#i loved him sooooooo much he was such an idiot but in such a good way
bellflower-goat · 2 months
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taffycandyqt · 9 months
Hi, I was wondering for if I could submit this prompt when requesting. It’s kind of similar to ember’s and wade’s dynamic in Elemental and it’s slightly angsty but it’s mostly lighthearted.
-It includes Donnie from the 2012 show and the reader. The premise is that the two started to bond during the three months they were refugees at the farm during season three due to the Kraang Invasion, The reader starts to develop feelings for Donnie as the feeling is mutual, but he’s quick to deny it- due to fearing of being turned down again and having a complex where he views himself as a freak due to being a mutant turtle and not being able to fit in with society and happily accepted.
-the reader tries to confess to Donnie on how they love him in the woods but he’s quick to shut them down(even if it’s mutual) : saying that it could never work out due to them being different species and how he’s just a mutant and could never make the reader happy in the end. The reader comforts Donnie and they have a heart to heart and Donnie reconsiders the confession.
I was actually sooooooo excited to write this you have no idea!!!! Ngl tho this turned out way longer then I thought it would and I kept getting stumped and then taking like month long breaks so sorry this one took so long!😶
Okay, listen!
2012 Donnie x reader
Fluff! Slight angst, comfort
After the Kraang invaded New York everyone moved to live in April's old farm house you and Donnie ended up getting closer than you originally thought. You guys are friends but your feelings have changed. Donnie always thought you would be happy with a human partner so now you're left with a broken heart and no best friend.
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"Donnie, your not just a mutant," said April. Donnie had come to apologize to her about the way he acts towards her. Which is fair. While he didn't mean any harm it was good he was starting to understand boundaries.
You had been bringing groceries back to the farmhouse and saw April and Donnie talking. You could use some help with the bags so you decided to enlist Donnie's help bringing them in.
"hey Donnie, April!" You greeted.
"Hi y/n!" Donnie replied.
"O-oh hey, y/n." April seemed to feel a bit awkward.
"Hey D, when you get the chance could you help me bring in the groceries?"
"Oh sure y/n! Sorry what were you gonna say April?"
"Um- well... just that. I care about you Donnie, mutant or not."
You had made it inside after hearing that and set the groceries on the counter before turning to head back outside. Donnie met you in the kitchen and you two walked back out to the car to grab everything else.
Walking back to the farmhouse you decided to ask.
"You mind if I ask what you and April where chatting about?"
"Nothing really. I was just saying sorry for making her uncomfortable. And that I didn't realize what I was doing until bigfoot came along. Now I just feel like an idiot, ya know? Everyone told me it was creepy, even you!"
"It happens to everyone, sometimes people just need to learn things from first hand experience. Now you know and you won't make the same mistake again." You shrugged. You never did care for his shenanigans but you made sure to tell him when he crossed the line.
"Yeah, never again." He cringed at the thought. Even though he was relieved the situation with April was finally over he couldn't help the fact that it still hurt. Yeah, he understands that April doesn't like him and why. It certainly doesn't help, though, that this whole situation picked at a prominent insecurity of his like an old itchy scab. That being that he will probably never be loved that way.
Because he's just an ugly mutant.
As he helped you put everything away he became lost in his own thoughts. As a result, however, you couldn't help but notice his crestfallen expression. Racking your brain to find a way to comfort him only one thing came to mind. Out of all the brothers you were least close to Donnie. You guys never really had much to talk about. And as curious as you were about his inventions he was usually to preoccupied to answer questions or you were swept away by someone else before you could ask any.
Now though, there was nothing urgent or exciting (even if it was new) that would demand your attention.
"Hey D, you working on anything new since we got here?" You asked while putting the last of the food in the pantry. It was a simple question really, but you figured it was better than nothing.
"huh? Sorry did you say something?" He blinked.
"I said you working on any new contraptions lately or have you just been settling in?" Now turning from the cupboards to look at him. He stared at you blankly for a second more before confusion shifted into his face. He must not have expected you to ask. Makes sense, you never have before.
"I- Well I have been working on something but I'm not very far its a- well it's kinda like... it would probably just be better if I showed you. I- if, you want." He ran through his works sprinted through those stutters and punctuated his sentence with a swift look at the floor.
"Sure, I'm free right now, as it happens." You joked to lift the thin bed sheet of awkward that had seemed to settle over the two of you.
"Oh. Okay, uuuh follow me."
He didn't laugh. To be fair he didn't need to but you've been wondering for a while if you have a bad sense of humor soooo, ya know, that was fun.
Regardless you followed him to the old barn where he set up shop. Old tools and scrap metal where strewn across the desk he stopped at. He then promptly turned around and stepped out of the way to awkwardly present his unfinished work at the center of the desk. He was right, he was not very far with it at all. You had no idea what you were looking at. Regardless you stepped closer, gave it a good looksie without touching it, and then turned to Donnie.
"Explain it to me."
He looked at you like you had shown him the answer to all the worlds most complicated scientific questions. It didn't take long for him to knock back into reality though, and when he did oh boy. You opened a whole new book, and this book, it made you feel like you never learned to read. Luckily, Donnie was never short of words to help your understanding.
And that is how you bff-ness started. The two of you were practically inseparable, neither of you realized how well you meshed until that fateful day and how boy did you both of you feel you missed out. Infact, you went from being the least close in the whole group to being tweedle Don and tweedle Dum Dumb.
Not to say that you were dumb, you just did stupid crap and convinced Donnie to do it with you. At first, people either didn't care or was happy that you guys grew closer. However, as time went on people either wouldn't care, or be extremely annoyed by your guys' constant "experiments" in the woods.
(when Leo woke up though, he was just concerned tbh. Like: Ohmygoshnoooooooo😰)
And by experiments, well, there was the time you guys lit a tree up and almost started a forest fire. Or that time you insisted that you knew your mushrooms and convinced Donnie to help you make a soup with some, only to get yourselves massively sick. And let's not forget the time you jumped off a tall rock into a small lake only to realize that that small lake was infact just a really big puddle.
As April would put it, you two got along like a house fire. Which is another incident you two almost caused, just... ya know... in the barn. So its not as bad!
You and Donnie were chilling in the barn like you normally did when you weren't trying to get yourself killed (allegedly). Donnie had long since finished his explanation on this device for testing April's brain waves. You two sat in comfortable silence as you daydreamed tilting on your chair, legs propped up on the back of the sad excuse of a truck. Inevitably you tilted to far and fell to the floor with a loud WHOMP!
Donnie turned around concerned for you wellbeing, like a normal person. However before he can say a word you speak.
"Hey D, you ever use a magnifying glass to burn messages into stuff?" Staying put on your place on the floor not seeming to bothered.
At this you grin up at him and whipp out a magnifying glass from your pocket.
"Would you like to?"
Gosh that smile. He learned pretty quickly that whenever you smiled like that you were gonna do something. You were set to enjoy yourself wether he came along or not. Like the puddle incident. he tried to tell you it seemed to shallow but you did NOT care. He couldn't stop you from jumping but he could stop you from breaking your tailbone. And when he went to catch you the force of your fall threw him right on his butt with a loud splash. No one hurt, (yes you were, you just couldn't tell yet) just drenched. You guys just sat there laughing for a good while before you finally admitted you should have listened to him.
That's when he decided that even if is was stupid he'd at least tag along for the fun of it. And that's what led him behind the chicken coop looking for broken boards or thick sticks to burn creepy messages. You wanted to scatter them around the forest and see what would happen if the others found them. It seemed to be a harmless enough prank. That is until you actually got to burning the stuff.
You both began buring your messages on the sicks behind the barn. Donnie having chosen a classic 'I'm watching' with you deciding on 'you smell different awake'.
"You're so weird." Donnie laughed.
"Perhaps, but you can't tell me that the idea of someone sniffing you in your sleep isn't creepy."
"I feel like someone sniffing you awake without you noticing is the creeper implication there."
You both continued debating about wether it was creeper to be sniffed unknowingly asleep or awake. During said debate, without realizing, you continued to point the magnifying glass at perfect angle towards your stick.
And after a little bit of a back and forth between you and Donnie he stopped you.
"hey do you smell something burning?" You look back at your stick right as a small fire erupts on it. You were kneeling pretty far over you stick and the fire was almost right in your face. You freaked, jumping out of your skin and kicking the stick away from you.
Right. Into. The barn.
"Oops." Is all you said as the fire started to eat up the dry wood of the ancient barn wall.
You and Donnie kicked into panic mode as you both started frantically fanning the flames with your jacket in hope of blowing out the fire. Unfortunately for you the fire was already at the point of no return. Fanning it would only blow the flames further up the barn. After realizing that was only making it worse you started to kick the wall in hopes of stomping out the flames. Donnie, meanwhile, nervously shuffled in place looking for and thinking of anything he could possibly use to put out the fire. About to head in one direction before stopping and changing trajectory only to stop again to repeat the same panicked tango. Throughout this whole disaster you were both screaming at each other. Either about ideas to put the fire out or incomprehensible fear.
Eventually due to all the racket Leo and Raph came outside to see what the frick was going on. Leo, because he was trying to meditate, and Raph because you both needed to shut up.
When they saw what whas happening however, they went from annoyed to frantic real fast. Raph went inside to fill a bucket with water while Leo grabbed the hose to do the same. When Raph ran through the house he grabbed Mikey's attention as he was walking down the stairs. Then he got April and Casey's who were in the kitchen when he started impatiently filling said bucket.
Not answering any of their questions from the moment he got to the kitchen to the moment he ran out all three curious teens followed him to the smoking barn. There was no bucket by the hose so Leo had opted to just bringing the hose to the fire however the water couldn't quite reach so he was pouring water into yours and Donnies hands. You both threw water on the fire that had almost entirely engulfed flames. Safe to say, it wasn't doing much. That's when Raph splashed the wall with the contents of the bucket and put out a big portion of the fire. He then grabbed the hose from Leo's hands and began to fill up the bucket more. April yelled to you and Donnie, and motioned to Casey and Mikey. You all followed her to the basement where more buckets lie and ran back out side. Safe to say with all the water and everyone helping out the fire was finally quenched.
Luckily it all happened pretty quickly only the outside of the one wall was singed. April was not happy about it though and wanted an explanation. You were quick to confess and now your not allowed to touch glass.
Over the time that you and Donnie would spend together at the farm house you would continue to bring that incident up. While the others were less enthused about your jokes you and Donnie couldn't help but laugh.
On this specific occasion you were looking for frogs in the woods while telling Donnie a sleep a terrible dad jokes. Not a single one had made him laugh, but you knew what would.
"Stop, I think I'm gonna flatline from how bad your jokes are." Donnie motioned dramatically.
"Oh come on don't be like that. I'm on FIRE right now."
There it is.
"Pffffft. Nooo!" He giggled, "You can't just bring that up every time you tell a sucky joke."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I am incredibly talented when it comes to, lighting up a room."
A small pause was shared between you before the hysteria finally hit. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it really that funny? No. But you guys loved it.
Donnie loved it.
He loved your laugh. Your infectious smile. The way you looked at him like you really saw him. The way you listened to him like you were really hearing him. The way you would ask questions right as he was about to finish and egg him on further. The way you would say 'explain it to me', every time he showed you a new invention. Truthfully he could just start telling you but it made his heart jump in his throat in the best way. The way you would study whatever he was making trying to figure out what it is, only to turn to him with shiney eyes to say those four perfect words.
