#i made this gif on my phone so that’s why the quality is ugh
casismybestfriend · 2 years
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Damn, I can’t believe it…
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
i love your writing so much i can't resist from requesting -
im an AS student and man these exams are not easy I've been pulling all nighters and its obviously effecting on me a lot and i don't have a thoma in my life T^T
can i request thoma x reader (modern AU) where she is pulling all nighters, skipping meals, etc while thoma is away on a buisness trip or something (with the Kamisato siblings) and when he gets back to home he sees her almost passed out with a fever and he takes care of her and helps her get back on her feet again ^^
feel free to ignore this <3
have a nice day/night and take care :D
Thanks, I'm glad to hear that<3
Ugh yeah, studying and exams are hard, but please do take care of yourself! That's still the most important thing to do.
But honestly, you're so right. Everyone should have a Thoma in their life. So, allow me to prepare something. Hope that it helps to relax you a bit as well<3
Pairing: Thoma x reader
Content: gender neutral reader; Modern AU; burnout; stress; exams suck; comfort; being taken care of when sick
Word count: 1,8k words
Enjoy the ride!
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Studying was hard.
In fact, it was one of the worst things on this planet to ever exist. Why do people have to go through this for multiple years in their life?
It was already hard enough to stay focused and not get distracted by literally anything else. Even the most minute thing could normally easily steal your attention away.
Yet right now, you had to endure. A hard week was coming your way, two very important exams were approaching, with a third one being scheduled the week after.
You have been studying non stop for a few days now, but somehow, nothing seemed to stay in your head, every word you read seemed to be thrown out your head again at the next second.
So, instead of taking a break and just giving yourself even a few minutes of rest, you just studied even harder. Days became longer and longer and before you knew it, you were studying well into the night, but you couldn't help it.
Those exams were very important, it could possibly ruin your entire future if you were to fail even one of them. At least, that's what you're telling yourself.
To your (mis)fortune - however you wanna look at it now - your boyfriend Thoma, who usually would be pestering you by now to finally take a break, wasn't around for a few weeks, since he went on a trip with a few of his friends.
At first, he wanted to bail out of it, so he could stay with you and support you through these tough weeks. But you insisted that he went on the trip, said it would be good for him to get out and spend some quality time with his friends.
In the end, he reluctantly agreed to it, but he still made sure to text you every day, reminding you to take care of yourself and to not overwork yourself.
Each time you got a text like that from him, you felt guilt well up inside you, from how you so easily ignored his worries about you and your health. Yet, every time again, you pushed those feelings down again, telling you that you had no time for them right now.
You were currently deep into yet another study session again, your head already pounding from the constant stress and influx of information, when your phone gave off a text notification next to you.
The screen lit up once you looked at it, showing you a new message from Thoma and also told you that it was already almost midnight again.
'You still up?', was the message displayed on your screen. You hesitated on wether or not you should respond to him, knowing that he would most likely scold you for staying up so late again. But in the end, you decided on just answering him.
'Yeah, I am. What's up?', you replied back to him.
You waited a few seconds for his answer, but instead of a new message came the notification of an incoming video call. Confused but also pleasantly surprised, you accepted the call and were soon greeted with the handsome face of your boyfriend Thoma, which you haven't seen in quite some time. God, how did you only now realise how much you missed him?
"Hey", he said, his voice sounding a bit off thanks to the quality of the phone, but that's okay. At least you got to hear his voice again.
"Hey", you answered back with a soft smile, taking in his surroundings. He was laying on his stomach, holding his phone in front of him with one hand, while the other rested under his chin on a pillow. In the background, you could hear soft snoring.
"Is that Ayato snoring in the background?", you laughed, but Thoma seemed to be used to it at this point.
"Yeah. I'm actually not surprised you hear that, but trust me, it's so much louder when your in the same room as him. He sleeps like a stone and his snoring has kept me up so many times. Like today."
You nodded in understanding. While Thoma may not snore, your previous partner sure did, and it robbed you of your sleep more times than you could count.
"How are you, (name)? Taking enough breaks?", he asked, even managing to give you a pointed look through the camera of the phone. You briefly debated on just telling him yes so he would feel better, but you couldn't bring yourself to lie to Thoma. Not when he was so earnestly concerned about you.
"More or less..", you opted to respond, thinking it would not sound too bad. Yet, knowing you for this long, Thoma knew exactly what that meant.
"(Name)...", he sighed, pinching his nose with his free hands. But before he could go on a full blown rant, you tried changing the subject.
"Let's not talk about that, okay. I'll manage and I don't want to ruin the good mood of your trip. I hope you're having fun by the way."
Thoma looked at you for a few seconds, deciding on wether or not to just go with it. "I know what you're trying to do here. Just... promise me you won't take it too far, okay. Don't neglect yourself, take breaks and remember to eat something."
"Thoma.. I can't really promise you, but I'll try, okay?"
He sighed again, but agreed to that with a reluctant "Alright.", since he knew that this would probably be the best he would get out of you. He really hated how you had this habit to just not take care of yourself when you were stressed, which is why he didn't want to go on this trip in the first place.
But, you were right after all. He really needed this trip to get out for a bit and breath some fresh air, and he had a lot of fun with both Ayato and Ayaka. You were initially invited to join them as well, but sadly had to decline because it would overlap with your exams.
The two of you talked for quite a bit about all kinds of things. The stuff the three of them had been up to during their trip, where they went to (since it was a road trip) and stuff like that. Hearing about it, you were really sad you couldn't join them, but that's just how things are now.
Before ending the call, Thoma informed you that they probably would be back by the end of next week, which was also when you would finally be done with all your exams. Then, you could finally rest again and enjoy some much needed quality time with your boyfriend again.
"Good night, (name). I love you."
"I love you too, Thoma. Good night."
And after that, your screen went black again, and you were suddenly all alone again in your quiet room, with nothing to occupy your mind but the constant need to study and get better.
So, with a deep sigh, you got back to work.
It was finally done. The last test has been dealt with, it was over.
You arrived at your apartment, utterly exhausted. You had been ignoring the warning signs of your body for far too long, and yet you still insisted of pushing your own limits.
You started to develop a constant headache a few days ago, with the fever joining in two days ago. Yet you still pushed through, telling yourself that you were fine, that you were able to do this.
And you did do it, but now that you were falling onto your couch, finally able to relax for the first time in two weeks, you realized what you had done to yourself.
You had no strength left in you, no will to do anything at all. You were utterly exhausted and done, not being able to do anything but welcome the darkness that overcame you as you simply passed out on the spot.
"(Name)? I'm home!", Thoma yelled as he entered your apartment, using the spare key that you gave him. When no reply came back to him, worry began to rise even more. He had been texting you for the last three hours, telling you that he got back safely. But when you still didn't reply, his concern got the best of him, and he made his way over to your apartment.
"(Name)?", he tried again, while moving through the living space. Once he passed the living room, he saw you, laying on the couch, passed out. At first, thinking nothing of it, he smiled a little and made his way over to your side, crouching down next to you.
But when he saw the pained expression on your face and how sweaty you were, he instantly knew something was up. Without thinking, he gently picked you up into his arms to carry you to your bedroom, before he went to check on your temperature.
As he suspected, you had a fever.
"Damn it, (name).", he sighed. Seemed like he had to take care of you until you wake up again.
When you woke up again, you had no idea what time it was, but judging by the the lack of bright light coming form outside, it had to be either evening or night already.
Your head was still spinning a bit and when you went to touch your forehead, you noticed something cold and wet.
That's also when you realized that you weren't in the living room anymore, but actually your bedroom.
Still confused and trying to piece the missing information together, the door to your room swung open, revealing the form of your boyfriend Thoma to you.
"Thoma! You're back!", you exclaimed, trying to get out of the bed, but were quickly pushed back down again.
"Don't even think about getting up. Your fever is still way too high for you to be jumping around like that.", he scolded, which caused you to follow his instruction. Only now did you also notice that you were wearing your pyjama and not the things you collapsed in on the couch. He really took care of everything for you...
"I'm sorry..", you quietly mumbled, and you meant it. You felt bad and guilty for causing him to worry so much about you. Even worse that he had every right to do so, since you did work yourself sick.
Thoma sighed, sitting down on the bed, slowly extending a hand to stroke your hair a bit.
"Don't scare me like that again. You were passed out for hours. All I want is for you to be okay. I can only achieve that if you also start taking care of yourself."
"Okay.. I promise I'll take better care."
And he believed you. It was the only thing he could do, besides nursing you back to health right now. And you appreciated and loved him even more for putting up with you and still caring for you, despite all.
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nancypullen · 1 year
Typical Tuesday
Life moves at a snail’s pace here but so do I.  I used to be such a bouncy, bright gal until my ankles and feet decided to turn on me.  Now everything hurts and cracks, and scoffs at me when I say, “Hey we should dance!” Boy, I miss dancing.  I still shimmy around the kitchen when I cook, but sustained dancing for an hour or so seems like a big ask. Poor, poor me.
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I’m only thinking about that because I just tried making an appointment with an orthopedic doctor for a weird thing that’s causing pain in my left ankle, formerly known as my “good ankle”.  I was on hold for about ten minutes, went through the new patient song and dance with a very friendly young woman, gave all of my pertinent info, and then she said, “Okay, just as soon as your former doctor sends your medical records someone will call you to schedule an appointment.”  Well, crap.  I replied, “I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you will not request those records.”  She confirmed that, said I’d have to get them to fax the records, and hopefully everyone would do their part and I can see a doctor before my foot falls off.  Immediately after ending that call I placed a call to my doctor in Tennessee and said I needed my records to be faxed up here.  That not-so-nice lady said that would require an official form from the doctor’s office in Maryland, and blah blah blah.  I explained that they told me I had to make the request and maybe I get the form from them, or perhaps it could be emailed to me, or could I possibly find it on their (TN) website. I was battering her with all of the ways I might be able to get my hands on the form and get this done today, when she finally sighed and said, “Look just email me giving your permission to release the records and put your name and date of birth in the email.”   Now, was that so hard? I thanked her profusely and sent the email fifteen seconds after we hung up.  Who thinks that this will all go smoothly and I’ll get a call this week?  I’d say those odds are slim. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ll bet I have to request the records at least once more and won’t see a doctor before September. Ugh. But that’s not why I’m here.  I’m here because I don’t post enough and I’m trying to make myself show up.  It would help if I had something to actually write about but you’ll just have to bear with me. If I show up every day maybe my muse will show up too. Cross your fingers, light a candle, rub some beads.
Today started the way our days it always start. The mister gets up early and goes out for a long walk.  He likes to show off his healthy feet. He listens to audiobooks and watches the town wake up.  While he’s doing that I play word games on my phone (Wordle, Spelling Bee, Letter Boxed, Connections, etc). Then I have long conversations with the cats, eventually get up and make the bed, and ease into my day.  We’re very different people. For example, he’s been watching Wimbledon and he caught me tuned into the Hallmark channel’s Christmas in July.
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Don’t judge me. The world is on fire, I needed a dose of predictable sweetness with a happy ending. Speaking of sweetness, on Sunday we drove over to spend an afternoon with the Edgewater gang.  Everyone is getting ready to scatter on different trips, so we wanted to hug them before that happened.  Little Miss was as entertaining and fun as always.  We were treated to a mermaid water show in her pool, I played Barbies with her for a little while, and then she belly laughed while driving her cats bonkers with a laser pointer.  It was a full afternoon.  A big storm blew in and dumped tons of rain that same afternoon.  We made our exit when there was a break in the radar and raced the rain home.  As we started across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge I saw these big freighters lined up to head into port, and those ominous clouds hovering above them.  Yikes.
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That was snapped from a moving car so the quality isn’t great, but...anyone else notice there’s a chunk of the bridge missing?  I didn’t notice it when I took the picture, I was too busy looking at those ships.  Doesn’t look big enough to alter the integrity of the structure, but what the heck happened there?  Someone had a bad day.
On a happier note, I’ve got one sunflower fully opened and several nearly there. Aren’t they cheerful? I just love ‘em.
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Other things that give me pleasure are clean windows (how’s that for a segue?). My sister turned me on to this fabulous spray cleaner. 
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It’s amazing. Even better, it smells wonderful and it’s just $2.50!  I picked up my can at Walmart, I’m sure it’s sold elsewhere.  Anyway, it’s cheap, it leaves windows sparkling and streak-free, and the fragrance smells just like the lobby of the fancy-schmancy Grosvenor House Hotel in London.  No lie.  When we stayed there like the Clampetts a few years back it was one of the best parts of the stay - walking into that lobby and being enveloped in the fragrance.  I didn’t know if it was all of the fresh flowers, some special spray they used, or if that’s what loads of money smells like.  Whatever it was, you can have it in your home for $2.50.  I’m a fan. I’m not a fan of my hair. I mean, that’s not exactly news. It’s been an on-going battle since kindergarten.  I’ve let it grow again, it’s long again, and I look stuck in the 70′s. My hair behaves a little better when it’s long, the weight is like a Thunder Shirt. But I don’t think the length is a friend to my face, I know the style isn’t. To be fair, I go through this every year during July and August.  The height of summer heat and humidity always makes me want to shave my head. I was zipping along just fine in June, it wasn’t even hot.  Right around the 4th of July the sticky heat arrived and my hair lost its dang mind.  I’m walking around looking like this.
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So I’m spending lots of time on Pinterest looking at short haircuts.  I’m going to do it it’s just a matter of choosing a style (which won’t work), a place (good luck with that), and screwing up my courage.  We all know this will be a disaster.  It always is.  I don’t think I’ve even once walked into a salon and walked out feeling better.  It’s a generational curse.  But it’s been quite a while since I tempted fate, and I’m feeing so ugly lately anyway, might as well. Best case scenario, I end up with a cute, fresh style that I like. 
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 Worst case scenario, I look like Mrs. Claus. 
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It’s a safe bet that I have more Mrs. Claus tendencies than I do Helen Mirren tendencies. Darn.  If nothing else maybe it’s just time for a change.  Will I miss the ease of a ponytail or a big hair clip? Yep.  Will I miss this same, old, tired hairstyle? Nope.  Well, maybe.  There’s always comfort in what we know vs the unknown.    Finding a place is daunting.  I called the Ulta salon in Easton thinking that if the haircut sucked then at least I’d be inside Ulta and I could treat myself to a new lipstick or something.  They only have two stylists and a haircut and blowdry is $70.  I will start up the weedeater and let it cut my hair before I pay $70.  I don’t want to go to the salon that I visited in Denton, the owner cut my hair and she was delightful, but the haircut was not.  There are plenty of others in the area, mostly pricey, so I may just have to throw a dart and pick a place.  Or I could spend the rest of my life in a ponytail. Back to Pinterest...
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Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing me talk about my hair.
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Told you I didn’t have anything to write about, pretty sure the glass cleaner was the high point of this post.  I think I’ll head upstairs and soak in a bubble bath and lose myself in a book - a book where the main character has perfect hair. I hope that your week has been a delight so far.  I hope that you have had at least one good laugh and at least two moments of pure pleasure.  If not, hey, it’s only Tuesday!  There’s plenty of time. Sending out loads of love tonight. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Chapter 5: Now I’m in Exile
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 8,310 
Summary: Steve Rogers; a Hollywood A-lister and your clandestine occasional hookup. Best friends since childhood, but people change and friendships fall out. Now you were merely strangers with benefits. What happens when one day you stopped being his doormat to be a better man’s queen? The selfish Steve Rogers would not like it. How far is he willing to go to get his favorite possession back?
Warnings: smut, non-con/dub-con, dark Steve (in later chapter), angst, Steve Rogers is an asshole in this one, no redeeming qualities. (MUST BE 18+)
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @belovedcherry​​​ who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for being a friend when i truly needed it. i’m really glad that you trusted me to write this story for you. with all my heart, i sincerely hope you like it. this series will be updated every day.
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The calling tone reverberated in your hand as the beaming grin on your face mirrored on the screen. With every passing second, your anticipation grew. You couldn’t control your fidgeting so you took a deep breath and-
“Hey, boo!” Natasha’s voice modulated.
You lifted your right hand to the front camera’s level, revealing the rose golden Cartier wrapped finger as it glimmered under the light.
“Oh my God! Did he…?”
“Mhm,” you nodded. “I’m engaged, Nat!”
Natasha put a hand over her mouth, “holy shit! Girl, I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!” the gaiety on her face was palpable, you could feel it through the screen. There’s a reason why she and Wanda were the first people you passed the happy news to. After your parents of course.
“Thank you so much! I can’t believe it. Eight months ago, I thought I’d be single forever but here I am…”
“Yeah, things escalated quickly for you! Now you are someone’s fiancee and seven months pregnant. It’s mind-boggling,” she spoke like a proud sister. “I’m beyond happy for you. Really, I am.”
“I know this is probably too soon but, will you be my maid of honour, Nat?”
“You know damn well there’d be no wedding if you didn’t ask me to. Hell yeah, I will!”
“Ah, yes!” you hurrayed in excitement. “Alright, I’ll catch up to you later, okay? I gotta call Wanda too.”
“Do whatever you want boo, it’s your day.”
You hung up the phone and went through your contacts list, then clicked the phone number under Wanda’s name. The excitement bubbled up in your chest as you pictured the smile on her face when she sees the new lustrous thing on your finger.
Eight months earlier…
“Hey, y/n. It’s me, Adrian. It was a pleasure meeting you last night. How is the dress doing?”
“She is going for a dry cleaner. It was lovely to meet you too, except for the drink-spilling stain of course.”
“Sorry about that. But it got me your number and I would’ve done it again if that’s what it costs.”
You smiled down at your phone under the warm glow of the morning sunlight. “You showed me pictures of your dogs and cat so it’s a win-win situation for us both.” Wink emoji.
“Perhaps you and I could chat more about my dogs and my cat over a cup of coffee?”
“Will you promise you won’t spill the coffee on my shirt this time?”
“You have my word.”
“I’ll consider it, then.”
“Next Friday, at 7 PM. Write that down on your calendar.”
“I didn’t even say yes.”
He sent an adorable picture of his pomeranian dog looking up at him with pleading eyes. “How can you say no to this face?”
“Say no more. I’ll see you next Friday.”
