#i mean the fact night at the museum is on here but not those gives you an indication how much they suck
queer-ragnelle · 6 months
Hello. Can I request movies/series adaptations of Lancelot? (old/new/forgotten ones)
lancelot is a big focus in the majority of adaptations. honestly? not too shabby in most of them! here's what i liked best.
Knights of The Round Table (1953)
Sword of Lancelot (1963)
Camelot (1967)
Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975)
Excalibur (1981)
Merlin and The Sword (1985)
King Arthur (2004)
Night at The Museum: Secret of The Tomb (2014)
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TV Shows:
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956–1957)
BBC The Legend of King Arthur (1979)
BBC Merlin (2008–2012)
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frenchkisstheabyss · 11 months
♡ wanna be yours♡
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♡ Pairing: bouncer!bang chan x stripper!chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You've had your eye on a bouncer who works at your club for the longest time. Tonight may just be the night that you get your chance with him
♡ Genre: smut/angst-ish
♡ Word Count: 1.5kish
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♡ Warnings: light violence during fight scene, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, dick riding (in the fun sense)
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If years of being a dancer have taught you anything it’s how to pretend to give a shit when you’d much rather be at home vegetating. It’s not that you hate your job. You simply aren’t always in the mood to socialize. But the club’s packed tonight and bills need to be paid.
At least the customers are generous, the music’s tolerable, and your best friend’s scheduled to work with you. Spinning around on the pole, you spot her over by the bar lighting a sparkler inside a bottle of champagne. She waves to you, blowing you a kiss. You blow one right back at her.
A sweet moment's swiftly interrupted by the thud of a body crashing onto your platform. With the music blaring overhead, you hadn’t noticed the fight breaking out behind you between bouncers and a few frat boys who’ve clearly had one too many vodka shots. The frat boy laid out at your feet has blood gushing from his nose, ruining his shirt and risking the safety of your brand new stilettos.
He sees the bouncer responsible for his broken nose headed in his direction and so do you. Both of your heart rates increase for opposing reasons. His because, despite his blurred vision, he’s ready to go another round. Yours because the bouncer in question is Bang Chan or Channie as he lets you call him.
You’ve had an embarrassingly heavy crush on the platinum blonde haired Aussie since your first night working here. Somehow you’ve managed to remain oblivious to the fact that the feeling’s mutual. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of the frat boy sneaking a knife from his pocket.
You stomp down on his wrist, applying your full weight, and you feel something crunch beneath your heel. He cries out in pain, the knife falling to the floor. Now his nose isn’t the only thing that’s broken.  Chan grabs him by the shirt, tossing him into the arms of two other bouncers waiting nearby.
You’ve never seen him this angry before but his rage is fleeting when he rises from retrieving the knife and lays eyes on you. He smiles up at you, basking in your beauty like you’re one of those goddess statues in a museum. Masterfully carved in marble and perfect in every sense of the word.
“My hero” he gasps, hand over his heart. You roll your eyes, “Dramatic much?” Chan takes your manicured hand, kissing it so gently that it sends a chill through your body. “Thank you. I mean it. I owe you one.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand, your gazes lingering on each other as the rest of the world fades away.
It returns with a roar as the fight erupts again. “I, uh…” he stutters, torn between the longing to stay with you and his obligation to fulfill his duties. “Go. Do your job. No slacking” you tease, shooing him away. Chan blushes, grateful that the darkness of the club conceals it, and disappears into the crowd.
Being the professional that you are, you immediately go back to dancing. Your mind’s even farther gone than before, floating somewhere in the clouds treasuring the tingle left behind by his kiss like it’s gold. 
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“Absolutely not” you sing, slamming the door to your locker. In the dressing room girls crowd around a half dozen vanities, dashing between clothing racks, hurrying to put the finishing touches on their looks before they’re called to the floor. You, on the other hand, have already changed into a hoodie and a cozy pair of sweats.
The night’s over for you. At least it was before your best friend cornered you, begging to borrow your car. “Oh, come on. Please, please, please” she pouts, “It’s only until tomorrow and I’ll give it right back.” “And how exactly am I supposed to get home?” The grin that spreads across her glitter speckled face is adorable and concerning all at once.
Throwing her coat on, she takes your hand and drags you through one of the side doors where Chan leans against his car waiting for you. With the sleeves of his black dress shirt rolled up and a few buttons undone, you get a peek at the tattoos covering his muscular form. Whatever workout this man does has done sinfully good things to his body. 
Your best friend plucks the car keys from your hand, nudging you forward, “You look out for my girl, Bang Chan!” “I’ll take good care of her” he promises, opening the door for you. There’s something sensual about the way he says that. “I’ll take good care of her.” You throw the bag on your shoulder into the backseat, hesitating to get in yourself.
“You really don’t have to do this.” “I owe you, remember?” Unable to argue with him, you hop in and put your seatbelt on.  As sexy as he looks walking around to the driver’s side, you wouldn’t object to being taken care of by him.
You pinch yourself on the arm, shaking off the thought of anything happening between the two of you. He probably doesn’t want it to. Even if he did, you work together. Something like that would never happen. It can’t...
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An hour’s passed and you’re thrown across your bed, knees pressed to your chest, breathing like a pregnant woman in a Lamaze class. You have no clue where your clothes went but honestly, who the hell cares? Chan’s face is buried between your legs, slurping at your pussy like it’s the only thing he’s eaten in 48 hours.
Though that may not technically be true, you definitely taste better than any meal he’s had in recent memory. Your bed’s soaked from how wet you are, a year’s worth of anticipation dripping from his chin. He sucks your clit between his lips, circling it with his tongue and pulling away.
He repeats this over and over again, edging you to the point that you’re a trembling, overstimulated wreck. “Channie…” you whine, your eyes falling close as your nails dig into the sheets below. Chan grabs onto your lush hips, lifting you away from him, “Keep them open.
I wanna see those pretty eyes when I make you cum.” You pry them open and catch him staring up at you with nearly the same look he had at the club. Only now there’s an insatiable hunger behind those eyes. Grinding you down against his face, his tongue plunges into the depths of your warmth.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” is all you can say when he has you coming apart at the seams. “Mmm” he hums, sensing how close you are by the way your walls clench around his tongue. He flexes it along your g-spot and you’re cumming harder than you ever have. Your body’s twisting, pitiful moans fill the air, fingers grasping at his hair.
This must be what it feels like to have a demon exorcized or to be possessed by one. Either way, there’s nothing in this world like it. Even as your body goes limp, your mind going cloudy, Chan’s still kitten licking your slit to gather every drop of your juices. When he finally stops, he straightens your legs out, massaging them as he trails wet kisses up your stomach.
He takes the hand previously responsible for breaking someone’s nose and delicately toys with your nipples. They perk up for him, making each graze of his fingertip twice as intense. He drags his tongue over your bud. Up your chest. Along your chin. You open your mouth to catch your breath and he’s pulling you into a decadent kiss, laced with the sweetness of your arousal. 
“I knew you’d taste amazing but that was…” he groans, using two fingers to stroke between your folds, “I could stay between those thighs all night.” “You’ll have to come up for air at some point” you tease. Chan wraps his arms around your waist, hooking an arm behind your knee, “Breathing is overrated.”
In one fluid motion, he’s rolled you over on top of him, his thick cock resting against your twitching clit. Your legs are as structurally solid as jello but you manage to prop yourself up on them, fingers running along his length. “Is this all cause of lil old me?” you ask, dipping your thumb in the precum leaking from his tip and licking it off. 
Chan cups your cheek into his palm and you nuzzle it, kissing his palm. “Can I keep you?” You giggle at the question, raising your hips and sinking down onto him. “You can'' you moan, rotating your hips in graceful figure eights that have him ready to implode. A mixture of pleasure and panic floods his system.
It’d be embarrassing to cum this quickly but you’re making it impossible. It takes everything he has to hold back watching you have this much fun using his dick to make yourself feel good. 
Chan gets it, how men can throw everything in their pockets at you when you’re on stage. He’d empty every bank account in his name to have you sit on his face. Just sit there. Not even move.
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pimosworld · 1 year
Care to join?
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Pairing- Layla el Faouly x f!reader x Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley
This is my submission for @flightlessangelwings pride month celebration. I’m new to writing but this month is very special to me so I put my nerves aside and came up with this self indulgent fic.
Summary-Steven asks you about your feelings for Layla after she shows interest in you. Will this change your relationship?
Dialogue prompt- “Can I kiss you?”
CW-Explicit 18+MDNI, mentions of DID,eventual poly relationship,FF dynamics, talks about sexuality, kissing,cursing,light angst,fluff,thigh riding, smut,threesome MFF,oral sex female receiving, fingering, unprotected piv,piv cream pie
A/N- Layla is married to Marc and has been previously in an established relationship with the system. Reader is in an established relationship with Steven.Reader is not described or race coded. I will often write that the system can carry/pick up the reader and I am a plus size person who can not be carried by my partner but I like to believe that since they are superheroes they have superhuman strength.
Not beta read
  You’re lying under Steven, your legs  wrapped around his waist while you both try to catch your breath. You’re rubbing slow lines up and down his back as his hot breath blows on your neck. 
  “Love...that was… incredible.” He raises on his elbows to peer down at you with his sweat tousled curls on his forehead. You can’t help but fall in love with him every time you look into those deep brown eyes. He’s grown soft inside you but he refuses to move. He drops his head down onto your shoulder and lets out a deep sigh.  
  “Just give me a minute please.” You know he can be needy but the annoyance in his tone is concerning.
  “You know I never rush you.” You say as you continue to trace lines up and down his back.
  “God no! no! I wasn’t talking to you love.” 
  “Oh...” It was still weird knowing Marc was present sometimes. You haven't been intimate with him obviously not wanting to cross a line with Layla. You were with Steven and she was with Marc. You’ve been on a few dates with Jake but his shyness prevented him from fronting too often. 
  “I…well we have been meaning to talk to you about something.” You can sense his more than normal nervous behavior. “It’s about Layla.” You have been dreading this moment for months, the conversation you knew would come when she grew tired of sharing. She married Marc and later became established with Steven and Jake but according to Steven he’s not been with her since you met on your first day at the museum.
  Surprisingly you took to his confession of having D.I.D very well. It took him several more weeks to reveal they are moon knight to which you also took in stride. It was the follow up conversation about the fact that he was technically married that you didn’t take lightly. It took you a week of reflection and a long conversation with Layla to convince you to give him another chance. No one has ever treated you like Steven and you didn’t want to give that up. 
  Steven often stayed at your place to give Layla her space, you knew she missed him but she always respected your relationship. When they were off doing khonshus bidding you would often have a girls night with Layla. Recently you weren’t sure how to grapple with the feelings you’ve been having towards her. You haven’t felt this way about a woman in a long time. There was no need to further complicate your already intricate relationship. 
  “Um…Steven, if I need to talk to Marc I would prefer we get cleaned up and put some clothes on.”
  “Sorry love I didn’t mean to worry you, he’s not here anymore.” You relax a little but can’t help but worry about the impending conversation. He climbs off you and you shudder at the sudden change in temperature, no longer having his body as a barrier to the cool air in your flat. 
