#i messed a few things up timeline wise
novembermorgon · 2 months
pls pls pls your grace i gotta know more about myrielle’s kind of lesbian situationship that you mentioned a while back 😭🙏
ohh yeah
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so basically ...
myrielle comes to court at 12-13 and while she brings friends along with her from casterly rock, she also makes a few new ones - notably odessa dayne (who belongs to @/daenysdefender but i love to take her and play dolls with her and myrielle thanks chloe) who's betrothed to valarr . in sort of a sense of 'we're united in our fate of being married into the royal family' myrielle grows very attached to odessa sort of like a sister .
of course ... as two girls who spend basically every waking moment together, who center their futures and their betrothals and their lives around each other in some ways, things end up getting a little bit homoerotic . they share a bed as girls do and they share moments where things get more intimate than what's normal for a friendship between girls. share a look. and a kiss. they're married in spirit before either of them are married to any targ man. i think, in a way, myrielle feels protective of her in the ways a husband would- she treats her relationship to odessa almost like a marriage, wants to care for her and be with her in all the ways a husband would, wants some degree of comforting power over her, wants to experience what a man might with a woman - wants to understand aerion's treatment of her by sort of replicating a marriage with odessa.
our timeline is a little messed up here but odessa marries first albeit not super far apart from myrielle. i don't think being married to aerion makes myrielle grow much more distant from odessa, but there's definitely sort of a wedge planted between them even if very subtle. suddenly your best friend is centering her life and her joys and woes around a man, instead of you - suddenly you're all grown up and you can't spend your time on girlish games and some imagined strange love that you share.
just before ashford meadow odessa has a baby that she names baelor . after the best targ man ever BAELOR BREAKSPEAR! sorry. i think myrielle at that point has begun to envy her. she has a husband who treats her with respect and she has a child and she's been allowed to marry the guy who's 2nd in line to the throne instead of the second son of a fourth son . just inherently, any relationship between myrielle and other women are difficult- because she centers so much of her worth and her identity around the men she surrounds herself with. she needs to feel valuable in the ways she's expected to be, which ends up being through marriage and having kids - she spends her whole childhood dreaming of marrying up, of making her dad proud and making her house proud and in that sense odessa kind of gets everything she doesn't. and myrielle doesn't recognize that this isn't odessa's fault: realistically, who will she blame if not her?
buuuuut . ashford happens. myrielle is pregnant, aerion goes off to lys, and after the tourney + after spending a little mourning period with valarr over baelor odessa goes off to dorne to meet with her family and show off .. baelor ...2! ^_^ (the baby). because the great spring sickness hits a little bit after that, odessa stays in dorne and they don't meet for a good long while. i think myrielle goes to summerhall with her brothers + daeron and some bits of aerion's family because i imagine it's not quite as bad illness-wise as king's landing and it's close enough to sort of make a little quick escape to.
that distance between them i think really changes the dynamic a lot and much of it IS just because of myrielle. she has her babies and i think in a way she pits them against odessa's son almost immediately. wants maegor and aenys to be Number One Babies Forever!!!! and has great ambitions for them- which odessa and her son get in the way of very directly. so she ends up raising both of them to be more distant from baelor and insists on almost keeping them apart ...? which works for aenys because he's a mommas boy in the sense of will listen to every evil mean thing myrielle tells him, works less well for maegor because he loves friendship... <3
myrielle's relationship with odessa definitely becomes very strained after they meet again when they eventually return to king's landing. things never quite return to what they used to be, and as myrielle spends more time with and makes more of an effort with aerion she also struggles to make up with odessa (which is funny because she's the root cause of all their issues. never trust blonde women.)
it gets sort of nastier the more time passes. the targs begin to die and aerion + their sons end up higher in the succession, myrielle becomes more frantic about it, her & aerion & aenys spread rumors that baelor is a bastard, it's a little bit like the most hostile parts of the court drama in the dance of the dragon parts of f&b except instead of rumors written by court jesters and maesters it's all real LOL
i imagine it all sort of collapses. in time . families at odds and yuri split apart... well... it's bound to end up badly.... baelor and aenys would have the craziest beef in the training courtyard . that's all i have for you for now anon but hopefully more will come in time
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Hard Learned Lesson
Hello everyone!
*cough* so... you all ready for some... angst? ;3
Timeline wise this is in the spring of the first year the guys got the farm! So their first spring in FarmTale <3
First Drabble (Thank @spotaus for the one who started this madness with the original prompt) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
No beta or edits :3 We just going. Again. Angst incoming!
Nightmare huffs as he looks bored at his stupid math work. He doesn't get it! The teacher jsut... doesn't explain it like when Dusty does. Dust knows how to tell him things that make sense!
Nightmare doesn't like this school he has to be in.
He doesn't like being away from his dads- caretakers- his four. He prefers to be with them and have them decide when it is time to learn and how.
Nightmare knows he can trust them. they are safe.
At least he doesn't have to be here for long... Just a day each week. And just until they figure out his school level or something.
The teacher smiles at him and speaks softly "Hey there night night."
Nightmare glares wiht all his might at her "Nightmare." his name is nightmare! Only his dads- his four are allowed to call him night night or nighty or nightlight!! That is their right! Not hers!
The teacher giggles and smiles at him "I am sorry. Nightmare. How is your math going?"
Nightmare frowns as he looks at the numbers and the drawings of apples. something about adding stuff together and taking a few away or something. He knows he used to be able to do this but how he did it he can't quite remember or figure out.
Ngihtamre shrugs and plays a bit iwht his pencil.
The teacher nods as she crouches next to him "Still hard?"
Nightmare shrugs and mutters softly "Dusty could explain..."
He doesn't like most adults who are here. Most of them imply that his four did stuff wrong or are doing wrong. Nightmare doesn't agree. They did everything right! THey came back so they can't do wrong. This lady is nice. she makes sure her voice is quiet and lets him stay inside when the other louder kids go play outside. She doesn't mind him reading his book instead of drawing.
the nice teacher smiles and nods "I am sure your dad is a great teacher. He seemed like the smart type."
Nightmare nods before catching up with what she said and freezing. He keeps messing up in his head and calling them dads... would that be weird? He doesn't want to be weird.
she smiles and takes a seat next to him "How about we try to do the problems together? We can try to work through them then?"
Nightmare shrugs again. Not really caring that much. He just needs to wait a bit longer and one of them will pick him up and they will go home and snuggle. Killer found a new movie to watch. Probably more cowboys! Nightmare likes them okay but loves to just lay wiht Killer when watching as Killer loves those a lot.
his teacher smiles at him and takes out a pencil. "OKay. the first problem. it is a bit of complex adding with the higher numbers but it works the same as the smaller numbers and-"
a loud knock on the door.
The door opens and one of the older ladies walks in. Nightmare doesn't like her. she is strict and always looks at his dads disapproving. As if they did smething wrong. She is also the one who says it is just a matter of time before Nightmare will like being here. Nightmare knows better and makes sure to tell the interview guy each time he wants to have classes with dusty again.
his nice teacher frowns as she looks up "Is something wrong miss March?"
The older lady huffs but speaks up "Someone came to pick him up. somekind of emergency."
Nightmare frowns and glances over. it are two humans who both look rather official. He immediantly leans behind the nice teacher and mutters "Dusty said to never go with others." One of the rules. Never ever leave this building unless it was with any of them. One of them is usually the whole day in the building with him.
The nice teacher looks unsure "March. I know for a fact those man are not part of the group that was allowed to pick him up."
March waves at one of the man and he shows an official looking document with somekind of symbol on it. Nightmare doesn't like this and inches clsoer to his teacher.
SHe reaches for the paper but the man pulls it away and tugs it away "It is sensitive information. It is a matter of great importance that we leave right this minute."
Ngihtmare doesn't like this. this is bad. These man are lying. he just knows it. Nightmare knows liars and he doesn't like them and these two are lying!
Nightmare looks at the nice lady "I don't want to go. I wanne wait for dad." he is scared. please.
The nice teacher smiles at him before looking at the other three adults "I am sorry. but he doesn't feel comfortable. I am sure we can just wait here for one of his fathers to show up. I will stay late with him to wait." she offers immediantly and Nightmare feels a bit better.
March glares at her "April! Stop that. These man are very important. They say it is an family emergency."
April! That was her name! April looks unsure between them and then Nightmare "I still think..."
MArch sighs loudly "You are a kindergarden teacher. You don't think." she smiles at the two man "I am so sorry for her. I will make sure to give her a talking to. You two make sure the little man gets to where he needs to go!" she grabs Arpil's arm and pulls her along.
April protests loudly "Wait! Miss March! I really don't think this is a good idea!"
Ngihtmare plans to follow her but one of the man gets in the way. he smiles andit doesn't feel good. it feels dangerous. He knows those type of faces. He used to see them daily. Ngihtmare feels his fight or flight response start to appear as he glances around.
The man speaks ina soft and quiet voice "Hey there. I know this is very scary but we have somewhere very important to be okay? We need to be quick. come now."
Nightmare shakes his skull as he glances around. Panic in his soul and magic. Where is Dusty? Or Crossy? Kills? 'Ror? where are his four? One is always near?
Unless these man knew... unless there are more people and some of them are distracting them!
THe man grabs his arm and pulls him along. Nightmare is once again reminded that he is weak. Weak and powerless and useless as he can't even defend himself!
The leave the building and a van is parked nearby. More panic as he is pushed in and the door clsoes.
Cross feels numb as he watches Killer tear the two ladies a new one "What the fuck you mean you let strangers take him!?"
Miss March, the personal assistant of the owner of this whole fucking thing looks insulted "Well! I will have you know that I tried to stop it but that April, the naive idiot girl, decided to trust strangers!"
Said girl, woman honestly even if she is still young sits on a chair in tears. She had been the one to call them in a panic. April looks up wiht a glare and read eyes from crying "I told you not to trust them! I told you not to let them take him but you pulled me away and when i got back to where he was before he wasn't there and and and-" she sobs as she hugs herself, she stares at them begging "I am sorry. I swear i tried! I tried to stay wiht him but Miss march she-"
March hisses at her "shut up you stupid dimwit!"
Killer is seething as he glares at March "Where. is. our. child!?"
MArch stammers and tries to explain that some man came in about some emergency. Killer growls "so instead of verifying that they were speaking the truth you just trust the first person to walk in and way a piece of paper around?"
Cross stares at April. he still can't feel anything. just dread. He walks to her side and stares at her "What did they look like?"
April blinks as she looks at Cross with tears in her eyes. Cross just doesn't care. He needs to find him. Now. a glance shows that Horror and Dsut are talking with police man. Dust is beside himself and keeps trying to pull his hood further over his skull. clearly nearing an actual breakdown.
Cross can fix this. He just needs to get Nightmare back.
April sobs as she rubs her eyes. She thinks for a moment before giving an as detailed description as possible.
