#i love lego loki
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agentoffangirling · 15 days ago
I declare Lego Loki the supreme version of all Lokis, you may now clap
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worstloki · 4 months ago
I understand they nerfed Loki for a range of reasons but I still find it very believable that he should have some underlying super powerful magic ability. Like maybe he can do necromancy or reverse time and it was just never mentioned
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l-in-the-light · 4 months ago
Chapter 1132 & 1133 commentary
Finally I could catch up with my commentary! I have a looot to say about those chapters, in a slightly different style this time. But first of all, let's do a survey, I'm curious about people's thoughts on this :D
And now we're moving on to the chapters :3
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Shanks bragging about Luffy? Cute! But you know what, if I didn't know Shanks, I would buy that. But he's bragging to a kid about Luffy for no reason? Nah. He's ditching responsibility on Luffy here. YES. Shanks decided it's too much pain to refuse the kids so he gives Colin a new target to nag to instead, lol. Yeah, okay, that's the Shanks I know and recognize now, haha. You can choose to believe in Shanks' doting nature here. or you can think, like me, that Shanks basically shoved Collin to Luffy for a change LOL. "Remember him" uhum. I missed this side of Shanks, the walking mischief, lol.
I like how defensive Luffy is about Sunny! He's never gonna make the same mistake he did with Merry when he called them just a ship instead of a crew! Here, Luffy is ready to punch faces for his crewmate, the Sunny :D
A cute moment of girl solidarity (between Nami and Robin), cool to see that in a shonen manga, even if it's brief :)
Gerd seems to have really liked Big Mom and is regretful it ended the way it ended. I wonder what is the unforgivable thing though... semla? Giant warrior dying without any honor? or perhaps breaking the marriage promise (Lola and Loki)? We have a lot of candidates here, but clearly Gerd has one thing in mind in particular, hm.
We also learn that Elbaf consists of three realms: of heaven, of sun and of dead. It's interesting because it can be applied to the One Piece world in general, the highest point The Red Line was the realm of the gods (so kinda heaven), lower one of sun (people worshipping sun god) and of dead (beyond the sea level, as there is literally a whole civilisation under the water. Also fishmen island, located on the bottom of the sea, dreams of surface and being part of the "sun" realm).
Speaking of Elbaf, seems the village changed a bit since Big Mom's times that we saw in the flashback. Now Elbaf is located on the cloud level but it seems it wasn't always like that. Perhaps after whatever disaster Big Mom caused, the Giants decided to move up and seclude themselves from human visitors? It's possible Vegapunk helped them with that too.
It's interesting that the island is called Elbaf, but the country itself is called Warland. It suggests once upon a time there might have been a different country located there (maybe Giants originally did live in the clouds, like in the Jack and the bean stalk fairytale. We did see an enormous bean stalk before!). Yet, there is a god called Elbaf as well, which is kinda confusing, unless it's some sort of God Usopp situation there, lol.
Seems Giants are really big on hospitality. "You guys can have leftovers. The feast is for the Strawhats!". Curious, considering the fact this country seems to be off-limits to humans in general, not counting exceptions like Shanks or Luffy and their crews.
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Strawhats reactions to the rainbow bridge are priceless (who can blame them tho? I would react the same way!). Seems indeed anything can be possible in this world, even sailing on rainbow like it's a water highway. Apparently it makes a "kira kira" glittering/sparkling sound, which is a nice little detail. Even Robin is shocked, this is the first time she sees something like that, and she saw and knows sooo much more things than any other Strawhat! The only person unsurprised (but still excited) is Lilith, because as a Vegapunk she visited Elbaf before :)
We finally found out what the sunstone does and why is it so important for Elbaf. Apparently it's based on real life viking device used for navigation. Is it a relic from ancient kingdom (and can Vegapunk recreate it)? Is that why Brook is innocently singing Binks sake here?! maybe not haha but who knows, Brook is a walking mystery!
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Elbaf is indeed impressive. It would be so awesome as a video game setting, which you can explore any way you want ❤ That castle looks actually pretty similiar to the lego castle Rodo build huh. It's so nice that Luffy and Usopp got their panels here too, with the callback to their promise; to one day visit the land of the giants. And here they are, merely two years later :D
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Everyone's reactions is either impressed/dumbfounded or excited. With two exceptions! Sanji isn't even looking (lol, he's already in his heaven, huh), and Lilith? Lilith is acting proud of herself there, grinning happily. Like I said, it's not her first time in Elbaf and it's likely Vegapunk actually helped with his cloud manufacturing technology on Elbaf before! If that's the case, her proud grin is more than justified here :D
I saw many people really worried that these frames above are foreshadowing the final crew, hinting that Lilith and Bonney are indeed the last Strawhats. Well, if that makes you anxious, then don't worry: they're not the last Strawhats (they're at least not present on 13 Strawhats as cats picture). And if that made you on the contrary happy because you really want Lilith and Bonney to join, then welp, I'm sorry? They're still gonna always be Strawhats friends tho! Bonney actually is likely to be next gen of Strawhats, together with Tama once they both grow up, who knows :D
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Let's address this. I know many people reeeeally jumped on the hype train that this is about time flowing differently in Elbaf, but I think the hint as to what it means lies in Little Garden arc actually. Why? Because both times we had a callback to Lous Arnote and that must be related imo. In Little Garden log pose took a year to reset (apparently because of poor magnetic field of the island? Not that it's ever explained about Little Garden in particular though). It's possible on Elbaf it takes *even longer than a year* hence don't linger too long (but also don't regret in case you do :D). Could people get stuck there? Is that why those humans in dead realm can't just leave the island? I'm aware my explanation is way too simple (now log pose has three arrows instead of one, after all), but I kinda like it this way, lol. Time shanenigans though? Uneccessarily complicated imo.
Speaking of Little Garden...
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Those beliefs could explain why Loki is kept alive despite posing such a big danger to the world, it means he has divine protection and god decided Loki is "right" (and was right to kill the king). Giants trying to kill Loki are in "the wrong" then and end of the world is supposed to happen. Or are there suddenly exceptions to this Elbaf's rule?
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Luffy's reaction in Little Garden makes me think that Luffy has similar reason for striking the deal with Loki now. He dislikes when people are judged by gods and whoever decided Loki's fate at birth must have been a god (who else, really?). Loki being imprisoned is also part of the same reason, I guess. Why wouldn't Luffy want to help him, actually? Though I am curious what exactly Loki promised to give him in exchange for the deed. Maybe it is related to Shanks or maybe to something else, hm.
This promise also gives us a potential time frame limit for this arc. "Don't linger too long" says Louis. Giants really rush for the feast as well, like they're afraid if they don't start fast enough they will run out of time to celebrate with the Strawhats somehow. And then there's Loki who told Luffy to get the key to his chains "till morning of next day" (unofficial translation) / "akatsuki ni" (fancy way of saying "in the event of"; original version). And while I recognize it's just a mistranslated figure of speech, let's not forget Luffy himself isn't well versed in fancy ways of speaking, so he *might* have taken it literally (akatsuki = dawn), like a child would as well that doesn't know of this phrase yet. That could give the arc some sort of direction.
I guess this all possibly points towards Elbaf arc taking place in the span of one day. It might be a giant adventure (because everything is giant and we're in land of giants), but it won't be long. But then Dressrosa took place in span of one day and it was like 100 chapters, so it's worth keeping it in mind too, lol. I'm just saying it's possible the arc will be one day long in universe time, no idea how long it will be in terms of chapters ofc. Elbaf does have a lot of links to Egghead and feels like a complementary arc to it, kinda the same way Zou led to the Whole Cake Island with it's premise of kidnapped Sanji. But Egghead was waaaaay longer than Zou haha (maybe the length proportions will be reversed in this case? :D).
