#i love writing young rams
therealcocoshady · 5 months
Hi, coco!
You could make a third part of Eminem x Young Actress Reader, where the reader accompanies him to a game in Detroit and the cameras can't stop focusing on them because Em has never been seen so smiling and affectionate with someone. For the rest you can add what you want. By the way, I love your work and I love that you write about Eminem since almost no one does.<3
Family Game
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Eminem x Younger Actress Reader
Part 1 : Daddy’s Spaghetti
Part 2 : Red Carpet Appearance
AN : thank you for your request ! I hope you liked it. I added my own little twist to it 🥰
Ever since your remarked outing at the Oscars, everyone knew you and Marshall were dating, much to your delight. Sure, you would gladly do without the press coverage, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a tiny bit satisfying to have everyone know that Eminem, hip hop’s most eligible bachelor was spoken for, by yours truly, no less. After all, you were not the first (nor the last) public figure to thirst over him and it felt nice to have the “competition” know that they should back off. Especially when you were in a long distance relationship : him in Detroit, you in LA. Sure, you trusted each other and often traveled to make it work but, still, it’s easy to get jealous, especially when both parties are public figures. Marshall was well aware of your status as Hollywood’s rising star and, since he had been your crush for years, you knew for a fact that he has tons of ladies throwing themselves at him. 
In spite of the distance and a couple of jealousy episodes, the two of you managed to make your relationship work, however. Marshall frequently flew out to LA to record with Dr Dre and other artists and to visit you and, whenever you weren’t shooting a movie, you joined him in Michigan. Your relationship was now in the serious state of « we’re both hope at each other’s place ». Your living room table was full of CDs and notepads and his living room was made cozy with your favorite crystals (which he always made fun of), scented candles (which he secretly loved) and fuzzy blankets (which he stole whenever you weren’t around). The whole relationship, despite trials, felt cozy and domestic. And it was made even better by the fact that Marshall had finally managed to ease up. You tended to blame it on the good critical reception after the Oscars : as soon as the two of you had been spotted together, holding hands, Marshall happily gushing about you to the press, both your fans and his had showered you with love and showed nothing but support. Whenever you were positing, fans (most of the time, respectfully) asked about him and they seemed truly overjoyed by the relationship. From what you gathered in the social media comments, they were also dying for the two of you to be spotted together again. Marshall was pretty much an hermit and not the kind to go out and about when he knew he might be spotted but, on one occasion, he had to oblige the fans. 
His beloved Detroit Lions were playing your Los Angeles Rams at Detroit’s Ford Field Stadium and there was no way in hell you would miss the occasion to attend. Knowing how protective of your relationship he could be, you made plans to attend on your own, with a couple of friends who would fly in for the occasion, but Marshall surprised you by actually requesting your presence. 
Don’t you want to go with me ? He asked. 
You mean… on a date ? You clarified. 
I mean there would be other people around, like family, friends and shit but we could be together, he said with a smile. 
You mean you would agree to being spotted with me ?! You asked jokingly. You know I wouldn’t be caught dead in Lions apparel ! 
What I mean is that I’d be proud to hold your hand, even if you’re wearing that stupid Rams hoodie, he grinned. 
Ok, you giggled. As long as I’m not forced to cheer for your team ! 
You ended up attending the event in a private suite with a lot of other people. Of course, his children were in attendance, as well as a couple of D12 friends. You had met everyone previously. A couple of months into the relationship, Marshall had organized a dinner for you to officially meet his daughters and everything had gone smoothly. You absolutely loved them, and same went for the friends he had introduced to you on different occasions. At the game, you were also joined by a couple of your friends, that you not so secretly planned on setting up with some of his. In your mind, there was no doubt that Alicia and Porter were meant to be and the Game seemed like the perfect occasion. It was joyful and everyone was really happy to be here. You were donning your favorite Rams apparel, much to Marshall’s dismay, but that didn’t prevent him from casually holding your hand. 
For how much would you wear Lions apparel ? Your friend jokingly asked. 
Nobody in this room can afford it, you replied with a grin. 
Oh really ? Marshall asked with a smirk. 
How about if you guys get married ? Porter asked. Would you be willing to support the Lions ? 
That would require a HUGE rock, you giggled. But yeah, sure, if we ever get married, I’ll wear Lions gear for all games, except the ones against the Rams. 
Your friends erupted in « oooohs » and « aaaahs ». The rivalry between your two teams was enough to fuel a dozen of conversations but, other than that, everyone around you had to agree that you were kind of the perfect couple. Your best friends always pointed out that Marshall was good at keeping you grounded and reminding you of the things that mattered - besides all the LA glitz and glamour - and Marshall’s circle seemed happy that you encouraged him to go out of his comfort zone. 
He was usually stressed out whenever there were tons of cameras around. It was unsettling to you, at first, because it was part of the job, but as your relationship progressed and he came with you to some events, he seemed to ease up. Still, he wasn’t big on public displays of affection, but you didn’t mind. You enjoyed his company nonetheless and you didn’t need him to kiss you in public or even hold your hand to be happy to be with him. In settings like football games, though, he was himself - the man you knew and loved in everyday life. He could be seen clapping, shouting, cheering… a far cry from the stoic face he arbored on red carpets and magazine covers. And you absolutely loved to see him enjoy himself and have fun. You were enamored with his smile and happy demeanor and you didn’t care too much about the 60 000 other people, you only had eyes for him. Obviously, though, as a Detroit native and global superstar, he was one of the centres of attention when Lose Yourself started playing before the game and everyone started singing/rapping along to the lyrics. Everyone in your group watched Marshall, who was definitely in a good mood. So were you, to be honest, and you couldn’t help but rap along, this song being one of your favorites ever. As the song ended, you could see Marshall sitting right next to you, trying not to laugh. 
You’re adorable, he chuckled. 
What ? You asked with a giggle. It’s the ultimate stadium song ! And my boyfriend is the one who wrote it !!! 
I love you, he simply said before cupping your face and placing a chaste kiss on your lips. 
That was the last tender moment the two of you shared before the end of the game. When your two favorite teams played each other, there was no romantic involvement anymore. It was all betting, taunting and calling each other names. For the first two quarters, the Rams seemed to dominate, which you gladly shoved in your boyfriend’s face, but when the Lions ended up winning, you knew you wouldn’t hear the end of it. Despite it all, and in spite of you being a sore loser, Marshall behaved like the perfect boyfriend and pecked you on the cheek, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you exited your suite. His team winning always put him in a celebratory mood and he was more affectionate than usual, not giving a damn what people would see or think. He even went so far as to kiss your lips. 
Of course, in the following hours, the Internet went absolutely crazy over the pictures of the two of you at the stadium. While some accounts were raving about your outfit (because you did put some effort into making that Sports apparel work !), most of them were gushing about Marshall’s display of affection and how in love the two of you looked. 
« Look at his smile 🥰 » commented one, or « Look how in love he looks when she’s rapping his song 😭❤️ » were a few of the comments you could see under the videos of the event. It was extremely cute and, in moments like these, you felt like the luckiest woman on earth. However, a swarm of other comments started to appear, focusing on… Marshall’s daughters. The three of them were sitting on the row just behind you and they could be seen laughing at your nonexistent rapping skills (all fair, really) and mocking their father’s display of affection. You didn’t take offense at all - you’d been there yourself and you knew how icky it could feel, seeing your parent being affectionate with someone in public, but the press and social media accounts seemed to turn it into a family feud. If the headlines were to be believed, neither Alaina, Stevie or Hailie approved of the relationship and thought you were too young for Marshall. They apparently despised you and saw you as the most evil and wicked stepmother who was more than likely after their Dad’s fortune. Of course, reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Whenever you were in Detroit, you spent a great deal of time with Marshall’s daughters and you considered as friends. So much so that you even made plans of your own, that did not include him. It wasn’t rare for the four of you to have dinner or go shopping. On occasion, they even visited you in California and you soon planned to go on a girls’ trip in Morocco. So, when Hailie showed you the headline on your phone, everyone burst out laughing. 
« Evil stepmother », Stevie chortled. That’s hilarious. 
Is that because of the face you made, Hailie ? When Y/N was rapping ? Alaina chimed in. 
I was making a face because they were corny ! She laughed. Look at Dad’s face on the video. He’s all cute and lovey dovey. Of course I wanted to puke ! 
Marshall rolled his eyes. He was no stranger to his kids making fun of how in love with you he was but, honestly, he didn’t care. For the first time in forever, he was happy and thriving in a relationship. A healthy one, at that. Whenever you were around, he could barely contain his joy and good mood and he often thought he would do anything to make you smile. He hated public attention but he simply loved showing you off and enjoying life with you. However, he had to admit he was a little annoyed by the comments involving your relationship with his daughters. He knew there was no truth to it whatsoever but that didn’t make it less annoying. First of all, he hated seeing his kids’ names in the media, especially if it was negative and, secondly, he hated the idea of lies involving all of you, the people he loved the most on this earth. However, the four of you were grown women and he knew better than to say something so he figured it would be best to wait for it to die down. 
Unfortunately, though, the rumors did not die down and the whole thing got blown out of proportion. It wasn’t only on social media : press and other media outlets got ahold of the story and even dug up some obscure social media posts and took them out of context. They really made it seem like there was hatred between the girls and you were a mean gold-digger who wanted to estrange Marshall from his children. Nothing could be further for the truth though, and you even celebrated the holidays together. After years spent in the public eye, you tried not to let it get to you but it was hard. Even if some of your past relationships had been publicized, this one was on a whole other level and you had a hard time dealing with the scrutiny. Especially when some people were starting to wish for the end of your career with comments like « What a b****. Hope no one casts her ever again 🙄 » or « Hope she enjoys her Oscar because she won’t last much longer in Hollywood 💀 ». You tried not to let your feelings show. Marshall was already annoyed and you didn’t want things to get worse. After all, you knew how overprotective he could get over the people he loved. 
