#i mean you're free to disagree but i was uncomfortable going in and i was still uncomfortable after watching
youssefguedira · 1 year
oppenheimer really wants to present oppenheimer himself as a complex person responsible for bad things but really doesn't. make much reference at all to said bad things. the impact of the bombings is reduced to a single montage (that isn't even showing what happened: it's showing oppenheimer imagining it happening to a room full of americans) and a moment where they mention the number of people dead + the effects. when the images of the aftermath are shown the camera instead focuses on oppenheimer looking away, which i understand, but the audience doesn't see any tangible impact either. the effects of the test on the surrounding area aren't mentioned at all. like i understand that some things won't be shown in a film but if you're trying to present someone as responsible for bad things then i think it weakens what you're going for if you don't really show said things. anyway
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Woe out the Storm (3) - Thunder
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 4k
-I was lightning before the thunder-
The Harvest Festival, frankly, you preferred it over the Outreach Day, for plenty of reasons. One of which was easily the fact you could just kick back and relax instead of working for people that despised everything you and other students were against your free will. You and Enid always made sure to have as much fun as possible, as long as weather allowed it.
The only issue was you couldn't relax this year. Wednesday would escape tonight, meaning tonight was Rowan's last chance to try something. And you feared he would get desperate, but you didn’t think there was a way for him to get Wednesday away from everyone.
And then there was Galpin... Talking with his father. Now, you did hear he stopped bullying people with the other three, but you found it difficult to forgive and forget.
You frowned and looked at Wednesday. "Really, Galpin is the one driving you?" you couldn't help but ask.
"I don't see how it concerns you," Wednesday replied.
You nodded, simply choosing to back away. Wednesday wasn't helpless, and who she interacted with definitely didn't have anything to do with you.
"Obvious dislike aside, are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked, though she did send you a bit of a teasing smile.
"I trust that I can handle myself," Wednesday replied. Considering what she did against Bianca you found it difficult to disagree.
"Well, good luck and safe travels," Enid stepped toward her with her arms spread wide, only for Wednesday to decisively take a step back. "Still not a hugger. Got it," Enid shrugged, smiling at the girl.
"If you change your mind a third of that room is going to stay yours," you grinned.
"Until Weems puts someone else in," Wednesday told you.
Your grin turned into a smirk as you lifted your hand up and allowed a few red sparks to appear around it. Just for a moment you thought you saw a spark of interest in Wednesday's eyes as she observed the sparks. "Nope, I'll personally make them ask for another room." you promised, your red eyes meeting Wednesday’s black eyes.
Enid coughed and elbowed your side.
You winced. She sometimes forgot her strength. "Nicely, of course, I'll keep my lightning to myself."
Wednesday tilted her head to the side by less than an inch. "Pity," she said.
You leaned to the side, shifting most of your weight to your right foot, you weren't sure how to take those words. "Since I won't be seeing you again, I, uh, I think you're great with the cello," there, a compliment to end the brief time together. That shouldn't make Wednesday uncomfortable, right?
Her eyes met yours once more and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of her stare. "Thank you," she eventually spoke up and the three of you parted ways soon after.
The moment Wednesday was out of sight Enid clasped your shoulder and smiled sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"Huh?" what was she talking about? Sorry for what?
"You don't have to pretend, I don't get what you see in her, but you don't have to hide it from me," somehow Enid got the wrong idea.
You sighed. This was your life now. Enid thought you had unrequited feelings for Wednesday. "Look, I know I can't change your mind," she enthusiastically nodded at that. "So, I’ll take a page out of Wednesday's book, somewhat. If you gossip about those feelings you claim I have, I'll fry your stuffed unicorn collection."
Enid squealed and bounced excitedly. "OMG! You do have feelings for her!" she wasn't going to let this go and you didn't even know how she came to that conclusion! Her eyes widened suddenly. "Go after her! Go!" in less than a second she was behind you and pushing you in the direction Wednesday went. "At least find a way to exchange letters with her if you can't convince her to stay!"
"Enid," you groaned, facepalming as you dug your feet into the ground to try and keep her from pushing you. All that achieved was two rows of dug up ground behind you. From the corner of your eye you saw Rowan, even more agitated and anxious than he was back when you confronted him in his and Xavier's room. "I have to go," you said, moving so abruptly Enid stumbled and almost fell to the ground.
Wednesday only touched Rowan for a moment, but it was more than enough. She saw flashes, glimpses of what was to come, all vague and unrelated, painting a picture she couldn't understand. She saw the purple book, the flames, the tree in the quad breaking into pieces, the raven surrounded by lightning, a glimpse of a blonde woman holding a bloodied hand and crying as blue eyes closed, red eyes turning orange, herself surrounded by cloud of dust and smoke with a huge beast surrounded by lightning standing over her trapping her, Rowan screaming as he was being torn apart by claws. And then the vision stopped
"Rowan, come back!" she ran after him, ignoring Tyler calling after her. She didn't understand why she was running, why she wished to prevent the last vision from coming true. Perhaps she just wanted to see if everything she saw was true, or if it somehow could be changed.
"Rowan, wait!" she shouted as she followed him deeper into the woods, the only signs of the festival that remained were occasional flashes of firework and the sounds they made.
Rowan stopped and turned toward her, furious and looking unhinged. "Argh! What do you want? Why are you following me?!"
"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger," she wouldn't tell him about the vision, she didn't know how much time she had.
"I think you've got it backwards," he lifted his hand and suddenly Wednesday felt an invisible force lifting her up and slamming her back into a tree.
Even with her pain tolerance she still grunted, feeling the trunk digging into her back uncomfortably.
"You're the one who's in danger!" Rowan told her.
"What are you doing?" she demanded, and though she struggled it was futile. She couldn't get free.
"Saving everyone from you," he grunted, straining to keep her pinned to the tree. "I have to kill you."
She’d be lying if she said no one ever wanted to kill her, Rowan was the first to actually try though. That's when she pieced it together. "The gargoyle, that was you?"
"Yeah," he even smiled a bit, as if relieved he no longer had to hide it.
"It's always the quiet ones," Wednesday commented as a piece of paper floated out of Rowan's pocket and unfolded in front of her. She saw a girl, dressed in black, with the background that looked like quad, only on fire.
"Girl in the picture, that's you," he said, she could feel the strain in his voice, but the force pinning her to a tree only got stronger.
"You want to kill me because of some picture?!" that was a ridiculous reason to kill someone, even for her standards.
"My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore! She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died," Rowan yelled, as if that fact made his excuse for trying to kill her any better.
"Rowan, put me down," she demanded, his powers made it harder to breathe. He was choking her; he wasn't going to stop. That’s what she got for trying to help.
"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore because she will destroy the school and everyone in it!" he cried out as Wednesday became unable to breathe.
"Rowan! Let her go!" she heard your voice and looked to the side, just as you threw a knife toward Rowan. Your aim was awful. He didn't even need to move and it would miss him by at least two feet.
And then she saw it, just as the knife was about to reach Rowan, your body was engulfed in red lightning and you disappeared, your entire body shifting into lightning and bursting forth toward the knife. Wednesday watched, speechless as your body regained form right in front of Rowan, the knife in your left hand, and you, too fast for him to react.
You slammed your fist into his guts, sending him flying back, though she couldn't help but notice you didn't use lightning for the punch, just the natural momentum and strength you had. It still sent Rowan flying.
It also broke his hold on Wednesday and you threw the knife toward the tree, zapping toward it just in time to catch her before she fell to the ground. Wednesday blinked, still dazed by what just happened as you set her down and knelt in front of her. you weren't touching her, but she could clearly see the concern in your eyes.
"Are you hurt?" you asked, looking for any visible signs of injuries.
"I'm fine," she denied having any injuries. What were you thinking? That she'd show vulnerability to you just like that?
"Y/N!" Rowan enraged, bellowed as he got up to his knees and raised his arm. Your eyes widened as you were pulled into the air.
"Wait, Rowan!" Wednesday found herself shouting as she tried to get up.
"I'll kill you after I'm done with Y/N!" he had lost his mind completely, the madness in his eyes made that clear.
"Bring it! I'll show you exactly why Weems and the staff dread the storms!" you thundered, lightning gathered around you and began concentrating in a ball above your head. It was already two feet wide and it was only growing larger, though slowly. "Give up or I'll drop this on you! Forget all this madness!" despite the anger she could hear you pleading deep down for Rowan to just listen to you.
You never got a chance to do so, as a monster emerged from the shadows and grabbed Rowan, slicing and tearing him apart with its claws.
You dropped to the ground, landing on one knee. You were too surprised by the monster's appearance to maintain the ball of lightning. The monster turned to look at you two, with its bulging eyes, hunched back, sharp claws and greyish skin it was unlike anything Wednesday saw in her life.
"That's an," did you recognize the monster? "...oversized Gollum?" she expected too much from you...
The oversized Gollum fled and you and Wednesday were left with Rowan's corpse. You didn't need to be an expert to see he was ripped open by those claw and dead.
You watched, wondering if there was anything you could have done. You had your lightning ready, but you just couldn't react in time. Were you going to hurt Rowan? Yeah, as far as that went you couldn't say you were any better than the monster that attacked him, but you weren't going to kill him, as strong as the lightning you gathered looked. You were going to aim for the ground in front of him, close enough to knock him out from the shock, but not nearly close enough to kill him.
You were frantically looking around, searching for any signs of the monster coming back, but it looked like it really left.
"We need to get someone," there was an urgency in Wednesday's voice you didn't quite expect, but you could see her legs shaking slightly. Shock from Rowan's death? No. She didn't look shaken. Was it the hit she took when he tossed her into the tree?
Deciding that it was probably that you nodded and followed closely behind her, just in case she couldn't keep standing. Damn Xavier for slowing you down, maybe all of this could have been avoided if you were only a minute quicker.
The first person you came across was Bianca and you noticed Wednesday faltering just for a split second. "Rowan was killed by a monster, I don't have time to explain, just get someone," Wednesday opened straight with that.