Arpil frowns as she pauses "there... there was this symbol on the paper. Wait. let me draw it." she opens her folder and grabs a bright blue glitter pen and starts drawing it. Cross knows a police officer joined him and is taking notes himself.
She shows the symbol "It looks likes this. Some werid snake around a sword. It looked a bit like the medical symbol and stuff but it doesn't quite like it." she frowns.
The police man frowns and starts to talk about this gang named the Viper and how they kidnap children. often political reasons.
Cross however already checked out as he starts thinking. the speed limit is about 30 kilometres an hour in these type of areas. This happened not longer than 20 minutes ago.
If they were pushing their luck and driving hard they couldn't have driven harder than 50 an hour. which means they are at this point about at maximum about 15 to 20 kilometres away.
If they are already known with the police? They won't risk being out long. They know when Cross and the others would be away because they were held up getting food and snacks. Meaning it was planned. Meaning they knew that they would immediantly get the news out.
Cross hums and glances towards the door. They are hiding somewhere nearby. They can't risk being in a car and being searched. This universe has cops that actually care and want to help people. If they are already on their shitlist?
a circle of 25 kilometres. That is what Cross thinks they should be within for now until they will feel brave to search for a spot to... to... do whatever they had planned for Nightmare.
Cross slowly backs away from the othrs. He mutters to Horror that he is going to catch some air. Horror shoots him a worried look but Dust is actively shaking and tears are leaving his sockets so Horror is quick to try and calm him.
Cross feels the air grow more and more static. he steps out of the building and glances up. Very dark clouds, black and purple and some flashes of lightning.
Cross looks around the area around the building. police cars are everywhere but none of them notice Cross. Cross looks at his own arm and can only see himself because he knows what to look for. a slight difference in depth compared to the area around him. His camouflage his active.
He will need that.
He glances around againa nd finds the cops looking at tire tracks. he gets near and studies them.
He hates what his universe made him. He hates what XGaster has made him. BUt... Cross can admit... It has its benefits. He memorises the pattern of the track in the dirt and considers how deep the track is. Yeah. Somekind of van. A small one but heavy. So probably a two seater and the loading area in the back. Most likely no windows or Nightmare could have waved to get someones attention.
Cross has an area. And a general idea on what to look for.
Time. To. Hunt.
Something smashes into pieces and Nightmare shakes as he keeps hiding his skull wiht his arms. Not able to ban out the voices.
"What do you mean you don't know who to contact?!"
another shouting voice "It means I don't know! We have had no one react to our messages and codes about him! Our hackers didn't find anything on those four! No schooling. No past lives. No past adresses. Nothing!"
the first voice "Of course not! One of them was tugged away from eye sight to even get that child! Find out who he was with and we know who will pay raw gold to get that little freak back!"
Ngihtmare shivers at that word. He isn't a freak... he isn't... Crossy always says he is special and perfect. that means he isn't a freak.
another voice "What if this was all a waste?"
the first voice "Then we find some other weird fucker that wants a monster child. There is always some sick fuck that likes toys like that."
Ngihtamre is shaking. he wants his dads. He wants to cuddle with his dad and eat food with his dad and watch tv and...
He sobs.
A loud groan "And of course that stupid thing is a whining crybaby and it won't shut up!"
a new voice. much more worried "euh... guys? Remember those clouds i was talking about?"
more groans and the tired voice of before answers "Dude. not now. we are having a crisis here."
THe newest guy continues "No you don't get it... the clouds? Those are completely black... there is no sunlight coming through."
silence before rushing steps and more curses and awed noises.
a moment of silence for another person speaks up "The radios are out...so is the phone service and well... any service..."
A flash and immediatnly loud thunder. Nightmare isn't afraid however... as that was Dusty's storm. He can feel it. the familiar static and magic that circles and seems to hug him. If Dusty's storm has already found him... That must mean Dust is close right? Or that dust now knows his location right?
Nightmare isn't sure how they are getting more powers. but they are so cool...
more sounds of annoyance and grumbles as the humans all take seats. grumbles about how they can't keep looking for a buyer now and that they will be forced to wait or risk being seen.
Nightmare looks around his small cage. he is stuck in somekind of animal cage in a dark room without any window. but he still feels and hears the lightning and thunder. he knows the flashes happen as he feels his own magic notice them. the immediant thunder after it.
They are right in the middle with the lightning right above them.
another crack and flash and suddenly loud shouts as the light under the door turns off. Seems like everything is broken now.
Loud annoyances and grumbles as they wlak around. shouting at each other. Nightmare rolls back up and waits.
He just... he just has to have faith! They found him once... surely they can find him again right? Surely... they want him still right?
Cross runs through the forest. letting the static in the air guide him as he follows the tracks. Cross isnt'sure if the storm is leading him or if he is leading the storm at this point.
It doesn't matter.
The effect is the same.
Dust's storm and him move togehter. the lightning and static move in unison with Cross as he rushes through the forest. Everything grows quiet and still around him as he moves. unseen and more one with the world around him than seperate at this point.
It doesn't matter.
Because he found it.
He spots the van first and sees the house it is parked by after. He watches for a moment and the bright purple magic flashes quickly and loudly. flash after flash after flash.
It should be bothersome to him.
It isn't.
Cross moves silently as he reaches the van first. he pulls the door open with one harsh tug and takes the actual backdoor with the tug. he drops it to the ground and looks into the van. Nobody but there are small marks of someone having clawed as the floor.
Cross moves silently and smoothly into the van and studies the marks. He knows those marks. Nightmare tends to try and push Killer away and if they don't help him clip his claws before they get too long Nightmare tends to accidentally scratch Killer.
The scratches are never deep and never take longer than a few minutes to heal. Nightmare still feels bad about it even if Killer doesnt even feel it.
Cross follows the marks with one of his own fingers. He was right.
Cross leaves the van just as quietly as he entered it and walks towards the door. Not marching. More like gliding. Silent. Smooth. Quickly.
He gets to the door and pusehs his knife in between the side and the door. One quick push and the lock breaks and the door swings open. THe hallway is dark.
He hears movement deeper in the building.
Cross moves silent as a shadow. leaving no trail or tracks in his wake.
he moves through the hall and leaves the door open. purple flashes behind him and Cross can't help but notice that his shadow looks weird. almost as if his shadow itself is melting into the other shadows and stuff... weird...
He follows the hall and gets to the living room. He just pushes the door open and sees about seven humans all looking around trying to locate stuff wiht flashlights. one of the flashlights shines over him and the human screams bloody murder. the others turn and scream and yell themselves. something about a demon.
Cross doesn't care. He is here for two reasons. one. get his baby back. two? Make sure these sorry excuses never get the chance to take their baby away ever again.
Cross stares before rushing one of the humans. he has them by the head and throws them into the wall. the wall cracks and the human drops motionless to the floor. Cross slowly turns to the others.
The raise their weapons but Cros has already jumped another. He pushes the human to the floor and grabs them by the head. he smashes the head against the floor once and hears the tiles break just as the skull caves in on itself and the human goes motionless instantly.
Cross rises back to his full length.
One of the humans shakes as they raise their weapon "fuck... fuck!" and starts firing.
Cross doens't know why he doesn't move. Maybe it is... because he kidna knew. the bullets seem to all, just move through him. as if he isn't all the way there yet is. untouchable until cross wants to touch something.
more panicked cursing as Cross holds out an arm. and his own weapon materialises. he goes for his one large sword and gets to work.
It isn't even a fight.
Cross would think calling this a fight would be an insult to actual fights he had.
play fights and spars with killer are more challenging.
Having a verbal debate with Killer is more challenging! and Killer hardly even gives arguments!
Cross dematerialises his sword and stalks around the house. He doens't hear anymore movement of people walking around.
a soft sob.
Cross is by the storage closet in seconds and pulls the door open.
Cross wants to thank his lucky stars he has night vision because he doesn't even need a flash of lightning to see their baby. Cross is on his knees by the cage in seconds as he pushes a hand through the bars and rubs the tiny cheeks to clean the tears. only for fresh tears to appear and Nightmare to grab his hands.
Nightmare sobs "dad... I was scared."
Cross mutters soft praises and reassurances all at once as he just sits by his baby "it is okay nighty. I am here. I am not going anywhere okay? We will just wait here. Your other dads are on their way okay? we will go home and lay in the nest and read stories. You have been so brave and I am so sorry you had to wait for so long." More tears keep appearing and Cross keeps rubbing them away gently.
Cross will stay right there for as long as they need.
flashing police lights and Cross feels himself growl when his phone buzzes. He opens the chat and sees a message from Killer.
'horror texted me to say he sees a broken open car and the police are nervous. Make sure the police can break nightmare out. Stay near but invisible. I know it sucks but please!!'
Cross doesn't like it but he can already feel himself start to disappear from view. He whispers to Nightmare "I am staying right here with you okay? Some people will walk in and they are police man. They will bring you to Dusty and Horror okay?"
Nightmare sniffs and sobs as he looks desperate at Cross. Seemingly not at all bothered by Cross using his weird invisibility. Nightmare keeps staring at him and sniffs "promise? You won't leave?"
Cross smiles and rubs the tiny cheek "I will stay right here with you. Forever." like fuck anyone is going to get any of them to leave their baby. He is theirs and no one elses. Everyone can gets lost and disappear for all Cross cares. He has what he needs with his new family.
Nightmare nods and sits their shaking. his tiny hands not letting go of Cross's hand and Cross keeps holding both tiny hands wiht one of his as he rubs the tiny cheek with his other. The discomfort of how he needs to wiggle his way through the bars not even fully registering as he waits.
Loud shouts of police and slow steps. dead silence as they find the slaughter that Cross left behind. more rushed steps and a panicked voice "Kid?! Kid please be okay! Yell out! We are here to help! please we are worried and your dads are worried too!"
Nightmare sobs and looks at the door. He can't seem to find words and just whines. The sound feels like a shot right through Cross's soul as he keeps holding the tiny hands.
Rushed steps and someone with lights and red and blue reflectives steps in. The officer sighs in relieve "oh thank the heavens you are okay." he takes a step closer but Nightmare obviously flinches and tugs himself in a corner. more sobs and shaking leaves him.
Nightmare mutters sound so loud in the silent room "want dad... dad... where is dad?" more sobbing and his breathing comes out in short pants. slight panic starts to appear on his face.
The officer takes out his walkie talkie "Get one of those skeletons in here..." a moment of silence "I don't care! Lead them in then to make sure they don't touch anything! This child just went through actual hell and deserves someone he can trust." after which he raises both hands. making it clear he isn't hiding anything.
It doesn't help as Ngihtmare keeps breathing quicker and more whines. Cross tries to reassure him but it only helps so much. Cross has no doubt the cage isn't helping either but that would mean that cross would have to open the cage and the other would see that and Cross doubts even Killer can lie their way out fo that one and-
Running steps and a moment later Dust pushes past the officer. He stands frozen before he throws himself at the cage and just rips it open. He has Ngihtmare in his arms wihtin seconds and just. stays rolled up on the floor. shaking.
