#i mean its not like i have to drive or anything
psychesalcove · 1 day
taking hits for you, cause I wanna feel like I'm supposed to
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✧.* jason grace after an argument with gn reader
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synopsis: headcanons for jason after an argument w/ gn reader — college au !
cw: arguing (but more focused on after an argument), jason being a cutie pie and understanding bf, not proofread at all,
requested: yes, by anon !!
an: ty for the request babes !! hope this lives up to your expectations 😽😽
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^᪲᪲᪲ i feel like arguing with jason wouldn't be a screaming match because of his calmer demener
^᪲᪲᪲ jason would be the type to leave midway through an argument because it gets to much for him
^᪲᪲᪲ he obviously communicates this with you, not wanting you to freak out to him leaving; but knowing that both of you could use space and have time to collect your thoughts
^᪲᪲᪲ if jason was the one leaving your condo and you were staying there, he would quickly write out on a sticky note that he loves you and he'll be home soon when he's more cooled off
^᪲᪲᪲ then he'll probably get into his car and drive around the campus,
^᪲᪲᪲ and he would probably put on a playlist that was ambience w/ light music in the background while he drives so he has something to focus on rather than his thoughts
^᪲᪲᪲ after he's been driving for about 30 minutes, he decides to run to the shop to grab some goodies for you before he comes back
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll get you a small bunch of your favorite flower, and a small teddy bear
^᪲᪲᪲ jason knows he doesn't really need to do this; as both of you were in the wrong in some way during your argument
^᪲᪲᪲ but he wants you to know that he loves you even when you don't meet eye to eye
^᪲᪲᪲ he quickly returns home, in his hands the gifts he had bought for you
^᪲᪲᪲ if he sees that you've been crying, he emideantaly drops his gifts and hugs you,
^᪲᪲᪲ "love, there's no reason to be upset. every couple has their moments; that doesn't mean that its over or anything like that. its just a little hiccup with us, but everyone has that in relationships."
^᪲᪲᪲ he would trace little hearts and stars onto your cheek as he calms you down
^᪲᪲᪲ ughh i need a jason grace in my life omg
^᪲᪲᪲ anyways..after he calmed you down, he explained his side of whatever you two were disagreeing on and how he thought he was right
^᪲᪲᪲ he's definitely one of those it's us against the world not us against eachother
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll have you explain to him what your perspective is and why you didn't agree with him
^᪲᪲᪲ and when you're explaining he'll nod after everything you say
^᪲᪲᪲ and he'll be rubbing your lower back with slow circles anytime you have to stop or if you're struggling saying your opinion
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll he really good at finding a middle ground between the two of you; and be able to sort things out
^᪲᪲᪲ as shown from above, jasons really heavy on communication in a relationship
^᪲᪲᪲ so he'll make sure that you understand why he was frustrated and that he understands why you were frustrated as well
^᪲᪲᪲ he wants to make sure that the disagreement the two of you were having wouldn't come up again or have a lower chance of occurring again
^᪲᪲᪲ he doesn't tell you that you were in the right if he knows that you weren't; he doesn't want you to start thinking that you're always right in every argument you have
^᪲᪲᪲ but he also doesn't want that for himself, so you remind him of that as well
^᪲᪲᪲ after the two of you find a middle ground for your argument, jason brings you to the living room so you two can sit down and relax
^᪲᪲᪲ "love, I was thinking that we could order some thai for dinner tonight?" (or whatever food you prefer!!)
^᪲᪲᪲ so then the two of you order some food, and pick out a moive or tv show to watch while you wait for your food to arrive
^᪲᪲᪲ butttt, if you're more upset when he does originally get back and still don't want him around you,
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll respect your request, knowing that you'd do the same for him; and that everyone needs their space sometimes and time away from others
^᪲᪲᪲ jason would leave for around 45 minutes, unless you text him saying that you were sorry and that he can come back
^᪲᪲᪲ I also feel like he wouldn't want either of you to apologize for how you were acting (unless it was completely out of hand) because those are the emotions you were feeling and he doesn't want to not express emotions if that makes sense
^᪲᪲᪲ anyway,, jason is overall really understanding of arguments and trys to find ways so the two of you can quickly resolve whatever you were disagreeing about
^᪲᪲᪲ and he'll be mature about the whole situation, taking everyone's feelings into consideration
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strnlio · 20 hours
what is it like dating Chris? Not only that but what about when u guys hit ur 3yr anniversary (pls make these headcannins sfw and nsfw)
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-chris sturniolo x fem!reader
୨ৎ if you’re a yapper yourself, you and chris would never stop talking! from one topic to another you guys could talk for hours and hours
୨ৎ if you’re a quiet person, you would be chris’ no.1 go to person to talk- you’d listen while he would tell you about his day
୨ৎ so so clingy. refuses to let you do anything by yourself because he constantly wants to spend time with you. whether you’re working, studying, cooking, doing your makeup- that man never leaves you alone.
୨ৎ he’s your passenger princess. this man cannot drive so you drive him around everywhere 😭 matt always make fun of him for that.
୨ৎ would write you handwritten letters (like he mentioned in that one video). he’d somehow sneak one into your bag on a date night and you’d go home and discover it. full of little rants about how he’s so grateful for you and things he loves about you.
୨ৎ never misses an opportunity to bring you up in every conversation ever!! he’ll be talking to his friends and they’ll say something that reminds him of you and he’ll go “yeah my girl said this-” “she mentioned once-”
୨ৎ LOVES taking polaroids of you and definitely keeps them in his wallet
୨ৎ he would definitely make you model for fresh love. whole time on set he’ll be blushing seeing you in fl
୨ৎ if you are public with your relationship, he’ll be posting you 24/7. i just know that man will be OBSESSED with you and want to show you off. hot couple pics, silly pics of you on special occasions, cute candids he’s taken,etc.
୨ৎ if you guys have different music tastes yall would fight over aux 😭 eventually you’d give up and let chris play whatever rap music he wants to play.
୨ৎ that being said you guys would definitely have a shared playlist of all the songs you mutually like.
୨ৎ you both definitely have deep vulnerable talks with each other. thats one of the things you love about him, its so easy to open up to him about everything.
୨ৎ loves loves loves pda. his hand is always around your waist and hes always kissing you whether it be public of private
୨ৎ chris would go ALL OUT for your three year anniversary. occasions like these are special to him and he wants to show how grateful he is for you for sticking with him for this long.