A few weeks went by and the attention seemed to die down around the holidays. You had been with Marshall for a year and a half and it was your first time celebrating together. You would spend the days leading up to Christmas in Michigan, go back to your family in California for the holidays and then jet off to a private Island lent by a friend for some vacation time just the two of you. Marshall would even join you in LA to spend some time with your family who was definitely approving of him. They absolutely adored him and considered him a part of the family. 
In the week leading up to Christmas, you were on Christmas tree decoration duty with the girls while Marshall was letting you do your thing. Hailie had come up with some ornaments as merch for her podcast and you thought it would be cute and funny to take a selfie with one of them that said « Shady or Nice ». You posted it to your Instagram account with some cheesy caption and didn’t pay it too much attention. When you checked the comments, a day or so later, you were surprised at the reaction. What you thought would be a cute nod to your boyfriend and his daughter’s podcast ended up in a shitstorm, with people basically accusing you on sucking up to Hailie to get to Marshall. In their mind, you were a master manipulator. Of course, these were just a bunch of people commenting and the rest seemed rather supportive and happy to see you acknowledging your relationship, something you rarely did on your social media account. Still, you were a little bugged off when you went to bed. 
What’s up, babygirl ? Marshall asked as he laid next to you. 
Nothing, you shrugged. Just these mean trolls. 
What are they saying now ? 
That your daughters hate me, you summed up. And that I’m trying to suck up to them. 
That’s stupid, he scoffed. The girls love you and you know it. 
And I love them too, you know ? You replied. But I don’t know… I don’t like people getting the wrong idea. And I see people commenting about me in their posts and it breaks my heart. 
It’s not your fault, he said before kissing your forehead. Let’s not think about that, ok ? Just focus on the holidays and the great time we’re going to have. 
I’m going to miss you for Christmas, you pointed out. 
Three days, he chuckled. And then I’m joining you in California. And after that… you, me, a private island and your tiniest bikinis. 
You nuzzled his neck and enjoyed the warmth of his embrace, making you forget all of your worries. The next day, you were set to hop on the jet to go back to California and enjoy some family time with your brother and your parents. Before that, you enjoyed one last brunch at Marshall’s place, with his daughters. Hailie got everyone matching ugly Christmas sweaters and you were absolutely moved that she got one for you. You took corny pictures in front of the Christmas tree posing with your boyfriend’s daughters while he was rolling his eyes at your dumb poses. You even got Marshall to pose with you. He wasn’t big on taking pictures but he knew how important these were for you and the girls so he obliged with a smile on his face. A few hours later, you were on the jet, scrolling social media and noticed that Alaina had posted the picture of you, her and her sisters in front of the Christmas Tree with the caption : « Happy holidays from our FAMILY to yours 💕 ». You thought it was the sweetest thing ever that she considered you as family. Of course, trolls were still in the comments, but you tried to stay positive. A few hours later, Hailie updated her last podcast episode of the year, with Stevie as guest. 
So, before we begin this episode, we wanted to address something, she began. 
Family matters, Stevie specified. 
Right, Hailie nodded. You guys have been commenting a lot on last episode’s video and on my Instagram account…
All our accounts, her sister corrected.
Yes. Everyone’s account. It seems like Internet is going crazy about a certain video that was taken at the last Lions Game, so I thought… we thought we should clear things up, Hailie said. I understand that there are always going to be rumors about our family, and we can’t help it at this point, but it’s the Holidays and I don’t my mood to be ruined by negative attention and lies. So… Stevie, do you want to comment on the video ? 
Basically, we were at the game, enjoying some family time and people filmed our reaction to Y/N… our Dad’s girlfriend, rapping Lose Yourself, Stevie explained. And kissing afterwards. And what really sparked the whole thing is the face Hailie made. 
Yeah, I pretended to puke, Hailie giggled. And no, guys, it’s not because I hate Y/N or anything like that, it’s just… we’re a normal family, guys. Whenever you see your parents being cheesy and corny, you want to puke, right ? 
Right, Stevie giggled. So, let’s not dwell on this but for the record : we love Y/N and she is not what people make her to be. We see her as family, you know ? 
Yes ! It’s the Holidays, it’s a family time and we all know I love Shady stories but… nothing Shady here. It’s all love, Hailie chuckled. 
Too much love, Stevie joked. 
This warmed your heart even more. The girls absolutely didn’t have to jump to your defense but the fact that they did warmed your heart and you couldn’t wait to spend some time with them again. You sent texts to thank them and wished them happy holidays, saying you were looking forward to seeing them soon. You also texted your boyfriend, telling him how amazing his kids were and that you loved him and his family. 
Marshall was eating dinner with his daughters when he got a text from Y/N that immediately put a smile on his face. 
You girls are amazing, he said with a smile. 
No idea what you’re talking about, Alaina said with feigned innocence. 
I think you do, he replied with a grin. Seriously, you didn’t have to do that but… thank you. It means a lot to me. 
We weren’t going to let people think we hate her, Stevie said.
Not when she is actually about to become our stepmother, Hailie said with a smirk. 
Marshall immediately let his fork fall on his plate, a look of surprise on his face. 
I… erm… wanted to talk to you about it first, he said. How do you even know… ? 
I found the ring sketches in your office last time I went there, Stevie said. I was searching for one of your old CDs. 
And you had to go yapping to your sisters about that ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Are you really going to propose ? Hailie said with excitement. 
I mean… I’ve been thinking about it, yeah, he admitted. I wanted to make sure you girls were ok with it first but, if that’s fine with you, I’d like to propose to her over the holidays. 
The girls erupted in cheers and immediately gave their blessings, commenting on how they never thought this day would come. Of course, they quizzed him about his plans. 
Were spending a couple of days with her family before going on vacation for NYE, so I was planning on asking for her father’s blessing, he explained. 
Isn’t he like… almost your age, though ? Stevie chuckled. 
It’s a matter of respect, he shrugged. I appreciated when Matt and Evan asked for my blessing so I thought I’d do the same. Can’t hurt to have your future father-in-law on your side. 
And… as for the proposal ? Alaina asked. 
I know it’s not super original but I was thinking of doing it on the private island, over a nice dinner on the beach, at sunset or something like that, he said. 
It’s so cute ! Alaina said. I love it. 
I think my Dad’s gone corny, Hailie joked. 
You think it’s corny ? He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
Oh definitely. But she’s just as corny so she is going to love it ! 
One question though, Stevie said. If you guys get married, she’ll move to Detroit, right ? 
That’s sort of the plan, yeah, Marshall said. She’d move for work quite a bit, depending on where movies are shot, but she’d live with me. Why ? 
So… she’d have to turn into a Lions fan eventually, right ? 
I’m counting on it, he said with a smirk. 
Is that why you’re proposing ? Alaina joked. 
Maybe, he chuckled. I swear to God, I’m putting a ban on Rams apparel in the prenup. 
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
OH MY GOD. THE WAY I JUST SCREAMED IN MY PILLOW BECAUSE OF YOUR NEW SUNNY FIC AGDGJAEGAJAVSG ITS SOSOSOS CUTE I CANT BREATHEHEHEHEHE. it got me thinking…sunny and miggy are perfect for the one bed trope 😭😭😭😭😭 just imagine miggy acting like it doesn’t effect him, sleeping in the same bad as sunny. i’m already giggling thinking about it. PLEASE WRITE A FIC ABOUT IT WHEN YOU HAVE THE TIME 😭🙏
As Warm As You.
Miguel O’Hara x Female! Reader
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A/N: OMG! Thank you so much for the love and the request! 💕🤍 I personally never read anything from this trope, but I think I made something that can satisfy your fluffy craving😅. But I added some Sunny lore, so maybe this will make up for my ignorance. I’m also sorry it’s kinda short.
A/N: I haven’t seen the movie yet, but this shouldn’t be harmed by it maybe. Also I would like to say that I am using Google Translate for the Spanish phrases I use, so if you are fluent in Mexican Spanish (I think that’s what you call phrases and sayings more common in Mexico.), please comment some criticism my way. Thank you!🤍
Warnings: Trauma, Nightmares, comfort, fluffy bits, One Bed, Miguel is a secret softie, No Use of YN ((Sunny is her nickname, not her name name)), Female pronouns, Google Translate Spanish, Established relationship?
The little spider’s scream cuts through the screeching sirens. The smog hung around the air as the dying flames stained the sky. Too many flames…Too many places to be at once.
The red staining the dark costume caused bile to build up as the search becomes more desperate.
I have to find him.
The dull pain from nails bending and breaking as the rumble falls around her shaking frame. The choked panting caused the Doctor to find his friend quite easily. His friend desperately searching for something. Someone.
Why can’t I find him?
The question is answered with a patch of dark hair appears under a pile of rumble, the tips stained in red. There was so much…why is there so much…
A howl of pain rings out of the young woman’s throat as she clings to the body, her mentor just steps behind her, helpless as to how he can help her.
No one can help her. Like how no one helped her Ben.
A faint flash of orange alerts the sleeping man out of his endless dream. He looks around and doesn’t notice anyone at first. Miguel sighs, his paranoia running wild as he almost thought an enemy broke into his apartment, not that it would be a first. As he lays back down to sleep, a slight drag against the floor brings the hairs on the back of his neck to life.
He may not have a spider-sense, but he certain knew when someone was watching him. His talons burrow at as the sound patters closer to his bed. With out hesitation, he lunges towards the noise, his hands catching the form of an invisible figure as he rams them into the wall. A yelp with a whiff of vanilla and lavender stops him from ripping the invisible person’s throat out.
