#i love when elves are just the worse lmao
as-i-watch · 3 months
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Senshi used Pretty Privileges
Its highly effective
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thelesbianpoirot · 29 days
"Astarion would be an anti-prostitution anti-porn advocate and pimp killer. "
THIS. In a realistic world, Astarion would never advocate for any of these things and would vehemently oppose them and kill every pimp out there. Can't believe this is a controversial take to have in the BG3 fandom. I've been interacting with the Astarion fandom for a while and it's mind boggling to me how many of his fans, after playing the game and romancing him, still think sex "work" is is like any other type of work as long as it's consensual…The writers may have put a positive spin on the brothel for fan service but even those who "work" there clearly don't do it because they woke up one day and said "you know, that's what I want to do", they were very much forced by circumstances.
It gets worse when they argue that taking Astarion, a former sex slave himself, to the brothel to have an orgy with him and the drows is a GOOD thing for him because it helps him figuring out what he likes and doesn't like in terms of sex, that him dissociating is simply something that happens with SA victims, and it only happened to him because he thought he could handle and enjoy the orgy…big yikes: they're essentially like we can heal his trauma of being prostituted by...taking him to brothels to have sex with prostitutes. His fandom should be studied lmao.
Astarion "advocacy" is my book is the pimp genocide. Astarion isn't a good person, partially because of his race, elves are usually elitist pricks, his situation made him self serving to survive (understandable) and he has enough trauma to lash out on a massive scale, i.e becoming a big bad ends justifies the means. And while he's massing power to protect himself, I would see him murdering pimps and having a strong anti-sexual exploitation position. "If you touch me you die." I don't think that makes him a good person, but like it'll be like the character of red hood, where you wonder where good direct action (killing child molester, drug kingpins and DV abusers) is just an expression of male violence. I would love to see Astarion's issues taken to extremes but we'd never see that, because this isn't the climate. I compare him to bioware fenris because fenris is not some robin hood altruistic character, but to protect himself from ever being enslaved again, all slavers have to die, I think Astarion would follow a similar mindset. I won't be free until all pimps are dead. If they can fanon, so can I, and in my fanon, he's super cool gay anti-hero, who doesn't want anyone's pussy. You're right fan service gets in the way of fully realizing a character. The fandom is crazy, they take a prostituted character with sex trauma to a brothel, indirectly saying being the John instead the prostitute will fix him, and when he gets a predictable reaction, disassociating, it is brushed off, and reasoned away, his fandom is really brain dead and have create so many mental justifications for their desire to fuck and sexualize a character that is so traumatized by sex that I think he'd be a genuine sex repulsed asexual for years until he has a long term loving partner. And the writers are cowards, they'll create an fairly accurate sex traumatized character, speed run his "healing" so people who romance him can still fuck him and still support prostitution!
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themanwhomadeamonster · 4 months
Pawn Behaviors - Beyond the Rift
Grabbing this meme from @arisenreborn! Source
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Cordial but superficially. He puts on a warm smile and is friendly with many, but it all feels very fake, even by Pawn standards. Some might prefer the polite and simple formalities over what he's attempting.
Needs commands to be able to do anything, otherwise he becomes extremely clumsy. However, he's quick to defend the Arisen if they're attacked, regardless of his current position.
If he likes the Arisen, he'll make light jokes and banter.
If he's not fond of an Arisen, he'll keep his distance and will behave (personality-wise) closer to something like a Calm pawn. Very blunt comments without emotion behind it.
If he straight up doesn't like the Arisen he'll stay quiet.
He tries not to make heavy breaths like when drained of stamina because it kind of rattles his body.
Would tell the Arisen off and blame them for his own poor decision-making, regardless if it actually is his fault or the Arisen's
Serving other Arisen feels like a job to him and he doesn't become too attached to them. He'll say flowery and supportive things but won't mean it. Customer service behaviour.
He hates it when Arisen expect him to act like a faithful servant, but he also still insists on being given precise direction so he can at least fulfil their wishes properly.
Instantly thinks lowly of them if they make a big deal of his body.
An Arisen can get on Nalxis' good side if you actually treat him like a friend and look after him - it's what he was made for after all!
Struggles to see how other Pawns can be so eager to serve Arisen who aren't their own. Tries to be relatable and make jokes with them but they tend not to land
Sometimes wonders what their physical sensations are like; he was surprised the first time he saw a Pawn's body entirely disappear to the Rift. Even when he eventually does develop sensations, he becomes very excited to try feeling different things. Fire is the odd one out that doesn't hurt him, though ice makes him VERY careful.
Will never not be fascinated by living things, flora and fauna. Struggles to wrap his head around the fact that they're powered through an entire complicated series of systems with no magic required rather than just "simply" being powered through the Rift (or the Brine 👀). In that regard, he also wonders why people don't just use the Rift to power Golems. It's such a natural and easy thing to harness of course!
As he journeys he slowly begins to develop the senses of smell, taste, and pain. Vo was surprised to hear that Nalxis had said, "Ouch!" for the first time genuinely when across the Rift, and was a bit disappointed he wasn't there to witness it.
Usually tries to avoid being directly hit. His body's strong but blows stun/knock him down easily compared to other pawns.
Love/hate relationship with Rattlers - Vo has been trying to tinker with their hide to see if they can improve Nalxis' durability, but for now they're a menace that can damage his own body. Worse so that being a thief makes him near useless against them.
➵ NPC's: 
Isn't fond of NPCs that start to get too close to Vo, especially Vermundians. He doesn't like watching Vo get burned if the latter ends up not clicking with someone, which Melve and the Outpost have done already (ever-grateful for Ulrika's support though!). Battahli aren't as big of a concern; they hate him and Vo by default lol.
Wears a hood to hide his ears when around Elves. Despite also being wary, they sure seem nosy about him!
In I, Talos, probably just imagine Nalxis' body suddenly collapsing when he leaves it to enter Talos. Gave no warning to Vo but to be fair, Nalxis didn't expect himself to feel compelled to leave his own body either lmao. Poor Vo ends up spending a bit of time scouring Agamen trying to find the head while carrying a hollow vessel.
He's heard passing tales from other Pawns about how a fog has sometimes clouded their memories after a journey. He's curious to know that experience.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Don't worry I'm definitely not rushing!! There's so much content and I'm still learning- stuff like wizards and warlocks scare me since they seem so complicated so I've been using Karlach and Lazael since they seem more straight forward for now. Astarion is definitely my favorite playstyle though- I've always loved Ninjas so being able to do 2 bonus actions is...*so* nice! Yeah- I can't say I'm surprised at the fixation 😅
Admittedly, I do absolutely adore him and am looking forward to writing for him; already have a fic in progress in fact- but I've seen a very similar thing happen to another character where he's either made entirely negative and insane or entirely positive and has to be "protected" when it's really a mix of both. Some parts of fandom I think are just like that 😅 Glad I found here and other more indie blogs who focus on npcs and niches though too so I get a wider variety!!
I'm so weak to being patronized and being talked to all condescending like and I just imagine this mean, bully male drow just targeting this crybaby Human in camp. They try to act all tough, but the drow just knows they're being a brat so he'll put them in their place. He's so damn *mean*- and he only gets worse when they run to their camp mates for help, or to hide. He steals your diary, telling you to "come get it" in a note he leaves them and they have no choice but to reluctantly leave their camp mates tent to go into the forest. It's dark- and even with their weapons, the Human's hypervigilant- but they still get taken off guard. Pulled back against a tree by their fragile little throat. Reading their most personal thoughts to blackmail them- ugh. Their crush in camp- how desperate they are, maybe even their secret kinks and desires? Gods, I'm so weak.