  “Let me run us a bath and we can talk while we get cleaned up.” The prospect of a relaxing bubble bath with your boyfriend would normally have you on cloud nine, but you’d rather not have such an uncomfortable conversation in such an intimate setting. 
  “Steven, if you’re going to break up with me I’d rather you do it now,I can just take a shower when you leave.” Your legs are curled underneath you and all you can do is stare at the rumpled sheets desperately trying to keep the tears at bay. 
  “What!” Steven is standing in the doorway of the bathroom wide eyed and horrified at your assumption. 
  I told you not to bring it up after sex, she’s too vulnerable right now.
  “Will you buzz off Marc!” Steven strides towards you and is back on the bed in moments. He bunches you up with the sheets and pulls you into his lap sideways. “ I’m not breaking up with you
Love,  I just have something I need to talk to you about and I am a bit nervous.” You look up at him with tears brimming your eyelids and you can all but see his heartbreak. 
  He cradles your head and kisses you slowly as if it’s your first time. “This is not at all how I wanted this conversation to go.” He stands from the bed with you still in his arms and carries you to the bathroom. He gently sets you down on the toilet as he begins to draw a bath. You can’t help but admire his arms and his broad back as he leans over to test the temperature of the water. He places your favorite lavender bath bomb and chamomile bubble bath in before unraveling you from the sheets and helping you into the bath. You’re enveloped in that warm fuzzy feeling as he finds his place behind you pulling your back into his chest. 
  “I’m just gonna start and I don’t want you to say anything until I let you know I’m done.” You nod your head and you’re thankful you’re not facing him as the tears begin to well again. 
  “Layla has…really enjoyed your company lately when we’re out.” He pauses and tightens his grip around your waist. “She said it helps her not worry about us so much.”
  “I enjoy her company to Steven.” You know he told you not to speak yet but you figured he needed a moment to gather his thoughts. 
  “She’s actually grown quite fond of you and thought that you might feel the same about her.”
  A long silence passes between you and all you can hear are the ragged breaths of Steven and the crackling of the bubbles. You don’t think Stevens even realized that he hasn’t said he’s done speaking and is waiting for you to respond. 
  “Of course if you don’t feel the same then we don’t need to mention it again, I’m sorry I even brought it up. It's just that Marc pressed on about it…and actually he’s quite fond of you too and well that’s besides the point…I don’t even know what I’m saying any…”
  You turn in the bath and stop his rambling with a kiss to his lips as you cradle his face in both hands.
You rise in the water so you can settle yourself in his lap. You lean in to kiss him again and he parts his lips to let your tongue slide in. This slow languid movements leave you both breathless as you pull away for air and can’t help but giggle at his face covered in bubbles.
  “I thought Layla had grown sick of this situation and wanted you to end things with me.” He begins to say something but you place a finger on his lips, prompting him to wait just as you had. 
  “I am still getting to know Marc and Jake but obviously I can’t help but be attracted to someone who looks like my boyfriend.” You know Steven would accept all parts of you but it still made you nervous to open up to him. 
  “Steven…I’ve been with women before you, but I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I’ve grown to like Layla a lot and I wasn’t sure how to come to terms with my feelings.” Steven releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
  “That’s wonderful love…Layla was quite nervous that you wouldn’t feel the same and she didn’t want to pressure you.” Steven is beaming up at you as if you’ve presented him a million dollar grant to research Egyptian mythology. “You know I love and accept you for who you are.” 
  You’re suddenly feeling exposed as the bubbles dissipate and your mind starts wandering. What does this mean? What does she want? He said something about Marc. Would Jake be involved? Would Steven be upset?
  He can see you spiraling before his eyes. “Talk to me love.” He starts rubbing soothing circles on your arms.
  “Where do we go from here?” You don’t even recognize your voice as you look anywhere but his eyes. He grabs your chin with his forefinger and thumb and pulls you into a chaste kiss.
  “Whatever you want to do we will do…no
pressure.We all want you and what’s best for you, as long as you’re safe and happy that’s all we care about.” You wrap your arms around his neck in a tight hug, feeling this most content you have in years. 
  Nice job hermaño, I knew you could do it.
  You’ve never been this nervous before to just have dinner with Layla. This was something you did every week while the boys were out but this time felt different. You’ve torn your room apart looking for the right thing to wear, finally opting for a simple blue babydoll dress with a flowy skirt. You wear your hair in its natural state and put on some light makeup to complete the look. 
  It’s just dinner, relax
  You’re standing in front of the door of their shared flat trying to calm your nerves as you smooth down the front on your skirt. You can already smell the wonderful aroma wafting under the door as you begin to knock. Layla opens the door and pulls you into a hug but you’re apprehensive to hug her back act normal.
  “Hey hon, come on in, I'm just finishing up the pizza.” You enter the flat and set the bottle of red wine you brought on the counter and take in the sight of delicious homemade pizza. 
  “I’m making Marc’s favorite for you, he insisted.” She looks up from placing the toppings to wink at you. Why did he insist? 
  “Oh…everything smells wonderful.” You’re standing nervously at the kitchen island fidgeting with the hem of your dress. “I brought some wine,would you like me to pour you a glass?” 
  “I’d love some, you know where the glasses are.” She points absentmindedly to the cabinet behind her while she finishes topping the pizza. You pour two glasses for the both of you and once she places the pizza in the oven all attention is on you. 
  “How has work been? Steven said you’ve had to put in some late night shifts.” You’re staring at her wine stained lips and the curls that frame her face. How does  she always look so effortlessly beautiful? She has an inquisitive look on her face and you realize you haven’t answered her. 
  “Umm…it’s been fine, I’m sure you know how much of a pain Donna can be.” You're focused on the wine in your glass instead of her piercing gaze. 
  “Hey…I can tell you’re nervous and I know Steven talked to you. Nothing has to change. I just wanted you to know how I felt.” It makes her heart swell noticing  you’ve put more effort into your appearance than you normally do for your weekly dinner.
  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous…I care about you a lot and I want to do this right.” She takes your hand in hers and you finally look up and meet her eyes. Neither of you say anything, whatever is happening between you can go unspoken for now. 
  You both finally relax into a comfortable calm as you eat Pizza and finish the bottle of wine. As the night progresses it feels more and more like how things are supposed to be. Conversation flows freely as you both relax on the couch gossiping about work or sharing your thoughts about the boys.
  “I know they look different but Marc and Steven  both get that furrowed brow when they’re focused.” She shifts on the couch to face you mimicking that stern look they get. You burst into a fit of laughter at the accuracy. 
  “Okay but have you seen Jake's serious face?” You squint your eyes and  muster up the best version of Jake that you can manage. She leans in close,her lips just a breath away. 
  “That face is much more adorable than Jake's.” Suddenly you're feeling hot,neither of you pulling away from your close proximity. The tension that’s been building for months is threatening to burst as you wait for her next move. 
  “Can I kiss you?” She’s practically touching your lips when she asks and you wish she would just do it but you know it’s in her nature to wait for you. 
  “Yes please.” In a moment her lips are on yours as her hands caress your neck and trail down your jaw. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, feverish in the way her lips slot against yours. She pulls away and you chase her lips with your eyes closed and lips parted trying to catch your breath. 
  She brushes her thumb along your bottom lip and looks at you as though you hold the world in your eyes. “Your lips are so soft.”
  “Do it again please.” The desperation in your voice is unfamiliar but she doesn’t hesitate to oblige your request as her lips crash into yours, you part your lips to allow her tongue to slide in as you moan into her mouth. She pulls you slightly into her lap as you straddle her thigh. Your lips move in tandem as she grabs your waist. You can feel your panties soaked as she grinds your clit over her jeans. 
  “Sweetheart…you gonna come like this, I’ve barely touched you?” You’re a panting mess as your climax approaches and she doesn’t relent as she trails kisses down your neck,leaving love bites along the way. She moves one hand from your waist and slowly starts trailing your inner thigh. Her fingers dance along the hem of your underwear almost reaching where you need it the most. 
  The floorboard creaks and you both halt your movements. You look up from the couch and see Mr. Knight standing near the window, the moon still illuminating him in his stark white suit. He’s masked and you can’t see the expression on his face but his chest is heaving and you can’t help but notice the growing bulge in the front of his pants. 
  You slide off Layla suddenly embarrassed at the state she had you in. She grabs your hand before you can stand and sends you a reassuring squeeze. 
  “Steven…care to join?” She says in this sweet honey tone. Yet he doesn’t falter, as if he’s frozen to the spot. 
  Steven move your goddamn feet or I’m taking over the body.
  Snapped from his trance Steven begins to walk towards the couch. He takes a seat beside you so that you're situated in between them. He’s yet to reveal his face but his demeanor is definitely your Steven as he begins rubbing soothing circles on your thighs. The combined touch of their hands is all too real and this is territory you’ve never covered before. 
  “Are you okay with this Love?” Steven is always the observer making sure that this is truly what you want. You slowly nod your head. 
  “I need you to use your words honey.” You turn your head to Layla and the pet name she’s used many times before holds more weight in this moment. 
  “Yes this is okay…as long as Steven is…” 
  “Yes I’m great love this is perfectly alright.”He cuts you off before you can finish. You can’t help but giggle at his sudden burst of enthusiasm. 
  “Steven…why don’t you give her a kiss to calm her nerves.” Steven grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger and gently tilts your face to him. He withdraws his mask and you can see his pupils blown wide. He kisses you softly as though it’s just the two of you in the room. Two sets of hands are on you as Layla leans against your back leaving hot kisses along your neck. 
  A soft hand trails up your inner thigh as another cups your breast over your dress. You kiss and bite at Stevens neck as you palm his erection through his pants. He whimpers in your ear as he bucks his hips into your hand. A soft finger pulls your panties to the side and rubs along your slick folds. You drop your head to Stevens shoulder gripping his arms for purchase. She dips two fingers dip into your entrance and you whine into his neck as you begin to rock your hips. 
  “You’re doing so good for us sweetie.” Layla coos in your ear. She withdraws her fingers from you and you whine at the loss. She holds her fingers up to Stevens lips and taps on them lightly, he takes both fingers in his mouth never breaking eye contact as rolls his tongue around coming off with a loud pop.
  “Tastes so good love…why don’t you let her have a taste hmm.” Your brain is short circuiting at the sight. “Yes.” It’s all you can manage with your voice barely above a whisper. 
  “I think the bed would be better for that…don’t you think?” She says as she takes your hand to stand. Your body is no longer in your control, you can’t feel your legs beneath you but you know you’re moving towards the bedroom. Layla at your front and Steven close behind. 
  Steven retracts his suit and begins to undress when you enter the room. Leaving him only in his boxers, you can see the strain of his cock against the fabric where a wet spot has formed. 
  “I think you two are a bit overdressed.” He stands at your back pulling your straps down your shoulders letting your dress fall to the floor revealing your green matching lace set. He moves behind Layla pulling her shirt over her head as you work on the button of her jeans. He slides down her pants and kisses her shoulder when he stands. 
  This is so not fair
  Callate pendejo 
  Steven does his best to block out the sounds of his head mates but doesn’t shut them off completely. He wants them to see this. 
