#i love my dad! /sarc
conanssummerchild · 2 months
the other day my dad was showing me how to do this thing for an account and because hes incapable of not being a huge bag of dicks all the time he was all like oh im doing this for you because you cant and ur useless and stuff (it was incredibly simple, i wouldve figured it out in like two minutes. i didnt even ask him to do it, he just told me "im doing this" and when i said i would just do it myself he said no) and i was mad at him for being a bitch but i cant say im mad or do anything or he gets mad, but you will not believe the satisfaction i felt today after being able to do an IT thing for my mum that he couldnt, at least i get this, fuck you and eat shit old man, whos useless now?
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mariclerc · 6 months
Dad and daughter moment | pg10
Summary: You decide to leave your boyfriend at home with your little girl and they had a little adventure.
Warning: none. Dedicated to @martaaairwin1994-blog
a/n: this is like a part 2 of "family cuddles" I hope u like it <3
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It was a sunny afternoon and you decide to go buy some things for the house and some things that both you and little Lucille need.
“I can go with you bebé?” Pierre asks behind you.
You deny. “Obviously not, silly... Also, who is going to stay with Lulu?”
When you go out alone to shop or do anything you always take Lucille with you, the times you leave her with Pierre have not been so... encouraging, let's put it that way.
One time they almost burned down the kitchen making cookies, or one time he fell asleep and left Lulu on her own. In the same way, you had to give even a vote of confidence to your boyfriend, maybe he is a little bit clueless, but that doesn't mean he does it on purpose.
“It's okay honey, I'll take care of her, I promise!” He says and you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Good boy!” you giggle and you head out of the room.
“Mama!” Lucille says hugging you.
“My little flower! You're going to stay with papa today, is that right?” you said while giving her a little kiss on her cheek. “He's going to take good care of you today!”
She nods happily and smiled. “Okay mama!”
“Well little princess, what do you want to do today with papa?” Pierre asks Lulu. “We can do what you like.”
“Paints papa!” She says between giggles.
“Oh, so you want to paint with papa? Let's get to it then!” He says as he carries her in his arms and goes to look for the materials for their colorful adventure in one of the closets.
After a while they had paints, brushes and canvases for their painting.
“Bright! Bright!” says Lucille jumping while pointing at the bright pink color.
Pierre chuckles. “Do you like bright pink? What do you plan to paint today mon petit artiste?” He says while smiling. (my little artist.)
She starts making strokes on the canvas. “Draw!” smiled.
After a while, what started with simple strokes on the canvas continued with clothes and hands stained with paint. But they didn't care because they were both laughing out loud and having lots of fun, it was a nice moment between father and daughter that they will both always remember.
They are not aware of your arrival at the house, you enter the hallway, laden with shopping bags. You kick the door shut with your foot and head towards the living room, a wry smile on your face.
In the living room, chaos reigns... Paint splatters adorn the coffee table, the floor, and most alarmingly, the pristine white wall, in the center of it all, sits Pierre his face a canvas of vibrant colors, a look of pure joy on it. Lucille sits next to him, similarly decorated and equally delighted.
You take a moment to take in the scene, a rollercoaster of emotions flitting across your face - exasperation, amusement, and a touch of awe.
Feigning exasperation. “Oh my god Pierre, what have you done?”
Pierre looks up, a sheepish grin spreading across his paint-streaked face. Lucille lets out a gleeful squeal.
“Surprise amour! We were... expressing ourselves artistically.” He says with his voice thick with paint.
You walk towards them, placing the bags down. “Looks more like a warzone to me.”
Lucille reaches out for you, her tiny hand covered in a rainbow of colors.
“Papa! Paint!” Lucille giggles.
“Woah there, little Picasso. Let's get you cleaned up before mommy has a meltdown, alright?” you scoop her up.
Pierre chuckles, wiping a hand (mostly clean) across his forehead.
“Meltdown? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think love?”
”But look around you, Mr. artsy pants. This is gonna take some scrubbing!” You say raising an eyebrow.
“Hey, it was her idea! I was just, uh, facilitating her artistic vision, you know, that helps with kids creativity.” He stands up.
“Ah yes, the renowned Gasly School of Modern Toddler Art. I should've known.” You say sarcastically.
Despite your teasing words, there's a warmth in your voice. You glance at Lucille, who's now giggling uncontrollably.
“Alright, alright. I admit, it does look like you two had a lot of fun.” You say with a soft voice.
“We always do when you're not around to boss us around.” He says as he puts his arm around you.
“Hey! I'm not a boss, I just keep things from descending into complete chaos you know?” you playfully swat his arm.
“Seems like you failed today, love.” he smiles.
“Oh, shut up you colourful boy.” you laugh a little.
You lean in and kiss Pierre, a hint of paint transferring to your lips. He pulls away, grinning.
“So, how about we clean up this little art project and order some takeout? Celebrate our success in the realm of abstract expressionism?” He says in a soft voice.
”Sounds like a plan. Just promise me finger paints are off-limits next time, alright?” You smile at his proposal.