Oh God- or imagine a Human who's *scared* of the dark? Or a Drow who makes them scared of the dark by constantly frightening them during it? The predator/prey dynamic? *Please*. Also, self-indulgent(like all this *isn't* lmao-) because I'm sick atm and can't take large pills but Drow watching a Human work themself up to taking the medicine and just- taking it himself and then kissing them to force it in their mouth, not breaking it till they swallow, purple fingers dragging down their throat to make them shiver and raise thier shoulders. You've ruined me author. I can't do this. 😭 When I transfer my side blog to my new main blog I may have to write something for this dynamic because of you. So glad I could make your day a little brighter like you do ours lovely! Thank you for all that you do, as always! Sorry this is so long- the writer inspiration hit out of nowhere lol ❤️ -S
Fuck yeah ninja Astarion, let's fucking go!
That sounds wonderful anon, feel free to share your fic whenever you're finished <3 I'm sure it will be amazing.
And god yes, you get it, the whole human kink thing. Especially how condcending the elves would be with it, fuck especially the drows who already think they're above other elves.
Like maybe the other species keep their restraints a bit while in the party with the human, as much as their mind runs wild, they attempt to show some decorum and dignity. Only act like the perverts they are when the human isn't watching.
But once the male drow joins them? He's picking on the pathetic little human on his first day. Pulling and picking at your clothes, asking if humans really just walk around wearing slutty clothes all day?
He probably gets off on tormenting you, reminding you how he's hundreds of years older than you so you should shush your pretty little mouth and let him do what he wants, afterall aren't you humans so obsessed with showing respect for age? Then show him the respect he deserves whenever he pulls you on his lap, out of the blue and without a care to whoever is watching.
It's like second nature to him how casually he demeans your entire being, everything you ever hoped to achieved he probably has already, every place you wanted to see or travel to he has already seen, most historical events you read about he has lived through himself.
So in every way, he tells you that he clearly better than you. So don't go whining whenever he steals your diary and taunts you with all of your embarrassing secrets, or whenever he takes something precious from you and make you beg for him to give it back.
He teaches you some words in drow elvish, excepts they're completely not what he told you they meant. Watching you confidently call yourself his personal slut when you thought you were saying something else. Refuses to give you his name, makes you use all of these titles that are so humiliating to yell outloud midbattle, but he won't help you if you don't use them so poor you.
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cosmic-walkers · 2 years
I greatly detest the whole ‘Feanor and Galadriel are foils but Galadriel is better than Feanor in that she didn’t yearn for power when she got to middle earth like he did, and he just went for his stupid silmarils and to wage war against Morgoth' becuase as always that tends to just reduce Feanor to a misinformed fandom version of himself and make him seem arrogant (and for some reason misogynistic???) and also completely erases galdriels flaws and complexity (and the fact that those flaws are typically praised where as Feanor’s are shamed). Which Feanor himself is also extremely flawed he is not perfect- but come on? More so, people tend to completely gloss over the reason both feanor and galadriel went to middle earth and compare/contrast them for it and make feanor seem rebellious for no reason.
Feanor didn’t go to middle earth for power, he left valinor because he felt he had no other choice.
The valar were not protecting him against Morgoth, he didn’t have any trust in them because they didn’t earn his trust. And when one of their own fucked up after Feanor had continuously brought up how dangerous/problematic he was (but the valar ignored him because he was Feanor) they wanted Feanor to fix their mistake. They wanted Feanor to literally kill himself (because he says that if he breaks the silmarils he will die - and take this as you will, but I personally do not think he said that lightly) for their problem. And what is worse, is that Morgoth killed finwe as well and the valar still did nothing. Feanor didn’t trust them, he didn’t feel safe. One killed his father, the others were willing to kill him, all of the them wanted his Silmarils even if it cost him his life, after not treating him well at all. He didn’t feel safe in Valinor because unlike all the other elves, he was not protected, he was not favored by the valor. He left valinor out of necessity, because valinor was not safe for him. at the root he was protesting the valar's treatment of him and the other elves because if they didn't stand up to protect feanor, then any other elf could've been treated that way in the future.
Galadriel, who was loved and cherished by all—the valar included, did not have to leave Valinor. She did not leave out of fear, or even wanting to fight Morgoth, she left because she had the desire to rule people of her own. She wanted to be given lands and people of her own. That was her prime motives.
She wanted to be a ruler. And she got that, easily. One could say this is a flaw, but it was never corrected or called out by Tolkien because unlike Feanor’s flaws, Galadriel’s flaws are written as character growth and development. And the thing is, she does get to rule people, multiple times. She is given rule and power in realms, through celeborn and even through her heritage, realms and people are given her to rule (mostly sindar and silvan elves- and some of them do take issue with this). and even when she returns to Valinor, she is in the ruling family in Valinor by both Finarfin and Ingwe and the Teleri (lmao I forget their kings name) blood that runs through her veins. She is also welcomed back Into valinor with open arms. Even the Valar want her to return. She doesn't leave out of fear or distrust, she leaves because to her, it is a way to rule power/people.
Feanor’s desire to venture to middle earth is not the same as galadriel. Therefore, none can be compared or contrasted. I very much love both characters, but I think you are doing a disservice to yourself if you look at them through a ‘Feanor vs Galadriel’ perspective because of how they are treated in the narrative. Feanor is always going to look worse in comparison to Galadriel, and he is going to be under simplified when it comes to his motives. People don’t see he was afraid, they see he was arrogant which isn’t fair. Especially when it can be argued that Galadriel is also arrogant tolkien just favors her more. and like I said I do like her so whether or not you think her motives are bad or good, are up to you. But I think they shouldn’t be seen in comparison to feanors, whose life in valinor was not as easy as Galadriel’s.
If you want an actual foil of Galadriel and Feanor, I’d suggest trop Galadriel who is a lot like Feanor and ventures to middle earth for reasons that are similar to Feanor (stop Morgoth/sauron, avenge finrod). And in TROP galadriel actually does have flaws that she needs to work on, that are called out by the narrative. Similar to Feanor--Rings of Power galadriel is the most accurate flaw to Feanor.
You cannot compare someone who is loved by all, cherished by the author himself, and practically given realms and lands because of who she is and how loved she is, to someone who is going through unaddressed trauma, stalked/harassed by a literal god, ignored by the ones who are supposed to help him, and at the end of the day acts of of fear. That is not a fair comparison.
any maybe this is just a twitter thing, but the mini fan war i've seen going on between the two fans of the characters (or just everyone collectively agreeing that feanor is stupid for waging war against morgoth when the valar did nothing and that galadriel is the better version of him), is really dumb.
both galadriel and feanor are honestly remarakable characters that are allowed to exist without being pit against one another. that just reduces both of their characters and takes away any form of complexity they have.
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tathrin · 1 year
Ehehe, hello, I am here to feed the procrastination gremlin! Those prompts all sound fun, but 21 and 28 are speaking to my heart rn.
Maybe 36 to if you feel up for it but it's your writing and you decide how many you wanna do<3
The procrastination gremlin thanks your mightily! Because I tend to Get Too Long when I write thing, I'm going to preemptively separate these out into their own posts and just assume that I'll ramble too much for it to make sense to do them all in one lmao. Also I will definitely do all three because yes more gimleaf yes. This is an ask meme that I will literally always be accepting prompts for (although if somebody sees this in the tag in like a month or so and wants to send one in, maybe include some context so that I know what that random number I just got in my inbox means? lmao). So, prompt taken from this; anyone can feel free to send other numbers in at any time. Literally.
#21....on a place of insecurity.