  “Lay down against the pillows Steven.” He lays down on the bed with his legs spread wide and his hands at his side. She directs you to lay against him facing her while she sits between your legs. You're shaking from the anticipation and he begins rubbing soothing lines up and down your arms giving you goosebumps. She grabs the hem of your underwear and gently lifts your hips to slide them down. 
  “Is she always this wet for you?” She smirks at him as she drops her head down between your legs, licking a stripe through your slit. You arch your back at the sensation and Steven moans as you press further into his hard cock. He pulls your knees back to hold your legs open as she dips her tongue into your slick heat. Your whimpers and moans of her name are muffled as Steven swallows them with his mouth on yours. 
  “She does taste good.” She rocks back on her heels and pulls you up into a kiss. You can taste yourself on her lips as she dips her tongue into your mouth. You start to slide your hand beneath the band of her panties but she stops you. 
  “Tonight is about you sweetheart.” She’s definitely in control and you decide not to push. “Take off your boxers.” Steven practically rips them trying to get them off as his cock springs free slapping against his abdomen. You don’t think you’ve ever seen it so big, the angry red tip leaking precum all over his stomach. 
  She coaxes you back to lean against him and grabs the base of his cock causing him to gasp. She drags the tip along your dripping folds and Steven lifts you slightly as he guides you down onto him. 
  “Oh fuck…Steven it’s too much.” He’s not even all the way in and from this angle he’s hitting something devastating inside you. “Shhh love you can take it just relax.” Your cunt flutters around his thick cock causing a guttural moan from him. She straddles you both and you sink to the hilt. She places her hands on Stevens chest as she rides you grinding her hips into yours. Your mind has gone numb as she fucks you into Steven, each roll of her hips catches on your clit and slides you up and down his length. 
  “M’so close.” Steven chokes out from behind you as his grip tightens on your hips and his pelvis bucks slightly. She reaches between your bodies and begins rubbing tight circles on your clit as she leans in close and kisses Steven. He picks up his pace slamming you down on his cock over and over as he arches his back lifting the both of you. 
  “Right. There. Please . Don’t. Stop.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust and you come undone; she grabs your face, pulling you into an awkward three way kiss. Every nerve in your body is alight as she doesn’t let up on your clit, you don’t know if this is the same orgasm or a second that has tears streaming down your face. You clench down on him as he comes with a loud groan shooting hot ropes of cum into your core. 
  “You did so good, sweetheart.” She kisses you deep as you try to control your cries and aftershocks. 
  As you come down from your high you realize you’ve been moved. You’re laying on your side facing Steven as Layla plants small kisses on the small of your back. Steven places a soft kiss to your sweat soaked forehead and rolls out of bed. 
  “I’ll be right back love.” He retreats to the bathroom as you hear the water running. 
  You turn to face Layla and she can see the worry on your face. “What’s wrong hon? Was this too much?” 
  “No it’s not that it’s just…you didn’t get very much attention and I feel bad.”  She grabs your neck and pulls you into a soft kiss. 
  “There’s always next time.”
  Next time 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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xiament3 · 1 year
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[𝐒ummary : Pete’s dreams finally come true, now earned everything he’s truly ever wanted.]
[𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭] [no, but I would love to be sent you’re requests]
[𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1.32k 9 minutes read time]
It wasn’t a secret that Pete wanted to have children, he had very publicly talked about it several times and I’m many interviews.
Still the idea was somewhat foreign to him but he knew what he wanted and he wanted kids with you.
“Hey babe” Pete started pausing the movie the two of you chose to watch for date night you both made it a point to have a date nice twice a month every month indefinitely.
When picking those dates you both took turns planning them last time you choose going to a museum, due to history being your favorite subject and you loved learning about thing and telling random fun facts.
Pete had chosen to stay in wanting to have you in his arms close at all times, so here you were watching the little mermaid on the couch with his arms wrapped, around your waists him laying on you’re belly and you’re back against the couch.
“Yeah, what’s wrong?” You said turning your full attention to the tall man on your stomach.
He gazed up at you grabbing hold of your hands playing with them showing his eyes gleaming nervously at you’re hands, his eyes bouncing before your hands and then at you.
“Well I don’t think it’s wrong but I’m not sure where you stand on it I mean I know but I don’t know if that was just talk or futuristic.” He rambled.
“Baby what is it?” You said cutting to the point but still finding his rambling abordable.
“Iwanttohavebabywithyousoonbutnow” he sputtered out quickly making you felt like your head was spinning at his pace.
“Okay say it slower, taking that fast you can’t possibly think I’d understand you.” You said reaching to give him a sip of you’re water, before he sat once again on you’re facing each other hands in hand.
“Okay?” You asked making him nod his head and sigh. “Now what did you say?” You asked him again turning you’re attention to him.
“Yeah, I want to have a baby with you and I feel like now would be a great time we’ve been married for a little bit we moved into this house and we have this extra space and backyard for kids and I’m directing mostly now so I’ll be able to be with you and not have to travel as much and…” he ranted deciding to let him finish his baby fever fueled rant.
“Yes,” you said stopping his rant right there quickly focusing on your face.
“Yes?” He repeated confused
“Yes, I would love to have a baby with you were both stable and healthy we do have the space. This would be the perfect time.” You agreed looking at him and not even a half of a second pasted before he was showering your face in kisses before picking you up kissing you all the way.
“Baby making time.” He said taking you up stairs to bed, bursting through your bedroom closing the door behind him before turning his attention to you on the bed.
Pouncing on you again he kissed all over your face.
“Baby, wait wait.” You related begin cut off by a kiss with each word.
Instantly Pete stopped sitting up
“I want to have a baby but I still need to make an appointment to get my IUD removed and it might take a little bit for my body to adjust.” You warned
“I know as long as I get to enjoy the process of the journey with you I’m okay.” He said kissing you rapidly this time with no interruptions.
The following Thursday you found yourself in a doctors appointment with a very excited Peter getting your birth control removed.
And then eight almost nine months later you found yourself in the early morning.
Suddenly feeling extremely sick rushing and pulling the covers off you waking Peter up in the process.
Emptying out your body in the toilet having Pete hold your hair back and rubbing your back comforting you best he could.
You didn’t want to assume immediately you were pregnant, twice before you had a false alarm and now you wanted to be sure before getting excited about the morning sickness.
After a doctors appointment it was confirmed.
“Mrs. Davidson you are in fact six weeks pregnant.” The doctor said dragging the Doppler across your jellied stomach.
She filled the screen around and there was your baby it was the size of a cherry seed but I brought tears to both of your eyes.
“I love you so much.” He said looking deeply into your eyes as he wiped the jelly off your belly and helped you stand up.
Ever since then Pete has been on cloud nine.
ever since I found out, you were making me a father I tried my best to make it as easy as possible.
I thought it would be hard having your body change constantly adapting to take care of our baby.
I wanted needed to do anything and everything to take the much off you as I can.
Crack of dawn cravings? Got it
Can’t fine anything to wear you feel comfortable in? I’ll buy you new clothes or you can have mine
Anything hurts? Feet, back, boobs I’ll massage it
Anything, as your due date was approaching and before you couldn’t travel I wanted to take you on a babymoon.
Settling on Punta Cana’s blue water beaches booking a beach villa, with you laying next to me sound asleep tried from the day and our daughter.
I can’t help but stare down at you and your belly holding the child I always wanted but never thought I’d get.
You’ve given me everything I could ask for marriage, love, understanding, support and now a baby girl to be named Aniline Amy Davidson.
Thanking nobody but you for making all of this a reality.
I drift off to sleep your back to my chest, my hands to your belly, and your hands together with mine.
Turning over away from the window, the sun blinding me trying to force me out of my sleep.
Feeling the bed for you only to come up empty, jumping up sleep long forgotten my eyes frantically darting around the room.
The bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and no sign of you. My eyes still darting around seeing the sliding glass door open running standing in the doorframe.
I saw you in a floral dress blowing through the breeze. Playing and swaying in the water.
Drawing closer behind you wrapping my arms around your belly swaying with you and the waves.
“Are you okay your heats racing I can feel it?” You asked me stare locked on me.
“I couldn’t find you this morning when I woke up I got scared and started running around trying to find y’all.” I confessed
Normally I probably would’ve gotten embarrassed about jumping that far off the bat but, with you I didn’t feel like I needed to hide or be embarrassed about anything.
“We’re right here this morning she wouldn’t stop kicking and I didn’t want to wake you up so I came out here, she stopped kicking when I told her about this place and how much it means to us.” You told me sitting down at you best ability to sit criss cross.
“Yeah, this all feels like a dream to me.” I told you sitting with you hearing and feeling the waves clash softly against our bodies.
“It’s real Peter I’m real, our daughter is, our marriage everything is real.” You smiled at me holding my hands your wedding ring glowing in the sunlight.
“I remember when I asked you to marry me, I remember when we were at the alter here, when you told me you were pregnant after our honeymoon and now soon you’ll give birth to our daughter soon. We’re here together you’re 32 weeks pregnant this is all I’ve ever wanted ever.” I told you feeling my eyes water.
“This is what I never thought I’d have thank you for everything being my wife, the mother to our daughter, and my support and heart.” I thanked her rubbing your belly.
Kissing your face enjoying this ocean and life with you.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
🍁˖࿐ Artist! S/O - Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Sae
╰┈➤Hcs of them with an Artistic S/O!! Genre: Fluff and crack Gn!reader or Any gender Warnings: Swearing, Not proof read bcs im lazy, idk wat else but lmk if theres anything else Waiter's Note: OH LOOK WHO FINALLY PULLED THIS OUTTA THEIR DRAFTS AFTER A WHOLE ASS 5 MONTHS LMAOO I HOPE U GUYS ENJOY <33 Reqs Open as usual!! Masterlists
Now Playing: An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You
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Very VERY VERYYYY fascinated on what you do, he thinks it's really cool
He canonly likes art too so let him join in!!
Draw him in any way like even a small doodle and he WILL COMBUST
He decorated his wall infront of his desk with your drawings and doodles, other things like custom keychains, origami, glass paintings are on his desk so he can see it everyday when he wakes up 🥹🥹
Study dates with you two often end up in drawing-cuddling sessions
Starting with studying so you can both pass your exams to you two beside eachother, legs tangled under the kotatsu table while you both lay on your stomachs, drawing whatever you felt like drawing 🫶
Let's just hope that you both pass your exams 😭😭
When you have art block or you feel stressed, he offers to take you out to a walk (yk he loves those esp with you)
It may seem kinda annoying at first but trust me, it does WONDERS
His parents like your creations too but they ALWAYS remind you whenever you come over that it's okay to take breaks and do other things 🥹💖
He's not rich by all means, but he's willing to spend his money to get you supplies u want
When he got the letter for blue lock, you both agreed to meet at a park at night and you talked things through, promising to work hard and improve while you both are separated
Whenever the topic of art or s/o comes in, he just ends up talking everyones ear off in blue lock and the question was just from a truth or dare game😭
Whether or not you got recognized for your art and got more commissions/promotions or quit art to start something new that interests you, he's supportive just as you are for him 🫶
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Introduces you to his mom <33 you both share tips and tricks and now she's like your teacher ITS SO CUTE
But Meguru gets pretty pouty if you just sit there beside his mom talking about art related things all day 😭
If you let him lay down on your lap and give him occasional kisses then he'll be able to sit still for a while longer
You gave him a bee-themed soccer ball you painted once and he ALWAYS has it on his bed so he can fall asleep hugging it 🥹
He doesn't play with it tho, atleast not outdoors bcs he doesn't wanna ruin it 😭💖
Painting with him and his mom if she isn't busy!!