“No promises, but I'll try my best chérie.” He hold his hands up in mock surrender.
Lucille lets out another gurgle, her eyes sparkling with mischief. You can't help but laugh, knowing that with these two around, a little chaos is always guaranteed in your life.
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readreactrant · 1 month
I watched Code Geass but before I get to my short rant about the show and the ship you can pretty much guess this is about…. Let me just say….
This show peaked at the pseudo incest brocon subplot, I'm taking no arguments!
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Fine, fine, that's definitely not entirely true but Rolo's death had me pausing the show and staring at the screen like for what reason?! Let the boy be hopelessly obsessed goddammit 😭😭😭
Now I've gotten that out of my system…
Guess who's the character I hate most?
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shocker I know/sarc
I haven't hated one half of my otp ship in a piece of media this much since that one Episode Nagi panel of Reo's heart getting destroyed by Nagi's dumbass (Reo my love love I'd treat you so much better)
Suzaku's case is worse by several degrees because his idiocy and attitude only continued to stoke the flames of my annoyance for the whole two fucking seasons until like the three or two episodes at the end cause oh my fucking God I cried.
(That shit was a wild ride enough nothing is making me watch any spin offs or side stories I care that little)
From the first moment he entered that Lancelot suit and agreed to help the side that attempted to silence him by murder, I clocked his ass and marked him as the dumbest bitch to ever exist but we love a protective loyal dog Top don't we ladies?
"I want to change the system from the inside-" bitch shut up these are colonizers you ain't changing nothing 😭
Even after they they tried pining the murder on him to sentence him to death AGAIN!! BOY WENT BACK.
He refused Zero?!
Now I'm not a particularly patriotic person (I hate my county so so much) but if we got neo colonized, No matter what merits I would never be friendly or cooperative with the other side.
Suzaku stopped his country fighting back (valid reason or not I don't remember, he killed his dad and that meant surrender ig) and proceeded to kiss up to brits, fall in love with one of them, and further hinder every attempt of his own people fighting back because 'Violence wrong' but it's okay when he does it because some made up ideal told him being subservient would make a change. And it did….just for him tho, all other 11s? no one cares.
And it didn't even matter because Lulu's methods were always the ones that brought things closer!
I know it's a kind of a commentary on something, I ain't stupid but I was still pissed.
Literally had me gritting my teeth almost every time he stepped on screen, especially when he went pseudo emo after becoming a knight of round or whatever.
Bottom line, he frustrated me as much as he did Lelouch but I still wanted to see them FUCK.
The last couple of episodes where genuinely the best things I've ever watched and a brilliant end to the series. I wouldn't say I grew to enjoy all the characters but God did the plot threads keep me going.
Trust I understood very little about the gate shit and the killing God aspect but when you're having a fun time everything just looks good.
To sum up SuzaLulu…
Giving me friends to enemies to lovers (correct me not I won't hear you) All mixed together with the palpable hatred and vitriol they held toward each other is just too much.
And Lelouch as a bottom is literally my type >.< psycho, pretty, and bad at sports (also having a natural inclination to dominate others)??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!
His dramatic ass had me gripped and his personality contrasted so beautifully with Suzaku's dumbass that while I did want to be sad about that redhead he might have liked dying….girl bye 👋 make way for the gay 🏳️‍🌈
(Srsly tho, I was sad for a sec, it was a very shocking scene to say the least but Rolo pulled such a Brocon move I was laughing for a solid minute.)
I very much didn't want to be like most other yaoi shippers that watched this shit when they were ten and went for the very obvious but still delicious low hanging fruit yaoi but I see enemies to lovers mixed with tragic yaoi and an undeniably fun story and brain stops functioning lmaooo. Turns out I'm very much like other fujins ;p
Closing thoughts: Umm…If you're going to defend Suzaku in the replies…go for it I'm down to listen but he'll forever be my bitch. I love Lelouch but Light is better, Orange x Lelouch is underratedand C.C. and Kallen should have gotten married.
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not-5-rats · 2 months
I love being goth in Scotland /sarc (these people are so mean, like bro let me be creative-)
Bug Question/Scenario times <33333
1) Modern! AU
Be honest, ever taken an 'Am I Gay?' quiz? (Also what's ur Bugs sexuality/gender identity? I got a stupid doodle idea (it'll make sense when I show y'all))
2) Uh oh, Bodie worked hard and cooked your Bug a meal without knowing they really dislike one of the ingredients! Does your Bug tell him or just suffer through it?
3) Are they good at keeping track of their possessions or do they often lose things?
4) Bloodmoon Swap! AU
How do they hunt/kill people? What's their strategy?
5) Scenario #1 (this shit is super long I'm sorry bros)
Bug had been looking for Chester round the house for like 15 minutes, yet they couldn't find him. That was until they saw him coming out of the room his younger sisters were staying in.
