#i love kagura with all my heart
soo-won · 1 year
gintoki: you should forget about me and do what you want
shin&kagu: we want to be with you
gintoki: you should go back to your family
shin&kagu: you're our family too
gintoki: ik you can replace me
shin&kagu: no we cant. it's all of us or nothing
gintoki: i can't protect anything you should leave me i can't lose you
shin&kagu: we will share the burden with you. we don't want to lose you just as much.
gintoki: im not your big brother
shinpachi: and you dont need to be. just be here
kagura: you are 100% my earth big brother tho.
gintoki: i can't involve you in my problems
shin&kagu: please involve us your fight is our fight
gintoki: you dont need me or yorozuya anymore
shin&kagu: you were always our destination we don't want to be anywhere else but with you
gintoki: ok fine
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moonbonded-archive · 5 months
IC TAG DUMP ! last updated 4/17/24. non roleplay blogs dni.
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nyctoaerah · 5 months
YOU WRITE SO GOOD, LIKE HELLO??? YOUR WRITING STYLE IS SO GORGEOUS AND YUMMY, LIKE CAN I EAT IT? PLS PLS PLS??? But no joke, your writing style is literally so gorgeous 😭 like it's so detailed and all? How do you do that??😵‍💫 The gore?? The emotions? The wording?? Gosh, please take my money and enslave me queen, i am nothing but a loyal servant that shall kiss the ground that you step on🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️BTW, can i get some jjk fanfics recommendations?? You write so good so you probably read good stuff too hehe😈
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Dang, you're boosting my ego, pooks, and that’s not good ‘cause i have a high ego n’ i’m a Satoru kinnie /j
Thanks for the love! Just gotta let those words spill out, you know? Honestly, it’s all about pouring my heart into it and letting the words flow💀💀 and I feel more comfortable with writing things this way and i have high standards in writing so i tend to make it descriptive since I’m having a hard time understanding things if it's too simple and not detailed😔😔😔 it’s a struggle yk?
Sending loads of love and kisses to youuu🫶🏻
Here’s my recommendations, and I swear you won’t regret reading them cause they’re all top tiers!
Corpse Darling —this one is my FAV broo, made me cry and made me go through roller coaster of emotions frr, it’s written SO WELL, and it’s so elegant, the writing style is gorg and everything+ a must if you like reading abt male readers🫶🏻 IF YOU LIKE READING ANGSTY BOOKS THEN THIS!! (kagura is literally the best!!)
Other Husband — This one is so good too, one of my favs fr fr, AAAA SUGURU’S SO HOT IN THIS 😍😍 IF YOU LOVE CORALINE TOO THEN THIS IS A MUST READ!!
Love Bombing— I SWEAR, the mc of this is different and refreshing, and karma is real in this + it’s written very well and i’m literally hooked (I’m watching you blade, ya better gimme my kagehikari @terrorbladewho )
Hollow Element— This is so good too + it’s written so well and is an overall a gorgeous fanfic aaa, one of the best JJK FICS THAT I HAVE READ
EHE THEY’RE ALL MY FAVS<33 if you want to read some other fics that aren’t jjk then just check my library on quotev and reading list on wattpad hehe🫶🏻 THAT’S ALL, LOVE YA POOKS.
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Hey there! Can I ask for Housewardens, Vice Housewardens and the Adeuce Duo with a Female Tanjiro Reader (Who has Nezuko with her) who’s known for being really kind, helpful and naive about technology (So a LOT of people assume she’s a pushover and a ‘Peaple Pleaser’ because they can’t fathom why she would do ALL these nice things for others without her getting something out of it)
But either some Random Students or Themselves do something that triggers her rage (Either by hurting her friends or Nezuko) and reveals she’s actually physically and mentally stronger than a LARGE portion of the Student Body as she breaks some ribs sending someone FLYING a few yards back and her rage is just coming off her in WAVES and even uses her Sword to take down the Overblots, which shows her Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura (Though they begin to not want her to go back home after learning what her home is like with Man Eating Demons)
Bonus if they go through her memories and her Soul Core (Seeing the death of her family, her sister becoming a demon, becoming a Demon Slayer, meeting Muzan, enduring so much pain, trauma and injuries that someone her age should NEVER have to go through and endure and yet she’s STILL this kind even too her enemies? She and her sister can’t leave, Crewel is getting the Adoption Papers NOW. Even if he has to forge them)
I LOVE Tanjiro (He’s Best Boy) 😭
He is the bestest boy and I love this scenario so much
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland x Tanjiro Reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
He slowly learns to appreciate you 
As the wonderful difference from your peers because you treat everyone with kindness and respect
Not to mention your sibling is so well behaved 
Following your lead as you respect those who don’t do the same to you
At first he equates you to Jade simply hiding behind a smile
But to see you act the same way when you didn’t know he was watching
Which made your reaction and action so much more surprising
“Wow~Can you believe it if you cut him it’ll just grow right back!?” “Whoa he’s like a demon.”
