#i love this theory so much y’all have no idea
burins · 2 months
Other Appalachias: A Booklist
As requested, the anti-Hillbilly Elegy booklist, plus annotations! When possible I tried to include books that were by Appalachians and got at lesser-known aspects of Appalachian life and identity, especially modern Appalachian life. When creating the original list I was also limited by books that were in the library network I work at, which is a) a public library and b) not actually located in Appalachia. Y’all get some bonus titles that weren’t in my library - hopefully they’ll be in yours.
A note: I have not read every single book on this list! This is the nature of creating booklists as a librarian. I trust the sources I used to find them, but if there’s something on here that you’re like “oh I read this and it sucks actually,” let me know. And if there’s a particular aspect you’d like more books on, also let me know!
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy (Anthony Harkins and Meredith McCarroll, eds)
What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia by Elizabeth Catte
If you read any two books on this list (especially if you aren’t from Appalachia!) make it these two. The first one is a collection of essays and photographs, the second by a single author, but both are fantastic for the basics of “hey was your entire idea of a huge stretch of the US defined by Deliverance and some NYT op-eds? perhaps it should not be” 
Appalachian Fall: Dispatches from Coal Country on What's Ailing America by Jeff Young
Leans a little more “plight of the white working class” than I absolutely love, but this talks a lot about contemporary workers’ rights and local activism in Appalachia and is a good counter to Vance’s narrative of “everybody sits on their ass all the time.”
Belonging: A Culture of Place by bell hooks
Hey did you know bell hooks was from Kentucky? bell hooks was from Kentucky! As always her writing is deeply insightful about who is allowed to claim a place and what it means to have roots. 
Rx Appalachia: Stories of Treatment and Survival in Rural Kentucky by Lesly-Marie Buer 
The opioid crisis has defined the region (much as alcoholism came to during Prohibition); unlike a lot of writing on the topic, this lets people tell their own stories. 
Race and Sexuality
Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place by Neema Avashia
Excellent counter to the narrative of Appalachia as unrelentingly white, and also painfully good writing on what happens when the folks you grew up counting on let you down. 
Loving Mountains, Loving Men: Memoirs of a Gay Appalachian by Jeff Mann
This 2005 memoir got a re-release in 2023, and thank god because it makes me cry. Really beautiful writing on what it means to come back to a place and carve out a space for yourself.
Y'all Means All: The Emerging Voices Queering Appalachia (Z. Zane McNeill, ed.) 
Another essay collection! There will be more; I like an essay collection for getting a sense of a subject beyond a single voice. Touches on everything from disability to race to Mothman. 
Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future, Zane McNeill and Rebecca Scott, eds. 
This wide-ranging collection of essays wasn’t on the original list because it’s pretty hard to come by (academic queer theory is not a bastion of your average public library collection.) Just based on the table of contents I am going to try and get my hands on a copy ASAP. 
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida L. Brown
Focuses specifically on Harlan County, Kentucky, drawing on a ton of oral history interviews of Black residents to talk about the Great Migration, Blackness in Appalachia, and identity formation in the region and beyond.
Beginning Again: Stories of Movement and Migration in Appalachia, Katrina M. Powell, ed. 
This just came out in June! In a place so often defined by how many generations of your family have lived there, it’s worth considering who gets removed from that story.  
Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community's Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina by Lance Greene
The history of Appalachia is pretty obviously incomplete without talking about the policies of Indian Removal. Greene tackles a tangled story of assimilation and cultural survival. 
Even As We Breathe by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle
The only fiction book on this list, but the main goal of the list was to let Appalachia speak for itself. Clapsaddle is a member of the Eastern band of Cherokee; the novel, set in western NC during the 1940s, talks about (in)justice, assimilation, and belonging. 
History, Labor, and Environment
You can’t talk about the history of Appalachia without talking about coal, and you can’t talk about coal without talking about labor, and you also can’t talk about coal without talking about the environment. 
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia by Steven Stoll 
An economic/environmental overview of Appalachia covering the shift from homesteading to resource extraction. To understand what’s happening economically in 2024 you need to understand what happened economically in 1750-1850, and this gives a general and fairly accessible throughline. 
The Battle of Blair Mountain: The Story of America's Largest Labor Uprising by Robert Shogan
An older book on the most famous event of the West Virginia Mine Wars, but is a very readable narrative that also touches on Blair Mountain’s wider context.  
Written in Blood: Courage and Corruption in the Appalachian War of Extraction, Wess Harris, ed. 
A much more in-depth look at specific aspects of the Mine Wars and labor history, rather than a general overview, but worth reading for its coverage of more recent events (it didn’t end with Blair!)
To Live Here, You Have to Fight: How Women Led Appalachian Movements for Social Justice by Jessica Wilkerson
Focusing on the 60s-70s and LBJ’s War on Poverty, a good discussion of historical grassroots organizing.
Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners & the Struggle Over Black Lung Disease by Barbara Allen Smith
Seminal text! First published in 1987, with an updated edition released in 2020. 
Soul Full of Coal Dust: A Fight for Breath and Justice in Appalachia by Chris Hamby
After being mad about black lung in the 80s, you can also be mad about black lung today, because it didn’t go anywhere. 
Desperate: An Epic Battle for Clean Water and Justice in Appalachia by Kris Maher
Very “legal thriller focused on one guy,” but extremely readable. A great book to get your liberal mom fired up.  
Mountains Piled upon Mountains: Appalachian Nature Writing in the Anthropocene, Jessica Cory, ed.
This list has been almost entirely nonfiction, so here is some lovely prose about what folks love about the region with both literary nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. It’s got a wide geographic focus to boot. 
Food and Culture
Appalachia on the Table: Representing Mountain Food and People by Erica Adams Locklear
Great deconstruction of how we talk about mountain food and culture (scandal! Sometimes great-grandmas used Bisquick.) Will make you hungry and also question what authenticity means and where your family recipes actually come from. 
Making Our Future: Visionary Folklore and Everyday Culture in Appalachia by Emily Hilliard
West Virginia state folklorist Emily Hilliard talks about pro wrestling, Fallout 76, songwriting, and coal camps. Appalachia in the 21st century. 
(Finally, a shoutout to the various bookstores whose lists I used as jumping-off points, especially Appalachian Mountain Books, City Lights Bookstore, Firestorm Books, and the Museum of the Cherokee People.)
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rashomonss · 7 months
Part XV
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchila, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @arcayia, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl, @crxwned-mxnarch, @ibtisam-aran, @mochicurls21, @rxsehxney, @xpixie, @ihatecorns, @hello-gloomy, @lunarloathsome, @crazytacokoala, @levia-chan, @bunny-masks-blog
a/n: hey y'all!! yay i finally updated haha….im so sorry it took so long if you’ve been keeping up with my other posts you’ll know that february was not good to me haha
also i wanted to let y’all know that we’re finally reaching the end of this story!! i plan on only making a few more chapters then i believe that’ll be all!
lastly thanks for all y’all’s patience and continued support I love reading every one of y’all’s comments and theories, it means the world! love y'all ♡
warnings: violence, fighting, angst
express just how you feel, don’t bottle it up anymore
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“MC how are you? Even though I previously saw you everyday I’ve missed this you” Diavolo said with a bright smile as you joined him for breakfast. No thanks to Barbatos’ constant pestering.
You gave him a polite smile and nod as a response. It was easy enough to come up with a basic answer that you were fine, even if that wasn’t the case at all.
However as he ranted on about missing you and what activities he’d enjoy doing with you after he finished his paperwork you couldn’t help but feel nauseous.
After all he dislocated your shoulder the other day and now he was acting as if everything was perfectly fine?
Even if it was another version of him it was still him in a sense, which filled you with unease. If that version of him could do something that significant to you without so much as a thought then you had every right to be worried.
Is this how the other version of you felt?
Is that why they hated being touched by any demons?
Another hearty laugh broke out sending a chill down your spine. It reminded you of when he cornered you in the hallway as you tried to escape.
“MC are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little pale?”
You went to nod but your body betrayed you. A new wave of nausea washed over you and you felt bile rise up in your throat.
“MC…?” Barbatos questioned as he moved closer to you when you ignored Diavolo’s question.
Your fingers gripped the soft tablecloth as you tried to ground yourself. If anything you refused to lose your stomach in front of them.
Both demons looked at each other worryingly and Barbatos went to place a hand on your shoulder for comfort. Immediately you jolted in response and slapped his hand away as a sensation of fear became present in the pit of your stomach.
You had no idea where it came from, much less why you were scared when the butler reached out to help you. But you did know one thing, you didn’t want anyone touching you.
“Don’t touch me!” you yelled.
Your tone of voice startled him and Diavolo but mainly you as well. What was going on with you?
You never acted like this before, even when staying in the other timeline for so long. So why now? Why was everything anyone was doing so triggering you in any sort of way?
“I apologize…I didn't mean to upset you, I only wanted to check if you were okay,” Barbatos replied as he backed off. Even though he didn’t bother showing it, he was clearly worried about your current mental state. It appeared to be out of control ever since you returned. Which was another point he’d have to bring up with him later, since many instructions weren’t followed.
“…I’m…heading back to bed” you replied as you swiftly stood up and made your way to the door.
“But…you just woke up” Diavolo said softly but you were well out of range for his voice to actually reach you.
With a sigh the butler looked to his lord then to the floor. Maybe they weren’t the right demons to welcome you back after being gone for such a decent amount of time. It was better if you were around demons you were used to, ones that were comforting.
So he picked up his D.D.D and quickly called the first demon that came to mind.
Seven bodies rushed towards you faster than you could process and some large beautiful roses were shoved in your face as you tried to process everything that was going on.
All seven of your demons began talking at once and exclaimed how much they had missed you.
“Oh MC! I can’t believe you’re back, I’ve missed you so so so terribly” Asmo cried as he clung onto your shoulder.
“Hey let go of them!” Mammon yelled in your ear as he tried yanking you away from Asmo.
“Stop pushing” Belphie groaned as he hugged your frame from behind.
“Mammon stop yelling so loudly” Levi shouted out as he was hugging you from the same side Asmo was.
The other three demons who weren’t suffocating you were also arguing with their brother as they clung onto you. Yelling and shouting could be heard from all around you as you stayed in place watching all seven of them yell back and forth like children.
It was too overwhelming. The yelling in your ear, the way one would hold you tighter if they got mad, the way four of them were putting all of their body weight on you was too much for your liking. And the fact the other three were aggravating the four who were holding onto you.
