#i loveeee him <3
natjennie · 9 months
i love the fact that so many of us think the captain is autistic. idk how to say it but something about the way we all just kind of. get it. makes me so happy. when people write him in fics, not even tagged as "the captain is autistic" but the way they capture his mannerisms so perfectly and like. he is. you might not have meant to but you wrote him being autistic. and the fact that I haven't seen anyone be like "ugh no he's not he does x y and z he can't be autistic" like that's my best friend the captain and he was gay and also autistic in the 1900s and he is gay and also autistic now. and I love him.
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captain-kraken · 1 year
I am here for Ladro lore 👀 (whatever you'd like to share!)
Ahhh thank you for asking!!
Pesatho Ladro is the infamous captain of the merchant ship Zovessa, which he is very attached to.
Whilst his crew does do legitimate deliveries across Sonhara, it's also an open secret that they are the main component of the black market that runs out of Jurin in Li Hei.
Most people recognise Ladro by the Laeka markings on their body, which have reached a point where they can't really hide them, even if they could be bothered.
(Laeka is basically an infection of the soul, which happens when a large dose of corruption somehow gets in. Ladro's corruption came from a dead person, which is one of the worst types, and it causes him a lot of physical issues.)
They're married to their first mate, Antar Ladro, who is the master of causing distractions. Something they've definitely needed more than once lol, they're not exactly friends with the law.
Ladro is very secretive and doesn't like people knowing "deep" things about him. Everybody usually gets a different answer to personal questions, so nobody really knows anything truthful about him, even his own crew.
The only claims they've ever been consistent about are:
is a safoh with a water focus (hard to disprove with the evidence)
has Laeka and other afflictions (can't hide that)
is a seablood from Luva in Zotho (he does have the accent...)
is a devout Sanpavir (definitely adores the sea & claims to have seen Tura which is backed up by Antar)
has an intense hatred for all gishars (can't control the rage that comes up when one is mentioned)
also, bonus old art of him lol
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atdawn · 1 year
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MERLIN | 4.06 A Servant of Two Masters
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hualianschild · 7 months
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italictext · 10 months
I colored a manga panel!
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Near version 2
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meownotgood · 11 months
GODDDDDDDDDD myethos aki turned out so good he's so goddamm handsome im gonna have a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!
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liqu3d · 6 months
I drew him on my calculator
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He makes me so happy about my life <3
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deepslate · 8 months
can u draw timothy lawrence?
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saddest guy in the universe
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starfilledsea · 3 months
girl help i’m going insane thinking about iwtv and black sails parallels. everything is a story you can’t trust anyone’s words. memory is a monster it remembers you don’t. a story is true a story is untrue as time extends it matters less and less. there is no corroboration of louis and armand’s stories about claudia in season 2, the same way there is no corroboration of silver’s story of what happened to flint. can we trust armand’s story of how she died? can we trust silver’s story of how flint didn’t die? will we ever know the truth? is there such a thing as the truth? was it raining louis?
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fatuismooches · 1 year
smooches you have no idea how much i want to be Pantalone's little househusband i promise im normal you dont get it! your post about a reader who has physical touch as their love language boosted this by like 9999999% i keep rereading the pantalone bit and giggling (also the zandik part broke my heart how could u... </3 /lh /pos)
i wanna cook him dinner when he gets home and offer him a kiss when he returns :(( I want to be surprised when he sees something that reminds him of of me and so he got it !!! I want to massage his shoulders and give him a kiss on the cheek as i do so :(((( I wanna wash his hair with no matter how much product as he uses :(((( I want to use a hair dyer and gently style his hair for him however he wants! I want to cuddle with him as he rambles about his day! I wanna help him get ready in the morning and help him with anything he needs !! i want to make him a cute little breakfast before he goes off to work !! I'd be so sad when he leaves :((( but then i realized he forgot his lunch, so before his break i waltz into his office and bring him his lunch with a kiss on the cheek! I crave domesticity with this man i am feral i am insane I'm running around in circles - 🎈 no one understands my yearning
TEEHEE I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THAT POST!! ❤️ (ALSO I DIDNT MEAN TO BREAK YOUR HEART NOOO IM SENDING ALL MY HUGS 🎈 ANON!!) And omg,,, you're so right ;(( THAT'S SOOOO CUTEE AHHH!! Indulging in all of the sweet little domestic things with Pantalone >>>
Ughh,,,,, him coming home after a super long day and all he wants to do is relax with you in bed, but as usual he comes home to a delicious smell wafting throughout the house and he already knows you're making his favorite ;)) And although he was tempted to skip dinner just to cuddle with you he can't say no to your cooking made with love!! And he certainly can't say no to hoisting you up on the counter and giving you a tonnnn of kisses while the meal finishes cooking! And the gifts? How could you not be ecstatic at his gifts? It's not just the large $ he drops on you as if it's nothing that makes you blush, but how he explains why he got it for you <33 We love a king who thinks of you always !!