But honestly, these walks and in the forest were his favorite. Not all of them ended in disaster and when they didn't, they were usually quite comfortable. You two used to chat about your lives back in New York but eventually you both ran out of interesting things to say. So you stuck to talking about events at the farm house but there usually want much to talk about then either. Seeing as you two spent practically every waking moment together.
Even still, the silence was comfortable. It was easy to enjoy your presence. Man if he knew having a best friend would be this great he definitely would have focused less on his crush. His feelings for you were completely different from his feelings towards April in the past. He wanted to die every time he said almost anything to April, but with you? I knew he could say anything, stupid or not, and he'd be okay. And if he went to far? You told him, he'd apologize, you guys would move on, and vise versa.
"hey D?"
"How are you doing lately?"
"huh? What do you mean?... I've been doing, fine... I guess. Why do you ask?
"Well- I mean. Uhhhhhm. It's just, it's been like a month since the whole bigfoot... situation. Just wanted to check in. See how your feeling ya know?" You shrugged and kept your eyes trained on the floor while you kicked a rock.
Donnie look at you and then back forward. There's another thing you do. His family and friends care about his general well being but none of them go out of their way to ask him if he was okay randomly. He felt just fine in the moment and to most that was good enough.
"Yeah I'm feeling good. It was kinda hard at first, but I got over it a lot faster than I thought I would." Gosh had it only be a month? If you asked before then he would have told you that April was his soulmate. Now? She's definitely just a good friend. Maybe even a sister with the amount of time she spent with him and his brothers.
"Good good." You nodded. You were honestly really happy for him. You knew he was setting himself up for disappointment with April, your just glad it over.
You kept your eyes trained on the dirt in front of you. Not cuz you felt awkward anymore, that feeling was dismissed when Donnie answered your question. So no, not that. You couldn't look at him right now. Not when he basically told you, you might have a chance. Admittedly you've always thought he was the most attractive of his brothers, and you always admired his creativity and skill. But, he liked April, and there was no way you were A. getting in the middle of that whole mess, or B. signing up for having your exact house address known at all times down to the meter. However, not only has he realize that was overstepping, but he doesn't like her anymore! So can you really be blamed for smiling a little to wide at the news?
As you finished you walk and went back to the farmhouse you decided now was the time to start dropping hints. You want to be sure there was at least a 50% chance of him liking you back. Was that low? To some, maybe, but you could never be 100% sure unless he told you.
As you walked up the porch and approached the front door you leaned into Donnie softly. Like a gentle nudge almost. The first step would be to initiate more physical contact. You wanted to ease into ease into it. Jumping straight into cheek kissing like April did could end wrong in so many ways. Donnie looked at you with a quirked "eyebrow" and a slight smile like he was asking like you 'whatca' need silly?'. You simply shrugged to communicate you didn't need anything and walked into the house.
After dinner you and Donnie went back to the barn with some blankets, planning to spend a late night there. One for Donnie so he didn't get cold while he worked and one thick one for you so you didn't get cold while you sat in the truck and played games like two truths and a lie with him.
You both enter the barn and head to your respective places.
"This truck is such a lost cause." You chuckled.
"you say that everytime we stay up here."
"Because it's the truth! This truck is sad and in pain. It's old and decrepit and needs to rest. You and Casey need to let it die."
"The only way I let that truck die is if someone dies in it."
"Dang, I guess I'll have to make the noble sacrifice then."
"You say that like the car may or may not explode at any moment and you shaking into up isn't making it more likely."
At this you look up at Donnie and stop you settling into the rusty vehicle immediately. Surprise evident on your face served with a hint of actual concern. Donnie looked back at you with an unwavering expression of deadpanned unconcern.
"OH YOU JERK! I was legit worried I would actually DIE in this crappy car!"
"Didn't you call dying in that car a, what was it again? 'noble sacrifice'?"
"Oh shut up and work on your nerd thing!"
He stuck his tongue out at you and you stuck your back. You both chuckled and he turned to his work desk while you whipped out your phone. Eventually you started a game of guess the hummed song. You usually won since Donnie preferred to work in silence and never felt a need to develop a large playlist. It was fun none the less and ended when the night finally got too late and you fell asleep.
"There." He said as he finished up a part of his invention, "Hey y/n-". He paused when he noticed you fast asleep. Sighing as he moved towards you. You being fast asleep ment it had gotten too late, and while you both planned to stay out here late, he figured now was a good a time as any to go inside and get some proper sleep. He went to pick you up but before he could his breath caught.
You were deeply snuggled into your blanket rapping yourself tight in your makeshift cocoon of cotton. Your face smushed against the edge of the blanket with your body hunched as far in on itself as it can be. You looked so small and soft and... precious.
He couldn't start up that sort of train of though again. He just got out of a nightmare situation with April. He no longer sought her out in any romantic way and was perfectly content being friends. That, however, did not change the simple fact that you would never be happy with someone like him. He was a freak. Whenever you thought of a romantic relationship you probably thought of doing all that normal romantic stuff like going on dinner dates or to the movies. Normalcy is something he would never be able to give you. What he could give you? Was some stolen trash and alien tech welded together and a T-phone.
Donnie took whatever feeling your squishy sleepy face had ripped to the surface and shoved it right back where it should have stayed. For your sake, and his.
Unfortunately for him attempting to sleep after returning you to your room would prove to be quite the difficult task. Images of your smiling face and sounds of your voice plagued his mind. He could so perfectly picture your focused eyes trained on where ever he directed your eyes. The thoughts of you shook him to his soul and he began to realize how the difference between his feelings for you and April wasn't in romantic inclinations. No. Rather it was in sure intensity and comfortability. He realized a bit to late the sheer depths of his affections. This time however he was determined to keep them to himself.
The next morning you detached yourself from your bed later in the day than the others. When the time came to pull together some sort of meal for yourself, you decided to go the simple route and microwave a premade breakfast. Opening the freezer you greeted ice cream kitty with a pat on the head and in return, she handed you exactly what you were looking for.
As you stared at the microwave heating your mediocre food Donnie made his way into the kitchen. He looked much more out of it than you. You could only assume that after he moved you inside to get some proper rest that he spent the rest of the night at work.
"Sleep well Don?" You asked half teasing but still wanting a real answer.
"OH! Umm- well. Not really." His tone was awkward and skittish. He barely looked at you as he got out the necessities for cereal, only shoot you quick glances only to get startled when you caught him. You got fed up with this quickly.
"What?" Though it was phrased like a question your tone made it seem almost like a statement.
"Why are you acting like I killed your mother?"
"Wha- I am not!" Finally he was looking at you properly.
"Uh huh. That's why you haven't looked me in the eye till just now. I'm not blind Donatello, I see you glancing at me when you think I'm not looking"
"I wasn't!"
"You have the persuasionary skills of a first grader, you know that?" You deadpanned.
"look I'm just- out of it right now. It's nothing." You eyed him. Donnie was many things but a good lier was not one of them.
"If you say so."
You both continued in silence for a bit longer but unlike most silences between you two this one seemed heavy. Awkward and anxious.
"How bout' a walk later then?" The woods were always good for airing out bad vibes.
"... Sure."
Even with his previous reservations in regards to his feelings for you he still wanted to be your friend. Walks in the woods were a staple for you two. And who knows? Maybe it would be just the thing to get his mind straight.
Oooooor not.
Was it a bit optimistic of him to think a walk would help with you right next to him. Probably. You both had settled into the comfortable quite that had grown to become common. The gentle breeze sat on your skin and he watched as it brushed your hair one way and the other. The sun was shining overhead casting strong shadows on the two of you from underneath the trees. The air was warm and he was acutely aware of the close proximity between you both. His skin prickled at the sensation of your arm brushing his. The crunch of the leaves beneath your feet and tweets of near by birds did little to distract him. The more he though of it the more he regretted saying yes to this walk. His heart was drumming to the sound of your gentle breaths and he wrung his brain trying to focus on the scenery.
You could tell something was still off with him from this morning. He was stiff and way more interested in the trees than he ever was before. You stood closer to him in an attempt gauge what he was feeling. You however always struggled when it came to interpreting emotions. After a few moments of heavy silence you asked.
"Donnie? What's going on?"
"I don't know what your talking about."
You stepped back, "Oh you SO do." You knew something was up and you knew he knew too.
"What?!" He thought he was doing pretty well at keeping it to himself. Had he really been that obvious?
"Look Donnie I don't know what your dealing with right now but I know it's something. I won't force you to tell me but don't lie to me about it okay?" You patted him on the shoulder for some comfort and then backed off. You were aching to hug him or squeeze his hand but you couldn't. Not now. Not as a friend.
You both walked for a little while longer until Donnie abruptly turned to you.
He grabbed your shoulders.
"It's not- I- I don't what you to think-"
"Donnie. Breath"
He looked you in the eye like he didn't want to. He had so much he wanted to say and so much he knew he couldn't. You sat him down on a beach and crouched in front of him. He took a deep breath, seeming to come to a conclusion of sorts. This time he looked you in the eyes with conviction.
"Sorry. I'm just tired is all, I didn't mean to worry you."
You eyed him suspiciously but decided to continue on your walk. Things had seemed to return to their normal flow. Fun conversation and light teasing.
You both decided to take a break on a log after a bit before heading back to the house. The air was fresh and crisp. Aside from the chitter from the occasional bird, it's was quiet. The stillness really made it feel like it was just the two of you in this little bubble. You leaned on Donnie's shoulder and sighed.
"I love you."
It was a breathy and quiet confession meant to stay in you head. If it weren't for Donnie stiffening and his short "what." you would have though that's where you said it. You calmly moved off his shoulder to look at him, hoping all he heard was incoherent mumbling.
"What?" You asked.
"Did- Did you just say you loved me?"
Well that was unexpectedly direct and problematically uncharacteristic.
"I- I uhhhhhh-" you didn't want to lie to him. You couldn't. You couldn't tell him now though! This was the worst timing imaginable! But you had no choice, you wouldn't lie to him.
"... Yeah. You don't have to say anything I don't want to burden you when your clearly going through something I just, well, we were just-" your gaze drifted to your hands as you rambled.
"I can't return you feelings."
"What? What did you say?"
"I can't return your feelings so- maybe, um, you should hang out with Casey or April more. When we get back. Today."
You both walked back to the house in silence.
You and Donnie stopped spending as much time together after that. The others in the house noticed too but they didn't say anything. If someone did try to ask they would be met with silence or a short "everything fine."
Safe to say Raph was NOT happy about that. He had known you and Donnie long enough to know that you two not only had a thing for each other but that you were both unhappy with this arrangement.
So, he decided that if either one of you were gonna mess it up it would be Donnie.
"Alright. What did you do?" Raph questioned as he closed the barn door.
"Not now Raph, I'm busy." Donnie responded as he continued with whatever he was making.
"Oh I know. Since your too busy for y/n, you must be absolutely SWAMPED!" sarcasm dripping from his voice. This got too Donnie. Why was Raph acting like he's the bad guy?! Y/n would be happier with a human partner, they didn't know what they were saying! No one could actually LOVE a mutant monster like him.
"You don't know anything Raph, leave me alone."
"Educate me then."
"Could you not today? I'm really not in the mood."
"You know what I'm not in the mood for Donnie? Seeing you guys depressed everyday cuz you messed something up with y/n!"
