#i love you chief animal crossing
tinposter · 2 months
i hate when ppl draw chief as a human looking like hes in his early 20s when his dialogue so clearly makes it obvious hes an older dude 😞 you can be old and have good fashion taste
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heli-writes · 4 months
A dragon's heart, part 12.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries, rape and abuse, mentions of breeding, marking, nsfw, smut, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Minors do not interact.
Note: Took a while to finish this. I found the last part especially hard to write so I put it off for weeks. But voilá, it's finally here!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Series Masterlist
Axiety. It's what curses Katsuki's veins right now. After he left his mother at the war tent, he went ahead and took a look at his injured men. Some of them might never mount a dragon again. That already made him restless. He feels like ever since he became chief, things have gone bad. They need a win soon. His men can't lose morale. It won't benefit the tribe and they'll also maybe get some bad ideas. His mother stepped down as a chief voluntarily, but Katsuki is sure that the rest of the tribe would have forced her if she didn't. It's easy to blame the leadership when things go wrong. Even if some things are out of the chief's control.
That's when y/n crosses his mind. He has forgotten about her ever since Kirishima walked into his tent. Maybe she can be his win, a way to boost morale among his men and a way to strengthen his position. If y/n was to carry a healthy, happy baby, Katsuki and her could lead an example for the rest of the tribe. To show them that there is a future. After today's events, he's sure that he's making the right decision taking y/n on as a mate. He fully trusts her to become a good partner, a good mother. He'll do everything in his might to ensure the tribe's and y/n's future. She won't ever have to go back to the men who hunted her like an animal.
His heart feels heavy and full when he makes his way back to his tent. He can't wait to pull y/n into his arms, to feel her soft warm frame pressed against him. It's what he needs right now. 
Surely, y/n must have returned by now. She was angry earlier but he hasn't experienced y/n to hold a grudge for too long. Also, it's gotten dark and cold. That must've driven her back home as well.
When he enters his tent, it lies in darkness and silence. He stares into the black of the tent, listening expectantly. Y/n's not here. His heart starts to pump harder, blood cursing faster through his veins than just a few minutes ago. He can hear an unsettling whooshing in his ears. 
Y/n's gone.
It takes a moment for the realization to sink in. Then, he turns around on his feet exiting his tent swiftly. In front of the entrance, he stops in his tracks. His first instinct is to find Kirishima. Get him to assemble a search party, get everybody moving to find her.
It's a bad idea. He and y/n have to lead as an example. How can he prove to his men that they can find a mate outside of the tribe that loves and accepts them if his own mate runs off in the middle of the night? No, the others can't find out. Especially his mother. He can already see the triumph in her eyes telling him 'I've told you so'. He must find her alone.
But where could she possibly have gone to? She doesn't know anybody or anything around here. A cold chill runs down his back. She wouldn't have tried to leave, would she? That would be incredibly stupid of her. She can't survive in these mountains. Especially not without appropriate gear. But that didn't stop her before. 
Katsuki thinks back to when y/n took off the day after getting injured by these men with bows and arrows. Back then, she also was stupid enough to think that she could wander off in the forest on her own. And now she was angry, furious even. With heavy emotions like that clouding her logical thinking, it wouldn't surprise Katsuki if she got the bright idea of running off. He can already picture her angry, pouting face in his mind. 
Shit. He needs to find her. 
First of all, Katsuki tries to search the settlement inconspicuously just to make sure he's not setting off a false alarm. He's glad that most of the tribe already settled into their tents for the night. While he wanders through the settlement, he's getting more anxious with each passing second. Scenarios of y/n getting torn apart by a pack of wolves, of y/n falling down a hillside and other deadly things fill his inner eye.
When he can't find her in the settlement, he decides he must scout out the area surrounding the tribe's village of tents. Considering she's on foot, she can't have made it very far. In this darkness, she must've laid to rest somewhere. Tonight's new moon, so it's especially dark tonight. Out there, you can't see your hand infront of your own eyes. She must wait to continue her journey by sunrise.
It's best to look for her on the back of his dragon, he decides. He can cover more ground and the Drami's improved eyesight and smell will help them to find y/n quickly. So, he sets way to the stables. He already knows Drami won't be too happy about him waking her up. He walks quickly through the gore to the dragon's den. The other dragons ignore him, some bow their heads in respect. There's even the small green one that hasn't been tamed yet. It scurries away at the sight of Katsuki.
Only his torch illuminates the den upon entering. The dragons inside seem to be asleep. „Drami!“, he calls out to his dragon almost softly. He doesn't want to evoke the great red's rage. „Drami!“, he calls out again, this time a bit louder. Then, the big red dragon moves. It stretches its long hind legs and raises its heavy head.
„We need to find y/n, c'me on!“, Katsuki tells the dragon.
The dragon snarls at him and huffs hot air into his face. Katsuki rolls his eyes.
„Yeah, I know it's late. That's why we need to find her quickly.“, he points out.
The dragon stares at him intently. Katsuki is not sure what she's trying to tell him. „What?“, he asks shrugging. The dragon shifts again, lifting its heavy wing up, revealing y/n. Katsuki's eyes almost bulge out of his head. What on earth is she doing here? Almost at the same time, relief floods his veins. She's safe. When Katsuki wants to rush to the woman's side, a claw-studded paw cuts in between him and y/n. 
Katsuki's head jolts up. „What?“, he asks the dragon again. Drami looks angry now. A deep rumble curses through the dragon's throat. It snaps at Katsuki leaving behind a loud cracking sound when its upper and lower teeth clash against each other. Katsuki jumps back just in time to not get crushed in between the dragon's large jaw.
„Hey!“, he barks at the dragon, „What the fuck are you doin'?“
The dragon rises to its full height filling out the den completely. Y/n slides off its tummy and awakes in a rough manner. Disorientedly she looks around. Meanwhile, the dragon shifts into an intimidating stance looking angrily at Katsuki.
„What are you angry about?“, Katsuki yells grasping y/n's attention.
The dragon curls its tail around y/n in a protective manner. Katsuki doesn't fail to catch onto that.
„Is this about y/n? Fuck, it's not my fault that dumbass ran away?“, he defends himself in front of his dragon. Y/n awkwardly watches the scene in front of her. Somehow, she feels content. Seems as if the dragon is about to put Katsuki into his place. Good.
The dragon snaps at him again and Katsuki quickly moves out of its way. „Don't fuck with me, Drami. It's not funny! I didn't do anything!“, he yells at the dragon.
Suddenly, another rumble goes through the red dragon's throat and then there's electricity in the air. Katsuki's eyes widen. She's not about to...? Not in here! The fire would burn all of them. He can see an orange colour light up in the dragon's throat. Shit!, he thinks. Instinctively, he jumps over the dragon's tail and covers y/n's body with his own.
As quickly as the electricity becomes palpable in the air, as quickly it fades again. Y/n peeks through Katsuki's arms and sees the dragon staring at them intensely. Katsuki shifts, facing the dragon again. He sighs in relief. He absolutely believes Drami would go through with such an action. If a dragon doesn't deem a human worthy of their trust anymore, they more often than not kill them.
„You crazy fuck,“, he tells the dragon standing up and shaking his head. In return, the dragon growls at him
„I get it ok, I haven't been a good mate. I let her slip away.“, he continues. The dragon continues to stare at him angrily.
Katsuki raises his arms in defeat, then drops them again. „What do you want me to say? I didn't keep an eye on her. She could've died, yes. But she was safe with you, wasn't she?“
A rustling sound goes through the red's throat. It moves its head closer to Katsuki and presses its nose against his chest. Katsuki stares back with the same intensity. Then he sighs in defeat.
„Thank you for taking care of her. I'll be better, I promise.“, he tells her and the dragon gives him one more intense stare before settling into a laying position again. The smaller red dragons, which fled the bigger one the moment they sensed its anger, return to its side again.
Y/n doesn't know what Katsuki tells the dragon but it's clear he almost shits his pants. She finds that rather satisfying. Even if the red dragon almost fried her in the process. Quickly, she scrambles onto her feet. She must've fallen asleep somewhen but she's wide awake now.
Katsuki turns to her taking a long look at her. There doesn't seem to be a scratch on her. His instinct tells him to walk up to her, shake her and yell at her for being stupid. He can't believe she ran off and walked straight into dragon territory. She can be lucky Drami protected her. If she was unlucky, one of the other dragons could've seen a convenient snack in her that walked straight into their mouth. Considering what happened earlier, that's probably a bad idea though. Y/n was already pissed and it's better to reconcile than to argue. Especially, since Katsuki decided to ignore his mother's disapprovement. 
Katsuki walks up to y/n and takes her hand. He puts it over his heart and presses it softly. „Don't you dare leave again.“, he tells her. Then, more softly, he adds: „I need you. I was worried.“
Y/n looks up at him. At first, her face looks clueless as it usually does when she doesn't understand him. Then, she harshly pulls her hand away. She's still angry at him. Don't you think a few soft words will make me forget what has happened today, she thinks. 
Without looking at him, she stomps past him exiting the den. Katsuki swirls around and immediately catches up to her. Outside the den, he gets a hold of her wrist and pulls a bit too harshly. Y/n is swirled around. She stops herself inches in front of his chest. Quickly, she brings an arm's length distance between them, as far as her arm allows her to. Katsuki keeps a tight grip on her wrist.
„Where the fuck do you think, you're doing?“, Katsuki growls at her. Y/n looks at him with fire in her eyes.
„Let go of me, asshole!“, she yells at him pulling at her wrist. She doesn't care how loud she is or if she wakes up one of the dragons. How dare he act like this? Maybe a few days prior she would've mistaken Katsuki's attitude for concern, but knowing what she knows now, she's sure it's possessiveness. She can't stand that. Considering what Nadia says, that's all that women are in this place. She refuses to become Katsuki's possession, to let him push her around like that. He either accepts her as an equal or he doesn't get to have her at all.
Stunned, Katsuki lets go of her hand. He already notices some dragons shift in the darkness. Y/n crosses her arms in front of her chest. She doesn't really know where she's going with this. She doesn't want to argue with Katsuki. So far, he has been good to her. Today's been not good, but at the end of the line, he didn't treat her badly. The ceremony this morning went badly but Katsuki didn't lash out his anger at her, only at his furniture. While she doesn't understand where exactly his anger comes from, she shares the sentiment. 
It's been frustrating. Clearly, it's been frustrating to both of them and that Katsuki doesn't seem to have much control over his anger is something y/n noticed before. And despite what Nadia said, he didn't put his hands on her. He even wanted to protect her from the great red's fire. Y/n knows that if the dragon had gone through with it, Katsuki would've been burned to crisps. He was ready to sacrifice himself for her. Katsuki must value her more than he lets on.
Y/n sighs and rubs her face. She tries to calm herself. In contrast to Katsuki, she has more control over her anger. Katsuki watches her intently. He doesn't want to argue with her either. He's frustrated and worried and he doesn't know how to make y/n understand how important she is. To him. To his people.
He tries to take a step towards her when a growl and a pair of red glowing eyes appear right behind her. It's the small green dragon from earlier. Katsuki stops in his tracks. This dragon is untamed which means that it is unpredictable. 
„Don't move.“, he wispers and hopes that y/n understands.
Apparently, y/n didn't hear him, or rather didn't understand him but she slowly moves around staring right into the green one's eyes. Fear starts pulsing in her veins again. At the same time, the anger that's been trying to push down bubbles up again. 
Seriously? As if I don't have enough problems, I've got to deal with this thing again?, she thinks angrily.
„Y/n.“, Katsuki says calmly. They can't make a wrong move right now. His mind flickers back to Drami in the den. He's sure she must sense the green one by now. He just hopes she isn't too offended by earlier to help them if necessary.
Y/n ignores Katsuki. She continues to stare into the green's eyes intently. She holds its gaze. She's not going to back down. It's probably stupid to pick a fight with a dragon but Katsuki and the whole situation made her angry enough to try. 
With a steady, almost dangerous voice, she speaks to the dragon: „Leave. I won't be dealing with you tonight.“
The green dragon shifts, still holding her gaze. For a moment, its gaze flickers back to Katsuki.
„Hey, eyes on me!“, y/n barks at it and immediately catches its attention again. Katsuki feels like he's about to faint. Is she really speaking to a dragon like that? What outcome is she expecting?
„I'm telling you one more time.“, y/n says loudly, „Leave and don't come after us.“
The green dragon stares at her. There's a clicking sound in its throat. Then, he snaps at y/n, but y/n expected it considering it snapped at her earlier. She uses her chance and throws herself at its snout. Katsuki watches her with an open mouth. Y/n pushes its snout down before letting go of it.
„Leave!“, she yells. The green dragon looks at her perplexed. It raises its head, probably to spew fire at them when a deep rumble can be heard from the red one's den. It's probably a warning. It's enough to make the green one back off. Y/n holds her stance and stares after it until it disappears into the darkness again. 
When it's clear that it's gone, she loosens her stance and huffs a strand of hair out of her face. Meanwhile, Katsuki gains control of his facial expression again. He's not sure whether to be impressed that y/n stood her ground in front of a dragon or concerned that she's mad enough to try so. Actually, it's probably not that bad. He remembers when he tamed Drami. It's the first thing you need to be capable of, to stand your ground in front of such a mighty beast. Most people go into fight-or-flight mode. Of course, then you also need to fight it into submission, but that's another thing.
Y/n turns around to Katsuki. „Are you coming?“, she tells him before turning to leave. Katsuki quickly catches up to her. They don't speak while they walk back to the settlement. 
The closer they get to the tents, the more relaxed Katsuki feels. Also, his bad consciousness starts to creep up on him. He never apologized to y/n about what had happened today.
„Y/n“, he calls out to her and stops her by taking her hand. This time his touch is soft and not firm. Y/n can get out of his grasp anytime she wants. She turns towards him and looks at him expectantly.
„I'm sorry about today. I'm sorry about my mother treating you badly, I'm sorry if the whole presentation was humiliating to you and I'm sorry I lost it earlier.“, he tells her. 
Y/n is sure he's apologizing right now. He's got that look in his eyes. Curved eyebrows, an almost sorrowful look on his face. It's not enough, however, he needs to try a little harder. A simple apology isn't going to get him into her good grace again. Katsuki sighs and steps a bit closer to her. With his other hand, he strokes her cheek.
„You've been nothing but great. To me, you're the perfect mate. Hell, you are standing your ground no matter what we throw at you. Even a dragon. We, no I, failed you. Drami's right. If I want to be your mate, I need to be better. I promise I will be better.“, he softly says. He knows she can't understand him but he just hopes she'll soften up on him a little bit.
