#i make animated stuf once in a blue moon
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mysticalmythsart · 1 year ago
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gif i made of my guy being eepy
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year ago
the brothers after accidentally making mc cry
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
(did I do this before??)
content warnings: kind of mean/ concerning behavior for some of these men, crying
he knows he messed up the second he sees you tear up and he wants to hug you and apologise but guess what his prideful self said
'stop crying mc, you're being ridiculous.' with his arms crossed
and what was it all for? lucifer was a little too stressed and took it out on you
he'd distance himself from you for a while before giving you flowers on a random tuesday afternoon in hopes you'd forgive him
mammon immediately panics when he realises you're crying because of me
he reaches out to hold you and say 'I'm sorry' over and over again but then realises that's not the best move right now
after you've been alone for a while in your room mammon slides a note under the door saying 'you okay? can we talk'
if you say yes mammon apologises (while nearly crying himself) and buys you a whole car the next day
he's gonna hate himself for the next week
plus he thinks you're gonna hate him forever now
levi literally runs away from you after you start crying because he feels so bad and doesn't know what to do
about an hour later he comes back with his azuki-tan pillow, gives it to you, and then leaves again
if you tell him you forgive him he won't believe you for a moment
he's maybe a little mean about it and realises that after he said the little mean stuff
'look, mc, I'm very sorry but is this reaction really warranted for?' (hons thought everyone cries once per blue moon like him for a while there)
after realising those words only made it worse he decides to give you some space, he'll apologise properly after you've stopped crying
he also takes you to the street cats he regularly feeds if you want to see them
oh no what did he do what if you hate him now? what if he messed up so badly that the mere sight of him is enough to make you feel revolted, distressed or afraid?
he's like 'nonono mc look it's fine, here I'm going to paint your nails'
asmo has trouble giving you space because he's so afraid of the possibility that you hate him now, but he does realise he needs to leave you alone
after what happened you have to tell him you forgive him because he might not approach you
he instantly regrets getting mad over a slice of cake in the fridge
beel immediately apologises after spotting tear number one in your eyes
if you're okay with it he'll give you a big hug and will rub your back to help you calm down again
even if you tell him you're not upset anymore, beel doesn't fully believe you
this mistake of his will be haunting him for a long time, he keeps trying to 'win your trust back' by doing sweet things
'oh.. I'm sorry' and then leaves because he doesn't know what to do and he's ashamed of himself
belphie doesn't know when is a good time to check on you, or should he even check on you at all, does he buy you a gift?
because this man doesn't care too much when he upsets one of his brothers (other than beel) but when it's you? he can't sleep properly for the next week
in the end he does decide to get you a stuffed animal to really show you how sorry he is
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gurlwhaaa · 1 month ago
Megumi is a softie?! Megumi Fushiguro x reader
Megumi had always had a hard and stoic demeanor. he barely let his emotions slip out. no one could even imagine him wearing mismatched fluffy socks and cuddle soft toys. well, you didn't have to imagine.
as you and Megumi were dating, you'd often sneek into his room and rarely, sometimes, once in a blue moon, he would come to your dorm without being asked with the excuse of studying. but, it was actually because he was just missing you too much.
you were staying back in the grounds to training a little longer that day. you sat down to take a quick break after a while. your phone buzzed with Megumi's name on top.
Meggii (+3)
Hey. Can I come over? I think I left a notebook at your dorm.
You don't have to ask EACH AND EVERY TIME yk? I'm actually training a little late tday. so u can come over. I'll come over in a while.
No matter how many time you told him that he didn't need to ask to come over, he always made sure to ask you.
so, after a while or 15 more minutes, after you were done for the day, you headed back to your dorm.
as you opened the door to your dorm, you expected megumi to be on your bed or desk flipping through pages. but, at first when you entered, you didn't see him.
then, you focused over your bed only to find a megumi occupying your entire bed, a few of your stuffed animals trapped under his arm. WHAT?! WERE YOU HALLUCINATING?? MEGUMI. A NONCHALANT IDGAFer SLEEPING WITH STUFFED TOYS THAT HE ALWAYS PRETENDED TO NOT CARE ABOUT?!
and to make the scene better, he was wearing mismatched socks. FLUFFY MISMATCHED SOCKS. you wasted no time in taking a quick picture (for future blackmail purposes ofc) and sitting on the very less space beside him on the bed. you noticed that there were no books or notebooks around.
soft snores filling in the silence, you just stared. you couldn't take your eyes off. this was too beautiful to not cherish.
suddenly, you noticed Megumi's eyes peeping, and eventually fully opening. as soon as he noticed your silhouette, his cheeks painted red in embarrassment. he was no slower in sitting up straight.
he looked mortified. he was waiting for you to react. "awwwwwwww" you finally cracked giving the cheesiest smile. "you look so cuteeee!!" you exclaimed as you dragged your words. "I never knew Megumi Fushiguro sleeps with stuffed toys!" you kept going.
"uh-hh I wasn't sleeping with stuffed toys! they were just there." he tried cooking up an excuse. "yeah they just happened to float under your arms" you giggled. "and no books huh? did my stuffed toys clean up after all the studying you did?" you added.
"I was tired ok?!" he pouted. "ahh now you're pouting" you teased. "I'm not!" he tried straightening his face. then, he looked down to his feet. OH NO. SOCKS. HE WAS DYING THAT DAY.
"oh and nice socks" you pointed out. he cupped and hid his own face in defeat. then horror hit him. "wait- DON'T TELL ME YOU-" he started. "Oh yes, of course I did! how could I not capture this scenery!" you cut him off. he had just realized that you probably took a picture of him.
now, he needed to move to a new city. hehehe
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doctorbeth · 2 years ago
A custom fox
Usually, as you know, I repair stuffed animals and dolls. It's the original that matters, the story and memories they hold. A new one wouldn't be the same. But once in a very blue moon, I make a custom animal to match another. Very blue moon because I really can't replicate commercial stuffed animals. I'm making them by hand and it doesn't look the same. But in this case, it was a former patient's family that reached out to me. That patient, Bunny, just wanted a new spa. But since Bunny had been in the hospital, there was a new addition to the family, a little girl, who really loved.... well a toy fox her mom's best friend had made for her. They wanted a new, sturdier fox, close enough so the little girl (15 months old) would accept it. They had the original book the pattern for the fox came from. Could I help?
Well, of course I said Bunny could come back for a spa, and I'd see what I could do for the fox twin. Here is Bunny, in his spa (he's from Goodnight Moon):
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And here's the original fox. You may be able to tell he's mostly felt. That's part of why he's wearing so quickly:
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Bunny didn't need a new heart, he had one from his last spa, and it went back in:
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Meanwhile, we had to choose fabrics for the fox, both his main fur and his torso fabric:
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Soon, Bunny was ready to go home, but he had to wait for Fox to finish being created, which took a touch longer:
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But not too long... here's Fox ready to go meet his family:
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Great! said their family. And the pair flew home to Maryland.
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buckysdoll1520 · 9 months ago
“No!” I yell cutting him of “you don’t get to fucking blow up on me when I come down here asking if you ok that’s not how this fucking works!” you yelled, the stress from the ordeal upstairs and now him blowing up on you like that had caused a split to start. “Y/n-”Jasper start to speak. “No fuck you!” You we’re beyond pissed, when you had a your mood could go from 0-1000 really quickly.
You turn away going to open the door that when back in to the house he tried to grab you’re arm to talk to you and turn around to yell back in response. “Don’t fucking touch me right now!” you continued through the door up the stairs going to the living room.
Once in the living room you see Esme holding Liam on her knee on the couch. “Are you alright?” Esme asked in her sweet mothery tone. “Um y-yeah I’m fine,um Esme do you think it would be alright if you watched him while I run to the dollar store really quick?” You asked rushed want to get out of the house to cool off and probably have a bit of a meltdown in the car. “Yes absolutely, take as long as you need dear” Esme said sweetly, because little know to you she and everyone else had heard your and Jaspers argument. “Ok thank you I’ll be back in a few minutes” you said as you walked down the steps to get the front door. You quickly put on your shoes and grabbing a jacket and Jasper car keys, you walked out.
Once you got in the car you turned it and plugged up your phone to the cars smart stereo. You selected your $uicideBoy$ playlist and turned up the volume until it drowned out your inner voice that kept telling you were a bad person, a bad girlfriend and a horrible mom and that you should just disappear and that jasper was probably gonna breakup with you and you would have to move out of the Cullens house and move back in with your dad and not have a car again. Soon the voice got to much and you pulled over to the side of the road and put on your flashers. You sat there for a good hour-hour and a half before stopping crying screaming/yelling and banging your hands against the steering wheel out of anger and frustration.
After completing calming down you looked at the time releasing how long you had actually been gone and started to wonder if anyone had texted,because you had put your phone on dnd. So you picked it up out of the cup holder and turned down your music a bit. When you looked at your phone you saw the Jasper had called you 15 times and text 25 text messages.
You sighed let out a whispered “fuck…FUCK!”, you put your phone back into its resting place, and begin to pull out, once you pulled out you cut off your flashers and headed to the dollar store. As you pull in to the parking lot,you to a couple deep breaths and flip your visor down to make sure you looked ok-ish. Once in the dollar store you couldn’t help but stroll into the baby section looking at all the cute onesies,toys, blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. You’re heart ached at the fact you only had 15$ in your wallet, even though Carlisle and Esme had both told you they didn’t care to pay for things for the baby, you were hesitant…only because you hated taking money and help from other people.
So you bought Liam new pack of pacifiers, a bib and a stuffed chicken. The bib was blue and had a giraffe on it, the pacifiers had stars and moons on them, and the chicken was well, a stuffed chicken. You payed for everything and headed to the car. Once you get settled in the car you headed back to the Cullens house. As you pulled in the driveway you saw Jasper was on his balcony with a sour look on his face.
When you walked the door you could hear Edward laughing at Rosalie, he always laughs at her when she baby talks with Liam. It wasn’t necessary but you announced your self “I’m home!” You yelled in a sing songy voice as you laid the keys in to the dish they rested in, and taking off your shoes and coat. Walking up the stairs you heard Liam squealing out in laughter, “hey bubby, mommy got you some stuff at the store” you said in baby voice with a smile on your face. “Has he ate yet, I left a bottle in the fridge?” You asked Esme. “Uh yeah Jasper feed him a few minutes ago” she said almost hesitated to mention his name. “Ok,um..where is Jasper?” You asked looking around not seeing him anywhere. “He’s up your guys room, he’s stayed up there for a while until Liam started crying when he got hungry.” Edward said coldly, as if I had taken too long or it was an inconvenience that Liam was here and he has gotten fussy.
“Ok, I’m gonna go talk to him about earlier. Rose do you have him?” I asked. “Yeah I’ve got him take as long as you guys need” she said with a smile.
Once you got up stairs you stared at your and jasper’s bedroom door for a good five minutes, there were a million thoughts run through you head, he’s gonna break up with you, he’s gonna yell…he could hit you like your ex used to…you felt sick, you felt bile rise in your throat, burning it. You swallowed heavily and finally knocked on the door, you heard a low “come in.” You walked in the door pressing your back against it to try and ground yourself. “Jas-” “Don’t..”he cut you off before you could even get his name out. He spoke in a rushed tone as if he was holding his voice back, he stood on the balcony looking at the sky. “Do you know how worried I was!? You were gone for over 2 hours, I thought something happened the only reason I didn’t go looking for you is because of Liam!” He finally spoke clearly but when he did it came out in a yell.