Before I move on to the next chapter, I will do a compilation of Gerd, Rodo and the rest of Giant Pirates, because they deserve some attention too.
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Let's start from Gerd. She *clearly* has a thing for humans, lol. She finds them cute, kinda like pets or dolls, and some of the things she says, when you stop and pay attention to it, makes you raise an eyebrow at her, lol. "I'm not like Rodo!" "I don't go around trapping humans in cages!" "He didnt give you any choice when he put you in there!" (unofficial translation, it's worth noting that in official one it's toned down a bit). Excuse me, Gerd...? Did you just suggest that it's alright to trap humans in cages as long as you have permission? 😂
Yeah, don't believe her when she says she's not like Rodo. She totally is and she fawns over humans to the same extent he does, lol. She just remembers not to put them in cages before asking if it's alright with them, lmao (yes, sorry, I really find this remark too funny). Look at how happy she is that she can carry Luffy&co around or stay with them even a tad bit longer, enthusiastically offering her help. She's a fangirl, alright. And what is Rodo if not a fanboy, lol. They kinda deserve each other.
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I mean, yes, of course Rodo is way more creepy. He doesn't even try to hide his fanboyism after all, and he doesn't care about consent much in his roleplaying games. He's kinda this reclusive fanboy never leaving his basement, not having any friends (or having only one or two) and spending most of his days immersed in his roleplays 24/7. That's some dedication! In comparison, Gerd is like a closet fangirl, trying to keep it as private and unobvious as possible. But look at her! She's going to Rodo's castle just because she heard he snatched a small ship. Small ship means small humans, of course she wants to see them! Look at how excited she is despite claiming she's only doing her duty. Nah, girl, you're not fooling us. And look at Goldberg and his knowing smile, he *knows* her true reason to go there too.
Of course, despite being so happy to see humans, she wouldn't bond over that with Rodo. That's because Rodo is insufferable with his fanboyism, no brakes, exposing it without any shame. It's like looking at herself in a distorted mirror, it would rub her the wrong way. That's why she insists so much on how different she is from Rodo, because she knows what *boundaries* and *brakes* actually are. But who knows, maybe she is slightly jealous that he can be so open and unrestricted about it. She might complain about him all the time, but it still wouldn't stop her from going to his place, as long as he might have some tiny humans around.
Goldberg is like this friend who sees their two companions dancing obliviously around each other, trying to deny their actual feelings. He even says that Rodo would be happy to be called the disgrace of Elbaf (by Gerd specifically!), because Rodo would probably think it's a compliment, lol. Imagine how fun it must be to sail with him, he would navigate while roleplaying all the time, earning constant hits from Gerd, lol.
For those who remember my theory on pirates and their treasures (pair of characters sharing things/treasures together and being each other's treasures as the result. For example, Nami and Nojiko both treasure Bellemere's tangerines, their bond is also symbolically shown as them sharing twin bracelets, which leads to conclusion that they're also the most important people in the world for each other), well, Rodo and Gerd share some theme like that too, actually! For example, Rodo and Gerd wear same type of shoes and furry accessories on their calves (no one else from Hajrudin's pirates has it!). Also Gerd wears a striped pattern on one of her legs that looks oddly similar to Rodo's striped mantle. They also have really similar passion for humans, which creates a deep bond (even if Gerd dislikes that connection for now). They're definitely coded as characters significant to each other, though I dunno what's the actual nature of their relationship (friends? siblings? lovers?), not that it matters, because they're hilarious together anyway.
They're really quickly growing on me and I wonder which way this little side story will go. Oda writes all of his side characters and develops them even if he has no intention to reveal their full backstory (for example, he designed All of the 85 Big Mom's Children, even though he admitted he will probably not even need it! But all those details and backstories were still created and are kept in his magic notebook). That's why I believe I sniffed out the relationship between Rodo and Gerd accurately, even if I might be misinterpreting some details here and there about it. The hints are definitely there tho.
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It was also revealed that Rodo still considers himself part of the New Giant Pirates! Despite disagreeing with Hajrudin and not wanting to serve itty bitty humans, he never *left* the pirate crew, like many people suspected he did! Seems it's actually Hajrudin who wants him out of the crew now, not the other way around, lol. But that's a bit odd, because it's true Rodo was against humans and thought not much of them and refused to serve them as the result. And yet in current timeline he's kinda humans-obsessed all of a sudden??
Who knows, maybe that changed the moment he learned that Gerd likes humans? Maybe he decided to learn to like them because she likes them? He clearly likes Gerd (he even calls her Gerd-taso and acts like a simp lol) so it's not impossible. They just disagree on details (like serving humans or not locking them in cages). Maybe Gerd at first took it on herself to teach Rodo about humans, but it got out of hand and she created a fanboy monster by accident, hahaha.
It's also worth noting that Rodo at first was kinda worried when he realized Strawhats got lost and he thought it will lead to trouble. But then he put them into his lego city anyway. Perhaps he wanted to show them to Gerd, lol. After all she seems to visit him awfully lot and it's always about humans. Damn, he might even keep humans there just so she visits him, like a bait. And it seems to work super duper well! And that phrase "itty bitty humans"? Might have been Gerd's slip of tongue that Rodo caught up on and adopted ever since :D
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"Let's get you locked up again before the others catch on" what are you on about, Rodo! They already know?? Or does Gerd and Goldberg not count?! Does it mean he thinks he can bribe them to stay quiet about it?? I mean, I guess I can imagine Goldberg roleplaying together with Rodo for fun, they're probably actually friends. But Gerd?? Was he gonna give her one of the Strawhats to keep forever, a peace offering or a love gift, without realizing That Won't Make Her Happy (I mean, it would make her happy, but she would also feel disgusted, because you don't treat humans like dolls, no matter how adorable they are!).
And yeah, Rodo's Gerd-simping moment was very Sanji-style, "she must be here to save me!". Actually, scratch that, he's worse than Sanji, 100% submissive princess-in-distress, treating Gerd as his hero. Maybe Gerd defended him from some bullies once, when they were both kids, and he wouldn't leave her alone ever since. And since Rodo seems to be always living in his fantasy worlds, he doesn't even realize Gerd doesn't like him or is not trying to compliment him with the words she says, lol. Damn, it's really fun to speculate about those two :D Maybe I'm so into it because I never had the opportunity to analyze arcs chapter by chapter like this and never paid that much attention to side characters before. And Elbaf is more my type of a fun arc than sci-fi world of Egghead was ;)
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This scene has such Nami-beating-up-Luffy vibes to it, lol. Even Goldberg joined in. Rodo is definitely insufferable but he's also like, kinda fun. I get it now when Oda said that he always creates characters that he likes, so that in worst case they at least have one fan. All of Oda's characters have so much charm and thought put into them!
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Speaking of pairs, Hajrudin and Loki were on my mind lately as well. They share some interesting similarities. Loki has his eyes covered, Hajrudin wears helmet with those protective pieces around his eyes (he had it since Dressrosa actually!), but they kinda obstruct his view? Like, look at Dorry's similar helmet - he has a clear view, so Hajrudin's variation is not a regular thing! I feel like it's showing us the connection between him and Loki (both having obscured eyes). I know the story suggested they're brothers and kinda against each other, but Brogy and Dorry also are "opposing/fighting each other" and yet no one would argue how special their bond is. It might be the same type of thing between Loki and Hajrudin.
Who knows what was Loki's real reason for killing his father? Maybe he did it for his brother somehow. Why did Hajrudin wanted the flame flame fruit in Dressrosa? Was it to free his brother perhaps? Whatever it is, I'm sure their bond will turn out to be important and somewhat explored in this arc (probably not the main focus though, they're just side characters after all? Though Loki did get his own double spread, so who knows, who knows).
