#i love the akira bike slide so much...
tamago-aki · 3 months
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i was commissioned by @/peeppq on insta to draw her current brainrot duo... and she told me to make it a print so look out for it at upcominng cons and shop openings!! 🤭🤭
UPDATE : they're now available as a print on my kofi!!
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afterlife-2004 · 24 days
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Happy valentine's day :3333
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Ngl it was kinda hard for me to think of something to draw this year bc i'm still REALLY proud of the valentine's drawing i made LAST year and i lowkey felt like i needed to sorta one-up myself in some way (some considered ideas were to either do what i did last year, but with my CRACKSHIPS instead, or do something with my OCs) but y'know....i've had the idea for a drawing like this for a while and i lowkey wanted to draw something with candy hearts in it so here's a simple lil naegiri for your troubles <3
Oh yea and also since naegiri is a RIDICULOUSLY popular ship in the danganronpa fandom so this theoretically is gonna get more notes than i usually get, i've provided links under the cut to some other art i've made that i'm really proud of and i think need a little more attention
A redraw of MCR's three cheers for sweet revenge album cover but with celeste and byakuya (CW: PINK BLOOD)
A rendition of a friday night funkin character i saw in a dream a few years ago
My danganronpa OC yuriko in the artstyle of an early 2000's cartoon network show
Sans undertale as a super saiyan
My deltarune OC sprite recreating the akira bike slide with a fisher price car
Minecraft gijinkas part 1
Minecraft gijinkas part 2
Minecraft gijinkas part 3
Yuriko in the actual dangan artstyle (honestly i'm happy with ANY of my yuriko art getting attention, i love that girl SO MUCH)
Me redrawing art of a witch i made when i was 11 (...and then redrawing a redraw of that art that i made when i was 13)
Me redrawing fanart of hatsune miku i made when i was 13
A redraw of the painting saturn devouring his son but with hello kitty (CW: BLOOD, MILD GORE)
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firespirited · 7 months
NOPE 2022. Review with spoilers under the read more
Nope didn't quite work as horror for me but was a decent action flick, I'd have enjoyed the experience better if it wasn't under "sci fi" and "horror": spent the time expecting something else instead of properly being in the moment - I was tired, had specific ideas about what might happen, then immediately wanted a rewatch because I'd missed the good stuff looking for other stuff (will do that rewatch as soon as possible)
It didn't work (as sci fi horror) partly because I'm a know-it-all/super nerd who gets all the sci-fi references and knows all the tropes and partly because Peele really doesn't do subtle.
Entertainment chimp chaos + ufo + horse wranglers = space chimp chaos, it was clearly a people and horse eating creature from jump so no build up there. I'm totally used to aliens being either creature based or beyond our understanding.
// or that wonderful balance in between that films like Arrival and Annihilation (or Evangelion) found where there's a logic but it's larger than we are, we're space dogs compared to their space humans.
That's my jam. The existential horror/wonder of encountering something advanced enough we can interact but to understand it? That's beyond us: might blow our minds or change us forever or leave us without answers because we're just not good enough. Yeah. Tangeant over lol //
- The second very specific thing is the sound of screams. I have trouble telling the difference between good and bad ones, I have had dissociative freezes at fairs and theme parks looking at people clearly enjoying themselves. For some reason that I cannot rewire or logic away, my brain assumes 1 of the people on the ride must be in genuine distress. Occasionally it happens with playground screams too. It's something I've had to work on as I lived close enough to hear fairgrounds every summer from age 15 - 30. I've heard them on the wind in july here for ten years. I cope well nowadays, a brief shudder then it's fine.
Anyway, Nope also didn't work as horror for me for two very specific personal reasons:
-the first that I won't really expand on here is trauma turned into a good story: dealing with something bad (and also very much NOT dealing with it) by having a good story to tell. The fact that this story dropped that into the narrative then didn't follow up meant that I briefly thought there might be something to break my heart in two... but that wasn't the point being made, the point clearly was a childhood exploitation turning into a pattern of exploiting everything.
