#i mean like this one is my closest wip to the original story
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db from main blog here Getting here late so everybody’s asked about all the other wips Gonna go back and get into reading those proper in a bit. really really looking forward to it. in the meantime though Blossoms of youth 🤲?
Hey db!!!
Ahh, this one was originally supposed to be a yoonseok angst fic, and it was supposed to get like.. really kind of dark, and I had actually already written a large chunk of it to be that way, but then one day I was like.. what would happen if I put kagihira in a childhood friends to lovers AU like this one? Then considered the dark tones didn't really fit in, and decided to back off to make it heavy on the angst but not too dark. I hadn't ever published the original drafts so I took my own writing and repurposed it from one grumpyxsunshine ship to another!
As such, this fic has been with me in some shape or form for 7 or 8 years LOL
I posted the prologue early last year to test the waters as like an interest check, but I hadn't quite finished a first chapter since. I've got this weird thing about like. Wanting to have a lot more than what I post in a chapter done before I jump into updating. I think because it feels less fractionated and flows better for longer projects. Don't want to lose the continuity, you know?
Anyway the main motivator and theme for this fic has always been BTS's Spring Day (with a little bit of HYYH vibes because duh - it was a yoonseok fic)
So here's a little bit of what I have written and repurposed for kagihira. After repurposing it, it's also morphed from the original story to include more elements influenced from Nagisa Furuya's My Ultramarine Sky and Mika's I Cannot Reach You
Some important things to note first:
1. Kghr are the same age in this fic
2. Everyone from the original cast of sasamiyahirakagi goes to a co-ed high school. There are a lottttt more girls (Shirahama will be so happy 🤭), but that's a low bar when sasamiya has all of like 2 girls who actually show up, not including family members or Kuresawa and Miyano cross dressing
3. No one lives in the dorms

A crowd of students gather in the hallway around a cork bulletin board with several class rosters. Pushing, shoving, kicking as everyone tries to see their new classes all at once, it’s impossible for Kagi to see around the congregation surrounding the bulletin board. With limbs and bodies practically tangled in knots, he chuckles as he thinks about how they look like a barely humanoid entity from a sci-fi/fantasy book.
"Kagi! What class did you get?" Hirano calls out from the direction of Kagi’s far left. He’s easy to pick out of the horde with his dyed hair and slightly tall frame.
"Dunno yet," Kagi replies, motioning toward a tangle of students. “What about you?”
He shakes his head. “I haven’t found mine either. Can’t get past your damn fan club,” he laughs, pointing out the small army of teenage girls clawing their way to the front to see who got put in class with the local celebrities of each grade. For their grade, that usually meant Kagi and a few other students from the boy's basketball team, so Hirano’s always made fun of him for his celebrity status.
"Hm, well, hang on a second, and I'll find out," the tall boy offers, partially in apology on behalf of his little fan club. He keens over toward the posted class rosters to see if he can spot his best friend's name. It takes him several sweeps up and down each list, but he eventually finally finds Hirano under 3F. Now that he’s found Hirano, though, he’s still at a loss for his own. Maybe his eyes are deceiving him, but he can't find his name listed anywhere in the same roster. He feels his shoulders visibly droop, an ominous dread welling up in his heart and his lungs that crawls up his esophagus.
For the first time since elementary school, Hirano and Kagiura are no longer in the same class.
"Hey Kagi, I found you! You're over here in 3B! You're with Niibashi and Shirahama, but I still haven't found my name anywhere."
"A-ah, I found you already. Here, in 3F," he says meekly, hand unsteady as he raises it to point toward Hirano's name on the list. A shared look between the two of them conveys disbelief and, if he isn’t mistaken, an underlying anxiety wavering behind the ocean blue eyes focused squarely on him. Speechless, Kagi holds his gaze as if he’s looking at his best friend for the last time, as if they’re about to be separated for the next eternity. "It looks like we really won't have the perfect streak," he laughs nervously.
Hirano is so pretty when he frowns that Kagi curses his blessed genetics for making his heart do unsafe things. He wills his heart to keep beating even though it feels like he's gone into cardiac arrest, the blood in his veins running cold. Kagi is sure he's wearing the same expression as Hirano, even if he wouldn't appear quite as graceful as him in the way his lips purse together. What he's unsure of is if Hirano feels the same degree of turmoil in his heart and in his mind that Kagi is feeling. He’s never been able to quite accurately read the intensity of the emotions in Hirano’s heart in all his stoicism, though he’s generally able to decipher his many faces and what that means for his mood. Right now, his displeasure is loud enough as he fixes his gaze on Kagi that is makes it impossible for Kagi to hear all of the commotion around them. All he can hear is the sound of his heart barely beating in his ears.
#kagihira#hirano to kagiura#ask games#wip ask game#blossoms of youth#i mean like this one is my closest wip to the original story#despite the tweaks
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The next generation of chaos
A/N: Here are a few headcanons about the sons of two of my favorite chaotic menaces. This quite literally kept me up. I went to bed thinking about these fools, and I woke up still thinking about them - an hour before my alarm. Yes, I am salty about that bit of it. As such, it's not edited the best, and it's far from my best writing. However, it is up because I want it out of my WIPs folder, and I need to cry with other people about how much I love these characters.
Credit to @emilybeemartin. Their artwork inspired these deranged ramblings. Please check out the original post. I am not kidding when I say that the first time I pondered this I was scrolling, stumbled on her artwork, my jaw dropped, and I ran to my laptop to jam out a few notes. I am still in awe of this art. Go give her all the love.
With all that said, here are some headcanons about Faramir Took and Elboron. Guest appearances of their fathers along with Aragorn and Eldarion:
Faramir Took would love to learn like his father and namesake alike. We know Pippin later assembled the Tale of Years, and Faramir aided in continuing the tradition as he grew up and took over as Thain. As was noted in the original post, Faramir would also be the spiciest lionhearted hobbit - just like his father. There would be no foe too big for him. He would train with the Rangers of Ithilien and the Knights of Gondor to hone his swordsmanship at every opportunity. Pippin would train with him back in The Shire. Watching his son learn to fight would remind Pippin of learning from Boromir in Eriador. One night after training, Pippin would sit Faramir down and tell him all about his namesake’s brother and how Boromir saved his life. Faramir would have heard this story many times before, but he would listen to it all again in rapt attention.
Elbooron grows up to be slightly more reserved than Faramir (the younger), but he gained a bit more mischief than his father - for which Pippin is absolutely responsible. He never causes any lasting damage or harms anyone, unlike Faramir the younger who may or may not have accidentally blown up a shed with a firework, but he plays small pranks when he gets the chance. Well, no lasting damage unless you count the premature gray hairs he puts on Faramir’s head. Faramir (the younger) loves to join in on the fun whenever he is around, and he makes everything ten times worse, in the best way. Nothing is safe in the kitchen, no fireworks can be left unsupervised. The problem is Faramir Took knows far too much about how to be sneaky to be caught by a few guards. After all, he had to learn to best his dad, who stole the palantir from Gandalf. Pippin takes great pride in how sneaky his son is, and Diamond has to remind him to be serious when son is in trouble for his latest mischief.
As the two boys grow, Elboron eagerly shares all his latest findings and pieces of knowledge with his dear friend from the time they are children - whether in person or in letters. When he is very young, he will beg Éowyn or Faramir - whoever happens to be closest - to write letters for him about the new flower he found or the new game he played. He works twice as hard to learn to his letters to be able to write Faramir on his own, so he never has to wait for his parents again.
Faramir looks forward to these exchanges more than almost anything even when it’s the most mundane of facts or theories that hold little interest for him. Elboron’s excitement is infectious. (I am simply ignoring the fact that it would take at minimum 3ish months to travel from The Shire to Ithilien, which would make it a six month process to get a response to a letter; time and distance mean nothing)
As adults, both Elboron and Faramir would be treasured advisors to the other - Elboron leaning on Faramir when unsure if a situation calls for military action and needing reassurance that it is the correct decision as well as leaning on his friend to be his more impulsive and hot headed half in general, and Faramir leaning upon Elboron to temper his more fiery nature.
The two fathers love nothing more than watching their boys play together and learn from each other when they're young.. They sit together and reminisce on their younger and wilder days. Some days one of them will get a far off look in their eyes and wonder aloud what Boromir’s children would be like. The other would sigh and say “would that he could share in these moments with us.” “He lives in us, and then in them, my friend,” the other would answer. For a long while they would both fall silent and gaze out towards the Falls of Rauros and Amon Hen. [expanded below]
Aragorn and Eldarion make a point to watch over all the children of Faramir and Pippin as they age, promising them both to keep them out of trouble and keep them safe when their fathers pass, serving as a godfather and older brother respectively. The assurances bring a degree of peace that neither knows they need, but what surprises them most is that the promise to look after their friend’s son is almost more reassuring than the promise to look after their own. Both know their own son will manage, but they fear for their friend’s son losing them, for they know they have become a confidant and comfort to them over the years.
The task is a challenge, but they mostly succeed. Faramir takes to calling Aragorn 'Strider’ even when not appropriate, just as Pippin did. Thankfully for all, where Pippin became more of a menace as he aged, just was smarter about it, Faramir seemed to learn at least a little bit from his namesake about mellowing...and got smarter about his mischief like his father did. He never did stop calling Aragorn 'Strider.' Elboron, while as quiet natured and scholarly as his father, also inherited his father's keen perception and ability to read people. With it, he inherited Faramir’s propensity for mischief and teasing (we saw Faramir in Ithilien with Frodo and Sam, he likes to mess with people; the man is a bit of a menace) that would only exponentiated by his close relationship with Pippin and Faramir. Rarely does it get Elboron in trouble, but every once in a while it lands him in a tight spot when he's a little too on the nose with his teasing or calls out the wrong noble for ill intent with no concrete proof other than vibes. Eventually, he does master both causing mischief and being politically savvy with the help of his gift. It gives Aragorn a few gray hairs, Faramir the younger loves it, Eldarion loves watching his father fall victim to a new generation of chaos and remembers fondly his days spent with Pippin and Faramir the older.