You felt so suffocated.
You were suffocated in your own timeline due to your willingness to indulge all of the seven demons you lived with.
You were suffocated in the other timeline because you decided to show some demons some kindness they hadn’t experienced for a very long time. Look where that got you. A dislocated shoulder and some unresolved issues that you refused to acknowledge.
You were suffocated with the prince and his butler. They always were on some type of schedule, and when you didn’t follow what Diavolo wanted at that very second, you would never hear the end of it from Barbatos.
Why was everyone so demanding?
God forbid you do something for yourself for once.
You struggled in their grip and tried to get their attention to possibly settle down. The constant loud yelling was getting you more agitated by the minute and frankly you were getting a headache.
Just as you were about to speak someone yelled over you and a fight between two of them broke out. Since you were absolutely fed up with it you shouted for all of them to shut up and pushed them off of you.
Each of the seven demons shut their mouth in an instant and the prince and butler looked at you with a worried expression. Due to that being the same tone of voice you used with Barbatos earlier he knew that something was obviously wrong.
Diavolo then spoke up for you as he walked over to the brothers. “Don’t mind them, a lot is on their mind right now especially since they’ve dealt with so much physically and emotionally these past couple days. So please give MC some space to relax”
You in turn shot him a glare. “I’m perfectly fine. However I don’t appreciate it when someone is screaming in my ear and putting all their weight on me while others are fighting in the background like children”
“How about you head back to the House of Lamentation. A lot is on your mind MC, it would do you good to go rest in a place you’re comfortable and familiar with” Barbatos then added trying his best to ease the tension in the room and change the topic as well.
With a nod you departed with the brothers about fifteen minutes later for a silent trip to the House of Lamentation. Each of them were too worried to bother you so they all left you to do your own thing when you all got home.
However Mammon was still going to try to comfort you in his own way.
“Hey MC, ya wanna hang out and watch a movie? I got a few in my room and we can relax” he asked with a soft smile as she walked up behind you.
“Thanks but I’d rather rest right now, maybe later” and before he could even finish you were off.
It was odd, during any other time you would’ve enjoyed hanging out and relaxing in his room like you used to but as of now you really wanted to just be by yourself.
So quietly you made your way to your room and when you opened the door you were absolutely applauded by the way it looked.
Everything was everywhere and the decorations you had of you and your demons were ripped and taken down. Clean clothes were piled onto a chair and your bed was an absolute mess as a few shits and things littered the floor.
However you were too tired to take care of it at the moment. Due to how emotional exhausted you were a nap sounded lovey so you plopped down and in minutes you were out.
Around late afternoon you had walked into the kitchen to grab a snack since you didn’t exactly have much of an appetite after everything that had happened in the past two days. Surprisingly enough two demons were already occupying the kitchen when you arrived, one gossiped and the other listened even though he was believably bored.
“MC” Satan said with a smile, he was very grateful that someone showed up to stop Asmo’s rambling.
With a nod you dug through the fridge and grabbed something to eat and walked over to the two hesitantly.
“What are you both talking about?” You asked after they stayed silent and smiled at you.
Amso was the first to perk up and tell you. “Well we were just talking about some new gossip about this one actor and her husband, some people we know and you…well the other you”
“The other me?” You asked
“Yeah the one you switched with remember.” Satan added.
You nodded and then looked at them before responding. Just how did the other version of you act? Were they like the other Barbatos said? Angry, stubborn, and everything. Did they treat your demons like how they’d treated theirs? So many questions ran through your head at once, but you opted for only asking a basic one.
“So just how was the other version of me?”
“They were a bit intense at first…no I take it back they were really intense at first, but in reality they only wanted one thing in the end then they finally were content” Asmo said as he reapplied some lipstick to his lips.
“Really what did they want?” You asked, now interested in the other versions' motives.
“They just wanted an apology. After Belphie gave them an honest heart to heart in the planetarium they finally calmed down and we were able to be civil with them” Asmo explained.
“Yeah and they even started opening up a bit, although they were exactly like you so learning about what they liked was cute since we already know what you enjoy” Satan added with a smirk.
You tuned out the rest of the conversation they were having with you as you focused on the said “apology” Belphie gave the other version of you.
So it was true and they weren’t lying when they talked to you previously in the attic. Somehow that ticked you off even more.
“Oh yeah and we’re so sorry you had to go through all that crazy timeline stuff dear, I bet it’s been so exhausting huh?” Asmo asked as he rubbed your back.
“Uh huh” you replied and then brushed him off as you excused yourself out of the kitchen without another word, causing the two demons to look at you with a slightly confused expression.
Silently you paced around the house for a bit as you rethought about what the two of them said. With a sigh you ventured into the common room and stared at the fireplace. So you were worth a basic sorry but not one that took responsibility for all the damage they caused you?
It’s not as if their words actually meant anything. Honestly if they had been keen on sweeping the whole incident under the rug then why even offer the other version of you an apology?
They did it to better help them heal?
What about you?
How come they could do that for anyone else other than you?
When you’ve helped them so much.
Your rage and jealousy had been bubbling up inside you for so long that it finally reached its breaking point.
If anyone was supposed to receive any words or actions of their forgiveness it should’ve been you and you were tired of pretending you didn’t deserve anything less than that.
In a rage you trashed the common room as Asmo and Satan watched in horror since they just happened to walk by.
They rushed to try and stop you but you used your pact to stop them in place as you broke everything in sight. The sound of yelling and glass breaking alerted all the other demons in the house and soon the rest of them watched in awe as you demolished anything in your path.
Mammon ran to you as you ripped the roses they all bought for you and tore them to shreds right in front of them. When he reached you he grabbed you by the arm and you shoved him away and yelled at him in response.
They all just kept getting in your way, it was so unbearable.
As the six demons froze in place due to their activated pacts you picked up one of the large vases Lucifer loved and proceeded to lift it up to throw at them.
“This is all your fault! Look at what you’ve done to me” you screamed out to the six demons standing in front of you. Your cry was not one of just anger, they could sense the sorrow in your voice. The way it cracked and longed to just be healed.
You wanted someone to comfort you and the ability for someone, anyone honestly to just acknowledge what had happened to you. Maybe then if they did you could finally feel like your feelings were valid, rather than unnecessary and pointless.
Fresh tears fueled by pure anger and frustration fell from your eyes as you got ready to swing the vase at the six of them. That was until the youngest brother rushed in front of his brothers and spoke.
“This is my fault MC, please don’t take it out on my brothers” Belphie said as he stepped in front of the six of them, shielding them with his body.
“No it’s not just your fault. It’s all of your faults. Don’t feel too special Belphie, you're not the only one out of your brothers who has tried to kill me.” you spat out.
“Each of you have threatened to end my life at least once ever since I’ve been here, and believe me I haven’t forgotten a single moment of it. Unlike before I continued to ignore what happened just like all of you but I’m fed up now.”
The seven demons looked at themselves then back at you and sighed.
“MC we’re truly sorry, you know we-“ Lucifer began.
“I don’t want your apology. It means nothing to me anymore. Especially since you can go and hand it out to whoever now” you replied swiftly, cutting him off in the process.
“Then if I truly can’t make you believe me I’ll show you.” Belphie then said quickly.
“And how do you expect to do that?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your body.
“Take it out on me.”
“Excuse me?”
“All of your anger, everything you’ve had building up. Punch me, hit me, choke me, do whatever you need to do so that you don’t have to feel this way. I know my apology means nothing to you, and believe me this is much more selfish of me to ask you to do this but I want to make it up to you MC. Even if you’ll hate me for the rest of your life I want you to get the closure you deserve. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you. For as long as I live”
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked at him in shock. You hadn’t expected him to actually respond like that, much less take responsibility for everything that had happened.
“Belphie-!” Beel began, he was still standing back with the others, but the worried look on his face was apparent as he watched his twin pour his heart out to the person they both cherished.
Belphie shook his head at his twin then looked back towards you. “I promise MC, I’ll show you how much of a better demon I can be. So go ahead”
The six demons behind you watched as you slowly approached the youngest hesitantly. Surprisingly enough he still had the same soft smile on his face as he watched you come closer.
Then you swung.
With a swift punch to the face, right on the nose Belphie stumbled back and grabbed his face as a small drop of blood pooled out.
You swung again.
And again,
And again.
As you watched the youngest fall to the floor you continued. And for some odd reason you didn’t feel bad about how beat up he was beginning to look.
Instead you finally felt a form of closure for the first time.
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maryfailstowrite · 21 days
I love the DRDT fandom so much. You’re all so fucking smart. I must’ve read like a thousand theories by now on who could be the killer and they’re all so interesting, but if you ask me… I just have no idea man. I’ll let y’all do the work. You’re far more qualified. I’ll just cheer for the people that end up being right. Good luck.
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cable-salamder · 3 months
Guys hold on I need to say a theory I just had that hit me like a truck and I need y’all to hear me out
So we all know that they won’t permakill any of the ninja. But, what if (much to the ninja’s and our’s dismay) someone big does actually die and cannot come back on their own, but instead of despairing and leaving it be, the gang decides to go on a little trip… to the death realms.
This idea came to me because I was talking about one of the og6 dying, and then suddenly remembered this Doc Wyatt answer from twitter:
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Which, I know that people have been assuming that Morro is coming back, which could definitely also be, but I feel like there’s more to it (they might meet him again, but I kind of doubt he’ll play any major role again like in s5 or dotd). We’ve seen nothing of the death realms in dr so far except for those preeminent monsters, and we don’t know what actually happened to them after the merge— specifically for the cursed realm I am kind of doubting it would just merge into the lands no problem— so what if it’s roadtrip to death time to save a loved one?
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
A Secret Girlfriend. (Spencer’s Version)
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Idk this was a cute thing I thought of while listening to Enchanted while getting ready for bed.
My writing is so rusty but I hope y’all enjoy it. Maybe this’ll inspire me to write more, we shall see.
Word count: 1.1K
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“Spencer. You need to listen to the whole discography to appreciate her in all her glory.” Y/N said, looking to her boyfriend as he was raising an eyebrow and looking over all the Taylor Swift songs in a playlist that his loving girlfriend put together. “Do I? I don’t want to make it seem like I don’t respect her talent because I do, it just doesn’t seem like my thing. Scratch that, it isn’t my thing.” The male crinkled his nose, a smile on his face. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t listen, mainly because he was always happy to do whatever made Y/N happy.
