#i love them all sm. augh <3
cactus-cass · 10 months
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Christmas art based in the aftermath universe because I could noooot resist. And I wanted a new icon for december
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autism-corner · 9 months
gay people my beloveds
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queer-overwatch · 6 months
Hi!! Could I request maybe a Venture x Reader (Any pronouns will do) on like a museum date? I want Venture to yap.Please and Thank you. ( Also bless the both of you I needed more Venture content I was tweaking without them)
Venture at a Museum!
Aaa ty sm for the request!!! I love that idea so much- they are such a yapper I love them <3 also your welcome hehe, had to take thing into our own hands >:3 (also bc u didn't request a specific format (like hcs or oneshot) i just did a short lil oneshot, hope thats okay!) -Frisk
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"Look, look- they have a whole section on rocks! Kinda basic selection but it's still rocks!"
You never thought you'd be able to learn so much about rocks in one day, but it seemed like Venture had made it their personal mission to force as much information into your brain as possible. You didn't mind, really! It was always nice listening to them rant about all the cool stuff they found while walking around the museum you'd planned to bring them to, but it was a lot to take in at once.
"Augh, I love sedimentary rocks- they're my favorite! 'cuz sometimes they have like, little fossils in them and I'm like, "Woah! A cool thing in another cool thing!" and it's awesome! One time I found a trilobite fossil in a rock, it was so cool! I wonder if they have any here- that'd be so amazing! I wonder what they taste like-"
After spilling every single fact they could think of about the rocks on display, Venture drags you to a section of the museum dedicated to Egyptian history, though they mostly just seemed interested in the architecture of the pyramids. You really did try to listen, but you mostly just caught the gist of their long, long, long explanations- something about a Mastaba being like a sort of prototype to pyramids? You were just happy to see them so excited, even if you didn't quite understand what they were so hyped about.
"Oh, if only that British lady could go back to ancient Egypt and get the architects of their time to answer my questions! I'd give anything to be able to do that!" Sensing the slight disappointment creeping up on them, you decide to try and bring Venture elsewhere, not wanting them to spend any energy on being upset by what they can't do.
"Why don't we go look at the dinosaur fossils? I'm sure there's some mistakes in the descriptions that you can correct!" You take their hand, gently pulling them away from the long essay-like description of images of the pyramids that they were reading. Incising them with promises of being able to show off their intensive knowledge of dinosaur fossils, or fossils in general.
Venture perked up almost immediately, following behind you as they ready themselves to go on and on about their favorite dinosaur ever, the Deinocheirus! You tried to ask why it was their favorite ones, and all they said was something about it being "them fr fr" and having rocks in its stomach. You weren't too keen on questioning that one.
They take a large step so they're walking next to you, swinging your arms as you walk, "It's always been one of my biggest goals to find a dinosaur fossil! I really hope I do one day, if I did I could die happy!"
"Please don't die- I would be so sad if you died." You squeeze their hand, voice light as you joke with them.
"Aw but I wanna! I wanna be a fossil for future people like me to discover! When I do die I wanna be buried with a bunch of cool stuff! Maybe mess around with my bones a little, just to throw 'em off!" As you finally reach the fossil exhibits, they abandon you to run off and check over every. single. fossil. which while endearing, gave you a lot of running to do in an attempt to catch up.
"Finally! For once a museum that gets everything right! Well, everything as far as we know-" They stand next to one of the larger fossils, not anything you recognized as you take your place next to them, catching your breath.
"Wow, how impressive-" you wheeze, standing up straight and stretching out your legs as you link arms with Venture, trying to stop them from running off on you again.
They laugh, grabbing you by the shoulder and dragging you in the tightest hug you've ever received.
"Thank you, so, so, so much for planning this. And for listening to me talk about rocks so much, and for caring about me- and a million other things! I can't even remember everything you've done for me, but I know its a lot!" They let you go, still holding you by the shoulders, the biggest smile you've ever seen on a person splayed across their face.
"Of course-! I love spending time with you, you're well aware of that, silly." You laugh, grabbing their wrists and taking their hands off your shoulders, holding their hands as you admire the glow of excitement on their face.
"Welllll since you clearly don't mind, can we go to this other museum I found online next week?! I heard they have an area where you get to watch an hour long video on the story of Julius Caesar!"
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amazinglyegg · 10 months
hi!! i want to say i love ur blog sm. its amazing and one of my fav blogs.
i have a hc where sole picks up children’s toys, teddy bears, jangles the moon monkey, and giddy up buttercups while walking thru the wasteland looking for shaun. could u write a react for fo4 companions asking why they pick up “that junk” vs their reactions after finding out the reason why?
Thank you so much!! And this is the most adorable headcanon ever, I love it <3<3<3 I can only imagine how hard it'd be for Sole to constantly see all the toys they was planning to get Shaun for Christmas all broken down and rusted. Plus not even knowing if he's alive or if he would like any of them anymore... augh my heart </3
Companions react: Sole who collects toys for Shaun
She doesn't even bat an eye when Sole goes around picking up every toy they see
Sole probably only tells her the truth once they overhear Ada calling it scrap
After that Ada will make very sure she doesn't scrap any toys she finds and instead leaves them in a nice pile for Sole to sort through and keep any they want
Might even find it hard to scrap the toys Sole doesn't want (because they're too broken or unsalvagable)
She definitely gets wanting to keep something to remember someone by, and seeing Sole do this might just convince her to keep a transitional object that reminds her of Jackson
Cait immediately feels like crap for complaining so much
Not only because she kept complaining about Sole's habit, but she had definitely made comments on how dumb and boring the toys are in the past
She doesn't really get it since she's not a parent (and never wants to be), but she still feels like she should have realized it sooner
It also hits a bit close to home for her because she never really had many toys as a kid, so realizing Sole cares about Shaun so much they're constantly looking for trinkets for him is almost unreal to her
She'll probably not say much about it for that reason, too awkward and vaguely in disbelief that parents actually do that for their kids for her to make any comments
Oh he is SO supportive of Sole
Even before Sole tells him they're for Shaun he's pointing out how much Shaun would love them
Probably has Sole's Christmas list for Shaun still stored in his memory (because let's be honest Sole was definitely obsessing over their baby's first Christmas back in October) so he'll point out whenever they find a toy that was on the list
He'll probably go out of his way to grab any toys he sees for Shaun as well
Shaun's bedroom is going to be PACKED with toys before he even gets out of the Institute
Definitely more curious than frusturated with Sole picking up toys
Might push Sole too hard for an answer at first, but realizes her mistake and apologizes when Sole tells her the truth
I can imagine her having wildly different reactions on it, especially while she's getting used to emotions
One day she's going "but Shaun already has three blankets, no?" and the next day she's crying at the sight of a broken teddy bear
Grief is such a big emotion for Curie and she's so empathetic she's 100% going to be more weepy than Sole is a lot of the time
Sort of stuck when Sole tells him why they collect toys
On one hand it's his job to tell Sole to drop down the unnecessary stuff and travel light... but on the other hand... they're grieving
So as much as he wants to complain, he probably won't
He gets this is Sole's way of coping and whatnot but he's never been too good at empathy in general, so he won't really know what to say
He definitely won't bother Sole about it, but he will also just kinda ignore it
If him and Sole are close he might (rarely) bring them a toy in good condition he found (he's a scavenger at heart, of course he'll be looking for those things)
Probably one of the most initially annoyed companions in this list
He hates kids and everything to do with them so before finding out he'd make plenty of half-jokes half-complaining jabs at how much the kids toys suck
Every time Sole picked up another toy Deacon's saying "Why did they have to make that face so weird?" "Did kids really play with this crap?" "If Santa got me THAT as a gift Christmas would be ruined forever!"
