#i love toki to the moon and back ~
tokiwarcube · 2 months
Here’s another fun request if you want but headcanons for the boys on who’s cool with eating and drinking after an s/o? Who loves to share everything and who’s not as into it? Personally I only share with someone I’m dating but I won’t with friends whereas one of my friends doesn’t care at all who she shares with.
This was a really fun one to think about! Silly domestic things like this are my weakness... even though it left me with a severe craving for fries and a shake LMAO Below the cut -- Enjoy! 🦇🖤🦇
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Nathan Explosion
Totally fucking exasperated when the boys try to steal his shit (can you fucking not?) although they rarely even attempt it in the first place. He doesn’t freak about the germs, or about food insecurity, it’s moreso a thing of “why the fuck are you doing this when you can have your own?” He will be tossing hands back to their owners, and pushing people back by the forehead.
He might throw a fry to Toki once in a blue moon, but it’s very much a give-a-mouse-a-cookie situation, because now everybody wants one, and now he’s asking for a sip of his shake, and can God give him a fucking break for once?
He’s better with you, but again, he’s more liable to just ask for another of whatever he’s got so you can have your own. He might reflexively bat your hands away if you try to get sneaky with it, though.
He rarely even thinks about asking for some of whatever you’re having — if he wanted that, he would have ordered that. Simple as. Although, he won’t turn down a bite if you offer.
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Pickles the Drummer
He has absolutely no problem with sharing — he only defends his shit from the boys because he knows they’ll take everything otherwise, and even then, he’s relatively lax. The most they’ll be met with is a simple “dude, seriously?” But in one on ones, (or if his plate is only accessible by one or two other people,) he doesn’t mind some thievery; however, this also means that the other person’s plate is completely fair game as well.
This applies to drinks too. He thinks his blood alcohol content is high enough to kill any germs that he picks up in the process (false), and regardless, he’s done more disgusting shit than swap a bit of spit (true).
You, however, don’t even have to strike first. He’s stealing from you at all times. It could be the exact same dish, exact same drink, and he’ll do it anyways. If you leave your drink unguarded for even a second, he’s swiping it for a sip. If he catches you eyeing his plate, he’s nodding at it, and piling shit on your plate if you don’t take something at his prompting. Zero fucks given, genuinely.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
He’s very vigilant about any thievery attempts from the boys, and is not afraid to stab at them with his fork. He hates the idea of swapping food-laden spit with any of the guys — hell, the one time Toki managed to steal a swig of his drink, he completely abandoned it for the rest of the night. He’s a walking petri dish, but yeah, this is where he draws the line. Go figure.
But you? Well, you’re different. He’ll throw a few snarky little quips your way if you ask for some, but he never actually denies you, or hails a waiter for another plate. Thing is though, he absolutely prefers to feed you bites himself. Hell, half the time he’s actually throwing his little remarks your way he’s got your jaw cradled in his hand to steady you, raising his fork to your lips. The boys are so sick of your asses.
The snarky remarks triple if you actually try stealing from him instead of asking.
He never asks for anything off of your plate, but he won’t turn you down if you offer. Sometimes he’ll steal a fry just to fuck with you, but that’s about it. He won’t even eat the damn thing half the time, he’ll just put it on his own plate and leave it there. And then give you shit when you go to take it back. Bastard.
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Toki Wartooth
The most common target for food related thievery in Mordhaus, he defends his food with his life. It’s a battleground, and he will not be losing. (This is a lie — he loses with regularity.)
But actual sharing? Sharing he doesn’t mind! He might give a bit of back-talk depending on his mood, but if he actually likes what the other person has, he won’t complain much. (Skwisgaar is an exception to this, and he flat-out refuses to share anything with him — not that he ever asks, mind you. He’s hoping he asks someday, just so he can turn him down.)
You, however, have free reign at all times. Bonus points if he actually gets to feed you a bite of whatever he’s having — it strokes a very specific part of his ego. Double bonus points if you feed him bites off your own platter.
If he’s trying something new and he ends up liking it, he’ll always offer you a taste.
He asks for a bite of whatever you’re having damn-near every time you’re snacking on something, and what he is not given, he will steal. He’s weirdly adept at it, too — blink for a second, and you’ll be missing a bite of whatever you’ve got in your hands. He always makes up for it with a quick kiss to your temple afterwards, though. You should be upset on principle, but with the way his mustache tickles you, you can’t keep up the act. Damn.
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William Murderface
He raises a huge fuss about food-thievery and sharing, but secretly, he doesn’t mind at all. Sharing food is a very secret love language of his, even if he doesn’t act like it in front of the guys. He whines and groans about it any time they ask, all the way up until they’re just about to retract the offer, and then he’ll acquiesce.
You are no exception to this behavior. Although over time, he becomes accustomed to saving a bite or two for you off the bat. Might even pile some on your plate if he notices you aren’t reaching for some yourself. He’ll still groan about sharing if you ask verbally, but the point remains: he is sharing. Best not to mention it, genuinely.
This goes both ways though, and absolutely expects you to share as well. He might steal a bite or two for the thrill of it, but he much prefers to have it offered to him. Silently, preferably. Just. Put some of whatever you’re having on his plate. He’ll swoon.
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silvermoon424 · 5 months
Can't Toei animate Naoko Takeuchi's other manga, like The Cherry Project or Toki Meka?? Like yeah, I get it: Sailor Moon is very popular back then and still is to this day. But it'd be nice if Naoko's other manga were adapted into anime, too. At the least, the ones that were completed.
I'm still waiting for our Codename: Sailor V series, lol. But I would also love to see Naoko's other works adapted!
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justscrolling765 · 2 months
Why does Ann scream the sort to have plushies? Like as a child Roger would give her some as presents but shanks and buggy teased her about it so didn't want them anymore it wasn't until she was in the marines kuzan and her on a date he spotted her staring at one and bought it for her bringing back the obsession as next he knew his place was full of plushies
I love this. I love this headcanon so much cause yes I could see Ann with so many plushies. Roger would so try to buy Ann's affection with jewels and such, I could see him going on an island seeing what young girls are playing with in hopes to bond with her however Buggy and Shanks would so tease her about it, due to it being girly or seen as weak. I could see her throwing them out breaking Roger's heart him on his knees asking why as she says she isn't a girl! Maybe she'd give one to Hiyori or Toki...if she saw that they liked them I do not know. I could see Ann looking back sadly on that regretting it but never saying anything out of shame of liking plushies
Years later I could see Kuzan and Ann just going out on a mission her spotting a familiar plushie and staring. Kuzan asking about it but she'd get embarrassed and dismiss it saying she's not a kid but Kuzan being Kuzan would buy it for her anyway. I could see her getting flustered asking why he'd buy something like that as he'd simply say cause he liked it the man has the confidence to do that sort of thing and leave it at Ann's place. Ann wouldn't try to return it she knew what he was doing and secretly appreciate it maybe she'd hug it if he was away on a mission and missed him or scream into it if mad. I could see her even just cuddling it and Kuzan seeing that as a way to help him know her mood.
Either way next thing Kuzan knew he had a room full of plushies...or well...
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Hii, Hebi!! How are you doing??
Actually.. I feel horrible for requesting after seeing the 40 requests you have T^T..
If it's okay, can I request from the prompt 🎂R for toki, hajun, and gentaro with fem! Reader if it's okay?? If it's hard to write for the three of them, you can just write for toki!
Since my birthday is this week, I'd like to request something as a gift or so, btw take your time writing it!!
Have a great day/night!! 💜💜
Writer's corner: Hey, Moon, sweetheart! I'm kind of fine! Don't worry for requesting at all. Unluckily it's kind of difficult for me to be constant and post requests frequently, but if there are many, it doesn't mean you cannot request, sweetheart! Also.. I'm planning on posting this request for your birthday, so I hope I managed since I don't know when it's midnight for you qwq I decided to develop it as scenarios so I'll write them all! I hope it's fine for you, dear💜 Happy birthday, sweet Moon!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: none, fluff, sfw
☀️𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐢, 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨☀️ 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
🎂: celebrating you birthday (R)
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☀️Samatoki is checking his phone while smoking. He's at home and he's looking outside the window. His red piercing eyes are lost in thoughts as he receives a message from you: "Don't worry, Toki. We'll see soon. Please be careful and stay safe during the mission, okay? I love u ♥︎". He can't help but smirk adorably as he then put the phone away and blows a vape cloud outside the window. Today it is your special day after all, and he had planned to do only the best for you. After finishing his cigarette and throwing it away, however, he takes his car's keys and leaves his home. The same day he has some business for Yakuza, that's why he can't see you for your special day. But it doesn't mean he will forget about you; he would never forget about you! It's only a matter of hours and you soon hear your doorbell ringing. Your parents seem kind of surprise and wonder who is. You immediately put down the plate you were cleaning and walk to the door. "Yeah? Who is it?", you speak and open the door. Immediately you see a man standing. It is the florist holding a bunch of your favourite flowers, Dahlias. Their petals are so cute and their scent is so sweet. Most of them are pink, which is your favourite colour.. but then there are three dahlias being red. The florist gives you the flowers and leaves. As soon as you bring them in your room, you find a small letter with the flowers:
☀️"I'm sorry for not being present for your special day, my love. However, I cannot stop thinking about you.. I cannot stop loving you. A pink flower for each year of your special life; a red flower for each year of my love for you. Happy birthday, my love♥"
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☀️It could seem a usual day for Hajun, as he's getting prepared for university and cooking breakfast for Anne and Allen.. but it's not so usual at all. It's your special day, and Hajun cannot ignore it! He loves you, after all, so he's going to do something to make your day even more special! After getting to university, he immediately encounters you. He smiles at you with his usual prince-like expression, but then he only whispers: "After classes... come to my apartment, okay? Love u..". You feel your heart racing and your cheeks getting redder, but you smile and nod at him as he winks and walks away. You have no idea what Hajun got in his mind, but you can imagine that it has something to do with your birthday. Everyone at school cheers you and wishes you the best of birthday, but your mind is still focused on what Hajun will do after classes. You can't hide your nervousness and your slight embarrassment. Your mind can't help but imagine what the sarcastic prince is planning to do. You get snapped back into reality after realizing that the day has passed fast and now it is time to go to Hajun. You take your stuff and start walking out of the campus. Your steps are fast but even nervous. You don't really know what to expect, and your eyes are sparkling. As you get to Hajun's apartment, you enter and immediately smell a delicious scent. It is like an home-made dinner... and then suddenly you hear a "Boo!". You startle and turn around only to see Hajun smiling, his eyes piercing but sweet like always and his soft pink lips curved in a cute smile. "Did I scare you~?", he chuckles and then kisses your forehead: "Surprise, my darling. Happy birthday..! I cooked a whole meal for you... Let's spend this whole evening together..", he hugs you and smiles warmly, bringing you to the table where you can see a bunch of flowers in the middle. But.. what about Allen and Anne? Hajun shares the apartment with them!...