// If you know of stories about trauma turned into a story to avoid confronting it directly or giving a good end send me reccs I'm ready to pick at that wound (okay okay maybe not 'I May Destroy You' final episode levels of ready, Michaela Coel is too powerful). //
So I was looking for that and it didn't happen.
So I knew exactly what the opening sound was, what the faint sound in the wind was. So the only reveal was that it wasn't mimicry or psychological tactics by the alien (i was still in the mode of thinking of various sci fi beings who used/enjoyed fear instead of just a wild creature. I was primed to puzzle solve and there's no puzzle just layers of meaning).
But I did love OJ the cowboy hero and his sister Em on the motorbike. They had very believable sibling energy despite one of them being in a deep funk at the start. And yeah the Akira bike slide was awesome. I really liked the alien design, starting with something we think we know but actually more of a sand dollar then popping into the jellyfish form but with the non-organic, not quite working within our physics square.
If it's an action film, it takes its time to really start which is why I was stuck on slowburn dread sci-fi mode for so long but that could be western film pacing. I honestly have no understanding or knowledge whatsoever of westerns: the whole genre stank as ahistorical attempts at myth making.
// It's one of the reasons I don't watch war films, often about myth making, post hoc justifications, glamorising a life of 95% boredom 5% hell. //
But yeah my expectations were a little too high: it hit me way too late that it was a 1:1 chimp metaphor not a more vague tampering with something we can't control and really thought the creature would be playing with fear or have somehow been formed by fear (like the boar in Annihilation having taken on its victims traits).
Also suffered from way too dark syndrome. I loved the well lit final action, if it'd been well lit during the creature choking over the house scene that would have been so much cooler. I have a low tolerance for ooh it goes bump in the dark for half the movie, I'm just squinting and cursing you for padding the film with anything but character moments in the aftermath or in dread that would make the human impact feel more real.
Solid action flick: We need dashing Daniel Kaluuya on a horse in more films. Keke Palmer is a scene stealer I look forward to seeing more of her. I liked the emo tech guy. Film dude was wack without being funny. Why did they give him so much screen time? Steven Yeun does what he can with what little he had. I would have liked to have lingered a little longer on his conflicting relationship to fame.
My review? No yet rated. Gonna rewatch it as an action flick in the dark and enjoy it for what it is. Something tells me it's very rewatchable! And... I need to stop making assumptions based on genre expectations.
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canmom · 9 months
Utena or G-Witch?
as in like which is my fave or...
honestly I need to go back and give gwitch a proper watch through, I fell off watching it when it was airing right before what are apparently some of the most impactful episodes. I definitely mean to do a proper writeup about gwitch when I do.
that said, i mean... I doubt my opinion would change that much. gwitch is a very solid gundam. it's got a lot going for it, it's good TV. but utena is utena. there's nothing else like it, even other Ikuhara shows (not at all to their detriment, it's good that he went on to do different stuff than more utena). it's just shooting for something so weird and interesting and bringing in such specific vibes. it's got crazy formal stuff with the way it uses bank shots and borders and the greek chorus and stuff. it's got the architecture. it's got incredible character writing. it's got ja seazer doing full on alchemy in the soundtrack. it's got an episode where someone turns into a cow. it centres on an oblique metaphorical depiction of sexual abuse and has something interesting to say about it. it declared some of the most iconic imagery in anime, the finale is up there with the akira bike slide for shots that people would subsequently homage. but it's also really funny. and i love utena fans, they're nuts in the best way.
gwitch, for all its nods to utena early on, just wasn't so ambitious. it can't be so experimental, it's gotta be a gundam - a relatively grounded if melodramatic scifi centring on exploited teenagers piloting robots, one which has gotta hit certain series motifs - it's gotta have a masked char figure etc. which is fair enough, I've been really enjoying getting into gundam, gundam is good shit! and gwitch from what i've seen finds good ways to mix up the formula (what if char was the mc's mum). but 'gundam with lesbians' is not novel in the way utena was.
if you wanted to name a more utena-like modern show you might point to revstar, which is straight-up directed by one of Ikuhara's protégés who'd worked on penguindrum, though it took the movie for that to become bold enough to compare at all tbh.
but honestly, while I could point to a lot of visually innovative shows in the last 10 years, nothing can really be 'another utena'. utena is utena! and we're not in the mid 90s anymore, we're v much post utena, we've long ago absorbed utena (and lain and eva and so on) into our sense of what anime is and can be. and of course, anime works differently now - economics, production, social context, etc. I guess it's an interesting question to wonder which works will come to be seen with 25+ years' hindsight in a similar light...
