#i love the aesthetic here blue is their colour
sophsun1 · 2 months
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Queer As Folk – 1.17: Solution (How TLFKAM Got Her Name Back)
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secession-gold · 1 year
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Oil paintings by Luìs (Luisa Comelli, b. 1935)
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goldenchocobo · 4 months
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Here’s what I’ve been working on, it’s taken a month, but I’ve finally completed it!
All 13 14 Organization XIII members with flowers!
I did reuse some flowers; but I’ve been wanting to redraw those portraits for a while now, so I can cross that off the list too
Under the KEEP READING are the flowers included, along with why I chose them for that Organization Member.
- You've clicked the 'Keep Reading', so you're in for the long-haul; 14 flower analyses in one! Better get snug!
I. Anemone flowers (also called wind flowers) have a lot of meanings, more negative than good ones; the ones I singled out for Xemnas was death and loss. Flower meanings require a lot of context- like sentences, so in this instance, I’ve used ‘loss’ to mean ‘loss’ in a general sense- Xemnas lost his heart, his comrades, his emotions; and by the end of KHIII; even his motivation; saying he doesn’t really care for his comrades’ demises, and that after he’s gained any kind of sensation back; it’s regret.
II. Knowing Xigbar is keeping all kinds of secrets, and knowing them is his business, Snapdragons are perfect. White and purple denote the spiritual and mystic. Them covering his mouth means that he knows something you don't, and he won't tell you anything.
III. We don’t know much about Xaldin- or Dilan. But with how I interpret him and his actions; he’s someone who has been scorned before- or at least has a lot of jealous dislike towards relationships and is sickened by how love makes people act. Hydrangeas are a flower both used for some wedding bouquets, as well as denoting jealousy, especially in their purple-blue colouration, as it's higher pH that causes the flowers to be that colour.
IV. Azeleas are flowers of two halves. They can mean Temperance and intelligence, but also temptation and caution. This is why I thought it was perfect for Vexen. Not only does he give into the temptation of his (immoral) research- more than once, but also ignored the dangers of it. When he's recompleted, we can see that he's gotten rid of these temptations (or at least I hope so). I made them orange to deeper the 'danger' and 'caution' theme as orange is a colour in nature that denotes it- like toxic amphibians and insects.
V. Lexaeus is a quiet man; so I don't really know much about him other than that he's strong and wants to protect Ienzo/Zexion; as such gladiolus- a symbol of such strength and protection is perfect for him.
VI. Zexion is interesting because I kind of see him as a tragic two-sided character. His scheming, 'throwing morals out the window and toying with people' Zexion in CoM side, and his more naïve, innocent and caring Ienzo side we see in KH3. I gave him Begonias for this reason; the purple in one hand representing mystique and curiosity, whilst white being for a more innocent side to him. I specifically chose Begonia pavonina leaves because they look weird and mystic and kind of match his shimmering hair.
VII. I've already used yellow roses for Siax/Isa, in the same configuration as well; and the meaning remains the same. Yellow roses can sometimes mean jealousy- especially towards friendships. Siax got too into his head about Axel making friends. That was when his jealousy took over, and he was lead by it.
VIII. Axel has had Alestromeas before- as they usually mean strong bonds of friendship; something Axel and Lea has shown over and over again. Like with Siax, I chose to make them a crown to show that, that friendship and keeping those friends safe is what drives him.
IX. It was kind of hard to come up with a flower for Demyx. originally I had him with Geraniums as they can represent folly; but instead, I went with Daisies; with the adage, 'Lazy Daisy'- for obvious reasons. Daisies- or asters- come in a large variety and specie. For Demyx, I chose two for aesthetic purposes; common daisy for around his head, and leucanthemum daisy for his neck- for their size.
X. Finding the right flower for Luxord was difficult. I did originally just have him with clovers, but felt that they didn’t suit. I chose poppies instead, as while they’re known for being symbolic of war & peace, fallen soldiers and death, there’s an under-current of time meaning; time being passed while we sleep, the time we remember the departed, and time marching on until the grave.
XI. For the longest time, Marluxia was going to have roses- it’s his whole motif; there’s rose iconography everywhere. But I chose Magnolias due to their symbolism of remembrance. While not fully aware until the very end, Marluxia was always searching for his sister, not believing that she had gone. The yellow Magnolias represent the joys he shared with her, whilst the purple imply the dignity of being a Union Leader, and Lord of Castle Oblivion.
XII. Marigolds are pretty, but their meaning is not... sometimes. Out of their meanings, I've chosen their meaning for Larxene to be one of cruelty and coldness. Because that's what she is to everyone.
XIII. Roxas keep his Dahlias from his original flower piece. The meaning remains the same; That- even in the face of hardship and despair, he will remain kind, friendly and cheerful.
XIV. I was going to reuse the obvious choice of Forget-Me-Nots for Xion; but honestly, I felt intimidated by how small they are, and- if you've paid attention, kept a strict number limit on my flowers; so that wasn't doable. Instead, I chose a Cornflower, which has a similar meaning of not being forgotten, as well as hope, devotion and love.
The stones inlayed in the frames have no real significance other than that they match the character's colour scheme; Here's what each stone is: Xemnas: Pearl Xigbar: Smokey Quartz Xaldin: Amethyst Vexen: Emerald Lexaeus: (orange) Agate Zexion: Lepidolite Siax: Moonstone Axel: Sunstone Demyx: Sapphire Luxord: Hematite Marluxia: Rose Quartz Larxene: Topaz Roxas: Snowflake Obsidian Xion: Obsidian
OK- I lied a little; there's some theming between characters, but nothing majorly deep; I haven't really looked into gemstones and their meanings.
If you've read this much, congratulations! Flower Count: Xemnas has 13. Xigbar has 3. Xaldin has 1. Vexen has 7. Lexaeus has 5. Zexion has 13. Siax has 7. Axel has 7 Demyx has 20 (13 common, 7 leucanthemum). Luxord has 7. Marluxia has 5. Larxene has 5. Roxas has 7. Xion has 13.
The only outlier is Xaldin; but Hydrangeas are hard to draw and only had the motivation to draw one.
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bastart13 · 1 month
How did you go about redesigning the clothes in you remaster?
Ooh great question! I'll go into more detail below, but the gist is that I broke down each character into their vibes and general aesthetic and tried fitting it to my design biases.
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I tend towards more grounded designs than the original JRPG-inspired armour and clothes, so I referenced a lot of medieval fashion for the setting. You'll usually see me covering bared skin in battle outfits or toning down extra details I struggle to draw
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Then, using those references, I'd try to thumbnail basic shapes and colours to figure out which works best
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(More specific character notes below)
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For some characters like Iseul, I didn't feel much need to change his outfit so I mostly toned down the detail to suit my style. I shifted the colour scheme to something warmer and removed the fur and extra armour to serve his image as animal-loving and battle-avoidant. This serves as great contrast to his timeskip outfit where he then commits to being both a warrior and a prince, with more ornamentation and practical armour
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I designed Helena and Alain as contrasts. They have very similar themes and designs, so I decided to smooth Alain down into the picture-perfect metal knight while Helena's wilder and asymmetric. I referenced more realistic armour for Alain but overall I wanted to keep his clothes similar.
For Helena, my design style is more practical and thematically I want to avoid Helena baring skin and vulnerability so I extended her corset into more of a chest armour and covered her other thigh. To add to her duality of magic and metal, I gave one arm armour and bared the other to show off magical scars.
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August and Altea's designs are where I start to venture off into more vibes-based outfits. August is humble and traditional, a knight with proud loyalty to his Lord and family, so I gave him medieval colours to represent both on his tabard. The armour is still there, but it's less focus on metal and more on "cheaper" materials to serve as a contrast to his timeskip where he becomes a proper knight in shining armour. For that reason, I took away the cape and other unnecessary decoration.
Then Altea is flashy, wealthy, and bright. I kept the focus on light armour, with scalemail as the only obvious protection. I've mentioned before but I took inspiration from south east asian fashion (mostly cambodia and malaysia) as a grounded but ornate basis for her magical girl theme. Here the colour scheme and fabrics are what mostly connects it to the original
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Similarly, Lennox is where vibes rule and the overal aesthetic changes quite a bit. He's often described with "choir boy" hair, so I wanted to combine choir robes with ornate priestly outfits to sell him as a vain cult-leader. I kept the symmetry, long coat, and lack of obvious armour, but I wanted him to look less modern and stick with less structured outfits.
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One thing specific to the generals, is that I wanted to give them more of a variety to colour palettes to sell that while they're working together, they're not exactly happy about it. While they all have a focus of blue and silver to keep them cohesive, they each have a motif: Alain - silver, Helena - pale blue, Jinhai - brown, Lennox - dark blue, Magnus - turquoise
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vilhelios · 8 months
( WHERE I WAS THE SEA, & YOU WERE THE SHORE . ) ; general fluffy romantic headcanons for rafayel / qi yu from love and deepspace <3
CW: not beta read, general rafayel story/lore spoilers, may be slightly ooc, tooth-rotting fluff, very slight angst !!!
