an emergency surgery. Everything went smoothly and you are recovering well," your father says with sad eyes. If there is anything you know about your dad it is that he shares your dream of going to a D1 school to play basketball in college. The way he was looking at you right now, you immediately knew that even though the surgery went well, everything you had hoped and dreamed about was all about to change.
You continued to listen to how your parents were so happy you were alive and okay and that you should make a full recovery - even though you knew deep down that it truly wouldn't be full. You had learned that it has been almost 2 days since the game. Your parents step out of the room to give you some time to rest - even though you couldn't look at a screen that just left you sitting there with life-changing news. You looked around to see if you could find your phone to text or call Caitlin when she made her way through the door.
She looks just as beat up as you feel. As she walks up to you, she avoids eye contact which you so desperately wanted. Without saying a word, she comes up to your bedside and slowly makes her way into the hospital bed with you. You lift your arm and allow her to curl up by your side. A deep breath finally escapes your body and as you exhale you can feel her body release silent sobs.
All you can do is rub her back. Lying there with her has jogged your memory that she was the last face you saw before you blacked out on the court. Knowing her, these past two days were probably a living hell. You muster up all the strength you have to lean down and kiss the top of her head.
Not many people knew about your relationship. It was really only family and your coaches. Being on the same team, you both decided it would be best to keep your relationship between the two of you. It was a challenge at times but everyone knew the two of you were best friends so there were a lot of things that you did that people wouldn't look twice at.
One thing about Caitlin was that certain things were enhanced when you two started dating. Most of the things didn't affect your day-to-day like the amount of sweatshirts she stole doubled (which didn't bother you as you would just steal hers to replace the ones she had taken, it got to the point where it started a playful argument over a sweatshirt that she swore was here but was actually originally yours). Another that affected her more than either of us really realized was how protective she had become.
You first realized this when you got fouled at practice and Caitlin got all up into her space yelling at her. You had to grab her and pull her away which then led your coach to call for everyone to do suicide sprints. You don't even want to think about the girl who fouled you in the game and caused you to be hospitalized.
"Hey you," you say as it had sort of become your way of saying 'hey babe' without the world knowing. You feel her shift in your arms as she brings her hand up to wipe away her tears.
"You scared me," is all she says before letting out a few more silent sobs. You continue to rub her back and give her shoulder a little squeeze.
"You can't get rid of me that easily," you respond with a laugh. The laugh hurts but decide to keep quite about your pain, only quiet to Caitlin, never your doctors.
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon cuddled up on the hospital bed. When the sun starts to go down you tell Caitlin she should head home to get some rest. She protests, of course, but ultimately folds to your request. She comes over and gives you a quick peck which leaves you unsatisfied. You grab her hand and pull her back to give her a proper kiss. As your lips part you mumble a breathy 'I love you'. It was the first time it had been said between the two of you in a manner that wasn't referring to your friendship. The smile that spread across her face lifted your soul.
"I love you," she replies as she leans down pressing her lips against yours. "Well not I REALLY don't want to go," she says with a laugh.
"One night won't hurt anyone - also you need a shower," you say making a face to try and sell the fact that you just called your girlfriend smelly. She scoffs and waves you off.
Following getting out of the hospital, it was a hard reality to face that you weren't going to be able to play ball for a long while. The journey ahead was a long one and you couldn't be more thankful that Caitlin was right by your side.
Two of your friends were coming back with beers when you snapped back to where you were. It was just about time for the athletes to come out and begin their warm-ups. Your heart began to race as you heard the announcer call the teams out.
As both teams make their way onto the floor, your eyes scan for her. As much as you didn't want to, you couldn't help yourself. It took about a whole 5 seconds to find her. Your heart stops and it feels like time slows as you see her running out and making her way to warm up. The first thing you notice is how even after four years, she starts warming up from the same spot. She is on the opposite side of the court facing where you are sitting getting ready to start her pregame ritual. You then notice, how her upper body has filled out a little more as she has matured and increased her strength training. Her hair is in a neatly pulled-back pony with a headband to catch her flyaways. She was as cool as a cucumber.
There were so many things that amazed you about Caitlin but one of the biggest ones was how calm she was before a game. Especially a game like today.
She was completely mesmerizing. You couldn't help but smile, knowing that she was living her dream. You watched her as she continued to warm up and couldn't wait to cheer her on.
The seats you had chosen were right across from Iowa's bench. every game you watched your senior year of high school was from this exact location.
As the warm-ups come to an end and they are just about to announce the starting lineup, your heartbeat begins to quicken...
Going into senior year, your relationship with Caitlin was better than ever. It was a tough journey to come to face the fact that you weren't going to play ball your senior year but you put all that extra energy into loving and supporting Caitlin. You still went to practice and your coach sort of brought you on as an assistant coach. It was great still being a part of the team.
You decided to play the role of the supportive girlfriend during games rather than sitting on the bench with the other players and coaches. It wasn't that you couldn't sit on the bench, rather it came from knowing how competitive Caitlin gets. She didn't need another person telling her how things could have been different or better, she needed someone who was going to cheer her on no matter what and get her out of her head when she got tunnel vision. She was the hardest person on herself.
Before every game when they called her name in the lineup as starting point guard and she made her way down the line of girls she got to the end and pointed to you with a smile. Then at the end of every game, you would wait down the hall of the girls' locker room and greet her when the team got out of their post-game meeting. It became your guys' things.
You weren't expecting it. It didn't even occur to you but when they announce her name and she makes her way down the court and at the end of the line she points directly in your direction and smiles. Your heart stops and she stops in her tracks, her smile dropping immediately. She does a double-take and just stares at you for a second. A small smile starts to creep onto your face and her eyes are on yours. You give her a little nod and she finally breaks away shaking her head with a smile growing on her face. She joins her team for their first huddle of the game.
Your heart feels like it is beating out of its chest. You had imagined it a thousand times since your friends mentioned wanting to go to the championship game. It was the reason you chose these seats. Even in all of the fantasizing about seeing her - you didn't imagine it to actually happen. There were thousands of people in this arena and her eyes found yours.
As the team is in their huddle, she stands up and looks back over at you. A smile now playing on her lips in full view as she can't stop glancing over to the familiar spot.
You want to go down to her and tell her to focus on her coach. Her head needs to be in this game and not turning to look up at you. Although the frequency of her looks brings butterflies to your stomach with every glance.
Once they break, the game begins and you can see Caitlin lock into the game. You cheer with all the other fans as the final game of her college career is underway.
The game is a complete nail-biter. There were times when Caitlin absolutely was killing the game, shooting her signature threes and playmaking. At other times, she let the ball slip and you knew that she would hold onto that but never let anyone see how much it truly affected her. She was really good at shaking off her mistakes in the eyes of others but you knew her too well.