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masonuf · 7 months
Post for 3/4
What happened in Akira was not at all what I expected from looking at the cover art of Kaneda with his bike. I was expecting the movie to be some post-war commentary where teenagers would protest against government corruption or something along those lines, but it took a completely different direction. Nevertheless, it was a really good watch! Now I understand why some of my high school friends thought so highly of it.
For the first half of the movie, I had no idea where the plot was leading. Everything felt kind of random and unexplained. I couldn’t quite decipher what message the movie was trying to signal. I did find the movie’s aesthetics to be very artistically unique, though. The surreal imagery that it uses to depict mental experiences was extremely well-done. It definitely reminded me of Neon Genesis Evangelion’s surrealism in many ways.
Then, halfway through the movie, I became more engaged with the movie once Tetsuo developed his psychic abilities. I thought, “Oh, so it’s about some kid who has hidden superpowers? Wasn’t expecting that, but… awesome!” Then, once Tetsuo started going mad and abusing his strength, I started to realize that the movie was pivoting towards signaling the consequential corruption of humans when they are handed too much power. Still, I was a big fan of his destructive outbreaks.
My interpretation of the end of the movie largely hinges on what Kei said to Kaneda in the prison cell: when amoebas are given human capabilities, they only consume and destroy because that’s the only thing that they’ve ever known how to do. What follows is that when humans are given godlike capabilities, their inherently human traits, such as selfishness and greed, consume them. So, at the end of the movie, when the three zombie kids realize that they can’t destroy Tetsuo’s humanity, they guide him to godhood, instead. Behaving like a god, Tetsuo uses his powers accordingly to create a universe. I still don’t know why they didn’t just do that to begin with, to be honest (I guess they didn’t have access to Akira’s remnants).
Anyway, the movie grew on me toward the end. I’m really glad it was selected as one of the class choices and I look forward to hearing what everyone else got out of it. Maybe there were some allusions to religious themes that I may have missed. Also, I finally understand where the signature Akira slide comes from now. I love how different animators have adapted it to their shows.
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Image from https://hard-drive.net/news-games/the-wilhelm-scream-is-out-the-akira-bike-slide-is-in/.
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alterimaige · 1 year
*akira bike slides in* 😎 hello!! been wanting something action-y so i'm super excited to be joining this lovely group!! i bring you wren who like everyone else here was at the wrong place at the wrong time w this outbreak. her bullets from the app are here with more bullets below!! i dont mind either dms or discord for plotting, just lmk which you would prefer!! lets write together and have some fun <3
pre-outbreak: a vagabond work and enviro-obsessed photojournalist! loved loooooved her job and would not have changed it for anything else in the world. is used to constantly being on the move, and credits that to her upbringing
outbreak: shedoesntevengohere.gif but a girl needs a vacation alright!! nobody gave her the memo that the price to pay for going to a fun little conference and wanting to eat sugar encrusted garlic bread is a zombie attack. her and her small group of colleagues/work friends scram over to the seoul qz asap
post-outbreak: slowly getting a grasp of the language here, doesn't need it to know that these kdrt people are totalitarian-esque assholes. time 2 bounce. over to busan we go with another small group. there's a couple of grueling incidences of beloved friends that get infected, some reflection on humanity and how futile all of this seems, and depleting rations. they make it—though not all in one piece—but they make it! figures her experiences n knowledge are enough of a bartering chip just in case it's needed to join the fireflies, but there's not a whole lot of it
pre-division 4: working as an instructor to help finetune survival skills and the like. gets bored and starts itching for some adventure again because apparently one near-death experience isn't enough a girl needs 5. thus here she is as a scout!
looks like horoscopes are in rn so here's hers: sag sun, aqua moon, aries rising
literally just the human vers of the 😎 emoji for better or worse. this either makes her very approachable or she feels like A Lot. understandable regardless!!
it's not that she doesn't think it's just that she feels too much time shouldn't be wasted on sitting idle. very much all about trusting the process and following instinct
also truthfully when you're in a foreign country with no idea how your immediate friends and family are even doing right now she doesn't have much to lose. carpe diem baby
i rewatched NOPE like 2 nights ago and she's loosely based off of the guy who tried to take a video of jean jacket + em (if you squint) so take that as u will
thank you for reading!!