"Oh so suddenly because they're human they're too good for us huh? Or are you trying to say that we're to good for humans?!"
"BECAUSE I- ..."
"Nothing. It doesn't matter. Go away." Donnie shooed Raph out and turned back to his invention.
"No!" Raph grabbed him by the back of his chat and spun him around to face am directly, "answer my question. Because. you. what?"
Donnie stares Raph down but didn't breath a word.
"You're a coward Donnie." was all Raph said before turning around and slamming the door behind him.
Little did he know this would bug Donnie way more than it should've.
Raph then made his way to you, you were in bad shape.
"Hey," He said, knocking on your doorframe. You were draped over your bed staring at your ceiling and shoving expired potato chips in your face.
"How ya feeling?"
"How am I looking?"
"Like a wreck."
All you did was snap your finger and point at him as a way of saying, "bingo".
"Look, I don't wanna bug ya but I know something happened between you and Donnie. Tell me what happened."
"You'll just laugh at me."
"If I wanted to laugh at you I would have done it by now. You don't exactly make it a hard thing to do."
"Gee, thanks."
"Come on, it might make you feel a little better."
You sighed, maybe it would. On the one hand, you haven't exactly told anyone about your feelings yet. On the other hand though, it isn't very often Raph is like this. This might be your best chance to get all of this off your chest. Deciding to take the rare opportunity you sad up and faces Raph.
"I... I don't know where to start."
"Try the beginning." Raph smiled at you. You eyed him nervously and nodded.
You had told him everything, and honestly, after saying everything out loud you felt...
Yeah, you were kinda embarrassed about your accidental confession but what the heck was Donnie's answer?! He didn't have to return your feelings but now he didn't want to hang out with you at all? WHAT THE HECK?? Left your bed and started you way to the barn were Donnie was.
"Hey, where are you going?" Raph asked, shocked at your change in demeanor.
"To kick Donnie's butt!"
Raph laughed but made no attempt to stop you. He deserved it.
A little before you reached the barn how we Donnie had decided that Raph was right. Avoiding you was cowardly and he needed to properly talk to you. As much as he forced the distance between the two of you, he did miss you.
Before you could open the door it swung open from the other side.
"Y/N! I uhhhhhh-"
"We need to talk D."
"Uh.. YES! Yes we do! Come on in." Donnie was panicking, you looked mad. Oh geez how was he gonna say this? He was so focused on fixing things with you that he forgot to think of anything to say that would fix it. Lucky for him you started.
"So, I should hang out with April and Casey more, huh?"
Or maybe not so lucky. What was he supposed to say?
"How come we never talk anymore? You don't have to like me back but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly unable to be your friend! You were friends with April the entire time you liked her!"
"Well his situation is a little different from that but I actually wanted to fix our friendship too." Donnie said hopefully.
"How is this any different than when you liked April?" You crossed your arms utterly DONE with Donnie's nonsense.
"Oh, ummm... Th- that's not important. What is important is tha-"
"Oh nononono. What's so different?"
Why did you have to get stuck on that detail?
"It doesn't matter y/n. Was matters is that I'm sorry for avoiding you and-"
"Well it matters to me Donnie! What makes this situation so different?!."
"I think I was wrong it is pretty-"
"Are you kidding me?"
"I... well I didn't plan on telling you but-"
You were in complete disbelief. Did he seriously just say that?
"Are you saying this because April rejected you? I thought with the whole bigfoot ordeal you learned it had nothing to do with your looks." You flatly responded.
"I- I know that." He told you, looking to the ground.
"Donnie, your a mutant. Not a freak, not a monster, and if I was really put off by your looks I wouldn't have become friends with you in the first place. Your a mutant. That's it. It doesn't change how I feel about you. Do you honestly think my feelings for you are so shallow?"
"I don't know. I don't know what to think. I'm just... I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll look at me and think that you made a mistake. That you picked wrong."
"For a such a smart guy your pretty dumb you know that?"
He looked back at you and in that same moment you hugged him.
"I decide my feelings Donnie. Not you. I decided to love you, and if you really do love me back, maybe we could try this" you gestured to the two of you, "before immediately assuming it wouldn't work out?"
Donnie smiled and hugges you back.
"I would like that. Thank you."
And it's done! Man that took forever. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of this one. It for sure isn't proofread but I hope you like it!
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Green With Envy | Renji Abarai x Reader |
author's note: more mechanic!au stuff! i love this au with renji sooooooo much. it's so damn fun
pairing: renji abarai x reader
warnings: au, jealousy, some background renji x rukia
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The tick of the clock on the wall only serves to irritate you further, the tickle of what's soon going to turn into anger settling tightly at the back of your skull. Renji's late. It's a Monday morning at the shop and he's uncharacteristically not here. He's usually here before you or right on time with you, and while it's technically his shop, it's still rude to not even send you a courtesy text.
You can't help the bounce of your leg and tightness in your jaw. Rukia is in town, and surely it's because of her that he's not here. She already had the entire weekend with him, and God only knows what the hell they were up to. You didn't hear from your friend not once, and in fairness, you didn't reach out yourself. Working together for sometimes more than forty hours a week is already a lot of time together, not to mention Renji often treats you to dinner after work or you'll invite him over and have a drink together to de-stress from the day.
To put it simply, you monopolize quite a bit of his time, and as nothing more than a friend and coworker, you have no right to feel so strung out about him being with another woman.
Another woman he was certainly fucking the entire weekend.
The bell above the door dings and the way you cut your eyes at him must be pure evil, because Renji reels back as if struck. He's got a frappuccino in hand and his usual black coffee in the other— he certainly knows the best way to extend an olive branch to you. He takes his usual seat before your desk and holds your drink away from your reaching grabby hand.
"Before I give you this and you start tuning me out," He starts, and damn him for knowing you so well. "I just wanna say I'm sorry I'm late, and that I missed you over the weekend."
And ohhhh how your heart warms at his sincerely spoken words. Combined with his dumb-looking, apologetic face, you can't really stay mad at him. "You're forgiven. Did you have fun with Rukia?"
Renji sets your drink down and has a quick pull from his own. "Yeah, always. We went and watched the new Fast and the Furious movie."
You snort and take a sip of your vanilla bean frappe. "And was it as ridiculous as you hoped?"
"Dumbest one yet." He flashes you a bright, dumb grin and sets his cup down to pull a pen and piece of paper from your desk and begin writing out his day's plans. "How was your weekend though? Any hot dates?"
"No." You mutter bitterly. "Seems you're the only one that has any fun like that."
"I dunno why." Renji murmurs, his eyes flitting to you for a moment. "You're extremely hot. Men should be falling to their knees left and right for you."
"Now you're just kissing my ass."
"Who, me?" Renji's smile is blinding, and the telltale twinkle of playful mischief is in his eyes. "Only if you asked."
"Take me to dinner first."
"Busy tonight, but lunch is all yours, babe." Renji scribbles out a schedule for you to keep him on, like always, and grabs a set of keys for his first few jobs— they're theoretically just simple oil changes.
"When does Rukia return home?" You hum, and frankly you're not doing a good job of hiding just how badly you dislike her existence. She's never done anything to you personally, no.
You just want what she has with Renji and the jealousy burns you.
"Tomorrow morning. I shouldn't be late again though."
"I don't care if you're late. I just would appreciate a heads up."
"I care if I'm late. I could lose my job, y'know. My boss is a bit of a hard ass like that, even though I'm the best worker she's got." Renji winks at you and rushes into the shop before you can chide him any, and the sound of his cackling laugh echoing from the garage is enough to ease the tension in your body and let you have a laugh too.
"Idiot." You mutter fondly before answering the incoming phone call.
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A few hours pass by before you see Renji again, and he hooks the keys back up to the key wall. "I am not doing even one more goddamn oil change today."
"Hit your head a few times?" You hum as you browse your computer for lunch ideas, and snort as you feel his eyes shooting daggers your way.
"I don't wanna talk about it." He snarks and goes to his small selection of nice shirts, picking up two for you to choose between. And he nods, expecting your choice of the teal Henley shirt and pulls it over his white tank top. "Lemme go wash up and we'll go get a bite."
"Yes sir."
Renji heads down the short hallway to the bathroom and you tidy up your desk as you wait, and your heart sinks as you see a very familiar pain in your ass walking up to the door. Plastering a small yet still fake smile on, you wave a hand to Rukia. "Hey, Rukia."
"Hello!" She's always been so damn kind to you, it's ridiculous for you to have so much disdain for her. "Where's Renji?"
"Restroom." You murmur, eyeing her carefully. She's wearing a cute little sundress, emphasis on little, and no wonder you didn't hear from Renji during their weekend. And thank the fucking lord they're just friends with benefits and that she lives so damn far away, because you're not sure you'd still be in this business with Renji if you had to see Rukia more often.
It's petty, but your heart doesn't like to share, one-sided or otherwise.
Thankfully Renji's out of the bathroom before the awkward silence can linger, and he greets Rukia with a hug. "Hey, you! What're you doing here?"
"Wanted to get some lunch with you." She smiles brightly and good lord she's a teeny thing compared to him.
"Oh!" Renji rubs the back of his head. "Not that I don't want to, but I already promised to take-"
Rukia pouts, and you sigh to yourself. "Just go, Ren."
Renji frowns. "No, I told you that I would treat you to lunch and I meant that."
"Just go. Make it up to me tomorrow." She'll be gone then, is unspoken, and you're sure hoping he's picked up what you've put down. Much as you dislike her for stupidly selfish reasons, being rude to Rukia isn't an option.
His brow furrows together as you set your purse back into its normal spot and you toss his car keys to him without so much as another glance his way, and he only barely catches them in the midst of his frustration. You're upset, that much is obvious, and he doesn't want to leave you behind like this. "I really don't feel right about this. Let's just all go out together, okay?"
"We shouldn't really leave the shop unattended." Your voice is damn near robotic, and the frustration in Renji's chest digs a little bit deeper. You won't even look at him. "Since Mondays are my busiest days. I'll be fine; I brought my lunch anyway."
And before Renji can argue further, a repeat customer steps through the door and they shake hands for a quick greeting before the man steps to your desk to schedule service. You smile at the customer, grateful he's earlier than he said he'd be— Rukia pulls Renji out of the building and they're off to their lunch, and you get an hour to yourself before your dear friend returns.
"He wants a state inspection, oil change, and he'd like you to do an alignment as well." You mutter when Renji steps back inside, setting the customer's keys at the edge of your desk for your mechanic to move the man's truck out back. Your packed lunch, a simple Caesar salad, sits in front of you almost completely untouched as your fingers tap against the keyboard for yet another email response.
"Alright." Renji eyes you carefully, tugging the keys into his palm and removing his Henley. He hardly ate a thing at lunch, much to Rukia's annoyance. But his happiness is very much dependent on your own, and knowing you're upset because of his inability to keep his word sends a feeling of pure sickness to his stomach. He let you down, despite his best efforts.
You pointedly avoid his gaze, and he sighs gently before he sulks out to get back to work. You end up tossing what's left of your salad, your tummy too full of feelings to want to eat. Renji stays in the shop for the rest of the day, not even emerging for a snack or a set of keys before lockup. The air around you is tense, and you curse yourself for being the very source of it.
But damn this jealousy will not let you go.