Riddle had witnessed some students taunting Nezukuro who was only shrinking away in response to their violent actions
He goes to ‘Off their heads’ before you react faster than life
Patting the head your brother while the perpetrators were respectfully smashed into the stone wall and suspended in the air as they twitched in the slots of a bookcase
He’s first getting medical aid before asking you ‘what in the Queen’s good name was that?!’
“I apologize for that but I will not stand for them to torment my brother!” 
He’s still reeling as you defend yourself to the teachers
But now he sees you so differently 
Your power, your kindness, your morale has him blushing at the thought
“A-a queen?!”
Now that he thought about it you were the perfect for a position of a ruler
Strong, rule-abiding, nurturing, irrefutablely obsess-worthy protective…oh he could go on!
But silently of course he wants to give you a kingdom to rule
Starting with him 
The moment after, he implements new rules among the students of Heartslabyul
“Bow to the Queen or it's off with your heads!” 
 When you confront him about these new rules
“I don’t see what the problem is. Heartslabyul was built on the name of the Queen of Hearts; it’d be a crime if we didn’t idolize such a figurehead!” 
In simpler terms perhaps he just found it really hot that you so quickly were able to defend for your brother
Now he didn’t want to be your brother
But to be the King of Hearts was someone he aspired to be 
To be your King of Hearts
“I’m not acting irrationally (Y/n)! I’m taking your advice about working toward what I want! And frankly that is you!”
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Trey Clover
He sees you in action during Riddle’s overblot watching how you protected your brother Ace, Deuce, and Grim 
He almost forgot to use his own magic while watching you move so finitely like a deadly dance
When all's said and done everyone breezes over your obvious power
And all he can do is assure Riddle, and calm the students of Heartslabyul
But later he circles back, asking you about your occupation
“Ah yes in my world, I’m a demon slayer. I trained really hard to get to where I’m at but if I can save another family from him..well it’d all be worth it.”
He finds that he admires you more than ever
As a family man himself he can only imagine what you had been through
So of course to show his appreciation he’s showering you in desserts
And as he watches you gulp down him his work, he realizes that if all goes to your plan you’ll go home
Back to a world of demons
Back to a world with pain
A world he could easily save you from 
He can’t do as much as you could but he’ll do his part
And if that means making it so you’d rather not return he doesn’t mind being your reason
“I’m hoping you love this tart I made for you. Filled it with love.”
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Ace Trappola
Is horrified when he first sees you so easily slice at the shard monster in the cave
Torn between running from you and kissing up to you so hard that he’ll never be on the receiving end of your Hinokami Kagura 
But he realizes that your just too sweet 
Too caring for someone so freaking strong
“Ace, you look as though you're going to burn with a fever. Let me check!”
Even when he teaches you the foreign game of basketball you obviously excel
Your just too awesome 
But you’d be even more awesome if you used that insane strength of yours to put those snobs in their place
Too many times as he seen you get taken advantage of
“You’re too nice, (Y/n). One of these days someone’s definitely gunna stab you in the back.”
For awhile he was just waiting for that to happen maybe even orchestrating it 
But at the last minute he’s interceding
There's no way he could ever beat you but there is one place he seems to excel above you
And that’s just looking out for his your own
So don’t mind it all to much when Ace off-handedly mentions a rumor to be truth
Or informing you about how this one homewrecker student had been talking about Nezukuro
You don’t need to trust anyone else really 
Just him
He’s entirely telling the truth
“C’mon (Y/n) trust me! I couldn’t nearly do that much damage to a buff guy like that.”
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Deuce Spade
He’s in shock for the next couple days
He had just recently admitted to himself that he admired your studious tendencies for an honorary student
Only to realize how much you surpassed him in delinquent tendencies
Scratch that you surpass him in actual strength
You never really join him in the sports club so how would he know 
But that just makes you more of someone worthy of admiration to him
He doesn’t fully understand your occupation but he’s especially curious when he sees you whip out a sword while running from that gem monster
He’s too busy blushing anytime you acknowledge him to really be jealous of anyone else
He just focuses on you and him
He doesn’t have the foresight to think about what happens at your old home
Especially since you seem so strong it must have been a breeze for you
Can he rub his face on your abs
“(Y-y/n) you're so strong! I-I could never reach your level b-but I hope you still give me the time of day!”