☀️"I told them about this evening.. They won't bother us~♥", he winks at you and smiles warmly with his piercing eyes. It's evident he wants to spend the evening with you, his cheeks are slightly blushed.
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☀️It is evening and you're very angry and sad. You're sitting in the café, sipping your favourite tea while your mind cannot help but remembers about what has happened. How can Gentaro forget about your birthday?!.. It's just so uncaring about him that you really cannot hide the fact that you're very angry and hurt. He has met you tons of times during the day, yet he doesn't seem to know why you are so happy and excited, nor why everyone- Ramuda and Dice too- is cheering you. And when you ask him if he knows, he looks so confused and his expression is so lost.. You can't help but get angry at his behaviour. He is your other-half! Yet he is always acting like if he isn't. Now you are sitting there, sipping your favourite tea in the café while everyone around you looks definitely happier than how you do. You sigh and notice Ramuda jumping around. He soon sees you and winks at you before walking away again followed by Dice. It looks kind of strange, so you decide to follow them without making them notice. Soon you reach Ramuda's shop and follow them inside. As you get into the place, you notice that all the lights are off. You startle as they get switched on and you see all your friends and Gentaro there saying: "Surprise! Happy birthday!!". You look around kind of confused but as you meet Gentaro's green eyes, you cannot help but blush feeling some tears going down your cheeks. You get so emotional! They all have organized a party for you and you hadn't realized until then!
☀️As Gentaro hugs you and kisses your cheek to calm you down, you sob softly hugging him back: "Th-then... you haven't forgotten...", you say. He looks at you: "Oh-.. Actually I had forgotten..". You look at him surprised but then he can't help but laugh: "I was lying, honey... I haven't forgotten...". He chuckles and wipes your tears away with his thumbs: "Honey... I would never forget about you.. Ever. I love you.. Happy birthday.."
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mamamittens · 2 years
Seeing it Through (+18)
Fandom: One Piece
Ship: OdenXOC (Hinamon) (Possibly OOC behavior on Oden’s part, I’m very unfamiliar with his character tbh)
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving), praise kink, unsafe sex, and implied size kink.
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Word Count: 1,586
Hope this was worth the wait (and thank you for being so patient too). If I got any details wrong let me know and I'll edit it.
Oden enjoyed many things in life. Good booze. Beautiful women. Great adventures. Amazing fights.
And he’d sampled plenty in his relatively short time in this world starting from a young age. Wrecking havoc in his homeland and traveling the world with Whitebeard and Roger until duty called. It was time to return home for many reasons. He liked to think that his time on the sea calmed him. Helped him mature and grow in a way he never could in Wano. This was true but… well, old habits die hard, don’t they?
Nearly getting his balls cut off with a bamboo spear was quite the attention grabber.
Small and delicate, the woman reminded him of his lovely Toki. Danger and beauty wrapped up in a deceptive package. Hinamon, and her faithful snake companion Snow, captured his attention swiftly. He wasn’t even sure what he did to offend her, but Oden was quick to apologize—and not just for the sake of his balls either. His attendants had sighed, already aware of where this was going, as Hinamon accepted his apology after a long moment of silence.
White bangs brushed over sightless eyes where twin scars streaked down her cheeks. The edges pulling with a small smile as she laughed at him in amusement. Dangling flowers clicking together from the hair sticks holding back her tresses. Oden had to remind himself that he was a man now. Not a precocious boy who would do something so blatant as nick accessories from a lady without asking just to see if her hair looked like moonlight spilling over her kimono.
It wasn’t easy to woo her, Hinamon aware of who he was and his status. Having no real desire to entangle herself with the reputation Oden had thought he put behind him. Still, part of growing up is dealing with your own consequences, so he simply put his best foot forward at every opportunity. Toki, still dealing with some lingering weakness, laughed at him as she reminded him to mind his manners. His good looks couldn’t save him if she simply couldn’t see to begin with.
Though lack of sight never stopped her from knowing exactly where he was at all times—a skill Oden admired greatly among many.
Still, it was worth it.
It was worth it to earn the soft, gentle invite. Snow and his attendants excused themselves to allow them privacy. Bamboo hut a far cry from the luxuries he could shower her with—perhaps later after she and Toki meet. His hand brushed her back as he stepped inside, fingertips skimming over the collar of her kimono to her neck, causing a light shiver as she sighed. He almost touched her hair when she slapped his hand.
“Don’t even think about it, Oden.” She chuckled, reaching up to pull the hair sticks free. Effortlessly, her hair fell to her hips like silk unfurling. As he thought, it looked like the moon poured over her back. Without thought, he kneeled and brought it up to his lips before brushing it over her shoulder. He kissed the exposed skin of her nape with a heated chuckle as she moaned.
“You give me such beauty, hime~” Oden teased.  “It makes me wish to partake in everything you can give me.” She looked back at him, fair skin flush as she scoffed.
“You’re already here, Oden. You hardly need to keep flattering me now.” She sighed as he reached around to caress her hands as she readied herself to loosen her kimono. Oden pressed his nose into her warm skin with a smirk.
“Actually, it’s more important than ever that I keep reminding you how thankful I am to share your bed tonight.” Oden admitted. He had grown much more… smooth compared to his youth, and he was thankful for it. Hinamon was hardly a shrinking violet but still, she deserved a more soft touch.
Silk fell away to the floor to pool at her feet, exposing soft skin to his touch. And he kissed along the length of her bared shoulders, scarcely allowing his lips to leave her body as he whispered sweet nothings. But he still ensured that he returned to her neck, drinking in her soft moans as he teased the sensitive area. His hands settled over her curves, driving away the lingering chill in the room as his blood began to heat up.
She turned in his arms, grasping his kimono as he finally kissed her. Careful, ever so gently to not overwhelm, he deepened the kiss as he shrugged off his clothes. Stepping further into the room to lower them onto the futon. She tasted sweet, like fruit, and soft. Eagerness growing as he fondled her skin. Soft pants and moans poured from her lips like sweet wine he chased.
“O-Oh-den~” She whispered, nails scratching his sides as her legs shifted restlessly.
“I’m right here. Drinking in your beauty.” Oden promised, following down her body with restless kisses on her skin. His calloused palms parted silky-smooth thighs easily, her cunt soft and wet from what little they’d already done.
She gasped when he lapped between her folds, thighs trembling and straining against his arms as he groaned. Teasing her clit before adjusting her legs to drape over his shoulders. Oden eagerly slipped in a finger, balls aching at how soft and tight she was from that alone.
Clearly, he had his work cut out for him if he wanted to ensure Hinamon enjoyed all their time together. But he never backed down from a challenge before. Especially not one that promised to be as sweet as this. He teased her clit with his thumb, dragging his finger against her walls.
One by one he slipped in his fingers, gently stretching her out as she quickly soaked his hand. Her thighs quivering against his cheeks as she squeezed his face. She pulled his hair, panting and crying out every time she came on him. But Oden never wavered. Determined to both enjoy how she moaned his name and how eagerly her pussy adjusted to his ministrations. When he reached four, he focused again on her body.
How she trembled when he dragged his tongue over her clit and drenched his fingers. Nails scrapping his scalp as she came. Slick pouring from her as she sagged into the bed.
“—Oh! Oh-den~! P-Puh-lease! Please I-I can’t t-take i-it~! Ahhnn~! Oh-den~!” She screamed.