“Try before you deny, Reid.” Y/N huffed while letting her arms cross over her chest, a smile still gracing her features, knowing it wouldn’t take much convincing at all. “I really think you’ll like her music. It’s comforting in a way, plus she is truly one of the most sweetest people ever. She’s got a beautiful voice too.”
The thing was, Y/N was right. Spencer did like her music because of the comfort associated with it. However, the comfort wasn’t because of the melodies, the beautifully crafted bridges, or even the impeccable vocals. It was because this music reminded him of his girlfriend. The way that she’d be screaming ‘Enchanted’ while taking a shower or how she’d make him dance with her to ‘Lover’ in their shared kitchen.
That comfort was something Spencer took with him everywhere, even to the point where he’d have one earbud in while listening to one of the random albums he’d decided on. Which of course, Y/N made sure to make him have all of the ‘Taylor’s Version’ of the albums that were out already, the woman playfully threatening to beat him with her shoe if she seen anything different.
It was currently a Friday at the office, a quiet day where they were mostly getting caught up with desk work and written evaluations. Spencer had his earbud in, the album of choice today being ‘Speak Now’, mainly in anticipation for the long awaited ‘Taylor’s Version’ that Y/N was over the moon about, it being her favorite album out of all the others. He wasn’t even paying attention, being so used to being at home and having some awful duets with Taylor, unable to stop his mouth from singing along to ‘Mine’. The song had caught a few glances, however Penelope was the one who actually coined on what he was singing.
The rest of the day, there was a little bit of light gossip between the rest of the team, mostly because none of that were really expecting Spencer to be singing any of the songs that blondie had. Which there was already a theory; Spencer had a girlfriend who they hadn’t met yet. Penelope was fully convinced of it. Someone was introducing this music to Spencer because he wouldn’t just willingly listen to something he wouldn’t normally indulge in.
Little did they know, that theory would be proved right a couple weeks later.
The highly anticipated Eras tour was something that everyone had to fight in the trenches for, Y/N being one of the people who spent her whole day in a waiting room, getting the best tickets she could get her hands on. There was a reason why she needed Spencer to listen to this music in the first place, the two going together after Y/N surprised him with the tickets, her excitement being too high for Spencer to even think of denying going.
He’d ended up telling Emily that he was going to see his mom, giving him that night without interruption or fear of having to make his girlfriend leave early because he had a case. Now, these rumours reached the unit chief, the woman not saying anything about her suspicions as she allowed Spencer the time off. Although she had a good idea that he’d be spending that time with his little secret girlfriend that he thought he could hide.
What Spencer didn’t anticipate though, was who had the seats right beside himself and Y/N. They’d made it fairly early, mainly because Y/N had floor seats so the two had to get there without the crowding when it came to getting to their seats. Which they’d made it to their spots without a hitch, something she needed to brag about because Spencer had said some sort of statistic of how there was a chance they wouldn’t have had to fight through crowds to sit down anyway.
“Was I right or was I right?” Y/N asked, a cocky smile on her face while she was sitting down with her boyfriend, her hand reaching over to hold his as she was bouncing with excitement. “I’m so glad you came with me tonight. I mean it. I was so worried I’d have to come alone or sell the other ticket. You’re the best.” She sighed in content while leaning over to kiss her boyfriend’s cheek.
Spencer was opening his mouth to speak before he was frozen in place after hearing two very familiar voices. “Oh come on, Garcia. I agreed to come with you tonight and you’re gonna bully me the whole night?” Luke asked, a laugh leaving his lips as he was trailing after Penelope, the blonde scoffing. “Of course I am. You know that I have been looking forward to this for weeks and with JJ being busy and Spencer being god knows where, you were my very last choice.” She spoke while trying to humble the male, although Luke was rolling his eyes with a smile gracing his features soon after.
Don’t look over. Don’t look over. Don’t—
“I love your dress!” Y/N gushed, leaning over to look over at Penelope, unknowingly calling attention to Spencer even though he was mentally begging for Penelope to not pay much attention to him. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide his girlfriend, far from it.. He just knew how the team was when it came to significant others and their coworker’s relationships. They were too nosy, as good as they meant by it.
“Thank you! Oh my god, your bottoms!” Penelope grinned while looking over at Y/N, although through her peripherals, she seen a very familiar face. Instead of calling attention to him just yet, she was instead keeping light conversation with the woman who was on the other side of her coworker.
It was later in the concert though, Y/N being fully captivated by the show in front of her as she was happily screaming along with lyrics and dancing, one hand in Spencer’s while she was keeping her gaze on the stage. That was when Penelope decided to say something, her elbow nudging Spencer’s side to get his attention before she was smiling from ear to ear up at him. “I knew it. You didn’t just randomly start listening to her!” She yelled over the music, making Spencer blush while laughing. “You picked a good one!” Penelope called soon after, to which Spencer was looking over at his girlfriend who was having the time of her life.
Yeah, yeah he did.
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inell · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
🥳🥳🥳 I just now wrote ‘The End’ in my Buddie Ghost Hunters AU doc file. The rough draft is officially complete! 10 chapters and 73k as of right now. I have a title and summary. I feel like celebrating! I can’t wait to share it with y’all! I kind of love this little AU universe.
I was tagged by @diazheartsbuckley @dangerpronebuddie & @rosieposiepuddingnpie so here is a snippet! Sorry it’s so late, but I wanted to finish!
“I think Manteo stressed all of us out,” Buck agrees, chuckling as he shakes his head. “The storm and the delays threw everything out of balance, and we’re just trying to get our equilibrium back. I do want to go on record, though, that Lucy is not ever going to ride with us. I can handle Ravi, he’s like an annoying younger brother, but she’s just annoying period.”
“I thought you liked her when she started working with us,” Eddie points out. During his thinking time, he quickly realized that Buck’s jealous of Lucy, but he hasn’t been able to test out his theory yet. Now, maybe he can poke a little and see if he’s right. “You said ‘that’s one cool lady’, didn’t you?”
“That was before we spent weeks traveling with her,” Buck mutters, slowing down and turning on his blinker. “She’s handsy and loud and teases too much in, like, a familiar way when she doesn’t know us that well yet. And, I don’t care what you say, I know she’s trying to recruit you into some kind of sordid threesome with her and her wife. She’s always hanging off of you and touching your hair and calling you her favorite. Not to mention the photo she sent in chat last night. That was just inappropriate.”
“Okay, so, tell me something. What the hell did that photo even mean? Was she saying I was sweet like the cake? Or did she really think she saw me in the reflection of the window or something?” Eddie asks, blurting it out because he trusts Buck not to make too much fun of him for not getting the reference. “Also, you’re just jealous, Buck, but you have no reason to be because I’m not interested in sordid threesomes with anyone. I don’t like to share.”
“Seriously?” Buck turns to stare at him for a full ten seconds before he starts laughing. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you, so stop sulking. I’m just laughing because you’re adorable. I’m pretty damn crazy about you and your old man knowledge of urban slang.” Buck swats his hand away when Eddie reaches over to poke his ribs. “Cake is another word for ass. She was saying that the stacked cake resembles your butt, Eddie. Because you could have been the inspiration for Sir Mix-a-Lot if you’d been born, like, two decades earlier.”
“Jesus, she’s a terror. She’s worse than a younger sister,” Eddie says, blushing as he realizes that his entire team knows Lucy thinks he’s got a stacked ass. Not only that, but half of them laughed at the image, which means they must either find it funny or agree. “I actually understood your ‘Baby Got Back’ reference, by the way. I’m not an old man without any pop culture knowledge. I just don’t keep up with slang because I’m a single parent in my thirties with more important things to keep in my head than useless knowledge about butts.”
“More important things, huh?” Buck says. “I don’t know what’s more important than your ass, but maybe I just have different priorities. I love to eat cake, after all.” He winks at Eddie, his lips curling into a sexy smirk that makes him forget what they’re talking about for a moment. “As for Lucy acting like a big sister, I can say that Maddie has never once said that I have a stacked ass. In fact, she’d probably be as grossed out as I am at the very idea of it. But, to Lucy’s credit, your ass is a work of art, as I’ve said numerous times since we met, and I can’t really even blame her for appreciating it.”
Tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @tidesreach
@tizniz @smilingbuckley @lesbianrobin @cal-daisies-and-briars @kitteneddiediaz
@acountrygirlsfun @becausebuckley @queerweewoo @queerdiazs @rainbow-nerdss
@glorious-spoon @spotsandsocks @linus-lucy @sparklespiff @watchyourbuck
@wayfarers0 @pt-soulmate @lover-of-mine @bucks-daddy-issues @loveyouanyway @lookforanewangle
@mairaiscarrierofthepaperclips @cranberrymoons @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @disasterbuck @veronae-buddie @sharpbutsoft
@eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiegettingshot @eddiesfagstache @cowboy-babygirl-eddiediaz @sibylsleaves
@made-ofmemories @littlefreakbuckley @monsterrae1 @onthewaytosomewhere @treasurehuntbuck
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Hi there! Can I ask for some honkai starrail one bed trope headcanons for stelle and seele with a fem reader?
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— one bed? that’s fine. it’s not like y’all slept in the same bed together before so stelle doesn’t see the big deal in this. if oddly enough you have concerns about it, she’ll just suggest on getting two rooms instead and if there ain’t enough space for another room well. . .deal with it? besides! she can’t sleep without you by her side.
— if the bed is small? no problem! she’ll just sleep on top of you or you’ll sleep on top of her. which ever you prefer. y’all can make it work. i can imagine her just being a lil smug, shaking her eyebrows at you while patting the bed.
— when y’all do get in the bed, she has her arms around you. she ain’t letting you go and ik you don’t want to be let go of either. also, random fact, stelle enjoys head scratches, it’s therapeutic and puts her to sleep fast. funny enough, sometimes she doesn’t like it because y’know she wants to stay awake with you a lil longer but it’s not like she can fight it can she?
— one-sided staring contest? one-sided staring contest. she’s just gonna stare at you with the most blankest stare ever and you’ll have no idea what’s going through her head when she does this. is she like thinking? is. . .is she sleeping with her eyes open? who knows but if you’re not alr flustered, y’all just stare at each other until you decide enough is enough. “ stelle, babe, stop staring at me like that you weirdo, is this a staring contest? “ “ oh i was just thinking about the trash we walked past today. “ “?”