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Holdem's back! I forgot he existed, ngl, haha. Actually, he probably has no idea that Yamato is on the enemy's side, because when the raid happened, Holdem was in Udon, unaware of Yamato switching sides! Maybe the title of the chapter relates to him as well, he's not threatening Yamato, he might be expecting praise from Kaido's son for not giving up despite Beast Pirates' defeat. But also he's just trying to survive by robbing people. Yamato looks a bit like he's in a pickle, huh. Always having to prove on which side he is and clearing various challenges thrown his way (human children bullies, going against his previous friends), dang.
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Oooof, this was like a punch to the guts. But it was needed. This emotional bomb dropped so we can remember and focus on Robin's suffering. Olvia, Clover and Saul all made efforts so Robin can live, but at what price. That life was a pure nightmare for her and we should never forget it.
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This is such a powerful moment as well. Can't believe we had to wait so many years to see a scene like this 😭😭
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In the couple of last chapters we saw a lot of Robin's reactions, showing surprise and being exicted and happy. It's the first time we ever see her that open with her emotions, just allowing herself to experience things. It's a joy to see and a reminder that she came a long way since Enies Lobby. She's able to act so unrestricted and honest, and it also makes her look younger again.
She's also wearing this cute shirt with crossbones and a heart skull. Showing off that she's a pirate at heart? Or perhaps it's a crossed out heart haha.
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This library building looks eerily similar to the island house in One Piece Odyssey! Except that one was half of a ship haha.
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A really cute moment. Robin is nervous before meeting Saul again (she says her heart beats really fast, so she's both excited and nervous), but thanks to Saul's little fake show she laughs and says she got nervous for nothing. It's so precious that Saul tried to break the ice, afraid that their meeting will be too awkward otherwise and chose to be so silly about it. Since Robin claimed she stopped feeling nervous, it worked really well to release the tension :D
Also I can't believe the whole scare around Saul "not getting up" was him just roleplaying their first meeting, oh lol. That cliffhanger was worth it, I would happily get fooled again :D This is just so wholesome.
Btw Saul, besides some burn scars, also now has a peg leg.
I also adored that Strawhats decided to accompany Robin, not leaving her even for a moment, taking their duty to protect her seriously. But they're probably just curious as well. Luffy even says he needs to greet Saul and thank him for taking care of his crew, which, to be frank, is such an Ace-like moment?? That's exactly how Ace explained why he wanted to meet Shanks! (just used the word brother instead of crew).
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This scene worries me a bit I'm a worry-cat, you should all know it by now, haha. That's because Robin interrupts Saul when he talks about her future (probably wanting to say something like: thanks to their efforts you will finally stop being pursued one day), but Robin is not even interested in hearing about that. I get it, it must be making her sad and she says she doesn't want to talk about sad things anymore, not when she can finally reunite with Saul. But at the same time this dismissal of hers when the talk goes to the topic of her own wellbeing reminds me of Enies Lobby and Robin's self-sacrificing tendencies, you know? Those don't go away just like that and I think they still are lying dormant in Robin. Let's just hope I read a bit too much into that.
As to why I think it was Saul who said the line about Robin's future is because of his speech pattern in the original. Robin uses more refined/less casual language, meanwhile Saul tends to finish his sentences on the "yo" syllabe in this part. He did it even just a frame next to this one as well, so it feels kinda natural it's still him speaking. Though the use of "yo" is kinda nuanced in Japanese, so I might be wrong on that one, keep it in mind :D it could even fit both ways, Saul sharing info Robin didn't have (hence the "yo" to emphasize it) and continuing on with that, or it might be Robin interrupting him by bringing something to his attention she thinks he missed or being slightly pushy in changing the topic (it doesn't suit her too much, but hey, the official translation also seems to suggest this is Robin's line).
Also I just think it would be nice if both Robin and Saul addressed each other with "anta" ❤
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Now it's time to cry. I find Robin's line, asking for Saul to praise her, really meaningful. After all, when she was a kid, that was her exact motivation! She learned how to read poneglyphs because she wanted to be praised by the archeologists (and be useful to them), spend more time together with them, but also hoping that her mother would also praise her and take her with her this time. Even when Clover tells Robin to escape she says she would rather die together with them than be alone. The outcome of Ohara was really the worst for Robin who always felt so alone and lost even the hope to ever be with anyone she loved again. Her biggest dream wasn't to be an archeologist because she loved history so much (though yes, she did enjoy it ofc), but it was just to hold her mom's hand and go for a walk together. To live happily with her, like a true family.
Before Olvia died, she did praise Robin for her efforts. Back then I didn't understand it this way and thought it's just an affectionate moment between the two, but it was actually Olvia recognizing what Robin wanted to hear the most :(
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Robin had to survive on her very own, which was a nightmare for her already. But Saul repeats the same words to Robin that Olvia did - "Live!" and even gives her hope "You won't be alone, you will meet your comrades!". He knows really well how lonely Robin feels and how much she needs to hear all of that (he might have known her for only a few days, but he really paid attention to her!). He says all of it for her sake. And upon their reunion, he still keeps on doing that actually! Not only praises her for surviving, but also assures her she isn't alone in carrying the will of Ohara.
I think Saul is carrying Olvia's will (besides Ohara's will) here, took over the role of Robin's parent, and damn, he might be doing better job at it than Olvia ever did, no offense to her, but she was the parent who chose her mission over her daughter. It might sound cruel, but she's hardly the first or last parent in OP who did that. Saul, on the other hand, is trying to make things right again, isn't he? He can't fix the whole world so it becomes safe for Robin to live in, but he is still trying to do whatever he can to protect the legacy instead of her, so that one day it can contribute to a better future.
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The raw emotion in this scene, my heart! I can't believe people can read this chapter and be like "pfff a reunion with the supposed dead character, what cheap writing". Come on, Robin deserved this moment of happiness. And it's not like it's a deus ex machina or anything, in fact this reunion is pretty bittersweet. Because Robin will have to leave Saul behind again, it's not like he can just travel with the Strawhats from now on. It's nice that Robin will be able to think that Saul is somewhere out there on Elbaf, wishing for her happiness, but it will always stay a long distance bond between them. Their reunion also can't erase all those years of lonely suffering from Robin's life.
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Just like Saul became a parent for Robin, Robin thinks of Saul very fondly too. That's the reason why she's smiling even when she isn't happy, it's all because of Saul's words she always carried in her heart. Robin's smiles are often looking a bit forced, but the reason behind is really deep. It makes her recent, very honest smiles all that more precious too.
Did you ever wonder why does Saul love Robin so much? Why did he dedicate everything to her and Olvia, people who were complete strangers to him? He even lost his place in Navy and became a fugitive as the result. Yeah, sure, we can just shrug and say it's because he's such a nice person, but I think there's more to Saul than that. I would call him an accidental hero - he never actually planned to be one and lots of his heroism is rooted in his feeling of guilt (not unlike Olvia who thought she doomed the whole Ohara, huh). He even called it "karma" at one point. I really think Saul is a deeper character than just a simple good-hearted hero and I wonder if we will catch some new side of him now, on Elbaf too :D
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Everyone is bawling besides the Roronoa-I-pretend-I-have-a-heart-of-steel-Zoro and I'm-too-old-for-that-Jimbei, and Luffy. Luffy is too busy being genuinely happy and grinning. And looking a tiny bit proud. And hey, he has every right to feel this way! All the way back in Alabasta, it was him who dragged Robin back to safety, saving her life, and accepted her on his crew. The Robin back then wasn't happy to be alive and thought there's no point in trying anymore. But this moment here? Would have never happened if she gave up all the way back then! And this is thanks to Luffy that she didn't.