“Of course, Dear! I don’t mind getting you started on the brutal training of a demon slayer!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“...That’s unexpected but its nice to know an herbivore like you can at least be strong.”
He really wasn’t expecting you to so quickly lay waste to the Savvanaclaw students that were giving you, Nezukuro, and Grim trouble
He really thought low of you when it came to standing your ground
Too often could he recall ‘your friends’ whining for time that you barely have to take part in whatever problem they’ve gotten themselves stuck in
You smile way too bright
always igniting that heat from the inside of him
Which is really uncomfortable in the environment of Savvanaclaw
He gets excited about this 
He low-key wants to fight with you 
But he knows he won’t be able to have your hand in marriage even if he tricks you
You just won’t shut up about your mission
“So this Muzan-guy, huh? You’re going to kill him?”
“Yes! I have a long way to go but I’m ending the suffering he causes and saving Nezukuro!”
“Sounds exhausting. Sleep with me.”
He doesn’t like when you talk about it–your old ‘home’
He seriously debates letting Crowley or anyone for that matter present any information about sending you home
“A strong mate isn’t a common thing around here. It won’t hurt to turn a few books to sand.”
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Ruggie Bucci
“Whoa…so that’s what you do to demons?”
“Yup but no worries there won’t be too much damage…hopefully.”
You most likely mentioned it while easily helping Ruggie carry some groceries around
He noted it but it didn’t really register until you casually pulled a sword off of a decorative knight to defend him against some zombie-like assailants
as you easily dodged and then struck with the hilt of your sword before dealing some calculated blows he near wets his pants
He always thought you were easy
 always smiling, always helping, always being a step below what he wants
But the moment he starts seeing you in such a position of power he’s devoting his time to you
He tries to act like he’s not shaking in ecstasy at the thought of you owning him
But your just too sweet 
He can hardly stand it
“Y-you’re awfully powerful despite your no-maj status. Are you sure your muscles don't need a massage? Or me to soothe your aching bones? Or to hold me as tight as you can I can handle it..its my choice of compensation.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“...Would you be willing to be employed?”
He often finds himself too flustered to approach you
In fear in over-excitement of your sunshiney attitude
Always complimenting his smarts
Encouraging him when you think he’s down
Even going so far as to cheer him on
He could barely believe it when he saw you so easily swing a broom slicing through this violent students uniform
“One of the rules here is that we don’t fight. And since I’m sure we both love it here let this be all, okay?”
As he watches the student run out clutching at, what was left, of their uniform his jawdrops
But he recovers pushing up his glasses as he calms the onlookers
“ N-no need to worry, all our staff are more than capable of doing their job…and maintaining the piece! No need to worry.”
And he will when the lounge is closed and the madol counted 
“What in the Great Seven was that!?”
He’s used to seeing Jade and Floyd levels of power 
But you…your on a completely different level
After all his questions he pinches the bridge of his nose as you tell him about your world
He realizes how alike you two are
You’ve both entered a market full of vulnerable students
Ones you both had a clear advantage of 
The problem is your in the business of being too nice and planning on going home
While he’s more interested in actually making your home in the Coral Sea and making sure he’s your next mission
It’s in his interest that you don’t go home 
And this octopus is willing to pull every potion off the shelves if it means you can keep complimenting him while he imagines that you become his
“(Y/n) sign please! This contract will save you me so please sign!"
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Jade Leech 
“Oh my this is…intriguing.”
You continue to amaze him with everything you do 
A demon slayer?! With exemplary sword skills? 
And you're just too sweet to boot?!
He really has good taste in mates
When he sees you so easily escort the giant of the SavvanaClaw dorm out of the lounge since him and Floyd were occupied
He’s doing the eel equivalent of purring at the sight
While he’s more than happy to nip at a submissive, weaker partner
You’re just as strong if not stronger and he’s so excited 
Forget the chase! 
When it finally came down to it you would be his beloved entertainment
A mate that he could constantly tame 
Not to mention the fact that you already were strong enough to hold your own
Something important in the Coral Sea
You probably already go hiking 
He’s absolutely whipped
“Your form was absolutely spectacular! If I may ask, would you like to spar with me? I want to see if you can wreck me.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow, (Y/n)-chan you're so cool and strong!”