“Cariño?…” Miguel whispers as he retracts his claws. A faint whimpering emerges from the solid unseen being in front of him as her body materializes in the moonlight. The lines of her spider suit glowing an ethereal green as her mask disintegrates, revealing her tear stained face.
“What are you doing?” His eyebrows furrow as he looks at her suspiciously, despite knowing that she was the only one he knows wouldn’t hurt him. His mind blurs his confusion and frustration as he steps back to allow her to recover from being slammed into the wall. Certainly there wasn’t a big enough emergency that the beloved residential ray of sunshine would leave her room at The Lobby to break into his dimension, and bedroom to come get him.
“You know better than to use the gizmo to…” His scolding comes to a halt when the young woman hugs his figure, burning her head into his firm chest.
His shirt becomes wet with her tears as she sobs. The realization hits him as she whimpers into his touch.
She had the dream again.
No. She had the memory again.
His arms wrapped around her short frame as he buried his nose into her hair. Her scent filled the hole of sorrow her cries burned into him. As he rubs her back, her cries eventually stopped as she pulls away from him, an apology already waiting on her lips.
“I’m sorry, Miggy…it was really bad this time…” She mutters as she tries wiping her tears away as she forces a shy smile.
She felt ashamed for bothering him. Miguel was a busy man and she could have just stayed in her room at The Lobby, but the screams were too much.
His screams were too much.
Miguel doesn’t respond as he heads over to his dresser, pulling open a drawer. His face remaining emotionless as he retrieves a sweatshirt that sparked her familiarity.
The old gray crew neck sweatshirt with a fraying collar and mysterious stains along the sleeves. The old golden initials of NYU were cracked and picked apart due to many trips in the wash and anxious tendencies. A faint blush appears as she remembers the first time she ever saw that sweatshirt, the memory being one of her favorite…it was the first time she felt so warm since that day…
Miguel attracts her attention again when he rolls up the fabric in his hands and forces the neck over her head. Her hair sticking awkwardly as she peers up at Miguel in awe at how caring he was despite his annoyed expression.
“Brazos arriba, Sunshine.” He whispers as he helps her arms through the sleeves. She blindly follows him like a student being instructed. The taller spider stands back as he raises an eyebrow expectantly.
“I appreciate that you enjoy the suit I made you, mi luz.” Miguel states with a slight teasing smile. “But you probably wanna be more comfortable for bed.”
“Oh yea…” The small spider blushes in embarrassment as she disintegrates her suit back into her gizmo device. A shiver travels up her spine as the cold air on her legs, leaving her almost exposed except for the old sweatshirt.
“Now then,” Miguel sighs as he walks back over to his bed and crawls back under the covers. “I have several meetings in the morning, so I need to sleep.”
The little spider shuffles in her spot for a few moments as Miguel closes his eyes, getting ready to sleep again. With a nail between her teeth, the girl heads for the door to go find the couch when Miguel clears his throat. She turns back to look at him when she sees the covers beside him pulled back. Miguel’s open eye glaring at her as he groans. “It would be a lot easier for me to leave in the morning if you are in here and not in my way.”
A warm smile forms on her face as she excitedly comes into his bed. Miguel’s front facing her as his burgundy gaze burns with false annoyance and exhaustion. Miguel sighs as he feels the smaller being’s weight snuggles into his broad chest as expected.
“Thank you, Miggy.” She whispers. Her eyes peering up at him with gratitude and an emotion that only shines for him, his own secret that he will die to keep to himself.
Miguel rolls his eyes as his eyes meet hers, his warm cheeks hidden by the darkness. “Go to sleep, Cariño. You’re gonna need it for training.”
She giggles as she wraps her arms around his waist like a teddy bear. “Sweet Dreams, mi bonita araña..” She mumbles as she closes her eyes. His warmth fills the coldness of her nightmares as sleep draws her to peaceful breaths. Miguel remains frozen for a few moments as he makes sure she is deep in REM sleep before his gaze softens.
His rapidly beating heart acts as her lullaby as he places a kiss on her crown.
“Sweet dreams, mi vida…” He whispers into her scalp as his arms loom around her, acting as her shield before he slips into a sweet slumber in his light’s embrace.
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goldfades · 7 months
🍯 breeding kink with jack hughes 🤭 also congrats!!
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 | jh⁸⁶
this is so baby by me LMAO, i was listening to this on repeat while writing this for the vibes HELP. (if u had any of the hughes bros babies, u WOULD be a millionaire)
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♡ ─ word count | 322
♡ ─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion!
♡ ─ ev's notes | i honestly feel like jack wouldn't want a HUGE family but he probably gets turned on at the thought of the process of actually getting you pregnant (LMAO) thank you! i hope you enjoy, love
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"Gonna make a momma, right, baby?" Jack grunted as he fucked into you, his hips snapped against the back of your thigh roughly. He couldn't help it, his head was spinning at the thought of fucking a baby inside you. Yeah, you two were young but that wasn't an excuse - he wanted to.
You didn't even comprehend anything he was saying, you just took his cock as he fucked you. Your throat hurt with how loud you were sore from the position you were in but everything just faded, all you could feel was his cock driving into you. He held your hips into place as he fucked into you as you drooled all over the pillow.
He grabbed your hair and pushed your face harder into the pillow, ramming into you. "Yeah, sweetheart, you're gonna be mine forever now. Gonna have my baby."
"Mhm," you moaned out as you nodded quickly. "Yes, Jack."
"Yeah? You want my babies in you, huh?" Jack let out a breathless chuckle as his head fell back. "Shit, baby. Gonna cum inside you, princess."
You nodded again, you were close to finishing too. He kept ramming into you harder and harder, your head was spinning and you felt like you were about to pass out. Jack gripped your hips harder and leaned to your ear, you could hear his grunts even clearer now as he fucked you into the mattress. "Gonna cum, Jack."
"Cum for me, princess."
You let go, cumming all over his cock. You cried out loudly, your whole body shaking but Jack held your hips in place as he fucked into you harder now, it felt like the whole room was shaking at the impact. "Make me momma, please, Jack." You moaned and that was all Jack needed to completely cum into you. He kept you hips in place to make sure you took all his cum, fucking you through both your highs.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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hermslore · 9 months
Coffee Shop
You and Enid volunteered to work at the Weathervane. She spots a customer flirting with you and decides to have a little fun.
Warning : Smut [Public sex, Pain Kink, Mommy Kink, Dom!Enid, Bottom!Reader, Fingering]
You and Enid ended up being the only staff at the Weathervane, the others leaving for a lunch break. Surprisingly, not many customers were in today, making it easy for you both to manage
A beautiful young lady walked in, and headed to the counter to place her order.
"Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I get you," you asked, with a polite smile.
"I'd like an expresso, please," she said returning the smile. "Alright, may I know your name?" you asked, writing down her order.
"Yoko, but you can call me yours.", she said with a wink and a smirk on her lips. You just smiled awkwardly at her as you were writing down her name. She proceeded to throw even more pickup lines at you, subtly trying to get your number.
What you didn't notice was Enid glaring at the lady from a distance. She had heard the whole interaction as she walked towards you with clenched fists.
She wanted to punch the lady for even trying to flirt with her woman. Walking over to you, she wrapped her hands around your waist, not giving a fuck about the woman across her who was trying to flirt. She noticed how the woman's smile faltered when she showed up.
Enid smiled triumphantly and pecked her girlfriends cheeks with a soft 'hey baby' as Y/N smiled at her actions and continued to take her order.
"So, would you like anyth-" Y/N cut herself off with a small gasp that left her lips when she felt Enid's hand slip inside her pants and brush against Y/N's clothed pussy. "Are you okay?" Yoko asked when she heard Y/N gasp.
"Y-yeah.. so uhm as I was saying, would like something else?" You let out, trying not to moan as Enid pinched your clothed clit. You quickly wrote down whatever Yoko was saying, as you struggled to pay attention when Enid's fingers slipped inside your panties and began to tease your clit.
You shot Enid a warning glance to which she just shrugged, not stopping her movements. You bit your lip to contain your moans as her fingers made their way inside you. Your brain was barely functioning at that point, focusing more on staying quiet rather than Yoko, who was asking you about food recommendations.
"Yeah, there's a restuar-", you cut yourself off biting your lips harshly as you felt Enid's fingers ram inside of you. Your vision almost went black as she hit all the right spots making it difficult for you not to scream out her name, you closed your eyes for a moment before opening them back again. "Are you okay, you look a little pale but also hot when you bite your li-" Yoko was cut off by "She's fine, don't worry. If you're done giving your order, could you please sit down at a table so that we can make it?" Enid said, almost letting out an animalistic growl at her.
Who the fuck does she think she is?
Yoko left, leaving you and your girlfriend behind the counter, alone. "Mommy.." you moaned, her fingers making you feel delicious. She quickly led you towards the washroom, locking it as soon as you both got in.
"Enid, oh god," you whimpered out, her lips trailing kisses down your neck. Her claws extended, leaving scratches on your stomach as you threw your head back at the pleasurable pain.
A loud moan escaped your mouth as her teeth sunk in, biting you to make a hickey. "Mommy.." you said, sighing pleasurably as her fingers made their way inside you again.
Enid smirked, she loved having you like this with your hair messed up, desperately clinging on to her and being a moaning mess. You loved calling her mommy, and you knew it drove her crazy.
"Fuck, baby," you sighed, eyes rolling to the back of your head as she made you cum. Your vision almost going blank for a second at how good the orgasm felt.
"Just wait until we get back, babygirl," she whispered in your ear, your body pressing into the wall she was pinning you to.