Gimli stared at his reflection in the round silver mirror, his hands paused even though his braids were still half-undone. "Do you ever wish that we had crossed the Sea sooner?" he asked.
Legolas blinked at him, cocking his head in that familiar birdlike tilt of confusion that Gimli knew so well.
"Sooner?" Legolas repeated. "How could we have come sooner?" A frown furrowed his smooth, beardless face; a temporary crinkling of skin that would never show the faintest wrinkle. "You mean before Aragorn died?"
"You're right," Gimli sighed. He tugged at his braids, their once-bright copper laced so heavily with strands of silver that he sometimes felt like he had just walked out of a snowfall. "We could not have, of course. But...do you ever wish..."
"Leaving sooner would not have spared us the pain of his death," Legolas said quietly. "It would only have meant that we would not have been there for him when it happened; only have meant that we would not have been there for Arwen or their children either. Knowing of his death only from stories brought by later travelers would not have spared us anything, I do not think; knowing of his death without having been there ourselves would, I think, have only made it hurt the worse, my dear."
"Yes," Gimli said, "yes, of course. I did not mean—"
He stopped. Legolas had walked up behind him and bent down to look over Gimli's shoulder into the mirror. It should have looked awkward, the sight of Legolas's long spine arced at such an angle, but elves were spindly, lithesome creatures. Wood-elves in particular seemed to be as supple and spritely as saplings, and Gimli had yet to witness Legolas contort himself into a position that strained his pliant bones.
"Gimli," Legolas said, "what is wrong?"
"Nothing," Gimli said. He lowered his eyes and his fingers both, twisting his remaining braids into place as quickly as he could without mussing the pattern of the plaits or dropping strands. He scowled, even though he knew that doing so would only deepen the wrinkles that already lined his eyes. "Nothing is wrong."
Long, smooth fingers pressed gently on his own calloused ones until they stilled. Gimli looked down at the overlap of those long digits across his own, the one set brown and spindly as twigs yet unblemished by time or strife; the other pale as underground mushrooms and gnarled by both time and heavy forge-work.
"Gimli," Legolas said. "Tell me."
Gimli turned his hand so that he could enfold those long brown fingers in his own and gave Legolas's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Nothing is wrong, my love," he said again. "I am only feeling melancholy this morning, it seems. Think no more upon it."
He raised the elf's ageless hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to those smooth knuckles, then released it so that he could continue with his braids.
Legolas did not rise. Instead he dropped lower to fold his arms across the back of Gimli's chair, his bright eyes studying the sight of the dwarf before him in the mirror. Gimli avoided his gaze, focusing instead on the intricate plaits that hung from his chin, but he could feel the weight of Legolas's eyes passing over his face, searching for the answers that Gimli would not give him.
He did not find them.
"Will you not tell me?" Legolas asked at last. His voice was soft, his eyes full of sorrow. "Please?"
Gimli sighed and let the braid in his hands droop loose and unfinished down his chest.
He looked up into the mirror again at last and met Legolas's searching, worried eyes there. He looked at that smooth, beardless, beloved face waiting there behind him; unchanging and unchanged from the day they had first met so long ago and far away in Rivendell.
His eyes flicked sideways to his own reflection, to the wrinkles that time had carved beneath his beard; to the strands of silver that wove through the bright copper braids that hung before him. He reached out and pressed his fingers to the mirror, to the sight of the lines around his eyes, and sighed.
"I would not be so old," Gimli said quietly, "if we had come sooner; that is all. I only wonder if you wish, sometimes, that we had. That is all."
Time did not pass in Aman the way it did in other places; or if it did, then it did not feel as though it did, and it carried no trace of decay with it. Gimli had not aged a day since they had first set foot upon these white shores—but he had aged two hundred and sixty-two years before that.
He was still hale and hearty, for dwarves—especially the dwarves of Durin's line—often lived many years longer than that, and rarely weakened before the very ending of their days came upon them. But he was no spritely youngster of sixty-two, either, moping because his father had deemed him too young to go along on a Quest; nor was he a mature youth of not quite one hundred and forty, boldly striding forward at last upon a Quest of his own, all bright brown eyes and ruddy copper beard.
Gimli was old, now, and he looked it. He could see it every morning when he looked in the mirror to do his braids, or every afternoon when he caught sight of his reflection in the cooling barrels at the forge or in some clear, still pool that held Aman's crystal waters. He could see it, and he knew Legolas could as well; how could he not, when he was surrounded by the contrast of all the smooth, beardless, ageless faces of his people?
"Are you tired?" Legolas asked, and his light voice was a dry croak. Shadows as thick as Mordor's fogs filled his eyes, and Gimli turned from the mirror with a cry and caught Legolas's hands with his own.
"No!" he cried. He knew that Legolas was not asking after Gimli's slumber, or weariness from working the forge; was not asking about anything as simple as a day's ordinary exhaustion. He was asking if Gimli was tired of life; if he was tired of eternity. If he was ready, at long last, to claim the gift of his own mortality.
"Legolas, no," Gimli said, squeezing those spindly fingers so tightly that had they been the frail twigs they seemed they would have snapped beneath the pressure of his grip—but elvish flesh was strong, so much stronger than it looked. So were dwarven spirits, and Gimli had no intention of ever growing weary of the world, not so long as Legolas was in it. "I promise," he assured his elf, raising first one hand and then the other to his lips. "Never, Legolas. I am here with you, and I always will be."
Legolas's smile trembled, but it was a smile. Gimli counted it as a victory, and pulled the elf up out of his crouch and into Gimli's lap. He had too much leg to fit on such a short chair, of course, but the two of them were used to that problem; it was no effort at all to fall into the long habits that had his ankles curling sideways under the chair, his elvish flexibility making easy work of the awkward position.
"Then what troubles you?" Legolas asked. He snaked his long arms around Gimli's shoulders and leaned his beardless cheek down to rest upon Gimli's head. "My love, please. Tell me."
"I am old, Legolas," Gimli said. He unwrapped one hand from the elf's slender waist to press his fingers to the cobweb of wrinkles beside his eyes. "You can see it plainly on my face. Old, as no one else in Aman ever will be."
"Bilbo is old," said Legolas.
Gimli rolled his eyes. "Yes, all right," he said. "And Sam, too. But aside from them, everyone else here is an elf—"
"Or a maia," Legolas interrupted. "Or one of the Valar. Or—"
"My point," Gimli cut him off loudly, "is that age is writ across my face in ways that elvish faces do not age. I am only sorry, my dear, that I can do nothing to erase those lines, these streaks of silver; only sorry that you cannot spend eternity beside a dwarf in his prime of life, but must instead contend with these wearisome wrinkles."
Legolas drew away far enough that he could gape down at Gimli. "Wearisome?" he repeated. "Sorry? Gimli!"
"I know, I know," Gimli soothed, "it is a little enough thing, I suppose, and I am not ungrateful; I am only sorry for your sake, my dear—"
"Sorry!" Legolas said again. "Gimli, you everlasting fool of a dwarf! Is this what you've been fretting over all this time?
"Gimli!" Legolas squawked. "Oh, my beloved idiot! I feared you were growing tired of forever, and were going to have to leave me! Instead you've just been pouting over how handsome you are?"
"Handsome!" Gimli exclaimed. "Legolas, enough. I am sorry beyond words that I made you worry, but that is no call to mock me—"
"I do not mock," Legolas said. His lilting voice for once was as firm as stones. "I adore every inch of you, Gimli. Yes, even the wrinkles; yes, even the silver in your beard!" He shook his head, scowling down at his dwarf. "Perhaps especially the silver in your beard, for it gleams like mithril in the moonlight, even as the ancient lights of lost Trees are said to still gleam in the locks of the Lady Galadriel, oh Lockbearer!"