But once Sole tells him the truth he feels like a major asshole
He's another emotionally stunted man who won't know what to say!
He'll mostly ignore it and look the other way, but he'll also sometimes offer to carry the toys for Sole if their pack is too full
It's the least he can do after being so rude to them
He definitely felt Something when Sole told him that fact (sympathy?? Longing?? Who knows)
The fact that he never left Sole's thoughts even while they were struggling to survive in the wastes means a lot to him (he has parent issues okay?)
Gets a bit weirded out if they still insist on gathering toys and giving them to synth Shaun
Like... he's a robot... he doesn't play with toys... why are you grieving me when I'm right here (he's also very emotionally stunted. Unsurprisingly)
Generally not too empathetic about it, and will definitely comment on it if Sole tries bringing dirty/broken toys into the Institute
Least likely to back down and apologize like the other companions after Sole admits the truth
Probably takes the realist approach of "There's toys everywhere... why can't you just wait until you actually find Shaun and then bring him to an old toy store or something?"
Will be a lot easier on them once he knows the truth though
It's just weird when they're surrounded by toys everywhere. They're literally in an amusement park. Can't Sole just bring Shaun there once they get him??
He's also a bit worried about Sole seeming like a softie, or trying to leave Nuka World once they get their kid back
A toy car or a deck of cards is fine, but you are NOT parading a five foot tall teddy bear around Nuka World. Gage will put his foot down for that one
He'll probably only get annoyed with Sole's collection if it manages to get in the way of their work
He has always found childrens toys creepy... he's pretty thankful not many kids wander around Goodneighbor for that reason
Once he finds out the truth his demeanor will change from mild annoyance to "you know what? You do you"
He'll probably find an old tire or something and go "You think Shaun would like this??"
He doesn't know what kids like!! Especially old world kids. When he was a kid he would have been entertained for HOURS with just a stick... why wouldn't Shaun??
Either way, he lets Sole go do whatever they want to do. He won't judge as long as he doesn't have to look at Jangles for any longer than necessary
Feels like a complete asshole for not connecting it together sooner
Childrens toys, missing child... how did he not SEE that
Hell, HE grabs little toys for Duncan every once in a while. Obviously he can't judge
He might be a tiny bit salty though
He's had to teach himself to not pick up every toy he thinks Duncan would want because he simply can't send them all to him, so seeing Sole constantly fawn over plushies and trinkets... just kinda hurts knowing he can't do the same at the moment
That being said if he finds something he wants to give to Duncan but can't, he'll give it to Sole instead
Ends up being a pretty good system for them both
Nick Valentine
Out of all of the companions he'd be best at emotional support
He'll sincerely apologizes for bugging Sole about the "junk" they've been lugging around and will reassure them that Shaun would love it
He still remembers which toys were popular at the time and will talk to Sole about it whenever they find one
Catch him and Sole repeating commercial jingles back and forth
He gives them a lot of space to grieve and never complains about all the toys once he finds out who they're for
He doesn't shy away from gently putting his foot down if Sole gets a bit ridiculous, but he does so very, very gently
Like "Hey, that teddy is in tatters. How about we find one that's a bit more... huggable?" or "Shaun doesn't need two Giddyup Buttercups, but if you're okay for it I know a little girl in Diamond City who's been begging for one all year"
Old Longfellow
Aw hell, why not?
Definitely empathizes with them
He feels bad for Sole once he learns the truth so he's perfectly happy to just shut up and let Sole do whatever they need to do to grieve
He's also not really a toy person so he doesn't get it
Like "you think your kid would like THAT??"
But whatever. Sole knows their own kid better than he knows them. If Shaun gets traumatized by seeing Jangles the moon monkey, that's Sole's fault
Likely to take an "aww, that's sweet" approach to things
Similar to Hancock in that she... doesn't really get it??
Like who needs all these old toys most people don't know how to play with?? Nat played with a rock and a loose piece of string when she was little and she was just fine
Tries to show enthusiasm but ends up going wayy off the mark
She grabs a Barbie doll and says "wouldn't Shaun like this?? He can... I don't know... brush her hair??"
"Shaun would love this!" "Piper that's a mechanical keyboard... with no computer" "Well maybe Shaun would like pretending to write stories!"
Straight up apologizes for being so harsh to Sole
He didn't need to be so rude about Sole picking up toys. It's their backpack, they can fill it with whatever they want
Appreciates what Sole's doing and will make sure the kids in any settlements don't touch Shaun's toys
He's pretty curious what a lot of toys actually do. He'll ask Sole things like "so do kids... just... sit on the Giddyup Buttercup? And do nothing else??"
Will offer to carry some toys or have caravans bring them back to settlements if they're too much for Sole to carry
(assuming Sole's either keeping the toys for themself or wants to give them to synth!Shaun)
Doesn't get it
Father is right there?? Why are you grieving his childhood and focusing on a synth instead of being proud of his achievements??
Going into headcanon territory here but I assume the Institute probably makes toys for (the scientist's) kids to play with already
Not to mention the Institute is pretty anti-clutter, and Shaun doesn't "need" toys to begin with
He just can't wrap his head around why Sole feels the need to hoard a bunch of old broken toys when good ones are in the Institute already
If Sole just insists on keeping the toys in the old nursery he'll be a bit annoyed but won't show it (gotta respect the future director and all)
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lovebvni · 4 months
holaaa!! (dr rant + just an appreciation post)
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soo i’m shifting soon and i decided that im going to make my first album when i get there (LIKE START JT, DUDE. START IT. IM SO EXCITED) there’s going to b an ep i’m going to finalize when i get there and it will be released on the 26th of the month i get there (as it is kinda a diss on a MAN who was 26 when we dated��� i was a minor still.)
i’m also gonna make a family tree because i’m really bored (and i also kinda js wanna see all my siblings yk? im gonna draw them all soon bc like AUGH AJAJDKDJ I MISS THEM!!!)
omgz i’m so excited dude!!