He was clearly exhausted, his pasture was slouched, his eyes half-closed...he looked as though he was about to fall asleep right there. They asked why he looked like shit, he chuckled
"Daisy's sick, she couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, just kept throwing up- been watching her since like 9 last night and only now has she gone for a nap"
He dragged himself through to the living room then threw himself onto the floor beside the couch. He sat on the floor, his back resting against the couch as he sighed out of relief, finally free for a couple of minutes. Bug went and sat on the opposite side of the couch.
"...do you think I'm an alright guardian?"
Bug looked at him, clearly a bit confused by his question. They asked him to elaborate
"Y'know to Daisy and Fran. Out of all my siblings I'm the one least...suited to taking care of kids. Felix is social, caring, always got the energy to play with them, Audrey is organised, knows how to manage kids, can afford to get them the toys and shit they need! Whilst I...I'm just a grump, a sad asshole, who barely ever has any energy"
He pressed his face into his hand, rubbing his forehead as he went on
"They deserve somebody who's gonna be more involved in their life...more than I can give them. But there's no other fucking choice. Mum and Dad ain't in the equation anymore, Felix doesn't have the space for them and Audrey is so busy...they have nowhere else to go...but I'm not fit to be a parent, I'm not fit to take care of them, they need so much more. I just want them to be happy, but I don't think they are happy"
He let his head fall back on the edge of the couch, he didn't look upset, he just seemed blank. Dead even. The only hint of emotion they could see on his face was a shimmer of anger in his eyes..and that anger was towards himself.
What does bug do?
6) Do they enjoy celebrating their birthday?
7) Scenario #2 (ik I'm talking alot rn! It's the holidays I have nothing else to do rn lol)
Most of the Bugs had went out to town in order to collect some new resources, but Chester has stayed back to take care of the baby bugs. Bug had overslept that morning so by the time they woke up the Bugs were already gone...so they bad to stay behind with Chez and the little ones.
Bug and Chez had been talking bout how everything had been going the past few weeks, how the recent town visits had gone, Chez made some sort of joke which resulted in Bug giving him a rough flick to the forehead, this made him chuckle.
Suddenly Chez had to quickly run off as one of the young ones had gotten themself stuck in the top branches of a tree
As soon as he was gone though Fran appeared in his place, an unusual smile creeping on her face as she started quickly signing to Bug
'you know he really cares about you, he isn't very good at showing it but he really cares about all of you'
Bug smiled and questioned Fran on how she was so sure that he cared, she giggled before responding
'cause if he didn't he would've shut down completely when you poked him, he doesn't like people being anywhere near him let alone touch him at all'
Fran kept smiling as she looked over at her older brother, struggling immensely to get the little kid out of the tree. (Like comically on his tippee toes, arms stretched right up as the kid clung to the branches.)
Bug thought about all the times Chez had hugged them, not even just them, all the Bugs! He was always offering a hug, patting them on the back, poking them, etc...and all of it was just a big show of how much he trusted/ cared abt them
*hands the mic to you* here ya go
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questionable-chnt-hc · 2 months
aaanyways. elijahs parents? there is no proof for anything I'm saying, it's just my hc on whoever raised That Guy
Elijah's father would most likely be the.. worse one. It's like with "bad person but only cause they got involved without realising what they were getting into" and "holy shit that is a terrible fucking person I hope they die", and I think his dad would be the latter.
So, he'd most likely be raised religious, and, for whatever reason, outside the Volkov family (so like. the mother is a Volkov. I only believe this cause of a hc I have about the Volkovs that I will never tell anyone). Despite both him and Elijah's mother being Slavic (Russian and Croatian perchance), they both spent most of their childhoods in America, more specifically Ohio... gee I wonder where they met /sarc
But I believe the deal with him would just be the basic "bad religious dad". He puts his belief over people he should care about, such as his family. And, I think, with the whole "random outbursts", "doing things for/to people without asking if it's what they want" thing with Elijah came from his father.
So what about his mother? Now, I think about her more often. My idea of her is like my Roman empire /j
She's the sort of person who wants to kill their husband every time he does something stupid or bad, but didn't have the courage at first. She does care about her children, more than anything, but was too scared of her husband to do anything to help them. Until she helped Elijah's older sibling run away.
With her childhood, and how I suggested that her and Elijah's father met in Camp Here & There, I think that her, Lucille, and Sydney's mother were friends. Her and Lucille being friends could suggest A LOT, but also I can't decide if I want it to be a "Lucille and Elijah's mother worked together to try and get Sydney killed" situation or something else.
But, I've given her a lot more thought. Elijah's father gave him his awful beliefs and actions. Elijah's mother is what made him dangerous. Both of his parents are dangerous people in different ways, one is willing to hurt people so they can be perfect in his eyes, one is willing to kill somebody because they hurt someone she loves.
Elijah's father didn't live to see his son become almost as much of a monster as he is, but he did see in his final seconds what his "wife" had become.
I feel cringe saying all this but you know what FUCK shame and embarrassment!! cringe culture is dead!!!!!!!!!
