#i love you cairngorm
pemprika · 1 year
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💫 the IPSEITY pin collection in full! 💫
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fastasyoucan1999 · 21 days
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
Welegato isn't actually a trans-woman cuz she's a trans-lunarian thank you very much
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We love to see her using the Lunarian gendered bathroom- i mean ship <333
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yogurtlid10000 · 7 days
Big ass collection of my favorite phos and cairngorm moments throughout HNK
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silly!! i think their relationship and banter is highly underrated
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guh i love phos and cairngorm and i love how phos goes through sooo many changes tghroughout their time with gormie and for once has a stable partner who doesnt like die immediately cough
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at the same time i know cairngorms annoyance(idk a good word) at phos constantly getting themsleves hurt is played off as humorous but i think cairngorm is genuienly upset
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THIS is so random and realy funny WHY are they stnading like that
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i really wish we got to see more of cairngorm with lapis lazuli
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cairngorm has said "what are you even on about" twice so thats 2 nickels
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this is the arc where we get into my favorite cairngorm and phos designs. moon phos and normal cairngorm idk they are so fun to draw
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Cairngorm sleeps with shiro plushies which is so cute. Also the fact that they wouldn't have gone to the moon if not for phos like NEEDING to rely on gormie for so much and literally begging them to go, they might not have... um. encountered aechmea and yk what happens GUH PHOS ! !
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SO BASICALLY phos got cairngorm to go with them. They explicitly said they dont want to. bro i guess phos eventually convinved them. or maybe it was because of ghost. or maybe lapis. I find it interesting that cairngorm was so devoted to listening to their "ghost" and protecting phos but then when lapis comes in they are more focused on lapis? and also more tired?
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And then... the moon and thats basically it for their interactions that i LIKE after that. but yea, defintiley my favorite phos relationship
there is ONE flashback cairngorm has on the moon:
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its kinda just sad tho i keep forgetting this exists because u can see in their water relfection, ghost standing behind cairngorm
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iheartfrogs1904 · 11 months
One of my most favourite pieces of media has to be houseki no kuni. It shows such a disgustingly sad story with such BEAUTIFUL visuals and writing. Something I find about my favourite pieces of art is when it tells a story starting off with nothing, or with something underlying you could only have known was another piece to the puzzle after it’s been revealed to you, like attack on Titan. Anyone who’s read houseki no kuni knows what I’m talking about, it starts off with knowing nothing, literally in the pov of Phos being as ‘ignorant’ as them and all that. What I think sets it off from the rest is that throughout the story, the other characters don’t seem to emotionally or mentally change the way Phos does. Aechmea designing and using Phos as a puppet, breaking and moulding them into an empathetic, sapient being. The way everyone had accepted Phos’ fate to become the one to leave behind, them having no regard for how Phos would feel or even apologize for how they treated them shows the huge lack of humanity of them all, shows why it needed to be Phos to be the one to stay behind too, because they did genuinely care for others. The way the others treated each other could have come off as caring but at the end of the day it was so superficial, especially with the way we can see their relationships develop from being divided to all living on the moon together to being prayed away, it was all surface level, even after a millennia they all lacked empathy, EVEN DIAMOND. The way the diamonds mirror society in how our value is how we contribute to it is taken to an extreme in this story, the other gems genuinely not caring if Phos could have died when they got swallowed by that creature because of how easily they broke, similar to Cinnibar.
I actually love how when Cinnibar is finally accepted they are completely devoted to helping a cause they know nothing about, not caring about what Phos had to say because they were finally accepted into the society they had never been a part of. The one person that showed them empathy, they would not listen to because of how low their self worth and esteem was, mirroring how someone whose climbed their way to the top from the bottom seeing themselves as a pig with lipstick on, for Cinnibar it genuinely coming from a way of thinking about their society and not them actually feeling anything. If they felt something, you would at least be shown that turmoil, but Cinnibar, just like the others is not an empathetic person.