(appreciation below!!)
also i saw billie eilish in my dream last night. one of the funniest and sweetest people i know 😭 SHARK WAS ALSO IN THAT DREAM HES SO SWEET ‼️‼️ god i wish i could hug them today, just right now. yall don’t understand how much billie and finneas have been through together, and im so proud of how far they made it. i love you both, and although you won’t see this post in this reality, i know you will when we r together :DDD u guys make me so happy, so inspired, and just a better person overall. also huge thank you to billie in helping me with directing my music videos and being featured in one of my favorite songs — ripple effect. thank you finneas for just 😭 for keeping her alive, giving her a passion, and being so protective and supportive of her.
i’m so excited to b friends w both of them n js talk to them daily — it’s so fun.
i’m also super duper excited to meet one of my closest friends — nile — in person finally!!!! it’s been like 3 years of shifting together, and i know she’s excited too. i know she’s reading this, btw so i love u sm nile and thank u for being such a great and perfect friend throughout this whole journey. i truly don’t think i would still be kicking without you. i owe you the world, and i know you’re going to be blessed with many MANY things in the coming months, and the years following will be some of your best, but that’s only a taste of what is truly to come.
i’m so proud of you, and i’m also so round of everyone that has been clinging onto shifting even though it hurts. i’m always here for you. i love you all so so much. i want the best for you, and i know you’re going to get it. i’m always here to help in ANY way i can. ask me anything, i promise you i will answer with the wisdom God and the universe has given me!!
i cannot express my gratitude to my father, loki, enough. i don’t know how to even put it into words. he’s been there at my hardest, he’s been there at my best. i don’t think i would actually even be this far without him either. he’s one of the silliest and sweetest people ive ever met. i can’t believe he’s my FATHER you guys!! ITS SO COOL AUGHH
i also have so many people here i need to thank, there’s more that i can think of right now but just know i love and appreciate every one of you guys.
staring with @smellofemale!! you were such a sign when i met you. i don’t think i’ve met a christian shifter — you’re the only one i still talk to if i have! im just so so sooo blessed to have met you. i don’t know what to say, dude! i love you so much. you’re so sweet, so kind, and so inspiring. i love you!
@eneablack although you’re one of my newest friends, you’re another really really inspirational one. you’re so open about your struggles with shifting, even though you’ve had success time and time again. it shows me and many others how shifting sometimes is a hard thing to get used too, even with successes under your belt!
@daisys-reality! if you don’t know them, FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY PLEASE OMGGJAJSN she gives some of the best and most accurate readings i could ever ask for. also her drs (specifically her mermaid one) have inspired me so much!!
@kazylynn i love u sm!! u rlly show me i can be an inspiration to others, and that’s something i’ve hoped for all my life. i want to be a good, helpful person — and i love you for showing me i can be.
@babybearthepsychic a few months ago you gave me a free reading that was just so accurate and so real. i don’t know if i would still be on this spiritual journey without it, because i was at one of my hardest points then. i cannot believe how just truly accurate and kind you are. i love you so much, you’re doing amazing. i wish i could give you the biggest hug, and i could donate like a million dollars to u rn but i literally don’t have a job 😭
@zipperrants i don’t think i rlly need to explain this… dude i thought u we’re so cool even when u we’re js interacting with @maddies-chronicles and i rlly wanted to interact w u so bad but i was so so scared bro!! and thank u hale for giving me the opportunity to meet them!!
and there are so many more but i just.. im gonna cry i love you all tooo much.. please know u all mean so much to me and i can’t wait to tell u so many stories when i get back, and help u guys shift. i am working so hard to post more, and i pray this post can help me become more active.
so so so much love, to everyone in this community, you’re so wonderful. may the gods bless you.
so much love, peace and joy
the abyss
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trash-magics-blog · 1 year
Adopting a kitten/puppy with them and how'd they react pt. 2‼️
Last time was with Soap, Ghost and Gaz so in this will be Alejandro, Rudy, Captain Price and Konig (all fluff obvi, just a cute lil time)
1. Captain John Price
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*he is so 🤤*
You and John adopt a beagle puppy and you guys name him copper(generic but I just couldn't get the thought put of my head). You and John had been married for about 3 years now and you both had your own little schedule and one night on the movie night you guys had set up, you and him decided to watch The Fox and The Hound. John loved the movie and it gave him the bright idea to get a beagle puppy and name him copper! John had surprised you one day by bringing him home and also bringing you a bouquet of roses, John loved spoiling you any chance he got. As the days went on, Copper quickly became the leader of the house, he trotted around happily and just did his own thing. He would also go with John and you anywhere, he liked standing in the bed of John's truck and feeling the wind flap his ears around being a happy lil dog.
2. Alejandro Vargas
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You and Ale adopt a Rottweiler puppy and you guys name her Lola. You and Alejandro were venturing around Las Almas and you guys came upon a vendor who was selling some type of food but also had Lola outside on a leash wrapped around a post and you started to play with her and bond with her while Alejandro was talking with the vendor. You and lola were just the best of friends and you dreaded leaving her behind, lucky for you though Alejandro and the vendor noticed how much fun you and lola were having and the vendor told Alejandro he can have the puppy for free, he smiled and thanked the vendor and still gave him 20 dollars just cause. "Let's go Mi Amor" he called, waiting for you with his hands in his pockets, you said bye to lola and started to leave her but then Alejandro questioned "Aren't you gonna bring your little Amiga?" You looked confused at first but then he nodded and gave you a smile that let you know lola was yours, you were overjoyed to bring her home and Alejandro loved seeing you so happy, he also grew quite fond of lola.
3. Roldolfo Parra
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*love him sm*
You and Rudy Adopt 2 kittens and name them Max and Flower. Max is a little orange kitten and Flower is a black and white kitten. Both of the kittens showed up outside yours and Rudy's door and at first you were just feeding them little pieces of meat until they both came inside and you and Rudy just went with it. You guys and the kittens lay around a lot and kinda just chill with each other,they like to hang around with you guys in the kitchen while you either cook and clean and they also you came up with the name Flower because on Flowers side she had a slight flower shaped mark and it just fit. Rudy had to take a couple days to come up with Max, he just couldn't think of any like, "perfect" names and one day he just started calling him Max. The kittens made you and Rudy their people, they were always around you guys no matter what and they completed your little family.
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*AUGH😩😩 he is so cutie patootie*
You and Konig adopt a Newfoundland puppy and name him Capone. Konig brought him after seeing one of those sad commercials about the puppies and kittens, it almost made him cry so he needed to get at least one to make him feel better he said. You were laying on the couch about to fall asleep and all of a sudden your bombarded with an excited puppy and Konig laughing at the puppy's actions, at first you were a little iffy about the whole thing but you quickly grew very fond of Capone. He was a quirky little puppy but he suited you and Konig, Konig often brought Capone with him wherever he went if you were busy cause it made him less anxious to be out alone and you and Capone would cuddle on the couch and take naps a lot which Konig adored to see after coming home, it made him feel like he did the right choice in bringing Capone home.
