havenmoodz · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Marcus
CW: unethical therapy, manipulation, semi-toxic masculinity(?), unwilling hospitalization, mentions of sex, implications of murder
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Once you’re officially his lover rather than his patient, Marcus is pretty affectionate, both physically and verbally. He likes to walk around with his arm slung over your shoulder, or wrapped around your waist, to show you off to everyone. He loves getting to praise you and brag about you to other people.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Marcus doesn’t really have close friends, mostly just colleagues and some drinking buddies he went to grad school with, things like that. He’s the type who’d probably want to go out drinking with his best friend, go to the gym together, things like that. In the scenario of a Darling being a friend-of-a-friend becoming his best friend, rather than starting as his patient, he’s certainly much quicker to try and get close to you. He wants to woo you, impress you. So really the friendship would evolve rather quickly into obvious romantic interest on his part, requited or not.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Marcus is fairly cuddly. He especially likes to be the big spoon and wrap his arms around his Darling while sleeping. He also adores a clingy Darling who surprises him with hugs and cuddles, even while he’s busy~ 🥰
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes, Marcus’ biggest dream is to settle down with his Darling. Marcus can cook and clean, and enjoys cooking fancy meals for date nights; however, he dreams of being a breadwinner and having his partner be a stay-at-home spouse and do most of the cleaning and cooking, and greet him with a kiss when he comes home, all of that stuff.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Not happening~! You’re ending up in his care in one way or another. If he can’t keep you at his flat or house, he’ll make sure you end up in a mental healthcare facility with him working there to look after you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marcus loooooooooves the idea of being married to you. He’s excited about all of it– getting to propose to you, picking out rings for each other, the ceremony, the commitment, all of it. Marcus would really just like a simple gold wedding band for himself, but he’d never take it off and he’s always fiddling with it or smiling to himself, almost like he can’t believe it’s all real.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Marcus is careful but not necessarily gentle, emotionally speaking. He’s willing to use your insecurities and fears to keep you by his side if necessary. Physically, he’s very gentle and firm, and making sure to be especially careful with you since he is so built.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Marcus loves hugs. As soon as professionalism is out of the way, he’s greeting you with a hug (if not a kiss) almost every time you’re apart. I can imagine him in those airport videos, the ones where one partner is so happy to see the other again they pick them up and swing them around in a hug. He also adores it if his partner comes up behind him for hugs while he’s working on something, resting their head against his back or on his shoulder. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You’d think that Marcus, smooth and confident as he is, could say it pretty easily. But for a while, if you end up dating more normally, every time he tries to say it, it’s like the words get stuck in his throat and he can’t quite do it. When he means to say “I love you,” he might end up saying, “Drive safe,” “Make sure to eat enough at lunch,” etc. If he has to kidnap you he’ll end up saying it much sooner, using those feelings to try and explain why the kidnapping was “necessary.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Marcus gets extremely jealous when you spend more time and energy on people other than him. He gets clingier, maybe even subtly guilt-tripping you into spending more time with him if he thinks that’ll work. More persistent threats to his claim on you end up scared off or dead. His jealousy can also easily turn sexual, as that feels like a good way to claim you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Marcus’ kisses tend to be slow and passionate. He likes to kiss you on the forehead, or behind the ear. He loves it when you kiss him anywhere, but especially soft pecks on the lips as a greeting, and kisses on his chest while cuddling.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s pretty good with kids! Responsible and caring, but not so strict that the kids dislike him. In fact, kids absolutely love Marcus, because he’s willing to play with them and give them piggy back rides.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
While Marcus loooooves a lazy morning in, spent cuddling and having sleepy sex, usually he’s waking up early to go to the gym or to the office. So if you’re an early bird, you can always go to the gym or on a run with him. If not, he’ll tuck you back in with a forehead kiss and let you sleep in as many mornings as you like. You deserve the rest, after all.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Marcus likes eating dinner with you, and talking about each other’s days. Sometimes he has paperwork and things to do even at the end of the day, but if you want attention, he’ll put it aside to give you cuddles and watch a movie, or whatever you’d like to do.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Marcus is closed-off when it comes to talking about himself much, although it might take a bit to realize it because he’s so open and fairly sociable otherwise. It’s not necessarily that he’s hiding things (except for the stalking and other crimes he’s knowingly committed for you), more so that there’s a barrier in his mind that keeps much of his past locked away, even out of his own awareness.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It would truly take a lot to wear down Marcus’ patience and truly make him angry or enraged. Anything that hurts you or takes you away from him would obviously enrage him, though. He can get a little bit irritated or frustrated at times, like when he’s stuck in traffic, but really, who doesn’t?