Grinning, cock leaking precum, Oden helped her ride out her pleasure. She sagged against the futon, panting and skin glistening in the moonlight. Hair mess around her body. Oden wasn’t sure how many times she fell over the edge or how long he teased her wet pussy, but it was worth it for this sight alone.
Slowly, Oden leaned back up, pressing slow, wet kisses to her body as he went. Nipping her neck with a grin as she moaned weakly.
“Hold onto me, hime~” Oden advised, his cock sliding against her soaked cunt. He dragged his thick length against her clit as she moaned. Arms wrapping around his neck as he eased his hands under her ass. Gently positioning himself.
Slowly, he sank into her. Her pussy so hot and wet for him. Because of him. Her lips pressed against his ear as she moaned loudly. He wouldn’t be hilting tonight, but he got surprisingly close. Oden groaned, tensing his body as he tried not to cum prematurely. She pulsed and squeezed his cock, keening pitifully as he pulled out. Leaving only the fat head as he leaned back to see her debauched face. Flush and wet with tears, she panted for him openly.
His hips snapped forward and she screamed, back arching as her ankles slammed into his thighs. It was almost too easy to lose himself. Hinamon’s small body fitting perfectly underneath him as he started fucking her senseless. Her cunt struggling to take all of him as he chased their satisfaction. Oden kissed her deeply, groaning as his tongue overwhelmed her with ease.
Her moans stuttered and started against his lips as she began trembling violently beneath him. Relishing the challenge of his thick cock as he realized with a rush of arousal that he was nearly there. Her delicate hands reached up and sank into his hair, pulling hard as she arched against him. Throttling his cock as he struggled to keep moving in the vice grip he found himself in. Every harsh pass pulling him closer to the edge until he thrust forward, lips disconnecting with wet strings as he moaned loudly.
Oden couldn’t resist grinding his hips closer as he came, his cum spilling out as he pressed filthy kisses to her lips. Still moaning as he did so until he finally ran dry.
Breathing heavily, Oden fell to the side, slowly slipping out as Hinamon moaned softly at the loss.
Beaming, Oden tiredly brushed the hair from her face.
“How do you keep getting more beautiful?” Oden asked breathlessly. Hinamon laughed tiredly.
“You’d know if you weren’t a fool.” She teased, curling against his side with a sleepy moan.
Oden laughed, pulling the blanket over her body. It wasn’t exactly made for his size, but he didn’t tend to get very cold anyway.
“I hear fools learn with practice.” Oden mused. Hinamon snorted but refused to respond. Instead choosing to fall asleep. Oden found himself a little disappointed but settled anyway. Quietly marveling at her delicate beauty as he followed her soon after.
Absolutely worth it.
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cosmama · 2 months
☽ ⋮ ✫ ━  ❛ on serenity being a nobody.
the former monarch is a secret boss that can be found in the hidden ruins of the moon kingdom - which is currently entirely inhabited entirely by heartless. the challenge of confronting her isn’t simply within the fight itself but actually reaching her as well. each of the inner senshi lost their hearts after protecting their queen and now their heartless patrol the grounds of the palace. the heartless are based off each senshi’s original element and are fought in order of their ranking within the team itself ( meaning minako’s heartless is the strongest and last to be defeated ). once each girl’s heart is freed, sora will receive the holy sword which grants him, and only him, entry into the palace.
serenity can be found deeper within the palace, inside a flooded area full of broken crystals and pillars ( her former throne room ). sora’s presence triggers her transformation from her royal attire into her sailor cosmos fuku which initiates the fight. her most noticeable trait in combat is just how fast she is - both on foot and in the air due to her wings. while not much of a heavy hitter, she gathers strength from the moon which increases her magic damage output. her specialization is in light based attacks with many of them, as well as her movements, being derived from her canon attacks ( meaning she’s spinning around a lot ).
another frequent mechanic during this fight is time - which acts as another hint as to who she is related to. serenity is capable of rewinding or even slightly fast forwarding time in order to place sora in vulnerable positions or easily counter attacks ( toki wo tomare! ). when her total hp left reaches down to 5%, she’ll perform moon healing escalation - which both heals her up to 30% and causes pillars of light to rotate around the arena. should sora be caught by one then his health will be depleted to one HP.
her final desperation attack activates once her health has been whittled back down to 10%: serenity will rise into the air, her keyblade transforming into the spiral heart moon rod before calling out ‘ rainbow moon heartache! '. ribbons of light and crystal butterflies will wrap around serenity as she floats above her throne, acting as a barrier from reaching her while clones of herself relentlessly ambush sora. if her shield isn't broken in time, serenity will softly utter ' silver moon crystal eternal power ': an instant-kill move which will transform the floor of the arena into a sea of stars that will suck sora inside and drain their hp to 0 ( this is a reference to the galaxy cauldron ).
once defeated, she briefly hints at her past before teleporting sora out of the palace and making it inaccessible again. as a reward for surviving the palace and setting her friends' hearts free, sora is granted the phantom crystal keychain. while it’s not as strong as the real phantom crystal key, it’s no typically keyblade either:
a powerful, light-based keyblade that highly favors magic-use. when equipped, it raises magical damage output and increases the speed at which the MP bar regenerates by 80%.
the keyblade grants the wielder the ability to use the situational command salvation and is capable of transforming into the moon kaleidoscope by activating the moon gorgeous meditation command ( yes, sora must do the sequence ). the keyblade has a second transformation where the moon kaleidoscope transforms into the eternal tiare, a long staff capable of long distance attacks. the finisher for the keyblade is silver moon crystal power kiss ( feathers and all ).
for your full immersion, please review the following: 
the moon kingdom: field theme | battle theme
the inner’s heartless battle themes: ami | makoto | rei | venus
serenity’s boss theme: i’ve specifically linked it so it begins at 1:14 as i feel that’s a more fitting tone on how the battle should begin. i love how ominous it sounds before the track continues to build until you hear the familiar melody of moonlight densetsu.
journal entry: lady in white model: pre-transformation | transformed 
an enigma that now haunts the ruins of a mysterious palace in a melancholic trance. despite her ‘serene’ appearance, she proved to be more than a challenge for sora as their keyblades clashed under the light of kingdom hearts.
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redhead-reporter · 11 months
🍒  +  risensoldier !!!
º ✧ 。 send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them with @risensoldier !
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LISTEN - toki is my little pocket pal, my darling little daisy that i love to the moon and back. you wanna know how you can tell? because two of mj's best boys, her dearest friends, are toki's characters that i admittedly cared NONE PERCENT about before she picked them up. she brings so much ZEST and LIFE to her characters that it impossible not to be drawn into their atmosphere and ??? and and and ??? while it's been FUN to ship romantically with her on her cas, can i just say what a nice change of pace it is to have SOLELY PLATONIC connections with male characters for mj ?!
like don't get me wrong i'm a ship whore loud and proud but. gosh people SLEEP on how deep, fulfilling and necessary platonic connections are to making these characters feel like fully realized people. and toki writes hers so BEAUTIFULLY - they're hilarious and meaningful and gosh i just love her so much even though her sleep schedule is NIGHTMARE FUEL
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lampmeeting · 3 years
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kloktober day 7: sci-fi or fantasy
one of my original story ideas is kind of a space opera kinda thing, so i decided to bring the boys into that universe as the ragtag crew of a spaceship! details (plus bonus magnus) under the cut
nathan: captain/pilot of the Mordrymden, sort of a catch-all ship. salvage, transport, bounties, whatever they can get hired for. he loves beer and guns and movies and music from Old Earth, especially metal. he's a nice boy from a nice family who plays at being hard. every time he has to shoot someone he feels terrible and needs to holochat with his mom afterwards. has a big dumb crush on the woman who's the boss of the big shady nightclub-like space station, and the crew "accidentally" ends up there quite a bit.
pickles: ship's mechanic. always banging on everything. left for space at a young age with dreams of being some amazing rock star bounty hunter, but that didn't quite work out. has an older brother in organized crime that he despises but always seems to run into. him and charles were married years ago before charles' disappearance, and he still wears his wedding ring in a locket and asks about him everywhere they go just in case.
murderface: the cook! has a large hydroponic garden on the ship that he's very territorial of. somehow knows the weirdest trivia of every planet they visit. gets his feelings hurt if he makes a new dish and the guys don't like it. is typically followed around by NU8-LR (affectionately called "Knubbler"), a sarcastic, party-loving little robot they found during their travels.
skwisgaar: the navigator. hears the universe in his head as music and follows movements and phrases to get the ship where it's going. when they're lost the music sounds terrible and he gets very upset and distracted. while he claims to be human, there's a rumor that his father was something else. if the crew meets an alien, 9 times outta 10 skwisgaar's gonna try to seduce it.
toki: doesn't have a role on the ship. he's still pretty new and getting used to things. was rescued from a research facility on an ice moon where a cult had been experimenting on him his whole life hoping to find a way to channel their god. did it work? murderface befriends him first and lets him hang out with the plants.
charles: or "doc off". is a holographic program that helps to operate the ship and dispense information. the physical charles has been gone for years, disappeared for reasons the crew still don't understand, but charles left this hologram in the ship's computer for them. pickles will sometimes get drunk and talk to him all night.
magnus: part of the original crew, had been drinking buddies with nathan and murderface for years beforehand. purchased half of the Mordrymden years ago thinking they'd make big money. his recklessness during jobs earned them a bad reputation though, and jobs started drying up. he and nathan got in a physical altercation one night, and nathan was forced to shoot him with his blast pistol. now magnus sulks in darkened bars by himself and keeps his ears open for any opportunity to get back at his ex-friends...