As the game begins to come to an end and you can see the victory slip away from Iowa, your eyes focus on your girl. She is staying composed but you know she is feeling it. In the final minute of the game, Caitlin makes her way to the bench, hugging each one of her coaches then takes a seat with a blank stare.
Your eyes try to stay away from her but she naturally draws your attention. In the final seconds of the game, as South Carolina begins to celebrate Caitlin's eyes make their way to yours. You only hold them for a second but that was all you needed to know she was hurting.
The game ends and you see the team head into the locker rooms. Your friends decide to head to the floor to see if they can talk to any of the players (more like the player's brothers), You use this time to sneak away and try to find the Iowa locker room. You know there is no way they would let you in but you start sweet-talking the security guard. In less than 2 minutes, you were pacing in the same spot you would always wait for Caitlin after a game. As you wait for her, your nerves pick up as your mind continues to take you down memory lane...
You and Caitlin had just graduated high school and you were celebrating in your favorite fashion, with her curled up in your side. The plans the two of you had for the summer were laid out on the floor next to you. It was going to be the best summer and indeed it was until it wasn't.
It was a few days before Caitlin needed to head off for off-season training at the University of Iowa. You were hanging out at her house in her gym. You both had been avoiding the elephant in the room.
It was a conversation you both knew you needed but didn't want to have. You knew that Caitlin's only commitment was to play D1 ball which was once your dream too. You also know to do that, she couldn't have anything holding her back.
The two of you finish some conditioning which leaves you both panting and sitting on the floor.
"As much as I love you, I hate doing cardio," you say in between breaths.
"Ya well, my favorite form of cardio involves a lot less running and a lot more of you..." she says with a smile. "Caitlin!" You gasp and push her over as she bursts out laughing.
You let out a few laughs yourself but then hear her quiet down. Looking over at her, you see her whole mood shifts. She comes in and hugs your torso, burying her face in you. You scoot closer to hold her, knowing what is about to come next. It feels like hours pass before you decide to speak.
"Caitlin, you know I love you. And I want the world for you. You are and will always be my best friend," you say rubbing her back. She squeezes you even more. "We both know where your head needs to be when you head to training. You will always be my person but in this next season you need to be your teams' person."
Silence fills the space again. Your eyes begin to fill with tears and you swallow the sobs that taunt your lips. Then she finally speaks.
"You are my person," she says just above a whisper, you almost miss it.
"This doesn't mean I will stop being your person. Like I said, I will always be your person. We both knew this was coming and we have done a really good job of putting it off," you try to lighten the mood. She doesn't budge.
She lets go of you and sits up. You wipe away her tears. They just keep falling.
"I just don't like the idea of losing you," she says as she starts playing with a piece of your hair. "You aren't losing me, babe," you reply but both of you knew that wasn't true.
"This was always the plan," you start. "And I will always be cheering you on," you say with the best smile you could muster. No matter how much it would hurt you would support her until your last breath.
"So that means you will be at the championship game when I take Iowa to the NCAA championship?" her question lightening the mood.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," you say as you give her one last kiss.
You are pulled back to reality when you hear some of the players head out. Caitlin was typically the last one out of the lockers and with the way you knew she was feeling it was going to be a minute.
It is about another 15 minutes of you pacing in the hallway for the door to open again. Your head whips around to see her coming out. She looks completely defeated. She would never show this side of her to the press.
As you turn to face her, she looks up. You say the only thing that felt right.
"Hey, you."
She immediately makes her way to you. Your arms wrap around her as her head buries its way into your neck. Despite her being taller, Caitlin loved to be held as if she was the shorter one. Your heels were definitely helping.
"I really wanted that," she mumbles into you after a few moments. You rub her back like you always used to. "I know...I know."
"Your legacy is so much more than that one game and I am so beyond proud of everything you have accomplished," you begin. "And with that, I know this was one of your dreams." Caitlin stays quiet and sinks into being held by you.
The two of you finally break apart, her hand doesn't leave your arm and you can't complain. You missed her touch so much. You missed her. She keeps rubbing your arm and you feel like you will melt.
"I have to head into a press meeting, but can we catch up later? Are you staying in town?" Caitlin asks.
"I came into town with some friends, we are staying at a hotel a few blocks away. Call me when you are done with press?" You reply hopeful.
"I'll call you the second I am out," she ways with a smile. Oh how you missed that smile.
You head back to the hotel you are staying at to change into something a little more casual. Your friends checked in and told you they were going out to a bar and wanted you to meet up with them. You let them know you were catching up with an old friend and that they shouldn't wait up for you. You get ready to meet up with Caitlin - changing your shirt and shoes into something more comfortable, keeping the jeans you wore to the game. Right after you finish changing your phone begins to ring.
"Hey you," you answer as you begin to gather a few things in your purse.
"Hey babe," Caitlin responds causing your cheeks to blush and your stomach to fly. A smile is plastered on your face. "I am out of press and am going to head to my hotel, would you be up for meeting me there?"
"Of course, just shoot over the address and I will head that way," you say as your phone pings. She was already sending it as you asked.
"I will see you in a few," she says before you both hang up.
You make your way to her hotel which is surprisingly only a 10-minute walk. You follow her directions on how to get up to her room and knock on the door. The nerves begin to build up and you feel like you are back in high school. Your hands make their way to rub against your jeans, a familiar place for them today.
Caitlin opens the door with a huge smile on her face as she moves away to let you in. "I thought it would be better to meet here, a little more privacy," she says as she closes the door.
The two of you spend the next 4 hours catching up on life and how college has been. She talks about all the records she has broken and how she can finally start looking at what comes after college ball. She talks about her family and how much they miss you. You follow her by also mentioning how your parents are so proud of her and miss her as well. You continue by talking about how you are going full-time with the company you are working for post-graduation. You talk about all the traveling you have been able to do and she gets to pitch in with the travels that she has done. It was like no time as passed, I mean above all you were best friends.
As the conversation begins to die down you realize how close the two of you became. You are sitting on a couch with your legs hanging over her lap and her hands on your knee.
A sigh escapes your lips as you close your eyes and take in the moment. You feel her hand begin to make its way to your thigh.
"Seeing you in the crowd today was something else," Caitlin begins. You cut her off, "Well I made a promise once to be there if a certain someone that if they made it to the championship, I would be there."
"If???" Caitlin yells with a fake offended tone and slaps your knee. You let out a little yelp, "Okay, okay, when." Your eyes roll as she starts to draw patterns on your leg.
After another long pause, Caitlin speaks again.
"I think we made a mistake," she says not daring to look you in the eye.
If you were going to be honest, you never wanted to end things when you went to college but you weren't going to make things harder than they had to be. Long distance wouldn't have worked for the two of you. You would have managed but with her schedule and yours, it would have done more damage than good. So you didn't fight her but there were numerous times that you wish would would have fought for her on ending things.