This is the moment of turning despair upside down. It's a bit like how Kin said it in Wano "Looking back, it's been nothing but peril after peril, but I was fortunate to meet you..." and a moment later he adds "...at my most desperate state". Except Kin thinks it was both Luffy and Law who managed to turn his fate around (after all Law spared him by cutting him to pieces, that was mercy) and showed him that things will get better, something that Kin lost sight of back on Punk Hazard, succumbing to his rage.
Speaking of previous chapter's survey, let's just agree that Robin indeed changed her hair to celebrate meeting Saul. And if her hair cutting has also some other extra reason, I guess we will find out soon-ish (or later-ish).
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Finally, I decided to pick my side as to who I think the mysterious guy in Wano's style of hat is. And I think the answer of "it's Yorki, not Shiki" satisfies me the most. We already had one tearful reunion in Elbaf, let's go for another one, Brook deserves it too! Seems like Elbaf attracts wonders, doesn't it.
I have no idea how Yorki could have survived, but if he did, it only makes sense he would be trying to search for Brook and the rest of the crew. He said that he deeply regretted leaving them and promised he will try to meet them again (if he doesn't die). So i think Yorki was searching for them, but couldn't find them. He was also feeling too guilty before to visit Laboon without Brook (Brook was Laboon's favourite person!). That would also explain why Crocus claimed he had a good source about Rumbar Pirates ditching the Grand Line, because indeed, Yorki's group did, together with him! Maybe he even did give up for a while, and only started to search for Brook again only much later. Maybe he spent a lot of time in Wano, because it was a closed off country - very likely place to find someone who vanished from the surface of the earth, right? Who knows, maybe he met Toki at one point and she send him forward to future (otherwise Yorki would be an old geezer by now, right? he seemed younger than Brook, but Brook spent 44 years in Florian Triangle, I think Yorki's hair would be white by now, at the very least).
Anyway, I won't try to sell you any details of how it all worked, because I actually have no idea myself. I have no clue how Yorki survived his sickness. but if he did (and many things point towards that) he would definitely try his best to reunite with Brook again, even if it was based on irrational hope and wishing for a miracle. But then Brook joined Luffy, got a new bounty, and even became a music star with his own concerts, his fame would reach Yorki finally as well. Which is why he finally decided to visit Crocus and Laboon, and they celebrated together and Yorki is probably promising he will go and see Laboon together with Brook again, or something like that :D I wonder how Brook will react... he's slightly insane (among other things) so he might try to flee at first, lol. This also adds a weight to Laboon on that cover page, doing the big surprised face :D
Since we learned lately that Brook is skilled in cutting people's hair it's possible that was his job on Rumber Pirates crew. Is that why Yorki has kept his hair so long? Because he wants for Brook to cut it again for him? :D
Who else might reunite on Elbaf? :D
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attemptatachildhood · 2 years ago
LEGO Minifigure: Marvel What If: Loki
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I love him so much. One of my favs from this line.
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hannibals-favourite-meal · 7 months ago
May I have Childhood friends to lovers with Loki or Bruce Wayne pleaseee… thank you!
.⋆。For the Longest Time。⋆.
Bruce Wayne x plus size reader
You were always there in his life, just like he was for you. A little jealousy and a clingy eight year old might finally give you the push you both need
Warnings: fluff, jealousy, simp!Bruce, vague mention of hook-ups, little bit of Dick’s abandonment issues, mutual pining WC: 2.5k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“Where’s Y/N?” A little voice spoke up from somewhere over Bruce’s left shoulder. He groaned and buried his face deeper in the silk pillowcase, he had only just crawled into bed. The mattress dipped as Dick hauled himself onto the bed, making Bruce swallow down a curse.
“What’s up?” He rolled onto his back and pulled back the blankets enough for a little body to slip under the covers. He received a kick to his very sore ribs as Dick clambered over him in his attempt to settle in the crook of Bruce’s shoulder. The eight year old sighed happily and cuddled up close to his adoptive father.
Bruce smiled despite the throbbing pain in his torso and the early wake up. “What did you need?” 
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked again, propping his chin on Bruce’s collarbone.
“She’s at her apartment?” His voice tilted up, confused at the question. Sure, you were at the manor quite frequently given that you helped Bruce with Dick’s care but you had never stayed the night, save for once when both you and Bruce were too drunk to even move.
Dick huffed, his bottom lip poking out as he looked away from Bruce. “That’s stupid.” The older man swallowed back a chuckle, instead he placed a hand on the boy’s back, his palm almost covering the entire thing. 
“Why’s it stupid?” He shut his eyes again. 
“Cause I want her to live with me!” 
“Hmm, maybe you can go live with her and I can finally get some sleep.” Tiny fingers dug into his armpit, making Bruce yelp and raise an eyebrow at Dick.
“No. I don’t wanna move my toys. Make her live here.” Bruce sighed heavily, sinking further into his mattress.
Yeah, right. He wanted to say but held his tongue. He had broached the idea when he had first taken Dick in, needing an extra set of hands for the rowdy child but you had quite literally laughed him off, just the same as you did when you were both eighteen and he had tried to give you one of his credit cards. You were fiercely independent and while you loved Dick, you still had your own work and life.
“You could try, chum but I think she likes her house more.” 
“Then let’s go there today!” Dick pushed himself up onto his knees, eyes shining with this brilliant idea. 
“Chum-“ But Dick had rushed out of the room before Bruce could get another word out, leaving him to contemplate whether he was going to break his son’s heart by falling back asleep or get up for the day and end up with a massive headache later. Distantly, he could hear Dick chattering away to himself and he knew he would have to raid your medicine cabinet in a few hours.
Dick practically flew up the stairs of your apartment building, his backpack rattling with the sound of loose Lego bricks and inevitably a book he would get you to read him, as Bruce trailed behind, dark sunglasses perched on the end of his nose. He himself held a bag of food from Alfred and a bottle of your favourite wine as a sorry for the unexpected visit. He could at least pat himself on the back for delaying Dick just long enough for the boy to get some food and Bruce to get a couple hours of sleep.
“Come on! You’re so slow!” Dick whined as he reached the landing on your floor. He bounced on the balls of his feet before he huffed and threw open the door, darting down the empty hallway. The rattling of his bag grew distant and then, he was banging on your door with all the might his little fists could muster.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Bruce cringed, his head ducked down as he passed by the other apartments on your floor, silently apologising to each of them. 
“Chum you can’t-“ But your door opened right then and the breath was knocked from his lungs. You were wearing a dark red dress that perfectly matched the matte lipstick on your plump lips. The fabric perfectly clung to you, making your curves even more prominent. You were still wearing your slippers and only had one earring in but you were still the most beautiful thing Bruce had ever seen, just as you always had been.
“Well isn’t this a surprise.” Dick wasted no time, throwing himself into your arms, he squealed loudly and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You laughed as his little fingers dug into the neckline of your dress, no doubt ruining the fabric. “I thought there was a monkey at my door with all that noise.” You ran your left hand along his side as you stood up, making Dick giggle and cling to you even tighter. In a couple months, Bruce doubted you’d be able to pick him up anymore.
“I missed you!” You beamed. Bruce felt his knees buckle.
“It’s a good thing you came over then, cause I missed you too!” 
Bruce cleared his throat. “I hope I can be included in that sentiment as well.” You finally looked up at him, your eyes shining like stars. You smirked, biting down on your lip as you gave the man a quick one over.
“Depends, what did you bring me?” 
“So my child doesn’t count?” Dick laughed again, his knees digging into your side. You raised an eyebrow at Bruce who lifted the bottle of wine with a sly smile.
“Why didn’t you start with that? Come on in.” You stepped back into the apartment, leaving the door open for him to follow behind. 
