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The life of an honorable rat
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aratlife · 8 months ago
Part 2 : Oroku Law
Despite the fact that they were still considered tsuppari. What Saki didn’t stand. He wanted to have the respect, recognition and glory that the yakuza knew at that time. But for the tsuppari they were only considered as dirty horny kids only wanting to give a genre.
This was true for most cases, but not for the Oroku. They wanted more, much more. They were aiming at the top. He was aiming for the top. Karaï (Miwa) was only following his big brother. She did not necessarily like his vision of things, but it was his determination that she admired at home. He had always had this leadership charisma. This is what Yoshi also thinks, the difference is that he joins the same way of thinking as Saki. They are getting closer very quickly, despite the fact that Yoshi is a very recent newcomer.
What some do not see with a very good eye, especially Karaï. Yoshi’s mission is to monitor if possible rivals are hiding in his establishment. He expected to leave high school when he joined the Oroku but unfortunately for him, Saki told him that to be a man, a real one, you have to go through the education box, and school is a good way for him. On the other hand, he no longer lives with his parents, like the others.
They all live in a hotel maintained by a friend of the Oroku family. It serves them mainly as HQ than as a place of life. Back from yet another day of the establishment, Yoshi goes to a supermarket to do the shopping at the gang. He is joined by two members with whom he got along very well: Tsubasa Kenshiro and Nico Bell (and yes of course that’s not his real name).
- Yo Yoshi.
- Hi Hamshi!
- Yo guys. So your day?
- Rather quiet. The other assholes in the east did not manifest themselves too much today. Usually they are noisier. The peasants seem to be gathering and the cowards of the west always remain neutral. And you your day?
- In your opinion Tsu? Fucking nothing. As usual. I expected after these two endless months that it would be moving! But not that slab! Why did Saki fuck me on the stretcher, when I didn’t even set foot on the field?
- I bet you it’s a degenerate sister. She doesn’t like you from the masses. Bell’s word.
- I don’t like it from the masses either. I didn’t do anything to him for God’s name. It’s hardly if we’re crossed paths in recent days. And then I have more valid reasons not to appreciate it. She defended me!
- To save you the bet I call back.
- There are less brutal ways to save someone, right?
- It must have been one of those sweet Yoshi ways.
- Well, we’ll come back.
- Say guys, do you know what’s going on with the yakuza right now? I heard that there was a newcomer and that he was merciless.
- Yeah, I heard about it. No one knows his real name but it is said that he is a stranger.
- But he has a nickname... blowing Yoshi.
The two boys turn to Yoshi.
- Hun. He is nicknamed Hun.
-First part-
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aratlife · 8 months ago
The door opens violently by the fierce grip of the small moth. The Oroku entered the room. Karaï casts a bad look at Yoshi. Saki remains of marble. Shen finishes his bandage and comes out with his head down, looking with a compassionate look at the dazed Yoshi. "Good luck" whispered Shen coming out of the room.
Saki examines Yoshi from head to toe. The Tsuppari's face, devoid of any expressions, turns to his sister.
- It's okay, we take you.
-Tsss...Damn me...
-Eh!? Really? For real?!
-Huh, huh. But before that, you will have to prove your determination to me, in practice.
- O-okay... What should I do?
- First, you will go home. And repeat exactly what I'm going to tell your parents...
Three days later...
- WHAT!?
Howled Yoshi's father taken in disarray by this unlikely story but above all by the request of this mysterious young man.
- Hey, slowly, I haven't left yet.
Stirred Yoshi’s hands
- But you're not going to go anywhere, my dear! Who is this dirty kid who thinks he's a Yakuza, huh!?
- It's Oroku Saki! The leader of the Tsuppari of Shibuya!
- Never heard of it. And then you're not going to leave I don't know where for that.
The father exclaimed, turning to his wife with a shameless look.
- Honey... I think it's better to reconsider the question, don't you think? The mother slipped peacefully.
- But that's exactly what I wanted mom! The moment of truth. It's now or never.
- The time to ruin your life, do you mean? This story is nonsense! You will give me the pleasure of getting these idiocies out of your head and Kiwa, please. Don't encourage him in this nonsense, do you want?