He doesn’t mind at all
In fact he’s excited whenever you show this side of you 
You match his energy perfectly 
Often being called the two suns you 
both attract and amaze with your kindness and compassion
He starts to falter when you speak about your world
Smile dropping as you declare your mission to kill Muzan 
And you go on about your job and the world you live in
He quickly puts his smile back up and cheers you on
But Kalim’s going to ignore the pit that sits heavy in his stomach
Trying to silent that voice that sounds so helpful
“Maybe they need to give up on this one dream…right? It's best if they do that at least..right?”
Of course he’ll ask Jamil not doing so well to be subtle and oddly enough he’s on board
“Its easier for me if your wife is someone so skilled. Not to mention as…their friend it really will be best to do this for them.”
Kalim can’t stop smiling 
You don’t have to leave for your old place anyway
You and Nezukuro can party all night with him when you finally agree to marry him
“I’ve always loved the idea of big families! I’d love it if Nezukuro moved in with us when we get married!”
“Did you say ‘when’?”
“Oh! And Grim can come too! I’m sure he’d get along with Raji just fine!”
“Can you not decisively hear me? We should address that.”
“Nya they have that bread bun you’ve been wanting to eat! You might want to get it before I, Master Grim, and Nezukuro eat it all!”
“...We’ll talk about this later.”
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Jamil Viper
“W-was that really necessary!? Looking back on it you were so close to not only slicing that door but slicing at me!”
You probably brought both your forms out either to finally get out of the room Scarabia locked you in or as a reaction to Jamil trying to hypnotize you while overblotting
Has probably tried before but you probably hit him in the head when you caught whiff of a deceptive smell
Or just broke out of his hypnotism overall
Eitherway he stays connected enough to hear whispers of your actual strength but is still amazed by the actual power you possess
For a time he’s just scared of you in general 
Someone who can sniff out when he’s trying to scheme
And someone who so nice to him despite it all
He just can’t seem to understand you
And in that same light he doesn’t understand these feelings for you
The feelings that have him using viper on your friends so they won’t bother you two on your lunchdate
The ones that have him working with even Kalim to ensure that when the time comes they will make sure you don’t return to your world
Once he gets past his fear of his love for you
He can’t help but want to get closer to you
Keeping a helpful eye out for Nezukuro 
all the while hearing you forgive him and wanting to be his friend
But he both finds himself swooning and drugging and keeping reprimanding you for distracting him so
when he sees you so quickly defend your brother completely putting your adversaries out of commission 
“(Y/n) I have to protect you…even if it seems like you can do it yourself. You're too naive.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“...Is this a common action in your world?”
“..uh maybe? More so in the circles I run though!”
He witnesses your abilities twice 
once in the Ramshackle easily kicking away a stray falling piece of wood
And in the colosseum when you pull out your sword to carry and destroy the infected drink out of Rook’s hand
First time he almost dismisses it with how fast you complete the action 
He’s intrigued by you and he’s pleased to be able to study the Ramshackle prefect up close for VDC competition
And boy does he get to study
Whether you decide to dance along with them or act only as a coach he can see how much  more powerful and agile you really are
He admires that you can defend yourself and others
but of course he prefers you use your cute face to do it instead
Guess who he’s trying to train right next to Epel
You can’t have the power to make him blush while being so brutish
But just as your determination to train is insistent so does his desire to make you his
And finally finding the potion that can go unmasked by your keen nose will be his latest achievement 
No doubt its going to take a while 
But he can be patient 
“I have no doubt your world needs you, but I need you more. And as the Vil Schoenheit of the most beautiful queen’s dorm  I will not let you leave that easily.”
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Rook Hunt
“Ah~Madamoiselle (Y/n) I see you’ve been gifted with both your immense beauty and incredibles strength!”
Probably learned long before any of the overblots took place
Of course who else would be running around campus with a box on their back
He first watches you while you train
Then when Crowley sends you on a mission
Then he’s watching you undress
He can’t help it 
You resemble his other favorite stalking subjects friends 
And occasionally a staged collision in the hallways has him burning up when you give him that shining smile in full effect
Its impossible for him not to get…aroused when your around
Imagining the chase, the struggle, if he were to finally move on his thoughts
Thankfully simply sneaking into your home and taking a few things is incredibly satisfying
Especially paired up with his growing photo gallery of all things you
When he learns of your environment he’s quite impressed
And he wrestles with the thought of supporting your mission or absolutely sabotaging so that you can’t so much as think about it
He ultimately decides that he doesn’t care what anyone else is doing but you 
And as long as he gets to follow that’s perfectly fine with him
“Ah~oh~(Y/n) you render me a devoted slave to your will! I’d wish you’d invite me to your hunt! No matter though I’m joining you anyway~!”
