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Todd ingram x Male!GayInCloset!Reader
Advertencias: NSFW, sobrestimulacion, lector masculino, pronombres masculinos. Todo lo que escribo es meramente ficción.
★ Las imágenes utilizadas no son de mi propiedad, créditos a su respectivo artista.
Todd esperaba con ansias tu llegada al pequeño espacio de ensayo. Había planeado la velada a la perfección: solo él y tú solos, durante horas. Sin Envy, sin distracciones, sin interrupciones. Solo ustedes dos, improvisando, bebiendo y, por supuesto, follando. En cuanto entraste, Todd sintió que se le aceleraba el corazón. Tu estilo metalero lucía tan sexy como siempre. Ese pelo rojo ligeramente desordenado, esos ojos oscuros intensos... Todd era como una masa en tu presencia. ── Oye, por aquí! ── Dijo Todd con naturalidad, intentando parecer tranquilo a pesar de su pulso acelerado.
── ¿Listo para el rock? ── Asientes, echando al hombro el estuche de la guitarra. ── Sí, hagámoslo.
Los dos se acomodaron en el estrecho escenario, preparando sus instrumentos. Mientras afinabas tu guitarra, Todd le lanzó miradas furtivas. Había algo en el serio y melancólico en ti cada vez que tocabas que realmente hizo que su motor se acelerara. Una vez que estuvieron listos comenzaron a tocar.
Todd no pudo evitar mirarte con lujuria. La forma en que tu cabello oscuro se balanceaba mientras movías la cabeza suavemente al ritmo de tu guitarra, la forma en que tus pantalones abrazaban tu cuerpo ligeramente tonificado.
Todd se estaba poniendo duro de solo mirarte.
── Estuviste increíble, _______. ── Jadeó Todd, dejando la guitarra a un lado. Se acercó a ti, mirándote como un depredador a un trozo de carne.
── ¿Quieres tomar un descanso rápido? Estoy sediento. ── Dijo, mostrándo una sonrisa coqueta. Todd sabía que eras gay en closet debido a problemas familiares con tu hermana Envy. Le encantaba la emoción de estar contigo en secreto, o más bien tener relaciones. Envy nunca necesitaba saberlo.
Todd se ocupó de sacar dos latas de alcohol de su mochila, sin apartar la mirada de tu rostro. Cuando te entregó la lata, sus manos se tocaron, enviando electricidad a través de ambos. ── Gracias. ── Susurras, con voz ronca debido al cansancio. Bebes un largo trago, con tu garganta moviéndose.
A Todd le encantaba verte beber, le encantaba imaginar otro tipo de cosas. ── Eres tan sexy cuando bebes. ── Susurró Todd sin pensar con claridad con los ojos pegados a tus labios.
Sin pensarlo, extendió la mano y pasó los dedos por la curva de tu cintura, sintiendo cálida esta. ── Te necesito. ── Dijo Todd de repente, con voz baja y desesperada.
Sostuvo tu cintura y te acercó a él. Sus labios se estrellaron en un beso abrasador, hambriento y salvaje. Todd te inmovilizó contra la pared, frotando tus caderas contra las de él. Dejas escapar un gemido ahogado mientras tus manos suben para enredarse en el cabello de Todd.
El chico rasgó la camisa de tu camisa exponiendo tu tonificado pecho. Inclinándose, Todd chupó con suavidad uno de tus montículos rosados. Dejando una linea de besos húmedos hasta tu cuello. ── Déjame tenerte, otra vez. ── Suplicó Todd, con la voz entrecortada por la necesidad. ── Nadie tiene por qué saberlo. Será nuestro secreto. ── Mordió y mordisqueó tu garganta, mientras que sus manos recorrían tu cuerpo con avidez.
Todd te ansiaba como una droga, y estaba a punto de obtener su dosis.
La lengua de Todd se arremolinaba alrededor de tu cuello, dejando besos húmedos haciendote gemir entre suspiros. Estaba siendo muy oral, muy codicioso con su boca.
Sus manos vagaron por tu espalda, acariciando y apretando tus músculos a través de tu espalda expuesta sin camisa. Todd rompió la succión de tu cuello. Sus manos se movieron alrededor del frente de tu cuerpo, apretando el bulto en tus pantalones. ── ¿Tienes alguna idea de cuánto te deseo? ── Todd susurró, mordisqueando tu clavícula. ── He estado contando los días hasta que podamos estar solos nuevamente. Sueño contigo por la noche.
Sus dedos desabrocharon hábilmente el cinturón de tu pantalón abriendo el botón de tu bragueta. Todd bajó la cremallera tu pantalón, bajándolo junto a tu ropa interior, dejando al descubierto tu longitud dura.
Todd se lamió los labios y engulló tu erección en su boca, comenzando a chupar y a mover la cabeza.
Sueltas un gruñido al sentir la caliente garganta de alrededor de tu longitud. La boca de Todd era tan hábil y hambrienta. Inclinó la cabeza rápidamente, sorbiendo ruidosamente mientras tomaba todo profundamente en su garganta. Una de las manos de Todd bombeaba la base del eje de tu longitud mientras la otra acariciaba tus bolas.
A Todd le encantaba el sabor del tu líquido preseminal, buscaba ese sabor salado y dulce con su lengua. Quería probar cada gota que tenías para ofrecer. Mientras se atragantaba y quitaba tu miembro de su boca, Todd pasó las yemas de los dedos por la piel sensible de la parte interna de tu muslo acariciando tu zona vulnerable, haciéndote estremecer.
── Todd... ── Gimes, con la cabeza echada hacia atrás contra la pared. ── Todd, no puedo... h-ha pasado demasiado tiempo mmm... m-me voy a...
── ¿Vas a hacer qué, _______? ── Todd arrulló, bombeando tu miembro, aún más rápido. Sabía exactamente lo que estabas tratando de decir. Él había estado en esta situación antes contigo, y sabía exactamente cómo manejarlo. Con una sonrisa pícara, Todd tomó tu longitud de nuevo en su boca y continuó chupando y moviendo su cabeza, atragantándose levemente cuando su cabeza golpeó la parte posterior de su boca.
Le encantaba la sensación de tu eje palpitando contra su lengua, y el sabor de tu líquido preseminal era embriagador. Todd chupó más fuerte, ahuecando sus mejillas para crear más succión, sus dedos bombeando al ritmo de su cabeza que se movía. Agarras el cabello de Todd, tus caderas se sacudieron erráticamente mientras luchabas por contenerte.
Pero el implacable asalto oral de Todd pronto resultó demasiado. Con un gruñido sueltas toda tu carga en la garganta de Todd. Tu miembro estaba palpitando en la boca de Todd mientras arrojaba carga tras carga de semen espeso sobre la lengua y la garganta del rubio.
── Ah, ah, sí... ── Gimió Todd alrededor de tu miembro, lamiendo hasta la última gota. Cuando tu orgasmo finalmente comenzó a disminuir, Todd se apartó, con un hilo de tu semen que conectaba sus labios antes de romperse.
Se chasqueó los labios y había un brillo de satisfacción en sus ojos. ── Mmm, delicioso. ── Ronroneó Todd, lamiéndose los labios. Se inclinó para capturar los tuyos en un beso profundo y apasionado, su lengua bailando con la tuya mientras transmitía su propia excitación. Las caderas de Todd se balanceaban contra tu muslo, su propia erección se tensaba contra sus pantalones. Se apretó contra ti, desesperado por fricción y alivio. Con un gruñido, Todd manoseó su cinturón, desabrochó la bragueta y liberó su dura longitud que ya estaba goteando líquido preseminal con anticipación.
Todd agarró nuevamente tu cadera con una mano, la otra acariciaba su eje con urgencia mientras besaba tus labios con deseo y hambre ── Te necesito ahora, _______. No puedo esperar. ── Jadeó en el beso. Separándose, te miró con ojos suplicantes y llenos de lujuria.
── Por favor, déjame hacerte el amor. ── Rogó Todd, guiando tu manos hacia su dura longitud. ── Tócame. Hazme sentir bien. ── Envuelves tus dedos alrededor del eje de Todd, acariciándolo con movimientos lentos y provocativos. Todd gimió con sus ojos cerrados en éxtasis. Estaba cerca, muy cerca ya, y tú ni siquiera lo estabas tocando, directamente todavía.
Las caderas de Todd se sacudieron hacia adelante, buscando más de tu toque. ── Sí, así. ── Jadeó, su aliento caliente contra tu oído. ── Eres tan bueno con tus manos.
El miembro de Todd palpitaba en tu agarre goteando constantemente ahora. El líquido preseminal goteaba sobre tu puño, haciendo que tu mano se volviera resbaladiza mientras acariciabas el eje de Todd más rápido, con más firmeza. Los gemidos de Todd se hicieron más fuertes, más desesperados, y comenzó a empujar en tu palma persiguiendo su clímax que se acercaba rápidamente.
── A-Ah me v-voy a correr.. ── Advirtió Todd, con la voz tensa. ── No pares, por favor no pares. ── Se agachó para ayudarte a trabajar su miembro, deseando alcanzar ese pináculo del placer. Sus manos se movían al unísono, resbaladizas por el líquido preseminal de Todd, hasta que finalmente Todd se vino con un grito ronco, su miembro se sacudió en tu mano mientras inundaba el puño del otro chico con semen caliente y pegajoso.
── Mmm... S-Sí... ── Gritó Todd, su cuerpo temblando por la intensidad de su orgasmo. Se aferró a ti con su rostro enterrado en tu cuello, mientras sentía las olas de placer. Cuando el orgasmo de Todd se calmó, guías su miembro gastado hacia sus pantalones. Todd jadeaba pesadamente, su pecho subía y bajaba mientras recuperaba el aliento, te mira con una expresión aturdida y saciada, sus ojos entrecerrados y vidriosos por la dicha posorgásmica.
── Eso fue... increíble. ── Susurró Todd, acurrucándose en tu cuello con cariño. ── Siempre sabes cómo hacerme sentir tan bien. Sonríes, frotando la espalda de Todd con dulzura. ── Es todo para ti, Todd. Tú también me haces sentir increíble.
