#i love them <333< /div>
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garlic-sauc3 · 8 months ago
old gay men compilation
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usps-first-class · 3 months ago
Don't leave me, Soundwave
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As you command, Megatron
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wanderinggoddess · 1 year ago
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their dynamic is iconic
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magvelspires · 9 months ago
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day of devotion faye/silque <3
fe scuffle attack!
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gaysforbyler · 11 months ago
Okay, yes, Byler are sharing clothes. But have we considered the fact that Lucas could have loaned Will some too? He looks like a jock in that bts photo, that’s clearly not Mike’s jacket. Will presumably lost all his clothes in the move, THATS LUCAS’S JACKET. ITS HIS.
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schnitzelsemmerl · 10 months ago
Veronica: why is my boyfriend always so okay with not celebrating his birthday????
JD: Imagine celebrating the day where all my problems started
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half-shadowgalra · 16 days ago
“I Have A Mild Addiction To Fairy Lights That Will Not Be Addressed” by Ricky Jamaraz
Was gonna wait till tomorrow
But my stupid proud ass can’t wait that long
Sorry if the video quality is poor
I tried
I love my babies
They are too sweet
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silvaerial · 2 years ago
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Here’s Arden (They/Them)! One of the main characters of my headworld Avian Engine that I’ve been doing revamps on since the start of last year. They are based on one of my favorite seabirds the grey-headed albatross and are a seavian racer. They also have a creature form that i will post more of :] 
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years ago
My Ship In (Not) Five Minutes — HWR Edition
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Height difference:
canonically, i make no allusions to HWR reader's height, but my personal headcanon is that she's 5'6. so that'd be a slight height difference since chrollo is 5'10.
Age difference:
chrollo is older than HWR reader by two years. they both hardly act their age though. they'd fit right in at the local senior center. it's especially bad in HWR reader's case... she's extremely out of touch with pop culture and the lingo that comes with it.
First to confess:
chrollo, although his confession is weird and kinda convoluted. it isn't really romantic. it's more of him professing his fascination with HWR reader, saying that getting to know her better has helped him understand himself. which, to someone like chrollo, is essentially the most intimate connection in the making. this is the most genuine he can really get, HWR reader would've doubted him if he was confessing his undying love or whatever. he may have been able to sway her into believing him at first, but eventually, she'd see through it and call his bluff. so his weird confession worked out for the better. she values authenticity and he recognizes he has no choice but to break through his countless façades if he's to have a chance with her.
First to apologize after a fight:
they really... don't have fights? neither of them are the types to give into passionate outbursts of feeling, they both approach things in a calm and rational manner. it's more like a cold war when they disagree on something serious. when the iciness thaws out, they both prefer to kinda move on without outright acknowledging it. there'll be some small, thoughtful gestures on both their parts as a way of making amends. chrollo would be the first to apologize, but this would irritate HWR reader, since he'd be doing it for the sake of it. chrollo knows this and wisely keeps his mouth shut LMAO.
The more popular/charismatic:
chrollo 😔 he oozes charisma. he knows how to read people and get himself in their good graces. HWR reader... simply doesn't care to do that. she can hold a conversation well but doesn't really pay much mind to the other person's feelings. this is why at high society events she keeps her mouth shut as much as possible. chrollo's tact is otherworldly, she swears it's a sixth sense he's developed. he once claimed to be an empath. she faked a cough to cover her laugh.
The best caregiver when the other is sick:
probably HWR reader for the sole sake of her dedication?? she saw her mother degrade physically over the years and it left an impression on her. she knows that what looks small at first can rapidly develop and spiral out of control. she'd hover around chrollo, monitoring him like a hawk. would take his vitals every hour and log them dutifully. make an excel spreadsheet of them when he's asleep. fortunately, both their immune systems are pretty impenetrable due to their body body's unique constitution. there are some health complications relating to corruption, a side effect of the unique blood HWR reader has, but she keeps that under tight surveillance.
Does the cooking:
chrollo learned early on that HWR reader's cooking is... well-intentioned, if not inedible. she went most of her life without cooking, her meals were always made for her by her teacher's specifications. consequently, she looks at cooking as an experiment and wants to see what would happen if she put every spice in the spice cabinet in pasta or whatever. chrollo, being the excellent leader that he is, recognizes her enthusiasm and doesn't dare trample on it. he just redirects her energy elsewhere. he handles the stovetop and lets her do the prep work. the woman can cut fruits and veggies like a machine.