You're already shutting down your computer and organizing your desk for tomorrow when the door to the garage opens up, Renji's work boots scuffing against the floor as he comes back for the first time in several hours. He sets all the keys on the desk instead of the wall, indicating he's gotten all the work done.
"Nice job." You murmur, pulling them into one of your desk drawers. "I'll send the invoices tomorrow and depending on when they pay up, we can send out the rent—"
Your chair swivels around, causing your heart to skip a beat as you come face to face with your mechanic, his hands settled on either armrest with you subsequently caged into the chair by his body. When the hell did he even cross over to this side of the desk?? "Renji, what the hell—?"
"I can't stand you being mad at me." He admits honestly, and you can see just how pained he is with his gaze alone. "I'm sorry about lunch, okay? I really, really am."
"Renji." You sigh softly, and it takes everything in you to hold your hands back, keeping them in your lap and not cupping his face and kissing him like you so desperately crave. "It's not a big deal."
"You're mad at me and you're hungry. I got a double whammy on my hands." He moves just a tad closer to you as he shifts his weight, the scent of his savory, expensive cologne still there even after a day spent working hard. "And they're both my fault. You didn't eat your stupid little salad because what you wanted was a grilled cheese with all your little fixins from that place down the road, and also because you're upset and you don't eat when you're upset."
"How do you have me so figured out?" You ask softly, eyes so stuck on his handsome face. The shape of his nose, the way his lips curve, the sharpness of his eyes… The tiny little freckles you've never even noticed dusting over his cheekbones… Being in this close proximity only makes you realize and memorize the finer details of what you thought you already had discovered entirely. But it isn't often you're this close for this long, and hopefully he can't hear the way your heart beats in your throat.
"We have been together for almost six years now." He murmurs gently. "We know almost everything about each other at this point. You're my best friend and my business partner— I'd have to be the dumbest guy in town not to know you better than the back of my hand."
"Best friend?" You whisper in fear of your voice cracking if you talk any louder. Your chest is tight with want and the corners of your eyes begin prickling with tears; this is all too oddly intimate to take place at work, of all places, closed or not. Though it was this place that brought you together to begin with— "We have been together almost six years now." is how he phrased it, as if you were a couple.
"The very best." He whispers back. "Rukia is my childhood friend, but she doesn't know me better than you do. And I definitely don't know her half as well as I know you now. I could talk all day long about things she liked before she turned fifteen and moved away, but I don't even know what her favorite restaurant is now. That's the thing with time. It changes people, y'know? So if you don't keep up with them, you drift. Seeing her once or twice a year isn't enough to beat out my bond with you, no way in hell. I see you every day, all day, and I enjoy every second and always look forward to more time with you."
"You promise?" Your eyes are filled to the brim with tears now, and Renji smiles ever so gently as the pad of his thumb wipes away a renegade drop.
"I do." He presses his lips to your forehead in a sweet kiss, and your arms loop around his neck— and in turn you're pulled into a crushing hug and receive a longer kiss to your temple before his lips graze down your skin to speak softly into your ear. "Let's go get you that grilled cheese now, okay? My treat, and after that we'll go get some ice cream from that other place you like."
"What about Rukia? It's her last night in town, and you said you were busy tonight."
"She's probably packing anyway, and her flight is so early that she'll be in bed within a couple hours. It's fine. I meant it when I said I missed you, and I wanna take you to dinner. It'll be okay." His voice buzzes against your ear, and he gives you another squeeze when you relent and nod along to his idea.
Grinning widely, he lets go of you to pull on that same Henley from earlier. "C'mon, before you start acting hangry and yell at me."
"Hey! I do not yell at you!"
Renji snaps his fingers and points. "There it is, right there! Hangry!!"
You laugh and bat your purse at him, and he screeches playfully and runs out of the building. "You'll never take me alive!"
"Only because you left me to lock up!" You call back, laughing giddily as you ensure the building is secure and follow him to his car.
"Hey, you know the rules. Last one out is a rotten egg." Renji explains as he opens the passenger side door for you
You just laugh at him, chest warm and fuzzy at the day's turnaround. And the little green monster at the back of your brain, the toxic little thing, is sated as your mechanic slips into the car for an evening with you.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 5 months
I've always had a thought of Pornstar au with Stucky but I never have enough time to write one, mainly bcs the words won't come out and i fucking hate myself sooooooo
I'll just punch my idea here for you bcs so suddenly, I can't stop thinking of Pornstar!Seb HAHAHAHA but I'll stick with my original idea of STUCKY instead of Evanstan although I do love those two idiots AHJSSJJE
Right uhm, anyways, this prompt started off with well, porn, obviously bcs I'm a budding artist who wants to practice nsfw stuff (ehem😌😌) and the first place I went to for pose references were Porn sites
I was hit with sudden inspiration out of nowhere when I got reminded that Steve was a fucking artist SJIDHEIJEUR my mind is then consumed by the idea of one Steve Rogers, scrolling through a porn site looking for pose references when he stumbles into a single account
It's nothing special to be honest but what catches his eye is the full sleeve tattoo on the stars left arm. Curious, Steve checks the account out and discovers Winter_Soldier who's got quite the following. Steve is immediately enthralled at the sight of the man and his silky brown hair, the only thing visible about his face being his bright steel blue eyes. Winter is thicc, chest big enough you could fuck a dick between it and a pair of thighs Steve's sure enough could crush a water melonn NGHHHH don't even get Steve started with his dick, a pretty thing thats anything but little
Bucky might like to bottom but he could fuck if he wants, those sessions where he'd bring another pornstar over for a joint video and he'd practically fuck them to the mattress. Steve salivates at the thought of getting bedded by Bucky, brain just gone at the idea of having Bucky spread on his bed for him to take or of Bucky between his legs, ready to fuck him stupid
He's so adventurous too, his videos containing multiple angles of him fucking his thick ass onto an equally thick dildo, voice slightly muffled from behind the mask but still loud enough that Steve could pick up his mewling ramblings. Winter has a seductive voice that melts to a whine whenever he's got something in him and What's supposed to be Steve looking for pose references and practicing his anatomy's ends up with him furiously jerking off to this gorgeous man
Steve has never seen someone so enticing before, the way Winters body would curve and bend, slick hole making way for the thick dildos he liked to shove in. He fucks and liked to talk, his god given voice rumbly as he spoke to his audiences, taking requests or just simply dirty talking GOOD LORD AJDHWJRHRJJEEJ Steve can't take his eyes off the monitor and his hand off his dick, eyes always coming back to the intricate robot like design of Winters left arm
Somehow, Steve manages to finish his practice but not before he nearly bled himself dry with how much he jerked off. His sketch book suddenly filled with a brown haired masked pornstar. Some hour later, he stumbles out of his room and into the shared kitchen of the dorm he's renting. He nearly trips when he finds his roommate James cooking some dinner
He's been rooming with James for nearly a year now but they're not really close (yet). In Steve's opinion, he's too pretty for his own good and Steve can never talk straight or properly whenever James is the one he's conversing with. James is very sweet though (he told Steve he could call him Bucky bcs that's what his friends call him), voice soft and always drowning in the oversized hoodie he favours. He's not small by any means, with a wider set of shoulder than Steve but he's definitely shorter by a couple of inches.
Steve's always ogling at Bucky whenever he could and he always thinks that his hair is pretty but a detail catches Steve's eyes with how he tied his hair in a messy bun as he cooked. It looked similar with... Steve freezes on the spot, staring at Bucky like an idiot. There's no way right?? It must be just a coincidence!!
Instinctively, Steve's gaze falls onto Bucky's left arm, covered with the long sleeves of his hoodie. Steve has never seen Bucky with his clothing off or just a simple sleeveless outfit and Winter did have a few tattoos, the most prominent one was the full sleeve on his left arm... Steve shakes himself. His roommate can't be the pornstar he's suddenly addicted to, that's just rude to assume
When Bucky calls him to share the dinner, steel blue eyes curved in a somewhat familiar smile, Steve's throat dries and he doesn't know if he hates or loves the possibility of his absurd idea
In the end though, it's not him who makes the official discovery. Instead, it's Bucky who makes the reveal when he finds one of Steve's sketchbook laying around, filled with sketches and practice of a familiar brown haired star in different positions and angles
Steve's all bashful at being caught with his 18+ content and Bucky practically drills his new obsession out of him with a glint in his eyes. When Steve confesses the fact that he's been having fantasies about Winter and woke up every morning with a boner, religiously coming to check Winters account for updates or live sessions, Bucky practically grins like the cat who got the cream, the shy facade giving away to Steve's dirtiest dream
"So you like my voice huh?" Bucky murmurs where he's coiled like a snake on the couch, his eyes going lidded as his voice dropped a few octaves. Steve is frozen at the other end of the couch, surprise and something else shimmering in his guts
"Tell me, Steve.. Do you keep coming back to my account because I provide you with good practice material or is it because I turn you on?" Bucky practically purred, uncoiling and starting to crawl his way to Steve. Considering that their couch isn't that big and neither of them are small, Steve suddenly has his dreams on his lap
"I just needed practice," he weakly says and Bucky's lips curve into a smirk that would follow Steve to his dreams, face finally full with his bright eyes. Ever so slowly, Bucky leans until he's got his lips straight to Steve's ear, squirming on his laps and arms around his neck
"I could give you a live modelling session," he whispers, breath hot against Steve's flushed skin. He shivers and Bucky's next words makes his hand come up to Bucky's waist to squeeze tightly.
"And if you want a live demonstration with yourself included.. well, I can give you that too."
AHAHAHAH I don't know what to do with this prompt but plssss it's been haunting me (HAH), anyways, tis just a tease but they basically fuck (obviously 🙄🙄) and we can have the dynamic of Bucky happily expanding Steves sexual experiences and Steve happily allowing Bucky to expand his sexual experiences SKWJJEJEJE
related to this
I feel that, words are hard, but don't downplay what you have because what you have FUCKS!!
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Also, I love that. Sometimes you gotta go to the source for references 👀 I get it. That is SUCH a great idea, though! I fuck with that so hard! Artist!Steve looking for inspiration and stumbling onto pornstar Bucky... 😮‍💨😮‍💨
And pornstar Bucky, who's thick with INK?
Kill me. Oh, wait, you already have!
He's a switch, too? I'm salivating. The mask?? The whimpering? I'm being murdered! 😫 WOOF he does sound so damn enticing. Fuck.
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I do not have words. Brain scrambled. Useless. I am fucking obsessed with the idea of Steve going from avid consumer of Bucky's pornography to being a part of it. Living his fantasy. Actually.
Yes!! I would love to see this written because imagine all the shit they could get into! All the kinks they could explore (especially exhibitionism, getting off to being watched). All the toys that I'm sure Bucky has. Expanding on how it comes out, too, would be so good. Draw it out. Build it up. Does Steve catch him shooting porn when he's supposed to be out? Is it not confirmed like that? When does Steve see him without long-sleeves on for the first time? Is it in private? Is it in public, and he has to act normal? Does Bucky make Steve stutter through it and ask himself if he does porn, by chance, or does Bucky easily handle it, grinning and nonchalantly confirming it? Plus, building up to Steve's first time on camera would be killer. His nerves and excitement and then his embarrassment when he gets on camera and he's so revved up that he cums so fast.
You could go so many ways!
Either way, written or not, this AU is going to live rent-free in my head because 🤌🏻yes🤌🏻
Imagine all the "roommate walked in on me" fantasy porn they could shoot 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
From one court to another court
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I'm sooooooo happy for you! You deserve alllllllllll the follows (and likes and comments and reblogs)!!!