He always plays around and puts paint on your face, his mom scolds him for it LMAOO
Don't take him to art museums pls 😭😭 HAVE YOU SEEN HOW HE WAS IN THE LIGHT NOVEL?? you both would get in trouble just because he was bored 💀
Has tried to eat paint before 🧍‍♂️Much worse if you paint food then bro might try it again 💀💀💀
You sit on a bench nearby and draw while he practices, it's relaxing, just watch out for the ball 😭💀
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Oh boy
Id say for a FACT that you were broke until you started dating him unless you have really cheap materials or you're just really good at saving
Yk how art materials and art school is so ridiculously expensive?? Well, your LOVELY boyfriend here has it all covered
Mans literally already bought a whole art shop 💀
Its not like it's anything new *looks at art big art studio*
PLEASE get a frying pan and smack some sense into this man's head bcs he was just about to buy his way into getting your art showcased in an art gallery/convention
He might, MIGHT stop if you use his own words against him. Like the whole 'i want to carve my own future' thing
Lets be fr, he won't stop, the most he could do is stop bribing his way to get your art showcased
Bby supports you alot tho :((
He just admires how much effort you're able to put in each work
When art block kicks in, he'll take you to go to expensive art galleries or to wherever the Mona Lisa is currently being showcased at
Just drag him out and tell him u wanna learn soccer 😭 it's honestly more fun than roaming around an art gallery
Paint him with his parents and they'll already start planning your marriage 💀😭
Bro when collage comes along, then your tuition fees and apartment bills are already paid like??? I wonder how 🤔
He DEFINITELY frames all the drawings/paintings you give him. No buts
Let's be fr, he probably has a room in his house filled with your creations 🧍‍♂️
I'm pretty sure that blue lock allows anything to be brought unless it's a phone or something (because they'll have to earn it back) so Reo brought this photo album/journal decorated by you and/or your drawings
Talks Nagi's ear off every time 💀
Supportive bank in general 👍 jkjk pls don't use him just for money or I will come for your eyeballs 🤗
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Sae is pretty chill compared to his hardcore emo brother like did you see that one panel where he wanted to go home in the middle of a game while applying lotion???
He doesn't seem like the type to check social media often too so I hc that he draws after practices when he gets home to cool down for the night yk
I can definitely see him drawing his favorite characters from Chibi Maruko-chan whenever he feels stressed or has a bad day because of his stupid teammates who play like headless chickens 🙄(his words not mine)
So like when YOU came in, it's like he's surrounded by comfort when you two draw in silence while listening to your shared playlist 🌼
drawing fanarts for him that you wanna show off to everyone since he's beautiful and he's even more beautiful in your artstyle <33
he doesnt know about it tho because thats too embarrassing
rin follows you on that account with his private acc LMAOOOOOO
you secretly sent one to Rin for funsies once and he sent you a pic of Sae when he was young back, now you both have this sketchy deal thing going on that Sae doesnt know SHIT about
dw tho, both your mouths are sealed because now you got Rin to approve of you
If you live with him abroad, then your apartment/house is FILLED with notes/drawings/sketches/paintings/origamis, etc. im not exaggerating at ALL.
Imagine those cute and decorated fridges but make it the ENTIRE house
You both just slap some sticky note on walls, tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves, counters and draw on it,and neither of you clean them up, you just leave it there 😭😭
it comes off when it comes off ig 🤷
If you dont live with him abroad, then you guys have a minecraft server you both share thats literally FILLED with builds. Somehow, Sae's RIDICULOUSLY fast at learning these things and now hes an architect 🧍‍♂️
Also those cooperative drawing websites/games?? yeah, you both have them OFTEN, like, every night other than when hes like SUPER tired
just stick to screenshoting him and drawing on his face
He buys you anything you need/want too and theres basically no stopping him 🤷🤷
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Tagging: @inariezaki
[1341 words]
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canmargesimpson · 4 months
@imthursdaysyme you got me pregnant to the most beautiful idea and now I’m giving birth to it (that’s a weird analogy sorry) AND this is also to my Chilean friend @timefospookies BITCH I KNOW YOU AINT THAT LATINA BUT YOURE GETTING THERE
- he never really knew his father but he knew that he was a piece of shot that no one likes at all
- cut to years later when he is like hella famous and whatever, he does one of those like ethnicity tests and realizes he is 1/4 Chilean. And he’s like… “tf is Chile?”
- he gets home to lock himself in a his room to study about the weird skinny country on the south of america.
-Steve is kinda worried cuz he haven’t come out of the room for like hours ands it’s kinda suspicious
- out of no where Eddie decides that corroded coffin is making a South America tour, as an excuse to visit his some what home country.
- after going country through country they arrive to Chile, he has learned enough Spanish to get by, but little did he know that out of all of the latinoamericanos Chileans are one of the hardest to understand.
-he goes to museum and parks. He eat whatever he found on the street and learned about the basics of the culture
- the night of the concert arrives and he reveals on stage for the first time the reason behind touring
-“so I know it’s weird af to be here because this is actually…. Where I’m from?? A few moths ago I did an ethnicity test and turns out I’m from Chile? I mean it makes sence, I do have awfully dark humor and i am skinny and tall too”
- the crowd goes wild, everyone is shitting themselves rn. Lfter the concert terrier went crazy over the fact that one of greatest metal singer is Chilean.
-after that, his Instagram post got filled with Chilean shit and comments like “WACHITO RICO VEN PA CHILEEE” or “que chileno es este weon?? Si ni siquiera se puede tomar una piscola”
- at first he was scared, because he found out that Chileans can be quite…. Aggressive (I mean the entire country was banned from posting comments on Donald Trump’s Instagram for something)
- he then went to Viña Del Mar to make a comeback and learn some shit. He was now quite fluent in Spanish but you could still tell that he was American by the accent.
-he loved each and every comedian because they all poked at him for being “Chilean” and at the same time calling palta “avocado” or saying “hot dog” instead of “completo”
- after that he just more and more got to learn about the bizarre history behind Chile with Steve. And they loved it so much, since them, they bought a house and spend their vacations on Valdivia looking at the sea lions and Badurrias in the garden
- ALSO he was totally in love with Teletón, since it’s like a thing he never thought South America had, so every year he went to help disabled kids and adults and donating money.
- he comes back as much as posible, and trying to get to see everything from the flowered desert in the north to the glaciers in the south.
- he knew the people where cold but he actually found them quite nice since they all had that same weird sence of humor he did. They also had the same taste as he did, I mean he truly felt at home when he ate a Barros luco for the first time like that shit hit home.
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snarky-wallflower · 1 month
for those who are lost at sea
Word Count: 2106
Hershey, sometimes I can barely get out of bed. Sometimes the only thing fueling me is the fact that my Satellite will save so many people like my father. That no one will ever be stranded out in the ocean, that deep blue sea that's deeper than any expanses of space to me. That no one will ever have to watch their father sink into those depths-- swallowed entirely. Watch him disappear, know that he didn't know his place in the world when he died. OR A letter Nova never sent to Hershey.
(A plaque, found at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History: 
September 1834
Measures 11 inches by 5 inches, 4 pages. Written using a black fountain pen (see exhibit 4), on parchment paper.  
This letter contains words from Dame Anna Hanover, seemingly never sent to her friend, Sir John Herschel, while he worked at The Cape of Good Hope. It is one of the only records we have on just why she decided to build the Satellite, a peek into the mind of a true scientific genius. It goes over her deep friendship with her scientific equal, and talks of her history previous to the Satellite’s construction.)
Dear Hershey, 
I can’t sleep. I’m writing because I hardly know what else to do about it. 
I know, I know–that’s hardly new for either of us, isn’t it? I remember when we used to take turns hauling each other off to sleep in university. Telling each other that the exams could wait, that we would fail either way if we were falling asleep in the middle of the lessons. You used to get this constipated expression as I had to tug at your coat in order to get you to rest. I’m half-convinced you still do—what I would give to have a portrait of it! It truly was a ridiculous look.
I suppose we both knew we’d never stop. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t get each other to take care of ourselves. 
I’m not with you, and I am awake. And since I cannot speak with you late into the night, distracting myself from such things, I must do the next best thing. I may not get your wry comments, or your half-laugh when I say something witty, or the way your brow furrows as you think over a problem I have proposed. All I have right now is this pen, and memories of those times. 
So, how is the Cape of Good Hope? How does your map of the stars fare? Do they invite you to those ridiculous parties there, all those stuffed shirts that hold our funding in their pockets? I don’t miss those parties. Honestly, you getting this project so far away truly has saved my soul there–
Oh, I don’t–I don’t know if I can continue pretending as if everything is normal. Even if only in a letter. My mind is a whirlwind, Hershey, and the only thing that even partially calms it is these words. Writing down, documenting what exactly has happened to me. 
I know exactly why I can’t sleep, and I just–
(The words become illegible here, through heavy scribbles.)
Damn it. 
I don’t plan to send this, so what should I care about here? It’s nothing but throwing my feelings into the void? I need to write this down, to say something about this before I scream aloud. 
Tonight was the anniversary of my Father’s death. 
And it was a day like any other. 
I didn’t even realise until halfway through the day. I was so caught up in checking the flywheels, making sure the bricks were not crumbling. Organising the workers, because you know I don’t rest when it comes to that. Tasks I’d completed a thousand times over, a steady routine. We’re still relatively well-staffed, so I was mostly just checking over work, encouraging the bricklayers. 
But, while I was in my place in the Township, I saw the sea from my window. 
I saw the waves swirling and rippling, and felt my heart freeze, icy seawater seeming to wave over my heart. 
I was thrown back to all those years ago. I feel I must have gone light-headed, as a thousand memories of that day burned through my mind in an instant. I don’t even remember the next couple of minutes–by the time I came back to myself, I was gasping on the chair of my room, trying to get back steady breath. 
I didn’t get much more work done after that. 
It’s been seventeen years and yet, I still feel my heart sink and sway whenever this day comes around, when I remember just how long it’s been. 
That’s why I’m writing this letter. After all, I ran out of tequila a couple of days ago, and haven't bothered to replenish it.
I miss you. I know why you’re gone, and I know that I can run this project by myself. That’s not why I need you. You’ve called me indomitable, and I know I live up to that. I don’t lie to myself, Hershey. The project is working, and every day I grow closer to seeing that new Polaris brightening the night sky. 
Instead, I miss having someone I could truly talk to. Spend hours speaking on the stars, on celestial astrophysics, on just how far we still have to go. On old memories of university, of those horrible parties we were both forced to attend, but made bearable simply by your presence. I miss being able to talk about my grief, even if I’ve never been brave enough to tell you its full extent. 
Who else is there to tell?