Y/n stares in his eyes intently. His voice sounds soft, almost submissive. She sighs. There's no use in keeping this argument up. It's not going to help her situation. And at least, Katsuki seems to understand that she's frustrated. She just hopes he also believes that her frustration is justified and that he's not just trying to sway her.
She touches his hand softly. Katsuki gives her a shy smile and takes a few steps closer to her. When she doesn't react, he closes the gap between them. Carefully, he wraps his arms around her. Y/n can't help but lean into the touch. By now Katsuki's touch has become something familiar and comforting to her. She buries her face in his chest. Katsuki chuckles and y/n can feel the vibration of his laugh. Her heart flutters a bit. Damn this Katsuki, she thinks, Why does he have to be so attractive? She can feel Katsuki's hand in her hair. Lightly, he scratches the skin on her head. Y/n wants to melt. After this long, confusing day, she just wants to relax and fall asleep in his arms.
Katsuki's hand moves towards her ear and he tucks a few strands of hair behind it. Y/n looks up to him and is met with a soft gaze. It's almost surprising to her. Katsuki rarely looks so soft. He's just not that kind of guy. Maybe today has worn him thin as well. Y/n gives him a small smile. Katsuki's hand ghosts along her cheek. Slowly he moves his head towards hers giving y/n enough time to move out of the way or reject him. She doesn't. Katsuki's lips meet y/n's in a light kiss. He's not putting much pressure behind it. Just enough for y/n's heart to make a little jump. 
Quickly, he pulls away and ruffles y/n's hair lightly. Y/n retreats a bit as well. Katsuki throws an arm around her and pulls her towards the settlement. There's almost no one outside anymore and it's quiet when they walk back to Katsuki's tent. Y/n is shivering by the time they arrive. Katsuki's arm around her shoulder does little to keep her warm. Inside, they're met with the chaos they left behind earlier today. Y/n shakes off Katsuki's arm and zigzags around the broken things on the ground. She picked up the broken parts of the chair earlier but left the other things he threw around on the floor. She flops down onto Katsuki's bed and points at the mess on the floor.
„You're tidying that up!“, she says sternly. Katsuki scratches the back of his head embarrassedly. He's not sure what y/n said but he guesses she's scolding him for the chaos in the tent. Dutifully, he starts picking up the things on the floor. Meanwhile, y/n starts looking for the clothes she wore to bed yesterday. Once she's found them, she disappears to the attached bathing hut. 
When she's done changing, she returns to the main room. She looks around approvingly. Katsuki tidied up the place quite well. Currently, he's not in the tent. Y/n guesses he disposes of some broken things. While waiting for him, she picks up an apple from a fruit bowl that Katsuki placed back on the small table. Sitting on the bed, she eats it. While it's not much, she's glad to finally get something into her stomach. 
Eventually, Katsuki comes back into the tent. When he sees y/n sitting on the bed, he gives her a curt nod. Then, he starts changing. He's still wearing the armor that he put on before the presentation. Chewing on her apple, y/n watches Katsuki changing. Katsuki usually doesn't wear many clothes so there's not much new to see but y/n takes her time observing. She feels like she deserves that. After all, he let all of his people and that woman eyeball her this morning.
She lets her eyes run over his broad shoulder and how the muscles of his back move when he opens his pants and slips out of them. Katsuki stands there in his underwear for a moment as long as he puts the armor and pants away. Y/n admires his naked chest. A few scars decorate the soft skin on his pecks. Her gaze follows his trained bicep down to his hands. She doesn't notice how Katsuki's done putting on some linen pants or how she stopped chewing at some point.
„Ya like what you see?“, Katsuki asks her with a cocky smirk on his face. 
Katsuki's voice rips her out of her own thoughts. She's met with Katsuki's triumphant facial expression. Oops, guess he caught me, she thinks. She sits up a bit and throws the rest of her apple at Katsuki. Katsuki catches y/n's projectile with ease and gives her a biting laugh. He finishes off the apple in two bites and throws it into a bowl by the side.
Katsuki walks over to the bed and gets in at y/n's side. He starts to climb over her but stops when he's right above her. Y/n tries to shuffle away to give him some more space to get to the other side of the bed when she notices a suspicious twinkle in his eyes. He's not planning to move to the other side. Y/n rolls her eyes and Katsuki chuckles. He leans down and kisses her on the lips.
This time, the kiss is a bit less soft. It's more urgent and there's more pressure behind it. Y/n's eyes flutter close. Katsuki slides down and his weight pushes y/n deeper into the pillows. Absently, y/n's hand runs down Katsuki's chest. She feels Katsuki's tongue running along her upper lip. She lets her own tongue run along his lip as well and soon they meet in an even deeper kiss.
By now, y/n's heartbeat picked up. Katsuki detaches from her lips for a second. He presses open-mouthed kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Softly, he nibbles at her collarbone. Y/n can't help but let out a muffled moan. She already can feel a tingling sensation in her lower belly. Also, she's starting to get hot. Katsuki lets out a chuckle before returning his attention to her. 
Their eyes meet and y/n can see a mischievous gleam behind Katsuki's eyes. „You dick!“, she tells him and smacks his upper arm. Katsuki laughs and rolls off of her. Y/n hasn't got much time to recover before Katsuki pulls her into him again. Angling her head up to him, he drags his lips over hers again. Y/n shifts to get more comfortable. Part of her leg grazes Katsuki's scrotch and she can feel that he's already half-hard. She's lowkey glad she's not the only one on whom this has an effect. 
Quickly, she tries to move her leg away again but Katsuki catches her leg mid-movement. He pulls her leg in between his own and pulls the rest of y/n half on top of him as well. His other hand finds its way back into y/n's hair. Entangling their mouths again, his other hand starts exploring y/n's back, butt and leg. Y/n's hand rests on his lower stomach just above his v-line. Slowly, her hand creeps up his chest up to his cheek.
They continue to make out like this for a while until y/n breaks the kiss to take a deep breath. Katsuki uses the break to fully pull y/n on top of him. Y/n can feel Katsuki's erection under her. In all honesty, she can't blame him. She's also feeling the effects of all this kissing. The way Katsuki's rough hands drag along her back drives her absolutely mad. She doesn't want to know how the inside of her thighs look right now.
Suddenly, Katsuki's hand finds its way under the shirt she's wearing. While his lips still feverishly drag along hers, his hand softly strokes its way up to her chest. Y/n's heart skips a beat when his calloused hand finally makes an impact with her boob. Carefully, Katsuki kneads the soft bundle of flesh. There's enough pressure behind it to make clear how urgently he wants to touch her and soft enough to not hurt her. Giving her one last kiss, he detaches from her and sits up.
„Take that off.“, he demands and pulls her up towards him. Y/n sits up and lets Katsuki push the shirt over her head. She feels flushed even though Katsuki and she now wear the same amount of clothing. Katsuki lets his gaze wander over her chest. Gently, he reaches out to her. The backside of his hand touches her cheek, and then he lets his hand sink downwards towards her chest. With both hands, he squeezes her breasts. He leans his head forward and rests his forehead against hers. While adrenaline and excitement still curse through her veins, y/n feels oddly at ease suddenly. 
Katsuki lets go of her chest and his hand finds hers. Gently, he caresses her hand before pulling it into his lap. Y/n can feel how he presses her palm onto his hardened member. It's not her first time touching a man. She wonders if Katsuki is aware of this or if he thinks it's her first time. Y/n's other hand reaches up to Katsuki's cheek and she pulls him down onto her lips again. At the same time, she carefully squeezes his dick. Katsuki lets out a frustrated groan before pushing his mouth on hers again. Gently, y/n massages him through his pants.
Then, Katsuki pushes her off of him. „Gimme a sec, doll.“, he mumbles and starts fumbling with his pants and pushes them down his legs. Y/n waits patiently for Katsuki to come back for her. When he shivered out of his pants, he crawls over to y/n again and pushes her onto her back. He starts kissing her neck and nipping at her earlobe. Each kiss leaves behind electricity that shoots down her body. Y/n takes his hand and puts it back on her chest again. She's done with kissing. She wants more. Katsuki lets out a low chuckle. Carefully he dips his head down and lets his tongue run over her nipple. Y/n groans and lets her hand run through his spiky hair.
Meanwhile, Katsuki's hand wanders down her side. When his hand finds the hem of her pants, she can feel her heartbeat quicken again. She's nervous about what's about to happen next. A positive nervous, an expectant nervous, a I-can't-wait-to-feel-your-hands-where-I-need-you-most nervous. However, Katsuki doesn't give her that satisfaction just yet. He lets his hand ghost over her crotch before gently cupping her most private area. Y/n gasps at the contact and wishes that stupid linen pants weren't in the way. Again, Katsuki chuckles at her expression.
Y/n glares at him. She's got enough of his teasing. She pushes at his chest and Katsuki lets himself fall back onto his back with a laugh. Immediately, y/n is on top of him and kisses down his neck. Gently, she bites the skin on the nape of his neck. Katsuki lets out a forced groan. She can feel his dick jump a bit in between her legs. She continues to kiss down his chest, and presses open-mouthed kisses onto his tummy until she has reached his v-line. She traces the bones on his hips while mischievously looking up at him. I can play the same game, she thinks. Katsuki looks down at her through lidded eyes. 
„Fuck, y/n, are you gonna do something or do I need to show you how?“, Katsuki grumbles and pushes his hand into y/n's hair trying to gently push her down onto his cock. Y/n clicked her tongue. „Oh, no, don't think I let you get off this easily.“, y/n teases him. She starts pressing soft kisses onto the side of his hips, down his v-line and stops right in front of his shaft. 
„Shit, you bitch!“, Katsuki groans in frustration but he doesn't move. Secretly he's enjoying y/n's attention and playfulness. He didn't expect y/n to be this devious, especially not in bed. Clearly, she must have some experience and he's glad about that. He was afraid that this would scare her away. But, considering her reactions, she must be enjoying this too.
Lost in his own thoughts, he doesn't notice how y/n's head dips down. Only when he feels her tongue running down his dick. He almost jumps up at the sensation. His hand grips her hair a bit tighter but he doesn't make any further movements. Y/n can feel his leg muscles tighten. She runs her tongue up his shaft again before gently teasing the tip of his cock. Katsuki groans and lets his head fall back. Y/n gently rubs the side of his legs in comfort. I got you, she wants to tell him. 
Then, she takes his entire dick into her mouth. Katsuki almost thrusts up but catches himself mid-movement. Y/n is glad for Katsuki's control. She's sure that she can't deepthroat him. For now, she just bobs up and down his length licking and sucking. The areas her mouth can't reach get stimulated by her hands which she has wrapped around his shaft.
Eventually, Katsuki can't take it anymore and pulls y/n off his dick. He sits up and roughly pulls y/n up to him, towards his mouth. Feverishly, he kisses her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. Slowly but carefully his resolution starts to crumble. In a swift movement, he pushes y/n onto her back with one hand and pushes down her pants with his other hand.
Cool air hits y/n's pussy. She almost gasps at that sensation alone. However, Katsuki is done waiting and teasing. Immediately, he pushes his fingers in between her folds. Y/n lets out a choked noise. Katsuki leans down and starts licking and biting her nipples while massaging her clit in rough, circular movements. Y/n is already seeing stars. It's been so long since someone touched her like this and clearly Katsuki knows what he's doing. His fingers wander from her clit downwards towards her entrance. Swiftly, one of Katsuki's fingers enter her. Y/n can't help but let out a raspy moan. 
She's not sure whether or not Katsuki registers the sound she's making. Maybe he doesn't care or maybe he's beyond capable of teasing her about it. Either way, his mouth lets go of her nipple and wanders down her tummy until he finally reaches her cunt. He's not waiting for another second before pushing his tongue in between y/n's folds. Y/n gasps again and buckles her hip. Katsuki simply pushes her hips down and continues his administration. While his tongue swirls around in between her pussy folds, his finger pumps in and out of her tight hole. Y/n's upper body twists around in the bedsheets. 
It feels so good, she barely can't take it anymore. Katsuki adds another finger and y/n goes wild. She pushes her hands into his hair and she's not sure whether she wants to push his head deeper into her cunt or pull him away because she needs to stop. Katsuki does not leave any room for a decision as he pushes deeper into her crotch. Just when he feels y/n's walls tighten around his fingers, he pulls away.
He stares at y/n with wild eyes. Her wetness still glittering on his lips and chin. Y/n's chest is heaving and she can't tear her eyes away from Katsuki. „Fuck, babe, you taste so fucking good.“, Katsuki grumbles while taking a long look at her. Y/n's hair is disheveled and her cheeks are flushed. Right now, there is a disappointed expression on her face. Katsuki grins and moves to hoover over her. 
„Don't worry, love, you'll get to come. You just have to do it on my dick. Only this way you can become truly mine.“, he tells her.
Y/n pouts because she doesn't understand why they're suddenly stopping. Luckily, Katsuki doesn't let her wait too long. He crawls up her body and kisses her deeply. Y/n can feel his dick laying right above her pussy. Katsuki snaps his hips a bit and pushes his dick in between her wet folds. Y/n moans and opens her legs so that he has better access to her pussy.
„Shit, babe, you want me that bad, hm?“, Katsuki groans as he sees y/n pull her legs apart for him. He leans back a bit to take a good view of her soaked cunt. „Fuck...“, he groans as he lets his dick run over her now-open pussy.
„Katsuki!“, y/n whines. She wants him. Now. Katsuki chuckles and leans down to kiss her. „Alright, alright, babe, I get what you want.“, he mumbles as he shifts and tries to find her entrance with his cock. When he's not fast enough, y/n takes matters into her own hands and leads his dick to her entrance. Katsuki doesn't wait for another second and pushes into her in one swift movement. Y/n can't help but let out a loud moan at the sensation. Katsuki's head drops down onto her shoulder.
He doesn't give her any time to adjust to him but immediately starts a steady pace. His dick slides in and out of y/n's slick hole. Y/n wraps her legs around his hips and grabs onto his shoulders. She can't help but let her eyes roll back a bit. Her fingers could never compare to the feeling of a real dick inside of her. And Katsuki's dick feels especially good. Katsuki keeps up the pace for a bit until he grows tired of it. He sits up a bit and his dick slides out of y/n. She groans in protest.
„Relax, love, we're not done yet.“, Katsuki mumbles as he sits up on his knees. Roughly, he pulls one of y/n's legs over his shoulder and opens her other leg widely. Then, he shoves his cock back inside of her. In short, hard movements, he rocks in and out of her pussy. Y/n cries out loud at the new angle and the roughness with which Katsuki starts to fuck her.