"I think I made a mistake," she continues as she finally looks up at you. You take her hands in yours and reply, "It was the right decision at the time. We didn't know better, we were young."
You continue. "But that was then and here we are now," touching her arm and giving it a little squeeze. After seeing her and how she has filled out, you have been waiting to get your hands on her arms. "And we are both about to graduate and my plan was to come back to Iowa..."
"There is no one like you," she says as she leans closer to you. You let out a little laugh.
"No Caitlin, there is no one like you," you say as your hand comes up to cup her face. You both smile as your lips meet. It is like no time has passed, her lips are still so familiar.
After a few more kisses, you both moved to the bed. She curled up into your side and your arms made their around her. You are her home and she is yours.
"I love you," you whispered as you kissed her head.
"And I love you," she responds as you both drift to sleep, more at peace than either of you have felt over the past four years.
AN: TADA! Let me know your thoughts! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
Now go check out PART 2!
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busra-tr · 23 days
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TIMELESS Denim Revolution Part II (AUG #3)
Hey there, lovely followers!
 We are thrilled to unveil Timeless Denim Revolution Part II, crafted with love by Busra-tr, Mermalade, and Daph's! 🎉
This collection features a total of 10 unique pieces, with 6 of them being different denim designs that are sure to become wardrobe staples. In the second part of our collection, we are excited to present a long, sleek denim skirt paired with a basic strappy top, a mid-rise baggy bermuda short complemented by a V-neck halter top, and flared denim pants matched with a ripped detail top. Each piece is designed to add a fresh twist to your wardrobe while maintaining the timeless elegance and versatility of denim.
With Timeless Denim Revolution, we continue to offer you both package files and blend files, so you can enjoy the collection in the way that suits you best. Don’t miss out on these stunning new additions! 🔥
Visit our pages now to explore the second part of the collection and find your favorites. And don't forget to check out Part 1 as well!  
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10 Opitons
Adult-Elder-Teen-Young Adult
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
New Mesh
All Lods
Custom thumbnail
Early Access ( Avaible 29.11.2024)
**-Please do not re upload or claim as yours feel free to re color but do not include the mesh .
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Thanks to @saffirabluu for these amazing photos 💗
I hope you like them.  ♥
💖 You can check out my Patreon for special cc and other early access content. 💖
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ameriko-steelie · 10 months
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Happy Life Sims (LonelyBoy) - 4t3 Shearling Leather Jacket
"Advent" even though I don't even have a calendar and may or may not accidentally miss a day lol
Yes, this set was just released publicly and yes, I do plan to convert the rest 😉 Our boys need more clothes!
For, TM, AM, EM
Categories: Everyday, Formal, Career, Outerwear
Polycount: 5k
4 Channels, 2 Masks
Mask 1 - Jacket, Leather Collars, Shirt, Zipper
Mask 2 - Jacket, Leather Collars, Shirt, Belt Parts (+ Zipper Overlay)
Maternity Except Elders
1 Non-Recolorable Preset - Idk, I used it for the multiplier and just decided to throw it in lol - it's the light brown swatch in the original post.
I specifically sized the jacket so that it shouldn't clip with 3D-meshed and baggy pants; at least, on the base morph anyway.
Download - SFS
Download - Simblr CC
@sssvitlanz @wanderingsimsfinds @pis3update @xto3conversionsfinds @simblrcc-site @gifappels-stuff @matchsim
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nonsensical-pixels · 6 months
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taps microphone tumblr editor... "is this thing working?"
hi everyone! it's been, wow... a really long time. i really wanted to get back to making cc during my chinese new year break, but a lot of stuff happened and this set kept getting delayed. well, at least it's here now, right? tysm for all of you guys' patience, i really appreciate it 🥰
have gp11 (my wedding stories') chinese groom shirt and groom pants, paired with the same packs' dress shoes! i realise that cny is over, but it's never too late for some cultural pride... right? right?? both are fairly medium-poly and i tried testing them to the best of my ability, but probably missed something, so do let me know if i screwed up 🥺
credits go to ea/maxis for the original meshes & textures. and to you guys, for all the wonderful and sweet comments you left while i was gone! i've read every single one, tysm again for your patience and support for my family.
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4T2 GP11 CHINESE GROOM SHIRT - 3951 polys, all morphs - for ym-am only - categorised as everyday/formalwear - 15 swatches
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4T2 GP11 GROOM PANTS - 4355 polys, all morphs - for ym-am only, paired with 4t2 gp11 dress shoes by me - categorised as everyday/formalwear - 12 swatches - technically not intended to be paired with the groom shirt - but there's no nice pants in this pack other than this anyway
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if there are any issues that you find with this set, please don't be afraid to let me know! the second part will come out... whenever the drive to make it hits. lol. happy simming, and when you download this, do keep in mind,
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~ Ky 💗
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lordressdragoonbear · 4 months
Beatriz Santos, An Unfashionable Icon ✨
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Hello, hello! I'm so late that it's not even funny!
So this is Beatriz Santos, she's what some may say unfashionable, she love bright colors and dresses like a grandma.
He best friend is Aiden and he also thinks she's unfashionable but she doesn't care, she wants to be a stylist and she will make her dreams come true.
This Here Package contains: 1 unfashionable girlie.
P.S, They should come with some of the CC used.
but if they don’t, here are some links of the stuff I could find.
Hair (MISSING) | Everyday Top (MISSING) | Everyday Bottoms | Formal Pants | Formal Top | Sleepwear | Swimwear Top | Eyes | Eyelashes | Eyelash Slider | Skin | Sliders | No eyebrows as usually...
Anything I missed was due to the fact that I've had some of this CC since 2018 and I cannot find it, or pure laziness 😅
I don’t remember where I got all this CC, but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC I used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Video Link: https://youtu.be/uYKrqkRvxiY?feature=shared
Bonus! Here's a picture of teenage Killian Le Percy!
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tommyandsean · 1 year
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Hey everyone! These are much cc items that I created at once, and the good thing is available for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
These items are literally Special because Tommy and Sean is featuring with beautiful and talented simmers,❤ Lydie Gonzales ❤ you guys can follow her on here @lydtheway
I love when Lydie is never miss when do ootd style and always gorgeous, I really happy featuring with her too.
Well, these have 10 items and everything is low poly and some have medium poly, and also some these items are rare even in real life.
Early Acces / Public available on 23 October 2023
• 10 Swatches, Unisex, HQ Compitable
• 10 Swatches, Unisex, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness only.
Each have 2 different version (with/without metal on belt)
• 8 Swatches, Male, HQ Compitable
• 4 Swatches, Male, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness only.