Your home had always been a comfort for Bruce, a safe haven tucked away from the world and his responsibilities. The weight of Batman and being the last Wayne, and even though he loved him dearly, being Dick’s father, lifted from his shoulders as the soft colours of your walls surrounded him. 
You wandered into the kitchen, like you normally did when they stopped by for a visit, Dick chattering away about anything and everything that came into his little mind while Bruce stopped to look at the new photos you had hung up in the living room. Photos of memories he had forgotten. There was one of the both of you in a pillow fort that towered over you, your faces slathered in chocolate from bags of candy at your feet. Another was the 3rd grade dance that your parents had chaperoned, you in a bright pink princess dress complete with fairy wings and a plastic tiara and him in a tiny suit with one of his father’s best ties that was far too big for him. Your high school graduation party where you and Bruce in all your drunken genius decided to race up one of the old trees on the Wayne property and got stuck at the top.
But the most recent one made his heart skip a beat; it was of all three of you curled up on your couch, Dick sound asleep on your lap as Bruce ‘rested his eyes’ while leaning on your shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around both of you as you beamed up at the camera. All of his happiest moments had you in them and for the life of him, he wouldn’t change anything about it.
Bruce turned and spotted your heels by the door, the red-bottomed ones that you only ever used when you wanted to get laid. Something in his stomach turned sour at the thought. “Why are you so dressed up?” He asked as casually as he could though his voice cracked. 
“Yeah! You look pretty!” Dick chirped though his own voice was muffled, no doubt you had already given him a cookie that he shouldn’t be having.
“I have a date,” You cooed (to Dick but Bruce liked to pretend it was for him), “but since you guys are here now. I’ll cancel it.”
“You don’t have to do that. We can go.” Relief made his shoulders sag but Bruce still forced a frown on his lips as you came back around the corner, Dick still perched on your wide hip. You were practically glowing with joy.
You waved him off and pressed a kiss to Dick’s chubby cheek, leaving a bright lipstick stain there. “I would much rather spend the evening with you guys. It also means I get to wear comfy clothes instead of this dumb dress.” Dick slipped from your arms and went to his bag, which he had dropped on the couch.
“Are you sure?” But that wasn’t the question he was really asking. You just smiled at him, putting a hand on his bicep as you leaned in close.
“There’s nowhere else I would rather be. Now let me get changed and we can watch a movie, how’s that sound bud?” Dick grumbled something to the affirmative, making you laugh to yourself as you turned to go to your room but not without a parting squeeze to Bruce’s arm. He watched you go, his gaze dropping to your ass to appreciate the sight for just a moment before he caught himself and turned his attention back to his son.
Dick, who was already observing his father with a curious expression, suddenly lit up with an idea. He covered his mouth with his hand and then disappeared as he fell back onto the cushions, a little laugh escaping him as he landed. Bruce ignored the boy and went to the kitchen to get some snacks together for all of you. 
The TV flicked to life, dousing the apartment with a hazy background noise that served to lead Bruce deeper into the fantasy of this life of domesticity actually being his. If he let himself, he could almost imagine how perfect it would be, just his family spending time together away from the rest of the world. But there was still that nagging fact that you had a date tonight, one that you cancelled for him sure, but a date nonetheless.
You weren’t his wife or his girlfriend, and that made his blood freeze.
He pulled out the cork from the bottle with perhaps a bit more force than necessary, sending a few drops of red liquid directly onto his white shirt. “Fuck.” He groaned and grabbed the dish towel on the counter to try and scrub away at the stain. 
“I can’t leave you alone for a second.” Your smaller hands gripped his waist, turning him around so you could take the towel from him. Bruce let you manhandle him until you could easily rub against his chest but the stain had already set in. Your bottom lip poked out, an almost overwhelming temptation to your oldest friend, before your fingers curled into his belt and tugged him away from the kitchen counter.
Bruce went willingly, eagerly. “I’ve got some of your shirts in my wardrobe, go get changed and I’ll finish up here.” He nodded blankly and wandered away from you.
You watched him go for just a moment before finishing pouring out the wine and laying some of the cheeses Alfred has so thoughtfully packed on a small tray. You grabbed some hopefully not stale crackers from the cabinet and journeyed back into the living room. “What are we watching tonight Dickie?”
Dick looked up from his spot between the couch and coffee table as you sat down with an almost bored expression on his little face. “Star Wars.”
“Duh.” You replied.
Soon Bruce wandered back in. “Why exactly do you have so many of my shirts in your closet?” You shrugged behind your glass, though he knew your cheeks were heated with embarrassment.
“Cause you’re clumsy and I knew I’d have to keep clean clothes for you.” He flopped down on the couch next to you, his arm immediately finding its place across your shoulders.
“Yeah right.” You curled into his side, settling in for a nice little evening.
It was halfway through the movie that Dick climbed onto the couch between you and his dad. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” He muttered wistfully, taking yours and Bruce’s hand into his. You looked at Bruce from over his little head.
“Aw buddy, we can do this whenever you want. You’re always welcome here, you know that.” He shook his head and Bruce's heart sank.
“What do you mean chum?” He asked, wondering if there was something more going on. Dick’s chest inflated as he took in a deep breath.
“But we always go home and you never come with us! You-you don’t really want us, you live so far away. And,” he sighed heavily, giving you the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster, “and you go on dates with people who aren’t my dad. You’ll leave.” His grip on your hand tightened like you would disappear right then.
Bruce’s heart lurched as your lips parted. “You should date him instead! And then we can all live together at home like we should be!” Dick continued and then, he slammed your hand into Bruce’s, forcing your fingers to intertwine.
“No! You’re supposed to be together! Even Alfred says so! So just do it already and then we can go home. Together.” His gaze switched to Bruce, who caught his glare. The man swallowed thickly and looked at you and for the first time in his life, Bruce couldn’t tell what you were thinking.
You let out a shaky breath after a moment, your fingers pressing into the back of his hand. He could feel your pulse against his wrist, your heartbeat was fast, almost matching his own. “Maybe you’re right Dickie.”
“What?” The word escaped him like he had just been punched, making your lips curl up into a bashful smile. 
“Maybe, I should be dating you and not those other men who I always end up comparing to you anyway. Maybe I should be going home with you.” 
“I think maybe you should.” Bruce leaned over his son, his free hand coming up to hold your full cheek. “Because I have spent my whole life with you by my side and now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t want you so far away anymore. I want to see your face everyday and hear your voice from beside me every moment that I can.” 
Your eyes dropped to his lips and that was all it took for Bruce to close the distance and finally kissed you like he should have done years ago when he realised that no other woman would live up to the place you carved out in his heart. You immediately melted into him, laying your hand on top of his own. 
Just as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, Dick got up on his knees between you and threw his skinny arms around your necks. You separated just as he shouted, “I told you!” 
You both laughed and hugged him back, sinking back down into the couch all together. Bruce’s chest warmed. Maybe, finally, he could get you to come home.
DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
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I just want to point out that the Loki love triangle is wonky. I know we all get the Sylvie stuff is odd, but this is about Don.
Loki's fixing-his-hair-and-coat-crush on Don, and Don's dropping-that-he's-single-crush are like a whole separate thing than Loki and Mobius's universe-altering-love.
Loki's reactions to Don are likely because of his feelings for Mobius, and Don's reactions show that Mobius has the capacity to like Loki in the future.
However, when Loki said "It's who" in that iconic scene, I think he was realizing that this man is Don, NOT Mobius. He wants to save the world for HIS Mobius, and that's the "who" he was talking about.
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I really want to clarify my stance on this, because all the Loki's were shown to be very different. However, the one variant on Mobius we see still looks like Mobius. But they aren't the same.
And I don't think that the Loki we saw get his throne would ever really date Don, and I don't think our Mobius who let time pass would date a different Loki variant (unless his memories were wiped or something idk).