Two weeks after the date.
You regurgitated your guts out in the toilet bowl and held up your hair, trying not to let the vomit splotch a strand of it. This was the third time you had to run to the loo to spew the queasiness in your body. You felt dizziness clouding your head. What the hell is wrong with your body? This had been a daily occurrence for the past one week.
You sat on the toilet lid after everything you swallowed earlier was out. You recollected every food that had made its way into your digestion the past couple of days… Did you eat something inedible? Perhaps that ice cream in your refrigerator had passed its expiration date, but you only bought it three days ago at the grocery store and you swore it could still last for two more months.
Maybe that shrimp that you ate at the Chinese restaurant with Adrian last night was stale. Ugh, you’re gonna need to talk to Adrian about this but you didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Perhaps, it was just another sickness caused by an unknown bad food.
But you also retrospected the shift in your body for the past couple of weeks. Your period was late this month… It should’ve started three days ago, what is happening? Could it be…? Oh no, there’s no way. You and Adrian hadn’t even moved it to the bedroom yet, so that means… If you are, then… It must be… Steve’s.
Oh hell no.
You recalled, the last time you and Steve met up for your weekly (sometimes more) hookup appointment was the day after you and Adrian met up for a coffee, which was your very first date with him. You didn’t know there would be plenty more to come so you went to what you had planted your soles so deep in, which was Steve Rogers’s penthouse in the upper east.
He had you on top with your arse facing him because he enjoyed the view better than your face. You struggled to bounce yourself up and down on his massive size. He could be such a sluggard sometimes but a man like him would always get his way, and if he needed to fuck out some tension, then he’d use you as a masturbation aid for as long as he wanted.
His grip on your hips was ruthless, you knew it was going to cause some bruises tomorrow but you couldn’t care any less. Not when he was pulling you down this deep that you could feel him penetrating your womb. His grunts filled your ears with eroticism and you picked up your pace to help him reach his climax. You shut your eyes with your mouth hanging open as soft moans escaped through your lips. You clenched around him and you felt his cock throbbed, you knew it was coming. Literally. Your coil shattered just a few seconds before he released his seed deep inside you. He pulled out and went to the bathroom to clean himself up and left you rumpled on the couch.
He left to Atlanta the next day to shoot a new movie. Something about an organization reinforced by the Nazi during World War II, and how the Captain leads an elite combat unit to the battle against an organization called Hydra. You didn’t know that until you looked it up on the internet.
You hadn’t received another booty call for him ever since. He was probably sleeping with twenty-something-year-olds models in Atlanta though.  
And you had made peace with the tragic reality you were stuck in. You had accepted the reality that you and Steve were like riding down a dead-end street. There was no making love on Sunday mornings and have brunch together afterwards. There was no settling down in a countryside house where your kids could run around barefoot on the front yard. There was no marriage vows and walking down the aisle in white for you.
But all that changed when you decided to take a pregnancy test and the result revealed that you were indeed pregnant. You took three more and the results were all the same. Fucking hell. What the hell are you going to do now?
You had to call Steve, right? He was the father after all. You couldn’t tell Adrian because he would despise you for sleeping with another man and possibly carrying his child and he probably would never want to talk to you anymore. He’d probably regret knowing you at all. And you didn’t want to send him away. You liked him, he was good for your heart and the more you explored him, the more mesmerized you become by his magnetic force.
You were distraught. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know whom to call, so you just sat there in the tenebrosity of your room, out of options and out of clue.
Eventually, you collected your nerves and you dialled Steve’s number. He didn’t answer. He told you once that he didn’t like being called unless he called you first so you never did, but this time, you had to speak to him. “Please, pick up…” you prayed while on the verge of breaking down completely.
You were directed to his voice mailbox.
“This is Steve Rogers and if I’m not picking up that probably means you shouldn’t be calling me.”
Beep. “Hey Steve, I’m really sorry for calling you this late but I really need to talk to you. Please, it’s urgent.”
Three hours later and there were still no callbacks. You had sent him twenty-eight text messages and his voice mailbox was full. If you waited one more goddamn second, you’d lose your mind. So you picked up your phone and bit the bullet and typed the words; “I’m pregnant and you are the father. Please call me back so we can talk about it.”
It was around 4.30 AM when you checked the time on your lock screen. You were fatigued; both physically and emotionally. You had to unwind from every quandary that impinged you today. It was a lot and you were at a complete loss, but you’ll figure it out tomorrow.
You didn’t sleep well that night, you kept waking up whilst it was still dark out, and you had to wake up at 7.30 tomorrow for work. You kept looking at the sleek device that was left unmuted on your bedside table in case Steve called back. He didn’t though. You only slept for an hour and you really wanted to take a day off but you’d lose your mind if you were left alone with your thoughts and no distraction. So you got out of bed, took a shower and prepared for work, with your thoughts filled with the future of this baby growing inside you and Steve. Why hasn’t he called back or even text at all? Does he really think so little of you?
The impulse to check your phone and call and text him every five minutes was adamantine. You tried to control the itch of sending him another text and voicemail but it failed until you read the words ‘not delivered’ in red under the last text message that you just sent. You tried to resend it over and over again and even tried to write a new message but it was the same result.
You moved to your call feature but after a single ring, you were diverted to voicemail. It took you a few seconds to realize that Steve had blocked you. You went to the last media to reach out to him and it was through his Instagram account. You didn’t even follow each other and you were certain that he received thousands of DMs and notifications every day from his obsessive fans. He had 39 million followers for God’s sakes, the hell is one message from you going to mean anything?
But you were despondent and you needed someone to go through this with, especially the father himself. You did it anyway without thinking twice and told him that you were pregnant and you needed to talk to him. You even sent a picture of those three pregnancy tests and attached it on your message. You couldn’t stop biting your lip and tapping your foot throughout the entire way to your work in the train. Man, were you really going to raise this child alone?
Three days later and still no signs of him attempting to return your messages. You had slowly accepted your fate that you were going to carry and raise this child alone. You still hadn’t told Adrian despite talking to him every day and it crushed your heart whenever you heard his elated tone. You could tell that he was really into you and he wanted to take this relationship further but sorrowfully, one way or another, you were going to have to tell him the secret growing in your belly and you were going to have to slaughter this exquisite potential. You wondered if the circumstances were different or you had met at another time or in another universe, would Adrian be the one you were meant to be with?
You made a promise to yourself that you were going to meet him tomorrow and tell him the truth. Delaying it wouldn’t make it any easier and it wouldn’t prevent the doom from happening. If anything, it would only elongate the hurt. So you picked up your phone after you cerebrated it on your mind and clicked on Adrian’s chat room; “meet me at the Drive Brew Cafe tomorrow? Got something I’d like to talk about.”
“Is it something really urgent or you’re just looking for an excuse to see me?” Wink emoji.
“Oh, stop flattering yourself. We really need to talk.”
“Usually, I’d ask a person the matter before I’d decide that it’s important enough for me to meet them in person but I’m giving you a pass.”
“Very generous of you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You arrived ten minutes earlier than the time you both agreed to meet at. The cafe wasn’t too crowded, thank God, so you immediately ordered a cup of Machiatto for Adrian and a cup of hot chocolate to calm your nerves. After the barista called your name, you walked to the corner booth before anyone could occupy it first. You were going to need some privacy. You sat as your hands trembled from edginess. You couldn’t stop fidgeting and tapping your foot as the second passed by on the clock.
Exactly on 6.30 PM, a dashing brunet in a dark grey vest and rolled-up sleeves entered and you stood up to greet him. He just came home from work and man, it was impossible for him to ever look bad even for once, you were so lucky but life just kept finding a way to eliminate the people you cared about.
“Hey, you look good.” his British accent was thick. He kissed your cheek and embraced you with a warm smile.
“So do you. How was work?” You both sat on the opposite chairs of the booth.
“The ordinary. We had a meeting with a director of this historical film to get us to fund the project. How was yours?” The genuinely curious look on his face nearly changed your mind. Oh, how you wish you could hold on to this moment where you could still have him a little longer.
“Nothing new, just another day at work. This one’s for you by the way.” You didn’t know what more to say when your mind was cluttered so you stalled by passing over his drink.
“So, what’s so important that you needed to see me?”
“Adrian, you know, I really like you, right?” you took his hand in yours as you stared into his striking eyes. “And I’ll always be grateful that you were foolish enough to ruin my dress that night.”
He was perplexed. His eyebrows were furrowed. “As much as I enjoy your companion, I’m sure that you didn’t call me to meet you only to thank me for wrecking your dress, right?”
“Yeah, but um… I just, it’s been wonderful knowing you. And… Oh God, this is going a lot harder than I thought.”
He nodded. A dejected look on his face that you wished you could wipe out. “Let me save you the trouble… You are breaking up with me.” He didn’t say it as if he was guessing, he said it as if it was a declaration that he’d figured out before you could even formulate the words.
“Adrian… I’m pregnant. And you’re not the father, so don’t worry. I know when you first asked me out, this isn’t what you signed up for. So I’m setting you free. I’m sorry.”
You expected him to get up and walk out of the door, leaving you with your alienation but none of that was detected on his expression or his body language. “Who is the father?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Try me.”
“Don’t I at least deserve to know who my girlfriend is sleeping with before I even took her to my bed?”
Girlfriend. Huh. Well, that’s first.
“Steve Rogers.”
“Steve Rogers the actor?”
He snickered. That drew a mystification out of you. “What’s so funny?”
“So you’re into the arsehole type.”
“…How do you know what kind of person he is?”
“The movie that we had a meeting about today? He’s going to star in it and I’ve met him a couple of times at some parties. Not the nicest guy, eh?”
“I don’t… I don’t know what to say.”
He sipped a bit of his coffee. “How did you get involved with a bloke like him?”
So you told him everything; the beginning of your friendship, the fallout, the moment he took your V-card in your dorm, and how years later, he still had you on a chokehold. He didn’t seem to mind one bit that the woman that he had been seeing had a history with someone. He’d dealt with much worse scenarios in his former dating lives. He wasn’t going to let other man’s neglected baby stand in the way of what could be something beautiful.
“I’m not walking away.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m staying. I like you and I know you feel the same way too. We are going to raise this baby together. No child deserves to grow up fatherless. I’m going to be its father.”  
“Adrian, but…”
“No buts, we’ll get through this together. Now, let’s enjoy these tasty drinks before they get cold, yeah?”
So you nodded, too dumbstruck by the man before you. You drank your hot chocolate that was cooling down and let his presence soothe you better than the sweet drink on your tongue.
Steve went back to New York after spending nearly four months in Atlanta, shooting his movie. Man, he’d lost count on how many extras he had fucked in his hotel room but nothing felt as good as your pussy. He thought about your last text before he blocked you. You had claimed that you were pregnant with his baby. You must’ve lost your mind to think that he’d buy that shit.
So he picked up his phone, unblocked your number and pressed the call button. Three dial tones and a familiar voice answered. “Hello?”
“Hey baby, meet me at my place tonight.”
“Who is this?”
“Hillarious, y/n. I’m too fucking tired for jokes okay? Come here and suck my cock then maybe I’ll listen to your jokes.”
“Is this Steve Rogers?”
“Fuck yeah, it’s me, y/n. Who else do you think I am?”
A pause jammed the line. “I’m done, Steve.”
“What? The fuck do you mean you’re done?”
“I sent you thousands of texts and calls five months ago and you couldn’t even lift your fingers to answer.”
“I was in the middle of shooting, y/n. You know better than to call me while I’m working.”
“Oh, screw you, Steve. I’m pregnant and you didn’t even care? How much of an asshole can you be?”
“You were actually serious about that?”
“Of course you think I was joking. But don’t worry, it’s none of your concern now. We’re done. Don’t call me anymore.”
“Wait, wait! Y/N!” you cut off the line. “Ah shit.”
He tried to call five more times and you neglected every single one of them. In fact, you instantly blocked his number after the last phone call with him. You didn’t want to be associated with him anymore. You thought that Steve had forgotten about you since he blocked your number first so you never had to do it yourself. But of course, an entitled scoundrel such as he is would never stop taking and taking until you had nothing more to give.
It took you years of anguish, an unforeseen mishap and a beautiful stranger that ended up being the stupendous love you’d been looking for to open your eyes to the rotten core of Steve Roger’s heart. He ever only lusted for your flesh, he never gave a shit about you as a person.
You lived for the hope of it all, you cancelled plans just in case he’d call, and you never once suspected the pitfall, but you were no longer that foolish girl anymore. You had met a real man now and he led you to the path of love and happiness and Steve was no longer the most intrinsic thing on your mind.
Steve was going apeshit. He had never been rejected or denied before, he always had it so effortlessly. Especially by you. He thought he’d always have you by the palm of his hand, he thought whenever he asked you to jump, you’d always say “how high?”, he thought whenever you’d think about walking near to the door, you’d always turn around with a few sensual touches and sugarcoated words, but the renunciation that came out of your mouth sting like a bitch and he didn’t like his ego being trampled over.
He went to sleep later that night, dreaming about caressing you and kissing you as a lover would. Never once did he ever have such a dream about anyone before. Maybe he belonged to you more than he had realized all this time.
It was his fourth time this week of standing on the street of your apartment building after you returned his plenteous gifts that you certainly never even asked for or needed. Why would you? You could easily buy that necklace jewellery, that overpriced velvet dress, and those designer shoes with your own money. And even if you couldn't, your boyfriend could easily afford all those things for you too. But that motherfucker used his money to buy you shoddy gifts such as poorly designed accessories and tacky books and yet you happily accepted them? What a closefisted fool.
But who are we kidding? The sole reason why you didn’t accept those gifts is that you no longer cared about him. Those inducements didn’t work on you anymore. You were much happier with a better man now. What do you have to lose?
Rather than dwelling in self-pity and resentment, he hid in Range Rover in a black baseball cap and Tom Ford shades from the paparazzi and waited. Waited for her to come out. He had been religiously stalking every social media you had from another private account to track your activities. The last photo you posted on your Instagram was a picture of you and the scary college roommate of yours that he’d forgotten the name of. It was last Saturday.
“Always a delight to catch up with this one. Love you @natasharomanoff.”
under 281 likes and 32 comments. He scrolled through every single one of them and searched for any clue that might indicate your next move. Found one.
Wandamaximoff: “Don’t forget about me!! :(” so they are still friends apparently.
Natasharomanoff: “Same time next week? 💕”
“Absolutely,” you replied to the red-head.
Gotcha. He’ll be there.
So here he was, waiting for you to come out of that building to grab an Uber because he knew you weren’t so into driving. Except for that late-night rendevous of course, because he told you once that he’d hate for a single soul to know there was something going on between you and him. You were a secret and he’d like to keep it that way. Sooner or later, people are gonna talk and headlines are going to break the internet.
Two minutes later, you stepped out wearing a beige coloured cable knit cardigan and a grey jersey maxi dress underneath with a necklace around your neck. He couldn’t see it from this distance but the item had made a few appearances in some of your recent Instagram posts, and he already knew that you wore it wherever you go. It was an initial necklace of the letter ‘A’ in silver.
He hated the arising thought but he couldn’t help but think how ethereal you looked in your casual, maternal clothes. Perhaps even more than when you wore those petite dresses that always made you look uncomfortable whenever you wore them. You walked with grace and there’s this elegance that you just exuded without trying too hard. You could be wearing the most boring clothes or doing the most mundane things like looking down at your phone to text your Uber driver and you’d still look enchanting.
Man, how could he had been so blind all this time?
It shredded his heart even worse knowing that the growing fetus in your belly was his, but when that baby borns, another man would hold it instead of him and the kid would grow to learn that another man was its father instead of him. That motherfucker. He didn’t have any right in raising that baby. You were bearing his child. Not Adrian’s. You belonged to him. You always did. Fate had interlaced your paths long before you were given birth to this world. No one knew you better than him and vice versa. Not even that former roommate of yours or Wanda. Only him. He had to have you back. Whatever it takes.
He was so inflamed with debt and feebleness of his childhood that he turned into someone he used to loathe when he was younger. He strayed so far away from the path that his mom had paved for him to walk in and he wasted the one good thing in his life that kept him going when he had nothing. But he couldn’t turn back now, couldn’t cross out the mistakes that he did. The best he could do is make use of what he is capable of now and utilize it cleverly.
A scheme was formed in his head… He’d have you back in no time. One way or another.
Months went by and his patience emaciated. He had it all drawn out in his head but he had to be very careful. If he rushed or stepped on the wrong stone, he’d end up being decapitated and his career would burn to ashes. Especially with how the paparazzi and the media were always busting up his ass, like hunters with foxes. He couldn’t have that. He had worked too hard to see it all crumble beneath his feet.
He rejected all film projects and public appearances offered by his agent slash good friend, Sam Wilson. Sam was getting a little frustrated by Steve for being unreasonable. He was his most ambitious client, never one to say no to a good script and occasions that could advance his career and generate more profit for both of them.
But after he returned from Atlanta for his last movie, he had been shutting most people out. Sam was always his most trusted confidant, he was his agent, after all, it was his responsibility to make sure the client that earned him the most income was well in health and aptitude. But he was scratching his head trying to get Steve to open up to him.
Sick of Steve’s shortcoming, he called Steve and told him to come to the office.
“Fuck off, Sam. Why can’t you just talk on the phone?”
“Get your ass down here or I will come to your house myself.”
He groaned and hauled himself to Sam’s office, not in the mood for Sam’s garrulous nagging.
Steve knocked on Sam’s door and he saw Sam sitting in his usual black and white attire in his ergonomic chair. He had a frown on his face instead of his usual conceited womanizer charm. “What’s with the long face?” Sam asked.
“Nothing. I’m just worn out.”
“Cut the bullshit. Last time you got your ass to work was six months ago. What the hell is happening with you?”
“I just haven’t found any good script that interests me, Sam. And I told you, I needed a short break. I’ve been travelling nonstop for the past few years to shoot films and press tours, and now I just need to hit the pause button.”
“The Steve Rogers I know isn’t one to rest. He was power-hungry and always craved for more. You also rejected an Oscar potential role. Something’s going on and it’s deeper than just needing a break. C’mon, talk to me man. As a friend, not as your agent. Let me help you.”