“ okay stelle, do you mind just putting your arm a little lower? your arm is like on my neck. “ you said, she muttered an apology before plopping her whole body on top of you with her head nuzzled against your collarbone. “ is this better? “ she mumbled sleepily against your skin and you just sighed in defeat, slinging an arm around her waist and placing your hand on her back. not exactly what you meant but you’re not going to complain.“ perfect. “
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— she’ll be more annoyed to find out that there’s only one bed but nonetheless it can work. she’s been through a rough childhood so this is pretty much nothing. though, she is a little flustered but it ain’t really like y’all haven’t cuddled in the same bed before. if you’re somewhat uncomfortable, she doesn’t really mind just sleeping on the floor or staying up to keep watch (don’t let her, she’ll fr do that.)
— if the bed is small and you’re uncomfortable, it’ll just be the same choices. otherwise, y’all just going be side by side, face to face, body to body lol. her face totally isn’t red it’s just you seeing things and it’s dark outside, you should just go to sleep. yeah alrr.
— you’ll just take the opportunity to spoil her with kisses and she’ll just have no choice but to take it. surprisingly seele does, she just lays there with an annoyed expression on her face. dw, she lowkey loves it, she’s literally biting the inside of her cheek to prevent a smile from coming out.
“ i wonder if you’re ticklish. “ you blurted, smirking. she rolls her eyes, “ go to sleep, we’re definitely not doing this right now. “ “ ohhh yes we are. it popped up in my head and i really want to test my theory out. “ her eyes narrows into a threatening glare, “ if i even feel a finger brush against my side, you’re sleeping on the floor until morning, jackass.” damn.
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
Ooh I just saw a cute little AU prompt I wanna see if it can be used! So it’s the soulmate au where the reader shares eye color in one eye with their soulmate. I’d love it if you could do an angsty fluffy Anakin x reader would mate au with Anakin in his revenge of the sith era? Also, I was wondering if you write for Stargate or know any writer who does on here? There’s not enough Stargate love and it makes me sad 😞. Thanks lovely!
The Look of Terror In Your Eyes
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader; Soulmate au!!!!
Summary: Reader is one of padmé’s handmaidens, and while joining her on Mustafar, she finds a familiar pair of eyes. Eyes that shouldn’t be as red as they are…
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: fire, sobbing, sith, evil anakin, star wars stuff, related violence (not really) Idk, you let me know…
A/n: Thank you so much for waiting and requesting! Took a while to get out but I was feeling the angst after ep 7 of The Last Of Us. 😭😭😭 Also, sorry, I don’t know any writers for stargate! i had to look it up 😭😭, but if anyone has any recommendations, comment them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, sorry for the long break y’all!!! <33333333
P.s: I love the soulmate au trope!!!!! <3
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[Name] always loved the idea of a soulmate. The mere thought of a perfect person for her, a soul that perfect for hers sounded marvellous. Two hearts connected by the grace of the universe, or as the Jedi believe, the force. Many people debated the origin of this special connection between organisms; specifically humanoids. Some thought it was their planet’s deity that blessed–and in some cases, cursed– the living beings with companionship, others thought it wasn’t real, that it was all just some trick of a decease or parasite. But most have concluded and agreed that it was the work of the seemingly magic that holds the universe together; the force.
[Name] was a big fan of any theory or story she could hear about soulmates. Free time was spent asking the people around her about their second eye. She always wondered how other’s knew which eye was whose, and she was always met with, “You only know when you meet them, when you lock eyes.” [Name] often liked to imagine what her soulmate looked like. Which eye would be her soulmate’s and which would be her own? What would her soulmate look like with a body around her matching eyes? Would they be brunette? Blond? Would they be a man? Be a woman? What would it look like when they eventually locked eyes? Would their eyes fill with the amount of love [Name] knew that she would feel for them?
Thoughts of her special someone flooded her mind every moment she had time to think. And as much as she loved to think about it, she hardly had time too. [Name] was a busy girl as she was a handmaiden of Padmé and often was travelling, doing one of the other girls make up or switching places with Padmé in order to keep her safe. The senator was the girls main priority and honestly, she was their pride and joy.
This busy job didn’t keep [Name]’s thoughts from wandering at night and like a magnet, her mind would gravitate to her soulmate. She only began to think more about it after a trip to Naboo, where [Name] learned of two of Padmé’s previous handmaidens who were soulmates and had met each other through the former Queen’s protection program. While a wonderful story, [Name] couldn’t help but think about if she would meet her soulmate on the job, if ever. It was a large universe and more often than not, soulmates die before they are ever able to meet the soul destined for them.
Days in the senate were quiet and beyond mundane. And while every once and a while Padmé and her causes would get a win, those times were few and far in-between. Majority of days were spent in the rooms that were provided for the senators, pouring over documents and finding information on how to fix the wrongs of the galaxy, diplomatically.
But these issues are never resolved overnight, and after years of tireless hours of dedicated work within the senate, [Name] found herself less and less hopeful of the wonderful life she pictured outside of the senate. She dreamed of a life with her soulmate, back on Naboo, where she could be with her family and friends. Somewhere nice, somewhere where she could live out the rest of her life out in peace surrounded by everything she has ever loved.
Those dreams always seemed silly once she was sat in the senate, watching over Padmé time and time again, no hope that this life would cease. That the war would end and they could go back home once they finally had did all they could in repairing the senate. That [Name] could finally live out her happily ever after with the one she dreams of, but knows nothing of. Nothing but what one of their eye’s looks like.
Although soulmates could come as romantic or platonic, [Name] never cared. [Name] would be happy to not be lonely. To have someone by her side for the rest of her life. That was all [Name] dreamed of. Not being alone.
That was why she took the job after all. Of course, when the former Queen calls, it is hard to decline the honour of protecting the one and only Padmé Amidala. But that deal becomes a whole lot sweeter when there is a promise of a group of girls accompanying you. A promise that you will not be alone. That was very incising for [Name].
And while most of the senate meetings were snore inducing and late nights reading and rereading documents was beyond tedious, it was made incredibly better by the girls who had also agreed to lay their lives of the line for Padmé. They had become a sisterhood of sorts, a unbreakable friendship formed between them and there was an unspoken understanding that while they worked with Padmé, they were in for anything. That meant life or death, they stood together in order for Padmé to prosper.
That security meant everything to [Name]. In fact, that was everything to [Name]. Since she joined Padmé on her trip to Coruscant all of those years ago, [Name] has practically forgotten who she used to be, and was convinced that a part of her lied in this job. And that part would be ripped from her if she ever left the job, and she would be left alone.
Her dreams of meeting her soulmate never died though. In fact, that is what got her through every day. Every day that she spent with the people she loved so much, every day she dreaded them being taken from her. Thoughts and dreams of a perfect world, with her perfect person. No war, no slavery, no crime, just two souls meeting and living out the rest of their lives, just one day at a time.
But as she stood in front of the mirror of the fresher, all of those thoughts flew out the window. Traveling with Padmé as her escort, [Name] ended up on a J-type Naboo star skiff headed towards Mustafar. [Name] didn’t know why they were going to Mustafar or what would be waiting for them on the old mining planet, but she did know that she wasn’t ready.
It didn’t matter what met them on Mustafar, because all that really mattered to [Name] in the moment, was her reflection. Or more specifically, her right eye that had turned a gnarly, fresh blood red, with irises the colour of acid.
It only took a matter of moments before [Name] found tears running down her face. She pulled at the skin of her cheeks, moving in closer to look if what she had seen was right before closing her eyes. It was a vicious loop; pull, look, cover. She wasn’t sure how long this went on for, finding herself heaving on the floor what felt like a century later. What was she going to do?
She had heard of Sith eyes. Many had, especially if one had spent any time on Coruscant. The tales of Jedi going to the dark side were relatively popular in the upper-levels of Coruscant. The nasty evil that had become a cataclysmic emergency in galaxy had ruthlessly killed millions with no regard for life. That was of course until the Jedi Order vanquished them. The nasty plague that was the Sith had been thought to have been defeated, extinct, as of many, many years ago. But yet, her [Name] was, with her right eye as bright as the sun, glowing so bright, it was as if it was haunting her.
What does this mean?
Am I going to die?
Am I Sith?
Will I hurt innocent people?
Am I evil?
Thoughts infiltrated her mind without mercy and terror tore through her brain like a violent hurricane. Her mind was spinning.
Millions of lives have been lost at the hands of the Sith. Millions of innocent caught in the reign of terror the Sith brought where ever they went. How could [Name] be like them?
Then it hit her like a freighter.
Her soulmate.
Her soulmate, the one she had dreamed and fantasized about her whole life, a Sith. Pure evil, working for causes that only bring harm to the universe. Lying on the floor, [Name]’s sobs wracked through her body, the only rest she got is when she started to violently leave heave before more tears and loud sobs found their way from her lungs.
It made sense though, she was never a Jedi, never force sensitive. So why would her pair of eyes be the distinct aggressive colour of the force sensitive Sith?
The Sith wasn’t her, so that only left her soulmate. Her wonderful, beautiful soulmate of which she has never met. And as she curls deeper into herself, [Name] questions whether she would actually meet them.
And whether or not she wants too.
Just as [Name]’s sobs and shook started to subside, [Name] felt the familiar jolt of the ship landing. A cool chill shot up her back as she made her way to her feet. Looking into the mirror once more, she found that both the eyes were back to how she remembered them to be. What they had always been her entire life. Wiping her eyes, [Name] tried to clear all evidence of her tears and break down.
[Name] closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. The sound of the ships engine shutting off reminded her of where she was. Right, Mustafar; the place where Padmé was rushing to in order to help a friend. Letting out a breath, she made a promise to herself to help Padmé out with whatever.
[Name] stood next right next to Padmé as the hatch lowered and the red hazed glow of the lava coated planet overwhelmed her vision. As she was momentary blinded, Padmé ran down the ramp towards a cloaked figure. From the distance, [Name] couldn’t hear much but she could make out a faint conversation as she slowly approached.
“I saw your ship, what are you doing out here?” The brunette man spoke as he leaned into the hug Padmé was giving him, before pulling away and holding on to the sides of her arms.
“I was worried about you, Obi-wan told me terrible things,” Padmé looked up at him, and from her tone of voice, something [Name] knew very well, it was evident that Padmé was very upset.
“What things?” He questioned, not harshly, but certainly not in a tone of voice one should use with a senator.
“He said that you’ve turned to the dark side. That you…” Padmé began, before pausing, struggling to find the strength within her to whisper the words.