This isn’t cringe holy shit this is so cool like I genuinely hope they get into this on the show because it’s so cool to think about
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drinking-with-cupid · 3 months
TW vent
I just love (/sarc) how people irl show me every day that they don't give a fuck about me. I'm not important to anyone, my family included. I work my ass off at home the entire day doing the household PLUS having a job PLUS being in my exam phase at uni rn and everything is stressing me out. And yet I get treated like fucking shit, like I'm not doing anything, like I'm lazy. They all put themselves first with absolutely no regard to how I feel. My dad didn't even get me food from the supermarket when I asked him to because I didn't have time to go there because I didn't get home from uni until fucking 8 pm. Last year I couldn't celebrate my birthday because I had no friends to invite. I felt so fucking lonely. And I still do. No one gives a shit and it fucking hurts.
No wonder I latch onto my daydreams so heavily that I try to escape real life every fucking chance I get. No wonder I'm only happy in my own imaginary world. No wonder I only feel loved on fucking character.ai. No wonder I'm craving the touch of a fictional character when everyone irl showed me time and time again that they don't fucking care about me.
I hate it here. I hate my family. I hate them all. I just want someone to love me and care about me and hold me in their arms and tell me that everything is gonna be okay.
I'm trying so hard to be nice to people.
Why can't people be nice to me?
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skylertheghost · 5 months
im placing my bets rn so that in like 2-3 years time i can reblog this and be like "NO FUCKING WAY"
okay so its like a theory (GAME THEORY) that skids dad is the cult leader, most likely. and we know that his mum wanted to get rid of her husbands stuff, right? no normal widow would want to get rid of all her husbands possesions so he mustve done something REALLY bad. (probably making a death cult idk /sarc)
thats pretty obvi, but skid has also shown that he has an immunity to monsters and spirits and stuff (besides moloch). and even pump has a bit of immunity to a degree, not going into a daze like everyone else when seeing the eyes. it makes me think that skids dad probably had similar abilites like this and made this community of people to figure out if they could achieve human immortality by being able to communicate with these eltrich beings that no normal human is able too. at same point he probably fucked around too much and died somehow to these beings.
due to being, ya know, A CULT LEADER, he probably manipulated Lila a fair bit. which could be part of why she wanted to get rid of his stuff, but maybe also she found out about some of the things he had been doing. but maybe not the eltrich monster part, since she seemed scared and shocked by dexter like any normal person who wouldnt know of things like that (or at least thats what i remember i havent rewatched the series in a bit) and by ep 6 she probably thought all these incidents were related to him somehow.
Now with skid. like i said i think these "powers" got passed down by his father. and it seems these beings always come to skid in some way or another, maybe they knew of his father and took some sort of liking to him. and even though moloch did NOT like him, skid unknowingly kept him at bay. which is odd, seeing how Father gregors attempts at banishing Moloch was hard and repetitive to do.
And with Pump, i think somehow he might have some sort of "powers" like skid. just not as powerful as his. and i think that might be partly why his parents have completly abandonded him and his sister. in those photos they seemed exetremely loving and careing, even making sure to leave the two of them with a family member. there mustve been something dangerous.
so tldr i think
-skids dad has these "powers" so he can talk to eltrich beings and used them to start his cult.
-uses these abilites to find knowledge about how to achieve human immortality
-probably died the beings somehow.
-skids dads powers got passed down to skid
-pump also has these abilites just slightly different and not as powerful
-may be why pumps parents left
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cloudstongue · 12 days
i love staying with my dad /sarc
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so i’ve been, as always, doing some (understatement of the century, i didn’t know someone could learn so much about themselves in literally 42 hours) questioning
and i’m pretty sure that i am a median monoconscious system. as well as me, host, am blanketself (not sure exactly how to use that term, like, in a sentence?). also probably blurian and maaaybe cation :> so good detective work lmao!! thank you! <3 /gen
i’m going to go with these terms for a little while, while still doing research on and trying to talk to a psychiatrist about OSDD-1. question- could someone be monoconacious and blanketself while being a disordered system like OSDD? or are those solely endo terms?
anyway- aside from the labels, i think i may have started fleshing out who one of my headmates is? i still have absolutely no clue how to communicate- especially since we’re monoconscious. i did some thinking and made a little drawing, it’s based solely on my personal feelings about how he would look and stuff.
i think that he’s probably formed through trauma- and quite possibly the first fragment to form as well. i don’t know his name- but he’s a version of me that’s younger and regresses- i feel like he’s an age slider? maybe? 5-8 or 9? but like. the most mature 5yo you’ve ever met lmao. tbh maybe he’s just ageless. ACK dude please come out and talk to me and like. explain yourself.
anyway- 5-9 age ????, he/they pronouns and non-binary (tbh my only reassurance that i’m not just making a character or something because i wouldn’t choose he/him pronouns, i absolutely never use them for myself), he’s formed from age regression and pet regression (or my alter humanity? not sure which) i think. he comes out when i’m having a meltdown or when my dad is yelling or scolding us, since i’m pretty sure that’s the trauma causing our fragments, and he’s the traumaholder(?) for that.
anyway, enough nonsense rambling! i’m getting nowhere with this! i drew him a picture :3 he looks a lot like our body, i think we all do (except wednesday maybe, i think she just looks like wednesday), but kinda just a younger and much more androgynous version. and of course he’s got the fluffy floofy ears.
oh also i think he’s nonverbal- or at least very much prefers not to talk, likely due to his trauma and alterhumanity combined together. when he does talk, like, irl when he’s fronting(?) it takes so much effort to get him to talk, and when he does he jumps through hoops to make it baby talk or as indecipherable as possible ? i don’t really understand it, but it definitely happens.