You felt tears brim you’re eyes you’re nose started to burn, and you’re throat went dry. When you went to speak the words wouldn’t form all that was a sob. It sounded as if the air was trapped in your lungs. “I-I know I’m sorry, just get it over with…please I want to go see Liam, an-and Edward is already pissed at me,cause the baby was fussy a-and I known I’m a bad girlfriend and a bad mom and I’ma-shitty p-person all around! I’m sorry just get it over with please.” You stuttered and rambled out as tears streamed down your face and as you finished your sentence you began to slide down the door and started to hyperventilate. “I know I’m a pain in the ass a-and I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I know you could do so much better, you could have someone that’s skinny and pretty like Bella o-or Alice!” When you continued on your rant Jasper’s mood changed quickly.
He rushed over to you as you sat with your back against the door banging you head against it trying to stop the yelling in your head, that little voice in your head that told you Liam deserved better, that he deserved a mother like Esme or Rosalie that was put together and had it all figured out. “Sugar look at me, please come on don’t do that you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Jasper spoke in a soft sweet tone, putting his hands behind your head to soften the blows you were giving yourself as you hit you head. “No! Why aren’t you screaming or hitting me? Get mad! Get mad at me Damnit!” you screamed through your tears. As you screamed the last part you hit his chest as hard as you could. “D-do something…tell ho-how I’m a bad mom o-or, how I’m never gonna be good enough for you, or you’re fucking perfect family!”
Sobs shook your body as jasper looked at you as if he didn’t hear you. “Look at me…please doll look at me.” He begged you as you sobbed hanging your head low, picking at the skin around your fingers. You finally shook your head, so you had left him no choice. He pulled you into his lap as he sat in the floor beside you. “Baby…I need you to look at me…please” he said softly with is thick Southern draw. Jasper sat there for what felt like an eternity, before he realized that you were shutting down. His worst nightmare was coming true he was losing you. He couldn’t lose you. He pressed pressed a firm kiss on your hair line, as he mumbled in to your hair line. “Doll please don’t shut me out. I can’t loose you y/n,I can’t” As he spoke softly you could hear his voice breaking at the end of his sentence.
Jasper sat with you straddling his thighs for almost two and a half hours. You head was against his chest, your breathing had finally calmed down. Jasper’s hands ran up and down your sides and back. You still refused to look at him. “Hey darling, you still with me?” Jasper questioned slowly stopping his hands. You shook your head in to his chest. “Alright, do you want to talk?” Jasper asked hesitantly. You shook your head,feeling tear prick your eyes once more.
Then Jaspers phone vibrated against the floor where it sat beside you both. He leaned to pick it up from its resting place. It was a message from Esme.
Esme :Liam is asleep if you want to come get him or I could bring him upstairs but if you and Y/n aren’t done talking then I keep him down here with me and Carlisle.
Jasper sat his phone back on “Do you want me to go get the baby and bring him up here or do you want to leave down there while we talk?” Jasper asked as he began running his hands down your sides again. “Can you bring him up here.” You said in a scratchy voice, from all the crying and yelling. “Ok,I’ll be right back darling,you want anything from downstairs?”
This is my teaser let me know what y’all think !
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midnight-mourning · 15 days ago
Only Place Worth Being
Little something for one of my Secret Valentine's! Hope you enjoy Ben, one of my fav love songs is a bit angsty, but I promise is all works out in the end <3
Song rec: Cold Cold Man - Saints Motel
Word Count: 2302
You sigh, feeling defeated as you set the vase back down on the desk. All day, you'd waited for any kind of acknowledgement. A thank you, a nod, even just a passing glance. 
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Another gift, another failed attempt. 
And on Valentine's, at that. 
You take one of the flowers out, twisting it between your fingers. 
Maybe flowers weren't their thing? Though, that implied that neither were cards, stuffed animals, art supplies, and—okay yeah maybe this was a pattern. 
Maybe gift-giving wasn't their love language? They always accepted gifts from the children without hesitation, fawning over them and the likes. Proudly announcing their joy at receiving something so lovely, and displaying it for all to see somewhere in the Daycare. Could it really just be all an act? 
You try to reason with yourself more and more as you set the flower back. You felt bad that they'd go to waste, and almost considered taking them home with you, but that just felt… pathetic. And rude. 
You need to face the facts; they just didn't love you like you did them. 
They didn't love you at all, for that matter.
You've tried everything to tell them when it came to your side. Hinted at it, joked about it, did everything except outright say the words. And the only reason you hadn't done that was because you felt almost certain of the rejection that would occur. 
So, you tried for the most part to keep your feelings to yourself, only letting slip ups like this happen once in a blue moon. A moment of weakness, a moment of 'what if'. Though you've yet to have that happen. 
You know they tolerated you, you think you were friends at the very least. 
They would tease you, make you laugh, and so on. You worked well together, be that keeping the kids corralled for arts and crafts, or for naptime. You'd spent many a night working late cleaning up, chatting, flirting. Or at least, you'd thought so.
"Sunshine, could you help me clean this table please?" Sun would ask, more than capable of doing it on his own. 
But you'd oblige with a smile and a nod, heart racing every time your hands brushed against each other. Seemingly too many times to just be 'incidental'. 
"Starlight, sit and read this with me, I want to make sure it's something the children will enjoy." Moon insisted, pulling you into his lap where you'd stay until he deemed otherwise. 
But during the day it was almost the complete opposite. They were professional, to the point. Conversational, but brief. Their laughter at your jokes not quite as full, more nervous, or hollow. 
It almost made you feel like you were going crazy, getting the most mixed signals of your life. Maybe that's why you hadn't given up until this point. You always somehow managed to get drawn back in. 
A bout of excited yelling from further in the Daycare interrupts your melancholic thought process. You see Sun is busy with several of the remaining kids, acting out some sort of scene with them as a distractor while they wait to be picked up. 
You lean back against the security desk, sad smile on your lips as you observe. They'd make someone very happy one day, you think. It just wasn't going to be you. 
You needed to finally accept that. 
Sometime a bit later, as you're packing up your bag, your phone rings. Taking a glance you see it's your manager. You answer, not thinking as you're digging in your bag for your keys. 
"Hey." She says. 
"Hey." You reply. 
She sighs, you can hear the tap of a pen. "I got your file pulled up here. Talked to the manager over in rockstar row and they said they're happy to have an extra set of hands if I've got 'em. I just wanted to double check with you before I make any changes."
You cringe at her words, as if you hadn't been expecting them, or this call. You wanted this. You asked for it. You couldn't seriously be upset that you'd gotten exactly what you had asked for. Deal with it now or suffer the consequences later.
It had been the only way, you'd argued. Your little crush was affecting your day to day, and theirs. It wasn't fair to keep pushing when they weren't going to give. And if you stayed here you'd just feel like a burden, and that's the last thing you wanted. You decided that you'd still do your best to remain friends, maybe hang around and offer guidance and the likes to whoever took your place.
"I, yeah, give me a second,"—you still can't find your keys, now confused and frustrated—"I can't seem to find my—"
A jingling sound from behind you stops you in your tracks. And just as you turn around to find yourself face to chest with a yellow torso do you hear the 'call ended' noise go through your phone. 
Only then do you realize you'd been on speaker. 
Your eyes slowly move up, meeting Sun's gaze after a moment. 
His smile is as static as always but his eyes are narrow slits that sear into you. You shift your focus slightly to the left to see your keys spinning around his finger. He clears his nonexistent throat and your focus goes back to him. 
No point in beating around the bush. "Um, I was… going to tell you guys. Once it was for sure going to happen. Didn't think you'd take my keys as punishment." The joke is a bust and you know it, especially given his entirely unwavering gaze. 
"Oh, Sunbeam. We took your keys much earlier today, for a different reason entirely." He suddenly bends to your level, rays ticking to the side. "But now, I think I'll be keeping them. Because an explanation is in order."
You think you'd find him intimidating in that moment, but building off your earlier feelings—and all the others you've kept in for so long—all you find is anger and frustration pouring forth. 
"I'm the one who owes an explanation? What about you? What about the both of you and this… game you've been playing with me?" You stand straight, poking a finger into his chest as he jumps back from the touch. It only fuels your fire. "I just, I can't get you. Can't wrap my head around how you can just go from being all over me to flinching at my touch. I think you like me, think you care, and then snap! It's like we're back to square one again. Do you know how much that hurts? Besides the fact that I love you, even if it was just as a friend, being this hot and cold with someone is just cruel, you know. So I was just trying to save all three of us the trouble and finally take myself out of the picture. Because lord knows you two have probably been dying for that to happen."
You take a gasping breath, hand coming up to your hair as you breath heavy, tears pricking your eyes. You dare to spare a glance over to the Attendant. If he didn't hate you before, well, he probably does now. And you're sure it'll be the same with Moon. 
You cough into the silence, cheeks starting to burn. "Now. Can I have my keys back, please?"
Sun doesn't answer you, and you suddenly hear a loud thump. You jump, whipping to look at him and find that he's dropped to his knees. 
He looks nowhere in particular as he speaks, voice barely a whisper. "No, surely... is that, what have I—" He grips his rays tight, they squeak under the force. His words become unintelligible to you, and it's then you realize he's switched to binary. It's garbled, grating, and it worries you. 
You rush over, reaching out to touch his shoulder, but hesitate. "Sun, is everything okay?"
No response, the binary grows in volume, worse, harsher. 
You finally have no choice and have to put your hands on his shoulders. "Sun! Talk to me, Pretty bot."
He snaps to attention, eyes meeting yours as you rub soothing circles into his shoulders. Slowly, his hands release his rays, dropping to his sides. He leans into your touch, head drooping and dropping onto your shoulder. You ignore anything this action stirs in you, especially when he lets out a quiet sigh. 
"Pretty bot?" He asks after a moment.
You can't help the laugh that slips out. "You act like I've never called you that before."
"I took it for granted, then." His hands travel up to rest on your own shoulders, squeezing. "If I'd realized how high the chances were of never hearing it again, I would have treasured it more than I do."
You freeze at this, and he notices, pulling back to look at you, rays spinning a couple times. 
"I'm so, so sorry love, give me, us, a chance to explain, would you?" His hand cups your cheek. "We don't deserve it, but it would mean everything if you did."
You swallow, nodding slowly. "Okay."
Sun rises to his feet again, and extends a hand to you. You pause for a moment, then take it. He suddenly pulls you into a spin, and the Daycare music stops, switching to something else, modern, pop. A piano riff begins to play and Sun guides you into dancing along. 
Sun chuckles softly. "The concept of love, and feelings, it's... exceedingly difficult for us to express properly in words of our own. But, we both think this song puts it near perfectly."
The singer starts then, and you recognize the tune. It's an old favorite of yours, and you know the lyrics well. 
'Oh, my love. I know, I am a cold, cold man. Quite slow to pay you compliments, or public displayed affections...'
You snicker to yourself. That one hit you right in the chest, you won't deny. But the direct acknowledgement right off the bat was a start. 
At the chorus, Sun's hands grip yours tightly. You realize then that he's trembling slightly. 
'You're the only one worth seeing, the only place worth being, the only bed worth sleeping is the one right next to you...'
"Sun—" You start, concerned.
He shakes his head. "We're okay. Please, keep listening."
You frown, but nod. 
The two of you continue to sway and spin, and you listen, really listen. It may be an old favorite, but they've given you an entirely different context to hear it in now. Feel it in now. Appreciate it, now. 
If it's truly a representation of how they feel, for you, then it's finally happened. They've broken you. You keep your feelings inside, waiting until the song is over to say anything. 
As the music fades out, Sun stops your movements, but keeps your hands held in his. 