It took him a few seconds to brace himself. He didn’t need to tell him the entire truth, he just had to ask Sam fora favour and then the Steve Rogers that made him millions would come back. “You know anyone who’s good at editing photos?”
“…What?” Sam was perplexed.
“Just let me know, Sam. You got any connections to editing experts? Hook me up.”
“What is fueling this?” Sam was bewildered. He looked at Steve like he had just grown two heads out of nowhere.
“Just trust me on this one, alright? You link me to a good editor and business will back as usual.”
“I know a guy.”
Your bachelorette party was fun. You, Natasha, Wanda and a few of your fellow colleagues were invited to the tea party at the garden of The Berkeley in London, which is the hometown of your fiance. You loved London and you always had such a good time whenever you paid it a visit with Adrian.
Now that the weekend was over, it was time to pick up little Nathan from your parents’ house. A beautiful baby boy was born three months ago and he was your parents’ joy. You never told them that the real father was the scrawny kid who used to lounge around on their couch every Wednesday afternoon when there was nothing much to do. Your parents loved Adrian as their own and it was all that mattered.
This baby is going to grow up with so much love from his parents and grandparents. From your chosen family who will become his aunties and uncles. He is going to be raised right in gentleness, affection, and sincerity. And it would never matter how he was conceived into this world in the first place.
You refused to leave this baby for more than five minutes but Wanda and Nat kept insisting that you needed some time for your own. One bachelorette party wouldn’t hurt. It’s only one weekend. Besides, your grandparents were obsessed with baby Nathan and they were going to take such good care of him while you were away, celebrating your single life with your girlfriends before you spend the rest of it with someone.
Now you were back home, you couldn’t wait to see your baby. You had been thinking about him endlessly in London and you missed holding him close to your chest. So you put on your coat and took your keys to drive to your parents’ house but you were stopped by a text message before you could open the door of your car.
“Enjoyed your bachelorette party?” An unknown number wrote.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Who the hell is this?” your thumb typed and pressed the send button.
“You know me. Better than anyone, just like I know you too better than your fiance.”
Your heartbeat quickened. “Stop texting or I will call the police.”
But before you could hit the send button, a picture of your face popped on the screen. But what disarrayed your mind wasn’t your face, it was the body. You were stark naked with your knees on a mattress and your ears teared up, and your lips were wrapped around a shaft.
What. The. Fuck?
“Got plenty more.” the unknown number threatened.
Another picture of you lying on the same bed, except this time you were on your back so your tits were clear cut visible and your mouth was parted slightly like you were moaning. A hand was wrapped around your throat and yours were pinned above your head by another one.
You were frozen in place and the warm autumn air descended into zero degree celsius. Your breath hitched and tears started brimming in your eyes. Who could have these pictures of you?
“I’ve got many more if you’re curious just how much of a slut you can be.”
“Stop. What do you want?” your fingers trembled.
“Meet me at the New York State Pavillon tonight, at 11 PM. Alone. Bring your baby. If you dare to report this to the cops, I will send these pictures to your fiance and post them on every existing site on the internet.”
The words didn’t leave any room for argument or further questions. So you drove to your parents’ house to pick up Nathan for the last time ever.
Adrian was working late tonight. He told you over the phone that a big project was in the work and so he and his team had to stay a little longer in the office to get it done as soon as possible. You were a bit relieved because that means, you could save yourself from whatever was bound to happen when you arrive at the abandoned historical world fair.
“Don’t forget to drink water. I love you.” You reminded him.
You wrapped Nathan in a blanket to keep him warm and you placed him in the infant car seat next to you. Your mind couldn’t stop flashing back to those pictures. Who could you possibly have done so wrong that they thought exaction would be the most fitting comeuppance. It took about 35 minutes via Grand Central Parkway which was the fastest route so you took it. Your mind also couldn’t stop asking questions, so many questions… But most importantly, who could this person be? Could it be… No, no way. You knew him. That was the last thing he’d ever do. Not because he wasn’t a nefarious person but because the world was constantly throwing themselves at him, offering him dollars and women.
He had too much in his plate to look over to yours and wanted to steal what was in it too. After months of not a single contact made, he must’ve had forgotten about you right? C’mon. This is ridiculous. But if it’s not him, then who could it be?
You arrived at Flushing Meadows a half-hour later and then you texted the number. “I’m here. What do you want?” you kept Nathan inside, fearing that whoever the culprit is might hurt him. So you stayed inside as consternation overcame you.
A few minutes later he answered, “step out the car and bring the baby.”
“Don't hurt my baby, please. Take me, but let him return safely to his father.”
“He will. Now, do as I say or I will publish these pictures.”
You trembled. You unlocked the door of your car and stepped out of it deliberately holding Nathan to your chest. You were careful to keep him from crying. The crisp air sent shivers down your spine. You closed the door and waited. Your eyes roved to all over the desolated site. Until it landed on those familiar blue eyes that held more ice than the air.
The man you used to know was different now. His face that used to be clean-shaven was now covered in a glorious beard that made him indistinguishable. His dusty blonde hair was slightly longer and he dressed in dark clothes that amplified the sinister atmosphere circling him.
You held Nathan closer to you with one hand behind his head, trying to keep him quiet. “Don’t be like that, let me see my son.”
“No. He’s not yours.” You spat.
He scoffed. “Say whatever you want, sweetheart but it’s my blood running in his little veins. In fact, I think we can take a DNA test and send it to your fiance, how about that? Also, how is Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N?”
“Leave my parents alone, Steve.”
“Are you going to cut that attitude of yours or do we have to do this the hard way? Either way, I don’t mind.”
“I’ll be good. Just please, don’t involve my parents.”
“Good, I know the good girl I knew is still somewhere inside you. Now, drop your phone to the ground and smash it.”
“…What? No! How am  I going to-”
He furrowed one eyebrow at you and you instantly understood the peril if you repudiated him once more.
You took out your phone from the pocket of your coat and dropped it to the ground. You stomped it with your foot until the screen was cracked, but Steve wasn’t satisfied enough with its damaged state so he stomped it harder than you did until it was smashed into two.
He led you to his Range Rover that he parked in an empty street and opened the backseat door and you slide into it with Nathan still tucked under your neck. Then he closed the door and walked to the driver’s seat and drove away to God knows where.
“Where are we going, Steve? Nathan needs to sleep. He can’t-”
“Quiet. He’ll be home soon.”
You didn’t dare to ask more questions. The vacancy in his eyes that were reflected on the rearview mirror was petrifying enough as it is. You sat and stared out the window and think about Adrian. Was he home yet? Did he try to call or text you? What would he do when he realizes you weren’t home? You couldn’t help but think that this morning was possibly the last time you’d ever see Adrian. God, you missed him already. You prayed to whatever God was listening that he would save you and your son soon.
Please Adrian, please do something. I love you.
The soft hum of the engine made your eyes feel droopy. You tried your best to stay awake but it was nearing midnight and the jet lag was still encompassing you so the fight in you to stay awake resolved. You gave in to the lethargy with Nathan dozing on your lap.
You were woken up by a shake on your shoulder and you found Steve standing on the open door. “Get up, we’re here.”
In your still languorous state, you got out of the car hugging Nathan close. “Where are?”
The sounds of crickets saturated the ambience as only the faint glow of the moon illuminated the trees around you. There was nobody around except you and Steve -and Nathan if a three months creature counts-. You put two and two together… Did Steve take you into the woods?
“Steve, what are we doing here?”
He didn’t meet your eye or answered you but instead, he walked toward what looked like a mid-century modern wooded oasis perched on a sloping site and set on stilts. The trees blended with the wood side exterior and wraparound decks. You had no idea whose house this belonged to but it was enchanting.
“Go ahead.”
You approached the resident that was incandescent with yellow lights, giving you a little peek to the furniture inside. You hoped whoever owned this property wasn’t sleeping yet, it was literally in the middle of the night, what the hell was Steve even doing taking you to a stranger’s house?
“Steve, I really don’t think this is a good idea…” as you stood freezing on the terrace. “Can we go back now? I really don’t want Adrian to worry.”
He fumbled with a key and unlocked the entrance. “Get in.”
Your eyes scanned the room to make sure there was no one around that might bust your ass tot he police for breaching before you stepped in. Your eyes peregrinated to every corner of the interior, relishing in the smell of oak and firewood.
He then took you for a quick tour to every section of the house without saying anything that would actually straighten your befuddlement. The decorations were full of vintage and antiques. “You like it?” Steve asked.
“I mean… it’s lovely for sure.”
“Good, then that means we won’t have to redecorate.”
“Wait, wait… What?”
“I bought this house for us, sweetheart. I knew you’d love the cozy design and it’s a perfect place for Nathan to grow up in.”
“Steve, what the hell are you talking about?”
“We’ll work things out. I’ll stay here with you for the rest of the weekend and I’ll only leave when I need to work. You won’t have to worry about anything else, I’ll take care of it.”
“God, you are crazier than I thought. I’m going home.”
He stopped you by blocking the entrance door and glared. “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
“Steve, get out of my way.”
“You are mine. That baby is my son, you hear me? This is where you belong.”
“I’m gonna call the cops.”
“With what? Your phone?” He derided. “You don’t even know where the hell we are.”
“Adrian’s gonna come looking for me.”
“No, he won’t. Because I’ve sent those pictures of you to him and to your boss, who is it? Tony Stark? And you don’t have any life to get back to. This is your life now.”
Your heart sunk. No, no, he can’t be. He promised he won’t if you did what he said, right?
“You’re lying…”
“I did. I sent it while you were snoozing in the car. Shit, I’d pay a million bucks to see the look on that asshole’s face when he realized just how much of a dirty slut his fiancee is… Well, ex-fiancee now.”
“Why would you- you promised you wouldn’t if I did what you asked me to.”
“Well, that agreement has changed,” he said it so nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just pulverized the life you had built for yourself, the happiness you had stacked on a shelf that took you years to collect; a great job, a loving boyfriend, an adorable baby.
You wanted to lash out, you wanted to smack him in the face but you were too wounded by what you just heard. If you returned to Adrian and your work tomorrow, would you still even have them? Would they even accept you at all? You knew better than trying to report a powerful man such as Steve Rogers to the cops, he could bribe them, he could get a qualified lawyer. He could also make you lose the battle you never wanted to be a part of even if you were the victim, he could easily paint you as the mentally unstable woman that wanted to blackmail him for money.
The media had never captured pictures of you sneaking out of Steve’s apartment. Steve never took you for a stroll in the park or Sunday brunch because that’s all you were; a secret. Steve never wanted to be seen with you and Steve never wanted to share you with the world for whatever reason. Steve didn’t mind being photographed by models and other film stars, but not you. And now, he wanted to keep you in this little vault or calaboose so that you’d never escape and the traces of your history would be erased forever from the world’s memory.
Because Steve Rogers was no longer the man you used to ride around the bicycle with during the summer or the scrawny romancer you used to know, but he was a selfish man, a man with enough ego and ego to completely metamorphosed himself into whatever he wanted to be, no matter how ruthless and perilous that person he is. And now here you were, a mere object for him to assert his powers on, and you knew it wasn’t because of his love for his son or for you, but simply because he always got his way. Always.
“Now you can stay here, accept your new life with me and raise Nathan together, or you can face the disgrace that your fiance and your boss see you as. You think he’s gonna let you come back to his house? You think your boss is gonna shrug it off and let you come back as if nothing happened? No. You’re dispensable, and one way or another, you’re gonna come back to me. Even if you don’t, I’ll find a way to make you.”
“Why me? You could have every other woman in the world… Why me, Steve?”
“Because you think that you can repudiate me… You can’t. You think you can take away control from me… You can’t,” he gritted. “Not a single person in the world can.”
The tears in your eyes fell the floor as your legs wobbled. “Now, let’s not keep our son awake any longer yeah? Put him to bed. And then… You can be the good housewife you were meant to be and perform your duties.”
So he led you to the nursery room and you put Nathan in the crib. You wanted to fight, you wanted to reach that door and run… Even if you don’t know where you were going, as long as you could escape from this maniac. But you knew better than running away to in the middle of nowhere at midnight, in the cold with your son. You also knew better than thinking that Steve wouldn’t do whatever he could to get you back under his feet… so what was the point in countering anymore? Men like Steve Rogers always wins.
After you put Nathan to sleep, he led you to the master bedroom and ordered you to strip. The routine revokes old memory. “Get on your knees,” he commanded as he sat on the edge of the bed, like a king waiting to be served.
You did as he says and stood between his spread legs. “Take off my pants.”
You unzipped it and pulled it down along with his briefs. “Good girl, now, open.”
You parted your lips, wide enough to fit him and circled your tongue around the tip. Just like you used to because he liked the buildup and you knew it better than anyone. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged on it harshly then inched himself back deeper into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks to accommodate his girth as he hit the back of your throat each time he went back in.
“Ah fuck, I’ve missed that sweet mouth of yours…” He picked up the pace and you looked up to him. His face contorted in pleasure while you were feeling anything but. You feel repulsed, you wanted to push him away but you couldn’t. He closed his eyes, relishing in the feel of your mouth around him and threw his head back.
He moaned as he controlled your movement faster, trying to get himself off. Your eyes teared up as you looked up at him, and his cock throbbed. He climaxed deep inside your mouth as he kept your head down so every drop that he had was spilled down your throat. He kept you there until he had no more to offer and then he pulled himself out. “Get on the bed, ass up, face down.”
You followed his command and waited until you could feel him kneeling behind you. “Just like old times, huh?” He chuckled. You could feel the tip of his cock nudging your clit and then he invaded your body through your entrance. “Shit, you’re still so fucking tight. Did that asshole ever fuck you at all?”
You didn’t answer but moaned instead as you could feel him stretching you like he used to. And no matter how many times he had fucked you, you never truly got used to it. Adrian’s face came in flashes; you recalled how he made love to you, how gentle he would be with you and how intimate your lovemaking session was, a stark contrast to how Steve would treat you. You also compared their sizes, Adrian was average compared to Steve. Whenever Steve entered you, it always felt like an intrusion, an unforeseen attack, rather than your fleshes weaving into one.
He retracted himself and then pushed back in brutally and you whined. He held onto your hips in a bruising grip, as he pounded into you because he was never one for a tender start; he only had wanted to get himself off and that was it. “Does he fuck you this good? Bet you think of my dick when he fucks you.”
Your body jolted every time he jerked himself forward and he groaned and grunted. He hammered into you relentlessly and incessantly, causing you to clench around him. The wetness made squelching noises as you could feel your impending orgasm approaching, forming a dam inside you that was ready to break any second now. He sped up and he screamed in pleasure as the coil inside you broke, you reached your peak at the same time and he buried himself deep inside you, spilling every drop that he had deep in your womb.
“Bet that British asshole doesn’t even make you cum, huh? And I know you always fake it to get him off you.” He sneered as he detached himself from you and got off the bed to clean himself off to the bathroom.
You laid there in the same position, feeling voidness creeping up your heart like you once were; unwanted and alone. Steve had stripped you of your pride, dignity and honour once and even after you managed to climb out of that pit, he found a way to drag you back down once more and locked you under.
And there was nothing else that you could do except accepting your fate as his perpetual prisoner, living under the corruption and unforgiving authority of Steve Rogers. You could only hope that once Nathan is grown enough, you could somehow sneak him out of this confinement to live a much better life and eschew himself from turning into the monster that his father is.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Hiii!!! Congratulations on 200. I'm so so proud of youuu 🥰🥰🥰. I hope that you're getting enough rest and breaks and staying healthy and hydrated. I would like my matchups to be from AOT if that's okay with you :) My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men, my love language is quality time/ words of affirmations, and I show love through acts of service, affirmations and a little bit of physical touch. My personality type is INTP-A/INFP-A my T and F are split 50/50. My star sign is Aries. I like reading a lot, writing, baking, cooking and anything creative really. Or even sometimes I just like sitting in silence, thinking to myself, getting lost in my head. I absolutely hate going outside. It makes me feel very anxious and I need someone to go out with me, I hate going alone. And when I do go out I always hold onto someone's sleeve or the back of their top, especially in crowded places. I'm a very open minded relaxed person, very witty and I enjoy making people laugh and having a laugh with people. Not open with my emotions, I like to keep them to myself and dont like sharing them, but I will always be willing to listen to your problems. For me, I'd want a partner that isnt really really immature or really really serious. Someone that can switch between the two. I dont like loud people at all. It really gets on my nerves, I prefer someone who's quite but can be loud if necessary as well. Personally, I switch really easily and quickly between being silly and being not so silly, so someone that can read my moods (not that I have that many) and someone that can read the vibe of the room. Also because I dont like going outside in crowds that much, id want someone to go on cute little domestic dates at home with or outside with. Please dont laugh at me, I'm really short, I'm just about 5ft 2, and quite chubby. I used to have long, dark brown, straight, hair up to my bum but I impulsively cut it up to my boobs. So it's still long but not that long. I'd consider myself a switch as I do like to be in control quite a lot of the time, but I also dont mind being the bottom as well. I'm more comfortable with giving that receiving tbh. Ummm I cant think of anything else so yeah. Thank you so so much!!! This is really really long, I'm sorry about that. But please make sure you're taking regular breaks and not over working yourself. Make sure you're drinking water!!!! Thank youuu xxx
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a/n: omg pls no why would I laugh at you asjfkskaks! You sound lovely ☺️ ❣️ I hope you enjoy this matchup and omg capricorn twins 💪🏼 also jesus thank you @plutowrites for help with this one! I was having some trouble deciding who I’d match you up with! Also this deleted half way through and I wanted to scream, but it’s ok now 😀 also thank you for your kind words🥺🤲🏼
Warnings: NSFW themes, minors please DNI
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Erwin Smith
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I think he’d be perfect for you!
He’d be the perfect calm between serious and goofy 💓
He’d be good at keeping up with a silly conversation and making jokes here and there but also know when it’s time to be serious with you
Ok he would LOVE if you were to hold his shirt while walking through a crowd or just being in public in general
He’s the type of guys who likes to take care of his significant other and would be happy you let him do that
King of making pasta and a four course fancy meal at home
You would say date night but at home and he would go a little over the top like,,, mf made a menu, printed AND laminated it omg what a nerd
He’d learn to reel it in though 🖤
Ugh probably takes you on a drive to a private spot for a picnic omg
And the sandwiches are cut into tiny little squares omg
He’s so cute pls 😭
Ok I also think his love language would be quality time!!