୨ৎ he would probably book a super fancy hotel for a couple of days so that you guys can spend time without his brothers interfering
୨ৎ he’s spoiling the fuck out of you! he will literally buy you anything you’ve ever had an eye on, even if it’s mad expensive.
୨ৎ he’d probably end up giving a heartfelt corny speech to you about how you mean so much to him and how hes never felt this way about someone before. he’s always telling people how grateful he is for them.
୨ৎ lets be real this man gets turned on by anything and everything. he’ll see you in his oversized hoodie and the next moment he’ll want to fuck you.
୨ৎ has a folder in his gallery full of pics of you for his eyes only! pics of you right after he fucked you so good, pics of you in his favourite lingerie, pics of you taking his dick in your mouth.
୨ৎ whenever he’s away from you for days he jerks off to those pics, sometimes even facetimes you.
୨ৎ loves to hit it from the back. he loves the way your ass moves when his dick slams into it while your head is pressed down on a pillow.
୨ৎ such a tease in public. will have his hands all over you and eventually you both cannot wait so you excuse yourself to the bathroom for a quickie.
୨ৎ definitely a dom but there are just some days when he likes you to take control. he will never admit it but he finds it so sexy when you boss him around.
୨ৎ he loves it when you’re loud for him. loves hearing your moans as he pounds into you mercilessly.
୨ৎ loves when you give him head. your mouth wrapped around his dick gives him so much pleasure, he cums in an instant 😭
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a/n: first time writing for chris hope you liked it anon :)
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tags: @mattshighway @wurlibydominicfike @luverboychris @sunrisemill @flouvela @lilo7sworld
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suzukiblu · 1 day
WIP excerpt for 🦄; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
They take the cookbooks into the kitchen together and page through them, leaving Tawky on the couch to read, and Billy compares some recipes with some other recipes and also with what’s in the kitchen, and Lynn spends most of the conversation frowning and not really saying much, like, definitive stuff. But also Lynn doesn’t know what about ninety-nine point nine percent of literally all food in existence tastes like, so Billy’s not really surprised by that. Cadmus taught him how to cook, but didn’t teach him how anything actually tasted. 
Thinking about that, Billy is very, very strongly reminded of them teaching Lynn how to read, but not ever telling him any stories. 
He does kind of wonder why they taught Lynn how to cook and drive, though. Reading makes more sense, if they wanted him to be able to file mission reports and read mission briefings and stuff like that, but cooking and driving don’t really seem like . . . well . . . 
A weapon wouldn’t need to cook or drive, right? They’d just be . . . supplied, or deployed, or . . . like, they wouldn’t get taught how to do anything that they could do to take care of themself, or live outside a lab, or . . . 
Yeah. That’s a little weird, now that Billy’s thinking of it. He wonders if . . . well, he’s not sure what he’s wondering, exactly. 
But he’s wondering, he guesses. 
Lynn sorts through all the meat in the fridge by its expiration dates, which is really smart, Billy thinks–though Lynn gets embarrassed again when he says so–and then sorts the vegetables by what should last the longest, apparently. Then he takes out the salmon and asparagus and some little red potatoes and puts it all on the kitchen island and–hesitates, sort of, and glances at Billy. 
Billy kind of wishes it weren’t so obviously a question, but at least they’re communicating better, he figures. 
Or hopes, anyway. 
“That looks good,” he says, peering at the food, and a little bit of tension leaves Lynn’s shoulders. “I don’t think I’ve had salmon before. Is it hard to cook?” 
“. . . I don’t know,” Lynn says stiffly, looking away. Billy blinks, confused, and then realizes–right. Lynn knows how to cook, but he’s never actually done it. 
“Oh, okay,” he says. “Well, we can try it and find out, then.” 
Lynn frowns a little, then glances back at him. 
“You’ve never had salmon?” he asks skeptically. “. . . do you not eat at all, then, or . . . ?” 
“I mean, I do,” Billy says, trying not to sound awkward or defensive about it. Lynn’s just asking because he doesn’t know, after all. “Just not a lot, I guess.” 
Is salmon a weird thing not to have eaten before? He’s more used to, like, fish sticks and breaded haddock and stuff like that. Just whatever frozen stuff the latest fosters bought in bulk and popped in the oven, basically. So really he guesses he hasn’t eaten much fresh fish at all, actually. Not since–
Well. It’s just been a long time. That’s all. 
. . . a really long time.
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kinardsevan · 21 hours
I think one of the fascinating discussions around Tommy’s past is the issues related to how he attached himself to Gerrard, without any attempt to understand the trauma bond. We have him stating that working under Gerrard was like the father he already had. And we’ve seen the blatant disregard, lack of care, manipulation, that Gerrard brings to the table.
At which point, I can’t help but reflect on from a psychology standpoint. We fanon that Tommy likely joined the army as a way to get out of his house and/or try and please his father. Which directly correlates to his behavior under Gerrard. He had (has?) a need to fall in line with the person in charge likely because he knows that if he doesn’t, it’s going to backfire on him. Whether that came in the form of neglect/withholding care, or actual abuse, we’ll have to wait and see. But I wouldn’t put it past his backstory to have some level of that same manipulation we saw in Hen Begins (referring specifically to the scene where she’s cleaning the truck and Gerrard presents himself as initially caring and then twists the knife.) Let’s also be clear that Gerrard fits most of the requirements for trauma bonding. Love bombing in a corporate setting (be who I expect you to be and you’ll be fine), loss of self (Tommy shutting down to be who he needed to survive), gaslighting (we saw this in Hen Begins, and you can’t tell me that Hen and Chimney were the only ones gaslit by this man), and blaming yourself (we know Tommy holds space for his place in how Hen and Chimney were affected by his lack of saying anything. We need more on his back story with his sexuality and working under Gerrard, but I have zero issue believing he went through a stage of self-hatred at the 118 with Gerrard).
My point being, Tommy probably thought he was out from that kind of treatment when he left home. Except then he joined the military, which comes with its own tactics and behaviors for getting soldiers to stay in line. Upon return to civilian life, he becomes a firefighter and is placed under Gerrard. He’s come up under a time where DADT was the rule. He knew well enough by then that he was not the exception. And I imagine at every turn, he thought “okay, now it changes”. Except that never actually happens, until Bobby shows up.