A/N: Sorry this took forever, I've been traveling a lot but, I do plan to do 2 more things, one with Rudy cause I'm in a Rudy phase😩 and the other just stating what Im comfy with writing and fandoms I'm gonna write for ect... But thank you for reading!!
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izuizzy · 2 months
Augh, can't ask with my sideblog but its Sticks here!!
Questions for Ruby and Amon: Do you guys live on Angel Island and guard the Master Emerald with your dad already or are you free to go wherever? Amon has his sights on becoming the next guardian, what about Ruby? Just in general whats the situation regarding that: I'm curious lol.
Also i adore these guys sm Izzy theyre so much fun thank you for sharing them here <3
hello sticks! i appreciate the questions! and you're so sweet i'm glad you like them so much it makes me really happy 🥹🥹🥹
So firstly, Amon and Ruby live with their parents all together. They treasure family and plan to live tighter for a long while.
Amon is in training to be the next guardian yes, but he can also travel, Ruby too can travel. Amon loves adventure and treasure hunting, it’s his other calling to be honest. However, he doesn’t want to let Knuckles or the Echidna lineage down in his eyes, so he’s pulled in both directions.
Ruby adores the Master Emerald and all of its history, she takes it seriously when she studies up on it and the Echidna clan history. Sometimes Amon thinks of letting Ruby take his place as guardian-in-training, but he also knows that Ruby likes her freedom and doesn’t want to place that burden on her if she doesn’t really want it. He can be very self-sacrificing at times…
They haven’t communicated about this yet O-(-(
ty for this tho sticks if you ever have any more questions now or later feel free to ask them!
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vapolis · 9 months
im the anon who rambled about thr jax/orla possible future and brought up echo....i am SOOOOOOOO ready to see what echo's beef w/ jax and orla are oh my g-d we have sum drama!!! ooooOOOHHH I BET ITS GOT SMTH TO DO WITH THE MERC!!!! I BET ECHO KNOWS SMTH ABOUT HOW ORLA FOUND THE MERC!!!! IM BETTING MONEY!!!!!! REAL MONEY!!!! and :D!!! im so glad im grasping the Vision TM that u have 4 that poly route it's gonna be sooooooooo good!!!! and AUGH!!! THE BATHROOM SCENE!!! MERC FIGURING OUT THEY ARENT THE ONLY ONE?????? THATS GOTTA BE FUCKING TERRIFYING. ORLA COULD REPLACE THEM!!!!!!!!!! AND THAT'S BAD FUCKING NEWS FOR THE MERC!!!! CAUSE ORLA IS THE ONE WHO BUILT THE MERC UP!!! how's our unhinged lil freak gonna cope if they get their leash taken away? im soooo curious, UGH u have written me the cyerpunk esque interactive fiction of my dreams!!! have a LUVLY day!!!
I do like the theory you have! let's wait and see if it turns out to be true 🤭
also, yeah, the way u talked about that poly route... rent free for me personally!!! hit the nail on the head and then some.
merc knowing about them vs not knowing is gonna be sooo delicious too. how are they gonna react when they don't know? and when they do are they gonna bring it up or will orla or someone else blindside them?? all interesting things to think about hehe
and tysm!! v glad u love the game sm <3
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa Chapter 5 - V3 Daily Life:
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Cute Kaimaki to begin, because they're such cuties.
Aight, the people who haven't played should be gone by now!
--- The Start:
(I love them both sm, and Tsumugi is great too, and Kaito, and KOKCIHI IS SO FUCKING MESSED UP I LOVE IT RAHHH!!!)
I'm listening to Linger aughhhh
"rush in peace Keebo"
Also: Kokichi where tf are you? U gon die soon if you don't come bacl bbg.
Maki FTE: "A daughter of a Yakuza leader. She was a child mistress with no ties to the gang. Her father loved her very much... which is why she was seen as dangerous. The yakuza's elites decided to have her removed, in case rival groups used her."
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Natsumi Kuzuryu...?
(Kaito's gonna die soon, he's planning a murder.)
Shuichi: While watching those two... I thought of a similar scene. Kaito struggling while Maki gave him instructions...
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How lovely :3
"D-Dammit... why now? Why me? I haven't... even... gone to s-space yet..." say that shit again and I'm BAWLING, KAITO. BAWLING. BAWLING!!!!!
--- Kaito Momota is NOT the luminary of the stars:
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Kaito always says "WHY YOU-" or "Why you little-" or "Why, you better-" and stops halfway through. He's a goddam simpsons reference. Kaito Momota Ultimate Accidental Simpsons Reference.
Me when goddamronpa.
--- Gofer Project is a goofy ass name:
Bro the Gofer project chooses 16 students as the saviours of humanity... and they choose a mf who doesn't remember his talent, a ROBOT, a magician, a COSPLAYER and a bug guy...
Erm okay guys.
Why the hell is Kokichi controlling the exisals, I don't believe he's the mastermind what the hell.
Kaito punching people:
Shuichi, Kokichi, he just punches people.
Also Maki's voice line... goddam "STOP IT!!!" like goddam girl.
I say that quite often help-
"THIS SCHOOL IS MINE, I AM THE KING!" jesus okay chill out there blud.
--- Poor Shuichi...:
"There's no reason...to keep living."
"There's no reason to live."
"I don't care. If I...just kill my-"
Maki saving Shuichi rn.
Oh my fucking God, Junko is in the flashback light, if she's somehow the bloody mastermind again I'm gonna cry.
THE KILLING GAME OF THE 78TH CLASS??? *crying, screaming, KIYOTAKA IS ON THE SCREEN IN DRV3 GUYS!!!!* <- That image brings so much nostalgia omg.
Erm where is the SDR2 cast? They only get an honourable mention as "ReMnAnTs". What.
Bruh Makoto started the gofer project? AUGHHH MAKOTO FUCK OFFFFFFF ISTFG BRO-
"We just happened to be immune to the virus" <- Bro thinks he's special or smth.
No guys, there's NO saving Kaito, he's sick. He's gonna die. He probably has the mysterious asteroid virus thing.
--- Guys I know who the REAL Mastermind is... fuck:
Kokichi isn't the stupid MM he's lying again.
Tsumugi: "Yeah. That's the sort of thing the remnants of despair or Kira would do."
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Tsumugi Shirogane. It's you, isn't it.