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rainsoftenings · 7 months
19, 21, and/or 25 :3
19. [said with a huge grin, while suffering the martyrdom of st sebastian] it has a lot of flaws in canon but i actually rlly like kaoritets, they are actually my go-to "mash them together like dolls" akira ship but not out of seeing Any Of That as genuinely romantic, i just love how fucked up and weird it is, tho i definitely think it wouldve been a better flavor of fucked up and weird if kaori had been given equal consideration within the narrative. her lack of agency could be so interesting if more of her inner life was on display. i think this goes w/o saying but i generally prefer the movie's more codependent take on them than. All That. in vol 4. vol 4 was so gratuitous and for what purpose
21. just generally everything to do with kaneda's bike and jacket in the movie? like i won't like ofc i want a capsule jacket, everyone does, it's a cool jacket, but i think if you have an overfocus on the aesthetics of akira/the bike slide/the jacket you're probably not getting the actual intended message of the movie. (especially considering both of them are symbols and kaneda loses them both by the very end). the bike slide in its original context is a neat bit of animation but that's all it is. aside from the live-action one in NOPE when i see a bike slide homage these days i feel nothing
25. i'm honestly not sure. there was a huge renaissance on here of akira fans right around 2018-2019ish but i wasn't around for that. at the moment akira fans seem broken up into several little disconnected groups so it's hard to pinpoint any sort of unifying fandom complaint. wait scratch that. ive gotten reactions before where it seemed like ppl very much did not like it when i actually criticized the way vol 4 is written esp wrt misogyny and its portrayal of sexual assault. so i guess my winner for "most annoying complaint" is the ppl who act as though you can't or shouldn't complain abt akira bc it's "a classic" and therefore somehow untouchable. which is just such a strange way of engaging with media to me. when i see something that i think sucks i will say it sucks
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anissapierce · 1 year
Ok so extra thoughts on mut mayhem after watching for the second time:
Aprils hair isnt entirely red and there's about two small locs that are actually black one is like there for basically the whole movie the other is mostly hidden by the other locs until near the end. Its possible this is a new version if the movie ...similar to all the 'patches' that went on w across the spidv but idk i think i just missed it while watching at the AMC
The boys get back from watching the movie in Brooklyn bridge park (? Idk where it is could be prospect, marine etc any park lol ) sometime after 2 am bc the clock in leos bunk says 2:22 or sometime similar ?
Ok now for actual more plot related kinda spoilery stuff
I paid attn n the first dude tht reaches out to splinter when he's hurt is Def Eastman. Wait .....lol i missed the line abt him needing a vet or a doctor? Weird idk if it was said by eastmans character or someone else. Ngl this watch felt like it wasnt as long ? But i chalked it up to this being my second viewing i don't think my theater was showing an abridged version n i probably just missed tht line organically
At the amc i totally missed that cynthia had fly in the jar? At the end and i forget tht she was surveiling the turtles? So its good to know that superfly isnt Gone gone but damn him being reduced to a housefly is pretty sad ....esp a housefly thts being held by TCRI.
Again in love the character design as an asymmetrical lady myself. I love cynthia Utroms design esp bc we Nvr see women tht look like tht in animated movies or tbh live action movies but like theres women tht look like tht
I love how basically any sign in a background cant be read bc its scribbles unless its plot relevant like the high school bulletin board...
I paid special attn to aprils pins n scooter + helmet stickers n yeah tht shit is inscrutable on purpose but bc i saw the concept i noticed
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The all power tothe people Sticker based on shape n color but nothing else specific.