Bianca's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"
But before Wednesday could reply she began falling forward. "Wednesday," you caught her and turned her around in your arms. She was unconscious. "Bianca we both saw him get killed. Get someone, I need to take Wednesday back to the dorm," you knew you were putting your life at risk by doing so, and that Wednesday probably knew roughly a thousand different ways to inflict pain, give or take a few hundred, and that she'd be more than eager to put you through them. You still picked her up. "Please don't wake up," you pleaded, but your gaze softened. Wednesday looked peaceful and you couldn't help but notice how light and small she actually was. "I got you, I know you can't hear me, but I got you."
In the most ridiculous turn of events Rowan was actually alive, even though he clearly got killed less than 24 hours ago. How was that possible? You had no idea. You just knew the entire school thought you and Wednesday made that up.
So here you were, once more zapping to his room as he was finishing his packing. “Hey there, zombie, I didn’t know telekinesis brought people back to life,” you came in, eyes still red as he spun around and backed away.
“You should not be here, Y/N.” he told you sternly making you roll your eyes.
“And you shouldn’t be alive,” you said, lightning crackling around you.
He huffed, looking away for a moment. “As you can see I am perfectly healthy,” he said, almost mockingly.
You had enough and pushed him against the wall, pinning him as he gasped your name. “Doesn’t feel good, does it? Why did you try to kiss Wednesday, twice by the way?” you demanded, but this felt wrong, he wasn’t fighting back, he should still be able to knock you away with his powers, yet here he was, not doing anything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was just on a stroll when you and Wednesday interrupted me,” he claimed, even though just last night he sounded eager to share everything.
You raised an eyebrow. “You actually interrupted us, remember?” you pulled away from him.
His eyes widened for a moment. “That, I didn’t intend to interrupt you, I apologize,” he raised his hands, acting embarrassed and that was all you needed.
Could you force whoever this was to reveal their identity? Probably. Pain was a good motivator, but there was also a chance you’d be doing it for nothing. You also lacked other information. Who else was working with them? Surely one person couldn’t cover up Rowan’s murder, so you kept your mouth shut.
“We’ll talk again, Rowan,” you jumped out of the window, zapping away from the dormitory.
It was like a déjà vu, what she was seeing. Only it was way worse this time. And interrupted? Was there already something romantic going on between you and Wednesday? Weems couldn’t know for sure, but she knew it couldn’t end well.
Yet even if she knew that she also knew there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Rowan was dead, that much was clear, but you needed an evidence. So, here you were, in the woods, looking for anything physical that could prove the two of you weren’t crazy.
And you found it, you found Rowan’s glasses with drops of blood on them. With glasses in your hand you went back to your dorm.
When you came back to the room you found Wednesday and Thing at her table, looking at the drawing she took from Rowan. You placed the glasses on her table, near Thing. "Someone is covering this up," you went to her other side and leaned back against her table, your hands gripping the edge of it.
"These are Rowan's. You went to the woods?" she demanded, looking at you with slightly widened eyes.
You nodded. "I wasn't sure if the oversized Gollum was still there, so I went alone," you heard tapping and saw Thing rapidly signing to you. Somehow you understood. You’ve been trying to learn morse code, well, more than the fun basic stuff and while you needed him to slow down at times you were getting there. And Thing was incredibly patient with you over the past week, even though Wednesday wanted to escape. "I wasn't being reckless, I'm a raiju," in your mind that was all the explanation you needed to give.
"Don't do that again," Wednesday ordered firmly. "I want to make sure we don't miss any clues," she said simply.
“Speaking of clues, someone who can shapeshift is covering up Rowan’s murder. It isn’t him,” you told her.
Wednesday turned all of her attention to you. “How do you know?”
“I lied,” you shrugged. “I don’t know anyone in the school with that ability, but I do know they shouldn’t be able to replicate abilities. His telekinesis, or,” you let your eyes turn red. “Me being a raiju for example.”
Wednesday thought about it. “I want you to prove to me you are a raiju whenever we meet up,” she pretty much ordered, and you could see the logic behind it.
“I won’t have to worry about them shifting to look like you,” you grinned, after all, they’d have to blink, and mimic Wednesday’s behavior and that was not easy.
She didn’t look amused, but there was a bit of an unspoken promise between the two of you, you would keep this to yourselves, acting like you didn’t know what the one covering Rowan’s murder could do. And then Wednesday showed you the drawing she took from Rowan’s corpse. "I need to know what this is about."
That made sense. "Any clues as to where that's from?"
"No," she then pointed at the upper right corner. "But I noticed this just before you came in," there was a mark there, it was faint, but you could see it.
"Looks like a flower? I guess?" you couldn't offer much aside from that. You've never seen it before.
"Let's go to the library," she stood up from her chair and Thing went into her bag.
“You can go ahead first, I’ll join you in a bit,” you figured she was too eager to search for the book to let you go into the library first.
“Why?” she immediately asked.
You looked away, embarrassed. “The rumors, I guess? Most people go to the library for reasons that don’t have anything to do with books, if you get what I mean,” when she remained silent, and more importantly when she maintained that same look that inquired you to keep going, you were left with no other choice but to sigh and elaborate. “Making out. Most people make out in the library. So, we go there together, and it won’t take Enid’s vlog for half the school to think we’re doing the same,” she was already deemed a psycho by most of the school, and the rumors that she killed someone could still be heard every now and then. Add in the fact that the entire school thought the two of you made up Rowan’s murder and as far as you were concerned the last thing Wednesday needed right now was for people to think she was with a raiju of all outcast groups.
Wednesday just frowned, tilting her head the same way she did during the festival. “Do not assume I care about such trivial rumors. Come on,” she was already halfway to the doors by the time you processed what she just said.
“Wednesday, I’m a raiju,” you reminded her, but still followed. She wasn’t going to stop and talk about this.
“I don’t see an issue with that, lightning beast. You can back out if you’re so sensitive about rumors,” she said evenly, there wasn’t a hint of hesitation, or any emotion in her voice, it was as if she was just stating a fact.
You could just watch her back, not entirely sure how to feel at the moment. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
That got Wednesday to stop and turn around to look at you. “Then you should know I don’t care if they think I’m with you,” she just said it. As if she didn’t just say it didn’t matter what you were. That it didn’t matter you were a raiju. Sure, there were more dangerous outcasts, but raiju were solitary creatures. Docile, but uncontrollable, and you weren’t talking about just storms. That could be controlled, with time and practice you’d be able to stay in the rain and not worry about uncontrollable discharges. No, it was the beast form. Untamable, driven by instincts, unable to speak or fully grasp the situation it was in. Lightning is only capable of destruction and that form was the embodiment of lightning. Even with all the efforts you put into learning how to control your lightning you’d never, under any but direst circumstances, willingly shift into the actual raiju form.
Your father, as much as he cared about his roommate while at Nevermore, still lost control when he shifted, and the man and his brother barely avoided being killed during a particularly bad storm. The fear of doing the same was what made you so adamant on staying in control all the time.
And here Wednesday was, acting as if rumors about her being with a raiju wouldn’t bother her.
All you could was to let out a weak laugh and go after the girl to the library.
Basically bursting into the library, the two of you were met with the sight you expected to see. Heavy make out session of two students, vampires this time. You awkwardly looked to the side, not really wanting to meet their eyes as they fled the library, embarrassed to be caught.
Wednesday, for whatever reason, and against your expectations, didn’t seem to be affected by what she saw. She just went straight into searching for the book. Thing got out of her backpack and began searching as well, so you did too. You looked for anything purple that had the mark on the page Wednesday had.
"I keep seeing that same purple book," Wednesday said to thing after you showed her yet another shade of purple that didn’t match what she was looking for.
Apparently, Thing didn’t have much luck either. "The cover was darker, more like a day-old contusion, keep looking."
“That’s one way to describe a color,” you grinned at her, but before she could reply, if she was even going to reply, the doors opened and the two of you looked up to see Thornhill at the top of the stairs. Thing quickly hid behind the books.
"I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books," Thornhill said as she came down the stairs. "Most sneak in to make out."
"We accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging, I can't unsee that," Wednesday said and you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I’ll come back later, if you don’t mind,” you said, not really wanting to spend time with the woman. You couldn’t get the look in her eyes out of your head whenever you saw her. That look of fear she had when she saw you electrocuting Tyler and his friends on the previous Outreach day. It was barely stronger than a taser, but it could have been stronger, and no matter what was said or done your and Thornhill’s relationship was permanently and irrevocably damaged. Hence, why you didn’t pay attention to her classes and did the tests just well enough to pass them.
"Sorry about that, I'm afraid Y/N and I got off on the wrong foot," you heard Thornhill saying as you left the library.
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 11 months
Go For What You Want
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: mentions of violence but nothing too serious
Genre: fluff & minor angst
Summary: apparently kissing your shy neighbor wasn't enough of a hint for him, time to be even more direct. Somehow...
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A/N: This is Part 2 of Secrets That Whisper & Shout, I'm officially making it an anthology :))
That kiss was almost two weeks ago now and nothing has happened. You didn't even get to have a proper conversation that day because you got a frantic call from one of your girlfriends before you could address the situation and Steven politely excused himself to let you take care of her situation. And since then, you wouldn't say Steven's been avoiding you exactly but he certainly hasn't been doing much in the way of conversing. You've mostly been seeing him in passing and if you try to hold him for more than a few minutes either Marc takes over or one of them makes an excuse to leave. All in all, things have been weird and you're sick of it so today you're absolutely over it.
You knock on his door firmly with a whole bulleted list of points in your mind. You hear shuffling on the other side and two whole minutes go by before the door swings open.
"Y/n! Hi. What brings you over? Is everything alright? I was in the middle of-" You know Steven's about to give you an excuse to keep things short so you stop him with a raised hand.
"This won't take long, I have somewhere to be but quite frankly I'm sick of you half avoiding me and I'm only here to tell you that it has to stop. If kissing made you that uncomfortable you should just say so, you are an adult and I can take care of myself there's no need to dance around it like you're scared to hurt my feelings or something."
"What?" He blinks at you.
"Things are weird and I don't like it. If you don't want to talk to me then say so but this thing where you act like things are normal while acting very NOT normal has to end." 