- I don't encourage him to ruin his life but to help him make the best choice for him Yutā.
Gave a cold look. What calms him down a little.
- I know, I know but it is not this kind of life option that I would recommend to a child personally.
- A child? A child are you serious?! I'm not five years old anymore, damn it! I'm already reaching the majority now and you're talking to me as if I were still a kid! I can't take it anymore, you understand! I just want to follow the path I chose by myself. I will fully assume it. I don't care what others think! They are only the cadets of my worries.
Both parents exchange a shocked and disturbed look.
- Yoshi...
The mother grabbing her son's hand to comfort her as much as he does. His father begins to take the hundred steps before turning around himself, standing straight like an i, putting his hand on his shoulder.
- Son. Listen to me and listen to me well. In life you have to know how to listen to the voice of reason and not hear it. Throughout your life, she will change her interlocutor, intonation, accent and even language. But nevertheless, she will always be there to put you back on the right track. Like this my great because I am your voice of reason.
- No. You are not my voice of reason dad. You are the one of cowardice.
He pulls himself out of his parents' hands, and leaves the house with a bag with most of these personal belongings.
- Yoshi!
- Kiwa. Leave it. If by listening he does not understand, then maybe seeing the world he has decided to penetrate will open his eyes.
- Or he will find happiness, won't he?
- That's all I wish for him Kiwa. I just hope that he will not suffer from it to achieve this happiness.
- Before the appeasement there is suffering my dear. Since time you should know it.
Yoshi barely came out, saw him. He was there. Standing on an electric pole with arms crossed. A smile drawn on the lips of a charcoal black lipstick. This long hair in battles that seemed to inhabit by insects. His skin was abnormally pale. These nails were long and hooked, black like these lips, including a thin scar from the bottom of his chin, to finish his run below his nose. To summarize, it looked like a barely sober Gothic rocker.
- G-good evening.
- Good evening Yoshi. It's been a long time.
- What do you mean? Do we know each other?
- More than you imagine... my herald.
- ... Okay... I-I... Good evening sir.
Yoshi turns around, moving away from this strange individual. He refrained from turning around until this man threw this at him:
- Let your soul not gnaw too fast, my rodent. The game is not yet played.
For a reason that is ignorant, even today, this sentence gave him goosebumps almost to snap his teeth. He turns around, no longer seeing this kind of crazy rocker at a discount. But by lowering his eyes, he saw jumping over a big rat licking his legs.
- A rat? Here? It's rare to see it.
And he left, without thinking too much more about the anomaly about what this rat was, towards the address that Saki had given him. The rat, for its part, put himself on these two hind legs, rubbing his hands with impatience. And he said to himself:
- Ah! This new herald seems very original to me. It's different from everything I've been around. It's going to be fun. I love the novelty!
End of the first part.
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aratlife · 9 months ago
Karaï chains a series of hooks ending with a Spartan kick on the ribs of his first opponent who was clearly not up to the task. Saki sends several chairs to the enemies. Some manage to dodge but most ate the legs of chairs in the face.
- Come on guys! They are only two brothels! In addition, one of them is a girl!
- Who do you call a girl in the face of a pig!!!
She sends a waltz the jester who had the good idea of the exhausted in this way. He crashes on the teacher's table on his buttocks. Saki ends up knocking out the last one with a kick in the mouth, keeping his hands in his pockets since the beginning of this short scrume.
- Mi... Karaï. Go see if the new one managed to shoot himself.
- Huh?! You really gonna recruit him ?! But I'm sure this noodle won't be able to hit anything!
- Probably but his look that he sent to me. Give me an impression of déjà vu. So take a look, please.
- Ok, ok "sensei".
Karaï looks through one of the broken windows of the class. She saw him taken by three of this filth.
- Shit... it's got caught.
- So let's go, after we get rid of the newcomers.
- What do you mea... Oh...
Other Tsuppari arrived in a rush. The Oroku got back in position. Faceting another wave of these undesirables.