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— RAFAYEL is a terribly sweet, loyal, and affectionate lover. sometimes, you think he is something like a lovesick puppy—always ready to greet you at the door with a warm hug when you return from a mission, always eagerly awaiting your phone calls and texts. always at your side. when he calls you darling and holds you close, burrows his head into the crook of your neck, you can't help but feel like your being has been warmed by a pleasant summer sunbeam.
despite this, sometimes he feels like he's drifting somewhere far away from you. a receeding ocean tide, sea foam dissolving from your fingertips as you dip your hands in the waves. he's somewhere you don't understand, when he looks into your eyes and searches for an iteration of you in the reflected image of his own eyes—perhaps he is 800 years away, a lifetime and more. and yet, when you gingerly cup his face in your palms, feel him lean into your touch, you know he returns to you.
— RAFAYEL'S art studio is admittedly, a mess. there are days where you'll enter that room spotless and leave with splatters of some new shade of red and his beloved blues all over your clothes and skin. some days, this happens purely on accident—a trip right into a canvas here, a palm pressed onto wet paint there—and on others, rafayel seems to delight in using you as a canvas.
— when RAFAYEL kisses you (in that gentle fashion, where he cups your cheek like if he doesn't you'll slip like seafoam from his hold), those soft lips of his taste of cherries and grapes and strawberries. and perhaps that best encapsulates what loving rafayel is like, this sweetest red, red, red: the way his cheeks and ears flush when you press a kiss to his cheek; the colour of his eyes when the morning's rose-gold sunlight hits the pink in them just right; the bleeding, beating heart he offers to your awaiting hands. eventually, he pulls away to let the both of you breathe, and when he presses his forehead against yours, glances at you with that charming smile of his, you're enveloped in warm crimson all over again.
"there." rafayel smiles, leans back to admire the flamulla he'd painted on your cheek and the pout that graces your lips. "a cute flamulla for the cutie that keeps distracting me."
"you weren't even painting anything when i came in!" you scoff, dabbing the paintbrush he'd given you into the paint upon the palette. while he painted moon jellies, flamulla, and blowfish on your skin, you'd busied yourself with painting seashells on his. some of the clamshells are too close together, the venus combs look a little too spiky, and some conches don't look quite right. when he looks like he's about to chuckle at the sight of them, you poke him with the other end of your brush; "hmph. you're just a meanie."
"how rude!" he feigns, hand to his heart. "this is how you treat me for making you look like one of my most precious paintings?"
— you notice, eventually, that RAFAYEL always gifts you red jewelry (if not pearls, of course). the little treasures glint in the sunlight; rings with a ruby or red spinel centerpiece, a necklace with a red coral pendant, fire opal earrings... they're beautiful and never gaudy, as to be expected from a man with an eye for aesthetics, but it still perplexes you.
you ask him why, while he helps you put on his most recently gifted necklace as you two get ready to attend his aunt's opera show. your painter answers with a thoughtful hum, deft fingers clasping the necklace for you: "red disappears the fastest in the deep sea, so i never got to see it much." rafayel presses a kiss to your cheek, then, before settling his chin on the crook of your neck. "what better way to appreciate a colour i missed out on for so long than seeing it on you, darling?"
— RAFAYEL'S smug and haughty countenance seems to crumble at the mere press of your lips against his skin, little pecks gracing each beauty mark. the first kiss is placed on his cheek, a little ways away from his eye, his head cradled in your palms; you feel how he heats up beneath your touch, a light blush dusting across his cheeks and a bright vermillion burning at the tips of his ears. the second is placed on his chest, your lips and gentle, roaming hands sparking the rapid thrumming of his heart.
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— RAFAYEL sees you in everything. in the morning sunlight that filters into his kitchen, in the cherry blossoms that land on his hair, in the sea breeze that rushes past him as he walks along the shore. the mundane of daily life has become filled with so many traces of you that he cannot see them as anything other than beautiful. there's a piece of you in every one of his paintings now, a streak of your favourite colour intertwined with his reds and blues. he made the pigment himself, of course, extracted the colours he needed from your favourite things.
THE LOVERS ; Rafayel (20XX) ; Oil on canvas
This painting consists of only two colours, and depicts the view of a simple shoreline, with waves lapping at the shore. Although simple in essence, the two paints were handmade (as is the norm for pieces by Rafayel) with pigments extracted from materials that represented himself and his beloved. Upon closer inspection, one may notice the difference in brushstrokes between colours—where they start to blend, so do the strokes, perhaps one hand guiding the other. As per the words of the painter himself, this artwork is meant to represent a "marriage and a transfiguration; the way two souls are forever intertwined and changed by love."
a/n : pretty privilege is real because rafayel acts a lot like marius but i like him infinitely more than i do lu jinghe 😭👍 my love/obsession for this pretty little fish has made me rise from the grave of uni work and writer's block... please fill his tag i need to satisfy this itch in my brain that he gives me <\3 might write some more for him + him as abysswalker <3 (p.s. that final hc is perhaps the cutest thing i thought to do)
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elmushterri · 2 months
Omg I just read the ao3 of gunntech I love it sm🤍 and I'm so glad the speedy twins are in the au. But now I'm curious about it, is taking care of and repairing the vehicles their only job or do they also do other things? And since their also teens did they grow up at gunntech like the others? Or are they just, like, illegal aliens gunntech kidnapped somehow😭😅 and, if u can, I really wanna know what they look like here (I wanna make fanart of them)
The speedy twins are a bit hard to decide about, buuut, I’m thinking they’re normal human kids who were mutated without the use of a chest implant, rather a different trial (happening at the same time as the main heroes and villains, if a little later/so they’re a bit younger?) that involved just changing the genes by themselves without an activation switch needed. The way I pseudo-sciency nonsense it is:
In biology, (A-Level Qualifications) when you’re editing genes, to see if the ones you wanted are activated, scientists attach a marker. Commonly, this marker is a glow-in-the-dark gene they got from a sea creature. So, once, they were modifying rats with something and to see if it worked, they attached the glow in the dark gene TO it. If the gene they wanted got activated, the rats would glow AS WELL. Just visual confirmation basically.
So, to see if adding ‘speed’ to these children would work, they used the marker of the colour blue. Bright blue is GunnTech’s “speed” colour, as can be seen with Catboy (though that’s just his suit, it’s an aesthetic thing)
And that’s why they’re blue! To show “The ‘Speed genes’ worked.”
The red is just face paint and the black and pink hair is dye.
And as for their jobs, I think they’re mainly in the driving field. The main 3 can each drive their own vehicles, as you see in the fanfic, Owlette is adept at Air Traffic Control Communication, but Carly and Cartoka are probably somehow neurologically enhanced to take to vehicles like nobody in the world. Fast learners, no pun intended!
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lateatnewyork · 7 months
charlie bushnell x reader
warnings: fluff, smau
fc: isabella sermon
summary: you and charlie star in the afterglow mv
a/n the 30 pic limit caught upto me so pt 2 is here
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liked by ynln, iamcharliebushnell and others taylorswift surprise coming your way tonight 🤭 🩷 ps there’s gonna be cats!!!!!!! view comments
user34 NEW ALBUM???? ➔ taylorfanpage dude i don’t think so it’s coming out tonight 😭 yn.ln 👀 ➔ iamcharliebushnell 👀 ➔ sabrinacarpenter 👀 ➔ honeymoon 👀 ➔ gracieabrams 👀 hearts4yn low key why is the aesthetic so lover tho queentay CRUEL SUMMER MV?? ➔ taylorswift close but not quite
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liked by percyjackson, rickriordan and others celebnews yn ln has been confirmed to star in pjo season two as silena beauregard comments are closed
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others yn.ln working in multiple projects>>> view comments
leahsavajeffries SO EXCITED TO SEE UUUUU ➔ yn.ln SAME BAEEE dior.n.goodjohn MULTITASKING QUEENN ➔ yn.ln SAYS YOU walkerscobell not u quoting my book ➔ yn.ln since when was it ur book?? ➔ walkerscobell im an og fan ➔ yn.ln last time i checked i’m older so i’ve known the series for longer ynloml IS THAT TAYLOR SWIFT IN THE FIRST PIC hearts4yn TAYLOR AND YN????