"It's not that I don't want to talk to you! I talk to you almost every day."
"Asking me how my day was when I catch you in the elevator is not the same Steven and you know it. What is going on with you?"
"I- well to be fair it's not like this has exactly gone in the right order I- I don't know what I'm supposed to do here."
"Right order? Steven we kissed each other it's not like we eloped in Vegas and the next step regardless would be taking me on a date or asking me to be your girlfriend or anything that indicates you actually want something with me." You huff.
"What?" His eyes widen.
"A date, Steven, most people would ask the girl they like on a date."
"You want to go on a date with me?"
"I've been waiting for you to ask me since we kissed."
"Oh. Oh! I- I'm an idiot." Steven palms his face in embarrassment.
"Well, I won't disagree with you." You shrug.
"A date. It would be an honor to take you on a date."
"Well, then get planning. I have to go, but you have until the weekend."
"Wait do you mean we're going on the date this weekend or that I have until this weekend to have a plan?"
"If you can make it this weekend I would be... surprised, impressed- but a plan will do just fine." You tell him.
"Okay." He nods.
"Okay. See you soon." You say and pivot on your heel to head down the hall. You do actually have somewhere to be. Steven may not be quick to take the lead but he is certainly quick to move when prompted because he does in fact make your date that weekend. Saturday afternoon you're on the couch reading when there's a knock on your door. The first set of knocks is shaky but before you manage to get up there's a second set of much sharper more assured knocks. When you pull the door open Steven stands there with a set of flowers.
"Steven. Hi. You know you- could've just texted me with what our plans would be?" You smile.
"Well yeah, I know but I was hoping you were free now."
"For our date."
"You wanna go now?"
"No time like the present!"
"Alright, give me like 10 minutes to change."
"You look fine."
"Steven I'll freeze once the sun goes down if I go out in this tank top." You chuckle.
"Where are we going?"
"I can't tell you."
"Well how am I supposed to dress then?"
"Casually is fine."
"Alright. You can sit on the couch and wait." You say leaving him in your doorway to go swap your loungewear for something more date-appropriate. A cropped sweater and a skater skirt with a pair of boots. Ten minutes later you practically skip out to the living room again and Steven stands before you've even reached the couch.
"I- forgot to actually hand these to you when you opened the door." He says holding out the flowers he brought.
"Thank you Steven. I'll throw these in a vase and then we can go!"
"Of course." He nods. You quickly find a big enough container for the flowers.
"Okay let's go." You say and hold out a hand for Steven to follow you out of your apartment.
"I was going to take you to dinner, but Marc insisted it was too basic. Although his suggestion was totally out of the question so- we worked to find something we both could get behind." Steven says while the two of you are walking.
"What was Marc's suggestion?" You chuckled.
"Nothing good." Steven shakes his head.
Hey, my ideas were great! Heaven forbid I try to make shit more interesting than just dinner!
"More interesting how?" You chuckle.
"What?" Steven frowns.
"Sorry- I just- went into your head by accident again. We need to work on that actually but conversation for a different day. I just heard Marc- he said he was trying to 'make shit more interesting' and now I'm curious what he means."
"That was his first suggestion." Steven nods.
"His first suggestion was skydiving?!"
"If you'll excuse me for a moment I'm going to jump into your mind and yell at him directly. You'll have to guide me as we walk."
"Oh- okay?"
You're first suggestion was skydiving?!
Well yeah, Steven just wanted to go to dinner and he told me you guys used to do lunch a lot already so I can't imagine it would be fun to do something you've already done."
Marc- everyone has to eat in fact you're supposed to do it multiple times a day not to mention there are so many types of food and so many places to go it would take so long to run out of new ways to experience the thing we all have to do it's why food is like a universal truth on dates. You know what would really not be fun on a date? Dying. Infinitely less fun."
Oh come on we wouldn't let you die.
You cannot control what happens if I jump out of a plane at thirty thousand feet in the air. I can guarantee you've jumped off of several roofs working for that crazy ass bird, is that not enough heights for you? I would assume you get more than enough, honestly, you probably get too much, adrenaline doing errands for Khonshu, if you're becoming a junkie for it don't drag me into your chases. Actually, you're not allowed to chase it period it is stressful enough leaving your safety in the hands of a ten foot tall bird skeleton you are not allowed to bring that kind of stress into non-mission scenarios.
Fine- no jumping out of planes.
Or off of bridges, or off of cliffs, or into shark infested waters, or river rapids or-
I won't do anything to harm us, sweetheart. We're here though so, you should hop outta here and talk to Steven. He's been anxious about this date all week.
Alright, I'll probably check in with you later.
 With that you push out of the boys' mind and take a moment to check your surroundings.
"An arcade!? Oh my gosh!" You gasp.
"You like it?" Steven asks.
"Who doesn't love the arcade?!"
"Well I bought game passes already so- where do you want to start?" He asks.
"Oh it doesn't matter I'm so gonna kick your butt at everything here."
"I could- totally beat you at probably at least one of these games!"
"Ohhh you're so on!" You scoff. The two of you spend hours playing every competitive game in the arcade. Steven manages to beat you at a number of them and you beat him at several too but you both lose track of the score at some point and just enjoy whatever games look the most interesting even if you both suck at them, which happens a few times too. By the time you leave, the sun has set entirely and you find a small shop down the street for food. Fish and chips for you and luckily for Steven there were several vegan options for him to choose from. You spend another hour or so talking to Steven and Marc while you eat and honestly, the whole night is one of your best first dates ever.
Jake wasn't so eager to get involved with you. In fact, for the first few months of your relationship with them, he hardly spoke to you. You don't take it personally, Marc and Steven tell you all the time that he's just not that friendly so, while you make sure it's clear the door's always open to him, you don't bother pushing him to talk to you. You brought Steven a snack at work today and hung around til the museum closed so now you're walking back with him as he tells you about the newest exhibit there. It's so nice listening to him talk about things he enjoys, the sun is slowly disappearing in the sky and stars are starting to blink to life as you enjoy the late summer evening together.
Steven stops suddenly and his grip on your hand tightens halting you with him. Your eyebrows knit together as turn to look at him only to see a pensive frown on his face as his eyes dart around the street.
"What's going on?" You ask. He pivots quickly and yanks you behind him just before three masked men appear seemingly out of the shadows.
"Stay behind me. I'll protect you." Steven says gruffly. Except, that didn't sound like Steven.
"Jake?" You frown.
"Sí. Don't worry."
"I'm- not worried. I can hold my own pretty well you know. I'm not a damsel in need of-"
"Princessa." Jake cuts you off sharply, glancing at you over his shoulder.
"Lo sé, I know, but this is not your fight and I will not let you get hurt." Jake says.
"Whatever sassy remark I'm sure you're about to say please save it for later. Right now? Bigger fish." He says.
"Fine." You concede, stepping back a little so Jake has room to fight. The masked assailants standoff with Jake for what feels like several minutes. It couldn't have been more than 90 seconds but it felt like much longer. The one on the right strikes first, leaping towards Jake with a dagger which seems to signal the others to launch at them too. Despite being outnumbered 3:1, Jake is holding his own pretty well against them for the most part. He disarmed the one with the dagger rather quickly and now it's just hand to hand. Even when they manage to get the jump on him it never lasts long, you're rather impressed by Jake's fighting. It seems like this will be over pretty soon, or rather it did, but then you notice one of the guys reach for the discarded dagger. Jake is distracted by the other two, you're not sure if you should yell or intervene but you have to do something. It's too late to yell, he won't have enough time to reach. You shoot your arm out and the blade slips from his hand and into yours. This turns his attention to you and he runs at you after a moment of confusion. You barely manage to sidestep him and he goes crashing into a lamppost though that doesn't manage to slow him down much. He charges again like an angry bull.
"Princessa!" Jake yells somehow still worried about you despite fighting off two people on his own.
"I got it, Jake!" You call back elbowing the guy in the nose as he comes at you. The guy grabs his nose for a moment but quickly focuses back on you, throwing a punch that you dodge but he uses your movement to grab your arm that's still holding his dagger. While trying to disarm you the weapon slashes your side and you have to grit your teeth as you wrench yourself free.
"Aw man I liked this shirt." You mutter. You've officially had enough of this. With a flick of your wrist, you effectively freeze your assailants in place.
"Dios mío." Jake breathes out, stumbling when he realizes the fight has stopped.
"Sorry! I should've warned you I was gonna do that. This guy ruined my shirt so- I'm not having fun anymore."
"You were having fun?"
"I mean- as much fun as you can have while fighting. I was winning so, wasn't too bad but then he ruined my shirt."
"You're hurt." Jake frowns.
"It'll heal. Do you want me to wipe their memories or I can just leave them here for a few hours? Although they'd probably come looking for us again if I did that."
"You can just wipe their memories?"
"Yes." You nod.
"And you could do this the whole time?"
"Yes." You nod.
"What are you?" Jake asks.
"A telepath mostly. Did Steven and Marc not tell you that? Steven like almost stopped talking to me when he found out."
"Steven almost stopped talking to you because of this?!"
"Well not-"
"Sorry, give me one second." Jake spins around and finds the nearest reflective surface, a window of a closed store next to you both. "Hermano. You almost stopped talking to her because she's?! Do you not realize that makes her the coolest person you've ever met?! Why would you stop talking to her?!" Jake practically yells at the reflection. You chuckle a little at the one-sided conversation. You're tempted to find out what Steven's response is but you won't pry. It's surprising to hear Jake jump to your defense considering how little he talks to you. "That's so stupid! You are very lucky Marc was nosy enough to get involved and save you from yourself! ... No Marc you were being nosy you didn't even know the girl at the time ... I'm not saying that I'm just saying she was Steven's interest first. It's fine that you like her now but it's not like you were looking out for your own interests when you got involved, you were helping Steven... This isn't about me!?" 
You knock on the window next to Jake's reflection and he jolts back, turning to look at you with a confused frown.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt your squabble but can we start heading back to the building? Also, what do I do with the guys?"