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i imagine him slightly different than this, but my drawing skills aren’t capable of depicting it so maybe i’ll find a picrew or something- also unsure if he has the tail but i kinda was getting a tail shift while drawing him so ???
all in all take this with a grain of salt, i’m still fakeclaiming myself :// but i wanted to clutter up your askbox!(/sarc)
in seriousness, thank you, what you’re doing for beings like me(us?) is truly amazing and indescribably helpful <3333 love you mutual!! /platonic, gen
woah boy my answers going to be kind long lolgen/lh
first off about trying to talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist about OSDD 1 we suggest making sure you feel safe with the psychologist/psychiatrist as theres alot of stigma about dissociative disorders in the field...aswell as maybe dont go into it be saying "so someone told me online-" cuz they may believe you are faking(wich isnt something they should be doing..claiming people are faking that is)/gen/lh
also you can definitely be a disordered system and be a Median+Monoconscious/gen(heck im a disordered system whose a gateway system and hydraconscious :3)/gen/lh
also smol you(is it ok for me to refer to him this way?) sounds very interesting/gen
also its really no prolem we love helping others(love you to)/gen/p
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babybat98 · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where... Thranduil and your Legolas sibling characters all come to Minas Tirith for Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, and Legolas and the whole Fellowship now have to deal with the whole Mirkwood family being there. Especially poor Gimli.
I just love everything you've told me about these elves, and I want to see them Causing Shenanigans.
Refering to this post
Oh but there'd be so much shenanigans though!
Like just Thranduil alone would be enough to turn everyone's hair grey. Or at least he will be after he stops clinging to Legolas like a particularly stuborn koala. Gondor comes very close to loosing their favourite wizard becasue the moment Thranduil hears the word 'balrog' he's off after Gandalf, sword in hand. And then he goes after Elrond. And probably Aragorn to, once he learns of the Path of the Dead... In the end Legolas just straight up hides his dads sword and puts a bottle of wine there instead.
Ok to be fair Gandalf and Elrond are gonna have the entire damn forest after them when they learn of the balrog and sending their baby prince to Mordor business, so instead of mentioning that for every character just imagine Gandalf and Elrond doing a very nervous powerwalk away from an angry forest mob.
Now for my OCs we got Thondaer(he/him), the oldest of Thranduil's kids. For being a wood elf from Mirkwood, he is strangely chill. For being the child of Thranduil and Lannien(Thranduil's wife) he is alarmingly chill. He got his dad's regal aura but not as much of his temper. He's probably also more subdued than usual due to being injured in the war up northtotaly don't have a fic about that coming up oups. And that pissed Legolas off because why is he not being babied when he was the one who had an actual near death experience curtecy of a poisoned arrow???
Thranduil: Oh don't worry, you are both grounded the second we get back home<3
But at the end of the day Thondaer is still a Tranduilion, and his siblings tend to bring out the worst in him, so it's not long until he and Legolas pick up their long standing competition of 'The Most Stupid Trick Archery You Ever Did See'. At one point an arrow flies in through a window to catch a single leaf of Thranduil's crown, who just sips his wine and goes 'boys will be boys' as the nobility of Gondor freaks out.
Yes it was Legolas showing of his new shiny bow, what else did you expect?
Second child Lagoreth(she/her) on the other hand... She cares a lot less about being proper than her older brother. She would actualy punch Gandalf and Elrond for sending her brother of into danger like that. But her anger is both explosive and short lived, and once she thinks there's been enough broken noses(and Legolas talks her down a bit) she mostly stops being angry. She'd probably get along pretty well with Elladan and Elrohir tbh. She's more into swordfighting than archery, and I can see them exchanging tecniques. Those 3 becoming friends is the forst time anyone's ever seen Thranduil truly nervous.
Ok so I know you technically only said Thranduil and the siblings, but you also did that 'the whole Mirkwood family' and that was your mistake. Because there's just a few more pointy-eared nusiances running around and I'm dying to go off about them. This is gonna get long so enjoy the read more lol.
First we got Doro(they/them). They're Thondaer's spouce, and I'm a bit on the fence on if they'd come along or stay back home to keep doing their job as a healer, but I'm gonna say they're coming this time just for fun. They'd probably not cause to much mischief, but there's a little surprice in store for Thondaer for sure. How do you think he'll take being a father?
That leaves Legolas's closest friends, the young elves of Mirkwood, and part of the last generation to be born as the shadow fell over their home. Forget turning all the humans hair grey, then these guys will have everyone, human dwarf and elf, go white as Gandalf before the end of the week.