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thatwritingho · 2 years
I was thinking about this earlier, and you are the perfect person for this ask. What do you suppose are each of the boys' favorite animes? Bonus, what show recommendations does Olive have for them? (I had to include her, I miss her!)
I hope you have a relaxing, restful evening 💜
Ooooh this is a good one!
Nathan: Aggretsuko! I feel like this is an obvious choice, but it just fits so well!
Pickles: Cowboy Beebop. Look, I just feel it in my bones that he would love it. I just know.
Murderface: Berserk, because of course its his favorite. Its dark, its violent, its medieval. Whats not to love?
Toki: Cardcaptor Sakura. Again, another obvious choice, but look. We all know in our hearts its the truth.
Skwisgaar: Castlevania. He is literally Alucard. Plus, I just feel like Skwis has a thing for vampire media. Idk dude, I just get that vibe.
Charles: he doesn't watch anime. Yet.
Olive: she would have soo many recommendations for them! I actually have a few little sub plots of the story already planned out where she introduces them to a few various ones. For exaple:
-coming up in the next couple chapters actually, so mild spoilers, Olive is going to be watching a LOT of Naruto as a coping mechanism, and the boys will get second hand exposure by hanging around her. They will get interested in an arch here and there, but none of them have the patience or attention span to watch the entire series.😂 She will proceed to make salty little remarks for the remainder of the story about how none of them watched it. "Maybe if you had seen Episode xyz of Naurto, this wouldn't have happened.🤷‍♀️"
-Toki being nosey and going through the clothes in her closet, coming across a Sailor Moon cosplay costume from a con she went to previously, and the two end up watching the entire series together over a span of time! Also she may or may not try it on for him😉
-her finding out they havent seen Death Note and being (rightfully) shocked, and they all binge the series together over the course of a couple days, just all glued to the couch. The boys dont really get all the back and forth between L and Light, but the show is dark and intriguing enough and has enough murders to keep them interested. There are jokes made about how Olive sometimes dresses similarly to Misa.
-Olive watching Yugioh, the boys discovring that she played the shit out of Duel Monsters and has binders full of cards. Hijinks insue as she attempts to teach them to play. They watch the dub and all laugh at the 4Kids censoring.
-there will be quite a few others Olive just has on in the background when the guys go bother her or hang out in her room that will snag their attentions to various degrees with varying amount of commentary, such as:
One Piece
One Punch Man
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ouran High School Host Club
Samurai Champloo
Love Live
Demon Slayer
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failedintsave · 2 years
Tumblr ate my last attempt so reposting this
@comfyklok drew this lovely piece for a wolf guardian au, which hit my brain like a mack truck and continued to drag me down the road for ~2700 words almost in one sitting. Thank you for letting me putz around in your sand box...I already started a second part akhajsks
The Wolf in the Wood
It was only a cup of milk.
To waste his daily bread was sinful, he knew, but it was only a glass of milk. Just a small, half-filled wooden tumbler. He'd reached for it blindly, his head still bowed in prayer as Father finished speaking the blessing over their supper, but when it tipped and spilled its ivory contents across the table, even the fire in the hearth seemed to fall silent.
Toki stared at the spreading pool, following the creeping edge until it reached Father's plate. He dared not look any higher, mechanically pushing away from the table and kneeling behind his chair, removing his shirt in preparation. God did not tolerate transgressions, and neither did Father.
He held his tongue as his punishment was delivered, the quiet disturbed only by the barbed leather straps scoring his skin and Father's labored grunts. Acting as the Hand of God required that he bear no mercy, and Toki had learned to ask for none. Mercy was a gift from the Mother…though not his mother, watching dutifully from her seat. In his seven years of memory, not once had she raised hand or voice in his defense.
Permitted to clothe himself again, Toki cleaned up his mess and cleared his empty dish away. Those who cannot appreciate the Lord's bounty, Father said, shall receive none. It should have been penance enough, so when Father sat to tie his boots, Toki's empty stomach dropped through the floor.
It was only a cup of milk.
With his arms wrapped tightly against his ribs, he trailed after the sweeping black vestments where they dragged over the frozen ground, winding along the trail that curled behind the house and into the dark shadow of the forest. The glow of the lantern ahead did nothing to illuminate their path through the swirl of falling snow, but Toki didn't need to see to know what lay ahead. The Hatch terrified him so much more than the lash.
Dread made his feet heavy, and without meaning to fall behind, he passed outside of the circle of lamplight. The moon was near full overhead, and as Toki turned his imploring gaze skyward, praying for lenience, a shadow passed across its silvery face, something black and winged. Something free to roam, unbound by cage or shackle. Something wild. Toki longed for that freedom, to trade places with that creature and flee far from the dank pit and molding straw that awaited him around the next bend. But Toki could not fly.
So he ran.
He ran as hard as his legs would carry him, barreling over waist-high drifts and tearing through thorny underbrush. The snow off the path had crusted with a shell of ice that cut his bare feet as he scrambled deeper into the wood, but numb with cold he pelted on, ripping down the dry, dead thickets and dessicated vines that blocked his way. A low hanging branch whipped him across the face, and still he did not slow. Not until his lungs felt frozen solid, unable to draw enough breath to continue moving, did he stumble to a walk.
Wheezing for air, he clutched a stitch in his side and turned to get his bearings. Above him, the moon was unobstructed once more, the pointed tips of spruce and naked spines of soaring aspen parting into an open ring around the clearing where he stood. Snowflakes fell across his face, stinging against the injured side where swelling already obscured his vision. It throbbed in time with his frantic heartbeat, and Toki covered it gingerly with his palm as he looked back into the treeline. His undamaged eye met a pair of glowing orbs shining in the dark and his breath caught painfully in his heaving chest. He was not alone.
Toki had seen wolf tracks in the woods around the village, but even the largest among those prints could not match the size of the beast before him, taller at the shoulder than he stood upright. Its coat glowed as it entered the clearing, a quicksilver moonbeam loping gracefully in his direction. Massive paws padded over the snow without sinking in, and Toki was struck rigid with panic as it drew nearer. Cold sweat plastered his hair to his forehead and the back of his neck. He had nothing left, no energy to run, however futile the effort would be to try and escape this monster. Instead, he fell to his knees.
"Please, God!" He folded his hands, fingers red with frostbite. "Please, spares me! Forgives me, I shouldn't has rejected de shelter ofs Your grace! I don't wants to dies, please! I'm sorries!"
The wolf lumbered closer and Toki screwed his eyes closed, bracing for the end. The hellhound would drag his soul to its master, his future sealed in blood and flame.
It was only a cup of milk.
A long moment passed and no jaws closed around his throat. Trembling, he ventured a peek, but the wolf was gone. In its place stood a towering figure, a man in hides and leathers with a thick fur cloak draped around his shoulders. His flaxen hair was streaked with silver like the pelt he wore at his back. Thin braids curved away from his temples, a narrow leather band encircling his forehead and securing his mane away from his angular face. Fine lines creased the corners of icy blue eyes that studied the boy at his feet.
"Who ams you talking to, child?" The man's voice was low and unexpectedly melodious, the rumbly baritone reminiscent of a growl.
Rigid with terror, Toki remembered a storybook, salvaged from one of Father's burning crusades. He had just learned his letters, but it had been the illustrations that caught his eye, the characters and animals depicted in loving detail. There were heroes and monsters and tales of creation and destruction, epic battles and rainbow bridges and beings that could change their shape from man to beast. He'd hidden the book, fully aware that such pagan icons did not belong under his Father's roof, but too enamored with the colorful art to dispose of it as he should. Another blemish he'd have to reckon with at the Gates.
"Please don't kills me. I didn't means to trespass ins your woods, sir."
The man's head tipped to the side in a decidedly canine manner. He scanned the trees, listening, but otherwise made no move.
"A-ams you…Loki?"
Full lips parted to reveal pointed teeth, but rather than lunge in for a bite, a rich, imperious laugh bubbled forth. "Hueghueh. Nej, boy. I aments a god, 'dough I has walksed besides dem."
"Den who are you?"
"I ams had many names. You may calls me…" He considered. "Skwisgaar."
The man crouched to better examine his prey. Slender fingers tipped with claws lifted Toki's chin and turned his head this way and that. His nose wrinkled in distaste.
"You reeks of blood."
"My feet—de ice, I cuts dem."
"Hn." His cold gaze swept over the stains Toki felt seeping into the thin material covering his shoulders, but he didn't comment. Releasing the boy's chin, he stood again. "Goes back to your fire, child, dese woods am dangerous for one so small."
That much was plain. But returning home carried hazards of its own, his absence surely noted by now and his most recent misdeeds incurring additional castigation. Sweet freedom had been so short-lived, only pain and imprisonment awaited him on that path. Toki's vision darkened at the edges, hot tears further distorting his view.
"I just needs…just needs a minute to…"
He swooned, and rather than landing face down in the slush, his cheek met thick fur. Surprisingly strong arms lifted him into the air as though he were no more than a doll.