„Fuck, babe, this feels so good.“, Katsuki groans while his balls slap against y/n's ass. He has had sex before but it was never like this. He either paid the women or just took them. None of them were as wet as y/n or as willing to move against him the way y/n does. And the sight of her just added to his arousal. Concluding from her facial expression and moans, y/n must be so fucking horny for him. It makes him wish they had done this sooner. Before they came here and things got more complicated.
„Katsuki-i...! Harder! Fuck!“, y/n moans and grips his wrists. Even without understanding her words, Katsuki gets the message. He wants to fuck her harder and faster, too. He pulls y/n's leg from his shoulders and hooks his hands under both her knees pulling her pussy closer to him. He quickens the place and the closeness gives him the option to ram his dick into her harder.
„Fuck, yes!“, y/n yells. She's glad he understood what she wants. Fuck, this is so good, she thinks. She loves how hard Katsuki is taking her. Most men are too timid to take her how she likes it the first time. The first time is always a bit awkward, trying to find out what the other likes. But Katsuki fucks her just the way she wants his, the way she needs it. She needs to forget this awful day and Katsuki's cock in her pussy makes her mind goes numb.
Slowly, but steadily, y/n can feel her orgasm approaching. She hopes that Katsuki doesn't change his movement but keeps it up just the way he's fucking into her right now. There are already pearls of sweat forming on his chest and eyebrows. Meanwhile, Katsuki can feel y/n's pussy tighten around his member. 
„Shit, babe, are you close?“, he groans while keeping up the pace. Concluding from y/n's concentrated look, yes, she must be. Carefully he grips her upper body and pulls her up to him. Y/n whines at the change of position but Katsuki makes it up to her by fucking up into her and reaching that one spot that drives her mad. Katsuki pulls her up and his face rests on the left side of her neck. Y/n claws at his back, desperate to finally get off. Katsuki continues to fuck into her relentlessly. 
„I've got you, babe, c'mon, come on my cock.“, he mumbles into her skin. 
Right now, he needs her to finally climb over the edge. It will hurt less if she's in the middle of an orgasm. Y/n groans throwing her head back. Katsuki can feel her pussy tighten one more time and then start spasming around him. That's what he's been waiting for. He doesn't wait for another second and sinks his teeth into her neck.
Pain. Blinding, numbing pain shoots up her neck. 
Y/n lets out a choked scream. From all the things she's expected Katsuki to do, this is not on the list. Is he... biting her? It feels like he's about to rip a large part of flesh out of her. The pain overshadows the orgasm she forgets she's having. She pushes against his chest, trying to get him off of her.
„Let... go!!“, she cries as she pushes against him. There's no use. He's so much stronger than her. He only sinks his teeth deeper into her flesh. Maybe it's because there was more adrenaline in her blood back then, but this feels worse than when she was hit with the arrow.
Her heart pulls itself together. Why is he doing this? She can feel her warm blood flow down her own chest. He must know how badly he's injuring her.
Meanwhile, he's still fucking into her roughly.
She wants him off. She wants his teeth and dick outside of her body. Right now. She fights against him. Pushing and scratching him. Yelling and crying to let her go, but Katsuki doesn't listen to her. Or he's not hearing her.
His thrusts pick up speed as he fucks into her. 
„No, Katsuki! Pull out!“, she yells but Kasuki is too far gone to register her words. In three hard thrusts, he comes. Y/n can feel his hot seed spluttering deep inside of her.
By now, all colour must've left her face and she becomes numb. 
She doesn't feel the pain in her neck anymore. Or how Katsuki pulls away from her. How he gently places her onto the bed and presses a clean cloth against the wound. How he caresses her face and litters it with soft kitten kisses. How he gets another warm, wet cloth and carefully cleans the inside of her thighs. How he pulls her close and lovingly scratches her head. 
Or how he softly mutters:
„You're mine now, my mate.“
Tag list: @graviewaviee @cosmicbreathe @tsukikoxo @nnubee @witchbishsblog @elajede @bsallergy @frxcless @berryvioo @eyesforbkg @shamelesjaroflaffytaffy @pastelbaby1111 @iamlizardgod @plvt0fvtvre @hello-peanutdoodle-blog @kookiemyfeelsposts @sweetblueworm @54fangirl @sakurarr1122 @rv19 @leeliyah @king-dynamight @confused-smol-fan @xmaudx @waterstarz @pinkwhiskerglitter @adeline96 @zoom1374 @fingui @giuli-in-earth @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @tragedyofabrokensoul @dynakats @rebel-loves-anime @cloudxluv @itsssyagurll @sunshineandwitchery @cloudxluv @hollykanuki @atouchofmidnight @nutellaenjoyer @musicbecky @miacitocco @cassouandco @penguinlovestowrite @sleepykittycx @bakugouswh0r3 @xxjesshuxx @helenamaximoff @ssssssws-world @k1tk4tkatsuki @gh0stgirl333 @anon-mouse223 @bexxs @i-am-ms-rebel-heart @wannabeisekai @spragaraga @faemagic88 @kolakoke @faetoraa @cax-per @willy-the-witch @stardream14 @jiyuu-da @mintytalesblog @sparklyoperaroadpie @musicbecky @maria-patricia @mistermemister @katsukismrs @l0kisbitch @bakukiriswife @rebel-loves-anime @drink-water-456
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youryurigoddess · 5 months
The biggest Easter egg yet
I’ve been meaning to address this for a while now, but @camdenleisurepirates gave me the final push after reading my piece on Gabriel’s cross. Huge thanks for that morsel of motivation, my ADHD brain loves you.
This is going to be yet another long read, although not as extensive as my bookshop statues meta. Still, better get yourself some hot chocolate or another drink of your choice and make sure you’re comfortable!
Now, remember the X-Ray interview with Peter Anderson on Easter Eggs in the opening animation he created for the second season? Forget red herrings, apparently our fandom has a literal red phone box! I’m convinced that this whole scene is a one big — the biggest, actually — Easter Egg, and I’ll explain why step-by-step.
The red phone box Crowley used to warn Aziraphale about the Antichrist and the following Armageddon in S1, the exact one where he left change for an emergency call, seems important enough in terms of the future S3 plot, but there’s so much more going on in this frame. Not only the lift.
The angels
At the very start of this sequence we can see a fragment of an elaborate bridge guarded by cherubs sitting on two columns, maybe globes, leading to a distant structure built over a literal mountain of trash — all elements of the S1 and S2 openings which were consciously picked out by the animators and put together in a very ominous pile.
Ready for some scavenging?
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In the Gabriel’s cross meta, I already mentioned the importance of Ponte Sant’Angelo in relation to the ex-Archangel’s statue. Now it’s time to widen our perspective and focus on the full picture — quite literally. Apparently the bridge from the opening sequence has ten statues of angels, exactly as the Italian historical monument.
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First things first though: the two big cherubs guarding the entry to the bridge might seem familiar to some of you. While they’re obviously not copies of the same statue, a very similar pair of brass cherubs is placed in Aziraphale’s bookshop to symbolize Aziraphale and Crowley. And looking at the screenshot above and the way they sleep or sulk with their backs turned on each other, they are most certainly not talking. The addition of more than one set of eyes is a lovely reference to biblically accurate angel memes though.
If we assume the traditional left-right positioning of the characters, Aziraphale is on the left and Crowley is on the right. Directly behind Aziraphale we can see a ship named “Good Traits”, but in reverse — kinda sorta confirmed by the animator Peter Anderson to be connected to the concept of the seven deadly sins on Twitter. Same that was mentioned recently by Neil in one of his asks.
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The presence of Gabriel — a renegade Archangel wielding a broken cross — on the right, Crowley’s side, seems to match this theory. It could also support one of the possible interpretations of the very last bookshop shot in the S2 finale.
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Out of all ten statues, Angel Carrying the Cross by Ercole Ferrata is considered inferior to the others on the bridge in that it appears to be a two-dimensional relief sculpture rather than an unbounded three-dimensional artwork, which seems to match Gabriel’s first impression as a character.
The inscription on the statue reads, “Dominion rests on his shoulders" — that is the weight of the cross that Christ was forced to carry through Jerusalem before being crucified. Even though Gabriel’s burden partially disappeared, the whole bridge and its environment is covered with crosses. It’s clear that we’re looking at a direct parallel of Via Crucis, the Way of Sorrows.
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Towering over the Italian bridge, at the very top of Castel Sant’Angelo, is a statue of Archangel Michael, seen as the golden angel on the top left part of the trash pile. Aziraphale’s side, perhaps as his assistant, perhaps a rival? Legends of the Jews mention Michael as the chief of a band of angels who questioned God's decision to create man on Earth. The entire band of angels, except for Michael, was condemned to Fall — which could explain why they have such a good access to the Grapevine That Obviously Doesn’t Exist. And whatever’s going on between Michael and Dagon, perhaps.
In Roman Catholic teachings, Michael has four main roles or offices. Their first role is the leader of the Army of God and the leader of Heaven's forces in the final triumph over the powers of Hell. Viewed as the angelic model for the virtues of the spiritual warrior, their conflict with evil taken as the battle within. The second and third roles of Michael deal with death. Their second role is that of an angel of death, carrying the souls of Christians to Heaven. Michael descends at the hour of death and gives each soul the chance to redeem itself before passing; thus throwing the devil and his minions into consternation. In their third role, Michael weights souls on perfectly balanced scales they are often depicted with as their attribute. In their fourth role, Michael appears as the guardian of the Church. Might be the reason why they’re the closest to the building on top of the mountain.
It looks like Michael lost their sword though, just like Gabriel lost a part of the cross he was supposed to carry. The sword in question was supposed to be used to slay the dragon — Satan, the Adversary — according to John of Patmos and his Book of Revelations.
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Speak of the devil: interestingly, there are two copies of an anonymous variation of the Angel of Light statue appearing twice on both sides of the bridge. Both the title as well as the statue itself seem like obvious references to one (former) angel literally called the Lightbringer, Lucifer. Perhaps one of them is representing his son, the Antichrist, instead, with the both of them helping out the Ineffables on two opposing — or perhaps only parallel — sides of the bridge?
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The light carried by Lucifer appears to be green, a color used in the series as a visual representation of Hell, but on the intertextual level might also serve as a reference to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel The Great Gatsby and the green light at the end of the Daisy’s dock symbolizing the undying love, desperation, and longing for an unattainable dream. In the story, the color represents the limitations of power and money. Not surprisingly, the novel appears on Jim’s bookshelf and is part of the Good Omens book club — a list of personal recommendations from Neil Gaiman and Douglas Mackinnon for the fans to catch up on before the next series.
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Last but not least, the possible connection to Libertas as the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty, shown multiple times in S2 as a foreshadowing of our character’s trip to America in S3. The related quote of Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death” becomes even more relevant if we consider how the motto of the French Revolution was sometimes written as Liberté, égalité, fraternité ou la mort (“Liberty, equality, fraternity or death”). A lesson surely learnt by a certain angel back in 1793, when he was held prisoner for the last time before being forcefully taken Upstairs in the Final Fifteen.
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The bridge and the castle
Okay, these are the basic observations. Now a brief historical overview and we will reach the fun bit in a jiffy.
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of this whole complex? It wasn’t always angelic, but named after a Roman noble dynasty. The Aelian bridge was built by the Emperor Hadrian in 134 AD to span River Tiber from the city center to his mausoleum. With time, the remains of more emperors were put to rest in there, until it was plundered and destroyed in a war. Then the remaining structure was transformed into a military fortress and a castle serving as the papal residence in times of war.
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The Papal State also used Sant'Angelo as a prison; the Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno was imprisoned there for six years. Executions of the inmates were performed in the small inner courtyard, but they weren’t the only deaths in the area. On the other side of the bridge, in the adjoining Piazza del Ponte, under the watchful eyes of the stone likenesses of two saints, the public executions were held, and the heads of the criminals were brought onto the bridge and exposed to public view there.
As a prison, the former mausoleum is also the setting for the third act of Giacomo Puccini's 1900 opera Tosca. Long story short, the eponymous heroine convinces her lover to feign death so that they can flee together. Unfortunately, they are betrayed and the firing squad shoots at him with real bullets instead of blanks. Tosca believes in the quality of his acting performance rather than the truth, and when the realization hits her, she leaps to her death from the Castel’s ramparts.
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After Nero’s bridge was destroyed, the travelers were forced to cross this bridge as the only direct route to the Vatican and St Peter’s Basilica, earning it the nickname “the bridge of Saint Peter”. That’s why in the 16th century Pope Clement VII erected statues of Saints Peter and Paul at the ends of the bridge, guarding it as they are supposed to protect the entry to Heaven.
In 1688 the bridge was embellished with ten angel statues, five on each side of the bridge, carrying Arma Christi, the Instruments of the Passion. The Good Omens characters represented by those statues in the opening sequence might be other instruments of Christ’s suffering as parts of the system that needs to be overthrown or replaced.
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One angel appears particularly important in the context of both the bridge and the Second Coming — Saint Michael the Archangel.
Legend holds that the Archangel Michael appeared atop Hadrian’s mausoleum, sheathing their sword as a sign of the end of the plague of 590, thus lending the castle its present name. A less charitable yet more apt elaboration of the legend, given the militant disposition of this particular Archangel, was heard by the 15th-century traveler who saw an angel statue on the castle roof. He recounts that during a prolonged season of the plague, Pope Gregory I heard that the populace, even Christians, had begun revering a pagan idol at the church of Santa Agata in Suburra. A vision urged the Pope to lead a procession to the church. Upon arriving, the idol miraculously fell apart with a clap of thunder. Returning to St Peter's by the Aelian Bridge, the Pope had another vision of an angel atop the castle, wiping the blood from his sword on his mantle, and then sheathing it. While the Pope interpreted this as a sign that God was appeased, this did not prevent Gregory from destroying more sites of pagan worship in Rome. In honor of the vision and Michael, the bridge was renamed in their name.
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What if the procession from the opening sequence was meant to imitate the procession led by the Pope from the legend? What if Aziraphale, now officially a Supreme Archangel, Commander of the Heavenly Host, is the one actually leading it, with Crowley finally at his side as his partner and second in command, just like it was proposed by him in the Final Fifteen?*
What if by some reason, maybe personal ambition, maybe just a tragic coincidence or situational necessity, there really was an impostor in Heaven, and Metatron — the so called Voice of God who seemingly doesn’t speak up for Herself since Job’s test — has been playing a winged version of the Wizard of Oz all along?
It would make just the perfect sense if not for one tiny detail. The procession we see on the bridge is actually led by Crowley, which doesn’t fit the parallel at all — unless it’s actually a proof of an ongoing body swap, as the mismatched names of the actors could also suggest?