Las manos de Todd se deslizaron alrededor tu trasero, dándole un apretón posesivo. ── Necesito estar dentro de ti. ── Gruñó, sus caderas ya comenzando a frotarse contra las tuyas. Tus mejillas arden ante el deseo de Todd.
── Ahora, antes de que pierda la cabeza. ── Sin esperar una respuesta, Todd hizo girar tu cuerpo y lo inclinó sobre el borde del escenario. Rápidamente le arrancó la ropa que te quedaba y la arrojó a un lado, dejándote desnudo, vulnerable y expuesto. Todd se colocó detrás de ti, con su miembro duro golpeando contra tu trasero.
Intentas hablar pero reemplazas tus palabras por un gemido ahogado al sentir el agarre de Todd en tu cabello, tirando de tu cabeza hacia atrás mientras él hacía una mueca con la punta de su longitud en tu entrada. ── ¿Listo para mí, lindo? ── Susurra Todd, su mano libre se extendió para acariciar tu cintura.
── Estoy listo para ti, Todd. ── Sueltas un jadeo empujando tu trasero contra su miembro erecto. Todd gimió, sus dedos apretaron tu cabello mientras se alineaba y comenzaba a empujar dentro.
Podías sentir la gruesa longitud de Todd extendiendo tu agujero, como cabeza de su miembro empujaba contra tu próstata con cada embestida. ── Mmm, te sientes tan bien... ── Gimió Todd, sus caderas se movieron hacia adelante con creciente urgencia. Tiró de tu cabello con más fuerza, tirando de tu cabeza hacia atrás mientras embestía dentro de ti.
El escenario crujió bajo su peso, el sonido resonó a través del pequeño espacio de ensayo. Te apoyas con una mano en el piso del escenario, no pudiendo evitar arquear tu espalda, encontrando las embestidas de Todd y llevándolo aún más profundo. Sus bolas chocaron entre sí con cada embestida frenética, el sonido resbaladizo llenó el aire junto con su respiración pesada y jadeos de placer. Todd soltó tu cabello y deslizó la mano para acariciarle tu longitud, mientras la otra mano seguía agarrando tu cadera.
── Te voy a llenar... ── Gruñó Todd, sus embestidas se volvieron más rápidas y desesperadas a medida que se acercaba al borde una vez más. ── Córrete para mí, _______ Déjame verte... ── La mano de Todd sobre tu longitud se aceleró, bombeando al ritmo de sus embestidas agresivas.
── Hazlo, córrete para mi. Ahora. ── Ordenó Todd, con la voz ronca por el deseo. Su propio orgasmo se estaba acumulando, el placer se enroscaba cada vez más fuerte en su centro.
── Estoy cerca. Voy a correrme dentro de ti, voy a pintar tus entrañas de blanco. ── Con un gemido, Todd empujó profundamente y se mantuvo allí, su miembro palpitaba mientras liberaba semen caliente en tu apretado agujero. Su orgasmo pareció durar una eternidad, chorro tras chorro de espeso semen llenandote hasta que Todd estuvo exhausto y se desplomó contra ti. Cuando las réplicas de su clímax se desvanecieron, Todd se retiró lentamente, su miembro ablandado se deslizó libre con un plop húmedo. Líquido preseminal gotearon de tu agujero estirado, la vista hizo que la longitud de Todd se contrajera de nuevo. Todd dio un paso atrás, admirando el desastre que había hecho en tu trasero.
── Te ves muy desastroso. ── Dijo con una sonrisa orgullosa y perversa, pasando un dedo por la mezcla pegajosa en tu entrada y llevándola a sus labios para probarla. ── Delicioso.
Todd levantó tu cuerpo cansado y lo giró, capturando tus labios en un beso profundo y dominante. Mientras se besaban, las manos de Todd recorrieron tu cuerpo suavemente, tanteando y apretando cada centímetro de piel desnuda. Todd se inclinó atrayendo tu cuerpo a su regazo, sus ojos emanaban lujuria mientras él se lamia sus labios. Desnudo, se mantuvo erguido, su erección sobresaliendo orgullosamente. Ambos estaban en una parte oculta del escenario, mientras que Todd nuevamente estaba posicionándose entre tus piernas abiertas. Agachó y alineó su longitud contra tu entrada una vez más, ahogando un gemido antes de empujar con un gruñido.
Estabas montando a Todd.
Cuando Todd tocó fondo, se detuvo para dejar que te ajustaras a su circunferencia. Tus paredes internas se apretaron con fuerza, ordeñando el eje de Todd, haciéndolo gruñir de placer. ── Tu trasero es mejor que un juguete sexual. ── Dijo Todd, sueltas una pequeña risita para luego jadear al sentir la longitud de Todd rozar entrada.
Sus caderas comenzaron a mecerse lentamente. Se retiró hasta que solo la punta permaneció dentro de ti, luego volvió a empujar con fuerza, marcando un ritmo castigador. El escenario crujió siniestramente mientras montabas a Todd con desenfreno salvaje, la fuerza de sus embestidas hizo que rebotaras y deslizaras por la madera. Todd agarró tus caderas, usándolas para profundizar más sus estocadas. Todd se inclinó hacia delante, apoyando sus manos a ambos lados de la tus hombros mientras empujaba con fuerza su caderas.
Su longitud estaba golpeando tu próstata de con cada golpe. Gemias y jadeabas, tus dedos arañando el escenario mientras las poderosas embestidas de Todd sacudían todo tu cuerpo. El placer era intenso, abrumador, pero intentaste igualar el ritmo de Todd. El sudor goteaba del cabello de Todd, su rostro se contorsionaba en éxtasis mientras tomaba tu trasero con hambre salvaje. Sus bolas golpeaban ruidosamente contra tu agujero, el sonido lascivo se mezclaba con sus gruñidos y gemidos. ── Tómalo todo... ── Todd jadeó, sus caderas chasqueando salvajemente ahora mientras perseguía su próximo orgasmo. Inconscientemente comienzas a saltar en el regazo de Todd.
Con un grito de placer, Todd embistió tu agujero una última vez, su miembro palpitaba mientras soltaba una nueva carga en tu interior. La intensidad de su clímax pareció sacudir el escenario debajo, y Todd se desplomó hacia adelante, enterrando su rostro en tu cuello mientras disfrutaba. Cuando el orgasmo de Todd se calmó, levantó la cabeza de tu cuello, jadeando en busca de aire.
Su longitud ablandada se deslizó fuera de tu agujero con un chapoteo húmedo, el semen y el líquido preseminal gotearon para mezclarse con el sudor en su piel. Te estiras, limpiando tiernamente el sudor de la frente de Todd antes de inclinarse para depositar un beso suave y relajante allí. ── Gracias por el viaje.
Todd con los ojos entrecerrados por la satisfacción sonrió. Se sentó sobre sus talones, haciéndote señas para que te acerques a él. Bajas obedeciendo con tu cuerpo todavía zumbando de placer.
Todd te atrajo hacia sí para un beso lento y sensual, sus lenguas se entrelazaron lánguidamente mientras sus corazones se desaceleraban por el esfuerzo. Separándose, Todd te miró con un brillo travieso en los ojos. ── Abre tu linda boca. ── Lo persuadió, guiando tu cabeza hacia su miembro ahora flácido pero todavía resbaladizo. ── Veamos esa talentosa boca tuya, de nuevo. Sonríes separando tus labios, invitando a la longitud de Todd a tu boca.
La longitud de Todd se deslizó suavemente sobre tu lengua, el calor y la humedad eran un agradable contraste con el aire fresco. Dejó escapar un suspiro de satisfacción cuando comienzas a succionar suavemente, tus labios formando un sello hermético alrededor de la sensible cabeza. Los ojos de Todd se cerraron de placer, su mano libre subió para acariciar tu cabello suavemente mientras saboreaba la tierna atención oral.
Trabajas con la longitud de Todd con cuidado, tu boca era un paraíso extasiado para el rubio. Las caderas de Todd se balancearon sutilmente, alentando el ritmo lento y sensual. Podía sentir que ya comenzaba a moverse, respondiendo a las suaves atenciones de su boca favorita.
Cuando te apartas para recuperar el aliento, Todd lo miró con adoración. ── Eres increíble... ── Murmuró, trazando tu labio inferior con su pulgar. ── Un chico tan bueno... ── Todd se inclinó para darte otro beso profundo y apasionado, enredando su lengua con la tuya mientras él transmitía su gratitud y afecto.
Cuando se separaron de nuevo, Todd te miró con un brillo decidido en los ojos. ── Mmm... ya sabes como continúa. ── Ronroneó, colocando tu polla frente a su cara. ── Quiero saborear tu orgasmo, de nuevo. ── Con un gemido hambriento, Todd descendió sobre ti.
Todd envolvió tu longitud en un movimiento rápido, su boca cálida y húmeda envolvió el eje por completo. Comenzó a chupar con intensidad urgente, su lengua girando alrededor de tu parte inferior sensible mientras sus manos agarraban la base de la tu miembro con firmeza. Jadeas, tu espalda se arqueó cuando la boca experta de Todd te llevó rápidamente al borde. Las vibraciones de los gemidos de Todd alrededor de tu miembro se sumaron a la estimulación, enviando escalofríos por tu columna.
── Todd, mmm... y-yo... ── No pudiste terminar tu oración, tu orgasmo lo golpeó como un tren de carga mientras Todd lo chupaba hasta secarlo. Tu longitud palpitaba y se retorcía en la boca de Todd, disparando chorro tras chorro de semen espeso y caliente directamente sobre la ansiosa lengua de Todd.
Todd se lo bebió todo, saboreando el sabor dulce mientras extraía hasta la última gota. Finalmente, se apartó con un chasquido de satisfacción, sus labios y su barbilla brillaban con tu semen. Todd te mira con una sonrisa satisfecha y petulante, sus ojos brillaban con diversión y afecto. ── Mmm, delicioso. ── Ronroneó, lamiéndose los labios hasta dejarlos limpios. ── Siempre tienes un sabor tan rico.
