#i love you lynnie...
ottiliere · 14 days
Lynn is irritatingggg, I don't hate him but like I get the feeling he makes himself a target. He's the problem...I guess that's believable though there are lots of really emotional people out there like that.
I've got a few other messages with the same sentiment but I can't say I understand, myself. He's had a rough enough go without your help… dane thinks he's annoying, though.
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jettorii · 2 years
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cold shoulder
art/fic trade with my good friend lynn, aka @ticklerants i hope you like!!! thank you so much for the opportunity to draw for them i had so much fun >:]]
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Hi demi
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kerizaret · 1 month
I get worried that I'm misgendering you for some reason so I check your pronouns like 6 tines everytime I come on here. Abd I think that's kinda funny
In other news keri you are so talented and good st art it's actually kinda crazy. Very nice to scroll through your blog a d stare at it I love the attention to detail and the way you draw bodies and hair it's so fluffy and nice and *gets dragged away kicking and screaming*
You're also really good at writing abd workdbuilding and your stories are just as intricate as your art and also just as interesting. Keri why are you perfect
THAT IS FUNNY AUSYA I am but a girl... dw if u misgender me I don't mind HAHS it would be actually very funny
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the-one-that-weeps · 2 months
no no its okay you can sob we love sappy hoc
I'm not sappy I'm just *comedically loud sniffle* I'm- I just- *gulp* *ridiculously long and pathetic whine* mmmhhhhnmmnnnmmmnn- *uncontrollable sobbing*
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starg1rlie · 2 years
Hiya, if you don't mind, 💍 with Tartaglia. I'm very shy and quiet and only really talk when someone starts talking to me. I'm also a bit awkward haha so I just kinda keep my head down and work in class. Hmm a hobby of mine would probably be playing the piano or playing genshin lmao. Thanks in advance! :D
[ 💍 new message ! : tartaglia ]
★ lowkey think that he would play the piano w/you; like he's just as good with his hands as he is w/his words, iywim hehe. would sit next to you on the piano (cus i know there are some songs that you can do w/another person, i think- i wouldn't know lol, i havent gotten to playing the piano yet) and play along with you, or if he's feeling silly, he'll lean over and mess up your song with the occasional note 'till he screws up the whole thing.
★ he's very obviously the opposite of your personality; my dude's out-going AF, and will legit launch into a full conversation of how much he adores his little siblings, not even caring if they want to hear about it or not. (genshinverse)
★ would literally flirt w/you any chance he gets. in his words, he likes a good "silent type", and it's true. doesn't mind your awkwardness, in fact, he finds it adorable, and will make it a daily habit of his to ruffle your hair up, or toss a balled up note saying "you're cute :)" when you're in class. of course, the teacher catches him, and of course, he weasels his way out of it as per usual...
★ you wanna play a game (i'm not specifying genshin, cause, that's knocking down the fourth wall kinda), he's down. in fact, he'll bring his whole squad of video game buddies w/him in any game that you'd like to play, bc he loves being the little social butterfly he is.
★ i can imagine him just, laying his head on your tummy while you're reading a book, doing whatever it is he does on his phone lmao-
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Every so often on the subreddit or on insta people laugh about how Rose and Blanche are so sexual and kinky and Dorothy is so uptight and vanilla and not to take fiction too seriously but uuuugh she spent 38 years with the same man, who was cheating on her wnd only having sex with her rarely - sex that she didn't enjoy or look forward to, if you listen to her descriptions of her first time Stan at best pressured her and at worst raped her via alcohol and roofies, she's from an immigrant Catholic household and has been shames for decades over her sex life/pregnancies and then her lack of sex life, made to feel ugly and undesirable since she was young, and there's significant subtext around her being a closeted lesbian. Seriously, when you pay attention it's wild realising that the queer jokes about the girls are very different: Blanche's are sexual, in line and based around her being promiscuous and just enjoying the physical act. Rose's are indirect and usually coming off of a joke about one of the others. Dorothy is literally just outright repeatedly assumed or implied to be gay.
Anon, I have to say, I was very perplexed by this message -- not because of what you say (which I agree with completely!!) but because Dorothy... really isn't uptight about sex? If anything, she strikes me as particularly liberal about it, even at the start of the series. She can be a bit shy about it, I guess, but that makes perfect sense with her personal history, as you have detailed.