For your celebration, I would like to request a margarita with Matt that uses a similar theme to Meredith Grey's "pick me" speech from Grey's Anatomy. Not sure if you've seen it, but it's pretty angsty. The line can either come from Matt or reader. Direct quote below:
Okay, here it is. Your choice, it's simple, her or me. And I'm sure she's really great. But Derek, I love you. In a really, big really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your bedroom window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you... love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me.
But for the love of all that's holy, it needs to have a happy ending 🤣
I love and appreciate you so much! Congratulations again!!!!!!!!
ahhh my lovely court!!!❤️
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thank you so much, angel!! okay this is actually hilarious bc I was OBSESSED with grey's (like literally went into college as a premed bc I swore I was gonna be a surgeon) and meredith was always my favorite and the one I related to most.
i'm gonna make matty be the one to stand in the rain and pour his heart out dramatically bc he's a lil shit and I feel like he's gotten his fair share of love confessions and honestly it's his turn to beg. there is a lot of angst, but a happy, cheeky ending!
i love and appreciate YOU so much!!!! 🥂
blurb below the cut
pick me
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pick me. choose me. love me.
Matt only had himself to blame for the jealousy coursing through his veins right now. He’d had his window with you. A long, six months to be exact, wide open window to confess how he really felt. There were several times along the way he almost did, when the truth nearly slipped past his lips almost as easily as his excuses for yet another superficial injury. When your hand slipped down his arm to tangle your fingers together as you languidly strolled behind Karen and Foggy down the busy streets of New York. When you leaned closer into his side as you sat together in one of the booths at Josie’s, even though you had plenty of room. When you pulled him into a quiet space to help him calm down, being able to tell when he was overstimulated just by a simple look on his face.
When he told you the truth and you didn’t yell at him. You didn’t call him a liar, or express betrayal through verbal daggers. You didn’t question the authenticity of his blindness with the revelation of his heightened senses. You didn’t walk out on him. You stayed. 
He should’ve told you that night. 
And even though he convinced himself it was safer for you if he kept his heart to himself, deep down he knew he was a coward. 
He was scared to lose you. He was afraid that he would push you too far, ask for too much patience, or break one too many promises that he wouldn’t be able to rectify with an apology and good intentions. He was terrified that he would lose you like he’d lost Elektra. He wasn’t sure what was worse; driving you to the point of resentment because of something inside himself he couldn’t tame, or that very thing tearing you away from him for good.
But neither of those things were as bad as having to endure you being happy with someone else.
Foggy had warned him from the beginning. He told Matt from the moment he met you that if he didn’t make a move, someone else was going to. Karen had cautioned him that you wouldn’t wait around forever. They were both exhausted with the drawn out pining between the two of you, secretly scheming to get one of you to cave and confess, until Matt had snuffed out that ember of hope entirely.
Karen had set you up with a coworker of hers with the intention of making Matt finally pull his head out of his ass, but when you had asked for his advice about the date, he’d told you to go.
What a fucking idiot he had been. A selfish part of him didn’t think you were going to actually enjoy yourself. He certainly didn’t think you would entertain a second date, or a third. Matt knew how you felt about him. He wasn’t stupid, and you weren’t subtle. Maybe he thought because you felt the exact same way about him, you wouldn’t actually move on.
Matt wasn’t bothered by the idea of you going on a date, but he was absolutely distraught over the reality of you being in a relationship with someone else. He was devastated by the fact that you had a boyfriend that wasn’t him. That someone else was holding your hand, making you laugh, kissing you. It made him nauseous to think of what else another man was doing to you.
He didn’t think it would last. He kept telling himself that any day now, the nightmare would be over. You would tell him that it was over, and he’d have you all to himself again.
But it had been two months, and Matt was getting nervous. What if you never broke up? What if you loved him? Did you love him more than you loved Matt? Would you marry him?
Fuck, he didn’t think he could handle that. That guy didn’t love you. Not like he did. No one could ever love you like him. No one could ever protect you as well as he could. No one was as right for you as he was. You were supposed to be with him. You were meant to be with him.
Matt gripped his cane so hard his knuckles turned white as your boyfriend placed his hand on your lower back and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He hated that you reacted at all to his touch. But a tiny flicker of hope ignited in his heart knowing that you didn’t react to your boyfriend’s touch like you did to his. He didn’t make you shiver. He didn’t make your heart race. He didn’t make heat spread across the tops of your cheeks.
Maybe he still had a chance.
The second your boyfriend excused himself to the bathroom, Matt was tossing his cane onto the nearest table and practically running towards you, gripping onto your wrist to drag you down the hall to an empty room that he barricaded the two of you in.
“Jesus Christ, Matt! What the hell? You nearly-”
“I lied.”
“What? What are you talking about? You haven’t spoken to me all night-”
“I didn’t want you to go on the date. I don’t want to just be your friend.”
Matt’s own heart rate began to accelerate hearing the way yours started to quickly pound in your chest like thunderous warnings in a stormy sky.
“I love you.”
As a shaky breath escaped your mouth, Matt tore his glasses away from his face and clutched them tightly in his hand. You always told him you felt like he hid behind them, and he wanted you to be able to see the truth on his face. Taking a step back from him and placing your hand over your forehead, you closed your eyes for a moment as your hands began to tremble.
“Why are you doing this right now?”
“Because I lied to you, and I need you to know the truth.”
“Just…listen. Please.”
Matt took several steps forward until he was standing in front of you, swallowing thickly as his hazel eyes blankly stared in your direction, searching his brain for the correct formula of words that would fix his selfish mistake and make you his.
“Okay, here it is. Your choice? It’s simple. Him, or me. And I’m sure he’s really great, but sweetheart…I love you. In a…really…really…big…pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window way, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me. Please…just…tell me I’m not too late.”
Matt tuned out every sound except for the roar of your heart thrashing in his ears, but it paled in volume compared to the silence that rang even louder. He detected a light layer of sweat forming along your hairline, and your nails were dug so deeply into your hands, he could almost feel the blood pushing against the taut, clammy skin of your palm. You exhaled through your nose in a jagged and swift pattern, and there was heat burning in your face, but Matt couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was from right now.
“S-Say something.”
“You’re fucking unbelieveable.”
Matt’s tongue darted out quickly to wet his lips as he shifted his weight onto his other foot, placing his hands on his waist while he cleared his throat and tilted his head in your direction.
“Say…something else.”
Throwing your hands up in defeat, you laughed humorlessly as you turned away from him.
“Six months, Matthew. I waited six months for you-”
“I know-”
“And God, I practically did everything but come right out and say I was in love with you-”
“I know, sweetheart-”
“And after everything, all those times you made me believe there was something more, like I wasn’t crazy and reading too much into things. You know, when you finally told me the truth I thought…I thought this is it. I thought that was the last thing holding you back from me but then-you told me to go out with him-”
“I was scared.”
Matt’s confession halted your furious pacing, and he suddenly felt nervous under the intensity of your unwavering gaze. Dipping his head between his shoulders, he let out a deep sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“People have gotten hurt…because of me. Because of who I really am. I lost-Elektra died in my arms. Twice. I thought…I thought I was protecting you. I thought not being with me…was what was best for you. But…I can’t do it. I thought I could, but I was wrong. I can’t…you can’t be with him. You don’t belong with him, sweetheart. You belong with me.”
“You are the most infuriating man I have ever met in my life.”
The anger had dissipated from your voice, but your heart’s rhythm never faltered, and a melancholic smile glossed over Matt’s lips.
“I know. You still love me?”
An exaggerated sigh flew past your lips as you settled your hands on your hips, shaking your head slowly while staring up at him.
“Well someone has to.”
Matt’s lips parted slightly, and his face morphed into an expression of anticipation feeling the edge of your mouth quirk upwards slowly. He took a cautious step forward, reaching out a hand for yours as an excited grin threatened to take over his entire mouth.
“So…it…it’s me?”
“You know for an Ivy League graduate, you’re not very bright. It’s always been you, Matty.”
The smile that stretched open Matt’s mouth would’ve made you think he had just won a contest, and he didn’t hesitate to rush forward to grab your face in his hands, pulling you in for a long overdue kiss that had you both sighing in content against each other's lips. 
“I…I have to tell him.”
Matt’s lips pulled into a mischievous smirk as he wrapped his arm tightly around your waist, pulling you closer into his chest as he nudged his nose against yours.
“Can I tell him?”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“I’d let him down gently.”
“No you wouldn’t.”
Matt snickered as he lifted his brows slightly in agreement, leaning in to seek out your lips for another greedy kiss.
“No I wouldn’t.”
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
BABYXEMNAAAAAAASSS YOUVE DONE IT AGAAAAIIIIINNNN now im thinking about early pre-sex lawbepo where law is Forever Changed after getting a touch of paw beans. bepos palms are warm and somehow soft and rough at the same time and squish just a little when u squeeze them and law Cant stop thinking about it. hes.. beginning to have Wicked thoughts about it. bepo blushed so cutely when law rubbed his paws.. he wants to know what bepos paws feel like.. elsewhere.. so he breaks and hes like ok its just my curiosity thats all. its fine. ill satisfy my questions. and then ill be fine. so he says Ah Bepo , Looks like you may have a knotted muscle in your hand i should check it. and bepo bless his heart says wow!!! captain is so good at being a doctor i didnt even notice my hand was hurt. here you go!!! :3 no hesitation no nothing but complete blind trust. law feels a little guilty but then he has bepos hand in his now and he no longer has any morals just bepo . he strokes the texture and when he gently presses his fingers into his pawpad bepo squeaks just a little bit and as law massages both thumbs into bepos palm he whimpers... law becomes evil right then and there .hes decided its so fucking over. hes going to hell and he is running for it full fucking speed. bepos flushed going nn captain.. w..wait.. it feels.. and law says does it not feel good, bepo? Bepo Is Powerless. W WAIT YES it feels good!!!!!!! law says hmm. <disappointed> ill stop then. NO!!! NO YOU DONT HAVE TO...you can..keep going.... making bepo beg a little even when hes sooooooo embarassed because captain asked to rub his hands!!! hes doing something nice for bepo so its the least he could do to let him .... law asked..and hes staring at bepo so intently and his hands are so warm and its LAW so its ok..if law says its ok..right... law doesnt stop until bepo is sweating and whining and shaking in his chair and laws essentially just fingering both hands across the table. bepo has never ever been touched like this before in his life and did not know his hands coukd do that and hes tearing up a little bit because he feels so so warm his heart is beating so fast his fur is standing on end and then law (so lost in the bear sauce) does the unthinkable. he lifts bepos palm to his mouth and Bites it. and bepo MOANS out loud. its this high pitched shocked whiny cry out of laws best/guiltiest dreams and then it is dead fucking silent. both of them stare at each other in the most painfully erect alarm as it sinks in . what hapoens next is up 2 u...........
law cant be normal ever, every part of bepo is too lovely and his reactions are so cute ..
im laughing "wow captain is such a good doctor i didnt even know i was hurt" 🤣🤣🤣 bepo dear angel you have such high opinion of him (this will not change even after many proofs that law is weird and sus)
bepo getting so overwhelmed...getting touched by law san like this!!! being his single focus!!! i love when he feels bashful that he's reacting so strongly even tho its law who starts it every time and is so much weirder
god please law would say something completely idiotic like "they look like pink dango" its stupidity falls on deaf ears because bepo nearly came in his pants after the massage and THAT he's just huh?////..um//// he is so embarrassed that he is falling apart like this!!! over something so little...captain didnt mean it that way!!! he is being so caring and kind and good!!! 😭😭😭😭 he is so ashamed. dear captain please forgive him for being a pervert! he didn't mean to moan like that 💀
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joyouzz · 1 year
LU/ATLA: Legend
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Fire Nation
Due to Legend’s voting post ending in a draw between being a Fire Bender and a Non-Bender from the Fire Nation, I flipped a coin and it landed on Non-Bender. Wooooo!!!