He speaks before you can. "This is all, so new, to us. And we simply find it terrifying. We don't know how to act, what to do. It's all…  so much. But we were so focused on our own feelings towards you that we neglected you." He looks up to you then, even with that unmoving face of his he's still able to convey a look of genuine distraught and remorse. "We're so, so sorry, love."
In that moment, the lights cut, the Daycare—and the Attendant momentarily—powering down.  
Still holding your hands, Moon appears, faceplate spinning once or twice as he meets your gaze. 
Again, you don't get your chance to speak first. "You can hate us if you must. If that does anything to ease the pain we've caused." The naptime attendant rasps out. "To be truthful, I almost wish you would. It's been more than earned." He lets you go then, stepping back. 
"Was it true?" You ask. "About the song being an accurate representation of… how you feel?" You glance down, biting your lip. 
"Stars, Moonbeam. It wasn't even the half of it. It's so much more than that. But yes, to a point, yes."
You shake your head, stepping forward. After a moment, you hold out your arms wide. Moon gets the idea, enveloping you in a hug soon thereafter. 
"I was hurting, a lot." You say against his shoulder.
"I know."
"I was so close to leaving."
Moon makes a rumbling noise, holding you tighter. "We know."
"If this is gonna work, we have to talk more. Okay?"
"As much as you want. Whenever you want. Anything, anything that you'll let us have." You find that he, too, is trembling now. 
You chuckle, petting his hat in an attempt to soothe him. "If that's the case, I guess I can let go of some of the anguish the two of you have put me through."
"We'll do whatever it takes to take that away. To make up for it. Promise. Promise. Promise." It occurs to you then that he's lifting and pressing his faceplate, specifically his smile, into your shoulder. Kissing, he's kissing you.
You gently push him back, cupping his faceplate. "Hey, why settle for the alternatives when you can have the real deal?" 
Moon stares at you a moment, so still you'd think he powered down. Then, you're being peppered with kisses all over your face. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, and your lips, especially your lips. 
You laugh, trying half-heartedly to push him away. "Quit it! I'm serious! So greedy."
"Yes." Moon hisses in between kisses. "Absolutely. Always."
You finally give in and succumb to the love being bestowed upon you then. You think you liked the sound of that. 
Gahhh this was a lot of fun, a bit angsty but I think it got cute and sweet by the end, I was really channeling the song and like the vibes, Happy Valentine's Bensus!!!
Adding the tag list since it's writing stuff
@scarletcowboy @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay @that-one-unknown-artist @rosescarletful @buzzybee3
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asgardianangel · 2 years ago
can we get a oneshot where you have a one-night stand with Sleazy Saul and accidentally end up pregnant and tell him, only for him to be over the moon and wanting you to be his stay at home trophy wife, all according to his plan of “accidentally” knocking you up
I’m on my period and thirsty for Sleazy Saul 😭
A beautiful thing (Saul Goodman X Fem!Reader)
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Saul being sleazy, age gap, naive reader, rough sex, breeding kink, forced pregnancy
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It was a rainy night in Alburquerque, and the bell of the pharmacy door jingled. Tireless you stepped inside and searched aisle after aisle finally you came across what you were looking for...pregnancy tests. 
Signs were small at first nausea and feeling fatigue but then you missed your period. You just had to make sure. Picking up multiple tests even different brands you walked up to the counter. 
Back at your apartment you found yourself in the bathroom waiting for the results. It felt like an hour had past and you felt more anxious by the second. Then the result became clear. 
You decided to take another and then another test. All came back with the same result. You were pregnant. Having a baby was something you expected in life but not now, you weren’t financially stable enough to raise a child. Barely getting by with the bills. 
But then you realised something else. Who you had slept with to get yourself in this situation.  
Saul Goodman. The big-time criminal lawyer. 
You thoughted back to that night as you worked your desk job in court filing paperwork for upcoming trials and whatnot. There you met him. Saul was famously known to be ‘sleazy’ but that didn’t stop you from blushing at each comment he made towards you. 
 The older man you secretly loved getting the attention from. He was so desperate to get you out the professional secretary space. 
‘C’mon doll let’s go out for dinner I know the perfect place’ 
Giving you gifts of flowers and small adorable stuffed animals to place on your desk. You found the gestures to be sweet. 
‘Please just one little drink together’ he begged leaning over your desk like a schoolgirl with a crush. Never has a man been so desperate. 
Until one late afternoon you gave in, and his blue eyes beamed like a puppy dog. He invited you out to a quiet dim lit bar with the promise of buying you ‘as many drinks as possible’ Saul was a charmer who showed interest in every detail about your life with his eyes occasional wondering your body. 
He made sure to compliment you throughout the night and it progressed into more lustful pace. Saul bit his lip as you reacted with a blush and a little look away. 
‘What? Has no one ever told you how absolutely beautiful your body is?’ he questioned causing you to laugh.  
‘You are the most stunning woman I’ve ever met, and God damn that ass kills me every time I see it’ you listened to him going on and on about your ass all night.  
The thought of having a little fling with the one and only Saul Goodman excited you. Yet the idea was little off putting at first considering if your co-workers found out you would probably be slut shamed for going with the sleaziest lawyer around.  
But at the end of the night, you didn’t care. You needed to let loose every once and while. 
Pulling Saul by his green patterned tie as you lead him inside your cosy little apartment was how it started. Hands roaming around your body you stared at him with utter desire unbuttoning his shirt slowly. 
Saul whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he left vibrant love bites on your neck. His touches were soft as if he was taking his time kissing everywhere on your body as he stripped you bare.  
Only when you finally made it to your bedroom his desperate and eager manner ramped up again. He pushed you to your bed causing you to gasp in surprise as he climbed up on top of you. His cock was so hard already as he kissed and licked your tits. ‘Can’t believe I can finally see what these babies looked like’ he groaned playing with them. 
The mixture of the alcohol and pure passion caused you to beg him like a slut. Moaning his name over and over as he now played between your legs. Making sure you were ready for him. Delving his long fingers inside you as his tongue followed along. Legs quivered he was so close to making you cum but suddenly stopped when you almost reached that sweet climax. 
 You whined and he chuckled pecking kisses on your thighs. ‘P-please Saul I need t-’ you tried to say but was cut off by a harsh slap to your behind. 
‘You made me wait so long baby I wanted you the day that I saw you’ the older man muttered in your ear with slight annoyance. You gave him a kiss of forgiveness to which he grabs your chin by force and makes you take his tongue  
‘So, you are gonna cum when I say so sweet face’ he told you kissing you some more. His hand moved up and down on his thick cock as you watched in a trance. Fuck... you wanted him inside you so bad. 
‘Ass up sweetheart’ he ordered as if your pray was answered. You sighed as you throbbed at just the tone of his command turning onto your tummy and lifting yourself up in presentation. Saul hummed at the act smoothing his hand along your ass. 
‘I-I almost forgot to ask do you have any protection?’ you questioned quietly. You were on the pill but liked to be extra safe.  
‘No’ he simply responded wrapping his arm around your waist prepping kisses on your back. ‘Well, I guess you could p-’ he stopped you there with an annoyed hush sound. 
‘Oh, sweetheart I can cum in you if I want’ he whispered in a chuckle. ‘Aren’t you not on the pill?’ he then asked.  
‘Yes-ah!’ he cut you off again this time slamming into you causing you to gasp and moan. Saul’s arm wrapped tighter around you as he slammed into you again with a groan. 
‘Oh, doll you belong to me uh’ he tells you with another groan into your ear. His thick cock dived so deep inside you that you could only whimper at his words. Saul picked up a fast pace, but his thrusts were deep into you as he kept you in your place. 
Your small bed was jolting hard against the wall with his eager movements. As words of possessiveness and moans bounced off the walls.  
You cried out his name as his strong arm kept you falling onto the roughed-up sheets with your face. You had never had such a good fuck before you were kind of worried you become addicted to him. 
His thick cock stretched you so well kissing those sweet spots as Saul occasionally whimpered. 
You could hear him groan quietly something to himself but couldn’t exactly work out what it was. 
 His cock was throbbing hard within you ‘such a good girl hm’ Saul then chanted over and over as you felt the both of you becoming close to that climax. 
‘Beg me to cum inside you doll let’s make something beautiful’ he ordered but you didn’t quite think about what he meant by that. All that matter is that orgasm you have long waited for. 
‘Please c-cum in me please ah!’ you cried as his long fingers rubbed on your poor clit along with his harsh thrusts. 
‘that’s its baby cum with me c’mon y-you can do it’ he encouraged with a deep groan. He didn’t need to tell you twice as your entire body shook and you squeezed his cock so intensely. His thick load shot inside you coating your insides as you sighed in relief. 
He stayed inside you holding your body close to his resting his head on your back. You thought he would get off you and the night would end...but no 
Saul was insatiable he had you again and again in many positions like the man was possessed. 
And you now ended up pregnant. 
Sighing you held your head not sure what to do you were going have to confront him and figure out what you were going to do. Yes, you wanted a precious little baby, but you imagined having one in a stable healthy relationship not by a one-night stand with a big-time criminal lawyer. You couldn’t imagine him stepping up to become a father.  
There it was his office you parked in front of it deep in thought. How was he going to react? Would he send you straight to the unplanned clinic? Saul was a reasonable man you were sure at least he would do is have an in-depth discussion about it. 
Stepping inside the building you instantly noticed how busy it was. You should have called beforehand. Maybe you were too nervous to do so. A dark-haired woman looked up from her paperwork to see you awkwardly standing there. “Can I help you?” she asked. 
“I’m here to see M-Mr Goodman” you stuttered slightly. Nerves started to play. 
The woman huffed “Well your gonna be here for a while” Gesturing to all the clients with her pen. 
Nodding “It’s fine I’ll wait” you mumbled leaning against the wall.  
It felt as if hours as passed by when you finally heard his voice. 
“Who’s next for some excellent legal advice?” He asked his blue eyes scanning the waiting room. Then they fell upon you. 
“Ah Y/N look time no see” he beamed, and you smiled at him. God this is going to be one hell of a talk. Saul gestured you into his office and shut the door.  
Silence followed for a moment until he clapped his hand “So?” he started pulling out a chair “what can I do for you?” he questioned softly as you took a seat. 
You took a deep breath and started talking “well just to be clear I’m here on personally matters” you state quietly.  
Saul hums in a chuckle “Oh back for round two huh?” A part of you wishes heavily for that was the case. This man is always so horny. 
“There’s no simple way to put it-” Saul cuts your words. “Sweetheart you can tell me anything” he assures you getting up from his chair and walking behind you. 
You sigh softly as he begins to massage your shoulders in comfort. “c’mon tell me” He encourages. 
“I’m pregnant”  
Those two words left your mouth and Saul’s eyes grew wide. You weren’t exactly sure how what to make of it “Really?” he asked in a weirdly excited tone. 
You nod your head in confirmation, and he made a desperate move to give you a long kiss to the lips. The older man steps back and you gave him a confused look. 
“You are not unhappy or shocked at the news?” You questioned lightly and he just chuckles. 
“Quite the opposite extremely happy and surprised” he tells you with another kiss.  
“Stand up” Saul grabs your hand helping you up to your feet. He then places both hands to your body almost like he’s checking you out for approval. 
“Oh, baby you are gonna look even more stunning” he muses his hands feeling your body and then rests upon your tummy. Like you were already showing. 
“Gonna be such a beautiful mama” Saul’s hand reaches under your shirt on your bare skin. “I’m just imagining it now you all big and swollen with such a precious thing we created” Saul was over the moon. 
You just stood there confused of his reaction as he whispered to himself. 