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Marcus remembers everything anyway, but also has detailed written notes about you and audio or video recordings of any of his therapy sessions with you. He loves to go back and listen to them again to hear your voice.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The moment you met~ and then after you get married, the moment he saw you walking down the aisle
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Marcus is incredibly protective, and finds himself somewhat torn between keeping you from the world entirely for your protection and taking you around with him to show you off. He’d kill for you. Marcus would never want you to have to protect him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Marcus puts a ton of effort into making classic, romantic dates for the two of you. Anniversaries get the same treatment. Everyday tasks get however much effort you need– if you’re struggling with chores, Marcus will put in more work to meet you where you are with no guilt tripping or anything like that. Gifts from Marcus tend to be flashy and expensive, but not necessarily… things that would really match your personality? It’s not that he doesn’t know what you like, he’s just not good at gift-giving and thinks a big price tag automatically makes something a better gift.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Manipulation, always thinks he knows what’s best, pretends to be open to feedback but generally disregards all of it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Marcus is very concerned about his looks and physique, wanting to reach the idealized version of manhood in his head.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes; even thinking of the possibility of losing you for too long can send Marcus into an internal tailspin.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Marcus has a carefully curated selection of sweaters he picked to make him look softer and more approachable for therapy sessions, figuring his big muscles might be a little intimidating for some clients. In addition to talk therapy, Marcus also utilizes some forms of somatic therapy.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Marcus dislikes most challenges to his authority and expertise, although in certain situations Darling could be an exception to this (i.e., a Darling who is a colleague/mental healthcare worker, or Darling playfully teasing) 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Marcus is a heavy sleeper, and snores a little bit. He’s got a difficult time sleeping without something in his arms– preferably you, but he’ll settle for a pillow spritzed with the same kind of cologne or perfume you like to wear the most until he can get you in his bed.
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havenmoodz · 1 year
but like midnight darling with popular boy! reader though (inspired by our lord and savior @heartfullofleeches ‘s post about breeding)
for new readers: midnight darling is where my yan! college based ocs come from. you can read more about them via the first tag to this post or my masterlist
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everyone would be goddamn pregnant. literally and figuratively. you’d think reader would be cautious enough to use protection since they sleep with so many people but nope! it just feels better when they do it raw yknow?
it’s come to the point that the goons made a system to prevent you (and by extension them) from getting an std at the very least by examining every single person on the campus daily.
dw they’re rich they can handle it.
in any case, by the time you reached your third year you’ve already impregnated most students and all of the teaching faculty with wombs. you’re literally a baby away from causing a crisis equal to those dodgy fertility clinics and the government from hounding your ass.
for some reason none of the rich kid’s parents sue you because like child, like parent they are super obsessed with you and particularly the genes you’d provide their family. besides it’s nothing a quick cover-up can’t handle.
like the only reason you haven’t been sent to jail is because you have connections to many people in power (mostly parents that wanted your sperm).
you had your doubts about your safety until you overheard in a dinner with crisanto salvador (main yan! rich kid) of his dad asking him if they could somehow implant a womb in the poor guy just to hold your baby. (which actually leads to advancements in reproductive technology in the future, im seriously tempted to change the mc’s canonical sex since it makes sense now oh god-)
there are some of the insane yans that use your child as a threat to keep you theirs in which you retaliated by using other yans to save your children.
cold-hearted or not, those babies are completely innocent and your responsibility, so as much as possible you do everything in your power to keep them out of harm’s way.
there’s definitely an underground market for your jizz i’m sorry-
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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havenmoodz · 1 year
My day was good! Went to work, got a little writing done. All in all a win. Glad your day was good too :D
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Me 🤝 Alice
(Being lightweights)
I’m such a giggly and cuddly drunk, sure Julian would appreciate that haha 😅🥰
Also how’s your day been~? :D
HAH. I’m actually pretty good with alcohol, I still don’t drink much tho 😔 (I’m Canadian, it’s okay)
And yes, Julian would very much appreciate it if you’re cuddly when you’re drunk. It’s the best time for him to take care of you, after all.