“Killed younglings,” She muttered in horror. Terror was set in her eyes, but there was not quiver of disbelief in her tone, no indicator to [Name] that this man wouldn’t do such a thing.
“Obi-wan is trying to turn you against me,” The man spoke after a moment, his voice deep with the familiar feel of unnerve that Padmé and her handmaidens have become so used to in the senate.
“He cares about you, Anakin,” Padmé argued, although it didn’t sound like an argument, more like a plea. “He wants to help you.”
Anakin’s eyebrows furrowed, “Nothing can save me, only my new powers can do that.”
Padmé took a step back and [Name] took two steps forward.
“At what cost?” Padmé looked into his eyes once again, and as [Name] could see, she was begging. “You’re a good person. Don’t do this.”
“I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of,” Anakin's gaze was intense, his eyes narrowed on Padmé as if at any point she would stab him and run away.
“I am more powerful than the chancellor. I-I can over throw him,” Anakin began taking steps forward and quickly Padmé started taking steps back.
“And together you and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be,” Anakin stops moving, watching Padmé eagerly in hopes that she will agree.
Taking another step back, Padmé shakes her head, “I don’t believe what I am hearing. Obi-wan was right. You’ve changed.”
Anakin scuffs, shaking his head before raising his finger, “I don’t wanna hear any more about Obi-wan. The Jedi turned against me, don’t you turn against me,” That sounded like a command.
“I don’t know you anymore. Anakin, you’re my best friend, you are like my brother,” Padmé plead, her voice broken and littered with heartbreak. It might not have sounded like it, but those few words meant everything to Padmé. Those words were like a code that only one of her handmaidens could crack. That [Name] could crack.
The words whispered of betrayal, of heart break and of a familiar love that she cannot part with. She truly loved Anakin, the sister in her seemed to shine through as she spoke with the man.
“You’re going down a path I can’t follow.”
“Because of Obi-wan?”
“Because of what you’ve done,” Padmé sobbed, her voice raising as she neared her breaking point. [Name] finally made her way behind Padmé as she spoke again, “Because of what you plan to do.”
And as [Name] laid her hand on Padmé’s shoulders, bring her back slightly, Anakin’s eyes were back on the ship. [Name] rubbed Padmé’s arms gently in attempts to comfort the distressed girl and as she did so, it was almost as if she could feel the rage from the man behind her. [Name] tried to pay no mind, busying herself with the sobbing girl before her. Padmé’s head raised, looking up from the spot she marked on the ground, and gasped as she made eye contact with you.
“Liar!” Anakin yelled, bring the attention back to him. And when [Name] eyes drifted over to the simmering man, she found herself looking into a very familiar set of eyes.
Her eyes.
The same pair of eyes that stare back at her in her reflection every day, mirrored.
A gasp left [Name]’s throat, bringing his attention to her. As his gaze connected with hers, his eyes faded from one red, and one of [Name]’s to just infectious red. A wave of comfort went through [Name]’s body as she stared into the eyes that she has been dying to meet.
But instead of relief, or joy, [Name] only felt gutted. The harsh heat from the surrounding lava did nothing to sooth the soaring stinging in her eyes as she watches the man before her look behind her again. She hardly even notices when another man, a Jedi, passes her. As angry words were exchanged and she found herself losing focus, standing by the side as she watches the Jedi and the Sith duel to the death.
Her world just flipped its axis, leaving her body to adjust. Emotionally, physically. The biological reaction to meeting one’s soulmate was to release serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, all chemicals in one’s brain responsible for happiness. But in this moment, those hormones were only adding to the increasing feeling of emptiness growing in her heart.
She had just watched her supposed soulmate turn to the dark side before her eyes. Choosing to assist the death of others rather than assist the quality of living for others. Everything [Name] and Naboo has ever help to fix in the senate could be destroyed in a snap of her own soulmate’s fingers.
How was she going to live her life know what she was tied to? Would he come back to the light? Would he die? Would she?
Or would she give up everything she has ever known for the chance of a life partner? Someone who will never leave her.
[Name] drops to her knees, a suppressed sob managed its way to the surface, bringing sharp tears from her eyes.
The famous Anakin Skywalker, former Jedi knight, [Name]’s soulmate, leaving tears in her eyes. And as she watches the blurry two duel, she finds that not only is there tears in her eyes, but also terror.
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A/n: I got a little carried away with this, and it might have gotten a little off topic, but I hoped you liked it. I haven’t edited it yet, but I will get to it! Thank you so much for reading and waiting!!! <333333 Let me know what you think! Love y’all to the stars!
Taglist: @luvlykrispy
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v3nusxsky · 6 months
Hi Mars! I hope your well!<3 I have a request, it's a larissa weems x fem reader where r and larissa do the nasty then r finds out she's pregnant and after r gives birth she struggles with postpartum depression and one day when larissa comes home from work she finds r holding the baby close to her chest and crying so r tells larissa everything and larissa comforts r and then like maybe years later r and larissa has the most stubborn but cute little girl who loves ice cream and teddy bears?. This might be a bit much but I hope you can do it❤️ thank you Mars!🙏I love your fics🙌
Breaking through the darkness
*Authors note~ another instalment of YAMW and the last in the series but honestly I’d love to write one shots for this universe so if you have any ideas on what you’d like to see hit my asks up. And I’ll see y’all in Sinful Souls*
Trigger warnings~ pregnancy giving birth mentions breast feeding an infant postpartum depression hurt and comfort etc Larissa being the most wonderfully loving wife possible
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Larissa had a few more nightmares at the beginning of your pregnancy, most about failing you and your unborn child. Yet one thing that didn’t change was her insistence that the baby would be a girl. There is absolutely no doubt in the blondes mind on the child’s gender yet you were adamant that you should decide on a name for both genders. Just in case. Your stubborn nature got you to convince, so boy or girl you’d both decided on their name.
Alongside the debate over names and the insane cravings that often found Larissa fluttering from store to store, in and around Jericho, pregnancy only heightened your stubbornness and insistence that you were simply pregnant not disabled and Larissa’s dedication and truthfulness. However, despite all the new hormones and adjustments to your daily lives you were both committed to each other and overcoming every challenge as a pair.
Anticipation grew as you reached six months pregnant, your ability becoming hyper sensitive and uncontrollable. Deciding to wait to find out if you’d have a son or a daughter is what got you through the changes to your body. Nevermore’s students were abuzz with theories and suggestions about the child. A few of the staff members had thrown you and Larissa a baby shower that was modest and gender neutral but beautiful, the gifts being thoughtful and generous mixed with your new levels of hormones had you in tears at the love and care for your unborn child.
Around the last month of your pregnancy you began to fear you’d fail the baby. You obviously want the best for them, but your parents weren’t exactly the best role models and that led to your mind concocting the most distressing nightmares that often woke Larissa by your screams and sobs, to which Larissa would spend hours consoling you despite her long work hours.
By the end of your pregnancy, you were totally over the whole situation. Not only were you carrying the weight of a whole other human but your back hurt all the time, your ankles were the size of beach balls and the Braxton and Hicks contractions were borderline torture. Sleep being hard to come by all contributed to you wanting your baby earth side now. Larissa liked to suggest that perhaps the child was a perfect mix of your stubbornness and her determination was why your due date came and went with no signs of labour. No. In fact it was 8 days later that things got real, just in time for the end of semester holidays.
After twelve hours of relentless contractions, broken sobs and curses to your lover and little sleep did you bring your child into the world with a massive gasp of relief. Hearing their cry of protest brought tears to both of your eyes as the nurses took the child away to clean them off before bringing them back and placing them on your bare chest without revealing. The doctors and nurses fluttering round the room to ensure you and the baby got the best postpartum treatment before coming to congratulate both of the new mothers.
“You did so well sweet girl, so proud of my girl” Larissa murmured pressing sweet kisses to your forehead as you both gazed down lovingly at the content newborn. “Georgina Faye Weems” you murmured happily as your index finger came to trace her little cheek.
“I thought we decided on Ophelia darling” Larissa murmured just basking in her beauty and the knowledge that she was right all along, now she’d be able to hold her girls. “Georgina for your aunt Isa.”
“That’s beautiful sweetheart, Georgina Faye Weems, you are one beautiful little angel, your momma and mommy love you so much. Everyone at Nevermore is going to love her” Larissa pondered choking back the emotion of her daughters name honouring her long lost aunt.
Adjusting to motherhood isn’t as easy as everyone else makes it look, thankfully Larissa could take the time in the holidays to spend time with her perfect little family as you healed from the birth. Larissa happily woke up to settle Georgina using the milk you’d expressed to allow you some sleep. Being in your blissful bubble of love with her and Georgina was utterly perfect, until the start of school popped that bubble. Larissa had your cover arranged, you’d gone over and over the work they’d be teaching and ensured the teacher would have access to all the materials. What you weren’t expecting was for how hard you’d find the day with your newborn alone.
Larissa couldn’t help but notice how irritated you’d become with her when she’d leave her office for the day. The irritation could rival your stubbornness at the earlier days in your relationship with ease. The poor blonde didn’t know what to do to help you through this time. You were taking on the night shifts now but Larissa had no idea how much sleep you were losing just unable to sleep. Then you noticed that you’d lose concentration for simple tasks, household tasks piling up, being unable to calm your fussy daughter and a huge lack of appetite. You’d make something to eat only to feel physically sick when you managed to sit down to eat.
You were crouched down against the wall, your daughter clutched to your chest as she wailed alongside your sobs and pleas for her to quieten. At this point, you were almost ready to tear your hair out, she is a beautiful girl and there’s no denying that but it seems your brain could only convince you that you’d fail her. That you are failing her. She deserved more than you for a mother. If Larissa was here she’d know how to soothe the baby. Despite being the one to carry her for nine months, birth her and being with her all day every day for at least two weeks without the tall shifter, it was like you were a stranger to her.
Georgina’s little cheeks were bright red now as she wailed unhappily, little fists balled up, the louder her cries were the more tears you shed as you absentmindedly rocked back and forth at a loss for what would help. You’d fed changed and cuddled Georgina, yet nothing seemed to settle her. Until Larissa came in to save the day.
“Oh my little flower, what’s wrong sweet girl? What’s the tears for Gina?” Larissa murmured softly coming to take the baby from you, allowing you the chance to stand up and breathe. Only, you couldn’t. Georgina settled down as she snuggled into the blondes chest, seemingly tired herself out from all the crying. Meanwhile you only seemed to curl into a ball and sob harder. “I failed her” and “she hates me” were mumbled over and over again. Only then did all the symptoms make sense to the principal. Postpartum depression. She’d read about it in all the books but seemingly missed all the signs in you. Her lover.