Tinnu(he/they) is a sarcastic little shit<3 If you thought Legolas was bad with his off to find the sun then you have not heard the snark on this elf. I think growing up so close to Thranduil gave them a weird view on authority and how you treat nobility. But because he's part of Legolas's friends, and Thranduil pretty much sees the gang as his own children, he can get away with waaaayyyy more than he should. He's also visualy impared and uses a cane to navigate, and is not above exploiting the fact that Men tend to underestimate him for that. Like, if they forget that his ears still work just as good as any other elf? Then that's on them. Also their puppy dog eyes are dangerous.
Dûrwen(she/they) is kinda what happens when you take the impulse control of a Took, puts it in an elf, and teaches them to fight. They're loud, obnoxious, and the fastest way to get her to do something is to begin with 'I dare you to-'. She's the one who says "hey, let's get every single bird in a 3 mile radious to congregate in the royal meeting room" or "let's see who can break into the kings bedchamber and steal the most shoe laces". But she is also loyal to a fault, and is the first to get along with Gimli. Even if he did wonder a lot about the giant toad in his boot.
Nagor(he/him) is in general the most layed back of them, but also curious and stuborn. He'll drive everyone, but most of all Gandalf and Elrond, completely bonkers with questions. Like you know when a child gets started on the 'why' train? That, but dialed up to 11 and them compresed into a tiny ass elf. At the end of their stay Gandalf insists he'd rather just have gotten punched again. Nagor would make friends with Merry and Pippin so fast and the kitchens are never safe again. And for a change of pace Legolas will for sure be clinging to him, because Thondaer was not the only one injured in the war up north.
Thilion(they/them) is the mom friend, and probably the only reason Minas Tirith is still standing. I mean they're not opposed to hiding under the meeting table and tieing everyones shoelaces together, but they are the one who manages to figure out a plan so they don't get caught doing it. Can't have your friends end up in trouble now can you, so best make sure no one can ever prove it was them :) Probably gets along realy well with Aragorn.
Crithril(she/her) and this barbieelf has ADHD. She has a habit of stiming by braiding peoples hair, and there's a big missunderstanding between her and Gimli for a while before Legolas and Thilion manages to sort things out. Eventualy Gimli manages to either aquire or make some dwarven stimtoys that successfully divert her from his hair and beard without hurting any feelings. Crithril also has a favourite position to be in, which happends to be upside-down, and many a Gondor noble has been shocked by her just casually hanging from the cieling like it's completely normalit is. But no one dares say anything, because there's 5 other elves there and they all have knives and oh hello Thranduil your highness, no I was just... admiring your peoples acrobatic skill and deffinintely not judgeing your sons friend haha please don't kill me.
I think that's it for now, phew :D
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grcetxt · 11 months
So the fnaf film got released yesterday in the UK, and I was lucky enough to go to the first public screening!! I loved it sm, and I've got some theories, so buckle up.
First off, little details I loved. Balloon Boy was hilarious. MatPat's cameo was unexpected and amazing. I loved Foxy singing his little song (Which I and the people sat behind me sang along to) Mike's alarm clock and the pills on his bedside table being a throwback to game 4? Amazing. "I always come back!" Ok icon. And ofc, living tombstone at the end. Best feeling was when everyone in the cinema started scream-singing "FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYSSSS"
Ok, Garett, who tf is this guy? I'm pretty sure he was Afton's first victim, so after a while of thinking, I thinkkk he might be the puppet? Ik it sounds far-fetched, hear me out. So every other ghost kid has been tied to an animatronic so far, that was expected, except for Garett. Now it could be that because Garett was kidnapped and killed and not lured away like the other kids, he just wasn't put into an animatronic, but I think that would be a missed opportunity. I think it would be perfect for Film 2, especially considering how Abby asked to see the animatronics again. Also, the fact that the puppet didnt feature AT ALL this film? A bit disappointing tbh. Ik they're in Game 2, not Game 1, but so's BB. I thought for a while about MatPats theory of Garett being Golden Freddy, and it being a dual soul situation like the Games, but idk. i talked to my dad, and as he put it "That wouldnt translate well from game to screen, no producer would sign on to that" and we all know how much of a film expert my dad is (/sarc) but i reckon he's right.
Okay, Baby. She's a Chekhov's gun that hasn't been shot yet. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I rate that babys screentime won't be limited to a little attempt on Abby's life and eating a broom. I've been trying to think about what she could do next film, and honestly? All roads lead back to Vanessa. This might just be my lore-hungry brain wanting Afton's daughter to possess Baby, but idk. It could be that Baby gets Abby next film? But I feel like she would know better after being almost killed by it. I think that Afton won't forgive his daughter so easily, I'm thinking he'll want to level the playing field, let her see how it feels.