“Can’t believe I’m going to be a papa” 
“I wonder what we are going to name you” 
“You are going to have an amazing life kid with a mama and papa who love you” 
All the words and phrases you never actually believed you would hear from a man like him.  
“Stay with me doll I will take care of the both of you” Saul promised softly. You didn’t know how to respond to that.  
A wild one-night stand (and probably the best sex you ever had) and all the sudden the famous criminal lawyer wants to be a family man. 
“I know how it is but trust me all I’ve ever wanted the most was a family.” he tells you. Stepping back, you give yourself some space. 
Saul reaches for his phone income button “Cancel and reschedule my appointments for the next hour Francisca” he excitedly ordered. 
Saul stares over at you with a grin and the look in his deep blue eyes you recognised from that night. Walking over to you again he strokes your hair “I think my future wife and I are in some desperate need of alone time” his voice deepens seductively.  
He didn’t give you a chance to speak as his head was suddenly between your trembling thighs again. 
From then on Saul made in clear how your life was going to head. Plans of marriage parenthood and ultimately being his beloved housewife. You expressed concern how fast it was all going but he never took ‘no’ for an answer. 
The sex was still amazing as ever, but it never distracted you on how much he controlled your life. The man was insatiable as ever having you in every position possible. Saul was never tired from working in fact he was desperate to see you in his bed. His perfect and pretty little housewife carrying his child.  
“Everything has to be right sweet face” he would tell you. 
But you would never find out the truth.  
A pharmacist named Daniel Wormald (aka peach cobbler) repaid Saul for his legal advice by completing a rather important request for him. 
Switching your birth control with placebos...  
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fangsyouverymuch01 · 1 year ago
If walls could talk
This is part 2 of my series. You don't have to have read the first part to get into pt 2, butttt I would appreciate it! :) Part 1 LINK.
Part 3 is also out! Here is the LINK.
Summery: Tav is fighting against their dark thoughts and decides to do something about it. However, what other bloodthirsty killer lurks in the dark forest?
Words: 2,2 k
Parings: Astarion x durge, Astarion x tav
Warnings: Blood, dark fantasies/nightmares, daggers, smut if you squint???, murder, sleep deprivation, sassy vampire
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Hope you like it! <3
Moonlight marks the end of the day, painting the swaying leafs a faint blue. The cracklings of the fire and the laughter from your newfound companions warms the cool night. You’ve managed to gather a party of the gith - Laezel, the blade of frontiers - Wyll, Karlach - a fighter from avernus, Gale - Mystras former chosen, sharworshipper - Shadowheart and lastly the pale rouge Astarion. Quite the mix to say at least. 
Everyone’s laughter is mixed with the occasional slurping. Gale had insisted on making a traditional potato and leek soup which was appreciated by some, others like Astarion had barely touched it. 
“You’re not hungry Astarion?” Karlach asked as she gulped down her second bowl of soup. 
“I prefer something more filling.” he stated and shot you a quick glance before adding “ Besides, the events of today have me thinking of other things than leek soup.” .
You nearly choke at his comment and retort by gluing your eyes to the bowl in your hands. 
“No offense taken my friend, however you are missing out on this delightful soup, the leeks are scarcely this fresh in Waterdeep.” 
The party hums in approval and the conversation falls into a stillness, only the occasional breaking of twigs and swaying trees break the silence. Soon enough, the moon reaches its peak and everyone zips up their tents for the night. Your tent contains a simple bedroll and a teddy bear Karlach had lended you after observing your dark under eyes worsening the past days. Sleep had not found you , thoughts of life before the crash kept sleep from embracing your tired form. The others abilities had been wiped from the tadpole insertion but their memories stayed intact, why hadn’t yours? Questions filled your cortex, gaining a disturbing wriggling from the worm trapped within your skull. Adding to your concern, were your trances. Unbeknownst to your companions, these trances haunted you far more than sleep deprivation. Blood, gore, torture, murder and a variety of dark fantasies threatened to consume you.
What will happen if you lost control?
This night differed from the others, the lack of sleep seemed to affect your willpower and fantasies of butchering foe and friend displayed themselves as your eyelids felt heavier. Cradling the stuffed animal, your eyelids dip and curl your legs against the lower of your abdomen. Snoring and faint breaths cushion your tilted ears, guiding you to enter the embrace of night. The occasional stir flings your eyes open but the blue light signals them to close yet again. 
Flashes of Shadowheart and Karlach pass by, them withstanding to burst into laughter as you awkwardly shift to fit the very large lute in your lap. Alfira bombards your efforts with words of encouragement, unsuccessfully pulling you from glancing at Shadowheart and Karlach doubled over in the corner, tears forming in the half elf’s eyes and the tiefling biting her lip as she pushes down a rumbling laugh. Exhaling to calm yourself, you pull at the strings and an array of tunes and random noises are produced. A terrible tune, a tune so foul that your ears fold to lessen the eardrum to vibrate at every tone crushing against it. Stealing a glance at your companions, an image of a headless Karlach strikes. Twisting  your neck towards Alfira, she’s holding her heaving chest and pouring into her lap is a waterfall of thick blood. The once joyous ambiance twists into a macabre dreamscape. Shadowheart and Karlach's previous laughter warps into haunting echoes, and Alfira's encouragement morphs into desperate pleas though her gurgling. Your fingers tremble on the lute, producing dissonant, nightmarish sounds that echo the chaos. As you steal glances at your companions, Shadowhearts face contort into grotesque expressions of agony. The nightmare's grip tightens, effectively suffocating you.
“What did you do?” Shadowheart whispers, hands lacing with the hem of your trousers by your feet, the essence of life a ghost on her lips. 
Wake up. Wake up!
You need to stay awake. 
You can’t and you won’t let this control you. 
Panting, your person rises from the bedroll. Your heart drums against the sternum of your ribcage and you swear, the sound of cracking bones bounces off the taupe tent walls. Tears pour as the floodgates to your tear duct opens. It was all so much, overbearing guilt tightens its snare and breathing burdens your lungs. Tossing the sweat drenched stuffed bear, you unzip a backpack in the corner of the tent. In the backpack lies a crossbow you picked up from the battle outside the groove, a battle your then more modest party barely withstood. Pulling it out you prepare to head out into the night. Perhaps your thoughts could not be controlled but you did have a choice in what was at the receiving end of your brutal fantasies. Puffing out a breath of air, your rise and glare at the dark sky. The cloud-free night unveils moonbeams and stars twinkling in the vast expanse, inviting contemplation. 
“Please let this work.” you plead with the moon. 
The camp is positively silent, making your chance to slip into the shadows significantly increase. Carefully, you tread past Gales and Astarions tents. To your surprise, Astarions tent is slightly unzipped. Was he also facing the restless night? Or was he out causing mischief at night as well? Having no time to ponder the alternatives, you make way towards the dark forest.
The night has the once calm and inviting nature evoking a sense of adrenaline - what hid in its shadows? The ballad of birds and paws of gentler creatures had slumped with the rise of the moon, leaving behind a hushed stillness that amplifies the rustle of leaves and distant whispers of the nocturnal world. As the cool breeze carries the fragrance of earth, the night becomes a stage for the mysterious and unseen, where the darkness holds both the thrill of the unknown and the comfort of needed solitude. A twig is snapped further down the unknown woods, sending a subtle tremor through the air. Instinctively, you froze. Your gaze narrowed, senses guiding your body to scan for any signs of movement. Amidst the rustling leaves, a fleeting silhouette hides behind the vegetation —a prey 
Salvation by the blade! Salvation by the blade! Salvation by the blade! Salvation by the blade!
It demands to be heard. Clutching your soul, clawing at your cortex to take a shot at the unknowing creature behind the protecting leafs. A feverish sweat trickles down your temples as you aim the crossbow. Narrowing your eyes, the moon casts an eerie glow as your prey skillfully drains the life force from another unsuspecting creature.
Pointy ears, white curls - Astarion? 
No. No, it can’t be. 
Descending into the trance, your body remains unfazed to the revelation before your eyes. Astarion is crouching over a boar, blood from its guts spilling over his leather beeches and obscene guttural noises escapes the elf’s lips. 
Did he have the same affliction as you? 
When fighting to regain clarity fully, his keen ears catch a hint of movement in your direction. Swift as a shadow, he hurtles toward the foliage, forcefully pushing you onto the plush grass. With a thud you hit the ground. His dagger assertively rests at your throat and the other hand restraints yours from countering his initiative. His face, smeared with blood, reveals menacingly sharp teeth, droplets cascading onto your lips. The metallic taste mutes the voices in your mind, and as clarity dawns, you realize it may be a moment too late to salvage the situation. 
“Trying to sneak up on a rouge now are we?” The elf snarls. 
“Astarion wait I didn’t know-“ you ramble as you try to regain your full clarity. 
The elf’s jaw tenses as if juggling his options. 
“Are we the same you and I?” You ask unwillingly, being careful not to move under his sharp blade. 
“Darling, you and I are nothing alike. I’d never make the questionable decision to aim my bow at a fellow and trusted companion ” Astarion answers and leans towards your face, persistently persevering eye contact with you. 
At that, Astarion pushes his dagger further into your jugular vein, earning him a disapproving growl. He’s straddling you with his full weight pressing you down, there is no escaping except from your sharp tongue. 
“I never meant to hurt you, it’s just-“ you stop, contemplating how to explain your condition to the irritated bloodstained elf before you. “I dream in red, I’ve not slept for days in hopes it would go away to no avail, so I came out here to kill some worthless boar or rabbit in hopes it would ease my fantasies.” You confess in one breath.
There it was, the truth of it all and now it was up to him to decide.
Astarion investigates your features as if trying to detect any dishonesty, face still covered in blood running down his neck, spilling under the front lacing of his shirt. What starts as a chuckle turns into a manic laughter from the elf’s lips. On display are his teeth again.
Fangs. A vampire. 
“I won’t tell the others, just let me go.“ you begin as panic rises from your chest. 
“How delightful, a maniac with a dark urge and a starved vampire. A fruitful pair don’t you think?” He smirks as his eyes grow dark, a deep crimson boring into yours. 
“Fruitful?” you question as he narrows the inches between your faces. 
“Darling, your urges have you adrenaline pumping and mine keep me far from alert, we could perhaps come to an arrangement for our predicaments..” 
His push on your jugular vein softens and he leans in to whisper in your ear. 
“You give me a taste of your delectable blood and your reward leaves you from acting on these dirty thoughts of yours. “ 
His sultry voice entwines with your senses, warm and enticing as it beckons you to accept his proposition. On a logical level, he presents a solution to your predicament. Yet, it's hard to ignore the stark reality—this man, soaked in blood, recently grappled you to the ground and still pushes a dagger menacingly against your throat.
“Not a drop too much, I still need to be able to fight when the sun rises.” you squeeze out, hiding your blush at the position in which he held you, restraining you from squirming and hiding. 
“I’ll restrict my urges as long as you do too darling” 
Astarions lashes flutter against your cheek, traveling along the curve of your neck and sharply inhales near your jaw. The dagger in his grasp is speedily pocketed into his holster, hand now reaching to angel your head in the perfect position. 
“Very good” he coos. 
Heat grows between your thighs as his legs squeeze the sides of your hips and chest pressed against yours makes your breath hitch in response. You want to indulge in every part of him but at the same time you are at his mercy. He was dealt a hand where destiny, hope and trust entirely was up to him.
“Give in, embrace the truth of the blade.” the voice licked into your other ear, tongue slithering further in. 