"Lo siento, we'll take you home. And you can wipe their memories." Jake says.
"Cool." You nod. You wipe the minds of the attackers, erasing yourself and Jake from their brains entirely and you watch as they try to shake the disorientation of a memory wipe.
"That is incredible." Jake says with mild surprise, reaching a hand behind your back to guide you in the direction of your apartment building.
"You know, this is the most you've ever spoken to me." You point out.
"That is true." He nods.
"But you wanted to protect me tonight."
"You are Steven's girlfriend. Even if I do not talk to you, I will protect you because it protects Steven." He shrugs.
"That's- very noble of you I guess." You say. There's a moment of silence that passes between you before Jake offers a reply.
"It is selfish."
"Selfish? How?"
"Estoy demasiado nervioso para hablar con tú, pero presto suficiente atención para saber que he empezado a cuidar de tú." He sighs.
"I don't speak Spanish." You shake your head.
"I know." He smiles.
"But how will I know what you're saying?"
"He likes to be vague." You notice immediately the change of voice.
"He likes you. He doesn't want to admit it but he likes you."
"Oh!" You blink, a smile slowly spreading across your face. "That's very cute. I like him too. He should come around more." You say. And come around more he did. It was gradual at first but soon you were seeing Jake as often and Marc and Steven. You won't pretend it's always straightforward considering the three are very different personalities but you like to think you're all navigating it well. Even though sometimes you need a little help from your abilities.
Tagged Users: @itsmskeisha @auntiegigi @neteyamsluvts
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A Ratatouille type AU where Bruce takes his tentative first steps into detectivism.
Gotham's so massively drowned out in crime that he's barely making a scratch surface level.
But you know who does know Gotham? Knows every nook and cranny among the narrows? Knows no fear? Stole Batman's tires when no one had the guts to?
Jason fricking Todd.
" Wait, -- no no, that's not when Penguin makes his deliveries anymore. That's when the pigs buy from him and take everything for free. You're gonna wanna bust him tomorrow, genius,"
"Jason," Bruce weights his trust carefully. " If I let you go... Are we in this together?"
Jason snorts, imaginary spit in his hand, shakes Bruce for it. And then runs. Leaving Bruce in a golden street light. Leaves him staring with his shoulders down.
"Oh, brother."
It's a pretty good deal; Jason gives him tips, he gets a comfy, puffy head, fresh food, and surprisingly?
Lots of hugs. Sunshine kisses on his nose and cheek and forehead.
" And how," Alfred rubs his temples around Bruce so much Jason thinks it's a reflex at this point, " Will you explain to the public why Batman carries around a sidekick with a curfew?"
" An unjust curfew."
" Jason will work at the Batcomputer."
" On my batchair, sipping on some bat-hot chocholate, from my bat mug. I mean, -- it's Gotham. We're not going anywhere."
Except. Lex Luthor, as most middle aged men who grew up with too much freedom and too little consequences, never learned what a rejection is.
"...The justice league?"
" Yeah, hot shot! I mean, you've been giving us some issues in the popularity department, my friend," He doesn't like the smirk on Lex's smile; As if he owns the whole world and wants to own him, too,
" The people are crazy for Superman punching a nazi, -- I don't like violence in my politics, but agree to disagree, -- Flash running for charity, Wonder Woman visiting some dying kid at the hospital. Everyone likes them. But nobody trusts them. They trust you."
" And it'd look very good for you to have a human on your team. After... That happened."
That includes the suspicious assassination of his political rival. Bruce begins to suspect its not suspicious at all.
" Bingo! See? I know a showbiz kid when I see one. Superman can show you the ropes. Guy's a better liar than me. That's saying something."
Jason's voice is protective and hissing like an angry viper in his ear, " I don't like this, Bruce. Don't take the deal."
But Bruce wanted to meet Superman outside of his city. Wanted to weight the risks. Wanted to see how big the man behind the symbol really is, and If humanity's lifespan is ended at one bad day.
So he accepts. And Superman Is nothing like he expected.
Passionate, angry, and uncomfortably handsome. That's who's got Bruce pinned to a wall, staring with barely surpassed annoyance,
" When I think he can't go lower, he surprises me."
" We're in this together, superm-"
" Oh no no no no. Your position as a citizen was secured the second someone shoved that silver spoon in your mouth. I didn't suffer years under that sentient ballsack so a tax dodging bastard like you can just walk in here, --"
" But I'm no--"
" I know who you are, Wayne. You're a troubled brat who gets what he wants. But I'm not daddy, or mommy, or your seriously scary butler. So if you wanna survive out here, you play by OUR rules. Got. It?"
"...Tell him to shove the biggest piece of kryptonite up his a--"
" We get it."
Superman's brow quirks, "We?"
" Me and my...Mental illness."
"...You're a weirdo, Wayne. I hope you know that much, at least."
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orangeblossoms7 · 26 days
Addressing a Few Things (hopefully for the last time)
Please don't look down on creators who make 'decorative things and texture packs.' Just because my mods are mostly cosmetic doesn't mean they're any less valuable than the 'mechanical value' you're talking about. We may not know each other, but with the disrespect you're showing to aesthetic creators, I sincerely hope we never meet.
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The screenshots are from the SDV Discord server.
Maybe leaving Nexus was a really good idea because of people like these. 🥲 Thanks to the one who spoke up for me though! 🥹
For the record, while my Ko-fi shop items and Patreon download links are marked 'members-only,' I've clearly included a link directing followers and free members to my CurseForge profile where the mods are also available. See below:
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'|⬇| FREE DOWNLOAD' is there in capital letters. The same is true for all of my 'public release' mods.
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You can see that almost all of my mods are in this new site.
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'DOWNLOAD MY MODS HERE' is highlighted in bold, capital letters in my pinned post.
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On my about page, 'FREE DOWNLOADS HERE' is also highlighted in bold, capital letters.
I initially marked my Ko-fi and Patreon mods as for 'everyone,' but later decided to change them to 'members-only'. To offset this "inconvenience", I made sneak peeks and polls of my 'to-be-public' mods free for all, as communicated in my welcome post below:
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The same is also written in my Patreon welcome note.
It's frustrating to be reproached and get derisive comments for wanting compensation for my work when others literally do the same with commissions. I'm not even one of those modders who paywall sneak peeks and then upload the finished mod on ad-heavy, pop-up-heavy sites where they earn revenue.
Regarding the limited-time mod (like my September 2024 Milk Door), it's simply a fun bonus for my members—a way to thank them for supporting me all this time... and still being there for me all throughout the bad times I've experienced at Nexus and the SDV community there. I didn't think it would be an issue since it's a tiny little mod that won't even impact anyone's gameplay except for roleplaying(?) purposes of having a milkman deliver milk to your milk door...
I'm trying to balance 'members-only' and 'free for all' mods without making anyone feel left out. Admittedly, some of my mods are for members only (around 8) but I think the amount of free mods (34 to be exact) I've already shared with everyone offsets this "imbalance."
(I'm not trying to hold this over anyone, but I'm adding this little disclaimer just in case someone tries to twist my words.)
If you disagree with how I do things, feel free to unfollow. I'm gonna be sad to see you go because of this, but if you feel uncomfortable, then I understand. My content and rules may not be for everyone, and that’s okay. If waiting to download my mods for free isn’t for you, I suggest exploring other modders.
As for those who are still here despite everything else, you have my eternal gratitude. Always. ♥︎♡♥︎
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
"Blocking isn't some personal insult. Its a method of saying; hey, we clearly shouldn't interact, so I'm gonna build this soundproof wall between us to make sure we can't."
Except that's not what the people you associate with do and encourage you and others to do by extension. I really liked your writing, but it's disappointing to see the type of people you've chosen to buddy up to, who use blocking as a way to weaponize social media and make pariahs out of certain people in the fandom who don't bow to their whims. I hope they don't burn you the way they've burned so many others, but with their track record, I'm not holding my breath.
Okay let's do this. I'm tired. I would like to go back to sleep. Get off my lawn, etc etc.
I have been dealing with anons harassing me since I started posting HotD stuff back during the Season 1 show run. I got hateful anons saying terrible things about Abby back in December. When I interacted with NONE of the people that I currently interact with today. This escalated when I properly began posting Maiden in the summer of last year, and then escalated in the fall. After receiving some truly foul anons in regards to my writing, my OC, and my work, including one telling me to kill myself, I shut anons off. Because what the actual fuck. I have been on the internet for 25 fucking years and this is the first time I have EVER dealt with such bullshit.
Before these anons ramped up, I, like many people, blocked. A lot. I blocked mostly people thirst reblogging stuff about the actors that would cross my dash or in the tags because it made me uncomfortable, I didn't want to see it. I blocked a lot of blogs that were posting these weird reader x canon character thirst lists that I just found bizarre and didn't want to see scrolling through a character tag. That, friends, is what the block button is for. I block people with takes that I disagree with as well, I'm someone whose pretty liberal with my block button. I block things I don't want to see on my dash. It's honestly as simple as that.
No one has fucking told me to block anyone. I am actually deeply fucking insulted that I, a grown ass adult who is nearly forty, needs to be told to block someone/someones when people are setting up blogs called 'ihateemilykaldwens' and trying to terrorize me, and my friends and mutuals, and then try to frame another one of my mutuals for being responsible for it in the process. I only just recently started speaking with "the individuals" I've chosen to associate with long after I have blocked the people you're saying are being bullied.
And if this is about my post the other day about the culture I see: It was never actually about anyone specific, it was genuinely trends I have seen cross my dash as well as discussions with friends in other fandoms. That's all. If someone(s) thought I was talking about them specifically: Dude, IDK what to tell you. That's a you problem.
So let's stop playing coy. I'm tired of it.
THIS. IS. A SMALL. BLOG. I do not pass a block list around and TELL people or encourage them to block them, nor have I ever have it done to me. And even IF someone said 'omg you should block all these people' uh, no? I have free will and can make my own judgements?
Anon, if this situation is upsetting to you, either come off anon in the DMs and talk to me, or you are welcome to unfollow me. I don't care, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Because the people I've blocked on my own make others feel the way you're claiming they make you feel.
