#the voyage so far
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forecast0ctopus · 6 months ago
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i think we should ship carol marcus and gillian taylor
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anthythesis · 3 months ago
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i am HOOKED on the janeway and tuvok show
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gesssekai · 6 months ago
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STAR TREK: VOYAGER // S1E1&2: Caretaker
"We're alone, in an uncharted part of the galaxy. We've already made some friends here, and some enemies. We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face, but one thing is clear. Both crews are going to have to work together if we're to survive."
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bumblingbabooshka · 14 days ago
I love Vulcans we need to get more into the emotional lives of Vulcans without imposing Human standards onto them. "The way you feel is wrong/repressive because it's not the way it's "supposed" to be from my perspective as an alien called Human" is boring to me especially when it's treated as correct. I wanna know how the aliens feel about their alien way of life. Vulcans are so interesting to me when written AS aliens and not as analogous to repressed Humans. I think about Tuvok's description of attachment to his family and how that isn't the emotion 'love' but something else, something that he feels no shame about having and sees as normal, as naturally Vulcan and I love it and I love it because there aren't any Humans there to go "Um actually checkmate you Vulcan s.o.b - that's emotion!" and he isn't being influenced by anything. These are his authentic thoughts. He sees his children, his family, as part of him. They were at times illogical, incomprehensible, and it was extremely rewarding to be in their lives. He thinks about them every day. They were well behaved. As teens they were contemptuous of authority and convinced of their own superiority. His youngest son loved one 200 verse story so he sang it to him. He'd rather die than betray his wife even in spirit. He's incomplete without them. It's obvious through Tuvok that Vulcan life is not inherently devoid of pleasure, comfort, or love and thus Human life (I think) should not be portrayed as inherently having something greater, deeper, more meaningful. I'm not talking here of society but of...emotional life. Interiority. There's this sense that all Vulcans are the same and miserable for it. That they hold themselves back and are indistinguishable and antagonistic to the self, repressed and wrong. That to be Vulcan is to suffer endlessly and Humans are all about Freedom Man and I don't know, I like that Tuvok's existence sort of challenges this as much as I acknowledge that Vulcan society is in fact repressive and unwelcoming to those who don't fit neatly into it. I'm not saying Vulcan society is a utopia, I'm questioning the perception of Vulcan emotional control - that way of life - as being inherently bad, devoid, or lacking. That Vulcans walk around with 'empty cups' and are only deluding themselves that to be that way is good. If only, Humanity moans, they could taste how delicious life could be! Tuvok is an average Vulcan. He does not struggle with emotion, he is not mixed species, he was not raised atypically, and yet he has a family he cares about and a wife he's loyal to and friends he values and none of these things seem to be Un-Vulcan to him. If Vulcan life was truly devoid of love and care, Tuvok wouldn't think of his family. They're not here, so why bother? When his pon farr came, he'd be trying to find the most compatible mate rather than risking his life by trying to meditate through it out of loyalty to T'Pel. T'Pel would also have just given Tuvok up for dead instead of waiting and his children wouldn't have traveled all the way to the most holy temple on the planet to say prayers for his safe return. I think these things are interesting and I wish they'd been explored more. The fact that caring about your family, caring about your friends, is not Un-Vulcan. The fact that Tuvok at no point longs for Humanity, sees nothing better or of interest to him in it. (Even in his teenage rebellion he only says he's sorry he was born Vulcan which reads less as Vulcan v Human and more like 'I hate this goddamn family' ykwim?). I want to know more about how Vulcans interact with each other, how they care for one another, what it means and what it's like to be Vulcan in more of an everyday way rather than what it means to be Vulcan vs Human.
#Vulcan emotional control WOULD be bad for Humans. But they're aliens. So.#I wrote this off the cuff v_v sorry if it just rambles in circles#I just don't like when Vulcans are written to be 'like us but missing out on something beautiful'#I think of people who don't live anything close to my life's experience. Are they lacking in something? Are they not living a 'full' life?#I'm not neurotypical - am I missing something essential to living a 'real' life because of that?#some people don't experience empathy - are they lesser because of it? No#I love my fellow man I guess. I think maybe in the far far future I'd hope that being just like me [human = neurotypical white american]#isn't a prerequisite for friendship and love and maybe we can just have harmless and beautiful differences#I wonder what's so good - INHERENTLY good about having emotion. What does it mean to be good? What does it mean to live 'fully'? As a Human#As an Alien? What does it means to have a life? Be alive? What's love and why is it important? What do these concepts mean to an Alien?#In Star Trek Voyager Ayala's son and Tuvok's son both pray for their father to come back home - is the Vulcan prayer lesser?#All this to say that I /AM/ going to make my own no-emotions aliens to put in star filled oyster - you just know I'm going to do that#there was no other option for me it was written in stone from oyestar's conception and I hope you'll all read the story#I eventually write with them even though you'll no doubt raise your brow and look me in the eye and go 'oh big surprise the Vulcan guy wrot#this. Oh hey look everyone the autistic Vulcan guy is musing about emotions what a surprise' and I'll be tugging at my shirt collar#like a cartoon character and gulping comedically and sweating bullets#Literally as I wrote that last sentence I realized I'm dissociating I'm going to go eat ice
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aerialworms-art · 2 months ago
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Happy Salamanday one and all!!!