Gimli sputtered, heat rising fast in his cheeks. He tried to push the elf away, but Legolas tightened his grip upon his shoulders and refused to be budged from Gimli's knees.
"And your wrinkles," he continued in a softer voice, "are the signs that our years together have etched upon your face, even as your clever hands carve beauty into simple metal and plain rocks. How could I help but love them, when they trace our story out upon your face for all to see?" Legolas leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the sparkle of crows-feet that framed first one eye and then the other, then traced the deep tracks that lines Gimli's mouth and nose beneath his beard. Finally he raised Gimli's hand and pressed a long kiss to those ruddy, wrinkled fingers.
"Legolas, I...I feel I've been a fool," Gimli murmured. He found himself once again unable to meet Legolas's eyes, this time because of the blush that darkened his cheeks with a blaze of hot mortification.
"You have been," Legolas agreed, "but fortunately I knew you for a fool long before I knew you for anything else, my love, and so I am not bothered overmuch."
A watery laugh spilled from Gimli's lips, and he could not help but smile. "And you are as irritating and irreverent as ever," he retorted.
"Of course I am," Legolas agreed, and hopped up off Gimli's lap and the low chair upon which he sat and grinned down at his dwarf with a twinkling smile. "Some things do not change with the passage of time—but even though my face does not show it, I have very much been changed by knowing you, my dear Gimli, and I would not trade a second of it in exchange for a single lifted wrinkle or silvered hair."
"Well," Gimli said, "I am glad to hear it, and sorry now that I did not voice my concerns sooner."
"So am I!" said Legolas. "But I cannot hold it against you when I did not voice mine either, although in my case it was because I feared to pressure you into extending your time in life beyond your own comfort for my sake alone."
Gimli stood and took his elf's hands in his and held them tight. "Forever is only barely enough time to spend at your side, Legolas," he said, "but as it is all the time the world will give us, I will take it; but I will accept not a second less than that, and would not see that time shortened for any reason even if it was only for your own comfort, and not my own. I can think of no greater purpose for one's life than to bring comfort to one whom I so love."
Legolas beamed down at him, his pale eyes bright with unshed tears. "Well!" he said. "That is all sorted, then!"
"Indeed it is," Gimli agreed. He knew that the smile spreading behind his beard was the sort of soft, misty-eyed grin that Peregrin Took had always labeled "absurdly sappy," but he could not help himself; he felt as though he was fairly brimming-over with love, and he could not contain himself from letting it show upon his face, erstwhile sappiness be damned.
"In that case," Legolas said, his damp gaze dancing suddenly with dry mischief, "let me get you out of that tunic and into our bed and I will find all your other wrinkles and properly express my love for them, too."
Gimli decided he could finish his braids later.
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beevean · 8 months
I love how NFCV gave Dracula an entire war council and army of vampires, and then did absolutely nothing with 99% of them. Like, at that point, why even bother? They could literally just be random monsters like in the games, that would justify why they don't talk AND then they'd have badass designs and powers. Actually, the boss monsters in the games tend to be more talkative and plot relevant than most of the war council, so they actually did a worse job than the supposedly plotless videogames.
Show: Guys guys! Check this out! We have representation! We are expanding the limited world of the games! We're so progressive!
The representation:
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love how the only vampires with speaking lines are the two European ones. lol. lmao even.
(also special shout out to Carmilla radfemming that "There are perhaps four other women in this castle", when she, Cho and Raman are only three. fucking peak) (god why do i still remember raman's name she's a literal nothing)
But yeah, this was an obvious attempt to make the world and Dracula's influence seem larger than it actually was. Look at him, being able to summon vampire lords from all over the world! (except Sun Thundercat and Tiddied Isaac lol) Look how vast the vampire culture is! But at the end of the day, they are literal NPCs, cardboard cutouts that the story tells us they don't like Dracula's plan, and fodder for the finale. Pretty sure they don't do anything but go on a killing spree offscreen under Godbrand's suggestion lmao.
This is also a symptom of the show preferring vampires over other creatures. In the games, there is a plethora of monsters in Dracula's castle: zombies, skeletons, Frankenstein's monsters, witches, wizards, giant armors, Medusas, werewolves, phantom knights, so many creatures. Vampires are actually pretty rare. The show just has vampires and some badly designed Night Creature at best. And vampires are treated like elves, like a nearly noble race with its own culture.
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pro-crastinate17 · 11 months
hello this will be a reaction to black friday starkid because i like to talk about the things i like
(it ended up only being act 1 bc it got super long lol)
ths is only my third time watching it and the first time was like. 2 years ago (the second time was only a few months ago but i didnt absorb enough or write this so here we go again)
will be VERY long btw
in the jingle when angelas sniggle says "we're the sniggles! don't be scared!" she winks when she says dont be scared. this is. foreshadowing :thumbsup:
never getting over "hes deep down in drowsy town, sleepng the dreamless sleep of the dead!"
also JAMES TOLBERT!!!!! his VOICE im so <3 [heart]
also oh my god im reading WAY too far into this but. "hes riding santas sleigh cause hes friends with all the elves" wigglys main allies are uncle wiley and linda monroe, who are played by joey and lauren, who both play elves in santa claus is going to high school!!!
OUGH i love the announcer whose voice is that?? it is reminiscent of big bill hells lol
"i wanted a salad, but now i have a child" never gets old lol. also the exposition in this scene is FLAWLESS mwah
THE LA DI DA DA DAY MOTIF IN THE BACKGROUND LMAO (it is definitely NOT a la di da da day)
"i do not get flashbacks!!! ...i remember bad things vividly." TOM IS SO ME CODED LOL
emma doing paul's "okay" thing gives me LIFE
DYLAN SAUNDERS APPRECIATION MOMENT i love tom houston so much i love dylan saunders oh my goodness gracious literally flawless acting !!! and his VOICE i cant even (also him holding up his hands like the steering wheel is such good foreshadowing for him having been the one driving!!)
tom is COMPLETELY unable to read sarcasm. tom houston autism confirmed. (/silly)
OK OK I KNOW that "bud" is a common way to refer to weed. however. lex smoking weed in hatchetfield and says "bud" specifically?? PERKYS BUDS REFERENCE!
the "to nordstrom? ah shiiit!" he sounds so canadian?? i cant be the only one hearing this lol what was that
COREY DORRIS APPRECIATION MOMENT!!!!! HIS VOICE HIS ACTING HES SOOOO <3 [heart] also the frank and uncle wiley interaction is SO FUNNY !!! and the condescension paired with calling lex "alexandra" is a rlly good way to make it obvious how icky frank is i love it
"honest?" "cross my heart, hope to die" BUT HE WAS LYING AND THEN HE DIES. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE STARKID
am i the only one whos curious about the gerald cinnabon story lmao. what did he DO that was so bad that gary goldstein attorney at law couldnt save him from the consequences?
"thats called a BRIBE and its ILLEGAL!!!" *skeptical look* "...or it SHOULD be." IM GIGGLING
im osrry the "my CHILDREN were accidents" line KILLS ME lmao. esp bc she literally IS making it everyone elses problem (by demanding 4 wigglys)!!
ik this fandom talks a lot about "stop crying gerald i wasnt talking to you" but i dont think we pay enough attention to lindas stanley monologue. like holy shit.