My day’s been pretty well! I’m trying to get into hsr again, I have 2 hours worth of game play down so far…Hbu? 🫶
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havenmoodz · 1 year
What if Julian had a darling that was super submissive and liked being that way to people they like, yet are super sassy and badass to people they aren't romantically interested in?
Hi hi anon! :D
Would he love and cherish the submissive side of darling? Yes. Would he be offended if they were on the receiving end of the “sassy and badass” side? Of course.
But that doesn’t stop them, no no, that motivates him MORE. If darling shows their submissive side to him, they’d be honoured to have earned his darling’s trust and love. Tbh, they have the potential to be a lot bittt controlling, but if you don’t step out of line, you’ll be fine!~
If you aren’t as interested in him as he thought, though, it would be a different story. Although they like a challenge when presented one, if darling seems adamant that they’re not interested; via sass and talking back...well…you better be prepared. He’ll do anything…ANYTHING, to get you to submit to them. He treats it as a little tease at first, but when it keeps happening every time he see’s you, well, they’re gonna take matters into their own hands to…fix…your attitude. They like that you’re confident and the fact that you seem to know how you should get treated, but it’s Julian that gets to decide when it becomes too much.
“Darling…it’ll only hurt for a little bit, alright? I’d NEVER, EVER do ANYTHING to hurt you…this is all out of love, can’t you see?…” he says gingerly as they tighten the restraints they had on you. They continue on, “But you have to change that attitude of yours…I have to change that attitude of yours…yeah? I hope you understand…”
Yeah…man likes to contradict himself- like- a lot 😭 (Best of luck to you, Darling)
But overall, they’re happy to know that you’ll be submissive to them and only them 🤭
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havenmoodz · 1 year
oh that's fun, one of the reasons I stopped drinking was due to being the ultimate light weight... so I'd probably fall for that trap. hook, line and sinker.
but yea, I love this funky lil' dude
(a lot of people are lil' next to me, cuz I'm 6'2 or in rational measurements 188cm)
Julian would DEFINITELY be stepping on crates, boxes, stools, anything they’d find to be at least as tall as you. He likes having control over the convo, and being “pretty short for a guy” doesn’t help his situation. But they WOULD take advantage of your inability to handle large amounts of alcohol…he won’t be too mean about it, promise <3
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havenmoodz · 1 year
You know, I neber thought I needed a barrender Yan in my life, but Julian really makes me happy, which is wierd cuz I activly don't drink, the only way for me to theoretically meet him is just following my drunk friends when they're bar hopping
Huh. 🤔 If you DO meet him while bar hopping, I feel like he’d do anything in his power to get your group (or preferably you) to stay with him. Especially with your friends drunk, he doesn’t trust that you’ll make it home safely.
He’ll probably try to convince you to have a lil drink…one of his favourites! He exclaims, as he pours the colourful drink into a tall glass, finishing it off with a garnish. He does this so you get a bit tipsy, not realizing that no one else is in the bar anymore. Then he can slip something in your last drink and hopefully get the both of you out of there. Although, if you’re adamant about not drinking, he’ll call a cab for you and your friends. He’ll “accidentally” forget to call you one, though, and seeing there’s no more seats in the cab; he proposes to take you home himself. It seems to be a proposal filled with genuine heartfelt concern, what’s the worst that could happen? :)
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Heya Moodie! How’s everything going? :D
I’m doing pretty well, busy tho
Hii! I’ve been pretty good, I also got a full time job for the summer, so it’s also been pretty busy on my end. Hopefully you don’t mind some extra thoughts in your inbox, lol- I’m hoping to send some in 🤔
I’m glad that things are going well for you though! Sending lots of love your way! 💕 <3(/p)
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havenmoodz · 1 year
It’s all good! Glad you had a good weekend, congrats to the grad!!! 🥳🎉🎉🎉
(I’m doing pretty well too, making some rice rn and trying to answer some asks today~)
Looking forward to see 👀👀
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Morning Moodie~! How was your weekend? :D
Heya! Sorry for replying so late- I was at grad party with my sister 😭😭 My weekend was pretty nice! Just kinda chilled, tbh. Hbu? How are you doing? 🫶
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Oooh so excited to hear more about Julian!! And I’m doing well, mostly spending time editing an audio recording, cleaning, and going on Pinterest lol.