Placing the now sleeping baby into her bassinet Larissa immediately came to wrap you in her arms like you are a precious china doll. “Oh my darling girl, I’m so sorry I failed you my love, how long has it been this way?” She whispered as her hand rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I’m a terrible mom, she hates me. She loves you, what do I do wrong?” You sobbed your heart out on her shoulder, now the feelings started to flow there was absolutely no stopping the flow. And Larissa, being your stable shoulder to cry on, she held you through it all, promising to take some more time off Nevermore, to help you through this every step of the way. With her love and support you managed to heal and feel more like yourself again.
As your daughter grew, her own little personality began to shine through, it is apparent that she is as stubborn as you yet as truthful and gentle as the Principal of Nevermore. Students of Nevermore adored little Gina more than life itself, Enid particularly loved to gift her soft plushy’s and even Wednesday gifted her a small black swan plush teddy to go alongside the white dove Enid had crocheted.
However, Georgina’s favoured teddy happened to be a soft blush pink bear that you had gifted her for her first birthday. That bear never left her side, a special connection for you and your daughter. At a year and a half Georgina discovered Ice cream for the first time. Smearing it all around her face as you giggled with your daughter, Larissa walking unsuspectingly into the ice cream covered one year old. Now covering the bottoms of her mamas work skirt in vanilla ice cream.
Her little aura seemed to grow daily, beautiful twists and twirls of orange, green, lavender and light blue seemed to brighten with every day of her life, a perfect little blend of you and Larissa Weems, who would’ve knew that Larissa had unknowingly grown your family on your anniversary night. Your daughter being three and incredibly beautiful and brilliant would be a brilliant big sister.
Word count ~ 1718
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
hi!! id love to hear more about sal knowing all along 👀
*slides dramatically into the camera frame* well, since you asked!
3 am thoughts with TK6!
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So my idea is that Sal really knew about Tommy all along.
How? Couple of options. Maybe Sal’s gaydar is secretly amazing and he clocked it immediately. He might’ve looked at Tommy the moment he set step in the 118 and went “that man is gay af”.
All jokes aside (and really, that was only a half joke, his gaydar could actually be great) it could’ve been something like they went out for drinks and got smashed. Maybe Tommy referred to someone (like a celebrity crush or maybe a past hookup, I’m not of the opinion he had actual relationships before coming out) by the wrong pronouns. Maybe he outright said it. Something somewhere along those lines. And then the next day Tommy didn’t remember it but Sal did.
Or, and I find this even more likely, Sal actually had great observation skills. He watched how Tommy shied away from mentioning partners, how his girlfriends always “couldn’t make it”, how he would entertain flirtation from girls but never went home with them on nights out (or maybe didn’t flirt, but I feel like Tommy would’ve tried to blend in), and as his suspicion grew he watched Tommy and noticed that his eyes never strayed towards girls and how his eyes would drift towards men and snap away quickly-or maybe he fully avoided looking at the guys even Sal could admit were attractive.
So he decided to test it out. Next time there was a good chance to slip in a joke, he did. He teased Tommy about being gay. Tommy wasn’t prepared. He hadn’t been expecting it. So he froze, briefly. It wouldn’t have been something super obvious, or else it would’ve been too much. Tommy made it through the army; he’s been called gay before. But he was secure at the 118 and hadn’t prepared himself. And that’s when Sal knew, even more so when Tommy was tense for the next couple of shifts.
Tommy was probably waiting for him to make a big deal about it. But Sal didn’t. Why? Who knows. Maybe as long as Tommy was in the closet, Sal was fine ignoring it. Maybe they were friends enough that he wasn’t quite enough of an asshole as to out him. Or maybe it was more malicious. He wasn’t enough of an asshole as to out him, but he kept sliding in jokes, just to watch Tommy jolt. Even better when Gerrard started making jokes too.
Who knows? Maybe Gerrard figured it out or maybe he just caught on to one of the only things that actually rattled an otherwise steady firefighter? Whether he thought it was true or not.
Either way, Sal knew but for years, played his own game. Whether for his own entertainment or some twisted form of protection.
Depends on your interpretation of Sal, really.
And there we go! That’s my thoughts on Sal knowing. I’m always willing to answer questions about this headcanon and others.
Y’all aren’t even prepared for my super sad fic starring this theory. I haven’t even convinced myself to write it yet 🤣😭
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If Nettles was white, she would be as popular as Lyanna, Brienne or Arya, and y’all know it.
She grew up a homeless orphan (which is why it’s so insulting when people try to act like she’s a freaking idiot who doesn’t know how to bathe herself yet she can tame a dragon🤦🏽‍♀️ Put most of the highborn women in her position and they wouldn’t survive a day in her shoes).
She’s the only known non-Valyrian dragonrider who claims a wild dragon. A prince who believes in Valyrian supremacy falls in love with her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nettles singlehandedly disproves the whole idea of Targaryen exceptionalism and their blood purity. She slowly earns a dragon’s trust by bringing him sheep, and gradually he lets her closer, and then forms the dragonrider bond and lets her fly. up until this point, nobody had tried a strategy like that before.
Nettles is self-made. She’s self-taught. She’s loved for herself. She survives a freaking war and becomes a fire goddess/witch. Who wouldn’t want her ? Who wouldn’t want to be her ? Unlike Rhaenyra and Alicent, she’s the final girl of F&B.
Once again, I don't understand where you got that I'm anti Nettles? I'm anti Nettles x Daemon, but other than that theory, I very much am a fan of Nettles as a character. I won't say that there isn't racism and unfairness that happen regarding Nettles' character (though I haven't seen it personally), because people can be really shitty. But me personally, again, I'm not anti Nettles, I just dislike certain groups of her stans.
Again, I don't deny that Nettles was a strong woman. She endured many things most characters in F&B don't and most likely survived the Dance. However, I do disagree with some of the ideas you're stating as fact.
For starters, we don't know if Nettles is non-Valyrian; that's one of the many theories surrounding her, but it's not confirmed, so stating it as fact is misleading. Just because she lacks traditional Valyrian features doesn't means she isn't a dragonseed.
Jace and his brothers don't look Valyrian but they very obviously are of Valyrian descent. Rhaenys, the queen who never was, had black hair; Duncan the son of Aegon V looked like his mother, Betha Blackwood; Aegor Rivers also had black hair; Baelor Breakspear had dark hair; Daeron son of Maekar had sandy brown hair; Rhaenys the daughter of Rhaegar had her mother, Elia Martell's features.
Moving on, Daemon's relationship with Nettles is ambiguous. We don't know if they were in a romantic relationship or if his attack on Aemond was purely to save her (though I'm sure that was part of his decision). Again, you are stating a theory you believe as fact, even though it's unconfirmed.
I'm not going to touch the whole thing of Targaryen exceptionalism, because, as I said earlier, Nettles' parentage is unconfirmed. But the whole blood purity thing still hasn't been disproven at any point of GRRM's works; they intermarried to preserve their magic blood, the magic blood still exists in ASOIAF due to the incest.
Nettles is an important character in the story of the Dance, but she isn't the "final girl" you claim she is, let alone of the whole book. There are several dragon riders who survived the Dance and thrived. Rhaena is the ancestor of the Tyrells in the main series. Aegon III is the ancestor of Daenerys, the Baratheons, any remaining Blackfyres, and possibly Jon Snow and Young Griff. Baela and Alyn are the ancestors of Aurane Waters and the Velaryons.
The book of F&B is so much more than the Dance of the Dragons. Saying that Nettles is the "final girl" of the book doesn't make any sense when she only appears in a few sections. That's like saying Alys Rivers is actually the main character of the book. Nettles disappears after the Dance and doesn't appear in any other event. She does nothing else after her disappearance and has relatively little impact on the history of Westeros post Dance.
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting the whole "fire goddess/witch" thing. However, you have already been throwing out theories and your personal biases as fact, so I don't think it matters. I'm not trying to control who your fav is, I totally understand wanting to be a certain book character. But that doesn't mean you can act like everyone else is wrong for not having the same fav as you.
It's that kind of entitlement, thinking you're better than everyone else that makes people not like Nettles stans. It's almost on par with stansas and Alicent stans. People like you project so hard onto your favs, you take any perceived insult, critique, or argument as a personal attack. It's exhausting interacting with people like you.
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Theories I’ve Seen About HOTD Season 2 Rated
Rhaenyra will be the one to order Blood & Cheese but Daemon will take the fall for it, both immediately and to be remembered by history. 9/10. There is something about this theory that I just absolutely love. Maybe it’s the idea of Rhaenyra taking explicit action, maybe it’s the fact that it’s something that would cast her in a genuinely morally dubious light, maybe it’s just that one face Emma D’Arcy made in the trailer that made it look like Rhaenyra was ready for absolute murder. No matter what I think this is an intriguing theory that could very well happen.
Helaena will turn to Team Black. 5/10. The reason that this is exactly in the middle is because there are one or two right ways to do this…and about fifty million wrong ways to. You know what I would be down for? Helaena, who knows the pain of losing a son, cannot defend the way her family keeps justifying Lucerys’ death to herself, right as Baela and Rhaena realize that they are going to get tossed over for Rhaenyra’s sons no matter what happens. The girls team up and burn some shit down. Very unrealistic but I would love it.
Nettles will be replaced by Rhaena. -10/10. Please, please no, I am begging y’all not to do this. At best we’re taking away an interesting character, at worst we are turning Daemon into something he is very much not (and I say this as someone who hates the man).
Helaena is pregnant with/will give birth to Maelor. 8/10. This seems likely, and I am also begging for it to happen because I really don’t like the implications of a Maelor-less B&C…
Aegon & Aemond will fight over Helaena. 1/10. Please, no, I hate this. Feels very reductive towards all three of their characters.
Rhaenys will die this season. 8/10. Given the timeline this seems very likely. Her scenes in the trailer gave me some “wise mentor giving last bits of advice” vibes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what leads to…
Rhaenyra goes completely mad this season. 7/10. The only reason this is rated slightly lower is because I agree with a lot of people that Rhaenyra’s death will be pushed back as far as possible, probably into the final season. Depending on how “mad queen” she goes, that could lead to a lot of viewers being frustrated with her, and I don’t see the writers going so hard so early. But I think we’ll at least start to see slips in judgment later in the season.