• 2 Swatches, Unisex, Decor and Acc version, HQ Compitable (Found in hat category)
• 2 Swatches, Unisex, Decor and Acc version, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness (Found in ring category)
• 10 Swatches, Unisex, Support Maxis and Alpha hair, HQ Compitable
• 10 Swatches, Unisex, Recolorable
• 30 Swatches, Female, HQ Compitable
• 5 Swatches, Female, Recolorable
• 15 Swatches, Female, HQ Compitable
• 15 Swatches, Female, Recolorable
• 25 Swatches, Female, HQ Compitable
• 5 Swatches, Female, Recolorable
• 3 Swatches, Unisex, HQ Compitable
• 3 Swatches, Unisex, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness only.
• 7 Swatches, Unisex, Decor and Acc version, HQ Compitable (Found in hat category)
• 7 Swatches, Unisex, Decor and Acc version, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness (Found in ring category)
• 15 Swatches, Male, HQ Compitable
• 15 Swatches, Male, Recolorable but better do adjust the brightness
T.O.U :
DON'T convert for any platform game (Secondlife,IMVU,GTA5,TEKKEN, or anything else), except The Sims 2,
Allowed recolor but don't include with mesh,
DON'T Re-Upload my CC (Youtube, VK, Sims3planet or Sims4planet),
Tag me if you using my cc, I just wanna see your gorgeous Sims with my cc ❤
Love you guys! as usually highly recommended to follow these cc reblog on below here :
@pis3update @kpccfinds @ts3ccmp @cas-ccfinds @ispys3cc @gifappels-stuff
@sssvitlanz @sims4finds @lanaccfind @emilyccfinds
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telekinetictrait · 2 months
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"of course i order too many hats and too many dresses and too many everything – but i want them" - camille, 1936, dir. george cukor
wanted to make an old film star :) cc links and creator tags under the cut!
check my resources page and genetics tag for genetics
multiple : twisted-cat's basics please eyeshadow / mlyssimblr's sybil rolled updo / zurkdesign's medium pulled up curls / chere-indolente's clara lipstick / chere-indolente's half-moon long almond nails / rusty's jackie gloves / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
everyday / house : gilded-ghosts' deco darling dress
going out #1 : sorrowsims c'est nuit beret / twentiethcenturysims' viola dress / pickypikachu's beaky booties
going out #2 : waxesnostalgic's alpine style fedora / nolan-sims' retro blouse / satterlly's betty pants
formal : rusty's elegant wavy hair / christopher067's opulent earrings / pepperoni-puffin's claudia gown / ice-creamforbreakfast's miss scarlet gloves / serenity-cc's lissa shoes
athletic : anoherm's tea dress
undergarments : serenity-cc's celia bra / raindropsoncowplants’ simtimates add-on silk lace shorts
sleepwear : satterlly's alicia dress
party : simandy's mousse hair / renorasims' pearls for our girls with amulet / historysims4's samedi soir / sentate's olivia gloves
beach : blahberry-pancake's tilda hat / nords-sims' scientists glasses / dzifasims' beach pajamas
swimwear : waxesnostalgic's halter-top swimsuit
spring : gilded-ghosts' absolutely tilt-ilating hat + breezy blues blouse + sweet and spicy skirt / huiernxoxo's marry gloves
summer : gilded-ghosts' sweet shopgirl dress / boonstow's rosalie shoes
fall : gilded-ghosts' moderne muse + glamour gloves / simtone's oxford heels
winter : moon-simmer's aureliana cloche (rc of happylifesims' guest cloche) + hirma coat (rc of javitrulovesims' la maison blanche coat)
thank you to @twisted-cat @mlyssimblr @zurkdesign @chere-indolente @waxesnostalgic @rustys-cc @gilded-ghosts @twentiethcenturysims @pickypikachu @nolan-sims @satterlly @christopher067 @pepperoni-puffin @ice-creamforbreakfast @serenity-cc @raindropsoncowplants @simandy @renorasims @historysims4 @sentate @blahberry-pancake @nords-sims @dzifasims @huiernxoxo @simtone @moon-simmers
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—reading glasses
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SUMMARY | schlatt might not seem like the guy to help you with your insomnia, but sometimes an act of kindness can come from where you least expect
PAIRING | cc!schlatt x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.6k+
AUTHORS NOTES | id like this to happen to me irl please and thank you <3
🧢 Masterlist 🧢 Navigation 🧢 Rules 🧢
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that insomnia was a bitch.
Sleep had always ben unkind to you. Sprouting up and disappearing just when you had gotten settled in for the night. Lingering like a poisonous mist before bleeding into your morning routine when you would have to be at your sharpest. And most certainly plaguing you at the most unfortunate of times—like during the middle of an important lecture for exams. Or the one time when you had gotten up at night to use the bathroom, only to find yourself still on the toilet come morning with numb legs and a sore back.
But it seemed tonight that sleep was the one thing you wouldn't be getting a lick of—if the dark circles under your eyes weren't already proof enough.
"Jesus Christ toots." Was the first thing Schlatt said when you lumbered into the living room, looking like an extra from the set of The Walking Dead. His ide eyes and parted lips told you nothing new, just that you were as tired looking as you felt.
"Carful. Not in front of the cutout. What would Pope Francis say?" Your joke hit about as hard as a feather to the arms, humor missing Schlatt by a mile as he cringed while taking in your current state.
Said man had been reading a book before you so graciously entered the room, only setting it down once he had heard the shuffling of feet against carpet.
"It's one in the morning dude. Didn't you say you were going to bed like five hours ago." He poked his tounge around inside his mouth, eyes softening a bit while looking at you.
"I did say no promises." You flopped on the couch parralel to him while referring back to the last conversation you had had with the brunette. Where, indeed, you had responded with 'no promises' to the call of you to get some rest.
"So, what. Did you just sit in there doing nothing?"
"I mean, Jambo came in at one point and slapped my face a few times before leaving. If that counts."
"No. No, my bastard of a cat terrorizing you does not count." He ran a hand through his hair with a cackle, scrunching his eyes up at the lopsided smile you tossed his way.
As more seconds ticked by, you could feel exhaustion practically seeping into your bones like a weird form of gray matter. But it never seemed to sink it roots into you, the feeling always clearing up for a few minutes before appearing again with twice as much intensity. Rinse and repeat for a couple of nights and you had yourself some good old fashioned sleep issues.
"Fuck, you look dead on your feet." Schlatt's hands found a home in his pant pockets, bundling up the fabric while swaying back and fourth on his heels. "Do you want to uhm, stay out here for a bit? I could turn the light on for you."
A breathy laugh made its way out of your lips. As dead beat as you were, it was heartwarming to see his attempt to make you feel better. It was a softer side of him you rarely got to see, so you'd treasure every moment.
"No need big man." Your arms reached for the skies in an attempt to soothe the ache between your shoulder blades. "I'll pass out eventually. I just have to hope it isn't in the shower again."