Anyway, on the topic of empathy the fact that the gems didn’t seem to be emotionally affected when Phos attacked the island with the other gems as well again shows their lack of it. They just buried Phos and went about everything as it was, being able to carry on and not carrying any vendettas or anything, always just indifference. You are never shown any major inner turmoil of the other gems, maybe a bit of questioning or slight sadness but never any pure raw emotion. Even earlier in the series where other gems disappear to the moon, they’re sad but never in deep disparity, always close to humanity but never actually experiencing it except for Phos, or maybe Antarc too, maybe that’s why they were so easily replaced by Cairngorm, who knows.
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king-paimon · 2 months
I've read up on your blog through a lot of Houseki no Kuni's manga. I liked your analysis though I gotta say come the last chapters, specifically since chapter 95, I didn't always agree with them.
I didn't need the end to be happy sunshine and rainbows, or the opposite, for Phos to go all revenge monster on the gems either. But at the end there, I felt like we all just accepted everything Ichikawa threw at us with no criticism, all that torture flattening the narrative's nuance, and if I didn't like it, I was seeing it through the wrong angle.
I know you don't act like that, which I appreciate. Throught all your reviews, you expressed understanding on why so many people disliked the story. Thank you for that, thank you for not being judgemental. And I'm glad you enjoyed the ride.
I just couldn't help but feel like so many story threads were left lose, and so many complete 180°s were thrown that didn't match the story or it's characters. Some people described it as a self-sabotaged narrative, and I see it. It wasn't enough to give me catharsis - especially with the character set up as the villain getting everything he wanted.
I guess I just had higher standards, which the story didn't meet. That is not a bad thing, after all.
I think my biggest gripe is with how Cairngorm's character was handled, and I'd like to include this here. The ambiguity of their predatory relationship was in poor taste, and remained unaddressed. I can see why so many of my friends left the series when that plot point happened. They deserved better.
Hi @intoxtinction! Thank you for sending me this message and sorry that it took me so long to finally respond. Real life has been kicking my butt and free time to do anything on here is a rarity. But I still wanted to write a response to you because I really loved your response! And yes, I saw the comment you left on my last HnK meta post. You're good; don't worry about it!
Thank you again for your kind words. I'm glad that you like my posts, even if they sometimes become long, nonsensical rambles and especially if you don't agree with some of my points! I love that. Whenever I wrote my posts, I always try to keep an open mind and take into account that all fans are different and would have different views when it comes to works works like HnK. As far as I can see, HnK is one of those works that is supposed to draw up conversations because it's not a simple, straight forward story with clear distinction between black/white moral characters. Everyone who reads it is going to view the events in the story differently based on their own beliefs and even if everyone's views conflict with one another, I think it's fascinating and even wonderful. So even if I may not agree with some fans when it comes to certain aspects of HnK, I never hold it against them. I don't want to demonize anyone for how they interpret the story, at least not too harshly anyways. I know when I'm biased, but I don't let that stop me from at least trying to understand where other fans are coming from. HnK was such a fascinatingly complex and unconventional story, and the fact that it can spur many views and feelings from people is one of the reasons whyI liked the series.
With that being said, however, I also think it's important to be open to properly critique our favorite works. HnK is not immune from these critiques, because for as much as I enjoyed following the story over the past couple of years, there are many aspects in the overall story that were far from satisfying. So many loose ends, incomplete character arches, and questionable story decisions... After being away from the story for some time now, it's become more apparent that there were many aspects to the HnK that has me question Haruko Ichikawa's story telling abilities. Don't get me wrong, she's shown to be a very fascinating storyteller and I overall liked what she created. But when it comes to the incomplete story threads for all of the other characters besides Phos, I can't tell if some of Ms. Ichikawa's decisions were intentionally left up for interpretation or if their stories were just not important to complete since at the end of the day, HnK is about Phos's story. One of these decisions I question the most about is Cairngorm's story arch, so I couldn't agree more with you, @intoxtinction. Cairngorm was done dirty in so many ways and they deserved a more satisfying ending to their story.