He’d love for you to even sit in his office while he does work, you don’t even have to be talking he just loves your company tbh
He’d love for you to follow him everywhere cause he loves your presence! It does not matter how small the task is pls
Getting gas? Hop in!
Dropping off something at work? You’re already buckled up
Going to the post office? Your seat warmer is already on
Sorry not sorry he calls you puppy he finds it so cute! !
It started off teasing you cause you guys were always following each other around like lost puppies so one day he just
“C’mon puppy! Let’s go!”
And he just thought it was so cute and fitting and now it stuck
And because of your height he loves to pat your head and ruffle your hair, especially if he’s calling you puppy he does NOT care LMAO
I do see him as a top but I think he definitely wouldn’t mind you taking control he’d find it so sexy cmon now, but he would make it a tiny bit of a fight for dominance even if he lowkey likes letting you win hehe
Ok also he’s a big blusher he’d be a pretty bottom idc
Your acts of service would make him feel so loved deadass
Like you doing little things to help with the burden of his workload??
Yeah he’s keeping you forever
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Jean Kirschtein
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It was kind of hard to think of a perfect second match but I think Jean would be good for you!!!
He really matures through the show and I think he’d be really good at being in tune with your emotions!
He’d be able to tell the slightest change in your mood and is checking in with you in a matter of milliseconds
Would also love how you hold onto him in public
Like he’d just be so 🥺🤲🏼 my little baby
Yeah and then you’re topping him later like who’s the little baby now
But he PURPOSELY wear shirts loose enough for you to grab onto
If you had to go somewhere without him and were super anxious about it he would have you wear one of his hoodies and have his ringer on the whole time you were gone in case you needed him (this mf phone always blowin up so the ringers usually off LMAO)
Bake Jean any kind of treat and he is your slave for a week
I’m not kidding this man will just melt
Especially if it was intended for him and not just a treat you made??? Yeah
He’s gonna cry a lil
He’s a STUPID big softie
He wishes he could wrap you up and put you in his pocket he just wants to take you wherever he goes
Ok he wouldn’t want to admit but he loves when you top him 🤭 like he’d be such a brat about it but if you’re not a bottom “at all” Jean why does it keep happening 🤨?
He’s only really ~loud around eren so I feel like he’s chill when it’s the two of you 🖤 but if he’s ever being a little too much for you comfort and draining your social battery he’ll notice and try to chill out a bit
And will make up for it with a ~very cuddly nap sesh
Your vibe reminds me of...
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I was trying so hard to give you a perfect match I hope you liked it and I’d love to hear back from you!! I hope you enjoy!
Requests are open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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merakiaes · 4 years
Teardrop Tattoo - Jose “Sad Eyes” Guzman
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Pairing: Jose “Sad Eyes” Guzman x reader
Requested: By @ugh-jalynn​
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This one-shot is loosely based around the song “Coffin” by Jessie Reyes. It’s a bit angsty but nothing too bad. Not proofread so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes and as usual, translations are at the end. 
Wordcount: 3940
Summary: Relationships aren’t always a dance on roses, especially not when you’re dating a Santo. But in the end, you pull through, because you’d rather die than live without each other. 
Your mother had made sure to teach you very early in life that no relationship was a dance on roses, that when you and your significant other fought, it was important to remember that it was never you versus each other but rather the two of you versus the problem and that whenever you found yourself in an argument, it was important that you stayed on the same page and solved the problem together.
But it was easier said than done when the time came that you actually found yourself in a situation in which you needed to follow her wise words; especially when you found yourself in said situation pretty much every day.
You had known what you were getting into when you first decided to start dating a Santo; you had known that it wouldn’t be easy.
But things were getting out of hand and you didn’t know what to do anymore. 
You had been fighting non-stop over the past few weeks.
You fought until the sun rose and by the time the two of you went about your days and your jobs, neither of you had been to bed, running on little to no sleep which was not a very good combination with the already existing tension and the fact that both of your professions required that you didn’t lose focus.
Money was tight for the two of you so you had been taking on extra shifts at the hospital all while he and Spooky were being worked to the bone by Cuchillos to clean up the mess Cesar had left behind with the Prophets.
You were both stressed, sleep-deprived, easily vexed, barely got to see each other and in all your angry glory, you blamed it on each other even though deep down, both of you knew it was only a matter of bad timing.  
But lately, it had started feeling like he was purposely avoiding you. You had been trying to spend time with him and he just came up with excuses as to why he couldn’t, every time.
He would tell you he was being sent out on a run or that he needed to take care of something for the Santos, and then when you would go out with your friends to distract yourself from the stress, you would find him drinking and laughing the night away at the same parties.
It wasn’t a big deal that it happened one time, but you were ashamed to say that it had happened more than once, and even more ashamed to admit that all of the fighting was making you doubt his loyalty to you.
At this point, you were living in a constant, never-ending, dark circle. 
You would fight and then one of you would take the step to apologize and reach your hand out to the one who was still drowning in anger. 
But when doing so, every time, the other wouldn’t be ready to let the argument go and pull the other down with them right back under the surface again.
And so it kept going, over and over again, almost like clockwork. 
You had reached the point where you didn’t know what to do to save your relationship anymore, or whether or not it was even possible in the first place. 
You were like water mixed with oil, a disaster just waiting to happen and a lethal mix always on the verge of exploding.
You were so angry at each other all the time that you rarely even remembered why you were mad in the first place and you found yourself at your wit’s end, constantly torn between your mother’s many life-advice.
On one hand, she had taught you not to give up on the people you loved, to be patient and work hard to keep your relationship together, even when it seemed like there was no hope.
But on the other hand, she had also taught you that people make time for those they care about. No bullshit. No excuses. No broken promises or false hopes for the future.
If someone was into you, you wouldn’t have to keep begging them for a text, call or quality time together. They’d take the initiative, themselves, if you were a priority.
She taught you that no person would ever be busier than someone who wasn’t interested in you and lately, Sad Eyes had been awfully busy and all the things he claimed to be busy with always turned out to be made-up.
All of it had made you so exhausted that you could barely bring yourself to be angry anymore. You were just… sad.
You were sad when you stared at your boyfriend of two years from your spot in the doorway, eyes following his every move as he moved around the room, getting dressed after his shower.
“What’s going on with you lately?” Your voice came out as a mere whisper, your cheek leaning against the doorframe and your eyebrows creasing together. “I barely even recognize you anymore…”
He didn’t even look up at you, putting all of his focus into turning his inside-out tank-top back out. “Yeah? You and me both.” He muttered simply, pulling the tank-top over his head and then wordlessly turning his back to you to put on his navy blue button-up over it.
Your jaw tensed and a breath left your nose in annoyance, but you kept your calm and pushed yourself off the doorframe, taking a step into the room and crossing your arms over your chest as you watched him put his golden chain back on.
“Don’t try to shut me out like that.” You told him sternly, shaking your head and glaring into the side of his face. “I’ve been here from day one. I know things have been tense between us for a long time now but this… This is something else entirely and I deserve an explanation.”
He turned around to face you, but he avoided you like you were the plague, walking right past you and out of your shared bedroom. “I need some time to think. I’ll be home later.”
You wasted no time uncrossing your arms and turning around to hurry after him, barely even able to keep up with his long, urgent strides. He was obviously in a hurry to get out of there, just like every day these past week and a half.
“Yeah, you’ve been needing a lot of time to think lately.” You scoffed at him as you jogged after him, managing to slide your body in between him and the front door right before he could grab the door handle.
For the first time since coming home the hour before, he had no other choice but to look at you, his eyes meeting yours and watching as your face pulled into a frown.
“Do you not want to be with me anymore? Is that it?” You asked quietly. “Are you tired of me? Do you not love me anymore? If that’s the case then I’d rather you just put me out of my misery now because I can’t do this anymore. I can’t-“
You cut yourself off, tearing your eyes away from his as a sudden wave of sadness overcame you. 
Above you, his cold eyes flickered with emotion at the sight as you continued. “I can’t walk around and pretend like everything’s fine when in reality, I’m mourning you even though you’re not even gone.”
A heavy silence fell over you, the only thing being heard being the clock in the kitchen and the various sounds of people going about their days outside on the block.
You kept staring into the floorboards under your feet for another good half minute before you felt a warm hand come up to touch your face, Sad Eyes’ fingers catching your chin and lifting your head up to look at him again.
He stared down at you, moving his hand from your chin to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear. Then, he leaned his head down to yours and kissed you.
It was short, but it was more affection than you had gotten for a week so it was very well-appreciated nonetheless, succeeding in making you a bit happier, even if it was just a little.
“I love you and I want to be with you, none of that has changed.” He told you when you broke back apart, caressing your cheek just for a second longer before dropping his hand back to his side and taking a step back. “I just need to do a run for Spooky and then I’ll be back.”
And just like that, the bitterness returned to your body in a wave, just as quickly as it had gone away. “Yeah, it’s always runs for Spooky.” You muttered, looking to the side.
His hand reached out to take a hold of yours, causing you to look back up at him almost instantly. “I’ll be back before the hour is up.” He told you and you gave him a doubtful look.
“Do you promise?” You asked, and he nodded, eyebrows furrowing together slightly.
“Tienes mi palabra.” He nodded.
But he never came home.
An hour passed, and then two, three and four with no sign of him, leaving you home alone to nurse yourself back to a mediocre, temporary happiness with a movie from the hurt caused by yet another broken promise.
It had been around six in the afternoon when he had left the house and by the time the front door opened again, the clock on your nightside table was closing in on midnight.
You had kept occupying yourself with movies for the first two hours but after that you had turned off the TV, unable to concentrate any longer and breaking down in your bed.
After quite literally crying your eyes out, you fell asleep for… well, you didn’t really know how long and you didn’t have the energy to do the math, and then you had just laid there staring into your phone while you absentmindedly scrolled through your social media.
When you heard the front door unlocking and opening you looked up from the phone, listening intently to get an idea of what he was doing.
The sound of a bang reached your ears shortly after the front door had slammed shut again, followed by a string of hushed, Spanish curses and you instantly prepared for what was to come, sadly enough used enough to it to have it all down as a routine by now.
You locked your phone, putting it to the side and sitting up in bed to the sound of his footsteps closing in on your bedroom, watching as he stumbled through the doorway a few seconds later.
He was still cursing quietly under his breath, his eyes obviously not used to the dark yet judging by the way he was fumbling and stumbling around. But then again, that could have just been a result of the alcohol he had obviously consumed.
The mere thought of it caused your face to pull into a glare and your arms to cross over your chest. 
“Have you been out drinking again?” You asked before you could stop yourself, and watched as he near jumped out of his skin.
He obviously hadn’t noticed that you were awake up until then and you’d caught him by surprise by breaking the silence, causing his stumbling to become even clumsier.
But rather than turning to face you, he seemed to do the exact opposite, turning away from you so quickly you instantly turned suspicious.
“I’m not drunk.” He answered back bitterly, and you hummed in disapproval.
His voice wasn’t slurring so he was obviously telling the truth, but it was groggy, indicating that he had in fact been drinking. And the smell of beer only proved it, scent so strong he might as well have spilled an entire bottle over himself.
And what did you know, maybe he had. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
“You’re not sober, either. I can smell it on you all the way from here.” You pointed out, watching his every move with eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You told me you were just going on a run. You promised me you would come back home afterward. We don’t break promises.”
Your eyes squinted even further when taking note of how he was excessively avoiding turning to look at you and when he grabbed a pillow from his side of the bed, your body reacted almost as if out of instinct, moving out of the bed to stand.
“What are you doing?” You asked, rounding the bed as quickly as your legs could take you when he began walking out of the room again, pillow now clutched tightly in his hand.
“I’m sleeping on the couch.” He muttered back simply, not even sparing you a glance.
Your face pulled into a glare and you quickly rushed up in front of him, forcing him to come to a stop in order to not walk straight into you. 
“No, you’re not.” You glared, trying to get his eyes to meet yours but you couldn’t even get a look of his face with how quickly he had walked around you again.
“I need to be alone right now.” He kept arguing with you and that’s when you snapped.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch, give me the fucking pillow!” You exclaimed, getting in his way again and reaching out to grab the pillow, tearing it out of his grasp with one, sharp tug and in turn, he slipped up, whipping his head around to face you with a glare equally as fierce as yours.
"I’m fucking tired and I want to go to sleep. Is that too much to ask for now, too?!" He yelled back, but his words barely even progressed in your brain, your eyes widening as you were finally able to see his face.
It was like all of the air left your lungs in that one moment, leaving you breathless and unable to progress anything around you.
All you could see, all you could think about, was the black teardrop now inked into the tan skin underneath his eye, the edges around the small tattoo still red and showing cleared just how freshly executed it was.
You had always been scared for him, the worry coming naturally with him being a gang-member and always being on the run from the law and the Prophets. But never, not ever, had you been this scared.
He avoided your wide, fear-struck eyes like his life depended on it, looking behind you into empty space, but now that the cat was out the bag, he made no move to further hide the reason for his previous avoidance.
"I thought you were just doing runs." You managed to get out through the thickness of your throat, swallowing in an attempt to calm your rapidly growing panic.
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, too, his jaw tensing and his eyes glaring over your shoulder. "It’s never just anything with Cuchillos.” He answered lowly. “Shit’s been hectic with the Prophets lately. We needed to take care of it, keep the block safe."
"Baby..." You gave him a sad look, dropping the pillow onto the couch beside you and slowly reaching your hand out to grab his.
He ripped it out of your grasp in one swift movement to a start but you didn’t give up, reaching out for it again and this time around, he did nothing to stop you.
Slowly and cautiously, you took a step forward, and then another and then a third, pressing your chest against his and reaching your arms up to wrap them around his neck and by doing so pulling his face into your shoulder.
In turn, his arms slowly wrapped around your waist and he pressed his face harder into your neck.
His beard tickled your skin uncomfortably but you forced yourself to ignore the prickly feeling, holding him close and furrowing your eyebrows in thought as you came to the realization that his angry, snappy behavior suddenly made sense.
When he made a mistake, he knew it, felt it, tore himself apart about it. He lost sleep, didn’t stop thinking about it and beat himself up about it to the point where he would be on the verge of losing his sanity completely.
You didn’t know how you hadn’t seen the signs before but now that the cards were out on the table, it was all so insanely clear.
Sad Eyes had never been like the other Santo cholos.
Had he grown up poor with worse privileges and fewer opportunities than others? Yeah, everyone in Freeridge had. But despite all that, he had lived a good life.
He had a loving mother, two sisters that he adored to bits and pieces and up until his passing when he was seventeen, he’d had a good, solid father-son relationship with his dad.
He didn’t have a traumatic childhood with absent parents like Oscar and so many other Santos had. He wasn’t in the Santos because he had a legacy or family crest to live up to, or because he was roped in against his will.
The brotherhood, the strong bond of loyalty between ride or die brothers and the sense of belonging somewhere; of, despite all the laws being broken in the process, doing something good and being able to protect those he cared about, it was all the life he, himself, had chosen.
The law had never done anything to help him or his family when the governmental system had failed them so he didn’t give two flying fucks about whether he lived on the good or the bad side of the lawbook.
But still, he was so sincere, so gentle and so loving. He didn't mind robbing a bank or dealing drugs, but you knew he'd never really liked the violence that came with it.
The beatings he was sent out to do when someone disrupted the Santos’ plans, the beatings he'd been forced to sit through every time someone new was being jumped in… He didn't like it at all but it was out of his control and he had no other choice but to follow orders.
The only thing he did have control over was his killing count. He had never taken another man's life and he found great comfort in it, even if he would never admit that kind of vulnerability out loud.
But now that was out of his control, too, and you knew that now more than ever, you needed to follow your mother’s advice and put your differences aside in order to be there for him, hold up your end of the promise and stay by his side for as long as he wanted you to, forever and always.
Because at the end of the day, no matter how much you fought, he never let you go to sleep wondering if you still mattered and you would be caught dead before you did that to him, too.
You might have been a fool for falling for a Santo in the first place but you loved him to death. You would rather lay lifeless and rot away in a coffin six feet underground than live without him, and if he was, against all odds, the first one to go, the coffin better have been made for two, because if he jumped, you jumped.
You had been in this shit together since the start, and no matter how severe of a crime committed on his part, that would never change.
But he was obviously expecting you to end it right then and there judging by the way he was standing, breathing, squeezing his hands shut at his sides and glaring into something further away in the room when you broke apart from the embrace, which only broke you heart even further.
You slowly raised a hand up to his jaw, watching as his eyes fell shut at the feeling of your touch, and supported the weight of his head when he leaned his forehead against yours.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered, and he let out a deep breath through his nose, his hands squeezing down at your sides.
“I didn’t want to scare you away.” He muttered back, his voice coming out low. “You’re the best thing I’ve got going in my life, even with all of the shit that’s been going on. I couldn’t lose you.”
Your heart tugged in your chest at his words and you swallowed, looking down. “When… when did you-“
“Last week.” He replied without missing a beat and you nodded.
“And that’s why you’ve been-“
Your eyes flickered back up to his to find that he was now looking at you with eyes full of regret. 
“I’m sorry.” He looked at you somberly and you instantly started shaking your head, raising your other hand to his other cheek.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Good people sometimes make bad decisions, whether it be by their own choice or by having it pushed upon them.” You assured him, turning your head down to hold his gaze when he attempted to break it. “They mess up and they let others down, but that doesn’t make them bad people. We all make mistakes, we all have flaws, it’s what makes us human, so don’t let one mistake ruin a beautiful thing. You know I’d stay by your side no matter what, so don’t push me away. Please.”
He stared intently at you as you spoke, the expression on his face unreadable. But he said nothing, so you continued, caressing his face soothingly .
“I can’t promise you a perfect relationship without arguments and differences but I can promise you as long as you’re trying, I’m staying. No matter what happens, no matter how deep you get caught up with the Santos. The only thing that could make me leave you is if I’m dead and even then, I know I’d find you, somehow, somewhere.”
You paused briefly, taking note of the way he tensed up when your touch neared the teardrop under his eye.