Cross sees the Nightmare immediantly starts breathing easier as he pushes clsoe to dust. more sobs "dad... .dad... i was scared"
Dust mutters soft apologises and love messages to Nightmare. How he is sorry he wasn't there. and that he swears he will be better and that he and the others all love him so much and that they were terrified and that they won't let anyone hurt him and how much they love him.
Cross just hugs the two for a moment. using his invisibility to give them some comfort. Dust leans into the touch and mutters a thanks for saving him.
the police officer reassurace him it is just their job but Cross knows Dust had aimed it at him.
It makes him feel warm inside. knowing he did soemthing to save their baby. to protect his family. warm and loved.
Cross follows Dust and the police officer out as Dust staggers outside. Still hugging Nightmare close and clearly trying to hide him from the world.
Once outside Horror steps over and easily lifts Dust and Nightmare. Hiding both in his arms as he mutters his own apologises to Nightmare and how scared they had been.
Cross can't help but notice that the sky is no longer thundering and while still cloudy and dark all the lightning had disappeared.
Cross then feels his phone buzz again and he checks the message. it is killer. sending him a message that as soon as he can he needs to reunite with him in the police car he is riding with. Make sure to be sneaky.
Cross watches his two mates not mates mates friends fush over nightmare as the police people get to work.
Cross leaves the scene of the crime and follows the road to reunite wiht killer.
He sees a few other cop cars making their way over to the location and eaisly enough spots Killer in one. Killer stares outside and Cross manages to land silently on the car roof.
As Killer ordered Cross manages to wiggle his way into the moving cop car. Killer nudges him in the side and Cross feels his camouflage finally disappear, as it disappears he feels the exhaustian start to creep up.
Killer grins at the humans in front "Again thank you for giving us both a ride!"
The police man blinks confused but as he looks up he stares at both Cross and killer. Killer keeps smiling and the police man ends up nodding "Well... of course! Heavens knows that I would be beside myself if I lost my little girl. My daughter is my whole world and if anything happened to her..." he shakes his head "of course we would all try to reunite you four with your boy as soon as possible!"
Killer continues talking to the human. Cross zones out as he suddenly feels so very tired...
For now? None of it matters to Cross. Let Killer figure out how to manipulate and lie to the humans.
Cross feels tired and just wants to see their mate with thier child. Safely reunite with their other mate.
Nothing else matters right now.
Cross still remains vigilant. He can rest later... Once they are home again. Once they are all safe again.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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goosefries · 1 year
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joshua you will be famous forever
(AU explanation under the cut)
graham folger and joshua gillespie were friends since before everything happened, so after MAG2 joshua calls graham and tells him what happened. they both try to find out information about the supernatural to figure out what exactly was going on with the coffin, and consequently end up in a few statements¹. graham starts being hunted by the not!them (and decidedly doesn't tell joshua about it), and after a while joshua ends up deciding it is Probably Not The Best Idea to be actively searching for things that want to kill them, so they drop it for a few years.
then MAG3 happens but since graham had already known that supernatural stuff was real from joshua, he tries to call him but accidently calls oliver banks (who had broken up with him a little less than a year ago, and had started seeing the dreams² at this point/working at the magic shop). oliver declines going to graham's to try and help him with the not!them, but eventually ends up going anyway later out of fear of not being able to do anything about another death.
in the meantime, graham writes the "keep watching" notebooks after realizing that amy patel's stalking keeps the not!them away. joshua finally comes over and convinces graham to talk to amy about the not!them. she agrees to keep an eye on graham more often, and graham gets some better goddamn lights in his flat³.
oliver arrives and confesses that he's also been experiencing the supernatural through his dreams, and the four of them form the "Spooky-Solvers" (name coined by oliver while joking about ghostbusters).
shenanigans ensue
1. im writing a fanfic (edit: too busy right now might pick that idea up in the future) in TMA transcript format and WILL be making fanart for it. joshua content forever
2. graham and oliver's relationship is all messed up timeline-wise, so i pushed back oliver's stuff by a few years. they broke up in 2003, and he started having his dreams early 2005.
3. lights don't break, graham lives!!!!!! :3
bonus: i draw joshua with The Lonely mist because i am a big advocate of the headcanon that the "Mr. Gillespie was the only person living in that entire building, other seven flats being utterly vacant." was because it was one of Peter Lukas' lonely apartments. forever funny to me
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wickedcriminal · 8 months
Hello, WickedCriminal I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your treasure your Half brothers: au seeing my favorite childhood dragon hero books and Film incarnations together as siblings warms my heart so much!
I sent a previous message already asking a question about if Merciless the book version of the green death and the first villain that little Hiccup defeats. Is he still canon cause he should have shown up in the first Flim as well…as the big threat that gets little Hiccup and Toothless recognized as heroes…
So how is he incorporated into the half brothers alternate universe? Does he still even exist and what is his role…does he still wash ashore to Berk? Does he still fight the young Vikings the movie cast and the book trainees? Does he still die to little hiccup?
AAAA Thank you so much!! It makes me so happy to see you love this au!!
I did see your first ask, sorry I didn't get to it quick enough. Merciless is still in the au, don't worry! The Red Death and the Green Death are both different dragons, and are both Elder and Younger's Big Moment to Shine respectively. As far as the Half Brothers AU timeline goes, the movie happens before the book, so Elder defeats the Red Death first, and Younger defeats the Green Death a few weeks to a month later, while the dragon flock is settling in on Berk! (DreamWorks wise, this would mean it happens during the 'Riders of Berk' era.)
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I did it this way because I thought putting both Death dragons into the first movie might cram it a little. So in this instance, Elder kills the Red Death to allow the dragon flock the freedom to make peace with humans and live on Berk. The Green Death would arrive a little while afterward, feeling irritated by this union and hoping to mess things up a little!
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Younger defeats him with the help of the other Hooligan kids, as well as the Meathead kids, who had arrived for Thor'sday Thursday. (Elder and the Dragon Riders don't do much because this fight is Minicup's time to shine.)
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Interlude Chapter (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
A/N: Ummmmmm ok so this is thanks to @lynaye1993! lol I had this half written and then her comment on chapter 7 encouraged me to finish it. Timeline wise, this fits between chapter 6 and chapter 7 so you should read 6 first. This is really just smut lol
Warnings: NSWF. Some mentions to history with abuse - nothing super explicit but definitely touches on abuse as it relates to sex. But then it's just a lot of sex talk and smut.
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Charlotte’s giggles filled her apartment as she and Michael lounged on the floor by her couch, using their spoons to fight for a scoop of cookie dough ice cream. The carton was full as they ate directly from it but they each just wanted the biggest chunks for themselves. 
“I think the counter is my favorite spot,” Charlotte offered, continuing their conversation as Michael wrapped his arm around her, holding her flush to his chest. 
Their limbs were a tangled mess as they relaxed, sequestered from the world in Charlotte’s apartment. She was scantily clad in nothing but a lingerie set she had bought for Michael, while he was in nothing but his boxers. 
Since they started having sex the week prior, Charlotte was trying to think of ways to push herself out of her comfort zone where sex was concerned. The lingerie was, admittedly, a small step to some but huge for a woman who never saw herself as sexy. But when she opened the door for Michael in that outfit, any insecurities she had melted away with one look. He had looked like he wanted to completely ravish her… and he did.
“Yea, definitely gonna have you bent over that a few more times tonight,” he remarked, kissing the dip in her shoulder as he recalled when he fucked her from behind in her kitchen 20 minutes earlier. 
He hoped their ice cream break was merely an energy refuel though he could tell she was content laying there with him. And so was he. 
“Has fucking from the back always been your favorite?”
Michael raised an eyebrow, shocked that she picked up on that. It was true but they did not really talk about sex, their fantasies, likes, dislikes. She always skirted around the topic and he never wanted to push. He knew it was a big step just to be intimate with someone again. But he knew one day, her comfort with him and the topic would increase. 
“How’d you figure that?” 
She shrugged, her head lulling back, Michael stroking her loose curls as her eyes looked to the ceiling. 
“I dunno. It just seems like you really get into it. You’re a bit more aggressive, the strokes are faster and rougher. It just feels like you get lost in it in a different way?” 
His honey bee was certainly perceptive. However, hearing her words, aggressive and rough, hung in his ears. Her tone was one of curiosity, not a hint of anger or fear in them as she said it. But still, he had to ask. “Does that hurt or bother you?” 
She smiled at his thoughtfulness, the protective aura that surrounded her immediately. “No, no. I would’ve said so if it did. I like it… which kinda surprises me, I guess. It’s just an observation.” 
He nodded. “Yea I guess it’s my favorite. Though I prefer positions that let me look at you while you cum. I like to see your face when I fuck you.” Charlotte could not help but blush at his words. “I think I know what your favorite thing is,” he kissed her neck softly. 
She rolled her eyes at his cockiness and turned to look at him, a nonverbal challenge in her eyes to see if he truly knew the answer. “Oh yea?” 
“My head between your legs.” 
This nigga, she thought to herself. He did not tell a single lie. His mouth… his skills? Otherworldly. However, their banter would not allow her to admit he was right.
“I think you want it to be my favorite so you can do it more,” she teased. She did love it but she still did not have the courage to request it. It was a mental block more than anything so Michael took it upon himself every time they had sex to please her orally. Another thing she knew she needed to work on, communicating what she wanted in the bedroom. 
“You might be right about that. I still can’t believe I was the first guy to get a taste of you. I feel special, not gon lie. But that’s insane to me. How’s it possible that a nigga is near you and don’t want a taste?” 
She merely shrugged. She had not really thought much about how odd it was. It had just always been her reality. It would be less odd if she was a virgin, she supposed. But since she had sex before, she could see why it seemed insane to him and her friends. Jazz was clear that she did not let a nigga fuck who wasn’t willing to give her what she needed first. Charlotte wished she had that confidence, that self-assured attitude and ownership of your individual pleasure. Charlotte wanted to be that. But she worried it was too late, her current state too hard to cleave from. 
“I’ve only had sex with two guys, including you. And you are just the first guy to actually care if I got anything out of the experience. You know, if it was fun and pleasurable for me. I imagine there’s a lot of shit I haven’t done yet.”
“You were with him for years and he never cared if you enjoyed it?” 
She turned over to face him, shifting so she was sitting on his lap instead of between her legs. There was something about wanting to look in his eyes when she told him things about her past. It somehow made it both easier and harder at the same time. Something in his eyes made vulnerability easier but she could not deny she was still afraid the next bit of information would send him running. She provided a slow trickle of information, tidbits here or there for him to put the distressing puzzle together himself. But nothing had made him run for the hills just yet, so she had to trust that this would not either.