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The mountain of trash and the bookshop
The symbolic mountain of trash we can see Aziraphale and Crowley climb is a reference in itself. To an actual mount called Zion, believed to be the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells (Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2), the place where God is king (Isaiah 24:23) and where God has installed king David on his throne (Psalm 2:6).
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In a literal sense, it’s a hill in Jerusalem, although the sources refer to three different locations in different contexts — although for the purpose of this meta the Upper Eastern Hill (Temple Mount) makes the most sense. Its highest part became the site of Solomon's Temple. The same King Solomon the rituals in Freemasonry refer to. Masonic buildings, where lodges and their members meet, are sometimes called "temples" specifically as an allegoric reference to King Solomon's Temple, not actual places of worship. And Aziraphale’s bookshop is built around Solomon’s Magic Circle.
In a metaphysical sense, and especially in the context of the Christian New Testament, it is also believed to be a part of Heaven — the heavenly Jerusalem, God's Holy, eternal city. Christians are said to have “(…) come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven” (Hebrews 12:22-23 cf. Revelation 14:1). Just like the procession were following in the opening sequence.
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There’s been some speculation whether the lift on top of the mountain could symbolize Aziraphale’s bookshop, or, more specifically, the oculus in its centre. If you look closely at the enhanced screenshot, you can see that the dome isn’t made of glass and that it looks like a tower (a church’s bell tower, perhaps) more than a whole building.
And there is an actual doorway in there — not like the modern lift doors — opening up towards the source of that white, heavenly light. And what kind of enlightenment can you usually find up in the skies or heavens?
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We’re welcomed to crack open the doors to the Heavenly Sanctuary — the Most Holy place, Sanctum Sanctorum, the Holy of Holies — to undraw the final curtain and finally stand eye to eye with God. Who knows, maybe even ask some questions or listen to some answers.
Or, at the very least, to meet one of Her forms known as Jesus Christ. Because that’s precisely where he serves as our (humanity’s) Mediator and the Holy Priest after his Ascension to Heaven. The structure at the top reminds of some temple architecture seen in Antiquity and Christianity.
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The Catholic Church considers the Church tabernacle or its location (traditionally at the rear of the sanctuary) as the symbolic equivalent of the Holy of Holies, due to the storage of consecrated hosts in that vessel and their meaning as the Body of Christ. Tabernacle is commonly marked with a red light turned on and off depending on His presence or lack if it.
Looks like He’s already in the area, one way or another, keeping eye on some things.
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Are we following a procession of believers happy to embrace their one and true Savior? Or are they actually protesters on their way to dethrone the authority and the system?
Guess we will have to wait and see.
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ebullientheart · 1 year
dogs. aaron hotchner x reader
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content — dogs🤍. fluff. humour. fem!bau!reader. brief mention of case. one swear. sorta sunshine!reader.
5 times you try to convince hotch to get a dog with you +1 time it works.
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1. the scent dogs
a frazzled officer had handed you the leads of two sniffer dogs, running away on the insistence his captain was going to ‘kill me for letting them piss on his van again’. you had snorted sympathetically, meaning to tell him you’d love to help out but your unit chief would be expecting you; he was already running away.
you laughed and accepted your fate, wrapping the leads tightly around your knuckles and sitting cross-legged with them. they were eager for your affection and silly voices, even though they were squashing you in their best attempt at hugging. two large german shepherds, but probably the friendliest police dogs you’d ever seen.
“how do these things always happen to you, agent?”
hotch saw the way your shoulders stiffened, and regretted scaring you. the dogs seemed to pick up on this too, turning to the man with low growls at his interruption. you stifled your mirth at their reaction and twisted on the spot to look up at your slightly formidable, but currently intimidated by the dogs, boss.
you chanced a shrug, careful not to dislodge the canine leaning on your shoulder, “one of many mysteries, sir. wanna say hi?”
the look he gave you then was priceless; it was pure disgust. but at your giddy grin, he did crack the smallest of smiles on the hard stone of his face.
i wish i could make him smile all the time. no, shut up.
your mind was not on your side as you tried not to flush, instead burying yourself in between the dogs and letting them yip happily at the attention.
“don’t you just want one of them forever? or maybe both. look how cute they are!” you put your face between theirs.
hotch risked a muffled laugh and extended a hand, wondering how you were an adult. instead of putting your palm in his own, though you were severely tempted, you handed him the leads for the dogs.
“careful, there’s an angry captain on the prowl with a piss stained van. okay paperwork, bye!”
like the officer before you, you were gone before he could open his mouth to reprimand you. not that he was planning on reprimanding you. he was planning on asking if you wanted to get a drink post-case, but for now he had two other problems in the form of two disgruntled german shepherds.
2. the stray
the neighbourhood you were canvassing was not exactly upmarket. it had a high concentration of crime and poverty, and with that, plenty of malnourished animals that likely carried many diseases. no matter how much you loved them, and you did still love them, you were not planning to kneel down with them and touch. you weren’t carrying hand sanitizer.
“the unsub should be familiar to almost all of these people, he’s prominent in this community, so if- erm, shoo?”
seeing hotch startle back and weakly attempt to ‘shoo’ a stray dog was probably the highlight of your day. she was a small thing, possibly some kind of terrier, but too underfed to tell for sure. she sniffed at his ankles as though he’d have any food kept there, but besides that, made no threatening move. you took pity, unwrapping the sandwich you’d got from the hotel cafeteria to eat for lunch, and ripped it up into pieces to make it easier for her to chew. she wolfed it down and skittered off.
hotch frowned, “why would you give your lunch away?”
“she clearly needed it more than me. i hate people who abandon their pets….” you lamented, watching the assortment of strays on the outskirts of each alley. the dogs formed small packs, while the cats hunted alone, equipped with the ability to catch birds and mice.
the two of you kept walking, knocking on doors, when the idea struck you on the way back to the local precinct. you were only teasing, lacking even an ounce of sincerity.
“you should adopt one! i’m sure jack would be thrilled, and i don’t mind holding it on the plane home.”
he just deadpanned you and walked away at a pace you struggled to catch up with. eventually, he took pity as you had on the dog, and slowed down for you to fall in step next to him once more.
3. movie night
it had taken him quite a while, but hotch did eventually ask you out for that post-case drink, which turned into a few dinners, which turned into regular dates, until the two of you had a designated saturday night. this time, you were at his apartment watching a film he’d picked out from his limited stack of dvd’s.
“oh my god!”
hotch had left you alone for two minutes to get you a glass of water.
he raced back into the room, causing his hair to become disarrayed for probably the first time in his life, only to see you pausing the movie to point out… a dog.
he huffed, “are you kidding? my knees can’t cope with that, woman.”
you laughed, beckoning him over, “i didn’t mean to scare you, but look how cute he is.”
“i can see just fine from here.”
“suit yourself.”
but he caved, and crossed the distance between you. not to stare enthusiastically at the dog, but to kiss you on the cheek and press play on the remote while you were distracted by his affection.
you hummed, “i think i’m gonna get a dog.”
he raised a brow, “it’s never moving in here.”
now both completely ignoring the film playing behind his back, you smiled, “and i am?”
at the risk of sounding too forward and scaring you off, despite you being one of the most intense people he knew (and he knew garcia), hotch merely offered you a shrug and another quick peck before returning to the kitchen. you could hardly contain the glee on your face as you burrowed into the cushion you were clutching and tried not to let your thoughts get ahead of themselves.
4. jack’s plea
“i made a mistake.” hotch murmured to himself, watching you and jack bond.
as he once predicted, you were going to be the death of him. albeit a happy, glittery death.
your activity of choice to bond with the child you’d only officially met once so far, was to take him to a park. a dog park, where you volunteered in your free time. some people took their dogs there, others dropped them off with a volunteer for the workday. jack was jovially bonding with your daily pups, a young golden retriever, and an elderly pomeranian.
he tried to stack them, but you quickly intervened.
“mistake? the only mistake was not letting me get matching boots for him and the dogs.”
hotch just looked at you blankly, lacking the heat of a glare, but clearly unamused with your antics. externally, at least, because on the inside he was definitely smiling fondly at you. you took that from his eyes.
jack, at that moment, rushed to you with the enthusiastic dogs on his heels. you didn’t miss the fact hotch didn’t flinch as they jumped at him, whereas a few months ago he definitely would of. you decided that was progress, kissed him on the cheek, and knelt down to speak to jack.
he whispered conspiratorially, though loud enough for his father to hear, “i want to take one home.”
hotch pinched the bridge of his nose, while you looked between the two gleeful you, “well, little man, these lovely guys belong to some other lovely people who would miss them very much.”
you weren’t going to promise him on of his own. it wasn’t your place, and you were not in the business of making empty promises; you’d all but accepted that aaron’s reluctance translated to ‘never gonna happen’. it was just fun to tease.
jack nodded, “that’s true. i like the big ones, anyway.”
that was not what his dad wanted to hear, but you were elated.
“finally,” you laughed, entwining your arms behind aaron’s neck when jack went back to play, “a hotchner after my own heart.”
he only laughed back, spinning you around so you both had eyes on the adventurous kid, and keeping his arm firmly around your waist. eventually, he responded, “we work too much for a dog.”
the fact he’d even got that far in thinking about it? you considered it a win.
5. clooney
morgan didn’t ask the team for favours all that often, but occasionally he asked one of you to dogsit, if he knew nobody else could check in, feed, walk, and so on. reid never took that bait.
one extended, long weekend, on which he planned to travel to a nice resort on his time off, he handed responsibility to you. at first, you’d been delighted, but not even a day into bonding with your new pal, you’d fallen with the flu. fallen being an accurate term for your dramatics. luckily for you, you’d recently moved in with aaron.
luckily for him too, because you made much better pancakes than he did.
so while you were ill and uncharacteristically miserable, he was playing tug of war with the dog, and cursing himself for thoroughly enjoying it. jack rolled around laughing, and he was struggling to fend off the invasive thoughts that were result of your persistence. he had once promised to dedicating the parts of his life that weren’t reserved for profiling to making you happy, and while that was usually an easy task, a dog would…
but he cut the thoughts off when clooney peed on his kitchen floor.
yeah, fuck no.
later on in the day, he ventured into your shared room to check on you. pitifully, you curled into his side of the bed and offered a morose sniff in reply to his gentle greeting.
“how’re you feeling, honey?”
you sighed, unfolding the covers from where they were tucked into your chin, “you know how you felt when jack accidentally hit you in the skull with his metal lunchbox? worse.”
despite your detailed description, aaron took your verbose approach to his question as a sign you were on the mend. he brought you another glass of water, and let jack give you a get well soon card, while holding your breath to risk contaminating him. on the front, a rough sketch of clooney, holding a flower.
“this is the best card i’ve ever seen, jack.” you assured him, propping it on your nightstand.
“if we had a dog, i could put him on the card!”
you nodded, “that is true.” aaron rolled his eyes.
he was saved by your chest racking cough, ushering jack out the room to let you rest. jack was happy to run back down to clooney.
aaron gave you ‘the look’; it meant calm down and go to sleep. he gave it to the team a lot.
you had to giggle as he went downstairs to jack’s onslaught of ‘can we get a dog? when?’. you were proud of your little ally as you laid back down.
having to work a case on your birthday was unfortunate but unavoidable. the team bought you a cake, which you really appreciated, and until the strangulations, there was a celebratory air to the unit. on the plane home two days later, spencer even offered to let you win at chess. you flipped him off for that.
in the car, you yawned dramatically. amused, aaron asked, “tired?”
you mumbled back, “jus’ wanna go home and see jack.”
he couldn’t ignore the way his heart tightened at that admission. glancing over to your sleepy face, he didn’t think he’d yet been this in love with you. if he regretted the decision he’d made on a phone call to jessica while in california, he would remember this moment. by the time he pulled into the driveway, you’d long since closed your eyes.
“honey, wake up. we’re home.”
you all but slugged your way to the front door, aaron’s hand between your shoulder blades, urging you onward. he carried both your bags, and tomorrow you’d apologise for not helping. today, you just wanted to check your stepson was tucked in for the night, then crawl into your own bed and collapse.
to your confusion, the tv was still playing. which wouldn’t be strange, jessica did put it on sometimes, but it was playing cartoons. you frowned, off to investigate. if you’d turned and seen aaron’s smile, you would’ve been more confused.
“hey, little man, what are you still doing up?” you opened your arms and he ran to them, while you gave his aunt a quizzical look. she gestured for you to turn around, jack giggling.
behind you, aaron held a gorgeous puppy, looking at you with round, brown eyes, inset in a face of smooth fur. his tail whipped back and forth excitedly as you reached out to hold him. aaron deposited him carefully in your arms, overcome with second hand joy at the expression on your face.
tearfully, from your exhausted state and fear of his answer, you asked, “are you kidding?”
he shook his head, while jack drew your attention again. he wanted to pet the puppy.
you lightly put him to the floor, where he ambled around with little grace, absorbing all the attention you had to offer him. at some point, aaron had to intervene and put jack to bed, but you stayed with the dog for hours on.
almost nervously, aaron asked, “do you like him?”
you gaped at the ridiculous question, “i love him. and i love you.”
there was a quiet moment, where he admired the happiness before him, and you hugged your new friend some more.
“can he sleep in with us, aaron?”
“absolutely not.”
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gejo333 · 1 year
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Viking Miguel x Female Viking Reader
Summary: You were the chieftains daughter of your village and you had just turn the age for men in the village to begin courting you in hopes of having you as their wife and becoming the next chief. However, no man caught your eye until your childhood best friend comes back home from battle to make you his.
I’m sorry for the lack of updates my schedule is beyond crazy! But I promise to update “An Unexpected Match” and get the sequel of perfect picture out too.
But as an apology here is a fluffy random Miguel Oneshot🥰
Inspired by this song I haven’t heard in a while on TikTok.💕💕💕
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. I didn’t read over this yet. 😅
Today was officially the start of your adult life as you now were old enough for the unmarried men in your village to begin courting for your hand in marriage.
As you finished getting ready you head downstairs to see your parents and younger siblings.
“Good Morning.” You smile at your parents as you head down to the kitchen to help your mother with separating the herbs.
“Good morning y/n. You must be excited for today. You’ll definitely have quite a few prospective suitors from what I’ve heard.” Said your mother with an upbeat in her voice.
“I’m definitely excited, but nervous too. Hopefully it’s not too hectic.” You chuckle nervously as you put the finished separating the herbs into the wooden bowl and began to mush them.