I wonder if the subreddit remembers that she had a relationship with a married man in S1E14, That Was No Lady? And when she talks about sex with him in that episode, she says stuff like:
"It's amazing that I just made love in the daylight. [...] Well, you can't hide anything in the daytime. At night, I could be Godzilla, you'd be thrilled.
And everything that I used to worry about in… you know, I didn't worry about with you. [...] Like, how do I look? How do I sound? Is my breath bad? What's jiggling?"
Which doesn't sound uptight at all, to me -- it sounds self-conscious, which is (once again) perfectly normal, considering everything she's been through. Let's remember she also had an emotionally abusive relationship right before she got involved with Stan, and she wasn't a very popular kid/teenager in the first place! The poor woman's self-esteem has always been on the floor.
If anyone, Rose is the one who's somewhat prudish at the start of the series! We know she had a happy and active sex life with Charlie, but back in S1 she can't even say the word 'sex' (she says 'to be with a man in that special way'). She's remarkably shy when they talk about this kind of stuff. Hell, I watched S1E9 Blanche And The Younger Man yesterday, and she's scandalized about the idea of her mother having a relationship with a younger man -- not to mention her attitude towards her daughter's sex life in S2E7 Family Affair. If I had to pick one girl in the main cast to call 'uptight', it would be S1-S2 Rose. I'm not sure what the subreddit is on about.
Apart from all this, I also agree with what you say about the queer subtext and how it relates to the Girls, of course. I think the main type of queer joke in terms of frequency is the 'these three women live together and have a close bond' type, but Dorothy is definitely read as gay much more often than Rose and Blanche (even by her own mother!!). I often wonder what the writers would have done with her if the show had been made later; a self-recognition and coming-out story line would have been very in line with her journey as a character in the show as it is! Her story is all about learning to know herself, to love herself and to have confidence in herself, overcoming everything that's happened to her, and I feel like that's the kind of story that lends itself well to queer themes. Still, the show as it is allows for a lot of fan analysis and content on her, so I can't complain!
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mythvoiced · 8 months
-. on my third cup of chamomile I forgot my mother telling folks when i was a kid that she didn't like making me chamomile tea because it doesn't work on me it has the effect on me coffee has on most folks I am READY to fucking GO what's up chamomile tea to sleeP? NO MY BEAUTIES chamomile tea to something pls insert something that makes sense and is hype i can't think of anything, SO--
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I do wanna get to some ooc messages but I can't promise I can get my brain in order to be coherent BUT ANYWAY, BEFORE THAT, dropping this asshole
Kim Minjun, 37, he/him, bloodsucker asshole baby~ Not in the literal sexy vampire sense, I mean he rose from the dirt and decided to make his living thriving off of what we made celebrity culture into, the very notion of celebrity culture itself
You want those pictures of Spider-man on your desk by Wednesday? You wanna know who's doing who and who's smoking what? You want exclusive details on a private party to start shit, get legal info acquired illegally just to have a story to tell about the latest celebrity divorce? Well, then Minjun's your fucking guy
Actually born Kim Jung-hoon but he changed it to Minjun because it sounds more... modern, fresh, better
He's a sleaze, a bit of a motherfucker honestly (forgive the cursing I'm matching his energy, his attitude), he doesn't care about the lives he could potentially be ruining, he operates according to the idea of 'well that's how this world works, don't like it? jump ship'
He'll dig up just about anything, he's started from being a sneaky piece of shit stalker following celebrities around to having built enough connections to be among the first to know when someone with a Reputation is entering this or the other club
But that's not even where his real forte is, oh no; gathering info is easy, figuring out how to get it around is difficult: who to sell it to? who's gonna pay the most, who's gonna turn into an enemy if you share the wrong name, the wrong location, expose the wrong people? no, he's good at finding shit, but the complexities of having to mind connections and be careful with who you drag into the dirt? not his favourite
What Minjun really excels at... is spinning shit around, he can turn the most innocuous of pictures into the drama of the century, by carefully nurturing doubts and rumours, he's a snake, a bastard
He's always hated the entertainment industry, he thinks himself above it, because he's not as desperate as them, he doesn't do what he does because he's otherwise got no worth in life, he doesn't sell his soul, he sells the souls of others