I was planning on writing two last posts that would be focusing on these topics. But because life has been kicking my butt too much lately, I don't know when they will be out, if at all at this point. But if I'm able to complete them, I hope you'll get the chance to read them and share your own thought. And again, it's totally fine if you don't agree with my points; I'd still love to read them!
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lovemedeadwrites · 1 year
Can I request a yandere padparadscha with a gem s/o?
Hello!!! This isn’t exactly a one shot, sorry this took so long! Also this has spoilers for the Moon arc
You’re not really sure why someone like Padparadscha liked you, you were weaker than he was, little to no past ties and connection like what he had with Rutile.
Perhaps he liked you for that, while you weren’t really anything special from your fellow gems, you didn’t treat him like he was different, or obsess over him and his health like Rutile did. You remembered having spoken to him, once, twice, thrice in the times he would be waking up from the inclusions Rutile inserted into gaps of his torso and recalling those conversations to be comfortable, welcoming even. If there was one thing you wanted for him, it was to wish him well.
Maybe that’s why he liked you so much, he feels on equal terms with you, and the lack of obsession you have for him certainly helps. If anything it’s him that’s obsessed with you, for whatever reason. Sometimes his sleepiness, while usually paired with acceptance and surrender to the condition he knows he can never be cured of, he desires for you to be with him in his slumber.
It’s intrusive in the way he thinks, he wants your gems to crush and mold together with his, perhaps your pieces would serve to complete him, have your inclusions be one with his and not be rejected by the choosiness of his body, the red of his hair covering your field of vision and you see nothing more than just him. He knows he can protect you just fine too.
Padparadscha doesn’t quite understand love the same way humans or lunarians do, much like any other gem like yourself. Gems do not have a beating heart, but he finally understood what he wanted more than the initial desires he had when he had seen Aechmea marry Cairngorm on the moon.
It’s such a shame he can’t quite kiss you the same way he saw their wedding go, not without accidentally breaking you anyways.
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Local Lens Scotland with Ewan & Colin McGregor
Ewan McGregor is coming home. This special episode of Local Lens, where the actor, director and goodwill ambassador reconnects with his brother, Colin, a former Royal Air Force fighter pilot turned instructor, in their homeland in the Scottish Highlands.
Ewan McGregor and his RAF fighter-pilot brother Colin take the trip they always dreamed of in the latest Local Lens episode directed by Stuart McIntyre, produced by production company Somesuch and serviced by production partner LS Productions.​
‘Ewan McGregor: A Brothers’ Guide to Scotland’ The chance to explore the Highlands, where they holidayed with their family as young boys, presented itself via Expedia’s Local Lens video series, and they seized it. The backdrop of the Cairngorms' lush mountains, shimmering lochs, and the majestic trees of The Hermitage forest, the brothers embark on a nostalgic adventure in search of the northern lights—a trip complete with laughs, memories, music, and sheep.
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Ewan McGregor and Colin McGregor after taking to the skies over Scotland in an RAF Tornado jet. DAVID CHESKIN - PA IMAGES/PA IMAGES/GETTY
Produced by Somesuch for Expedia’s Local Lens series, the episode follows the pair as they travel from Colin’s home in Elgin, 175 miles north of Edinburgh, to the Scottish highlands in search of the northern lights.
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​A love of adventure was a force bred strong in the brothers on childhood forays around their home country, forging an intimate bond. As Ewan says now, “When you know someone as well as your brother, you don’t need words.” They would take road trips with their parents, go hill-climbing, vacation on rugged Scottish beaches, and immerse themselves in water so unfathomably cold it fired them up for the rest of the day. “A lot of my memories are of us scrambling across cliffs and looking in rock pools,” says Ewan. “There’s a freedom about being a kid in this rugged, weathered landscape that’s just fantastic.”