“Astarion please get it over with, I-“ you stutter as the trance flits back into your limbs, nails reaching to tear themselves from his grip. “I’m losing myself…please” 
He doesn’t need to be told twice. The rouge skillfully bundles your restraint from pulling away from his sharp teeth. Licking the area to prepare for his bite, he plants a kiss before puncturing into your pumping jugular vein. The pain is sharp at first, urging your mouth to let out a gasp. Seconds pass and with time leavs the pain and is traded for an electrifying jolt that sends shivers through your body. Warmth, pleasure, joy, arousal and at last - nothingness. The kiss of stillness lures before you and only Astarions licking pierced through the vacuum-like atmosphere. His head bobs up and down, curls cushioning your tilted jaw. 
The rouge stiffens as your words cleave through his own blood frenzy. His licking is replaced by fluttering kisses, sending jolts of warmth to spread between your legs. Your once bundled hands are now also intertwined with his, the other tangled in your hair. The elf slightly pulls your hair, earning him a muffled moan as you bite down to contain your racing thoughts. As your head spins in bliss, Astarion prowls to catch your disoriented eyes with his pupil-blown ones. The vampire is positively delighted, a genuine smile creeping up as he loosened his grip on your hand. 
“ You are truly delicious my dear.” the euphoric man softly speaks, licking his lips.
“I’m glad to be proven a filling snack.” you say through half-closed eyes.
Astarion must’ve noticed your delirium and furrows his brow in response. 
“Are you quite alright?”
“Yes of course, why wouldn’t I?” you whisper and give him a genuine smile.
You glance at him with fully opened eyes, taking in the sight before you.
Trying uncipher your progressively clouded thoughts you mumble “You are very pretty Astarion”.
In the moonlit silence the rest of your conversation turns into a blur. The last image to flash by is a trembling hand that sought your pulse, any sign of life.
“Don’t you dare die on me.”
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 1 year ago
Daddy’s Favorite Story | Bucky Barnes (3rd Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this pic!)
Hey everyone! I hope you’re enjoying my stories! We’re on day 3 of fluffy Christmas fics! 🩵
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics! ✨
“Daddy, can you please read me one more story?” I heard Grace’s voice on the other side of her bedroom door. I held a laundry basket in my hands, almost finished with the household chores for the day. I was about to walk in to ask our 5 year old if she needed anything from mommy before I stopped myself once I realized her dad was in the room.
I smiled to myself at the thought of her and Bucky bonding before she went to sleep. Placing the basket on the floor, my right reached out for the doorknob to take a peek at the loves of my life. Bucky was sat down on her bed, she was lying down with a small pile of her stuffed animals around her. She held onto a goat stuffed animal she got from her uncle Steve for her birthday earlier this year.
“You said that two books ago!” Bucky laughed as she sat up in her bed, getting ready to fight to get her way. “But – But this one is the last one! I promise!” She clasped her little fingers together and looked up at her father, giving him the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. Her blue eyes meeting his own as he tried to resist giving in.
“No, sweetheart, don’t do this to me!” She pouted her lips as he covered his face with his hand. The amount of love he has for his daughter will obviously make it difficult for him to say no to her. “Pleeaassee?” He peeked at her through his fingers and chuckled to himself. “Arghh… fine. You win.” She giggled and got settled into her bed, bringing her blanket closer to her and she watched her father in awe.
“Okay, one more story and you promise me that you’ll go to sleep after this, okay?” He raised an eyebrow as she nodded enthusiastically. I crossed my arms over my chest as I leaned against the doorframe, watching this all play out in front of me. He looked through her small bookshelf and picked one up, inspecting it. He turned to look at her and smiled, tapping onto the cover of the book. “This one is a classic, sweetheart. It’s one of daddy’s favorites.” He opened the book in his hands, cleared his throat and began reading.
“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there.”
Bucky made sure to lean in and show her the pictures. Her little eyes scanned the pages as she held onto her goat stuffie closer to her. I softly smiled to myself, thinking about how lucky I am to have found someone like Bucky to share the rest of my life with. To live a quiet domestic life with.
“The children were nestled, all snug in their beds.”
He leaned in and tickled her stomach as her laughter filled the room. Her cheeks tinted pink as he continued reading her a story for bedtime.
“While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
And momma in her ‘kerchief and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.
When out in the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.”
He stood up abruptly and spread his arms out as Grace watched him with anticipation. He walked over to her window and brushed her curtains to sway them back and forth to give as much visual effects as possible.
“Away to the window flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer.”
He quickly looked around her room for a reindeer stuffie, but all he could see was her goat. He grabbed it and made it look as if it was flying. “Daddy, that’s not a reindeer!” Grace laughed. “Whaaattt? No, it totally is!”
“No he’s not!” He bowed his head for a moment and looked up, smiled at her. “Well, let’s just pretend baby, okay?” She giggled and nodded her head.
“With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
“Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!”
I couldn’t help but think of how he’s such an amazing father. He’s going all out as best as he can just to make her night. To think we were both so scared to become parents is crazy to me. I don’t know what we were so scared of. Since Grace came into our lives, it’s been nothing but bliss. I can’t imagine our lives without her and I can’t imagine not doing this with Bucky.
“To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!’
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.”
Bucky grabbed her goat and pranced it on her bed, making it look like it was walking closer and closer to her. She smiled as Bucky continued to read the next part of the story.
“As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack.”
He cleared his throat as his voice pitched a little higher than usual as he spoke.
“His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.”
He walked towards her closet and quickly rummaged through it until he found what he was looking for. He came out with her white scarf wrapped around his mouth to imitate a white beard. Walking back towards his daughter, he reached for her pillow. “Excuse me sweetheart.” She giggled and sat up as she watched him stuff the pillow in his shirt and placed his hands on his belly, letting out a deep laugh. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Grace burst out laughing as she watched her daddy pretend to be Santa Claus. I brought my hand to my mouth to try to stifle a laugh as I watched him in amusement.
“He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.”
He leaned in and pinched her nose, smiling as she let out a giggle. Her eyes gleaming with admiration towards her father.
“And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight —
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
She cheered at the end of the story as Bucky placed the book down on her bedside table. He laughed and took the pillow out from his shirt and placed it comfortably behind her head. “Did you enjoy the story?” She nodded and yelled out a big “yes!” He slid off her scarf and placed it next to the book.
He leaned in and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m glad you liked it sweetheart.” He brushed a hair away from her face and smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too daddy. Thank you for reading me a story.”
He chuckled and nodded. “You’re welcome. Now, it’s time to head to bed! It’s late.” He tucked her into bed, placed one last kiss on her forehead and bid her goodnight. He made his way to the door and saw me standing there. “That was a lovely story.” I stated as his face turned a light shade of pink. “Yeah well..” He closed Grace’s door behind him and looked up at me. “How much did you hear?”
“Oh, not much… only all of it.” I smiled at him as he turned to look away in embarrassment. “Oh God.. so, did you see..?” I nodded as he covered his face with his hands. “I especially liked the part where you pretend to be Santa. That was a nice touch.”
“Hey, I was just trying to give her visuals. What I did was amazing.” He embraced me from behind and placed his hands on my stomach, rubbing small circles. “Of course it was amazing! I’m not saying it wasn’t.” He placed a soft kiss on my cheek as I placed my hands on top of his. We stood there, enjoying the silence between us for we don’t get much of that nowadays. I closed my eyes for a moment and softly smiled. We both sighed in content.
“She’ll be here in a few months.” I quietly spoke as he hummed, his hand not leaving the small bump in my belly. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Maybe you could do what you did for Grace tonight again when she gets here.” I chuckled. “It could become a Christmas family tradition.” He chuckled as I pulled back so I could turn to look at him. “I’ll think about it.” He leaned down and placed a kiss upon my lips before pulling away and bending down to grab the laundry basket.
“Head on up to the couch, doll. I’ll finish cleaning up. You just relax and get a movie ready for us to watch, okay?” I nodded my head as we both made our way to the living room.
I turned to look at him, my hand instinctively going towards my belly. “Yeah?” He just smiled at me, the kind of smile that could make anyone weak in the knees.
“I love you.” I couldn’t help the blush that rushed to my cheeks. How is it that he’s still able to do that to me? I will never know. I smiled back at him.
“I love you more.”
He scrunched his nose and chuckled. “I think that’s up for debate.” He bit his lip, trying to hide his smile as he turned away to go finish cleaning up the house. Soon our household will go from 3 to 4 and who else knows how bigger it’ll get after that. I’m not worried though, because I’ve got the best partner to do this with. Nothing could be better than this.
I can’t wait for our family to grow.
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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mythica0 · 7 months ago
Hey guys! I don’t really post about shifting stuff but I wanted to post this. The fact that others can visit is inspired by the wonderful and very helpful @stilljuststardust (hope you don’t mind the tag!)
Welcome to my waiting room, also known as Mythica! (Note for the format that this started out in my notes just for me but as I went on I added some other features. Might add more in future:3)
My waiting room is less of a room and more of a space, and certain things kinda work like a video game. There is a nice building with comfortable rooms and access to all media outlets past and present. There is also a large garden with flowers and lovely little plants and things. Outside the house is a lovely natural environment with rolling hills, large fields, gorgeous clear waters, fluffy clouds and tall glorious trees. Near the house is a large open clearing with tons of portals/doors through which you can enter any of the other DR’s + my OR. A new one is added for every DR. I can also shapeshift and grow any number of non human attributes as well as shift into animals or mythical creatures.
This is like a DR in itself, basically meant for piling anything that doesn’t fit into its own DR into a space. The house/field is considered ‘spawn’ and if you have the intent to go back to spawn and say ‘take me to spawn’ you will instantly teleport back there. You can also teleport to any other location in this world via a map at spawn by tapping on the location you wish to go(to make it more fun, it’s only visible/unlocked on the map once you’ve seen it before) and then tapping the “fast travel” option. The other option would be “info” which you can view all the information about a location including natural flora and fauna, magical/unnatural properties, and big attractions.
I’ll wait to find out what the universe has is store for the locations once I get there, but something locations I’d like to see include: Rainbow location, Cloud/sky location, Underwater location. Mythical creature la and all sorts of animal friends reside here as well. This also allows stuffies to live and walk around on their own like in Toy Story or doc Mcstuffins. You can find wild stuffed animals, Other ppls stuffies and my own(past and present) will wander round the house/field like little pets!!
Other people are welcome to visit, and each person will have their own “spawn” with their own house, field and portals. You can visit other people’s spawns but can only interact with the surroundings if given permission by the owner. If you are the owner, you can give others three states of permission or ban them entirely, which will prevent them from entering your spawn area. :
view only-the person can walk around, touch and look at the surroundings but will not influence anything.
Visitor-can move/influence surroundings
Owner/full permission-can change anything about the spawns appearance, function or connection to the rest of the space at will.
Thank you for taking time to read this whole thing if you’ve made it this far! I hope anyone who’s out there in the void of my post notifications sees this and decides to visit! I hope to run into you!! :D I will try to keep updated if I decide on any changes, which I will use the tag #Mythica as that’s the name, so don’t be afraid to check once in a blue moon!
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thelittlefirepup · 6 months ago
Alright, Introduction post.
You can call me L, Firewolf, Little spark, Little Prince, or Firepup/pup. (L and Firewolf for big me and the others for Little me.)
Pronouns: They/xem are default.
*the sound of your ears ringing from silence*/ *the thrum of blood in your veins*?/ *the way nothingness feels tangible-or the awareness of the nothing*/ *the flicker of starlight*/*the hum of electricity*
Pronouns are grouped by type in order of:
Xenopronouns (though you obviously can't use these for me, just wanted to put them out there)
Question marks are for the ones I'm unsure of. Colored ones (emojis are with asterisks*) are my favorite, and pink is for little me while blue is for big me (though big me is fine with and enjoys a combo of all of them). Yes, I know some of them collide with the names I said to call me, and I'm sorry. Luckily, their are multiple options, so you should be able to find a combo you like to use for me.