Ok so april didn't Akira slide exactly but she kinda did ? While everyone is coming back from staten island n doing a cool walk april n her new tcri ride move sideways across the group pretty sure the bike/scooter/motorbike was sideways too idk .... Donnie akira slid w the pizza truck near the end. At the end wingnut was so happy tht donnie had an Akira boxset.
Also i was listening so hard to scutterbugs like three lines of 'dialogue' n like theres no way yall heard tht n thought alex hirsch like thats impossible im p sure if bauza did those 'lines' i wouldn't even know it was him n bauza has a much more distinctive voice
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 28: the chaos gremlin strikes again
oh no
liam just stays like that the rest of the game
cashapp being a sponsor is so weird to me
>>there's still a pandemic >>goes to comicon
NO I'm not done being mad about it
"otohan cruel" freudian slip
taliesin no
link….be careful, link….
I preemptively want this animated
"I can do it, it's FINE"
the map lighting is making everybody look good
well, better than usual
critrolecloset find me sam's shirt
"best friend" did they get divorced :(
if someone doesn't throw banana peels I'm leaving
liam gets me
there's no law on the books that says a wolf can't play death race
travis is actively hiding
start chewing on wires
name it regigigas bc it's slow to get going
turian clan paint
YOU get a bane, and YOU get a bane
"hold on letTERSSSS"
I DESPERATELY want this animated
"deez nuts draw first blood"
laudna my beloved
the flag comes down and there's just an explosion of magic from the middle of the pack
[extreme southern accent] 'cause I'm a pot-hole~
someday I will find that ad to explain why that line is burned into my subconscious
god bless u sam
magnet rage
okay I'm zoning out I gotta make popcorn
the car is Bugged
ten and two imogen
ah yes, exploding head syndrome
pace car fearne
someone draw Tex Avery Ashton please
some days you just can't get rid of a bomb
does this count as critical role parties vs old people
oranges broke her fall it's fine
tesla self-driving car
hey! rude
"they're IN MY ASSHOLE, so I figure they're grappleable"
"to help with the net!"
"we're on a precarious cliffside" turn into a fish
"whore dynamite" gdi I just changed my twitter name
"I'm just gonna throw up in her face" like a baby buzzard
"I don't have a mini for [a banana peel]" "how DARE"
fart gust
action surge ankle hack
I love one (1) halfling
this is gonna be a hell of a ride at criticalroleland
"I have no sense of shame left in me"
"I'm also now sitting in your lap"
no fuck a gravity well, imogen sitting in ashton's lap supremacy
what in the deadlights
"let's tame it and ride it"
countdown to travis saying kakarot
"why specifically travis" this man first contacted his future wife to try to weasel his way into a DBZ role bc she was voicing kid trunks at the time
it has a WHAT
did he just call travis fjord
"I think it's laudna bc the left blinker has been on for a while"
is the left blinker just fcg's eye
ah geeze there's almost 2 hours left
as the map blinds liam and laura
I am overly enamored by the maplight reflecting in taliesin's glasses
"meets it beats it" is still the stupidest rule
welp I know exactly which part of tumblr just exploded
we don't talk about the cloud motorcycle fight
"fang-like teeth" matthew they're just fangs
pffft them still being awkward
it's one bladed barrier, what can it weigh, a couple hundred pounds?
did they rename skronky's ring
imogen presenting laudna to fcg: fix her
oh that's so fucking cute
I feel like there hasn't been as much orym and fearne outside of liam making very sure we know he sleeps curled up in the back of her knee and the Pointed Looks whenever fearne is being fearne
dusk is 0/2
"why hasn't anyone asked you to dinner?" this is the neighborhood watch committee reminding everyone that necrophilia is still illegal
(if you get that reference I hope your back pain clears up soon)
travis and ashley are communicating entirely via eyebrows rn
I have processed none of this. half because it's 2 am and half bc trying to decipher travis and ashley's faces
imogen no but also OH?
just wii shop music
dusk what the fuck is up with that
chetney has his arm wrapped around dusk's fingertips
"so much bouncer"
travis senses sus
travis what r u doin
after watching the old man "I see you" gives me psychic damage
"so you're not trying to kill fearne's parents?" "…nnnooOOOOOoOoO?"