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A picnic stop reminds them of childhood: “Then, it was a white roll with one lopsided cheese slice”
The weekend’s adventure across the Cairngorms is no less memorable. Watch as Stuart candidly captures the pair as they bicker. Get nostalgic. Get side tracked. Even have a mishap with sheep and take a dip in a friend’s freezing loch. They stop for fuel and Tunnock’s teacakes, an iconic Scottish chocolate-and-marshmallow snack that transports them back to their childhoods. They have moments of awestruck silence and absolute solitude. But most of all, the episode touchingly records the brothers as they reconnect with each other—and with the spectacular, otherworldly terrain they grew up surrounded by.
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The Cairngorms mountain range contains five of the six highest mountains in Scotland. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
Stuart McIntyre a Canadian director. Recognised for his reverent depiction of sport and natural rapport with high-profile talent, his work is an exhilarating, high-octane style of realism.
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The brothers emphasised spending some time in the great outdoors, hanging out with some friendly local farm animals, hiking through the Hermitage Forest, and trying to catch an elusive glimpse of the Northern Lights. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Guests at the Ewe Bar can expect live music and a jovial, classic pub atmosphere. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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The quaint one-bedroom cottage features a soaking tub, a fireplace, a zip line, and a fire pit. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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"It's a very old, sort of rambly house, and the design of it is beautiful, very rustic and real," McGregor says of the Dell Cottage, where he stayed during the trip. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
I love that they were making this video. This is the best one yet from Scotland. One’s a Hollywood star, the other a fighter pilot. But these famous brothers, have one key characteristic in common. Take in the majestic sights and sounds of the McGregor brothers’ adventure through the magnificent Highlands, on a voyage underpinned by childhood memories and encompassing the true and natural warmth and wit of Scotland. Jumping into lochs. Congrats to Colin and Ewan and Expedia Group who brought this wonderful film to life.
#Scotland #ColinMcGregor #EwanMcGregor McGregorbrothers #Highlands #ExpediaGroup #childhoodmemories #DellCottage #EweBar #RAFTornadojet #pilot #Expedia’sLocalLens #northernlights #StuartMcIntyre #Somesuch #LSProductions #childhoodbesttimeoflife #gettyimages #DavidCheskin #PAimages
Posted 25th March 2024
@hillandglen “Per Ardua Ad Astra” – Through Adversity’s to the Stars ✨
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Hey Dollya!! I hope this doesn't come off as mean-spirited or misguided (?) But I thought I'd let you know just in case - Unless it's an intentional design choice by you, and as someone with siblings of a darker complexion - people with darker skin tones tend to have lighter palms and soles! I always loved seeing that little detail artists add and thought you'd like to know . Still adore your artwork, it's amazingly smooth and beautiful either way <3
I would say it's a design choice, and I answered an ask about the ashy shade of Kariya's skin being not very realistic before as well. It's because I don't base my designs off from real human skin, but rather from fictional being. Kariya - Hassan of Serenity (Fate Prototype, FGO) and "Nyan" - Cairngorm (Houseki no Kuni).
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These characters also don't have realistic skin tone as well, since they're not human. And I also want to show that my characters are not human either, but that's spoiler so I'll leave it as that.
I know darker skin characters tend to create arguments, but here on my blog I would like to ask for people to respect my choices. I understand what you said about those small details though! Everytime I see foreign artists draw Áo Dài or Vietnamese clothes right, even just the most obvious details, I get crazy excited too! And I really appreciate your interest in my drawing :3 I know you've been cheering for me since the very early of my time here. Thank you for the remind and I hope you understand my decisions ✨
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momentary-moss · 11 months
Hi! I really like how you draw Ghost! I think the concept of Cairngorm being able to like "switch" is really interesting and portraying it with changing eye colors is creative. I was wondering if you're okay if others also used this idea for fanarts etc.
Oh Thank you very much!