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dilfth1rster · 6 months
I was wondering if you could do some smutty head cannons about Dean Winchester
Hi anon this is my first head canon like this, hope you enjoy it and if you want to further explore it, you know where to send me a request:)
Let's start with Dean is definitely a kinkyyyy himbo...
He's very dirty minded, any conversation that sparks as something a little sexual is like poking a bear with a stick. You never know what can trigger him.
I surely see him as both a dom and sub depending on a situation and or his mood. He doesn't see gender and would fuck anyone.
Nice chick in shorts a little too revealing? ... Yeah he would definitely try to hit that.
An older guy that gets a little too touchy after a couple of beers? Dean, umm- WOULD!
As of what he's into, it's a damn wide spectrum.
Starting with dress up... He loves that damn wild west cowboy shit. He loves getting in his cowboy boots and hat and a fringy jacket which also activates a dominant confident side in him.
He loves dominating and being dominated.
VERYYYY verbal whether it be about how nicely his big cock slides into you or how he degrades you and calls you his dirty cumwhore OR- how he pants in your ear while ramming into your ass with a speed of lightning.
He can NEVER decline a blowjob, he loves that shit. With him, it's more of a deepthroat or a "skullfuck" because he'd be holding you down on his wide 7 inches till u smelled the musky trimmed bush of his and later on definitely got lightheaded...
While I already mentioned his musk, I must add that his usual body smell is sweat mixed with a strong woodsy cologne and "leftover" whisky.
Dean appreciates when a lady shaves down there but he's a wild one for a hairy cunt as well as a bushy, hairy guy.
Loves high heels and "girly" accessories especially pink ones.
Is not scared nor intimidated by being called or referring to himself as Daddy.
Knows you're obsessed with his hands and loves helping you get wet by putting his chubby fingers in your mouth/throat.
DEAN WINCHESTER LOVES RISKY/OUTDOOR SEX!!!!!!! (includes public places such as dirty bar restroom which leads me to another thing that is...)
Unprotected sex. He's not friends with condoms, loves breeding you, and seeing his cum ooze out of you... and he CUMS A LOT.
He also loves getting bred by older guys(daddy issues I guess).
If you're okay with it:
He's definitely into watersports. Would love to piss on you, in his words "mark" you as his and degrade you.
Slap and choke you around(a little manhandling never hurt nobody huh?)
Make you worship his boots as a sign of your ultimate submission.
(let me include an image because it's getting hot in here...)
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If it's longer than a one night stand he'd definitely want to cuckold you and make you watch as he breeds and destroys another young chick he met at the bar and brought to the motel room. Maybe if you're nice enough and behave he'll let you lick the juices off his cock after?
This man got a thing for piercings, belly button one that pops out from under your top, lip piercing or ESPECIALLY tongue and tits pierced... GOD DAMN!
Sex with him is usually fast paced(I say usually because from time to time it's not fast, IT'S DAMN RAPID)
SO... CUM-
we estabilished that mans got a breeding kink but well- Dean also loves cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow his sweet, chunky load, as well as painting your whole face in his seed.
If he's titty-fucking you he can explode directly on them.
If he's with a guy he enjoys getting bred and getting his face painted.
This guy is a goddamn foodie, he loves to eat his sweet treats like the well known pie and such... he also loves to incorporate that into sex...
making you eat the pie he just came on or stuffing pieces of it into your pussy and eating you and IT out :)
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Well- I think that's it for now. I'd love to further explore some of the aspect with you all, so if you got any questions or ideas, write away in the requests in my bio :)
(I'm a new writer so if you could like and reshare or leave a comment with your thoughts I'd really appreciate that)
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srbachchan · 7 months
DAY 5849
Hyd,Koh Feb 22, 2024 Thu 9:25 PM
🪔 ,
February 23 .. birthday greetings to Ef Girish Badave .. and Ef Swati Seth ..
💐 .. wedding anniversary greetings to Ef Ashesh Dave and his respected wife Bhumika .. for February 23 .. 🙏🏻❤️💐
💐 .. wedding anniversary greetings to Ef Amit Fuhaar & his respected wife Sarita .. for February 21 .. 🙏🏻❤️💐
Birthday - Yash Goveas Friday, 23 February .. wishes and the wellness for this day .. Love from the Ef brigade 🌹
( IS THIS DATE 👆🏼 CORRECT OR IS IT JANUARY 30TH ) .. please clarify
A day of work endeth and another day of work stares within .. how to approach it, what would be the right give , how can it be bettered .. and such be the many that arise before the day ends ..
It is and has been the challenge or the fear of creative expectation - if it can be called that .. and that be the driving force for the professional .. will it wont it .. and what next .. complete one and the immediate mind think is , what of the next and whether it shall succumb or survive .. works at times , and not most of the time ..
Leave it to fate they say .. whoever 'they' be .. then it is proclaimed fate be made , not written on some divine blessing .. leaving it to fate and not in endeavour shall ever end in .. no play ..
And thus does the dilemma continue ..
What be in hand to be in judicious usage .. if addition comes good .. if not it was never fated , or desired , or expected .. so say the purists of proclamation ..
Many though work in defiance of the mode, and succeed .. they be blessed .. but endeavour never be ignored .. it does register ..
I endeavour with hope and strength of fulfillment - fulfillment within - all else is peripheral ..
'Success comes to those who dare and act' ..
the words ingrained within .. words written in my autograph book, in my very young days by the great legendary poet , Ram Dhari Singh 'Dinkar' .. his writing his presentation his voice reverberating in volume .. filled with the passion of life and living ...
Many misinterpreted the 'act' word to be in connection with an actor on stage or film .. NO .. 'act' is the act of action, perseverance, tenacity and determination .. when you 'dare' to bring tenacity in your thought word and deed .. then does success embrace you ..
Love and wellness ever ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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drconstellation · 9 months
Goats, Crows and The Flood
Or why Crowley turns the goats into crows in the Job minisode
If you're reading that and thinking "eh, what's the Flood got to do with it?" then read on. It wasn't done just so Crowley got to change his name. It's never as simple as that. C'mon now, this is the GOmens AU, I'm not going to write a meta about something like this and not give you at least three if not four layers as to why, now, am I? Certainly not, and this one won't be any different.
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Recently I picked up a book that has been sitting for far too long on a pile near my kitchen that needs sorting through called Parallel Myths* and in it is a section on Flood myths. (It's got lots of other good bits as well, but the Flood myths are what I want to talk about here.) The Flood is a wide-spread myth, with stories all around the world from India, to the Greek myths, to the Incas and Aztecs and in North America as well.
There are four stories that include crows as messengers who are sent to look out for land. The first is our familiar bible story. Oh, did you miss that bit? Yeah, I know, you keep getting told about the dove that represents the holy spirit that came back with the olive branch. Why would they want to tell you about a dirty old crow? And why is that crow dirty anyway? Ah, hold that thought...we'll come back to that shortly.
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Another very famous story that include a crow being sent out to look for land after a great Flood is in the epic story of Gilgamesh. While on a journey Gilgamesh meets an old man named Utnaptishtim who tells the hero how he survived a great flood by building a boat after being warned by the gods to do so, and then floating for several days before coming to rest on a mountain top. At first he sent out a dove, but the dove returned. Then he sent out a swallow, but the swallow returned also, so he knew there was no land yet. But the third bird he sent out was a crow, and it didn't come back, so Utnaptishtim knew it was finally safe to leave.
There are also crows mentioned in two North American Flood myths, with the Cree and the Algonquin, and in both stories they are also sent to look out for land.
So why am I telling you this? Because of this:
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Which is, as we know, is a bit of a play on words, but it establishes the association between the ungulate offspring and the human offspring when we run into the next occurrence of the innocent being killed on the Almighty's fickle whim in the Job minisode in S2. And we know our favourite demon is just not going to take that lying down that without some kind of protest.
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So after delivering his open monologue to the goats, which gives an insight into himself, then being confronted by Aziraphale, and revealing he has a permit, from the Almighty Herself, no less, he turns Job's goats into crows.
(And if you've missed the bit about why the goats, and not the sheep, which the archangels kept going on about, its because sheep were seen as more "Christian" as the rams were considered faithful to their ewes, as good followers should be, but goats were observed to just do it with any-nanny, with no sense of commitment, if you get what I mean, so they were considered more "demonic" in nature.)
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The bible seems to have a bit of a love-hate relationship with birds. On hand they can be used for food or sacrifices, on the other hand they are metaphorical demons! There is an association made between "birds of the air" and demons, waiting to pick off the weak (of thought) and young before they can be enfolded into the "safety" of the church.
Even the noble eagle is frowned upon in a way, as it eats carrion, or rotting meat. And that is something ravens and crows are known to do as well. This eating of dead animals, and humans on the field on the ancient battlefield, led crows to be associated with death and the afterlife, and by extension, transformation from one form to another.
(I can't help thinking at this point about the Sandman's assistant crow helper that travels between worlds, but also I've written a couple of metas about both Crowley and the Bentley being facilitators for the crossing of thresholds between different worlds.)
If you've ever had a close association with a crow or two- and I have, over several years, they can be wily opponents! - you come to respect their intelligence and adaptability, no matter how they might be frustrating you! **
The raven is also mentioned in the Book of Job 38:41
Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.
We didn't hear this line delivered to Job during the minisode, though we certainly heard some of the other lines from verses 38 and 39 that come before and after it. God is in the middle of telling Job about the universe, the earth and the creatures upon it, and how She looks after them. The line Jimbriel speaks about the morning stars all singing together is Job 38:7, for example. Just before mentioning this loathsome bird, She mentions that most noble of animals, the lion. But look, She also cares about ugly croaking raven fledglings that seem to get kicked out of the nest as soon as they can fly. How do they fend for themselves? It is seen as the mercy of God that she provides for each of the creatures of the Earth, both the lion and the raven. (Well, there's some interesting metaphorical links riiiight there...I hope I don't need to spell them out....)