He doesn't think he's on the right side of history, oh no, by no means, he just thinks... well, don't become a celebrity if you don't want this treatment
The more I write about him the more I hate him lmao BUT GOOD WE NEED VILLAINS, UNREEDEEMABLE ONES
He comes from a relatively poor background, if comparing it to Hyun for example, but if he'd minded his business he would have just... lived a 'regular' life
He's particularly efficient when used as 'spy on the competition', new script ideas, new music ideas, new design ideas, you want to know what Shakespeare's next big play will be, Nicholas Bottom? well, then hit up this fucking clown
Only child, if his mother knew what he was up to she'd beat the shit out of him, he doesn't respect his father (haven't decided if he even lives still) but he does love his mother which is why he hasn't told her
Biromantic but he's a walking red flag so I hope the broadened pool of dating options doesn't fucking date him, demisexual
He can probably be fixed but WHY? why would you do that to yourself
He does have one little plus point, he's kind of like old school mafia in the sense that he doesn't mess with children, and anyone below 20 is a child to him, so he doesn't really mess with young idols and trainees
He actually hates the idol industry he thinks it's exploitative and abusive which is real fucking rich coming from him, but hey
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stillresolved · 7 months
“We are not them. We will never be. To be a Kang, you should be proud, Little Sister.” // from Bellamy
@usuhan / more random dialogue prompts.
SHE BURSTS INTO LAUGHTER. Not the restrained, closed mouth kind, hidden behind hands- no, this is the kind where tears spring from the corners of her eyes and Allegra has to set the pin down rather than in the pin cushion on her wrist, lest she wants to prick herself. It takes a moment or two for her to calm down, although her darling brother can wait forever for all she cares. If he has time to barge into her penthouse while she’s in the atelier, he has time to wait for a response.
“What, you think just because I work outside of our family company I’ve become one of the little people? And pray tell, oppa, exactly what about our family am I supposed to be proud of? Inheriting the money our darling father made before we were even born? Just face it, you might be first in line to inherit the company once our darling father kicks the bucket, but you’ll be nothing more than a placeholder. Certainly no one for the history books to write back about. I don’t need our family name to get where I need to be.”
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She gestures at her atelier, where Bellamy has so benevolently decided to grace his presence in. “This is not Kang property. I paid for this space with the money I earned.” Her atelier, strewn with scrap fabrics and threads, pin cushions with pins and needles of all sizes, where the mannequins with half finished dresses and elaborate stitching and fabric rolls line the back wall, where her desk is covered with magazines and sketches ranging from completed to discards and all in between. 
This all came from Allegra, no, Aeri’s own two hands. A career that her mother never supported, her father didn’t even have time to care about, and her older siblings, too caught up in their own ‘important and precious’ responsibilities as heirs and heiresses to the Kang family, were indifferent too. And in spite of all that, Aeri made it to the top, out of the thousands vying for her position. So they call her an elitist, a snob, and even a bitch.
But in truth, she knows, they’re jealous. To respect her would mean to acknowledge they themselves have not put in the hours or the work to get to where she is.
( There is a reason, in the fashion world, she goes by AERI. Not Kang Aeri. )
She turns and sneers at him. It’s not unlike the trademark kind expected from a Kang. “But you’re right, dear brother. I am not one of them and I will never be. But I am also not one of you and I don’t plan to be. Ever.”
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ofgentleresolve · 11 months
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low key tempted to make a modern verse for aeri 🥺🥺🥺
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brawlqueen · 1 year
∗ 3o﹕ a  random  text . >:3c
the other line / texting memes! (accepting). ft. @nulltune
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[ NILE MESSAGE ] ugh my head is spinning from this case. [ NILE MESSAGE ] i can't tell you details but, you wanna come over? [ NILE MESSAGE ] i'm thinking of heading over to ota's or genny's. [ NILE MESSAGE ] it's a 'eat a lot of carbs' day. [ NILE MESSAGE ] oh also i got more adorabbit merch! [ NILE MESSAGE] you know how we both love rabbits? [ NILE MESSAGE ] and how this one is on my bike? (x) [ NILE MESSAGE ] so do you want fusion food or standard japanese? [ NILE MESSAGE ] my treat, too if you're in. want me to pick you up? [ NILE MESSAGE ] i haven't had a lot of time to hang with friends. [ NILE MESSAGE ] boss is a pretty tough superior. but i can do this!