“It’s definitely exciting my beloved daughter. But those men will have to be brave enough to stand against me. No man is perfect enough for my daughter.” Your father huffed as he helped lift the meat to hang over the fire.
You chuckled from your father’s words. You did feel a bit bad for the poor souls who had to go through not only your father but the chieftain of the village to have a chance at courting you.
“So, any men in the village that you hope comes knocking on our door?” Your younger sister teasingly elbowed you in your arm, trying to get the juiciest gossip for the nosy villagers. You roll your eyes as you try to hide your smile on your face. You then pass the wooden bowel to your sister to continue mushing the herbs as you make your way to get the bucket to fill for the animal feed, one of your daily chores.
“I think I know who.” Said your younger brother in a sing song voice as he helped with making the bread with your mother.
“Wait who?!” Your sister asked eagerly.
“Not telling you.” Your brother smirked which made your sister puff out her cheeks in annoyance as she threw a bit of flour at him, which he did in return.
“Knock it off you too.” You loved your younger tween twin siblings, but they definitely got on your nerves sometimes. More like all the time.
“Just tell me!” Groaned your sister as she wiped the flour off her face with a rag.
“I’m actually curious too now.” You chuckle as you cross your arms with the bucket hanging on your arm to the side.
“It’s Miguel O’Hara.” Your brother said proud of his answer. Your eyes widen and cheeks redden.
“Now that’s a man I could see as chief and be a good husband for you.” Your father said as he kept on eye on the cooking meat.
“It’s a pity he is off at war. And it’s been five years since he was back home. Who knows when the men at sea will be back.” Said your mother with a small frown on her face. You internally sigh at your mother’s remarks. Miguel was your childhood best friend. He was three years older than you but the two of you were inseparable when your were kids. The last time you saw him was five years ago when your were still a kid and he was just barely old enough to be an adult.
As the years went by you eventually became use to him not being around, except for every once in a while you got the painful reminder of the lack of his presence. You did wonder what he would look like now after five years. You assumed the same boyish person you grew up with.
“Bye.” You say to your family, not wanting to partake in your future suitor gossip as you walk out of your home towards the farm.
Of course you didn’t think this through when you walked outside as countless men were waiting for you.
“Y/n, I brought you your favorite pastries!”
“Y/n, look at this wolf coat i made for you!”
Overwhelmed by the vast amount of gifts and men flocking around you in competition to gain your attention, you quickly walk back into your house as you close the door behind you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” Asked your mother as your entire family looks at you, curious and startled by your sudden reappearance back inside.
“Is it possible if I don’t do chores today? There seems to be a sea of men in front of our house.” Your words perked your families interest as they all got up and moved passed you and through the front door. Taking a deep breath you joined them outside.
“It’s the chief!”
“Chief, can I speak with you?”
“Leo go do your sisters chores. She has more important things to attend to at the moment.” Said your father as he gently took the bucket from your hands and passed it to your brother who groaned in annoyance.
“Don’t start Leo.” Your father gave him a stern look to which your brother straightened up and went on his way to the farm to complete your chores.
“Go back inside the house y/n and I’ll bring one man at a time and tell me if you want to marry him or not.” Your father smiled at you as your mother gently guided you and your sister back in to the house to the main area.
As the hours passed the line of suitors made outside of your house grew smaller.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t see us getting married.” You say to the disappointed man in front of you as he lowered the array of flowers gathered in his hands. You tried to seem remorseful for him, but your response felt automatic as he was, what it felt like the hundredth man you have turned down today.
“Darling, is there anyone who you see fit? You’ve turned down almost the entire village.” Your mother said with concern in her voice.
“We want you to make the decision, but you also need to find someone.” Said your father as he shared the same concern as your mother.
“And I understand that, but I just couldn’t picture standing by any of their sides for the rest of my life as future leaders of our people. How many men are still outside?”
“Three.” Said your father. You bit your lower lip as a nervous habit as anxiety and worries of not finding a suitor began to consume your thoughts. Your mother placed her hand over yours as she smiled at you.
“Try not to worry. We’ll figure it out.”
Your father let the next suitor walk inside the house, but before he could speak a loud horn echoed throughout the air. It was the rest of the men returning from battle. You felt your heart beat out of your chest as the sound of the horn echoed inside your head. They were back which means… so was Miguel.
Ignoring the man before you, you quickly grabbed your sweater as you ran out of the house towards the beach. You weren’t the only one who decided to head to the beach as the entire village left their evening suppers to welcome back loved ones.
By the time you made it to the beach, it was crowded with joyous laughter of reuniting families and couples as well as mournful tears of loved ones lost in battle. Your heart began to ache as you were starting to lose hope on seeing him again. Your fears were washed away when you heard a familiar voice, just deeper. Turning around your froze as your gaze met a familiar pair of warm ruby brown eyes.
As he drew closer to you, you noticed the stark differences. His height. He was significantly taller than you, not the couple inches five years ago. And his build was bigger too, massive even. Guess being in war for that long can make you build a lot of muscle. He was so different yet so familiar at the same time. He placed his hands on your waist when he reached you, lifting you up and twirling you before setting you down again.
“Gods I missed you.” He said as his large coarse hand gently caressed your cheek, which you leaned into his touch as you placed your hand over his.
“I miss you too. I was scared that I never would get to see you again.” You smile up at him as you couldn’t break away from his loving gaze.
“I was scared when I came home you would be married to another man. I hope I’m not too late.” His gaze shifted to different parts of your face to try and guess your facial reaction.
“No your not too late. Just in time in fact. And I passed up quite a few proposals today.”
“You did?” Miguel chuckled.
“Yes, I was hoping for certain man.”
“And has this man proposed to you yet?” Miguel smirked as he lifted your chin slightly, his thumb grazed your lower lip.
“No he hasn’t.” You smile as you shake your head.
“Well let me change that then.” Miguel leaned down as his lips met yours in a loving kiss, which you happily returned. Your lips separated from his, both needing air.
Miguel took your hands into his larger ones as his facial expression turned serious.
“Y/n, my love. I’ll swim and sail on savage seas with never fear of drowning, and I’ll glady ride the waves of life, if you will marry me.” His words made your heart glow as you couldn’t hide your excited smile.
“Yes, a thousand times, yes.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, jumping into his arms as he holds you in a loving embrace. Miguel twirled you around one more time before placing his lips on yours again.
“I think our daughter has found her suitor, dear.” Your mother smiled as she leaned on her husband’s shoulder who loving held her by his side.
“This cause for a celebration!” Your father roared in joy across the excited crowed, as the cheers grew from the chief’s announcement.
“And that’s the story of when your father proposed to me.”
“That’s so romantic!” Said your daughter as she hugged her wooden doll.
“Did the line of suitors really go across the village?” Said your other daughter who sat next to her younger sister.
“It did. And even after I officially courted your mother, I still had to shoo away suitors hoping to steal her away from me.” Miguel chuckled as he walked in holding your son and your youngest, well for now.
“You know, no one could steal me away from you.” You say as you rub your large round belly after feeling the baby kick.
“I know, my love. And it’s too late now to try. Your stuck with me forever.” Miguel chuckled as he wrapped his free arm around your waist as he brought you close to his side and gave you a loving kiss.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I hoped you liked this little oneshot🥰
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sweetlysimss · 1 year
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as some of you might know, I've written updated versions of the not so berry challenge and the berry pastel rainbowcy before. however, I keep wanting to switch between the two challenges or abandoning my one save for the other. so, on a random Monday evening I figured, why not combine the two for the ultimate updated challenge experience? my lovely fellow simmers over at @berrygameplay convinced me to write stuff down and... the NSB x BPR updated rules was born!
credit goes to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming for the original nsb rules and @berrysweetboutique for the original berry pastel rainbowcy rules!
as with my two other updated challenges, i've written the rules in a google doc (that you cannot edit! stop asking for permission to edit the file!). if you want to save the rules for yourself, go to file > create a copy and you're able to save the rules wherever you want and edit them. this will not change the original document.
there are disclaimers, a list of packs you need for this challenge (most packs are optional) and an index to move through generations quickly. each gen has their own introductory story (you don't have to adhere to these stories!), required traits - aspirations - careers, the generational rule (bpr), reward traits to buy, and the list of objectives catered to that generation. feel free to edit these objectives to your hearts desire! this challenge is supposed to be fun :)
if you want to play this challenge, please tag your posts with #nsbxbpr so I can follow and share them!
so. let's get to it:
For easy access and to show an example of the rules, here are the first generation’s rules all written out. If you want to look at the other generations, click on the “send me to the rules” link!
generation one: white
coming from a long line of privileged sims, you’re ready to break away from your family and pursue your own dreams. you’ve only really felt close to your grandparent and never told anyone you were the sole heir to their old, rundown farmhouse. starting off with nothing, you pick up the hobby you were never allowed to put into practice: painting. you find it difficult to let other sims in and may come across as rude sometimes. you just need that one special sim to make you feel like it’s all worth it. slowly but surely, your own family starts to grow, but not without its ups and downs…
traits: creative, mean, [open slot]
aspiration: painter extraordinaire OR chief of mischief
career: none (sell paintings, produce, and harvestables)
spouses career: [open slot]
GENERATIONAL RULE: paint a portrait of your heir REWARD TRAITS TO BUY: mentor, speed reader, super green thumb
move into a lot with the ‘simple living’ lot challenge (size is up to you)
max painting skill
max gardening skill
max mischief skill
max logic skill
have multiple different love interests, but do not settle before having a child
date with a purple, pink, AND/OR red sim
have only 1 child with purple, pink, or red sim and 1 alien child
become enemies with the spouse you decide not to go long-term with
optional: make at least 2 enemies
marry a purple, pink OR red sim
sell at least 5 masterpieces
have at least 2 different animals on your farm
choose from the following: horse, goat, lamb, cow, llama, bunny, chicken, cat, dog, rodent
if you choose a horse, max the horse skills: temperament, jumping, agility, endurance
become good friends with all of your children and animals
adult or elder: max the knitting and/or cross-stitch skill
adult or elder: become good friends with at least 1 grandchild
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lovetei · 1 year
I have an AU and I enjoy sharing so. Gift, from a (semi-?) writer to writer I suppose
but Swapped Obey me Au
where the brothers and side characters are humans- here’s the dynamic simplification;
Humans (Solomon / MC) : Cryptids
Demons (The Brothers / Diavolo / Barbatos) - humans/humanoids
Angels (Luke / Simeon) - Monster hunters
Maybe a modernish Victorian era, with castles and monster stories and that fun stuff + technology. Prince Diavolo starts a school to hopefully make peace between the three tribes of being.
So Solomon the Land siren (maybe a Lamia/Naga?) and MC the Mutt sheep cryptid. Where invited to the human school,
I can go on for hours- but hope this helps with ideas! I’d love to hear ya take. I love the way you write Obey me so yeah!
I'm so sorry this took so long, I need to create a visual in my head first and it takes long to write an AU :')
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Swapped Alternate Universe
Swapped Universe: Introduction
Links: Masterlist
You were just going around the forests beside fields, feeding on whatever there is
But all of a sudden
An entitled prince, randomly sent you a letter saying you're invited into this type of program
But it's suspicious
The incentives favors the participants way too much...
What could possibly be the catch?
ROLES: Cryptids
TYPE: Cryptid (Mutt sheep)
It is rumored that the "Mutt-Sheep" cryptids are a cross between lambs and canines, and are known to be found in areas with dense forests. Some describe them as a cross between a sheep and a dog, with a thick sheep-like coat covering their body, large claws on their paws for digging in the forest floor, and a canine's nose and teeth for hunting small animals. However, the exact origin and nature of the Mutt-Sheep cryptids are still unknown and shrouded in mystery. Despite this, sightings of these creatures have been reported by people who claim to have seen them lurking in the forest.
TYPE: Cryptid (Naga)
They are described as having a human upper body, often with arms and chest, and from the waist down, they have the tail and scales of a snake. The Naga are said to be intelligent and powerful beings, capable of controlling the elements of nature and using their powers to influence the world around them. Many people believe that the Naga possess magical abilities that they use to protect their territory and the creatures that live there.
ROLE: Humans
JOB: President of RLD
The Royal Lab of Diavolo (RLD) is a highly advanced underground research facility with top-notch equipment and state-of-the-art technology. The lab is focused on developing peace between different races, such as humans, humanoid, cryptids, and monster hunters. The primary goal of the lab is to find ways to bridge the gap between the different races, and to create an environment where all beings can live together in harmony. The lab is led by a team of highly skilled scientists and researchers who work tirelessly around the clock to advance their research and find solutions to the world's problems.
JOB: Vice president of RLD
The vice president of the Royal Lab of Diavolo is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the lab, including the management of staff, the supervision of research projects, and the coordination of activities with external partners and stakeholders. The vice president also plays a key role in managing the lab's finances and ensuring that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they may be involved in developing and implementing strategic plans for the lab's long-term growth and success. Therefore, the vice president plays an important role in the lab's success and helps to ensure that its mission of promoting peace and unity among different beings is achieved.
JOB: Chief Fiance Officer (CFO)
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a high-level executive position that is responsible for overseeing the financial operations and strategy of an organization. He works for the government and is supporting the current king.
JOB: Actor
He is the most famous actor out there starring in every genre whether it may be romance, comedy, action or adventure. He also stars in his own TV show series that broke multiple records and nominated multiple times on award show as well as receiving hundreds of awards.
JOB: Programmer and Developer
A famous IT that works for the government and helps maintain government systems and Technologies, being one of the most trusted and talented worker in this field he has access to everything that can be found online.
JOB: Proffesor
The youngest and top proffesor of one of the best schools found in the world, being the charming and mysterious proffesor whose world seems to revolve around books and his well known addiction, cats.
JOB: Model
The jewel of the human world, modeling for every possible brands to exist. He's known for his unforgettable face and his unmatched charm that helped him rise to the top of the world of fashion.
JOB: Chef
A world-class chef that cooks for the king, known for his unique skills and for his beautiful physique. A man that made multiple woman swoon because of his looks and cooking skills.
JOB: Doctor
A mysterious Doctor who seems to enjoy cutting things up and inventing antidotes or medicines against viruses and diseases that does not have a cure yet. He seems to be passionate about his job but the reason why he entered this field is still unknown.
ROLE: Hunters
A Rank A monster hunter is one of the best, most skilled and experienced monster hunters out there. They have exceptional abilities and skill in fighting and defeating monsters, as well as an in-depth knowledge of different types of monsters and how to defeat them.
Rank A Monster hunters are highly skilled and experienced in the art of hunting monsters. They are sought after for their exceptional abilities and knowledge. Their skill and experience have earned them a reputation as some of the finest monster hunters in the world.