So instead, you have this character with an understanding that the easiest way to go along to get along is to stay quiet and keep his head down, even in the face outward abuse (this would also correlate to witnessing his parents abuse each other). Trauma bonds will drive you to make choices that categorically make no sense in a normal setting. But this setting isn’t normal. That’s kind-of the entire point.
Does it justify his behavior? Absolutely not. But does it mean he actively sought to hurt others while he kept his mouth shut and retreated inwardly, the one place he knows is at least somewhat safe? I’m going to argue not.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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hyukalyptus · 12 hours
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i need to tell you—idol!soobin x gn!reader | besties pining after each other, right person/wrong time, angst.
cw. angst, suggestive but not smutty, kissing, swearing, i think its a gn!reader? pls lmk if it's not and i'll fix it, reader is from LA and is a performer, reader had feelings while in a relationship but never cheated, mentions of a breakup, kinda implied it was a shitty relationship, lmk if there's anything else. notes. please lmk if there's anything that isn't gn! wc. 2.8K
I never thought this last night with you would happen—I’d known for months you’d be going on a three-month long tour soon, but I didn’t want to believe it. You’d fly in from LA, we’d hang out, play video games, and hide our feelings from each other. Then you’d go back to California, we’d text and call as much as we could, you’d come back, and it would all start over. 
But not seeing my best friend for three months, if not longer, sounds terrible. I take all of you in—your chin resting on your knees that are pulled to your chest, the city lights flickering across your face, the shape of your nose, you look stunning as ever. Your lips are squished by your knee pressing up on your chin and god, I wanna kiss you so fucking bad. 
There’s nothing better than being on tour, but part of me wants you here with me forever. 
But I can’t tell you any of this. Our feelings are undeniable but they need to stay a secret. You’re in a relationship—albeit a dead relationship, but a relationship nonetheless. More importantly, though, you’ll be leaving for three months tomorrow morning. We can’t start something now. 
Or maybe it’s the perfect time to start something. It would be the perfect way to say goodbye. Then again, I don’t wanna add stress to your already stressful tour. You get anxious so easily. Maybe it won’t be that long. 
“When do you think you’ll be back in Seoul?”
You blink out of your thoughts and say, “My last show is in Seoul actually, so…late October, early November.” I nod, taking another sip of my soju. “I don’t know how long I’ll stay though.” You shrug, leaning back on your hands. Turning away from me, you say, “I’m gonna miss you.”
Looking over at you, please just look me in the eyes. I want to see your beautiful eyes as much as I can before you leave. I wanna see you look at me the way you do before you say goodbye—a glint of hope and longing. I need to tell you— 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” That’ll have to do for now. Surely I’m being overly dramatic about all this. I don’t know. You look at me, but glance down as soon as our gazes meet. 
“You’ve become, like, my best friend out here.” 
Another reason why I can’t tell you my feelings. I can’t…I can’t do that to you. You need a friend out here. And if you don’t feel the same way about me—even if I think you do—you’d never talk to me again. And then you’d have no one out here. 
“You’re one of my best friends too,” I add. 
“Ah,” you scoff. “I got hit with the ‘one of’.” I chuckle with you, running my fingers through my hair as you stand to your feet. “I think I should go.”
No. You can’t. I need to tell you—
Standing up to join you, I’m only a few inches from you. I reach for your hand, but you pull it away to adjust your jacket sleeve. 
“Are you sure you wanna go?”
“On my tour?” Your eyes finally meet mine, like are you crazy? And yeah, I kinda am. “Yeah, I think I should go still,” you chuckle. 
“No, I mean,” I start. “Are you sure you wanna leave right now?”
“Oh.” You sigh, looking down at the cars driving down the street, watching the train that we spent hours on go by, watching the lights of the agency building flash. “I need to.” But you don’t want to. “My flight leaves in six hours and I haven’t even started packing.”
“Let me drive you to your hotel?” Please. 
Reluctantly agreeing, we drive in a devastating silence, like we both have the same thing on our minds. And that we both know we have the same thing on our minds. 
Arriving at your hotel, I pull up to the drop-off driveway and you start to hop out. No. Don’t go yet. I need to tell you— 
“Why don’t you park and walk me upstairs?”
I have no idea where this is going, all I know is I’m walking next to you down this hallway with my hands shoved in my pockets while your arms are crossed. Standing in the doorway, you lean back against the door, fiddling with your thumbs, refusing to look at me or open the door. 
Working up the courage, you look up and say, “I’ll see you soon, yeah?” I nod before we say our final goodbyes. The door shuts behind you slowly. No. Not yet. I need to tell you—
Walking away defeated, I hear a door behind me open, but I keep my eyes on the ground. A quiet “Soobin?” comes from behind me. I turn, welcomed by you pulling me into a hug. Your arms wrap around my neck and mine around your waist for what feels like forever. But it’s not enough. No. Don’t pull away yet. I need to tell you— 
Looking in my eyes, you bite your lips as you shift your weight. I can't help but think you’re about to say exactly what I want to hear right now. “Thanks for being such a good friend.” 
Letting out a soft laugh, I smile and say, “No worries.” You wave at me and turn back toward the door before I say your name. Turning back, you wait for me to say something while your hand rests on the handle. Please. Don’t go yet. I need to tell you— “I, uh…” I need to tell you. But I can’t. “Good luck.” 
“One more hug?” Oh, thank god. I nod, managing to keep my excitement from being too obvious. Your arms wrap around my shoulders again while mine fall around your waist, you face digging into my neck. I breathe you in, wishing I could just kiss you already. Pulling apart, you don’t move your arms away. You look in my eyes like you want to say something more. But you don’t know what. Or if you should. “You know,” you start. “I, uh…I wouldn’t be mad if…”
“Are you gonna kiss me or am I gonna have to—“
That’s all I need. My lips crash into yours. It’s slow. And sweet. Your lips are soft, made kissable by that chapstick you’re always making me carry in my pocket. My hand is on your cheek as you smile against my lips and I lean into the kiss to deepen it. Breaking the kiss, you laugh out loud, your head falling back before you look up at me again. You’re so close to me. 
“For fuck’s sake—I’ve been trying to get you to kiss me all night,” you say. 
“What! No you haven’t.”
“We’ll, maybe I’m not the best at sending signals…” My lips find yours again, but only briefly. “Spend the night?” My eyebrows raise. I don’t know if I should—starting something like that right now is a little risky. And it would make saying goodbye that much harder. 
“Don’t you have to leave for the airport in, like, four hours?”