Maki triggering the electro-bomb:
Keebo in the corner:
Wait who the fuck is under the press?! WHO'S UNDER IT?! WHO IS IT AUGHHH
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
So final thoughts on the Odyssey. I weirdly enjoyed it wayyyyy more than I thought I would. I NEVER get emotional over reading but I almost cried like, 3 times while reading it. It gets genuinely super tragic. Luckily I didn’t cry otherwise my co-counselors and campers would’ve been weirded out lol. But yeah I greatly enjoyed this story. I didn’t think I’d love Odysseus as much as I did but I adore him! I remember him being an annoying prick but he turned out to be a genuine guy who sacrificed so much to get home and suffered for so many years. And seeing Ithaca suffer while he was gone was also sad.
Like, imagine being Telemachus, growing up with rude men harassing your mother, eating your father’s property and being cruel, and all he can do is sit and let it happen? And then he hears stories about his father who is bold, strong, and powerful, and he feels like he is nothing and can’t do anything to help his mother. And his mother spends her days crying over his father. Like dang, poor Telemachus
But let’s not forget Penelope. That woman cried for her husband and probably barely had any time to mourn for him. She’s pressured to marry the douchebags disrespecting her and deals with maids betraying her and making things worse. Her mother in law dies and everything goes wrong, like that poor lady.
And of course… freaking Odysseus…. That man… Homer loved to torture him. He went through so much crap for 20 years, but it’s satisfying to see it all turn out good in the end for him. He’s able to be with his wife and son finally.
I absolutely adore how similar Penelope and Odysseus are. Both are very cunning and lie to people a lot. But they never lie to each other. The scene where they’re just talking to each other and sharing their time away from each other was SO tender. I said this before but the fact that one little scene of the two together had more chemistry than a flipping chemistry class is insane. They’re in love, so much in love. And augh…. They were so faithful to each other. I also love how they cried so many tears for each other. GOSH I love them sm.
And Telemachus is my son. I’m sorry he is. I’ve adopted him. He’s so cute
But yeah, I wanna read the Iliad now! Wanna see more details. I found it interesting that a lot of people, including Penelope seemed to hate Helen, who I believe was kidnapped by the Trojans which started the war. Pretty crazy, but I’ll find out more details about it.
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cephydeluxe · 3 months
Ohhh I got some asks for the v/mc/rika polycule!! 🤓
1. Do you have any songs/music you like to associate with them? A playlist maybe? 👀 Or just a couple of songs or something, I'm a music nerd, hehe
2. How would you describe their affection towards one another? Are they rough with each other? Gentle? Or do they differ in how they give their affection to each other? I guess case and point is: who's the one coming out covered in bite marks, pfft
3. Are there any feelings of jealousy involved between them? It'll probably be easy to imagine v getting the short end of the stick, but, uh.... he's kind of canonically a freak. So it's highly debatable if he would even get hurt or upset by anything, really. Man's a weird one, and we love him for it. But what about Rika or MC? Do either of them have to deal with feelings of envy or insecurity? Rika's a highly anxious and insecure individual, while MC will have to deal with V's and Rika's mutual obsession with one another. It's an interesting dynamic! I wanna read up on how you see it for them, for better and for worse <3
OMGOMGOMG ‼️‼️‼️ tytyty for asking, I love their dynamic sm,,,, this will be very, extremely, audaciously long lol (u have opened the autism pandora box) it’s all under the read more
TW: unhealthy relationship dynamics, mentions of trauma and mental illness, physical, emotional, and mental abuse (the unholy triforce 😭), also sexual themes too (you know a ships good when you gotta bring out the long ass list of triggers JHASGJDS)
I have like a hundred playlists for these freaks and they’re all have a thousand songs in them that VAGUELY remind me of them, so, I’ll give you my top 5 :)
This song is THE QUINTESSENTIAL Rika song, 100%, no doubt. Rika’s jealousy and envy of V’s “light” compared to her “darkness” is at the heart of what killed their relationship and plays a huge role in the creation of the mint eye. V certainly isn’t nowhere near as vain as Julius Caesar, but Rika couldn’t fit the role of Brutus here any better than she already does🥺🥺🥺.
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“That the people would see me too as a poet, and not just the muse” is such a good line for rika’s thoughts and feelings on their relationship augh, she sees v’s ability to love her, to “save” her, and constantly compares it to her hatred of everyone in her past who mistreated and abused her, and wonders “why can’t I have the ability to love others? why am I in agony even now in this relationship? why can’t I be the savior and not just v’s muse?”
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Totally encapsulates Rika’s slow mental decline as V keeps enabling her, it stoked her “devil” and it starts to create a vicious cycle of “heap on the love, get jealous of v’s light, become resentful and aggressive as an unhealthy coping mechanism, “test v’s love” (hurt him), remorse, hate herself, resolve to be “cured” by the light, repeat”. She has no idea what romantic love actually looks like, so she gets it confused with obsessive hatred.
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^^^this is totally the scene where she stabs him LMAOSDHSJJHD
“I don’t want what you have, I want to be you” it’s such a good line, it’s Rika 100%,,,,, augh 🥺🥺🥺
This song makes me froth at the mouth soooo bad thinking about V/MC affair hijinks (I’m delusional), but I think the general vibe fits with Rika feeling scorned and cheated at the end of V route. Like instead of fabricating a woman up, she lured MC to mint eye which set up the events that led V and MC to fall in love (kinda), smh she set herself up 😒
Casual/Deep story V vibes at their finest,,,,, imagining V wandering alone through his old, and frighteningly chilly, house, the one he built with Rika to be the foundation for their new happy life,,,, trying to remember her face after finally losing his vision completely and having spent so long apart from her,,, while questioning the nature of their relationship for it to end like this,,,, calling out her name in hope she’ll come back and the past 2 years will have been a dream,,,,, hell yeagh (hooked up 2 life support)
All of kikuo’s songs remind me of mint eye, but hole dwelling is Rika/MC vibes 100%.(could also be ray tbh BUT THIS AINT ABOUT HIM ‼️) Rika tries to convince MC to stay with her by appealing to the hurt, scared, and confused childlike side of her similar to the way the song does. “The outside world just wants to hurt people like us anyway, but don’t worry, I’m always here for you, I understand you. There’s no need to change, it’s uncomfortable and scary, just stay in this place I built for you and me.” MC fuckin HATES this shit, but being in a place like mint eye wears down on you, so mc will occasionally (and very begrudgingly) lean on Rika for support. It’s very sweet (delusional).