I am impossible and simply cannot let a good chance for some angst and feels to go, so here. Let me annihilate your emotions as I did my own! (aka I made myself sad, so now you all have to be sad with me)
What can never be
Faramir and Pippin sat on a bench along the edge of the Garden of the Fountain. So rare were the days they could spend like this, especially in the White City. There were times, however, they both reported back to Minas Tirith. Over the years, those trips had become precious gifts, and occasions for their families to visit, as much as they were political events.
The sun had begun to set on this day, and on this visit. Elboron and Faramir played in the grass, some game involving chasing each other and periodically freezing, of which only children could fully comprehend the intricacies. At one break in the action their fathers had asked and became rapidly baffled, but they were giggling with such glee that it warmed both Pippin’s and Faramir’s hearts too much to fret the details.
While the sun continues its descent, they reminisced on the old days, their younger and wilder days. They keep their voices hushed for fear of encouraging their children to engage in exactly the same mischief they themselves did. Pippin snickered. “Did I ever tell you of the time that Merry and I stole one of Gandalf’s fireworks? Surely I have.”
“Many times, Pippin,” Faramir assured him, “But tell me again. I was just thinking of how much I miss Mithrandir and his wisdom.”
“Well, I cannot say this was one of his wisest moments. It certainly was not Merry’s or mine, but…” and with that he plunged into the familiar tale. Faramir grinned. He wondered how many times Boromir heard exactly this story. Well, not exactly. Pippin never told the same tale more than once. They always shifted and grew in their retellings based on what effect the hobbit wanted to have. This one felt as though it might be close to the truth. It was a quiet retelling, private, meant to hold onto the memory of a dearly missed friend at a time when things were simplest for the Pippin.
Faramir wasn’t sure when Pippin fell silent, or when his own gaze had gone distant, but he blinked twice and came back to himself. He found Pippin looking much the same as he was sure he had moments before. Neither of their eyes were trained on their sons, who played on utterly unaware of their fathers’ distraction. Instead, both of them stared out at a spot that was far from visible, but they could both see it with perfect clarity. When Pippin spoke it was barely audible and his focus never came back to the moment. “What would his kids be like, do you think?”
Faramir had no need for Pippin to say of whom he spoke. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last, they had this conversation. Faramir sighed, a deep and pained sigh. “We will never know with any certainty, my friend, but he lives on in us, and then in them.”
Silence hung between them until Pippin uttered what they both were thinking. “Would that he could share in these moments with us.”
They fell silent once again. It was an easy silence. One of shared pain, which gave comfort to them both. The sun had nearly fallen past the horizon, and both sons sat in their own quiet conversation. Their fathers gazed out towards the Falls of Rauros, Amon Hen, and beyond to Parth Galen lost in memories and wondering about what could never be.
////////////Tagging @ @elevensiesexpert at their request///////////////
#my writing#my headcanons#lotr#pippin#peregrin took#faramir#faramir took#elboron#aragorn#eldarion#lord of the rings#tolkien#lotr fanfic#lotr fanfiction#lotr headcanons
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so everything i know abt dc (very little) has come from my mutuals' posts (mostly yours) and i wanted to say congrats on your special guy's return!!! but also i had a few questions! kid eternity's previous iterations were all boys right? is this the debut of a new one or has she been around a while? at first i thought they may have made her trans but then i realized how unlikely that was for a long-standing character, even a minor one. what's her backstory? does her canon coincide with any previous versions? (i'm vaguely recalling a post of yours with 4 versions of this character over the years.)
i'm probably never gonna read any of the comics myself but i think she seems really cool and i really like hearing about comic character lore, so if you're up for an infodump i'd love to hear it :D
So you are correct, all the previous Kid Eternity incarnations have been guys! And yes, there have been a couple versions of him across the years (four or five, depending on who you ask/how we're drawing lines). This is the opener image I made for my "all Kid Eternity appearances" spreadsheet (still a WIP) that I made, and I feel like that helps give a quick reference for him. (It's not full opacity, but unfortunately I no longer have the original file and can't change that.)
So, this new Kid Eternity seems to be an entirely new iteration of the character. One, she's got a new costume (though it's riffing heavily on the 90s/early 2000s version of the character), and two, everyone is pretty sure she's a girl, which is insanely exciting for me specifically. This JSA issue, which came out today, is her first appearance ever, and that page I've posted like twice now is her only appearance in the actual issue, since it happens right at the end. As such, we have no idea what her deal is, or how she lines up with Kid's past appearances. However, that means it's time to speculate wildly!
A quick note about the trans thing- you're right that making any longstanding character trans would be kinda crazy for DC, even a character like Kid who's had less than 100 appearances under DC's ownership, but if it was going to happen to anyone, I could see it happening here. One, Kid is wildly minor. Like I said, less than 100 appearances while under DC's copyright, and when you add in the comics from when he was owned by Quality Comics, he still doesn't cross the 200 appearances line. So while making a character that's existed since the 1940s trans would be kinda crazy, if you're gonna pick any character to do it to, you may as well pick one that everyone forgot existed back in the 90s.
Furthermore, Kid is a character who's played a lot with concepts of gender and sexuality. You'll notice that the two pictures in the middle of the above image feature Kid with long hair (and in the costume closest to the kid we saw in the new JSA), for one, but the second image is a cover from Kid's third solo, which was published under the Vertigo imprint. Vertigo was an imprint that DC started back in the 90s that focused on publishing adult content that wasn't necessarily suitable for DC's primary audience. This means stuff like sex, nudity, drug use, etc. but it also means a lot of queer characters and story lines were published under this imprint. Just to name a few, John Constantine/Hellblazer, the Doom Patrol, and Sandman are pretty famously queer characters/groups, and they were some of Vertigo's big names back in the 90s.
Kid is never explicitly trans in his Vertigo run, and no actual trans characters ever appear to my memory, but they do play with his gender just a bit (particularly, in my opinion, in issue 9, "Hysteria Knows No Gender", but it's not much, just a fun possible read). The comic also deals very heavily with homophobia and hate crimes in some of the last few issues, and don't shy away from the idea of queerness at all. (Genuinely, issues 10-12 of this comic are harrowing reads. Issue 10 deals with violence against women while issues 11 and 12 deal with homophobia and my god are they heavy.)
Also a point that has less to do with Kid and more with the comic itself, but still something worth bringin up- this is happening in JSA (2024), and the JSA has made a couple longstanding and/or much more important characters (in the grand scheme of things) queer in the past! Notably, Todd Rice (obsidian) (first appearance 1983) was revealed to be gay in 2006 and Alan Scott (the first green lantern) (first appearance 1940) was revealed to be gay within like, the last 5 years. Still no trans retcons to my knowledge (though I'm not super up to date on the JSA, so if I may be missing some important stuff), but that's still pretty notable in my opinion.
ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY that while Kid has never been trans before, this Kid being trans genuinely doesn't feel out of the question to me. I'm not gonna get my hopes up or anything, but hey, wouldn't it be cool???
Anyways, the other questions you asked! Like I said, we ultimately know nothing about this version of Kid Eternity right now, except what she looks like, and that she's in Hell (par for the course for Kid, to be quite honest.) Judging from which comic she features in and what her costume looks like, however, I think I can solidly say that the backstory they'll be drawing on is the 90s era backstory, so I'll give a quick rundown of that!
Kid's initial backstory, from the 1940s, boils down to this: Kid was a child on a sailing ship that ran afoul of a Nazi sub during WW2. Kid and the rest of the crew, including his grandfather, died and went to a place called "Eternity" (legally distinct Heaven). Upon their arrival, however, it was found that Kid had arrived about 60 years before his time. In return for the mistake, he is sent back to earth with new powers and a spiritual guardian from Eternity, Mr. Keeper. These new powers allow him to shout the word "Eternity" and call on any historical, mythological, or fictional characters and summon their ghosts to help him solve problems. The fictional characters fall by the wayside after a certain point because of copy right concerns, I imagine, but I have to bring it up because it's always comical. Shout out to the time he summoned Jean Valjean to talk a thief out of stealing a loaf of bread and when that didn't work he summoned Javert and then Javert and Valjean beat each other up until he sent them back.
The 90s backstory, which is introduced by Grant Morrison in a horror mini series, builds on this backstory with a few retcons. Most notably, Kid never actually went to "Eternity" or any sort of heaven. Instead, he went to hell, where he was picked up by a staple of the DC magical mythos called the Lords of Chaos (which are exactly as bad as they sound), specifically by the one who paraded himself as Mr. Keeper. He was lied to about what happened to him when he died, about what was happening to him upon his arrival in Hell, and was strung along to do the Lords of Chaos' bidding for decades before he was able to free himself in a really complicated series of retcons and dumb writing choices across about 20 comics written and released over about two decades so we won't get into the weeds of that part.
The Lords of Chaos are opposed by a group called the Lords of Order (who could've guessed!) who are very important to the Justice Society, primarily to Dr. Fate, a key member, because Dr. Fate is a Lord of Order possessing/manifesting through a human person (and a helmet). Not only that, but this new Kid has appeared in JSA volume 2. The first JSA came out in 1999, and y'know who appears (and dies but that's less important) in the first issue of that comic: 90s Kid Eternity! It's a part of this whole plot regarding agents of the Lords of Chaos and Order, and since the current plot of this comic has a lot to do with Dr. Fate, I imagine that Kid is being pulled from that original JSA comic to be introduced as a potential foil to the current Dr. Fate (a young man who seems to be close in age to this version of Kid) and/or as another wrinkle in the Everything that's going on.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY! We really don't know much yet, but Kid Eternity is literally one of my nichest favorite characters of all time, and I am beyond ecstatic to see them running around again (fun fact, post New 52 reboot in 2011, Kid has had a whole thirteen appearances, and 6 of those appearances weren't even in the mainline universe. It was dire out here!)