Because we all know who everyone is talking about. And I'm done. This is 12 year old behavior and I don't interact with minors.
I'm going back to bed. Whatever is in the fucking water, I want none of it.
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celestie0 · 4 months
🪷 girl fuck these people I'm really sorry you're getting so many messages bitching about no smut in ch10. Like who even cares? Does a story or chapter have no value if the characters aren't going at it like rabbits and fucking and sucking on each other?
At this point if you're so disappointed about no hanky panky just go read one of those pornhwas where the characters start screwing at the drop of a hat.
I would've loved that chapter with smut or without smut idgaf it doesn't even matter to me (and the same is for most of your readers too, I'm sure of it). We've all stuck around with your work for so long, and we have faith in your direction as well as your decisions regarding the pace of the plot. It's never that serious, especially not to the stage that bozos feel the need to weep in a writer's asks and swamp them with negative messages. Go jack off or play dj with your hello kitty and go to sleep like the rest of us.
Again, no matter what you do with your work it's entirely your choice. Ofc we as readers can have our own takes and how or why we interact with the work can vary, but it shouldn't reach this stage. I've seen this same story of bullying and pestering authors on tumblr too many times with other authors whose work I enjoy, and many have left their blogs because the harassment made them lose interest in writing and sharing their pieces. It's fucking heartbreaking. Pornhub dot com is right there for y'all to be doing entirely too much in the asks of these writers who are already overwhelmed and write and share all this FOR FREE. If you have so many qualms about it pick up that bic and get to writing bitch!
I'm sorry babe take care! We love you🫂
AHHH LILYPAD ANON I APPRECIATE U SM THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME 😭😭 you’re always so kind to me i sobs
yeahh sigh :( i was just a bit upset that ppl were already finding fault w a chapter i haven’t even released yet just bc it doesn’t have smut in it 😭😭 like i obviously know by now that i can’t make everyone happy, but it’s not right to subtly pressure me into a certain direction for my story (ik this is a normal thing authors/writers have to deal with, i am just a weakling unfortunately 💀💀 my therapist wld agree)
i know it’s not most of my readers though :”) everyone is so sweet n kind n patient, i just don’t understand the some few that think that just bc they tell me they’re disappointed there’s no smut, that i’m somehow gonna go back to my 80pg dissertation of a chapter n make it 100pgs just to add some for them 😅…like no. what it DOES make me feel is icky n sad
frankly it’s really uncomfortable to make an author feel bad that there’s no explicit sexual content in a story 😅 your horny brainrot is showing. like, i AM def planning to write smut in kickoff, there will be multiple smut scenes to come. but even if i suddenly chose not to include them anymore, that’s my right to do so.
and yes, if they want smut, they can write it themselves. why do i need to be the one to write it for you? i don’t owe anyone anything.
i totally agree w you. honestly, i feel bad sometimes setting these boundaries, but you’re SO RIGHT in that SO many authors leave their platforms bc of hateful asks/pressuring comments etc, i’ve seen it time n time again. bc it’s true that it DOES get to people, especially when creating art is already a very stressful thing. i don’t have to passively tolerate rude strangers on the internet just because i’m trying to protect n pursue my passion
thanks sm for trusting my direction :”) and YES absolutely!! i love it when my readers disagree w character actions or emotions, bc characters have flaws n i’m intentional about those flaws, so it’s exciting to see opinions my readers have, even if they’re in disagreement, because it’s interactive w my work. not that i expect anyone to interact ever. i understand that i post on my own accord, so readers can choose whether to interact on their accord as well.
but something about pressuring me into writing explicit sexual content into a story that i’d like to think is a lot more than just smut, is really disheartening.
- ellie 🐸
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topazadine · 2 months
Writing Strong Female Characters
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I was inspired to write this after reading @bibliophilesince2003's post on writing strong female characters (which I completely agree with). I will avoid simply parroting what they said there, as it is an excellent post and you should read it on its own merits.
Instead, I'll focus on some slightly different elements of writing female characters who are interesting but not, you know, misogynistic and annoying.
Here are the main points we will be discussing:
Trauma is not a stand-in for a personality.
Strong does not always mean argumentative and/or stoic.
Strong female characters do not necessarily have to be warriors or powerful leaders.
Expertise can make strength.
Even tough characters have moments of weakness.
Being emotional does not negate strength.
Give each strong female character a secret goal that gets in the way.
As usual, this is my opinion, I'm not the absolute source of writing information, you're free to disagree, etc etc. Okay. Let's go.
What do I mean by "strong female character?"
When I say "strong female character," I do not necessarily mean warrior badass. Instead, I'm talking about female characters who can hold a narrative on their own; who are not mere background pieces for a man, but who are fully-fledged and interesting people on their own.
These are characters that we love and think about fondly, no matter what genre they come from. They are not simple walking tropes, but interesting individuals who we want to understand and explore across a series.
Trauma is not a stand-in for personality.
This happens with male characters too, but it seems to be an absolute curse when it comes to female characters. A lot of writers think that we'll magically know a character is ~tough~ and ~resilient~ by telling us that they were abused as a child or having them be sexually assaulted on the page.
In all reality, trauma can blunt your personality. A lot (but not all) of people who were abused, especially as children, become numb and quiet and withdrawn. They lose personality, not gain it. There are so many people who just walk around in a daze because they haven't processed their trauma, and it makes them less interesting as characters because ... they're not feeling or doing anything. (Again, not all, but some, or even many.)
I recently started a book that I gave up on because the author literally did a flashback just to show the female character being raped. Like, that was supposed to really do something for us. It was supposed to show us her character or something. Well, it didn't do anything but tell me that the author really wanted to write a rape scene. How am I supposed to take you, or the character, or the book seriously if you have to shove my face in it like "LOOK! There's her personality!! Traumatized girl!! Feel bad for her!"
Some of the best books I have read with female characters who have gone through trauma don't show it. Like at all. We feel their pain as aftershocks; we know it happened; but we're seeing them for themselves, not for the horrible things that happened to them. This way, we understand how it informed their personality, but the trauma itself is not serving as the personality. It is serving as an explanation for why they are the way they are.
This takes more work, yes, but that's the point: you can't just lean on the trauma as a crutch. You have to create a personality and then twist it, or at least color it with what happened to them.
You're totally free to give your character trauma. You're free to discuss uncomfortable topics; in fact, if you're comfortable with doing so, you should, in order to give better awareness to the topic. But you have to ask yourself if it's actually necessary to show us the blood and guts on-page. Does it really do much for the character development to grab your reader by the face and make them watch?
My typical ethos (and again this is just my opinion) is that past character trauma does not need to be shown in flashbacks, but current character trauma can certainly happen on-page if you feel it's necessary. This is especially true if we have already come to like the character; then we feel bad for them and we know they already have a personality.
If you're going into flashbacks to show us fucked-up things that don't necessarily have anything to do with the current plot, maybe you should ask yourself why you want to do that.
Strong does not always mean argumentative and/or stoic.
One of my very favorite female characters I have ever written, Asari, is the gentlest, sweetest lady ever. I don't think I ever had her yell at anyone during the time that I wrote her, even in the worst situations.
She isn't stoic, nor is she bold and brash; her strength comes from her calm. Asari exudes this commanding energy without raising her voice, nor does she hide her feelings.
In the same vein, one of my favorite female characters is Marta Cabrera from Knives Out. Why do I like her and consider her a strong female character? Because she's nice but not a pushover. She's excellent at her job (something I'll discuss in a minute) and genuinely cares about people, and that's why she prevails.
Marta does the right thing even when it would screw her over; yes, she fucks up and gets scared sometimes, but when it matters most, she follows her heart.
Kindness and softness can be its own kind of power, even if it's not necessarily a cool and flashy kind. There are many different kinds of strength, even if we generally only see certain kinds depicted in media.
It takes strength to be kind in this cruel, fucked-up world. Stoic unemotional people are taking the easy way out by numbing their feelings and refusing to connect with others, and it makes them feel flat and uninteresting. The most interesting female characters are those that truly, deeply care about others.
You can make an interesting, complex, and enjoyable female character that people want to root for without making them loudmouth badasses.
Strong female characters do not necessarily need to be warriors or powerful leaders.
This should be a given but, for some reason, it does not always seem to be the case. Someone thinks "strong female character" and immediately goes "give that lady a sword!"
Sure, you can give the lady a sword. I'm always for beautiful women with swords. But this doesn't automatically make them a strong female character.
In fact, a lot of the time, Girl With Sword just comes across as a different type of substitution: brute force replaces personality rather than trauma. Someone assumes that just because the girl is hacking through monsters, she's automatically a good, strong, powerful character, but that's not true.
Another of my favorite female characters is Temperance Brennan (from the books, not the show). Honestly, they did her so dirty in the Bones: she's not this cold, stoic badass in the books. In fact, she's just a normal lady who is really good at her job and who really, really cares about getting answers for things, even when it's not her job to do so.
In the grand scheme of things, Temperance Brennan isn't some powerful leader who can change the whole world; she's solving one crime at a time in different locations around the US and Canada. She's brilliant in forensic anthropology and can notice clues that no one else does due to her experience and keen eye.
I'd like to challenge you to break the paradigm of the strong female character being the Chosen One, the ultimate badass, the most importantest lady there ever was. Think about how you can make a strong character without just "wow she's so tough and she's so fierce and she's so special."
Expertise can make strength.
This one is more challenging because it requires you to become an expert in what you're talking about, and to balance that expertise with creating interesting characters.
The Temperance Brennan books are so great because Dr. Kathy Reichs herself is actually a forensic anthropologist. An incredible forensic anthropologist who testified before the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal about the Rwandan genocide and who helped identify victims at the World Trade Center. She's a truly awe-inspiring woman and a damn good writer.
Dr. Reichs' experience infuses the entire series with this sense of gravitas. You can feel that she knows what she's doing, and that, by extension, Temperance Brennan knows what she's doing. This, in addition to having a well-rounded personality, makes Temperance a great character because we understand that she worked very hard to get to where she is: she had to face a lot of challenges and setbacks to become such an expert.