"Sure there isn't anything I can do? I've spent one too many nights of my life pulling all nighters editing videos, or god forbid—" He shuddered dramatically. "—playing five nights at freddys."
A joking response was halfway out of your mouth before you suddenly stopped, brows dipping with consideration as you actually considered his offer for a moment.
"Yeah, you could do something for me actually."
"Really? Becuase you know how people say things to be nice but don't really mean it?"
One deappan look at the foul mouthed man had him shutting up, a small grin staying despite your efforts to burn holes into his head.
"What were you reading before I got in?" You asked with a clearing of your throat, shuffling around on the couch to sit up straighter.
Schlatt seemed confused at the sudden turn in conversation. But he reached for the paperback he had tossed down at your arrival, holding the front up for you to see.
"It's upside down genuis."
"Shut the fuck up I knew that."
He flipped it back round to a legible position, his turn to scowl at your bemused grin.
"Seriously?" Small giggles filled the room as you read the title as clearly as you could in your sleepy state. "Business 101 for beginners? Committing to the bit I see."
"You forget I'm planning to buy Gamer Supps this year. Gotta lock and load the old noggin with the proper information." He paused to blow out a resigned sigh. "And I realize that the last sentence made me sound like a fucking boomer."
"All the greatest businessmen are Schlagg, my boy. But they're also heartless asshole that's probably get off on watching landlord's raise rent." You were straight up rambling from the lack of rest at this point and you both knew it. But to be honest Schlatt didn't really care. He was probably one of the only people able to keep up with your antics, one of the reasons you appreciated him so much.
"Who says I dont either?" Schlatt joked, watching as you rolled your eyes.
"You only jerk off to men. We all know that. Besides, would a heartless asshole offer to read to me until I fall asleep?"
"I am?" His voice rose at the question.
"Yes. Yes you arem"
Schlatt noticed his blunder as soon as a tired, but still annoyingly smug, smirk made its was across your face.
"You know you could have just asked me instead of twisting my words. And taking some hits to my ego." He scoffed in fake frustration. But your grin of victory widened as he picked up the book and began to flip back to the page he had previously left on.
"Well that's not as fun is it. Besides—" You swiftly moved couches to throw yourself down smack dab across from Schlatt, the latter barely looking up in the process. "—I have a feeling I'll really sleep this time."
"As opposed to what. A warm glass of fucking milk?"
"Can you just read already? And try your best to sound boring, I really want you to nail home this college proffessor roleplay situation we have going on."
You blinked. That had come out a little wrong.
"Sorry. I had this proffesor in college, boring guy super dull, always managed to make me fall asleep in class and—" You cut yourself off, face warming as you noticed that Schlatt has only been teasing you about your previous sentence. "Eat shit Schlatt. Just read the damn book."
"Whatever you say."
Five minutes later and halfway through a paragraph about the importance of not making your business seem like a pyramid sceme, it was just Schlatt sitting awake at the foot of the couch as he quietly observed your snoring figure.
"Jeesus." He winced as another loud snore ripped its way through the late night air. "You could cut trees with that fucking chainsaw."
But he would be lying if he didn't admit he was happy you were finally getting some rest. He had been in the same situation before too many times than he cared to count, so Schlatt knew you would wake up the next morning feeling better than you had in days. Something he liked seeing, although you could pry that confession out of his cold dead hands.
"Fucking asshole, making me get all soft jusy so they can fall asleep." The lamp light behind Schlatt was shut off as he grumbled under his breath, smoothing the blue hoodie he had been wearing down in preparation to leave the couch before faltering.
With a sigh he resumed his position on the couch, pulling a baseball cap that he had seemingly gotten out of nowhere over his head only after making sure to toss a blanket over you.
As he continued to softly watch over you, a little blob of orange entered the corner of his eye, freezing him for a moments notice.
Schlatt turned slowly to be met with Jambo, who he sternly pointed a finger straight at without hesitation.
"Tell anyone about this, and you're not getting any of that shitty catnip for a week."
He just got a meow in response.
Jambos tail swayed back and fourth. He watched as Schlatt curled up on the couch next to you, doing his best to respect your space before giving in and stealing the tail end of the blanket around you.
"Night Jambo. Wake any of us, and you're a dead man."
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jewishevelinebaker · 6 months
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Have you ever wanted to make the TF2 guys drown in a pool? Or perhaps... kiss? Well, now you can! Here's a list of my TF2 Sims 4 custom content. Playtested, all LODs, all base game compatible. If you come across any problems let me know, but I don't think you should.
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I made 3 items for Scout: his cap with headset, shirt with rolled up sleeves (comes in RED and BLU), and a necklace with 2 dogtags.
For Sniper I converted his hat, made a pair of sunglasses with a yellow tint, and added his facial scars. The scars can be found in skin detail, freckles. Also for Sniper I took a vanilla hairstyle and drew on his funky hairline.
Shown with Makesims' Hand Wraps
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Here are 3 vests I made by combining and changing some vanilla vests. The one on the left is intended for Heavy, as it has t-shirt sleeves. The two on the right can work for either Demo or Sniper, as both have sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Both contain swatches with and without Demo's long undershirt sleeves. All vests come in BLU and RED.
Also shown here, on Demo and Heavy, are a pair of pants I converted from Strangerville's army career. See, normally when Sims 4 pants tuck into boots, the lower sections of the pants just disappear. But with these, because they include the shoes, the pants puff up over the top of the boots. There are 5 swatches: brown/grey, RED, BLU, and RED/BLU with gradient.
On Heavy and Sniper are black fingerless gloves. There is a swatch with gloves on both hands and a swatch with one glove (for Sniper).
Shown with Pralinesims' eye patch. Also, for Demo I used a white left eye from my Bad Batch CC for when he takes it off.
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For Soldier and Engie I made these hats from scratch. Soldier's has two swatches to match his RED and BLU outfits. Engie also gets a pair of goggles.
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I made Spy's mask by editing the ninja mask from the Spooky stuff pack and Pyro's by recoloring the inaccurate scuba mask from Island Living. It's not exactly a gas mask, but I really did not feel like making one from scratch and I'm not satisfied with any gas mask CC that already exists.
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Pyro's mask also has a version with cat ears. For pary time, of course. Their shirt, while not exactly like Pyro's in-game shirt, has a similar silhouette which is why I chose it. There are white, RED, and BLU versions with and without the balloonicorn graphic.
I also made Pyro's gloves. The second swatch adds a black covering on the neck so that Pyro can wear many shirts without showing skin.
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Here are the outfits for the rest of the characters.
Medic has a recolor of the Get to Work lab coat, RED and BLU, with and without gloves.
Spy has a recolor of the base game pinstripe suit in RED and BLU.