"It hurts a lot," Yoshi thinks after taking a severe knee blow in the stomach. "Swards... three against one is not a game." throwing a plaintive but fearless look against one of these three young crookers.
- Do you think you can give me this kind of look given your condition the little rich? He throws her another knee stroke.
- We're less sman, aren't we? Throwing one of them while making him a crooked paw, making him fall to the ground.
- Dirty insolent little shit! Concludes the last ending with a dirty heel in the ribs.
"Okay, that's for sure. He just shot me a rib. ”
But despite that, he gets up, his fists clenched, still arched by the awful pain he felt but he gets up.
- Is that all you have bunch of virgins? Insult Yoshi with a grimace almost resembling a smile.
- Fuck off ! Do you want us to kill you or what?! You're crazy !
- A crazy that there are more in the pants than the three of you put together.
The three little bastards looked behind Yoshi. Saki and Karaï, who she drags one of their own. She threw the train in front of them, completely in the apples and dirty.
- Break yourself or you end up scrapping like the others. Saki warns them.
- Well, anyway, we were just passing by.
And they took the tail between their legs, like the cowards they were. Yoshi lets himself fall to the ground like a previous rag doll. Saki and Karaï approached the suffering student.
- It wasn't bad. Not bad but useless. Useless but not bad. Saki repeats itself.
- Especially stupid yes. What do we do, do we let him vegetate there or take him? Grommelle Karaï pointing to a collapsed Yoshi.
- They take him. While you were finishing with the last rivals up there, I made a call to the bar. The guys are coming.
- So much the better because I need to breathe a little.
Yoshi listened to their exchange with an attentive ear, they must have thought that he had fainted even if he was not far away. What are you going to do to him? They will recruit him since he has requested it. Are they going to silence him? Kill him? Anyway, in the state he is in, it was not far from happening. These thoughts begin to merge, mix and then evaporate. And he lets himself go in the vapes.
When he wakes up, wanting to stretch, a terrible pain comes to make him curl up. "Yeah... this coast doesn't know how to get back in place." Yoshi blew. He looked around him. He was in a washed-over room. It was one of those hotel rooms in the hot district of Shibuya. He must have been far from high school and his neighborhood. He does not even dare to imagine the state in which these parents are now.
- Did you sleep well?
Yoshi exclaimed and turned to the half-open door. He saw a young lady. Well dressed, clean on her and with a graceful smile.
- Don't be afraid. I'm the one who made you his bandages.
Yoshi hadn't even noticed it. He wanted to greet the young lady but this dry pain when he wanted to get up was unbearable.
- Don't move! You risk hurting yourself even more. I brought you tea, it will help you soothe the pain.
Yoshi took tea without raising his arms too much at the risk of still getting hurt. He nodded to thank the kind girl, compare to the other dye with the headband.
- Don't hesitate if you need anything. I'm here for that. My name is Shen. Tang Shen.
- Yoshi. Hamato Yoshi. That's my name.
- Nice to meet you Yoshi.
They exchange a sympathetic look for each other.
Until someone a little too excited decides to make his entrance...
Previous part
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aratlife · 9 months ago
Chapter 1: Tsuppari
Part 1: Skid of a life
Shibuya, Kame High School - 1981 :
Hamato ! Hamato ! Hamato !
Yoshi wakes up from his student desk.
- Excuse me sir, I... I...
- What do I Hamato-San? I was taking a nap instead of listening in class, right? This is the last time Hamato. Is that clear?
- Yes, sir...
- So where was I? Oh yes!
And the teacher resumed his mathematics class. The other students cheerfully mocked Yoshi. They barely hid it but he didn’t care. This is not the first time we have laughed at him like this and nor the last surely. What matters to Yoshi at the moment is to find his way. With or without friends. This is only a detail for him.
He didn’t know what to do. What he wanted to do precisely with his future. High school for him is a waste of time. He very quickly assimilates what he is taught without difficulty. The knowledge that seemed most useful to him in any case. With some exceptions for passion, such as the Renaissance period during History for example. He wants a life full of adventures and twists and turns. A life that others will remember as it comes to an end. A life of a man, of a real one. But given how he leads his life right now, how his parents decide him in his place... it won’t be the case... and it’s unbearable to him.