“Sex with him… wasn’t like what it is between the two of us. It wasn’t intimate o-or fun or playful. I w-was just a body and he did what he liked, when he liked, with little regard for me, the word ‘no’ and whether it was what I wanted too.” She paused. “It took a lot of therapy for me to realize that, for him, sex was just about reminding me that I was powerless and he wasn’t.”
She noticed how rage flickered across his face at her carefully chosen words, the implication in them even though she did not explicitly say it. The lack of consent, the lack of care for her body and her needs. She wondered if she should have told him before they had sex the first time, about how much of her sexual history was tied to violence and abuse. But she did not want him to treat her with gloves like she was a fragile thing or no longer be sexually attracted to her. But she also knew, as her best friend and sister in law told her, sex was about communication too. And their sex life could not flourish without it. 
“Before you, I didn’t know it could be like this? Didn’t know it could make me feel this good or alive.” She took a deep breath before adding, a secret only her closest friends just found out. “I didn’t even know I could orgasm till you.” 
Everything she said broke his heart. He knew she did not want a response to the earlier revelations because she would take it as pity or sympathy and she never wanted that. She never wanted him to feel sorry for her. But he was sorry, sorry that she spent so much time in the arms of a boy who treated her so cruelly. He had guessed that their sex life was not great but he had not expected this. The only thing he could reasonably comment on, that also didn’t showcase the true extent of his unholy, burning rage at her ex, was her last statement. 
“Wait. Our first time was the first time you’ve had an orgasm? In your life?” 
She covered her face immediately, which he gently used one of his hands to pry away so he could look at her. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s embarrassing to be this old and have never done all this shit. I probably am the most inexperienced woman you’ve ever been with.”
“It’s not embarrassing, Els. You got plenty of time to have every experience you’ve ever wanted to have. You wanna try something new, name it and we’ll do it. I don’t give a fuck about your experience. No one else compares to you for me. And as we add to your list of firsts, it’ll only get better.” 
She nodded, kissing him softly. 
“J-just now that you know… don’t hold back with me o-or treat me like a fragile flower. I know his actions aren’t yours. A-and when I’m with you, I don’t want you to be restrained… I want you to be you and I want all of you every single time.” 
“As long as you promise to say so if you don’t like something in the moment. I don’t ever want to hurt or trigger you and you not tell me.” 
The conversation settled, the pair continuing their ice cream binge when Michael spoke up again, one shocking fact still bouncing in his mind. 
“Ok seriously tho, that can’t be your first orgasm. First one with someone, sure. But what about when you… you know, play with yourself?” 
Charlotte’s nose wrinkled up as she shook her head. She tried once or twice a long time ago but whether it be her insecurities or other mental blocks, she just could not get herself there. 
“I don’t… really do that. I mean, I’ve tried but I j-just can’t really get into it.” 
“What do you do to take the edge off?” 
She shrugged, “Add an extra mile to my run.” He immediately doubled over in laughter, her response was a ‘Charlotte response’ to a t if he had ever heard one. “Don’t laugh at me,” she chuckled. “I dunno. It felt weird to do it when I was with someone and when I was single, I just didn’t have much of an interest until I met you. A-and I dunno, by then it felt like I'd miss the self exploration boat. Running and a cold shower worked just fine. Unpleasant but effective.” 
He didn’t respond, the wheels in his mind already turning as his fingers caressed her stomach. They rolled over one large scar she had before continuing up to her the swell of her breasts, Charlotte moaning lightly at the touch. 
Michael patted her thigh, signaling for her to get up for a second. He took their ice cream and slipped it in the freezer and their dirty dishes into the sink before taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. 
Charlotte followed without a word, lust already coursing through her. For just having rediscovered her libido, it had certainly skyrocketed.
“Strip for me and lay on the bed, baby.” 
Charlotte made quick work of discarding what little clothes she had on before settling on her bed. She could feel the laser focus of his eyes on her ass as she got onto the bed and got comfortable. She expected him to climb between her legs as he always did. But instead, he sat there and watched her for a moment before giving her the next instruction. 
“Close your eyes. You trust me?” 
She nodded as she closed her eyes. She felt  the dip in the bed from his body weight, felt him hover over her as he braced himself above her. His breath tickled her skin as he kissed the sensitive spot on her neck, Charlotte craning her head to give him more room. He sucked on her ear before whispering to her. 
“Play with yourself.” 
Charlotte’s eyes flew open in surprise. Whatever she thought he was going to say, it was most certainly not that. “B-Babe. I just told you I can’t do that… especially not with you here.” 
“Relax… just try it. I’m gonna help you, don’t worry. Just close your eyes, concentrate on my hands, and when you’re ready, touch yourself. Part of me pleasing you is you knowing what you like. And this is one way for you to figure out what you like.” He started a trail of kisses down from her neck to her chest. “Just relax and lean into it. It’s not a trial,” he laughed. “Have fun. If nothing happens, it’s just me here and I’ll happily take over,” he reminded her. 
Fun… she thought to herself. That’s what this was supposed to be. She nodded and leaned back, her eyes lulling closed as she felt Michael’s hands all over her. 
Her hands drifted down to her center, her first touch against her clit was tentative but she could not deny the shivers it sent through her. She let out a breathy moan before doing it again. 
“That’s it, baby,” Michael whispered in his ear, his hands stimulating every part of her he could reach. It was torture to not give in to his own desires. He’d much rather it be his fingers or his tongue creating those breathy moans he loved so much but there was something uniquely intimate about watching her pleasure herself. This moment was about her. This was her stage and he was a mere spectator to her art. 
“How does it feel, baby?” He asked before he captured one of her nipples in his mouth. His tongue rolled and sucked on it as she rubbed small circles on her clit. She focused on how every stroke felt, adding pressure as she could feel her pleasure building. But not just her own touches, she also tried to focus on his, the spots she liked the most, the things that did not send those sparks to her center. 
“F-feels… a-amazing,” she moaned, her mind in a whole other world as she felt his hands all over her. She found it difficult to focus on the task at hand as she almost felt overstimulated. She wanted to savor the feeling of his calloused hands gripping her ass, the soft nips to her breasts, the massages to her inner thighs. He licked, touched, and sucked every pleasure point that was not her core, leaving her promised land and mountain peak for her to find.
“You are so sexy… I wish you could see how fuckin’ sexy you look touching yourself. I love watching you… love the faces you make, the sounds you make.” 
Michael’s praise and adoration only spurred her on. He wanted her to go slow, take her time but she was in a frenzy, a fog of pleasure and need that she desperately wanted to release. 
“What’re you thinking about, baby?” He asked quietly. 
She opened her eyes to look at him, his eyes clouded with lust and desire. She knew exactly what she was thinking of. 
“You,” she answered simply. “H-How I love the w-way y-you fuck me. H-how…” her words were broken up by a loud moan as he bit the inside of her thigh softly. “H-H-How I-I need you inside me.” 
Michael’s lips curled up into a soft smile as he continued his work. He watched as hers increased, her hips rolling slightly from the pleasure she provided herself. 
“And you will, baby. Make yourself cum and I’ll fuck you as long as you want, however you want.” 
Charlotte could’ve sobbed at the promise of him filling her, it only spurred her on more. This was cloud 9 but nothing compared to his touch, his curved member hitting her g-spot with every stroke. That was nothing short of nirvana. 
Michael felt himself grow hard as he listened to her symphony of moans and groans. It was true music to his ears, he loved every sound she made. If this could be the soundtrack to his life, he would consider himself blessed. 
“I-I’m c-close,” she moaned. She could not even hear the praise Michael showered her. She was too enthralled in her self-pleasure, too wrapped up in the feeling her fingers provided. Her actions turned feverish as she hit the crescendo of her pleasure, her entire body seizing slightly, toes curled and a breathless scream escaped her. 
Michael continued touching her, kissing her and whispering sweet nothings to her as she came and settled down. Her hips jolted slightly as he accidentally brushed against her clit, her body too sensitive from her orgasm. 
“That’s my girl. Cum for me, Els. You’re so fuckin’ beautiful when you cum.” 
By the time she could register his voice again, one hand was pressed into her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Michael rolled off of her, deciding to give her a moment to calm down even as his only wish was to fuck her senseless. 
“W-when did it c-cross your mind to do that?” She whispered, her voice slightly hoarse from all their late night activities. 
He laughed, rubbing her inner thigh, which made her flinch away from him slightly, still overwhelmed from her orgasm. 
“The moment you said you don’t touch yourself.”
“Got anymore thoughts like that running around up there?” She asked jokingly. 
“Oh if I did everything that crossed my mind to you,” his fingers dipped into her core, her hips lifting off the bed to meet his strokes before he took them out and sucked her juices off his finger. “We’d never leave the bedroom, baby girl.” 
Her hand ran through her hair as she glanced at him and she laughed lightly. “I don’t hate the sound of that. But that was certainly one way to get me out of my comfort zone.” 
“And for you to start taking control,” Michael revealed his ulterior motive. Don’t mistake him, he knew it would be erotic and sexy as fuck to see her pleasure herself. But he also hoped it would give her some ideas on what she liked, what she didn’t, and help her become more comfortable. “You aren’t a body for me to use, Els. It’s not all about me. Your pleasure is just as important. I’ll make you cum every chance I have but don’t be afraid to demand what you want either. Got it?” 
She nodded. “Thank you. You’re gonna have collected all my firsts by the time you’re done with me,” she joked. 
“I don’t think I’ll be done with you anytime soon. Tryin’ to be the first and the last, baby girl.” His lips met hers, a hungry kiss passing through both of them. One that renewed the beast of desire in Charlotte’s belly. 
She used her strength to flip Michael over onto his back, smirking at the surprised look on his face as she did exactly what he encouraged: she took control. 
She slid down on his dick, savoring the moan that escaped his lips as she pulsed around him. Michael kept his hands on her hips but allowed her to control her pace. Tonight was all about her. 
Tag list: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! Drop a comment and let me know what you though :)
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paintingchimera · 2 months
Alright so I was going to make something of my two ocs Aino and Kari but dead ass, I don’t have motivation to draw them fully so I’m gonna ramble about how old they are and the timeline they were born:
Kari is the youngest being 10, he was born June 6th 504, Hes more quiet and reserved but he’s smart, not crazy smart but talented in things related in history. He has a few history related books but that’s about it, he’s also a bit of a cry baby but that’s okay.