Ok this oldie sticks out jahshj (I’m a fnv freakazoid) but it’s totally MC singing about V 🥹💕. I wouldn’t say it was “love at first sight”,,,,, but it was totally “attraction at first sight” lmao (big difference). Their attraction was really quick to spark, they had a lot of things in common and similar views (not so much in other things LOL) like their love for art in all forms, their introverted nature, their mutual appreciation for all things romantic (aka, their both in love with falling in love), and their similar martyr complex lolololol. MC singing this while spending a sleepless night tending to a sickly drugged V, while lamenting her newfound budding feelings for him,,,(cephy stop obsessing over romance as a tragedy challenge: impossible)
Some honorable mentions
(^^^ V would never describe his relationship with Rika so cruelly, EVER,,,,, but the vibe of love performed as art for others instead of something to build with someone you care about,,, it’s immaculate)
Their dynamic can be confusing, but don’t worry, you can’t possibly be more confused than they are, and they’re IN IT lol. Generally their dynamic is, the “ring leader” (Rika) and her two adoring affectionate “lovers” (V and MC) (more like playthings tbh). They have a whole web of dynamics though, ray made a chart to keep track of it all so when inevitably Rika has a meltdown over a perceived slight and needs him to vent to, he can keep track of what’s what (kinda)(poor guy).
Rika/MC affection: USUALLY MC does NOT want anything to do with Rika,,, but V can be super suffocating,,,, and Rika is extremely persistent with getting MC’s attention, and the line between hate and love can be extremely thin (especially in their case). MC tends to relent when rika’s upset though, she doesn’t like seeing her cry (she tries to convince herself lol) and will comfort Rika when she does. MC generally follows Rika’s led in moments like this (overstepping her bounds, even accidentally, is a recipe for disaster). Rika knows this, and will take full advantage, cue 7 hour cuddling session that takes up MC’s whole day, even if she had something planned with V 🤭🤭🤭 Rika is also wayyyy more happily (and sexually) affectionate with MC than with V lol (cause she’s closeted lesbian- wHO SAID THAT) Mutual biting, but the one biting is usually Rika.
V/MC affection: my sweet lovers,,,,, they are much too sweet to each other considering the circumstances,,, V (despite his relationship with Rika) has never felt so genuinely attracted to another person before, it’s always been a conscious choice he’s made for the sake of his art, his love, his obsession, his guilt, his light. So when his feelings for MC spring up outta nowhere, he has a kinda catholic reaction to them ahdghshgd. “Good heavens, what is this feeling??? For a woman I met a week ago, no less….. What a sad excuse for a man I am, how could I love anyone else besides Rika….i should stop…(proceeds to call MC for the 50th time that day just to hear her voice)” and MC,,,, MC has never had a more embarrassing crush on a guy, ever HEHEHE she doesn’t know how to cope with his flustering when she reaches for his hand, his old timey romantic gestures (getting her flowers and walking with her on the side farthest from the road)(throwing his coat on a puddle for her to walk on HSHSDJ). He can be a lil too much at times, (which sometimes frustrates her, she feels smothered at times, and it’s her first relationship (good lord) and she’s not a well adjusted person either) but they both have this really cute, almost innocent, puppy love thing going on, it’s cute 🥰, it’s also the only kind of real affection v gets lol (poor guy). MC has a bad case of “cute-aggression” that gets exasperated by V’s smothering, so it’s usually her giving out the bites hjajhd V takes anything she gives him, he’s so touch starved. Rika usually butts in on their time together, but more on that later.
V/Rika affection(or lack thereof) : these two,,,, the apocalyptic disaster couple themselves,,,,, well for starters Rika keeps him at a looooong distance, in most cases. The reason (at least she believes) they broke up in the first place is because rika’s devil was being burned by V’s love, BUT she admits herself that she “needs” v’s light to fuel her darkness. V also feels an obligation to shine his light on her, the initial obsession and intrigue long dead by now, but he still genuinely cares about Rika’s wellbeing, very much so. They “love” and “need” each other like a sick person needs their meds, but the sick person doesn’t feel affectionate towards their medication, right? No real heart-warming connection towards their pill bottle, it’s just something they need to live. In fact, wouldn’t they feel resentful of their medicine?? Having to constantly depend on it for survival, all the while dealing with side effects when they would rather do anything else?? Yeah that’s their relationship lol,,,,,(somebody get a therapist on speed dial) There’s Biting here too, but it’s all Rika, and not at all playful as her bites with MC, and her bites are nowhere near as passionate like the ones MC gives him.
Oooh lord 😭😭😭 Rika’s practically made of it, V unfortunately enables it, and MC cannot stomach it (except when she gets jealous too). Most of their fights (that practically rival ancient Chinese civil wars in casualties) stem from someone (usually Rika, never V) feeling jealous or insecure. It’s a miracle this poly trio even happened. It’s a complete scientific mystery as to how the poly trio is still going.
Rika’s jealousy and insecurity: I could write a detailed analysis on rika’s insecurity that would rival the Lord of the Rings in length and it still wouldn’t convey just how bad she’s got it, so I’ll try and give the cliff notes instead. She feels she “needs” to be loved in order to be validated as a living being, worthy of living happily. So when she feels “left out” (not the center of attention for 2 seconds) she spirals, thinking she’s being left alone just like so many times before in childhood, just like a defective doll her adopted parents didn’t want, and that maybe they were right, she couldn’t possibly deserve love. Panicking, she usually interrupts whatever V and MC have going on, and insists on reassurance of their love for her, and if she feels she’s being slighted, she’ll fly into a rage, handing out punishments and tests of love, but you can tell she’s biased cause MC’s “punishment” is being confined to Rika’s comfy bedroom for a week and V’s punishment is being locked in the dungeon for 3 weeks 😭😭😭😒😒😒 Usually best case scenario is
V/MC enjoying a moment together alone cuddling
Rika immediately being alerted via her sixth sense
Rika barging in like “make room bitches”
Rika settling smack dab between them lol
MC’s jealous and insecurity: She HATES Rika’s jealous fits so fuckin much lmaoooo 🤭. She convinces herself she would never get jealous ever…… which is an outright LIE it just manifests differently and less often. She hates V’s tendency to distance himself from her to appease Rika, it makes her insecurity flare badly, cue her starting a spat with Rika, and hoping V will take her side. It’s stupid, petty, and downright goofy behavior honestly, but it’s her first relationship (good lord) and she’s got the worst fucking partners ever 🫠🫠🫠 how else is a sheltered neurodivergent girl in her early 20s to cope.
V’s (non existent) jealousy and insecurity: As you have correctly guessed,,,,,, V is definitely not a jealous man HJDDSJSJSF 😂😂😂😂 He is weirdly secure in the relationship, due to Rika’s dependence on his “light” and though his relationship with MC is very new, he feels the tight bond (trauma bond lol) they have and doesn’t worry about whether or not she’ll leave him, also due in part to the fact he doesn’t worry about them not returning his affections, he’s more worried about whether or not he deserves to love or be loved in the first place. If he found out one of them saw someone else outside the trio, he wouldn’t be upset besides somehow twisting the event into somehow being his fault like “if my light was strong enough they wouldn’t have had to go somewhere else for it, was I neglecting them??? 😢😢😢”(poor guy) This trait of his tends to set the other two off, as they mistake his laidback “I’m cool with everything” security as aloofness, and spiral into their insecurity 😑😑😑 it also has the hilarious (debatable) effect of usually ending spats between Rika and MC.