For Pyro, in addition to the shirt, I made another pair of pants with gradient, but this time they can go with taller boots. The boots do not come with my CC.
Engie has a recolor of the handyman overalls, in RED and BLU. I also made the gunslinger as a glove. There are two versions, with and without the bulky wrist part, so that it can still work with long sleeves and not clip.
Miss Pauling's dress has 3 swatches with different shades of purple. Please ignore the shading issues in this post's cover image; it has since been fixed but that pic was so hard to get I'm not retaking it.
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I have added a few build/buy options. The 2Fort roofs (shown in the 2Fort images earlier) are a recolor of roofs from Werewolves. I also added the gym and meeting room walls from Expiration Date.
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Mercenary Career!! Branches for all classes, plus branches for the Administrator and Miss Pauling. Script mods must be turned on and the files for this cannot be more than 1 folder deep in your mods folder.
All items can be found here on Sims File Share.
Recommended: Serenity's 1960s CC and Simduction's Dixie Hair for Ma 💖
My build of 2Fort and my sims can be found on my gallery, username Dadverinee.
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rinverno · 7 months
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Candy Behr was honestly so fun to make over I kinda miss her already...
cc under the cut!
⟡ general: hair 1 | 2 (ea) | 3 | tattoo | hand tattoos | nails
⟡ everyday: top | pants | sneakers | headphones | belt | ring 1 & 2
⟡ formal: dress | boots | necklace
⟡ athletic: top | leggins | sneakers | cap
⟡ sleep: tee | headphones | under eye patches | socks
⟡ party: top | skirt | boots | sunglasses | headphones | bracelet | ring
⟡ swimwear: bikini set | sunglasses | sarong
⟡ hot weather: top | pants | sandals | hat
⟡ cold weather: top | jacket | pants | sneakers | headphones | choker | rings
thank you cc creators! @madlensims @belaloallure3 @serenity-cc @synthsims @simmerkate @sentate @dissiasims @pralinesims @ashwwa @plumbobsnfries @evoxyr @marsmerizing-sims @luminescent-cc @babyetears @miro-sims @greenllamas @rimings @simchia @nickname-sims4 @backtrack-cc @busra-tr @seoulsoul-sims @thekunstwollen @savage-sims @miikocc @bluerose-sims @caio-cc @overkillsimmer @becky-sims @kissyck @kamiiri @simkoos @dallasgirl79 @alinnsie @eggu-sims @gorillax3-cc @helsoseira
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blueshistorysims · 10 months
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Lookbook for the now adult Giselle! Materials are hard to come by in the light of war, but Miss Creative always finds a way to make something beautiful and fashionable, reflected in the clothes she wears, whether handmade or store-bought.
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Daily: Hair, Necklace (Yina), Dress, Socks, Boots
Daily 2: Hair, Necklace (Yina), Dress, Socks, Boots
Travel: Hat, Hair, Blouse, Skirt, Stockings, Boots (person who made it took it down and i can’t find a link 😒)
Athletic: Hair, Blouse, Pants, Stockings, Boots (Get to Work)
Sleep: Hair, Nightgown
Formal: Hair, Earrings (Vintage Glamour), Necklace (Yina), Dress, Gloves (Basegame), Shoes (Cottage Living)
Party: Hair, Earrings (Mida M), Dress, Gloves, Stockings, Shoes (Cottage Living)
Swim: Hair, Swimsuit
Hot Weather: Hair, Dress, Stockings, Shoes
Cold Weather: Hat, Hair, Scarf, Coat, Gloves (Basegame), Socks, Boots
Thank you so much to these amazing cc creators <33
@buzzardly28, @gilded-ghosts, @satterlly, @lilis-palace, @waxesnostalgic,
@jewishsimming, @simstrouble, @historysims4, @dancemachinetrait,
@historicalsimslife, @the-melancholy-maiden, @happylifesims, @sentate,
@rustys-cc, @linzlu, @mlyssimblr, @daylifesims
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Modern: Miranda Salem
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Lucky 13 Witches’ Challenge
@bashfulcookies prompts from their Silver Moon Coven post CC list and download with everyday/formal outfits below cut
I leaned into the beige aesthetic for this one because I don't know what modern is...
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DOWNLOAD from SimFileShare - This does NOT contain the cc as per general creator terms of use. Everyday and Formal are styled. Other outfits are base game.
Skin default: Agave V2 by @nesurii Eyes: Waterdrop by @pralinesims
@pralinesims: Skin detail lashes Spoiler, Earrings Hades, Lipstick Piper, Septum piercing Strife, Necklace Anise
@greenllamas Alexa hair
@dyoreos Hola jacket
@ice-creamforbreakfast Miss Scarlett Dress
EA Content
High School Years: Blush
Growing Together: Pants
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Summary: Pegging your perfect puppy boy.
Pairing: Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Content Warnings: Puppy Play Smut! 18+!, Pegging, Collared And Owned Kappa, Praise Kink, Bondage, Petnames (duh), Very Cockdrunk Kappa, A Sprinkle Of Dumbification, Overstimulation, Crying, A Handjob, Implied Chastity, Implied Aftercare
A/N: I love me some mean!dom!Kappa too, but overly eager puppy!Kappa just does things to me 🥴🫡
Tagging the horny horde: (pls let me know if you want to be part of the horny horde so I can tag you with the next fics 🫶🏻)
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @roryculkinsbf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world
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You tear down my reason
(Help me) it's your sex I can smell
(Help me) you make me perfect
Help me become somebody else
- Closer By Nine Inch Nails
"Fuck..I missed you so much!" Kappa panted in a breathy tone, your hands firmly on his hip bones to keep his posture nice and steady on top of you.
"It's only been one week. Was it really that bad for you, babe?", You asked with your eyes practically transfixed on his face, studying his slightly furrowed brows and the way his upper lip quivered with every upward thrust of your hips, "One week of not touching yourself and not getting fucked by me so hard on you, pup?"
"Uh-Huh…", He whimpered, trying to keep his torso up straight with his arms tied up on his back, "Was so lonely without you!"
A sly smile tugged at the corners of your lips seeing him struggle like that, wanting to be a good puppy for you so bad.
"I'm so sorry, baby, but you know I had to. I didn't want to go on that stupid business trip either, babe." It rolled over your tongue in a shaky voice whilst your gaze slowly wandered from his face downwards, admiring his trembling chest for a moment until your eyes stopped between his legs.
Kappa's rock hard cock pressed itself against his lower abdomen, dewy droplets of pre-cum trickling down the nearly purple tip down onto his balls that slapped onto your skin with every rut of yours inside of him. Right below, in the barely even there space between your bodies, encased by a black leather harness, you could see a few inches of the colorfully marbled glass dildo sliding into and back out of his ass in smooth motions.
"But now I'm all here for my perfect, little puppy boy, no? Will fuck your pretty ass all night of you want me to." With a wet squelch you drilled the strap-on all the way into him.