Gender list:
Main is nonbinary but here are some xenogenders I identify with:
Silencegender, Musicgender, Darkgender, Colorfluid, Dragongender, Stargender/other space genders, Wolfgender, Minecraftgender, Digigender (Codegender), Computergender/electricgender, Artgender, Poetgender, Stufferic (Stuffed animal gender(?), Oneirial, Dream/nightmare(?), Endgender, Starryxic, Butterflygender, Glitch, Lunoric, Fictionkinic?, Rose, Littlefluid
*if one of these was a label made by you, feel free to ask me to credit. I grabbed so many that I lost track of which went with who and who wanted what. Really sorry*
(Once again, question marks are for ones I'm unsure of)
I'm a pronoun/gender collector, so the list will constantly grow and change. If you find this weird or you don't like it, then sorry, but this probably isn't the blog for you.
I also think I may be fictionkin. I'm not 100% sure, but it would explain some things. If I am, my kins are Angel Dust and Roman Sanders. Hope no one is mad that I'm calling myself fictionkin even if I'm not sure. I'm also questioning deitykin.
I'm a regressor. I don't know my age range. If I had to guess, around 3-7, but I'm not sure. I also find it hard to fully regress, which makes finding an age even harder. (I might be just a dreamer, don't know).
But little me will be posting sometimes (flutter is already excited to talk about love's obsession with butterflies). Little me posts will be marked with 💖pink hearts (and maybe butterfly emojis), while big me will mark posts with 💜 purple hearts (like this one). Both will be used if we both work on a post. Ive started marking Otherkin posts with music notes.🎶
I'm hoping to keep this blog safe for littles. So in my posts or in your comments, or any asks, please mark as "not safe for littles" or use ❌️ an x, Or both to be safe, if a post about this blogs topics may not be safe for littles.
I might not post often since this is a side blog for me. My main one, I a.) Didn't feel comfortable putting this stuff as well as my usual posts there b.)didn't want to stretch my blog too thin and c.) The main one is that my other blog uses a username my family and friends know me for and I don't want them finding this stuff. So heads up.
And DNI if homophobic, transphobic, against any of the lgbtq+ including xenogenders, anti otherkin, racist, kink, nsfw, pro ed, sexist, abelist, and any kind of hateful.
You've been warned about what this blog contains, so don't get mad at me if you still choose to look at it. Just DNI and move on.
Otherwise, hope you are excited. Feel free to chat, interact, ask questions. I'm just here for a fun time.
Peace out <3
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sae-something · 14 days ago
9, 42 en 67 😊✨
dankjewel!! <3
9. What's your emotional support craft? writing poems I think? I don't do many crafts but once in a blue moon a creativity tornado hits and then I spend a lot of time doing something (like making little booklets out of my own poems and making 'illustrations' by cutting out pieces of colored paper)
42. What's an unjustifiably expensive appliance that you really want? okay so there's a bunch of things I want that I could technically easily afford but I just can't convince myself that I need it enough to spend money on it? like an ereader 😂 because then my thought process is like - okay, if I buy one, I want a good one! but why do I need one when I can also read books on my phone or laptop?, and then I end up never buying one lol. I'd also fucking kill to have a dishwasher but have no space for it (and same for a good sized oven). ohh and I'd love to have like a super fancy rain shower!! but the water pressure in this house is just too piss poor.
but if I think a bit more out of the box maybe I'd want like a massage chair, lmao. never thought about that before though so it's not really "something I really want".
67. Do you keep any stuffed animals on your bed? yes 100%!!! not too many though because I get so upset when one falls off the bed and then I struggle falling back asleep. currently there's the small bunny I always sleep with, a small frog, and a new friend that @felis-the-complex-multiple sent me which is a medium sized mudskipper called Mack!
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redstringraven · 7 months ago
cozy in bed
this post crossed my dash, and i wanted to answer for my ocs! this, as expected, got a bit long, so m'just gonna dive in!
.: cassia
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
a bed! she has her own room in a small, two-bedroom apartment; her parents have the other room.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
cassia loves surrounding herself with pillows and cute stuffed animals to either hug at night or make a bit of a 'nest'. she likes the sensation of an enclosed sort of space when she sleeps rather than starfishing out.
what do they wear to bed?
varies! in the summer, she usually sleeps in a comfy t-shirt and gym shorts. in the winter, she has two themed pajama sets that she swaps between. they're warm, soft, and often pink, yellow, or white. she also wears knee-high, colorful socks in the winter and likes to have silly slippers around the apartment. hello-kitty or totoro themed--something like that.
do they sleep well?
most of the time! cassia has bad dreams here and there like your average person, but for the most part the only real interruptions to her sleep are self-imposed all-nighters for one silly reason or another. like... learning the entire dance routine to a music video or video games or a movie marathon. after the triceraton invasion, however, she does have more frequent stress dreams and nightmares. especially when her dad is traveling.
do they share a bed with anyone?
not usually. but after the triceraton invasion she sometimes struggles with stress dreams or anxieties about her dad being so far away. on these nights she'll sleep in her mom's room alongside her, or she and esme will build a little blanket fort in the living room and sleep in there together. there were also a few nights following the invasion where she and her parents would sleep in the same room. just... all wanting to be in arm's reach of each other should something else happen, more or less.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
fifty-fifty! cassia's a bit of a floor gremlin--she likes to sit on her floor when she spends time in her room--but she definitely uses her bed as a space for chilling. kind of varies with the activity she's doing. video games or painting her nails are more likely floor activities; reading comic books or talking on the phone/shell-cell are bed activities.
.: nyxram
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
it's a bed, yes, but it's about as bare-minimum of a bed as you can get. it's used for sleeping and nothing else. nyx has a handful of hideouts and rotates where she sleeps, but all 'beds' are relatively the same: simple, have what's needed, and plain.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
i personally picture triceraton 'beds' being more a carved out circle in the floor than a raised piece of furniture, since their frill would lead to them sleeping more on their stomachs or sides. pillows, if any, are likely used to line the 'walls' of the bed or 'texture' the mattress so it's higher/more supported in some places and lower in others. that all being said: the bare-minimum again. she has what she needs and nothing more.
what do they wear to bed?
whatever she's currently wearing, honestly. nyxram does have civvies, but, since sleeping puts you in a vulnerable state, she'd be more likely to sleep in most of her armor even if her designated sleeping locations are secure. if, for some reason, she has to sleep somewhere that ISN'T one of her hideouts, best believe she'll be napping in full armor. weapons included.
do they sleep well?
most nights, yes. by the time she sleeps, she's tired enough that she doesn't dream and remains asleep unless disturbed. there is one reoccurring nightmare, however, that surfaces once in a blue moon, and after it does she can't fall back asleep.
do they share a bed with anyone?
no. absolutely not.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
the bed is for sleep only.
.: gwyn
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
she's always on the run and, therefore, doesn't have a bed nor home to call her own. she catches sleep where she can and when she feels like it's safe enough to close her eyes, let ash 'take watch'. sleeping locations can vary from trees, naps on public transport, alleys, abandoned structures--whatever she can find, whenever she feels just secure enough to grab it. after coming to earth and eventually befriending the turtles, she sleeps on a cot set up for her in the reservoir station.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
after befriending the turtles, she has two pillows and two blankets. she normally only uses one of the latter, as liáfsians are used to cooler climates. the chill of the station is familiar to her, in a sense.
what do they wear to bed?
gwyn doesn't have clothes aside from those already 'on her back', as she can't afford to carry more while traveling and discards anything she can no longer wear. she sleeps fully dressed, footwear included (just in case she needs to wake and run). after befriending the turtles, casey and april pitch in to provide her with more clothes. over the years, she slowly eases into sleeping in boxers, then boxers and either a large t-shirt or hoodie.
do they sleep well?
no. gwyn's not only an extremely light sleeper most of the time, but when she does manage to fall into heavier sleeps she's prone to spells of severe night terrors and sleep paralysis. the turtles found out about the former after she'd been staying with them for a while, and she'd wake them up in the midst of a night terror. it wouldn't be until after gwyn and raph started dating and sharing sleeping spaces that they'd learn about the latter. raph's snoring acts kind of like an 'anchor' point for gwyn, too; they find she's slightly less prone to sleep paralysis when sleeping near him and much less prone to night terrors. raph also develops a few 'routines' to go through when she wakes up with sleep paralysis to make it manageable and less panicked until she can come out of it. after a while--should they not be able to sleep in the same space for some reason--gwyn starts to find it harder to sleep without him around. sometimes the CD with whale songs that min-ji gave her helps. other times, she just won't sleep.
do they share a bed with anyone?
as kids, she and ash near always shared a bed. presently, if you count the fact that gwyn always sleeps with her sheath on where ash has taken the form of a small dagger, then she still 'shares a bed with ash'. otherwise: no. sometimes after a night terror, however, she'll bunk in the room of whichever turtle (or splinter) kept an eye on her while she was wandering the lair. this is most often don or raph, since they have the least consistent sleep schedules in the family, but mikey and leo have extended their rooms to her as well. after she and raph start dating, they slowly go from just sharing the same napping spaces to then sharing the same sleep spaces. this usually turns out to be raph's room, as he loves his hammock and gwyn comes to find a lot of comfort in the hammock as well.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
since gwyn's spent a long stretch of time without having a bed of her own--before she befriended the turtles--she's not really used to using a bed for anything except sleeping. that being said, however, she does sometimes relax in her cot when drawing, talking to ash, or if she finds klunk taking a nap there, she'll join him.
.: ash
presently: her spirit is trapped in the soul gem powering a shapeshifting weapon. since she no longer has a physical body, she can't and doesn't sleep. this will change... someday. ...eventually.
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tomcat-tapes · 1 year ago
Random Top Gun AU I thought about if anyone wants a brain rot with me
In which Ice is Jareth the goblin king.
A young Bradley upset with the passing of his father, and refuses to want anything to do with his stepfather, Ron, or his half sibling Jake.
One evening when his Mom and Step dad are away in a date and he’s stuck babysitting his kid brother who has not stopped crying. Frustrated and stressed, Bradley tells little Jake a tale of the Goblin King, the same story he heard from his father before his passing.
“Stop it! I’ll say the words! No I mustn’t,, I wish,, Oh I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Where ever you may be, take this child of mine far away from me!”
And Jake vanished, the Goblins have taken him. Bradley was mortified, he thought they were just stories his dad made up! And that’s when He appeared. The Goblin King. He refused to give Jake back, told Bradley to forget about the child but he couldn’t. Deep down Bradley knew he loved his brother, and oh god what will his parents say? He needed to get Jake back.
“You have thirteen (13) hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us,,forever.”
It was a piece of cake. Bradley walked with confidence until he realized there was no openings inside the labyrinth.. luckily a nice worm told him the trick. The labyrinth is not at all as it seemed. There were stoned hands pointing in every-which direction. Bradley pulls out a marker he had stashed in his one of his pockets, this place is so confusing, he writes an arrow in the direction he’s going to keep track of where he had been. “I’m coming Jake,”
“I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry, what could I do? My baby’s love has gone, and left my baby blue! Nobody knew, what kind of magic spell to use.”
Among the many failings in Bradley’s journey, he did meet a short cranky Goblin with the name Jester, something he found quite odd, Hester’s were supposed to be funny and he was nothing but disdain, he was however fascinated with Bradley’s bracelets. The next goblin he met was tall, shy, and enjoyed talking to rocks and making friends, he called himself Slider.