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hearts4yn they’re literally dating ynfan i got butterflies watching this pjofan UM THE KISS HELLO??? taylorfanpage wish they were an offscreen couple user56 🤩 fandomedits NEW CLIPS TO EDIT???? ynismywife IN LOVEEEE user07 my three favourite people fangirl best onscreen chemistry goes to… ➔ynmyfav and offscreen ➔ lovepjo they’re not dating?? are they? ➔ charlie&yn she’s been posting a guy who looks a lot like charlie
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, taylorswift and others yn.ln their first acting job was with the TAYLOR SWIFT??? view comments
ynloml stars of the mv right there hearts4yn they literally stole my heart the first time i saw them aryansimhadri i think i like ur cats more than i like u ➔ yn.ln valid 😔 iamcharliebushnell i love your cats ➔ yn.ln thought you were more of a dog person? ➔ iamcharliebushnell i can change for you 😉 ➔ yn.ln 🤭 taylorswift you should bring them around more ➔ yn.ln will do 🫡
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liked by taylorswift, iamcharliebushnell and others yn.ln lil photo dump from the past month 😘 view comments
iamcharliebushnell I GOT A FEATURE??? ➔ dior.n.goodjohn you got three acc and i got none ➔ yn.ln ILL DO A POST WITH JS YOU IN IT BBG walkerscobell i’m literally so pretty user45 taylor is literally so gorgeous ➔ yn.ln realll ynloml SOMEONE NEEDS TO CAST CHARLIE AND YN IN A ROMCOM PLSSSS ➔ yn.ln that’s the dream
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seen by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others yn.ln lil blue appreciation post cos i’m in pjo 🤪 view comments
hearts4yn i bought her the flowers 🤭 ➔ iamcharliebushnell erm actually they were from me 🤓 👆 ➔ hearts4yn CHARLIE ??? HELPP ynismywife that looks a lot like charlie in the last pic🤨 walkerscobell i got forced to take the last pic ➔ iamcharliebushnell u literally volunteered ?? leahsavajeffries ONE MORE WEEK TILL WE SEE U ➔ yn.ln YAYAYAYAYAAY user02 that underwater kiss is so pjo coded user56 miss js finished working with taylor swift and now is in pjo LITERALLY ASPIRE TO BE LIKE U ➔ yn.ln omg ur too kind
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The first image shows a graveyard that we saw in the background when actors Charlie and YN were walking down a path, it’s the same one from the LWYMMD music video. When they were on a date at Olive Garden (which was included in NBNC and this song has a rep feel to it) YN’s phone has new year’s day playing and one of the rings on her hand is a snake ring. The black and white colour scheme of the heart on the building is the same as the reputation colour scheme. The TS written in the sand was first thought to be a Debut (Taylor’s Version) hint but after the overpowering reputation hints perhaps it means reputation (Taylor’s Version). There was a bracelet in the background of YN and Charlie’s kiss in the mv (which took place in YN’s bedroom) where in the background there was a black bracelet among the pink colour scheme that said “REP”. The paper on Charlie’s desk littered with kisses from YN had lyrics to So It Goes… on it.
a/n stop i loved writing this
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welcome to my digital diary!
are you ready to unveil the secrets of the universe? (my mind?). oops! one second let me get my fairy dust ready...
ଘ꒰੭˶• ༝ •˶꒱੭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀
right, so what will you find here?
Pinterest finds
my personal thoughts
aesthetic stuff
pretty things
& overall, things that make me - me
what's my name? you can call me anything you'd like!
well here are some clues... to uncover my top secret identity!
I adore lana, Taylor, ABBA, mitski, conan, Sabrina, and more!
I am obviously also. addicted to movies. 2000s movies, musicals, series etc are my fav!! I especially love legally blonde and all the go barbie movies
my comfort 90s show is f.r.i.e.n.d.s. people tell me I act like Monica, but I think i'm more of Phoebe. I also love psych, awae, derry girls, Brighton and anything else I can get my hands on.
my favourite colour is pink, but I love periwinkle and powdery blue too!
im a taurus sun, virgo moon, and cancer rising!
infp, huffelpuff, cabin 10!
I love playing casual games, girl rotting, blogging, reading, and yapping all day long!
note: my previous theme was pink, but I got bored of it! might switch to a different colour if I want to xoxo
DNI: nobody Safe space even if you have Ed or are in recovery! follower count (updated weekly!) : 2280 2342 2381
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
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Your Fashion and Style Guide
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Part 2 (Libra - Pisces) Here
Use your Rising & Venus sign!
Prioritizes comfort but doesn't compromise for their fashion style
Absolutely rocks streetwear & athleisure
Prefers sporty fits the most!
Looks best in red & black clothing
Their style always has some sort of edge to it
Big on grunge and vintage rockband t shirts
They love combat boots and they generally prefer flame or camo print clothes
This sounds odd but they kinda remind me of a racecar aesthetic?
Very Sharp with their fashion choices
They look great in leather jackets
A bold colour paired with a neutral for a high contrast look suit them best
They love the rockstar or baddie aesthetic
Looks ~
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They have three modes, classy bitches, edgy e-girls & bohemian botanical.
But generally, I see classy and soft the most
Green, Brown, Beige, White, Black, Pink & Red for sensuality.
They love wearing neutrals but they often mix it up with some colour now and again
They usually have some sort of special necklace
A fan of pearls because it's classic
But diamonds are their best friends too ofc
Fuzzy & Fluffy cardigans or sweaters have their heart, especially the white and brown colours
They are into floral and flannel patterns
Their favorite colour options are brown & pink or white & pink 🕊💕
They usually dress more modest but make it look high fashion
They usually like to incorporate silk or a corset into their outfit, being ruled by venus makes them into a sensual and seductive look
Generally they favour comfortable fabrics and silk
Looks ~
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I noticed they don't really like dark colours and generally prefer brighter neutrals or colours
They like off-the-shoulder, cold shoulder, cutout tops & cool designs on their shirts whether its long sleeve or not
They choose tops based on the arm style such as balloon sleeves or cutouts
Asymmetrical styles suit them best
Colors are white, bright pinks, and green.
Earrings & Bracelets are their favorite accessories
They like a fairy aesthetic, something that feels whimsical
Likes to switch between feminine and masculine clothing frequently
Very experimental with their clothes
Looks ~
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Either soft and girly or moody and dark!
They prefer to keep it modest unless showing off their chest
Their choice of jewelry are pearl necklaces
The shoes they tend to favour are chunky block heels & sandals
Prefers blue, pink & white or black
Soft and flowy clothes like cardigans or kimonos
Knee high socks + sweater dresses look great
They love sweetheart necklines
Into crop tops! Usually silk crops
They like to pair tight clothes with a flowy jacket! Especially if it has a pop of colour
Overall style changes depending on how they're feeling that day
Looks ~
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Everytime I looked up a Leo rising celebrity that were ALWAYS wearing sunglasses
A fan of sunhats too!
Anything bright & metallic suit them perfectly
They look lavish in silky and shiny materials
They tend to wear fur coats
They like long and sturdy coats in general!
Usually they own big statement jewelry
Everything looks shiny tbh especially their hair.
Sparkly clothes & sequins are their weakness
They could rock sundresses
They look great in animal print, specifically cheetah or leopard.
Bold fashion is their go-to
Even if they wear neutral colours they make sure the texture stands out
Jumpsuits were really popular among them! I think they like to look playful but glamorous at the same time
They will not leave the house unless they look ready for a fashion show lol
Their motive is to standout and turn heads.
Looks ~
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Less is more for them
They like simple t-shirts with cute mottos like "be kind" or some shit that HAS to be written in small font or they won't wear it LOL
A Preppy Style & Sweater Vests are their thing
So is gingham print
They rock high-fashion looks
Fake glasses are a cute trend they look good in
A big fan of trench coats and cardigans
They prefer a business casual look
They prefer earthy tones & greens.
They are all about the simplicity in versatility! For instance they usually like black jeans and a white top but the top can be a tube top or a halter top based on what they want that day
Very picky about fashion, I find super bright colors often turn them away
Quality > Quantity for them
A lot of them look great in crop tops, or waist accentuating clothing like kim k is known for
Watches are usually a staple item they prefer
Looks ~
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empressofthewind · 14 days
Ranking All Of Matt's Aesthetics
#1 - Fanon Aesthetic (Red Hair x Black & White Shirt)
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I believe this combo was the fandom consensus for years while his only canon appearance was from the greyscale manga. This is the only one on this list that doesn't appear in any canon or canon-adjacent material, yet it's the only colour scheme I actually associate with him. Love it, absolutely iconic, there's a reason why it's stuck around so long. 10/10
(Image found here by Chibionpu on DeviantArt!!)
#2 - Anime Aesthetic (Brown Hair x Black & Red Shirt)
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I've seen some people say his hair is green here, but there's another appearance that looks much more obviously green to me, so I'm counting it as brown. I like this aesthetic a lot! It's less distinctive than the red hair x b&w shirt, but the colour palette works well and I like the way this particular shade of brown complements the amber hue of his goggles. 9/10
#3 - Trading Card Aesthetic (Green Hair x Black & Red Shirt)
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This one comes from the trading cards, and I think the green hair looks surprisingly good! I respect the creativity and I think this is the most visually interesting look on the list. Where it loses marks for me is in the overall lack of consistency; the bright green hair, orange goggles and red shirt just don't mix particularly well. However I'm very fond of forest green and I'm always a little weak for artificial hair colours in general. Very swag. 7/10
#4 - Coloured Manga Aesthetic (Black Hair x Black & Red Shirt)
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This is from the unofficial coloured manga. Honestly I think it's the most coherent aesthetic of them all (the black boots + black hair + black stripes) and I much prefer the bold red to the dusky hue of the anime & trading card shirts. I just find it a little underwhelming on the whole. It's a safe option lacking any real personality or flair. 5/10
#5 - DS Game Aesthetic (Blue Hair x Blue & White Shirt)
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This is from the Successor to L DS game. It gets points for uniqueness, but that’s really all this look has going for it. It's incredibly difficult to go wrong with blue, but they somehow managed to pick what I would subjectively call the only two bad shades of it in existence. He looks like a young man cosplaying a middle-aged mad scientist. 2/10
#6 - Anime Guidebook Aesthetic (Brown Hair x No Goggles)
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Who the fuck is that. -1000/10
68 notes · View notes
ditizygirl · 4 months
Editblr is a breeding ground for idolatry, ableism, racism and so much more all for a community about putting images together.