At that, Kappa's head lolled back eventually and his eyes fluttered shut as a deep groan emitted from deep inside his ribcage.
"There you go, good boy, just let go. No need to hold yourself back, yeah?" You praised and encouraged in a soft voice.
"It's so much, Ma'am.", Kappa bit down hard on his bottom lip, his cock twitching against his stomach, "Feels so fucking good, though."
"C'mon, be a good bitch boy for me and bounce on that cock, I know you can do it." Your grip around his hips fastened, assuring him that you got him if he were to flail and fall over.
"Issomuch..", It spilled from between clenched jaws as he joined in on your pace, "Feel so full, Ma'am."
"I know, pup, I know, but you got this. You can take all of that cock for me, don't you?" You rutted into him again, feeling how the ring of muscles tightened up, gripping around the glass dildo and making it a little harder for you to pull out again.
"You're such a slut for this, aren't you, huh?" You teased whilst your half-lidded gaze shot back up to his face.
In the way Kappa mewled and whined into the thick air of the bedroom, its walls illuminated in deep red neon lights, you knew that he was about to shed tears before you saw them running down his flushed cheeks.
"No, please…it's so much, so so so much, pretty please." He whimpered and his voice hitched in a breathless hiccup.
With every reckless thrust of yours the metallic jingle of the tag dangling from the o-ring of his collar alongside a little bell clashing against each other mixed in with his desperate sniffles.
"You got this, babe. You're such a good, obedient puppy boy for me right now, just a little more, yeah?" To take the edge off at least a little, you took one hand from his hip and wrapped it around the angry, purple head of his aching cock, fisting his girth in quick yet gentle strokes.
"Fuck…", He groaned in a brittle tone, "Good god, fuck, shit…"
Wayward, hot tears fell from his face downwards onto your chest as you jerked him off at the same pace as you railed the strap-op inside him again and again. By now, Kappa was nothing but a whiny, whimpering and drooling mess on top of you, riding you like the little whore that he was for you.
"Look at you…all fucked out on my cock, good boy." Watching him losing his composure bit by bit had your head feeling all fogged up and borderline intoxicated.
"C'mon, cum for me, babe. You must be so pent-up after a whole week, no?" You pumped his rigid cock from tip to shaft and back again.
"I wanna cum so bad…fuck.." Kappa’s voice was nearly gone entirely.
"Just let go, it's okay. Cum on my tits, pup." The words had barely left your mouth as you felt his balls tighten up against your hand.
"There you go." Sticky, warm ropes of his seed practically erupted out of his cock that was throbbing and pulsing in your grip.
They splurged all over your stomach, all the way up to your chest, a week's worth of cum covering your sweaty skin.
By the very second the last shaky mewl had left his mouth and every last drop of cum was milked out of him, you stopped thrusting immediately, letting him just sit on the strap on to slowly come down from the intense high.
"Such a good boy, I'm so proud of you! You did so well, baby!", You praised while your own chest was heaving up and down heavily, your lungs trying to catch a breath, "Are you okay, love?"
"Uh-huh…" Kappa mumbled positively out of breath, his sobbing and sniffling calming down little by little.
You watched him closely as he slowly opened his eyes, his head slumping back forward.
"Let's get your arms out of the rope, shall we?", You suggested in a soft tone, "And after that I'm going to clean my perfect puppy up and tuck you in right next to me, how about that?"
"I'd like that, yeah." He answered after a moment, his bright blue eyes sparkling down at you in an orgasmic afterglow, satisfied yet equally exhausted.
"Everything you want, babe." You smiled at him with nothing but pure adoration.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hi CC! Hope you’re doing good. 🐚🦀 here!
These past few months I can’t help but ponder the demon brothers’ sock-wearing habits, especially for sleep. So here are some of my notes!
Lucifer: Old man vibes old man socks, through all seasons except summer because it might get too hot.
Mammon: One that changes depending on the temperature, cold means sock and vice versa. Although I do think that he’d get those really thick and fluffy ones to match his hair.
Levi: Going with the entire “reptiles are cold-blooded” thing, socks. All day everyday and season, he needs all the warmth he can get. Probably gets ones with his favorite characters on it but never wears them for preservation purposes.
Satan: No socks all year round but is someone (you/mc) gifts him a fair of cat ones he’s either going to try and preserve them or wear them until they have holes.
Asmodeus: Given that his preferred outfit for sleep is just… nude I’d say no socks. Unless if he wants to tease a shy mc, maybe something along the lines of: “Oh don’t be so shy mc, darling. I’m not completely naked now am I?~”
Belphie: I’d say that Belphie really doesn’t have much of a preference. He’s the demon of sloth and he is a professional in every aspect. Although I do imagine him sleeping with inly one sock to get a better temperature range when sleeping.
Beel: I can see him wear really fluffy socks like Mammon but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Will try to eat the socks with food patterns.
I’m not too sure about the dateables but Solomon’s definitely giving old man vibes and I dan see him getting socks with funny patterns. Maybe Luke also wears them because he’s scared of the monsters under his bed nipping at his feet.
Hope this was a fun read, what do you think? Would love to compare notes, and have a great day!
Well hello, 🐚🦀 anon! It's been a minute since I've seen you in my ask box! I hope you're doing well!
I am staunchly against wearing socks to bed... I like to be FREE lol. (To this end, I also don't wear pants. It's all oversized t-shirts for me.)
Anyway, I totally see Lucifer as a sock wearer. I mean, we had that whole saga in the daily chats about his missing socks. You can't tell me that old man doesn't cherish his socks. So I fully agree with you on that one lol.
I was under the impression that Mammon also sleeps in the nude? I think there was a daily chat where he said he only wears Devilish No 5 to bed which is a freakin' perfume. He's such a dork but for some reason that makes me love him more. But I also think that Mammon likes to be comfortable, so I think he'd wear socks (and possibly other pjs) if it was cold. Also you know I don't think he could handle sleeping nude with MC (at least not at first) and I also think he often sneaks into MC's bed. So therefore I tend to imagine him as being one of those pajama pants and tank top types. So I think he would absolutely wear socks if it was cold.
YES to cold blooded Levi always!! If they had animal forms and Levi could become a lil snake I think it'd be SO CUTE if he just curled up inside a sock. I'd carry him around in his little sock in my pocket all day tee hee~ But anyway, I very much think that he's always cold and needs socks all the time. If he's in demon form, he should have a tail sock too.
Satan can't resist the cat socks. I don't know why but I agree with you that he wouldn't wear socks to bed. He would probably find them irritating lol. He should still get a tail sock though just because that's adorable, but his is like... I mean I know we all kinda headcanon it as bone now, but it looks like metal. That thing would probably shred a sock.