Does the housework:
oh boy. HWR reader 100%. she is a neat freak. chrollo pitches in and cleans up after himself, but HWR reader is the one who goes crazy deep cleaning the entire apartment once a week. she just likes things being nice and orderly. she gave him a cold stare when he didn't take his shoes off when walking into the apartment once. by estella's sisterly advice, HWR reader got rid of her black light when chrollo moved in. estella rightly guessed that this would be 'a touch on the excessive side, dearest.'
Does most of the speaking:
it's somewhat equal, but leaning more toward chrollo, especially in the beginning. he had to pry her out of her shell. she mostly gave short, very polite responses to his questions. he had to do some poking and prodding to figure out what conversations get the most out of her. fortunately for him, he's a fast learner. unfortunately for him, HWR reader (correctly) assumed he wanted something and would've preferred he just come out with it. this mild ire couldn't last long, he's too pleasant a conversationalist. he makes it look like an art.
nowadays, they both speak the same amount. they'll either be silent for hours while going about their own business, or staying up until 3 am debating if albert calmus' the plague was literal or metaphorical. big nerds.
The overprotective one:
hmmmmm chrollo wins this one by a few points. they're both confident in each other's abilities to take care of themselves. honestly, they both kinda like watching one another fight. they think it's hot to watch their partner absolutely decimate another human being. that being said, chrollo tends to pick up on things far more than HWR reader when it comes to social interactions. someone could give her their phone number and she'd just think to herself, 'oh, that's strange.' chrollo recognizes this quality of hers and while he finds it endearing, he's a deeply possessive man. such is the nature of a thief. he'll give the most chilling expressions to anyone eyeing or talking her up. it's one of the few times he allows his bloodlust to seep out. naturally, HWR reader notices this and goes ??? at him, but he just smiles and waves it off.
Designated driver:
chrollo. it's a weird man thing. the first time they ever walked to a car together, he just went straight for the driver's seat without thinking about it. she doesn't have a preference either way. much to chrollo's surprise, HWR reader actually favors motorcycles. she reasons that they get her places faster. chrollo thought this was a quaint platitude until he rode with her on one once. she almost broke the speedometer.
Has good penmanship:
they both have good handwriting, but chrollo's is slightly better. HWR reader writes faster and in cursive. chrollo writes in cursive as well, but he takes his time with it, writing almost like a calligrapher. he can falsify other's handwriting and signatures perfectly too. he also prefers classic stationary, the man unironically writes with an ink and quill. good god. HWR reader is kind of a snob as well. she prefers fountain pens and looks down upon ballpoint pens.
Has more experience with relationships:
neither of them have been in a serious committed relationship before, but chrollo still has more experience. he's done his fair share of schmoozing to intrude circles he intended to rob blind. HWR reader had a girlfriend for a time (karina), an experience that was more like a wild rollercoaster ride than anything else. so this is all very new to her. she doesn't have a solid point of reference.
Sensitive to subtle changes in partner:
chrollo by far. HWR reader finds it mildly disconcerting how well this man can read her. he knows her body language, tone of voice, even the normal state of her aura. he can tell when something's bothering her before she even realizes it. he has enough knowledge to write a dissertation on her honestly.
The one who proposes:
chrollo, in more of a musing, since he asks her all sorts of curious questions. it'd be something like, 'would you ever consider marrying me?' and she'd just go silent for a few seconds... then say yes, she would. neither of them place much importance on the institution of marriage, it just seems kinda nice. they could equally do with or without it.
The one who dies protecting the other:
they'd both die for one another without hesitation, but in all likelihood, it'd be HWR reader :(( it suits her narratively. however, i could never bring myself to write it . they need to be alive and menaces to society together.
Handling conflict:
they're both so stubborn and opinionated without realizing it 😭 surprisingly, this doesn't lead to much tension since it takes a lot to seriously rile them up, but when conflict does arise... it's so icy between them. there's no yelling or gesticulating, just Stares and some dry words. chrollo can occasionally come off as very condescending and she would not take sit there and take it. cursed vibes in the apartment. enough to make plants wilt. this happens infrequently, though.