#kid eternity#justice society of america#jsa 2024#wednesday spoilers#long post#just cause i'm putting it in the main tag and i imagine not everyone wants to read my thousands of words lol#WHAT A DAY THIS HAS BEEN FOR ME SPECIFICALLY.#I WAS PROBABLY GONNA MAKE THE TRANS PART OF THIS POST ON IT'S OWN AT SOME POINT TBH. I THINK ABOUT TRANSFEMME KID A LOT#THANK YOU FOR ASKING SO I HAD AN EXCUSE THOUGH#they won't even have to change her name isnt that awesome#like yes 'christopher' is a very masculine name but her nickname (kit) is very gender neutral#for example i namely associate that name with him and the american girl doll#like the likelihood it's gonna happen? slim. BUT WOULDN'T IT BE SICK??#either way she's HERE and that's AMAZING
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Writeblr Questionnaire
Thanks @illarian-rambling here, @paeliae-occasionally here, @willtheweaver here, @honeybewrites here, @urnumber1star here,
And @leahnardo-da-veggie here!
About You:
When did you start writing?
Genuinely I'm not sure, but I do have physical evidence that it's been a while. The first story I wrote was called "In the Dark." I was at the age where I drew several pictures with one color of marker with stick figures and my mom wrote the words for me. I'd say preschool-aged. I think I was three.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I am a person with a huge bias toward fantasy in the things I write and consume. However, I'm not picky with genres, it just happens to be a pattern. I really do love plenty of realistic fiction books. It just so happens that I have exactly one realistic fiction story in my WIP ideas. One. And even then, it needed a gimmick to be interesting for me to write. I have no interest in writing realistic fiction other than that. But I really do love plenty of realistic fiction books!
I want to write a mystery one day, but it'll have to be a fantasy mystery. I do love plenty of realistic fiction mystery books and shows and stuff. I could never write historical fiction, although that isn't a frequented genre to begin with.
Theme-wise, I couldn't say. I don't really care.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Nope. I think people will make their own comparisons, but there's no one in particular I am trying to emulate. I'm just me.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Sometimes I just write on the couch or at a random place at school, but I've been going to my desk a lot more. It's just in my room, I'm on a swivel chair, and my laptop is on top of it. Nothing special.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Read my old writing or my notes! I see stuff I forgot about or I get ideas from the details. Occasionally I'll check out a video or something if I'm truly stuck.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Uh, yes. Why do you think I set the "real world" in a middle-class intermediate school in the greater Houston area on a six-lane FM road with a Sonic, Walgreens, and apartment complex nearby? It's a lot easier to describe things that way. Everywhere else I have to make up a floor plan for interiors and use Google Maps for the surrounding scenery.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
A lot of queer and neurodivergent people. No, that does not surprise me. It me. It accident.
Friends-to-lovers is my most common romantic relationship, but there's also a lot of platonic and queerplatonic relationships.
Interpersonal relationships in general are huge themes of mine and appear in almost everything I write.
Since I write YA, there's a lot of coming of age.
None surprise me.
Your Characters:
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Oof that's hard. For TSP... I love talking about Carmen. She's such an asshole, but she's super interesting. I want to put her under a microscope and study her. She's a character I'm constantly thinking about. I like seeing why she does the things she does. She's developed into a character I originally didn't think much about, and now I can't stop! She's also funny. She doesn't mean to be, but she's so high-strung and angry that she is fun to write for.
For SOTL, it's Tierney. I have one chapter with him, but that doesn't matter. He's amazing and I love talking about him. He's a mess. He's a nerd. He's awkward. I love him.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Well, the characters closest to my age are Liam and George, and I think I'd be friends with them! Liam may occasionally get on my nerves in the debate side of him, but I think I'd get used to it, especially because his part of the grilled cheese debate is based on someone I actually know and am friends with.
I'm not sure about being friends with the kids, but I do hang out with plenty due to being an educator, and I remember how I was at that age. Out of everyone, Robbie and Akash feel like they'd perfectly fit into my friend group, which may be why I love writing them so much. Individually I think Gwen is the one I'd be most likely to get along with.
I haven't written enough of SOTL, but I'd get along with Jill. Also Ritchie and their group of friends.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Carmen, I'm so sorry, I would not like you. Gabriel also can get rude and boring. Noelle constantly mentioning her mom would get on my nerves, if I'm being honest. I feel like I could only take Parker in small doses, even if I really like Wade.
I'm not far enough in SOTL to make a decision except for the purposefully antagonistic characters.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Well, TSP it really depends. Here are all the characters I think are worth mentioning for the entire series.
Originally based on someone I knew before developing a completely different personality: Lexi, Maddie, Ash, Gwen, Noelle, Rose, Kelsey, Carla, George, Hye-Jin, Atsila
They started out as someone completely different in previous drafts and then in the process of developing them I got attached: Jedi, Carmen
I created them for Draft Four as a love interests and then I got attached: Robbie, Akash
I created them in Draft Four to fill up the background: Liam, Ewan, Jazlyn, Wade, Parker, Tyler, Niri, Gabriel, Sam
I needed a name for a prominent figure and then I kept using it and they became important: Raissa
I needed characters for the AU didn't I?: Alex, Issa, CJ, Wendy
Background characters I had no intention of making important: Teo, Xitlali, Anathi
For SOTL, it's simple. Get a character from a fairy tale, nursery rhyme, fable, legend, other public domain work, etc and make them my own!
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Most of them are queer and neurodivergent. Most are in the 11-25 range given the demographic I write in.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I want TSP and SOTL to both be in hand-drawn animation, so I imagine them like that. Western animation with anime inspiration like ATLA, Teen Titans, etc is what I typically imagine it in.
Your Writing:
What’s your reason for writing?
I love it!! And also I'd go insane. It's also why I write reviews and analyses of stuff. I've stayed up until 2 am before thinking thoughts on TV shows and I legit can't sleep until I've written an essay.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I've gotten "oh I like this little detail" or "wow good dialogue" or "realistic friendship!!" And that always makes me happy.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I just want people to like my characters, is that too much to ask?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I really like character building and details around their lives. I think I'm good at writing consistent characters because I've put so much work behind them.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Dialogue! So many people comment on the realism of my dialogue, and I really like that!
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
If it's at 1 am I think it's awful. When I read my old writing I cringe. Sometimes if I'm in a bad mood my self esteem plummets. But overall, when I look back, I see how far I've come. When I make a revision, even a small one, I smile because I know my writing is getting better. I just get excited about improvement!
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes because it helps me sleep. Were you not paying attention lol
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
No. I write for ME.
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff @elsie-writes @eccaiia @mysticstarlightduck @chauceryfairytales
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
SOTL intro
SOTL tag list (ask to be +/-): @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
Under the cut are the blank questions put together for easy copy/paste
About You: When did you start writing? Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared? Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.) What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse? Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all? Your Characters: Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.) Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life? Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters. Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters? How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.) Your Writing: What’s your reason for writing? Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.) What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.) If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
#the secret portal#teaspoon#tsp#school of the legends#sotl#writeblr questionnaire#writers on tumblr#writing community#writers of tumblr#writing on tumblr#writeblr#writeblr community#writing tag game
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WIP Ramble: Ashlin's List
It's that time of year: the time when I try to start a new WIP and post about it on Tumblr. Things are finally starting to settle down in my real life and I need a project, so here's my new idea:
Ashlin's List is (going to be) a fiction podcast about Ashlin Caruso, resident Regular-Ass Professor whose boyfriend, Devon, has recently been murdered. To cope with their grief and find a connection to Devon after his death, Ashlin starts following a list that Devon left behind for them of locations in the city that he wanted them to explore together, since he was really interested in urbex. Unfortunately for Ashlin and the normalcy of their life, the locations on the list turn out to be gates to other universes, which Devon, as part of a secret society known as the Guardians, was tasked with protecting. After being found and scooped up by the few remaining Guardians, consisting of an immortal being with a weird attachment to Devon's family, a transplant from another universe who's been not-so-successfully keeping tabs on Devon for a while, and the ruthlessly pragmatic Head Guardian who will stop at nothing to maintain the stability of the gates, Ashlin joins up in order to protect the multiverse from the (yet unnamed) supernatural force trying to collapse the gates between universes and send the multiverse into chaos, and its Acolytes, or human servants.
The story is told (at least in season 1) via voice memos of Ashlin's adventures, and it's (hopefully) going to be a 3-season project.
Info about characters and Picrews under the cut!
Ashlin Caruso (they/it)
The main character. An extremely unreliable narrator, and right at the center of the "liar-oblivious-in denial" triangle. Very, very tired physics professor in their late 30s. Has attack-dog tendencies lying in wait for when it cares a bit too much about someone.
Devon Bell (he/him)
The local narrative haunter. Ashlin's ex-boyfriend. His mother encouraged him not to get involved with the family business (fighting eldritch creatures and trying to stop the multiverse from getting destroyed), but he Did It Anyway and got murdered about it. He also never told Ashlin about any of this. Incredibly enthusiastic about pretty much everything he's ever done. Very outdoorsy.
Emery Dean (he/they)
We all know that one transmasc who's especially vulnerable to instabilities in the multiverse, am I right? Emery's been slipping back and forth between universes since he was young, but he was usually able to get back to his home universe, universe 43: that is, until he wasn't. His attempts to get back via Shady Multiverse Fuckery not only failed but destroyed his home universe completely, so now he's stuck here in universe 86. Dated his universe's version of Devon, and once he got here wanted to see if they fell in love in every universe: unfortunately for Emery, they did not. So he's just been trying to keep an eye on and protect Devon for quite a few years, which failed completely. Sort of a Guardian, but he doesn't like labels. Impressively the closest thing to a good person of the lot. Confident and sunshiney, unless you ask about his past. Don't do that.