And a din takes him out of his torpor. This din that will give him the chance he wanted. A life full of danger.
The door of Class A-1 is shattered by an offender who got his buttocks kicked. He is in the vapes. A young girl in black uniform, violently puts her foot on the face of the unconscious loser. She correctly puts on her red ribbon that she wore like a Vietnam veteran.
« Baka! You had no chance against Oroku Karaï! The unbeatable! The wild black fox! »
A silence ensued. The students and the teacher do not look at her. Question of habit. But for Yoshi not at all. He was new here. It was the first time he attended this kind of scene. Even more unlikely for him that it took place in a classroom. The teacher cuts the silence, in a boring voice.
« Miss Oroku... this is the tenth time this year that you have made us a scene. I will ask you to go to the director’s office... again. »
Say the teacher without too much expectation from the little dye.
« And then again? That I lick his boots as long as you’re there? In your dreams yes. Hey ! You over there! Why are you looking at me, huh?! »
Throwing a threatening look at Yoshi who startled. He couldn’t help but observe the exchange, focusing his gaze on the girl with the ribbon.
« M-me? But for nothing! »
Stutter Yoshi while shaking his head.
« That’s right, yeah. To others! »
Beugla Oroku. She continues with an unexpected salto before, landing on the head of a student who asked for nothing, using it as a spring. She lands on Hamato’s desk, grabs him by the collar and pulls him forward towards his juvenile face in fury.
« You’re one of those fucking perverts, aren’t you?! I’m sure of it! »
Spits the girl out to him.
« But no! Since I told you tha——»
"MIWA !"
The Sukeban surped, which made her lose her balance and fell head first on the floor of the class. She frantically rubbed her skull, trying to soothe the pain.
Yoshi directs his gaze towards where this voice full of frustration emanates. It’s a Tsuppari and not just any: Oroku Saki. Maybe Yoshi this quite a lot of high school, but that doesn’t prevent him from having his ears wide open. He had heard of a gang of young hotheads in the area. Composed of girls and boys. Led by an inconvenient brother and sister.
- It’s him, that’s for sure. The leader of this gang. And she must be her sister. What charisma he has... but...but two seconds there... where did the others go!? And the teacher!?
Finally, noticing it, getting him out of these thoughts in passing, the whole class was emptying in less than two, after the appearance of this young future Yakuza in the making. However, it was not yet time for the exit.
But Yoshi understood right away, they went out for fear of this young individual. No wonder. It emanates a threatening aura. He went, nonchalantly, towards him and the little girl with a headache. Yoshi sweats, his heart beats so much that he thought he was going to explode. These hands tightened, his trembling look eventually giggling.
The Tsuppari turns to the girl. The succession by her veteran ribbon. And one throws a cold look with an expressionless face...
Then suddenly, from a neutral face to an open and radiant face, he greeted him, forcing the young woman under her embrace to do the same.
« I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused by my sister. She is always too excited when she is… on adrenaline. »
« But he looked at me badly-Urghh! » The Tsuppari pinches her nose, silencing her.
« She apologizes... in her own way. »
« Uh okay... »
Footsteps are heard. A lot of steps. We had the impression that it was a herd that was getting closer and closer. The offender releases the offender.
« Miwa... what did I tell you about tracking a rival? »
"Tsss... to be careful if he really is alone. I know that bro. And I already told you not to call me that. My real name is Karaï!"
« If you say so... Carrie. »
« Ah, ah very funny bro. »
- I knew it! It’s him! And her too… surprisingly. The Oroku! Maybe... it’s the opportunity. A sign of fate. In short, that’s what I wanted. The moment of truth. The moment or never.
The young Hamato Yoshi gets up suddenly, startling "Carrie" but not Saki. He stands straight like an i, throwing a look of conviction straight into the eyes of Chief Tsuppari.