And after a run in with a bunch of Fierys they ended up in the big of enteral stench. Where the encountered yet another Goblin. Small feisty and energetic creature that looked to be a mix of a fox and a squirrel, everyone called him Mav.
Onward the party went to the Goblin Kingdom, Jester offered Bradley a peach. Once Bradley took a bite of the peach he collapsed, and he dreamed of a glamorous ball you’d read in those fantasy books. Bradley himself was dressed in layers of flowy fabric and glitter. He laughed and he danced, smiling and never wanting to wake up from it.
“There's such a fooled heart beatin' so fast. In search of new dreams, a love that will last within your heart. I'll place the moon within your heart. As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill is gone, wasn’t too much fun at all. But I’ll be there for you, as the Word falls down.”
When Bradley did awake he was in the comfort of his room with foggy memories. All his cherished possessions were there. His stuffed animals, his books, his slippers and his favorite board game. The posters and playbills lining the wall, his music box and vinyl records that he was gifted from his dad before he passed. Everything was in place and as it was, but something was wrong. A little book on his desk caught his eye, Labyrinth. The words of strength echoed in his head, “you have no power over me,” looking around. This was a distraction! He needed to get out. Tearing at the posters and walls everything crashing around him. Out, out, out!
As the hole in the wall opened, Mav and Slider were there helping him out. They quickly made it to the gates of the goblin kingdom. They came across a giant metal gollum standing guard at the gates where Jester came into the rescue to defeat it! At last inside the City! Goblin guards flooded to town to try and stop the party but thankfully with the help of Slider’s rock friends it was a breeze.
They arrive at the castle, “I need to go in alone, thank you for all of your help” “if you should ever need us, for anything at all, we’ll be here.”
Inside the castle was even more twists and turns, stairwells that were sideways, and upside down, leading to one room and out another. “JAKE!” And there baby Jake sat on the stairs giggling like he’s been having a good stay inside the caste. He doesn’t notice Bradley as he begins to crawl up the stairs. “Jake wait?!” Bradley dashes down the stairwell where he ended up on the opposite side of the room from his brother. He tried again and again to no avail as the Goblin walked along the stairs as well to watch the chaos.
Finally Bradley and The Goblin King confront each other.
“Everything that you have wanted, I have done. You asked for the child to be taken, I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted living up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Bradley was quiet as he tried his best to remember the lines from his book. The same book his dad always read, the one his dad worked hard to write and publish. His favorite story.
“Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City. For my will is as strong as yours, and my-“
“STOP! Wait, look Bradley, look what I’m offering you. Your dreams.”
“And my kingdom as great.”
The Goblin King became frantic, showing Bradley an orb that held his dreams
“I ask so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.”
Bradley thought hard, this was the part he had trouble remembering.
“Kingdom as great,, Damn. I can never remember that line.”
“Just fear me, love, do as I say. And I will be your slave.”
King Ice demanded, he was at the end of his rope and Bradley knew it. If he could just remember the line!
“My kingdom as great,,,my kingdom as great,, you have no power over me!”
The orb was thrown up in the air. And King Ice disappeared and a snowy owl is what remained. The world began to fall into itself. Everything went black.
Bradley woke up in his bed once again. Was this another trick? Was this real? He looked aver at his shelf and noticed a bear was missing. He quickly got out of bed and stumbled down the hall to his parents room where the crib stood to the side. Peering into and seeing his baby brother, Jake, lay sleeping peacefully with the missing bear in his clutches. All is well and Bradley finally breathed easy. Turning of the lights to the room and returned to his own.
His parents arrived home and for once he didn’t feel angry for once. He tidied his room, putting the books away, and the playbills in the drawer of his desk. He sits down at the desk and stares off into near by mirror.
“Goodbye, Bradley” he saw Slider in the mirror, turning around Bradley saw nothing there. He looked back in the mirror. “And remember Master Bradley, should you need us,,” Mav said solemnly. “Yes, should you need us, for any reason at all” Jester appeared looking solemn.
“I’ll always need you, I don’t know why, but every now and again, for no reason at all. I’ll need you.”
“Well why did you say so!”
Bradley turned around in his chair again and there they were his friends and other goblins he’s met on his journey. It was the best night of his life.
There was a snowy owl that sat outside the window. Watching as the small party go down. With a subtle nod it flapped it’s wings and flew away.
The return to the Goblin Kingdom, the snowy owl formed back to King Ice, and he smiled.
“Good job everyone” he greeted, “That went perfectly, I think Nick would have been proud!”
Long ago before there was Bradley there Nick Bradshaw, he found the Goblin Kingdom and had the adventure of a life time and in the end he had asked the Goblin King to do the same for his future child. Ice had agreed, it had been a long time since a human has visited the kingdom and he delighted everyone he befriended. Not only that but he also introduced Mav, a spirited Goblin, to Ice. Helping young Nick out was the least Ice could do..
Doodles below⬇️🔮
(Ft. Wolfman and Hollywood Goblins hehe)
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rosehippiefield · 4 months ago
A crt tv sat on the carpeted floor. It was old and square, with all of those weird buttons and little leds.
All that was played on the screen was field covered in snow, but it could also be the tv static. A serene scene, full of nostalgia.
There could be heard a child's giggle. It made the room warm when, behind the windows, a cold winter was raging outside.
She ran, happy, chasing invisible butterflies. Her laugh was like snowdrops, blooming in snow. Her moves were wild like roses, a beautiful sight in forests. Her head full of garden flowers and dreams, stuffed with every thought there is.
The screen showed two hares—it made her stop and think. Hares are beautiful, but hard to catch. Nothing like bunnies she saw on street markets, where animals were in cages, waiting and looking at the free sky.
Hypnotized by colors and soft furs, she touched the screen and felt electricity fly through her. From fingers to head, to heart, to legs. She blinked.
And she was standing in the middle of the field. Green, even if frost was catching edges nearing the forest. The view was beautiful, wrapped up in frozen breaths from her mouth. But she wasn't cold—spring was coming.
Above high, magpies flew past her and their tails almost looked like paintbrushes that paint the sky. Hares circled her, wanting her to catch them. Playful but fast, faster than her legs.
They knew she was smart, they saw the flowers in her eyes. Who knew flowers could shine brighter than stars?
She didn't know if time stopped or if years passed, but the sun was higher and grass grew taller. Petals were scattered with every color she could think of. The wind was warm against her skin.
Hares came and went away to come again. It all felt like seconds.
"Will you stay with us?"
The question was asked once, but with the power of thousands of times. Was it the first one, or did she forget all the other questions?
Did she have a choice? She lost sight of tv and her childhood carpets. But she wanted to stay. And she could choose her ways.
She could pick to become a hare and run in opposite directions. She could pick a magpie and fly on painted skies. She could choose bees or squrrels or even grass or clouds or trees.
But all those colors she could see—purples, greens, browns and blues. It all looked like someone she knew.
She didn't even have time to think and her world began to change. And the world began to hear about a beautiful Rose born from dreams.
A rose, not exactly what she wished for, as nature does things fast and listens later. The only fruits of rose could Rose give now were her thoughts and words of wisdom. Embracing others with a velvet, red cloth—warm and soft in touch.
When Rose asked, people thought hard. When Rose sang, words went across the whole field. Flowers singing, wind spreading wings, animals wanting more. Befriending golden moons, suns, rivers and seas.
Smart and nice, open for starry nights. Sometimes she hid behind her leaves. But she was sweet and had a heart made of gold. Traveling through seasons and fields.
The only rose having rosehips.
(for the description fanfic! I may have bent some things to my liking, but my brain wanted it that way so I went with the flow. It is kinda a prolog to Rose's poem story bc why not :33)
Wow Goldy I'm blown away, this is so beautiful!
This story indeed feels like a metaphorical backstory
I love all the references to our talks (maybe I haven't found all), they are so interwoven into the story it feels natural. The tv of nostalgia, the hares and magpies (I didn't expect them and it made me smile). Dreamy girl that didn't want to leave the mesmerising world of magic, that didn't want to leave the whimsical childhood, and thus became part of that world too... As a rose, of course. I love the way you describe the Rose, I'm honored)
The last paragraphs make me think about being on Tumblr (because where else do I get to be a rose), where I get to post my opinions and befriend Golden Moons. I thought about Tumblr analogy when you wrote poem story (like we're apart but still interacting, creating special atmosphere), and here it feels like a logical conclusion. Even if it's not intentional I like to interpret it that way
Also, I feel like there are references to my fanfic description with brushes of magpies tails (I thought it would be fire lol) and flowers brighter than stars. It's like our stories are interconnected
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hernakedmuse · 2 years ago
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Liz and Billy
II. Should I Stay or Should I Go
Warnings: Allusions and tales of infidelity. Mentions of alcohol abuse.
Disclaimer: it will get more exciting after this chapter.
♡♡Colson POV♡♡
Six days and twelve hours.
I didn't text her, but I was keeping up with every single Instagram post and every single snap story.
And we haven't spoken since the day she came over to fix my life and left it as soon as. Well that's not true, she texted me a verse from Goodnight Moon on the night of.
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere 🌟 🌃 
I've been reading that text for six days, once every hour.
She's strange, she never puts on a show but the way she talks you think she does. Always speaking with that Mid-Atlantic accent and in quotes, Megan says she has always been like that.
It's like she walked right off an old movie and into the 21st century, so fucking beautiful. About 5'3 of pure tease. Dewy and rosy, olive skin, a perfect China bob that frames her perfectly round, moon face. Full, wide lips below a cute pug nose that I might have fantasized biting. And those fucking eyes, those eyes are just as famous as her hair and her ass, her thick, juicy, Bonita applebaum ass. When I first saw Minka Farrah on TV, it was a really good horror film, Possession, she starred in it and she was mostly naked. They never showed between her legs and now after what Megan told me, I know why. But the world saw plenty else, her perfect dump truck ass, all hers and you can tell the difference between silicone and real. 
So thick with wide hips and shapely thighs, she's soft and curvy with an hourglass dip in her waist and a soft stomach, and perky soft looking very small tits. Probably double As, when she pushes them together with her arms they knock down a letter, and the nipples are huge, puffy, and so pink they were almost cherry-tipped. I've written a lot of songs I didn't dare release about them. Her iconic ass drew me in like her iconic eyes, a perfect shade of violet, a mixture of indigo-purplish almost blue hues. They always look like they're flirting, with very thick, long black eyelashes and a hooded appearance.
Have I always lusted after Minka? Yes. Do I have a crush on her ever since she fed me and listened to me? No, she's just a friend I happen to find hot. I think Dom's hot and we only fucked around like once.
They always say sex dreams almost never have anything to do with sex, there has to be a psychological meaning behind me dreaming about stuffing her hole with my cock, watching her ass red from hand bouncing all juicy on my thighs as she looks over her shoulders at me with her violet-blue eyes.
"Yeah, it means you wanna psychologically fuck her rectum up." That's what Pete said to me when I told him.
I missed her though.
I missed how she heard that I was toxic to Megan and yet she still wanted to make sure I was okay, I missed how the short amount of time she was in my house made it feel like a real home and not a party pad. I missed that she made me breakfast and talked to me. She's so easy to talk to, and doesn't want anything from me. 
I found out where she was, I had to see her. She was filming a movie down at the studio. When I pulled up she was walking out looking fucking unreal, in a pink skirt with green stems and flowers that looked like a sarong, easily I could make out the shape of her thick thighs, her little cherries were hidden beneath a cropped green vest with gold animal buttons, and to complete her style were creamy caramel and white cowgirl boots. She was laughing at something a good looking, edgy, tall blonde guy was saying, and I wanted to knock his teeth out. I recognized him as Henry Creel from Stranger Things.