It's perfectly okay to use the concept, I believe the concept of switching is already in the canon of the manga, with "the little one inside me(Cairngorm) overtaking me" thing.
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Even if it's not explicitly DID(Cairn being physically inside Ghost, as opposed to the division of memories as a result of trauma), I like to apply my own experiences with my dissociative disorder to them ^-^ Makes me really happy when they resonate for people!
Oh, all this is to say, it's not really a super original concept and anyone can use it! So feel free to do as you like! (although I'd love to see any art that might be inspired by my own <3 Especially more Cairn/Ghost content!!!)
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princessinyellow · 2 years
I feel like the people who get mad about everyone in HNK getting turned into Lunarians or whatever, is missing the metatextual point of the story. The question is not “why did they have to become Lunarians?” it’s “if thousands of immortal people with an idyllic society want to die, is it worth it for one man to subtly manipulate (but not push, coerce, or force) one child into unimaginable suffering?” It’s the classic trolley problem!... KIND of...
One of the first dilemmas which caught my eye was with Padparadscha. If someone is receiving help they do not want, is it okay for them to turn down the help, knowing that this will lead to many of their peers being hurt? Padparadscha decides no, and can’t even consider the alternative. Telling Rutile to abandon them is unthinkable, because it would then almost certainly cause Rutile to abandon all doctoring duties. The gems would be pretty screwed while a new gem gradually learns doctoring from the ground up.
Later Phos makes the opposite decision for them, stealing Pads from Rutile and taking them to the moon. With the added wrinkle that Phos knows they have more advanced technology there which would almost certainly provide an actual cure. Which is does indeed! Twice!! There’s so many layers!!!
And of course this is about Cairngorm cause everything in my life is about Cairngorm now!!! Is it better to force someone into altruism, or give them the freedom to be selfish? Most of you fuckers are like NO YOU FORCE THEM, IF THEY EVER GET HAPPINESS THEY’RE THE WORST!!!
And the idea that Cairngorm’s ENTIRE personality on the moon is 100% pure grooming is absolute cope. Aechmea makes such a point of encouraging her to make her own choices, and treating her well, and she’s ACTUALLY HAPPY as a girl!!! And she shows literally no hesitation or fear in talking shit. She’s always telling him how creepy he is and how bad he is at gifts and stuff. But she also actively chooses to show him affection.
She obviously doesn’t trust him but she obviously CHOOSES to love him anyways. Basically the same as with the earth gems and Kongo! Except when Aechmea yells at her (one time and only ever once), he doesn’t shatter her body into a million pieces. Aechmea is objectively better to be emotionally close to than Kongo.
As someone who sees the stiff anger in Cairngorm’s body on earth, the uncertain frustration etched into her face until she meets Aechmea, and then the bright bubbly joy she expresses most of the time then on... I know how that journey feels. I’ve felt it. And let me tell you; it’s no coincidence that “no they’re not really a woman! They’ve just been groomed into acting like it, in ways that are entirely speculative and not even slightly evident,” sounds pretty horrifically familiar these days. (It’s the same conspiratorial thinking, applied on the same topic)
It honestly seems like most of the hostility Cairngorm and Cairnmea gets is because self-absorbed fans think the main character is the center of all morality. But for me, someone to whom Cairngorm’s emotional journey is delightfully familiar. To whom her success is absolutely dreamlike in its beauty. I just don’t see these invisible shadows of abuse. The real, perceptible abuse Cairngorm suffered from was all from Ghost and Phos.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Anna (Nan) Shepherd was born on February 11th 1893 at Westerton Cottage, Cults Aberdeenshire.
Nan spent most of her life living in the same house she grew up in, looking after her mother, she went to Aberdeen High School for Girls, and studied at Aberdeen University before joining, what is now Aberdeen College of Education, teaching English literature, Nan has been described as “an inspiring teacher, with a feminist approach in her lectures which was ahead of her time” She taught there until her retirement in 1956.