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Idia Shroud
“Whoa can the human body actually do that?!”
Seeing you easily strike at Blotted Ortho as you pull out your sword launching from the hovering chariot before maneuvering yourself back on it 
Even in his overblotted form he was totally taken aback
He doesn’t forget when he changes back 
No doubt he’s devoted quite a few hundreds of sleepless nights to review footage of your op character status in an isekai
For someone without magic he feels you have quite the presence
One that has him staying as far as he can as he lets his thoughts run on
Like how easily you lift up furniture when someone complains about it
Or how you so politely shoo his rivals your friends away when Nezukuro muffles an uncomfortable sound
How would it be like if you picked him up like that one kid
Or if he should dare-feel the full effect of your smile directed at only him
And eventually he’ll be able to ignore the layer of sweat that always seems to form when you scooch in close to understand the technology you have a hard time grasping
Or the…intense blood flow when you say his name 
He’s never wanted to lock a person up in his life
No doubt he already has plans A through Z about when you try to return to your world
Surely STYX would allow him to keep you there
If anything its the perfect amount of technology you barely understand and the perfect place to keep tabs on the no magic human that was apart of every overblot 
“(Y/n) you're the top love-interest to the otaku mc…while usually that would automatically put me in the lowest tier, breaking barriers in stereotyping is healthy. A-anyways I’m going to score your h-heart so j-just w-watch m-me!”
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Ortho Shroud
“(Y/n) (L/n) is actively using over 90 percent of their bodily functions at all times. Including breathing, isn’t that peculiar?”
He investigates on Idia’s sudden interest
But that alone isn’t what makes you intriguing to him…if you’d call it that
Your a human using your body in ways never seen before and without magic you are able to summon elements of fire and water
Not to mention Nezukuro himself never detectable on his radar until he looks with his optics
Or how he notes the strange behavior of you carrying said brother in the box you carry around
But when he thinks about you protecting his brother with that strength
His circuitry whirrs and whistles in what he figures his excitement
Not to mention the secret desire inclination towards the brotherly pat on the head
Surely you’d stay from such an unpredictable world if you were madly enough with his brother
“(Y/n)-san will you please accompany my brother to this convention? He’d beso happy to go with a…friend!” 
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Malleus Draconia
“Oh my, how intriguing! I’ve never seen a human possess such specific powers.”
He’s just that amused 
I mean of course you’re nowhere near as powerful as him
But that doesn’t matter when he might as well be your tool with how desperate he is to be around you
Taken by your kindness and compassion it doesn’t matter all that much to him
You’d be cute even if you…had weapons sprouting from your hands
He doesn’t mind all that much
Not until he knows why you do that
“In your world they need you to fight nocturnal creatures that eat humans and have regenerative abilities? And even more so have various powers that aren’t easily detectable?! Excuse me for my rudeness but your home world sounds like a losing battle that you could…die from.”
He’s not pleased with this discovery 
And he’s constantly mulling over the fact that your so willing to return
If anyone can use magic to look into yours and Nezukuro’s past its him
He’s horrified 
He understands your need for revenge but must you go against someone so powerful
It takes him awhile to think of his resolve
He couldn’t allow you to die let alone be turned into a demon 
But then again he’d hate it if it was Lilia or Silver in your familiy’s position
But he worries 
He couldn’t leave with you considering he has no idea if he could return; he’s a prince that wouldn’t be ideal
All he knows for now is that he can’t let you return until he knows what to do
So he’ll let you be 
Happily talking with you as you train and Nezukuro does his thing
He doesn’t know what he’s going to do next
He just knows he’s not letting you go
“My child of man you truly are the fire that burns so sweetly. I don’t think I will ever share you , not when I have yet to make you light the darkness of forever.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Oya~? Now that’s a style I haven’t seen in years!” 