Aracelis (she/they)
A member of an immortal species known as the Timeless: one of them was born in every universe to protect it from the Claws, but the vast majority don't bother with that. Except, of course, for Aracelis. Aracelis loves humans and humanity, and because of that would really rather the multiverse not collapse because that would mean most of the humans would die. Has had a string of failed relationships with mortals, one of which was Devon's great-great-grandfather Arthur Bell, the original Guardian. When Arthur was killed, his last request to Aracelis was that they take care of his family and make sure the Guardian organization continued, which is exactly what she's been doing for several generations. Totally did not indoctrinate all of his children and grandchildren into Guardianship. Laid-back and detached by human standards, but very caring by Timeless standards.
(Timeless can look however they want. Above is Aracelis's default appearance. They're the only one who bothers looking human: most Timeless prefer to be spheres of light or four-dimensional figures or creatures that don't actually exist.)
Noa Kivikko (Kivi) (they/them)
Intensity in human form. Has been running the Northeastern Guardian headquarters by themself for about a decade and is very, very good at it, thank you very much. Will stop at absolutely nothing to maintain the stability of the multiverse, up to and including murder. A Finnish immigrant who moved here to devote their life completely to guardianship. Their family has no idea where they are. No one knows their first name and they'd like to keep it that way. For whatever reason, Aracelis loves them with all her heart and trusts them immensely.
Henrietta Bell (she/her)
She made a deal with the aforementioned supernatural forces to help bring about the collapsing in exchange for immortality, and now she's the shadowy leader of the Acolytes. She's been alive since the 1870s. She's been killed 5 times, four of which were Aracelis and none of which stuck. She was married to Arthur, and though she genuinely did love him, she ended up killing him after they had a daughter because they were on opposite sides of the conflict. The most entitled 150-year-old white woman you will ever meet.
Sophie/Ezekiel Dean (she/her, later he/him)
This universe's version of Emery. A transmasc egg who feels trapped in the monotony of his life and wants things to be different, for reasons he totally does not know, not at all. The reason Emery's always been so vulnerable to universe breakages: since he was young, he's been (consciously or subconsciously) trying to bring alternate versions of himself here to see if his life could have been any different. The whole "total collapse of reality" thing appeals to him because he wants to burn everything down and start over. Very, very good at breaking through universe barriers. Henrietta is a toxic mother figure and terrible influence to him. (The fact that he's Emery, and that he transitions eventually, is technically a minor spoiler, because he's so deep in the closet he could find Narnia for all of season 1, but since those of you who are looking at this are likely here from guess-that-ship and you already know all of that, I'll let it slide)
Irina Bell (she/her)
The perkiest trans goth girl you will ever meet. Born into Henrietta's side of the family and indoctrinated into Acolytehood, but around age 17 decided "fuck all that" and ran off to join the Guardians. The baby of the bunch. Desperate to prove herself to everyone. Especially Kivi.
There's also a few other minor characters, but I unfortunately have neither Picrews nor character bios for them. Maybe I'll make another post at some point.
Tagging @quackerjack and @sharidragonwood because I know you guys were interested, and also tagging @creation-help because I ended up using one of your name lists for Kivi (it's their last name, but it's what they go by, so it counts). Thanks to everyone who's asked about this, and if you want to know anything else about these guys, please ask me: I love talking about them.
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Fanfiction Author Interview Game
Thank you @ladystormcrow for the tag! ^_^ (Not going to start a reblog chain due to space, so her interview is here.
How many works do you have on AO3? Currently, 9. I had slightly more on my prior iteration of AO3, before the Deletion Incident of 2022.
What's your total AO3 word count? 101,203
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes: Ngl I don't want to look at this right now. Dark Crystal fandom is really quiet now, and I try not to keep falling into the trap of lamenting my deletion of my prior AO3 from back when there was more engagement.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, because I like comments and I like talking about my blorbos.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Of the completed stuff on AO3, Kind Other. UrLii is having an angsty day. That said, I think this basically vent fic I wrote in SIlmarillion fandom 8 years ago is probably the angstiest published fic I've done overall: Our Love is Great
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Happy is in the eye of the beholder, but possibly Food Fight [or Out of Hand, discussed further below]. It's a grotesque story but I can safely say skekNa and skekUng are both happy by the end of it. It inaugurates what will be their lifetime together terrorizing the creatures of Thra.
Do you write crossovers? I haven't per se, closest I've come was a Silm fic where I made a scenario analogous to the short story "The Renegade" by Camus. I've got a couple crossover ideas for fandoms I've never written in, but I've already been carrying them around for quite a few years, so who knows.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? No, just a couple odd comments that could mean anything, which I read as funny.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not terribly explicit smut. Even when I don't fade to black, I tend to imply a lot of things rather than spell them out. I'm more likely to get more descriptive the more disgusting the situation is.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not per se. Just not been acknowledged for a HC someone took almost blow-by-blow from my Gragoh longfic and then kind of disavowed in their comments section. Maybe it's just me, but if one dislikes someone enough to not credit them where credit is due, I don't quite even understand the desire to use that person's ideas rather than coming up with one's own.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as such.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet. *pleading face emoji*
What's your all-time favorite ship? Lowkey obsessed with UngNaLi, or any twosome permutations thereof. I also love Jaime/Brienne and Jaime/Ilyn Payne from ASoIAF.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? The Birds of the Temple Garden, a Tolkien fic set on Numenor that used a derelict garden as a plot device. This is probably the Silm fic of mine that would still most resonate with me, and sometimes I think my present self would still be capable of finishing it in something close to its original spirit, but I've not clapped eyes on it in 8 years.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, incessant metaphors, imagery.
What are your writing weaknesses? I can get too introspected and up my own ass with convoluted and repetitive narratives if I stay too long in a character's brain. This is part of the reason I enjoy writing ensemble POVs, as they keep my attention distributed and I don't hyperfocus on the content of one dumbass's head.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I don't have many thoughts on it, other than please provide a translation, whether through a note or within the work itself.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? ASoIAF*, Lovecraftian, Ozverse, possibly Labyrinth or Neverending Story. *Not strictly true! I do have all of one paragraph of something ASoIAF written.
What's your favorite fic you've written? Out of Hand. It was freeing to write because Ung and Na are such pieces of shit but they genuinely love each other very much, and since they're Skeksis I didn't feel like I as the narrator really needed to justify or reconcile that. The tags alone shocked a ragebait youtuber into referring to me as "the bastard who wrote the porn." It firmly established my OTP. It also made me write a bit about their urRu counterparts, whom I also love and would like to write more about. Nothing but good things have come out of this. _____________ Tags! I think everyone I'm tagging writes fic, ignore if not. @scientistservant @heartbreakterrorbird @pomgore @merelyafigment @drapopia
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
(idk who to tag who originally came up with the questions but I found them through @the-likesofus and was curious ab my other writer moots answers so <3)
How many works do you have on ao3?
2 but I'm hoping to repost a bunch of my fics on here to there soon!
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment I write for TBOSAS and Billy the Kid (2022)
Top five fics by kudos:
Only have 2 fics on AO3 currently but
1. I Once Believed Love Would Be Black and White, But It's Golden
2. Pray You Catch Me
Do you respond to comments?
Always!! I love, love receiving comments and I know how scary it can be sometimes to leave them, so I want to show my appreciation <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well...𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓵𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓶𝓮 rn but I have one coming out tomorrow that's also Billy the Kid and the ending is pretty...it's pretty angsty
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I try really hard to keep my endings happy because the nature of both fandoms I write for is inherently tragic but personally the one that warms my heart the most is either 𝓤𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓾𝓫𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 cause it's the end of the series or 𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
Do you get hate on fics?
I've been very lucky to receive mostly positive feedback on my work- the closest I've gotten to hate was someone commenting on how I didn't include in the TWs that my Reader would be mentioned as thin and blue eyed (which I felt SO bad about and they were very kind about the whole situation- sometimes I don't catch that stuff in editing)
Do you write smut?
I do not purely because I'm a Christian girl (don't hate me) but that doesn't mean I judge others for doing so at all like y'all get freaky go nuts <3
Craziest crossover:
I've never done a crossover fic but that could change
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no, thankfully
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't technically. The closest I've come is when Franci and me have done mermaid au stuff but that was completely her idea and her credit, she just let me write for it <3
All time favourite ship?
It's hard to say (anyone I write for x me lmao)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
tbh once I deem something a wip there's no stopping me until I finish it. Having drafts lowkey stresses me out (in a good way) I've finished almost everything I've started, the only exceptions being things that were either a) had no plot point at all besides the ship or b) my hyperfixation fizzled and I lost passion
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm good at angst honestly, and the other thing I feel like I consistently do well is in the plot points of my stories. Honestly my self awareness isn't that great though so I could possibly be talking out of my ass
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've done it briefly before because Billy canonically speaks Spanish but I am not a fluent speaker in any language except English so I'd be a little cautious doing it lol
First fandom you wrote in?
The very first fandom I ever wrote in was Riverdale
Favourite fic you've written?