So where are we? We've gone from a crow being a messenger for Noah, to kids/goats from the Flood scene in S1E3, to demon-associated goats being transformed into demon-associated crows in the Job minisode in S2E2, just before Job's human kids are saved from destruction by being transformed into geckos - which is also a significant symbolic creature for resurrection (which I explain in another meta.)
You know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we loop back for a longer look at the Flood in S3. Kids, crows, a transformative experience...
Va-va-voom, here we come!
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*Parallel Myths by J. F. Beirlein (1994) A Fascinating look at the common threads woven through the world's greatest myths - and the central role they have played through time. ISBN 0-345-38146-7
**I know there are corvids all around the world, and they can be shy, important birds in the ecosystem but here in Australia they can also be big bullies who know they are bigger than the other birds and throw their weight around accordingly and then do gross stuff like dirty up the backyard bird bath by finding discarded sandwiches and dog bones or even Lego blocks and drop them in to "soften" them for later consumption and just leave a filthy mess there for everybird else. yyyiikkk.
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A tantrum in the baby cot
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Franco Barbi x mum!reader
warning : outlast level of dark themes, dom/sub undertones, slight injury, kiss, comfort, pain kink, nickname : Ma'm, Mommy
Summary : A tantrum can always happen during turn-based data collections, but this adult baby's tantrums calmed down pretty quickly, just not this time. Before any more bloodbaths were caused, a solution had to be found and the only thing that would help was to put the baby in his cot and call his mum to look after her little boy.
info : So the third work for Franco the cute little one also this one was fun to write especially the oversized crib for him and I wish you all a lot of fun and see you next time :)
Kids aren't they cute? Children, some say, are the joy of life, the joy of a family, the joy of a mother and the son for a father. A child is something special, born out of love between mother and father, nine months later, with blood, screams and love, something alive was born for her, for the doctors and guards around her, and for him too.
Each of them was born this way but something didn't seem quite right with one of the good moments since his birth, growing up without a mother, not breastfed at her breast, not loved and not kissed.
The only thing the son had received in young adulthood was the seat of his next mother's high heels kicking him and pressing him to the floor as his hips rubbed against the ground as he , ,,Not worthy of my body" as she had told him, the spit mixed with the blood from his runny nose on the floor and he could be the happiest son he could imagine.
But was it a ‘wrong’ childhood that had led him to this area, this dock, or to her? He didn't know, she didn't know and it seemed only the manager could know but he hadn't met him, probably just another police pig like the son of a police whore type who always charged the air too much and made his nice suit seem uncomfortable.
He didn't want to fill the air with electronics, he wanted to pollute the air with blood, to see where the teeth dug into the walls and bodies, something he could do every day, going out of his room and doing his hunting, ,,Hanging like rags here bloodless…where are the next ones? Hey, I'm talking to you fuckers!" the man's screams could be heard through the large facility as his bloodlust was probably not satisfied by five victims.
As he went round and round looking for new victims, new meat and, above all, new tops for his milk bottles, the management slowly realised that it was time to put the baby to sleep by force…or so they would have done if one little thing hadn't gone wrong.
One little thing in which she had underestimated him and Franco only needed three shots, ,,New fuck toy nice" he rejoiced as the ammunition in the form of teeth and bones drilled through the uniforms and a kick against the door and a shot with the Lupara was one of the most dangerous experiments free, free in search of his mother.
A mother lashing out on the other side of the building not wanting to be abused again, ,,Oh! My baby boy is going to kill you" she said as she cried out her personal doctor some older man with a nurse who gave her the cocktail mix of hormones every fortnight, a cocktail pill injection mix of hormones she knew she would never get back to normal inside.
Just because she was the mother she loved, a woman for the baby, a hormone-reacting glass with tits or whatever they called her, nothing more to her doctor than a means to an end with which he could roughly handle ramming the needle straight into her skin and leaving the odd blow on her.
But for every injury, Franco was only more outraged as he seemed to sense what was happening to his mother and this time it was probably just too much, ,,You'll be pierced, cut up, drained and mutilated," she said as she saw the bright flashing light of the orange lamp on the wall she had already figured it had something to do with the experiments.
When she saw the uncertain look on the woman's face, she had nothing but laughter left, knowing that it would only be minutes before she was back in the game, back at his side and finally able to love someone again, ,,Mother! Mother!" the three of them heard the distant screams in the operating theatre as shots and footsteps were heard.
The nurse fled screaming and the doctor retreated with a warning look, they both knew that in the end the organisation could always kill them both, patience only lasted until they had him under control again but why not act a little.
The metal shackles came off automatically and she got back to her feet, the dark dress on her, blood running down her arm and the bruise from the blow visible on her cheek, she dragged herself out of the room in pain.
,,Oh-Oh my baby…F-Franco! Mummy's here!" she cried, dragging herself along her cheek, leaving a small trail of blood as she looked for him, knowing that he was somewhere nearby, that he could smell her, that the pills were specially mixed to make him smell her, that he could smell her blood, her excitement, her fear and her lust, everything of hers that was his…if she wanted it.
It only took a few more minutes before she saw the bright dirty blood spattered suit, the shotgun and a worried look, ,,Ma'm!" he cried out as if everything he held dear had just been burnt in front of him he almost fell to his knees in front of her and clung to her, ,,You-you're all right!" the kidn gave his gun back in its holster and he looked at her, crying more and more with each injury and looking more and more vengeful.
But she put a hand on his cheek and he could feel the warm blood on it spread slightly, Franco cuddled her hand as if he hadn't seen her for years as if every touch was something he got something from whether it was love or excitement it didn't seem to matter it seemed the same.
,,I'm fine, my baby's here now…but you know, look around," she told him, her posture, which had been limp and pained before, straightening and completely absorbed in her role, her hands firmly on his shoulders, her gaze roaming the cameras, a look that told her kind-hearted observers that she had him under control.
He felt himself momentarily diminish as his fingers played with the buttons of his suit, almost casually stroking his midsection before he said more calmly, ,,It's messy but-but I was worried," he protested, turning to face her as she hugged him from behind, her arms wrapped around him, he felt her soft breasts against his back, her lips over his lips and he felt a shudder as he heard her voice against his ear.
A voice he would give anything for, something he wanted to follow, ,,Yes that may be but you're still a naughty boy, you know a nice boy doesn't throw a hissy fit when he can't find his mum do you?" she asked her finger running down his side along the leather of his belt and smirked as she felt his half-hardness Franco just nodded and his gaze drifted to the floor.
But she didn't allow this for long, lifting Lupara from his leather waffle belt she warned him with a hiss as she walked ahead and Franco followed her, his hands holding onto the fabric of her dress probably stroking her thigh again and again she knew that he wanted her, that he wanted to be a good boy and that he wanted her love but he would have to wait a little longer as the pair walked back to his base.
,,I've tidied up just for you and a drink,knew that something as pretty as you were just waiting for it" he said, chuckling almost effusively at his words as he closed the door behind her and the click was heard as his mother and lover made her way to the double-sized cot and lay down on it.
Watching her Franco with an amused grin, a young man a grown child hastily trying to grab the drinks and get back to her while she had long since tended to her wounds. ,,Here Mummy," he said happily, handing her a martini glass with dark wine in it, which she took from him with a smile, the gun still in her hand.
The wine was a little older, not that it spoilt the taste, on the contrary, it only seemed to taste better here in this shithole, her home away from home, as she closed her eyes in pleasure and tried to enjoy the alcohol.
A pleasure that remained for a few moments when Franco turned to her, the grown-up baby always had his well-deserved sleep in the cradle, but mostly alone with nothing but toys, milk and his own desires, but now she was there.
He downed the wine in one go and let his hands wander up her thighs, fingers stained with blood and dirt staining her skin, ,,Mhh I want little more of you?" he asked sighing as he ran his tongue over the cold blood on her arms, almost enjoying the puncture holes from which he would get a few more drops of her insides, her so warm soft insides.
Her eyes narrowed for a moment at first she wanted to tip the wine over him but what mother could say no to such sunshine, let him continue, she leaned back into the pillows feeling him wanting more and more, trying to get at her blood, his hands awkwardly reaching up her body.
To the point where she let him do it as she pressed Lupara to his chest, ,,Of course a greedy little impotent disgusting gnome gets more…if you do well," she said, seeing how for a fraction anger at the insult surfaced as she let the end of the weapon wrap from his chest down to his centre and increased the pressure on it, he was already nothing more than a whimpering little thing nestling against her, kissing every part of her body.
The grunts and whimpers were like pleasant music to her next to the constant screams and insults as he lay half on her body his head on her chest sighing as he felt her heartbeat aware of her inside and out ,,May I Mommy?" he asked his voice innocent though she saw exactly what he was capable of and seeing him like this the mighty Franco Barbie begged pressing against her waiting for her to pull her dress back on.
Putting the gun aside yet still pointing it at him she gave him a gentle smile placing a hand on his cheek before ,,Of course such a protective good boy" she said proudly as he pulled back the fabric covering her breasts and she saw the glint of excitement, arousal and love in his eyes as he immediately latched onto one of her nipples to massage the other.
He chuckled as she let out a pleasurable moan, the gun pressing further against him with each passing moment saying if he did even one wrong thing he would push her off, the pain of her fingers caressing his skin the praise he needed, the pleasurably disparaging look she gave him making the blood rush to his loins, ,,Thank you…Ma'm thank you," he murmured only letting go of her breast for a moment to acknowledge her gaze. She saw the faint glimmer of her own breast milk on his lips greedy as a little baby he never seemed to want to let go of her.