Probably encountered one or two warriors with similar styles 
Nonetheless he demolished them
Or rather had them join his ranks
He’s already bewitched for such an old fae
You so easily just grow on him so that he can’t think of life without you
Even when he knows of your past and knows your situation he’s not budging
Your coming with him when the time comes
You’ll get over your revenge eventually
And Nezukuro just sleeps like Silver and is a silent sweetheart in his own right
it just works perfectly
No doubt he encourages you to spar with him
Gauging your strength as he decides he’ll need to pull an Azul
“If I win, you lovingly will return to be my bride in my Briar Valley. If you win I’ll refrain from abducting relocating you in the meantime. So what’s it gonna be?”
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illarian-rambling · 23 days
Hopping on this tag from @happypup-kitcat24 :)
OC Assumption Tag
Share one of your characters' name and a quote from them with zero context and let your followers (or other people who stumble upon your post) make assumptions about said character. You can post about more than one character but only one quote for each one for things to stay out of context.
1) Izjik Meautammera
“My name is Izjik Meautammera and I’m not at all wanted by the wealthy Devaris family of Unity. They won’t give you money for my safe and unconscious return. What I am is End’s avatar. It speaks to me, it controls my actions when it wishes. I have killed spirits and Chosen under its command. Immortality shatters beneath the stone of my washava. I have come here to ask for your help in our ultimate endeavor; destroying the gods and all life on this planet. You, your kid, your dog—it’ll all be dead and gone. So, who, uh, who’s with me?”
2) Sepo Kaiacynthus
“I expect you to fight to the bitter end if that’s what it takes, because you might love your husband, your son, but the people on that ship are the reason I’m here today and if your impatience costs them their lives, then believe me when I say I will turn that city down there into a fiery crater when I rip this damn island out of the sky!”
3) Twenari Undetasib/Devaris
“Something to do with gravitation runes and the density of air. It’s brilliant; they combine the magical with the mechanical and get a miracle. Gods, if I could just get a peek inside one of those fans….”
4) Djek Kagura
“Look, my point is, it’s hard to trust a bleeding heart. You figure that you’re too weak for this world, too sensitive, so you get in tight with someone who knows their shit. Someone smart enough to tangle with society and come out on top. You trust them to make decisions for you because they know better. They’re harder, more practical; they don’t balk when there’s bloody work to be done.... The first step in doing good is to let go of those people. You have to learn to listen to that bleeding heart of yours. It’s not soft, it’s not weak; it makes you who you are. A good woman. One who now has the opportunity to go out and make the world better.”
5) Astra DuClaire
“Nah, but I’ve been listenin’ in on your little chat with my friend here. I know I got you real worried ’bout how I figured out how to preserve a mind and you didn’t. And you’re right to worry, which is why I said it before, but all good messages bear repeatin’, so I’ll say it again. I am better than you.”
6) Mashal Darezsho
“I don’t care! I don’t care if you think I’m nothing more than a stepping stone on your path. I don’t care if you don’t think about me at all! But you will come out here and face me, gods damn it! And I’ll make sure I’m the last thing that ever crosses your fucking mind!”
7) Ivander Montane
“I didn’t come after the Surgeon out of the goodness of my heart. I… I didn’t come here to solve your murder or bring anyone to justice. The Surgeon can strip the magic from a sorcerer. I’ve seen the bodies with my own eyes—yours included. I came here hoping he could take the godly magic from me. ...I told you, I’m a selfish man.”
8) Elsind Cavernsight
“I forgive you, too. Just by knowing you, I can tell that your father was a good man. Not a good ruler maybe, but I can honestly say that I believe both of you did the best you could within the system you inherited. Very few nobles I’ve met were ever so, well, noble.”
8) Avymere Spearsong
“We are not retreating. The longer we take to act, the longer the people of Salis—of all of Skysheer—are held in Vermir’s grasp. Every second we waste means the death of another sorcerer whom it is my duty to protect. We push on.”
I like games like these, so ima call all the homies! Consider yourselves no pressure tagged ;)
@amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks
@bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast
@the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff @frostedlemonwriter @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @watermeezer
@leahnardo-da-veggie @mr-orion @televisionjester @ray-writes-n-shit @evilgabe29
@trippingpossum @tragedycoded @halfbakedspuds @ominous-feychild @cain-e-brookman
@wyked-ao3 @thecomfywriter
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starlightingsss · 1 year
right where you left me
a laxus x reader drabble ig?? js me yapping 😞
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as they - she, kagura, milliana, risley and arana - exited the endless corridors of the labyrinth that was the preliminary for the grand magic games, they were met with a roaring audience. they finished sixth, out of 8, which wasn't too bad considering their competition.