But he quickly relaxed again when you brought your hand down from his face to instead grab his hand, your lips tugging up in a small smile. “You’re my ride or die, remember?”
A moment of silence fell over you, the two of you just staring into each other’s eyes. And then he nodded, squeezing your hand back and leaning in to press his lips to your forehead. “And you’re mine.”
You nodded, mustering a small smile of comfort. And then you leaned your cheek against his chest, hugging him close and letting him do the same to you.
Your mother’s advice and words of wisdom had taken you so far in life but something she hadn’t mentioned was that sometimes, two people had to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.
You’d had to learn that lesson all on your own and now that you had, it was going to be so much easier for you to handle everything that was going on, knowing that you would be able to get through any obstacle as long as you were together.
Come tomorrow morning, you would start fresh, and even if that turned out not to be possible with everything now obviously being about to change, you wouldn’t even consider leaving him.
You would rather live a miserable life full of crime with him than a miserable, safe life without him, because at the end of the day, he was your ride or die and you were his, as you had been ever since you first met.
Nothing was going to change that, especially not a stupid teardrop tattoo.
Translations (I’m not a native Spanish speaker so this might not be a hundred percent accurate):
Tienes mi palabra – You have my word
Tagged: @babienay @firebenderwolf @chaneajoyyy @moanlightbaby @dolanackles @marvelously-flawed @ugh-jalynn @jazzwhitlockhale @joyrivh @socialistavocado @turn-diamonds-into-snow @shadow-of-wonder @bxmaaa @clemmingstylins0n @trublmr @fairygardenss @spookysnena @shxllxfx​
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prettyboongi · 4 years
BTS Reaction: They React To You Speaking A Different Language (When Waking Up/Falling Asleep)
[Note: Hi readers! This fanfic is inspired by my very first request! And hopefully it won’t be the last. To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. At the end, I decided not to specify the language that Y/N speaks since I don’t want to alienate anyone. This one is definitely less than perfect, so constructive criticism is welcomed. But I do hope that you guys (especially the requester ^_-) enjoy it! Peace!]
You and Jin absolutely loved your "Movie Night Fridays”. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that night’s movie. And tonight was your turn - your pick: an underrated animated Disney flick - and you were excited. 
However, there was one issue at hand: you were unbelievably exhausted. All day, you were busy helping your best friend move into her new place and you didn’t anticipate her having so many things to take with her. Common sense tells you you should just turn in early but you decided against it. Especially knowing that Jin himself will be super busy the entire weekend. 
As you two were watching the film, you felt your eyes getting heavier and heavier. It also didn’t help that you were extremely cozy in your favorite sweatpants and hoodie while snuggled under Jin’s soothing arm. Jin was unaware of your internal battle as he was too invested in the movie. It wasn’t until he heard you softly snoring that he attention was brought to you. 
He gently shook up your shoulder and said in a low voice, “Hey honey, wake up. Let’s get you to bed.” In response you mumbled something he couldn’t quite catch. “Hmm?”
Half awake, you started whining something in your native tongue, which at first confuses Jin since he had no clue what you were saying. But as you collapsed into his lap and immediately fell back to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile at your vulnerable state. 
“You’re too cute, Y/N,” Jin says to himself. He then turns off the movie and carefully carries you to bed. 
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It was a calm, lazy Sunday afternoon when you and Yoongi decided to take a nice nap together. Well, it was calm before your slumber was interrupted by the sound of Yoongi’s phone. Despite its blaring sound, Yoongi was still peacefully asleep, like the lazy cat that he is. 
Annoyed and still heavy with sleep, you grabbed Yoongi’s phone and turned to shake him awake. Still not waking up, you get even more annoyed and start yelling at him as you shake him even harder. Without noticing, you yelled for him to wake up in your native language, which startled him as he finally woke up. It takes him a few seconds to register what was going on but pieces everything together with the sound of his ringtone and disgruntled expression on your face. 
Once Yoongi takes the phone from you and leaves for the other room, you lay back in bed and, in no time, continue your nap. 
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“Ugh, why is he taking so long?!.” you angrily say to yourself, sitting patiently on the couch. 
You were waiting for Hoseok to come back home from picking up food at your favorite restaurant. And honestly, you felt like he was taking a little too long with the food. Your precious food. You tried calling him to see what was the hold up but no answer from him. 
“I’m starving,” you whined in your head. You realized that whining and being angry wasn’t going to make the food immediately arrive, so you tried your best to relax. You laid down on your sofa, your head comfortably on a soft throw pillow and closed your eyes. You focused on your breathing for a few minutes which definitely helped calm your nerves. It also helped you pass out right on the couch. 
“Hey sorry babe,” Hoseok says as he walks into the apartment, setting the containers of takeout on the kitchen counter. “They made a mistake with our order, that’s why the wait was long. And I know I would be the one to suffer if I brought home the wrong food,” he trails as he realized he was talking to himself. “Y/N?” he calls out with no answer. He walks around the apartment, only finding you moments later, snoozing on the couch. 
“Awwww,” he coos while walking towards you. He then shakes you gently to wake you up, “Baby, the food’s here.”
You stir a bit before propping yourself up with your left elbow. Still half asleep, you look at Hoseok with drowsy eyes and softly mutters a phrase in your mother’s tongue. You weren’t fully aware of what you were saying but that didn’t stop it from stirring a certain feeling in Hoseok. Despite you rarely speaking your native language around him, it drove him crazy of how deep and sultry your voice sounded while speaking. In other words, it turned him on quite a bit. 
He took your dozy face and kissed you passionately, fully waking you up now. You broke away from his lips and said, “What about the food?” Hoseok looked at you with hungry eyes and replied with, “A little more waiting couldn’t hurt.”
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 “You said that you’d take a break and take me out to lunch,” you said to Namjoon. 
You have been hanging out with Namjoon at his studio, as he was working on the groups’ upcoming album. Initially thinking it would be fun to spend some time with your loving boyfriend, witnessing his genius at work, you were just bored out of your mind. As an excuse to get out of the stuffy studio, you suggested he’d take a break and go to a nearby cafe together. But if Namjoon was known for one thing, it was his extreme perfectionism.  
“And I told you I will, once I was done with this song,” Namjoon answered back, keeping his eyes on the computer screen. 
“You also said that two hours ago!,” you whimper. 
“Be patient, my pet. I swear I’m almost done, then we can go.” 
You wanted to take his word but it’s really hard to, especially since you’ve been waiting on him for so long. But you didn’t want to leave him; any opportunity to hang out with Joon, you took it no matter what. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. 
You sat on the couch opposite from him and laid your head on the armrest. While you weren’t necessarily sleepy, the sound of Namjoon tinkling away on his computer combined with the soft glow that illuminated the studio made you feel relaxed. You eyes soon began to flutter and you found yourself drifting off to sleep. 
Not noticing that you were dozing off, Namjoon asks, “So which cafe did you want to go to: the one in the building or down the street?”  
You weren’t fully fast asleep yet and caught his question in time. However, while in your sleepy state, you answer him in your native language. 
Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. Even though he understood what you said since he was pretty fluent in the language himself, he was confused since you two never used it with each other. 
“Why are you speaking in…,” he begins as he looks back to you, trailing off once he finds you asleep on the couch. He contemplates waking you up or leaving you alone to nap, but he ultimately chooses the former. He knew how much you wanted to spend some time together and didn’t want to disappoint you. 
He walks over to you and light taps on your shoulder, walking you up. “Ready to go?” he playfully asks you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. 
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After finishing a recent comeback, the guys thought it would do them good to take a small vacation and decided to stay in LA for a little bit. Despite having so much fun with everyone, visiting historical landmarks and stopping by so many food stops, Jimin really missed you and wished that you were with him. He offered to fly out where he was but you had other important obligations to take care of. 
“Don’t worry about me, Jimin. Go ahead and have fun with the others,” he remembers you saying to him the last time you two spoke on the phone. He tried his best to keep his mind off you, but so many things made him think of you. “I wonder if Y/N has ever heard of this place?” “I bet Y/N would love street tacos.” Your attempts to hide your true feelings to the guys was in vain as they could sense that you were in his mind for the majority of the trip. 
After spending the entire morning and most of the afternoon sightseeing, he decides to give you a call once he gets back to their hotel room. He suspected it had to be morning where you were at and assumed you would be awake by now. He was right about it being early - way too early in your opinion - but you were in no way up yet. He clicks on your contact and waits for you to answer. 
“Hello,” he heard you answer. Your voice was groggy and raspy but Jimin was too chipper to notice. He was just so happy to hear you. 
“Hi honey!,” Jimin says into the phone, “Oh man, you don’t know how happy I am to hear your voice. Today’s been so busy for me. How’s your morning going?” 
Since you just woke up, it takes you a few seconds to fully understand Jimin’s simple question and you proceed to answer. Just in your native language. The one that Jimin was in no way fluent in. 
“Huh?”, Jimin responds perplexedly, “Y/N?” 
Hearing him say your name snaps you out of your sleepy state and realizes what you just said (or at least how you said it). Flustered, you gave yourself facepalm. “Oh sorry,” you apologized weakly, “I haven’t gotten up yet.” But all you could hear on the other was Jimin giggling hysterically, unable to control himself. “Hey!,” you said with a slightly annoyed tone, “What’s so funny, Park?” 
“Sorry honey,” Jimin says in between fits of laughter, “You’re just so freaking cute.” 
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It was only recently that you and Taehyung decided to get your own place together. You two have dating for about two and thought it was about time. Sure, Taehyung did miss living with the guys and they missed him too. But Taehyung just loved you so much and wanted to take the next step in adulthood with you. 
For the most part, you and Taehyung made perfect housemates. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. You cooked most of the meals, though Tae made it up with running whatever errand you asked of him. And most importantly, any conflict that arose, the two nipped it in the bud before the problem got worse. Yes, living at peace together was absolute paradise. 
Nevertheless, there was just one thing that Taehyung had a rather tough time getting used to: it was your sleep talking. Whether it was you walking him up in the middle of the night spouting gibberish or you mumbling incoherent phrases while taking a long nap, it would always catch Taehyung off guard. It wasn’t that he was annoyed or bothered by your sleep talking, it simply creeped him out. And avoid making you feel bad about it, he never brought it up. 
However, one night had to be Taehyung’s strangest encounter with you and, specifically, your sleep talking. It had been hours when you and Taehyung turned in for bed and both of you were fast asleep. A sudden movement of the bed had woken up Tae. He assumed you were leaving for the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep. But once he heard your voice in a strange tone, his eyes bolted open. He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. 
“Y/N? You okay?,” he asked you but you didn’t respond. After a moment, you begin to speak in a deliberate yet monotone voice, all the while speaking in your native language. Your eyes were still staring into the darkness and you sounded as if you were reciting some demonic spell. You even heard his name a couple of times throughout your monolog, which didn’t help at all. Taehyung wondered if waking you up would’ve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. This lasted a couple of minutes and when you were finished, you laid back on in bed and went fast asleep. Leaving a baffled and scared Taehyung, asking himself, “What the fuck just happened?”
The next morning, Taehyung walked into the kitchen, finding you making breakfast. 
“Morning, Tae,” you exclaimed in a cheery voice, “You hungry?”
Still disturbed from what happened, Taehyung stuttered a “Yes, sure”.
“What’s wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.” 
Taehyung chuckled nervously, not daring to say anything. 
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"Tonight was really great, Kookie. Thanks for taking me out." 
You and Jungkook were driving home after a spending date night at a restaurant Jin recommended. 
At the steering wheel, Jungkook glances at you for a second and smiles. "You're very welcome, baby, I'm happy you had a great time. I really have to thank Jin hyung once I get home."
Date nights with Jungkook were always fun and this one was no exception. It didn't matter what you two ended up doing, there was never a dull moment between you two. You were just so happy to be with someone you can be fully relaxed with. 
The drive home was very calming. The warm glow of the city lights and the R&B music playing softly on the radio created a very chill vibe around you. Maybe a little two chill since you were beginning to fall asleep. 
Not taking his eyes off the road, Jungkook asks, " Hey, are you in the mood for some ice cream? I know this great place nearby, you'll love it." 
Still somewhat conscious but very close to falling to passing out, you answer sleepily in your native language. 
"What? Is that a yes?" he asks perplexedly but you don't answer. When he stops at the red light, he looks over to you. You were fast asleep, your head leaning on the glass window. 
Jungkook smiles softly to himself and gently runs your knee. "Time to get you home," he says quietly and drives into the night. 
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S.q.u.a.d. reacts to the Lion King
Based on this article: I watched The Lion King as a grown-ass man.
"Man, Disney should just stop with the remakes already." Jamie sighed as he took some textbooks from his locker, "I mean, I think the Lion King one was just a CGI version of the original."
Jack frowned, scratching the back of his neck. "There was an original version?"
"What? Dude, of course there is. It's a classic. Everyone's seen it." Jamie snorted, turning towards the approaching brunette trio. "Hey guys, you know about the old Lion King movie, right?"
Dimitri shrugged, "I know there's a new lion movie out." He said. "Looks more like a documentary thing, if you go by the trailer."
"Didn't have cable growing up," Jim replied, "still don't. Plus, Disney is overrated anyway."
Hiccup hummed thoughtfully, "What's lion king?"
Jamie stared at his friends dumbfounded. "Okay, we are so having a movie night now." He said.
Later that Friday evening, Jamie and his friends find themselves in the den of his home, parents out with the younger sister, and three bowls of popcorn with different flavors; cheese, butter, and barbeque. Plus, two boxes of pizza.
"Wow, Jay," Astrid whistled as she settled on a spot next to him, "you sure went all out for this."
Jamie shrugged, "Disney is my childhood." he said.
"I still say they're a gold digging empire," Jim deadpanned, but took a handful of popcorn. "But I never say no to free food."
Dimitri took a slice of pizza as Jack had too, and they 'toasted' to it, "Preach."
"Okay guys," Jamie rolled his eyes as he set Netflix on the television, "at least wait for the movie to start. Since I brought it up earlier, let's start with 'The Lion King.' I've got tissues ready in case you need it."
Jim snorted, rolling his eyes. "It's an Animated kids movie." He said. "Nobody cries over those.
🎶On the day we arrive on the planet~🎶
"Well, opening song sounds good." Jack hummed, "wouldn't mind getting it stuck in my head. Unlike that overrated Queen Ella single one."
Dimitri groaned, "Ohmygod, yes." he groused, "People will not shut up about it!"
"Okay boys." Astrid rolled her eyes, "focus."
They did so, but it didn't take long for someone else to speak up. "Whoa, now hold up. So, that monkey dude..." Jim frowned, and Jamie felt the need to pause the movie. "I mean, come on, this monkey chief dude comes hobbling around on a walking stick earlier, and you expect that he can hold a damn newborn over a cliff? That's shady, man."
"Just watch." Jamie rolled his eyes, smirking at his friend's offended expression. "Also, I'm gonna have to preemptively warn you to suspend your disbelief for a lot of these movies." He hits play once more.
And they watched.
"He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia."
"That's some mad alliteration skills," Jack mused, "ugh, alliteration. Still confuse that with assonance."
Hiccup stared at his boyfriend, "The fact that you even bring that up casually..."
"Okay, feeling that Scar's the bad dude here." Astrid interrupted, "but I'm liking the accent."
Rafiki is painting Simba on his tree...
"There's that shady baboon butt again, doing grafitti without his goddamn walking stick." Jim snorted, "I don't trust that punk."
Dimitri chuckled, giving his boyfriend a one-arm hug. "Pup, you have trust issues. It's your thing." He cooed, "it's a cartoon monkey, he can't hurt you."
"But he can hurt his fellow cartoon animal peeps." Jim countered. "Shady bastard."
Dimitri rolled his eyes, "and they say you're a cold, insensitive prick." He snorted.
"Wait, a Lion in a Pride mates with all the lioness..." Hiccup frowned, his eyebrows knitting together. "He's literally sleeping with his wife and the rest of his, uh, concubines in a single..."
Jamie groaned, "You're ruining my childhood here."
"So, this is that famous overmemed scene." Jack snorted, "pretty grand, I'll give it that. Tempted to google what the shadowy place is, though."
Jamie shook his head, taking Jack's phone. "No spoilers." He said. "It's coming up soon anyway."
"Forgive me for not leaping in joy. Bad back, you know."
Hiccup nodded faux sagely, "Scar is me at every social gathering." He said.
"No, no! Don't, you gullible lion cub!" Jim shouted at the TV, much to everyone's amusement. "THAT DARK PLACE IS OBVIOUSLY NOT AN ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD, SIMBA. DON'T DO DUMB SHIT. LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS. GO TO LION CUB SCHOOL!"
Dimitri snickered, gesturing to his soulmark. "He's talking in capslock again." He said.
🎶"I just can't wait to be king~!"🎶
"Okay, I'm so finding a playlist in Spotify now." Jack mused, scrolling at his phone that Jamie returned earlier. "These tunes are gonna be my jam."
Hiccup shrugged, "I still find it funny that the animals are so okay with their predators being their king. No revolution sparked by discontentment at all." He pointed out. "Sounds kinda fishy."
"Okay, anyone else feeling kinda awkward with Simba and Nala's sexual tension?" Jim voiced out, "I mean, they're kids... Or cubs... Whatever. They're young."
Hiccup nodded, "Not to mention, cousins. Being in the same Pride..." He trailed off as Jamie kicks him lightly on the shin.
"Again, ruining childhood for me." Jamie sighed, and Astrid rubs his arm soothingly.
Jim points at the screen accusingly, "Ah! An elephant graveyard!" he gawked. "okay, was wrong on that, but still creepy as hell. Especially now that practically everywhere in the Savannah is an elephant graveyard... Even a rhino graveyard."
Jack shook his head, "Guys, you need to chill."
"Okay, these hyenas reminds me of that old Cartoon Network show, Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy." Hiccup mused, "Especially Ed, who's basically Ed. Can't be a coincidence."
Astrid snickered, "He's also you; laughing or making jokes to laugh about in inappropriate situations." she teased. "Got us in trouble a lot in those 'bring your kid to work' events."
"Aaaand Mufasa comes in to save the day," Jack slow clapped, "knew it. But boy, is Simba grounded. You done fucked up, kid."