“Eh,” you shrug. “Yeah, I guess so, but I’d like it if you stayed.” You smile— “We don’t have to, like, do anything. I just wanna…” you take a deep breath, “spend more time with you. Wanna say goodbye in the morning, not right now, you know?” 
I let go of her, backing away. “I dunno if I should…”
“Oh.” You drop your arms to your sides. “Okay. Yeah.” Crossing your arms, you nod softly and bite the inside of your cheek. 
“I want to but,” I sigh. “I just don’t know if it’s a good idea tonight.” 
“I-I just meant hang out,” you shrug. “I’m gonna be packing most of the time anyway. I mean, you definitely don’t have to,” you say. “Just thought you might want to.” 
I keep repeating to myself you’re in a relationship. You’re in a relationship. You’re in a relationship. We already kissed—what’s the harm in spending the night without sleeping together? No. I don’t want us to start like this. 
“I think I should go,” I say, saying our final awkward goodbyes. I’m walking away, but I know you’re still standing there, leaning up against the doorframe. Hope is trying to bubble up as I wait for you to call out my name again. But I’ve told you no. So I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. I would do the same. Although I just wish—
“I broke up with them.”
“What?” I turn to face you, chewing on your thumbnail as you slowly smile at me before giving me a nod. That’s it. 
Rushing back to you, I hold your face in my hand before kissing you again. We breathe each other in, arms wrapped around each other. 
“Are you being serious?” I ask you through my deep breaths. Biting your lip, you nod with a smirk. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I dunno, I’m sorry,” you start. “I guess I just—I guess I was embarrassed that it took so long,” she says. “And I didn’t want you to think I broke up with them for you. I broke up with them—”
“For you,” I say. You look up at me, mumbling a soft yeah before I say, “It’s okay,” I chuckle, peppering your face and neck with kisses while you giggle and scrunch your shoulders. “God, I’ve been wanting– to tell you–“ I say in between kisses. “For so long– that I have the biggest– crush on you.” 
“I know you do,” you laugh. “I have the biggest crush on you too.”
“Seriously?” You nod and I don’t let up with the peppering of your face with my lips. 
“Okay, okay—“ you say. “Lemme get the door open.” Laughing, you reach in your back pocket for the key, waiting for the buzz and the green light. As we stumble through, we kiss again, both of us in each other’s trance. The room’s spinning, I feel like I’m floating. Our hands roam everywhere. Mine settle on your backside to squeeze while you hum against my lips. Fuck. 
“You know,” I say in between kisses. “I know you said we didn’t have to do anything but I wouldn’t mind—“ 
“Oh yeah, we’re definitely having sex tonight.”
“Okay, good,” I laugh, picking you up by your waist to walk you to the bed. Sitting down, you straddle my waist—always smiling, giggling, being sweet. “You sure?”
“Ah, you’re so sweet,” you say, holding my face in your hands. “Here is me giving consent, yeah?” I nod. “Soobin, yes, I want you to fuck me.” Smiling into a kiss, you break it before saying, “Your turn.”
I say your name confidently, swiping a thumb across the apple of your cheek. “Yes, I wanna fuck you.” 
“Oh shit,” you say, your expression drops. “This is really happening.” My eyebrows stitch together; do you not want to— “I mean, you’re really here,” you say, looking over my face, squishing my cheeks to make my lips pucker. “You’re like…real.” 
“Are you okay?” I ask through my pouty lips. Groaning, you lift off me to plop down on your back, rubbing your forehead with your fingertips.
“Fuck, I dunno.”
“Um,”  I start, resting my hand on your thigh. “It’s okay. We don’t have to,” I say, watching for your reaction. Even if you do want to, there's a voice in the back of my head screaming at me Don’t do this! It’s not the right time! But there’s another part screaming Remember how long you’ve wanted to be with her!? You sit up, sitting criss-cross while you fiddle with the hem of your jeans.
Looking up, you look into my eyes, trying your hardest to put together the words you want to say but don't know how. But I know what you mean. “Soobin…I’m so sorry.” 
Shaking my head, I say, “No, no it’s okay. You don’t need to apologize.” 
“I just don’t think right now is a great time to…y’know, start something like this.” Well, at least it sounds like it would’ve started something, not just end with us having sex. “I just think,” you start, reaching to run your fingers through my hair. “It would make saying goodbye harder.” 
It would be the perfect way to say goodbye too though, no? 
“Yeah, you’re right.” I smile. And you are. I can’t imagine how shitty it would be tomorrow morning waking up next to you knowing I can’t see you for three months. Or even worse—you’ve already left and didn’t wake me up to say goodbye. “Let’s not—”
“I do want to though,” you sigh. “Just not right now,” you say, biting your cheek while playing with the bedsheets. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to, like, get your hopes up, I dunno.” 
“Hey, listen,” I say, reaching for your hands. “I was happy when you came out of your room to give me a hug but kissing you…” I hold your face in my hands. “That was—do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you?” You shake your head. “I honestly couldn’t tell you either. I don’t remember a time before wanting to kiss you.” Tilting your head, you smile up at me shyly. “But we shouldn’t do anything unless both of us are ready, okay?”
Nodding, you say, “Yeah, okay.”
“You want me to stay?”
“Yes please,” you say. “If you’re comfortable with that?”
“I’ll tell you what…I’ll stay if you let me kiss you again,” I say. “If not…well, then I’ll still stay but you’ll be left kissless.”
“I can’t be left kissless, can I?” You joke, wrapping your arms around your shoulders, pulling me closer. Our lips meet again and it’s just as nice as the first time around. You’re so…perfect is the only way I know how to describe you. We’re trying, trying to tell each other what we want to say. And I think we can both hear it. But not saying it out loud is a pain I don’t know if I can bear. I can feel you start to pull apart, but I can’t yet. This can’t end. 
We hesitantly pull apart and you look at me, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing. You’re absolutely fine. I promise.” But I know you’re not apologizing for not sleeping with me. You know you wouldn’t need to apologize for that. I know what you’re truly sorry for. And I’m sorry for it too. 
Tears start to pool in your eyes. Everything is a bit…much for you right now. You know you’re hurting me, you know you’re hurting yourself, but there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s simply not the right time. You need to focus on work and you need a friend while you’re gone. You don’t need to be dealing with a brand new relationship. I get it. I’m in the same boat as you are. 
“Hey…” I hold your face with one hand. “Dance with me?” 
Sniffling, you nod while I let go to turn music on my phone. A song I know you love—Unforgettable by Nat King Cole. 