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maxlarens · 5 months
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MV: YUCK! ⭐ part three
pairing(s): max verstappen x photographer!reader
summary: your aesthetic interest in max verstappen is purely professional, you swear.
fc: daisy edgar jones
a/n: enjoy pookies! happy miami day! i’ll be dead asleep when this posts but looking forward to waking up to sprint qual results and all the love you guys have been giving my smaus so far🥹
previous part ⭐️ next part
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@ynusername just posted…
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tagged @danielricciardo @maxverstappen1 @redbullracing
liked by @redbullracing @ysistersuser and others
ynusername happy now daniel?
user1 WOOO danny ric #1 in the carousel
user2 omg
danielricciardo I guess 😐
⤷ redbullracing not slutty enough?
⤷ ynusername oh my god not you too
⤷ danielricciardo Definitely not slutty enough
⤷ ynusername when will this joke end
user3 when are these from?
⤷ user4 media day at the miami gp
maxverstappen1 Lol
⤷ user5 has anyone noticed that he comments on basically all of her posts?
⤷ user6 dry ass comments though
⤷ user8 🤷🏼‍♀️ he’s still commenting, says something doesn’t it
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(yn’s messages)
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(yn’s messages)
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🔒 @ynpersonal just posted…
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tagged @maxverstappen1 @danielricciardo
liked by @ysistersuser @maxverstappen1 and others
ynpersonal RAHHH P1 and P2😭😭 i literally couldn’t be prouder of you two!!!!!! love u both to absolute pieces!!!
user1 Woahh good job!!
ysistersuser huh🤔
⤷ ysistersuser oh i mean CONGRATS GUYYSSS🏆🎉
user2 photos are incredible! did you take any?
⤷ ynpersonal yeah i took the ones of max and dan! the first one is from sky news’ twitter haha
maxverstappen1 Couldn’t have done it without you ❤️
⤷ ynpersonal SO SO proud of you maxie. it’s all you x
user3 amazing result! and a p3 for leclerc!
danielricciardo Where are you? Aren’t you coming out tonight? You can’t bail! Look how proud of us you are
⤷ ynpersonal YES dan christ im getting changed
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(yn’s messages)
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📸 can u tell i realised that u can insert more images on desktop😋 also pls ignore time stamps they mean nothing
taglist: @a-disturbing-self-reflection @evie-119 @taygrls @petrifying-risotto @bernelflo @spookystitchery @the-lynnie-the-pooh @illicitverstappen @stinkyjax @chezmardybum @dark-night-sky-99 @zucchinimalfoy @maxverstappendefender @xjval @persiar9 @personwhoisther @marymustdie @bearryyyy @nearlynadin @firelily-mimi @marvelfangirl04 @its-elias-world @youre-on-your-ownkid d @namgification (message me or comment if you’d like to be added to my tag list! ⭐️)
✨next part
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lynk-zee · 4 months
hey lynnie,
Ok so there's this tweet "(my gf can) dress slutty I can fight" by a guy right. I don't necessarily think he means dress slutty on purpose but like if his gf wants to express her fashion in a more sensual way, he supports and defends her right to do so. Could you do a scenario where MC/reader know she looks good and flaunts it and the lads don't mind? They're also willing to step in and remind any entitled creep to stay in their place. I'm really curious to see Rafayel's thoughts on this but all would be great.
“Dress Slutty, I Can Fight.”
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Rafayel always wants you to feel good about yourself. He’ll buy you lavish jewelry, designer clothes, and ask you to give him a fashion show so he can see them on you. That being said, fashionable clothes sometimes is less about the type of fabric and more about the lack there of. And he’s here for it! He walks with you on his arm with pride, wearing whatever you want, flaunting your assets, and strutting your stuff. He thinks you’re gorgeous, like a work of art! And art is meant to be admired.
Though, when it comes to creeps checking you out longer than appropriate, he gets a bit protective. If he notices someone checking out your ass in that skimpy little outfit of yours, he cop a squeeze, smirking right at the perp. As if saying “look what I have that you don’t”
If his glare doesn’t deter the creep from looking at you, Rafayel will call him out in front of everyone.