Otto Hightower dies. 8/10. This is absolutely something I can see happening in the season finale (we did have that clip in the teaser of Daemon seemingly beheading someone). This is the way I can see the show going “the Dance is getting really serious now.”
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I’m on the ✨ #LukolaEndgame ✨ hopes and dreams delulu (but hopefully not actually delulu) train 🚂 just as much as the next person here
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I wouldn’t be mad at this?? 👀
Like…. He’s a handsome man, and if Nic intends to respectfully climb him like a tree, I GET IT. 👀🤤
See below for more Lukola positive thoughts though…
SO Nic has already mentioned Eamon by name (as a friend) in at least 2 or 3 interviews during the recent press tour… She’s also said she very much believes in the friends to lovers trope that is just as applicable here…. Andddddddd I’ve seen Nic hug A on video in a very friendly way (not that she wouldn’t hug her or be nice to her even if she didddd want L rn) and I also just saw someone’s theory on the Lukola tag about Nic’s “shit or get off the pot” paddle hit side eye vibes potentially being about her just giving L friendly advise on his stuff with A, which I can technically see as plausible…
So yeah, I know those ideas are gonna pisssss people off, but I’m just saying…. It would be a gorgeous love story for Lukola to one day be endgame, BUT in the meantime, I can see their current situations being all of thisss^
NOW in terms of my personal hopes and dreams of Lukola actually being endgame… I see it the way I see #Beliza 😅
Is anyone here from THOSE days?? When we used to look at #Bellarke and say, “if Bellamy is not supposed to be in love with Clarke, someone needs to tell Bob to stop looking at Eliza like that” (because we thought it was justtttt an acting choice)???
And then BAMMM
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Out of absolutely fucking NOWHERE (I mean for some of us crazies that were following too closely it wasn’t 100% out of nowhere… but I knooooow that’s how the majority felt) they’re about to be filming the last season of the show and they’re just like yeah so GUESS WHAT GUYS I MARRIED MY BEST FRIEND and everyone is like ??? 🤯 I mean y’all were definitely close friends when you were shooting and doing promo every year for sure but like when the fuck did you become actual bestttt friends irl??? When the fuck did you start dating???? When did you even decide you’d get married?? Cause just a few months ago we were still seeing both of your other public shipssss!!! (Let’s also fully jump over THAT drama 👀) And then they were just like, so ummm we kissed after our first date and we just KNEW this was ITTTT so we got married 2 seconds later cause like why wouldn’t we?? We are best friends and soulmatesssss ✨🌈🦄 🥰🦞
That’s how I imagine Lukola to one day become official 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like they’ll date other people openly, and then suddenly OUT OF THE BLUE they’re MARRIED and everyone’s fucking confused AND elated! Lol
I do wonder if already having been so intimate with each other as Polin (unlike Bellarke, which, let’s just not think about that anymore either 😫) would delay or speed up Lukola if this were the case.
Like either it’ll speed them up because they know they LIKED all of THAT 👀 so by the time Bridgerton is officially coming to a close they’ll feel comfortable enough to stop being so professional about their relationship and acknowledge the 🐘 in the room and get on itttttt and get married 4 dates in… ORRRRR it will slow them down because they would continue to think they LIKED IT only because they were experiencing emotional residue from being too in character as Polin. Meaning the show would have to end and they’d have to actually part ways for a while, and they’d have to miss each other a LOTTT, and realize it wasn’t just Polin that created all this 🌩️ energy 🌩️ between them, and then one of them would need to just jump in the deep end and be like, so uhmmmm I thought I was feeling the tingles cause I was just super into being Colin but maybeee that wasn’t ittt…. so do you, errr… wanna??? 👀
My concern with option 2 is that it has higher potential for “ships that pass in the night” vibes 😫
GOD I humbly pray that it’s actually the first version, and that they’re just sowing their wild oats until Bridgerton is nearly over, justttt because they don’t wanna accidentally fuck up any work dynamics, and that as soon as the official end is in sight, they will just get married two seconds into dating irl AMEN 🙏🏼
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
so I’ve seen a lot of criticism for anything that Luke does. If he doesn’t post a lot, he gets criticized if he post his friends, he gets criticized and I know that we’re all angry at him but personally when social media gets too much. I tend to give myself a break for mental reasons. it’s called protecting your peace. And I’m sure that’s why Nicole has not been posting either because she said herself she doesn’t like it when she sees he gets hated on.
I’m not talking about anybody in this site I feel like we all keep it here. But there’s so many comments I’ve seen videos I’ve seen where people are just tearing him apart. He is human and while we might not agree with his decisions he going to live and learn.
To remind people we have no idea the type of relationship he has with Nicola. We didn’t know he bought he a camera till she told us. We didn’t know he came to see her on her last filming date till she showed it. And I think out of all the pictures I’m sure she has she shared that one why to show people that they don’t know everything.
I still think they are end game. Luke has stuff to work out but guys so does Nicola I remember her saying she was cynical about love and the show has been helping her. Sorry y’all I went on a tangent. I’m gonna just stick to this page I was in a live yesterday that had her dating Luke in one moment then Jake the next, and people wonder why they haven’t truly been online. Like it’s fun to talk and theorize just some take it to far. In the end all we have is theories
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blazingstar29 · 11 months
Top Gun Workouts - Slider
Everyone’s favourite [living] RIO
Disclaimer: I’m not a PT. In this series i break down characters muscle composition and how i think they’d exercise, if this may trigger you feel free to enjoy my other general shit posting!
Find the rest of the series under #top gun workouts :) So far there’s Mav and Ice
Slider is is also very interesting in his muscular make up. He’s tall, about 6’2 (?) and this DOES matter but not how you think and it’s something I’ll get into in more detail with Goose. Also keep in mind a lot of shirtless photos of Slider are during the volleyball scene so the actors will be in peak physique and probably have done some exercise before shooting to give themselves a ‘pump’.
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I know forearms are a big deal for some of y’all and you’re right to be obsessed with them. Hold out out your arm in front of you as if you’re reaching for something. Does your for arm flex like Slider’s? Some might, some won’t. But for the hollow above the inside of your elbow to appear at the same time as the muscle at the top of your forearm (the sort facing the ceiling) that’s actually very impressive. It’s a combination of low body fat and muscle.
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Sir, put them pits away. It’s pretty blurry but the concave of the arm pit, huge lateral bulge, front deltoid and shoulder are flexed here but even so, that doesn’t appear by itself.
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Slider’s got a low body fat. Flexed on the left and relaxed on the right you can see his muscling pretty clear. Like with Maverick, we see those obliques. Unlike Mav, Slider’s got a slightly narrower waist. And those boulder shoulders are ginormous, well done Rick. His traps aren’t super big which makes sense when we look at his legs in a minute.
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Everyone say thank you Rick for the effort he put in flying into sand and those arms. Full, well defined shoulders, good biceps and impeccable triceps. Yes flexed, no less impressive. Rick knows what hes doing in the gym. In the bottom photo you see those lats and scapular being flexed which shows us the muscle composition nicely. But like everyone, there’s thing that he didn’t focus on as much.
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Slider please work on your legs. I’m kidding but it’s interesting to see that he’s got lean legs but next to know muscling. I have a theory for this but it’s more applicable to Goose so I’ll go into detail there with him. Something I’m noticing about the cast is that they don’t have huge chests. Like, these dudes are pretty built but they’re chests aren’t. Especially if you take a look at these guys either side of Goose.
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Probably the typical 80’s lads. Beefier and more built chests. Perhaps there was a focus for the cast to have big stereotypical dude arms? I feel mean calling picking a part their lack of muscling in some areas but there is very few pectoral muscles on stand out in the cast. Hollywood and Ice perhaps being the only ones. Maybe a creative choice for the cast to focus on the ‘hotter’ parts of their body but also may have been a fitness trend in then80’s?
I hate to say it but the tag “Ron Slider Kener’s tits” isn’t…I’m sorry guys but these are not certified jugs im SORRY (I’m kidding, use that tag it’s hilarious and i love it)
Now onto what sort of exercise Slider would do? I have some ideas and a lot of them are built around this.
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Slider you are a show OFF. This is a body building pose if I’m not mistake. He’s doing the vacuum stomach to flex his abs and angling his arms to show them off. Body building is time consuming and requires a certain diet so I don’t think Slider would be purposefully training whilst, I think he may have dabbled in it during College where he had a bit more freedom. Regardless he puts a lot into his physique.
Further more:
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That’s an ankle wrap, now this might just be ankle support for beach volleyball but let me tell you something. If you’ve sprained your ankle badly, and I mean badly, that shit fucks you up for life if you don’t rehab it right. Now again, this may just be for support because both Ice and Slider have the same wrap on the same foot, but taking into account Slider’s lack of muscle on his legs, there’s a potential injury there. Which if you ever need to shunt Slider away out of a story, it’s a good option lmao (guilty as charged.)
If he’s not deadlifting then that may contribute to not having huge trapezoids. For how built his shoulders are I expected them to be bigger. I understood with Ice because his overall physique is just different but Slider confuses me.
Okay, now the actual exercises:
Back, bi’s and tri’s BABY. Over and over and over. They are his pride and joy.
Wide grip bicep barbell curls, hammer curls, arnold press, lateral raises. Tricep dips, tricep cable extensions. Anything and everything.
Rowing, either on the water or on a rowing machine. It takes the weight off his ankle. Potentially cycling too but he’d likely have bigger calves.
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Stab My Heart
Wednesday Addams X AFAB! Vampire! Reader // minors dni! 18+!
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WARNINGS!: dom! aged up Wednesday, intense knife kink, intense blood kink, strap-on, sadist x masochist?, lots of blood and kinda gorey, mentions of stabbing and slicing for pleasure
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: This is a crazy smut fic so viewer discretion is HEAVILY advised. I got a fucked up idea when I was feeling down so I wrote my feelings LOL. Also I’m not responsible for any discomfort reading this may cause - y’all have been warned so tread carefully mhm. This isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s not like your guts are exposed yknow
Just To Clarify:
Reader is half vampire, a ‘hybrid’
Reader doesn’t feel pain like a normal person
Based on the song “I’m in love with a killer”
Characters are around ages 21+ and in college
Fake vampire lore lol
Dating Wednesday Addams was like dating a ticking time bomb, any second she could go off without so much as a warning.
However, the adrenaline you feel, the excitement, you were far too addicted to settle for anything less.