“Ugh,” you say, wiping your face with the back of your hand. “You’re too sweet.” Wrapping around each other, this is the closest we’ve ever been. Your arms are around my waist as you cuddle into me, mine are around your shoulders, one of my hands on the back of your head. Your sniffles rattle me inside and out. Our hearts beat against each other as we sway, your cheek against my chest as I place gentle kisses to your forehead.
This song is saying everything we want to but can’t. Except for that one thing. Those three words that are being repeated in our heads over and over.  We both want to, need to say it, but we can’t. Now’s not the right time. 
Right now, though, this is perfect. You in my arms, moving to the music with me. And it all feels right, despite that one thing that’s missing. Our lips pull at each other like magnets until they’re pressed together gently and softly. I graze my thumb over your tear-stained cheek and you smile subtly against my lips. Your sniffles are dying down, but they’re still there. They’re still breaking my heart. 
Breaking the kiss, you look up at me and your lips part to say something—I know exactly what you want to say, but I shake my head. This isn't the right time. Closing your mouth, you keep looking at me, taking deep breaths before laying on my chest again. 
Your sniffles start to pick up again—more sporadic, uneven. A tear falls onto my neck and—god, I don’t know if I can handle this. 
“I do though.”
Your voice is strained and devastating. I absolutely hate hearing you like this. I can’t even bring myself to try to look at your face. My heart’s already broken. But seeing your face right now…it’d shatter it into a million pieces and would never be mendable. 
“I know,” I say, kissing your temple. “I do too.”
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astranite · 2 days
Holding Onto Icicles
John, Gordon and hypothermia. Whump, a bit of hurt/comfort and brothers. (John too is a protective big brother. The fish is rather frozen. They both need hugs. More poetic than this intro makes it sound.) 670 words.
Written from the @Augusnippets prompt day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration (a little early but as the muse goes!). Also written because it's winter and IM COLD TOO. And needed a short thing to write because I feel better when i write and that no my creativity hasn't all been eaten up im just cold, tired and stressing!
The ocean wasn’t nearly as cold as space— 
John leant over Gordon, checking once again on him, laying his fingertips, even gloved he knew, against his brother’s cool, pale cheek
—but it didn’t have to be. 
John hunched himself up further, to shelter Gordon from the wind with his own body. It bit into him, worming its way in through the neck of his space suit as if it could blow straight through every thermo-controlled layer like a thin cotton t-shirt. His helmet wasn’t recoverable, neither was Gordon’s. They hadn’t been prepared, not properly. Gordon was a limp weight in his lap, head flopped over to rest against John’s chest, over his heart.
Gordon had gone in the water, but he hadn’t. John was shivering too, but Gordon wasn’t.
Thunderbird Two would be here soon, she had to be. No matter how off course the storm and rescue had sent her. He and Gordon needed rescue too. 
They needed their brothers.
“Hang in there, Gordy,” John whispered.
Gordon blinked up at him. “‘S nice to see you…” he slurred.
A clumsy hand wobbled and reached to bump at John’s chin, patting it affectionately. “Wanna hang out with you m-more.”
Gordon hit John’s rather numb nose in the process. John couldn’t care less at this point. It meant his brother was still responsive. 
“We will. I promise. You’ve got first dibs on me, for whatever you want to do.”
When John had dragged Gordon out of the water from the edge, it hadn’t been a guarantee. 
“Yuh...mean it?”
If he was more with it, Gordon would’ve made a joke about being a beached seal or something because he’d been too exhausted to haul himself out of the water. There probably would’ve been sound effects.
His brother’s lips were blue.
Gordon had been silent, curling closer to John with hands that fumbled their grip on his baldric. Orange and yellow, together they were sunset colours.
It was John’s turn to blink but much more quickly than Gordon had. “Of course I do, nothing could possibly stop me.”
Not even the aftermath of water churning with icy slush and a bitter wind. He’d do anything to ensure his brother’s safety in this moment: beg, pray, make a deal with the devil to sell his soul, kill if anyone tried to take away his brother. The universe shouldn’t even bother to make the attempt.
Gordon’s fringe was beginning to freeze. Ever so gently, John swept Gordon’s damp, salty hair away from his forehead. His fingers were cold and difficult to move; he did it though.
A sliver of ice, a sword-tipped icicle, was driving itself though the back of John’s neck, into his spine. Not literally, not quite. The intensity of the cold ached sharply, seeping through his entire body, radiating inwards and outwards. It seared deep into his chest. Maybe it was a bit like what Gordon felt with his back. He’d tried to describe it once. John hoped it wasn’t too painful for him right now. John’s head pounded.
Gordon was still breathing. John held onto that as the facts and flow of his own thoughts grew slippery, as if he was attempting to hold onto icicles on a warm summer’s day. The ice gnawed at them.
His aching hand was splayed out on Gordon’s chest. Everything hurt. The colours and textures of their respective uniforms contrasted with each other, but both were blue in the end. His hand rose and fell. He and Gordon both were blue. 
The ocean, space, they weren’t so different really. Neither were him and Gordon. 
“Of course I mean it, I love you.”
Even if John didn’t know whether Gordon heard, he still had to say it. It should never have been a question.
John closed his eyes as the weight of the cold settled heavy on his shoulders, blanketing over him, more smothering than gravity. It all grew further away—
A Thunderbird’s great engines sounded in the distance.
—but he clung to Gordon tightly.
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sturnalsm · 3 days
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ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʳʸ: ʸᵒᵘ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵗᵗ ᵃʳᵉ ᵉⁿᵉᵐⁱᵉˢ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉⁿˢⁱᵒⁿ ᵇᵉᵗʷᵉᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ ⁱˢ ᵇⁱᵍᵍᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵉᵃᶜʰᵒᵗʰᵉʳ
!! WARNINGS !! : smut, choking, use of Y/N, pet names, swearing.
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you loved hanging out with the triplets, thry are very good friends, except for... Matthew. you cant stand eachother. everytime you are around eachother you just wish you werent there, he was pissing you off its like he was doing it on purpose everytime, sometimes even his brothers had to make him shut up cause you were losing control.
but tonight they decided to invite you to their house to watch movies and just chat because you havent seen eachother the last month, they were in Boston because they wanted to spend a little more time with their family, that warmed your heart even more.
you were very excited to see them, but the thing was.. Matt was picking you up and the reason behing it? he's the only one who can drive. but even tho he was coming that didnt back you up you didn't care much
you were spending hours thinking on what to wear, but at the end you just decided to throw on a skirt and a crop top, you would've went with sweatpants and tshirt if the triplets' house wasnt always hot as fuck but oh well.