I've been here for only a year but I feel like I've seen it all, and the excuses oh my god the excuses. You are all 15-19, you should not have the mental capacity of a 8 year old. Your common sense is non existent and almost all of you guys are so fucking stupid it's pissing me off more than any god can understand. You are old enough to have logical thinking skills, you may have a disorder and it may be a reason but not an excuse.
Alot of you have forgotten the saying "Think Before You Talk" and I've sure as hell done alot of thinking. This is my deep dive into editblr.
Typing quirks are a way of personal expression but why do so much of you hate to add plain text. I can understand to extent because plain text hates my head because of how long it can be but I'm not gonna act like a little bitch about it. I'm gonna add my typing quirk or even fonts itself to it.
I'm gonna ask someone to help me, or to do it for me. Stopping making excuses for ableism. Alongside with the typing quirks, your psds are ugly and eyestrainy. Psds also fall under racism because I have no idea why you guys are ignoring the fact some make dark skin characters lighter but in the case of ableism most of them are really bright and makes it hard to see.
Orange and brown? Green and yellow? Blue and brown? Why are you putting colours that can be so much eyesore together? And won't even tag as eyestrain and when someone does ask you only do it for one post.
This one is weird as fuck and I see no one mentioning it. Editblr highkey has a ddlg problem, this "little girl" aesthetic you guys have going on borderlines ddlg alot and its icky. The baby talk typing quirk is disgusting, stop it.
I'm not one to judge how someone copes with their trauma but what I DO judge is how you act when majority says its uncomfortable. Now this section I'm a bit unsure how to phrase it, gotta love dyslexia, but that isn't going to stop me.
There's alot of very uncomfortable romanticization of stalking which I've seen so much of alongside abusive relationships and the justification of these things.
Really can't escape this one unfortunately. Many of you are like kpop idols, you're too dyslexic towards the difference between appropriation and appreciation. Incase you forgot let me remind you.
You can not gift japanese names. Gifting names is a native practice therefore you can only gift native names. Also I've noticed you weirdos befriending people just to use their cultural names. I can't even say it east asian fetishization because its only Japanese.
Also for the love of God can you guys stop saying nonmem and non women especially when referring to sexualities. It's not hard to simply say "queer attraction to women" and "queer attraction to men".
Coming back to the "gifting" names thing, I think it's interesting how all of you conveniently have a Japanese friend who "gifted" you the name of a cute pink anime girl. Maybe I'll do a post later on how much of a bad liar you guys are.
Closed symbols is also another big problem you all have. No matter how much times you're told you can't use something you always cry "but my friend from xyz culture said it was ok!" One person can't speak for a whole culture. You're nothing but a coloinzer in disguise hiding behind the idea of aesthetic. If you want to know if a symbol is closed just use this site.
Goddess Personas
Yea this one is getting a whole section of its own. Like any people I am uncomfortable with goddess personas, especially being someone with biblical sources. Now the idea that a teenager on the internet is making people call them a goddess is strange isn't it?
In my opinion, they're all annoying, copy and paste, and I think not a lot of people talk about how the really bad ones get. You all love to indulge them, make them think they have power over them. You put them on a pedestal and praise them and get surprised when it all goes to their head?
Stop giving 14 years old power, stop indulging in their habits and letting it go their head. Forcing people to refer to you as their goddess? Their Lord and saviour? Their idol? Someone they must listen to? It creates a power inbalance which always leads to the weirdest of manipulation. Also all the engagekiss copiers are so obvious why would you want to copy the identity of a groomer? It says alot of about yourself if that's what you think is ideal.
Callout Posts
Now, personally, I believe that the only reason a callout post happens is because someone was affected, does it not? Very rarely would a callout post would be a fake one, especially if someone has more then one. If you defend someone who has more than one call out post that's on you and you're gonna end up making one some day I can genuine you that. People don't make them for no reason.
This is all I have to say for now. I hope you guys really consider what I have written here, or not, considering the fact you guys have shown multiple times you lack reading comprehension
@starriesse @dollicous @doveinne @firstgf @kiochisato @lamboll @cherryshh @narcbf @lavendergalactic @npditary @sprinkleoverdose @necroangelz @eskeys
86 notes · View notes
martyrette · 3 months
•˚ʚ Martyrette’s TRP3 Aesthetics Guide ɞ˚•
• Remastered •
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•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• INDEX •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Default (credit: @martyrette)
Special (credit: Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Gradient Text (credit: @ladytruebane & Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Empty 'Race' Slot (credit: @martyrette)
Headers (credit: @martyrette)
Additional Information (credit: @martyrette)
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Formatting Links
Icon Links
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
TRP Icon Glossary
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Transparent Background
Tips & Info
Further Resources
Closing Word
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• PREFACE •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
TRP Aesthetics & formating has always been a well-guarded secret within the World of Warcraft RP community. This guide serves to break down that gatekeeping and give everyone access to the tools to make their TRP in whatever cool way they want!
It's been a long time since I realized my first guide, so this one serves as not only an updated version for all the new tricks I learned, but also a connection to further resources which have come out since then.
This guide will also be actively updated with Further Resources when new guides and tricks come out by other creators.
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SYMBOLS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Symbols! Dare I say the face of Aesthetic TRPS! There are two kinds of symbols: the symbols you can simply copy/paste easy-peasy & then the ones that require a special symbol to activate!
When using ANY, make sure to include this ㅡ symbol somewhere in the line or it will appear as a box.
Normal Symbols:
‹ « Ω ∑ ∂ ∆ ∫ ƒ × ∞ § √ π ½ ¼ † ‡ ¦ ¤ ◊ ° • ∙ -ㅡ » › ±
Special Symbols:
♡ ☆ ° ♪ ♩ ♭ ♬ ★☆ ☜ ☞ 〉 《 》 「 」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕 ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ Δ ∮ ▒ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ◊ ◈ ◇ ◆ ■ □ ◁ △ ▽ ▷ ∆ ∇ ▲ ▼ ⊙ ◐ ◑
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
FORMATTING •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Formatting is a bitch. THANKFULLY, we got some tips & tricks here to make it easier for all of you! This section will be going over gradient text, empty 'race' slots, headers, spacing, additional information and all that funky stuff that just makes it look nicer. Who thought moving text over or changing it's size would make such a difference!?
Colour Gradients:
Once again, thank you to @ladytruebane for showing me how to do this all the way back when I made the first guide. Give her love. Or else.
Okay, so you want to do something like this?
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You're going to want to go to this website: https://www.stuffbydavid.com/textcolorizer
Put whatever text you wish within the box and the colours you would like. Copy paste the BBCode selection into your TRP. Every 'color' must be turned into 'col', every set of these brackets [ ] must be turned into these ones { }, the # & = must be erased and = must be replaced with : . It is a long process, but it won't show up unless you do this.
Below is a small video of me verbally explaining it as well (and showing how long it takes. (¬_¬") )
Empty 'Race' Slot
So you want to make race/class all one colour! It's actually HELLA easy.
Go to your Race Slot and delete everything in it, once you do that, press spacebar and BOOM. Empty! Just make sure whatever you want coloured is in the Class Slot, and it will appear the colour of your choice.
Small demo below!
How to make your text bigger! There are three sizes of header:
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You can colour your headers whatever kind you want - the gradient even works with headers as well! Headers can be used for all sorts of things: Titles, About Sections, Quotes, Borders, Symbols, whatever you want! Icons are also effected by headers so you can orientate an icon wherever you'd like within your TRP!
Just make sure everything is within the {h1:c} & {/h1} or else it will appear as it's default size.
Additional Information
Additional Information can be a canvas to put whatever you want! Here's an example of what I do with mine!
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The sky is your limit! You can really do anything with it. Here's a small video explaining spacing with Additional Information and some tricks I've learned.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• LINKS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Links are where you put your. . .Links! Artwork, tumblrs, carrds, social links, etc etc. Here, I'll be showing you the different ways you can format links; orienting them on your page as well as turning them into icon images! The former was hard af to figure out but when you see how simple this is, you will laugh at me-
So formatting links; it's basically the same as formatting normal text as shown above. You can even colour them too! Here's a quick little show of how to make a coloured and formatted standard link.
The order of code for coloured links is as follows: Header (If wanted) > Colour Code > Link To make a link appear as an Icon, you MUST place the Icon Code within the text section (as seen in the video). If you do not, it will not appear and ruin the string of code.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• BORDERS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Borders can be used wherever within your TRP! They're good for sectioning information and just making it look nice and formatted. There are three different kinds of borders: Symbols, Images & Icons. I will explain how to make your own, as well as share some for free use!