The look he was always under, under which both his sides were, she always had him on a leash even though he would bite her to death, she was his everything, she was the wife, the mother he had always missed and he was the son she never wanted and yet always needed.
She pressed him closer to her, stroking his back from time to time as the gun pressed harder and harder against his chest, knowing that if he wasn't tough enough in the coming moments, hours, who knows what days, she would shoot his heart out.
A thought that only excited him more and he slowly rubbed himself against her, ,,Oh someone's all excited then, we have all the time in the world don't we?" she asked threatening not to get an answer as she grabbed his nakcne and yanked him away from her.
Francos lust veiled gaze narrowed in pleasure as he felt the blow it was only the first one that night it wouldn't be the first time that moment he was petulant oh and it wouldn't be the last time they both stained the cot together with blood, bodily fluids and ammunition because at the end of the day every child needs love after a tantrum.
@homefander , @millie-milkshake , @youre-gonna-see-a-lot-of-me , @xboxjuice , @cuddlecow
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Imagine railing the fuck out of Patrick Bateman after catching him flirting with one of his co-workers. Just railing him till he's a sobbing mess, begging for release knowing you won't give it to him until you've finished first.
( also I love your writing, I always get excited when you post something fanfic or not )
Patrick Bateman with Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+
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You two were married, however, you liked to keep your marriage on the down low...It wasn't because you were a gay couple, you both just hated the unwanted and annoying attention that it would get you, like an invitation to a 'couples' party or whatever bullshit they like to call it. People are annoying. They also like to butt into things.
Right now you were currently heading towards your husband's office to invite him to dinner at Dorsia, which he couldn't ever get into. And so you did the most reasonable thing, you bought the place.
Of course, you didn't really want to change anything about it, however, you did want to change a little thing, your husband is always welcome to eat there, let's just say ever since you bought it, it became even more popular and the reservations are even harder to get now.
Looking into Patrick's office windows you realized no one was there, so you made your way into the common workroom. All eyes were on you, everyone wondering why a famous young handsome billionaire was in this building. However, a set of certain eyes weren't on you.
There you saw Patrick flirting with a new employee, she was rather eye-catching, however, you couldn't help but notice the even littlest flaws on her...However you ignored her, it wasn't her fault that your husband was flirting with her.
"Mr. Bateman?" Your voice rang out, it wasn't really cold until he ignored you multiple times, "Mr....Bateman?" Your husky and rough voice rang out maybe for the fifth time, your hand finally placing itself on his shoulder.
Patrick turned his face toward you, with a grimace, he looked at your boredly and gave a fake smirk as if taunting you.
"And what do you want?" He snarkily asked, suddenly walking away, turning away from the woman he was flirting with and then away from you, heading towards his office.
Your jaw clenched at his insolence, as you followed him, ignoring the gossip around you.
Making it back to his office, you realized there were now currents closed on the windows, and when you tried to open the office door it was locked.
Guess you'll just have to wait until he gets home.
<><<><><><><><<<<>>>><<<>>>><<<>>>>><<<>>>>> "Sir, L/n...I have already made your preparations for tomorrow." Your assistant spoke over the phone, and you gave a hum in response, quickly hanging up as you noticed how there was the slam of the door.
Patrick ushered in, hanging his suit jacket up by the door before loosening his red tie. "Can you believe it, fucking Paul Allen can get a reservation at Dorsia, but I can't even get, 'We'll think about it!'" Patrick raged looking at his husband's cold face.
"So you were being a dick to me, just because you couldn't get a reservation, I'm guessing you made the reservation yesterday?" Of course, he made the reservation yesterday, you didn't buy the restaurant until today so of course, he wouldn't be able to get in at that point in time.
Patrick stayed silent at your words. You suddenly got off the couch, and toward over him.
Your thumb traced over his bottom lip while leaning down a bit to stare into his eyes. He looked at you cockily, practically saying he doesn't regret his actions.
<><<><><><><><<<<>>>><<<>>>><<<>>>>><<<>>>>> Patrick Bateman withered under your strong body, he looked like a mess, with his hair all over the place, and drool slightly dripping out of the corner of his mouth.
Your cock was prodding deep inside him, resting for a bit, before pulling out and slamming into him hard earning a small cry from the perfectionist.
As you continued to ram his sensitive hole, Patrick nearly lost himself in the lust his eyes nearly rolling back, but he tried to keep himself contained, his eyes lids dragging heavily as he was drunk on your cock.
Your large veiny hand was gripping Patrick's cock, giving it a squeeze and not allowing him to even release a single drop, as your cock continued to invade and plow his squishy and warm hole.
Patrick tried to beg for his own release however, it came out more of a slur and cohesive words which were quickly covered up by his cries of pleasure as you ripped open his hole, which would surely be left gaping after you were done.
His cock was weeping and crying under your touch, his body harshly rocked against your fast and rough movements, his hole squeezing in both pain and pleasure.
He then began to spit out apologies, "Nmm~mm~SoRmm~rryyy!" He cried smothering his head into the soft billowing, his tears falling and soaking the bed.
Your free hand which wasn't gripping his cock, gripped his face, forcing him to look into the mirror which you had placed. Patrick had to watch, as you fucked him hard and rough, his hole easily slurping up the load of cum you emptied inside him.
However you weren't done, your cock was still hard as a rock, after maybe a short rest of emptying your cum inside him, your movements easily went back to slamming deeply inside him. His walls clamped around your cock sucking all of your cum into him, as your cock continued to impale inside him.
Tilting your head back, You released Patrick's cock, allowing him to let out a cry of pleasure and release all over himself, his breath deepening at his own release.
You chuckled at his expression, he really thought it was over? Thrusting inside him hard, fully lodging your cock inside, Patrick letting out a whimper followed by a groan
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brittscafe · 1 year
Hiii can you do headcanons for Mayuri falling in love with a childhood friend
ahhh yesss! I think Mayuri is such a complex and interesting character which is why I love writing about him :)
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You both were friends at a young age as you lived outside the walls of soul society.
Once Mayuri and you became very close, he disappeared one day leaving you.
It comes to Mayuri as a shock when you come into the soul society as one of Ichigo's friends trying to rescue Rukia from her execution decades later.
Of course, he's got a watchful eye on you as you run throughout the maze of the soul society.
He sits in his lab and watches you day by day.
Unknown to you, he's been coming to your aide as you go through obstacles and unfriendly soul reapers.
You end up in the 12th division barracks and you're surrounded by the members of the Research and Development Institute.
Mayuri easily senses your presence and rushes his way to the front.
Once Mayuri steps inside the room and you lock eyes, your heart drops.
You instantly recognize the boy behind all the face paint and makeup caked onto his face.
The members of the 12th squad seem to disappear as they realize that you're not a threat.
Mayuri and you stand perfectly still, hearts ramming as you gaze into each other's eyes.
"I like the new look. Mad scientist?" you speak up, gulping and swallowing your anxiety.
"Yeah. That's what I was going for," Mayuri replies shyly.
"I remember. That's what you wanted to be...a scientist. I guess you got your dream, huh?" you comment, stepping forward.
Although, you were curious. What happened to him? What happened to the electric blue hair and golden hues of his eyes?
What happened to the innocent little boy you used to know?
You immediately throw your arms around him and squeeze him tightly.
"W-what are you doing?" Mayuri stutters out, unsure what to do with his hands.
His emotions come flooding in, emotions that he hasn't felt since he last saw you.
"I never thought I would see you again," you comment, a smile tugging on your face.
Mayuri's mouth gapes open and he nods his head.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles out, lowering his head with shame.
You furrow your eyebrows as you're confused with his words until he reaches out.
You gasp loudly as his fingernail strikes you in the chest and your body rattles.
You glance down at the long fingernail extending into your chest and your eyelids start to become heavy.
Mayuri didn't know what to do, but he knew that you couldn't be here.
Once you wake up, you find yourself in a jail cell with Mayuri standing outside and watching you.
This time, he looks like himself. No makeup or face paint on him.
He spends hour apologizing to you about how much he's changed as a person and you couldn't even recognize him anymore.
Tears are gleaming in your eyes and you shake your head.
"I still recognize the same boy I knew all those years ago," you speak softly and his eyes widen.
Mayuri goes against his morals and decides to let you out and even helps you save Rukia.
After Aizen betrays the soul society, Yamamoto decides to let you stay and help the soul reapers.
As you and Mayuri grow closer and closer as you work together in his lab, you consume Mayuri's days.
Soft touches are shared and laughter lingers in the air.
It becomes very obvious to everyone in the soul society that Mayuri is head over heels in love with you.
Mayuri isn't very good at expressing his feelings so he decides to use his actions.
You're both working a late night in the lab and Mayuri pulls your chair over to his, pressing his lips against yours.
A soft 'I love you' was said between you two as you pull way from the kiss.