I rolled down the window of my F-Pace and her stunning lavender-blue eyes finally acknowledged me. She looks so happy to see me, take that Stranger dick. This girl's smile is out of this world, her plump pink lips spread to reveal her pretty and slightly crooked teeth that strangely turn me on, especially that gap between her two front teeth. Such a cutie.
"Colson!" She ran over to me and I got out of the car, she wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled her close and kissed her head. She smells amazing, woody, earthy, and floral like a fairy.  
"Hey Mink." 
She stood on her toes with a little bounce  to reach up and ruffle my carnation pink hair. I briefly closed my eyes at the feeling of her fingers in my hair. "Needs a touch up, it's fading." She commented with a hum.
"Oh you're a hairdresser now?"  I teased.
She giggled, all teeth and crinkled eyes as her nose scrunched up like a bunny.  "Well my cousin Alicja is. She teaches me everything."
"Not your stylist?"
"I don't have one." She said simply and kissed my cheek. "Darling, are you up for introductions or shall I give my apologies to Jamie?" She gestured to the tattooed string bean, like I had room to talk.
"I just wanna hang out with you, not trying to be a dick but I mean…it's been six days."
She laughed softly and playfully pinched my cheek. "He's been counting, how cute." 
I rolled my eyes and she gave my hand a gentle squeeze with her soft one. "I'll tell him you're not feeling well, give me a second, gorgeous." With that term of endearment She ran back over to the actor.
Jamie looked disappointed, but only to see Minka go. I bit back a frown when she gave him a peck on the lips and a chest-pressed hug before running back to me.
I honestly don't know why I did it, but I wrapped my arm around her and opened the car door before practically placing her in.
"Let's go to your place and have lunch, I'll make it." She suggested. "But we should stop for candy and wine." She exclaimed. 
I laughed "Sounds chill, but maybe we should Doordash it, I'm not prepared to get ambushed."
"That's true, oh but you know what's better than Doordash? Kai-dash, I'll text Kaiden. What teeth rotting goodies do you want?"
"You have good taste, you decide."
Megan was at the spa, she usually spends a while there before going to get a botox touch up. Casie is at her mom's for a couple days, so it was going to be just the two of us.
"Kaiden will be here with our snacks in twenty minutes." She said as she followed me inside. 
"Does he want to chill with us?" I hoped that would be a big fat no, kinda just need some Minka time, she's therapeutic. 
"No, he has plans, I promised not to bother him for the rest of the day.'' She smiled. "May I take off my shoes?"
"Yeah of course, get comfortable. "
I really shouldn't have said that, especially with my kinks. Because when she sat down and removed her boots and everything, the most beautiful well pedicured pair of feet whorishly revealed themselves to me. They looked soft and smooth, painted a dusky rose color and trimmed to perfection.  I wanted to suck on each toe, I needed them rubbing all nine inches of me.
She took my staring the wrong way though and looked sheepish. "What's wrong with my feet?"
"Shit, nothing, the color is really nice." Good cover, Col.
She relaxed and gave me that pretty smile of hers. "Oh, thank you. It's teak rose by Revlon. Maybe I'll paint yours later, okay?"
She's so sweet, and has no idea that I'm imagining ungodly situations with those model pair of feet.
"I'll get started on making lunch." 
I got up to follow her. "Need any help?"
"No thank you, you can relax, let me take care of you."
"I'll just chill in there with you." So I've been in a clingy mood lately.
She didn't seem to mind though. "Sounds perfect, you can choose the music. "
I told Alexa to play the Appetite for Destruction album and Minka lit up like a Christmas tree. "This is one of my favorite albums!"
I felt myself grinning. "Yeah? That's fire, I love that 80s rock."
"Me too, Duff McKagan is one of the best bassists of all time, definitely giving props to his punk roots." Could she be any more perfect? When girls talk music, it's so hot.
 "You a punk fan?"
She nodded enthusiastically.  "The Clash and Theatre of Hate are my favorite bands."
"The Clash is fire, Theatre of Hate I never heard of."
"I need to show you them, they're from England early 80s. Lead singer was romantically involved with Boy George, basically all of Culture Club's music is about Kirk Brandon, the lead singer of Theatre of Hate."
"Holy shit, you know a lot. Why didn't you go into music?'
"I'm a homebody, I don't know if I could tour."
I nodded. "Makes sense, I'm a homebody myself and it can get a lot."
"Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed on tour, call me up Colson, I mean it." She said it with such tenderness, I felt that shit in my throat. 
'`You didn't mention you aren't musically talented, are you?' I decided it was safe to change the subject.
As she was cooking she briefly looked at me with a secret smile. "I'll never tell."
"You and your secrets. "
"They're all I have to myself. And clearly that's not even true anymore." She was referring to the recent apparent scandal.  It was fucked up to call it that. Makes me mad all of the ignorant assholes on social media, it got so bad she had to take down her socials.
I felt an overwhelming urge of protectiveness over the sweet little actress, and went over pulling her in a bear hug. She hugged my arm and kissed it. Her smell and how she feels in her arms was too good, too comfortable, I didn't want to let her go, didn't want her to leave, just wanted to shield her from the world.. 
We stayed like that for a while, and she went back to making lunch. I checked my phone when the doorbell rang, and saw Kaiden. So I got the snacks from him before he ran off to a hookup judging by that smile.
Looking in the bag I saw cherry peel able twizzlers, a box of See's Candies chocolates, Milano's, Godiva chocolate covered strawberries, Haribo rainbow worms and happy cherries, Albanese gummy bears, sour patch kids, Ferrero rocher bars, some Häagen-Dazs, 
"Lunch is ready."
"Smells so good, what did you make?"
"Bang bang tacos and shrimp quesadillas."
"Tryna fatten me up? I know I'm skin bones." I laughed. "I'm shocked you're not married by now."
"28 is much too young to get married! And as much as I admire Elizabeth Taylor, I don't want seven names, I want my forever."
For some reason, my imagination went wild, thinking of this as an everyday occurrence.  My arm around her curvy little build, as she's cooking over the stove, laughing at something I said. 
It's not cool, I'm engaged to Megan. Even if I'm starting to feel like somebody else gets me.
"But you've been asked."
She looked up at me with her lavender-blue gaze as she put my plate together. "What would you like to drink?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
She took out sparkling lime waters from the fridge and sliced up some lime to put it in. 
"Who was it?" I didn't mean to ask s aggressively, but I had to know who had tried their hand at claiming her and failed.
"Which time?''
Why am I not surprised? "Go in order." I put everything on a tray and I took it to carry to the living room. 
"At sixteen–".
She laughed at my frown. "Sixteen, I wasn't even seeing anyone, I was a shy little virgin who was newly starting acknowledging myself as Minka. My best friend at the time, her dad, offered to leave his wife for me, marry me, and pay for my surgery."
I was really pissed off that some grown ass man tried to take advantage of a kid like that. Especially Minka.
I sat down and she joined me. "What a creep, I'm sorry you had to go through that."
She shrugged. "It doesn't phase me, I just honestly thought about how depressed I'd be if I left my family. I never considered it. Then at eighteen it was my boyfriend, Taylor. He was a trans man, related to some beatniks who did really well for themselves, he himself was a punk which was funny considering he grew up with three houses. He owned five motorcycles and four sportscars. He was forty two."
I got my stash out and started rolling.
"I cannot imagine you with some wannabe bad boy. " I laughed. "You always with an old man?"
"You're quite right, I much prefer the real ones. But yes I love older men, they're obsessive and that suits me. But I said no to Taylor, but not at first." She grinned like the cat that got the cream.
"Wait, you were engaged!?"
She laughed and took a bite out of a taco the same time I did. Damn if I could choose what to eat everyday. 
"For seven days, in London. He had a flat there in SoHo. Seven wonderful days, he proposed to me with Elizabeth Taylor's ring from Richard Burton that he bought off of Kathy Ireland."
"You and your old people."
She playfully slapped my arm. "Hush, I'm storytelling!" He giggled. "I can stop anytime."
"No" I touched her knee. "Don't. So, he proposed with your idol's ring…
She nodded.  "Seven days we were engaged."
"What happened to Prince charming?"
"I missed my family, I cried calling my mother. I was sobbing in Polish on the phone, you'd think I was kidnapped. Poor Taylor… I have such an attachment to my family. Even now, i bought Jerzy, my brother , a house two doors down from mine and Petra lives there with him, my sister."
"Was Taylor your last proposal?"
She laughed. "Absolutely not, the year before I became big I met Jamie when we were visiting my mother's sister, Aunt Ewa, in London. It was 2014. We stayed in the summer. I met Jamie at a show. His band didn't know it, his band is a side but they're so good. He saw me in the first row and took me backstage. We spent every day together, mamusia loved him." She looked a little conflicted at the moment. "The youngest man I've been with and he's seven years older. Well, it was my happiest relationship. We had so much in common, and I could handle his alcohol problems. " I took a drag of my joint feeling of jealousy and anger course through me. "Even when it got bad, even when he hid me from everyone. Only my siblings knew we were together. My parents thought we were just best friends, and he got me a role in a movie…he wanted me to be a star." I offered her a smoke but she shook her head and continued. "When the summer was ending he didn't want to lose me. He proposed to me in secret, even though he was already engaged to Lily Collins. I knew that but I was too caught up to care, I get so romantic sometimes. He proposed to me with an amethyst and diamond engagement ring, for my eyes and my birthstone. I wore it on a necklace and hid it. He got me a spot in the West End theater and told my parents, so I could stay with him." She smiled but it didn't meet her beautiful eyes. "And it worked, and  he put me up in a SoHo townhouse he bought for me for us, away from Lily and his family. I was trained in the west end and quickly got put in films. He was my manager…my best friend, and my fiancé. It was…well it became a little much and after two years I permanently moved back to America.  But he didn't allow anyone to try and seduce me or woo me. We were still engaged. Up until three years ago." She got up and headed to the kitchen, I followed as I felt so much rage. 
She found a bottle of wine and poured a glass. 
"Hold the fuck up, is that the same Stranger Things dick I saw you with today?!"
She took a big gulp and nodded "We're friends now, we've been good for a year, we're good now. I just…going through the memories again–"
"Minka, what the fuck– I don't want you to–"
"You have no right, don't start talking mad now darling. " She set the glass down and walked her hip swaying walk into the living room. 
"Mink, fuck. I don't give a fuck what you say– fuck, he still wants you! This sounds toxic–
"Colson, darling. Let's not get hysterical." She climbed into my lap and cupped my face, I couldn't breathe. My nostrils flared like a bull from rage and sexual frustration, and all I can smell is her. I think about Jamie acting like it's all fine but it isn't and I want to beat his face in. He thinks he still has her. The thought of him touching her having her…I want to kill him, why am I feeling like this?
I pulled her close, gripping her hips so tight. I noticed her pretty face wince, her skirt was bunched up around her shapely thighs. I pressed my forehead against hers. 
"Take a deep breath now love, in…" I inhaled like she said. "And exhale…" I let go and closed my eyes, she guided my head to her chest and she stroked my hair, it felt so nice. 
"Now button, it's dirt under a rug isn't it? Nothing to upset your stomach over, hmm? Now Jamie knows we are just friends. I have made it clear, we have been through too much to never say anything to one another again." She kissed my head and I hugged her closer. "Let's watch your favorites, okay monkey?"
I laughed gently. "I'm not a baby you know."
"Of course you are! You're my baby." She was teasing but I didn't want her to. The thought was nice. 
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