Symbol-based borders are by far the easiest to make. You just type them out and play around with the symbols of your choice! You can really put them anywhere within your TRP - Additional Info, About, OOC info, literally ANYWHERE.
I encourage you all to try and make your own! I bet they'll be super cool. For now though, here's some examples ya'll can use.
∙ ♩ㅡㅡ♪ ♬ ♪ ㅡㅡ♩ ∙
.°☆ ㅡㅡ°.♡.°ㅡㅡ ☆°.
∙. ㅡ~†~ㅡ .∙
° ㅡㅡ ° ◇ ◈ ◇ ° ㅡㅡ °
- . : .ㅡΩㅡ. : . -
Image borders can come in two forms: full images or flattened images. The first is very explanatory, whatever image you pick can divide text. This can be scenery, crowns, gems, Blizzard-licensed character art & so much more! There's a butt load to pick from, so take the time to browse and find the perfect one.
Here's an example I did using a Revendreth image!
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Flattened images can also be used as borders! To flatten an image, you must alter the last numbers within the string of code. As you can see here, this is the normal image and default code.
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I go in and edit the number 128 to 5 and get this flattened image as a result!
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Again, feel free to play around with this and find the images and sizes you love best! I've even seen some people super impose them for backgrounds??? Badass???
Icon borders are like the weird lovechild of Image & Symbol borders. With a mixture of Icons & Symbols, you can really make some cool shit. Icons can be formatted and moved around your profile with Headers. Like so!
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•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
TRP ICON GLOSSARY •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Here is a collection of aesthetic TRP Icons I've found and categorized for your usage! They are divided by UI-formatting, colour (random picks), Racial, Faction & then any other cute random ones I find.
Sadly, the black, white & brown Icon sections has to be cut due to the sheer GIRTH of this post. However, you can really find any sort of Icons within the searchbar! Keywords like colours (black, pink, green), races (Nightelf, Human, etc) and so much more can be found easily! Want your icon to be a class ability? Use the class as your keyword.
Transparent Backgrounds
These icons appear as their shape, rather than having a black box or background behind it. You can use these little guys for all sorts of things! I've seen people use them as borders, bullet-points, decor, like literally anything.
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(Left 2 Right)
Red Paw: {icon:pet_type_beast:25}
Rat: {icon:pet_type_critter:25}
Dragon: {icon:pet_type_dragon:25}
Fire: {icon:pet_type_elemental:25}
Wing: {icon:pet_type_flying:25}
Helmet: {icon:pet_type_humanoid:25}
Sparkle: {icon:pet_type_magical:25}
Cog: {icon:pet_type_mechanical:25}
Skull: {icon:pet_type_undead:25}
Wave: {icon:pet_type_water:25}
Green Paw: {icon:tracking_wildpet:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Murloc: {icon:newplayerhelp_newcomer:25}
Green Dot: {icon:7fx_alphamask_glow_teal_blend:25}
Green Flag: {icon:newplayerhelp_guide:25}
Blue Heart: {icon:ui_jailerstower_defense:25}
Blue X: {icon:ui_jailerstower_offense:25}
Blue Lightning: {icon:ui_jailerstower_utility:25}
Tombstone: {icon:ui_jailerstower-scenario-deathcounter:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Grey Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_off:25}
Grey Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_off:25}
Grey Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_off:25}
Grey Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_off:25}
Grey Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_off:25}
Grey Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_off:25}
Grey Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_off:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Light Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_on:25}
Light Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_on:25}
Light Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_on:25}
Light Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_on:25}
Light Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_on:25}
Light Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_on:25}
Light Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_on:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Copper Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_01_small:25}
Silver Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_02_small:25}
Gold Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_03_small:25}
Platinum Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_04_small:25}
Diamond Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_05_small:25}
Purple Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_06_small:25}
Godly Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_07_small:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Quest: {icon:tracking_warboard:25}
Experience: {icon:garr_currencyicon-xp:25}
Logs: {icon:garrison_material:25}
Alliance Circle: {icon:ui_allianceicon-round:25}
Horde Circle: {icon:ui_hordeicon-round:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Lollipop: {icon:inv_valentinescandy01:25}
Snake: {icon:inv_snake_red:25}
Rose: {icon:inv_helm_misc_rose_a_01_red:25}
Syringe: {icon:inv_trinket_revendrethraid_02_red:25}
Vampiric Rune: {icon:inv_inscription_vantusrune_castlenathria01:25}
Question Mark: {icon:inv_misc_questionmark:25}
Heart: {icon:petbattle_health:25}
Fire Rune: {icon:spell_fire_rune:25}
Hunter’s Mark: {icon:ability_blackhand_marked4death:25}
Stitches: {icon:ability_rogue_garrote:25}
Bear Trap: {icon:ability_hunter_traplauncher:25}
Skull: {icon:ability_deathknight_necroticaura:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Rogue Mark: {icon:ability_rogue_deathmark:25}
Runeblade: {icon:inv_sword_1h_rogue_c_01:25}
Warlock Hood: {icon:inv_cloth_demonicdominationsuccubus_c_01_helmet:25}
Cleaver: {icon:inv_knife_1h_pigman_b_01:25}
Vampire Knives: {icon:inv_cape_special_revendreth_d_02:25}
Cannibalism: {icon:ability_racial_cannibalize:25}
Red Crystal: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_gem_32:25}
Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_a16:25}
Thorns: {icon:inv_misc_necklacea6:25}
Red Matter: {icon:inv_artifact_corruptedbloodofzakajz:25}
Fire Bloom: {icon:inv_misc_herb_19:25}
Cherries: {icon:inv_misc_food_40:25}
Ruby Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_necklace3_red:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Harvest Moon: {icon:ability_druid_eclipseorange:25}
Dash: {icon:ability_druid_dash_orange:25}
Curse Sigil: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_01:25}
Firewave: {icon:ability_rhyolith_magmaflow_wave:25}
Candle: {icon:inv_helm_misc_candle_a_01:25}
Tigerlily: {icon:inv_misc_herb_tigerlily:25}
Amber Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelry_necklace_75:25}
Goldfish: {icon:inv_magicalfishpet:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_shield_1h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Sword Sigil: {icon:spell_holy_sealofvalor:25}
Chi-Ji Crane: {icon:monk_stance_redcrane:25}
Bone Necklace: {icon:inv_7_0raid_necklace_08a:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Amber Potion: {icon:inv_alchemy_80_elixir01orange:25}
Darkmoon Eye: {icon:inv_darkmoon_eye:25}
Jack-o-Lantern: {icon:inv_misc_bag_28_halloween:25}
Fire Flower: {icon:inv_summerfest_fireflower:25}
Bottled Flame: {icon:inv_summerfest_firepotion:25}
Fire Fox: {icon:ability_racial_fireresist:25}
Scorched Hand: {icon:ability_siege_engineer_purification_beam:25}
Bronze Skull: {icon:inv_misc_breadofthedead:25}
Halloween Cat: {icon:achievement_halloween_cat_01:25}
Sanctum: {icon:warlock_sacrificial_pact:25}
Fireball: {icon:spell_mage_infernoblast:25}
Pumpkin Pie: {icon:ability_mage_conjurefoodrank9:25}
Animal Tracks: {icon:ability_tracking:25}
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(Left 2 Right) Clover: {icon:inv_misc_herb_goldclover:25}
Golden Harp: {icon:inv_misc_trinket_goldenharp:25}
Yellow Bird: {icon:inv_misc_thegoldencheep:25}
Priestly Hood: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_raidpriest_r_01_gold:25}
Marigolds: {icon:inv_misc_marrigolds_01:25}
Heavenly Feather: {icon:ability_priest_angelicfeather:25}
Golden Blade: {icon:inv_polearm_2h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Rightous Fist: {icon:spell_holy_rebuke:25}
Ducky: {icon:inv_g_fishingbobber_05:25}
Clock: {icon:spell_holy_borrowedtime:25}
Niuzao Symbol: {icon:monk_ability_avertharm:25}
Honey: {icon:inv_cooking_80_choralhoney:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Skull Trinket: {icon:inv_inscription_trinket_melee:25}
Pirate Map: {icon:achievement_ashran_tourofduty:25}
Domination Rune: {icon:ability_domination_rune13:25}
Cosmic Rune: {icon:inv_prg_icon_puzzle15:25}
Golden Lotus: {icon:achievement_faction_goldenlotus:25}
Holy Steed: {icon:spell_holy_crusaderaura:25}
Sun Icon: {icon:inv_qirajidol_sun:25}
Glowing Horseshoe: {icon:ability_mount_charger:25}
Cage: {icon:inv_box_birdcage_01:25}
Autumn Icon: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_autumn:25}