Aino is older than Kari, I’m not sure what year to make her been born as I don’t know when falin left to the magical academy [date wise] I know it was a year after laios left, I’d think that Aino was most likely born unexpectedly at the end of the year like December-February, maybe even a cryptic pregnancy with her. Meaning she was born in just the ending of 501 or 502
I’d imagine that after having Aino Ms touden was really sick, but they decided to have a kid 3 years later so Aino wouldn’t be lonely since from falin’s letters laios and Falin were close. Then that’s how Kari was born, [again this is based on my own life etc, not exactly accurate but very loosely based.] Aino I can imagine took more interest in hunting [based on me taking a interest to something my father loved aka video games]
Mr touden I could imagine was more open to teaching Aino how to hunt and different myths such as nussa and anowtid [? Idk how to spell its name] but I also wanna add onto ‘Aino and Kari don’t know about laios and Falin’, it’s not that they don’t know who they are, they’re aware they are their older siblings. As to laios and Falin knowing about Kari and Aino, probably not. Idk if their parents send falin letters back, if they do then maybe aware of their existence but it’s a mutual disinterest in each other.
Aino would go explore the world and stuff, learning different techniques of hunting in different cultures but she wants to wait until she’s older or when her parents have offical passed. And she doesn’t want to leave Kari alone, Aino is the classic mean older sibling trope with Kari. Often teases him for being a cry baby, weak etc. but she does love him, and makes sure he knows that with giving him rocks she finds
Again I know people will find these two cringe but i don’t care, Aino and Kari don’t infringe on the main story and aren’t canon. I say sibling ocs are alright unless they mess up the main story, if they’re clearly just a side character then it’s okay. 😋👍
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
the dirk and calliope rigid gender enforcement playing into the meat/candy timelines too and how each of them chooses to wield their power over the narrative.
GRINSSS i havent read the epilogues so i found the link on callie's wiki to where she was talking about gender.
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ok first thing before i forget. calliope giving up her gender
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this is the first description of calliope given. peep the language. as soon as the story tears her trans feminine identity away from her (fuck the epilogues), to add insult to injury it.. gesturing vaguely. like you understand how this is demeaning. he sounds like a fucking terf.
thereafter, she goes on to give a weak explanation of how she chose the "opposite" of caliborn's gender cause she felt like she had to.
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like everything else she read from that ath~ book, that text was nooottt credible. most of her theories proved to be false in some regard, and she had some pretty conservative viewings of gender. a girl can be a cool green alien with a complicated relationship with gender come on now.
back to dirk, his adoption of the narrative and like u said, how he wields his Power can be seen manifesting a few ways in this moment. not that i mean that he's doing it consciously but more, this is what it means story wise to have a toxicly masculine and transphobic guy be in charge. i sure as hell don't think this was intentional on the writers part to frame it this way. its like a dehumanizing power move to take his. rival? 's alt self's gender. the way he says "so yeah im gonna allow it. carry on" got me sooo mad.
ive said this before but i interpret specifically official post canon's narrative controlling dirk as a wayyyy in denial trans girl. i have never felt more vindicated reading that mess of a cope up there. "carry on" dirk lol.
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hell-drabbles · 3 months
Embittered Companion idea
While Ra-On is Solomon's descendant
Companion is God
Hear me out
God left Heaven after Solomon's death and either split himself up or reincarnated
So while in current timeline Ra-On represents Solomon
Companion represents God or at least a fragment or incarnation of him
Which is why Companion's angelification goes horribly wrong and why angels are so taken to Companion
I had this idea a while ago and thought it would be funny to play with
Especially since PB might go under so I wanna write my own lore
I know PB isn't ever gonna do this
But I enjoy the idea that later in game rather then Ra-On being both the demons and angels object of affection and the solution to everything
Ra-On meets someone or someone he knows (Minhyeok) who is the incarnation/fragment of God and thus this is what stops the whole war
PB won't ever do that though since Ra-On has to be the horny main focus in everything
Dante Anon
Strap yourself in, tis a long one!
In the end, the main focus is just to be horny, and I'm honestly okay with it that if it weren't for the narrative trying to be super uber serious. It wants to be comedic, but it always wants to try and do gut wrenching emotion, but you can't do that when the MC has barely known these devils for more than a month at most.
Would've done the horny aspect justice if the writers just leaned in hard on the comedy and basically have it be a dark humor comedy from start to finish. Angels slaughtering devils and suddenly there's a holiday and the devils and angels are celebrating and fucking one another.
Hmm? Oh yeah, I know this angel killed my brother but we patched him up fine! Besides, I wanted to see what he tastes like, don't ruin it for me.
In that dark comedy version, I probably would've had it where the war was only started for the sake of a promise. Solomon made the devils and angels promise to spoil their descendants rotten, so the angels and devils come together to craft this bitch huge scenario that's basically, "angel/devil war, descendants come and stop the war, huuuuge celebration!" the whole war was crafted to make the descendants feel special and they're pretty upfront about it too. "Yeah we know you humans like to feel really special, so you get to stop a whole war!" That kind of thing.
You know, that kind of humor.
Anyways, let's seeeee, how would I go about an AU where the Companion is somehow connected to God.
I'll go with the fragmentation portion and say that the Companion has that in them. An insignificant fragment that subconsciously always seeks out Solomon no matter where they are.
Both Ra-on and the Companion are in the realm of "special," but the difference between them is that, narrative wise, Ra-on is eventually going to lose what makes him special, as in Solomon is finally going to rest. Ra-on's special status is highly situational, only awakening as soon as he was in Hell or near an angel. And as for the Companion, well...
I would imagine that having a fragment of God in you is going to mess with you from birth until death. The Companion has always heard low whispers, prayers that sometimes spike in volume depending if a tragedy or a violent storm happened. Suffering from both visual and auditory hallucinations. They avoid churches like the plague because the whispering always gets louder near those places, and they constantly have an umbrella over their head because the clouds simply bother them.
I'd like to imagine that the fragment the Companion got ended up containing all of God's grief inside of it. Grief, regrets, all those things. Sleeping becomes an incredibly hard thing for them, because if they don't take their sleep medication, they always wake up feeling like someone else. For just a few minutes, the Companion doesn't remember their name. All they remember is someone named Solomon. And then they forget just a few moments later.
Minhyeok is such a sweetheart and you know he helps the Companion through those rough episodes when the prayers become too much, or when they're too enraged and need to let off some steam. Rage and bitterness, the Companion has a lot of it, but that's just the usual. And Ra-on... well, he used to help, but he's retreated into that shell of his.
Nothing really changes when Gabriel comes barging in and killing Minhyeok. If anything, the Companion was even more enraged so not only do they clock him in the eyes with glass and plates, they stomp on his nose and broke the damn thing.
So anyways, no the angels don't sense anything in the Companion, they're just a regular human.
Now, as for the angelification process... I would imagine that when they're reborn, Heaven began to shake. Clouds parted, houses crumbled and the sun shined with a ferocity like never before. For a moment, the angels believed that finally, finally their God is returning home to them.
And then everything goes back to normal. There is no God, and now they've got a damaged Heaven to repair. And oh, would you look at that, Gabriel brought home this... abomination. Isn't that the Companion that was with Solomon son? By this point, only Gabriel has a suspicion, everyone else is none the wiser.
The Companion has always had the fear that one day, these prayers would overtake their head and they would be unable to think. Now they're being pelted by hymns, prayers and vicious sermons of devotion as angels slaughter more and more devils. One can only imagine the absolute nightmare existence the Companion is living.
Now, a human looking like this messy Companion is entirely expected. The difference between the Companion and a regular human, though, is that a regular human would usually die within a matter of days. The Companion survives for weeks, months on end. And, in fact, their body is changing. Taking on a new form, adapting even, becoming more and more beautiful in Gabriel's eyes until finally he's one step away from confirming that yes, this is God.
The ability to make an angel.
Now, the Companion only has a fragment of God in them, as such the ability to make something out of nothing is wholly out of their realm of possibility. So, they can't make an angel out of thing air.
They can, however, make an angel out of the many wings they have on their back. The Companion's body is constantly changing, almost violently so. So much so that entire sections of wings fall off and regrow like nothing. And when the first set finally fell, a new angel was born from them.
The Companion can make new angels unconsciously, just by having a set of their own wings fall off.
Alright, I ran out of steam, that's about all that's in my head at the moment. Hope that was fun to read.
Obviously I would want these angels born from the Companions fallen wings to be... different from the average angel. Though I have no clue how to go about it. I really do like the thought though. Sounds like fun.
What kind of angels would you make for the Companion? How do they act, and how do they feel about their existence, about being crafted by a Companion who is... Not completely themselves? I'm really curious.
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Hey! So I wanted to ask something about determination! reader, have the characters of the movies meet Reader? Like for example Uta or Tesoro of film gold?
Anyways I lover You work and I hope to see the part of Roger! ✨
Hello!!! Sorry for getting to your ask so late, I’ve been really tired these past few days lol.
But as for your questions kinda?
I have to retcon y/n meeting Uta as a baby cause it doesn’t match up timeline wise. I assumed Shanks found her just before Roger died but I’m pretty sure I’m wrong about that lol.
But I do want to write a lil something for Uta, she’s a personal favourite of mine and she in my opinion doesn’t get enough attention.
I’d like to make something about y/n meeting her and somehow convincing her of how the wake-shroom is dangerous, maybe by eating it and dying lol. I might even make something later on with the straw hats meeting up with her in Elegia for a reunion for her and Luffy….plus a duet between her, Brook and y/n would be killer. I just want good things for her 😭
As for Tesoro if think something interesting could be that they both met while slaves, but I’m unsure if that timeline wise since y/n was a slave when boa and her sisters were for an undetermined amount of time until Boa was forced to kill them.
Really sad idea for that though is that in that time Tesoro tried his best to help and protect them before they were killed. Maybe they had even met because he could hear them quietly singing to try and comfort Boa and her sisters and it reminded him of Stella :[
That idea is really funny tho when it comes to one piece gold cause he has a panic attack realizing their
A) alive after he assumed they died cause he saw the girls they were with uncontrollably sobbing, now he thinks they had somehow escaped
B) with the straw hats he’s actively trying to kill
C) damn, he needs their skincare routine cause they look like they haven’t aged at all!
Even if this route isn’t the case, i cousl kinda see him doing his whole thing In gold of trying to capture and kill the straw hats but then sees they have this random kid with them that reminds a little too much of Stella and assumes the straw hats kidnapped them and is holding them as some sort of hostage.
Which in turns makes him even more pissed and determined (lol) to kill these damn pirates and save this kid.
If this was the case of scenario of their meeting, y/n opening up about their own time as well as a slave would be really interesting. Especially since in many regards he became like the world novels he hated, taking pleasure in others suffering as well as having insane amounts of wealth to live in luxury while also being hypocritical and hating other wealthy people who act exactly like him.
Tesoro wouldn’t get why y/n looks at him with a sad and also horrified look in their eyes.
Why they seem afraid of him when he had “saved” them.
Another potential movie character I can see as an interesting person for y/n to meet is Z.
Because for a much as Z hates pirates I don’t think he’d be willing to hurt a kid, not when his was killed. So he’s left in a weird impasse of wanting to kill the straw hats but also trying to keep y/n not involved even if he knows they’re also a pirate and their actively joining in on the fights.