Matt was late once again, so you had to text him to make sure he is alive , even tho you didnt wanted to do that
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you leaned against the front door waiting for him when you heard a knocking on your door, you opened the door "one second i need to get my charger" you ran to your room to get it and in a few seconds you were back eith Matt leaning against the door frame not saying a word. you looked up at him as you walked, he closed the door and you threw the keys at him so he locks it.
you walked over the car sitting on the front seat waiting for Matt. he sat in the care without saying a single word started driving to his house. you didnt said anything either he was already pissing you off by trying to act tough so you got your phone and started scrolling trough tik tok.
"okay Matt why are you trying to act tough now? whats up with you the last 2 years i really don't understand why and how could you have so much hate for me?" you finally speak looking at him. "you dont talk to me you barley listen when i talk? whats happening like what did i do to you?"
he looks at you "whats up with me Y/N? you are the one who told me to fuck off and left me for that jerk in 10th grade? you were the one who was ignoring me in the hallways of the school? and then you're asking whats up with me?!" he says with his anger in his voice growing bigger "Matt are you a kid? that was a long time ago, its been more than 3 years i already broke up with him whats your fucking deal?" "no Y/N because you have no idea how fucking stupid i felt after i confessed my feelings for you infront of the whole class just so you leave me for this fucking idiot."
you felt bad, you really did, but that was a long time ago and you had no idea that he still thinks about it, you also didn't knew that it broke his heart? "i dont even know why my brothers still hangout with you after that and why i always have to be in their plans with you when you literally..when you fucking broke my heart Y/N. he was litereally an idiot? he didnt treat you the way you deservedto be treated and all i wanted was you. and i hate how much i want you since then.." "okay Matt..look im sorry for what i did, i was in love with him okay? i didnt knew it was going to and that it did break your heart.." "it doesn't matter." he said focusing back on the road "what do you mean it doesn't matter you are the kne who bringed it up?!" if he didnt stopped talking now he would've started screaming so you wrre hlad he stopped.
the ride to the house was silent because of the talk you had before, nothing new tho. you didnt knew if you wanted to punch him or yourself. you were mad at your self of course but..you never knew he felt like that , he never speaks about his feelings unless yall are in argument, sometimes it feels like yall are a married couple from 2 years, fighting everytime they get the opportunity to. but in reality you couldn't stand eachother.
you were already infront of the house , Matt opened the door so he can get in he didnt even hold it for you, again nothing new. you came in and right when you got up the stairs you saw Nick. you were very good friends with him, he was amazing and you could always talk with him about anything you want, he is the bestest best friend you've ever had. "NICKKKK HIIII" you ran and hugged him. "HEY GIRLLL, what took you so long?" "oh well Matthew was latr once again" as you said that Matt rolls his eyes mocking you. "nothing new" Nick says laughing "Chris went to get snacks cause we forgot, he should be here soon"
"okay so what are we gonna watch, lets make it quick im tired" Matt says rolling his eyes once again. "oh and why are you so tried what have you been doing all day?" you ask jokingly. "none of you business" he smiles sarcastically. you roll your eyes sitting on the sofa. Matt sits next to you, you're surprised but you dont put so much attention to it. you give him a suspicious look. you open your phone so you can search for movies. "OHMYGOD" Nick yells from the kitchen causing you to jump from the loud noise. "I FOUND A MOVIE, LETS WATCH WHITE CHICKS?!" "never heard of it" Matt says with tought tone "well too bad Matt we are gonna watch this" you pat his head as you get ip to get a pepsi, he rolld eyes ONCE AGAIN.
as you open the fridge you hear footsteps "that must be Chris" Nick says and you look iver the door of the fridge seeing Chris with 2 bags in his hand. "hey Chrisss" you go and hug him. "heyyy Y/N, okay so i bought 3 bags of chips, 5 pepsis, 2 doctor pepers and 2 root bears is that good?" "its great" Nick says "give me the bags" Chris hands the bags to Nick and he opend everything. "so we decided we are going to watch White Chicks" you open your pepsi as you take your seat next to Matt "not WE, but Nick and Y/N." Matt says as you roll your eyes "okay tough guy"
Nick and Chris open their drinks and sit on the sofa next to you and Matt with the bowl of chips. Matt gazes at you , you feel him looking at you so you look back, he smirks and gives his attention back to the movie.
the movie was very good and fun, you all laughed even Matt even tho he tried to hide it. it was like 11pm you were very tired so were the boys. you went upstairs to Nicks room because you have a toothbursh there and slippers too, in case you come to sleepover like tonight. you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower.
you didnt went down stairs again you were too tired to think of anything else but to lay on Nicks bed and fall asleep. Nick came at the room not long after you layed down, he just looked at you and went on his side of the bed.
you were lost in thoughts, you still were thinking about the conversation you had with Matt earlier, it was driving you insane, you knew he hated you, but tonight there was something different about his behavior. "shit" you said to yourself as you buried your head in the pillow trying to fall asleep. it was hard to stop thinking about those things, was it your fault? maybe. but you never knew that it would and that id did break his heart, and the fact that you broke his heart breaks yours.
you didnt knew when you fell asleep but you woke up after a while , your phone was down stairs so you totally lost what time is it you had to go down get your phone and drink some water, you felt like your tounge was going to fall out. for the first time it was cold in thr house, probably because they left the windows open. you were already down stairs running the water when you hear footsteps behind you "Nick im sorry i woke you up i was ju-" you feel someone's hands wrapping around your waist behind you "its not Nick sweetheart" you recognize that voice. it was Matt. you gasped and tried to run away but he was too strong. "Matt what the fuck are you doing" you turn around now facing him. "im not doing anything" he smirks at you as he grabs your chin. "what-" you say as he cuts you off "remember our talk and how you apologized to me? well i dont think i accept that apologize..i think you should try another way.." he looks you dead in the eyes as he licks your lips "get on your knees. Now. i know youre all wet under this little skirt, why havent you changed it sweetheart? who sleeps with a skirt? its like you're asking for it.." he says. you stay in shock looking at him. "what if i dont want to hm?" you smirk at him looking dead in the eyes back. "i dont remember asking you if you want" he grabs your chin tighter "on your knees now. or do you want me to bend you over on the table and fuck you until you cant feel your legs anymore?"
you look up at him as you slowly go down on your knees holding onto his legs "good girl" he smirks licking his lips. you take off his belt unbuttoning his pants. ha takes off his boxers and you smirk "dont tease me doll.." you dont waste any second wrapping your lips around his cock making him moan. "oh fuck.." you go faster causing him to moan ever louder and uncontrollably. he starts moving his hips basically fucking your mouth, you gag on his cock but you dont stop. you feel he is close so thats why you stop. "oh you fucking whore.., get up." he says as he looks at you standing up. he turns you around bending you over on the table, taking off your pants and panties in one go. "already so wet for me, is that what i do to you, baby hm?" you nod and push your hips begging him to fuck you already "no no, not yet, you are a fucking tease" "Matt plea-" you cover your mouth as he starts eating you out from behind.