── Me dejaste seco. ── Jadeas sonriendo con cansancio, tu cuerpo todavía hormigueaba por la intensidad del clímax y el fuerte sexo que acababas de tener con Todd.
Todd se puso de pie y te abrazó, sosteniéndote cerca mientras recuperas el aliento.
Luego de unos minutos toman la decisión de ponerse nuevamente sus ropas, ya que no era un lugar para estar necesariamente desnudo. Sus cuerpos ya vestidos se apretaron, el calor se filtraba de piel a piel mientras Todd acariciaba tu cuello con ligero cariño y cansancio.
── Te amo. ── Susurró Todd, su voz suave y sincera.
Un pinchazo de culpa se apodera de tu cuerpo ante las palabras de Todd. Sabías que lo que hacías estaba mal. Meterte con el novio de tu hermana no era ciertamente correcto. Pero tu sabías cosas de Envy que si Todd supiera su relación con ella acabaría
── Yo también te amo. ── Respondes apretando tus brazos alrededor de la cintura de Todd.
No podías negar que te habías enamorado de este chico.
#x reader#reader#anime#x bottom male reader#male reader smut#male reader#male smut#top male character#scott pilgrim x reader#scott pilgram takes off#scott pilgrim#todd ingram#lector#x lector#reader smut#smut
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(You and your boss are in a secret relationship btw! <3)
(I'll make a full fic of this if you'd like! ^0^)
It was simply just a normal day. Tasks being done at hand, the sounds of pens clicking open and closed on everyone's desk while you organized papers. Your boss on the other hand. Meeting after meeting he was stressed. He hated doing meetings. It was the same after pretty much every single one. He'd get called in and then they'd go over sales. He practically had enough of it. So how'd he get rid of this stress you ask? Well he took it out on your cute hole!
He loved the way you gasped when you took him. Eyes rolling back to the back of your head, jaw slack as you did so to. Tiny little whimpers leaving your mouth. Not loud enough to be heard by anyone else! ♡
He loved hearing you moan his name,especially when he took you on his desk rather than in his chair like usual. If he had a call he'll silence you with his hand as he took it. Like now for example!
"Hello?" he silently mumbled into the phone. His dick hitting your prostate with each thrust he gave you♡
"Mmmm, no (M/n) can't attend the meeting with me today. No he's sick today."
The call went on for a few more minutes before he removed his hand from your mouth. Pounding you senseless before he chased his climax. Releasing in you,your release came shortly after♡
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♡ ┆TW: mild sadism, ftm reader, fingering, exhibitionism, overstimulation, sex toys, degradation, aggressive sex, anal sex, squirt, afab anatomy.
♡ ┆Being with someone older and more experienced than you like your current boyfriend, Wesker, was always a new adventure – especially since he knew exactly where to move, squeeze and tease to make you turn into a wet mess.
♡ ┆Wesker was already forty-five years old, however this old man fucks you for hours and loves to prolong your foreplay. He knows how sensitive your body is, how small, well-made touches of his fingers or even his words can affect you; the blond man likes to whisper dirty things in your ear when no one is noticing in public, he wants to make you reach your limit without even touching you physically - after all, this also shows how good he is, increases his pride and excitement on several levels.
♡┊"Sometimes it's pathetic how you get wet so easily, boy." The older man would speak with a mischievous and practically invisible smile on his lips, seeing the obvious wet stain on the fabric of your clothes - obviously his words had affected you to the point that your pussy was extremely lubricated and begging for him; however, your boyfriend was a sadist and would make you stay like that for a while longer before you went back home so he could fuck you to his heart's content.
♡ ┆Foreplay with him lasted for hours, his blue eyes enjoying following your every reaction and how you writhed under his ministrations. He forced you to suck his fingers and lubricate them enough so he could stimulate your clit while he used his mouth to suck your nipples until they were sore – he marked your breasts with bites and hickeys so you could remember later how he fucked you until your brain short-circuited. "I haven't even started and you've already cum twice? God, boy, you really are extremely weak..." Albert said in a calm tone, his face was stoic as he removed his fingers from your pussy and looked at your juices on his fingers - looking at you with that air of superiority that only he had.
♡ ┆He'll use sex toys to push you to the limit too - from butt plugs to vibrators and dildos. Wesker will tie you up with ropes around your wrists and adorn the curves of your body while you kiss him and he can access your holes, shoving a small silicone dildo in your ass and making you rub your pussy against his leg and seek some relief from your throbbing clit, but when you're close to cumming, he'll stop his ministrations on your body to prolong your pleasure and suffering.
♡ ┆Wesker likes to do anal with you, he stimulates your clit while holding your arms behind your back - making you tilt your hips more for better access. He's a sex-crazed old man, making you cum multiple times on his cock until he realizes you're about to pass out from cumming so much. "Come on baby, can you hold on a little longer? Don't cum yet, I'm not done with you yet... I love breaking you like the needy slut that you are." Wesker would growl as he slapped your ass hard and watched your legs tremble because of your desire to cum, but he hadn't allowed you to come yet, making you try to keep your sanity and obey his orders.
♡ ┆Albert also likes to tease you in exposed places, like a picnic, it was supposed to be romantic but you soon end up with Wesker's fingers stuck deep in your wet pussy and with the blond man smiling behind his sunglasses, watching your every reaction, from the embarrassment and fear of being caught to the excitement in your irises as he made you cum and left you trembling. With a smug smile he would just make you taste yourself and give you a kiss right after. "Good boy... You're a damn nymphomaniac, aren't you?"
♡ ┆But he would never hurt you on purpose, every time you felt uncomfortable with something and said the safe word he would stop right away and check if you were okay enough to continue. "Sorry sweetheart, are the ropes hurting you? We can take a break if you want." He would speak in a calm voice as he did what you wanted and checked to see if you needed anything else - if you weren't feeling well enough to continue fucking him, he would just do an aftercare and make sure you were safe.
♡ ┆He would fetch you water, food and clean any traces of pain on your body, whispering soothing words, quite unlike the rough and dominant man who enjoys seeing you broken from too many orgasms. He puts you to sleep in his arms and the next day he treats every bruise he made on your body, from the rough spanks on your ass that turned purple, to the hickeys on your neck - he is careful when he puts ointment on your cunt and sees you tremble, making him smile and place a soft kiss on your thigh. "Calm down my baby, when you are less sore we can have sex again. But until then, I will take care of you like the handsome prince that you are." Wesker says as he showers you with kisses, he always heard that showing affection was a weakness, but for you, he liked being a soft and caring old man.
♡ ┆Bonus: When he realizes that you are becoming more addicted to sex than he is, and even you are lasting many rounds and even making him cum before, this man will break into a genuine and amazed smile - seeing you jumping hard on his cock and begging for more. "Fuck, I created a little monster, didn't I?" Wesker would groan as he came again in your womb, making you whimper from being so full. "But you are my monster, daddy's little monster."
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 2024. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆
#yanderestarangel#afab reader#tw smut#albert wesker x you#albert wesker headcanons#albert wesker x reader#albert wesker smut#albert wesker#albert wesker x male reader#albert wesker x ftm reader#ftm!reader#ftm reader#ftm smut#resident evil headcanons#wesker x reader#albert wesker x y/n#wesker x you#re wesker#ftm sub#male x male#male reader x male character#male smut#male!reader#male reader#re smut#resident evil smut#resident evil x reader#resident evil#resident evil x male reader#male x reader
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rafe cameron x male reader
genre: smut
warnings: cursing, pet names, dirty-talk, penetration, smut, alcohol, drugs, noncon/dubcon, not proof-read
a/n: mb for the inconsistent posting T-T I didn’t have much motivation but I came up with this! also sorry if its not the best ;(
Rafe loved parties. He loved every aspect of them like the drinks, the drugs, but mostly the sex. Rafe enjoyed selling drugs to randoms and also getting drunk but sex would always top those things, he loved how he never had to stick with the same person and could fuck any girl he wanted.
They always would be wrapped around his finger and Rafe would just leave them to fend for themselves after he was satisfied. He knew it was toxic but thats the only way he felt a sense of power, he wanted to be better than his dad so this would help him feel something and nothing could stop him.
Rafe had a reputation of being the perfect kook; Rich, hot, and straight, so whenever any boys would try to pounce on him or tease him with sexual jokes he would decline right away and never look back.
His friend was hosting a party that started around sunset and of course Rafe was gonna be there, he just recently got new drugs so he was definitely excited for the money. It had already been a while since the party had started and business was booming, the only downside was he hadn’t had much sex yet so it was getting a little boring. Rafe kept selling for a little while until he had enough, he was indeed of pussy right now.
You were doing homework until your phone started to ring, “M/n!!! It’s the weekend let’s go to Toppers Partttyy.” it was your bestfriend, “I have homework to do not today.” You said while continuing, “Cmonn you never go out and plus everyone’s gonna be there including Rafe Cameron.” they say the last part teasingly.
You never understood the hype of Rafe Cameron, yes you believed Rafe was handsome but thats it. You’d always questioned why girls would be all over him other than his looks. You knew Rafe sold drugs so you would stay far from him just in case, but at the end of the day you decided that a break would be okay.
You sigh annoyingly “Okay fine whatever, pick me up in 20.” You heard your friend yelp in excitement, “See ya in 20!!” They hanged up. After that conversation you decided to get up and get ready, you decided to wear a basic tee and jorts with sandals. After a while your friend finally arrived, “Ready m/n??” They said excitedly, “I guess”. You both start making your way to Toppers house.
Rafe was halfway drunk by now and decided to snort another line. You arrived to the party and your friend decided to split up to get drinks. You were walking through the crowd and saw Rafe, he looked at you and you both made eye contact. He looked at you with hungry eyes but you look away and walk to the kitchen for drinks.
At first you told yourself you wouldn’t get too drunk but now you’re here tripping and stumbling all over, you couldn’t find your friend so you decided to dance with the crowd. Rafe was fully gone at this point but then he decided to let some energy out and began to walk toward the crowd, as he approached the crowd he saw you dancing in the middle.