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lemon-natalia · 4 months
Harrow the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 45
‘An amount of time before the emperor’s murder’ oh this is getting ridiculous
ohh Abigail leading Harrow away feels slightly bad to me, i hope they’re who they say they are and not fake/malevolent
huh, what is up with the horned animal imagery and Lyctors. i doubt its anything meaningful, but given the rest of the religious imagery in the book it might make sense if its a ram or some other religious-y associated animal
and the Harrow’s memory Dulcinea IS the real one, because she’s a ghost! ooh i can’t wait to see what she’s really like
and yay, Isaac and Jeannemary are safe … kind of … in a manner of speaking? as safe as a ghost can be i suppose?
oh wow so Silas’s whole murder/suicide of himself and (presumably fake mindscape) Corona was him just being a dramatic little bitch who didn’t want to play along. iconic of him 
okay, so from what Abigail’s saying the River is supposed to be only a temporary place, where souls are supposed to move on to whatever’s ‘beyond’, but something unnatural has happened and stopped them from doing that. i love that she’s dead and still theorising and also a little mad that she couldn’t write a paper about it. we got such little of Abigail last book before she died and i’m loving seeing more of her here
and Ortus is actually the real Ortus, i wasn’t expecting that. also they found out midway through about the bomb but couldn’t disable it?? thats a really awful way to go, knowing you’re gonna die and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. and i hadn’t even thought about the poor pilot that might have also been killed, i assumed the shuttles were auto-piloted or something 
also Ortus is remarkably generous to Crux rn for a guy who murdered him
oh Harrow is beating herself up so much for her previous attitude and actions towards Gideon and Harrow - yes she did absolutely treat them poorly, but its also wound up in a whole lot of guilt about their deaths, neither of which were her fault
and Harrow also just cannot accept that it was ultimately Gideon’s decision to die. even if she has good intentions in that its coming from a place of deep care for her, Harrow is kinda diminishing Gideon’s final choice here
‘I was, and am, a grown man, and you were both neglected children’ oh this is tearing my heart out, someone finally acknowledging just how fucked up Harrow & Gid’s childhoods were, and how young they were to be in such awful positions. and Harrow with all of her guilt over everything, just cannot accept that she might be a child who was hard done by
and she finally isn’t totally rejecting someone’s comforting touch! i wasn’t expecting Ortus and Harrow’s dynamic to go this way, but i really do love it 
fuck yeahhh! confirmation that Gideon the First’s name is in fact, Gideon the First! and i am also very curious as to why Gideon’s mother, whoever she is, was saying said name as a revenant
this message seems to be differentiating between ‘our civilisation’ and ‘yours’ which is strange. these are very likely from the Sleeper then. also i am facepalming because it took me until the end of this chapter to realise that the invading soul was in fact the Sleeper 💀
‘I am going to exorcise the Sleeper’ we are getting a ghost hunt with Abigail and Magnus!! kind of 
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mushiemellows · 6 months
Okay so I don’t know if I’ll fully flush it out but I DO want to one day write a full cowboy/western au with my own spin on things. I think the main character would actually be Koby sent from the local Militia General to give a letter to Jinbei. Jinbei’s the appointed sheriff of Mil Solada, a flamboyant little town that’s a bit off the grid. So young Koby comes to town and is introduced one instance at a time to its residents. But he starts to realize slowly that it’s not quite the town the Militia thinks it is because, in fact, it’s entirely occupied by the Strawhat Gang. Jinbei’s not actually the law here, because he serves under the boss Luffy. And the letter Koby’s delivering is the summons to Ace’s hanging.
Nami- owns the bar/inn. Big time swindler, gambling queen, certified weighted dice and trick card champion. Will kill a bandit for $5.
Sanji- bar’s chef (but mostly the bartender). Wears the silliest little suits and everyone calls him a city boy.
Brook- bar’s musician at the piano, LOVES to score a fist fight. Also hangs out at the ends of town scaring off rogues that try to come for the boss’s bounty.
Zoro- a full, classic ass Kurosawa samurai.
Usopp- traveling storyteller/toy maker/puppeteer with the caravan and everything, but don’t think he’s a weak mark because he’s a wicked fuckin shot when push comes to shove. (The caravan has a beautiful carving of a ram along the top)
Robin- FIRST OF ALL Native Robin. second of all? Book collector, printing press star. She’s distributing pamphlets. And she’s snapping necks.
Franky- is totally into the big technological boom. The photograph. The telegram. He’s trying to get wires out to Mil Solada but they’re so far from the train line (train accident took an arm, mine explosion took a leg). Also someone need to help Robin with her Grasshopper press when it needs maintenance ohhh nooo. General town handyman BUT he’s working on a wagon that’ll totally kick Usopp’s caravan’s ass in a race.
Jinbei- like I said. Sheriff. Assumed law but he’s actually just using his placement as cover for everyone else to do as they will. Has a significantly different view of justice than the bastards at the Militia, so he’s letting Luffy and the gang act on that justice while turning a blind eye.
Luffy- simply wants to build a town where EVERYONE can be free.
And as he gets adjusted to this strange place, maybe Koby’s realizing just how wrong he’s been about how the world works.
Jinbei gets the letter about Ace and is planning on protesting by not going, but Luffy sees it and starts to plan the Cowboy Raid Of the Century. Full guns blazing. And the plan goes perfectly to save Ace with not a single hiccup, no sir 🙃
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The world moves too fast now for anyone to get to the levels of Julia and George in the 90s/early 2000s....now you can literally be hot on Monday and not on Tuesday. The markets are oversaturated and social media has literally changed the world now people literally know every single thing there is to know about you within 30 minutes of you appearing in public and before people had years to get to know and love someone now everyone moves too fast to Carr and if they don't like you now then it's OK cos their is 30 other people exactly like you for them to choose from.
I also think Meghan has overplayed her hand too many times and she the fact she doesn't have a specific demographic to cater to either hurts her and any brand she's trying to build she's too old for the TikTok crowd she's too young and common for the NYC old money society crowds she's not talented or famous enough for Hollywood she literally doesn't have a single space she can occupy even the oh I'm famous cos I married someone famous club is ram packed and the only difference she had was she married royalty but now he's not even royalty he's 3rd row Harry on a commercial flight home and hour later.
She really put a lot into her "The Duchess/Duchess Meghan brand in the 2 or so years she was a royal and then spent the next 3 years completely smashing it to shreds....like why should we care that she's royal if being royal is as awful as she says it is?
Even the mom and baby club is full and it's full of people who actually show their kids 🙈 celebrity lifestyle and wellness?? Full and with people whi project an aspirational lifestyle....do you want to be like the 40 year old ex actress who spends her whole life fighting with her family and suing the press? Nope...me neither.
If she had spent the last 3 years building her own brand instead of trying to tear down the RFs she might be in better shape.
Even the divorce is gonna go against her IMO cos people genuinely just don't like her, she's not authentic and people can spot she's a fake a mile off, that's why the sugars and her PR attack Kate so much Kate is the real deal, anyone with half a brain cell can tell she was born to do this in fact she does it better than most of the people who were born to do this but Kate also knows this takes work she has honed her skills for over 2 decades..... Meghan is too petty, juvenile and lazy to do that or anything close to it.
I don't see WME being a game changer for her either, she loves attaching herself to big brands and names cos it makes her feel important but she doesn't have any follow through and nothing comes of it, have you ever heard of the sadim touch? It's the opposite to the midas touch and that's what she has. I know we all like to joke but she literally turned a prince into a pauper, he was the most popular royal (even more popular than the monarch) and now he's known as the frozen todger guy sitting in the nosebleeds at his fathers coronation 🙈
Sorry for the essay, if you made it this far congrats 🤣🤣
Great essay!!
I agree with you generally, but I think she a window. The royal connection (tenuous as it is right now) is valuable and it differentiates her. Also, the “feminist princess” brand the palace built for her is still compelling. They did a great job for her there. The “royal Rachel Zane” persona would still sell.
WME can’t do miracles, but they can get her a guest spot in The View. They can’t get her a job, but they can get her a guest spot, particularly if she delivers a second season of Archetypes that is not seven episodes of narcissism. She can go on Drew’s show. She can get the ghostwriter to write her a bestselling memoir that is not just cringe bitching about her family. She can get someone talented to write her a few good essays for Time. If she’s smart and she works hard she can do it. If she’s super smart and she divorces him, she has an even better chance of sound it.
But that’s the problem. She’s not smart and she doesn’t work hard. She’s going to buy herself some awards, do some random passive aggressive bitching, pose for a few paps, and call it a day. So, in the end, it’s not going to work out for her.
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staticintone · 2 months
This has been a long time coming, but here is my "Nonspecific/Non-writing RAM playlist". As in, lots of random songs that don't necessarily fit my Alastor, the vibes, or I feel like they only fit some particular situations. Warning: the list is long for absolutely no good reason.
Bubblegum, love, or overall pop-y songs that absolutely do not fit the vibes (or are almost crack) but are funny or awful in context:
Unconditionally [Katy Perry]—Alastor to Vox. Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) [Ne-Yo]—Alastor to Vox. Walls [Natalie Taylor]—Alastor to Vox. Part of Your World (Reprise) [Jodi Benson]—Vox to Alastor. Irreplaceable [Beyoncé]—Multiverse song that the Voxs probably assume Alastor would sing about them. The Phantom of the Opera [Andrew Lloyd Webber]—Come on, I had to, for Vox and Alastor. Lost in the Woods [Jonathan Groff]—Vox to Alastor, or even vice versa if you're like me and think Alastor is the most. Infinity [Jaymes Young]—This is just Alastor's love song in general, but a lot more twisted in context. FRIENDS [Marshmello, Anne-Marie]—Not my Alastor, but the canon RAM Alastor to Vox. One Last Time [Ariana Grande]—Not a perfect one to one, but Valentino to Vox potentially. Oops...I Did It Again [Britney Spears]—Alastor playing around with Vox's feelings knowing the directive will set in and prevent him from doing anything about it. Slipping [Neil Patrick Harris]—Multiverse Alastor shenanigans. Welcome to My Life [Simple Plan]—Vito to the other Voxs getting RAM'd in the multiverse. We Don't Talk About Bruno [Encanto - Cast]—Multiverse Alastors talking about RAM Alastor. Isabella is Alex in particular. The Best Day Ever [Spongebob Squarepants]—Niffty. Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol]—Vox and Alastor. Horny Angry Tango [Rachel Bloom, Scott Michael Foster]—The fight between Alastor and Vox. GUY.exe [Superfruit]—Alastor, especially in the multiverse. You're My Best Friend (And I Know I'm Not Yours) [Pete Gardner]—Niffty to Vox probably. Confrontation [Jekyll & Hyde]—Main and RAM Alastor, but Jekyll is RAM and Main is Hyde. Those Magic Changes [Sha Na Na]—Vox in the tower during those seven years. Skin [Sabrina Carpenter]—Alastor in the multiverse to all his detractors. Jaded [Miley Cyrus]—Multiverse Alastor to the Vox leading the charge against him. Psycho [Taylor Acorn]—Alastor to Vox. Lover Of Mine [5 Seconds of Summer]—Alastor to Vox. Francesca [Hozier]—Alastor to Vox in the most twisted of contexts. Skyscraper [Demi Lovato]—Vox to Alastor. you broke me first [Tate McRae]—Alastor to Vox. Broken [Lifehouse]—Vox to Alastor. Let Go [Frou Frou]—Alastor to Vox.