Being raised in the war torn Fire Nation, peace was a rare site to see. Raised by his uncle, his parents being causalities in the war, his uncle tried to give Legend the best life he could.
Unfortunately when Legend was eleven, he had to grow up quick after his uncle joined his parents as another casualty in the war.
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Random Legend head cannons:
• Legend has so much experience with all kinds of spirits
• Neautal spirits, nature ones, the corrupted, the deceiving, good spirits, so many spirits
• Has traveled to the spirit so many times
• Could say that he’s the Link Between Worlds
• First time he got turned into a rabbit
• Once a pink rabbit, always a pink strand left behind
• Want it gone? Nope. It stays forever
• Try and cut it? Grows back even bolder
• Then he got cursed
• Reverse the curse
• Got cursed again
• This process repeated itself one too many times
• 100% not recommended
• Unless you want to be transformed into a rabbit and/or cursed
• Been cursed sooooooo many times
• He has lost count of how many times he’s been cursed/almost cursed/threatened to be cursed
• Has magic jewelry that allow him to cross the spirit world without being cursed/transformed
• R.I.P Uncle
• R.I.P Parents
• Marin and Koholint island is real, not a dream
• Koholint island is part of the Sun Warriors
• Loved Marin so so so much
• Marin is part of Sun Warriors
• R.I.P Marin
• Legend hates the Yiga Clan
• Even after the long one hundred year war has ended in the Fire Nation, the Yiga being drove out, Legend wants revenge
• Traveled to the Earth Kingdom to find the Yiga Clan to get his revenge
• Is a Non-Bender and will not hesitate to beat any overconfident Bender’s ass to put them in their place
• Doesn’t mind benders, as long as they are not overconfident idiots with egos has big as the ocean
• Though is wary of fire benders due to the war, Yiga Clan members, and events of Koholint Island
• Legend had a top-knot (Fire Nation hairstyle, the little bun thing on top)
• After the events of Koholint Island, he cut it off
• He may be young but he can beat you up badly
• Has a friend who is absolutely opposite of him, Ravio, who he met in the Earth Kingdom after Ravio pulled Legend into one of his scams
• Refuses to wear Fire Nation symbols ever again
• But Fire Nation clothing he will, he got style
• Got the hat once he got to the Earth Kingdom, great for getting the sun out of his eyes
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quarktrinity · 10 months
quark watches star trek season 1 episode 25
welcome to Space City, a City in Space
The Mines
love when star trek is a horror show
this dude is obviously gay for his boss
the knowledge of the Fire Monster is gathered the same way as several celestial bodies: not by direct witness, but rather by observing its effects on its surroundings
i know spock is genuine when he says "fascinating" but he makes it sound SO sarcastic
this episode is kinda lovecraftian. i love it
"something happening in the reactor room!!!" a reaction, perhaps?
spock says dont touch chemical burns kirk. idiot.
i should add "limited time until certain death" to the bingo card
i love kirks hair
the Fire Monster does not like people
"silicon-based life"
kirk tells scotty to kiss a pipe
noooo not the red shiiiirrrrt ohhhhh nooooooo
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kirk has a truly impressive ass ngl
kirk dramatically walks away from spock to give him a good look at his impressive ass
spock is sad about killing a potentially endangered species
kirk wants to keep spock safe. dude
more weird vulcan psychic powers. can we get a little exposition on this please
sooooooo much spirk flirting
fire monster responds to death threats
its kinda cute actually
it may be nice <3
spock is so in love with kirk
this dudes walking around in a pink onesie. alright man
the monster has a boo-boo :(
oh those silicon orbs are eggs arent they
spock shouts "PAIN! PAIN! PAIN!"
the monster can write imperfect english
it is apparently intelligent
this episode is less lovecraft and more childrens cartoon
spock takes psychic damage
star trek says species endangerment and/or colonialism bad
these things got Lore
star trek says environmental preservation good
"let us Employ the fire monsters"
mccoys got goop on his hands
spock says the fire monster is smarter than you idiots
now everyone is friends!!!
the fire monster thinks spocks ears are hot
spock is offended at kirk noticing his character arc
gayer than gay sex i keep saying this
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mikia87 · 7 months
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After playing CxM, I needed something light and sweet. So I started Sympathy Kiss. It’s fun so far.☺️ (I wish I had colleagues and a work environment like this irl.😢)
A few hours into this game and I have already fallen in love with Yoji.🥰 He’s my type & I love his voice (it’s Ray from Ephemeral!). I can’t wait to play his route. But now I started with Saotome.
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I just finished Mitsuki Saotome’s route. It was good. I like him and his genki personality.☺️ I’ll see with the other LIs, but the game started well with him.😉
*Since the game has just been released, I won’t say more than this.🫢
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Yoji Kobase’s route is done! OMG that was amazing and all I needed.😁 I love his story & I love him so much!!!!💖 He’s HOT!!!!!🫦🥵🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦 My heart is still pounding after hearing all his moans & kisses.🫣 His voice is…👌🥰
It’ll be hard to surpass him. I smiled like an idiot for almost the entire story.😊 (Like I did with Eltcreed in Steam Prison.) It was perfect and I need more of him.
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Kohei Minato’s route was good.😄 He’s a good big brother!😊 I like him, a bit like Saotome.
Now I can’t wait to play the other routes.
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I really liked Rokuro Yoshioka's story. The classic Prince Charming caught in a love triangle. I love him, he’s like a little puppy.🥺 For now, he’s my 2nd favorite (after Yoji of course😌).
I also finished the Secret Route #1. His story was good. But the LI, for me it’s an absolute NO! He has all the characteristics I don't like in a LI.😖 So, no thanks!
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I completed Nori Tainaka’s route. It was good, but I'm not really a fan of this type of character (like Shion). But I liked his story.
I also played the Secret Route #2. I wasn't expecting that at all. I really liked his story.🥰 It was different from the usual routes. There were some very cute scenes.☺️ But I was disappointed there was no "hot" scene like in the other stories.😔 (Yoji has all the additional ones.🤣😏)
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I just finished Shuya Usui’s route. I never thought I would cry.😭😭😭😭😭 The story was really good & I love him.🥺
He can be hot when he wants!!!🫣🥵 That scene was 😏👌. And Akari is sooooooo horny in his story.🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Bo with a reader who has a song from a musical on repeat at full volume and keeps singing it over and over again and Bo is losing his goddamn mind over it. It's not even the objectively best song from the musical and the reader isn't even good at singing but the look of dumbass glee on their face because of the song is driving Bo even further insane. Lester even likes the song and likes to sing along, because damnit it's a good song.
Is this even much of a prompt? Uh IDK. Do you think Bo would wait out the song obsession (unlikely) or ban the playing of the song(funny)?
Oh my god yes! I love this idea so much thank you for requesting.
Musical Idiots: Bo Sinclair x gn!reader
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A/N: I had so many ideas, stuck with a 2017-2018 classic musical (at least for me) and then a musical my high school did my last year. So sorry it’s so short 😅
Warnings: just cringy bad singing from the reader and Lester.
“You make my balls so blueeeee~”
Bo grips the handle of the screw driver harder in his hand.
“They’re hanging sadly.”
“What did they do to you~ that you hate them sooooooo~”
“Don’t run from me!”
“THEYRE ALL BEAT UP LIKE A TACKLING DUMMY!” You and Lester shout. Bo sighs and looks up at the two of you and the shit eating grins on your faces. He rolls his eyes.
“You guys have this whole damn town and you wanna be right fuckin’ here doin’ some worse than community theatre show.” Bo mumbles, you and Lester laugh before continuing your horrible number.
“You make my balls so blueee!”
“So please say hello!”
“And hold them! And fold em and never let go!”
Bo tries to continue working, the awful screeching of you two not helping.
“Any other fucking musical please God! I’m sick of this shit!” Bo cries out, Lester and you look at each other, you walk over to your phone and switch the playlist to a different musical. A smirk comes across your face.
“Mistah Billy Flynn and the press conference rag! Notice how his mouth never moves… almost!”
Bo groans.
“I’m gonna kill both of you. Should’ve never told you I played him.”
You laugh.
“I love this role, and the choreography! You must’ve had so much fun!” Bo sits on a fold out and you sit on his lap. He playfully bounces your leg to the song and hums.
“You only like this role cause I played it.”
“Not true!” You gasp, Bo raises a brow. You look away jokingly bashful. “Maybe it’s a little true..”
Bo kisses your cheek.
“Oh yes we both oh yes we both reached for the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun!”
“BOTH REACHED FOR THAAAAAAAAA GUHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNN!” Lester you you scream and burst into laughter as the ensemble finishes the song.
“You two are just awful. I’m banning the hell out of not only these songs but Heathers and Chicago in general. Find something else to make my ears bleed too.” Bo shakes his head and watches as you two gasp for air and tears well in your eyes.
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itz-pandora · 3 months
I actually thought of something related to Silver broken leg
I had also been thinking about how Iblis would fit into the story, and one suggestion I had was that Iblis would be Silver "uncle"
(logic of why I call Iblis "Silver uncle": Although Mephiles and Iblis are just a part of each other, I like to interpret that the two are brothers, so Silver, who is Mephiles "son", becomes Iblis "nephew")
Iblis and Mephiles do not have a good relationship, Mephiles sees Iblis as a weapon incapable of being rational, and Iblis sees Mephiles as someone dependent on people and useless, yes, a lovely relationship between siblings 🩷🩷
I'm just giving context before saying what I imagined, ok?
When Mephiles told Iblis the plan to use Silver for something bigger, Iblis thought this was an idiotic idea, that they could just merge and kill everyone involved, but let's say that Mephiles prefers caution, no matter how many suggestions Iblis could speak, Mephiles does not trust his ability to think
Soon Mephiles finishes the matter that Iblis should obey him, even though Iblis is much stronger than Mephiles, he cannot leave the place, but Mephiles can, so Iblis has to trust Mephiles compulsorily
The plan was in Mephiles hands
Finally we got to where I imagined lol
Let's say Silver is in Crisis City, he thought he was alone now, but he remembered Iblis who was there because he couldn't get out of here, Mephiles told Silver not to go near Iblis, but Silver, who was probably much more naive at the time, believed that his uncle was not that brute after all
With pain he managed to get to Iblis, not so close but not so far either
Before Silver could say anything, Iblis had already sensed his presence
They looked at each other for a few minutes, until Silver started trying to start a conversation, he wouldn't expect Iblis to actually talk to him, but
Iblis spoke to him, not with a formally created phrase as Mephiles would speak, he said it in key words
Iblis told Silver to leave now, before he dies
Silver thought he was going to kill him now, but he continued
"Save yourself, he is not your salvation."
"Run while you have the chance."