You were having the time of your life until you felt somebody press against your back, “Having fun m/n?” Rafe whispered in your ear, your face started to heat up and you turned around to meet his face. Inches apart you felt his breath against your lips and smelt the alcohol from his mouth, “G-good” you said with slurred words, “Thats good, just keep dancing” he says as he places his hands on your hips and starts making you grind on him. Your face starts heating up more but you continue to grind on him, “Just like that” he encourages, you both stay in that position for a little more till next thing you know hes pushing you against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist.
At this point you both are making out with each other and it felt so good, “M-mm!” you moan out as he slips his tongue into your mouth. He continues to fight with your tongue until he wins dominance and starts making you breathless. You pull away and look into his eyes in awe, “You taste so good baby”, he carries you into one of the bedrooms and lays you on the bed, “R-rafe, i n-need you”, you say looking at him with hungry eyes.
You knew this was wrong but it felt so good, “here let’s get you naked” he moves his hand toward your top and starts remove it with your pants too. Your face turns even more red, “You look so cute like this” he looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes, you move your hands toward his shirt and help him take it off.
You trace your hands on his biceps in awe, “You like that?” He smirks and begins to kiss your neck, “M-mmm” you moan out. He stops at your nipples and starts sucking them, “R-rafe!” You moan even louder, “Sensitive huh?” He stares up at your face while biting your nipple, “f-fuck!” you bite your lip to contain your moans.
He slurps them even more and your body jerks in pleasure, “M-more!” you beg as you move your hand to guide his head, he doesn’t listen and teases you while continuing to suck on your nipples while watching you squirm under him.
“o-oh my god!” you moan out while stopping his movements, “n-need your c-cock” you beg even more, “Whatever you need then baby” as he begins to start unzipping his pants and letting his cock free from his boxers. He lowers your pants down along with your underwear and spits on his head, “Let me just get this needy hole ready” he smirks and starts inserting one finger into your hole, “O-oh f-fuck” you moan while clenching the bed sheets.
He adds more fingers until he gets to three and starts hitting your prostate, “Mmm so wet for me” he looks at you squirm even more under him, “I-Im close!!” you moan out as he quickly pulls all his fingers out, “Not yet baby”, you look up at him with teary eyes. Rafe began to slowly insert his cock into your gummy walls and you couldn’t hold back, “S-so big, s-so full!!” you loudly moan out, he began to start thrusting into you with a fast pace.
You came undone onto your stomach but he continued, “You feel that baby its in your stomach” he moves even faster and leans in to start making out with you. You felt another high incoming and you started to scratch his back from the pleasure, “C-close daddy!!”, “Fuck m/n!”and with one final thrust you both come undone. “Mmm so warm”, he says while kissing your lips and still continuing to thrust slowly into your hole to ride his high out, you moan quietly and begin to lose consciousness.
He looks up at your face and finds you sleeping, “we only had one round :[“ he says a little annoyed but decides to get up and clean you both. He didn’t understand why he just had sex with you, but it felt so right to him so he knew you were different.
The next day you felt warmth with his arms wrapped around your body, you turn to face him and see him sleeping peacefully, “what a cutie” as you peck his nose, falling back to sleep content.
#drew starkey x reader#drew starkey x male reader#drew starkey x you#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x male reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron x you#obx#fanfic#male smut#smut
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Heya! I’m in love with your OCs and have been rereading their stories way too many times so I’d like to make a request!
I’d love to see pervert bf trying to make his wet dreams come true now that reader is back. The idea of bf taking photos of reader while fucking him dumb has me in a chokehold ngl 😋 bf seems like the type to tease reader abt it too. If you’re uncomfortable with this idea feel free to exclude it! I’m alr happy with the food you’ve given us so don’t feel obligated 🫶 love your works!
cws: bttm!mreader, video/picture taking, like one sentence of degradation, mostly praise tho!!
“babyy~” your boyfriend, haru, wraps his arms around your waist as he groans. he’s been like this ever since you came back two days ago.. clinging onto, following you, whining like a lost puppy. “i’ve missed you so much..” he sobs out dramatically as he clings onto you.
“you can let go of me you know.. it’s not like i’m gonna-“ “no!” “we’re on the bed?!”
you sigh, trying to pry his hands off of you. “haru!” you whine out, trying to pry his hands off of your waist while constantly trying to wiggle out of his grasp. he sighs and just hugs you tighter, deciding to put his leg over yours.
“baby.. you’re so cute when you look angry,” you see him smile and blush, biting his lower lip. his dyed pink hair, pink nail polish you painted weeks ago, his twinkling eyes and his soft cheeks.
“w..what?” you say, blushing softly. then you quickly shove his face away when he lays on top of you, looking at you as you feel something poke against your thigh. but he grabs your wrist, kissing your fingertips. “please.. pretty boy.?”
“h-haru! fuck.. wait- you’re so.. big-“ you struggle to say it properly as he continues to push himself inside of you, kissing your tears and holding your hand. honestly, he is quite sweet and is very cute, but he’s..
“can i record you baby?” “huh.?” you blink through the tears, whining and gripping his hand tighter when you feel him fully inside. “record,” he says again, waiting for your signal to finally be able to fuck your tight hole. “so when you leave again for work.. i have something to jack off to.” he says while using the hand that was on your waist to rub the skin softly, a way to calm the pain down maybe?
“you’re.. shameless for asking that without stuttering..” you say out. nodding your head, he smirks. “why should i be ashamed of my pretty baby being fucked dumb hm?” he says, unwrapping his hands from yours and using them to grip at your waist. “my precious boy.. don’t think okay? jus focus on my cock mhm?”
haru smirks as he watches you arch your back, biting your arm and muffling his name like chants while he continues to grip at your waist with his left hand and thrust into you. grabbing his phone and going to his camera, he presses record. he makes sure to get everything. from the way your cock slaps against your stomach to the way your back arches, from your muffled moans and just barely shy of your face. “feels good huh? moaning my name like it’s the only word you know..” he coos mockingly, smirking once he hears a gasped moan. “yeah? right there?”
he continues to abuse that same spot, recording the way the hand that had previously been gripping at the sheets go to his wrists. “haru haru haru~” he copies you as he giggles, whiningly cursing as he watches you cum all over your stomach, the sight of your hidden face, sweaty body mixed with your cum is enough for him to cum as well, filling you up with soft thrusts to help you calm down. “you okay?” “a-ahuh..” “great.”
“fuck- even if i came in you twice, you still clench around me like you want more like a pathetic whore.” he says, watching you hiccup and sob from the overstimulation. he wasn’t even hitting your prostate though.. “p-please.! l-last one.. no more haruu,!” you beg while he smirks. pressing record once more, he stops thrusting and focuses the camera on your messy hair and tearful expression. leaning forward, he fixes the hair out of your eyes while watching through the camera. you let him, looking at him with doe eyes and pouty lips.
he gulps. he’s done for, you’re so fucking pretty on his phone. “smile for me baby.”
he feels himself smile too, watching as you comply with his request so easily. snapping a picture, he presses record once more. “good boys who listen deserve good cock right?” the phone captures your nods and soft begs. “fuck- if only you’d be able to get pregnant huh?”
pulling out and recording one last time, he captures his cum leaking out of your hole. smiling to himself, he tosses his phone and lays next to you. “i missed you.” he says simply, pushing your hair back and away from your forehead. “fuck off..”
you listen to him talk and ramble, feeling his hand on your back while he plays with your hair. you feel comfortable, just being in his chest and hearing his heart beats while he talks. closing your eyes, you feel the hit of exhaustion that washes over you like a tidal wave.
wait, pregnant.?
hey chatt.. um.. grabs ukulele and sings apology for being dead knowing damn well im not gna post for another month or two
oh yeah pervert bf is now haru! (tbh i took his name from my j.ai bot that i made and i realized hey they seem the same tbh but yup, i could prooobably link him but yaknow!)
#asher's works !!#fanfic#male reader#bottom male reader#bottom reader#drabble#mxm#smut#male smut#gay#gay mlm#original character
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a/n: top X top idea of the day, soap ghost edition ❤️ (for my moot @rodolfoparras)
dominant top ghost; who is gone on mission while his poor boyfriend is stuck alone without his praise and it just doesn’t feel the same to fuck into some silicone without ghost whispering in soaps ear and telling him how good his doing
submissive top soap; who ends up sleeping with gaz out of pity with ghosts permission and sends ghost the video, soap whimpering and whining and begging for praise that gaz is too fucked out to give him correctly
soap who no matter how much he sleeps with other people just gets more and more wound up and by the time ghost comes back home, he’s on his knees sobbing for ghost to help
ghost who takes a bit of fun in soaps pathetic whines, and teases soap for a long while before letting soap fuck into ghosts gloved hand while leaning up behind soap, praising him with soft terms and a firm grip with his other hand on soaps hip
Soap who cums in seconds and almost blanks out, crying in relief and sudden overstimulation, falling back into ghosts arms softly and cuddling up to him on the itchy barrack bed, ghost still fully in his gear
#I’m matching your freak dude#Coyotes_hoard#cod mw2#mlm smut#sub character#dom character#male dom#male sub#mlm#soap x ghost#ghoap#top simon ghost riley#top soap mactavish#johnny soap mactavish#top john soap mactavish#soap mactavish#soap cod#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost riley#male smut#character x charecter
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black!top!amab reader x bttm!satoru gojo
gojo had been acting very strange recently… he’s been more quiet around you, stumbling over his words when he tried. so, you ask him about it one day, the outcome is better than you could've ever thought.
warnings: nsfw, anal, oral (m!recieving), rimming, dirty talk, mentions of ‘daddy’, frotting, semi-public sex, multiple orgasms
the days went by as always, and as a teacher and mentor at jujutsu high, the children were very… interesting. you did have a home-room class, but you were always in the teacher’s lounge since the kids barely stayed/cared enough to pay attention to you. the only time you were teaching was when you were forced to, or when your kids went on missions. you didn’t hate them for being disrespectful towards you, hell, you could care less about a bunch of moody teenagers wanting to do their own thing. you were the same when you were young, so you took advantage of the opportunities you had alone.