I'm still so proud of Pray You Catch me, but another one I love is Inamorata just cause it was so fun to write. But honestly I adore all my fics and though I'll always be self-critical they mean a lot to me because my followers have liked them so much <3
@francixoxoxo @runningfrom2am @a-romantics-guide-to-life @fictional-at-heart
also if you're a writer and you see this you're tagged <3
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meet the writer: aj
(a.k.a. my writeblr intro, done properly)
heya!! i’ve had this blog for a while now, but i realised i haven’t ever actually done a proper intro on here, so here it is!! (also did i want the opportunity to make an aesthetic of myself??? absolutely. image made in canva and portrait on the left is from picrew, all other images were taken from unsplash)
my name is aj (she/her pronouns pls)!! i’m 26, black, and i live in the uk. i graduated from uni 3 years ago and currently work in lab admin, but i’ve been doing creative writing for 10+ years!! i’m currently trying to get back into reading by reading a book a month (i usually share the book i’m reading in the sidebar of my main blog, which i follow back with as this blog is a sideblog: @andipxndy), and i write a variety of fanfiction and original works (both based off my own characters and those i currently/have rp’d with in the past). i also take requests for fanfiction, which you can read about below the cut or in this post (i’ve made some changes which mean the post is not relevant atm)!! but in general i love being asked questions about my WIPs and my characters and basically any characters i write, because i love delving into character thoughts and doing character development (so please send me some!!).
this blog started off as a way for me to share my fanfiction writing, which is how i got into writing in the first place and how i came to love it, but now i’m wanting to expand some more share/talk about some of my original works too!! i write ya sci-fi in my original stuff, but i’m known to drift into romance, action-comedy and crime when it comes to fanfiction works. i’m also over on ao3 as andipxndy.
my main fanfic writing fandoms are abbott elementary and alex rider, just to keep things managable, but i also enjoy watching ncis, criminal minds and lockwood & co., and sometimes dive back into old favourite animes (k-on!! is my current anime obsession). i may be slow to write or respond to stuff but i DO enjoy diving into discussing fandom stuff too!! i also like playing video games like sims 4 (ea is a money grab pass it on) and cities skylines, and enjoy dnd and rping with friends!!
before this intro gets too long, here are my main WIPs:
power play (1st draft completed, left to stew)
the first original wip i planned, the story is intended to be part of a 5-book series about a 20-year-old who accidentally gives himself powers, and ends up drawn into the science underground whilst trying to save people that he may or may not have also accidentally given powers. and all whilst trying to appear completely normal to his mum and get a summer job whilst home from university.
the crossover (still working on 1st draft, is my main/november nano project)
this is an adaptation of an old rp au i had with one of my closest friends, adjusted to have new, original characters despite the same plotline. it follows a 17-year-old girl as she’s accidentally transported into a parallel universe, where her parents aren’t her parents and she doesn’t exist. in an attempt to get home, she ends up crossing paths with the people who are meant to be her family, and finds out that they’re all superheroes. insert drama and shenanigans here.
the rich life: a modern bourgeoise au (working on 1st draft, is my camp nano project)
a passion project that i’m completing for my rp partners, this au is split into a 3-book series following the lives of our characters in the upper class, those who work for them, and eventually their children, going through the drama of their lives and how they try so hard not to have it all end up in the press. that obviously doesn’t work.
fanfiction fics and requests (ongoing but this is technically a wip)
technically counts as a wip as i have a backlog of fics in progress to write and share for requesters (and some ideas i’ve had myself), but these are mainly either alex rider or abbott elementary fanfics that have been sent in via ask. you can see extra info below the cut after the next paragraph. my requests are currently closed, and i’m working through my backlog. the request(s) active for the forseeable future are:
will you be my maybe? - an abbott elementary fanfiction (gregory x janine - injury + fake dating)
anyway, this is all i’ve got for now!! i do take part in things like nanowrimo and camp nanowrimo, so if anyone takes part in those too i look forward to writing alongside you!! other than that, that’s about it!! i’ll be sharing snippets of my work, and maybe eventually you’ll even get aesthetics eventually!! i’ve you’ve read this far, i applaud you, but thank you so much for reading!! i’d love to get to know more writers on here, both inside and outside of fandom spaces, so please feel free to jump at me and send me asks and messages and stuff!!
~ aj xxx
(for more info on fanfiction stuff, read below the cut:)
i’ve been writing fanfiction for over 10 years, and as something so dear to my heart i can’t let it go - it’s helped me to develop my writing and character development skills!! i have, however, grown in the fandoms i write, so please see below for more info:
alex rider
abbot elementary (more specifically, gregory x janine. i ship only those two. with my whole heart.)
fics getting to know my original characters (oneshots)
(i realise that this is significantly cut down, but i have other projects in mind that require more of my time and can no longer spend as much time on requests!! for this, i apologise!!)
GENRES WRITTEN (not completely restricted):
all fanfics will be cross-posted to ao3
please give me up to a month to get fics written and posted - if not done within a month, feel free to message me about it [please DO NOT pester me about it] - i work and am also writing original things, so do not always have the time
i preferably write oneshots, though the occasional multi-chap will appear - a fic ends up longer, well, it happens 🤷🏾♀️
i am a rambler so you are almost always guaranteed a longer fic
please try not to give me word count limits or specifications on fics - they are discouraging
that being said, any writing requests/prompts fulfilled will most likely be 20k words or less (though they may be longer if the inspiration strikes, don’t hold me to it)
i do not write smut, or any nsfw other than possibly gore/torture/violence. this is a personal preference and i will not change my stance on it
if you have any triggers that you do not want included in the fic, please message me and inform me of this
i have a ko-fi! if you would like to tip/donate to me for any of my writings, check it out here
all fics may or may not include a level of humour/sarcasm - i’m not sorry for this
#writeblr#writeblr intro#writeblr introduction#writing#writer#writers of tumblr#andipxndywrites#creative writing#fanfiction writer#fanfiction#ao3 writer#introduction
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Hey all! Just wanted to give everyone a bit of a content update.
I apologize for the lack of content for the past… year. I’ve been working through some stuff, and it’s been hard for me to find the motivation or inspiration to write. It comes in short bursts, meaning I’ve been (very) slowly chipping away at multiple projects at once. I just thought I’d update everyone on how things are going and make a list (partly for myself) of what I have in the works, what still needs to be done, and what you can expect from me in the future. Admittedly these are mostly obey me fics but I DO have other things tumbling about in my brain, I promise.
Opposite Day: 2/5 chapters finished, the rest 100% planned and around 30-40% written.
I’ve been sitting on an unfinished chapter 3 for almost a year now, and have written good portions of the other chapters in the meantime. This is the project I’m most excited to finish, and I feel bad for abandoning it for so long. Rest assured, I *am* still working on it, and am extremely happy it’s been so well received.
Untitled Simeon Comfort Fic: 75% finished.
Originally I wanted this written for his birthday (which was in February lmao) but as you can see that did not happen. I’ve got the beginning and end all written out, I sort of went off the script at the end with fun purgatory hall family fluff so the only thing I don’t have written is… actually the eating part. This will probably be the first fic I actually post, seeing as it’s the closest to completion.
“A series of Obey Me Vore Headcanons” Re-Write (Title Very WIP) 2.5/7 chapters re-written
This one I don’t think I’ve mentioned on here yet. I’ve grown increasingly unsatisfied with my original obey me headcanons list that I posted last year when I first got into the fandom. A. Because I hadn’t gotten very far into the story when I wrote it and didn’t get the full scope of the characters yet and B. (Most importantly) I feel like I really didn’t do the characters justice.
Since I originally posted it, there’s been a healthy amount of discussion on depth and nuance in vore media and reducing characters to tropes, etc. I’d like to re-write this series to focus less on physical aspects and “how they eat you” but rather more of an emotional and story driven story of why they eat you and their emotions and struggles that come with it. The obey me brothers are incredibly interesting characters, and I’d like to explore them in more depth and show you how interesting they can really be and why I love them so much.
This one might take a while to complete, but it’s gonna happen at some point. I‘ll keep up the original half-finished version in the meantime since I don’t want to delete it and ao3 doesn’t allow privating fics without orphaning them. I know it’s ugly in it’s current state, just know I’m working on it and the rest of those chapters will be overhauled eventually.
“Miss Em”: 80% written (kind of)
I’ve had this one sitting in my drafts for a while now. Originally I had plans to start another multi-chapter series but then Opposite Day sort of went to shit so I scrapped it knowing it was way too ambitious. But now I still have a mostly written Mammon fic in my notes app just sitting there and it would be a shame to just…leave it. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with this one, Maybe I’ll write the Beel companion piece to it that I had planned and just leave it as a 2-parter. Who knows. It’s really cute, and I want to share it at some point.
Untitled Obey Me mini-drabbles: 60% written
Honestly this wasn’t supposed to be a whole thing. I started randomly writing one day on a burst of inspiration and it turned into little mini “scenario slices” for all the characters and I really like how it turned out. I still need to write for two of the characters and polish up some others, but it’s a fun low-stress thing to work on in between projects. Also excited to share it possibly soon since they’re fairly short and shouldn’t take long to finish (but you know me…)
An unspecified ITWOM fanfic: 0% written, 50% planned
For those who aren’t familiar, “In the World of Monsters” is an amazing novel authored by @vore-toast that just recently received a fantastic ending and epilogue (Please read it! It’s fantastic!) And I really would like to write a little something for it to show my appreciation. I have an idea planned out, but details would involve spoilers so I can’t say much. I’d need to ask for guidance on what exactly to include since the things I would like to write about haven’t exactly *happened yet* but I’ve said too much already… hee hee. I don’t know when this fic is gonna happen, but I swear to you it will. And if my original idea doesn’t work out, it’ll be something. I WILL be writing for this series, mark my words.
Heroes Off-Duty. 0% written, ??% planned
Huh? That’s weird... That one’s not supposed to be there. Ah well, It’s not relevant anyway. Carry on.
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-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Charm _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
-------------------------ᓚᘏᗢ 16 ᓚᘏᗢ she/her ᓚᘏᗢ --------------------
Over excitable but well meaning, she has a big heart that loves many things- her friends, family, her black cat Liquorice, the supernatural, and her absolute favourite thing: extra terrestrials. She has believed in aliens since the moment she heard of them. It's the very core of her personality, and she relishes in the chance to talk about sightings and rumours. She even runs her own blog, Charming the Unknown, documenting her own research and apparent discoveries. It's quite popular... in specific circles.
Her obsession quickly went from cute (if not a little childish) to unsettling when the new kid, Laika, showed up. Charm was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He's so strange! Have you noticed he never hangs out with anyone after school? And he never tells anyone anything about his life at all His eyes glowed during the black out, didn't anyone else see that!?