"Carefuls now, little wanderer." Skwisgaar's murmur came from far away, the world spinning out of focus until everything went quiet, a cocoon of velvety blackness enveloping him.
Toki came-to with the sensation of freezing cold against his torn back, startling him upright with a gasp.
He was no longer in the clearing. To his left, a craggy outcropping rose several meters overhead, pocked with tufts of dead grasses and lichen. Long, crystalline icicles dripped along the rock face nearly to the ground. A frozen creek bed bordered the glade, meandering behind Skwisgaar standing above him, his fur cloak drawn closed under his chin so that only his head and a cascade of platinum waves were visible.
"Where ams dis? What happened?" Toki struggled to his feet, grabbing a handful of Skwisgaar's pelt for leverage. The man frowned. "Did I falls asleep?"
"Ja, and you wills again. But dis time, somewhere safe."
He nodded toward a gap in the cliff side where a hole burrowed under the rock. Toki balked.
"Not under de ground. I-I can'ts." Every living nightmare he'd endured flooded his mind and he could smell the decaying hay, could feel the spiders crawling over his skin. "Please."
Skwisgaar's frown remained unchanged. He observed intently as Toki curled in on himself, then shrugged.
"Suits yourself, child. It will onlies get colder."
In the space of a step, he shifted. Toki had missed it the first time, the transition from man to wolf like watching the deadly beauty of an avalanche. His body rolled forward and extended, absorbing the heavy cloak. Skwisgaar slunk forward and ducked through the gap and out of sight.
Alone again, Toki stared mournfully after the wolf. Darkness fell upon the glen as a cloud passed over the moon, much the same as the winged creature he'd seen before. He'd wished to be wild and free, and though it had led him back to a hole in the ground, this one was not a cage, no hated hatch to lock him in. A frigid breeze sliced through his threadbare shirt, all but making his decision for him. However fearsome this tentative ally may be, perhaps company would make the darkness bearable.
On hands and knees, Toki crawled along the gently sloping tunnel into the den in time to watch the great wolf turn a circle and lay down with his snout pointed at the entrance. He'd expected pitch black within, but a pale ambient glow lent enough light for Toki to see soft moss and clover covering the ground. The earthen walls blocked out most of the winter chill and roots like reaching fingers dangled from the ceiling. It was like a bubble of early spring, a reverse snowglobe. Already he felt the drag of weariness pulling him down again and he glanced around for a comfortable spot to lay his head.
Well, he'd come this far without being eaten.
One sky blue eye watched as Toki crept close, a cautious hand extending to weave into his dense coat, but Skwisgaar didn't move, his eye sliding shut again as Toki settled against his side. Rather than animal, he smelled of woodsmoke and honey, as though just returned from a mead hall. Toki buried his face in the comforting scent, drawing his naked legs close for warmth, his skin prickly with gooseflesh and red from exposure. A heavy tail curled over him like a lap blanket and its weight was the final nudge he needed to let exhaustion claim him.
Birdsong woke him, along with light glowing warm against his eyelids. He must have been left below ground well-past morning chores if the sun was high enough to reach the bottom of the root cellar. Unlikely as it was to be allowed to sleep in, he expected he could be in for a full day of solitude. At least the snow had stopped sometime in the night, sparing him from being buried in fresh powder.
Toki moved to rub the sleep from his eyes, hissing when he touched the swollen scratch crossing the right side of his face. Mouth dry, he hoped he could make it up the ladder and grab a fistful of snow through the grate to slake his thirst. In all likelihood, if he was meant to remain in the hole, a meal would not be given until tomorrow. Fasting was common enough for spiritual purposes, and not an infrequent measure of punishment either. Father would call it a blessing, to both repent and prove his faith with a single action. Toki just knew he was hungry.
He sat up stiffly, wincing again as the gouges on his back screamed in protest. Something shifting on his lap finally forced his eyes open.
Fragrant leaf litter covered his legs, somehow bonded together into an unlikely quilt. Next to his hand, tiny white blooms dotted the spongey, moss covered floor and a pair of yellow butterflies danced in the sunbeam that illuminated his makeshift bed. The air tasted like spring rain, clean and fresh and alive. No cold stone walls or rotting scraps of straw. No barred hatch sealing him in, only blue sky beyond the opening overhead.
It hadn't been a dream. He had actually escaped, flown like a bird from the coop! Toki whooped in delight, then clamped a hand over his mouth, remembering he was a guest in someone's home.
The wolf was nowhere to be seen. Toki pushed aside his covers to better move around the warren and found that his feet had been bandaged in rough, woolen wrappings. They were too tender to stand on, so he crawled on his knees to the back of the den where a dribble of snowmelt had collected in a bowl-shaped divot in the moss, clear as glass and freezing cold. Toki gulped it by the handful, then splashed his face with what remained.
A rustling behind him caught him unawares and Toki twisted at the waist, crying out when the cuts on his back stretched again. Mulch shifted under giant paws as the wolf padded down the earthen ramp into his lair. The limp carcass of a winter hair dangled from his jaws, tiny as a kitten in his grasp. He dropped it next to Toki's hip and stared expectantly.
"Uh…" Toki plucked at one of the animal's ears. "Thanks you?"
The wolf huffed and sat back on his haunches, a ripple coursing over his form as he shrank into humanoid shape once more, revealing Skwisgaar squatting with his elbows braced against his knees. He gave Toki a reproving frown.
"Toothless pup."
With a sharp flick of his wrist, a knife appeared in his slim fingers. The slanted blade was stamped with a symbol Toki didn't know, like a bird's foot or a cross with the arms angled upward. Skwisgaar deftly skinned the animal, then pressed the antler handle of the knife into Toki's hand.
"You does de next one you'self."
"De next—you mean, you nots gonna take me back to de village?"
Skwisgaar shook his head. "I don'ts believe dere faith can hides you any longer, little wanderer. I will keeps you now."
His voice still carried a feral rasp, but somehow those words made Toki feel safer than any prayer. Toki clutched the knife, the handle long enough for both his tiny hands with room to spare.
"Thanks you, Skwisgaar." He repeated. "Oh! You tolds me your name, but I never gaves you mine! I'm—"
"I knows who you are. 'Dough you reminds me of someone else who I has not seens in a very long time."
"I do? Who?"
Skwisgaar's flinty gaze softened. He reached out, plucking a wet strand of hair away from Toki's injured eye and brushing it behind his ear. With another minor flourish, he produced an inky black feather and tucked it there as well. He almost smiled.
"Eats. You needs strength." Skwisgaar straightened to his full imposing height, his expression defaulting back to stone. "Befores you can hunt, you must heals."
He turned and headed for the surface, resuming his canid shape mid-stride. Toki watched him go. His fingers found the feather and he slipped it free of his tangled hair. As long as his hand and dark as pitch, a glossy sheen travelled its length as he thumbed the wispy filaments. He looked from it to the knife with its runed blade and bone handle and grinned. His first gifts, from his first friend; not a god, but a guardian.
The wolf in the wood.
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natalieironside · 3 years
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The Prince of Venom announcement post (very cool and exciting)
Happy Preptober, everybody!  As I usually do, I’ve made a big change of plans at the very last minute without consulting anyone, and I’m gonna make The Prince of Venom my NaNoWriMo project.  (Don’t worry; this means the Voidsong sequels are gonna be the next serials once I’m done w/ this)
We’re returning to the setting of my much-loved In the Court of the Nameless Queen stories and hanging out with some old favorite characters like Freydis Gothi, Kristina the Apostate, and Olga Snake-Eye, and, of course, our glorious Queen, for a story that’s much, much, much lighter on the sexual content and heavier on the fantasy and adventure.  No swash will remain unbuckled.
We return to the Queendom of Corynnod, a realm of mystery and sorcery where nothing is as it seems, ruled over by the beautiful, terrible, and enigmatic Nameless Queen, where there are just so many spiders and everything’s got kind of a spidery motif going on. 
We meet Young Thorkil Eiturbur, a boy caught between two worlds. The unlikely child of two mothers, one with a deeply troubled past and the other not quite human, he feels out of place, too monstrous for the humans but too human for the monsters. His sense of being out-of-place is further underlined as he finds himself going through the wrong puberty. Seeking community, Thorkil enlists on a merchant ship with a somewhat piratical captain and crew, and finds himself embroiled in a war that he'd hoped was long over, this time with cosmic implications. It’s got everything.  Queer and trans characters, pirate adventures, evil wizards, religious fanatics, swordfights, Catholics [derogatory], and spiders.  It’s a swashbuckling tale of magic, adventure, community, self-discovery, and, most importantly of all, spiders.
There came a hissing, chittering sound from somewhere unseen in the darkness.  He rolled his eyes and grumbled, “I told you, I had to say goodbye to Khalid.  It took a while.  Now come on; I want to be in sight of the taiga by morning.  Mom’s expecting us.”
With higher-pitched, more agreeable chittering and the tattoo of chitin tapping against flagstones, a shape emerged from the shadows behind the bower.  It had the look of a black widow spider overgrown to monstrous size, like an ox or a destrier, each of its eight unblinking eyes about the size of Thorkil’s fist, with two cruel and gruesome fangs like sickle-blades at the front of its head.  At the sight of the creature, Toki grinned and came running over, throwing his arms around it as best he could and planting a kiss atop its head.  