so one day, when you saw one of the sorcerers here, and the most powerful one just walk up to you casually like his presence didn’t intimidate you in some way, that was the day you realized something.
you see, you were muscular but with a sleeper build. you had lean curvy texture all down your body and veins crawling up your arms like thick vines on a tree. you were strong in a physical sense, but your cursed technique came nowhere near as strong as gojo’s. yours was mediocre compared to his, but honestly… anyone’s was. you weren’t special, but that changed from that day forwards.
when you were in the lounge yet again, sipping on some beverages the sorcerers had bought and brought, the tall white-haired male walked in yet again. but… his aura seemed different. see, when he walked in his confidence went from its peak to its lowest, locking eyes with you then automatically turning his head in the other direction. that was weird to you, and it made you more concerned than boastful.
your eyes shifted from the movie you were watching on your phone to the jujutsu sorcerer, eyeballs gawking at the boy like he was prey. and right now, he acted like it. it was the way you stared at him with no regard for his personal comfort. it was how you just eyed him like a 5-course meal, like he was something you could devour in an instant. and he was.
satoru didn’t know it, but you become indoctrinated by him from the first moments you two made eye contact. it was during the teacher meeting before the students came, you both were there and decided to sit next to each other on the couch. you weren’t new, but you weren’t exactly that familiar with the school neither. you had been there for 3 years, this year being your 3rd. gojo hadn’t attended any school meetings before this one, so you never saw him.
you were zoned out while the principal was talking, and it seemed gojo was as well. but, you looked over to him and he looked back, giving you a playful smile then turning back to the principal. your heart jumped, basically leaping out of your chest as you stared at your shaky hands. you put them down immediately once principal called you out, shaking you head at any questions he asked you.
it was that faithful day when you knew, you had fallen hard for the sorcerer.
you didn’t know if he felt anything back, and honestly that was to be expected. he was a wild card, a man with an attitude like no other. his whole demeanor was unpredictable along with his mood, one moment he could be joyful and annoying everyone around him then the next he could be pouty and acting like a man child because he didn’t get something he wanted. oddly enough, that didn’t stir you away from him. it pulled you closer to him, but you never dared to tell another teacher in the school that. well, besides your entire class.
listen, you weren’t all too sure as to how you spilled your deepest darkest to the three little teenagers you had to teach. and who did these three have to be? well, his three disciples. yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro and nobara kugisaki. the female of the group squealed with excitement at the news, she always knew that you had had something for their lovely leader of their “pack”. the two males were just confused, well, one of them were. that one was itadori, he didn’t really process much stuff just right but you knew his questions were in good faith.
questions such as ‘how does that work?’ and ‘are you a girl in disguise?’ slipped past his pink lips, all you could do was chuckle. he was so clueless, but he had to have been your favorite student. he had a mind of a toddler, but acted so brave in the right situations. the fushiguro son just nudged the pink-haired teenager on the side from the last question, the male hissing and holding his side while pouting. “what was that for megumi? i was just asking because he likes a man and usually women like men!” yuji whined, but the black-haired male just did a small swipe of his hand from underneath his jaw, indicating for the teen to stop. itadori complied, staring down at the floor and bottom lip coming out in a quiver.
nobara had many more… respectful questions than itadori did. “how did you realize you liked him m/n?” she asked, and that made you go quiet. why would you tell some children about your personal feelings? why would you vent to teenagers who couldn’t really understand the depths about love and the depths of how terrible this love between you and the strongest sorcerer in the world was? well, you didn’t know why, but you just started to pour it all out.
after that day, those three little kids were always giving you and gojo flirtatious stares every time you both were near each other. you always shooed them off like some flies, but they would just giggle and run away. satoru was always confused, but you never spoke a word about it with him. you never wanted to, were never willing to do so.
you felt as though the day would never come of him admitting his feelings, or you admitting yours. you both were busy adults just trying to make it by, however you just had a little bit more on your plate than gojo. which, was saying something. but you never really had time to deal with any silly quarrels between adults or the children, today however... was different.
today was another day of sitting in the teacher's lounge, not a care in the world as to how your children were doing. you were just biting on a snack bar before someone came bursting in through the doors, that being gojo. the white-haired male was giggling before he noticed you were in the room, so he did his usual thing of shutting up and walking to the other side of the room. you just sighed softly before getting up out of your comfortable lounge chair and walking towards said side of the room.
today would be the day you finally confess.
atleast, you hoped so.
but as soon as you decided to get close to satoru the male stood up without saying a word, walking back to the other side and sitting somewhere else. now that was a little annoying, wasn't it?
so it was like a secret cat and mouse chase, back and forth you scuffled after the sorcerer like it was nobody's business. which it wasn't.
after the 5th and FINAL time gojo decided to stand up once again, you grabbed his arm with your strong grip while looking up at him with fierce eyes. "why do you keep running away, satoru?" you asked, deep voice ringing through the empty and echoey room. the smaller male's eyes went wide, thank god he was wearing his blindfold. he stayed completely quiet, his arm was noticeably shaking in your hand. you couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle, letting go of the male and patting down a spot next to you. you had your arms and legs crossed, indicating how relaxed you were.
"c'mon 'toru, don't be such a stick in the mud," you cooed, watching as the man stood there for a second. it seemed as though he was hesitating, but you could see some notes of pink tint on his pale white face. you couldn’t help but smile at the way he started to chew on the inside of his cheek, the way his body shifted slightly before he decided to speak up. “…i don’t want to be near you,” he mumbled, ripping his arm away from your touch. your heart completely broke in two, those were not the words you wanted to hear from him.
the male walked out of the room, leaving you there with your thoughts and tears. you cried until you passed out on the couch, nose stuffy and eyes puffy. whenever another teacher came into the room, they thought that you were passed out drunk.
after that day, things between you two weren’t the same.
satoru kept his distance, and you tried to get closer. every time he would notice your dark brown locks with those pretty crystals entangled between the hair his heart would ache, but he had to turn away from you. your heart was broken, completely destroyed because of the white-haired male. but, satoru just had never felt this way before.
it wasn’t his fault that he had been having wet dreams about you, the way you grabbed his arm unlocked something in him. he woke up every day with pants soaked in cum, and body completely covered in sweat. he would daydream about you, he would draw about you (even though he wasn’t a good artist). he would manifest your mental image into his mind, every single detail was engraved into his brain like a tattoo. from your beautiful dreads to your plump lips. those pretty e/c eyes and that… beautiful body. those hands, those arms, those veins, that chest… fuck, it drove him insane.
it wasn’t his fault that every time he saw you that his heart would skip three beats a second, that his body would go rigid and that his eyes would widen. it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know how to act when he was around you, that he didn’t know what to do whenever he was in close proximity to you. his mind went flat with thoughts of wanting to hold you, kiss you, love you every time you were near. but, he would never act on them.
at least, he thought he wouldn't. not soon, that is.
on one of the last days of school, the teachers had decided that the kids should go on a trip to tokyo. every jujustu student from every class would be able to go, they just needed permission from their parents. and those without parents needed permission from their homeroom teacher. this was the perfect opportunity for you and gojo to finally get close once again.
you and your homeroom class of rambunctious students were walking together through tokyo streets, past venders and poor homeless people who you kindly gave money/food. the other teachers' classes were in all different parts of tokyo, and this was because they just traveled farther than anyone. you decided to stay close yet let your kids go where they wanted to, though they needed to call you if anything went wrong.
so, you started to walk somewhere, but some luxurious white locks caught your eye so you started to walk towards them. the person became more visible until you were more than positive it was gojo, which made you smile nervously. and... he was finally alone. he was just walking, he didn't know where his kids went. but, he was shocked when he felt a pair of shoulders rub against him, shooting his head around and looking up to see... you.
his heart dropped, his eyes went wide and his palms were sweaty. he didn't know what to do, you were so close... and he was already getting hard. you see, he was just having a dirty thought about you, the reason why he was alone. he had been walking and the three sheep he herded decided to go somewhere without him since he wasn't responsive to their calls towards him. gojo was scared, scared to see you right now. his thoughts, those memories of those dreams and everything were coming back in full throttle, but his feet didn't dare move.
his breathing was erratic, he was wearing his glasses and his beautiful blue eyes you adored so much were visibly shocked. that made your heart and cock throb, but you obviously didn't act on your carnal desire. "what's wrong, satoru?" you inquired, yet the man stayed completely still. his face was red, his mouth was open, he was breathing heavily and his mind was foggy. he couldn't move, nor could he think. he had been depriving himself of you, touching himself to the thought of you. toys were scattered all in his room because of you, he hated how much he loved you.
he didn't respond, he couldn't respond. his world seemed to stop every time he started into those breathtaking e/c eyes you proudly used for your sight every day. when that forest of locs and crystals moved around every time you turned your head it had satoru wanting to see that jungle over his face, your breath on his as you stuffed him full of your meaty cock.
after a good minute he gulped, blinking before looking down at the floor. "i'm fine, m/n," he forced out of his mouth, you knew he was nothing but okay. it was obvious with the way he spoke, the way he reacted whenever he was around you, he was definitely lying. " 'toru, don't give me that. you look so scared whenever you see me, you always walk away whenever you see me, you haven't talked to me in over a month... if that encounter in the teacher's lounge made you uncomfortable, i'm sorry gojo. i never meant any ill intentions behind it, i just..."
you trailed off when you noticed how satoru began to shift in his spot at the mention of the teacher's lounge incident, how his entire energy began to shift at that. he seemed more... carnal, more bashful, more... needy. that he was hiding something from you, something that you desperately needed to hear. needed to see, that is. so, when you stared him up and down you noticed that his jujustu cover-up was covering his pants, near the groin area as well. you were a little confused before your eyes widened, realizing what he was insinuating.
a smirk fell over your face, picking his chin up with your thumb and licking your lips. "does someone have something to tell me, hm?" you let your lips do the talking, the words falling off your tongue like you've said them before. and you have, however this was different. this was satoru gojo you were talking to, number one sorcerer in the jujustu world... but now, number one whore in the bedroom.