the other 2 guilds already announced were fairy tail and quatro ceberus.
fairy tail hadn't participated in these games in a while, after their humiliating defeats. but this year - they might actually have a chance at victory. she knew too much about the guild, especially with her history, and she knew the tenrou team had returned and would be participating in the games. she didn't know many of the people on the team closely, but she heard of their names and saw some pictures from him.
he disappeared with the rest of them 7 years ago. not a word, and not a trace. she still remembered the day of his departure, how he took off from the tent and how she chased him in his lightning form, how she couldn't get there in time to help them fight but still watched as acnologia blew them to shreds. what she thought was the last seconds of his life.
but there they were, the friends he told her about, competing in a fight to be the best guild. she knew she should've been happy when she first saw their guild making a comeback, but she couldn't help the feeling of fear that swept across her heart. his friends were there, but where was he?
its been 3 months since their return, and she hasn't heard a word from him. she saw the members of his team cheering in the crowd with the rest of their guild, but the man she loved was nowhere to be found.
"what's on your mind?" kagura said, leaning over to the woman. they weren't close but kagura had seemed to take some kind of interest to her, occasionally checking up on her, asking her questions about her past.
"it's.. nothing." i replied, short vague responses was usually all kagura got out of me. but, if im being honest, what else could i give? i shouldn't be in these games right now, i'm in no condition to fight. maybe a few years ago, when i was strong, but now? my body is brittle and malnourished, my eyes are dead and i haven't smiled in years. my alcoholism has aged me an unreasonable amount, and i am just a shell of my former self. my magic power has depleted beyond what seems fixable, and i feel like im slipping away faster as each agonizing day passes. hauntingly beautiful, a ghost even.
it seems i have zoned out through three of the introductions as they are now announcing the second place.
as the crowd roared in excitement, the second place team came out - fairy tail team b. it felt as if the whole world was spinning, as if nothing existed in that moment except for me - and him.
he stood there, next to the pretty white haired girl - mirajane - unscathed and just how he looked 7 years ago. perfect. i felt as a smile bloomed onto my face, tears prickling my eyes. i couldn't hear the deafening roars of the crowd as sabertooth was announced, as my heartbeat seemed to drown them all out. i wanted to run, to run across the stadium into his arms, i wanted to cry about how i missed him, ask where he'd been, i wanted to throw myself into his arms and never leave. but i couldn't, i seemed glued to the spot i was standing, with my eyes glued to him, maybe he didn't recognize me. maybe he chose not to look, but still, he was alive.
a spark seemed to have been relit in me, that fiery spirit and my will to live. my gaze never seemed to leave him, as his eyes finally met mine. i saw how they widened a little in shock as he realized it was me, how his lips curled into a rare smile - not a smirk, but a smile. a geniune smile.
how it ended as quickly as it started, as the teams were dismissed and let to leave, how his guild pulled him away as i couldn't help but smile like a lovestruck fool.
and thats exactly what i was. lovestruck. i loved him and i would forever, the anguish and worry from the past 7 years seeming to lift off my heart. my beloved would be mine again soon, my perfect.
that night, i drank. shamelessly and without a fear, i hadn't touched a drop of alcohol for months, because what if i lost myself to it again? what if i started and couldn't stop? but it was different this time. i drank, not to forget but to celebrate, i drank because i loved him and i refuse to love in fear. i drank because i had a reason to live again, and i drank in celebration, instead of out of habit or to avoid my pain. i was an alcoholic but in those moment, i wasn't. in those moments, i was a 19 year old girl again. a 19 year old girl traveling fiore with the man of my dreams, a girl without a reason to cry. someone so endlessly happy and content.
a euphoric smile lit my features as i stumbled out of our bar, determined to find the one fairy tail was occupying - and after a few block, i settled at the rowdiest bar amongst the 20 i had seen, one with men flying around in barrels.
i entered the building, unnoticed, as i scanned the group for his face.
and there he was, in all his glory - sitting at a table surrounded by his friends.
i stumbled over, tripping over my feet a little, before finally getting to him, slumping myself over him, and wrapping my arm around his neck.
he was clearly less drunk than i was, as he tugged me into his lap, before wrapping me in a tight embrace.
"almost thought you were mad at me for a sec.." he whispered into her ear, as tears filled her eyes. she missed him so so much.
"could never be mad at you.." she replied, as her tears fell and her smile grew.
she heard him murmur an "i'm sorry" as his team seemed to stare in shock a little, his grip on her didnt loosen as he held her to his torso, maybe pulling her away a few times to look at her face and plant a kiss on her cheek.