One reason that this creates a strong female character is because to become good at anything, you need to believe in yourself, at least a little. You have to have persistence and not give up when shit gets hard; plus, you have to be very passionate about what you're doing or, again, you'll just give up.
Having authority in any field creates strength that you can lean on, and it also presupposes certain character traits that got your character to where they are right now.
A character that has an earned accomplishment, not just a Chosen One, is going to have some heft to them by dint of knowing shit. Of course, you need to give you some other traits, too; they could be shy but brilliant, and they had to overcome some of their shyness to get where they are. Or they could be really lazy but they were so curious about this one singular thing that it consumed them. That makes for interesting characters.
If you don't have any special expertise, that's okay: it just means that if you want to create a strong character based on their experience, you need to do some research and talk to people who know what they're doing.
Even tough characters have moments of weakness.
A pitfall that many writers fall into is thinking that their characters have to be strong all the damn time and can never cry, get upset, yell, have a little freakout moment.
The strongest woman I know is my mother. She survived 20 years of domestic violence and went on to get two Master's degrees in her 50s while working full-time, and she's now applying to a PhD program in Death Studies. In her work, she has helped some of the largest companies in the world implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, which I can't even explain to you how it works frankly.
Truly a very accomplished woman, and my absolute inspiration. However, she certainly has her bad moments. Of course she does - she's a human being! When our family dog died, she was an inconsolable wreck, as were all of us. I've seen her ranting about the dumbest things, and she's a total baby about any form of physical pain.
This does not make her any less of a strong person, nor does it make me respect her less. In fact, it makes me remember that she is very accomplished and strong despite having all the same stupid human temptations that we all do.
Characters aren't people, but we want them to feel like people. That means letting them have a little cry once in a while, or screw up, or say something stupid and regret it. It doesn't make them weak; it makes them complex.
Being emotional does not negate strength.
Let us look at the ultimate magical girl: Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is the archetype Cancerian who cries about fucking everything. She's such a big disaster baby, but she's also a very strong female character, and part of the reason she's a strong female character is because she is a big disaster baby.
Usagi shows that you can feel deeply without it making you a lesser person; in fact, part of the reason that she's so tough is because she channels her energy into her magical persona.
All of the Sailor Scouts are quite emotional in their own way, which makes sense because, you know, they're teenagers. They get upset and cry, or yell at each other and have fights, but it doesn't get in the way of what they need to do.
We like Usagi and root for her because she puts her whole heart out there and doesn't pretend that she doesn't have feelings. She just oozes emotion all the time, and part of her journey is learning how to make her emotions work for her rather than the other way around.
It's not necessary to make your female characters stoic, empty, and unaffectionate. They can be loving and kind without it detracting from their power.
As I have said before in other posts, people read fiction to feel things. Even if we don't necessarily admire or enjoy a certain character, we're going to have strong feelings about them if they show emotions. This is because human beings have mirror neurons that become activated when we see emotions. Characters feeling things makes us feel things. That develops a bond with them and, when combined with other character elements, makes for memorable characters.
Give each strong female character a secret goal that gets in the way.
Typically, a character's goal, especially if they are the MC, is obvious and straightforward. They want to save the world, or solve a mystery, or get the boy, or whatever. But strong characters often have a secret goal that is at odds with their ultimate quest, and it is this push-pull between their outward goal and their secret inner goal that creates complexity.
The secret inner goal may not even be necessarily known to the character; its mere existence will cause internal strife that leaks out into their actions.
For example, let's say that we have a typical saving-the-world girl character. Perhaps their side quest is to find love. But what's their secret goal? Maybe it's finding a sense of belonging, having been a black sheep as a little girl.
Will saving the world fix that? Probably not, because now she stands alone; she may be loved and revered, but she's also apart from other people by this brand-new status. She's accepted yes, but she doesn't necessarily belong.
Maybe her secret goal is to come to terms with her past. Will saving the world fix that? It could; perhaps it helps her accept that she can't save everyone, but she can save as many as she can.
Or, perhaps, her secret goal is to feel normal. This is a nebulous term that means different things to different people. Saving the world will probably not make her feel normal, because now she's a superhuman freak. So here we have her struggling to feel normal when she is decidedly even less normal than before.
Perhaps we see her trying to shape this newly-saved world into something that will make her feel that normalcy, and in doing so, she becomes a tyrant. That's a fascinating problem to have!
The most satisfying triumphs are the ones where, against all odds, the character manages to get both. In a bittersweet ending, they may achieve the secret goal but fail at the outward goal. It may also be a tragedy if they achieve their outward goal but, in doing so, have to sacrifice the secret goal.
Most importantly, the secret goal needs to be secret. It can't be outwardly stated because then it's not a secret goal anymore. By holding it close, you perfume this story with a longing and tugging; you develop internal contradictions that make us wonder what the character is thinking or why they do things that may seem contraindicative to their ultimate goal.
Some possible secret goals include:
Having a family (whatever that means to the character)
Feeling wanted
Feeling normal
Feeling adequate
Developing self-love
Overcoming imposter syndrome
Getting revenge for a past slight
Living up to expectations
Forgiving themselves for past mistakes
Honoring someone's memory
Paying back a previous kindness
Healing old wounds
That's about it. Again, these are all my opinions based on my experience. I'm not telling you how to write your book or saying you can't do anything.
If you enjoyed this, maybe you'll consider reading my gay coming-of-age fantasy romance, 9 Years Yearning, for a cool $3. There are silly little guys punching each other and riding horses.
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blighted-lights · 1 month
choose violence; 1, 3, 6, 9, 13
(for this ask here!!! im still taking asks for this, so feel free to send more in!)
1: Character Everyone Gets Wrong
going to name several here, just because i can lol. for idw, its tailgate, drift, arcee, getaway, and tarn. for tfp, it's airachnid and knock out. jazz gets hit with this HARD no matter what continuity he's in and it's so frustrating seeing most fanon interpretations of him, because a lot of it is just rooted in racism. that isn't saying at all that people are intentionally being bigoted ofc, but a lot of the headcanons that people assign jazz and the frequent mischaracterization of him is... well. it's weird. it's weird.
3: Screenshot or Description of The Worst take You've Seen on Tumblr
so im not going to pull out direct screenshots on this, but there is a LOT of back and forth about sexuality headcanons in the tf community, and holy fuck does it get annoying sometimes. im full believer in the idea that anyone can headcanon any character as whatever they want, don't get me wrong, but there is such a lack of consideration for others and boundary crossing when it comes to people going "you're wrong, actually, and here's several paragraphs describing why". this character cant be bi for yadda yadda, they cant be trans bc yadda yadda, they cant be ace bc yadda yadda, or they can ONLY be ace bc of whatever reason. it's happened to me, to several of my mutuals, it's happened to other people i see just randomly in the transformers tag. there's been several vague posts made about people disagreeing with other people's takes and its just,,, it's draining, ngl. maybe not the worst takes i've seen overall but definitely one of the most frequent that annoy me
6: Which Ship Fans Are The Most Annoying?
obligatory "not all fans of these ship are annoying, this is me generalizing from what i've seen" warning here, but i think mega/op and mega/star take the cake. and dra/tchet. this is largely because there's such a big separation between the canon and fanon versions of these characters that seeing a lot of the fanart and fic made for them is just,,, agh. i can't really recognize these characters as who they're supposed to be because they've been so removed from how they're presented in canon media. and im NOT saying you have to strictly adhere to canon. because fuck canon, lol. but it comes to a point where these aren't even the same people anymore. and i wouldn't even care about the canon/fanon thing if some of these fans weren't so idk. mean? aggressive? when it comes to their shipping and people not agreeing with what they ship/how they present that ship? it's absolutely calmed down in recent years, though.
also there's a fair bit of dra/tchet fic and art that is just. absolutely riddled with casual classism, orientalism, and anti-sex work rhetoric, and its uncomfortable. so i tend not to engage much with the fandom on it.
9: Worst Part of Canon
this is such a vague question because i could say so much here, but i'm just going to go with the very biased answer of the frequent condescending way a lot of the beastformers are treated throughout idw. like. these are people. canon wants you to believe that these characters are just as sentient and alive as everyone else but just, jeez. look at what ravage does throughout all of mtmte. being pet, drinking out of bowls, sleeping under megatron's bed, the visual gag of megatron gifting him a bone in one of the cover pages for the holiday special in mtmte, nautica handing ravage a little energon treat, everyone calling him kitty. it's just. agh.
13. Worst Blorbofication
idw tailgate and ravage. absolutely tailgate and ravage, though drift fits here too. tailgate is an arrogant asshole who has a violent streak a mile long. ravage is a bitter, snarky jerk who was, at some point, considering on killing megatron. they're both complex adults and fanon does somewhat have a habit of waving these things away.