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ LOADING… ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
bodies were pressed up against each other, mouths moved in sync. arms wrapped around each other, groins connecting in a lustful dance. you don't know how you got here, nor did gojo. however, you were both in a public stall at a restaurant, pinning the sorcerer against the wall as you aggressively made out with him. your mind was cloudy, fogging up with nothing but desire. desire to be inside satoru, make him scream your name in pleasure.
pants were now on the ground, and you had both of your cocks in your large and lengthy hand. gojo rolled his hips into your touch unwillingly, soft whimpers leaving his mouth as he looked up at you. those pretty blue eyes of his were glossed over and filled with lust, god you could've devoured him right then and there. and, you would've.
after a minute or two you slid to your knees, putting his somewhat impressive length into your mouth. your own much bigger length was throbbing against the floor, but just the tip of his was engulfed into the wonderful heat of your wet cavern. you held his base as you stroked him, he was just only a few inches smaller than you were. he wasn't all that easy to take in, though his pretty moans and body jerking from contact was more than what you needed.
he started to try and thrust into your mouth, but a slight nibble on his tip had him stop as soon as he started. "you wanna be good for me, 'toru?" you purred, the male nodding his head while biting his lip. you didn't know he would be this compliant in bed, though you weren't really complaining. you loved obedient subs, and gojo was becoming your favorite one.
you deepthroated his cock a few minutes later, shoving your head up and down to please him better. his eyes rolled back and his legs were shaking, moans leaving him more and more as he threw his head back. "m-m/n! s'close!" he whined, you immediately pulling off his cock and flipping him over. his stomach was now pressing against the wall, his hips arched back towards you which gave you the perfect opportunity to open his pale cheeks.
once you saw his twitching asshole you couldn't think straight, it was like it was inviting you inside. you licked a long strip at first, slow but it did the trick. satoru's knees were buckling against the wall, the poor boy scratching against the tile walls trying to find some grounding. however, you weren't letting up, you were going to see how much more he could take.
that's why your face was shoved deep into his ass, licking and slurping around his hole while your cock weeped onto the less-than-sanitary bathroom floor. you could see how good your boy was feeling, you could most definitely hear him too. you loved his noises, you loved the way he couldn't keep himself down. mind you, you both were in a restaurant bathroom, anyone could walk in and hear you guys. but, you didn't care, and gojo certainly didn't care.
you added a finger inside his puckering hole, watching as his breath went shaky and his mind went completely blank. you were already pressing against his sweet spot with just one finger, his dreams were really coming true. though... he seemed a lot stretcher than you anticipated, which only got your cock twitching harder.
"has someone been playing with themselves?" you asked with a teasing tone, satoru whimpering softly at your remark. a slight nod to the head was all you were getting, though it wasn't all that appreciated. "c'mon 'toru, use your big boy words," you cooed, pulling away from his ass but still keeping that finger inside. it was still moving as well, twisting and turning inside him and hitting his prostate spot on. he moaned, arching his back which turned you on even more.
"y-- yes- yes! 'm been playing with- m-myself," he whined out, his cock twitching oh so desperately. " 'm so close daddy- please-" gojo cried out, and that nickname really stirred you on. you pulled your finger out, he was prepped enough by his own means that you could just slide right in. you stood up, grabbing the male's hips and pulling them towards you. you started to stroke your cock, smearing it with all your pre-cum to lube it up.
you pressed your thick tip against his hole, making the male rut his hips back onto yours. you bit your lip, pushing it inside him and making his back arch with pleasure. he shook his hips more, taking more of you inside him by his own doing. you let him, who were you to stop the strongest sorcerer? but, once all of you was fully sheathed inside his ass the man's legs were trembling, his breath heavy and eyes rolled all the way back. you were confused until you saw a splatter of white against the tile wall where his cock was.
you chuckled, holding his hips as you leaned down. "such a good boy 'toru... cock makes you feel this good yeah?" you sauntered, feeling the male's hole clasp around your cock. those lewd words of yours had gojo whimpering, slowly starting to move his hips up and down your cock. he went up and down, moaning every time he went down. you could tell he was losing his mind, by the way he sounded all the way to how he looked.
you were loving this, but he was going a little too slow for your liking. so, you held his hips before slamming into him, making satoru cry out and press his chest against the wall. you fucked him at such a deliciously fast pace, your cock was bigger than he would've ever imagined. you were pounding his ass so good, literally breaking him more and more. his hole was stretched so deliciously, his back was arched so beautifully, and his glasses were falling off of his face with every thrust.
"m- m/n-! g'na c-cum-" he choked out, which only made you speed up. "yeah? gonna cum 'toru? cream on my cock baby, you can do it," you encouraged him, but it was also in somewhat of a growl. those words had satoru cumming in seconds, eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out. he clenched around you so tightly, it made your hips stutter as you tried to push past the tight barrier. but, you came as well, throwing your head back and hissing because of the pleasure.
"fffuccckkk 'toru... took my cock so well... such a good boy you are yeah? good boys take cock so well..." you praised him, leaning down to press kisses on his neck. he shivered at your touch, then leaned into it. you chuckled, rubbing soft circles into his hips. after a minute you pulled away from him, pulling out of his ass and watching a huge amount of cum splotch from out of his gaping hole. the sight was so hot you almost got hard again, but you held back since you were in a public restroom.
your dear boy's legs were shaking so hard though, trembling as he tried to hold himself up against the wall. you just chuckled, grabbing gojo's hips and pulling him towards you. you picked him up and placed him on the toilet, pressing against the slight bulge he had in his stomach to push all your cum out. he moaned as it all came out of him, cock twitching but not getting hard. he was so adorable to you, sparkling blue eyes looking the other way from your e/c eyes, body trembling and face oh so pink. you couldn't stop staring at him, he was so beautiful.
after he was done you cleaned up his backside, grabbing paper towels with soap and washing him up down there. his cock and his ass, plus the wall where his cum was smeared. he just smiled sleepily, and it seemed like it was nighttime right now. you pulled up his pants and yours, holding him up as he started to tremble once more. you then decided to pick him up entirely, walking out of the restroom with him in hand.
little did you know, the three disciples plus some teachers PLUS your class were inside the restaurant, listening into everything. you both weren't all that quiet, and they heard everything. when you both saw them gojo leaped out of your arms, tried to stand for himself, then fell to the floor. you picked him up and held him once more, this time the sorcerer complied and didn't move. he pressed his embarrassed face against your neck, your dark face didn't show any blush but it was most definitely there.
"so, you two have fun in there?" mei mei asked, basically teasing you. "shut up." you spoke somewhat harsh yet somewhat bashful, walking out of the restaurant and to their bus that they had to bring the kids here.
let's say, after that day you and gojo were even closer than before.
© gg 2023. dividers were made by me. do not steal, use, or repost my work without my consent. reblogging/interaction is welcomed.
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#male reader#top male reader#dom male reader#x male reader#male smut#x bottom male reader#bottom male reader#uke male reader#seme male reader#male reader insert#male reader smut#MALE READER TUMBLR....#💔💔💔#wahhhh
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I was wondering if you could do some smutty head cannons about Dean Winchester
Hi anon this is my first head canon like this, hope you enjoy it and if you want to further explore it, you know where to send me a request:)
Let's start with Dean is definitely a kinkyyyy himbo...
He's very dirty minded, any conversation that sparks as something a little sexual is like poking a bear with a stick. You never know what can trigger him.
I surely see him as both a dom and sub depending on a situation and or his mood. He doesn't see gender and would fuck anyone.
Nice chick in shorts a little too revealing? ... Yeah he would definitely try to hit that.
An older guy that gets a little too touchy after a couple of beers? Dean, umm- WOULD!
As of what he's into, it's a damn wide spectrum.
Starting with dress up... He loves that damn wild west cowboy shit. He loves getting in his cowboy boots and hat and a fringy jacket which also activates a dominant confident side in him.
He loves dominating and being dominated.
VERYYYY verbal whether it be about how nicely his big cock slides into you or how he degrades you and calls you his dirty cumwhore OR- how he pants in your ear while ramming into your ass with a speed of lightning.
He can NEVER decline a blowjob, he loves that shit. With him, it's more of a deepthroat or a "skullfuck" because he'd be holding you down on his wide 7 inches till u smelled the musky trimmed bush of his and later on definitely got lightheaded...
While I already mentioned his musk, I must add that his usual body smell is sweat mixed with a strong woodsy cologne and "leftover" whisky.
Dean appreciates when a lady shaves down there but he's a wild one for a hairy cunt as well as a bushy, hairy guy.
Loves high heels and "girly" accessories especially pink ones.
Is not scared nor intimidated by being called or referring to himself as Daddy.
Knows you're obsessed with his hands and loves helping you get wet by putting his chubby fingers in your mouth/throat.
DEAN WINCHESTER LOVES RISKY/OUTDOOR SEX!!!!!!! (includes public places such as dirty bar restroom which leads me to another thing that is...)
Unprotected sex. He's not friends with condoms, loves breeding you, and seeing his cum ooze out of you... and he CUMS A LOT.
He also loves getting bred by older guys(daddy issues I guess).
If you're okay with it:
He's definitely into watersports. Would love to piss on you, in his words "mark" you as his and degrade you.
Slap and choke you around(a little manhandling never hurt nobody huh?)
Make you worship his boots as a sign of your ultimate submission.
(let me include an image because it's getting hot in here...)
If it's longer than a one night stand he'd definitely want to cuckold you and make you watch as he breeds and destroys another young chick he met at the bar and brought to the motel room. Maybe if you're nice enough and behave he'll let you lick the juices off his cock after?
This man got a thing for piercings, belly button one that pops out from under your top, lip piercing or ESPECIALLY tongue and tits pierced... GOD DAMN!
Sex with him is usually fast paced(I say usually because from time to time it's not fast, IT'S DAMN RAPID)
SO... CUM-
we estabilished that mans got a breeding kink but well- Dean also loves cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow his sweet, chunky load, as well as painting your whole face in his seed.