Ohhhh he absolutely adores when you take care of him <3 you're such a good darling, going so far as to take care of your husband like this, even though you have your own responsibilities and troubles :( Pantalone loves how intimate and soft you are with him... your hands may not be as skilled as a professional but your rubs really make the stress roll away better than anyone... he's very fussy with his hair but you know all the tricks after being with him for so long :) You'll make sure he doesn't feel an ounce of pain or discomfort and ensure that it's as fluffy as usual! Don't let him fall asleep in the tub though... it's nearly impossible to get him out then. Though he'll totally pamper you the same way, better than royalty! Equal exchange and all! (Also because you're his beloved of course, even if you didn't he would still love you like that)
He loves rambling to you, because you're probably the only person that at least partially understands his rambles but also 100% willing to listen 🥺 Pantalone gets up quite early so he'll try not to wake you... but if you get up anyway to help him his heart would be blown into itty bitty pieces 🥰 He insists on you getting your 8+ hours but he can't deny he loves when his beloved gives him a goodbye kiss and sees him off for the day 🥰 Pantalone gives you a kiss back and reassures you he'll be back before you know it...
You could just send an agent to deliver his forgotten lunch but why would you ever lose out on the chance to see your husband?! Do the regular Fatuis say anything when you walk in with a very cute, delicious, and organized lunchbox for the Harbinger? Nope. Do they know not to disturb the Regrator when you're alone with him in his office? Yes. SO FREAKING CUTE 🎈 ANON AHHHQDWBDJWDND
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fremiinetistic · 2 months
(sitting in a ball rocking back in forth) freminet with sh scars.. ... freminet with hHHh.. ffremeint. fre,oemt wotj. hhhhhhh. frre,emminet................. fremeoint with sh sccaRs.. sscar s. /...... h
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choccorin · 16 days
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kurorin ! ( kuromi && rinnie >_< ) credit
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50shadesofloveanddukh · 10 months
Heart-shaped sunglasses
There is something about you
That makes me look at the world through heart-shaped sunglasses
When you are around me
Suddenly the world seems to have adorable little hearts everywhere
Suddenly the sun seems brighter
The wind seems to be more pleasant than usual
Flowers smell more fragrant
Love songs sound better and jollier
Even the biggest of problems dissapear
The world that I have always hated almost becomes better
Life becomes more beautiful
And your existence makes it nearly impossible to remove my heart-shaped sunglasses
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skyward-floored · 3 months
*grumble grumble* I’m having a really hard time with the second stage of the Demise fight… any chance you have any tips?
I don't know if you still need any help anon, but that's definitely the hardest part of the fight... I played the Wii version too so I don't know if that's what you're playing, but I'll do my best? It's also been a hot minute since I did that fight XD
Your shield is your very best friend. If you don't have a solid shield, it's absolutely worth the money to get one (though tbh, I actually prefer the all-the-way upgraded version of the metal shield rather than the goddess shield or whatever it's called (or the hero's shield, but that one is rather hard to get lol)).
I think there's also a shield strengthening potion you can get?? But I usually go with the heart ones upgraded all the way. More worth it to me.
As for fighting... hm. When you're trying to catch a lightning strike, it's best to get as far away from Demise as you can, keep your distance and try to stay out of his range until you can catch a bolt. (If I'm remembering correctly, the sky lights up a certain way when there's going to be one you can catch). Then you can approach and hopefully get him, though I found I'd often have to sacrifice some hearts in order to strike.
Try to learn his moves; you can either avoid or shield bash a lot of them, though shield bashing doesn't always work. I also find running quick circles around him helps, and staying on the opposite side from his sword arm helps with getting a quick strike in. Another thing I've done is go around him in a circle one way, and then rapidly dart around to the other side and try to get in some strikes (again, note where he has his sword!).
Honestly you just have to be real quick in about everything you do. Strike fast, strike hard, be crafty, shield if you can, and use that lightning!
Like I said earlier, I haven't done this in a while, so I might be remembering a few details wrong. But hopefully this is at least a little helpful! Good luck anon!!!
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hardrockshrimp · 3 months
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Found a copy of Head On (Samson) from 1980 and look at this picture of Bruce from the insert :3
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meownotgood · 10 months
a small haul of akis
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