No one else appreciated her vocalising these...inconsistencies. It kind of freaked them out. Even her closest friends thought it was getting out of hand. But she knows something is off about Laika, even if no one believes her. She's determined to prove herself right!
Wait...where did he go?
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-
Thank you for your patience, it's a delight to introduce you all to Charm! I first created her in 2019, she's changed a lot since then. I've recently been reworking her universe and story. It's funny, the first full drawing I post here isn't even one of my pink coded characters! Charm and her universe aren't my main muses but they are all still so dear and special to me.
I don't really have any WIP's since I used a photo of myself as a reference, but I included the little bit I can share under the cut, as well as some fun tid bits about her design <3
Her jumper (or, if you're American, her sweater) is based on a real jumper I own from Dangerfield. I got rid of the turtleneck as honestly, even IRL I don't like it that much but luckily it's not the star of the show! Fun fact about this jumper- it glows in the dark! And yes, so Charm's jumper glows in the dark, too!
She was originally pink-coded as well before I decided I just have too darn many pink oc's. She originally wore a grey bomber jacket adorned with NASA and alien patches on top of a pink jumper with a little black cat face on it. I really wanted to keep the alien/space/cat motif. If I find my original drawings, I'll share it with you all!
She may be Indonesian, but she lives in Australia, so she does wear a school uniform when she isn't wearing her casual clothes. Her story takes place in the early 2010s.
She always was a red-head, it wasn't until recently I thought it would make more sense in the setting for her to dye her hair red than have it be natural. She likes her roots showing, so she gets it done a few centimetres away from her scalp.
I tried using this...idk, pixel-y brush for the first time? I kind of like it. Suits the theme.
Yes, her hair outline being a darker colour of her hair is inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's artstyle.
#charmverse#pink's ocs#chr: charm#my art#digital art#oc#ocs#oc art#oc artwork#original character#drawing#my ocs#artists on tumblr#art#artwork#digital painting#illustration#drawings#firealpaca#digital drawing#digital artwork#digital aritst#archive of my pink mind
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i really appreciate you holding on for the wild ride, it ended up being much more of a word vomit than i anticipated 😅 this is also gonna be long to explain it all but:
okay so my OC, calrik, is from an original fantasy fiction work i have tentatively called ‘homeward bound’; it’s been a passion project for like idk 10+ years and the characters in it are like the original 4 OCs for me lol. he (funnily enough) resembles laios physically (blonde, 6’4, a guard so Fit, brown eyes) but also has freckles and is a wolf shapeshifter (simply put, but it’s more complicated than that) (which is probably that’s why I love laios, your honor). premise of that WIP’s world is an empress (ilantha) of celestial blood and her three closest and highest ranked guards (saelihn, merric, and calrik) (none of which start out in those positions except the empress) up being divinely intertwined in changing the course of the empires’ history. fated love, fated loss, coronations and galas and sneaking away to not get caught, fae and wolf shapeshifters, personified celestial bodies and primordial / ancient spirits, heinous war crimes, children with trauma responsible for way too much, not a parent in sight lmfao. that being said, the kidnapping was happening from the Big Baddie™️ in that world and calrik busted in.
with the SW AU, it’s an AU of my own work (lmfao). calrik is an inquisitor, brother to merric (supreme leader); sae is a force sensitive rebel (not proper Jedi) and tasked with transporting / protecting ilantha (actual Jedi, Princess of Alderaan). the girls get captured, put on star killer base, and interrogated by the guys. of course they pair bc where else would the enemies to lovers come in. cal interrogates sae, and she’s restrained. since sabers turn on, they have an activation mechanism hums. so while he’s interrogating her, choking her, calling her pet and telling her to speak up, he traces the humming, vibrating end of the saber—while ignited—along her body until its against her thrumming cunt. hence: a lightsaber vibrator as means of an interrogation method.
now Laios…… holy shit yeah. that’s exactly what im thinking about!!!! an aphrodisiac that the longer the body doesn’t register you’re breeding (aka using it), the worse it gets. teaching him how to touch you, and he ends up being exactly the touch you’ve always imagined having. its so innocently perfect, and before he’s even had his turn, a glob of cum has stained his pants. he’s panting, pupils swollen; at one point you have to remind him to take the armor off because he’s so into you, enraptured. now imagine you’re the monster that hit him with the pollen……………….. like a fae dryad or somethin………. holy shit yeah.
thank you for indulging me 🙂↕️ im so sorry this is a damn novel lol
putting this under the cut since i rambled A LOT!
sav what the FUCK that world you’ve built sounds so incredible and well thought out; i LOVE fantasy but it’s daunting to write/create fantastical worlds because there are so many elements you must consider and balance. effective world building is a feat—and you have so many interesting characters that you’ve also created to boot! i’m obsessed with how similar cal is to laios ooohuuhgghhhhhh i will lose my mind (go insanely horny) over him.
AND THE STAR WARS AU???????? okay first of all: brilliant, show-stopping, incredible. putting your own ocs from an original story into a pre-existing fictional universe is so big brained of you i don’t even know what to say. and enemies to lovers…my favorite flavor, truly. can i just say i wanna be in sae’s place because oh my god? i’m seeing the vibrating lightsaber vision and i want to experience it so desperately it’s not even funny.
finally LAIOS, MY LOVE! i have a bit of a reputation on my blog for being a virgin killer because there’s nothing more sexy and delicious to me than teaching someone inexperienced how to touch you; molding their concept of sexuality, exploring their interests, and leaving a lasting impression on them (even if you don’t stay together because they will never, never forget their first). and laios is the perfect virgin in my mind because he’s eager to please and he’s utterly shameless. he will lick your armpits and spit on your clit and suck on your tongue without a second thought because it feels and tastes so good; he has a one-track mind and it makes sex with him almost a religious experience. the sex pollen trope on top of that makes him feral for you…i don’t even know what to say about the idea of you being the monster—like…UGH. he gives you a run for your money!
anyway thank you for sharing with me; i’m kissing you and your gorgeous brain <3
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Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @willowmckinley for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3? 67.- 29 are Teen Wolf and the next runner up is Justified at 24
What's your total ao3 word count? 565,534 total… Rinse Cycle (Teen Wolf) is my biggest single story at 145,979 not counting the bonus coda. The biggest series I have for the current fandom I’m focused on is Bad Habits at 92,533
What fandoms do you write for? Justified, Teen Wolf… I would love to do more Grimm and I’ve wanted to write for Buffy the Vampire Slayer for so long but I always end up backing away slowly holding my hands up in defeat.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Did You Expect With A Mouth Like That? - For Teen Wolf at 1,902
When You Are No Longer Useful - For Teen Wolf at 763
The Hard Part- Teen Wolf at 619
We Have Worn Out The Meaning Of Our Clothes (part of the Apparel Series) - Teen Wolf at 582
Every Nickname Has A Reason (part of the Apparel Series)- Teen Wolf at 470 And a sixth because 4 and 5 are the same series:
The Killing Type- Teen Wolf at 456
The benefits of being unpopular means I get pretty easily dodged. The next closest I have that's the current fandom I've been writing for is Remembrance. at 170
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Every single one of them every time. I’m trying not to compulsively respond to every response forever though so I’m practicing only responding a few times. Not sure I enjoy it though. It being making myself stop replying once we're two or three replies deep.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I know this might sound strange to anyone who has started but been incapable of finishing the stories I write but I’m not very good at ending unhappily. I’d say the angstiest would be It’s About Boyd (Justified) or maybe Scenes From The Battle of Us (Justified) is a good angster.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? . Uhhhhh….. Rinse Cycle or maybe Remembrance.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I think the closest I get are Sterek shippers who read some of my fic and then get a bit pupset that Sterek isn’t end game even though I always warn that it isn’t at the start if it isn’t.
9. Do you write smut? I’m not sure I remember how to write things that don’t have at least 7 sex scenes in them.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I’m not personally a fan of crossovers so much. I might read them if the premise is good enough but it’s not common for me. I find that they tend to get kind of muddled and it’s at times difficult to fuse the two worlds together in a way that makes the various themes of each cohesive. That being said, I don’t mind them. Just find that the combined elements tend to distract instead of add. It's a task to crossover universes and I don't think it's one that I'm up to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I had a problem a very long time ago with some one reposting mine without permission or attribution on an unaffiliated third party e-publisher but that was super long ago. I have done the opposite though. I used to make it a very small hobby of mine to write short stories or poems or whatnot and leave them anonymously in people’s inboxes with a note that it was theirs to do with whatever they wished. I’d on occasion also write serial stories and pop them in to ask boxes on tumblr with permission one part at a time for a person's favorite pairing or universe.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I’ve had people ask if they can but I’ve not seen that it has happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not fic, no. But I’ve worked on popcorn stories and collaborative pieces elsewheres. They were all original pieces so they wouldn't be available on AO3.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I don’t think I have one.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? In fic? I only have two that would be considered WIPs. One of them (The House Carpenter) has an ending already and is complete but there is an un-published sequel I took down because I didn’t like where it was going but I plan to work on that one in the winter. The other one is an active prompt fill style fic whose ending will be when I run out of prompts. (Bad Habits) I think the closest I got is that there’s a fill I did forever ago that was supposed to have two endings and I only wrote one and never did the second. I’m not sure I ever will. I want to but I haven’t. ([Fill] My Mouth With Ecstasy)
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think my strength is in the grounding. I like to track and block a character’s movements and make sure there are as little unaccounted for motions as possible. Outside of that… Maybe my flagrant disregard for grammar conventions?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? My flagrant disregard for grammar conventions. Also sometimes I get hung up on granular details that make it difficult for a scene to play out appropriately. Also also I’m very loosy goosy and don’t exercise enough precision or control over what I write. Also also also I like using repetitive descriptions too much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? This can be useful and I have written dialogue at times in another language but I try to limit it as much as possible because I don’t speak any other languages well. I think it can be done very well but just not by me despite my attempting to repeatedly.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Probably Sherlock (BBC).