« Engage me! Please! »
« Wow what ? But we are not—— »
Saki is cut by the walls of the class that burst on all sides. Emerging among the debris, rival Tsuppari. They were armed with sticks, batons and metal chains. Their outfit was similar to that of the offender who had been knocked out by Karaï, of which the latter was also noted. He was standing on the teacher’s desk. Pointing the finger at the makeshift trio.
« You will pay for this humiliation you have subjected me to! You’re going to bite your fingers but especially your bal—— »
His speech is cut short by a wild student’s office coming straight up on the face of this big mouth. For sure now, he wasn’t going to get up right away. Karaï rubs his hands after throwing himself. Then launching:
« I thought I hit him harder than that. »
« All the time double blow them sister. Always double blow them. »
« Stop that. You can keep your lessons. »
The Oroku toasted each other, frustrated with each other. Then they glanced at their enemies and another at Yoshi, astonished by the unlikely situation he was experiencing at this very moment.
« Do you take it out or do I take it out? » Asked Karaï bored, who already knew the answer.
« YOU take it out. For the mess you put on us. » Increase Saki.
« Take me out? What do you mean? I’m not sure I understand? » Asked Yoshi completely to the west.
« Sers the teeth. »
"Huh ?"
Suddenly, everything went very quickly. He is lifted by the collar of his uniform... and is defenestred by the girl.
- Oh good God... that’s not how I saw the day of my death. A hair too brutal for my taste. Then I haven’t even been able to accomplish anything yet. Nothing at all. I will be forgotten like the others. In nothingness.
« OOOOOYYYY ! What are you still doing lying down there?! »
"Uh ?"
« Don’t you see that they’re going to come and catch you too?! Go away! NOW! »
Out of what seemed to be to him these last thoughts, Hamato Yoshi whom he had landed, by miracle, on the inflatable mascot of the high school: Kanshiro, the hawk, could not believe that this girl knew about the mascot.
In the dirty class, the Oroku faced members of a rival gang.
" Did you know there was an inflatable mascot downstairs ? "
« In your opinion? Of course not! »
« Jesus. Today you don’t miss one! »
« Well, can we send them to the hospital? I have a big desire to break bones. »
« Good, good. But these are the last ones for today understood ? »
"Okay bro ! Let’s BRAWL !"
-The Prologue -
-Next page-
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aratlife · 9 months ago
Prologue : Run
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Art by @the-hydroxian-artblog
He does not look back, stop or take his breath back from Time Square. On all fours, he ran between the wet alleys late at night in Manhattan. In extremis, he made a front roll on the side, holding the banana bag well where the little ones reside, narrowly avoiding a 12-gauge bullet in the head.
He doesn’t turn around. It was obvious that his pursuers stuck him closely. He jumped three meters high, grabbing the bar of a ladder with difficulty, due to the injury in his back. It was a deep injury, even serious. But not the time for that, he doesn’t stop, he must not stop otherwise they will hurt him and the little ones.
He had already suffered enough from these bastards, the little ones did not deserve such a fate. They were innocent, too young for a loss of innocence. They only see them to understand that it was too unfair for these turtles. Six small turtles, unaware of the danger they were incurring at this very moment.
Suddenly, after jumping on the seventh in ten buildings in the neighborhood, each time touching the silent bullets behind him, one of the turtles jumped from the banana bag, falling to the side, breaking its shell.
The rat recovers him, seeing the tears in the eyes of the little ones, a black anger fills him with more beautiful. The bullets stopped shooting, either they lost sight of it, or they are waiting to see what he does. In both cases, it’s a time saver thinks the rat catching his breath.
- That’s enough. Grommelle the rat squarting fiercely but with love these scale children.
- On my father’s face, that’s enough ! Repeated the rat to himself, hiding the little greenish guys, in the empty water tower on the roof where they were stopped.
These pursuers revealed themselves. Elite agents of this organization who did this to him and to the children. A well-styled and dressed man, with tinted black sunglasses, went forward, not armed at first sight.
- N°145... Why all this housework ? What’s going on, let’s see ? Didn’t you have enough cheese ? Or garbage ?
- How dare you? Look at what you did to me! What you stole from me! My life, my honor, my humanity!