"oh shit Matt.." your legs are already shaking from feeling his tounge working down on you. you were close, your eyes blured everytime he sucked onto your clit, your legs were si weak you almost fell to the ground. you moan unstoppable. "shut up, doll, they are gonna gear us" he says as he spanks your ass. you were about to cum but then he removed his tounge. he knew what you wanted, and he was going to give it to you. he stroked himself a few times before slamming into you without any warning. you screamed. "shut the fuck up, you are not good for daddy right now and im gonna fuck you so hard you wont feel any part of your body princess" he says as he starts going deeper inside you. "fas- faste..r please matt" you needed his cock. you've been dreaming about this moment forever. "oh you think you can take me hm? take this then." he slams inside you that hard and deep you swear you felt him in your stomach.
he knows what he is doing, and he claims your body as his, if he wants something from you he will get it and nothing could stop him. he starts going with brutal force causing you to moan loud and scream his name. "matt im going to c-..matt.." "not yet princess. you are not going to cum until i tell you to" he drove you insane , he was litereally perfect every single thing about this man was perfect and you were here for it. he was going as fast as possible, everytime he pounded into you your vision blured. you couldn't even moan anymore he was using you as your personal fucktoy. "matt...pl please" "please what sweetheart, use your words?" he knew exactly what you wanted to, but he was going to make you beg for it. "i need to cum please matt.." he didnt say anything he just kept pounding into you. he toom your shirt off squeezing your boobs. kissing your skin, sucking on your neck. he started choking you. he wrapped his big hand around your neck driving you even more insane. "you want to cum huh? hmm.." with one last trust he cummed deep inside you. "go ahead make a mess on my cock baby" he says out of breath.
"you need to be cleaned tho.." he smirks as he turns your around to face him, he picks you up placing you on the table. he goes down to eat you out one more time, he cant get enough of you. "matt i ca- cant pleas-." his tounge slides slowly in and iut of you then he puts his fingers inside of you, hitting that perfect spot that made you go insane. "fuck you taste so good." he got out his fingers out of you licking them. he got up and started kissing you passionately sliding his tounge inside your mouth.. "you are amazing" he says as he smiles at you and kisses your forehead. "i love you Y/N" "i love you Matt.."
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days where i have nothing to do: ohhhh im so sleepy im so so tired no one is more eepy than me
nights where i have to wake up at a set time: I Have Never Been More Awake In My Life
#help my eyes keep drifting back open#im trying all my tricks#cozy couch setup. whale shark plush to cling to. low lights. wendigoon iceberg in the bg. laughingstock imaginings in brain#IM WIDE TF AWAKE AND HAVE TO GET UP IN LESS THAN 7 HOURS#fuckfuckfuck did i pack my melatonin gummies already by mistake#i mean its not like i have to drive or anything#but id like to be... Aware. Available to converse with my dearest darling bestie#because i Am going to see my bestie!#absolutely unprompted#huh wait when was the last time i talked to a real life person in front of me. um.#its... been a couple weeks#NOT A MONTH YET THIS TIME! LESS THAN A MONTH!#but ohhhhh i am excited#tea with the homeslicebreadslice... joint Art creation....#BEING OUT IN THE WORLD AHAHA I WILL BE TEMPORARILY FREE#clawing at the walls let me OUT#gonna start biting this house i swear to god#i cant wait to be free of it. i hope it burns in the next big wildfire#OK WAIT NEW PLAN. i washed my mug and i have chamomile tea#i will drink some warm soothing tea uhhhhh maybe re-read a fic?#willing myself not to read stamps for the millionth time. im gonna read stamps for the millionth time#listen listen i love it and also im starving for fic#one day i will contribute but for now im poking ao3 with a stick begging it to do something#Soon though. i have a feeling. a strong psychic feeling.#Soon... something will Appear... i know this because my third eye is open#also i know because i know. OR DO I#im so tired yet so awake at the same time#someone whack me over the head with a cartoon mallet so that i may go to sleep with little birdies circling my head#wait shit those are vultures. IM NOT DEAD YET FUCK OFF#please i need to go snzzzzzz.... my alarm will be Going Off...
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skunkes · 1 month
thjat one post about going thru your entire life trying to avoid being yelled at❗❗❗❗
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moeblob · 2 months
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What Deacon thinks: what did that mean? did he want me to wear a collar too? why else would he mention my neck? i mean, if he /asked/ me i would wear one but he didn't so would wearing one be weird?
What Ymber meant: It's nice to be near someone who isn't tethered to this world to serve it with a physical reminder for all to see.