fearne propositions them both
I mean chetney fully did this to himself but D U S K
"kill your whole family" IS a well known idiom
liam's face
"I go on a murder spree" "congratulations"
"not in a creepy way"
and imogen doesn't even have chetney's whatever, she's just Jealous
imogen you're gonna get psychic backlash'd
curved walls, CURVED WALLS
jdfksjl dusk rebounded onto fearne
"I don't know what I was expecting but it was that"
I'm just remembering marisha going IS THAT MY MOM when they realized it was vilya
matt's southern accent is the best
oh nooooo
that's extremely cool but also NO
she has this written down
erika you wrote this down
that laugh
erika u fuckin chaos gremlin
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borrelia · 2 years
spoilerless opinion: it balanced comedy and suspense SO well, it was super enjoyable. i loved the characters ESPECIALLY em and her fucking awesome gay girl fashion. the plot twists were So juicy and cool and the buildup for them was MASTERFUL it fit together soooo well. and omfg the special effects... the design.. the SOUND... its so creative its a home run fr go watch nope
spoilerful opinion under the cut bc omgggg
god the BEAUTY MWAH of the motifs in this movie. the heywoods introducing themselves by reminding you that the First film was a black man on a horse... and then at the climax you got a guy shooting with an oldschool analog film camera A Black Man On A Horse. the visual echoes of the flags and the air dancers AND jean jacket’s fucked up threat display.
AND IM OBSESSED WITH MR PEELE’S LIVE ACTION AKIRA BIKE SLIDE YEAHHH me n my friend in this packed theater the ONLY ones to point at it like “aha!” but that was such a fun moment omgggg
and like sorry but fdhsfhgdsf gruffly singing one eyed one horned flying purple people eater in a very serious tone does NOT make that a seriuos song i was just fucking laughingggg maybe its supposed to get a laugh out of me but the scene was just too serious otherwise i wasnt sure dfhgfdsg so fun tho
like im still processing so much trying to figure How The Fuck jupe got into the alien summoning game. bc it hasnt just been the last 6 months its clearly been the whole 3 years hes been around right? you dont call your tourist park “Jupiter’s Claim” and not be already planning to host aliums right? and the way that shoe stood... that couldnt have been jean jacket but somehow the gordy stuff isn’t just trauma on its own. theres some kind of direct link between his obsession over the most traumatizing experience of his life (and man the way they have him talk about it to em and oj was Perfect like just generally a really well-done scene) and his connection to jean jacket.
is it Just that he sought that feeling of being the only one spared, the only one with a bond to the beast? is “Jupiter’s Claim” really just a coincidence?? it can’t be, bc i remember in Us there were so many subtle visual cues that played into the story (adelaide’s plain clothes reddening with blood as the story continues, her daughter’s rabbit motifs). maybe it’s supposed to be like. the characters didnt choose this for a Reason but the story did yk? hmmmmmmm googling nope ending explained i guess LOL (joking)
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druid-for-hire · 4 years
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new hadestown au: BIKER ! EURYDICE, in which she’s a rogue lone-wolf biker dwelling in the urban jungle of a Neo Tokyo-type city called Hadestown, wracked with biker gangs, violence, poverty, corruption, and civil unrest, still recovering and rebuilding from an apocalyptic event many years ago. Heavy-handed with the AKIRA inspirations here, haha.
She fights for herself on the dangerous streets, an illegal racer with a consistent top-three placement and a reputation for ferocity that earns her the money she needs to scrape by. And then she meets Orpheus: a dopey bartender who has no place being in her business.
okay okay okay i’m gonna be jumping around a lot here. be warned. thanks @supercantaloupe, @regzillas, @birdmanlyss for your contributions! (sorry if i missed someone it’s been a while)
she's a lone wolf in a city infested with biker gangs and it's brutal
she's run over plenty of limbs in her day
then there's orpheus, this gentle, kind-hearted soul, an indie musician and shes like. fuck. now i gotta keep this bastard safe
puts a long pipe with a mess of bolts and metal on the end in his hands and tells him he'd better buckle up and learn to fight the road
this sort of thing is common among biker gangs to cause destruction and knock people off their bikes onto the road. other types include mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc
shes small but knows a lot of self defense and is very good at handling herself on the road
besides teaching orpheus to steel himself and yes use that pipe on people, push them off and jam it in their wheels and let it break if it does, she's gotta teach him to hold on while she pulls all this crazy shit on her bike
she avoids taking him on the road because having to fight people gives him so much stress but he also stresses about her so it's all weird
the first time orpheus sees her run over someones arm hes like ""???????????????????!!!!!!!!"