If he's titty-fucking you he can explode directly on them.
If he's with a guy he enjoys getting bred and getting his face painted.
This guy is a goddamn foodie, he loves to eat his sweet treats like the well known pie and such... he also loves to incorporate that into sex...
making you eat the pie he just came on or stuffing pieces of it into your pussy and eating you and IT out :)
Well- I think that's it for now. I'd love to further explore some of the aspect with you all, so if you got any questions or ideas, write away in the requests in my bio :)
(I'm a new writer so if you could like and reshare or leave a comment with your thoughts I'd really appreciate that)
#dean winchester#dean winchester smut#dean winchester fanfic#deanwinchester blurb#dean winchester headcanon#dean winchester x reader#supernatural smut#jensen ackles smut#jensen ackles headcanon#jensen ackles x reader#smut#male smut
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(Fem + minors DNI!)
“Miss me, Walker?”
Logan Walker x Reader
Warnings: Sub!Logan, Dom!Male!Reader, Fluff and smut?, poor touch deprived Logan :(, male sex, unprotected, overstimulation, pet names.
As a soldier, Logan Walker was rough edged, but when it came to you? A guy who was taller, rougher, more a man than him? He melts.
He loves you to the moon and back, but when you two get separated to go on two different missions, that last MONTHS? Oh he is suffering!
When you two finally reunite, Logan is all over you, whining about how he needs you to touch him, how he needs your cock, who are you to tell him no? He’s just dying for you after months of not seeing you! He starts to unbutton both your pants as he murmurs about how perfect your masculine body is and how good you’ll make him feel. It’s pathetic for a soldier, really, but he doesn’t care.
Thats..when it cuts to now. His ass up off the bed and back arched as you thrust into him deep enough to make him see stars, he buries his face in the pillow as he moans your name, his hole clenching around your big cock. His lips swollen and red from where he had bitten them, eyes in a daze. He was so cock drunk right now he didn’t even feel you and or him cum. And it drove you both to the point of overstimulation, until Logan was basically sobbing is when you to stop. Only to fall asleep with your cock still deep inside of him.
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O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree 🎄
#gay naked#male naked#gay bald#bald muscle#male butt#gay butt#gay bum#male buns#male bum#gay#gay fitness#gay man#male physique#male muscle#gay guy#fit hunk#mensfitness#gay jock#gayhot#jock bro#cocky jock#blond jock#hot jock#hot twunk#hot daddy#sexy twunk#gay twunk#gay smooth#male smut#gay muscular
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For my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Aoi todo and a male reader with harem boys and chastity please? In the fic, the reader visits an Aladdin themed spa and is attended by Todo who's dressed as a harem boy. The two develop an interest in each other which leads to them making love. You can decide on the acts but id like it mentioned that Todo has on a golden chastity cage that he can't remove. What do you think?
For this special, non-special day; Markiplier.
WARNINGS: Male pairs, male bondage, Chasity, gags, public nudity, harem boy, prostitution, humiliation, consensual servitude, p with p, blowjob, praising, spa attendant, anal ///////// jujustu kaisen, Harem Aoi Todo, 18+, male reader
You were called from the Higher Ups to investigate odd suspicious around an area near a harem spa. You find it odd why you specifically needed to go there, especially for a spa. But in honestly you wasted no time and quickly headed out.
In the shady corner of town, you reached the spa, Koya's Sweet Spa. And looked for closes, the Higher ups said it was around the area, not within, but the aura of the spirit is within the spa. You take a deep breath before wall through the door. Looking around you see many people attended by the men in outfits, most revealing outfits.
Most of the men were wearing vest with golden silk designed on it, their pants, most were cover while others had open-crotch, with golden sealed chastises wrapped around their exposed cocks..
'I see, they can't leave. At least not like this. I'll pretend to be a costumer, I'll get to the bottom of this'
Walking up to the counter, you asked a reviser that you would like service within the spa. He then enlisted you with a helper and a room that you'll meet him.
You undressed in the locker room while also searching for any suspicious. Upon going to the room, I sense someone familiar behind the door of my room. The one behind the door was someone I did expect.
"Y/N..?" I stopped and I looked up to see Todo? In a harem outfit, I looked away to not be disrespectful, seems he's one of the few to be serviced here.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
"I was sent here on a mission and- Todo, what are you doing here, what happened?"
Todo tried to keep his focus, he stumbles back into a shelf. Trying to explain his situation, his forehead leaked with sweat as he leaned back against the shelf. His cock exposed from his open-crotch pant. It straightens out as his hardness creeps up around him. The chastity on him tightens. He sweat and grunts, rolling his head back as he leaks a bead from his tip.
Todo cleared his throat and fixed his composure, he motioned me to lay on the bed. "You asked for a massage, did you not?"
You walked up to the bed, but Todo stopped you. "Take off the robe and they we can start."
Todo threw his head back in an exhausted moan, you bit his neck from behind while twist his left nipple, anticipating your thrust into him as you used you other hand to stroke his leaking cock around the chastity.
He begs and begs, the swelling, the thrusting, the pitching nearly feels too much for him, he cherished the moment and he wanted to cherish it more with you.
He grabbed both hips of yours and pushed you out of him, making a 'pop' noise as he forced you off of him, laying on the bed, he spread your legs widen.
Hanging them loose around his shoulder as his fist moves your cock, stroking you with enough strength in his arms, all while kitty licks on you tip.
Raving off of sensitivity, you grasped his hair, nearly loosing his ponytail. He swallows your cock, using the muscles of his throat you deep throat you as pant in desperation.
Grabbing his head, you motion the thrust in his mouth, he grinds himself against the bed, grunting in vibrations from his throat to you cock. You felt yourself about to cum but he stops and shoves you over to you side. He licks and swirls your entrance before slamming himself deep inside you. He kisses your shoulder while holding your leg up and jerking you off.
You screamed and whine, arching forward from him. Todo bite your shoulder both of you came from your high, spazing and shooting out your cum on the bed. Throwing back your head and Todo rest his head on your should as you both calmed down.
"Are you alright?"
"I should...be asking you.."
Todo kisses from your shoulder to you cheek, while still remaining inside you, he moves his hips once more, and from his back four out of five tallies vanished off.
Thank you for reading my Ted Talk and thank you the request, Fandom List is HERE, let me know from any request and messaging is good too. Thank you again!
#jujutsu kaisen#todo aoi#aoi todo#jujutsu kaisen todo#jjk todo#x male reader#x male reader smut#jjk x reader#x reader smut#smut#male smut#todo aoi smut#todo smut
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(for my angel oc! :3)
Sure being a big chair up in the pearly white clouds of heaven is hard but it's not that hard for you to notice a angel standing off to the side. Holding his prayers to himself. Occasionally letting out the mumbles. You've always wondered what an angel would feel like. Maybe gentle or that maybe you could top him.
Boy, were you wrong.
He had you already bent into a mating press forcing you to watch his heavenly (maybe feathered) cock go in and out of your hole. Letting out grunts behind your moans and whimpers. Your eyes filled to the brim as you held onto his wings, gently pulling at the lose feathers.
You let out tears, tears of which were kissed off of your cheeks♡
You both eventually came together,the aftercare he provided was amazing!
You practically stayed in his embrace all night♡
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TW: body worship, romantic sex, use of lingerie, ftm reader, v!sex, anal sex, blowjob, praise, daddykink, age gap, fluff, femboy reader, reader without top surgery.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡ GHOST ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡
"I love you more than I can express."
♡┊He is usually a quick lover and likes to mark you to show everyone that you belong to him, something in the nature of leaving you completely covered in love bruises that makes you dizzy.
♡┊But something made him want to take it slow from that lazy and cold morning. He needed to go to work again on another Bravo 141 mission - however, seeing you needy and rubbing yourself against him, asking him to stay a little longer was like a siren song that he couldn't deny the call. "Are you feeling neglected, my baby?" Ghost speaks in a hoarse voice, slightly lifting his balaclava to meet your lips as he lay down on your bed again.
♡┊You rubbed yourself against his muscular body, a silent plea for more than just making out – even though you knew you were going to be late, your husband couldn't deny you anything, so it wasn't a surprise to you when his fingers found their way to your pussy and began a soft dance on your clit.
♡┊It didn't take long for Ghost to quickly take off his clothes and stand above you, his left hand holding your hip and keeping you where he wanted you to be, gently slamming his hips into yours as the wet sound of flesh against flesh filled his ears and made him dizzy. Unlike the other times, that morning he just wanted to feel you completely. He wasn't fucking you; he was making love to you and worshiping every inch of your body.
♡┊"You look beautiful like this... You really complete me, don't you?" Ghost spoke softer than ever, his voice seemed like a balm that penetrated your soul – his free hand caressed your cheek and he stopped his movements long enough for you to feel his cock warm up a little more inside you. He momentarily took off his skull balaclava, so you could look directly into his face; his blue eyes seemed to want to tell you feelings that he didn't have the courage or way to say in mere words – one thing was certain, he loved you.
♡┊He leaned in enough to press his lips against yours, Simon rarely kissed when you had sex, yet there he was – moaning into your tongue softly as his hips met yours again. Several "I love you"s came out of his mouth messily. His body trembled and the world disappeared completely as he explored every inch of your body as if looking for some detail he had never seen before.
♡┊After a few more thrusts he finally cums inside your pussy, making you cling to him as you felt your stomach swell slightly from the amount of semen in your gut. He stood there, holding the back of your neck as he caught his breath.
♡┊Ghost looked at his watch and sighed, realizing how late he was for work, but seeing you there, all beautiful and messy... He decided to stay, just for that day. "I'm not going to leave now, just rest my boy, when you wake up I'll be here." He said meditating in his mind that it was a great way to start his day, and maybe he should adore you a little more every day.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡ KÖNIG ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡
"You make me nervous... And I like it."