Fan of Knives: {icon:ability_warrior_bladestorm:25}
Prayer: {icon:spell_priest_pontifex:25}
Butterfly: {icon:inv_pet_butterfly_orange:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Dragon Wing: {icon:inv_10_gearupgrade_flightstone_green:25}
Poison Needle: {icon:ability_poisons:25}
Imprisoned: {icon:ability_demonhunter_imprison:25}
Dark Deal: {icon:achievement_general_raidrepresentation:25}
Toxic Maw: {icon:ability_creature_poison_01:25}
Crown: {icon:ability_rogue_controlisking:25}
Monk Symbol: {icon:ability_monk_zenmeditation:25}
Traveler: {icon:achievement_explore_argus:25}
Green Feather: {icon:inv_icon_feather01e:25}
Leaf: {icon:talentspec_druid_restoration:25}
Frog: {icon:inv_frog2_darkgreen:25}
Vines: {icon:inv_misc_herb_evergreenmoss:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Ring: {icon:inv_misc_6oring_greenlv4:25}
Gadget: {icon:inv_misc_enggizmos_20:25}
Necklace: {icon:item_icecrownnecklacec:25}
Bandages: {icon:inv_firstaid_bandage2:25}
Medical Symbol: {icon:achievement_guild_doctorisin:25}
Shield: {icon:ability_dragonriding_compassion01:25}
Toxic Sludge: {icon:ability_hunter_stickytarbombtrap:25}
Scythe: {icon:inv_knife_1h_maldraxxus_d_02:25}
Darkmoon Marker: {icon:inv_darkmoon_vengeance:25}
Fel Cloth: {icon:inv_fabric_felcloth_ebon:25}
Witch Pot: {icon:inv_misc_cauldron_nature:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_bannerpvp_03:25}
Demonic Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_tomb:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Transformation: {icon:spell_druid_incarnation:25}
Scaredy Cat: {icon:ability_druid_cower:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_7xp_inscription_talenttome02:25}
Skull: {icon:inv_offhand_1h_artifactdoomhammer_d_06:25}
Seashell: {icon:inv_ore_osmenite:25}
Blue Flower: {icon:ability_dragonriding_draconiccultivation01:25}
Mana Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_b10:25}
Bubble: {icon:creatureportrait_bubble:25}
Azuna: {icon:achievements_zone_azsuna:25}
Blue Moon: {icon:artifactability_balancedruid_fullmoon:25}
Icy Touch: {icon:ability_deathknight_icygrip:25}
Prowling Feline: {icon:ability_druid_prowl:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Intellect: {icon:spell_holy_arcaneintellect:25}
Frost Rune: {icon:spell_frost_wizardmark:25}
Frozen Heart: {icon:spell_frost_coldhearted:25}
Undead Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wingbroken07e:25}
Dewdrop: {icon:inv_misc_shadowdew:25}
North: {icon:ability_hunter_pathfinding:25}
Mug: {icon:inv_misc_food_cooked_madbrewbreakfast:25}
Arrow: {icon:ability_hunter_aimedshot:25}
Sparkles: {icon:spell_magic_managain:25}
Skull & Crossbones: {icon:ability_rogue_feigndeath:25}
Dagger: {icon:inv_weapon_shortblade_06:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:inv_misc_orb_01:25}
Diamond: {icon:inv_misc_gem_02:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Screaming Skull: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_03:25}
Crescent Moon: {icon:talentspec_druid_balance:25}
Nightshade: {icon:inv_misc_herb_13:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:spell_druid_momentofclarity:25}
Bear: {icon:spell_druid_guardianofelune:25}
Voidwalker: {icon:spell_shadow_summonvoidwalker:25}
Engulfing Shadows: {icon:ability_rogue_envelopingshadows:25}
Dark Dagger: {icon:ability_ironmaidens_convulsiveshadows:25}
Evil Spirit: {icon:inv__demonbolt:25}
Nighttime: {icon:spell_shadow_twilight:25}
Old God Eye: {icon:inv_eyeofnzothpet:25}
Evil Face: {icon:ability_demonhunter_vengefulretreat:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_suramar:25}
Dark Angel: {icon:ability_priest_darkarchangel:25} Origami: {icon:inv_inscription_crane:25} Grapes: {icon:inv_misc_food_58:25}
Totem: {icon:spell_shaman_dropall_03:25}
Ring: {icon:inv_10_jewelcrafting_rings_ring1_color2:25}
Swirling Dark: {icon:ability_warlock_soullink:25} Spider Webs: {icon:inv_misc_web_02:25}
Scarab: {icon:inv_misc_ahnqirajtrinket_01:25}
Clashing Swords: {icon:spell_holy_blessingofstrength:25} Skeleton Key: {icon:inv_treasurevault_key01:25}
Pendant: {icon:inv_misc_necklace_mop1:25}
Shadow Clone Runes: {icon:spell_holy_prayerofshadowprotection:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Perfume Bottle: {icon:inv_valentineperfumebottle:25} Orb: {icon:inv_misc_orb_02:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_misc_book_01:25}
Bomb: {icon:inv_misc_bomb_04:25}
Curse Rune: {icon:spell_warlock_demonbolt:25}
Cupid Bow: {icon:inv_bow_1h_love_c_01_pink:25}
Arcane Rune: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_summer:25}
Icecream Meal: {icon:inv_misc_food_strawberry_ice:25}
Headress: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_legionquest100_b_01:25}
Plushie: {icon:inv_tailoring_elekkplushie:25}
Staff: {icon:inv_staff_16:25}
Faerie Fire: {icon:spell_nature_faeriefire:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Comb: {icon:inv_misc_comb_02:25}
Silk: {icon:inv_chest_cloth_58:25}
Pink Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wing04b:25}
Halo: {icon:ability_priest_halo_shadow:25}
Potion: {icon:inv_potion_34:25}
Pearl: {icon:inv_misc_enchantedpearl:25}
Scroll: {icon:inv_inscription_modified_craftingreagent08:25}
Eyeball: {icon:inv_misc_cat_trinket11:25}
Enchantment: {icon:inv_enchant_formulaepic_01:25}
Bloody Maw: {icon:spell_deathknight_gnaw_ghoul:25}
Demon Hunter Rune: {icon:ability_demonhunter_sigilpurple:25}
Berries: {icon:inv_cooking_80_wildberries:25}
Thread & Needle: {icon:inv_10_tailoring_purchasedthread_color4:25}
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TIPS & INFO •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Simply a collection of little tricks and nuggets of info I've learned about TRP over the years. They don't quite count as formatting so uh. I dunno. This is my guide, I'll do what I want-
The larger your TRP is, the longer it will take to load. Don't feel put off if someone whispers you about it thinking they were accidently blocked!
A TRP doesn't have to be long to be good. Size doesn't matter, it's how you use it as they say.
Don't feel pressured to make your TRP a certain way. It's your TRP. Have fun with it and go crazy!
Don't feel afraid to reach out & ask other players how they did something in their TRP if you like it! Though some may still gatekeep techniques, there's been a shift in the TRP culture. You may make a new friend too!
If you get a TRP formatting error, you're most likely just missing a / or { } somewhere within the code. I do it all the time and a comb through the code normally shows me where one went missing.
BACK UP YOUR TRP! The worst feeling in the world is writing a super swag TRP only for it to get shitted on by a WoW update. Below, I'll show you a quick and easy way to do it.
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Alternatives to AI Art, another post I’ve made awhile ago. The community has this weird culture about NEEDING character art, so here’s some alternatives to AI!
Super cute TRP templates done by this lovely tumblr account. Stumbled across them by chance, but I'm kinda adoring the themes & aesthetic they've got going??? @trp3-templates
A really amazing post on r/WoWRoleplay where the community has shared some more tips & tricks I haven't covered within this guide. It warms my heart to see us helping out each other!
The original TRP Aesthetic Guide I made years ago. All the information has been imported and improved here, but I'm a bit of a sentimental sucker, so I'll be linking it here too for legacy purposes.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• CLOSING WORD •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
GUYS, it's been over a wholeass YEAR since I released the OG TRP Guide. That's crazy, yo. A lot happens in a year & I'm so glad to have heard how many people got my guide and appreciated it. You guys have gotten hella creative and I can't count how many swag & aesthetic TRPs I've seen since it's release. Not only that, but people have also been more open with sharing techniques & tips. Just makes me fuzzy inside or someshit.
Point is, since I released it there's a LOT of stuff I didn't know and even more things being found out. That, and there's a lot of stuff I thought was common knowledge that isn't; thus not adding it to the original one. I asSuMeD- So, I began asking some of you just how you were doing it & compiling EVERYTHING, just incase! Like the first, this project is a bunch of roleplayers coming together to make another fun resource for the community. ENOUGH MUSHINESS. GO MAKE A CUTE / SWAG TRP!
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D23: Frozen: What to expect | Discussion
D23 is just a week away, coming next weekend and we're expected to get a lot of Disney content! But will Frozen be a part of it? I believe so, yes. Frozen has two films coming out, Frozen 3 and 4 and also has a series coming out called Frozen: Winter Festival based on the leaked dolls so it's a must that Disney feeds us new Frozen content!
Please note that I'll just be guessing at what they could announce at the panel. Nothing's confirmed yet. These are my thoughts and opinions based on the evidence we have. What kind of Frozen content could we be expecting exactly? Let me break it down.