ALSO TOM TAKES THE SPOT BEHIND BECKY IN LINE AND DOESNT PAY ANYONE and no one even notces bc theyre all too busy gossiping lmao also what do you say is SUCH a good song aaaa!!! (why is the homeless man so invested on
"tHe YeArS hAvE pAsSeD"
unrelated but i just noticed curt (the farmer who has peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel during what if tomorrow comes) does not currently have peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel! how does he come to be in possession of peanuts? was peanuts also drawn to wiggly (since he is canonically a sentient being?) what is really going on here? maybe this was the real conspiracy all along /silly
JEFF BLIM WIGGLY HANDS (also distinctly resembles the wiggly hands jon does as wiggly in npmd!!)
also feast or famine is an INCREDIBLE song like actually AAAAAA !!! chaos reigns!!!
is ethan wearing a kilt? or a skirt?? also him saying "more bad" instead of worse GIGGLE
tom scaring gary off just by looking scary is PEAK comedy i take no criticism
"aHhH yUmMy!!!!!"
the resurgence of hello naughty list?? does sthat mean uncle wiley originally wanted lex to be the prophet. DOES THAT MEAN UNCLE WILEY ORIGINALLY WANTED LEX TO BE THE PROPHET.
i cant stop saying "i have pepper spray and i use it more than you can possibly imagine", also "ohh i dont know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna FUCK with me miss monroe" ITS SO SILLY
when he sings the little "why should you give when you can get" BE STILL MY HEART (i have gender envy for joey richter)
"all you gotta do is just do what you do best-" "SHOP." "-be a mother." "...right." I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.
"yEs I fUcKiNg SeE hIm"
"iLL bItE yOuR nIpPLe OfF"
the way the wiggly is damaged is NOT what wouldve happened from being shot. but thats ok bc its my babygirl general john macnamara <3 [heart]
MONSTERS AND MEN IS SO GOOD. I LOVE JEFFS VOICE SM JEFF BLIM APPRECATION MOMENT !!!!! also he looks Rigjt at the camera when he says "its nothing on your phone" GIGGLE
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Se4 ep6 thoughts
I love how Soren sees the dragon and is immediately like: ✨️friends✨️? Big puppy energy. Looks so innocent!! Well that didn't go well.
No-one looking for Soren? Yikes. Wow Rayla took you long enough lmao. Not like he didn't come home last night!
Whatcha doing? while Ezran's discovering he's the new spiderman.
Zubeia will not be pleased.
Finally some thought to the freaking anonymous elf!! Did i mention how much i am loving the accent? Because yes.
Lmao Raylaa
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What is this????
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Like ig there was a different light source and they changed it later but does no-one watch this like, I dunno, a thousand times before it's released??
My distracted ass had to go make these gifs mid episode because why not. And this was my first time making one so when i clicked the tick and it didn't appear as an option in my videos from gallery i tried again. And again. And again. Then realised i had four of them in the gallery. So yeah. That happened.
Anyway continuing my watch. Lmaoo not even 6 minutes. Oops...
Poor Bait getting knocked overr. And again why can Ez see through Zym's eyes? Will we ever know?
Amaya it is not just a fricking candlee. Like I love you but show some respect please. Okay that escalated quickly. Is there no way to like, give the elf some comfort or something that doesn't involve killing? Like yes i actually get why death would be an appropriate punishment cause in their eyes extinguishing that candle is prolly worse than killing someone cause if u kill they still get to the afterlife but. I think the focus should also be on the elf and doing sth for his benefit?
Um i guess earthblood elves don't know he's the dragon prince? Cause otherwise they have some serious trouble coming. Is Callum going to save the day? This blackout transition was a bit unusual. Looked fine but not really their style?
Are we getting some info on elven politics? Masked guys? This little smile thing between Karim and one of Six Horns... he did some bribing? Hope not cause this could turn ugly. It prolly will who am i lying to.
'Don't u remember who u are' felt a little forced to me. They often have those inspiring speeches that don't feel like they belong there. Why isn't Callum flying around looking for Zym? And why wasn't he their 'eyes' to begin with?
The kiddo is back again! Kinda didn't like that was all we saw of him so welcome back!
Karim u little shit. I don't yet know what he's planning but i feel it in my bones it ain't nothing good. Best case he just wants them gone from Xadia. Hopefully.
Why did that elf go after Rayla? Because they are so-called protectors? That little Bait smile lmaooo. Another gif incoming.
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I am a pro now.
Amaya on the side of the elves yes please. But i think she'll do the same Karim did with some kind of I dunno. Not clearing her of guilt completely but sth. Yess compassionate justice pleasee. I feel like they won't listen cause it'd be too good to be true but still. Prolly Karim bribing people won't help. Still not sure if he did.
This catching dragons really reminds me of HTTYD. This boy is the next Hiccup. N'than i love youuu.
Damn for a moment i really thought she'll cut her hands off. Ig that wouldn't really belong on screen but i thought the same for blood so...
this was so good!! I loved it! I actually cried Just hope Janai didn't undermine herself and look weak in the eyes of other elves. I feel like this was also more realistic so they didn't escalate things for no reason. Just show them all trying to get along. Sometimes successfully, other times less so. In love with how Janai said compassion
This entire scene was a masterpiece idc. How the architect broke down crying from relief and stress, the shrine idea, how the elf subtly accepted this as retribution, how it drove a divide between Karim and Janai, how logical the punishment was, it will be the greatest work of my life... just. Peak animation.
I knew it! The Pit of Despair, answer to all our prayers.
Will Karim and Janai fix things or will Karim not be understanding? Again a pretty scene, and Karim doesn't look hostile so far so yayy
I wanted to ask before but how long did Rayla and Soren actually knew each other? Cause i was under the impression that Rayla left practically at the end of se3 but Soren acted like they were kinda close earlier and now Rayla sounds really distressed?
Ohh Karimm lover boyy! Is he going to usurper her? Really?
Lmaoo Soren late to the party😂😂 omgg they're so cuteeee! ✨️friends✨️ for real now
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The happiness on his face🥹
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eliza-makepeace · 1 year
HI!! do you have any predictions or maybe like a wish list for the Murtagh book??
Hi! Thank you for asking this. This'll hopefully help me cope with the horrible wait.
The things that I feel like we'll see in the murtagh book i think fit into both categories.
Especially, I had always thought that, for a book focused on murtagh, it would be necessary to deepen into his childhood, into what it was like to grow up at galby's court, the consideration people had of him as morzan's son and his own idea of what that means... Also I'm dying to know more about tornac (as paolini has already suggested we will) and about selena.
I feel like in this book murtagh *needs* to understand himself, and, in order to do so, needs to understand his past and make peace with it. It's obvious he adores and misses selena and her loss has always been something huge for him. Adding to this, i think he resents her as well, for not protecting him as she "should have", for having eragon (and him being brom's son!) and giving him a "safe" upbringing and not having had to grow up with the stigma of being morzan's son, and also perhaps, in a way, for dying and leaving him. So my idea is that he'll eventually find out things about her, and will be able to see her as the complex creature she was, and, most importantly, as his mother who loved him unconditionally.
In a rather self-indulgent way, I kinda hope he gets to see her, somehow. Whether it's in a similar fashion to brom giving eragon his message as "his father" or contacting the netherworld (i don't care that the elves presume the great beyond doesn't exist. what do they know) and get to see/talk to her, or even get a glimpse of her in the past, defending him from morzan or a moment selena and murtagh shared when he was a baby.
Also, I hope we get to see how galby's court works, the inner turnings of it, through his eyes and experience. I'm a historian so I *love* that shit. I think we'll get to see a bit of him and tornac being weird father and son together, maybe even get a flashback to when tornac died or murtagh's grief after losing him. He obviously means a great deal to him, and his loss has severely affected him, just as selena's did, but worse because murtagh was 18.