Songs that fit the AU a little better but might be questionable for one reason or another:
In the End [Linkin Park]—Vox. Comatose [Skillet]—Vox to Alastor. The Killing Kind [Marianas Trench]—This song is in three parts, but the first part feels very Alastor, especially the building manic pace. Saints [Echos]—A more lucid Vox to Alastor. Scratch [Kendall Payne]—Velvette about herself and Vox. Falling Inside the Black [Skillet]—Vox to Alastor. Hurt [Christina Aguilera]—Velvette to Vox. Silk [Crywolf, MOTHICA]—This is overall a sex song, but I think taken literally it has very Vox and Alastor vibes. Before You Go [Lewis Capauldi]—Valentino to Vox. CEPHALOTUS [Crywolf]—Vox. Without You [Breaking Benjamin]—Valentino to Vox. Leave My Body [Florence + The Machine]—Vox. The Diary of Jane [Breaking Benjamin]—Vox to Alastor. Car Radio [Twenty One Pilots]—Vox. DATURA [paroxysm] [Crywolf]—Vox about Alastor. Believe [Mumford & Sons]—Vox to Alastor. Sail [AWOLNATION]—Alastor. Black Magic [Jaymes Young]—Vox to Alastor. Not Who We Were [Em Beihold]—Niffty. ULTRAVIOLENT [adrenochrome] [Crywolf]—Vox to Alastor. Love [Daughter]—Valentino about Vox and Alastor. Blame [Echos]—Vox. Craving - Acoustic [YMIR]—Vox to Alastor. House a Habit [We Are the Guests]—Not sure why, but it gives me big Niffty vibes. Frozen [Within Temptation]—Vox to Alastor and potentially vice versa. Hate Me [Blue October]—Alastor to Vox, in some ways, but not all. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) [Eurythmics]—Alastor.
Songs that are incredibly specific to either particular roleplays or circumstances:
Learn to Love [Jessi Smiles, Joey Emmanuel]—Velvette and Valentino to Vox, particularly if he gets his memories back and is trying to move on. Slowly [Susanne Sundfør]—Potentially Vox during the Reassurance phase of my version of the Ordeal. The Seal Lullaby [Eric Whitacre]—The Reassurance phase, and potentially what Alastor would have hummed or sang during it. Angels [Within Temptation]—Either Other Ending or Heaven Ending Vox.
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goddess-lovers · 3 months
Thought I’d do a fun intro post!
Hello !! I’m Valerie, but you can also call me Eleanora or Goddess!! I’m an OSDD system, so keep that in mind! I’m a minor, please keep that in mind while interacting!!
A few things I enjoy:
• Musicals!
- SIX the musical
- Dear Evan Hansen
- The Great Gatsby
- Waitress
- RENT the musical
- Ride the Cyclone
- And more!
• Writing!
- I’m planning on writing a book and publishing my short stories one day :)
- I write poems, short stories, books-like stories, and much more! I do the whole lot!
• Reading
- young adult romance
- classics!! Currently reading The Great Gatsby
- many more <3
• Music!!
- I play the piano :) so music always has a special place in my heart!
- Blink182, laufey, mitski, mom jeans, sleep token, bad omens, metallica, the offspring, the cure, ram jam, nirvana, chappell roan, beabadoobee, billie eillish, she & him, molly grace + so much more! my playlist as over 1,000+ songs, i LOVE music LMAO
• My interests!
- Musicals (currently hyperfixated on SIX + Thr Great Gatsby)
- British history on the six wives of Henry VIII (wonder where that came from?)
- Space!!
- Music <3
- descendants
- More!! please ask <3
This may be edited sooner or later, BUT PLEASE, BE MY FRIEND ☹️ i need more!!
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ram-on · 2 years
whenyourbirdisbroken asked:
Hi ram-on! Thanks for your tags on that fic rec for Carry That Weight, I've never read that fic but your tags made it sound very interesting! What are other McLennon fics you like, if you don't mind sharing?
Hello there, @whenyourbirdisbroken! Thank you for my very first Beatles related ask and sorry for the late reply!! I discovered fanfiction through the Beatles fandom, I had never read fanfic before! But I'm still too bad at bookmarking things, so I'll certainly forget some I loved. Still, here's a list of those I can remember now:
Carry That Weight and its sequence Hello Goodbye by @waveofahand It's a massive work by a massive talent and it has a very special place in my heart. @idontwanttospoiltheparty described it very well in their recent post about it, and I added a bit of my commentary in the tags. Don't worry about the length, you don't have to read the two parts to enjoy it, but also if you start from the beginning and it's your cup of tea you may soon discover you never want it to end!
 Mums, Yur Boys are Crying by waveofahand. If you love hurt/comfort, this fic includes both John and Paul suffering - John's mom dying and Paul helping him go trhough the funeral, etc, and then Paul himself getting into another situation, and John worrying about him too. The boys are young but there's kindness, maturity and wisdom in it and the typical picturesque, novel-like features of waveofhand's prose. A special bonus are the very charming scenes between Mimi and Paul which may colour your perception of the interactions between those two forever (I always expect them to act like that in other fics). It's also a delightfully finished fic, it has a beautiful ending and conclusion.
Everything by merseydreams . As you may notice, I'm mostly a fan of drama and angst, but @merseydreams are my favorite exception. They're a comedy genius, their fics are romantic, charming, witty, very vivid and enjoyable both on story-buld level and micro-sentence level. I've often told them they should write scripts for sitcoms and romantic comedies/dramedies and other good things. Also good thoughtful characterization, relationship study-ing and dialogue too (so there's seriousness in them too! They're ultimately happy but not fluffy.). I love all their fics but I guess The Birthday Party is the best by being the longest, if you somehow missed it go read it ASAP! 
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc)  by fingersfallingupwards.  This fic is so touching, that I don't know how to describe it. It's a very poetic, imaginative and unique story about John&Paul-forever and time travel. About the connection of their souls in a fantastical but poignant sense that somehow fits them so much. Might make you cry but it's worth it. Also, completely finished fic as well, with a thrilling emotional twist towards the end. Might be the most complete fic I've read. The fic also provide very good context for the flaming pie anecdote :-)
On our way back home by Kathleenishereagain. This one is also about time travel, but in a different way, basically about old Paul getting back to being young again and how he'd do things differently. I think it's quite popular so you probably all know it. (Funny thing is I never thought I'd care about time travel, but ultimately it's just a writing vessel and aren't we always time travelling when we fantasise about the Beatles?) 
Close The Door Lightly When You Go by RosalindBeatrice. Set in 1979 when Paul comes to visit John in the Dacota, who acts like he doesn't want him there. It's awesome, one of those fics, in which they have real tension and problems which makes it all more real. It's mostly inner-thoughs and dialogue-driven but very intense nontheless, great characterisation, great attention to detail, just fantastic for lovers of post break up relationship studies and excellent writing.
The Wild Horses trilogy, from which I especially love the last part, Son of a Shining Path. It's about young Paul and John and Paul being abused by his father, and the first part might be a bit too dark for some. But I love the writing, and especially in the third part (which has no abuse but other suffering) I just love how well being worried about someone you love and being unable to show it is written in the end there. It's subtle, very realistic in its details, I love it.
I'm Looking Through You by @idontwanttospoiltheparty That's the only fic in this list which is still a work in progress, still updated. If you follow the author on Tumblr you know how smart they are, and their fic is just as thoughtful and attentive to the Beatles history, the music and the psychology of it all. The story gets more exciting and rich whith each chapter, I fell in love with the last three. It also pays attention to all four of the Beatles and their human sides and motivations in a way that rarely happens. Last chapter included the best incorporation of the Manila adventures I've read in fic. Just many emotionally packed and thrilling scenes all around (also that thing I just wrote about being worried about someone and being frozen about how to help them which I love being written realistically in fics -- is here too.) Go read it if you haven't and let's read the next update soon together!!
Widow by abromeds on LJ. This story is more than a decade old, but it's no wonder it still appears in fic recs. It's about death and grief - not John but Paul dying like John did - so it's truly dark, not like fun angsty, but truly deeply dramatic and real. So you might think why read something sad, but maybe you should, because it's so good. It's also serious writing on meaningful topic and I think the fictional element (Paul dying and not John) somehow helps it being more bearable and at the same time makes you think about the actual reality and we kinda avoid doing it, don't we? And it's just very well written, there are also very plausible-sounding flashbacks of their history and relationship through the years (the one about why John actually climbed the fence in Cavendish is my favorite!), so it's not really all about death. And my absolutely favorite thing in ''Widow'' is the very ending, the last sentence even. It's the most perfect, most poignant ending this story could have had, an ending any good fuckin literature could have. Sometimes I walk on the streets and think about that ending. 
This fic rec is got too wordy, so I'll end this here, although there are other fics I've enjoyed just as much, but I'll add them some other time!
Always feel free to recommend me some fics too (or to share your thoughts on the already mentioned!)
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