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sparklingself · 1 year
hello! i just wanted to share something i've been reflecting on lately: guilt. i think for some of us, that's one of the reasons why we can't seem to be able to manifest what we want. i feel like it's especially hard to break free from guilt bc if you're like me, feeling guilty proves to yourself that you're good (or not too bad, at least), bc if you were truly bad you wouldn't feel guilty. it's hard not to cling to misplaced guilt bc it feels right. i'm not speaking about feeling guilty bc you've hurt someone or damaged something that wasn't yours, since in this case feeling responsible for it and reasonably guilty is natural. it helps maintain peace within the group. no, i'm talking about feeling constantly guilty for existing, for struggling, for making mistakes without meaning to, for eating this or that, for not wanting things you think you should want or for wanting things you think you shouldn't want, for not always being as kind as you wish to be, for suffering, for not doing this or that, for worrying your parents… you get it. basically feeling constantly guilty bc you believe you'll only deserve not to feel guilty when you become a saint or perfection personified, when you'll never do anything that could bother someone else directly or indirectly again. as you can imagine, you'll probably never become that (unless you cut all ties and go live all alone on a deserted island, but even then, that will surely sadden your close ones, so…). therefore, you stay stuck in this guilt. you can't make it go away because you can't exactly repair most of those things. you can't repair being human, right? but there's something called punishment. if you feel constantly guilty like that, you'll look for punishment - consciously or not. and because to you, feeling guilty means you're not a bad person, you agree with this feeling and with the fact that you deserve to be punished, in one way or another. i'm so sorry if it's all over the place, but for some of us i feel like this constant feeling of misplaced guilt is what makes manifesting difficult. i'm not religious but it's like we believe we're sinners no matter what, and sinners must repent. so our outer realities reflect that: guilt itself may be a punishment, not getting what you want may be a punishment, feeling depressed and aimless may be a punishment, "failing" may be a punishment, being treated with disrespect may be a punishment, others guilt-tripping you may be a punishment. anything. so, for some of us, letting go of this guilt might be the key. I have to admit I don't know how to do that very well yet, but recognising you feel guilty over nothing, that you don't need to be punished and that 'not feeling guilty' doesn't equal 'being bad' are first steps. and you can take responsibility without drowning yourself in guilt. further than that, dare not to feel guilty. acknowledge the existence of this feeling within you but dare to tell it it's not relevant. dare to disagree with the guilt, even if it feels uncomfortable or wrong. i guess you can even imagine someone telling you that you're not guilty, that you don't need to be punished, and that you're good. i'm gonna tell you myself: you're good. you existing and everything that comes with it is not a sin. you don't need to blame yourself to be good. you're good as you are right now.
sorry for the rambling lol, but i hope this helped anyone a little!
thank you for your thoughts and input🤍
i’ve struggled with guilt and i still do time to time, but loa has really improved my well-being and not feeling guilty in that sense. i have the habit of blaming myself and doubting myself a lot. but the beauty of loa is that when you’re in that mindset of the physical merely being a mirror, it doesn’t matter. say you say something you regret. you can revise it. it doesn’t matter anymore. all you ought to do is remove it from your consciousness by replacing it with something else. and you needn’t feel any guilt. in fact, speaking of sin, neville proposes that the feeling of guilt or any feeling that doesn’t let you experience your desires is sin. it can be a long process, but through constantly working on yourself, trust me, your self-worth will improve.
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This made me realize how much I dont know myself-
Okay so I'm an ISTJ, Capricorn, female and straight. When people first see me they think I'm a mean girl because of my resting face(I have a mad resting face). When I they get to speck to me I get very awkward usually shy. However I am very loud with friends. (Source is my friends)
Also many people(that I have just meet)have told me that my voice is very quiet. I believe this is because I am used to talking myself. I am used to only hearing myself that I tend to forget other people are being to hear me. This sounds really creepy but most of the time when I'm talking to myself, I am kind of day dreaming.
If my parents teachers, or any authority figure were to describe me they would say I am proper, organized, calm always trying to find peace. Some might say patient.
If a sibling(I have 4 older and 1 twin) would describe me it would be cruel(as a joke) and rude(also a joke) and basically any of these adjectives cause these individuals dont like to give proper answers. SMH
As you can tell I'm an introvert. An ultra introvert. I can stay at home for a week and some days straight, although I love exploring places. For instance I like going for walks on areas I haven't been to. I don't always do this because my brothers won't go out with me, my parents dont like exploring(they already have done these stuff) so I only have my sister, who happens to be disagreeable at times.
I hate people that make fun of you constantly. Even if it is as a joke, like thos friends that "bully" you, I'm just not into those friendships.
The closest friend to me is someone I can be weird and emotional with, can talk freely around.
My love language is acts of service such as cooking, or baking. I dont mind doing other services but these two would be a must.
I appreciate receiving gifts but it's hard for me to accept them, I feel very in debt for the most part.
I dont mind physical touch. A few years ago I felt extremely uncomfortable with it, now however I welcome it if it's from someone I love.
I've always had problems with quality time. Ofc it's important but I have always needed my alone time no matter who the person is.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. Ngl I have trouble giving those, idk it just feels like I'm gonna be laughed at. But when some says something nice about it really boots my everything!! Like J absolutely adore it and try to give it back.
I think this is about enough😅
Lots of love
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Thank you!! ^^
I match you up on a blind date with....
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Magna Swing
Magna might be a loud young man, but he is a gentleman through and through. He would be there to give you all the words of affirmation you need, and compliments you on your cooking and baking, and would do so even if that wasn't your particular love language. He just genuinely finds it amazing that you're able to make such good dishes and baked goods!
He also knows that looks (as in the resting face) can be deceiving. After all, he's dressed like a punk, but he's a total sweetheart underneath. And if anyone would give you a hard time, he'd be there to defend you with all his might.
Going out on walks, or rides on his Crazy Cyclone, would be welcomed! They would be like your mini adventures amidst missions and better yet, they'd be your time together. Almost like having smaller dates regularly. (But of course there would have to be proper dates as well). He's also not that big in going to functions or parties with a lot of people. He might be loud but appreciates privacy too
Magna is a reflective person. So while he might tease Luck, he's riled up by Luck, which leads to that behaviour. However, with a spouse, he would never do that. And in friendships, he doesn't initiate it
He also understands the need of personal space, and he respects it. Everyone is their own person, and one's own interests are also important, which you should be free to do as you wish. For example he likes tuning his Crazy Cyclone. Which he's happy to do by himself. It's his "me -time". You should have that too
He's just a big sweetheart in a leather jacket
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It is so weird how people can make their *own* post criticizing a famous author and someone will jump in and be like, "Why can't you let people have fun and like what they like?" Because what about someone's critical post is preventing you from liking what you like? You're free to disagree with the opinion of someone critical of Anne Rice, but their opinions aren't out here burning your beloved books lol.
What it comes down to is this--you are UNCOMFORTABLE with the criticism. People will point out the racism that is present right there in the books and have the audacity to TALK ABOUT IT. And racism is not the only ugly thing present in Rice's work. Her own behavior outside of her books is worth studying.
Like, shit. There are some things I do like about her books. She designed a lot of interesting characters, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of wasted potential with them. But you all seem to have read these books in your edgy teenage years and felt validated by the disturbing things her characters get to do in the books and face no repercussions for them. And then you never expanded your brains beyond that point. You didn't explore any other books of the same or similar genre. You chose to never look at her work with a more critical eye because you never learned that you can like flawed things while admitting they're flawed.
That wouldn't be so bad if you all just stayed in your little corner and talked amongst yourselves, but you have to go out here and cut into our conversations and try to shut them down. Like, what is wrong with you guys? Why are you so loyal to a woman who didn't know you and would launch a harassment campaign against you if you even blinked wrong in her direction at a book signing?
And a lot of you will be like, "IT'S A GOTHIC STORY!" when cutting in on our conversation but none of you can even tell me what that means lol.
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nayruwu · 1 year
I don't want to come off as rude please don't take it as offense but I don't think guren is actually taken accountable, maybe by fandom on certain matter but narrative pretty much white washed most of his actions & whatever is left will be done in future I don't have any doubts about that. I'm not even saying this as his hater because I used to defend him before a lot but with how kagami is going right now I don't think ons wi have any 'good' ending because kagami makes characters do some heinous & evil things that cannot be undone but then justify it later on even if it make sense or not. As for mahiru, im not asking you to see her from different perspective if you don't like her I understand she's just too far gone as character even I feel uncomfortable with her. But consider this for a second, she don't actually have her own character, her personality revolves around guren most of time even tho she have her own traumatic past but none of it ever get mentioned let alone explored, she's just an accessory for guren so pushing most hate on her for what author is doing is kinda stupid cause no one is putting gun on his head to write that & logically speaking a person like mahiru who loves her own standing & hates when others cannot go all out like her wouldn't actually fall for someone like guren it's just author who fixated her on him so he can write gurens story. As for constant glorification of beauty, she was 16 don't you think author is very weird with how he was sexualizing a minor through narrative in every weird way possible? & why I think this needs to be talked more when addressing all those "mahiru goddess" complains is because he's really weird for that, 1st he sexualizes kids a lot be it shikama saying toddler looking mikayuu to breed, ferid's mansion having kids in very suggestive clothing in mikaela novels & kids literally r4p!ng eachother on same novels, kureto using r4p3 threats baby shinoa, sayuri & shigure just there to get stripped time to time, mitos assault end up becoming more about how much hurt guren is, & 10 yo mahiru mocking about putting seeds in her to shinya like that's not normal & mahiru isn't any exception. Take it as grain of salt but when it comes to actual criticism ons fandom tend to not talk about what's actually weird about the writing aside from bad writing & hiragi sisters getting in way by doing something dumb & irredeemable ons fans only ever address it when they're really pissed off by chapter or hit the ceiling with patience. That's it, I hope it didn't come off as offensive im sorry if it did tho.
oh don't worry, you're good! i've talked about these things before and don't really want to repeat myself again so i'm sorry if this answer is short. but yes, kagami definitely messed up with guren recently and i don't think anyone that seriously likes him on a deeper level disagrees. i'm all up for criticising him, i just think that the fandom has been beating his ass enough for the last 3 and a half years. especially now that Mx. 'I Cause Pain And Suffering To Get My Loved Ones Back Version 2.0' Doji has entered the stage and is somehow getting glorified to hell and back for it.
you guys keep making me think about mahiru please stop i don't wanna. i'm gonna be mean to her and say i think her obsession with guren mostly stems from the weird fantasy she's got going on in her head with the forbidden romance and her prince freeing her from the clutches of her family, so it could have been any guy naïve enough to fall for her brainwashing. insert "she's in love with the idea of guren, not guren himself" paragraph here. she's weird, i don't get her, i want to think about nicer things. like byakkomaru's paw pads. they're good.
perhaps you should just ask the guremxhi stans. they probably know more than me! be nice about it though.
and i've seen plenty of criticism towards the consant SA mentions and really odd descriptions of the girls - it's the first thing anyone talks about when someone asks whether or not they should read catastrophe. we're all aware of it, we all hate it, but it's useless to complain about the same thing over and over again. kissies
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windandheartbeat · 5 months
Hello there!!
You've reached AXYER's SFW "weird stuff" blog. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here's my SFW vore and SFW tickling account! Obviously, you can block this account should you desire to and wholly dismiss that you ever saw this account, that's totally fine! I wouldn't even judge you!