A Rank C monster hunter is considered an entry-level monster hunter. They are relatively new to the field and are still developing their skills and gaining experience. While they may have some basic knowledge of monster hunting techniques, they lack the advanced abilities and knowledge of higher-ranked Hunters. Nonetheless, they can still be an asset to a team and can perform certain tasks with supervision and guidance.
Overall, Rank C monster hunters are still learning and gaining experience. They are not always ready to handle high-level or dangerous missions, and are often assigned tasks and roles under the supervision and guidance of
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forasgaard · 2 years
hi! can i request (if youre comfortable ofc) an neteyam x reader where neteyam is having a hard time because of his duties and the expectations everyone seems to have when it comes to him, reader notices that he’s not feeling well and they have an vulnerable and comforting moment? thank u.
Hi of course, thank you for that great idea!
warnings: fluff, angst, comfort words: 1.6k
"Where's Neteyam?"
I just arrived at the glade where the Sully shed was. Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk sat outside in the grass. The girls made some beaded necklaces and Lo'ak rested next to them, one leg crossed other the other.
"On duty with Dad", Lo'ak shrugged. "I think flying patrol or something."
I sat down next to them. Tuk immediately let go of her work and came to me to hug me. I gave her the tightest hug ever. She was like my little sister. Tuk gave me the necklace she just made. "Here, that's for you!"
"Really? Oh, thank you Tuk, that's amazing!"
Tuk smiled from one ear to another and I heard Kiri chuckle. The necklace was made out of leather. Small colored beads were woven onto them and created a pattern that reminded me of roots around a tree. Tuk helped me put it on and said: "Now Nete will like you even more!"
We had to laugh and I remembered the reason why I came here.
"They often do patrols lately, right?", I asked Lo'ak. He opened his eyes and sat up.
"Yeah, they do that often. You know, because he's the oldest, soon-to-be Olo'eyktan and so on." He rolled his eyes. Kiri laughed at his face.
"Are you jealous?", I frowned. Lo'ak snorted and hesitated for a second. "No, not really. I mean, sure Dad prefers him all the time, which sucks. But I am glad I am not Olo'ektan. It's too much responsibility." He shook his head. "No, Nete will be a better chief than me." He smiled. Kiri joined that conversation: "He is the oldest, so he's gonna be the next chief. That's tradition."
"I know", I said. "But it takes all his time. I barely see him anymore."
Neteyam came home a few minutes later. Training was over. He greeted us and grabbed two fruits from their storge. He threw one to me and nodded into the forest. "Come"
I stood up and followed him.
"Have fun!", called Lo'ak behind us. I ran some few steps to follow Neteyam. "Hey? What's wrong?"
"Nothing" He said and chewed his fruit. We walked silently while eating. I knew, he would open up when he felt ready for it. He always did. And I was right.
"Argh, it's just so unfair!", he cried out and I twitched startled. He noticed and took my hand. "Sorry. It's just..." He shook his head in frustration.
"No, it's alright", I said to calm him down. "You're right. This training is taking all your time."
We stopped unter a huge tree nd sat down. I rested my back at the bark and it felt really comfortable. Neteyam lowered his head onto mine and rubbed his thumb over the knuckles on my hand. "I know it's important" He began to explain. "But Dad only sees the training and that I must become better and better. He doesn't see what I have already learned."
I squeezed his hand in comfort. "I bet he does. Lo'ak said your Dad would prefer you. I bet he is proud of you."
Neteyam made an undefined noise. "I don't know. Everything I do seems wrong. He's always complaining lately."
"But you're still learning."
"If you ask Dad, I should already know everything. As if he was never a beginner to all this."
We went silent for a few seconds. "That necklace is beautiful.", Nete said and touched it gently. I smiled. "Tuk made it for me." Neteyam chuckled. "She loves making necklaces and that kind of of stuff. She really likes you, you know?" My heart got warm. "Yeah she is so cute." He nodded with a smile.
"I remember a story mother told us: When Dad first came here, he couldn't even pronounce nari (eyes). And he almost fell off his ikran and scared all the animals to death with his loud human steps." I chuckled. "See, everyone is a beginner at some point."
Nete sighed and his tail patted on the ground. "Yeah but why doesn't he understand that? I don't want to train all day. I wanna see you more."
I smiled. "Yeah, you truly have neglected me lately." He laughed and I could feel his shoulders move.
"I will be Olo'eyktan some day.", he said quietly. "And there is so much responsibility. I don't know if I can handle it." I sat up and slightly rubbed my thumb over his cheek. "You will do great." His view fell down and he pressed his lips together. "I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I am strong enough. Or that I know enough. I just don't see myself as chief."
My brows furrowed. "But I do. And you will grow with your tasks. You don't have to face this all by yourself. Your not alone, Nete"
He looked up and our eyes locked. "I am so glad I have you", he whispered and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and melted under his touch. We have spent too little time the last few days. My heart ached at the thought of him having no time for the next days as well. Or even weeks.
"I think I'm afraid", he suddenly whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at him with compassion. I heart warmed up. I know he would never admit that in front of the others, and of course not in front of his Dad.
I framed his face with my hands. "You don't have to. You have your Dad, your family. And you have me."
His lips curled up into a small smile. "We could share the responsibility. Because it is much, even for the muntxate (wife)."
My eyes widened. "Wife!?"
He smirked and shrugged. We hadn't told anyone yet that we already had mated. My face turned red. "Did you- I mean... Have you told anyone?"
He looked at me, slightly shocked. "No! Have you? I thought we wanted to keep this a secret for some time."
"Yes.", I nodded. "A bit longer, okay?" He took my hands from his face and placed a kiss in my palm. "We still have time."
I smiled when his lips touched my hands. He was just so cute. "I'm with you. No matter what's gonna happen." I assured him. And I meant it. Neteyam sighed. Surely, his head wanderes back to his duties.
"He just expects too much. I cannot learn everything at once, even when he apparently could. I'm not him!"
I put a hand on his arm so comfort him. "And he knows that. He just wants you to be prepared. He just wants to keep you and his family safe. And if only way is to teach you everything he knows."
"He never asked me if I even wanna do all this. Maybe I don't want to be Olo'eyktan!", he panted in frustration.
I frowned. "Do you?"
Neteyam sighed. "I don't know. Sometimes I am proud. But sometimes..."
He looked at me and the leaves and ferns above us threw shadows on his beautiful face. "Sometimes it's just too much. Sometimes I just wanna throw away every responsibility and just leave."
That surprised me. He always seemed so at ease, so in balance. Always prepared and organised. He never seemed reckless to me. But I liked that deeper, more foolish side of him. I smiled and gave him a small kiss just beneath his ear. "Then leave"
A stupid thought crossed my mind. "We could run away together"
He turned to me as if I was crazy.
"No! I cannot leave them. I cannot leave the people."
I chuckled and he looked at me in confusion. "What?"
"See, you're just like him! You are responsible and you care for your family and your people."
He swallowed.
"And that's why I love you.", I said. His yellow eyes scanned mine. "Only because of that?", he smirked. I grinned and leaned my forehead back  against his. "That's one thing, yes."
"Hmm, what else?" His voice hummed through his body and reached mine. Shivers spread over my arms. My heartbeat sped up. "Oh you know, the thing you did last night. That was also pretty good."
He smiled mischievously and his lips pressed hard onto mine. Heat exploded in my body and I put my hands around his face as he deepened the kiss. Our tongues swirled around each other and I felt one if his hand touching my waist, going up to my breasts.
A voice sounded through the forest to us. Jake. Neteyam groaned into the kiss and send shivers down my back. I chuckled, surrendering as he stopped the kiss. He moved himself up, but I grabbed his wrists and he pulled me up with him. His hands placed themselves onto my hips and he pushed me against the tree behind him. I let out a small sigh. His lips maked their way down my neck and I felt my knees going weak.
Jake's voice sounded louder than before and we stumbled away from each other. Neteyam looked around in shock but Jake wasn't anywhere to be seen. "I should get going", he whispered and placed a peck at my lips. I made a disappointed noise and he squeezed my hand. "I'll be back soon.", he said and left.
"You should think about our escape plan!", I called after him. He turned around. "Maybe I will!" His smile widened and showed his white fangs.
With that he disappeared behind a tree and I had to laugh. He was going to be the best Olo'eyktan that ever existed. I just knew it.
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
Tragically, an IDF helicopter attacked a building in Gaza that had Israeli soldiers inside. At least one of them was killed. I've heard people claiming that there's no such thing as mistakes or collateral damage, that if Palestinian civilians get killed, it's because Israel wanted that, but this is a reminder that mistakes DO happen, and that every army, no matter how good, will get some people killed that it never intended to. This soldier's family asked for his details not to be published. May his memory be a blessing.
Israel is going to open a border crossing into Gaza, which had been closed since the Oct 7 massacre and Hamas attacks on the border crossings, in order to make the entrance of humanitarian aid into Gaza even more efficient.
A man shot at a Jewish synagogue in the US last night, on the first eve of Hanukkah, while shouting "Free Palestine." If it's anti-Zionism, not antisemitism, why do these incidents keep happening?
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We're hearing here in Israel more and more reports on canceled Hanukkah festivities and candle lighting due to different claims, but the bottom line remains heartbreaking no matter which excuse is used. The biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust led to further punishment of Jews.
Here's extra Hanukkah candles for all Jews out there, please know that here in Israel, we are always with you!
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In NYC, a shop that's a part of an Israeli company decided to have a special sale to raise money for the Israeli rape victims of Hamas. Two of the shop's employees resigned. Reportedly, they're women. The Jewish community replaced them with volunteers.
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall sent a letter to media organizations, including the New York Times, warning them about their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, since their reporters were "clearly embedded with Hamas."
For anyone who still doesn't understand why most Jews have been upset since Oct 7:
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Following the discussion in congress about antisemitism, where the presidents of Harvard, MIT and UPenn couldn't bring themselves to denounce a call to genocide the Jews as harassment, Rabbi David Wolpe, a member of Harvard's committee to combat antisemitism, resigned, saying it became evident to him he couldn't help create the change he was hoping for.
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I mentioned Gal Eizenkott in my daily update post yesterday, the 25 years old son of Israeli minister Gadi Eizenkott, the IDF's former chief of staff. Gadi is a part of Israel's war cabinet, the small team making the most essential decisions on the fighting. The IDF's spokesman, Daniel Hagari, mentioned yesterday that Gal didn't have to serve in this war, he volunteered to.
This is not that important in the larger scheme of things, but since I've shared vids of IDF soldiers helping Palestinians in Gaza, why not also one of IDF soldiers helping animals in Gaza? Especially since I love donkeys. They are SO sweet. Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza found, during a break, a donkey that was abandoned in a field, with its legs tied together by a rope. The soldiers set it free:
This is 68 years old Dror Kaplun.
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He was believed to be kidnapped by Hamas. Last night, Israeli archeologists working on the scene of the Hamas massacre managed to find frgaments of his bones next to the fence of his kibbutz. He was the son of Holocaust survivors. His wife Marcel was also murdered. May their memories be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
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• Okay. Lucifer, King of light. This is probably the worst yandere in aoex you could get (apart from Mephisto but that’s for another time.)
• Possessive, Overprotective, delusional and manipulative TO THE MAX. Lucifer’s a narcissistic monster so you can see how this goes.
• Possessive in the way he just won’t let you go. He views you as his and nothing more. There’s no debating him on this, You have no voice.
• Overprotective in the way that he does not let any harm come to you. Health check-ups every day, Padded room you’re locked in with no sharp edges. That kind of thing
• Delusional in the way he believes the two of you are somehow bound by fate. He may be scarily intelligent but that does not make him sane in the least.
• And manipulative in the way.. Well, Come on. He’s a glorified cult leader. Lucifer controls every aspect of your life from your clothes to your schedule. All so he can display the image he wants you to see.
• I’m going to go with a Romantic route on this one. I’ll do platonic later if anyone wants it.
• Lucifer at first is shocked. Demon’s don’t feel emotions, Not the way humans do anyways. But his heart beats when he sees you. He’s confused at first, Believing it to be an ailment or illness
• However after a while he comes to terms with it, A shocking realisation. One that amazes him deeply.
• Even though love is a laughable matter for demons, Lucifer doesn’t deny it. He believes that you’re an exception and no matter what his siblings or Homare says, It wont deter him
• Being the egoist he is, He believes you must feel the same way. No matter how much you fight or argue he knows you’re just playing hard to get.
• How it started I can see it happen two ways. One, You’re a recruit in the Illuminati and you somehow catch his eye. Number two, You’re a member of the True Cross Order and you catch his attention.
• If you’re in the Illuminati then that just makes it easier for him. Lucifer is the commander in chief and their idolized leader. You and your colleagues practically worship him. (Rose tinted glasses)
• So it’s a breeze for him to get close to you. Suddenly your assigned as his personal guard or caretaker, Suddenly he requests more time off the clock with you.
• You see it as a blessing, The commander in chief wants more time with you. And from there on there really is no escape
• In the second scenario he might of seen you while spying on the order or when he was declaring war. I’m imagining him announcing his speech before his eyes lock on you from behind the mask, He pauses mid sentence to just stare before Homare coughs and breaks him out of his trance.
• He continues on but his eyes keep lingering back to you. It makes you feel uncomfortable more than you already were, This organisation was declaring war on the order and their creepy leader kept eyeing you up and down.
• I feel like Mephisto would catch on, He’d probably deduce it easily but for the sake of plot he wont here.
• When they leave, Lucifer can’t help but drift his mind off to you. He hated human beings, He envied them for their healthy bodies that they wasted doing nothing while he rots.
• And due to that and the fact that he is bedridden most of the time makes it very hard for him to do anything. Instead he relies on Shima to tell him things about you.
• You’re a teaching assistant at the academy, A middle-class exorcist with the meister of doctor and knight. The more he learned the more he felt his heart beat.
• If you have any other romantic partners or interests (even just friendships) he starts to feel another emotion. It’s not a good one, It makes him disgusted.
• Even though what he feels for you is intense and overwhelming, He will not show it at all. Cold and mechanical
• Lucifer wants to get you away from them. He doesn’t like people touching what’s his.
• After confirming this feeling isn’t illness, He has his mind set dead on you.
• Lucifer believes that you must feel the same way. This is love, Something he had never experienced before so he knows it must be mutual right?
• He has Shima gather items from you. Photo’s, Clothing and trinkets. He has them surrounding his bed.
• So when you come along with the exwires to rescue Izumo and he views you on the camera’s his heart skips a beat.
• Lucifer orders the entire staff not to lay a hand on you. If they do then they will suffer by his hand and he MEANS this.