“Do you mind? I know my partners hot as fuck but keep your eyes to yourself, damn!”
Usually it doesn’t escalate from there, the perp feeling thoroughly embarrassed from being called out like that in public. But if it does, Rafayel will handle it.
“It’s okay, babe. I can fight”
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Zayne absolutely loves spoiling you with the money he makes as a surgeon. Which mostly consists of clothes! Whatever you want, just point and he’ll get you it every color. Absolutely loves when you dress however you want. His main goal in life is for you to live as comfortably as possible. So if looking all dolled up in pretty makes you happy, go for it!
When you’re dressed up, he’d always have his hand on the small of your back, guiding you this way and that under his careful watch. He’s gotta keep his baby safe. If someone is staring at you for two long, they’d be frozen solid by Zayne’s evol.
Just kidding. More like frozen solid by his icy glare. Much like Rafayel, Zayne would make it public because he knows that most people will get intimidated by a large crowd.
“Could you not stare at my partner? We are trying to enjoy our night out.”
If the creeps too persistent, he’ll clench his jaw and place his jacket on you.
“Sorry, dear— could you give me a moment? That man over there seems like he wants to talk.”
In all seriousness, Zayne really wouldn’t resort to violence because he has standards to uphold. But he definitely would stand his ground and tell the creep off. Your comfort is his utmost priority. He won’t let some filth make you feel self-conscious.
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Xavier’s all for your slutty era. You look beautiful, he’s enjoying the view, it’s a win-win in his books. What he doesn’t enjoy is the amount of unwanted attention you garner when you dress up. Yes, it’s not your fault that you’re beautiful, he would never fault you for that. He’s just sick of the guys staring as if they have the right to. Absolutely not.
So, he marks the shit out of you. Your neck is covered in hickeys, branding you as his. They can look all they want, but with his arm around your waist and his marks on your neck, you’re his and his only. Wear less, he doesn’t care. He’ll just make sure his hand print on your ass peaks out from under your shorts.
If it gets too bad, we know Xavier would step in right away to stop it. He’s pretty blunt without meaning to, so when it’s intentional—sorry to any guy who even breathes in your direction. Sometimes you have to step in though because you know it’s game over if Xavier swings. But Xav will always protect you, so dress however you want. He just wants you to be happy.
“Ignore those creeps, my love. I’ll take care of it.
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kerizaret · 6 months
3, 5, 11, and 16 I think! :D
3. [a specific color that gives you the ick?]
Can't describe it but the shades of yellow that are very close to looking green or vice-versa. Especially the bright ones
Kind of like
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5. [favorite form of potato?]
I think im gonna say fries
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
I hold onto a lot of things from my childhood i think... Tons of plushies as well as notebooks with drawings of them and their names written... a lot of other old drawings too. A huge my little pony poster from my childhood friend that still takes up a significant part of my wall. Old diaries I never wrote more than 5 pages in. Glasses I used to wear in kindergarten. Old projects and stories from the first classes of primary school. A guitar pick I got from my favourite teacher in 2nd grade that I never used because I never played guitar. Glass pebbles I won when i was 7 for making drawings for teachers and that everyone fought for. Toy plastic rings and bracelets and other toy jewellery.
There's a lot more but those all come up at the top of my head
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
I like it! I don't choose this flavour a lot but it's cool
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the-one-that-weeps · 2 months
OH MY GOD I didn't get a notif for this one. Jumpscare haha
Me when Airi gets the best cards and hairstyles ever 😌
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mbappebby · 7 months
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Little Leclerc || Nine
Ollie Bearman x Madelyn Leclerc (OC)
Summary: Madelyn’s “older brothers” finally meet her boyfriend..
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Heyy I love the Little Leclerc series, can you do one where all the drivers meet Ollie for the first time? They obviously know of him as he’s in F2, but they officially meet him. Thank you, so sad the series is almost finished :( x
Words: 0.8K +
Taglist: @christianpulisic10 @callsignwidow @honethatty12 @lorarri @shamelesspotatos @formulas-bitch @eugene-emt-roe @eutrizbea @hwalllllllelujah @meadhbhcavanagh @hiireadstuff
a/n: I’m so sorry for how long this has taken me to write, one final chapter left!
Madelyn woke up to a heavy body jumping on her. “Arthur, go away!” Madelyn mumbled as she tried to push her brother off her bed.