"I'm surrounded by idiots..."
Jim huffed, leaning back against the couch and Dimitri's arm. "Mood." He deadpanned. "Also, calling out their cruelty to animated zebras."
"I know right?" Dimitri humored him, "where the fuck is PETA when you need them?"
Jamie snorted, smirking at them, "Uh, I don't know... Reality?"
"Doesn't feel like it either." Astrid quipped, "elephants still dying everywhere."
Jack rolled his eyes, "Fucking chill guys."
"Ah, Hiccup, look. How's that for discontentment?" Astrid pointed at the screen, "Scar's not satisfied with being sass king of the jungle. Wants to run for real king, that can't end well."
Hiccup shrugged, "I'll take it." He said, "and it's not a jungle, actually.
"Dude has mad pipes though." Jack pointed out, "I'd definitely attend the opening night of 'Scar: The Musical.'"
Jamie hummed thoughtfully, "Huh, a lion king remake with his perspective instead would be an improvement." He said.
"Simba, it's to die for!"
"Okay Hiccup, take notes." Astrid quipped, "Scar's pun game is topnotch."
Hiccup snorted, tossing a throw pillow her way. "Must've learned from me." He shot back, "I'm a master."
"Still," Astrid said, laughing as she threw the pillow back, "I have the feeling this is the point of the movie I'm gonna start hating Scar."
Jamie cringed as the stampede started, and he paused the movie much to everyone's frustration. "Okay, guys. Again, maybe you need ti—" he trailed off.
Jamie did so. And he found it strangely satisfying when everyone cried out a despairing 'NOOOOOOOOOO!' along with Simba as Mufasa fell to his death.
"Mufasa is dead?!?!" Jim gawked, "he died?!!? Just like DUMBLEDORE?!?!?! Just like MY FATHER?!" He whimpered, leaning on Dimitri as his boyfriend reached for the box of Kleenex from Jamie. "Feeling unusually upset right now. It's a damn kid's movie. It has no right to be hitting it home, and right to the feels."
Dimitri sighed, patting his back consolingly. "There, there..."
"Fuck you, Scar. Just..." Jim groused, "Fuck. You."
Astrid sighed, taking a sheet from the Kleenex herself. "Gotta say, though," she started, "for a schemer like Scar, he sure does skimp on the quality of his henchmen. Letting Simba go is gonna bite him in the ass someday. Guaranteed."
"Okay," Jamie paused the movie. "intermission. Who needs a bio-break?"
Jim just stood up and went for the bathroom. The rest finished the pizza and Dimitri made sure to leave some for Jim.
"You good, Jim?
"Shut up and play the movie." The brunette groused, "ugh, I can't believe I cried. Damn you Scar."
Jamie laughed as he plays the movie once more. "Told you you'd need tissues."
"Screw you, man."
"Mufasa's death was a terrible loss..."
Jim eats his pizza. He continues to curse Scar as he speaks of Mufasa's death. "Don't fall for his crap, come on!" He scowled. "Zazu, he fucking slammed you to a rock!" He sighed, "Why the hell are you letting him become king? This is why you animals are getting extinct."
"It's.... really not." Hiccup protested.
Dimitri massaged his shoulders, "Jim, you can print out a picture of Scar and dart him, okay pup?" He soothed.
"The hyenas look like they can get shit done, though." Jack mused, "well, except for giving Simba the slip."
Jim hummed, "Oh, baboon guy. Almost forgot about this dude." He said. "Cutting him some slack because I feel he's going to drop some Yoda shit on this bitch."
"You get so feisty when you're irritable." Dimitri mused, "and this is why Scroop secretly has a thing for you."
"Don't worry," Dimitri shrugged, kissing the tip of his nose. "I don't share."
Jim huffed, "Well, I bloody hope not!"
"You gotta put your behind in your past."
"Gotta get a tattoo of this Pumbaa quote." Jack joked, "words to live by 101."
Hiccup audibly whimpered, taking Jack's hand. "Please don't " he said. "Your skin's perfect. It's bad enough that my choice of words already marred it."
"Aw, babe..." Jack hugged him, "you know I love it."
Astrid blew a raspberry. "Get a room."
"Uh, my house, so no." Jamie protested.
Jim blinked, "Wait, I know this is Timon and Pumbaa because I had them on a pencil case when I was eight or something. Then, I got one of space and that was that." He started. "But damn, I didn't know Hakuna Matata was from here. I have heard this song before, I am not entirely ignorant."
"I'm so hungry, I can eat a whole Zebra."
"I'm condemning this casual Zebra slaughter," Hiccup declared. "Let it be known. You can't just eat a whole Zebra, Simba. Come on."
Astrid gagged, "Insects? Really?" She shakes her head. "Simba's diet is fucked. I'm not a nutritionist or a zoologist, but I really, really, don't think insects are enough to get Simba through all those years in the jungle. I mean, it's like asking humans to survive on dog food alone."
"And yet he has grown into a fine-ass lion over the course of about three bars of song." Jack whistled, "Intriguing. Switching to insect-based diet after the movie."
Hiccup shakes his head, "Snowflake, I rather you go vegan."
Rafiki appears and takes Simba's floating fur with the dandelions...
"There's monkey Yoda again," Jim snorted, "jumping down on trees, not a walking stick in sight. He's on to something though, so I'll let it sli—HOLD THE PHONE!" The brunette balked, "Did baboon man REALLY figure out Simba was still alive from smelling dandelions that floated from miles away?"
Dimitri rubbed his back in circles, "Pup, stop being antagonized by the damn monkey already." he snickered, "it's cute, but I'm worrying over your mental health."
"Don't tell me what to do, dimwit." Jim scoffed, "I mean, really, this insane Yoda monkey with inconsistent usage of walking aids might be the movie's last hope. How to feel about this, I don't know."
Hiccup hummed, faux sadly. "We're gonna lose Pumbaa. I can feel it." he said. "Life's just not fair, and warthogs just aren't fast."
"Oh, wait, it's Nala!" Jack cheered, "Yaaay!"
The freckled brunette snorted, crossing his arms. "Nala goes from hunting Pumbaa one minute to having a conversation with him after Simba vouches for him?" he shook his head, "So, tell me how there aren't any riots with the predators being friends with some preys, and others not? Unjustifiable exceptions."
"Guys, suspend your disbelief." Jamie sighed, "I think I gave out that warning earlier."
🎶...You needn't look too far; Stealing through the night's uncertainties, love is where they are~🎶
"Whoa, 'Can you feel the love tonight' was from this movie? Okay, it's official, I'm in love with this soundtrack." Jack made an exaggerated bowing down motion towards the screen, "Hands down one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard."
Dimitri narrowed his eyes at the screen, in scrutiny. "They totally boned at this scene, right?" he deadpanned. "I mean, did you see those bed room sex eyes?"
Jim stuffed him with a pillow, "At least the sexual tension between them doesn't feel as awkward now."
"You said you'd always be there! But you're not... it's because of me..."
Hiccup nodded his head, "Sexual tension replaced with crippling self-loathing, just like real life." he sighed, "feel ya, Simba."
"God, I don't know how many therapists mom made me see until I finally got over blaming myself for my sperm donor leaving us." Jim sighed, shaking his head. "and then guidance counseling when we found out he killed himself a few months before Freshemen year started."
Dimitri stared at his boyfriend worriedly, "Pup, do you need a hug?" he embraced him without waiting for a response.
"It ain't your fault, Jim. Shit happens... Especially stampedes if you're in a forest."
Jamie sighed, "Savannah."
"Real talk, though," Astrid mused, "shit happens when you've got scheming uncles who planned to push their brother off the buffalo freeway."
The brunette stared at his girlfriend before picking up his phone, "I'm tweeting that."
Rafiki appears humming incoherently...
"I swear to god, this monkey is on meth." Jim snorted, shaking his head. "Yeap, he just called Simba a baboon. This primate is trippin'."
Dimitri stared at the rest of his friends, as if he was in 'The Office'. "I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?"
"Better not bring him to any Zoos soon," Jack advised. "He might try to throw rocks at the monkey containment."
"Okay, I take it back." Jim raised his arms, "This is going to be some pivotal revelatory shit." he started.
"Correction, I know your father."
Jim glared at the screen, pointing an accusing finger. "Okay, still trippin'" He scowled at the meditation monkey, "I hope this really is Mufasa and not some metaphorical mambo-jumbo. If not, I call subterfuge."
Jamie was starting to wonder if this whole movie marathon was a good idea. They were just starting with the first one, and Jim already seems like a lost cause. Maybe there was a reason innocent children were the target audience.
"CALLED IT," Jim growled at the television, "that's a reflection, you punk-ass monkey. Way to let a brother down." He shook his head, frowning as the screen shows cloud Mufasa. "Aaaaand now he's slipped Simba some acid. Just great."
Definitely a bad idea.
"Wow, it worked." Even Hiccup is surprised. "who'da thunk it. Hm, might wanna check for hidden projectors, though. Monkey might've pulled a Mysterio... Well, for a good cause, but still. Jim's got it right with subterfuge."
Dimitri glared at him, "Dude, spoiler alert."
"Oops." Hiccup blushed, "sorry."
Jack blinked at the screen, "What the fuck," he scowled, "He just left Nala behind and returned home? When it was her idea in the first place? Bro, that's your soulmark. Boy, is he in for some pain."
"I think this came out before the discovery of soulmarks." Hiccup patted his hand soothingly. "there, there.... What we should really be questioning is that desert. I'm still wondering how there's even an oasis in this movie."
Jamie face palmed, "Suspend your disbelief, suspend... Oh, forget it." he groaned.
🎶"He eeee's a big pig (Yup, yup). You could be a big pig too. Oy!"🎶
"In a movie filled with amazing songs," Jack snickered, "Timon's luau song's gonna be my personal favorite. Bonus points for presentation."
Astrid sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. "And they fell for it," she tossed her hand in a 'I'm so done' manner. "This is why you hire quality hit man, Scar. You can't half-ass a coup and not expect repercussions."
"Well, if he was Loki-smart," Jamie shrugged, "well, there's no Avengers to beat him up and the heroes don't win."
Jim snorted, "Simplified hero-winning's overdone." he said. "Villain redemption arcs like Zuko's should start catching on."
"So, you have no cable for Disney," Dimitri started, "but you know ATLA?"
Jim shrugged, "A therapist was a fan," he explained, "and she thought it'd help with my father abandonment issues. Confirmed: It did."
"I killed Mufasa..."
Hiccup face palmed, and groaned as if he was in real agony. "Aaaagh, typical villain behavior." he groused, "shut your damn Zebra-holes, and finish the job for once, you idiots never learn."
"Chat shit, get banged, Scar." Dimitri snickered, "Chat shit, get banged."
Jim stuffs a pillow at him once more, "Stop it with the innuendos!" he sighed, as he stared at screen. He raised a brow, "Amidst this all-out melee, meth-monkey is doing some serious damage. How, I do not know."
"Well, guess he's been hiding his pizzaz all along."
Simba and Scar finally battle it out
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Jack cheered, "SIMBA WINS." he grinned, "And the hyenas have also found a temporary solution to their food shortage. Win-win."
"This was a kid's movie..." Jim narrowed his eyes at the screen, "and they heavily implied Scar getting gang-devoured."
Jamie snorted, and snickered. "You should see the one when the villain got hanged from the treetops."
"Remember who you are..."
"Feel like 'The Eye of the Tiger' would be a proper song for this moment," Jack mused, before pausing in thought, "wait, wouldn't that be 'Eye of the Lion', then?"
Hiccup laughed, shaking his head. "And just like that, the land is glorious again. No mention of rehabilitation process with might have included replanting trees, and attracting livestock with lucrative real estate prices." he mused.
"Let's just hope this heralds a decline in the merciless killings of animated Zebras." Jim snorted, "still unsure as to how meth-monkey hasn't managed to drop a cub off the cliff yet."
Jamie shook his head, as he went back to Netflix's home screen, and grinned towards his friends, "Now, as payback for effectively ruining my childhood, here's a little piece of info to mindblow you guys: The Lion King is basically Hamlet but with lions, and a happy ending."
"Ohmygod!" Jack balked, "IT IS! IT SO IS!"
Hiccup frowned, shaking his head. "I can't believe I didn't see it," he frowned. "And I fucking love Hamlet. I feel like I've let Shakespeare down."
"Baboon man should've made like Yorick and turned into a skeleton head..." Jim snorted, "Wait, was that why they made Scar hold that skull in a certain way?"
Dimitri rolled his eyes, "And here I thought we moved past the whole Rafiki antagonized drama."
Jamie laughed outloud, clutching his stomach. "Just wait till you see the Romeo and Juliet sequel."
"Can we get a movie with more..." Astrid scrunched up her nose, "... humans please?"
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kim-bobbae · 4 years
87. “I saved you a seat.”
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“I don’t get it,” He said flatly, evidently annoyed. “You’re always complaining about me being away and when I’m finally back you’re throwing a fit cos me sitting here and watching you work stresses you out? Come on.”
“I’m not throwing a fit,” You argued.
“Yeah?” He challenged, raising a brow as he folded his arms and leaned back on the sofa behind your desk, eyes staring you down.
“Do you want my company or not?” He asked, the straightforwardness catching you a little off guard.
“You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to…” You murmured, then clicked your tongue in annoyance at the sound of your email notification as you swiveled in your chair and turned your attention back to your desktop.
“If you don’t want to…” He repeated after you, rolling his eyes.
He knew very well that you were ‘in the zone’ with the pile of work that you had to do, and how fickle minded yet demanding your client was being on a Saturday night was doing nothing to make your job any easier. But he especially hated it whenever you used that line on him because what the fuck, why did it have to be on him. There he was, despite being jet lagged himself, giving you shoulder massages and trying to talk you through your stresses but all he got in response was you swatting his hands away and asking him to leave you alone cos it was getting distracting.
“Yeah whatever I don’t really deserve this crap after trying so hard to help you keep your emotions in check if you, a grown working professional, can’t deal with your own responsibilities,” He stated.
And that kinda hurt.
“Jay-” You started, swallowing a potential outburst as your eyes were still fixated on the screen, scanning through the endless lines of requirements your client had just sent, unreasonably asking to be met by the same night.
He watched as you closed your eyes, dropped your head to the table and your hands grabbed at your hair, then wordlessly picked up his keys and cast one last glance before making his way out of the study.
“I’m just trying to finish so I can make it-” You tried explaining after calming down, but the click of the main door signaling that he had left your apartment only drew out a long, heavy sigh. “…tonight.”
“Ayeee,” Gray greeted as soon as Jay entered the office.
“Long time no see!”
“Hey,” He said with a small smile.
Having left your house a few hours ago, Jay had sought solace in his studio, attempting to distract himself by working on some new tracks but obviously none of them were coming out satisfactory and it was adding on to his exasperation on top of the whole episode between the two of you this afternoon.
It rarely ended with him walking out on you even though he usually preferred to have some time to cool off before talking it out on the occasion that you guys argued. But ever since he left for the world tour, you struggled to keep yourself mentally sane with the ridiculous workload that you were facing at your new job and the lack of mental and emotional support. It was easier when he was around – you would bring your work to his office if you had to work overtime, he would come over to write his lyrics, but more importantly, he could pull you into his arms whenever he saw that the stress was driving you up the wall.
Needless to say, the past five months was a real struggle with you often crying over the phone to him despite your best efforts to keep it in. He knew the nature of your work and your low threshold for work stress, but he didn’t expect that you would have driven him away even after not seeing him for so long when he had put in the effort to spend time with you instead of recovering from his jet lag.
“What’s up? Everything okay?” Kiseok asked, reaching his hand out for a handshake.
“Yeah of course,” He shrugged.
“Is Ji Eun not joining us tonight?”
“Maybe later, she’s kinda held up at work,” He replied, casually going over to the refrigerator to grab himself a drink to avoid any further questions about you.
It worked, though, as everyone went on to catch up with one another, chilling with some card games and Nitendo Switch as per the usual.
The guys at AOMG had arranged for a casual gathering at the office on a Saturday night to congratulate Jay on concluding his successful world tour.
“You coming?” 
Your phone buzzed, and you diverted your attention from your bedroom ceiling to your mobile phone as the message preview from Hoody lit up the screen.
It was only three hours into the said time of the party when you had finally sent out the documents to your client, a huge wave of relief coming over you as you slumped into your seat, wanting to just stare into blank space and do absolutely nothing for a while.
“I don’t know, should I? I just got done with work and it’s super late though.”
“Duh, it’s a party for Jay, come and chill out. Pretty sure he’s been waiting, he seems pretty restless.”
You sighed, putting your phone face down on the table then rubbed your face, sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was a no brainer that you wanted to be there to celebrate the occasion with him. More than that, it was the end of all the woes of long distance that the both of you were more excited about cos if anyone thought Jay was busy in Korea, he was almost untouchable on a tour, though you had to commend his efforts to squeeze in a Facetime call every other night or sometimes even getting DJ Wegun to film it so you could watch him perform for a bit.
Maybe it was the fact that he had not been physically around you for so long that needed some getting used to, but you honestly didn’t mean to come off the wrong way when you asked him to leave you alone. Of course you wanted the hugs and the kisses, but at that point of time you just needed to get the work done as soon as possible.
“Ugh I’m a mess,” You groaned, as you walked over to the mirror beside your wardrobe – the dark circles were deeper than the pits of your stomach and your complexion was embarrassing from the lack of proper sleep the past couple of days.
Nevertheless, you picked out a casual set of clothes and with some make up and self-convincing, you managed to get yourself out of the house and to the office.
Yeah, it’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be fun. You repeated mentally.
“Ji Eun!” Loco greeted with a grin as soon as you walked in.
“Hey…” You smiled, unable to mask the weariness in your voice. “Sorry I’m late, but I brought some chips to make up for it if that’s okay.”
Jay’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, and the way everyone’s attention was turning to you made it impossible for him to avoid looking at you.
“Aw you didn’t have to,” Kiseok said, hands on your shoulders as he brought you over to where everyone else was sitting.
“Everything at work okay?” Elo asked gently, noticing your lack of energy.
“Oh you know, the usual,” You shrugged.