Oh, Asmo. Definitely only wearing socks in order to tease MC, I agree with that 1000%. I mean you could wear socks if you sleep nude I suppose, but I think Asmo would prefer to go sockless in such an instance.
Oh yeah I think Belphie could sleep no matter what anyway. It's probably just whatever's most convenient at the moment.
I don't know why, but I kinda headcanon Beel as being naturally very warm. Just absolute furnace. So I see him not really wearing socks to bed. Though I like the idea of him wearing fluffy ones because that is super cute lol.
Diavolo wears Lucifer's socks to bed. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
Barbatos for some reason strikes me as a no socks type. I don't know why. But he also needs a tail sock because wow that would be so adorable I think I'd combust. He would only wear something like that if MC got it for him, though, I think.
I think it could go either way with Simeon. I think he's probably one of those who wears socks depending on the weather. If he's cold, he puts some on. If he's not, he doesn't. It just makes sense.
I agree about Solomon and the patterned socks. I think he'd find that amusing. I would try to find him socks that have pact mark patterns on them because I personally would find that absolutely hilarious. This is because I have a terrible sense of humor, but I think he'd indulge me and wear them lol.
Ahhh Luke wearing socks to protect his little toes from getting snatched is so cute! Headcanon accepted.
This was a fun read, thank you for bringing it to me! It was fun to think about this! I hope you also have a lovely day!
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lordressdragoonbear · 2 months
Marina Prattle Makeover 💖
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Hello, hello! I'm late as usual!
So I made over Ms. Marina Prattle, she is the third member of the household Mixture of Good and Bad household. I made her over for fun and she's cute, I feel like she's the normal one of the bunchl.
This Here Package contains: 1 Basic Girly.
P.S, They should come with some of the CC used.
but if they don’t, here are some links of the stuff I could find.
Hair | Everyday Top | Everyday Pants | Formal Top | Formal Bottoms | Eyes | Eyelashes | Eyelash Slider | Skin | Sliders | No eyebrows as usual...
Anything I missed was due to the fact that I’ve had some of this CC since 2018 and I cannot find it, or pure laziness 😅
I don’t remember where I got all this CC, but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC I used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEUdLsHu5YM
No bonus but here's Beth Bitters!
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N One-Shot Series PRT 38 {END}
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child
Jack sits in the bedroom with the light off and the glow of the tv with the volume down low is behind him as the cute, little fluff of white fur sits atop a pillow on Y/n's side of the bed. When the sound of the call comes over the laptop, he answers it quickly with a smile.
"Hi baby, I've missed that stupid face. How are my boys doing?" Y/n said from the other side of the screen.
"I've honestly never cleaned up more shit in my life. I swear he's doing it on purpose just to drive me crazier." Jack explains.
"It's how he shows love. Besides, he's a rescue so we knew he would have some things." Y/n reminded.
"Well if you start shitting all over the place to show me love, I'm sleeping on the porch." Jack teased making Y/n laugh.
"I miss you." Listening to her laugh and seeing her smile reminds Jack that she's been gone for three days. He's been home for three whole days without having her sleeping next to him, eating a meal with her, being inside of her.
"How's my girls doing? Is she a good traveler?" Jack asked as Y/n held up the sweetest ginger cat so that he could see her.
"She's been sleeping the whole way. Something tells me you two will be fast friends." Jack smiled seeing the sleepy kitten that Y/n snuggled in front of her camera.
"I can't wait for my girls to be home. I miss you so damn much." Jack takes a deep breath and Y/n puts the kitten back in her carry case so she can focus on him.
"Aw I'll be home soon enough to help you clean up all the shit." She teases. Jack laughs making the pup stir only slightly.
"Have you heard back from your publisher yet? How the book sale numbers should be in by now right?" Y/n asked but Jack sighed pushing his hair out of his face.
"Nothing yet. He said he would email me and I haven't gotten anything yet so I've been trying to keep busy." She frowns seeing the anxiety hanging off his brow.
"Hey if I'm a shit writer, I can always put my cock on the internet." Jack shrugged making Y/n smirk.
"I'm not in the habit of sharing my cock, thanks." Y/n leaned forward on her hands and Jack started to stroke himself through his pajama pants.
"You know I love when you talk about owning my cock." He grits through his teeth.
"Of course I own that cock baby, I put a ring on it." She bit her lip.
"Come on now, let mommy see." She presses and Jack stands from his chair and pushes his pants down to reveal his semi-hard cock with a cock ring fastened securely around the base.
"That's my good boy." Y/n stood up from the bed and started peeling her clothes off until she could sit the laptop on the side of the bed so she lay back to show him the plug she had wedged tightly into her ass. Jack started jerking his cock and practically crying as he watched her tease him.
"I'm gonna wear this the whole way home so when I take that ring off that pretty cock I love so much, you can fuck me the entire day." Y/n started fingering herself as she watched Jack tug himself roughly, using his free hand to squeeze his neglected balls.
"I want to fuck you so badly. I want to cum in every single one of your holes until it's seeping out of you. Oh fuck I want to cum so bad." Jack whined. He watched Y/n's hand as she started to bring herself to an orgasm and he licked his palm so he could twist the top of his cock teasing himself to no end. He knew he wasn't going to cum. He wanted to save it for her. All he kept thinking about since she left was cumming all over her, inside of her, like a fucking pent up fountain. He wanted to shoot his cum all over her face, her tits, her back and ass cheeks. He wanted to cover her in his cum like a dog smelling the heat of his mate.
The way she made him feel when he was this desperate for her was a filthy, pathetic mess but he fucking loved it. Once she got off, she watched him release his cock and take deep breaths.
"You're such a good boy. Saving all that cum for mommy." Y/n sounded exhausted and Jack whimpered as he felt his cock twitch with the ring still snug. Once Jack calmed down, he pulled his pants back up and sat back in the chair watching Y/n lay across the hotel bed, half naked and smiling at him.
Before he could say anything, his email dinged and they both froze. She scrambled to get to the laptop and Jack rushed to open the email from his publisher.
"No fucking way...this can't be real." Jack felt his heart beating so fast, he feared he might pass out.
"What does it say? Jack?! What does it say!?" She practically yelled.
"I made the best sellers list..." Jack said looking at her on the screen. Her hands went to her mouth and she shrieked.
"BABY! YOU FUCKING DID IT!" She jumped off the bed and started jumping up and down holding the laptop and Jack laughed as he wiped away tears.
"I fucking did it." He nodded as she sat the laptop back down.
"I can't wait to be home and kiss you! I'm so proud of you Jack." Y/n had tears running down her face and Jack took in a shaky breath. He couldn't believe this was his life. Two years ago, he was ready to give up. He was ready to let his demons engulf him. Now he was in love, had a family, a home and a best selling book.
"I love you." He says sincerely and she smiles at him.
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