BUT I do think that if both the Loki and Mobius variants were different, it could work. Such as if there was a variant set that broke off on the 1893 date. And maybe the Lego variants of them.
Anyway, I'm just figuring out how to plan fanfics. Because I don't want every fic to end with "and then Loki came out of the tree and everything was all good." I want to explore multiple angles of how Lokius could come to pass.
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alicerovai · 1 year ago
Saw the fanart with Mobius and the Christmas tree; I also have a Loki for mine! Though it's a knockoff LEGO minifigure made up of various character pieces including President Loki and Vers (Captain Marvel before she got her memories back) and he's sitting in the tree, (sort of) holding the branches.
I would love to see it! 💕
Btw the fanart was inspired by THIS pic, on lokiustwt 😂💔
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auroras-blog37 · 9 months ago
Hi! Noticed your requests were open! :]
May I request either Peter Parker or Loki tickle headcannons! Whichever you’d prefer to do, I’d love to hear your thoughts on em! 💕
Of course! Thank you so much for requesting :)
Peter Parker Headcanons:
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The type of person to curl into a ball and just giggle
Secretly likes being tickled but would never admit it for the sake of his sanity
I feel like he would try to provoke you to tickle him
Very flustered to teasing
A mixture of a Giggler and Cackler
Peter is a 50/50 when it comes to tickling, he likes being tickled but also likes to tickle people
His ‘Peter Tingle’ going off when your fingers go near him
Ticklish Spots would probably be his waist, ribs, and neck
Peter loves your laugh so he definitely tickles you whenever he feels like
Would get flustered at teasing you but does it anyway because it effects you more
He likes to use wake up tickles or tickle hugs
Gets butterflies at the sound of your laughter
You dare make fun of Star Wars or his Lego or any of his dorky interests he will tickle you
Uses both soft and rough tickles
If you make any funny noises like squeals, squeaks, snorts or anything he will definitely laugh at you
If you get pouty or annoyed after he tickles you he’ll give you a mock of sympathy and hug you
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just-a-fluffy-knight · 2 months ago
so uhhh started thinking about lee!Loki again and then went back to this dumb thing I made a lil while back and now uhhhh the voices have returned
So I give you all………
(threw in a few Tom Hiddleston clips bc I love his laugh so much and I think it’s what Loki’s tickle laugh would sound like when he’s getting too got to put on a stoic chuckle OFHRHEGHD)
(and you already KNOW I had to include that Lego scene 😔🫡 )
but yeah anyway let me wreck this idiot into giggly wheezy blushy bits please and thank yew <3
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buthearmeouttho · 3 months ago
tis time for Christmas but since (almost) everyone's asks are off (for good reason) I'll just give everyone presents from here:3 (round one)
@buckyofficailbarnes : I give you: your arm that I stole but in wrapping paper and since that doesn't count I also have a record player for you with forties music
@blackwidow-nat-official2 : I got you a I'll follow the rules pass and a mug with your symbol and best mom on it
@totallynotmaxok : I got u action figures and a bedazzle gun
@mythomars : I got you a pack of x-men themed ornaments:3
@official-buckybarnes : I got thou a really fuzzy sweater and also I painted your arm while you were sleeping
@ohyeah-itssamwilson and @we-love-redwing :I got you different like headband things for you and matching ones for Redwing
@white-wolf-actually : I got you fuzzy socks and also I covered your arm in ribbons n stuff also I got you unfinished tales published by tolkin's son about all the middle earth notes and stuff
@whatarethooseshuri : I got you a hundred pack of those tiny plastic ducks and also a six pack of red bulls
@itsyelena-thenotposer : I got you a butterfly knife (that I put butterfly stickers on) and a mini flashlight in case you need it oh and kraft dinner Mac n cheese
@loki-laufeychild : I got you one of those fake knives that goes in when you stab things because funny. I also got an actual knife that looks just like it for you.
@wintersoldierscat : I got you lots of catnip and a pigeon stuffed toy for you to destroy in front of the pigeons outside ur window.
@theironcan : I got you a lego set of yourself and a rubber chicken with an LED in its stomach so it has a light like u:)
@clintbarton-thearrowguy : I got you hot chocolate bombs and several arrow themed hardware tools just cuz
@officialscottlang : I got you a really big lego set of like a forest for your ants to climb around on:3
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blackypanther9 · 11 months ago
Masterlist to all the Masterlists of mine
I do not write:
Incest, Stepcest, etc.
fucked up shit like that.
What I might not write:
Some kinks. (I don't know all of them but there might be some I feel not comfy with)
What I write (Sexual orientation wise):
HETERO (Man x Woman)
GAY (Man x Man) OR LESBIAN (Woman x Woman)
INTERSEXUAL (People with BOTH genders)
GENDERFLUID (Might be horribly explained, I ain't Genderfluid, but practically that is when you feel like a man one day and in five weeks you feel like a woman and dress and behave as such how you feel)
TRANSGENDER (Man in a Woman's body or the other way around, Don't hate me I try to keep this short and simple here !!)
ASEXUAL (Repulsed by the bare mention of the S word OR isn't repulsed by it, but isn't really interested in it (I think it is called Gray Ace...?)
GENDERNEUTRAL/NON - BINARY (Which mostly means no Gender so They/Them I CAN'T USE THAT IN SMUT THOUGH IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A SEX ON THE BODY !!! So tell me which they have !)
What I usually write:
Dom!Reader x Sub!Character (But you CAN also ask the other way around)
Character ships I will write for:
Any Character x Reader (Name a Gender though !)
Also write Character x Character ( Like...Alastor x Rosie where they just gossip or Charlie and Vaggie with romance or smut)
(I also don't mind to Genderswap. So instead of Charlie being a Female, she is a Male or a different gender. You give me your thoughts and I will try to turn it into a Oneshot !)
Characters I will NOT write for:
The Vees (Hazbin Hotel) Adam (Hazbin Hotel) Lute (Hazbin Hotel) Sera (Hazbin Hotel) They can be mentioned or play a role but I don't do ANY ships with them and the Reader. They can be shipped with each other though, I suppose. And Vox can be friends with Reader, but no romantic shtick. (Still needs to be added)
What I allow to write as Relationship stuff:
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS (Friends, friends turning to Family, like Siblings and stuff...Surrogate Brother/Sister if I am not mistaken we call such, right ?)
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Nothing perverted ! Just you know Father - Son relationship, Brother x Brother Relationship and all that stuff, Family relationships are NOT allowed to be SMUT !!!)
What I will write:
I am usually open minded about a lot, but still I am setting some ground rules. This is all in case I open requests, so keep the page in your line of sight at all times !!
DISCLAIMER !: I do NOT support rape, abuse and other bad behavior ! This is pure fanfiction and fantasy ONLY ! People who can get easily triggered by it, DON'T FUCKING READ IT ! Warnings are at the very top of the beginning smut shot, so READ THEM BEFORE you read the fic !
Reblogging is ALLOWED, but REPOSTING is NOT allowed !!!
Let me tell you a story…Loki x Reader ? (MASTERLIST)
Loki x Reader Smut Masterlist 2 !
Masterlist of Loki x Reader Oneshots x little stories
Friends (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist (COMPLETED !!)
The mischievous one (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist
Loki x Reader -> Killer Love MASTERLIST ! (Discontinued)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson x Reader with another Fandom Crossover
  "The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)"  MASTERLIST
Halloween Masterlist (2020,2021,2022...)
Lokius (Mobius x Loki) Masterlist
Christmas Masterlist (Loki x Reader)
Marvel x Reader smut masterlist
Lego Ninjago x Reader
Secrets... Morro x Reader (Ninjago) MASTERLIST COMPLETED !!!