The creature hissed, and Toki nodded and replied, “It went really well, actually.  He’s so sweet.  Gods, now I’m going to miss him all the more. . . . Eh? . . . I’m sorry, but I had to take the time.  I wanted to make sure the deed was done right. . . . Yes, I know it’s cold.  It’ll get warmer the farther southwest we get. . . . I love you, too, Sesheth.  Now, let’s get going.  Mom’s waiting for us.”
The warbeast crouched lower to the flagstones.  Toki checked that his sword and his things were secure and swung a leg across Sesheth’s cephalothorax, sitting astride her and leaning back against her great, bloated abdomen.  To the steady rhythm of more infernal tapping, she skittered up to the gate where a pair of the Queen’s blackguards waved them through, wishing prince and princess safe travels.
The moon and stars bathed the tundra in eerie silvery blue, and from atop the plateau, Toki could just barely make out a thin line of evergreens on the southern horizon.  He laughed aloud at the crisp, fresh air filling his lungs and the bitter cold biting his cheeks as they set forth.  Below them, he spied a band of reindeer-herders moving south, like him choosing to brave the bitter arctic night to make up travel time across the prairies.  With a grin, he tapped the spider’s carapace and asked, “Sesheth, do you see those reindeer-herders down there?”
The spider hissed in the affirmative.
“Why don’t you show them how fast a warbeast can run?”
U can follow my blog here on Tumblr dot com and check out the links in the pinned post if u want to follow along
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
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Hello!! I’m xChimeraCandy, She/Her, Sagittarius, ENFJ, SFW Artist, 90′s Baby (30) This little chibi is a WIP of my artsona/mascot, part tiger, part unicorn and part snek. What do you think? Does it fit the name xChimeraCandy?
Things I like: 90′s toys: Beanie Babies, Furby, Betty Spaghetty, Polly Pocket, Poo-chi, ETC. Sweets/Junk Food/Fruit: Donuts, Burgers, Cherries, Strawberries, Berries in general, Peach Rings, Parfait, Freakshakes (aesthetically), Cake Video Games: Animal Crossing, FNAF, Minecraft, Cookie Run, Pokemon, Gunfire Reborn, Monster Hunter, Phasmophobia, Forewarned, Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar, Solatorobo, Mario Odyssey, HOGs, FFXIV. (Games I’ve played) Magical Girl Series/Aesthetics: Tokyo Mew Mew, Go Princess Precure, Precure A La Mode, Precure Tropical Rouge, I have mixed feelings on Delicious party Precure, Sailor Moon, ETC. Toy series: Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, Littlest Pet Shop, Toki Doki, Pop Funko > >; 
Other Series: Sonic, One Piece, Spiderverse, My Little Pony, Cuphead, Idolmaster (anime haven’t played the game), My Dressup Darling, Scott Pilgrim, Rise of the TMNT, Care Bears Drawing myself in various series styles! You’ll likely see this pretty often! Self inserts are my bread and butter. I really love learning the rules of a universe and then having to design within those restraints! I love hearing about others ocs in these series! Show them to me, tell me about them! I use to run a pony blog back in Tumblr’s ask blog hay day. So I got really use to interacting with asks. Which is why I struggle now. Please talk to me ;~;
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
Reviews of All Scrapped Spaceword Betas
Exactly what it says in the title. This is also for my reference, as I might redesign some of these later for funsies. 
I’m only including Pokemon that were 100% scrapped (we’re not here to argue what might have become what) and aren’t evos/pre-evos of existing Pokemon. Also, I’m using the English fan-translations for the names because I don’t speak Japanese.
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Our original fire starter, and yeah, I can see why this was scrapped. For starters (heh), it looks more like a rodent that evolves into a lion than anything resembling a bear. And secondly... it doesn’t really have a clear focus, nor a memorable design. It’s just kind of a rodent-bear thing with flames tacked onto it. 
The best Pokes usually have a "catch” to them, and these guys lack that. For example, this got replaced by Cyndaquil, which has the concept of flaming spikes that form out of its back. That’s memorable. This, well, isn’t.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Teddiursa and Ursaring are probably the closest in terms of being bears. Something about it also reminds me of Growlithe/Arcanine, probably because it’s a fluffy fire thing that evolves into a bigger fluffy fire thing with a mane and black markings.
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This has the same problem as the Flambear line, just less extreme. It’s okay, being a little plesiosaur that evolves into a bigger plesiosaur, but it also lacks an interesting catch to it. The pearls are maybe something, but they’re not really emphasized, just kind of tacked on. Plus Dragonair kind of has the crystal neck ornaments on lock. And the horn. And the underbelly. And the water theme...
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I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to a plesiosaur water starter in the future, but it would probably have to be completely redesigned.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design; too similar to Dragonair
Pokes to fill the void: Dragonair, as mentioned above. If you want a plesiosaur, Lapras is always a thing.
Putting the rest under the cut for length.
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This is one of the most chaotic beta evolutions out there, aside from beta Girafarig. I can see the resemblance between Sunmola1 and Anchorage to some extent--counter-shaded blue fish with two fins and a short body--but the anchor part of the evolution comes out of nowhere. Then it sporadically turns into a gulper eel, which has nothing to do with the previous two evolutions at all.
I’ve heard some people suggest that Sunmola1 basically gets dragged into the depths and turns into a deep-sea creature due to its anchor, which is a fantastic idea. However, if that’s what they were going for here it’s not really clear, and I think it could be executed much better.
Individually, Sumola1 is a little plain. Not terrible, but I think they could do something more interesting with the little head thing. Anchorage is memorable, but there’s something very un-Pokemonish about it. I think it’s just the fact that it’s basically cut in half--I keep expecting the backsprite to show its organs or something. Grotess is also a bit too plain.
It’s also worth noting that at some point, this was the evolutionary line, which is more consistent but much less interesting (save for the middle evo’s eyes, which are pretty great).
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Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of evolutionary consistency; some designs plain or not very fitting for Pokemon
Pokes to fill the void: Alomomola is a sunfish Pokemon. Sharpedo is a shark crossed with an object, and Grotess almost certainly became Huntail and Gorebyss.
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These two... are pretty good. They have a simple catch--black cats with bells--and the designs are nicely executed and memorable.
If I had one complaint, it’s that they maybe seems a tad unfocused in the backend of things. They’re dark types, but have a bunch of “cutesy” moves, and it’s not clear why’d they be dark apart from being black cats. They seem to have a magical girl vibe (Bellboyant looks a bit like Luna from Sailor Moon, which is probably not a coincidence), which also has nothing to do with the bells or the dark theme. I do think that the designs themselves are fine though, and that if you just focused on the sound concept a hair more you’d have a pretty great Pokemon.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not entirely sure, these definitely would’ve been popular. Might’ve just been a balancing thing, or it lost the dev popularity contest. 
Pokes to fill the void: Skitty kind of has the same vibe as Rinring. They also remind me a bit of the Meowth line, being cat Pokemon with metal attached to them. The Purrloin line takes over the “dark-type cat” aspect.
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I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s a very plain looking Pokemon. The idea of it balancing a fireball/bomb on its nose instead of a ball is clever and memorable enough... except that it’s dependent on it being on that pose. It can’t balance that 24/7, and once it stops all you’re left with is a plain sea lion with dark points.
However, it’s fire/water. The only fire/water we have right now is a legendary, so it would be sweet to have one that’s just a regular poke. So it’s not that the concept itself is bad, using a water-based animal and adding a fire type; it’s just more that the execution is lackluster. Give this guy a hook not related to the fireball and make the seal itself more interesting and I think you’d have something here.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Volcanion is our only fire/water Pokemon for now. In terms of seals/sea lions with a circus theme, Popplio is a decent enough match.
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Someone at Gamefreak hates tigerballs, because this line was planned for Gen 1, scrapped, then planned for Gen 2 and scrapped again. Which is strange, because while it’s not the best design it’s not bad either. It’s very very cute, and could definitely find an audience.
However, I’m not really sure what the premise is here. If it’s based on tiger clay bells, then it doesn’t really play into the bell theme much at all. And if it’s not... why is it so round? It’s not that the roundness is bad, but it would usually form the hook for this Pokemon, like it collects static electricity in its fur that makes it puff out or something. Maybe some dex descriptions would’ve made this clearer, who knows.
Also, Electiger is literally the exact same design as Tigrette, just bigger. It would either need a completely new final evolution or would need to show up as a single evo. 
While that sounds harsh, I do really like this design. Fix the evo, figure out/build on the hook of it being round or bell like, and maybe refine the markings a touch and it would be pretty perfect.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not sure. Might’ve been too similar to Pikachu (both being yellow round electric type Pokemon with zig-zag tails, and og fat Pikachu was also very round). The need to rework the evolution also might’ve turned GameFreak off of it.
Pokes to fill the void: Spheal and Rowlet are both pleasantly round. Pikachu is cute and electric themed in a similar way. In terms of tigers, Raikou is also electric-type. The exact way the stripes are done here is also very similar to Litten.