20. Favorite fic you've written? All of them. But Rinse Cycle and Remembrance. are close seconds.
I'm pretty sure Willow tagged literally everyone I've ever known so if you see this and you wish to do it then please claim that I tagged you to do it.
Would you like to do this @acorrespondence @im-not-thinking-confetti-cannons @apolardream @tallsinspace @gaylanrivens ?
#unhinged monster journals publicly#justie2justie communication#teen wolf#justified fx#justified#grimm
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Pick your favorite fic/wip. #'s 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 19, 21, 26
4. If the fic required it, what did you research in order to write it?
where the heart is has stalled out mainly because I am agonizing over 1. the original characters and 2. getting the details of how people in a little village way up in the mountains live accurate. How do they survive up there? How isolated are they? What will grow there, what kinds of food are viable, what can they reasonably be expected to HAVE? Hopefully one day I'm just like 'man fuck it' and remember that magic IS a part of that world and can shortcut for some of that stuff, but man.
5. Did you outline the fic?
I outline most fics these days, to some extent. Even the ones where I just start writing a scene because I want it out of my head (moth, meet flame comes to mind), I'll put notes to myself on things to incorporate, or directions the thread of the story follows. As I get more and more of those I'll start putting them in a rough order before I start trying to fill in the gaps around them. Most of my larger wips have somewhat more extensive outlines that I put together before writing much of them, but those are still more like reminders to myself of what I want to have happen when.
7. How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
Answered this for the first two parts of teethmarks already, and the same principle holds true for all of the stuff I write, I think. Mostly that decision is 'I want to see how [character], who has X characteristics, deals with this specific situation'. For WtHi, it's 'how does Therion, someone who was betrayed by his closest/only friend, who is a reserved, solitary, and wandersome individual as a result, deal with the solidarity Olberic offers in having had a similar experience, with having somewhere to go BACK to?' for THotS it's 'how does Grimmjow, who by means of survival equates touch to violence, who is human in spite of it all, learn to accept that he can WANT a softer touch?'; in mirror image to that, TMiYM asks 'how does Ichigo, who wants to protect people, who has a good heart at the center of his being, learn to accept the part of himself that WANTS violence?' Those two in particular are about accepting uncomfortable hidden aspects of oneself by accepting them as they are externalized in one another. (This is what a soulmate is to me)
Obviously this isn't quite as true for the erotic stuff necessarily: thy neighbor (thyself) was an exercise in having three narrators at once while also having only one narrator. Gogeta is Gogeta, but also Goku and Vegeta. I spent a LOT of time picking the wording such that some parts of it felt like one or the other (or both/neither). I guess for erotica the decision gets made by answering 'who gets fucked up the most by it?' In MMF, Ace really is doing this more or less for the hell of it (with a side of 'oh this blonde's eyeing me up but I don't think he realizes that, maybe he needs some encouragement?'); Sanji on the other hand is having an extremely lowkey Gay Panic about it. For before it's too late, admittedly they're both equally fucked up by the situation going on, but Seth has that added extra layer of 'I am a knight and Eirika is my liegelord, i SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS.' This would occur to him because he's older and more experienced in the social systems he and Eirika exist in, he can't help but think of the consequences for both of them, but by the same token those systems as they pertain to the immediate have been blown to cinders. For Reiju in this cursed wip, it's because she numerically (the numbers are important) suffers more acts of violence, plus the inherent violence of the goal and their father's role in it. The brothers only have to bear one each. Ergo, her head has more to work with in it.
This answer got away from me but like. tldr bro, I can't explain it concisely. I pick it based on Vibes.
10. How did you approach writing the fic? (e.g. wrote it start to finish in order, started with the ending, starting with the twist)
I don't know that I've ever written anything start to finish in my life except maybe the vignette-adjacent works. Typically my stuff happens in two patterns: I'll either patchwork bits and pieces in the middle and work my way outwards to an opening and closing (as in a touch of home) or I'll pin down the opening and closing and figure out a good middle to hook them together (as in cutting instrument). I feel like you can sort of tell which, in general, is which, if you read enough of my stuff. Short answer: it almost always comes together in bits and pieces that I try to smooth into one contiguous whole.
13. Did you write any of the fic by hand? If yes, which parts? Do you find you write differently by hand vs typing?
Man, I haven't written fic entirely by hand in YEARS. Used to be I would do the rough drafts and a lot of the editing by hand, then type it up. They're very different to me and it mainly comes down to the editing aspect, not in a way that I feel like I can describe well. iykyk. Maybe the last fic that I know for sure I wrote any part of by hand is the jonadio from forever ago, I still have a clear memory of doing at LEAST the scene with Jotaro by hand.
19. While editing, did you kill any darlings? What were they?
Yes, but I hardly remember most of them since I'm not in the habit (yet) of using a scraps document. There is one bit I know I have from ch5 of THotS, since that whole thing was written almost entirely in the discord DMs:
“I want to apologize to you,” she says a little later, as you’re both preparing to scour for some poor unlucky bastard to eat. “For the comment I made a while ago.” You’re confused which one she means, there’s a lot you’d demand apology for from her, but her next words give you pause. “About your Fracciones. That was… unkind. I’m sorry.”
One of those things where I had an idea for where I wanted to go from that and lost it halfway through so I just cut it and did something else.
21. Did the fic end up shorter or longer than you had planned?
god they ALWAYS end up longer. always. why is TMiYM longer than the fic it was epiloguing. Why is MMF THAT fucking long. why.
26. Share your favorite detail
I don't know that I really have any...... I've read and reread all my work so much that it all kinda blurs together. How about this, how about yall tell me YOUR favorite details in the replies or smth. I like finding out what people notice the most.
thanks for your ask <3
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WIP Soundtrack Tag
Thank you for the tag, @vcaudley; in return I offer anyone who feels like sharing their tunes the chance to jump in.
It took me a minute to put this together, and in the meantime, @hrh-spinach requested I do the ten songs one again so I'm looking at this as combining the two. But these are the songs I've been playing the most while working on this thing, a longer story about Tifa and Cloud post-OG canon. But I've also thrown in a few that are anthems for this series as a whole.
Ain't it Funny by Danny Brown This is the vibe. Making up for the teenage years you lost to trauma and imprisonment with reckless sex and drug use is all fun and games until it isn't; the whole album exemplifies this, in addition to just being one of my favourites, but this track. This track! The way the trumpet line keeps on shifting and becomes increasingly urgent and siren-like as the song goes on - it's perfect.
Phenom by Thao and the Get Down Stay Down I chose this to exemplify the anger that comes with any sort of self-awakening or actualisation, aimed at the world and on some level at yourself for not allowing it before. And I apply that to the whole village the story takes place in, compromised mostly of the denizens of an oppressed undercity who barely escaped the near-apocalypse event that made their former home its epicentre. (As an aside, I'd never looked up the video for this before, and I love it!)
Ghosts in My Heart by Mariee Sioux Zooming back in on our protagonists now. Two people who've come a long way from where they were, but whose journey to that increase in self-awareness has given them a whole new set of baggage to work through. And doing that work is even harder when you're surrounded by a slew of people hailing you as heroes, leaders, saviours, and new best friends.
Sleep is a Curse by Maudlin of the Well This one featured in my last fic soundtrack tag post as a default Cloud song, but here it is again. The conflicted and guilty thoughts he's wrestling with while trying his best to implement the healthier ways of being he's learned and to show up for the community they're trying to build.
Hyper-Ballad by Björk Related to the above; when you're finally able to breathe freely in a place that's safe and secure, are you going to do that difficult work of self-examination about the role you were led to place on yourself... or are you going to find a whole new one to sink yourself into? Tifa is no longer working herself to the bone trying to keep the party together - instead, her need to always be providing a service means she's doing it for a whole village instead!
Flower's Grave by Tom Waits I feel like the title alone is completely self-explanatory if you're of even passing familiarity with these characters.
Hello Stranger by Julia Holter This is one of my absolute favourite cover songs I've ever heard. She took the melancholic tinge of the original tune turned into this haunting, surreal, Badalamenti-esque dirge and I absolutely love it. For my purposes, I'm using it to represent Tifa and Cloud's first reunion in Midgar. It's beautiful, dreamlike, soothing - but still an illusion.
Hello Earth by Kate Bush This is the song that to me comes closest to capturing the panoramic feeling of choosing to live; it's even more powerful in context and I really recommend checking out the whole Ninth Wave suite if you've never heard it before. And if here the whole planet chose to live, this makes me think of Cloud reflecting on his moment of briefly glimpsing what humanity dissolving collectively into the lifestream would've felt like - the connection he's been seeking and failing to find all his life. I can't believe there wouldn't be at least a trace of residual regret there.
När Gudarna Kalla by Forndom, Anomaly of Silence by Yikii, Wüste by Einstürzende Neubauten, Song of the Sisters by Hans Zimmer Grouping all of these together, and in contrast to the above entry; these are the songs I draw on for trying to map and convey the experience of being linked to the Jenova memory-hivemind, when it's in both congruence and conflict with itself. The simultaneous fear, revulsion, resentment, and allure of it, and what it means for Cloud to again push away a chance at connection and complete understanding for the better of the rest of the world. Finding ways to convey this in words is the height of "Why do I do these things to myself?" so far - but that's what the second draft is for.
Mary Magdalene by FKA Twigs This whole album has been a go-to for getting into Tifa's headspace here. Going back again to her compulsion to always be busy, to be doing something for someone else, whether it's kicking ass or making drinks or building bars or chairing meetings or simply being hot - anything to avoid being alone with her thoughts. Here specifically, she's trying on different roles and archetypes the same way Twigs does in the song. Taking what works for her and what doesn't from each, all well and good, but who is she when no-one's looking?
Poison by HTRK I haven't gotten to the drugged up, bad-idea sex portion of the story yet, but when I do!
Tuck by Katie Gately Truth be told I have no idea what she's talking about here, but I love the imagery and the whole vibe is darkly horny and intense in the exact way I'm looking for.