• So when you and the exwires are separated and shoved into different rooms, There was no demon to fight you.
• You were confused. It was just a padded cell. All until a ray of light manifested on the other side of the room
• You bared your weapon. Lucifer appeared in a fresh clone body and full uniform, Wanting to look his best for finally meeting you.
• Of course you ready your weapon but its instantly dismantled by a blinding flash, Making you drop it to the ground.
• Lucifer approaches you and takes no time to proclaim his infatuation and love for you. He says it outright because of well.. He’s convinced that you feel the exact same way about him even though you only met once on really bad terms.
• Lucifer expects you to run into his arms or confess your love back. But to his shock and dismay you only scream obscenities at him, Which is a weird way of showing your love but go off I guess.
• Or not. Lucifer doesn’t like you saying that stuff. Even though he knows you don’t mean it he still takes great offense.
• Lucifer straight up offers you to join the illuminati. A pretty high position (And conveniently works close to him)  Tells you about his ideals. His goal of making a paradise, Reviving Satan and making an equal world
• You’re rightfully disgusted. You say no again and curse him out. No way are you joining some glorified cult.
• He sighs, A tad irritated as he steps closer to you. You cant do anything but back away into a corner looking terrified.
• He approaches. The distance closes and he casts a dark shadow, His eyes glowing as he looks at you.
• You’re frozen in fear as he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek. His hands are dead cold.
• “I understand your fear, But sleep well now and you’ll awaken safely in due time.” 
• He says that to you and he places a single kiss onto your lips. His are freezing similar to that of a corpses.
• You black out afterwards, Lucifer catches you in his arms as he carries you away.
• After that its the “domestic stage”
• You sleep in a room in the Dominus Liminus. It’s both warded and protected to the nines.
• You wont speak much to anyone. A few staff here or there but Homare is the one tasked with keeping you secure and safe.
• Wherever you go (If you’re allowed out) Homare will be close behind. It wont even be hidden, Saying with a cold face that she is to escort you around the place and assist you.
• But you know it’s just Lucifer keeping an eye on you.
• As soon as your on board you instantly gain the title of ‘The Commander’s Fiancée’
• Its disturbing until you find out why. Once you meet him again he explains that your days are now leading up to your marriage with him.
• He could marry you right now. But Lucifer wants to have a ceremony, An official wedding that will involve a demonic binding to him.
• You curse him out again and try to attack him in his bed. But the Lundström pull you back escort you to your cell. Lucifer calling out your praises as you go.
• You’re fed the highest class food. It doesn’t matter what you prefer since Lucifer claims “You deserve the best”
• You also get a lot of gifts like clothing and furniture. Nothing dangerous or sharp though, Cant let you getting hurt.
• If you get close to anyone but him or maybe Homare he will not hesitate. He’s jealous and will order their death, Sometimes he’ll do it himself depending on the situation.
• Health check-ups daily. Human beings are fragile and if you died he doesn’t think he could go on without the one thing that numbs his pain. 
• Unfortunately enough you’re being taken care of by a greasy little doctor Geodinn. Of whom sucks up to you even though you can tell its an act
• If you do manage to escape he will go on a rampage. It’ll be the blue night pt2. He doesn’t care who he kills or what he destroys, Only calmed when your back with him.
• Besides. His siblings as well as all their lower class demons would be on high alert, Its impossible.
• He’s always in bedrest and it annoys him. He can’t spend as much time as he wants to with you and his rotting body wont let him.
• Sometimes when he misses you too much he’ll get Homare to drag you in and lie with him. He likes holding you to your displeasure, Its the only thing that takes away his constant pain
• When his body is new however he makes it count.
• He takes you out on little trips in preparation for your wedding.
• Him, Homare and a group of his most trusted men take you dress shopping. They make you try on a shit ton until Lucifer and you find the perfect one. You both must be in agreement.
• You try to escape but you are instantly caught by Homare and co. Who drag you back to a disappointed and confused Lucifer.
• He still doesn’t understand why you’d want to leave. You’re both in love, Right?
• He takes you out to the final shop. A jewellers where he alone picks out the ring. A silver ring with a diamond centrepiece (Also one that he made a demon under him possess to tell him your location at all times)
• Afterwards its basically time for your big day. His at least, Lucifer is overjoyed and excited for once in his life.
• You walk down the isle with a veil to cover your distraught and defeated face all while carrying a bouquet of white roses. It’s a massive cathedral. The entirety of the Illuminati is there along with his siblings..
• Once you reach the altar, Lucifer is standing there in his full military uniform. For once his expression doesn’t look mechanical and dead, It has life now and his eyes look at you with an organic gleam.
• Iblis, Egyn and Astaroth are standing off to the side. They’re very confused but they don’t question him.
• Iblis thinks its cute. Egyn is confused and Astaroth just got here
• Shima is near the front row and is currently on FaceTime with Mephisto, Whose hysterical and laughing to high hell at what’s happening.
• Homare is ordaining the ceremony. She says her part and then Egyn comes up with the rings as well as a contract.
• Lucifer lifts your veil. He hands you the contract with a pen and urges you to sign it.
• You have no other choice. You sign the paper while trying not to cry. The deal is done, You’re unable to leave entirely now
• He leans down and kisses you as the crowd goes wild cheering. Through the noise you can hear him say one last thing.
• “You look absolutely stunning.. Once I get a working body and once you become a demon eater.. I hope to see you like this for the rest of time..”
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rosewaterandivy · 10 months
murder on the dancefloor
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summary: eddie and princess see Saltburn
pairing: e.m. x film teacher!reader
warnings: cursing, tomfoolery, potential spoilers for the film (idk it’s vague), you can view the trailer here
a/n: consider this my ringing endorsement for any emerald fennell film - her brain is just 🤯
series m.list | playlist | currently spinning:
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Eddie was positively buzzing.
Not even the little shits in Jazz 1 could ruin his day, not today.
You had scored tickets to a pre-screening of Saltburn followed by a Q & A with the director; it was only his most anticipated film of the year, no big deal. Never mind that you’d already seen it with your students at the film festival in October. Of course, your advanced classes loved it, the animation students, however, were wholly unprepared.
“What the fuck,” was the refrain of a few more sheltered students for the duration of the festival.
Sadly, ever since news of your relationship became public (no thanks to Harrington and his big mouth), Hopper put his foot down as far as Eddie’s chaperoning duties were concerned.
“Absolutely not Munson.”
“C’mon chief,” Eddie sighed in Hopper’s office, “I did the film festival trip last year and it was completely fine. Half the kids are in my classes anyway. Plus, I already did the transportation training and everything.”
Hopper stares at him blankly, “Congrats on doing the bare minimum.” He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, “Look, I like having a qualified film teacher with real world experience, d’you know how difficult that is to find?”
Well, Eddie certainly can’t argue with that.
“And I assume you like her as well?”
“The fact of the matter is, you two weren’t an item last year but you are now.”
Eddie briefly hearkens back to last year, and, true, the pair of you weren’t exactly an item, but you definitely weren’t ascetics either. Not that Hopper needs to know that, of course.
“And you know how difficult it was with Harrington and Trouble.” He sighs, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’d rather not live through that experience again, if I can help it. So, no dice.”
Eddie resigned himself to his fate: no chaperoning of film activities and the same went for you with jazz ensemble. (“Right,” you snorted at the news, “Like I’d ever be caught dead with those nerds.”)
But that was then and this is now.
So when Wheeler, the little shit, asks while putting up his instrument, “What’s got you in such a good mood today Mr. M.?” The last thing Eddie wants to do is respond.
The rest of the day unfolds in much the same way— too many bathroom passes for no goddamn reason, students asking him inane questions instead of listening to directions, and the Hellfire kids getting on his last nerve.
“And then, after this campaign—” Dustin rambles on while Eddie suffers through afternoon bus duty. He’s got his sunglasses on in an attempt to block the late autumn sun, kids are hanging out of bus windows to wave at their friends and he really wishes the bus drivers would lurch forward, just a little, purely to keep things interesting.
Besides, it’s not like most of the kids couldn’t do with a good knock to the head.
Anyway, he’s essentially ignoring Dustin at this point, besides he can critique the finer details of his campaign later. He’s been glued to Eddie’s side since the final bell, and Eddie’s been counting down the minutes to 4:30 so he can get the hell out of dodge.
princess 👸: hey stud, how’s it going?
wild thing 😜: eh, the usual.
princess 👸: you’ve been quiet in the chat today.
wild thing 😜: kids were annoying today. plus i can see trouble and steve argue back at home.
princess 👸: lucky you, i wouldn’t know anything about that - we were watching quality cinema.
wild thing 😜: bladerunner?
princess 👸: uh, doi. meet you at the theater, say 6:30 ish?
wild thing 😜: it’s a date.
He opens up the group chat to see what he missed— mostly memes from Steve, Trouble arguing the finer points of a prank with Robin (it can’t be either a feather in their shoe or hitting them with a ski, bucks. there’s an art to it, a happy medium if you will.), and Nancy telling everyone to get back to work and stop bothering her.
The last bus finally pulls away from the school, bringing an end to his afternoon duty. Pocketing his phone, he claps Dustin on the shoulder and the teen halts his rambling. “Sounds good kid, but I gotta bounce.”
“Why, you gotta hot date or something?”
Eddie huffs a laugh, “Sure, let’s go with that.”
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The theater is positively packed.
You met him at the bar, already having ordered his preferred stout and a drink for yourself. It had been a hectic few weeks, what with your film festival trip and the jazz competitions on the weekends, Eddie hadn’t had the opportunity to see you outside of work.
But your outfit more than made up for it, you looked down right delectable. Those ripped jeans that he adored because if he sat to your right, he could easily slip his hand through the tear at your thigh, a cropped ‘Directed by Stanley Kubrick’ shirt, and your usual black docs. Leaning against the bar to chat with the bartender, you didn’t even notice him approach until Eddie’s hand wrapped around your hip.
“Hey now,” He says with a smile, rings cool against the bit of skin above the rise of your jeans.
Smiling and ducking your chin bashfully you take a sip from your drink, “Hey now.” Your free hand finds his, tangling your finger together, “Got your usual,” you nod toward the drink on the bartop.
“Thanks, doll,” He drags you closer by the belt loops, “How’s the arm?”
You glance toward your left arm, turning it to brandish your newest acquisition. An addition to your horror sleeve, Ada from Lamb, complete with her coat and flowercrown, looking damn adorable. You’d justified it as being worthy as an example of folk-horror and had sat for the tattoo after your return from the film festival.
“Eh, still healing at the elbow crease, but other than that she’s good.”
He nods taking a sip from his beer. “She looks it.”
Making idle conversation until the theater opens up, you fill him in on the goings on of the film students: Reese was out sick again (“Another kidney stone. I swear to god, that girl needs to drink some actual water instead of those shitty energy drinks.”), practicum had somehow lost their footage for their competition film (“Not my problem, they know better by now.”), and team-building with Minecraft.
Eventually, you drift toward the theater and take your seats. You’re quick to shuck the flannel you’d been sporting around your waist, “You left this at mine, by the way.”
“Is that so?”
“You sly fuck,” you chuckle, setting it in your lap, “You think you’re really somethin’, huh?”
“Uh, I don’t think so, I know so sweetheart.”
“Right, right,” you play along, “When will the government stop you? No one man should have all this power.” You gesture vaguely to his, well, everything.
The lights dim in the theater and the audience falls to a hush. Eddie holds your hand across the armrest, your fingers playing with his rings every so often. You’d been characteristically mum about Saltburn, other than saying he’d love it because “you’re a freak like me, just go with it.” Had even roped the kids into stonewalling him too, even El and Will would not crack for love or money.
To be fair, you had seen some fucked up shit in your time— Salo, Audition, anything Cronenberg, Cannibal Holocaust, and then you’d accidentally saw that snuff film one time and needed a full 24 hours to recover from the shame of it all. You’re generally one of the few able to give him a run for his money, though his movie tastes tended to gravitate toward horror and cult classics. The common ground between you was Stanley Kubrick’s work, the final nail in the coffin being the Christmas Eve showing of Eyes Wide Shut you’d invited him to, promptly fucking his brains out afteward.
Considering that the preshow offerings ranged from 2006 Britpop music videos played in between previews from Remains of the Day, The Servant, Parasite, and Cruel Intentions, he was thinking this weekend would play out similarly to that night. And he did not mind one bit.
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“So,” you coyly ask afterward, pinkie looped through his as you walk out of the theater, “Tell me your thoughts Munson,” a tantalizing bite to your full bottom lip, “Are you more of a bathtub drain, vampire, or grave dirt kind of guy?”
“That is so out of pocket, babe,” He laughs, slinging an arm over your shoulder, “Because you,” he thumbs at your nose, “Already know the answer to that.”
You hum contendly, unclipping the keys from your beltloop. “So, all of the above then? Good choice.”
“Yeah? I thought so.” He pulls you close for a kiss, crashing his lips over yours, sliding his tongue— sweet and heavy with promise into the space of your mouth. Everything is hot, burning like coals against his skin. Your breath, lips, chest, and legs pressed so temptingly against him— even the little pads of your fingertips scorch right through him.
Eddie hisses when your nails dig into his back, scratching down until you reach the sliver of skin at the base of his spine, fingers trailing against the juts of bone there.
He gasps when you pull back with a dreamy sigh, and you look up at him in a daze. “So, you have competitions this weekend?” you ask, tongue darting out to wet your lips.
“Unfortunately,” Eddie says with a wince. “Can’t give you the whole tour of pound town tonight, darlin’, we leave early tomorrow moring.”
“Ugh,” your head falls to his chest as your arms wrap around his waist giving a tight squeeze, “Well, in that case, be safe.”
“Be good.”
“Ha,” you say stepping back, “Miss me with that bullshit.”
Eddie laughs, “Yeah, in my fuckin’ dreams, right? You’re a disaster.”
At that, you merely stick out your tongue and cross your eyes before slipping into your car. You wave before pulling out of the parking lot.
Later, back at the loft, Eddie texts you already knowing you’re more than likely already asleep.
wild thing 😜: i’d gladly guzzle your bathwater any day babe, ay yo lemme slurp that good good
princess 👸: says the guy so far up my ass, he’s coming out of my mouth…
wild thing 😜: not quite sweetheart, but that can def be arranged
princess 👸: you’re a fucking idiot, go to bed assclown 😘
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aerscribbles · 1 month
What Video Games I Think The Cast Of TGCF Would Play:
(long under the cut)
Xie Lian: Ultrakill. Devil May Cry. Neon White. Bayonetta. Anything fast paced, skill based and violent will do. He would play every Soulslike Fromsoft game, at first for the challenge and later for the emotional catharsis. Speaking of Fromsoft, he would absolutely adore the Armored Core series. Give the weapons freak a customizable mecha, please.