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GameFreak. GameFreak, you are telling me that we almost had a voodoo-doll Pokemon based off of Ushi-no-Toki-Mairi that evolves into a fucking jiangshi panda?? You are killing me here.
A few interesting things to note here:
Kurstraw evolves at level 1. How? Why? No idea. It could just be a placeholder, but...
The fact that Kurstraw was set to have Curse as its signature move (then called “nail”) and that it only learned this move at level 100 makes it evolving at level 1 seem intentional.
To make things more confusing, it almost seems like (and this is speculation on my part) GameFreak’s intention was to encourage players to not evolve this thing. Stats are comparable, Kurstraw only gets its signature move if you level it up to where it can’t evolve, and Kurstraw has the better moveset (getting frigging destiny bond at lv. 16, while Pangshi gets... splash (which. makes more sense when you consider it’s called “hop” in Japan but it’s still useless). If that was what they were aiming for, then that’s a really unique mechanic that would really make this poke stand out.
Design wise, Kurstraw is... well, it’s a doll with a nail rammed through it. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not very Pokemon-ish. Meanwhile, Pangshi is maybe a little too much like a Jianshi rather than being reminiscent of one, right down to the little hat. The pose, fangs, and panda colors (which resemble Jiangshi mandarin robes) are more than enough to get the hook across.
What I really love about these two are the expressions. They are just like, so dissonantly happy. Kurstraw is literally like
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and Pangshi has the dead-eyed thousand-yard stare of Espurr, except unlike Espurr it looks completely and utter deranged. It looks like if this Pokemon ended up in Mystery Dungeon, it would respond to every question with “my favorite color is blood”. Amazing.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I think these two might’ve been scrapped just because they were too scary. I mean, it’s a voodoo doll impaled on a giant nail that evolves into a literal actual corpse. The implied violence was probably just a bit much for GameFreak.
The reason I think this is, beside the fact that they have fairly solid designs, good hooks, and all of their stats and moves in place, most beta Pokemon have had their premises revisited at some point. But we’ve really never gotten a voodoo doll Pokemon since this, and we definitely haven’t gotten any jiangshi Pokemon either, which suggests the problem lied in the very concept rather than the execution.
Pokes to fill the void: People say that Kurstraw was reworked into Banette, but if anyone Pokemon resembles it to be, it would actually be Mimikyu. They both have cloth bodies with drawn-on smiley faces that resemble something cuter than them and they both want to curse you for existing.
For Pangshi... well, there’s Pancham if you’re looking for tiny pandas. If you’re after a jiangshi though, you’re out of luck.
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This Pokemon has a great hook. I mean, a Pokemon that wears a pelt that transforms it into a werewolf? Hell yeah. Not to mention it might be a reference to an obscure Nordic tale about people donning wolf pelts to turn into wolves for ten days.
Design wise, it... well, Wolfman looks almost exactly like Venonat. I’m not the only one who sees this, right?
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That aside, I think the idea could be played up a little more. Wolfman is fine, save for its Venonat-ishness, but Warwolf doesn’t do much for me, basically just being a larger version with claws and fangs. If the idea is that it turns into a werewolf by wearing the pelt, what if its evolution looked somewhat like a wolf? Or better yet, the actually body of the thing changes to fill the wolf skin more, so it looks like its a part of it? That would really elevate this Pokemon to a new level.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I’d guess that it’s the same problem as Kurstraw and Pangshi--too scary. I mean, that is a dead pelt of some kind, which means that it killed and skinned some kind of Pokemon, and that’s not getting into questions of what Pokemon they got that from.
It’s also worth noting that when we did finally get a werewolf Pokemon via Lycanroc, it was minus the pelt concept.
Pokes to fill the void: Lycanroc as our werewolf Pokemon. In terms of design, Venonat is very similar as noted above. And something about it really reminds me of Snorunt, being little critters with glowing eyes that wear a cloak of some kind and live in the cold (this line was ice-type).
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taeyamayang · 3 years
hiya!! congrats on 400!! im interested in the event.
I go by Toki and I prefer males. I picked the cards Joker, Spades, and Diamonds.
I usually tend to hang out by myself and listen to music but when around friends I'm very talkative and like to joke around a lot. I overthink a lot and think deeply about things other people never think about. I also like sleep and talking with friends whenever I can. finally my word is 'sweater' for the prompt
hope you're having a great day. keep your head up and drink lots of water :))
a/n: have i told you your name sounds so cute? i literally said it out loud and it's sooo adorable. also, did you know that toki also means rabbit? now it's even cuter ahhhh anyway sorry for the delay lovely! i hope you enjoy this one ♡
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JOKER: enemy
YOUR ENEMY: Kenjiro Shirabu
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TROPE: enemies (are you sure?)
GENRE: petty fights | bickering in the hallway | everyone is amused by your interaction | semi finds it stupid | tendo finds it entertaining
GIST: It was on the day before Christmas eve, the only time you have your day off from school works and finally get on with Christmas shopping. You have finished buying presents for your loved ones, and the only thing left off from your long list is the sweater you had your eye on since a month ago you saw it in a shop at the mall. Eager to have your hands on the piece of clothing, you head to the store packed with busy shoppers while tailed with you is your friend from class. you see it with your eyes with flashing red bold font saying ‘sale’ on top of it. You briskly walk up to it only to see one left from the rack. And right before you grab it, your friend calls you from a distance, hence, meeting eyes with her before you can secure the top. Consequently, to your horror, when you fix your orbs back to the sweater, you find it coincidentally grasped between the fingers of your nemesis, shirabu. He smirked at your defeated expression before bringing it over to the counter to buy the last piece.
bonus: he was your secret santa so he secretly bought it for you.
SPADES: ex lover
YOUR EX: Atsumu Miya
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TROPE: no closure ex lovers
GENRE: hurt/no comfort | mutual pining | ANGST | exes with feelings | no strings attached | nsfw | mixed feelings | 628682k mutual pining | jealousy
GIST: you remember it perfectly. He asked you out on the 3rd night of autumn. a discomfiting feeling bothers with the way his tone shifted on the phone, you can tell you that something is bothering him. still, brushing it off, you went out in high spirits to meet up with him wearing your favorite sweater he gave you on your birthday. Still, you are aware of the busy schedules you have; you are loaded with academic work and wholly absorbed with volleyball. But you never expected it from him. him who was over the moon when you said yes to him. him who was far more vocal about the relationship than you are. Him who confessed his love to you first. But at the moment he turned his glass-eyes to you, you already know what was about to unfold. On the 3rd night of autumn, you lost the man you thought you’d marry.
DIAMONDS: bestfriend
YOUR BESTFRIEND: Yamaguchi Tadashi
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TROPE: best friends for life | would do anything for s/o
GENRE: wholesome shit | coming of age | high school | tooth rotting fluff!
GIST: You have been friends with him from the day you learned the alphabet. Literally, since you both shared the same class in kindergarten and right off the bat, you both clicked and instantly became friends. Christmas eve this year is a bit dull and mundane. Both your parents are busy working until late at night, so you are left alone in your house to celebrate Christmas eve. you never expect anything from your friends since you know that everyone is busy with their families, so when yamaguchi's gentle voice resonated from outside, you were beyond surprised. Clutched in his hand is food in a bowl covered in a plastic wrapper. Snow glistening as bright as his wide-eyed smile, visibly shivering from cold.  Upon letting him in, he hands you a present hidden from his back. you unwrap it and see a folded Christmas sweater; pulling up at an arm's length, you realize that he gave you a sweater matching his'. He then says, "Merry Christmas! How could I let my best friend celebrate Christmas eve alone?" he shows you his teeth, and he continues. "when you have me."
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Masterlist | HQ Masterlist
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Wano (Part Two)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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okay so the wano flashback is possibly my favorite in the whole series for a whole bunch of different reasons, and oden as a character is a big part of why. honestly, i think he’s great. he’s wildly entertaining and ridiculously likable, just like a folk hero should be.
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i care about oden and the akazaya nine a lot. they have one of my favorite found family dynamics in the whole series, up there with the strawhats themselves- a bunch of thugs and castoffs who wound up gathering around this one wildly charismatic moron and deciding to be stronger and better for him. 
i think they really feel like a family, in these little moments we get of them just interacting and messing around, and it only makes later events- oden’s death, the twenty-year separation, kanjurou’s betrayal- hurt all the worse.
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on god it is the funniest thing on earth to me that this is how oden and izou wound up on whitebeard’s ship. 
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the roger pirates!! i really really like the roger pirates!! i love that there’s this entire predecessor crew who are both absolutely fucking fascinating from a lore perspective and who are just all individually really good characters with really fun relationships. the dynamics we get to see just in this brief part of the flashback are absolutely delightful. i think the fact that i would read a whole series just about the roger pirates is a testament to oda’s character writing. 
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there’s a specific sort of tragedy to the roger pirates, and i think it really hits home in their last few pages in this flashback. by all appearances, they were a crew just as close-knit as the strawhats are. they cared about each other a lot- that ship was their home.
and then their captain died, and they just- fell apart. 
awhile back, in my sabaody post, i talked about how we get to know roger first as a story and then as a character by getting to meet characters who knew him personally. to the rest of the world, roger is a story, a name to curse or a height to aspire to. but for shanks and rayleigh and crocus and buggy and all the rest of the roger pirates, he was their captain. 