♡┊He liked the softness of your skin on his hands, he liked the way you smiled beautifully and blushed when you were too embarrassed, he liked the way his bracelet matched yours and how beautiful it looked when you two held hands. König loved you more than he ever thought he could ever feel in his life.
♡┊He was terrible with words, but every action he did was the purest to demonstrate how much he was in love with you; in fact, in love was an understatement, König was madly in love with you - in a healthy and good way. He was a military soldier trained for years, he could kill enemies and targets easily without any regret - and yet, you made him so nervous and out of himself, as if butterflies were growing in his stomach.
♡┊And this also happened when you had sex. His muscular, imposing and scarred body was beneath you - his eyes had a solemn expectation of seeing you take control and enjoy his body. His hands held the soft flesh of your waist and he whimpered softly feeling your body connected deeply to his.
♡┊You didn't know where the territory of intimacy between each other began or ended, at that moment, you and the Austrian were only one. "I... Love you so much, you're mine, aren't you, liebling?" König moaned muffled by his sniper mask, his muscles rippled slightly as he fixed his focus on your body and how your clitoris was swollen - because of the hours of the two of you exploring each other's bodies.
♡┊You could see little tears welling up in his eyes – he was short-circuiting from so many stimuli together. The love in his chest that burned his insides all the way to his stomach with that cold, good feeling of being madly in love with someone, you made him lose control of his senses.
♡┊He wanted to tell you how much he loved you, how much he admired you for being a strong man and that he was very lucky to have you in his life... However, the only sounds that could come out of his mouth at that moment were honeyed and hoarse moans, accompanying his eyes rolling back in his skull and him squeezing your smaller body tightly, to the point of leaving marks that would remain for another day.
♡┊He whimpered louder, incoherent words, but you knew they were all just the purest love and affection for you. König held you tightly, making you sit on his entire length at once – the wet and pleasurable sensation made you milk his cock with your inner walls pulsing and wanting more – at the same time your partner quickly withdrew from your wet hole and came all over your belly, marking you as his again.
♡┊"I love you..." Was all he could formulate as he buried his face in your soft flesh and waited for his heart and breathing to return to normal as his body went slightly numb. "You make me feel things I never thought possible... You are the man of my life and if there is a paradise I am definitely already in it, with you." He speaks with a certainty never seen before by you, his words came straight from his soul, making you feel more desired and loved.
♡┊He slowly began to fall asleep, still holding you, as if he was afraid that you would disappear from his arms - one of his hands on the side of your ass while his cock softened against your stomach, the sensation still burned both of your skins, but you both just wanted to enjoy that moment without any extra feeling, just the purest and most peaceful love. In years, König could smile genuinely behind his mask, knowing that he had found something more to fight for.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡ CAPTAIN PRICE ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ♡
"I want more than your pretty face..."
♡┊It was just supposed to be sex, he paid to have a young man like you to satisfy him and have a beautiful accessory by his side - but soon the captain found himself attached to you in a way he never imagined. You were a funny, smiling and bright man, just like a sunshine.
♡┊The first few dates between the two of you were really comfortable – he was a gentleman with you and made you feel like the most desirable man in the world; and then he completely broke you in bed until you didn't even know how many times he came. Price was the type of sugar daddy who tries not to get attached to your presence but it doesn't take long for him to find himself thinking about your image after a few sexual encounters.
♡┊It was never his intention to really fall in love with you... but the way you touched him, the way you smiled at him, the way that silk lingerie fell on your body and adorned every curve of your skin, the way you moaned and whimpered when his cock entered your pussy... It was too much for him to bear and see as just an exchange of monetary favors.
♡┊You caused reactions he didn’t even think were possible. You were everything he dreamed of in a partner. Even without obligation, you kept him company and never asked for anything in return, listening to his stories about past missions and the challenges he and his team faced. Price always finished his tales with a soft sigh and a vulnerable look, realizing how much he had opened up to you. "Ignore that, my lad, I just ramble too much like every old man," he would say, trying to hide the blush on his face. It was so obvious how much he considered you more than just a mere companion.
♡┊He wanted to be with you all the time. It became more than just a sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship—he really wanted something serious with you. However, his insecurities always prevented him from saying anything more; he would freeze every time he tried to invite you to something more romantic than a sexual encounter in a luxurious hotel room.
♡┊That night was lighter and different from most of the ones you were used to having. Price wanted to express how much he wanted you more than a pretty face sucking his cock and walking around with luxury items bought by him. The white lace lingerie adorned your body and barely covered your shiny pussy – The captain was between your legs, his voluminous beard tickling your sensitive flesh with each protruding lick he gave with his tongue on your lips, making you press his head between your soft thighs and making you even more drunk with pleasure.
♡┊The rose petals he had scattered on the bed earlier stuck to your sweaty skin – your breasts swayed with each movement of the older man’s tongue as you felt like a god for being so adored by someone. Your wetness spread across his face and skin, the scent of sweet musk making him dizzy and hard as fuck.
♡┊He rubbed his hips on the soft mattress, looking for some friction to warm his erection – you could hear small moans and husky words coming from his lips as his blue eyes devoured you inch by inch. "Fuck, you make me so hard, you don't know what you do to me." Price groaned hoarsely as he gently slapped your thigh to make you moan even louder for him.
♡┊After making you cum again on his tongue – Price would get on his knees between your legs and rub his hard, throbbing cock against your entrance, wet with your juices and his saliva. The thick, warm tip of his shaft applied a delicious, slow pressure to your swollen clit, making you beg for him to fill you up soon.
♡┊As soon as he did, the older man leaned in enough to kiss you as his hips worked at a slow, sensual pace – his muscular thighs smacked against yours while his balls slapped against your ass cheeks, making you hear a wet noise in the process. You saw Price's smile widen even more when he saw you blushing at him being so loving with you, treating you like the god you were.
♡┊"I can't hold it anymore... fuck boy, you make my heart race." He said between moans, pressing his forehead against yours as he sped up his movements and made your curves jump out of the thin fabric of the lingerie you were wearing. He grabbed one of your breasts as he squeezed it tightly and came inside you without warning, it was a new but strangely hot sensation.
♡┊He sighed and stared into your eyes, his breathing even meeting yours rhythmically. "You make me feel things... I know this should be a business relationship, but I can't let a beautiful boy like you escape me." The older man said with a soft smile and kissed you on the forehead. "Let's have dinner at a restaurant... Just you and me, no sex, no sugar daddy or sugar baby, just you and me, my prince, no pressure, obviously... I just want to show you that I fell in love with you much more, much more than your pretty face and perfect body." He said, looking at you with all the passion he could show – he didn't know where this relationship could go, but he wanted to try to love again and he wanted to love you, only you.
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 2024. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆
#yanderestarangel#afab reader#tw smut#ghost x you#ghost x reader#ghost x ftm reader#simon ghost x male reader#konig x reader#könig x male reader#konig x ftm reader#price x reader#price x male reader#price x ftm reader#ftm!reader#male smut#call of duty smut#ghost smut#konig smut#captian price#captain price x male reader#call of duty headcanons#call of duty fandom#call of duty x reader#call of duty x male reader#cod x reader#cod smut#cod x male reader#simon ghost x reader#simon ghost smut#konig x you
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rafe cameron x male reader
genre: smut
warnings: cursing, noncon/dubcon, edging, pet names, dirty-talk, penetration, smut, overstimulation, cheating-rafe
Rafe had been hanging out with Sofia all day doing god knows what, they had been with each other the whole week going to parties and races while you on the other hand were home all week rotting on your bed while scrolling through your phone mindlessly for god knows how long. As you finally your phone down for once, you had heard a notification.
“M/n”, you had started walking to the kitchen while opening his phone and surprise surprise the notification was from none other than Rafe.
“what do you want?”
“Can we meet up”
He scoffed at Rafe’s message remembering how he was now in a relationship. You decided to just ignore his message completely and placed your phone down continuing with what you were doing.
Rafe annoyed by this, began to spam your messages with a plethora of “M/n?”s and “Hello?”s until he finally gave up.
“Come to my house” Rafe’s phone dinged and he couldn’t help but smile at the new message. He started to make his way to M/n’s abode until he finally parked in front of his house. Rafe excitedly knocked on the door a few times and waited for your answer.
“What-“ Rafe smashed his lips needly against yours while putting you up against the wall. This caused you to drag your hands up his biceps as you tried to keep up with him and wrap your arms around his neck. It wasn’t until a few seconds later when he pulls away and stares at your lips in awe.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this” his voice laced with lust, you feel heat rising to your cheeks as he says this and you cant help but stare at his lips in the process “lets move somewhere more comfortable”
“You like that baby?” You were a moaning mess while he kept you bouncing you on his cock, “F-faster” you whine pleadingly staring straight into his eyes with lust “beg for it”
“P-please Rafe, please go f-faster!!” You start moving up and down by yourself wanting his cock to keep touching that sweet spot, Rafe chuckles and groans at your neediness and starts thrusting faster into your hole.
“I-I’m gonna cum!!-“ but right before you do, he paused his movements along with yours. “H-huh?” You look down at him with tear stained eyes, “I wanna try a new position” he flips you over into missionary. He beings to attack your neck with kisses and bites, you slowly move your hand to your cock but he quickly stops you, “No touching baby, let me do the work, I’m gonna fuck you like theres No Tomorrow” you feel his hand snake around your cock and slowly stroke it while continuing his quick thrusts.
“F-fuck fuck fuck!!” You finally splurt cum all over your chest and whine from the sensation, Rafe leans in closer to your face to sloppily kiss you as he thrusts one final time and cums in your hole, “Fuck M/n your walls felt so good around my cock” he thrusts his cum back into your hole to prevent leaking.
Rafe finally pulls out and lays next to you while you close your eyes to regain yourself from your high, “So whos sofia” You ask with shut eyes “Why?” He questions, “Nevermind ignore what i said” You say with a little disappointment evident in your voice, “Don’t worry shes just temporary” He states chuckling, this makes a slight smile creep up on your face.
#drew starkey x reader#drew starkey x male reader#drew starkey x you#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x male reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron smut#outer banks#obx#fanfic#male smut#smut
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