"Don't worry it doesn't happen often" "WHAT IS 'OFTEN'"
she has a red songbird on her helmet and flowers on her jacket
and flowers painted on her bike too probably
or patterns like on the album cover
orpheus thinks it’s the prettiest shit he’s ever seen
so eurydice races, right? everyones like “who is this tiny little upstart” and then she takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair and everyone loses it
somethingsomething ig hades (who is something of a crime boss here, similar to Tombstone from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, but not so unambiguously villainous in nature) becomes a contractor and he catches her in like, a bad contract that's hard to get out of without some kind of consequence
and now orpheus has to topple a capitalist again
anyway she like, meets orpheus in this little bar he works at
it's about lower middle class, so it's not too bad but it's still mostly populated by like, poorer people and bikers, etc.
they meet and it's cool and fun blah blah Come Home With Me shit
also this is a scene:
biker!eury: we gotta cross through downtown orpheus: what???? but there's a riot going on there! right now! eury: that's too bad, it's the fastest way! that's why you get this! (tosses him her pipe weapon) orpheus, barely catching it: sajskhsfdfs ???? eury: and i am gonna take this. (kicks open a trunk and takes out a rifle) orpheus: ???????!!!!???!?? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT AND DO WE REALLY NEED IT eury: Yes we do now come on orpheus: H-HOW did you get it eury: (loads gun) no worries orpheus: No i have many worries HOW DID YOU--
actually, on this emergency ride, orpheus proves surprisingly competent with her pole weapon—ruthless even, and eurydice wonders just where and how the hell he learned that
the conversation she has with him about that is the same one where he shows her his old, old scars
(besides ruthless—orph has apparently learned how to pose and intimidate. he does stuff like putting the tip of the pole-pipe to the asphalt as they’re riding, skipping on the road and creating sparks)
eurydice loves her bike more than certain relatives 
certain complications lead to it being destroyed by hades as punishment for doing him wrong. and it destroys her. that is her most trusted sacred bike, that thing has been with her since she was a teenager
once she repurposes that devastation into white-hot anger orph has to physically restrain her from hunting hades down and breaking his kneecaps with a thick lead pipe
he's never seen her this absolutely devastated and furious
he goes to persephone for more work because he wants to buy eurydice a new bike
he keeps it a secret from her until he leads her out to a garage, hands over her eyes
(some of these bits are copypasted from my friend @regzillas​)
orpheus takes his hands off and says Tada!!! it's just like the old one, there's no painted birds but she can do that. She just stands there in total silence mouth open, and orpheus goes 'so? do you like it?' before she bursts into tears. and at first orpheus is like :O!!!!! oh no!!! do you not like it? and eurydice through sobs just says 'nobody's ever done something like this for me’
it's... beautiful, it's touching, it's deep and it's love and she's so in love and she loves him so much, and she cries and holds him close and takes him in and she's so overwhelmed by her emotions, full of the care that orpheus so freely gives to her; and it's a breath of newness, fresh air in the cycle of dread and bitter anger that haunts the city (but she's still going to find hades and shoot him in the foot)
he just holds her and kisses her head
they spend the day painting it, the day after he buys the bike
hand-painted. and they both leave their handprints in paint on it, like carl and ellie do on their mailbox in the beginning of Up
a significant amount of time is spent thinking of a good name
theres lots of joking and eurydice playfully shoves orpheus and he falls over into paint
okay i wrote something like. Obnoxiously long for orpheus. i sort of have his backstory in this down, but i don’t have anything for eurydice unfortunately :( suggestions are welcome! but first: Hermes
biker!au hermes owns a chain of bars, several of which find their patronage among the ruffian youth, several of which are more refined and serve the middle class, and another several of which serve the upper crust hermes has a hand in every world and it serves him pretty well, and his chain is a bit of a channel of communication and its unspoken rule that whatever socioeconomic class or gang or organization you're a part of, hermes' chain is neutral territory no fighting allowed
eurydice walks in and hermes just gives her a Look and taps the 'no fighting' sign and she huffs
hes >:( if anyone does try to start shit. the honor system is strong enough that usually the other patrons will just throw them out, and if there are really problems, they'll hear from hermes personally
he maintains a very strict "no bitching in my fucking kitchen" atmosphere
and now, Orpheus
this really is kind of akira but without the government conspiracies; the city is a neon corrupt hellscape that’s still struggling to rebuild after an apocalyptic event that wiped it all through. the city is wracked with frustration and violence and anger, there are still urban ruins everywhere and the scars of rebuilding and struggle are plain in every corner of life; plain to see are the shells of ruined buildings, gigantic boats levelled from the sea and left in the middle of inland sectors.