Because I certainly cannot speak to Charles about such things! That man hates everyone and everything in this place. I swear, every time I’m left alone with him, I grow closer to knocking him over the head with one of my heavier books. If I hear him muttering about Americans one more time—
Ugh, I’m getting off track. Perhaps I would rather focus on something else, but these feelings will consume me if I let them. So I cannot do anything but write.
I work above everyone else here. While I may be friendly, this is not the sort of thing you can tell a casual friend. My grief fuels me, just as it makes it harder to truly function some days. How do you explain that? Even with science on my side, I’ve never been able to say all of it aloud. 
Hershey, sometimes I can barely get out of bed. Sometimes the only thing fueling me is the fact that my Satellite will save so many people like my father. That no one will ever be stranded out in the ocean, that deep blue sea that's deeper than any expanses of space to me. That no one will ever have to watch their father sink into those depths-- swallowed entirely. Watch him disappear, know that he didn't know his place in the world when he died. 
I think that's the deepest blow of them all. I had to watch his eyes lose their light, his confidence replaced by fear and confusion. He had always known where to go, what to do, what next to say–but did he, really? Or is that just a child’s fantasy? A little girl’s dream, believing that her father would never falter? 
I’ve lived so much longer without him than I did with him. 
He’ll never know the woman I became. He’ll never know that I never abandoned my dream of the sciences, never fell for a man. He’ll never get the chance to truly know me, because I wasn’t even fully formed when I lost him. I was still becoming, still changing–and yet, he died only knowing a version of me that quite possibly no longer exists. Every time I think about it too long, Hershey, I swear it’s like I’m adrift again, the waves crashing over my small form. Being stabbed with blades of seawater. 
I do this all for him, and he will never know it. He will never know the woman his daughter became. I believe that he would have still loved me, still cared for me. But I’ll never know for sure, will I? 
Sometimes, I wake up and I'm back on that sea. Clinging to that driftwood like it's my only tether to the world. I was just as lost as my father, really. I was just the one who got to survive. Kicking, kicking, kicking, frantically trying to move towards a land that I wasn't quite sure existed.
I nearly gave up, Hershey. I was a child. Not even a decade past of life, having just lost–my world. My everything. I had nothing but my books, my father, and his crew - a life spent at sea, sailing the Caribbean, gone forever. Before that night, I believed that the sea was a home. That the waves would never overwhelm me, that they’d always bring me back to shore safely. 
I’ll never be that little girl again. There’s a reason I bring navigation gear everywhere, you know. …well, of course you don’t know. Sorry, Hershey. 
Every day, I wonder how I found the strength to survive it. You don't know how tight of a grip exhaustion can have on your heart, swirling around your skull, lulling you into letting go of everything you know. Until everything you have ever loved is gone in one storm. Those who are lost, never found again. 
But even as a child, I didn’t want to let myself be lost. 
I would not let Father's sacrifice be in vain. 
Not then. Not ever.
So I fought against the sea for weeks. I had my own personal battles with the waves, clinging to that driftwood like it was my Eden. I fell asleep, woke again gasping for air, fighting against tides roaring above my head. Even after so long, those memories don’t fade. I remember them as vividly as they were yesterday…even as my father’s laugh and voice fades from that same memory. Seawater tastes so bitter on your tongue, your blood racing up and down your veins as you scream into the stars, your voice going unheard for thousands of miles. Even writing this down makes me want to shudder.  
Now, it still makes little sense to me. It makes even less sense to me knowing more about the world. I should have died of hunger, of thirst, of lack of sleep. That risk should have killed me a thousand times, a child fighting against too much to bear. But I suppose even back then, the woman I would become, the indomitable Anna Hanover had started to emerge. 
That little girl survived, making it to shore. Only I remain of the Hanovers. 
My father is gone. 
But I will make his legacy live on. I will make it so that no one is never lost at sea, unsure of where they are in the world ever again. So that no children have to struggle against the sea, too tired and afraid to yet get to mourn. 
It is a vow I’ve made over and over, and one I will continue to make. 
God, it truly is late, isn’t it? I don’t know if as many of these words would have left me otherwise. My hand aches, the ink running low. I suppose I’ll have to replenish it in the morning. Add another task to the neverending pile. 
Anyways. I doubt I'll send this. 
But maybe one day I will. 
Maybe one day this letter will be meaningless, because I will have said all of this in person to you.  
But I don't–Hershey, I just don’t know. Imagine. Me, not knowing something. Not being able to talk about something! You know better than anyone just how much I can go on and on. It's heavy, this grief. It's been over fifteen years now, and I don't think the load has gotten any easier to carry. Father’s memory is the reason why my life’s work exists, after all. My grief and old love for him weigh on me almost as heavy, if not heavier than my Satellite.
Given how much I care for you, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to share my truth on these matters. If not you, then who? I may take lovers, may have friends—but you have been my dearest person for so long. You have gotten me through so much, been my friend so long, and yet the words die whenever I think of trying.
Good night, Hershey. I think I’ll try to sleep now. My eyes grow weary, and my hands shake. After all, I need to be up rather early tomorrow in order to . Sleep may be hard to come by. Perhaps it will come easier after baring my soul in this letter. 
A woman can only hope. 
I hope that wherever you are, your night has been more peaceful, more filled with stars, than mine. 
Your friend,
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cdyssey · 1 year
Abbott 2.22 Reactions:
I can’t believe we’ve reached the finale. 😭 I’m not ready to be without Abbott for a while.
“I don’t know how to leave this conversation.” - Gregory Eddie repeating something I think to myself every single day.
“All thirteen essential vitamins.” Snsjdjsjsjsjs, I love him.
Night at the Museum!!!
“I take all of your recommendations seriously. I want to know why you like stuff.” If someone ever said this to me, I’d probably marry them right then and there.
Melissa’s baseball bat that she can’t sleep without. Actually, I’m going to go feral about that detail!!! Her hypervigilance. A way to defend herself always has to be within reach.
ANSNDNDN, waiting for the bell. What does Barb have in her bag?!?
Maurice!! I love him. The way he delivers his lines is so funny.
Janine and the talking head about not wanting to be selfish. The break in her voice. It makes me think about the fact that she knows what it’s like to have grown up with a selfish person, and so she’s probably terrified to ever be selfish in her own life. She doesn’t distinguish between being a remorselessly selfish person and doing one selfish thing.
Janine shutting Gregory out instead of communicating. :(
Mel having beef with the tour guide ANAJSNSJSJDJ. GOD. I love you.
That jumpsuit that Ava is wearing is impeccable. My God.
Watching all these kids play is so lovely.
“You seem completely unaffected by the cutest thing I’ve taught a child.” Lmfao.
Gregory wanting to stay in Philly for the summer because of Janine.
Barbara needing to be in a private room!!
“That’s the name she remembers?” AKQJQKWJSNSJ. HELP ME.
“It’s no wonder that your dad is a landscaper with the way that you beat around the bush.” I love Jacob being the biggest Teddie supporter. 😭 He’s also dropping some incredibly good relationship advice.
Ava looking out for Teddie too by pairing Janine and Gregory up. ;w;
“All the time. My grandma called me selfish this morning.” ANWKWKOQJDDJ.
“Because I like you, Janine.” 😭
“Melissa, I would never ask you to take Barbara out.” AKQKQKOQOQOEDJJSSJ. Ava’s out here really helping all the ships tonight.
Barbara having only been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, so she didn’t have the machine when Mel and Barb shared a room at PECSA.
“I’m obviously very particular about how I present myself, so I tried to hide it.” That’s it. That’s Barbara Howard in a nutshell.
Mel saying behind and making sure Barb is okay. 😭 Those are my work wives.
“You’re aging with dignity.” SOBBING. I LOVE THEM. This is this season’s “Like fine wine and Stanley Tucci” moment.
“I like you too. Like, a lot.” In the heart room no less.
Both of them admitting to having liked each other from the very beginning. So, so sweet.
“Multi-presidential-term relationship.” JAJWDJDNSN. Incredible line.
“It changed how I feel about me.”
“… and I cannot lose that friend.” This conversation is breaking my goddamn heart. It’s so real and unflinching, confronting the reality of what it means to love someone you work with day-in and day-out. It’s terrifying to possibly upend what already works well between you.
Another bro hug. 😭 I’m actually fucking tender.
That kid going “absolutely” to Barb ANSNDJFNS.
The tender, longing glances Teddie give to each other before going to sleep.
“Work for free?” / “Yeah, you’re really not from Philly, aren’t you, hon?” Never change, Melissa.
“I guess I’m not ready for him, but that’s okay. I’m okay,” she says in the emptiest, most desolate voice.
What a precious and bittersweet finale. I love all these characters so, so much, and I’m going to miss them. 😭
Favorite Moment: That last conversation between Janine and Gregory in the heart room. It was so honest and painful.
Funniest Moment: LMAO, everyone freaking out at Barb with her CPAP machine.
Work Wives Watch: Mel lingering behind to check up on Barb and let her know that she’s aging with dignity. God. 😭
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Ryou Bakura Headcannons
* I mean yeah I see him as a little soft boi
* And he is! I promise
* But he has this uncanny weird vibe on and around him
* Not cause if the ring, Yami Bakura could def do that but he has so much trauma that his Yami doesn’t need to put in that effort
* Hates cream puffs, not cause of the taste but because of constantly being compared to one
* So he only eats them in private
* Has definitely used Y!Bakura to scare off his fangirls whenever he’s tired of them
* I lied, that’s actually him finally being able to shake off the “cutesy perfect boi uwu “ vibe for a bit in public
* You can’t tell me that he doesn’t get tired of being that perfect
* With all the pressure of being perfect, plus the ring, plus being alone with little friends
* Mans had to have snapped
* Only Y!Bakura knows this and has not only helped him through it but connects with him
* And this is why Ryou checks up on Y!Bakura often, and builds all the rpg stuff and all that
* Honestly despite being evil Ryou really enjoys Y!Bakura
* The sibling he’s lost and the emotional support he needs always there with him
* He’s no longer as lonely as they felt before
* I lowkey see Ryou as a person like Mitsuba though his kindness is more genuine and natural
* But also felt that he had to be nice cause if the evil of the ring
* The most introverted ambivert I’ve ever seen
* Also mf has to be mad strong and shit cause he’s not dying from all the running he’s been doing with the gang
* And all the shit Y!Bakura does
* And stay up late at night doing homework and/or those rpg and museum crafts
* Cause those crafts take months to make perfectly
* Plus mf has been brutally harmed at least twice in the whole series
* Someone please give him a rest
* The gang tries to include him but he only joins to make them feel as though he’s not being excluded
* Despite this he doesn’t feel included but just chills along
* Also, he has the most horrid sense of fashion I’ve ever seen
* Pretty sure it’s a white boy thing
* Cause even think yugi is out here wearing bondage despite the facts that he starts wearing it due to Y!Yugi
* This means both Bakuras have little fashion sense, cause the only thing Y!Bakura has going for him is that trench coat
* Egyptian!Bakura is the only one with fashion sense and it’s sad
* His lack of fashion only affects him tho
* He can dress you to be the hottest mf ever
* I mean, he does all those crafts for the museum and rpg and they have to look good for the museum to want a teen to do it
* Likes pastel colors cause they contrast what he usually works on
* Loves angel cake cause like fluffy and it’s just that good
* Doesn’t have a preference of tea, but tea is his preferred drink
* His fave juice is any sour juice, lemon and lime topping it
* Scratch that he adores tf out of lemon tea
* Squeezes lemon juice into almost every tea he drinks
* Y!Bakura hates it and is tired of it
* Mf took control once just to throw out all the lemons in the house
* Ryou got very scary and dared him to try
* No lemons were thrown out that day and Y!Bakura knows what lines to cross now
* Anyways murder is fine, throwing away lemons aren’t!