Frozen 3 and 4
With the announcement of Frozen 4 earlier this year with Frozen 3 already in the works, it's likely Disney will give us the full release date for Frozen 3 and 4. So far we know Frozen 3 will be released in 2026. Given the previous two films release dates, the third and fourth installment will also most likely be in November. Earlier this year (or was it last year?...) a few release date slots were leaked and one of them was 27 November 2026. Same for Frozen 4, except the date was 24 November 2027, a year after Frozen 3 like i expected given it's a two set film. So we assume Frozen 3 and 4 will have those as its release date but that has not been confirmed as of yet but it should do during the D23 expo.
A few months back, we were all surprised by the leaks of brand new Frozen dolls with will be available on 15th September (A day before my birthday!). The shorts are set to release this fall. What's so special about dolls? Well it's also the information that comes with it. The info can be found in the link above but it states that the dolls, with new outfits, are part of Frozen: Winter Festival. We all thought at the time that this was a short like Frozen Fever, Olaf's Frozen Adventure and Once Upon a Snowman. But later on with another set of dolls, in the same outfit but included Olaf, the Nokk and a carriage. The description of the set reveals Frozen: Winter Festival is a short-form series. Short-form series are series with episodes under 20 - 30 minutes.
This is one of the doll packs in a box:
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The box is what I want to draw attention too because it includes the recent new Elsa render/ still and a new logo design for Frozen. The title is the same but what it's in, the diamond shape with a detail pattern on the sides. The box has a blue purplish pink colour on it and the background seems to be of the woods we see in the first film. It can't be the Enchanted forest because it doesn't have a lake, and this is not the dark sea because that's part of the beach. Some of you might be like what's the big deal but for some it might feel a sense of nostalgia because this aesthetic of the box is similar to Frozen's aesthetic. Frozen 2 had the autumn leaf and a lot of things felt different. Change was the element of the movie anyways. But this short could be a mix of Frozen and Olaf's Frozen Adventure which I'm super excited for!
With this series set to make the beginning of Winter we expect a similar vibe to Olaf's Frozen Adventure with the holidays theme. Here are the descriptions for Elsa and Anna's dolls:
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What we'll see in the short, based on the dolls and their description:
• The main Frozen gang will host an inaugural (mark the begging of winter) Winter Festival to celebrate Arendelle, family and friends
• Some familiar faces
• Two new looks for Elsa and Anna: A ball gown and a festival attire
• The Nokk will take part in the event
I also just realised Elsa's birthday is on the Winter Solstice, December 21st aka the beginning of Winter! So I would love to see Elsa's birthday addressed in the series! We have Anna's birthday and now we could have Elsa's birthday! And it's a double celebration because we should have Elsa's birthday and definitely the Winter Festival.
At the expo, we should have an update about this short-form series and get a full release date. A trailer and first look with a poster is possible too if it's set to come this fall, which is just around the corner. And also the cast reveal and story synopsis.
The series will be animated like the movies and shorts. Short-form series usually, as far as I know, air in TV but I'm not sure if this will air in TV or go straight onto Disney plus.
Any other new Frozen content?
Other than the movies, Frozen 3 and 4 and the short-form series, Frozen: Winter Festival, nothing else has been leaked or confirmed at this point with regards to the franchise so I can't say what else to expect. The team are good at revealing unexpected surprises with Frozen 3's announcement than Frozen 4's and then we have doll leaks revealing an upcoming short-form series (could be accidentally on purpose) so who knows what else is in store for us. (Though I know not many of you will want to expect or have high hopes which is fair)
The series is probably there to keep us fed until we have the big meal (Frozen 3 and 4) in two years. After the series is over, we'll probably have to wait til Frozen 3 and 4 for another big Frozen content. Announcements like casting could be released in 2025, next year and trailers we'll get in 2026 if it follows the same pattern as the previous two films. But then again you never know. We never expected the series so who knows, Disney could surprise us at any time.
And that's all I believe will be announced Frozen wise as far as we know. Anything else they've got planned will also be announced unless they're saving it for a later event. If you guys are expect anything else to be announced in D23, let me know!
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I love your Lords of chaos stuff and would really like if you could write something about Euronymous dating a girl who has a completely different aesthetic as him (girly, pink, super sweet and innocent) it can have smut . And if it could talk about how the dark circle feels about their relationship and stuff. Thank you and would truly love it.
Okay so this was really, really fun to write because of the dynamic. I hope you like it and as always have fun reading :)
Princess and the Vampire
warning : big fluff, use of Y/n
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masterlist-Lords of Chaos 2018
masterlist-Rory's characters
Second Part
Diclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
The two couldn't have looked more different when they entered the shopping centre. The young woman was dressed in bright colours, but most of all it was her pink top that revealed her silver belly button piercing with a little Hello Kitty pendant on it that drew attention. not to forget her blue jeans with the colourful flowers sewn on them.
A typical glittery girl of the nineties from the outside. If she hadn't intertwined her fingers with those of a dead man. Next to her, a young man with longer black hair, black leather trousers, jumping boots and a T-shirt with satanic symbols on it. Two completely different people who loved each other more than anything else.
She heard him mutter to his friend, who was now giving the tenth pensioner a death stare and scaring him off with ,,Hail Satan". But this only made his friend smile, which is exactly why she loved her friend. While he was him and they both accepted each other as they were. Pink and girlish and dark satanic.
Like Yin and Yang she thought and jumped beside him before they arrived in front of a jewellery shop only a few moments later. ,,You dragged me here for this...well then, if you want" he grumbled and she just giggled before pulling him behind her. She was grateful that he came along to her little shopping trip, as she knew he didn't think much of trends and the mainstream.
Which is why she gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him smile slightly. ,,So again, I hope you're prepared to be kicked out of my shop," she heard him say again and knew what he meant. Since you got together about a month ago he had been telling his friends/band/admirers that he had a girlfriend but it never came to a meeting.
You were just too different for that and Euronymous was sure that the circle would tear you apart. Even though you met by chance in an ice cream parlour and he got your strawberry ice cream and you got his dark chocolate ice cream, something clicked between you.
Turning to him and smiling confidently, she said, ,,I don't wear pink heels for nothing, you know," before turning back to the chains. ,,I just need one more thing and it's perfect" she thought and looked from star symbols, to little flowers and musical notes. ,,How about this?" she heard his voice and he held out a necklace with a skull on it.
Smiling but rolling her eyes slightly, she pushed the necklace back into his hand and said, ,,That would look good on you, my sweet vampire, why don't you go and get it?".
Looking a little further through the shelves she let out a squeal of delight and Euronymous covered his ears before coming over to her and smiling. ,,OMG she's cute, look at those little ears!" she exclaimed, practically pushing the necklace with the Hello Kitty pendant into his face, which he could more than see.
Taking his hands up with conviction, he looked at the necklace and said quietly, ,,Yeah, it's kind of cute," which she confirmed with a knowing nod before they went to the checkout and bought it. ,,Wait, I'll help you" the black haired man said and while she held her hair up slightly he fastened the clasp so that the necklace was in place.
She went to one of the shop windows and looked at herself in the rather bad reflection. ,,That looks super cute" she said delightedly and smiled a big smile at Euronymous who returned it before the two of them took each other by the hand again to make their way to the record shop.
Spraying her perfume, which smelled of cherries, around her one last time and putting it in her little pink bag, she saw Euronymous give her a murmuring smile before he opened the door for her and the two of them went inside.
There was no one in the shop itself and she saw her friend's brief relief as he ran his gaze over the plates before stopping at the path to the cellar. ,,Ready?" he asked, pulling aside the curtain where she could already hear the loud music coming from downstairs. Fixing her hair one last time, she nodded to him before following him downstairs.
She had only been in the basement a few times when the coven didn't have a meeting. But it definitely lacked colour in her opinion. Overcoming the remaining steps, she stood next to Euronymous with a broad smile. ,,Nice man, a hooker, didn't know this was going to be an orgy" was the first comment from someone wearing a bandana and grinning broadly.
The others laughed and she saw that it was not the first and not the second beer they all seemed to have had. ,,You must have paid the little one a lot," she heard the murmur of someone with long dark brown hair who was playing with a lighter and had a challenging look on his face.
That's the guy from the interview in the newspaper...Varg or something she thought, but didn't let the remarks get to her, she was above these things. ,,Or is she our victim, I really want to do it again" said a guy with long hair and a knife in his hand that flashed in the light who was sitting next to a guy with a heel cross chain. Before she noticed a blond, quiet, thin-looking guy she recognised as Pelle/Dead.
Euronymous's best friend as she knew. Just normal nice people. ,,No guys...this is Y/n my friend!" Euronymous interrupted his friends and followers and put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her close. She waved to the group before giving Euronymous a kiss on the cheek and pulling out of his embrace before walking over to the various guys.
She was more than ready. ,,Hi I'm Y/n...nice bandana where did you get that?" she asked the first one, shaking his hand eagerly before pulling the bandana hanging around his neck towards her. ,,It comes in pink too, I hope," she murmured and let go of him again with a grateful look. ,,Of course you can get it in pink in all colours...Hellhammer we could go and get some together" he replied quickly to her cheerful manner and shook her hand before returning to his beer and giving Euronymous a thumbs up for her.