Have fun with your friend Moodie!! :D
I’ll be there for the new audio 👀
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Hihi~! How’s your day going? :D
Heyy! My day’s going pretty well! Hoping to finish Julian’s nsfw alphabet, also going out with a few friends later ^^ Keep an eye out for a lil Julian drabble too~ How ‘bout you? 🫶
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Hope it isn’t too weird to say that I want to sit in the bath with them and gently wash his hair, and make him food and— and— 😭🥰
So I’m doing good today!! Ate well with the Julian alphabet, and also got a new job (more retail)!! How are you doing today~? 🫶
HIII THANK YOU THANK YOU- Retail’s so cool, I’m just a boring ass barista 😭😭 My day was pretty good 🫶 (Apologies, idk why this came out so angsty 😭😭)
No need to feel bad, I totally understand where you’re coming from. I feel like they’d feel conflicted about the whole thing. On one hand, you’re his darling! And they want you to be happy, and this whole thing is really adorable and sweet and it makes him feel fuzzy inside. On the other hand, they feel like they don’t deserve your love and attention, think they should be the one taking care of you. They’ll let you, but will mutter caring phrases of protest along the way– “Nooo…it’s alright- are you sure?” “Darling…you don’t have to…” “:(“.
The bathing thing though, it’s really gonna set him off (in the best way possible). They’ll start blushing, partly out of embarrassment, but also from feeling so vulnerable in front of you. They’re not used to being cared for like this, always getting the bare minimum from their emotionally unavailable parents. So you cooking, smiling, and caring for him really tugs at their heart strings. (Also please hug them, poor baby is so touch starved 😭) Yes, SPOIL HIM LIKE A BABY, PLEASE. They deserve it 🫶
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Idk, but I’m ready to tip if it happens 🫡
This is probably a really dumb question but I don’t think I’ve claimed to be smart on here so.
If I were to set up the tip jar on this blog, would you be able to see my legal name in the receipt/bank statement or would it just say “tumblr”?
Surely it wouldn’t show people’s legal names, right? That would be a recipe for doxxing
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Luke, the Musician materlist!
Sfw Alphabet
Nsfw Alphabet
Preferred personalities
Lukes clothing style
Music Taste (ft. Julian)
Overstimming Darling (smut)
Comforts and Cuddles
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Julian, the Bartender masterlist!
Sfw Alphabet
Music Taste (ft. Luke)
More info
Crocheting with Julian
Spoiling Julian (Kinda angsty, sorry 😭)
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Julian sfw Alphabet!!
a/n: we’re gonna ignore how I’ve been dead silent, I’m back to posting! 🥳
cw: Mentions of untreated mental illness, mentions of past abuse, yandere shenanigans, unhealthy living habits.
(gn reader)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate and clingy! Likes doing activities with you, like crafts, feeding strays, and taking walks. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
They’re the shopping bag friend. Trailing behind while being suffocated with shopping bags. Doesn’t have scary dog privileges, but does accidentally uses his customer service front when casually talking to people, which usually weirds them out. As of how you guys met, probably a friend of a friend situation and you guys just gradually got closer. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
LOVES CUDDLES!! Well, it’s more like him clinging onto your leg when you have to go to work/run some errands. He’ll get pouty when you pry him off, but will eventually get off with a sigh. Likes cuddling on the couch while watching a tv show or movie with you! Laying across the couch while you lay on top of him. Easier to give you smooches that way ^^
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If making drinks counts as cooking, then he’s amazing! Otherwise? Uh…maybe not? He could make simple meals though, or maybe bar snacks, but nothing that actually “counts as a meal” (from Julian themself).  