“You have to get up Mads, you need to be in the track in like 30 minutes” Arthur told her as she slowly made her way out of bed.
“Oh, Ollie is on his way by the way. We are free for awhile so we are going with you in the paddock” Arthur added. “Invite yourself along, why don’t you Arth” Madelyn said sarcastically.
“I will! Now, c’mon and get ready!” Arthur told her. “I will, be patience now” Madelyn replied as she went into the bathroom and had a shower and changed.
When she opened the door and entered her room, she saw a familiar face there. “Baby, you’re here!” Madelyn exclaimed as she hugged Ollie.
“Hey, love” Ollie said smiling as they both kissed. “I didn’t need to see that, can we go now?” Arthur said. “Well, you was the one who let him in so..” Madelyn replied.
“Anyways, let’s go!” Ollie said. “Finally!!” Arthur exclaimed. “I wish he went with Charles..” Madelyn mumbled to Ollie. “I heard that!” Arthur called.
“You were meant to!” Madelyn shouted.
Madelyn and Ollie entered the f1 paddock together, they let Arthur go ahead of them and as this rate he was probably already near the Ferrari garage.
The couple made their way over to fans to sign stuff and to take photos before they started to make their way to the Alfa Romeo garage.
But, before they could get any further. There was quite a few drivers in the way, it’s like they almost planned this..
“Hey lil sis! Hey Ollie!” Charles said and hugged Madelyn and giving Ollie a fist bump. “Would you all like to tell why you are here?” Madelyn asked.
“Just wanted to catch up” Max said. “Just a friendly chat” Carlos added. “Yeah, like I believe that” Madelyn told them.
“Maybe we want to meet your boyfriend officially” Lando added. “Lando!” They all said. “What?! It was obvious anyways” Lando mumbled.
“Thanks Lan! But, you lot already know Ollie as he races in F2” Madelyn said. “It’s still different as we want to talk to him about being your boyfriend not a racing driver” Pierre replied.
“Mads! Boss wants you!” Zhou called. “Well, you can talk to him now! Bye baby, I apologise in advance” Madelyn said whispering the last few words to Ollie before they kissed.
“No kissing in front of me!” Charles called. “Suck it up Charlie!” Madelyn shouted before making her way into the garage.
Now, Ollie was left alone with the f1 drivers..
“Let’s have a little chat, shall we?” Carlos said as all the drivers directed Ollie into an excluded area in the paddock.
“Baby! I’m sorry about them, they must have went a bit too far. Are you okay?” Madelyn asked as Ollie entered her drivers room.
“Lyn, it’s alright they weren’t too bad. They’re just protective over you and want to make sure I ain’t going to hurt you” Ollie said as he sat down next to her.
“I’m 18, can’t they just leave me alone?” Madelyn mumbled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “It’s because they see you are their little sister, Lynnie” Ollie told her.
“I already have 3 older brothers, I don’t need or want anymore!” Madelyn added. “The others just love you like a little sister” Ollie said.
“I know but they still don’t need to be so protective over me! Charles and Arthur are like that and I hate it!” Madelyn replied. “That’s what you’ve got to deal with” Ollie said.
“Wow, thanks Ol” Madelyn mumbled but smiled when Ollie leaned down to kiss her. “I love you” Ollie whispered. “I love you more” Madelyn replied as they kissed again, but this time there were rudely interrupted.
“Ay! Not in front of me! Ollie mate, you should have been in the garage 5 minutes ago!” Arthur shouted. “Mads! You should have been in your garage 5 minutes ago too!” Charles called.
“This is what I mean..” Madelyn mumbled as Ollie let out a laugh. “I’ll see you later” Ollie said as they kissed before making their way to their respective garages.
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Liked by olliebearman, charles_leclerc and 426,990 others
madelynleclerc: P5 start for tomorrow, let’s go team💗
view all 7,729 comments
username Mads & Ollie >>
username She’s outperforming that car🤩
username Let’s go Madssss
username Awh her and Ollie🥰
olliebearman Proud of u!
madelynleclerc Thanks Ol💗
username Anyone else all the drivers talking to Ollie?!
username Being protective over Mads😭
username Let’s go get another podium!!
username C’mon Madsss!
username Cutest couple🥰
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