I hope murtagh meets roran, and gets to have a nice chat with eragon. He deserves to spend time with his family, and feel part of it.
Also i feel like we're going to get more in depth about murtagh's feelings for nasuada, and his experience in uru'baen with her. I know some people have pointed it out because apparently its hinted in the sneak peak. I unfortunately haven't read the sneak peak because that edition is nowhere around where I live and I can't really get it, but it seems like he's going to feel like shit about all that transpired. I've been reading inheritance actually, and despite the fact that it was a horrible situation, hopefully he'll realize that if it hadn't been for him, nasuada would've gone mad, would've become galby's slave and would've died. He saved her, just as much as he saved thorn and himself.
I can't wait to see what Bachel is about, what she'll be like and how murtagh with deal with her. Whether she's good or not, what she'll make him do.... It's a world of possibilities and I'm really looking forward to it. Also, i hope he'll meet Essie again, maybe taking the role of mentor, like tornac did for him.
Also, maybe he'll visit vroengard, but I don't really know about that lmao. We'll see. I'd love to see what you all think the book will show and what murtagh will go through!
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well that episode didn't make me as mad as I thought it would, but I'm also not someone who has massive universes with my own personal lore attached to it like some of you very talented writers on here, so I was just here to see what the canon explanations were lol
I mean,,,,,we got closure at least, for better or for worse there's explanations now,, not really anything that makes a load of sense but y'know
I think it was rushed, we only spent like 10 minutes visiting with past santas and we still don't have a lot of lore on the elves which is a shame considering how vastly important they seem to be
and the explanation behind bernard still doesn't rlly sit right with me I think it's goofy but hey aside from THAT it's really great to have him back and I love how bitchy he is he's so cute askfjsl
again i'm not all that creative when it comes to world building so idk what I was anticipating, watching this episode was basically them jangling a set of keys in front of my face LMAO
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ninas-gf · 10 months
finished tdp this season was so awesome... not the biggest fan of kim'dael her design reminds me of a genshin design (derogatory) and I feel she's just there to be cool and kick ass and not much else. LOVED the whole pirate storyline loved callum using dark magic again because he literally loses it when rayla is in danger. . Claudia was so good I love her smmmm I hope she gets worse she's definitely one of my favs her little tentacle mermaid thing was great. poor janai she just keeps getting betrayed all she wants is to get married lmao. obligatory mention that sunfire elf designs are the coolest ever and I love them
now that you say it like that… i kind of agree with you 😭 though i will say she looks MUCH cooler in the graphic novel imo…
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and the pirate part was definitely a highlight for me as well!! finnegrin made such an amazing antagonist 👀 and seeing callum use dark magic again was also interesting!!
and speaking of claudia, they just released a little teaser about her for season 6… but i could understand if you didn’t want to see it because of the spoilers
you’re right though, the elves look super amazing, especially the sunfire elves! cant wait to see more of them in the upcoming seasons <3
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volfoss · 2 years
hi sorry im like. so so mad about media so im putting this silly rant abt the witcher under the cut <3 spoilers for ummm the books or smth but i dont think my mutuals are into this so 👍
So i just hit Blood of Elves (the 3rd book) and met Triss. so not only did she literally SA/take advantage of geralt (as is the fucking pattern in these books w women towards him and the author and the plot treating any time geralt gets in this position as haha funny so many hot women want him :/) but she is um. absolutely fucking horrible. it is so confusing to me how so many fans love her (because even if you've only played the 3rd game, she LITERALLY point blank jokes with him about how people will no longer take advantage of him since he no longer has memory issues, and when he asks who was taking advantage of him, she was just like me :3. like its never elaborated on its just a fucking joke because we <3 feminism in this series!!) but if you've read the books it just becomes more clear how shes treating him. its a really disgusting pattern of behavior where most of his lovers either treat him like a freak and a mutant (which is sure soooo funny when hes treated like that by normal citizens) or just like a sexual object for them to use, with no regards to his consent. and by god triss has embodied both of those so so badly, where shes just nonstop either lusting after him (when he shows literally NO interest in her at this point lmao) or just treating him like shit. shes constantly guilt tripping him about ciri which is so fucking frustrating bc all the stuff shes bringing up under the guise of haha epic feminism moment is handled SO badly. she basically forces femininity on ciri who is like. barely 12 or 13 by this point (if my math is right) and who literally asks if triss will turn her into a boy and who is more than happy with dressing in male clothes. but triss finds this an absolute travesty that ciri literally has a diy haircut (or one of the men did it for her bc its mega crooked) and takes it into her own hands to turn her into a super pretty polished girl like. adjacent to beauty pageants but fantasy medieval. it is um. incredibly frustrating to see all of this and how triss consistently tells geralt his parenting sucks and that ciri shouldnt be with him (despite the fact ciri only feels safe around him and he does a rly good job parenting in his own way. like its not traditional bc he IS a cringefail adoptive single dad but its also like it doesnt need to be and he cares about her safety so much but wtv) and that he just overall sucks as a person. but we r supposed to root for the two of them to get together as in most of the games, she's the primary/most fleshed out romance option. and its like i do NOT expect ppl just playing the games or watching the netflix series to read the books but its also like she is genuinely really bad to him a lot, just talking down to him and it is actually um. very interesting bc geralt as a character is very emotionless a lot of the time (some of this is due to him being a witcher but some of it is just his personality or the trauma hes endured) but the increase of him just being upset or silent and resigned has increased tenfold in just the first 100 pages of this book. its so so frustrating to see esp after seeing how bad yennefer was treated, i really hoped triss would be better. but in every single way she's been worse.
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gay-otlc · 2 years
(You might wanna wait until you have a lot of freetime lmao. By chat I apparently meant give you an essay.)
Okay! So! There was this one part of it that was kind of explaining how "what if the hanahaki disease didn't have to be romantic?" and the part that sort of stuck out to me was the parent thinking that the kid had unrequited love, only for them to realize that the hanahaki was caused by the kid's worry about dating someone of the same gender around their parents.
So of course my funky little brain thought of my blorbos. And I was thinking of the Ruewens because of my unhealthy obsession with them.
And also my brain was thinking of Marella. (Because I'm a lesbian, why else) and I just. Quick rapid fire-headcannons of what I got:
Marella notices first. The way that her girlfriend is looking... a lot more pale since they've started dating. (only a couple months ago.)
She also notices an excess of flower petals around. In Sophie's pockets, around Havenfield, she's even found some around her property. The same white daisy petals.
At first, Marella doesn't assume anything. Doesn't really connect the dots.
It is spring time after all, and Sophie lives on a property overflowing with wildflowers which she spends a lot of her time outside in.
So life carries on, Marella brushing off the small white petals with little concern, barely noticing them.
But then it happens on one of their dates.
They're having a picnic and gazing at the clouds in the sky, and Sophie ignores Marella every time that she points out how cheesy it is because they both know she loves it.
Well suddenly Sophie starts hacking up a storm.
Marella sits up as well, ready to pat her girlfriends back to get the excess... whatever out of her system.
But Sophie cups her hands below her chin, and what comes up is petals. Not only petals, but also blood.
Sophie's eyes widen as she meets Marella's shocked gaze.
"There hasn't been blood before," she rasps.
Marella feels her jaw drop. "This has happened before?"
Sophie nods.
"For-for how long?"
"A month or so."
Apparently around a month ago Sophie had started coughing up flower petals, but hadn't thought to tell anyone because she figured that this was the elvin form of allergies. (It was not, Marella told her.) She thought that since it was spring it was perfectly normal for the time, just something no one had mentioned to her before.
Marella wordlessly helps Sophie pack up the picnic and head to Elwin's office.