Doesn’t help that the marines there to stop him reaallly want y/n too, so he kinda has to deal with Borsalino and making sure that the admiral nor y/n’s crew doesn’t get them.
I’d definitely imagine y/n would get in heated arguments with the dude, especially since they’re not letting someone mess with Roger’s legacy and cause they get his pain (somewhat at least).
They’ve been on the receiving end of cruelty from pirates.
But at the same time marines have done arguably much worse yet uphold the status of justice.
What is justice when they murder all infants on an island due to fear of Roger having a blood child.
What is justice when they wipe out an entire race of people and take their land to make Mary geoise.
What is justice when they make living weapons.
What is justice when marines can kill civilians with only so much as a small punishment by HQ.
What justice is there in tracking down escaped slaves and being lapdogs for celestial dragons.
At least pirates though some are equally terrible don’t proclaim themselves under the hypocrisy of “justice”. Don’t claim to be holy saints when they try and kill someone for the sin of their father being a pirate.
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danieyells · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked for the Taiga lines, thank you so much for sharing!
I did not have much thoughts on Taiga before, other than him being surprisingly chill despite being a lil freaky but omg seeing his max affinity line along with his line on the ditched future.... the angst is unmatched.
You're stuck with him till death do us part? Whether you like it or not? Especially in a time loop situation, imagine that either of them have a high likelihood of dying within the year. One or both of them have tried to fix it, to no avail. Maybe they were a thing in one of the loops but only Taiga (vaguely) remembers it and that would make the max affinity line extra bittersweet because he's only succeeded at freaking out MC in the current timeline lol.
Maybe Taiga was invested in saving (everyone? himself? mc?) before but no matter what he does nothing changes? iirc he was an exemplary student going on a ton of missions to find anomalies, maybe he thought one of the random anomalies out there had something to do with their situation? But at some point between then and now he stopped giving a shit.
Also I find it interesting how the ghouls are constantly destroying anomalies instead of capturing them. It could be that they just don't give 2 fucks but also can't help but wonder if maybe the older ghouls have some kinda truce like don't bring back any anomalies if you can help it, nothing good can happen by giving the academy/institute more info on these things (bc at the very least Leo in the prologue implies the people up top are responsible for whatever messed up situation they were in, and he's the most likely person to uncover a conspiracy with his skillset + Jin and Tohma want to dethrone his dad as director or whatever his position was, possibly also found out smth behind the scenes)
It's all just speculation but god they are so good a pulling me around by the nose with this mystery when I had 0 expectations of this game (I mean, it still kinda sucks gameplay-wise but the story is so good)
Can't wait for new chapter soon, tho rn I am in gacha hell with wuwa, 18trip and gakuenmas.......
Thank you for being patient about them! I love Taiga so much hahaha
Yeah, the potential is there for this to be something big and for Taiga to be heavily involved in it, or at least the person who's most aware of it so far(Jin's "i know this won't last forever" line also kind of carries the implication that he knows but that has many other explanations.) It would probably be more angst-heavy if his memory weren't garbage lmaooooo THEN AGAIN maybe he'll remember you forever now that he loves you as much as he does haha. He definitely didn't remember you before this, or he didn't show any sign of remembering, so if he knew you in another timeline or you were together in another timeline i suspect he forgot, just like with everything.
As for dying, the PC is going to die within the next year if their curse isn't lifted and the prologue shows that someone else dies in the destruction of the school with the pc still alive(so either before the year is up or after the curse is lifted). So they both definitely have the potential to die in that period of time, if nothing is done to change the future. . ."if death do us part" is something Taiga very well might know will happen eventually. In fact, if his stigma actually does allow him to see the future like I'm beginning to suspect, he might know that that's what going to happen. I mean everybody dies eventually but I mean outside of a natural death.
From what Hyde says(I checked both Japanese and English) Taiga used to play more of an active part in the past, so yeah it seems like he's lost some of his enthusiasm. . .although it's very likely he's referring to that Sinostra's on probation and he can't go on missions at all right now, considering just a few months prior he was on a mission and seemed plenty enthusiastic. But as far as operating as captain goes(he's only been captain for around 6 months as of the start of the Sinostra chapter) it seems like he doesn't put any effort in. . .according to Romeo he only cares about anomalies and gambling, but if that were true he wouldn't care to tell you about the spy because he wouldn't even know. (Romeo also says he doesn't go after humans anymore which is. . .not true, so Romeo may just be blissfully unaware since their relationship is so bad these days.)
It'd make sense if this lack of enthusiasm arose from seeing an unfavorable future and thinking it isn't worth it to try at this point. He does say he's been telling someone(likely Romeo) that things will fall apart if they keep going the way they have been but since that person's been uncooperative with making changes he doesn't see a way things will change. . . .so why should he put in work? I assume he can see the future, not travel through it--hence 'ditch this future' he's simply refusing to play any part in impacting it. Even when he jumps from the ledge in the prologue if you choose to save him, he asks what he could have done to change things. I wonder how long he's been trying.
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he doesn't even talk the same was he normally does, so you know it's kinda serious. He would love to know how to prevent this.
As for ghouls destroying anomalies, I think it's a matter of safety in the situation as well as a general lack of powers that can actually capture the anomalies. Most of them have weapons with destructive powers and stigmas that are destructive. But in almost every case capture wasn't much of an option due to safety concerns.
Frostheim had human children present. Jin's stigma only seems to work for a few minutes at best even with the PC buffing him. They didn't have a means to keep the anomaly contained and keep the children safe, not to mention the last living one was about to kill the PC and one of the kids. Like Kaito said, in a situation dealing with monsters it's hard to think to incapacitate and capture them, especially when someone else's life is at stake. To ensure their survival and minimize damage to civilians, the anomalies needed to be killed.
Vagastrom's anomaly was a tulpa and couldn't be captured in the first place. If people kept believing in it it would just reappear elsewhere. People no longer believing in it took it out of existence. No room at all for containment.
Jabberwock. . .well, they know Towa's unstable. Princess Oto severely injured Haru, and Towa wasn't going to let it get away with that. The Kraken and Calamari were allowed to escape because capturing them would do more harm to the ecosystem than good.
Sinostra had to destroy it theirs to prevent the destruction of the casino and prevent harm coming to the general students, Romeo, and the PC. Also Taiga's just a killing machine so--
Hotarubi. . .I kind of think I know what happens with them thanks to spoilers and one of Subaru's voicelines, but I won't spoil it.
If Obscuary doesn't accidentally kill their anomaly because it touches Rui I will be disappointed /joke
I feel like Mortkranken are going to successfully capture their anomaly simply because Yuri wants to run experiments on it. but it does depend on what their Stigmas are. We know that Jiro's chainsaw doesn't actually cut very well(Yuri told him to get them a Christmas tree and he said that his weapon doesn't cut stuff very well) and we also know that Jiro does all of the fighting in Mortkranken, whereas Yuri is ineffective in combat. They have the highest chance of capturing anomalies I think.
so like. I think that ultimately in those situations it was kind of the safest option for everyone present, killing the anomalies. Cornelius acts like 'just capture the anomalies it's easy!' but these are life or death situations. There were so many in Frostheim's case that they had to collapse a building to reduce the risk of them getting back out to the public. On the other hand, Jin probably could have teleported at least one of them back to Darkwick before they collapsed the building or instead of them killing one, but in the heat of the moment that probably doesn't occur to him as an option--also he probably wanted to make sure the pc was okay since he'd never be able to use his stigma again if she died, so going back in there to pull one of them out wasn't going to happen. Also he may or may not be rebelling against his dad, president of the Japanese branch of the Institution.
So I doubt it's something like an agreement between the third-years. I feel like it's just coincidence.
As for what Leo says in the pre-prologue, by then he would definitely be in on the situation simply because he's paying more attention than others and Alan is about as subtle as a firework no matter how hard Tohma tries to keep things secret. But maybe he gets roped in instead, since his power would be beneficial--they just have to make sure they can trust him first. . . . He does say that someone is responsible, but I think he means that regarding that life sucks, not the catastrophe occurring? Although that very well might be referring to the people at the top of the Institute too. . .on the other hand I would assume it's referring to whoever the spy is working with, and the Institute themselves aren't bad people(although Jin's dad sounds kinda like a piece of shit.) That or the Institute is the problem, or the prophecy somehow. . .if I could see the Japanese text I could see if there's a difference lol. . . .
Jin is going to inherit the position of president I'm pretty sure. I don't think that's a matter of usurping or anything like that where "Jin becomes the new president" is like, they take down Jin's father first. Like I'm pretty sure this is a familial inheritance thing--I feel like it's a "you're the eldest son so you're expected to take on the position of running the company" deal. You see it all the time in manga with office/business settings. Even Haku is supposed to take over the shrine his family owns. I don't think Jin and Tohma are dethroning Jin's father, it's just a matter of 'we need to prepare you to be in power here, you need to learn to be responsible and better than your father so you can do better than he does.'
BUT. YEAH. A LOT OF THEORIZING AND STUFF but I'm definitely surprised by how into it I ended up getting haha. My hyperfocus said "yeah I fuck with this" and now I'm stuck here. I don't really remember the abandoned concept they originally had(afair I was more unique than the current one, which is trying to stay in line with what's popular with the industry right now) but I really still would've loved to see it. . .but I'm still enjoying the current result and looking forward to the new chapters. (One week away for Hotarubi!!! Home stretch, just gotta survive one more week of work!) I feel like it's much less of a mystery as more. . .slowly growing suspense haha like it feels like a mystery because of the investigation we do as fandom, but the story itself is gonna reveal everything eventually. . .probably. So it's just anticipation on our parts hahaha. (And yeah the gameplay elements are uh nonexistent haha. Pretty sure the only reason I'm able to keep up with the chapters is because I spent money. 🙃)
Good luck with your other gacha games tho!! Fortunately the only other gachas I play I've got pretty good units for so I'm not so worried about what pulls I do or don't get. . . . I hope all of your future pulls are what you need them to be!!!
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aubodied · 6 months
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whats this !!! new au !!! what!!! here are the base designs for the four elric brothers of the BORN AGAIN AU !!!
there's a lot going into this au lore-wise, but to sum it up nicely n neatly, this au is a reincarnation au where no one kept their memories and their world got reset. except, now there's more people due to Godly Edward Shenanigans and another goddamn gate entity running loose. quite a few things end up changing in the timeline because of it. it's a mess.
i look forward to drawing them more, but if anyone has any questions and whatnot, feel free to ask ! or send me drawing reqs for them. Those Are Appreciated.
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ishgard · 2 months
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Gave Vena (thanahru kid) some little non-mod-dependent tweaks and I love her sm. Playing with the idea of expanding the time between EW and DT to at leeeeast about two years so-
Born some time post-EW
She has a slight over-abundance of light aether owing to moms [gestures to all of Shadowbringers] but it's been carefully managed through the help of [gestures to all of Ahru's friends and acquaintances and all else].