#my characters#this just in ! thats why all the deities in the plot have collars and a chain !#its because THATS THEIR DESIGNATED I AM HERE TO HELP THIS WORLD SYMBOL#they cant remove their collars and thats fine by them - its a constant reminder that they exist to serve#deacon really shouldnt get as much crap as he gets in canon for being weird cause the deities are just a different brand of weird#like its not deacons fault that apparently you can say nice neck with no underlying desire#but he cant say hi would you please possess me i want to know what its like to have someone else in my body#like thats really not something you should pin on deacon YET EVERY deity is like wow what a lil weirdo#he also just really wants to please ymber so if ymber asked he would definitely do whatever#on the flip side i need to point out that deacon very specifically doesnt ask ymber for things nor does he pray for things#and it drives ymber up a wall because this is his favorite human who wont ask for anything and he isnt a psychic#he doesnt know what deacon wants or needs and its infuriating cause he exists to serve humanity#and yet this ONE GUY wont let him do things for him#this is very important and i cant believe i mentioned it like a month ago to someone and today#i received gift art of these two and i may never recover#its so perfect and its ymber just looming over deacon telling him that he can pray about anything to him#its also worth pointing out that when i was telling the person about the whole ymber begging for a prayer#its because he realizes that after all this time hes never had a single prayer from deacon - not before nor after the hire#so hes like oh well thats odd hmm#and then begins to talk to deacon like you know people pray to me for lots of things#and deacon looks at him unsure of what this is leading to - did someone offer a weird prayer? ask a weird thing? whatst?#and no - its just ymber saying that people will pray for wealth or an item#or they will express frustration if something is lost or broken despite it not being ymbers fault so deacon just stares#he has no idea what this is going to end on really so he points out 'well you do like to think you break people'#and ymber just ASDFASDFSADF STOP OK NEXT POINT people pray to me to bless relationships with happiness#and thats fascinating so deacon is like wow can you actually do that?#and ymber is so stressed as hes like i mean kinda i can simply amplify the positive emotions in gestures#like if someone gives an item out of love then its blessed#he also admits that he cant mask insincerity or malice so those feelings are not hidden nor amplified#and deacon just is impressed bc that is actually VERY cool
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
if supernatural was any good, they would have had mary and lucifer sleep together in the apocalypse world. this would have solved zero problems with the show, but it would have created a hundred more interesting ones than they already had.
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 months
I always feel bad for being even a little dissatisfied with my circumstances and then I remember that most of the people around me (both irl and online) would probably go absolutely bonkers in my circumstances
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aelswiths · 1 month
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this shot haunts me
#the look on her face as she listens to alfred say that his time would be worthless if his work doesn't continue#and the way that she wants to console him and help him but also is hurt because he's telling this to someone else#he's revealing his deepest fears and vulnerabilities and she's just there on the outside#she's only able to ever look from the outside#only able to get these glimpse through accidents like this#kept at arms length even though she would do anything for him and the way you can see the heartbreak and anguish in her face#and this is before she really knows that its uhtred that he's talking to#g o d#also disclaimer#I do think its easier for alfred to tell uhtred all of this because to alfred all of this is an act to manipulate uhtred#he's telling uhtred all of this so that uhtred will feel important and thus feel compelled to do as alfred wishes - serve edward#alfred can't tell aelswith these things because that means he'd have to be vulnerable to her#and he can't do that because then he'd also have deal with hurt he has caused her#he would have to deal with that and he can't because he's not certain of her forgiveness (even though she will always forgive him)#and he can't bare the thought that she doesn't forgive him#anyway#a n y w a y#I'll save the rest of this essay for another day#moral of the story#I love them#I'm obsessed with them#they drive me insane#the miscommunication between them and the fear of rejection and the insecurities are just sooooooooo compelling
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
I know I'd decided to only write one more bowuigi fic aside from the one I'd already written but I can't stop thinking about the idea of Bowser repeatedly kidnapping Peach for relationship advice and Peach getting so fed up with him about it that she tricks Luigi into being her body double so that Bowser kidnaps him instead and they can talk like Actual Adults instead of using her as a third party to vent to all the time
#i imagine Luigi also talks to Peach about the same relationship problems#because shes more in tune with romance stuff than his bro is#(whos still low-key trying to wrap his head around his brother dating Bowser of all people)#and theyre not listening to her very reasonable advice of 'just talk to each other about it it'll be fine'#so neither of them are doing anything about the misunderstandings and its driving her mad#anyway it would be funny for Bowser to have a whole conspiracy board#about how Luigi not sending his daily 'buongiorno!' text and shooting down 2 of Bowser's 3 date ideas in less than 5 seconds#means that hes fucked something up irreparably somehow and Luigi's mad at him what do you think Peach how do i fix this#meanwhile Luigi-dressed-as-Peach is standing there tied up like ah.#maybe we should talk about this properly.#(theyre both anxious messes about this fledgling relationship lmao)#meanwhile Peach tells Mario to hold off on the rescue for a day or two so Luigi and Bowser can sort things out#Mario has no problem with this because he too has also been subjected to the ever-shifting conspiracy board#and has no desire to hear about his bro's relationship from Bowser's perspective beyond a surface level ever again#(the conspiracy board goes beyond a surface level)#and Kamek knew from the second Bowser grabbed 'Peach' that it was actually Luigi#but he's also tired of Bowser asking him every 10 minutes if Luigi actually likes him or not instead of paying attention in meetings#so he just leaves and takes a nap instead of letting Bowser know about his mistake#because he sees what Peach is doing and yeah this is the only way this problem's gonna get solved#bowuigi#bowser#luigi#princess peach#yeah so i'm rubbish at writing established relationship stuff so if anyone wants this then please take it away from me thanks#mlv.txt
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greekromann · 7 months
ultimately i do actually enjoy the ghibli films i watch theyre well animated and always have an interesting way of conveying the message theyre trying to convey i just cant stand the fandomification of the films so much that i outright refuse to watch some films on principle
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ufolvr · 6 months
How I sleep understanding my favorite villain's personality and backstory and why they work so well while also throwing key aspects of it away for the benefit of my own indulgences btw ^_^
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#📡 incoming transmission 📡#once again talking about frieza. mostly. their backstory and direct mirroring of goku's is the strongest in the series#they never had to life a finger for anything ever and thats the point#but.... sometimes a guy has certain needs and urges#i also mess with buu and cell but thats after they died so i can do whatever. like introducing a character for them to bounce off of#is one thing but changing their backstory is another. do you see it? i dont think i need to do that to tell a meaningful story#for frieza however i do not want them 'going soft' for anyone ever. i want them to have been soft from the very beginning#that's a lot stronger to me. what if they cared? what if they cared so much. what then.#any other changes i make to characters i like esp villains is more... well. where can we go from here buddy?#and less What would happen if your backstory was a moved a little bit to the left. it just genuinely depends on what works best ^^#self insert#selfshipping#f/o#selfship#self ship#also bc its driving me up the wall:#me whenever i tell you that frieza cannot be enjoyed separately from their femininity and poise so frieza with a square jaw means nothing#and cell was hard for me to grasp but the truth is that the more human she became the scarier she got.#like another false sense of familiarity almost#and buu is all over the place because buu is buu and makes little to no logical sense#this has nothing to do with the post. sometimes i just like to sound smart#and as a proof that i do know frieza plenty well i just love to fuck with them and make them care for someone
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