They're panicking to say the least. Marella's the only one that's heard of it, and from what she's read, it isn't pretty.
From her sources (which were of course angsty romance novels) elves could die from this.
When they walk into his home-his office was closed-Elwin picks up on their antsy behavior, and listens somberly as they tell their tale.
He lets out a sigh of relief when they finish, expecting much worse.
He wheels around, picking up a few elixirs from the shelves before turning back to the couple, who's hands are intertwined nervously.
Elwin diagnoses Sophie with chronic Hanahaki disease. Reassuring her that it's nothing serious, and that it's caused from lying to the ones you love.
Thankfully, it's got nothing to do with Sophie's bio parents, but instead something that's putting a strain on their relationship.
The girls exchange a confused look before thanking the doctor, taking the elixirs and information that he handed them, and leaving to Fluttermont.
Once they're safe in Marella's room, and Sophie's downed an elixir to help with the coughing up blood, she sinks down on the bed next to Sophie, the packet held gently in her hands.
The two flip through it, and all that Marella can read is secrets and lies and relationship strains. She knows that it's wrong, but she can't help but be a little upset at her girlfriend.
She promised. Sophie promised to keep her into the loop and to let Marella help her when she needed.
Could she have broken it?
"What's your favorite flower?"
Marella glances up, startled. "What?"
"It says here that the patient will cough up flowers that are favorites of those in the relationship, so what're your favorite flowers?"
Marella shrugs, glancing away. "I really like hydrangeas."
"Really? Me too!"
Marella feels the corners of her lips stretch into a smile, before sobering once more.
"Sophie... is there anything you want to tell me?"
That she doesn't love you.
Sophie opens her mouth to say something, but the hacking cuts her off. This time, instead of just cupping her hands, she runs to Marella's bathroom, probably not wanting to risk getting blood on her bed.
Sophie rushes over and bends over the sink, prepared for a large puffy flower of her girlfriend's favoring to make it's way out of her throat.
She could tell as soon as she had started coughing.
This is much more than a couple petals.
But she coughs and she hacks and finally a full flower falls on top of the drain.
As Sophie's chest heaves, hands gripping both sides of the sink, she realizes something.
What's in the drain isn't a white hydrangea. Not in the slightest.
Instead, it's a flower that she recognizes. One from the pastures of her very own home.
Lying in the sink was a daisy.
One that was nearly identical to the very daisy her mother had given her this morning.
So pretty much what I was thinking was to mess around with Marella's dynamic with Sophie and her parents. Grady and Edaline were distrustful of Marella in Nightfall because she was a pyrokinetic, and so Sophie's afraid.
She's afraid of disappointing her parents, she's afraid to tell them she's gay. She's even afraid to tell them that she's actually been dating someone.
But what Sophie's most afraid of is scaring them. She's afraid that they won't love her anymore because of this.
So that's why she's coughing up flowers.
Love this love this love this
Yeah I imagine Sophie would have a hard time telling her parents about Marella! I don't think she'd worry about them being homophobic, though she might, but telling Grady and Edaline she's in love with a Fintan-trained pyrokinetic and will face discrimination because of this? Not great. Fantastic angst potential.
"i figured these were just elf allergies" sOPHIE WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID (affectionate)
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theboarsbride · 2 years
Might I trouble you for some headcanons about Grima and Tathareth's relationships? Any headcanons you want, I just wanna hear all about them, please! Thank you!
I am always prepped and ready to scream about these two, they've been giving me brainrot so much lately fkldkldkfldkldfk 🥺🥺💛💛
They view each other as kindred spirits, and a lot of this starts with their personal experiences as an 'ostracized' other within their respective societies because of their mixed heritages (with Grima being Rohirrim/Dunlending and Tathareth being Lothlorien/Woodland elf). Tathareth knows her own experiences cannot really compare to Grima's so she often refrains talking about them (unlike Grima klkdlfkf who is a bish that holds grudges RIP), as most of the social exclusion and rejection she faced was more downlow and catty, and eventually grew to become her own doing as she developed an isolationist, socially anxious personality in adulthood.
So there is a mutual 'attraction' to their lack of judgement towards ethnic backgrounds, mutual sympathies for one another's experiences, and Grima just values how Tathareth is kind to him despite all he's done and doesn't seek to treat him any differently from any other person she's healed (even if he doesn't trust it at first). Tathareth mostly finds herself attracted out of curiosity because jfldklklsd she's got a lot of questions about the world beyond Lothlorien and for a man who worked so closely with dark sorcery because deep down, despite the cold and apathetic front she puts up, she is just a curious and lonely girl she was in her youth. also just the appeal of loving/healing a Bad Boy....even if he is all scrungly and unappealing kdslkdslsks
Tathareth is very much against PDA, mostly because she wishes to preserve the dignity and reputation she has as a healer (as elves begin to whisper and gossip about how her spending more time with Grima led to her mind being infected and him poisoning her medicines). Grima, however, WANTS to publicly display his love, he wants it to be known he loves an elf, and more importantly he wants it to be known that HE is loved by an ELF. He's a bit of a selfish (and highkey possessive that aspect of the former """affections""" he felt towards Eowyn hasn't left him completely) bastard, but he refrains from being public with his affections as being around elves that he knows are taller, faster, and stronger than himself (and also don't hold very positive views about him) makes him ✨nervous✨.
Speaking of potentially poisoning medicines......they both like gardening! Just... spending time in gardens together, or watching one another garden, etc. Tathareth works primarily with herbs and spices and other medicinal plants, while Grima takes a liking to poisonous plants--wolfsbane, belladonna, oleander, hemlock, snakeroot, delphinium, etc. Tathareth cultivates life; Grima cultivates death. ljgljfljfljggflfk ok lowkey Hades and Persephone parallels ig????
For better or worse, Grima heavily associates Tathareth with Jimson Weed (though the analogy initially started with how she dresses in pastel purples and greys).
LOTS OF NIGHTTIME WALKS!!!!! Tathareth has always loved solo walks at night as she gathered herbs or just to have more intimate solitude where she can stargaze in peace, but Grima starts joining her when he struggles to sleep (thanks trauma-induced nightmares), and even before there are romantic feelings they both just kinda... enjoy the company of someone who isn't hostile or judgmental and just want to be alone--so they be alone and introverted together.
Tathareth has a fear of horses (or really any large animal), so Grima tries to warm her up to them, even tries teaching her to ride one... but when she realizes that she isn't really a horse girl and riding isn't a skill of hers, she is content just riding with Grima instead.🥺
ALSO!!!!!! TATHARETH IS TALLER THAN GRIMA. and can lift him lmao dklsklkdlksdlk. But not by much.... just tall enough that she needs to lean down just a wee bit for a kiss-kiss--
also just know their """"""canonical"""" has me squealing and excited to write but jlsjljddlsjdlsjldsj don't wanna spoil much but uhhh imagery is similar to that scene with Aragorn and Arwen from Fellowship of the Ring.
These are the headcanons I offer for now!!!!!! I hope these are alright, and my inbox/ask box is always open to scream about these two🥺💛thanks so much again for this ask!!!!!!
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witcher-bullshit · 3 years
Nightmare of the Wolf review
Okay! I am done watching. Here are my thoughts, somewhat linear, hopefully comprehendable, I guess it contains spoilers, like all of them, and complaining. Don’t like it? Don’t read it:
-the opening song sucks. Like it’s trying to be a children’s rhyme but it’s badly done
-WHY do they pronounce it CATEwynn... Kädwen is really not that goddamn hard.