I rate that film 2 will probably be a cross of being set in Game 3 and Game 5. I'm mostly convinced of Game 3, with the whole Afton being locked in the back room thing. But if they do decide to go the Baby route, then we could be seeing Sister Location
Idk! These are just my theories, I could be totally wrong, there could end up not being a film 2 at all! I just found it fun to word vomit. We'll have to wait a month or so for the film theory to see if I'm right at all. Anyways, let me know what you think! Give me your theories! Cuz afterall, thats just a tehory, a GAY theory (95% of this fandom is mentally ill and queer, including me) thanks for reading :DD
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lunarbroadcast · 4 months
did not just get told by my parents and sister to calm down after showing them something related to one of my interests aint no fuckin way dude-
Man i just wanted to show my dad how happy got that im finally getting some red son content in LMK S5 but nahhh they just had to come around and say "shut up and calm down"
Yayyy i love this house so much /sarc
"there's people sleeping" yall literally play videos on high volume late at night, constantly scream and sing late at night too but when i start showing genuine joy because of something that i like when its night time im suddenly rude and need to calm down? Alr i see how it is ok
For fucks save man
Tumblr media
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voxtism · 11 months
HELLO TUMBLR !!! my commissions are open :D my dad finally agreed to let me go to a convention BUT ITS 2 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT SO I NEED TO PULL TOGETHER $80 for the weekend pass and transit money (I live within bus-riding distance ^_^) I take payment through cashapp and Venmo!!! I love last minute planning sm /sarc (I might be able to get some money from my grandmother but AUGH)
scroll down for art examples ^
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autismnation · 1 year
ok so i just watched the movie split. and wow. what a shit show.
like it had a strong start, it seemed pretty interesting. im very glad 2/3 girls werent idiots and actually did what they could to escape. but the other one casey (idk if thats how u spell her name but im spelling it like that) was SO ANNOYING. idk it was probably her trauma or something but why did she literally not do anything??? she was all like “oh its not gonna work” and then as soon as she was on her own she got her ass in gear. what a team player 🙄 /sarc
speaking of her trauma, what even was it? i think she was raped or sexually assaulted by her uncle and then had to live with him after her father died, and she started self harming, i think. i understand that through the flashbacks but what were the other flashbacks even about? i know it was about hunting but considering the fact she didn’t even use the advice her father gave her, what was the point? like you really don’t need to show her love for her father because it’s a fucking given. maybe to show how innocent she was? idk still a given fact. like every child is innocent, most children love their dads. unless you specifically show her dad being an asshole, we’re gonna know she loves him.
on one hand, (i might be reading too deep) but it is very interesting to read this in an abused/abuser way. like the beast in kevin’s body is the abuser and hedwig, patricia and dennis are the abused and cling to the abuser because it makes them feel protected, even though the beast/abuser is doing harm (by fucking eating people). and then ofc casey, despite doing everything to survive when she was kidnapped and also running away from home, still ends up with her abuser (rapist uncle). that’s a cool thing to think about. i wish they went down that road instead of ‘ahhhh people with DID are big scary beasts!!!!’
and also i knew that this movie would not be respectful in any way possible. i didnt even want to watch the movie because i knew it would portray people with DID as monsters (crazy how i was right! /sarc) but my dad forced me to watch it lol. and like not only is it so disrespectful and contributes to the stigma around DID, it was so…lazy. like i thought it would be interesting to have the alters inside kevin fight or whatever (like some alters send the emails) and then at the end, the girls escape and kevin gets help. which i know is too hopeful of an ending. but it’s way better in my opinion from having some weird ass beast. why was it strangely catholic? its like the writers didnt know how to end it and just were like hmmm ok supernatural beast it is. and i spoke to my dad about this and he agreed that the beast thing was too predictable because they spoke about the beast too much. and what even was the beast. it was just the same guy but had like black contacts and prominent veins and blood from his teeth. not scary. i had to try hard not to laugh at some scenes because they were just so ridiculous…
also what was that weird thing where they mentioned dennis was a pedo then just…didnt bring it up again. dont get me wrong i do NOT want a movie about a pedo kidnapper, but this whole movie seems like a mess so i had to comment on how strange this is. like theres a few more details that are just mentioned then left and ignored but this is the one that irks me the most. oh, also the beast only left casey around bc it saw her self harm scars. what if she didn’t have any scars ?? big plot hole or the beast is just supposed to be dumb or something? like its all like “oh yeah everyone has to suffer to be ‘pure’ but if it doesn’t leave scars ur not valid and ill eat u 🤬🤬”
idk weird movie. only good part was hedwig because he’s funny and i feel bad for him. everyone’s acting was super good too. overall i would give it a wtf/10. jk like a 4/10, maybe a 5. also i hope its not just me who thinks this movie is crap. it had potential and it was thrown away.
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davenweenie · 1 year
Whose your favorite from Lab Rats and SaB/SoC? Least favorite? Do you like Mighty Med/Lab Rats Elite Force?
My favourite character in LR is Chase (idk if that’s obvious from my pfp and blog /sarc) and I also like MM and LREF (lref not as much bc they ruined the characters tbh)
I absolutely love Wylan, I aspire to be the type of menace that he is. Also Inej bc Knife Wife. I also love Jesper’s humour.