Ninjago Masterlist Uncle x Father!MaleReader
Sleepy Hollow 1999 x Reader
Headless Horseman (Sleepy Hollow 1999) x Reader MASTERLIST
Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse x Reader
Mr. Hopp x Reader MASTERLIST
Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader
Bendy (and the Ink Machine) x Reader
William Afton x Reader
William Afton x Reader Oneshots
(Movie) William Afton x Reader Oneshots
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Father!Alastor x Son!Reader MASTERLIST
Alastor x Reader Oneshots Masterlist
Scream Movie 1996 MASTERLIST
Other Characters without Reader input
Marvel Ships (No Reader input)
Other characters x Reader (With another Fandom crossover)
Masterlist Bruno Madrigal x Male!Reader with another Fandom Crossover
Funny doodles
Sites where you can also find me
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frobin · 5 months ago
•In the latest chapter, did you notice that Franky is wearing a cowboy hat? 😉
•And how cute is their conversation talking about their captain?
What did you think of the overall chapter?
Hey there, anon! Thank you for the ask.
I read the last five chapters in one go and I already love Elbaph (that looks so wrong, Elbaf looks better).
First things first: Fuck the Deadbeat Dad Pirates. And not in the nice way.
Anyway, I feel like it’s s so funny, that the one giant Navigator is a fucking nuts creep (good that Nami electrocuted - probably only shocked - him).
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Love that he has like 20 different pets though and apparently he is really good at sewing clothes (his design reminds me of Mr. 4/Babe?).
Chapter 1127, 1128 & 1129 were already a lot of fun and it was interesting, that I could see that everything was built with "Lego" (a Danish invention iirc).
Also only Luffy would kill a “god” and eat it, after a giants feast.
Anyway, someone buy this dude a The Sims game.
I also love how angry Luffy is with Usopp. He trusts in Usopp’s strength so much! (Also that beard lmao)
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Chapter 1130
The chapter was great!
I feel like it would have been better to talk to the giants (Gerd & Goldberg) but more importantly: please Gerd, you’re a doctor… put some clothes on! It’s freezing! (Something, something, giants metabolism, yadda, yadda… idc she looks cold! And Oda is a certified perv.)
And of course Luffy just runs to Loki and is going to befriend or fight him and change everything. Also, Loki is Hajrudin‘s brother? Hmmmmmm….
Cruxifixion is a really awful way to die. Loki does not look crucified though…
But probably appropriate for regicide and patricide, caused by greed? We don‘t know enough yet to really judge.
I wonder if Franky was more upset about the idea of Sunny being eaten? Because the other Strawhats will be fine! They are always fine!
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Look at little Bonney holding onto Jinbe!
I love that the old/adult quartet is still on the ship. And I love that they trust the rest of the crew to survive and to meet back on Elbaf and worry more about the giants wellbeing (no food and rum).
But yes! Franky is wearing a cowboy hat (and the big chain!)! It looks very similar to Robin‘s hat… and Robin is wearing her glasses! Beautiful!
Brooks‘s look also seems very classy. So does Jinbe!
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(None of them know about the x of the crew in Alabasta. It also answers the question if it was painted on or tattooed.) (Second hint towards Alabasta after pervy giant looking like Mr. 4?… and of course the fact that they met Oogie and Boogie on Little Garden lmao).
And yes! Their trust in their Captain is adorable!
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Overall I‘m excited for Elbaf!!!
FINALLY!!! (I am as excited as Usopp, ngl)
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fishsouper · 2 years ago
in the honor of my marvel obsession creeping back to me + my family being in disneyland and exploring avengers campus, have some ✨avengers incorrect quotes✨ as things my friends and family have said
a shit ton of these were conversations between @cissyenthusiast010155 and i lmao
peter: indulge in my child-like whimsy. buy me a web slinger
steve: is that an igloo over there??
peter: …it’s a hippie house?
tony: did you hear about the hippie states wife?
steve: why on earth is there a hippie house in the cars theme park?!
tony: babe. did you hear about the hippie states wi-
peter: what’s the hippie state?
tony: the hippie states wife is mississippi!
steve: what on earth are you talking abou-
tony: like,,, mrs. hippie?? mississippi?
steve: …
peter: …
tony: …
tony: i thought it was funny
tony: “i can do this all day”? that’s what she said
steve: SHHHHHH!!!
natasha: ooh, you’ve finally been shushed
loki: a kid ran in front of me and my reaction was “broken child!”
steve: wHAT?!
loki: i didn’t say it out loud!!!
scott: please sir, you don’t understand, if i don’t get my 20 dollar sunglasses back, my children will die
peggy: i support neil patrick harris being gay
natasha: peg, you’re a lesbian
peggy: yes, but i am an ally to his gayness
natasha: you are gay
peter: they should let me stay up late. because. if they don’t it would be…
ned: transphobic?
peter: YES
bucky: i smelled grass! and now i want some!
steve: you want to eat grass?!
bucky: absolutely
peter: and they were LAB PARTNERS
harley: oh my gawd they were lab partners
tony: i want shawarma
steve: i want to go to sleep
tony: it’s only 4 pm
steve: and?
steve: oh, this boba pearl is stuck in the ice…
bucky: just like captain america!
tony: aaaah, good one
mj: “what kind of girl do you want” a red one
peter: …
peter: are we talking about cars????
thor: i don’t understand the scientific physics
bruce: the what
peter: please bring back the cheese man
tony: that could really mean any of us
*at their first meet up in a while*
natasha: yknow, i’m just now being reminded of the fact that i hate half the people here
bucky: i hate will ferrell
sam: how can anyone hate will ferrell?!
bucky: well, i liked him in barbie
sam: and he was funny in the lego movie!
bucky: true, he was awesome in that
sam: oh, he was also megamind!
bucky: yes! i loved him with that
sam: you don’t actually hate will ferrell, do you?
bucky: …
sam: you just hate elf
bucky: …i just hate elf
steve: “rogers: the musical” can only be described as feeling like bad fanfiction
tony: isn’t it amazing
*playing heads up, prompt “avengers: civil war”*
peter: when! when the divorce!
scott: ant man’s first fight!
natasha: when everyone decided they didn’t like each other anymore!
harley: oh, c3p0 and r2d2 are a gay couple!
peter: duh??? did you just realize that???
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themculibrary · 15 days ago
Tony Stark Has A Heart Masterlist 2
part one
5 Times Peter Didn’t Say He Was Struggling…And The One Time He Did (ao3) - Bladam_Shevine T, 16k
Summary: Peter had a knack for keeping things to himself, causing an unnecessary amount of stress for a graying Tony Stark.
A Little Problem (ao3) - BuckyWithTheGoodHair86 G, 65k
Summary: Life in Avengers Tower changes one day when a mission goes sideways and the team comes home with a nine-year-old Steve Rogers instead of their resident super-soldier. Until this gets fixed, they're going to have to make some adjustments, but Sam can dust off his old Lego skills, Natasha tells a decent bedtime story, and Bucky has a soft, cuddly paternal side that nobody really saw coming. And Tony is going to catch the warm fuzzy feelings whether he wants to or not. Because little Steve is awfully cute.
All The Stars Align (ao3) - Ashleyparker2815 N/R, 899k
Summary: Peter Parker wakes up in the middle of the night to a call from the hospital saying that his aunt had been in an accident. Peter thinks that he has nothing left in this world but he will always have Tony.
End of the Line (ao3) - scottxlogan bucky/tony E, 766k
Summary: After an unforeseen disaster shakes up the city and turns Tony Stark’s world upside-down, he steps away from his old life to retreat to isolation. Hiding in the shadows of a city struggling with the aftermath of disaster, Tony crosses paths with a sexy stranger who turns his world around in ways he never knew he wanted or needed in his life.