Natural proclivity for white magic, little surprise.
Has a greater aetheric density than most.
She likes to dabble in everything though, very influenced by her super cool mama. Studying other forms of magic helps balance and manage her aether.
Has little white freckles all over her body that glow a bit when she uses magic, and when she's really dialing it up her eyes glow too 😌
She was helping mama make dads magically enchanted bullets as a wee kiddo 😅
(May or may not be able to traverse the rift safely. But timeline wise who knows if we won't find a way to do that soon anyway.)
Not super spoilery but some Dawntrail-related bits:
So when Wuk Lamat comes looking for her champion Ahru delegates the role (maybe to Leto, haven't decided yet) but still tags along to help/offer assistance when needed the most - but is mostly just chilling and enjoying the sights with a toddler strapped to her back giggling all the way.
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Very happy baby! Curious and excited about all the new things, very little danger sense lmao. (Hard, I guess, when your mom IS the danger.)
Gets passed around a few times between Thancred and Ahru
LOVES Wuk Lamat!! LOVES Gulool Ja Ja!! LOVES Sphene!! LOVES Bakool Ja Ja (hilarious) LOVES Erenville!! anyway the point is she loves everyone.
Erenville in particular is uncle though please imagine Ahru handing her over to him while sneaking around in Shaaloani and him just standing there, deadpan, with this tiny child chewing and drooling on one of his ears.
Zoraal Ja's vibes on the other hand made her cry once and it's On Sight for Ahru ever since.
Got to stay with Shale and Gulool Ja during Everkeep.
Got to stay with dad when mom went into Living Memory.
I'm gonna be thinking about these things for a while... 😂 Since she was born in 6.X she probably 'met' Zero too. Alas I think Ahru did not take the baby to the void lmao. Which is a fun fix in my head for Thancred's awful absence.
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And then while I don't particularly plan on it being canon by any stretch of the means, while I'm playing around on her my mind inevitably leans towards 'haha of course she was messing around with mom's Azem tools and somehow got bapped into another timeline where she has to become the Warrior of Light'. 🤷‍♀️
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - Reunion
Fun fact. I was planning on going through these drabbles to see where I still had a bit of a blank spot timeline and story wise. and I did NOT get far.
Because I realised. I never made a tiny drabble about how I pictured the guys reuniting to go back to Nightmare!
So. That is this! (also yes i am hinting at bad sans poly but we will see where that all ends)
First and Prev Drabble (with the original prompt by @spotaus ) Next Drabble
Cross frowns as the knife once again can't cut through the universe.
This... is an issue.
Cross had managed to get close but for some reason the knife could not connect with Nightmare's universe and castle.
Had... had Nightmare banned him?
Cross hopes not. He knows he had been stupid for running away but he had just! He needed! He had just needed a moment for himself!
Cross tries to take a deep breath and relax. It is fine! Think! Think there is probably another reason!
NIghtmare had been shrinking and losing his form... maybe he is just tired and resting and that affects the universe he is in? Maybe?
Cross wishes Dust was here, Dust knows so much more about magic stuff than he does. Sadly Cross was an idiot and just went out on his own without saying goodbye.
He looks at his phone and opens the message screen again. He clicks Dust's contact and considers typing a message.
Just a quick one to ask for help getting back?
He sighs and puts the phone away. No. This is his mess up and he can fix it himself! He didn't need them or Nightmare to fix his messes!
Cross shakes his skull and looks to the notes in his phone. He finds the right one. It is a small list of items that should help connect him to Nightmare's universe.
When he first started working for Nightmare the god had told him that the castle and the universe it is in can be hard to find or connect to because of his magic. The items would help the magic in his knife, or the teleportation crystals, locate it and focus on it.
Cross pulls out the list and reads it again.
seven candles, unscented
autumn leaves
a very sweet apple
a dreamcatcher
a way to light a magical fire
be in an universe as close as possible
Cross checks his list and bag and groans. He had only managed to get the apple and the leaves so far. this stupid universe only had a few very small and old towns and it is honestly getting on his nerves!
Cross had just been nervous about leaving this universe. He didn't know this one and just because he managed to jump to it didn't mean he would be able to do it again.
The phones had an extra feature to make it known to them if they were near the castle. it had lit up at this spot after quite a few universes that didn't do it.
Meaning he was not leaving it!
Agh. he could ask if Horror is having more luck and-
Cross looks back over his shoulder and sees Horror walk past.
Cross doesnt think and rushes after the large skeleton "Horror! wait up!"
horror blinks and looks over "Oreo?"
Cross pulls a face at the nickname but catches up to him "What are you doing here?"
Horror looks slightly sheepish as he rubs his neck "You know... regret... trying to get back..."
Cross frowns "Get back- wait... did you leave as well?!"
Horror frowns at him "As well?" then his sight finds Cross' bag and cross can see Horror take note of the items in there. Horror looks back at him with a frown "You can't make the jump either?"
Cross feels both better and worse. Maybe he isn't banned! Or at least he isn't alone in being banned! which just makes him feel like a jerk. He nods and groans "not having much luck with getting the things i need. only got the apple and the leaves..."
Horror blinks but gets a small half grin on his face which Cross thinks should be criminal with how goo- OKAY he is stopping that line of thought.
Horror calmly gets his phone and turns it to enable Cross to see the items in his inventory. a lot of foods and- oh! a sweet apple. and unscneted candles!
Horror keeps grinning "Seems like we are getting close."
Cross grins and nods as he walks with the taller skeleton "Any idea why we can't get in?"
Horror shrugs "multiple options. dunno which."
Cross nods as he looks down "Yeah i figured."
They walk and search together before a loud gasp and Cross is suddenly tackled form behind. Cross yelps as he loses his balance. The only reason he doens't fall over is because Hroror manages to catch both him and whichever idiot rushed into him.
"Criss-Cross! H!"
Ah. nevermind. Cross knows that idiot. Cross glares over his shoulder at the grinning Killer "Why would you tackle me?!"
Killer grins but the grin turns sharper then just friendly "Had to make sure you guys didn't up and leave again without a single fucking word Criss-Cross!"
Cross winces and looks to the side "Yeah... I guess..."
Horror looks guilty as well before looking at Killer "Why are you here? instead of at the castle?"
Now it is Killer's turn to look away and he shrugs "After all of you guys left I figured i would try it myself. the whole solo-rouge-vagabond dealio. I didn't like it. So I am going back ot Nightmare and see if he needs a right hand still...." more thoughtful "or maybe babysitter? If that whole shrinking thing kept up."
Yeah and that line causes more guilt than before. because they really just all left Nightmare alone to deal with whatever was affecting him. Instead of at least offering help as they should have as his henchman and teammates. Nope! instead they all just left!
Cross rubs his arm "Yeah... we are on our way back too... You got stuff for the ritual?"
Killer sighs "Only the lighter. But that is because i already had one."
Horror frowns at Killer "All of us? Dust too?"
Killer nods "Just walked away. not a word or grabbed anything as far as i know."
Cross covers his face "We are the worst. terrible people." thankless, untrustworthy, unloyal. Cross can think of quite a few more words to describe them.
"We knew that already."
Cross, and Killer for that matter, curses as he jumps back. Only to see Dust standing by them, hood up but face visible with his bored expression.
Killer is by now standing behind Horror and glares at Dust "Don't do that! My soul is already fragile!" the soul shaped floating soul wiggles but stays steady.
Dust raises a brow and looks unimpressed "Don't talk about others then."
Horror chuckles and smiles "Good to see you dust. join us?"
Dust nods "Can't make the jump. what are we mission still?"
Cross takes out the list and after comparing what they have they realise they are only mission the dremacatcher, which Dust pulls out of his pocket.
Cross gasps "Where did you find that? I checked every store!"
Dust shrugs "stole it."
... right. that is also an option.
They take the items outside of town and get it ready.
The dreamcatcher as base with the candles all around it. The leaves used to wrap the apple, the only use one and Horror eats the others as they work.
Killer holds up the lighter and after focusing for a moment flicks it. instead of the normal yellow flame a bright pink flame appears. Killer lights all the candles adn waits for a moment until the smoke circles one another. Last Killer lights the leaves enclosing the apple without disturbing the smoke trails.
The new smoke trail joins the other seven and the whole pile bursts into flames but no heat comes off it. the flame remains pink for a moment before turning purple and then turning black.
Killer grins and looks at Cross "cut away!"
Cross nods and cuts right above the flame and the universe shimmers. The smoke finds the small slice and fills it, moments later the flame and fire travels up towards the slide using the smoke and it opens a black portal, still smoking.
They rush through it and manage to get through it before the portal burns up.
Cross looks over his shoulder "And there shouldn't be anything left?"
Dsut shrugs "small pile of ash."
Killer grins "it burns up very quickly as soon as a portal is established."
Cross frowns as he looks around. they are in the late autumn forest around the castle. He can see the shadow of it in the distance. He starts walking and the other three join him.
Cross huffs "Still think it is a deceptively easy list..."
Killer shrugs "People don't expect there to be an easy way. Not like they will just test things until they hit jackpot." Then Killer grins wider "Not that anyone knows about Ngihtmare's sweet tooth. and no one knows about the apple, hell we don't even know it."
Cross nods as they walk through the forest. Cross can't help but feel like it feels... empty. Whcih is weird because Cross always knew there was nothing else in this universe or forest but them. but still it feels...different.
Horror seems to notice too as he glances around "feels weird..."
Dust nods immediantly "magic is different."
Cross nods as well "I noticed too..."
Whatever is going on it is big... because either it is affecting the universe, it is affecting nightmare enough that it affects the universe. or Nightmare is affected enough that he made these edits.
Hopefully they can clear all this up once they see Nightmare and apologise to him. The exit the forest and spot the castle in the distance.
Time to go talk wiht him.
First and Prev Drabble Next Drabble
And as we all know, Nightmare wasn't there. woops. turns out that apology will have to wait a bit Cross.
And the tiniest bit of Bi-panic for Cross (I believe he canonly is Bi in like Xtale so he is still Bi here) ((And yes I am slightly hinting at BSP because I like them but They are kinda too busy to really focus on that in these drabbles but there some interest! but it can also be seen as pureply platonic with just some curious interest honestly *shrug* It is june after all!))
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yardsards · 6 months
sir you must tell me everything about adamellie at your earliest convenience.
as well as perhaps a visual depiction via art or picrew???