Relationship attitude:
complete dedication. neither of them is interested in anything casual. HWR reader is viciously loyal to the few people she cares about and chrollo's something of a hopeless romantic. in the beginning, they were both feeling things out, mostly curious to see where it'd go. as they learned more about each other and themselves as a result, their attachment grows to the point they're inseparable. they feel like they complete one another, in a way. they have enough in common and enough that sets them apart to never be bored.
Showing affection:
this does not come easy to HWR reader. she improves with time, but at first, she isn't sure how to express her feelings. the are some urges on her part but she isn't certain if it's proper to act on them. chrollo can tell she's holding herself back, and although he might tease her on the occasion, he's good at gently encouraging her to do as she pleases. chrollo loves classic displays of romance. bouquets of roses, handwritten notes, gourmet chocolates, the works. she likes it more than she cares to admit. he's the most outwardly physically affectionate between the two, often putting a hand on her thigh, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, kissing her hand... he treats HWR reader well. she secretly really likes holding hands but is too shy to admit it. chrollo 100% notices this and reaches for her hand to spare her the embarrassment.
Dealing with jealousy:
HWR reader rarely gets jealous whereas chrollo is slightly more inclined to do so. it's not so much that he doesn't trust HWR reader, but that he's deeply possessive and doesn't appreciate people encroaching on his woman. like he worked hard for this. go away. they're both attractive people, so they inevitably earn attention, yet there's just no competition to be had. how do you one up chrollo lucilfer or miss avalor. you just can't. if someone is shooting their shot with HWR reader, chrollo slides on in, wearing the fakest smile, pulling her close to him by her waist. he radiates this Energy that silently communicates the interloper should scamper off if they know what's best for them.
they're very attached without having to come outright and say it. they travel together, cook meals together (with chrollo supervising so no one gets food poisoning), hell, they'll even grocery shop together. they just like being in each other's orbit. it's nice. one would think they'd get tired of each other, but since they're both introverts, they naturally go into their own headspace if they ever need time to themselves. some days they'll quietly coexist and on others they won't shut up about determinism or whatever.
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hyperfixation-tangentopia · 7 months ago
Getting up at 8:40 AMish to go get friendo that is returning from deployment. This is the hour of Who TF Is Up This Early and I am eating melatonin in hopes of falling to the depths of sleep so that I may awaken at this unnatural hour
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 1 year ago
thinking about Nick and Charlie…gonna need 5-7 business days before I can do anything else
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mostlikelytobeobsessed · 8 months ago
Hither, children, for I bring more restaurant AU <3
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Aziraphale, Anathema, and a Bee WIP for your plates <33
(For anyone that cares, I am writing the fic rn! Hopefully posting the first chapter will make me wanna keep writing sjsjsjdjsjdjsjs)
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cleo-serotonin · 2 years ago
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yuehua8 · 1 year ago
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2nd and 3rd year photos vs. the 1st years
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pigeons-with-jello · 2 months ago
Relistening to the order rn and larson showed up and im so so excited i love him so much
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months ago
Hey, I'd love to hear about your caradoc and Benjy headcannons. Ive got a bit of a hyperfixation on them but theres not much on them
best friends since first year
caradoc is a hufflepuff and benjy is a ravenclaw
they're both on their respective quidditch teams. caradoc being a chaser and benjy being a seeker
both very popular and in the same friend group (basically the popular group of their year), however caradoc is the one who brought benjy into the group
caradoc is bisexual but very heavily closeted and wants a traditional family life (despite being very in love with benjy). benjy is gay and not really closeted (his friends know and other people assume he is)
caradoc thought he was straight for a while but he just wanted to snog benjy silly, spend his life with him, hold his hand constantly, always be close to him, got jealous when benjy dated other people, etc. just cause him and benjy were best buds. and he ignored the fact he did not want to do that stuff with his other best bud (edgar). until he saw sirius topless lounging by the lake one summer
^ sirius was also benjy's gay awakening too (sirius deserves a lot of 'thank you's from a lotta people)
my fc for caradoc is hugh laughton-scott, and my fc for benjy is joshua colley
they're skysolo variants (caradoc as han and benjy as luke, if that wasn't clear)
lived together whilst in the order. but it was totally in a platonic roomates way. totally didn't share a bed most nights
when benjy died, caradoc ran away, left the country, and was presumed dead. he never came back to england
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