HOWEVER, I do humbly request you don't post me anywhere or laugh at me with your friends on a voice-call! I know it probably seems really fun, but it really, really hurts! I promise you there's better things to laugh at, I'm not trying to hurt anyone and I'm just doing this for comfort! We can be friends, even if we don't agree on everything, alright?
Now, DNIs are famous for literally not working whatsoever in most cases, but I'm going to try anyway, just so if you're blocked you know why:
-Racist, homophobic, transphobic (including believing there's only two genders/TERFs), radfems, radqueers, "MAP"/"NOMAP", ableist, sanist, sexist, conservative/alt-right/Republican
-Religious extremist (NOT just Christians or Muslims)
-Zionists 🇵🇸
-If you love arguing with people/brag about how you "take no shit" and love hurting people/committing crimes
-Obviously, if you think being "cringy" and being "bad" are the same thing!
-If you think talking shit about people is a likeable personality trait (sorry I hate these people so much)
-Com-shippers, ESPECIALLY if you ship characters with abusive dynamics (I had to resist saying so many mean things but I will refrain, I will refrain…)
-If you're a fan/kin/identify as/with WHATSOEVER anyone/anything from a certain webcomic where a white stick figure with a tie is tormented by a black stick figure with bat wings + red tendrils (I am extremely uncomfortable with anyone who applies to this. DNI. I mean it, please.)
-If you're unable to agree to disagree/accept differing opinions
Otherwise, here's a bit about myself!
Hi!! I'm an aspiring child psychologist from Long Island! I love to write, draw, maladaptive daydream horrifically (/hj) and walk!! A LOT!! I LOVE WALKING!!
I'm also a Heart (C/C/C/C) fictionkin!! Technically also a G/r/i/m/m/c/h/i/l/d and stick figure fictionkin, but those are less important!!
I promise you that I do not bite and unless your ask scares me I will respond as kindly as I possibly can!! And if it does scare me, dw! I probably just won't respond, but feel free to clarify! I LOVE clarification!!
I am ABSOLUTELY willing to make friends!! Let's be little /pos freaks together!! <3333
My taste in vore/tickling depends on the current hyperfixation, but Soul is a pred/ler whilst Heart (me yk yk me) is a prey/lee!! Sometimes I throw in Mid as a switch for both 👀
My preferences in vore are:
-No fluids! Everything is cushiony but dry, saliva actually REALLY icks me out!!
-Food and prey go in different areas!!
-I most like same-size + half-size but I'm A-ok with G/T!! HOWEVER I always prefer the bigger one to be the pred!!
-I like only a small belly, enough that the people around them go "hey, have you gained weight recently?" but no more than that!! Less than that's good too!!
-Fearplay is my FAVORITE!! No foodplay tho!!
-I prefer humanoids (not humans) but anthros and taurs work too!!
-I'm uncomfy with children being involved as well as animals but siblings is cool with me simply because I like to imagine it similar to how bickering siblings will do crazy things to piss one another off!!
-Vore used as timeout is EXCELLENT and probably my fav trope!!
Tickling preferences!!
-No tongue!! Again I don't like saliva!!
-I really like it when they're held down!!
-Cuddling afterwards when they're all sleepy mhm mhm yessssssss
-When the belly and sides are the most ticklish 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
-Ticking with MORE than two arms YESSSSSS MHM MHM MHM MHM MHM
-Tickling as revenge :)))))))))
#vore moment - Vore stuff!!
#tickle moment - Tickle stuff!!
#*receives food* - Reblog!!
#hearb spelling bee (vore) - Vore fic!!
#hearb spelling bee (tickle) - Tickle fic!!
#fellow freaks slash pos - Friend reblogs + discussion!!
#sad times - Angsty stuff!!
#owa goodness!! - Happy/fluffy stuff!!
#the blues and greens - Fav posts!!
#realising through glazed eyes - ALL TIME fav posts!!
What I censor:
#cw profanity - Post has curse words!!
#cw all caps - Post has all capital letters stuff in it!! (Might forget I apologize!!)
#tw digestion - Post has digestion!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide - Post has suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide attempt - Post has a failed suicide attempt!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw panic attack - Post contains a panic attack! (Would only be used in fictional content) (well, hopefully!)
#tw s/h - Post contains self-harm!! (Would only be used in fictional content) (will also be tagged as #tw self harm + #tw self-harm!!)
#tw homicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of homicide/murder! (Would only be used in fictional content)
I think that's all… anyways, have fun here!!
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Hi. A couple of things:
1. What songs from Midnights do you think fit the boys the best? (John is Anti-Hero, don't @ me)
2. Is it bad that I get kind of weirded out when people try to claim that John was bi, even though based on what I've seen, he always reacted violently to the possibility and never actually confirmed it beyond that? (My close friend and I are kind of disagreeing about it- she thinks he was because apparently Yoko said so, but again, I'm more skeptical)
Hey there!!
For the songs: John: The Great War and Dear Reader Paul: Karma and Sweet Nothing George: You're On Your Own Kid Ringo: ???? Really not sure any of the songs apply much to him.
Now to your second question:
I understand you feeling uncomfortable with it. It honestly does make me angry when I come across people who imply that the simple fact that John got violent towards people who implied he was interested in men is in of itself evidence he in fact was interested in them – it really shifts the blame for homophobia onto non-straight people and is not okay.
That being said, I don't think you have a full picture of John's relationship with his sexuality and also how it was perceived. He actually once said he was trying to make the press think he was gay by going to gay bars; in a goofy self-interview, he toyed with the idea of calling himself bisexual; also, he once in a recorded interview stated he had as a teen wanted to marry a very rich woman or man. There's also a lot of other evidence he was at the minimum curious, not least the fact that he (allegedly) told Pete Shotton, his childhood best friend, that he had been intimate with Brian in Spain – the very thing that, when suggested to him by Bob Wooler, sent him into a fit of rage. I have a post (that is by no means complete) that gathers a lot of the things he and others said regarding his sexuality that might be interesting to you.
My point is, in my opinion, when you look at his relationship with sexuality holistically, the more logical conclusion is that he was in fact interested in men but had a lot of trouble processing it and oscillated wildly between feeling okay about it and wanting to be open and repressing that side of himself no matter the cost, even to the detriment of others around him.
It's fair to have mixed feelings about it, I think, to not necessarily want to feel solidarity with him and I think every individual is free to choose how they feel about those in our community who didn't go about their identity in healthy or non-aggressive ways. (And it's also fine by me if you look over the evidence and still aren't convinced tbh. Not everyone agrees with me on that but I'm not here to force my interpretation of incomplete evidence on people)
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danganfan42069 · 2 years
About me
hi im danganronpafan42069. he/him 20↑ latino
some tags: my post and stuff - my opinion and stuff - big mood - for me <3 - ask - my negative tags for you to block if you want to masterpost
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Danganronpa is one of my biggest guilty pleasures, i can count on my fingers all the things i like about it and genuinely think are well made. But i like some character's concepts and sometimes the dialogue and story are so ridiculous and absurd that i end up having so much fun.
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Im not that active on the fandom and barely consider myself to be a part of it because almost all my opinions about ships, characters, storylines and the game/anime in general are very unpopular. I'm just happy minding my own business and vibin in my corner ^_^
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Feel free to disagree with me and/or block me if something here makes you uncomfortable, but please don't try to start a discourse. I don't intend to change my opinion of anything and i don't want to change yours (unless you're respectfully asking my more detailed opinion about something), we're just going to waste our energy and waste our time on this.
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i am very happy following this mentality here and i think you should try it too!
My favorite friendships and hcs of their relationships (WIP)
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ps (this is kind of obvious but i think it's important to make it clear): i don't think these characters or ships that i don't like are problematic (i mean with exception of haiji i think) or think fans of the ship/character either (whole game is problematic if you think about it), it's just not my cup of tea
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Tiny Q&A:
What are you referring to when you say "anti"? It's not the ant1 vs pr0ship discurse, it's someone who is "anti-some-ship-that-is-totally-fine-and-legal-by-law", the problem happens when this person in question is too immature and can't respect other people's opinions so they are chasing those who like their notp being inconvenient and annoying (and sometimes they even trivialize very serious social issues and topics)
Are you pr0shipper or ant1? I'm a grown ass adult. I work, I have a family, I have better things to do than use these internet bubble terms and discussions. I think incest and mainly minor/adult (ped0philia) ships are really fucked up even though they are fictional and/or trauma coping but I also think it's really fucked up to harass and make death threats??????? I don't want any of that on my screen so i block them all (and i also report if I think it's too fucked up)
My little disclaimer i have on any post of mine:
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My little disclaimer i have on my opinions/headcanons post
A few warnings first, since you're here to read it I recommend reading these paragraphs extra to avoid stress for you and me :)
Almost everything I'm saying here about the characters is obviously MY OPINION and how I feel about the characters and their actions and not a concrete fact. I just want to express my opinion as many people in the fandom express their negative opinion about my fav characters and I respect that, so why can't I do the same? I know my opinions are unpopular, but that doesn't make them any less valid because opinion is something personal and there is no right or wrong
I'm censoring character names because I know some of my opinions are negative so I don't want to spoil someone's good time by having my post appear in the character's main tag. I'm also even saying in the title if it's a /pos or /neg analysis and I have a unique tag for my opinions (which you can block if you want), so you're proceeding at your own risk
I don't need to be so respectful with the characters because they aren't real, but I think we all should be respectful with who likes or doesn't like the character, because these are real people and have feelings.
And obviously I don't think someone liking or disliking this character doesn't make them a "bad, stupid, inferior or problematic person", it's just their opinion and deserves respect too
To be honest I'm not posting my opinion with the intention of changing someone's opinion or starting some kind of debate, I just want to express my opinion and that's all. It's like a public diary, it's one of the definitions of a blog after all ^_^
(About my headcanons) This isn't exactly a theory or an attempt to change anyone's mind and I know that none of this is canon and most likely not intended as I see it. I'm just want to talk in more detail about my headcanons and my lines of thoughts on them.
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