Iblis was trying to tell Silver to go away, to get away from Mephiles.
- Butterfly
OHHHH BUTTERFLY THIS IS SO COOL… Cooking in the ask box….
your idea is sooo cool and I think it's sooooooo interesting!! AAAAA ITS SO COOOL!!! I love the way you write!!! And the idea is suuuuper cool!
AAGH I haven’t touched on Iblis in my current vision yet tho, and my Iblis isn’t really sentient like yours </3… it’s another yin/yang thing for Mephiles and Iblis (sentient and cunning vs a force of nature). Iblis is MUCH more powerful than Mephiles in my interpretation too! Mephiles can’t control Iblis, and Iblis just goes ham on everything. Mephiles does only see Iblis as an object Silver never gets a chance to doubt Mephiles in mine (besides the future rumors that Mephiles flipped the script on.)
I think your suggestion is AWESOME!! BUT it didn’t play into a vision I’ve never shared (my fault for not sharing)
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kpoplesbianism · 11 months
in my mind the seukiji men are like this:
chan doesnt really get the appeal of clubbing n going out he thinks it's stressful hes not judgy abt it its just not his thing he doesnt like anything beyond a full club and alcohol. he doesnt like weed cause it makes him groggy. but hes also done so mucb speed in his studio to get things done like so much staggering amounts but hes chill abt it. prob tried using TCM to sleep once. it freaked him out. but also has def tripped on prescribed ambien a Coupletimes
rino hates it all so much he judges ppl that use drugs so much he thinks theyre infantile and idiots. he drinks but he holds his alcohol really well. like if he gets invited to do shots he does it with astraight face and deosnt get really hammered but also i would not be surprised if he ever did shrooms or ayahuasca during one of his camping trips like a fucking idiot. but also. both chan and minho know a lot abtdrugs safety. chan very willingly ! gives the infomration and minho kinda judges whoever asks for it. simultaneously tho he's weirdly done everything before and no one can figure out When that heppened timeline wise
changbin def parties like a girls girl he goes to the clubbb he gets all dolled up and drinks his silly little edible glitter drinks and then snorts like a couple tips of cut coke in the bathroom with his friends just for funsiesss hes just having a good time!!! he stumbles home and then kisses ppl and then cries cause hes emotional and then goes around everyone saying he loves them soooomuch. hes a gal
hyunjin is scared of drugs hes okay with going out sometimes but he gets kinda disgusted when ppl start sweating or knocking him around or throwing up. like i dont think he's a drink gay he probably drinks like gin or something hes okay with getting a little drunk but hes also very ew>:[ abt it. when he does get drunk tho. happiest littel guy on earth
felix is a messy gay abt everything. he cant handle bitter so he only orders like 27 bucks bullshit drinks like Rose Water and Hybiscus Liqueur and Gin that are mostly ice and watet and have 10% alcohol content but he drinks like 20 of them + like. absinthe shots or something. and then he's out of his mind for the night and no longer 100% there psychologically and does everything he's offered no discrimination. but he's def a uppers kind of guy he doesnt like slowing down and hallucinations are scary :( what im saying is he's a molly gay. probably did G one time and got sooooooo wrong he went crying to chan the next day. but anyways he's out of control. going out is not a one night thing he Will go on a 4 day straight bender complete with losing his phone getting sidequested and having to walk everywhere with 2 different shoes and apartment hopping between his hook ups and then going to chris to relearn how to be a person. messy little molly twink. he and changbin have a great timetogether
jisung would Love to be a rave club kind of dude but he gets scared so easily and clubs are a social anxiety Triggerhell and he probablly had a bad trip on like lamotrigine or some bullshit. so he's a stay athome and smoke weed kind of guy. regularly got scammed by his dealers or orverchrged so bad until seungmin was like baby this is embarrassing ill do it for you. probably tried a hallucinogenic straind at one point and saw mickey mouse on top of his wardrobe or something so thats out of the question. just a scared anxious little stoner. does buy a lot of weed paraphernalia just cause its fun
seungmin is an easily exciteable drunk. you give him the littlest narcotic and hes giggling his laughing hes immitating a monkey he wants more he want to go somewhere else hes boreddd lets gooo. get him drunk implies putting him on a leash. but hes also susprisingly levelheaded with everything else. probably does some downers sometimes to take the edge off. knows what works for him. i can kind of see him as a stoner too
jeongin is like.the mystery partier. he's like 'hey im going out for a cpouple hours' and then hes back very normal. and then like a week later he's like ' haha yeah i did euphoria a couple days ago' and everyoneslike jeongin you did what. he's just in it for a fun time! he's okay with losing sanity for a couple hours. he thinks it'sfun. doesnt take it seriously (good) but also doesnt take it seriously (BAD!) like mixes eberything willy nilly as it appears in his vicinity then goes to rino like hyung i dotn feelwell and rinos like no shit jeongin youre halfway to a heart attack and a coma right now sit the fuck down. hes just a fun guy tho!
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livesincerely · 2 years
Dude I got SO excited you don’t even know I’ve made a whole day out of rereading it and I’ve just read the last two chapters now (because I also managed to miss the interlude?? somehow??) and OMFG. THIS. FIC.
I’ve not been keeping up with the musical fandom as much lately and I can’t tell you how much fun it’s been to dive into it again (sorry that I’ve not come and said hello for a while). You’re one of the authors that I’m realising now that I’ve missed the most and I’m SO excited to see what you’ve been up to!!
This fic haunts me though I genuinely think about it like once a week it’s amazing. my general thoughts are: AAAAA WHY ARE THEY ALL LIKE THIS they’re all so goddam stubborn I want to shake them but also give them a hug at the same time ESPECIALLY Davey my BOY.
THE INTERLUDE??? Probably my favourite chapter so far (excluding the flower shop because YESSS SYMBOLISM) Race + Davey friendship for the win I love them both so. much. It’s just so SAD pure and simple Rave just wants Davey to be happy he’s such a good guy and oh don’t even get me started on Davey:
“Quietly, so quietly that Race can barely hear him over the wind, he says, “He’s in love with her, Racetrack.”
KILL ME IM SERIOUS my poor babyyyyy I know they’re trying their best but omfg why are they all so stubborn when they could just be happy I hate them (I don’t)
And that last chapter oh my gooooood it ripped my heart out it killed my entire family it stole my wallet it’s sooooooo good. POOR MAGGIE get her a new bf this one’s broken he keeps talking about his boy best friend when they’re supposed to be having a moment. She’s smart though my girl is figuring things out I can see it I like her so much ALSO the many references to the blue eyes I see you livesincerely I see you
Race and Jack though these IDIOTS make me want to slam my head against the wall CANT YOU SEE YOU WANT THE SAME THING like the way they both immediately jump to Davids defence without even really knowing why the other is there??? AAAAA. I actually love their fight scene because YES it hurts so bad but its just so perfect like the tension??? and snarky Race my beloved I love you in any universe JACK on the other hand is now officially the DENSEST MF ON EARTH how has it not clicked yet Jack honey this ain’t platonic anymore
“It’s like the ground’s dropped out from underneath him.
“Is… Is that what he said?” Jack asks numbly, the words settling like a layer of chalk on his tongue, dry enough to choke on. “Did he say that he didn’t…?””
JACK YOURE CAUSING ME ACTUAL PHYSICAL PAIN he’s trying so hard he’s also so so stupid
Those closing lines… OUCH. I hope they make up immediately I also hope they keep fighting forever it hurts sooo good
It’s quite late as I’m writing this so I might just be talking shit and I’ve just realised how long it is I’m so sorry but I just love this story so much and I love you and I can’t WAIT for the rest thank you for blessing us with it I hope you have an amazing day <333
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muppetjackrackham · 2 years
(courtesy of @aconflagrationofmyown​)
Technically I was tagged to do this almost a week ago and then I Forgor about it sooooooo. No time like the present tho! Especially considering it’s apparently Elvis Presley Day (everybody say thank you @loving-elvis​). I was tagged by @mymamalife and @lindszeppelin (ty lovies!) and I’m not sure who all has already done this so anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to do it just say I tagged you 
Let’s start off gently shall we? Because this most definitely devolves into thirsty madness later, you’ve been warned…and also, we are all at various stages in the Elvis fandom, some of us have been suckling the gospel of EP from birth, others just had their sexual awakening with the 2022 movie, and then there’s the ones among us with frickin’ doctorates on the man. All are welcome, it keeps us colorful. Feel free to pick and chose which of these you want to answer.
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
This is probably a very common answer (especially for younger Elvis fans like myself) but in terms of what I can actually remember? Lilo and Stitch! I’m sure I probably heard my parents listening to Elvis growing up (we have a veritable fuck ton of Elvis CDs lying around the house, including every film, every special and all of his gospel albums AND the Viva Elvis soundtrack from the Cirque du Soleil show, which is very good if you’ve never heard it) but Lilo and Stitch is when I actually remembered hearing it.
And what was your first impression?  
Catchy stuff. I remember being very fond of Stuck On You for some incredibly specific reason. As an adult, however, Lilo laying on the floor listening to Heartbreak Hotel is probably my favourite (and very relatable). But I didn’t really think about him beyond that until much later in life.
Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
In terms of what I would wear? Lace shirts. In terms of what Elvis would wear? Both honestly. One fits the love I have for the pretty boy aesthetic and the other has an element of camp to it, which fits the love I have for camp and kitsch. He manages to look good in both (and just about everything inbetween) and that’s incredibly unfair because I don’t think I could ever pull off a jumpsuit.
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
Again, in terms of what I would wear? The Trouble outfit. 100%. I’m a big fan of Green Day and from the minute I saw it I started calling it the American Idiot outfit, which has led to very interesting debate in my household as to whether or not Billie Joe Armstrong based THE American Idiot outfit off of Elvis, which I think would be VERY interesting if he did, considering the nature of who Elvis was, especially when he was starting out. The image- and subsequent outcry as a result of- a young rock n’ roll rebel rauser from the 1950s and what it means to be a punk musician (particularly an American punk musician, and definitely THOSE American punk musicians) are actually quite similar, at least to me. Putting my own comfort aside, however, I’d say the pink suit lace shirt combo from the hayride. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Unless there’s something Elvis actually wore that had lions on it. Comfort or no, I’d wear it because I have an image to maintain. (Honourable mention: the tiger jumpsuit. Rawr)
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
During the ‘68 comeback special where he curls his lip and says “I got news for you, baby: I did 29 pictures like that!” while making fun of how much he curled his lip.
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)  
Well I do NOW. 
In all honesty I was actually probably more distracted by his eyes. Anytime I see a gif of Austin kissing someone, however, I am most definitely thinking about his lips.
What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
I think there is a lot to be said about Elvis’ faith honestly. His gospel albums genuinely moved me to tears and, shockingly, are what won him the three Grammys he has. 14 nominations throughout his career and he won all three for his gospel albums. His version of Amazing Grace is one of the best versions I’ve ever heard. I think, although I didn’t know him personally, but I think there was something very genuine about Elvis’ faith, which isn’t always the case for someone as famous as he was. I hope it gave him some semblance of peace whenever he needed it most.
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?
A. Nothing. You’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. You give the Colonel a stern telling off C. You encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract  E. You slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit!” F. You waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
I know how hard it is to try and accept that someone close to you is abusing you or taking advantage of you, and it’s especially hard to do on your own. I think it’s not unreasonable to think that, if Elvis had been able to get out from under the Colonel’s thumb, he might have lived longer, or at the very least had better quality of life before he died.