* Gets spooked so easily it’s actually hilarious
* I could probably rent forever about my little cream puff emo boy
* But I’ll stop here
Let me know if you want more or who you want
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bloodiedmedic · 1 year
A night at the museum.
((Drabble for my fae OC Ms. Gold who ends up terrorizing and killing some enforcers in Zaun. Why?...Why not?))
Ms. Gold hadn’t actually been intending to cause any trouble that evening as she drifted though a museum in Piltover after hours. She simply didn’t want to deal with the crowds that would have inevitably been swarming around the museum with all the noise of a million gnats, and the manners of a thousand chihuahuas wanting to yip at anyone they thought their less. It wasn’t worth the effort when so many “Pilties” were both dull, and ill mannered. She could excuse the one, or the other when in a good mood. Both together however was an unforgivable sin in her opinion yet in so many human cultures it occurred. She’d despair of it, and contemplate living a secluded life off in some forest somewhere if it wasn’t for the fact it so often gave her the perfect excuse to play.
She hadn’t intended to cause any trouble, but she had also been bored for the last few days so if she ran into some guards Ms. Gold was entirely willing to enjoy some trouble. As it so happened turning the corner as she went from one exhibit to the next the woman found herself running into a group of four enforcers. All of which looked startled, and rather predictably started to reach for their guns. “Halt! Who are you? What are you, actually no. You can answer our questions down at the station. Hands out, and drop your cane.” The one who had spoke instead of grabbing his gun pulled out a pair of handcuffs and walked towards Ms. Gold.
Tilting her head ever so slightly an amused smile flickered across the Fae Woman’s face as for a moment her eyes almost seemed to swirl with golden motes. “I understand fully what it is you desire dearie, but before that. Might I have your name?” A simple request, and one delivered with a strange emphasis that made the enforcer blink for a moment before frowning. “You don’t need...It’s Thomas Michael Kristoff. Now get your hands up.” Tapping her cane against the ground her eyes got the tiniest bit larger. “Thomas. Michael. Kristoff. A lovely name.” The other enforcers were starting to look a touch confused if not downright disturbed at this point as their pistols were held not quite at anyone, but half raised all the same.
((Cut for length. Also yes people die, but anyways.))
Reaching out with one hand instead of dropping her wrist into those handcuffs she looked into the Enforcer’s eyes. “Such a kindness of you to give me a gift. That’s a thing done between friends even, but dearie… what are you doing?” The enforcer paused for a moment blinking and shook his head. Ms. Gold spoke again. “It’s okay, you gave me a gift. I understand everything. Do you remember who you are?” The enforcer looked utterly confused, and looked down at the handcuffs in his hand. “I gave you a gift? We must be friends than I guess, but no. I...I don’t remember… wait. What’s my name? Who am I?” Looking back at the other enforcers he shook his head.
A simple thing a name. In some cases taking a name simply gave someone a measure of control, or influence. However in other cases it could mean far more. A name was someones identity, and within their identity their sense of self was their memories. Take their core, and you took everything leaving them utterly vulnerable in any number of ways. Ms. Gold had taken everything associated with his name. A firm grasp on the threads of his soul, and a snip like fangs clamping shut to cut before she’d pulled away what made the man himself rolling it up to put next to a thousand thousand other names. Not something a younger less experienced Fae could do, and in a Realm with less magic perhaps it would have been difficult for her as well but here? On Runeterra? Oh she was going to have so much funhere.
The other enforcers started to look utterly confused glancing between each other before at the man who was now No one. “Thomas. Thomas what are you doing? Put the handcuffs on her! She did some...some magic shit. She’s dangerous. Put the handcuffs on her. Now!” No One shook his head looking back to Ms. Gold who offered a concerned look tapping her cane on the floor before taking a step to one side. “Dearie look at me. What could I be other than a middle aged woman with a cane trying to avoid the day time crowds? I’m no threat, and you said we must be friends. Are you going to allow some random people to drag me away? Do you want me to be gone forever? I’m the only one who can help you.” No One looked helplessly at her for a moment before dropping the handcuffs, and going for his pistol. Acting out of reflex, and training the other three enforcers immediately raised their weapons and fired. A series of loud shots rang out echoing through the museum as Ms. Gold moved to one side watching even as she frowned reaching up to cover her ears for a moment. So loud. It was annoying. The look on the three enforcers faces as No One fell to the floor made up for it, and with a sinister smile… she released his name.
A loud shuddering gasp came from Thomas as he shook reaching for one of the holes in his chest as frothy blood splattered across his lips. “You...you shot me. You all shot me...You know me. You know my name. Thomas Michael Kristoff. Why did you...What. Happened?...I want to go home. My wife is...waiting for me.” Eyes going blank his hand dropped to the floor as his life faded. The enforcers looked confused, and scared as they stared at his body. “This...what did we do? It must have been an ambush right? Someone ambushed us? It was that weird lady. What was her name? Where is she?” Looking around they blinked realizing that not only was Ms. Gold nowhere to be seen, but the lights had dimmed as well. Suddenly there was a scent akin to that of a forest coming to them, but not like any forest or small little collection of trees they’d ever seen to. This was an ancient forest drenched with frost, and with roots fed well on blood and that utter silence that only ever happened when some predator was stalking and the forest could feel it with any animal smart enough to realize what was happening disappearing quickly. The enforcers perhaps were not stupid, but they were woefully ignorant with no idea of what was happening. That ignorance quickly shifted into something akin to a softly growing terror as they shifted nervously, and agreed to start looking for “that weird lady” before figuring out what to do next. However with only three left they decided to break up into two groups as there was after all still “the whole museum” to search.
Perhaps the easy play would have been to take out the person who was by themselves first, but it wouldn't have been as fun. Watching from the shadows Ms. Gold smirked as two enforcers went down… well it looked like a hallway. Technically. If you ignored the lack of lights, and the shadows stretching down along it as well as how the ground had softened ever so slightly instead of the buildings hard tile with that scent of the winter coated blood soaked forest growing stronger. They weren’t in a new world of course, but than she didn’t need them to be. She just needed an illusion strong enough to scare them. The funny thing after all about fear is it’s tendency to confuse the mind, and thus make the already existing illusion all the stronger and harder to break out of.
Tossing her cane to one side it vanished into the shadows, and her shoulders rolled as a soft little eerie giggle came from her. Running a hand over her face fingers spread wide, and her eyes changed. No longer human at all they became dark black voids filled with swirling golden shards that never seemed to stop moving. Fingers stretching outwards and curling just a bit becoming more flexible than any human could hope for even as her ears changed as well becoming longer and pointed. Her teeth sharpened, and her human face all of a sudden seemed not quite right. Maybe it was too perfect, or maybe it wasn’t perfect at all with sharpened angles and a harsh chin with cheeks that they seemed like they could cut you if she laid her face alongside yours. It was impossible to tell if this was a transformation as Ms. Gold become steadily less human, and something far more monstrous than most humans would ever welcome into their house. Was it uncanny valley, or was it simply that she was something that Should Not Exist and yet did as though pissing on whatever natural laws of the universe were commonly recognized and accepted? It didn’t matter to her. She existed, and that was enough.
It was time to hunt in the cold, and soak the grounds of the forest once more with blood.
Eyes too large for her face finally moved as her hand lowered, and suddenly she moved. Feet so silent no human would hear them as she ran all the same there was a noise, but it was of horses and dogs. She was alone of course, but never would the Walker in Shadows forget that which she had once ran along aside. The Hunt that humans dreamed off and woke up feeling a strange mix of longing, and dread. The whispered legends that made people in the deep of winter lock their doors, and shutter their windows. Rumple was older than many could ever possibly understands, and somethings ran bone deep even for someone of her age. The enforcers at this point were panicked things stumbling, and confused as to what was happening. Where those noises were coming from, and even where they themselves happened to be. Eyes finding shadows, feet chilled ground covered with iced grass and hands reaching out to what should have been walls but felt like bark so cold as to freeze your hand to if you left your hand there for longer than a few seconds they were terrified. An emotion that deep down inside Rumple adored. No matter how much more “relaxed” or “nice” or perhaps even “kind” she might have became over the years she was still a Hunter of a sort no mortal could equal.
Was it minutes? Hours? Days? The enforcers would never know, and Rumple would never tell. Eyes unblinking as one golden mote swirled past another, and another swam under the other she followed them. Eventually however a sharp, and curved short sword came out. She didn’t need both of them. Both Enforcer died quickly with nothing in their mind left except for fear, and confusion. A quick thrust under the ribs into the heart finished one, and a slash across the back of the neck for the other severing the brain stem ended both. A merciful kill perhaps, but than the Hunt was terror enough. At least for these two. She hadn’t been willing to take the risk of those irritating pistols sounding out, and alerting the third and last enforcer as to what had happened. The third one however… well now she could do what she wanted.
Eventually Ms. Gold stepped out of the building looking as human as ever, and humming softly headed down the street offering a polite nod to two enforcers who were heading to the museum to replace their predecessors. They’d find a rather odd scene however. Against all odds each enforcer despite all four being in good health seemed to have had heart attacks with each ending up in front of a painting on the ground. The only thing connecting each painting was that it was nature themed with each being based around a different season. Spring.
A sad thing really four young people in the prime of their life all cut down by a natural cause with no warning. Particularly for those who had a family, and in this city of “progress” that family would inevitably find themselves in need of money. Perhaps they could use a friend.
There was always time in the day for a new deal after all.
((Yes I deliberately did not go into detail about what happened to the last enforcer. I don’t want to give away all of Rumple’s Ms. Gold’s secrets so quickly.))
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
Name:  “Benjamin ‘Not a Serial Killer’ Tallmadge”
Do you like to cuddle?: “I do – and if you’re lucky, I might also be willing to share the blankets on my couch.”
Can we make-out?: “That’s…I-I mean, I’m not opposed, but I also don’t wish to be presumptuous. At this date and time, I’m not so sure I’ve earned the merit badge to make-out with someone.”
A night in or dinner out?: “Preferably in, but it’s always dealer’s choice. And ‘the dealer’ in question is, you, of course.”
Whipped cream or chocolate syrup?: “Chocolate syrup. As a kid, I’d pour on so much that you could never even see my ice cream. To be honest, I’m amazed I don’t have any cavities.” He scrunched his nose in thought. “Wait…we are talking about ice cream, right?”
Chocolates and roses?: “No. Chocolates, maybe – gotta love a harmless vice here and there – but rather than give you some hacked up, soon-to-die flowers, I’d opt to bring a potted plant that you could put in your garden.”