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the whole wano flashback, possibly more than any of the others in the series, really feels to me like a story being told, a folk tale being passed down, which makes sense, since it’s canonically framed as oden’s diary entries. and i think that framing device just adds so much to the atmosphere of this entire section of story, the feeling of myth and legend to it. 
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i honestly really like how oden’s death is handled. i have trouble articulating it, but it’s so much, so over the top, so heavily set up and foreshadowed- a legendary death for a legendary man, if that makes sense.
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toki’s prophecy is one of my favorite motifs in this whole arc. wano is all about a country that’s been trapped and dying for years and years, holding out desperate hope for salvation. toki is the one who gave them that hope. she doesn’t try to tell them that everything will be okay, she says it will be dark and the darkness will be long, but the dawn will come, and even though she gave her life to do that, she did it smiling. 
without toki, the wano arc never would have happened, because there would be no future to fight for. 
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this panel is the header on my favorite op discord server and sometimes i just scroll up and stare at it. it’s so good. 
this entire sequence, starting from luffy law and kidd’s entrance, is probably my favorite in wano arc. it’s the turning of the sides, the daybreak after the darkest hour- these three show up, and then jinbe, and denjirou reveals his true colors and it’s revealed all the rest of the samurai left before orochi blew the bridges, and it turns out they haven’t lost a single step to kanjurou’s treachery. it just feels so good to read, after the prior hopelessness of the akazaya and the tragedy of the flashback.
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i really like how the akazaya nine are absolutely ready to roast each other at any and all times. that’s how you know they’re best friends. 
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i think i mentioned it back in fishman island, but one of my favorite things is the strawhats just being absolutely cheerfully, chaotically destructive. every time we get to see them wreck havoc while nonchalantly bickering with each other it puts a huge smile on my face.
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i think ulti and page one are very very funny and i like their dynamic a lot, it’s a laugh riot. i also like that oda lets luffy seriously fight a woman here!! i’m serious, we don’t see enough no-holds-barred fights between men and women (conventionally attractive women, specifically) in this series, so i’m pleasantly surprised when it does happen. 
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i do appreciate wano’s ability to continuously raise the “holy shit!” quotient without it ever really feeling like a twist just for the sake of the audience. like, i don’t know that anybody saw kaidou killing orochi coming, but at the same time, it feels like it does make sense, given what we know about kaidou, for him to do this.
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my heart goes out to momo, honestly. he’s only eight, and in that time he’s lost his home and family and his whole world when he was thrown twenty years into the future, and he has the weight of his whole country resting on his shoulders. he’s borne up admirably under that stress, starting from zou and building up to this point.
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i LOVE kin’emon’s speech to kaidou about luffy SO much. kin’emon’s come a long way from being a mostly comedy relief character in punk hazard to here, where he’s shouting down an emperor. i really like this progression- kin’emon doesn’t change, exactly, but the side of his character that is revealed in wano is very likable and admirable. it goes back to something i’ve mentioned before, about how one piece’s characters are very rarely one-dimensional.
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kaidou’s dragon form is extremely cool, and so are most of the panels where it appears- it’s extremely striking, especially in panels like this, where he’s silhouetted against the moon.
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i love... the ripple effects of luffy just being himself that spread throughout the world of one piece, and i think this is one of the best examples. luffy befriended coby all the way back in chapter two, mostly by accident, and now, nine hundred and some chapters later, that’s what leads to drake joining the strawhats’ side. because drake is friends with coby who says luffy is trustworthy, so when drake is stuck with nobody else to turn to, he turns to luffy. 
moments like this really reinforce just how much the world and story of one piece is built on relationships between people, and i really like that. i like that instead of necessarily being built around abstract ideals or morals, characters’ actions are, more often than not, motivated by either specific personal goals or by their relationships with other characters. it feels much more true to life.
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i like the loss of kiku’s arm, because it showcases exactly how serious the fight is on both sides. it both shows that kaidou is fighting to maim and kill and do whatever it takes to win, and that the akazaya are fully prepared to take whatever he throws at them. kiku gets back up smiling after losing her arm. neither side in this fight is even close to backing down, now or ever. 
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i genuinely can’t believe how long it took me to talk about yamato, so let me just say: i love him so much. part of this, i’m sure, is my personal bias towards any and all kickass queer characters, but part of it is just- he’s so cool. he’s ten feet tall and carries a club about as big as he is and tanks explosions like they’re nothing while also bickering with luffy and falling out of ceilings and generally being like... stupidly lovable. 
i just like yamato a lot. 
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a thousand chapters in, and every strawhat but robin has had a moment where they declare luffy is going to be the king of the pirates, but honestly, i think nami’s might be my favorite yet. nami has always been a person who acts at a distance, not one inclined to direct confrontation and putting herself in danger-
and yet, when it comes down to it, when faced with a choice between death and disavowing her captain’s dream, even when assured by usopp that she would be fully justified in lying for her life, nami chooses luffy. even in the most dire of circumstances, all of the strawhats know luffy is going to be the king of the pirates, and none of them would ever deny it.
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i kind of alluded to this back in my dressrosa post, but i really like the development of law’s new dream being discovering the meaning of the will of d. it just feels like a very good and natural progression for his character, given he’s the only holder of the will of d who we’ve been shown is consciously aware of it and what it might mean. and in general, i like seeing him having something else to work towards after doflamingo’s defeat.
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i’ll end this by just saying i am so desperately curious to know what is in that book, and what yamato knows about the will of d, about the dawn of the world, about laugh tale. 
guess we’ll find out, huh?
thanks for reading through to the end!! i had a lot of fun putting these posts together, and writing them up was a really cool way to be able to compile my thoughts headed into chapter 1000 and beyond. i can’t wait to see where oda takes us next. 
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
lovely yakuza.
request: hey how are you? could you write about samatoki (hypmic) developing feelings for his s/o and confessing? i’d really appreciate it. i like him! he’s badass 😂
# tags: headcanon; crush culture; tsundere behavior; fluff; a bit of comedy; mild romance; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. samatoki aohitsugi {hypmic}
author’s note: hey! i’m really fine (but i got my period today and my stomach hurts so badly, i hate it here), and what about you? thanks for request!
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↘ At first he thought that the feelings he felt for you were the same kind of feelings he had for his little sister.
↘ But then he found himself thinking that he would like to kiss you, grab you by the hand, take you on his lap, or take you on a date to that too pretty for him restaurant next to your favorite library where you always go on Fridays ‘cause... Anyway.
↘ And it started to seriously upset and worry him, because you knew each other for a long time, and the man simply didn’t want to destroy what you were building together for the last months or even years.
↘ But... on the other hand, you were so sweet when you laughed at his terrible jokes and so gentle/fearful when you bandaged his body when he came to your apartment at night after a rap battle.
↘ You cared for him like his spouse, so how could he not fall in love? It was inevitable.
↘ However, there was a problem; how should he tell you about his feelings? What are people on dating doing? Should he buy you your favorite flowers or a box of chocolates in your favorite flavor? Or maybe you already like someone else? What if that makes you stop liking him...?
↘ So he asked his friends for some advice; Jyuto obviously threw a few jokes at the white-haired man and teased him, but Riou seemed to really understand his fears and the general theme of ‘love’. That’s why he told him to be himself, because you like him that way. He offered him to buy or do what you love the most (like flowers, truffles, fruit or tea basket, plush mascot), and recommended that he confess his feelings in a place that wouldn’t be stressful, such as his home or yours.
↘ To say that ‘Samatoki was nervous’ isn’t enough.
↘ He felt hot sweat dripping down his forehead and neck, and his breathing quickened every time you thanked him for a gift, when you helped him cook, or when you watched your favorite movie together and you smiled the most beautifully in the world. He definitely wasn’t focusing his attention on the actors this evening, but on you.
↘ That’s why...
↘ “... I love you so fucking much.”
↘ You turned towards him, raising an eyebrow, and the twenty-five-year-old opened his eyelids wider, not knowing what to do.
↘ That’s not how he imagined his confession – he wanted to tell you about it after the movie marathon, over a cup of warm drink or your favorite alcohol, on the balcony, while you would look at the moon. Not on the couch and with an bad word in the middle of a sentence.
↘ “I-I mean...” He started hesitantly and you giggled. Again as sweet as ever. “Hmph.”
↘ “Aw, ‘Toki.” Your body pressed against his much larger one and your head rested on his shoulder. “I thought you would never say that.” You grunted in relief, and he frowned. He wanted to ask how you knew about his feelings, but you looked at him meaningfully, sighing. “You know, it was unusual that you asked me today if I have anyone special. Usually you weren’t interested in these things. On top of that... ‘Toki you have a new hairstyle today. It was obvious.”
↘ His cheeks flushed and he pressed his back tighter against the big, black couch.
↘ “... I love you too.” Your gentle voice reached his mind and he looked at you with a small twinkle in his reddish eyes. “We can go on a date tomorrow if you want.”
↘ “Yeah. Of course we will go on whatever date you want tomorrow, because from now on I will be looking after you.”
↘ “Samatoki... you are caring for me since always.”
↘ “But now I will look after you even better...! So shut up and hug me tighter, okay? Thanks.”
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