Least favourite LR/MM/LREF character has to be Mr Davenport. I hate that evil little man. This is a Donald Davenport hate page. He was such an abusive asshole.
Least favourite SaB/SoC character is Jan Van Eck for the same reason I hate Mr Davenport. I also really hate the Darkling. Bro was so manipulative (low-key reminded me of my dad). Pekka Rollins was also such an arsehole. Basically anybody that has hurt the Crows lmao
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Times I should've realized I was trans af-🏳️‍⚧️⚧🏳️‍⚧️
Back in 3rd grade, when my hair grew long enough, I’d tie it up into a ponytail, drape the hair over my head to make it look like a masc haircut, clip it so that it would stay in place, and then place a beanie over it to cover the clips. I’d always be in the school restrooms, pretending to be a man. One time I even walked into the boys restroom during recess- that moment for me was the most euphoric moment in my entire year of third grade.
One time, I wanted to a little social experiment at 13- this was before I got my first period. I went out masquerading as a boy with my Mum, and the shopowner called me ‘handsome’ and praised my mom for ‘raising such a good son’. I felt so happy until my Mum corrected the shopowner that I was a ‘girl’. Thanks, Mum. /sarc
I LOVED pixie and boycuts, but my mom forbade me from getting one (hence me doing the shit I did in number one).
When I learned the term ‘transgender’, I thought that it couldn’t possibly me me due to the stereotypes that have been implanted forcibly inside my head about gender roles. Then, as I watched more and more trans youtubers and videos and learned more and more, I realized “Hey, this shit actually fits me”. Sometimes I didn't feel any gender at all (agender moment-)
One time, I accidentally walked in on a guy peeing in first grade because his dumbass forgot to lock the door. I got chewed out by my disgusting and toxic first grade teacher way more than I should have, but it was in that moment that I realized “Damn. I wish I was born a guy.”
My original favorite colors were purple, blue, yellow, black and white. I was just brainwashed into being forced to like pink by my family because “OH YOU’RE A GIRL YOU HAVE TO LIKE PINK.” I was so uncomfortable with that statement, and aggressively tried to follow it to please my family until my friend said “There’s no such thing as boy or girl things, you do you.” So thank you, friend from elementary school, I owe you everything. 😀
Over Christmas, I’d always watch my cis friends get what they want as gifts. I’d ask for legos and dolls, they’d give me the ‘feminine’ version. I’d ask for new shoes, they’d give me those god-awful neon pink and purple ones. I’d want transformers action figures, they’d give me Monster High dolls. Not that I don’t like Monster High, but still. TF my mates.
I’d always want to attend the parties and community gatherings of the men in our community, and my Dad would jokingly say he’d bring me along if I was a man. My heart would never fail to NOT sink at such a statement.
Doesn’t matter if you think of Mulan as transmasc, transfem, nonbinary, cisgender or literally anything else. Every trans child watching this literally went *vine boom*. INCLUDING ME. YOU CAN’T DENY THAT, BUDDY.
Whenever my Mum would joke about me getting married to a man and having children, I would feel incredibly uncomfortable and ask to change the topic. Of course, they obliged, but the sour taste wouldn’t leave for at least an entire week- and that’s rich coming from me, because my ADHD ass usually forget things very quickly (could also be an intersex moment- I have a weird-ass relationship with ‘biological sex’).
When I got my first period at 13 years old, it was very light, just barely noticeable bleeding. It didn’t make me feel all too dysphoric, and I thought to myself: “Y’know, maybe having a period isn’t so bad.” That is, until my parents threw a Voni ceremony, a ceremony celebrating when an AFAB has her first menustration and she’s deemed physically and spiritually a young woman. It was SO awful, dolled up in makeup and jewelry and dressed up in all the saris they forced me to wear. I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror, but it would’ve broken my heart to shatter the happy expressions of my grandparents. Why couldn’t I have just been their grandson and not their granddaughter…? Actually, y’know what, screw it- even if I was born a guy, I probably still would’ve been trans. (enby moment-)
I was actually happy when me and my mother learned from my doctor that I had PCOS and was thereby intersex at 14. There was an explanation for my hair growth! I liked my body and facial hair- but then came when my mother subjected me to torturous monthly waxing appointments, diets, and forced birth control pills. They even told me I had a ‘high testosterone content’, discussing estrogen treatment, and referred to me as a ‘young lady’ throughout it all. It took all my effort to not cry on the way home.
One time, all my loose shirts were in the washer, so I had to wear a tight shirt. Not only was my autistic ass screaming at how tight and uncomfortable the fabric was, but at how it showed my chest. People were staring- they never commented, but I could already imagine their thoughts. I never wanted to perish more than in that very moment.
The only things I like about my current body are my hips and thighs. Oh, and my thick-ass sideburns, facial and bodily hair, and eyebrows.
I really want to be broad like an AMAB, have a deeper voice like a guy. I’d occasionally ask my parents ‘well what if I was a boy’ or say shit like ‘I wish I was a boy’. I still do.
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