Shepherd’s first novel, The Quarry Wood, was published in 1928, with two more following in the 1930s. All three are set in the North-East with the country communities and harsh landscape as background. Her book The Living Mountain, a work of poetic prose exploring her close relationship with the hills, was written in the 1940s, though not published until 1977. Hill-walking was Shepherd’s great love; her single collection of poetry In the Cairngorms.
I must admit I haven’t read much of her writings other than a few poems, but I recall my friend Steve, who lives on Skye posting about her on his, well his dogs’ twitter page,, saying “Nan Shepherd has the gift to describe the mountains the way I feel it, and I only wish I could do it justice in words as she can.” This made me look her up and watch The Living Mountain: A Cairngorms Journey,is posted below, I also found a clip that was on Youtube on her, take time to watch it, presented by a guy speaking in a true Aberdonian Doric accent, it will only take just over 8 minutes of your day, and features a bit of her writing at the end.
Nan Shepherd was renowned for the enthusiasm with which she taught and helped students, colleagues, and other writers. Her generous attention was not confined to caring for her invalid mother and the family housekeeper; she devoted much energy to friendships with many writers. She is represented in anthologies of Scottish women poets, and books of mountain poetry. She joined those Scottish writers already honoured in Edinburgh’s Makars’ Court when a stone dedicated to her was placed there in 2000.
For those of you in Scotland, and have made it this far into my post about Nan, and maybe still haven’t heard of her, dig in your wallet or purse and dig out a Royal Bank of Scotland £5 note, that’s Nan you have been looking at for the last few years.
Below I will post two Youtube videos where you can learn more about Nan Shephard.
The illustration is by Greg Moodie, the cartoonist in The National Newspaper.
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
CairnPhos brings Cinnabar's mercury to shame lmao
"Pre Moon Cairngorm was kinder to Phos than they are now"
Pre Moon:
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Some of these may just be banter but still- you have to admit that Welegato isn't as bad as they were before they had the ghost removed. and ngl I could be wrong on this but I dont think Cairn ever told Phos 'thank you' pre moon.. Also Pre Moon Cairn (arguably) only gave advice that would make Phos feel better. while Post Moon Welegato? Welegato actually gave GOOD advice to make EVERYONE happy, not just Phos.
you can go ahead and ship these messy exes if you still want to tho, Make them hate eachother so much that they think they're in love <3 or create an AU where Phos realizes Cairn still has ghost in their eye and removes it only to realize that their connection was fabricated and not truly real and give Phos an even worse sense of isolation. Cuz omg they're so toxic and it is delicious. or make them fluffy who knows, but still, please realize that in canon that they are SO toxic that they bring Cinnabar's mercury shame
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saltymatoi · 2 years
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You know, I feel like Cairngorm’s character arc would’ve actually been a really good one, if their love interest was literally anyone but Aechmea. Think about it, their story is sweet. A gem finally getting to discover who they are and have a sense of self. A Lunarian who’s never gotten to know the gems as people, meeting one for the first time and falling in love. Doing everything in his power to help them be happy, and in turn, the gem brings him the first true happiness he’s felt in years. Together, they break away from the conflict that’s been forced upon them. A bright moment showing that despite the bumps in the road, Phos really is doing something good here. I always thought we needed more random Lunarians interacting positively with the gems to help them be more sympathetic. But no, instead we got Aechmea. Whose list of war crimes is too long for me to ever forgive him. I don’t care that he gave the moon to the gems, that doesn’t undo all the thousands of years of trauma he inflicted upon them. He permanently destroyed the minds of Yellow and Phos among others. He fucked up their society, forcing the gems to adopt a culture of forgetting their loved ones, otherwise they’d have to live with the grief for eternity. So to see Cairngorm turn a blind eye to all of this and happily parade around with him, even after Aechmea admits to their face that he’s used both them and their people for his plans like puppets, really ruins the character for me.
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Like, no wonder people got groomer vibes from it all. Cairngorm deserved better.