Hua Cheng: Dating sims, to practice his seduction skills in a simulated environment through a proxy character. Then he would figure out he enjoys the Visual Novel format in general, and go through just about every one of them in existence. He would also play a lot of Animal Crossing-like games. Ghost City is just his animal crossing village.
Feng Xin: Ye olde Legend of Zelda. All of them. Classical RPGs in general. He would enjoy a structured experience with juuuust the right amount of freedom. He likes knowing what to do and where to go but having some amount of choice in how he gets there.
Mu Qing: Fromsoft Soulslikes, purely for the emotional catharsis. I think it would either fix him or make him worse.
He Xuan: Rougelikes and weird artsy shit. The former can become a kind of 'turn emotions brain off logic/violence brain gets to drive' experience, and for the latter, well, fishboy is a loser nerd (affectionate) (saying this as a bit of loser nerd myself). Also heavily modded Skyrim.
Shi Qingxuan: Gatcha games. Look, they have disposable income and a fondness for pretty things. They would. After the... Blackwater Incident, they would get really into MMORPGs, playing as support- a way to have social interactions the way they used to, being powerful, beautiful, loved and needed.
Shi Wudu: Only plays viddy games socially. Allegedly. In reality he does play video games, just really really old ones. Heroes of Might and Magic, the older Civ entries, stuff like that. Would also the spreadsheet hell game (World of Warcraft). Generally regards video games as a complete and utter waste of time.
Pei Ming: Aside from the obvious visual novels IYKYK, he would have a great time with MMOs.
Ling Wen: Give this lady some nice and bloody fighting games, to unwind from being the sysadmin-in-chief for a massive organization while being unable to punch any of her coworkers. She would probably also enjoy the highly technical aspect of speedrunning.
Yin Yu: Puzzle games, platformers, puzzle platformers. The more brain-meltingly hard the better. The Witness. Baba Is You. Celeste. Return of the Obra Dinn. Portal. Hollow Knight. Little Nightmares. Outer Wilds. I think his favorite game ever would be Stray. IDK he's catboy coded.
Quan Yizhen: An absolute relic of a doom copy, given to him by Shixiong to keep him occupied ages ago. Would pick up some other games post-canon, probably playing co-op with Xie Lian.
Yushi Huang: Strategy games, to keep herself sharp.
Mei Nianqing: FTP gatcha phone games. Gambling addict, keeps things portable.
Jun Wu: Before/during canon, nothing. Post-canon, anything, as long as it's co-op with Mei Nianqing.
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strawberry-cowgomooo · 6 months
Just Like Their Dog
The Just Like Their Dog, 10 Gen Legacy is based on 10 different dog breeds. Each generation has to have that type of dog in their household at all times. Complete the challenges, take care of your dog, and max out friendship with them. And most importantly, have fun!
Use Hashtag: #JustLikeTheirDogChallenge
Gen 1 Golden Retriever Complete Super Parent Aspiration Complete Fish Collection Max Fishing Skill Max Parenting Skill Must Have A Pool On Lot Must Host A Pool Party Every Week Traits: Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Slob
Gen 2 Border Collie Complete Freelance Botanist Aspiration Complete Frog Collection Max Gardening Skill Max Herbalism Max Cross-Stitching Must Can Must Own A Farm Must Live Off-The-Grid Must Have Simple Living Traits: Loves outdoors, Animal Enthusiasts, Active
Gen 3 Husky Complete Musical Genius Aspiration Max Entertainer Career, Musician Branch Max Singing Max Guitar Max Piano Max Violin Max Dancing Date A Coworker Leave Them at the Altar Have A Random Hookup At A Bar/Nightclub And Find Out Your Pregnant Move In You Parents To Help Raise The Baby Traits: Music Lover, Family-Oriented, Party Animal
Gen 4 German Shorthaired Pointer Complete Bodybuilder Aspiration Complete Feather Collection Max Athlete Career Max Fitness Skill Max Comedy Skill Must Have An At-Home Gym Marry Someone You Met At  Bar Have A House Party Every Week Traits: Active, Loyal, Goofball
Gen 5 German Shepherd Complete Friend Of The World Aspiration Complete Fossil Collection Max Cop Career Max Charisma Max Comedy Max Fitness Be Engaged To Someone Be Left At The Altar Marry A Co-Worker Traits: Active, Outgoing, Bro
Gen 6 Corgi Complete Romantic Explorer Aspiration Complete Axolotl Collection Max Romance Consultant Career Max Painting Max Knitting Max Romancing Must Host A Dinner Party Every Week Must Marry An Elder Right After High School Elder Must Live In A Mansion Marry For True Love After Your First Spouse Dies Of Natural Causes Traits: Lazy, Lovebug, Outgoing
Gen7 Chihuahua Complete Serial Romantic Aspiration Complete Crystal Collection Complete Metal Collection Max Charisma Max Debate Max Wellness Max Gemology Marry High School-Sweetheart Must Have Married Three Times, Each Spouse Must Die Before Remarrying Have At Least One Child In Each Marriage Have Little To No Relationship With Your Children Traits: Noncommittal, Hot-Headed, Overachiever
Gen 8 Pitbull Complete Chief of Mischief Aspiration Complete My Sims Trophies Collection Max Mischief Skill Max Video Gaming Max Programming Skill Max Criminal Career, Oracle Branch Marry Your Neighbor Who Is A Secret Agent Once You Reach The Top Of The Career, Quit and Become A Full Time Parent Traits: Socially Awkward, Geek, Loyal
Gen 9 Schnauzer Complete Master Chief Aspiration Reach Level 8 Of Chief Career Before Quitting And Opening Your Own Restaurant Marry Your First Love They Pass Away, Never Marry Again Max Cooking Max Gourmet Cooking Max Mixology Max Baking Have A Dinner Party Every Week Have Restaurant Reach 5 Stars When Spouse Passes, Change Romantic Trait To Gloomy Traits: Foodie, Romantic/Gloomy, Glutton
Gen 10 Poodles Complete Master Actor Aspiration Complete Postcard Collection Complete Poster Collection Complete Snow Globe Collection Max Acting Career Max Acting Skill Max Charisma Skill Must Have A Sauna On Lot Must Have A BFF That Moves In With Them Have One Enemy In The Acting World Traits: Self-absorbed, High Maintenance, Perfectionist
I hope you enjoy the challenge! If you want to play them in a different order, feel free to do it! I just set them up this way to make it flow easier in a story telling way, but have fun!
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dogmanincorrectquotes · 6 months
Do You do headcanons if so what are your headcanons. Some of mine(mostly for petey cause hes my spirit anime) are: peteys an aroace level 1 autistic,Molly definently bullys little kids on roblox,flippy and petey would def be drinking buddys,petey has insomnia that keeps him up all night were he questions his life's choices,dogman has the mine of a dog and isn't capable of human consent whichi why I don't ship him with anyone,lil petey can draw hands,sarah and yolay are dating
Those are some interesting ones! Thanks for sharing them, def going to accept some of those (especially the Petey insomniac one)
Here are some of mine below the break:
- Petey can swim, but Li’l Petey can’t. The former learned how to swim soon after the vaccum cleaner incident (from the first book), but only because he didn’t want to nearly drown again.
- ‘Molly’ is a nickname. Her real name is Margaret, but she hates that ridiculously long name with her guts.
- Grampa wanted to name Petey after himself, but Grace argued for for the name "Peter", with Petey as a nickname. Even after, Grampa still calls his son Junior because of resemblance.
- Big Jim and Petey are very distant cousins. (I've had this hc long before Scarlet Shedder released)
- Sarah and Zuzu met in passing after the latter bumped into the former during the Mutt-Masher scene in the first book. Sarah took a liking to the poodle, and then adopted her in the next book.
- Melvin used to keep a list of all his siblings’ names, and cross each one off the list when they got their first timeout. (He was ecstatic when the last one was crossed out)
- Adding to the above, Molly got her timeout after the infamous Chip-Dip Incident; afterwards, Molly made the frogs swear they’d never speak of it again. Because of said incident, Flippy no longer buys chip dip for the frogs.
- Even though Knight would screw up a lot in Chief’s presence, they were close friends before the former’s death - rip :’(
- There is a Captain Underpants cartoon (possibly TETOCU?) existent in the universe - this stems from the (canon!) fact that LP learned to draw from cartoons, saying this while doodling CU.
- Molly came to Petey lab in Mothering Heights with the intention of working on Squid Kid and Katydid with LP (and they actually did - whenever they took a break, they made song parodies)
- As an anthropomorphic cat in the DM universe gets older, they lose some fur, especially around their paws. So Li’l Petey actually does have fingers/an opposable thumb; they're just covered by mass amounts of fur.
- Both Officer Knight and Greg had heterochromia, the former with blue-green and the latter with brown-blue. (By extent, doggy man has it too)
- Petey used to be quite the doodler as a kitten, until something involving Grampa happened (screw you Grampa >:/)
- A bajillionth reason to hate Grampa; the motor brain was Petey’s idea, but it was a blueprint when the former raided the latter’s house. Grampa had changed most of its design so he couldn’t be sued. (That doesn’t mean he won’t be sued though haha)
- Grampa found Grace’s ukulele while raiding Petey’s house. Since he didn’t want it, he stuffed it somewhere Petey wouldn’t think to look, which is why Petey thought he lost it.
- Frida (who was noted to have designed the frogs in Baby Frog Squad) designed CC after Molly, at the latter’s suggestion.
And a wholesome one to close out: both of the Peteys love strawberry ice cream :)
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emchant3d · 8 months
okay em you KNOW i’m gonna ask about farmer’s son steve
AMANDA hiii i thought you might be into this one 💕
I have some stuff written for this but of course, my angst brain took over and I've only written the deeply upsetting and sad scenes, so instead of a snip I'm gonna give a little blurb about this one:
Hawkins is a small town in the south. Former police chief Hopper retired a few years ago when he adopted his daughter El and bought an old farm, wanting to give her a steady life and a father who was home. A few years later the Harringtons are in an accident - only the son survives. No relatives, no nearby family, and so Hopper volunteers - he'll take the boy in, adopt him like he did El. Steve's only around 14 or so, young enough to need a steady parental presence in his life, which is something he's never had before to begin with, really.
It's rough going in the beginning because of course it is - Hopper is VERY different than Steve's parents, Steve's horribly traumatized by the accident, but it turns out he really does enjoy the farm. He likes the hard work. He likes the animals. He likes sitting in silence with El and pulling funny faces behind Hopper's back to make her laugh.
And Hopper's good to him. Hopper takes care of him like Steve is his own. Loves him, supports him in his gruff way, calls him 'son' and is at all his basketball games, at all his swim meets. Gets him help with his dyslexia. Makes it known under no uncertain terms that he has a home here, no matter what. Tells him he loves him with no expectations and no stipulations, which is something Steve's never had. His parents' love was always conditional. Hopper and El's is absolutely not.
All this to say he grows into a hardworking strong farm boy who loves sports and loves his family, calls El his little sister, is pretty comfortable in the fact that he likes men and women (and any and all in between, once he learns about that too) and when Hopper's friend Wayne says his nephew Eddie can give El those guitar lessons Hopper's been trying to find, Steve is waiting on the big wraparound porch with his arms crossed, crop top stretched thin over his chest, smiling lazily with his hip cocked like the worst and best thing Eddie's ever seen in his goddamn life.
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iammefrfr · 2 years
Ma Tsu’tey
Desc: sneak peak of first possible story? Reader is met’kayina
“tsu’tey, omaticaya’s finest warrior will be your guide on this journey and task, Y/N.” Tu’waori, your father reasoned with you, searching your eyes for any sort of understanding
“Father, with all due respect I don’t want to fly for a week straight!— especially with a stranger! Nor do I want to be away for so long! It’s ridiculous!” Your voice boomed, you were pissed.
You’d be leaving your home, the only place you’d known since birth — to go to omaticaya, for years.
“Well it has already been decided, and it is your duty, as a princess, to seek that you do what’s in the best interest for your people!” He spat.
Just as you were about to open your mouth — and probably say something you’d end up regretting, Tonowari placed his hand on yours, giving you a pleading look. Your lips smacked back together, nodding to your father with closed eyes before exiting the room.
You’d never asked to be born as the chiefs daughter, or a princess — but here you were. It wasn’t bad, you were admired by the younger females in the clan and sought after by the males.
Not to mention your way with the animals, how they swam to you every time you went out to harvest or catch fish, both people and animals would enjoy merely your presence.
But it got exhausting having such high standards, being a role model and Met’kayina’s princess. The people demanded so little of you, yet your parents made it seem otherwise.
Just as you stepped outside, the arrival horns began to play. A giant flying-beast crossed the reef, with a forest Na’vi atop. Your people began to swim and run to shore, trying to see what exactly was going on. A young one tugged on your hand, causing you to look down at her.
“Who is that, Y/N?” Her big eyes searched yours for an answer, but all the resided was fear and confusion. “I do not know, child.”
You held out your arms to her, picking her up and holding her on your hip. She was obviously frightened by the beast.
You watched as your father and tonowari stepped out behind you. “Your leaving today, Y/N” your brother gave you a pitiful look, with a hand on your shoulder. “What? Why didn’t you tell me? I mean — I haven’t even packed!?” You glared at your father, panicking just the slightest.”
When the creature landed, his wings had sent a whirl of sand flying everywhere. You instinctively covered the child’s face, leaning her away from the flying sand. As soon as it settled, you placed her down and watched as she ran to her mother.
“I am here to guide Y/N back to omaticaya, and show her the way of the forests.” The male announced, his voice was strong and so was his eye contact with your father, his head held high.
“You heard him Y/N, we had your stuff packed for you.” Tu’waori spoke, signaling tonowari to give you your bags.
“I guess this is farewell, I will return one day.” You announced to your people. “Brother — you nodded at him, “father” you walked up to your mom and wrapped your arm around her.
“Te txasunu sa’nok” (I love you greatly, mother.)
You turned and handed your bags to Tsu’tey, to which he attached to the creatures zawsena. You began trying to climb your way atop of the creature, much to its dismay. Your actions caused it discomfort, and Tsu’tey felt it.
“ma y/n, let me help.” Tsu’tey lightly tapped your leg before hauling you up by your thighs. “It will be easier to fly infront.” He explained before going back to his stoic state.
Your people waved bye as the creature began to fly, some going as far to swim to the reef’s barrier, seeing you off.
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