What makes you a good Valentine?: “I certainly wouldn’t say I’m a 'good’ one. I’m woefully out of practice, in fact. I haven’t been a Valentine since…five, six years, maybe? And I’d also never presume that you want a date on such a commercially exhaustive day, but given how much I’ve enjoyed your company lately, I just thought maybe you’d prefer to spend it with a friend… A friend who may or may not have a collection of bodies in his apartment.”
Would you cook for me?: “Yes, I’d be willing to put in the effort. It’s cooking for myself that I don’t enjoy.”
Would you let me cook for you?: “If that’s something you’re into, then absolutely…though I might hover in the kitchen, since I enjoy snacking on the ingredients.”
Where would you take me on a date?: “I’m not really sure – out of practice, remember? – but probably a good museum. I love history and art and just learning in general. If you could withstand all that, then we might be out for hours. A hike someplace would be nice, too.”
Who’s paying?: “I was raised a 'traditional gentleman’ by my father, but I’m also not too proud to go halfsies, if requested. However, seeing how this was my idea, I also wouldn’t be an ass and request recompense.”
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: “I’ll admit I haven’t thought that far ahead…didn’t think I’d even get this far, if I’m being honest – but maybe something for your car, since you seem so proud of it. Or a kitschy little snow globe of the ocean, so that way, you always have it there with you in your home, no matter where you go.”
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Lunch today was on Beth after Ben graciously insisted on getting dinner the other night at ‘their’ diner. She doesn’t know when she started thinking of it like that, and she has certainly not said it aloud. She’d sent him a text because even Beth knows that one simply can’t turn up at an elementary school just to catch a glimpse of one’s friend, deep in his trenches, and was both surprised and delighted when he mentioned they were having an in-service day. He’d said he’d be happy to meet up with her after his meeting wrapped up, and she’d answered with, he knew where she would be.
On her second cup of coffee, but that didn’t bother her. When he’d come in she blossomed into a smile for him and rose from her chair. She waited until he’d unwrapped his scarf and hung his jacket ~she still gets a kick out of the leather patches on the elbows~ on the back of his chair before she leaned upwards and gave him a hug, all arms around his neck. Kissed the air near his cheek. Even in her knee high boots she’s not quite tall enough. They made small talk while perusing menus, and now waiting for their food to arrive, she watches as he pulls out a little off-pink sheet from his pocket and unfolded it. He starts off at a race, and she laughs at the aside in his name. It takes her a minute to realise it was one of those quiz things they’d seen in a magazine at the community hall last meeting. At the time it had seemed both weird and funny to them that someone would have left the pages open to that and then she’d forgotten about it. Neither one of them had shared, but she’d ended up holding his hand and squeezing it tightly when they listened to a truly heartbreaking story that hit too close to home for both of them.Now she makes note that he skips his age. Beth is poised to wonder if that was accidental or if there was weight behind the omission. He could be anywhere from twenty to thirty-five. Normally she’s great at guessing but he ~like her~ has some combo of amazing genetics and a fantastic skin-care regimen. She blushes when he mentions cuddling, but doesn’t ask more about his house. “Ooh, I bet you have the really soft ones, too.” He earns half that badge though giving her the best answer possible, even when it comes with a side of blushing and avoiding eye-contact. Ben is very sweet that way, and she rather appreciates his wholesomeness. “I’ll do my best not to be disappointed, then, if we don’t get to it. “I prefer in, as well. Going out takes up a lot of energy and effort I don’t have, but points for letting me choose. Very smart of you!” A little wink shoots his way before she grins. Some part of her wonders if he knows about her thing with teeth, considering he mentions not having cavities, but then she realises he’s just dangerously wholesome, especially following it up with the nose wrinkle he does. She feigns shock. “Why, whatever else would I mean?” She doesn’t answer him when it comes to the flowers part, but her face softens and her eyes grow misty. She’s never been on a rant about the corpses of beautiful living things but he seems to intuitively understand her any way. And maybe some of the emotion carries through when he casually drops the fact that his last serious or at least...serious to him... relationship was some time ago. She doesn’t understand it, how that could be. Ben is a lovely man in every sense of the word; handsome, educated, gentle, kind, sweet, funny...and in New York that makes him a Unicorn. But then he follows it up with a call back and she laughs again, the kind that crinkles her nose, the corners of her eyes, and flashes him those small, sharp teeth. “I’m not going to judge your art.” She’s a little breathy a moment later when the mirth settles into something warm. “As long as your toaster understands our arrangement, it’s fine. Wonderful, really. Because I promise you...that’s all the meal you’d get from me. The ingredients that is. Cause I don’t want you to see me ruin a carbonara. And I would actually...I’d love that. I enjoy history and art as well, and I love hiking, especially in good company.” The next thing surprises her. Somehow the curse word seems to sit ill on his tongue but in context, he’s once again being wholesome. “I think you’re a gentleman either way. So...this time I’ll be gracious enough to allow you, and next...it’s all on me.” Then she shakes her head. “I love the idea of a snow-globe, but really, truly, I don’t need a gift beyond getting to spend what seems like a wonderful day with a very good man. I’d be foolish to say no to such a brilliant offer. And my brother raised no fool. So yes, Mr Tallmadge, it would be my honour to accept you as my Valentine.”
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marlenexalraune · 6 months
❝  stay,  please.  ❞ [Marc] !! @silverjetsystm
staying the night prompts !! currently accepting
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Marlene knows what a bad idea is - it starts when Marc opens his mouth and snowballs from there.
But she was being mean. That wasn’t entirely true and she knew it. He could have great and brilliant ideas. She just didn’t normally like them. She couldn’t really blame him today for anything. After all, she’d brought Diatrice around. She was asleep somewhere and if Marlene had been paying attention she would have gone home when her daughter started to get tired. Instead she’d been speaking to Reese - and then Reese was gone and it was just her and Marc. And Diatrice, mumbling something in her sleep in the other room.
She couldn’t help the little smile that grew at his words, even as she shook her head. Staying didn’t mean anything, but again, bad ideas could snow ball.
“I don’t want to intrude.” Aka I don’t want to do something stupid, aka I don’t want to give either of us false hope. But the fact there was enough feeling and emotion for her to even think there could be false hope? She should have left ages ago but something in her told her to stay. Probably nostalgia. Everything looked better through rose tinted glasses, and that’s what she had been wearing tonight.
Marlene realised she’d been looking at him with a smile, then glance away. She ran a hand through her hair, and added kindly, “Diatrice should be back in her own bed, we’ve got plans tomorrow.” Nothing major, just a new museum exhibit that Marlene was dragging them too (Di would complain, but love it).
Despite her words, she hadn’t moved. “It was nice,” she started, softly (almost confused, almost willing), “I mean this was nice. Talking.” Just being here. This was what she HADN’T wanted. Those damn rose tinted glasses. So again, she diverted, “Diatrice enjoyed being here, with you.”
Finally, she said (as though trying to believe it herself and get herself moving), “I don’t want to stay and wake up in an empty building, Marc. Just me and Di, not knowing what’s going on.”She said it as though a promise someone would be there would keep her in place. Maybe it would. They were pretty strong rose coloured glasses she had on.
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rockunderthewater · 11 months
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Sorry for being selfish again for keeping the message to myself, it's just tok beautiful to be true!!!
Hello gorgeous! I'm sending a virtual hug in case you need one. Trust me I can feel your words inside me like a blood inside my veins (I'm lovin itt) your words can held me through tough times, can be the light in the darkness within it's just too beautiful to be for me, this love and appreciation that coming from you is all what any human asks for. We sometimes don't admit it but when we experience it we can never stop craving for it! You are treating so well now I won't stop being a baby who wants attention all the time :) it's your fault see lol!! The many times you said that I'm a person after all it's just heats hard every time even though I know I am a human with ups and downs but when a WONDERFUL person like you keep saying to me... I just feel loved, yes you're making feel loved and please you have to know that you are just as loved as me!! You are a good person, your mom raised you well ( God bless her w protect her from any harm Insha'Allah) ya jdk vrai your mom raised well like I'm serious wellah 🤌🤍
You too love thr clouds??! Yayyy now we have something in common (again) the sky in general is sooo beautiful especially at night sometimes nro7 fogh ldar w just stare at the sky w the stars the view tkoun perfect especially if the moon was full oh my God heaven on earth!! Those small things makes me happy all the time ( life is beautiful is the small lil things we should appreciate it more) for a matter of fact I'm actually obsessed with the moon lol my dream is to buy a telescope and watch the moon every night 🌃 I'm glad you found my blog and give me a chance to know you... because I'll never forget a person like you, a Gentle soul as yours. I'm grateful. And about the prayers, it is expensive thing indeed, but sometimes I kist want to do more but for now I'll stick to my prayers I hope it finds you fine and in a good health dear.
Oh so you do send songs to everyone here in Tumblr? Oh I thought I'm special :) I'm joking lol I love it please do it!! whatever you find a person who's struggling please spam their dms with beautiful words and encourage them to find happiness, maybe you'll make someone feel alive again. I agreed, humans need to communicate more to feel loved and understood but if we kept keeping our words, emotions, feelings to us only we won't be doing a progress in this life. We'll get used to the isolation abd that's something we never wished for.
People needs people we can't be alone, no matter how much we're trying to convince ourselves with it, we can't be alone. I'm really glad my blog made you fell for me, I never saw my blog as something unique I mean it is a blog after all it can be messed up lol. But I'm grateful. Welcome to my art museum. You belong to it too. You are so sweet... Your words are heaven on earth!! And please don't be sorry for something you have no hand in it!! Please it's just me and my own thoughts truly.
Yesss the smashing pumpkins are amazing please listen to them more honey, you won't be disappointed trust me!! Eat pray love is such a wholesome movie, it makes me feel warm and butterflies in my stomach 🌙 yessss I love her tooo she's amazing, all her old movies are amazing too, and yes her smile is so special it kills me every time she smiles 🤍 I'll definitely check Ronan Keating he sounds amazing!!
Oh my gosh... A song that reminds you of me?!!! I'm speechless, I'm glad you can see me in a specific song it makes feel happy truly!!
The two songs are WONDERFUL definitely going to be my favorite from now on!!! I'll make sure to listen to them everyday, now it reminds me of you hehehe.
Please here you go a beautiful song just like you:
A little bit sad, but truly beautiful 🤍🤍🤍 hope you like it
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Au revoir Seine, bonjour Loire !!
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An idea I find it difficult to wrap my mind around is the one that Parisians do, in fact, get tired of Paris. Now officially 4 weeks into my time here, I’m not sure I ever could. The city has been beautiful and a provides a nice change from everything I know back home.
After a while I suppose Parisians long for this type of change, too. Lucky for them, France is a country so varied in character, and, with each region having something new to offer, domestic travel is common. This weekend I got a taste of this myself by embarking on a program-sponsored excursion to the Loire Valley.
Approximately 185 miles (300 km) from Paris, much is different. The Loire Valley is strikingly serene, a clear contrast from the hustle and bustle of Paris. Instead of monuments and museums, the Loire Valley is recognized for its vineyards, produce, architecture, and historic towns. Perhaps the most famous among these destinations are its numerous châteaux, or castles, which occupied the bulk of our visit.