*Rika and MC arguing over something* “V!! What do you think?? Whose side are you on!?”
V:*deep breath* I think you’re both right. 😇😇😇
“Are you fucking kidding me-“ “SEE I TOLD YOU, isn’t he infuriating????” “V just pick a side!!!” “THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!” “Ugh you’re so right-“
(queue lesbianism, hilarity ensues)
They’re a complete disaster together, but you’d have to have the strength of fucking Zeus to separate them, it’s ludicrous.
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oooof ask for hozier recs and i shall deliver!! i've been obsessed with him i fear...
my personal rn is probably Too Sweet, but my most played song of 2023 was All Things End. beautifully moving (as in i was sobbing for the entire song the first time i heard it), i just adore the way he describes love.
more personal favorites: Through Me (this song is insane actually!! can't describe it with words.), From Eden (one of the best love songs i've ever heard), Angel of Small Death (soo insanely addictive, his voice in this one ugh) and Movement (soft and beautiful and the very first song of his that I heard). The Eat Your Young EP is a wonder in itself but tbh so is everything else,,,,
now for some specifically sugu coded songs: Through Me and All Things End, Who We Are from his last album (the lyrics... my days the lyrics are so beautiful), Blood Upon the Snow!! (written for God of War Ragnarok, it's so good ??), Almost (Sweet Music) (be still my foolish heart, don't ruin this on me ✊😔)
but like i said, every time i hear a Hozier song it's sugu coded in my head... the lyrics always make sense to me. the way they're always so poetically romantic, yet in many of them there's a lingering pain underneath, wether it's because the love is already gone or because the love is simply way too much for just one heart to handle... i'm not okay.
fun fact, i once fell asleep listening to him and dreamt that it was suguru singing... and you know what it makes so much sense, i'll take it.
this got kinda long i'm sorry :(( anyways i hope you have a great day/night
(perhaps i shall write a lil' sugu thing inspired by too sweet)
NOE !!!! finally getting to this……. thank you so much for the recs!!! 🥺🥺 i appreciate it sm…… putting some of my thoughts under the cut hehe
I LOVE TOO SWEET . SO MUCH. it was the first song of his i listened to and wowwwwwww does it go hard….. so catchy and good and just. augh. IT’S SO SUGUCODED TO ME…. esp depression era sugu….. the lyrics are just gorgeous and so him. “but while in this world // i think i’ll take my whiskey neat // my coffee black and my bed at three // you’re too sweet for me”…. :’3 my baby
FROM EDEN IS SUCH A BOP . i loveee the instrumental ……. AND THE LYRICS . ”honey you’re familiar like my mirror years ago // idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword” <- BANGERRRR I CRIED . i am thinking many knight sugu thoughts ngl…. “i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door” THINKING MORE SUGU THOUGHTS but specifically cult leader sugu …. aughhh 😔😔
angel of small death & the codeine scene……… tell me why this one made me so insane . such a tasty title and instrumental and lyrics i’m just????? i feel this way abt all of these but this one is so sugucoded too 😭 “freshly disowned in some frozen devotion”…. that’s our guy <333
EAT YOUR YOUNG IS SO CRAZY GOOD OUGHH….. i love love loveeee the “seven new ways that you can eat your young” part 😵‍💫😵‍💫 soso addicting. the lyrics are great and his voice is just soooo……. i don’t even know . i’m a little obsessed . “it’s quicker and easier to eat your young”…….. hhhhhhhhHH very sugucoded too ofc . any mention of eating is automatically a sugu reference 🙏
movement is super catchy !!!!! kinda relaxing too…… very soft. i rlly like the chorus :33 gives me waltz vibes…… kinda haunting…….
all things end + through me are soso pretty!!!! goshhhh his voice is nice……. i love the final part of all things end!!! w the synchronized clapping!!!!! so good …. and the lyrics for through me are so tasty . “with each grave, i think of loss // and i can only think of you // and i couldn’t measure it”…….. nomnom
ohhhhhh who we are is so beautiful :(((( his voice sounds so tender ….. i def get the sugu vibes here too!!!!! the feeling of something important slipping through your fingers …. “this phantom life, it sharpens like an image // but it sharpens like a knife” 😵‍💫😵‍💫 vert tasty . very sugu.
I’VE HEARD BLOOD UPON THE SNOW BEFORE BC OF RAGNAROK….. godddd it’s so. chillingly beautiful. the instrumental scratches my brain just right …… and the LYRICS . “too all things housed in her silence // nature offers a violence”….. “the parent forced to eat its young before i grows”…… it’s very . Raw . i like it a lot :3
AND FINALLY….. almost (sweet music). SO GOOD. i adore this instrumental and vibe so much + the lyrics are obv super pretty….. “i laugh like me again — she laughs like you”…… i love how light this one sounds in comparison to some of the other ones!!! a summer song for sure… a lil bittersweet….. and the chorus is literally SO addicting i can’t stand it……. BUT YES THIS ONE IS SO VERY SUGU. NOE. IM TEARING UP 😭😭 “be still my foolish heart // don’t ruin this on me”…. the idea of sugu thinking this…. maybe an au where he slowly recovers after his almost-defection….. or a childhood friends to lovers au…… i dunno. but my brain is spinning. i love him :(((((((
PHEWWW THOSE WERE GOOD . i love his voice sm….. i think my favs out of these options are too sweet, almost (sweet song), from eden and maybeeee angel of sweet death/eat your young…. but they were all super catchy :’3 thank you sm for these recs noe… sugu has invaded my brain
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fallenclan · 11 months
Otterslip pushed through the brush into the two leg garden, Lee was sitting on a squared stone talking to Jattelik, a brown tabby tom with a white foot, and Sparrow, a white molly. “I completely refused to do anything like that! And you know what they did?!” Sparrow was raspily meowing when Otterslip approached, “They told me I either left their group or join in their evil deeds!” Lee pricked his ears when Otterslip sat next to Jattelik, “Kid! How was that patrol you wanted to do so bad?” Otterslip and Lee were staying in a twoleg’s garden, with the permission of a friendly kittypet who also let 2 other elderly cats stay there. “No danger seems to be around here for now, but with all these twolegs it could happen anytime.” Otterslip stated curtly as Lee bent over to groom his pelt. “That’s nice.” Lee stated. “You smell like crow food!” Lee suddenly pulled back and exclaimed. Otterslip looked away in embarrassment, “I got a little dizzy while patrolling and could only find crow food..” He murmured. All three elders looked at him in surprise, Otterslip may not have know Jattelik and Sparrow long but they knew him well enough that he would never do anything like that. “Otterfall,” Jattelik started. “Slip, Otterslip” Lee gently reminded him. He nodded, “Otterslip, you shouldn’t do things like that.” Sparrow and Lee nodded as he spoke. Otterslip rolled his eyes. He’d been giving most of his prey to the 3 elders to keep their strength up. “But you guys need the food more than me, I can handle it.” Otterslip explained quietly, looking at his paws. Lee sighed, looked at Jattelik and Sparrow, flicking his tail to signal them to leave. The 2 elders nodded and turned toward the house, heading for the shaded area next to it. “Kid,” Lee began, as Otterslip looked up, “I appreciate that you worry about us and care for us, but you need to worry and care for yourself too.” Lee rested his tail on Otterslip’s shoulder, “Something like that should never happen again, do you understand?” Lee asked softly. Otterslip nodded, he knew that Lee was worried about him, but Lee and Jattelik were getting up there in age, Otterslip figured he could help them rest if he hunted for them, if even it meant he didn’t eat. “..I understand” Otterslip eventually said back. Lee nodded and gave a lick to the top of Otterslip’s head.