orpheus was abandoned by his mother at an early age—kind and timid, he had to learn fast how to be suspicious and cautious in cruel ways. he couldn’t land himself a spot in any of the groups that other ragtag raging folks had eked out for themselves, still too hesitant or ungraceful or young for any of them. sure, he made friends, sitting and talking with lots of people, but never got to really team up—all he could do was just fight for himself in the blown out corners of the city. weapons made from whatever he had. a young child already spitting blood and teeth in hadestown’s vicious ground-floor landscape.
hermes is his mother’s close old friend, though the times they see each other are few and far between. when he saw him, hermes hardly recognized her son, wild-eyed and clawed and alone in one of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, with a pole full of screws slung over his back. how did she lose track of her kid for so long? he thinks. and takes him in.
hermes eventually realizes that his mother didn’t lose him. meanwhile, tiny orpheus, kind-hearted orpheus, despises hermes at first. he’s full of suspicion and desperately wants to lean into hermes’ kindness, but the streets have taught him to hold back. he spits curses at him, though the words slide right off hermes’ shoulders. it’s not genuine.  just frustrated. and picked off of the delinquents that were his friends, just like most everything else about him.
(hermes knows he’s gotten his trust when orpheus starts getting soft, when he’s crying over littler things; it means he’s been deemed safe to be vulnerable around, and he damn near starts crying himself.)
orpheus owns a little vespa! it’s covered in stickers, some of them worn out and old, some places with just the adhesive and the fuzzy white paper from where he tried to pull them off. some of them aren’t even proper stickers and just shit he peeled off from places while he was wandering around and stuck onto the vespa
even in canon i see him as the kind of guy who like. you look at him and think jesus how is this guy still alive he’s so noodly and soft, but he’s unexpectedly sort of street smart
anyway i mentioned this before but didn’t elaborate. biker au orph, to eury's surprise, does have his collection of scars, since he had a bit of a rough go at life
also he’s just ungainly and runs into shit
you can see em on his sketch page. he has a bit more than what’s shown, but what’s visible is a little slash across the bridge of his nose onto his cheek, and two on his left forearm. he probably has a stab scar in his side from just getting fucking knifed. the ones on his left forearm are from when a drunk coming out of a bar charged him with a fork
eurydice also has scars. kind of hard not to with the kind of life she lives
ok thats it. For Now. i don’t know how persephone or the fates or the workers factor in, if at all. I barely know how Hades factors in, mostly what i’ve said so far and that he does what he does to support himself and persephone. ah well! just have this
as this is extremely based off of AKIRA, i verily recommend listening to the movie’s soundtrack. besides the fact that it slaps hard as hell, the opening song, Kaneda’s Theme, has the perfect vibes for the city and the tone of eurydice and orpheus riding at night through it
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silverheartsystem · 2 years
For most of the Splatfest I used the Dark Tetra Dualies and I fell in love with this weapon. 4 dashes and a killer special. I love reefslider so much it is a perfect special. Me and my brother kept calling it the "Akira Bike Slide" and it's just so satisfying to use. I need Splat3 to come out right this second I miss bike sliding on poor tri-stringers
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