-yeah you made it anime but why for the love of everything did you have to give us tentacle content
-I hate opening boys voice actor (actress?) (And I also hate young Illyana’s voice actress, she sounds just like how all American women are synchronised in German and it’s terrible)
-They try to make Vesemir so ~edgy and cool~ with the shit he says... no ur not. like stfu and fight the damn monster.
-When I said his character is like Dean Winchester meets Avatar Aang (character and skills wise) when I was at minute 4 I was accurate, and I absolutely despise that. Makes him wholly uncool. His ~not like the other boys~ attitude makes it even worse.
-they mangled the Leshen... they made it ugly and uncool, sorry you can’t convince me otherwise. Also BAD for not like... explaining why Leshen exist?? That they are protectors of the forest...?
-oh good gods THE FUCKING ATTACK ON TITAN RETRACTABLE CHAIN WHY DID THEY DO THAT I HATE IT SO MUCH. I’ll only say it once... Witcher work is pretty down to Earth come the end of the day... not like that.
(it’ll go on for a looong time after this cut. Take a few minuts.)
-the king’s castle.... why does it look like 17th/18th century WHYYYY also why is the court looking like that style, why is the king looking like Louis the 16th or whatever. No! they are pissing in the goddamn corners that are strewn with straw all sitting at a table not... whatever they are trying to sell with their idk noble’s parliament
-why did they give the elves these... protruding giant ears... aren’t they supposed to be like unreal beautiful? They look like Dumbo fled the circus
-hahaha Kitsu they are trying to be soooo clever. Like noone’s ever heard the word Kitsune
-I could have gone without having to look at naked Vesemir :/
-I don’t understand Filavandrel’s “imagine if you witchers laboured for more than just thrills and coin” ??? like... let him have a good time? he’s SUPPOSED to be ousted by society lmfao. (apparently not at this point according to whatever the show is trying to portray)
-the fucking donkey is making horse noises. and yeah it’s subtitled with [horse whinnies] couldn’t you find donkey noises???
-they clearly made Illyana a #girlboss.
-if that was an intentional MY CABBAGES innuendo I’ll take it lmao.
-when that Witcher that find’s them is like “they’d chop your hands off in Nilfgaard and make you wear them around your neck” Sir?? We are in the Northern Realms? Which are ass backwards? MUCH MORE ASS BACKWARDS THAN NILFGAARD? You coulda just said they’d enslave you, because that would be actually accurate!!! But.. THAT? Have you even BEEN to Nilfgaard?
-also sir why does your sword not have a sheath... u just running around with that sharp pointy thing all unprotected?
-I hate the “exorcism” scene... They HAD to put boobs in there didn’t they... Also “demons” “mahr” DECIDE what is it?? in canon demons are something completely else arfdkjg
-they made Vesemir ~not like the other boys~ and BOY does it suck. “oooooh I’m gonna become a coooool Witcher, not that there SHOULD BE A FUCKING STIGMA AGAINST THEM IN CANON”
-”saving the continent from [...] mad sorcerers” Illyana I need you to sit down with Geralt for a couple of minutes and let him tell you how he got his ass whooped
-okay I like his little crush on Illyana I admit it. He is a romantic at heart as he should be.
-HOW DOES HE FIND KAER MORHEN. He should literally die on the way because it’s so goddamn hidden and dangerous to get there.
-Why does Kaer Morhen look like the Viper keep from Gwent. I’m only asking once.
-whatever is name is, I’m gonna headcanon that he’s just small and not a dwarf <3
-they really pronounced it Naseer.....
-at this point I noticed that the only Black people so far were the family that got fridged at the start+the boy that escaped. (I mean yeah there later is also the mage, but he doesn’t have like.. a big role? And he also dies) Lauren.... your representation...
-I do like the soundeffects for their sword against sword fights.
-Vesemir is so fucking dismissive of the other kids’ trauma of getting ripped away from their families ~not like the other boys~ syndrome strikes again.
-”imagine beasts engineered to wipe out the old races and the elves” + “mages made monsters and then witchers to kill them” Perdón???????? I mean yeah Mages do all kinds of weird genetic experimentation because half of them are megalomaniacs but... none of this happened? Not even as a thought experiment?
-The fucking envelope. Envelopes are like... 19th century babes.. In ye olde days you just folded the letter in on itself and then sealed it shut with wax. Yes I will make this anachronism (don’t ride my ass about Witcher being fantasy, there is a clear stylistic line drawn out in the books) it’s own point.
-The Trial of the Grasses scene is nice! Good! Too bad we never see Vesemir suffer from the goddamn Trauma (or the other boys) it inflicts on them! Why show torture if you don’t show it’s aftermath. Even fucking Supernatural managed to do that.
-The Falwick rip-off should’ve had a little more screentime to present his standpoint better.
-”the people’s faith in the monarchy already wavers” so we doing French revolution?? THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MONARCHY AS AN INSTITUTION AND A MONARCH HIMSELF
-Illyana is here and I like the twist about her. And thank god she has a different voice actress now.
-that’s not how you ride horses... For fuck’s sake can ANY anime please show horses actually be ridden with “tight” reins? not that saggy “haha if I whip then reins on the horses neck like I’m driving a cart it’s gonna go” shit?
-Kitsu baby... they made you naked and then you aren’t even a vampire :/ Please illusion yourself some clothes on. And for love’s sake drop the Gollum voice. Also yeah I’ve now figuered out you’re an aguara. not really hard.
-Why is the sorceress using bow and arrow... Is this like a nod to Vilgefortz regenerating swords from twn? This is a no from me.
-I’m gonna say this only once. There is not enough differentiation between using the silver and the steel sword. The Witcher’s trade is not handled with the care and detail it deserves #workingclassrepresentation
-I like the style of the elven ruins.
-I understand that they are giving us the ~aguara origin story~ here but.. It’s not good. I don’t like it. I think I’ll get back to it when I complain about the ~plot twist~
-I hate Filavandrel hopping about these parts. Like no.. what are you even doing here? You should be like.. picking flowers and starcing in Dol Blathanna. This ain’t your territory. The way he is so idk cloistered is the wrong word, but unfamiliar and shut off from humans in The Edge of the World does NOT fit him here. Also... Vesemir would never call him “Fil”
-”It was not a Question of Price” look! look! we dropped a story title! We are giving you scraps!
-how the fuck does Illyana know where Kaer Morhen is. it makes no goddamn sense. Also why does she say to Vesemir that he’s different... like... see my point above. But their kiss was sweet. I want to see more immortal character kissing their actually old love interest.
-about the kids during the battle hiding and then running: They should’ve made it a little like the Battle of Helm’s Deep except all the kids die too for shock value to show how goddamn fucked up it is. I mean I had to put in the age restriction code, give me something to work with.
- Haha now the MONSTERS hunt the WITCHERS.. ROLE REVERSAL.. no thank you. You could have shown that Witchers are NOT the complete superhumans they are made out to be in this anime. That yes, they can be clobbered to death by a mob. by HUMANS.
-the fucking attack on titan chain again. WHY. WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME LIKE THIS.
-since when can swords cut solid stone.. like no offense to Witcher swords, but they ain’t *that* special
-I said it before and I’ll say it again: The monster fights are treated way too casually.
-I’m seeing right now I barely wrote anything about the sorceress whose name I can’t remember. But tbh I didn’t care about her and was Vesemir supposed to have like.. idk killed her mom or sumthing? Also fuck you for giving her a Yennefer style necklace and making her look like an MMORPG player character. have some taste.
-I swear when they leave Kaer Morhen you can shortly hear a theme from the Games OST. Otherwise their OST is not that impressive.
-Illyana’s death is said and I did like the romance arc.
-haha look it’s GERALT stfu.
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