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: A cartoony drawing of one of the evolved salamanders from Star Trek: Voyager episode Threshold, in front of a blue starfield. The salamander is grinning at the camera, its hands and feelers crossing the border of the drawing. Above it, in the background, a shooting star can be seen flying at incredible speed.
The drawing is signed 'aerialworms'. /End ID]
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venompinks · 5 months ago
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seb-cheneb · 6 months ago
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A Threshold AU Janeway I drew back in June? And never bothered to post
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freshbaked-bread · 21 days ago
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started voyager.... i like Him :D
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thelightwillbreakthrough · 1 year ago
i think people should host rocky horror-esque screenings of threshold. doing calls and responses and throwing shit at the screen. who’s with me
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a-random-british-top-hat · 2 months ago
Myself and my definitely very tall friend @planetlongjourney as star trek characters, there will likely be more of the adventures of these fellas
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Without some lighting, if needed I shall post the writing separately and
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With lighting on some of em!
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cherry3-14 · 7 days ago
just a girl on the search for every flavor of diet coke
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smaeemo · 3 months ago
my toxic trait is saying “I can’t wait to rewatch this” about every show ever
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xyliane · 6 months ago
hunter x hunter is BACK!
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--and boy did togashi sure choose violence
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"massive huge revelation," she says, to the shock of two people (and the entire audience, what the shit beyond) and the total consternation of poor oito, who has no context whatsoever for the hunter association's continuing bullshit.
there are so many plans going on during this voyage that I'm surprised they haven't exploded on one another as much yet. also kurapika please get some sleep already.
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togashi says "happy october" in one of the creepiest ways possible. thanks togashi! I won't sleep tonight!
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aquamonstra · 1 year ago
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months ago
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I love how this is the only entry on the wiki page for the Rite of Tal'oth. Both T'Pol and Spock talk about their Kahs-Wan and it seems to be an extremely common thing for Vulcan children to go through but ONLY Tuvok so far has mentioned this Tal'oth rite so it doesn't seem to be as expected of Vulcans. This jives with my impression of Tuvok's character being the most spiritual of the three main Vulcans (from what I understand the spirituality of Vulcan that we see in 'later' series is seen as highly taboo and illogical in ENT's time? EX: Tuvok was raised beliving in the katra while most Vulcans in T'Pol's time think katras are a myth). Tuvok speaks about questioning his faith in katras, he has a holoprogram that seems to take place in a monastery, he puts great stock in prayer (his wife and children say prayers for his safe return and he is sure to tell Neelix that the temple they go to is among the holiest on Vulcan), some of his favorite music is monks chanting, and he was pursuing the kolinahr in his youth - the only reason he didn't complete it being that he went through the pon farr and chose to be with T'Pel instead. To me, it would make sense if the Rite of Tal'oth was only undertaken by certain Vulcans who did so for spiritual reasons or as a personal test of some kind rather than something all Vulcans do at a certain age. Tuvok later goes into Security so it's possible he's always had an interest in the kind of life-or-death strategy that such rituals (Kahs-Wan and Tal'oth) require, even if his first time in Starfleet he's shown as a Science officer, likely at his parents' "request." Speaking of, we learn in 'Flashback' that Tuvok's parents pressured him to join Starfleet AND that Tuvok's father is heavily implied to be part of Starfleet. This, and the fact that Tuvok's father specifically was namedropped as the one who disowned him as a teenager makes me wonder whether or not Tuvok was pressured to participate in the Tal'oth ritual - perhaps as a way to prove himself Vulcan once again (after his adolescent failure). Or even as a preparatory method for Starfleet itself since his father was/is part of it. "If you can't do this, how are you going to be a Starfleet officer?" sort of deal.
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youngpettyqueen · 10 months ago
Janeway gently tilting B'Elanna's chin up to look her in the eye, and quietly going "now I know something's wrong" because B'Elanna didnt react to being taken off her project... excuse me I need to be in my feelings
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