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
WILL cry about it. What did they do wrong? Why isn’t this working out? :( I mean, they did kidnap you, but he was gentle about it! Would probably use his connections to keep eyes and ears on you, and will eventually get you back, wether you like it or not. Although, you better get used to their basement, you’re gonna be there for a while. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Will unironically propose to you at a concert. If not, he’ll probably plan one of those over-the-top proposals, getting someone to call you and tell you that they’ve been hit by a truck or something, then when you get to the hospital he gets down on one knee. Unless you wanna propose, he’s not totally opposed to it. It would take a good while for you two to tie the knot, though. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Hm…very gentle. But they’re really emotionally sensitive, so you gotta be careful of that. Your makeshift therapist, if you don’t already have one. They will make you drinks while you sit there and vent about your daily problems. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs from behind>>> Does it as often as you allow him to. Not afraid to show PDA, wants to let EVERYONE know. Their hugs are gentle but firm, keeping you in his embrace for as long as possible. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The second he gets you, “I love you darling..” When you wake up, “Ah! Darling! Welcome! I love you ;)” when you’re asleep, “Love ya, mwah”. I think you get the point, says it a fuck ton. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Hmmmm, not really. He’s more obsessive than possessive, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous. They understand that you need to have a social life, but they get to decide when it’s too much. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses you on the lips, neck, and tip of the ears. Their kisses are passionate and deep, whenever. He honestly doesn’t care where you kiss him, he just loves the fact that you’re kissing him in the first place :)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very good with children 👍 Although he isn’t expecting a family with you, he DOES like playing hide and seek with kids 🫶 Honestly, you don’t know how they do it, they’re just effortlessly good with the lil ones 🤷
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Not a morning person, absolutely despises it. A “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning drink coffee” type of person. He gets kinda grumpy too, but will eventually soften up 15 ish minutes after he wakes up. Spends most of his time with you in the morning, since he works night shifts starting at 6 pm. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Gets home from work pretty late, usually around 1-2 am, so you’ll be better off going to bed and waking up with them beside you! Although, you COULD stay up and wait for him instead, but he usually admonishes you for staying up this late and ruining your sleep schedule. He works the night shift, so most of the night, you’d be alone. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hm….can read you like an open book, is a closed book himself. It doesn’t take long for him to open up though, they think that you shouldn’t have to hear about their problems or information about them in general…it’s all about you, after all! If you seem genuinely concerned, though, wether it’s from him being happy and jolly 24/7, or something else, he’ll spill the beans. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Well- you’ll never know. When he’s annoyed, or god forbid mad, he’ll just huff and puff a little bit and bottle it up inside for another day, preferably when you’re not there to catch him have a mental breakdown…Although, he never really gets mad, just really annoyed. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s terrified of forgetting, keeps a little diary that has everything he’s learned about you since day 1. Reads it over at least once a week and revises, like it’s some kind of exam he could fail. Also writes down everything you’ve ever wanted but couldn’t get, like something you passed by at the store, but was over the budget. He’ll go out and buy everything at once and give it to you! 
“I remembered that you said you wanted this, so…I got it for you! :D”
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Doesn’t have a favourite moment, EVERY moment with you is his favourite <3 Doesn’t care if it’s a good or bad experience from your part, it’s you, so it can’t be bad. Unless you guys break up or something…they’ll find a way. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
“Back off, they’re mine” type of person. Keeps a pocket knife just in case, they don’t mind getting a little bloody for you ^^ They don’t reaaallyyy have enough self-worth to want, or need you to protect them. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
oooo! He hates planning, but they’ll endure it for you <3 Honestly, doesn’t forget, but puts it off until a few days before the event, then speedruns the whole planning process and it still ends up being alright and amazing :D Tries to keep everyday tasks as minimal effort as possible. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Has pretty low self image, always gets you to take care of yourself or else he makes you, but when it comes to them, they don’t really…well…care? They have a family history of depression, but never got properly diagnosed. Most of the time, the only thing motivating him is you. They’re afraid you’ll be disgusted with them and think they’re gross. They keep that in mind while deep cleaning the kitchen :^ 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
VERY. Cozy dark academia style, overdresses to everything. Takes at least 30 minutes for them to get ready to go pick something up at the store (tbh, same)…it’s curbside pickup, they aren’t even gonna leave the car. Most of this, again, comes from his immense fear of getting judged by you. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yep, as I mentioned before, WILL cry about it. He’ll do everything in his power to get you back, they’ll  even do some…sketchy…stuff, if they have to. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Crochets with you!! Also likes making matching bracelets, the cheesy cute ones with each others’
initials. Unironically gets you meme shirts, also unironically has a “Cisn’t” shirt. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Tbh, they’ve been in too many toxic environments to tell if something’s putting them off. Will just go with it; it takes them a lot of effort to tell you though, if they gather up the willpower to accept that they don’t like something about you in the first place. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Kinda snores, but it’s really soft. You’ll most likely wake up to them being on the opposite side of the bed. Sleeps in positions that look really uncomfortable, but still insists to twist and turn until he’s “comfortable”. 
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