Falling Like Snow (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 10k
Summary: Tony shouldn’t have been out in the forest alone. It wasn’t because he should have feared the ‘fearsome beast’, it was because he should never have trusted good weather.
I Came In Like a Wrecking Ball (ao3) - PiffleLovesBaseball pepper/tony, steve/natasha M, 432k
Summary: When Fury announces the addition of a super-powered new member to the team, the Avengers expect anything but a six years old little girl to be their new teammate. And they are even more surprised when Fury tell them what little Morgan wants in return for her cooperation. Tony is not gonna like it.
Follow the journey of Morgan Baker into getting the family she had always wanted and watch Tony Stark become the dad he never knew he would be happy to be.
I Knew You For A Day (ao3) - nanosorcerer tony/stephen M, 584k
Summary: Endgame AU where Stephen is able to save Tony after he Snaps. Neither realize how their now shared life force will entwine them in more ways than one. Through Tony's recovery, he realizes the difference between who has always been there and who will always love him.
One-Man Army (ao3) - Captain_Panda steve/tony M, 632k
Summary: Takes place immediately after the Chitauri attack in Avengers 1.
Steve is running himself into the ground. Tony notices.
Then Steve gets knocked down hard. And Tony intervenes.
Shake My Hand(And I’ll Forgive You) (ao3) - Frogdottir T, 40k
Summary: “The audience laughed in approval; a sound reminiscent of the Truman Show. Peter dropped his pen. It slid off his notebook and onto the gravel below.
Everybody knew.
Peter tangled his hands in his hair and yanked in a helpless devastation. Happy, Fury, Rhodey, Pepper, the Avengers, Strange, Wong. Everybody knew. Even before the memory of Peter Parker had been wiped from the world. Everybody that mattered had known, and they had all kept it from him.”
or Peter Parker discovers that running from fragments of himself comes with a heavy price.
After all, what is sacrifice without consequence?
The 12 Hugs of Christmas (ao3) - notapartytrick mj/peter, steve/bucky T, 46k
Summary: Peter Parker endures a lot more than he gives himself credit for, the extent of which Tony Stark is only beginning to see as he grows inexorably closer to his dedicated "intern." Oh, and Christmas is coming up too.
The Carter-Stark Secret (ao3) - charmed4lifekaren peggy/howard, rhodey/tony T, 428k
Summary: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Melinda May and Maria Hill, everyone thinks that they know their stories, think they know who they are, but what their stories weren’t what most people believed? What if their stories were connected? What if they always were thanks to Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. Universe Alterations AU.
The Circle Of Life (ao3) - Lansfics7, stiltsrosko pepper/tony, mj/peter T, 390k
Summary: ITS LION KINGGGGGG....but.....marvel? Peter idolizes his father, Tony Stark, and takes to heart his own destiny in Stark Industries, following his father's footsteps. But not everyone celebrates the new son's arrival. Obadiah, Tony's best friend -- and former owner of the company -- has plans of his own. In the midst of the MCU as we know it, the battle for justice is ravaged with betrayal, loss, laughs, and battles, ultimately resulting in Peter leaving his home, for what he thinks is forever. But with help of friends and newfound powers, Peter must grow up and take back what is rightfully his, and what family truly means.
The Theories Of The Universe (ao3) - WaitForTheSnitch steve/tony M, 504k
Summary: Toni Stark is four years old when she understands the truth. Her father wanted a son and she never will be good enough for him. It's the words her Aunt Peggy leaves her with that define her life: plant yourself like a tree and make others move.
Years later, she still holds that lesson to heart to fight for what she believes in.
tony adores peter (ao3) - laibaly N/R, 4k
Summary: this will look at two different timelines one where peter is a teen, peter is Tony's biological son in this fic. Peter has a nightmare as a teen and seeks comfort from his dad. The second timeline is a flashback where peter is a toddler and meets the avengers for the first time.
Uncompromising Principles (ao3) - Kizmet pepper/tony T, 124k
Summary: After leaving Siberia Captain America begins his plans to overturn the Accords. But not all is as it seems.
Not compliant with the end of "Civil War".
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thecutestlittlebunbunfairy · 6 months ago
Tagged by the lovely @fushic0re
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a-mel-tomelts · 8 months ago
Boo!!! Have a curse on ye!!!
To breakth the spell, name thou mutuals and what you like about them!!!
(not all of them. Minimum 5)
If I had to do it, you do too. <3
Coral, darling you forget the fact that I am not as popular as you are~
1. My non-Tumblr buddies || 2. Discord buddies. || 3. Tumblr only
@mary-sunday - we don't talk as much as we used to but i cherish you as my first persona/aa friend!!! You were encouraging me to write fanfiction and you're the reason I still love doing it!!! I am happy we got a chance to meet each other and i am forever thankful to Sachi-chan<3
@rustykeymaster - come back to tumblr so i can extort ask persona fanarts from you!!!! A wonderful artist with a very unique artstyle that i've never seen before. My very own tumblr sexy man that i dearly love. Pls do survive and do the things you love!
@misha-dai - YOU. YOUUUUU.
my brother, my bro, my buddy. I am so happy we started to talk more and i appreciate you lots. You just accept me rambling or venting anytime and you are always there for me (be it me bullying you or you bullying me pffft)
the absolute legend that revived tumblr just to agree with my post.
@loustdoesstuff - oh my god. I think there are more things i don't like about you actually /j pffft kidding ;>
my fiance, my son, my weird found family. We were a lot of things to each other and we are still talking!!! My monkey king and dearly beloved. Please find some lego studio and make them hire you for your own sanity or else I'll do it /hj... unless
@himi-wiz - himimimimi. We had a fun yet chill ride!!! I still think calling you a train is genius. Your first dm to me about my persona takes made me feel so flattered I was happy! I am happy we still talk even if not a lot and i appreciate you sharing all the photos and pretty art with me. A wonderful person who i respect tremendously. and i thank you for the next victim mutual in my list :)
@melodiclune - hihi!!! How did you like my ask~? My wonderful, sweet, darling Coral. So much I like about you. You are smart and witty and funny and I love you talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It's nice to hear things from your perspective. A pleasant experience, I'd say. Also, you forgot that I am Hiori to your Rin :^)
@zendersenders - omggggg. ZenderSis. My comrade in RinSagi. My personal first in line reader of spiciness. I love you so much. I find you very fun and charming!!!! I just love your vibe!!! Karasu to my Hiori indeed. Can't wait to read more of your works
@blue-thief - we haven't talked much but i love reblogging from you!!! I also like your BLLK takes. Also i think your title is super cool. Twice the man is awesome. A lot of respect!
@chibihobbitlore - MARIIIII. Your art is delicious, your personality is to be salivate over and I think you have so much gender in you. You can't even imagine. Sometimes I just want to squeeze you and bit you and play with you like a dog. You know, normal things!!! Doomed yuri for the win.
@akechi - we haven't talked at all but i like your aesthetic reblogs!!!
@leonawriter - i appreciate you as a writer and a blog! I like your persona and DCMK posts(even if our DCMK ships are different. My other friend also likes Kaito and Hakuba btw!) and i enjoyed your famfiction! I find you very interesting!
@zullyziggs - it's been a while! A very awesome writer. I appreciate all the little talks we had at discord and i am still a fan of some of your fics! It's nice to see you in my notification feed<3
@chilchucks-timbs - from the loki's sword into s dilf. The proper character development. I think you singlehandedly made me read the DunMeshi manga in full. It was worth it. I enjoy all the fanart. Thank you. It's nice to reblog or be reblogged by you! (Also i tried a demo of TWEWY2. The game is so niiiiiiice. Can't wait to try it in full!)
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