What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
God it’s hard to pick just one thing. There’s so many things I love about this movie in particular. I think it might actually be my favourite Baz Lurhman film to date (which is impressive because I fucking love Moulin Rouge), and as much as I love Austin’s performance, it’s not the only thing that really stands out to me. Everything about this movie is magical. The cinematography. The sound design. The costumes. The sets. But if you’re really going to make me pick just one.......as much as I love Trouble (and believe me, I do. Especially after watching King Creole), I might have to go with the introduction to the Vegas Years with the way Baz builds up the orchestration to the Vegas rendition of That’s Alright Mama. I had chills the first time I saw it and I about had chills every subsequent time I saw it. The way it not only builds anticipation, but builds the very track itself? Genuinely inspired imo, even for Baz.
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
If I Can Dream, and the context surrounding it. The 68′ Comeback Special is renowned for a reason, but If I Can Dream is something else altogether, because it’s not just a brilliant performance. It’s a brilliant performance that means something. It actually reminds me of U2′s Super Bowl halftime show in that way (and it’s my favourite halftime show as a result). If I Can Dream came at a time where the nation was particularly divisive, and it is genuinely one of the most moving- and heartfelt- performances I’ve ever seen. 
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here)
Due to a multitude of reasons I’ll say one or two. We’d adopt. 
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
Graceland. Especially the jungle room. I never knew what it looked like as a kid so whenever someone mentioned it I always pictured the tackiest looking room with fake vines and forest wallpaper and animal heads...only to then find out it’s actually very tasteful and warm and quite gorgeous actually. I think I would spend a lot of time in that room honestly.
What is the peak Elvis era? (Warning, this says an awful lot about you…)
Late ‘60s early ‘70s. Elvis had always been a sex symbol, but the raw, unrefined sex appeal of the ‘68 Comeback Special had me in a grip. He was no longer that young boyish rebel of the mid to late ‘50s, and after many years and failed attempts at the kind of film career I wish I- and Elvis himself- had gotten to see, Elvis had finally returned to his roots as a musician, and a rock n’ roll musician at that. There was a maturity to his sound that I really loved.
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Radicalized June 24th 2022, but now I’m in it for the long haul. God help you all when that biker movie comes out. Also Dune. ESPECIALLY Dune.  As much as I actually liked the 1984 version, it is an absolute injustice to Feyd Rautha, and I know Austin has the range to play the nastiest little space twink I know and love. 
However if they make him bald I will quit my job and go full time in the walls of Denis Villeneuve’s house.
What kind of Elvis chick are you? A 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s film set fling, or a Vegas torrid backstage affair?
Hmmmmmmm. I was a drama kid growing up so of the three I’m gonna say film set fling. 
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options:
A. Hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks B. Hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South  
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut? Or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
Angst. I fucking love to suffer (and I like to drag everyone else down with me. Just ask any of my friends). And it’s not just fanfiction, either. My favorite show right now is literally Succession.
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along)
but also if you’re really going to make me choose.......spit.
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration.
Honestly? I’m not sure. I think I’m the kind of person that would try to conform to her expectations to an unhealthy degree, but in terms of my feelings for Elvis? I want to hope that she would appreciate the sincerity. 
Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite?
Not the pink Cadillac, but the purple one! 
What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
Well I DID watch The Karate Kid so less than none probably (Sorry Ralph). Unless I’m in Eagle Fang. Then maybe one or two. That being said, I would love to see a fight between Elvis and Terry Silver. I’m getting an ABSURD amount of satisfaction at the thought of Elvis beating the shit out of Terry Silver. I would point and laugh for hours on end. 
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
A hug. Some words of encouragement. If Elvis truly felt like he never made a film he could be proud of I’d tell him that I loved him in King Creole. Maybe offer to say a prayer for him if it would bring him even some small semblance of peace.
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis?
I love making playlists because I listen to a shit ton of music. Getting to listen to new music with Elvis and be able to make playlists together just sounds so cozy to me honestly.
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
Where Could I Go But To The Lord, Heartbreak Hotel and Polk Salad Annie 🐊
If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves?
I can’t say there is one when it comes to Elvis. The absolute closest in terms of Elvis specifically is, for me, getting to listen to Austin Butler, but that’s about it. The more I’ve come to learn about who Elvis was and appreciate the magnitude of his loss, the less of an answer I have. 
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play?
A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul B. I left feeling alarmingly horny C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
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marauderswolf22 · 2 years
Wolfstar Winter Wonderland Challenge fanfiction part 2!
first part: https://at.tumblr.com/marauderswolf22/wolfstar-winter-wonderland-challenge-fanfiction/q327388htl0b
thirt (last) part: https://at.tumblr.com/marauderswolf22/wolfstar-winter-wonderland-challenge-fanfiction/5k3jkt8vk8m2
The perfect acting he'd learned over the years of explaining himself and his friends, coupled with a desire to keep a good reputation among teachers, paid off. The head of Gryffindor just nodded softly and walked away towards the thumping and music-filled common room of her house. The clatter of heels died away, replaced by the muffled giggles of two sixth-graders. "You're such an idiot"-They intertwined their hands cramped for touch again and walked briskly on. "But you still love me." When they appeared on the spot, it turned out that others were also lazy, and psor sprout hadnt even started the lecture, about where to hang baubles and where chains. Sirius, having never taken an active part in such things, not even back in Hogwarts, was more excited than Remus could bear to bear in mind. With each passing moment, he let the smile shine brighter and brighter on his handsome face, not surprised that Remus looked happy too. While waiting for the rest of the volunteers, the aforementioned animagus jumped from foot to foot, asked about ornaments every now and then and sang softly under his breath, putting everyone around in a cheerful aura. The aforementioned glistening smile was seen on the faces of a bunch Hufflepuffs, a pair of Slytherins, and those with prefect badges gleaming on their wool sweaters. ”Okay guys, I guess we're all here!" It seemed that even Sprout got the December mood. Her Muggle sweater had bright red and green stripes on it, and a small reindeer flew around the winter hat. "There are 20 of you, so split into pairs and each pair will get a box of ornaments."- After assigning each a box and part of the castle to work in, the group dispersed. Remus and Sirius were given the task of hanging the classrooms and corridors in the lower floors of the castle, with garlands, spells, Christmas trees, and of course Sirius' eagerly awaited mistletoe.
"Sooooooo." The young werewolf, already knowing what was going to be said, rushed into the corridor, leaving his boyfriend with the box in his hands. - "Hey, that's not fair!" -But in the corridor there was nothing except giggles and the echo of running on stone floors. Not getting his hopes up for Remus's return, Sirius quickly ran after him, simultaneously trying not to drop favorite Sprout’s bubbles. Despite Remus's longer limbs, padfoot was all the more athletic being a Quidditch player. After covering a distance not exceeding two Great Halls, he caught up with him, throwing a golden chain around his neck. "You're stuck!" Remus laughed again in response. "I'm not going anywhere without you anymore." And although Sirius was out of breath and amused, the words affected him a little more than they should have. Thinking about them warmed his heart, but he tried to focus on his work, making Rem proud of him with his commitment and of course, sometimes he tried to drag him under the mistletoe. So he put the box on the windowsill and they togheter start work. The previously mentioned chains were placed above the benches, minimalist Christmas trees stood against the walls every few meters, and the spells they had learned in the previous classes made the air smell of candles and little enchanted elves were flying around. After a few longer moments, they made their way to the next corridor. "It's much more time consuming than I thought," the words didn't seem to reach Sirius as he looked at the ornaments. "Hey, are you okay?" He quickly looked up and smiled brightly at the sight of his amber eyes. "Yeah, I'm just happy to be here with you."
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twildflower · 3 months
watching build fighters oh my fucking god i love my boys so much
fucnin yapping again guys i think i might have adhd
why the hell do i keep saying guys. i nedd hep i need to be killed
i miss them so much theyre so silly i am sooooooo ajhdgfshfga this is so much nostalgia im aghgfhgsgkjfhakfhajkhdsjh and just episode one too i cant think how hype id get watching finale itll be so fucking awesome I LOVEEEE BUILD FIGHTER my fav gundam show.... mercury is second i guess i only watched mercury and i think its iron blood or whatever its called in eng im not even sure if its gundam lol but anyway i love sei and reiji theyre actually sooo damn <3333 i think they were the first two guys i ship together bc theyre actually so gay even tho reiji has a gf or whatever its like one of the first pieces of media i consumed and didnt just like whichever main ship the plot has... yea iirc. i think theres mainly only jp twinkle n shugo chara before build fighters but then i went back to main ship in pokemon xy and macross delta lmao... shits awesome tho i think im cool and like whatever i like i love sei so much hes so adorable and reiji is so cool and theyre blue and red theyre so made for each other like ahhghdgfsjgfhsgfisgfjgfjdghsuifguiwdg i think i mightve gave myself way too much adraline its fuckin 430 am and i wanted to cut my hair a bit tmr agh damn. i guess i could stay up the night and binge....hehe....... was watching horizons too i love horizons a lot i really dont mind ash not being protag anymore but the fact that they ended with him looking like a fuckin ugly ass idiot that looks even worse than gen 1 ash tho..... i have beef with only that fact bc like fuck you man i hate whoever the fuck made that artstyle after xyz with a passion i think tney deserve to go to hell. the fact that its a downgrade from gen1 is crazy. i dont hate that artsyle but i hate the way ash is drawn in that artysle like most other people look okay but the past travel companions and ash look fucking shit and i think theyre doing it on purpose and i fucking HATE THEM
ermm back to gunpla hehe its 6 am im so tired im gonna sleep em anyway i love them soso much damn id so build a gunpla of their moedel in the episdoe.... yknow my dad used to record the edpisodes when they played on tv and idk was it a bug or there wasnt enough space anymore so he deleted all the episodes excepgt the las one or maybe seocnd last im not sure but anyway we kept rewatching it every now and then and go feral over how awesone it was it was the best endin episode i wached when i was a kid like shugo chara i didnt watch or they didnt play till like season 2/3 i think the wedding dress end and all that shit was crazy but the only other thing i watched was jewelpet and it was like not as crazy as this one i like it alot but build fighters was a lot more visually and emotionallly stunning lollll
i think if i had to choose a best ending for all the stuff i watched itd still be xyz tbh that shit was stunning and so. urgh. my heart. i get. so much agsjhahlf. its just so good. peaked tbh. then itd probably be build fighters tbh like idk man. delta was like. cool. very cool. but like. idk. build fighters either is more nostalgic or whatever it just appeals to me more than macross. it would be third tho. i think it is. then itd be shugo and then twinkle. these are like. the main stuff i have really core memorty w lmao. yeh i uess this is it. gn im so eepy
last edit lol i didnt remember the uhhh handsome guy being just a guy that also liked gunpla a lot at the start lmaooo i just remember him being a bad guy turned good at the end w everyone to help destory the crystal........aghhhh i loveeeeee build fighters sm.....
oh yeah i guess i did watch brs too. black rock would like. hm. be at the bottom tho bc..idk. i dont have too fond memory and i like my stuff better i have my prioritys lmaooo.. hm. yeah now i really dont rmb anything i just remembered brs bc the blacckkk rockkkk shooooterrrrr is just ringing in my head its such a good song owo
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