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wias-blog · 1 year
Some thoughts on houseki no kuni: mainly focused on Welegato/Cairngorm- Enma's toxic relationship and theories on what will happen to Phos
TW!!!: abusive relationship and phos wishing to die
So to start off, I've been checking in on HNKs page here and some of yall really like to argue and threaten others over fiction characters, like please stop and act civil these characters AREN'T REAL. it is not okay to threaten or insult others based on their opinion on fiction.
Okay, now to the story. As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, I see the same resemblance in Welegato's relationship with Enma. Enma acted like a "savior" to Welegato. and to all who say, "He wasn't manipulating Cairn" fail to notice the panels in which he states that he got Cairn away from phos on purpose to make phos a divine being to pray.
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It is vague, but it is enough to realize Enma tricked Welegato and all the other gems to stay away from Phos. If you look at other parts of the story, you can see how Enma pushes himself onto Cairn, using their innocence and naivety to his advantage. Cairn/Welegato became a glorified trophy wife. In all honesty, I pity them more than I hate them because they never realized what was going on. They complied to whatever Enma said and wanted because they thought he truly loved them. For example, the scene in which he says Ghost is controlling him through Cairn's eyes. This made Cairn have a full-blown panic attack and shatter. What did Enma do to help them calm down? Nothing, he stood there, putting his plan into action. He did this because when He took out the quartz from Cairns eye, he knew Cairn would see him as someone who saved him from his long gone outer shell. Now to Ghost Quartz, in my opinion, was never abusive towards Cairn. they did the things they saw that were needed to stay in control of their body. Ghost may not have cared about Cairn inside them because they saw them as someone who got in the way of their life. Cairn was very violent, numerous times, we've seen them punch and break Phos out of anger. Even on the moon, they become cruel towards Phos and insult them numerous times. Enma just made Cairn/Welegato more spoiled and violent. That's the main issue. Bad relationships are hard to recognize until you see for yourself what you've become. In this case, Welegato never got to see how bad this was and stayed that way until they turned into nothingness. I'm very sad at this fact because Welegato had so much potential as a character. They have a good back story about identity and becoming something great, but it was washed down to a babied brat who turned their back on someone who needed them most. I think Welegatos' story is a story where the happy ending was never actually happy. They never got to realize who they could actually become, instead becoming controlled by another person.
With all that said and done let's move on to the next topic: Phos
Phos has said in the latest chapter (102, ps. spoilers ahead!!!) that they wish to eradicate their own existence. This can go either of two most likely ways. Phos fails to do this and learns to live with the human inside their inclusions or successes and goes into nothingness. There is a third was this can go, where all the lunarians are brought back or he finds out nothingness is an afterlife where all the others are. (knowing Ichikawa, this will NEVER happen :/). My next question is, how will this happen? Will Adamants brother be able to help Phos or will it not work? Until the next chapter we can only theorize.
that's all. Feel free to comment on what your theories are! - Autie
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dingoat · 1 year
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It's been a little while since I've attempted any fundraising, but I've just become aware that the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland is preparing to release its first group of Scottish Wildcats from their breeding for release program back into the Cairngorms National Park! This is a project I've been interested in and given support to since I visited Scotland some years ago and was able to see some (non-releasable) cats myself, as well as drive through the wilderness that should be their home. Not only is this incredible milestone imminent, but they're currently running a fundraising drive to assist with this program, and Big Give's Green Match Fund is doubling any funds received until the 27th!
So, much as I did to help the bats affected by the Australian bushfires back in 2020, I'd love to offer some little sketchbook scribbles for anyone so inclined and in a position to give a little to this cause. If you donate any amount to Saving Wildcats through Big Give at any point over the next three days, let me know about it (pm, discord, email a screenshot of your donation, no need to have any real-world identifying details attached), and Ahuska will sketch something for you in thanks- whether it's a beloved character of yours, a favourite creature or cherished pet, you name it!
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