Her soft yet strong hands, covered in your own sticky blood.. nothing aroused you more. Maybe you were as twisted as her.
Essentially, you were perfect for eachother in every single way. A sadist who enjoys torture and knives, and a masochist who quite literally feels more pleasure than pain when getting stabbed.
You sure hoped no one ever attempted to mug you with a knife, they’d end up more scarred than you.
. .
In vampire society, hybrids weren’t too uncommon. They could lean more towards the human side, or more towards the vampire side. Only few were blessed with eternal life, human genes far too weak to overcome the venomous vampiric DNA. A key way for a full fledged vampire parent to tell just where their child lies on the line is brutally known as the stabbing test.
Yes, stabbing.
Its piercing through the skin that sets a vampire apart from a human.
Full fledged vampires could be stabbed and feel almost nothing at all, fully healing soon after. Its the lack of blood that was the telltale sign, the only small amount left inside their bodies being a black color.
This was the reason why full fledged ones felt cold to the touch.
A hybrid leaning more towards the human side would feel a somewhat regular amount of pain, but it’s dull in comparison. Fresh blood would spew from the wound, creating a large mess. Hybrids like this were rare.
You were on the line closer to vampires. You’d feel the piercing sting, the rush of warmth gushing from your wound, but barely flinching. It just didn’t bother you.
This barbaric test was admistered by your mother senior year at Nevermore during parents weekend - right across from Wednesday Addams, a girl you didn’t even know but sat near on this day only because your mother and her mother were friends from their academy days.
She stabbed you right in the neck, already fully confident that you would be completely fine. She just had to test this theory. She didn’t mean to catch you off guard, she fully expected you to dodge or something.
But you didn’t.
Your blood spurted onto your mother, who wore a knowing yet disappointed grin, still maintaining her conversation with Morticia. Unfortunately, you choked on the blood bubbling in your throat and coughed a significant amount onto the gothic girl.
Red mixed with black, a beautiful sight just like the one you saw at the Rave’N some time agox
You wouldve apologized immediately if your mother hadn’t temporarily rendered you inable to speak.
Surprisingly, though, it was Wednesday who reached across the table, pulling the knife from your neck before you had the chance, her eyes glued to the unusually dark blood spewing from the wound. Even if you were more vampire than human, you still bled quite a bit.
It was a gruesome and a horrific sight to most people, but you supposed the Addams family wasn’t like most people.
In fact, you were pretty sure Wednesday in particular liked the sight of blood.
Of course, the sudden significant amount of blood loss made you faint, but it wasn’t really that painful.
By the time you woke up, the wound was completely healed.. but you were in dire need of a new uniform. You looked like you were just murdered.
After that day, Wednesday was infatuated by you. Or perhaps you had just imagined it, because for the rest of senior year she was constantly trying to catch you off-guard and stab you.
A deadly dance. It was a bit annoying when you were carrying something like a cup of coffee or juice and you accidentally spill it to avoid the blade.
You learned from a text from your mother a month after you fainting that this was because she had asked Wednesday to keep you on your toes, not at all happy that you couldn’t react fast enough to stop her from stabbing you - claiming that you embarrassed her.
It was easy to conclude that vampire society was beyond fucked up from this text, but it was hard to complain. A pretty girl constantly stalking you, trying to catch you off guard to deliver a bloody blow was like a romantic gesture in your eyes.
You admit, you senses were shit, and she was helping you listen to them more by doing this. You supposed it was necessary, on the account of the real world, the world outside of Nevermore, absolutely hating vampires. No doubt in your mind, someone else would probably stab you too - and it would ruin your clothes. Regardless, a blow to the heart was still fatal, you had to be careful.
It was like cat and mouse, but the mouse wouldnt die from the cat piercing its tiny body with its razor sharp claws.
And you definitely knew the chase excited her as much as it did you - you did become friends from this after all.
And after Nevermore, you became lovers.
She was no longer as persistent in her persuit to catch you off guard and drive a dragger in your gut, especially after you finally learned how to dodge, far too busy with university.
Writing was still her passion, but so was gore and detective work. Yes, she was working towards becoming a forensic investigator, planning to use real life experiences to aid in her writing creativity - just like she did while at Nevermore.
There was no doubt in your mind, she would be the best.
She always was the best at most things she did, and bringing you pleasure was something she believed only she could do.
Yes, a sickeningly twisted match made in hell.
Luckily, you found a cheap house to live in after you graduated from the academy. Multiple people mysteriously died in it and now it was dirt cheap. Perfect for the creepy duo.
She wanted it to stay a creepy, an abandoned looking mess, but you eventually compromised and got a contractor to renovate the place with leftover funds. It quite literally looked like it could fall apart at any second.
Once done, it was still creepy but now it was beautiful, like a black dahlia.
Though it’s definitely haunted, the only one with permission to end your life was Wednesday herself.
Every time she tied you to your shared bed and lightly dragged a knife down your stomach she’d remind you. She could easily sink it into your heart at any moment, twisting it in your flesh.
You swore this.. kink.. only developed after getting involved with this girl. Not that you minded. You adored being the only one who could fulfill her twisted desires.
Wet squelches filled the air, your thighs trembling as they sat wrapped tightly around her small waist, her black strap on pounding into you with trained exact precision that made your insides feel like goo and set your mind on ablaze.
“Mine..” She’d rasp, leaning over you to gaze into your hazy (e/c) eyes, bloodied, custom carved knife sitting right against the base of your neck, “You’re mine.”
Wednesday was a pretty possessive person over what was hers.
She carved a W into the skin just below your collar bone, above your heart that skipped a beat. Wednesday watched in sick satisfaction as your back arched, your slick lips parting to moan like a slut with each slice as your own warm blood trickled down your body, staining the white sheets that was already covered in blood.
It looked like a crime scene. The bed groaned as you tugged at the restraints, white hot pleasure blinding you. The burn felt so good, pleasure blossoming like flowers in the spring.
Your abused pussy clenched down so hard on her strap-on that you momentarily made it hard for her to move deep inside of you, eliciting a slight chuckle from her.
“Sweet thing, my dear poisioned apple..” She drawled as you whimpered, staring with doe eyes up at her, knife digging into your skin as she dragged it up your throat to just under your chin. Blood painted your skin in a beautiful black cherry color as you shakily inhaled.
The silvery light of the moon poured in from the hastily shut black curtains, illuminating her breathtaking form. She looked like more of a corpse than you, beauty ethereal.
It was moments like these that you swore you were under some sort of spell, frozen in time.
“You amaze me.”
The bloodied knife was discarded beside you, having already served its purpose - evidence being the multiple healed stab wounds from earlier in the night.
Her cold hands smeared with crimson moved one of your legs up onto her shoulder so she could fuck you deeper into the creaking mattress, spiders crawling around in her stomach at the beautiful cries you let out. She then grabbed the red vibrator sitting on the bed, turning it on medium before holding it to your cute, twitching clit.
The sudden buzzing sensation against your sensitive bundle of already abused nerves made you yelp, damn near pushing her away from you as your hips jerked, body subconsciously squirming to get away from the sudden intense pleasure.
“W-Wednesday!! Wednesday-! Aa-aahn!! S’to much!! It’s ugNN!”
The smirking ravenette eagerly drank up your besutiful cries, even going as far as to lick away the stray tears leaking from your eyes.
You couldn’t escape her intense love even if you tried. Not that you would want to.
There was a safe word, you’d use it if you needed to.
Roughly grasping your face with her other hand, she pulled you in for a searing hot kiss that was undeniably lewd, your fangs accidentally cutting her lip as she kissed you deeply.
Her lips felt like molten hot lava against your own.
Your brain was absolutely fried, the delicious taste of her own blood seeping into your mouth sending you over the edge as her tongue fought a one sided battle with your own.
You could barely think, she once again fucked you dumb.
Pleasure so intense you felt as though your nerves were on fire shot down your spine as she drank your moans and pathetic whines with lips painted in her own blood. The familiar, embarrassing feeling filled your system as your squirted all over your lovers lower body, creaming on the strap-on that was fucking you through your intense orgasm.
Your nails dug into your palms, feeling so helpless from the mind-shattering pleasure overtaking you.
The juices from your cunt left a large puddle below your ass, mixing with the arousal that dripped down her own creamy thighs.
Her hips continuing to snap into yours did nothing to ground you, neither did her tender touch on your cheek. Your whole body was shaking as fresh tears poured from your eyes from how overwhelming and overstimulating the pleasure she graciously gifted you with was.
“There, there, (Y/N),” She cooed, voice sweet like sugar, “It’s alright. I’m here.”
Her voice, usually monotonous but now sprinkled with adoration, faded away as black dots overtook your vision - you passed out from exhaustion.
That was the fifth intense orgasm of the night, after all.
Wednesday had a lot of pent of frustration that night from work and school, and you were all too willing to indulge her.
Stilling her hips, she kissed sweetly at your neck that was absolutely covered in her love bites before licking a long stripe up your throat, tasting your own metallic blood on her tongue. She quite enjoyed the taste that was uniquely yours.
Pulling away, she observed your bloodied form with unblinking eyes whilst sitting back on her haunches, huffing out a breath from the workout.
You were just what she needed.
All your wounds were already healed, the blood from older ones from earlier in the night having already crusted while the newer blood remained wet.
Sighing, Wednesday pulled out of your sweet pussy, watching for a moment as you clenched around nothing.
Intense after care was always a must after love-making sessions like these, and she prided herself in being an expert at it. A warm wash cloth was already on your chest as she began gently wiping away the blood, occasionally kissing at the freshly cleaned skin.
Any ghosts in this house were definitely traumatized, and no doubt afraid of her at this point. Wednesday’s lips twitched with a slight smile at the thought.
She had already turned the bath faucet on, your favorite essential oils already in the tub, as well as a few lit candles around the room to add to the ambience. She loves you, and she knew little things like this showed it.
You’d wake up soon, and she’d be damned if you werent relaxing in that tub when you did. She knew your body would be sore, the warm water should have already relaxed your arching muscles by the time you awake.
While your sex life may be fucked up and twisted in a way normies couldn’t understand, hell - you were pretty sure only some vampires saw the appeal, it was fun and full of unwavering love, devotion, and loyalty. Even if it looked like medieval torture and you both had to constantly buy new sheets.
Yes, you were hers as she was yours - the W above your chest may have fully healed, leaving no trace of it’s existence, but Wednesday had already stabbed her dagger into your heart years ago.
please be kind im fragile lolol
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