Before she went over to the one with the lighter and shook his hand as well. Intrigued, she ran her hand over one of the soft strands of the boy's hair and said, ,,Wow, they're really soft...you must tell me about your hair care routine".
This seemed to throw the stranger slightly off track, but almost in spite of himself he began to write his routine on an old sarviert. ,,Here, it's not expensive at all, I'm Varg, by the way, I also have nice hair," he said and suddenly seemed almost embarrassed and quietened down before he sat down on a chair again and was quiet.
Putting the serving dish in her little bag, she went over to the boy with the knife. ,,You have a cute smile...what kind of sacrifice is that?" she complimented him and made a happy noise as she saw his cheeks turn a bright pink and he just put the knife away and shook his head slightly. Before he calmly said, ,,I'm Faust...not a victim, just a joke" and quickly took a long hit of his beer.
Nodding, she shook the hand of the guy next to Faust with the necklace before proudly holding it out to him. ,,You definitely need one with Hello Kitty, the colour would suit you," she said, and only heard the more than overbearing guy mutter an ,,Occultus" before leaning against Faust and giving him a searching look. Before she almost killed poor Pelle, who looked as if he would throw himself into Faust's knife.
She grabbed his face and turned it slightly from left to right. Before she said to Euronymous, ,,My little vampire, you never told me how pretty he is, you're missing make-up", she let go of Pelle and bounced happily back to her friend, who was watching the whole thing with a big grin. Before he pulled her to him, gave her a heartfelt kiss and wrapped his arm around her waist.
No one dared to say a word. ,,I see you are very good with the boys" he said delightedly and she just smiled proudly. To be more precise, she had the boys so well under control and she was so excited about herself that the evening ended in a Disney marathon, that's for sure.
She wasn't the one who cried at the death of bambies mother, but a certain black coven did. And since then she has been the pink shining exception of the black circle or simply the pink princess of black metal.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @beldamama
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seventeenlovesthree · 8 months
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Words cannot describe how much I ADORE this most recent piece of official art - and yet, I'll try regardless!
First of all, let's appreciate how consistently they are using all characters' associated colours; I've always appreciated how official art varied between signature (= Crest) colours, but still made sure to include colours the characters actually would canonically wear. (Jyou might be the biggest exception here, because while I'd say that dark blue is his associated colour, purple and all kinds of muted colours like beige are pretty typical for him.) It's just perfectly conducted: On one hand, all these outfits are layered, thus providing a sense of potential variety - just in case they would be used for an actual series (because a girl can dream); on the other hand, they are very fashionable pretty age appropriate for them!
While I would say that Mimi's prim and proper fashionista piece is my favourite among all of them, I am especially fascinated by Sora's outfit: not only did they give her a college jacket, which is a design choice I came up for her around two years ago and that I'm still very proud of; it's just the perfect mix of tomboyishly cute and it makes me cry: Soft colours, hairclips and thigh-highs contrast her shorts, sneakers and college jacket. Absolutely perfect.
Taichi's effortlessly chill jock ensemble gets a special mention due to the fact that his pants also look eerily similar to the design I gave him back then... Yamato looks incredibly comfy and cuddly and I adore it. Jyou's nerd aesthetic will never not be adorable. And can we appreciate Koushirou actually wearing a colour coordinated ensemble for once? Granted, we can assume that his mom picked the outfit, boyish, cuddly and dorky. Takeru's fashionista career is also starting early and Hikari always looks like she's on her way to another birthday party - adorable.
The food choices are of course remarkable too and together with the layered clothes approach, we can assume that it's all Spring/Hanami themed. Of course Sora gets a flower theme again, Mimi and Hikari are incredible sweet tooths; Gomamon's fish shaped taiyaki is just too perfect; Yamato making practical rice balls feels very canonical for him, as well as Takeru ordering a Happy Meal hamburger; giving Kou and Tentomon dango instead of mochi is a missed opportunity, but still adorable; and I do like to imagine that Taichi and Agumon are eating chicken nuggets to honour the dinosaur nugget meme. XD
In sum: 10/10 designs, I am in love.
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iceman-soup · 8 months
sorry if you've done this already, but what would Ghost and Soap's first leave together look like? could be sfw or nsfw, everything is up to you
yes yes yesss this is sfw because my descriptive brain took over, also autistic ghost supremacy 🫶🫶
ghost x soap
Simon wasn't ready to meet Johnny's family yet. Hell, they'd only been dating five or so months before deciding to stick with each other on leave, and by that point it was far too stressful and overwhelming to think about meeting a whole bunch of new people to mask around and make good impressions. Ghost needed the time off to re-regulate, and honestly, Soap wasn't up to introducing a boyfriend he had barely warned his mother about beforehand.
So instead the two taxi'd over to Manchester from the airport, arriving at a tiny, cheap flat with even cheaper security cameras dotted on each outside wall and above the front door. "Enough of a deterrent, even if half don't work," explains Simon, seeing Johnny looking around curiously. He unlocks the door and pushes it open an inch, baited breath for a couple of moments as he appears to listen for anything unusual, before opening the door properly, flicking on the warm overhead lights and pulling Soap in by the hand, who gazes at the inside of his flat whilst Ghost locks the door again.
"Dinnae take you for an interior designer, Lt," John grins, glancing at the taller man before going back to admiring the space. It's dusty, sure, but otherwise not quite as awful as expected, and although cramped, holds a feeling of comfort and rest. The two are standing in the kitchen, cupboards naked oak wood and counters hand-painted daffodil yellow, the honey-coloured floor tiles chipped but superglued back together. The image of Si sitting cross-legged on the ground fixing them fills Soap's mind, his heart fluttering at how domestic his lieutenant suddenly seems.
There isn't a wall between the kitchen and living room, and Johnny takes that opportunity to wonder straight through, taking note of a comfy-looking secondhand sofa to cuddle up on together later. An old TV with a jumble of cables is stood upon a coffee table, which simultaneously doubles as an actual coffee table, evident by a few mismatched coasters with just as many water marks as the surface they're supposed to be protecting. Splintering wood in the tried-to-be-aesthetic bare floorboards are covered by a granny rug which contrasts the baby blue walls surprisingly well. Two doors lead off from the living room, and Ghost walks over to the first one, opening it to show the other.
"Bathroom," he comments as if it isn't obvious. There's nothing extraordinary about it, but Soap does notice his unwavering loyalty here and on base to his very specific shower products - of course. He nods and they move on, entering the fourth room. Si hovers at the doorway whilst Johnny wanders inside, taking in the bedroom.
Most of the space is taken up by a double bed pressed up in the far corner, white paint on the metal frame missing in spots, showing its age. The bedding is black with little bone prints patterning it, soft cotton and all matching. Shoved next to the bed is a chest of drawers, one of the handles missing and replaced with a nail bashed into the wood. Hung up precariously on the picture rail over it is Simon's formal uniform - clearly unused for years due to his skilful avoidance of social events. Again, the floor is stripped of carpet (the bedroom in slightly safer condition than in the living room) and the walls are painted, this time a pale pink and dotted with glow-in-the-dark plastic stars.
"Never got them as a kid," Ghost mutters, gesturing to the stars and then the general soft colours of his flat. He shuffles awkwardly on his feet, avoiding eye contact - and subsequently his boyfriend's loving smile too. "You want something to eat? I don't have anything," he adds quickly.
"We can go doon to the chippy?" John suggests, walking over to kiss him tenderly. "Or if you don't feel like seein' people, I could order us something." The taller man nods at the second option, then proceeds to wrap his arms around Soap's waist, burying his face into the crook of his neck and pressing his lips to the skin, simply savouring his warm embrace.
"I love you, Johnny. I'm happy you're here."
The next few days go by far too quick for either's liking. They're spent with long mornings just laying in bed, doing fuck all on their phones in the oddest cuddle positions known; alternatively, smothering each other in hugs and kisses until they have to give them attention until they're satisfied. Time is spent plodding around the flat, wearing pyjama trousers and fluffy socks and with blankets draped over their bare shoulders.
Meals are cooked with very little skill but a whole lot of try, so at least that's something. Neither go out much; just to the shops when they need something or one night to get fish and chips from the good place across the street. They eat sitting on the countertop or the sofa, watching some shitshow with a laugh track that winds Simon up.
Evenings involve making out during conversation, quietly murmuring and laughing between kisses, chests pressed together so their hearts can talk directly. Ghost realises he's never felt so safe and content on leave before this one night when they're lying in bed, a dim lamp the only light in the room as he runs his fingers through Soap's hair, now slightly curly from growing out whilst not on base. It's quiet, but not in the lonely, terrifying way it usually is when he's alone in the flat, left to his own thoughts for however long between deployments.
Maybe, just maybe, leave will become something that he doesn't dread anymore. And perhaps next time - he thinks, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead and flicking off the lamp - it might be nice to meet Johnny's family.
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