- You mean to improve, yes! You were just a dirty criminal! Your humanity and your honor? Don’t make people laugh! Your humanity, you lost it without the help of anyone. And what honor is there to be a criminal in a gang, who has become a bloodthirsty clan?
- You don’t know anything. You don’t know the whole story. You don’t know me.
- Oh but I know enough my rodent. To understand that at least a man like you has as much honor as a rat. So I want to make you a flower.
- Nani ?
- You give us the little ones back, and we let you go.
- Which little ones ?
- Don’t play the idiot with us, 145. They are in the water tower. We know it then... your future or theirs.
They saw them in the slot of the water tower. Their innocent look, completely unaware that their life was at stake. He already knew his answer. The only one possible. Coming from a rat with honor. An honor found. For him at least.
- いいえ。決して。
- Well... as you wish.
The men in uniform armed behind the man in black, advanced without the latter giving them an order. A habit probably. They all came out at the same time from the electrified batons and sharp choppers. To knock me out and execute me, the warrior rat says to himself.
He puts himself in a defensive position of Shitō-ryū, waiting for the strike of one of his opponents. And it was the one on the right, predictable says the warrior. He blocked it, grabbed his arm, broke it, then broke his left leg and sent it to valdinger head first on the edge of the balcony. The other two streets on him, hoping to disconcert him but nothing does. He overturns with his tail his right hand holding a chopper of one on the wrist of the other.
Hardly the infirm young man with one hand had time to scream in pain, which breaks his jaw, making him faint. The other gets his hand crushed by the pressure of the tail. And gently stunned with a well-placed turned kick. He turns around, seeing other say dogs of this type in black.
The night passes... they all fell like flies. None can deratize the rat. The wounded were put on the side of the balcony. All with something fractured, smashed, broken or worse. He only had the rat standing and the man in black in front of him.
- Well... it looks like you’ve exceeded all our expectations, I must admit. However, pay more attention to your « children » the rodent. Says the man showing two of them holding them at the tips of these fingers. They probably took them during the battle that the mutant was fighting.
- No! Let them go!
- Oh, you’re afraid Uncle Bishop will mistreat them, right? Don’t worry. I received new orders during your little dance. You can go, there are no worries. And then I’m tender with animals, you know. My cat is proof of this.
- Are you talking about Hob ? What you have done to him and others... How can people allow such atrocities ?
- Human nature I suppose. But well, I know in short.
- It’s nothing human. It’s monstrous and you know it.
- You’re wrong Mickey Mouse. Everything we have done is for humanity. For his future.
- His damnation you mean.
- Enough! Now my patience is exhausted. Don’t you want to understand? Perfect kind of ignorant! I’ll leave you the other four, they’re defective anyway.
- No! I told you to release them no——!
His breath was suddenly cut off. A flash of nameless pain makes him bend on his knees. He had the impression that the spine had simply ceased to exist. Not rather as if someone had violently torn it off. It collapses all along. Trying not to faint, he casts a deterrent look at this « unton » Bishop.
- Your look full of challenge warms me strangely. You’re really lucky, Yoshi. Far too much luck for my taste. We’ll see the rat again. You can be sure of it.
- S...tay...h…ere... Urrgh...
And he faints, suffering from his back injury. Bishop uses a strange device to teleport with these comrades who were on the carpet, at their headquarters. Disappearing without leaving a trace. Hamato Yoshi, fainted, is no longer the only one on this New York roof, with the four little turtles surrounding him.
Yoshi fainted, wonders how his life could have gone so wrong. Saki, Miwa, Hob, Ace, father...
He will never see them again. And he would so much like to see them again, one last time. As at the time. Their time of carelessness. From high school to Tsuppari ... How stupid they were at that time...
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aratlife · 10 months ago
Follow the life of a man who has become a rat. Following his own destiny, Hamato Yoshi, a young high school student without a story, wants a story of his own.
One day he finds himself in the middle of a duel of Yakuza. He is saved by another high school student like him. His name, Oroku Saki accompanied by his sister Oroku Miwa. Together, they will live a life well beyond what they expected.
A life full of challenges and wounds. Deep wounds...
But not without hope.
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