Country Rain by Slowdive The deepest sense of isolation is found in feeling alone while in company, and I don't have much more to say about this one than that.
Blind by TV on the Radio And this is the opposite. The long, trudging path towards living authentically and vulnerably, and the more genuine connection that can wait for you at the end of it. The mortifying ordeal of being known and the joy of being seen, I suppose.
Earth Day by Devin Townsend Devin's discography is a really inspirational listen if you're going through any kind of recovery process. Over the course of it - and I've only taken in a small sampling so far - you can track a man who found a way to get his shit together, and he did it with a sardonic humour that I find really refreshing when some recovery talk comes off really platitudinous. And that I think really befits the characters in question. What I love here, aside from the focus on falling in love with the every day and mundane, is the mocking edge I hear in the first "Like a child you're born again" - I don't believe a singer so emotive would put that in there without purpose. But by the chorus comes back, I think he's singing it with his whole heart, and that's what I'm always moving towards.
Monstrously Low Tide by Maudlin of the Well This is where my head's largely at these days, and it's also where I'm trying to get these two. I'm looking at everything I've written here and thinking I've bitten off far more than I can chew - not least because I'm omitting or being vague about so much - and wondering how I can possibly bring it all together into something cohesive and true to canon. But that ringing outro. That's why. I've got to try my hardest.
And let's have a few that I apply to the series overall:
Prelude and Final Fantasy by Nobuo Uematsu Got to have some music from the actual game in here. When it comes to my longer and more involved fics I've found these two pieces fantastic for getting my openings and endings down - if I can try to capture the sense of intrigue and rebirth and crossing into a new world that I get from the prelude, and the series main theme's sense of a grand culmination, I feel like I'm on the right track.
A Part of Us by Fever Ray A walnut tree takes a long time to bear fruit. Something like ten years after it's planted, if I remember correctly. It's a song about finding your joy moment to moment where it arrives, even when you know you're building something you may not live to see in full bloom - and not disregarding the danger that's still waiting at the end.
Lotus by Susumu Hirasawa This man's music has been my closest companion in assembling and writing this project, my partner who enables me excepted. It's so cinematic and evocative. This track especially is like the the very distilled essence of "victory" in audial form. It's my anthem for my thirties, because I don't think you could make a sound as jubilant and transcendent as this if you haven't known some pretty major defeats first.
Grandfatherly Wind by Susumu Hirasawa Neo-Junon theme!
Opus (The Fool's Rose Garden) by Susumu Hirasawa Theme for the village! It feels exciting and soothing all at once to me.
Heirloom by Björk and Severed Crossed Fingers by St. Vincent I remember a post going around a while ago about "your" love song, the song that sounds like love to you. These are mine, and I chose them specifically because they're as applicable to platonic love, familial love, and the love of a culture and a community as they are the romantic kind, and I try my best to give equal importance to all of those in my writing.
Storm by Godspeed You! Black Emperor I want to structure my series like this piece. When I hear the opening notes, I think of a sleeper waking up, slowly, opening their eyes and blinking as if they can't believe the world is still here, or in such an unrecognisable state. And it builds into towers falling, statues toppling, all the signifiers of the old world crumbling to dust. We can mourn the parts we'll miss, and the opportunities that could have been, but one by one we'll learn the new way is better for us all.
And after that... well. It was a really beautiful twelve minutes.
Flower From Hell from Higurashi A friend sent me this OP from an anime I haven't seen (yet) ages ago in relation to FFVII, and she's right. This is breaking the cycle, transcending the role, and taking as many other people with you as you possibly can. It's also me and the woman who's been helping me write this, along with so many other things, if you'll allow me a sappy moment.
It's In Our Hands by Björk If I want you to take any one thing from this...
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🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
🌻 favorite funny quote from a published work
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
tysm for the ask mari! 🫶
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
Shiho doesn’t retort—she feels close to Shinichi but feels even closer to the client. Her heart aches at the thought of the mother who’s still looking for a culprit who doesn’t exist and of the father whom Shinichi has never even spoken of. She will never be able to fully understand Shinichi, but if there’s one thing she knows is that he will never give up on living. Where she would’ve just let herself drawn, he’s fought with dirty nails and cracked teeth just to keep going—breathing is exhausting but doesn’t scrape his throat like sharp breaches. He doesn’t sense the hollow at their feet—and Shiho, with her soul black as night screaming at her, envies him. Because ignoring is a more acceptable fate than knowing and not being able to do anything about it. The idea of erasing the past scares her because letting go of her memories means changing herself, losing her persona to create a new self. Shiho believes she would if she only could—to get rid of the hollow emptiness expanding beside her feet, she would give up everything she has been and be twenty years old, for real. Not even the drug she created could do this much. Whether it’s Sherry, Shiho Miyano or Ai Haibara it does not matter, she remains the same wretched, little girl who’s afraid of the monsters under her bed, and no fake name on Earth can change that.
From if it’s hollow on the inside.
Sorry it’s so long, lol, but I feel like sharing all of it. I still prefer the Italian version because, well, it’s the original, and not being a translator myself, I’m sure there are some things that could be fixed. Still, despite the fact that it’s been almost two years since I originally wrote the story, and I usually come to loathe my stories after, like, two months, I still like it very much. As for now, it’s the closest I could get to depicting Shiho and Shinichi as I see them.
🌻 favorite funny quote from a published work
“Chloé, are you alright?” he asked. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” “We?” Chloé echoed, glaring over Adrien’s shoulders. “Don’t look at me,” Alya said, her arms crossed over her chest. “I was fine with thinking of you dead somewhere—no, wait, actually, I wasn’t thinking of you.” Chloé shot her a nasty glare, but didn’t respond. It was something, right? “Funny you’d say that. I thought a car had run over you while you were trying to get a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir.” “At least I was able to get out.” … Anyway. Progress takes time.
From fire meet gasoline.
Sadly, I don’t care about Miraculous Ladybug anymore, but I’m SO HYPED for the movie and I had a lot of fun writing this story. Sassy!Chloé is what I live for.
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
I had a hard time choosing the snippet because I’ve been writing a lot of Winx stuff in the last few that I didn’t even remember what my other WIPs were about lol
“You look…” Matt tilted his head a little to the left. “Older?” “I was gonna say, different. Better.” To be fair, he hardly looked any day older than last time she’d seen him. “I wish I could say the same about you, but, you know…” He left the rest of the sentence hanging in the air on purpose, pointing at his face, and there was something so genuine about the way he did it that Claire couldn’t help cracking to a laugh. Matt Murdock had her wonder how could a body be so full. How could a person contain multitudes without exploding from the paradox of it—the same man being the kind lawyer and the tormented hero. Last time, the vigilante seemed to have prevailed, and at that very moment Claire knew she couldn’t do it. Not with Matt, not with Luke. Not with anyone. But seeing him now, so changed to his very core as if he were a different man, but, in a way she couldn’t put her finger on, still the same man—seeing him now, her feelings of distrust and fear couldn’t be renewed. “Not to brag,” Claire said, “but judging from the men asking me out, I think I’m still a good match.” Matt smiled again, wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes as if to confirm that time had passed for him. But to Claire, he had never looked better. “I am sure you are.” Her heart skipped a beat or two, then raced faster, and Claire wondered if he hadn’t been aware of it because he added playfully, “Just to be sure, I’m not hitting on you.” Would it be so bad, Claire wondered, if he did?
From the same Clairedevil fic I talked about here, which doesn’t have a title yet because I suck at choosing titles.
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ask game. 🤡🌞👀💔 and i was tossing up between 🤡 and 😈, because i find i laugh a lot at the play-mean jokes I write but i don't remember you writing all that many targeted at the likes of me
🤡 - what's a line/scene you've written that made you laugh?/😈 - has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?: I am Not a mean person in my writing, no. but I DO think myself very very funny :3
I've posted this one before but it's always funny to me. old men bickering <3
The closest to "playfully mean" I ever do is in character thoughts like this. they are mean to each other. the readers and I are just watching from a corner with a bucket of popcorn.
🌞- do you have a preferred time of day to write? well I would prefer to write during the day. but me brain has decided that actually midnight is the ideal time to be creative and full of words. so late night I guess
👀 - tell me about an upcoming wip please! WITH PLEASURE!!!!!
ok so you did see the post I assume. But basically: I was listening to some music. and this song made me think about obimaul running away from order 66 together. and the words to this one are coming more easily than any of the other wips I've started, so I of course started to write it <3
Maul's plan in the cartoon is WAY too complicated (which I admit is rather in character for him) and WAY too dependent on luck (which he obviously doesn't have enough), so like. imagine. what if instead he decides to stalk Obi-Wan, to tell him in person about his vision. he tells him about Sidious, about how the war will end, how Anakin will fall, but Obi-Wan obviously doesn't believe him (or doesn't admit he believes him). so Maul keeps following him, from the sieges on the Outer Rim to Coruscant to Utapau, and saves him when Order 66 happens. so now they're on the run together. aaaand that's all I have planned so far. maybe it'll end there.
maybe it'll continue.
I like the idea of Maul being there too on Mustafar, I think he could save Padmé. Fake her death Romeo and Juliet style. I don't want him to fight Anakin though, if he did one of them would definitely die (he would NOT let Obi-Wan make the same mistake twice. he would "mercy" kill Anakin).
I also mentioned this in the original tags of the post but I would LOVE for Padmé to raise Luke on Tatooine, both of them hiding from Vader and the Empire. Yes she would be a great rebel leader she'd be like Leia before Leia, but who knows what would happen if Vader found out she's alive and a rebel. He would probably strangle Palpatine for lying to him. and start his own rebellion if Palpatine survives. three way civil war (empire vs rebels vs vader). too complicated for me. so I'm putting Padmé in the sand. she can leave to join the rebellion with Luke when he's old enough.
💔 - is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? hmmm not yet I think. but hopefully someday yes <3
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