I was gonna make this longer but I think I’m okay with this length
AUGH i love this sm,,, they've banded together to take care of their friend who is just so bad at taking care of himself <3
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snailfen · 1 year
SO THAT EPISODE HUH... i want to know your thoughts on it... i just finished it and like?!@???@
I WAS SO WORRIED FOR CABBY AT ELIMINATION ik people hate her (which is..... hmm 🤨) BUT SHES THE ONLY FEMALE CHARACTER LEFT IN THE SHOW. it would suck to not see her get far!!! also i like how they cleared up her thing with the files, i do have to agree that the message last episode was sending was cause for concern! also she's so awkward i love her sm .... ruh-ruh-ruh-remiiiix!!!
didnt really see blueberry getting in at all, was kinda hoping for tea kettle to rejoin so i was a bit disappointed, but for what its worth i do have to give it to him! that was clever!!! slayed
its sad to see yinyang go, but great to see their arc end the way it did <:).
CLOVER JUMPSCARE WAS FUNNY but also AAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHG (starts shaking you) AAAAAAAUGHHGGGGGHHHHHGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! NICKELLLLL YOU FUCKED UP!!!!!!!! FACE THE MUSIC BUDDY!!!!!!!!! also that scene made me realize that nickels "agency" issue extended to his luck and that fucked me up SO bad im CRAZY IM CRAZY IM CRAZY. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!!!!!!!!! im insane
mephones bot favoritism <3 i love that he has a soft spot for them <:) augh imagine how he feels seeing that bot is happy and has a safe, accepting environment with creators (COUGH COUGH parents COUGH HACK) that genuinely care about them as a person. fucked up fr
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dirtbra1n · 9 months
hi still missing him. your fav being a background character disease is hitting me hard,,,
anyways so tashiro is like a cup of water to me. this is mostly because of his easy goingness with almost anything and his endless acceptence, like you can pour him in different cups and he will just fill it,,, also gender reasons, water and gender symbolism,, augh
idk im not very strongs with words but like, he was like nice :) when he learned about miyano and sasaki and when he learned about gl his first thought was 'wow,, girls loving girls thats just like what my friend likes but his is boys' and he was very alright with crosdressing too bcs why wouldn't he??
the one time he wasnt ok with smh was being the captain and like wow thats snow
and yk i think water fits his personality kinda too, water is slippery and is all over to place, hard to contain if you don't have smh solid like a cup and one of the most important things for everyone (like him omg he brings sm positivity to everywhere he goes)
this is such a word vomit sorry,, i have visions but then again im an artist not a writer and the words are failing me to portray the visions </3 miss my boy
WATER SYMBOLI[GETS SHOT] oohhhhhh you’ve got me good with this. pour him in different cups and he’ll just fill them……. WOW. THATS SNOW……… ohhhhhhh fucked up really fucked up I’m Writing That Down Right Now. all over the place and hard to contain Missing Tashiro Anon would you believe me if I told you this is something I’m working with already…….
I love word vomit I love trying to picture visions presented to me with words I will do my best to work with the visions I’ve got in your place……… thank you for your service
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diodellet · 4 months
hiya dio!! tossing in 3 (honkai star rail? 👀), 5, and 15!!
hiya ian! thanks for shooting me an ask!!
3.) Go to the [honkai star rail] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
aight i gotchu oomfie, ill search for stuff to queue up 😤😤
5.) What genre do you like reading the best?
angst and hurt/comfort 🔛🔝!!!
it's painful, it's good, and it makes emotional processing so much easier and less burdensome because the difficulty goes into finding an okay sentence and stringing together ok-ish dialogue (but at least those can be solved with a banger ass playlist, ykw?)
augh special mention to one of my formative twst fics i love that grim has such a big role in this
15.) Worst fanfic tropes ever?
(did i say bridal carry? ill just say it again for funsies HAHAHA i dont like bridal carries, it doesn't spark any joy, please just carry me like this🤧👇👇)
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i'm usually really open-minded with reading fanfics... so aside from the obvious fanfic writing sins (using generative AI, plagiarism, not doing enough careful research for sensitive topics) OH WAIT--
(this is probably specific to genshin/hyv) but i Reaaaaally don't like it when fandom infantilizes characters that use the teenage model. like, there is such a thing as short adults! (me. i am one of them!) one time i saw someone say that lynette was probably a year younger than lyney and i was confused bcs aren't they twins??? like, are we forgetting that lynette was the primary "errand-goer" for the house of hearth upon getting her vision? girlie's probably seen more shit than lyney did.
^^semi-related to infantilizing characters, i dont like how some obm fics treat luke as a literal toddler. like, yes he's immature but he's got a good head on his shoulders and even if he's a low-ranked angel he probably has sm powers that he can make use of to protect MC. and i esp see how he gets left out even in gen/platonic fics and hcs. smtimes i feel compelled to look at the game's shitty pop quiz events for fanfic fuel (i mean, the luke tag has more ppl saying not to sexualize him than actual writing and that bugs me ://)
There used to be this really good obm fanfic (Nightmare by StarsEncrusted) and it had a plot point of helping luke get his wings, but it++the author's orig account got deleted from ao3. thankfully some fans had the foresight to archive it, so heres a wayback link to the fic and the accompanying side stories
i guess to expound more on my aversion to marriage in fanfic, it icks me when the characterization stops feeling like the characters themselves and the fic starts feeling heteronormative (also sometimes the writing comes across as if the marriage/childbirth "fixes" all those issues, which, it doesn't) and, well, i already kind of deal with the idea of "getting settled down" shoved in my face. it's really not for me. but i do understand why it's comforting to people, smtimes i can indulge in reading in it. but on a bad day, nah, i can't.
anyway, also special shout out to chat fics, they can be fun but idk it reads to me as a way to regurgitate overused incorrect quotes. (please some vines need to be laid to rest. also, can we stop quoting that one copaganda show oh my god)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated fic and art)
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