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okay so here is a picrew of her i made bc i have art block (it's not perfect like i think her hair is curlier than this, and i'm still unsure on certain details or her clothes, but Close Enough)
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and here's an adventurer's bible style character sheet:
full name: adamellie of the house of wynd
age: 47
race/gender: half elf, half half-foot / female
birthplace: the southern central continent 
relatives: father, mother (likely deceased), step-mother, half-sister
build: 120 cm, 22 bmi
likes: custard, oysters
dislikes: anything with a visible face (i.e. fish heads)
first death: treasure insects
(though some of this may be subject to change, especially her age. half-elves tend to mature at unpredictable rates and idk what maturity timeline i like best for her. maturity-wise she's in her early 20s, though. like, she is definitely an adult but her prefrontal cortex isn't quite done cooking yet)
okay so adamellie's existence kinda came from three main different thoughts
1: the corpse collectors/revival office are fascinating, i wonder what other kinds of financial exploitation can occur in the dungeon, like "pay for my services or you will literally die without them" situations
2: teleportation magic is interesting, especially those scrolls like mr tansu used. i wonder how someone could take advantage of those sorts of mechanics in a story that is so much about traversing a physical space
3: we see half-elves that are half-tallman. and the adventurer's bible mentions that tallmen can have fertile offspring with ogres or half-foots, as can gnomes with dwarves. i wonder what other combinations could exist
so adamellie's thing is like. so teleportation scrolls work like this, right?
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well she basically saw the "this technique shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary" and was like "hm yeah but what if i did anyway?" (it's risky and dubiously legal but that ain't stopping her)
she's got a few storerooms on the surface that she packs absolutely full of adventuring supplies. mostly food and drinks and medicine and mana herbs, but a couple spare bedrolls and clothes and weapons and whatnot as well.
she's got a teleportation scroll hooked up to each of her storerooms, and when she needs something, she just unfurls one of her scrolls, reaches in, and pulls whatever she needs out from her storeroom. it's not quite a bag of holding, but it's pretty damn close
it's a pretty unstable technique, but miraculously she's managed to not die or lose any limbs from this method yet, so she sees no reason to change it. the main mishaps she's encountered thus far are
1: on occasion, the scroll she carries with her randomly loses connection with the storeroom it's linked to, meaning she loses access to about a quarter of her inventory. sometimes she's able to reopen it, but doing so is very costly in terms of time and mana, so she typically just counts it as a loss for this trip. this has happened many times
2: a few times, she's gone through the scroll, either to escape a dangerous situation or to try and grab something from deep in the storeroom, and the portal closed behind her. this meant she was forced to exit through the storeroom's actual door and return to the surface many weeks before she had planned
3: she found a corpse on a lower floor while she was out of mana, so she put it in one of her storerooms for safekeeping until she could recover her mana and revive him. the scroll failed while the body was in there, meaning the corpse was no longer part of the dungeon and was just in some random storage closet on the surface, so the guy was unrevivable. oopsie daisies! (she only made this mistake once but it was a real mess)
4: thieves on the surface broke into a couple of her storerooms, breaking the spell (and stealing her stuff). she's been very careful to avoid this since then, using very strong locks on the physical doors of the storerooms.
despite the risks though, this is a pretty effective strategy in a dungeon where one of the biggest obstacles is your access to supplies. so what is she doing with it? is she an invaluable asset to some party hoping to defeat the mad mage? nah.
she's not sure she believes in the golden kingdom prophesy (and she thinks other monetary ventures like gold stripping, monster-culling, and selling research are all oversaturated markets). and she thinks that a party would just slow her down and attract unnecessary monster attention (and take a cut of her profits) anyway. she's just in the game to make a quick buck with her unique strategy.
she is a merchant, selling wares from her storerooms to desperate adventurers on lower floors, for absolutely exorbitant prices. it's not like they're in any position to haggle food prices when they're starving, after all. (she also does occasional healing or resurrection magic when she finds someone injured or dead, demanding high fees afterwards. if they refuse to pay, she says "okay, then do you want me to undo what i just did and injure/kill you again?" (she is absolutely bluffing. she sucks shit at fighting.) and if someone cannot afford to pay her in the moment, she makes them sign a contract that they'll repay her later, and puts a tracking charm on them)
she plays it fast and loose in the dungeon, traveling alone and spending a lot of time in lower floors. she uses her stealth skills, supplemented with magic, to sneak past monsters. when she's in a really dangeous situation (whether because a monster noticed her, or because an adventurer got Really Mad at her) she'll hop through one of her scrolls to the safety of her storerooms.
every couple months (or more, often if/when her scrolls fail) she returns to the surface to restock her storerooms and reset/repair/replace her teleportation scrolls. then, once that's done, she returns to the dungeon, trying to reach the lower floors again as quickly as possible.
she calls herself heroic, bringing food to the starving and reviving people at levels that most corpse retrievers often avoid. adventurers have mixed feelings on her. on one hand, running into her when you're in need can be a literal life saver. on the other hand, she is exploiting people while they're at their lowest
i will tell more about her and her backstory and family later bc it is A Doozy and this post is already insanely long lol (update: backstory has been added via reblog)
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abloomingsunflower · 9 months
Introducing...Krono in E.L.A!
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Basic information:
Krono has been a royal guard for the Light Kingdom for over 15 years. He's quiet, wise, loyal to the ones he serves, yet full of secrets and mysteries.
He's 32 years old, 6'0 ft tall, and there is a possibility he could be trans. People often mistake him for a female because of his long hair, even though he has made it clear numerous times he's a male.
Krono is, in fact, a descendant of Lanny. The only one. He is fully aware of this, and fully determined to hide it.
Not much is known about him and his relations, unfortunately. Krono is very mysterious and secretive.
What he shows:
-Sword skills. -Normal strength.
-Knowledge in a few simple spells. -Bone attacks and Gaster Blasters
What he has:
-Immortality (unable to age). -Healing.
-Flight. (He can summon wings) -Photokinesis.
-Telepathy. -Teleportation.
-Superhuman strength. -Superhuman durability.
-Lots of knowledge on spellcasting. -Apportation.
-Shapeshifting. -Seeing the spirits.
-Able to pause time for an hour and/or rewind it to AT LEAST two and a half days before an incident. (His magic has limits, and consequences for himself ofc <3)
-Anddd lets not forget the ones above-
His opinion on other people:
"The king I serve to. I'm glad he accepted me when I offered myself to be a royal guard. I'm..actually surprised he didn't ask any questions about me. Anywho, he's flawed, but so is everyone. At least he's a fair ruler and a kind person to his guards and subjects."
"Ah, a fellow comrade. They have been here for centuries compared to me, we get along pretty well. I like the tea they make. It's truly refreshing to have a normal conversation and tea with someone after so long.."
"The 'mistress' of this palace. Going out every night to meet up with that man, completely neglecting her duty as a wife and a mother. For the sake of the lord, I tried to get her to stop drinking. She still keeps drinking, and I still continue to try getting through to a hopeless woman.."
"I still remember him visiting once..He seemed so happy to meet a new guard. Poor man, disabled because of a greedy tyrant. When I find free time, I should pay him a visit."
"The young princess? ..It's a shame she turned out this way. Spreading rumors, framing her younger brother, even going as far as to killing him. Why..yes, I am aware of the timelines. I am aware of the sins she has done. But I'm trying to not be suspected much."
"I do my best to help him and his friend. Things are certainly not easy for him right now. I offer him advice whenever I can, help him to continue pushing on through in this pathetic world. I even try defending him whenever he gets in trouble. He's a good kid, going through things he doesn't deserve.. I just wish I was around more often, I could prevent his deaths. I'm also trying to keep a low profile as best as I can. I don't want to raise suspicion from others."
"He's the one I should be more careful from. This kid means trouble for sure, can't risk it. That power knows no bounds. I can sense a fragment of *her* magic from him as well.. I don't understand how queen mother gave her blessing to him. Is she still as gullible as ever, even in the afterlife?"
"I see him over and over everywhere..He's even going after Iris now. He's a huge disadvantage for me, since he's the one messing with Lux. Good thing I carry salt with me. I am not afraid to use it if he even thinks about getting near me. Survival calls for extreme measures, afterall. "
"The Empress that doomed us all. I believe she is quite upset with my interference in this game. Well, well, let her stay mad. She would do the same if she were in our shoes, wouldn't she?"
"My ancestor. I still have vague memories of our now ruined kingdom. It's a shame she died, it's a shame the Magic Kingdom got wiped out of history entirely. I still remember how lively it was back then..until those damn wars happened.. Once everything is over, I really don't have any plans on what to do. Should I simply give up, or try to rebuilt the kingdom..?"
-I give up. [Creator said calmly/j]
E.L.A by @anotherrosesthatfell
Krono belongs to me-
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gutless-draws · 2 years
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I wanted to play around a bit more with some future Donnie and came up with this. No, this will not change and I am gonna make a whole ass ref out of it. But so far, I have a few things laid out! For instance, I have Donnie’s prosthetics and cybernetics down and will be making a ref for that too. With that, I’m gonna info dump about him!XD
First his cyborgy mess situation-
So, Donnie has a good few prosthetics, so for limb wise his left leg(from the knee down) and his right arm(from hand to shoulder socket). His leg has a hidden blade in it but his arm has more versatile use, as it has a built in gun, can hold small objects like small viles and such, and also a tazer! He calls it his “multi-purpose arm” like the multi-purpose pocket knife.
From there he has robotic eyes and a sort of built in brace for his jaw, basically two L shaped pieces of machinery that keeps his jaw together. his robotic eyes can zoom in, pick up evidence and store it on the side, and night vision. And for his jaw, it just helps him keep it stable and there BUT, because it's Donnie, he added the flavor of being able to unhinge his jaw to the point it terrifies people. No, he does not explain why he added that, he just wanted too.
His gas mask also is a filter/his helper in breathing. His lungs are jacked, so he uses it to assist in breathing when his body gives out on the need. Cool feature he added was
Donatello lived and died at the age of 33 - 34 years old. He was the strongest at ninpo out of all his brothers and also stopped giving a shit over the years so he grew more emotionally mature(still struggles with emotions and people but has gotten better at it) and has almost dropped the entire “emotionally unavailable bad boy” persona just a tiny bit.
I do have a few timelines with him that involve Casey, cause gets all the dads I guess, but I have two main ones with him. One; being Casey’s uncle, or two; being Casey’s dad. I couldn’t decide, plus I like me a good story line. For the dad one, it’s debatable if he gets with Cassandra but Casey is not biologically his but he treats Casey as such. Basically him and Cassandra co-parented until Cass died then he was left to pick up the pieces of that. He has a huge soft spot for children, having chosen to teach the children of the resistance basic education when he wasn’t out on the field or busy working(which only a select few were able to get to stop working.) He also grows to be a good 7′0 tall and “fun” fact, I gave him Casey’s cape because I came up with the idea that it would be originally Donnie’s and Casey just had acquired it at some point after Donnie died.
That’s about it. I’m definitely gonna draw more of him, I just loved the design and I have future ROTTMNT brain rot, hopefully you all like it cause I certainly love him.
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