Taking a quick glance around you had noticed that the only seat available was the one beside Jay and it was then when you linked arms with Hoody and walked towards the ice box, naturally avoiding Jay as you caught up with her in a hushed conversation. After all, you didn’t want to put it out there that their boss just had a fight with his girlfriend, nor did you want to ruin the atmosphere with talk about work at a party.
Jay could not help but take quick glances at you from time to time, the crease in your forehead and the subtle frown on your face as you spoke about what he assumed to be work woes to Hoody only making him feel worse about this afternoon. After all, you guys haven’t had proper quality time since he touched down yesterday for him to notice the weight you had lost and your lack of energy.
“You okay?” Loco asked, noticing how Jay went quiet ever since your arrival.
“Ya Hoody, don’t steal his girl, it’s his party today,” Ugly Duck remarked, turning all the attention on you.
“Sorry wha-?”
“Join us, we were just getting started with another round of drinks!” Sungwoo chimed.
“I saved you a seat,” Jay said in the quietest voice, barely looking at you as he cleared his throat.
You bit your lip, looking up at Jay for a split second before the both of you looked away from each other simultaneously. You tried as best as possible to stall for time and lingered awkwardly around Wonjae at the opposite end of the room. By now, it was becoming a little obvious that something wasn’t right between the both of you, but they knew better than to spell it out until a slightly tipsy Kiseok broke the silence.
“What? Afraid that you’ll jump on each other? Go ahead, we’ll look away,” Kiseok chuckled.
Seeing that Jay was having none of it as he smacked Kiseok’s head with a cushion, you took the opportunity while their attention was diverted and excused yourself to the pantry.
You sighed, unwrapping a bowl of instant ramen as you began regretting your decision to even turn up at the party when really, you would rather curl up in bed with Netflix than tread carefully around Jay after months of long distance.
Jay figured that it wasn’t wise to drag this out any longer and finally got up from the couch, biting on his inner cheek as he walked up to you quietly. There you were, sitting on the bar stool at the island, propping your chin on your hand as you stared blankly at the electric kettle not even noticing that he had walked right up beside you.
“Haven’t had dinner?”
“Oh…no, kinda made my way here as soon as I was done,” You explained, surprised, then pressed your lips to form a tight line.
He then reached for the bowl, unwrapping the condiments and wordlessly prepared it for you.
“Thanks,” You whispered.
“No worries.”
And for a while you sat there, looking at him whilst biting on your lip, not exactly sure of what to say to get rid of the deafening silence.
Noticing this from the side of his eye, he let out a soft chuckle, “What?”
“Nothing,” You replied, and as he looked at you with a brow raised, you sighed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drive you away...”
“Me too,” He sighed, leaning down to rest his elbows on the island as he brought his face closer to yours. “I’m sorry.”
A part of you wanted to go off on a long ass apology, but a part of you didn’t want to start this whole drama all over again, nor did you really have any emotional energy left in you. Instead, you simply looked at him, the both of you staying like that for the longest time.
“I know, you don’t have to say anything,” He said, finally wrapping his arms around your frame and pulling you closer to him.
160 notes · View notes
soranihimawari · 4 years
West Coast kind of Love
 Summary: There were certain things you know off the top of your head. One, the fact that popcorn and M&Ms should not be sold separately at the local movies is a crime; two, every other Monday of the month, the neighborhood film club would host dollar monster movies (where one of your neighbors in your apartment complex would frequently attend); and three, you might have to pinch yourself when he asks you to take a photo with you as a proof of “how things are going abroad” to his friend in Argentina...
Word count: 4.685K
Taglist: @m0nstergeneration20xx 📷 (google docs proof reader), @oitoorus​, @tkags & her ⛅ (anon fam) , @oikawalovely [open still]
“Do what you love and the rest will follow”-proverb
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--September XX--Thursday, 23:13 (11:23pm)
“Oh come on Yukihira,” you knocked on the closed bathroom door of your apartment.”You know I called dibs to the bathroom after we ditched those jerks at the dancehall.”
Every month you and your roommate took turns in choosing public places to go out for a night on the town. With midterms coming up for what would be the junior year of your undergrad studies, your roommate decided giving a double date a try. Unfortunately for her, those jerks were thinking of doing the deed way too early for either of your liking. You decide that spilling your peach Bellini on your friend’s outfit during the middle of the date was the perfect excuse to end the night early. More often than not, you mostly came along these dates with her as an enforcer. You two might be as different as night and day (yukihira studies medicine all hours of the day whereas your focus was the visual arts). Tonight was just one of those nights where you being there was beneficial.
“Ugh, fine,” she said opening the door revealing her freshly brushed grin. “I can’t believe you had the gall to ruin that outfit y/n.”
“Hey, whatever helps you throw it out like you did your ex then I was doing the Lord’s work for you, Yuks.” You rolled your eyes at her when she stuck out her tongue when you slithered into the ivory tiled washroom. This earned a laugh from the other member of your household.
“But because this was a bad date and I didn’t think things through this time again, that means I get to set you up on a blind date.” Her singsong voice reached your ears as you turned on the faucet to drown out her mocking tone. You paused for a brief moment while waiting for the make up remover serium to bubble up on your face before wiping it off effectively.
“With who?” you asked after you patted your skin dry post-makeup removal ritual complete. Your hair was undone from the hair elastic you pulled out of your inherited islander curls.
“I don’t know. Hmm...Maybe the guy in unit 23C? He’s awfully cute,” Yukihira mused as you leaned in her doorway. Her brows wiggled in delight when she noticed how you stared at your neighbor on move in day during your freshman move in day three years prior.
“Iwazumi? You can’t be serious,” you said. Your voice betrayed you because your eyes shined like the gods of furtune finally found their way to you.
“Do you want to or not? He’s focused, witty, determined; I have my physiology study group with him tomorrow. Why don’t you come with, best friend of mine?”
You really hated when she pulled the puppy eyes on you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to refuse (not by a long shot).
“Ask him if he prefers coffee or tea.”
A few days later, you came home from your department’s masters class with your portfolio sling over your shoulder. Your hands were covered in literal ink stains from your latest mural macro-micro project.
“Hey, Yukihira! Have you seen where I kept my lacquer thinner?” You raise your voice slightly as you kick off your shoes by the entrance hallway. It was only then you realize there were a couple of other pairs of shoes that did not belong to either of you. That’s when you remembered your friend’s warning about her study group coming over. All color drained from your face when you rounded the corner to your living room area converted into a mini lecture hall. You clear your throat to announce your presence which went unnoticed (with the exception of your roommate). Without even looking at the board, you chose to mess with the med students’ practice case.
“And I’m telling you this is a bilateral cut to the optic nerve, Josefina.”
“The microabraisons on the left thoracic cavity allowed the victim to bleed out on the table due to the elevated use of blood thinners, ” your voice quiets the pre-med students and you smile in a nonchalant manner. You have read this problem with Yukihira so many times prior at the start of the semester that you were able to recall the prognosis off the top of you head. Being friends with a pre-med major does have its redeeming qualities although you were seen mostly honing your crafts in the art department and this was just the prime time of their study week. 
“Oh! You’re back early,” Yukihira says in a warm tone. She stands at the end of the table in between you Her eyes glazed over as if to communicate that you were about to be formally introduced. You bite your tongue prior to allowing your roommate to clap her hands together as she went naming every member starting with the person on her left who was the aforementioned Josefina. When she had come full circle, her voice trailed off with a small apologetic smile.
“Aaaand this here is my roommate, y/n. To answer your question about the lacquer thinner, I put the bottle on your desk when it arrived last time,” Yukihira made sure to watch everyone’s response. She was more interested in seeing how the third member of her study group (the aforementioned neighbor in 23C) would react. His minuscule smirk was doubly noted, prompting you to fill the few seconds of silence with your own voice. After a brief trip down memory lane, spear headed by your best friend as they took a break from studying for a moment, Yukihira explained after years of being friends you learned about the medical cases for exams via osmosis. You were an unofficial member of the study group since the medical arts building was located near the visual arts department offices on campus. You chose to not let them be pushed back any further especially since their content exam was coming up later that month, so you bid them good luck.
“Don’t mind me,” your brass tone conveyed an even temper at the time. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to head to my room. You guys aren’t the only ones with an exam this week.” You raised your portfolio canister so they could see the poster sized dyed cylinder. Reams of paper filled with sketches made from ink and graphite poked through under the flourescent lights of the kitchen dining room table. The med students along with Yukihira waved and said it was lovely to meet your acquaintance.
With that you made a beeline route to your room, opened the door, and promptly shut the door. You dropped your portfolio canister next to your desk, turned up the volume of the lo-fi radio station playlist on your sound system, grabbed the nearest pillow and let out a muffled shriek to expel the remaining bits of embarrassment your friend threw you in. You were good at smaller group studies, but to be fair, given the fact that your friend was a social butterfly, you mostly seemed to rub off the “talented-artsy, yet focused,” type of woman. That night you cleaned up your outline for your stencil art piece of a fox and a hound for your take on minimalism class which had its peer critique at the end of the week.
You didn’t physically speak to Yukihira for the rest of the week. With both of you burning the midnight oil within the last few days before the exam, you noticed that the number of study group being held in your apartment had become the norm every other day (causing you focus more on a certain individual). Funny thing was he was also doing the same thing...
『from Yukihira: how many times do i have to apologize? You know I didn’t plan on having an emergency study session with iwazumi. He just showed up & wanted to chat. Besides the TA & professor chose to move up the exam date...』
『from y/n: you should of told me earlier before I came home. You know I forgive you... only if you buy me the latest ice cream along with the new Jun Ito novel. I’ll be out there in a minute till make some coffee for us.』
『from Yukihira: Mmkay & thanks. Coffee sounds good right about now anyways.』
--October XX-- Friday, 15:55 (3:55p.m.)
The weekend came through soon enough and on a Friday afternoon with no where to go, you were chilling at the comfort of your own living room. You were quick to thank the test gods for the exam being moved up once you had a proper conversation with Yukihira that morning. She mentioned she was going be out all day making sure she was able to finesse her study guide with her fellow medical study group. Since it was the end of the week, Josefina opted to have a free for all study day at the book store for those who wanted to go over last minute things according to the note yukihira left on your door that morning.
At the time of the day, you were expecting to be alone, curled up with your favorite cup of English Earl Grey Tea and a Lovecraft radio program you downloaded via the student Spotify network. Your phone vibrated and pinged with a notification from the bookstore where Yukihira placed the order for your horror novel to arrive sooner than the estimated timeframe. Because life finds it funny to pull another prank on your clown assery with your little cynical attitude, you were startled when the formal knocker was used.
“Shit!” you said when you clutched your heart as you placed your cup of tea down on the coffee table. As your put two fingers on your neck’s pulse point, you waited a few minutes for your heart rate to calm back down; you stood up and began to make your way down the hallway. Lo and behold, you were greeted by a casually dressed man who was clutching your new novel in his sunkissed hands. 
It takes your brain a few synapses to register that it was Iwazumi who has been taking a liking to coming over for extra study hours with your roommate, but if anyone asked him to reply honestly, he wanted to know more about you. The human body has more than 240 bones, yet the more frequent his visits become, the more he felt himself become accustomed to befriending you both. There were instances where you joined them at the kitchen table glancing at their open notebooks and case studies; you often made tea or coffee depending on the hour of the day. On the days you had come home from the art department, Yukihira was quick to notice how Iwazumi’s usually tense face seemed to visibly relax when you came to prepare your favorite snack (m&ms and buttered popcorn). Your friend was quick to relay a text to his phone, which caused her study partner at the table to become more flustered than he already was. 
Regardless of the various near misses over the next couple of weeks between you and Iwazumi (sometimes it was Yukihira’s fault other times, it was coincidental juxtopostional humour: it has happened twice on Iwazumi’s side when his friends back home noticed he was not at his usual place. [Yukihira called for a mini-study break] However, that didn’t stop you from asking him if he preferred sugar or honey for his tea & all hell broke loose (Hanamaki & Mattsun were cheering him on while Oikawa.exe has dropped the call).
All this back and forth for the past five weeks caused this moment to occur:
“I-Iwa-chan?” your voice went up several octaves before clearing your throat with a cough. “If you’re looking for Yukihira, she’s actually not here at the moment...” 
“To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth.”
The audio from your radio program was keeping you company. The disembodied voice coming from the main sound system you helped set up when you first moved into the building with Yukihira quoted Lovecraft as the program continued to serve in the role of filling the silence between you and Iwazumi. The gods really did that, didn’t they? your thoughts were running away with you again, chasing a reality that would be yours--or so you think. 
During that thought hurricane you conjured up, you decided to pause the train of thought for a few minutes. You released your hold on your front door knob as you pulled the door a little wider in order for you to lean against the frame of the front door. Your hair was pulled up in a messy bun (on your days off, you were typically clad in tapered mint green pants and a spare white button down blouse due to laundry day), but it was enough to see the usual semi-talkative and stoic demi-god of a neighbor wear such an embarrassed expression. You pretended to not hear the barely audible, “woah,” that escaped his mouth prior to him holding up the book to you. 
“Did the mail carrier drop it off to your box again?” you ask taking the book in your hands. “Sorry about that. You can come in if you want.” 
You were quick to notice that something caught your arm in an attempt to stop you from walking. When you chose to not try to pry yourself away from Iwazumi’s hold, he took it as a sign to bend himself to your ear and say the following in a powerfully low tone: “Would you believe me if I said I wasn’t looking for her?” 
“Yes,” you say in a timid manner, yet it was paired with a curt nod. You both had the tenacity to swat away any lingering negative thoughts.
Iwazumi took this moment to turn you around to face him by the arm he held you with. His smile disappeared when he let your arm go and instead moved his hand to hold yours with his opposite hand, he pulled the door shut behind him. You were probably too proud to admit this aloud, nonetheless, you liked the way Iwazumi’s firm grip felt in your hand; his were rough and calloused as much as yours were from years of honing your independent crafts. You gave him a kind smile before your neighbor decided to take advantage of the fact that the other person in your apartment wasn’t home; you squeezed his hand slightly and he let your hand go. 
You placed the Jun Ito novel on the kitchen counter motioning for Iwazumi to meet you there. Your kettle was still warm, however you made a cheeky joke to your newly acquired friend. (Perhaps this was Yukihira’s plan, you think). You reached into the dishwasher and was about to pour him a cup of tea, yet you couldn’t help but make a small joke at his expense for holding your hand so intently. 
“For the record, if you wanted to hold my hand, you could have done so earlier,” you mention stifling a laugh, pouring the steaming water into the mug. Iwazumi mumbled something about how he liked the way your hand fit, yet you chose to throw caution to the wind and quickly planted short kiss on his cheek when you extended the cup toward him after placing the tea strainer in it. 
With one hand on yours and the other was wrapped around the ceramic mug,. Your kindness was always something Iwazumi found alluring. You might not have been in the same course of study as him or Yukinira, yet you were good finding the beauty in the mundane. A few of your pieces of work were hung around the apartment and from his line of sight, your dedication to your craft was something to be admired.With every sip he took a sip to deflect from the way his thoughts were heading into uncharted territories; OIkawa, Mattsun, and even Makki were the ones more verbose on love & conquest during the days of their you:
“You’re always over at your neighbors’ place, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa teased. 
“I wonder what his reason is,” Makki muses. “Mattsun thinks it’s a girl. Typical.”
Makki also noticed one of your sophomore symposium art pieces hanging behind the place where Iwazumi was sitting at the time of their weekly video call. Your avant-garde view of  viewing the world was enough to set the sky amethyst hues. California does have it’s moments of striking beauty and somehow Iwazumi found it hard to keep to a straight face around his friends. His expression was usually hardened or bold, but today you sat across from him at the beginning of the call, reading up on the use of gold leaf detail work for your art restoration classes. Across the myriad of scattered medical books and various notes that were pertaining to another medical case were a tell that their friend was clearly not alone. You glance up at him quietly, a minute smile formed between you two; you write on a spare piece of paper the word, “friends” to which he nodded. 
“Aww, is our little ace growing soft on us?” Oikawa’s whining was something you often heard Yukihira describe after nights like these.(She usually hung out in your room as you were placing the final touches of your latest art assignment. This month was dedicated to historic downtown with a twist of horror: modern mania & the ruiner of man. Right now, you didn’t mind the shared space of the dining room while Yukihira was out on a grocery run at the time the call was initiated.)
“Shut your mouth Shittykawa,” Iwazumi barks. His dark eyes hardened like stone and that was when Makki let out a wicked grin. 
“I owe Mattsun 500 yen,” Makki chuckled. 
“Holy shit,” Oikawa’s eyes bounced between his best friends and let out a low whistle. “if this woman is capable of such an amazing feat, ask her if she has a friend [for me].”
Iwazumi ended the call right then and there. He didn’t expect his heart to be beating so irratically when you walked room in your house attire for a moment to make yourself a cup of the same Earl Grey Tea. The hazy lights emitting from your room blended effortlessly with the flourescent ones in the kitchen; each beam clung to your body in such away Iwazumi was glad neither of his friends witnessed the moment he fell in love with California and all that came with it. 
This afternoon was a different story as you liked the way Iwazumi allowed his natural blush to bubble to the surface of his cheeks and you could swear you saw a fraction of the high school volleyball ace shine through. The sunlight danced around the stainless steel details of the kitchen where you shared secrets, recipes, and drinks with your best friend. His free hand chose to move away from the counter finding its resting place under your chin. The cup of tea Iwazumi held earlier was placed next to the stove on the coaster by the sink. 
You steady your breathing right before you felt Iwazumi’s breath on your cupid’s bow; his lips pressed against yours gingerly as though he felt his brain light up and catch a fire he needed to not run away from; everything he wanted to know about you was answered as soon as your hands cup his face. I think I like this, your conscience is egging you on to pursue his touch for a while longer. It was a silent acknowledgement of the other’s presence in the present moment. 
“Hm,” you hear him hum in mutual amusement when you return his kiss. The pads of his fingers trace the highest points of your face teasingly. He wanted answers to the questions your lips asked. When you two separate for a moment, you realize you might have been too forward, but when you move your hands away from his face only to hug him in a loose embrace, you couldn’t help the next words from posing a question.