The Loire Valley’s châteaux date back to the Renaissance period, a term that our guides for the trip explained in the context of what we’d be seeing. The French word “naissance” meaning “birth,” the ‘Re-’ ‘naissance’ era signified a rebirth of antiquité (antiquity), specifically Greco-Roman. This was especially relevant in terms of architecture as the era’s constructions began to reflect those of ancient Greece and Rome.
Our castle visits were certainly reminiscent of this idea, the first being the Château de Chambord. Built on French king François I’s hunting grounds, this castle has a rich history and undoubtedly was fit for royalty. The castle is one of the biggest in the Loire Valley and contains over 400 rooms as well as an expansive outdoor area complete with riding stables. Another interesting feature is the “double revolution staircase” used to travel between its many floors. This staircase is said to have been designed by Leonardo da Vinci, and is unique in that it has divided flights. This means that if two people are to enter at opposite ends, they will never meet, as the staircases alternate between floors (I can attest to this, I tried it out!).
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The second castle we visited was Château d’Azay-le-Rideau. This one also has some historical significance, as it was the first Renaissance-age castle to also be a private family home. Having just experienced the grandeur of Chambord, our guides described this as a ‘humble’ castle—this one was without a doubt smaller and more practical than the last. Despite this, I found this castle more beautiful, surrounded by water and a lovely garden. My friends and I profited from the outdoor space by wandering through the castle's woods after exploring its interior.
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Following our time at the two châteaux, we made our way to one of the Loire’s cities, Tours, for the night. We arrived at our hotel with a little under 2 hours of free time before a scheduled dinner, giving my friends and I a chance to explore. None of us familiar with the city, we decided to walk towards the location of our dinner and simply see if anything caught our eye. Our walk led us to Old Tours, the historic part of the city with an atmosphere totally different from anything before. Even from the looks of the buildings alone, I could tell I was somewhere much older, and I was right: it turns out the buildings in Old Tours date as far back as the 1300s. My friends and I enjoyed the city’s laid-back yet mysterious vibe and found a couple of unique shops as we passed the time before dinner. Some of my favorites were a vintage/thrift store and Librairie Savoir-Être, a spiritual bookstore. Safe to say that both these stops made for some cool souvenirs!
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Dinner in Tours was memorable because it marked my first time trying a full-course French meal. Typically, I’m never hungry—or willing to spend—enough to do this, but since the weekend excursion was included in the program fee, I got to do so for “free.” Like a typical French meal, this consisted of une entrée (appetizer), un plat (main course), and, of course, un dessert. Pictured below are le cordon bleu, a fried chicken dish filled with cheese and vegetables that was my main course for the night, and my passionfruit panna cotta dessert (all so good!!).
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Old Tours also happens to be super close to the water, which we got a chance to visit after dinner. As implied by the name ‘Loire Valley,’ this is no longer the Seine, but the Loire, River. I found the Loire quaint and mystic, and enjoyed sitting and taking in its scenery to wrap up the night.
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The next day was an early start, leaving at 8 a.m. for Les Halles, Old Tours’ famous covered market. There, you could find pretty much every French food seller imaginable—boulangerie (bread/baked goods), fromagerie (cheese), charcuterie (meat), poissonerie (fish), etc.—which allowed us to stock up on some items to enjoy during our third and final castle visit of the trip. My friends and I also snuck into the city to stop at a local coffee shop before heading out ;)
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This final castle was the Château de Chenonceau, which, like Chambord, housed numerous royal figures back in the day. Unlike Chambord, it was occupied by a female majority, oftentimes the lovers of said royal figures. I was interested to learn of the influences these women had on the construction and design of the castle. Catherine de Médicis, the mother of François II, and Diane de Poitiers, for example, both had castle gardens built in their name. Catherine also commissioned the castle’s spiraling Italian maze.
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After this final visit, we took a boat cruise down the Loire River (hello again, Chenonceau!), taking in its sights for the last time before heading back to Paris.
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While I don’t, during the rest of my time here, see myself ever ‘needing’ a vacation from Paris as much as the locals may, I surely understand the value in getting to know the other parts of France via these little weekend escapes. This makes me all the more excited for my upcoming weekend trip to Nice, which I look forward to updating you on in my next post!
À bientôt !!
Hannah Bernardi
First-year Engineering
Engineering in Paris, France
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mynithecosmopolitan · 2 years
New York City (Culture Shock)
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One of the very few places I have travelled to is America and in America, I would probably say New York was my favorite place to visit. Mostly because of the pretty lights, tall buildings and big toy stores (yes, I said toy stores, I was 8). However, as impressed as I was with the city, I still had some questionable experiences.
It was a Saturday night and my grandparents decided to take me to my relatives' house which was located in Manhattan. On our way over there, I saw more homeless people than I have in my 8 years on this spinning ball we call Earth. It was a culture shock. I mean it. Every corner we turned, every street we passed, every alley way we saw seemed to be filled with homeless people. Some were sleeping on the ground, some sat on benches holding cups of coins that barely had any thing in it. Although the large capacity of homeless people shocked me, what shocked me even more is the fact that everyone just walked passed them like they weren't even there. Obviously I've seen homeless people be ignored before but it was still a shock to see not even one of them stopped to give them money, I mean people are bound to walk pass and ignore homeless people sometimes but at least one person stops to give them money. But here, it's completely different.
Anyway, moving on from the exceptionally gloomy topic of homeless people, I'd like to talk about something else. Something just as exceptionally gloomy. People. Everyone who walked the streets of New York was either a business person, lawyer, traveler/tourist or like I said before, homeless. Which ever one of those they were, they all looked equally miserable, except from the travelers and tourists of course. Everyone always talks about the historic and famous buildings, famous restaurants, Statue of Liberty, the city lights, museums and basically every generic thing about the place, but no one ever really talks about the vibe and atmosphere of the place. I mean I guess (like all cities) if you stay in the nicer parts of the city (which we did for most of the trip) then you probably wouldn't see the bad side of the city, but even if you don't see them, it's inevitable they're still there. Everyone seemed so different. The place was filled with a variety of people with seemingly different personalities and different reasons for being in New York. However, the one thing, the only thing, everyone seemed to have in common was their lack of enthusiasm and happiness and the miserable, tired and annoyed look they all had. Overall, the city itself was quite nice with the night lights, brightly-lit signs and fancy restaurants but everything else was mediocre. The people, the traffic, the overcrowded streets, the overwhelming sound of people shouting, horns beeping and the trash that can be found anywhere and everywhere you look.
Okay, now we're ACTUALLY moving on from the gloomy parts of NYC and now we're gonna talk about the nicer parts of the city. Despite all the things I said about NYC making it seem like a bad place that no one would want to visit, I don't actually think that because it really isn't that bad of a place. To be honest, I quite enjoyed my trip to New York city.
Like I said before, I really liked the city lights and big toy stores but one thing I didn't say was how much I LOVED the restaurant we went to. By now, you've probably figured out that I went to NYC at night from my excessive repetition of the "city lights". Anyway, we went to this fancy Italian restaurant near the Empire State building and it was AMAZING. I don't really remember what we ordered exactly but I remember everything we ate was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS and every table was full with people constantly coming in for there table at the time of their reservation. It was probably my favorite experience of the night.
After dinner, we went to Time Square because 8 year old me INSISTED we go and see the city lights there (yes, I know I've said "city lights" like a thousand times, deal with it). When we got there, it was really crowded (unsurprisingly) but of course like the city light addict that my 8 year old self was I really liked it because of the (you guessed it) the lights :).
I don't really know what else to say about NYC because I can't recall any other details from that night (mainly because it was 5 years ago) and probably because any other existing details were insignificant and therefore was not remembered by my incredibly enthusiastic, adventurous and charming 8 year old self.
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funkylittlebats · 2 years
Ok wait I'm having Timberkon thoughts.
What if Kon and Bernard have known each other for a while before Bernard and Tim even see each other again. Kon stops by this one coffee shop whenever he's on his way to hang out with Tim, and becomes a regular, and Bernard is the barista who serves him most often. Y'all know where this is going.
Kon and Bernard end up becoming... eh, not quite friends, they don't see each other enough for that. But they definitely enjoy the others company. Eventually Bernard even gets comfortable enough to rant to Kon about his crazy theories, and Kon just sits there like "oh. This mfer kinda cute actually." Bernard, of course, already thought the same about Kon (he's not blind).
Flash forward, Tim wants to introduce his best friend to his boyfriend so he invites Kon over and when he gets there Bernard and Kon just stare and each other like ??? You??? It's you??? And all three of them just sit there confused until Tim finally pipes up asking like. Yo wtf.
And then Kon and Bernard just BUST out laughing, trying to explain the situation to Tim through wheezes. Everything settles down and they eat take-out on the couch with a movie.
(Now here's where I'm gonna branch off into two different endings, a sweet one and a funny one, bc I can't decide which one I like more.)
Ending 1 (sweet)
Kon hangs out with Tim and Bernard more and more, and everything just feels natural, but they never discuss it, what there is between the three of them--if anything. It gets to the point that Kon has slept in their bed with them a few times.
It's one of those times that the delicate silence breaks. Tim wakes up first (for the first time in history lol), makes the three of them breakfast, and sets their plates down in front of them when the two finally make their way to the kitchen. "Here ya go, my loves."
It just sort of slips out like that. He didn't really mean to say it, he was still a bit bogged down with sleep (he'd only had one cup of coffee, not nearly enough for Tim). They all freeze, pointedly not looking at each other. He could play it off, they're close enough that it wouldn't be that weird to call Kon "his love" and pretend it's still platonic. But then Bernard slips his hand around Kon's and brings it up to his lips.
And there it was. That was all the confirmation any of them needed to make it official. Tim and Bernard were Kon's and Kon was their's, just as much as they were each other's. No more pretending that the obvious wasn't there, they could finally breathe.
Ending 2 (funny)
Kon hangs out with Tim and Bernard more and more, and everything just feels natural, but they never discuss it, what there is between the three of them--if anything. But it bugs Bernard. It bugs him so much--he's not the type who can just leave stuff like this unsaid, it's killing him!
So he decides he's gonna fucking talk about it, whether his boys like it or not. He sits them down one night before dinner (which they eat together every day--I mean seriously how are they not official yet? These emotionally constipated idiots smh) and connects his laptop to the tv.
Oh, Bernard revels in the blush onhis boys' faces when they read the screen. "Why Tim Drake, Kon El, and Bernard Dowd should be in an official polyamorus relationship"
He has some pretty damning evidence, it must be said. A picture of Tim asleep with his head in Kon's lap, a long and incomplete lists of cute but unofficial dates the three have been on (roller skating, picnics, museums and galleries, watching sunsets on rooftops, ...), the fact that Tim changed his costume to honor Kon and then spent years trying to clone him, etc.
When he's finally done he does not give them even a second to ask questions before scurrying off to go heat up leftovers for them. When comes back to them sucking each other's face, he just smiles proudly and pinches Tim to get them to break apart for food, snickering at his yelp.
There's no more tension when they wrap their bodies around each other and fall asleep that night.
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