“Do you want to kiss me again?” your coquettish tone made Iwazumi’s answer very apparent as you suddenly took into account the last couple of weeks and the way both of you came to enjoy each other’s company during study group hours at either your place as the primary location or the cafe down the road from the apartment complex. (Iwazumi’s frequent visits weren’t for tutoring necessarily, about a majority of the time it was to see you as an added bonus). 
Iwazumi did not have to be told twice; he enveloped you in his strong arms, he hoisted you up from under your knees and placed you a top the counter with gentle assertive force. Your legs wrapped around his fit waist as you gripped his biceps for leverage prior to letting the old ace prove his strength by placing you on top of the graphite counter like a doll. 
“Comfortable?” Iwazumi’s expression was more seductive than profound.
“Very,” you reply as you unwind your legs from his body. “Where were we?”
Your hands wrapped around his neck before pulling him close to you again. A smug smile cut across both of your faces for a brief moment until your lips hovered over his for the second time. This time, you let him kiss you the way you knew he had been meaning to since he showed up at your door less than fifteen minutes prior book in hand. When Iwazumi kissed you at the current moment, the world crumbled and fell away; it was somehow comforting in a way that words would not compare to. His actions listened to the way you were setting the pace with the same tenacity as he showed you. The scent of his sandalwood conditioner mixed well with your ocean scented dry shampoo. 
Your eyes were still closed when you felt your hands card through his ever-present spiky hair. His right hand rested below your ear, using the pad of his thumb and forefinger to caress your cheek and jawline again. You feel him smile against your own lips when you nipped the corner of his mouth playfully. You break apart long enough for your partner in the kitchen to began to sneakily undoing your top two buttons of your blouse to press his lips against your exposed skin. You let out a whimper in the heat of the moment the second his lips began to leave a trail of reverberating echoes in the simplest of ways securing his hold on your soul that very day.
“Beautiful girl,” Iwazumi murmurs as his eyes met yours when he was done having his fun. His voice was cautious, but when his arms began to hover over your own, you felt your heart rate speed up right as he told you this: “Tell me, what other sounds can you make for me?” 
“Is that a challenge?” you retort, your hands disappearing under his hoodie to feel the fabric of his undershirt. Your hand stopped roaming atop of his chest; he was liking this. You could tell by the way he was taunting you with his smirk. “Because I was wondering the same thing. Do you want me to remove my hand?”
Your hands could have been made of branding tools and Iwazumi wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. He chuckled at your question before you brought him down to your level and your lips met again. The sound he made upon impact was as though you broke him yet healed him at the same time; time was on your side for this one and you proved he wasn’t the only monster in the kitchen. There was a hunger there behind every kiss you let him have; you were smiling in the between long enough to feel his heart beat faster through the fabric of his undershirt.
Your hands automatically removed themselves from his shirt and were found holding on to the aglet of the drawstrings from the hoodie he was wearing. Iwazumi kissed your fingers before proceeding with posing a question to you.
“Just so we’re clear,” your voice was bold and daring. It was one of the many things he liked about you both in and out of campus grounds. The small details was what Iwazumi liked the most and the subtle tells of how you, Yukihira, and even the other members of the study group didn’t make him feel so alone like when he first arrived to California to study.
“Whatever this is between you and I, does it mean we’re...together?” 
You make a sign in the air with your palms up and point between you and him. Iwazumi clears his throat as he taps his lips to tease you and that was when he saw it: a younger version of you covered in sidewalk chalk in your neighborhood (much the same as you saw reflections of the former ace/vice captain).
“If you’ll let me take you to the Monster Movie marathon on Monday,” he answered when he linked his right hand digits with your left and you capture his lips again on your own volition. Your ears perked up at this, you drop the string you played with and patted his chest with a light rapt. 
“Eager to make me your girlfriend aren’t you?” You laugh and Iwazumi furrowed his brows, but you silence his worries in one swift and simple move: you kiss him with the intent of either being his salvation or his torment, either way Iwazumi was not complaining. The girl who loves to read about Lovecraftian monsters and the boy who was a monster chaser shared a love as unique as themselves: like a secret they each wanted to keep  behind closed doors.
His only vice was the fact that his social call was coming to an end and every ounce of his well being was fighting to stay here with you. You back down for a moment only to showcase your best attempt at a flattering smile to match his own. Iwazumi would never let you know this at the time, but seeing that smile on your face made his list of top three things he found most precious in the world. This wasn’t a crush anymore was the proper conclusion you both concluded. 
“Meet at your place at 7:30,” you suggest. Iwazumi released your hand from his to step back as you hopped down from the kitchen counter you made a seat of. 
“I’ll see you then ‘Ms. Lovecraft’.” The nickname he bestowed upon you was one that made the butterflies come back in a flurry; this was the start of something special, but you didn’t know it at this point in time that the name will be used to describe your affinity for Iwazumi’s unyielding devotion to you (the seeds were planted in both of your hearts and the two of you waited for them to bloom).
Iwazumi made his way back toward the hallway and faced your apartment’s front door again. You refastened both buttons he undid prior to reaching for the door knob. 
“For what it’s worth,” your not-so-innocent tone in your voice begins to come through. His darkened eyes observe you undo your top knot and shook your shoulder-length hair to reveal the fullness of your wavy locks. You place your hand on his wrist and the other was on the door knob. He stopped you from opening the door with a softened glance; pressing his lips lightly on your brow bone. 
“I really like it when you come over Iwazumi. Thank you for dropping off the book.” You tap your fingers thoughtfully on your lips as a silent form of thanking him for the other part outside of the tangible order.
“Hajime, y/n,” he whispers his given name in your ear in order to get one last rile out of you before kissing your temple, and you could swear you could hear your heart beat in your ears. “Call me that from now on, ok?”
“Ok,” you swiftly reply. “Only if you continue to call me Lovecraft, haha.”
Iwazumi takes his leave when he thinksof how the next time he sees you, it’ll be filled with magic, mayhem, and the movie playing in his heart was one he would like to share with you for as long as it takes.
You rush to your room to retrieve your cell phone and immediately text Yukihira who was in the middle of her break between classes:
『from y/n: i have a date on monday night. the book came btw. thanks yukihira』
『from Yukihira: iwazumi asked you to go out with him, didn’t he? have fun and remember to not do anything i wouldn’t do. ;) 』
『from y/n: of course. and even if we did, i wouldn’t even hear the end of it from you. you’d might have an easier time talking to iwazumi than me, let’s be honest.』
『from Yukihira: (n˘v˘•)¬ oh you know me so well. see you later tonight.』
—November XX, 14:43 (2:43pm): 
First dates & a glimpse into their social medias (ft. Iwazumi, Babs (y/n), & Yukihira)
Iwazumi credit
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Suffice to say that Mondays became your favorite day after this kiss...😌
Instagram posts from our UCIrvine trio ft. Iwazumi, Yukihira, & Y/N-san
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wlwhc · 7 years
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A to Z Fluff - Lena Luthor
I apologize for the low quality of this thing, I’m doing my best at writing on my phone since Tumblr on my PC does not let me post anything, Idk why
I also have to put the codes like and you guys know I write long things so…it’s making me crazy, sorry for any grammar mistakes to JUST SORRY FOR EVERYTHING OKAY?
A= Attractive.
what do they find attractive about the other
Your hands,  off all things,  this angel find your hands to be the most attractive part of your already unbelievable attractive body. Is not just because she’s a thirsty gay, is also because she finds your hand movements to be as graceful as art itself. You use your hands a lot to be express yourself, from a simple point of view to a delicate touch that reminds her how much you love her,  she loves your hands.
B= Baby
Do they want a family?  Why? / Why not?
Y E S. But not soon,  she would love have kids with you,  two or three as much, but she doesn’t want to rush things and she has the company and too much work,  she likes her work, so she want to have a family with you when the right time comes,  and she knows she’ll have time for you and the baby(ies). *whispers* and she wants a girl
C= Cuddle
How do they cuddle?
The tighter you hold her the better. She will be so close to you,  she just loves to dive into your arms and forget about the world and the weigh of the company on her shoulders. A lot of neck kisses oh my god,  this girl,  she just can’t help it,  she will see a little bit of skin and she’ll have to kiss it!
Also,  don’t even try to get up from that couch or she’ll murder you with a glare,  or she’ll do grabby hand and will pout and you’ll probably die from so much cuteness.
She’s really needy for affection, most of the times she’s between your legs or sitting on your lap,  either way,  she will always manage to hide in the crook on your neck if she gets sleepy,  and she’s always holding your hands.
D= Dates
what are dates with them like?
A lot of laughs and gossip. You want dates for her to be fun,  so you always manage to make her laugh and complain about her Co-workers if necessary,  she loves the awful nicknames you give them.
“so,  it’s monkey ass face bothering you again? ”
“no,  this time is Assbut”
“ugh freaking Assbut,  he’s worst than coin face”
But there’s also heavy flirting and a lot of compliments,  specifically from her part. A lot of lips bites too,  thirsty gay mode on.
E= Everything
You are my ____ (e.g my life,  my world)
“You’re my everything, I see you everywhere I laid my eyes to,  I hear you in every melody, I don’t how you did it y/n,  but I’m immersed in your world,  and I don’t think I can get out of it”
F= Feeling
When they did know they were falling in love?
She noticed it,  it was subtle almost non-existing but it was there, her smile was bigger when you were around her,  her body would nonchalantly get closer to you like a magnet, she knew what was happening… And she didn’t hold back.
G= Gentle
Are they gentle with you?  if so,  how?
She’s such a sweetheart. She’s really sweet and soft with you,  even when she has to be firm or spat the truth at your face she will do it with a soft voice, never raising it or looking threatening.
H= Hand/Hold
How do they like to hold hands?
It’s subtle,  sometimes people misread it as a common thing because she will hold your hand mostly to drag you from place to place on the company. But you know that is not actually it,  she is not a big fan of PDA.
She loves to hold your hand while she’s taking with you,  softly caressing it with her thumb.
I= Impression
First Impression/s
Stunning,  you are stunning and oh my she was dying to talk to you. She nervously aproches you,  your eyes focus on your project,  clearly interested on whatever thing you were writing down. She clears her throat,  calling your attention,  and when she started talking to you asking about your project,  she was stunned. You are not only gorgeous,  but smart too!
J= Joker
Are they into pulling pranks?
Yes,  that devilish smirk of her should be enough for you to noticed when she is going to prank you. From little jumps scares,  to dyeing your hair, but nothing that may hurt you,  it’s just to get revenge on something or just to have some laughs.
K= Kisses
How do they kiss?
Extremely good, she will kill you,  or revive you,  she has no in between. Sometimes she will suck the life out of your tiny body with those hungry kisses that will also make you weak,  or will revived you with those sweet sweet kisses where you are sure angels are singing and bells are ringing.
She is a sucker for lip bites, so be prepared my friend,  she will eat you. A hand in your neck, so she can deep the kiss,  another hand either on your waist or hip,  she’ll grip you tightly. Her lips are so fucking sOFT.
Will absolutely don’t give a damn sometimes and make out with you on her office, sometimes neck kisses will be involve and she LOVES, Neck kisses.
L= litttle things
what little things do they love/notice?
You stumble over your words everytime you’re excited. And she can’t help but love it,  she thinks is adorable.
Another thing she noticed is how handworker you are,  you even spend more hours working that her. And even though she’s your boss,  she can’t get you out of your office,  too busy with your project. She sees your passion and interest in your project,  she loves it. Because no matter how tired you are,  you always smile at her at the end on the night when she asks you about how’s your project.
And a thing that she loves,  is how protective you are,  even though you said otherwise. You show this with little gestures,  a lunchbox on her office,  giving her your jacket when it’s raining,  arguing with anyone that dares to throw dirt on her name. You care,  she noticed that you care.
M= Memory
they favorite moments together
That moment after falling asleep. A lot of things can happen, but the best thing is that it’s just Lena and you,  no one else to bother,  just your girlfriend and you. Lena adores this moment,  when she can kiss you and talk to you with the comfort of her pajamas and bed.
N= Nickel
Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
“Aw what a cute Puppy-LENA PUT THAT MONEY DOWN”
“but I want to buy it for you!”
She is rich,  she is in love,  she will spoil you to death,  I think that there’s no need to explain this. Whatever you want,  look or even just thought about,  you will have it,  no discussion.
O= Orange
what color reminds them of their other half?
Your favorite color
P= Petnames
What pet-names do they use?
Dear - Babe - Love -Sweetheart - Baby - Dr. Y/L/N (kinky cinnamon roll)
Q= Questions
what are the questions they’re always askin?
Have you eaten yet? 
Being a scientist and working for such an important company plus you being very passionate about your work,  would always lead you to forget about taking care of yourself,  your take more care of Lena that yourself. So Lena has to remind you to take a break,  just like you do with her. The biggest problem with you is food,  sometimes you will forgot to eat,  so Lena is always asking you if you had something to eat.
R= Remember
Their favorite memory of each other
That moment when it was just you and her,  alone, in a blanket fort at 4 am after she had a nightmare, product of the countless times when she almost faced death. She needed to get herself out of that dark world,  so you build a blanket fort,  drag her inside and begin talking about future projects she wanted to do, needless to say,  she forget all about her nightmare,  and got consumed by your voice, messy hair and paper mess.
I know a look people will think this is not romantic or shit, and you’re right, but it was what she needed,  no sugary words or endless promises about keeping her safe,  she needed someone to be there for her. You didn’t got scared or pity her,  you were there for her, and you know when she needs to be hold and when to be distracted. You are her friend,  not only her beloved,  and that’s something she hadn’t figure it out yet… Until that day.
S= Sad
How they cheer themselves / each other up
Disney marathons + cuddles
Lena loves it, sometimes you’ll have to sneak some alcohol to the mix but sometimes is not even necessary,  your warmth is enough for her.
She will cheer you up with kisses, cuddles and going out to do something out of the ordinary to make you forget about whatever had upset you.
T= Talking
what do they love talking about?
Science. You’re the only one that can understand her, and geek out with her. From Stars Wars conversations to the theories and number and oh my lord she won’t stop geeking.
U= Universe
Use a metaphor,  what are they to each other?  (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
“She is made up of words that not anyone can understand, her mind is a dictionary of sadness and headache, her heart is a poetry book for the hopeless, she is the prettiest song, the most meaningful haiku, nd the longest novel, It takes a while to read her, Seconds to love her, And a lifetime to forget her”
V= Very___
they thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart,  he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying)
she’s can be very childish with you, you’re very fond of her, she’s very soft with you, you’re very smart
W= Why
Reason why the love each other
You’re her everything. You’re not just a lover, someone to hold at night, you’re also her friend, and even though she has Kara, is still weird for her to have friends, and now she has you. You’re there for her, good times and bad times no matter what happens you are there, you listen to her and also know when to keep your mouth shout, but most important, you don’t have doubts about her, about the weight on her shoulders, about her turning “evil” , you trust her with your life, and that…that made her dive into you, that made her heart feel safe.
X= Xylophone
What’s they’re song?
Coldplay - Something just like this 
Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM7MFYoylVs
Y= You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookie to my milk,  the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the force to my Jedi 
Z= Zebra
if they wanted a pet,  what pet would they get?
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quinnmorgendorffer · 3 years
@katsstratford tagged me to do this and it seemed fun! ty ilysm <3 
why did you choose your url?
I’ve always loved the character Quinn Morgendorffer of Daria fame and was also always compared to her by my family and such so I just naturally have wanted this url forever and finally got it :)
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
i have a couple saved urls and also ran puckurtchrismukkah exchange and helped run hummelholidays and a hudrose based blog and a rp search blog but nothing that’s really active as of now.
how long have you been on tumblr?
......a bit over 10 and a half years. about a year less on this blog :/
do you have a queue tag?
“#[kju]” - it’s “queue” in ipa :)
why did you start your blog in the first place?
I saw a whole bunch of stuff for g/lee spoilers led back to here soooooo yeah I joined lol
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love Charlie/Kelly McGilis as Charlie in Top Gun especially in this lesbian power outfit (I’m team Maverick and Charlie were mutual beards, hence the lack of chemistry in their love scene, and that’s that on that!!!)
why did you choose your header?
It’s one of HUNDREDS of iconic quotes from Quinn and it cracks me up lol. Before I had this url/was using this url, I wanted to expose people to Quinn/that line as much as possible even if you couldn’t see the line....oh well.
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what’s your post with the most notes?
I think this dumb set of screenshots i took of bob’s burgers years ago like it’s not even a nice gifset or good quality WHY IS IT SO POPULAR?? ugh. beyond that back when I made gifs this one from a cute moment at the rent anniversary was i think my first post over 5k
how many people do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
what am i but a shitpost generator?
how often do you use tumblr?
too much. but whatever, whatever
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
girl, i was in the g/lee fandom and i didn’t ship k/laine what do YOU think???
I also got into a heated fight with mutuals at the time over the video for avril lavigne’s “hello kitty” and that was the dumbest thing ever and I guess you can say i lost because they unfollowed me but honestly it’s a win because they  were being way too performative woke in their response. and literally speaking over japanese people... 
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
i almost immediately don’t reblog anything with that shit or like any post that has anything that’s some sort of guilt trip, like yelling at americans for being all ~ignorant~ and not reblogging xyz about other countries like, fine, i’ll be an ignorant american now just to spite you! ha!
do you like tag games?
I really love them a lot!!! I don’t always do them but I really enjoy them and being tagged in them <3
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I think a few of them have famous posts and some might be infamous (no, you mean notorious) but I’m not sure any of them are tumblr famous
do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of y’all
last song i listened to
............technically “baby one more time” since I try to get 250 steps an hour during my work day and i normally do that by dancing and i’ve learned that one so......
my phone bg and lockscreen
it literally hasn’t changed since last time i was asked (or the time before or the time before that....my lockscreen is melissa benoist at the women’s march holding a sign saying “hey donald, don’t try to grab my pussy—it’s made of steel”. it’s really big so i don’t wanna put it up lol. but here’s a pic from the last time I was asked for my background because it’s hilarious
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i tag… @gobbluthbisexual​ @gobbluthlesbian​ @bethecowgirl @mexashepot @halles-comet @anthonyperkinssexlist​ and anyone who wants to do this!
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