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inukag-archive · 10 months
Inuvember 2023 Part 1
In honor of @inuvember InuKag Day, the Archive Mods have put together a 30 item InuKag recommendation list: one InuKag fic per prompt. Since this list is longer than our usual, we've split it into two parts. Enjoy!
Day 1 Inuyasha
I Hate That Fucking Well by @kstewdeux (M)
Post-manga. Inuyasha POV. Inuyasha's inner thoughts and monologues. Rated M for fucking language
Day 2 Kagome
Cinnamon Hearts by @fandomobsessions016 (M)
"So, you may be wondering, what’s this story about anyway? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s about how this queen, almost lost her crown, her throne, but worst of all… it’s about how this queen almost lost her king…
Hindsight, of course, has perfect vision, but at the time I did not. I was a girl becoming a woman who fought bitterly against change that was inevitable. I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to see what was right in front of me.
What I wanted more than anything was to keep Inuyasha.
High school forced my eyes open, tested our “unshakable” bond and made me confront my biggest fear. All because…
I caught feelings for my best friend.
I like-liked my king."
Day 3 Sango
Forever Home by KittyKatz (M)
How long had he roamed the earth in a form that was not his? Beaten, dirty and caged, he finds one last bit of fortune when she comes to rescue him from this place. But his road to redemption will not be easy. And he will find, that no matter how the world has changed, his old enemy remains. And this time, they plan to destroy him once and for all.
Day 4 Miroku
Under the Northern Lights by @lostinfantasyworlds (E)
Kagome Higurashi has her dream job, working as a photographer for the internationally well-known Yugen magazine. Her career whisks her all around the world, leaving her feeling lonely sometimes but mostly just incredibly grateful to be doing what she loves. When she gets assigned to Alaska for a month to photograph a series of celestial events, she runs into Inuyasha, a half-demon who lives on his own in the middle of nowhere. A mutual attraction draws them to each other, but Kagome's time there is limited. Will giving in to their desire lead to love or heartbreak?
Day 5 Shippo
Oh, But You're Good To Me by @witchygirl99 (E)
It’s a terrible photo, really. The action figure takes up the entire bottom of the screen and part of both of their faces. Shippo’s giggling though, eyes shut and crinkled in his mirth while Inuyasha looks at him. His expression is clearly fond. It’s the softest Inuyasha has ever, ever seen himself.
This is fatherhood, he thinks a little wildly.
He sends the photo to Kagome.
Inuyasha is a single father. Shippo is his adopted son. Kagome isn't supposed to be in the picture, but somehow, she returns anyways. A story about family, love, and all of its obstacles.
Day 6 Sesshomaru
Whispers in the Wind by @ruddcatha (G)
It has been 500 years since Kagome jumped back down the well to be with Inuyasha. A messenger waits to see her family, and is joined by a surprising guest.
Day 7 Rin
My Life Before You by @len-barboza (E) -- based on a story by Mizune-mei
No English language summary provided. Inuyasha había vivido la mayoría de su vida huyendo, un huérfano medio demonio considerado por la gente una aberración, rechazado por demonios y por humanos, pero quien pensaría que esa era una mejor vida, al menos un propósito lo movía; sobrevivir, que sucede con un hanyo con una vida longeva, en completa soledad.
Day 8 Kikyou
Stolen Soul by Kimberly-A (T)
COMPLETE Kikyo uses a spell to exchange bodies with Kagome, leaving Kagome stuck in the dead shell and Kikyo comfortably human. In the aftermath, Inu-Yasha faces difficult choices. InuKag, not very Kikyo-friendly.
Day 9 Koga
A New Moon, A New Start by @pinestripes (T)
Kouga visits the village near the Sacred Tree. On this particular evening, he finds that a certain half-demon is more on edge than usual.
Day 10 Kagura
The Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarship (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals.
When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems. Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
Day 11 Naraku
You Rescued Me by @keizfanfiction (E)
Maybe it was fate that he decided to take the back way home that night, but whatever the reason, Inuyasha was grateful for arriving just in the nick of time to rescue a waif of a woman who had clearly been through hell. He never would have imagined that she would end up rescuing him, too.
Day 12 Band of Seven
Delicate by @akitokihojo (T)
To trust someone, to let them in, what an unsettling ordeal. Kagome is easy and safe, and Inuyasha is difficult and guarded. She can put him at ease with a smile, simultaneously setting him on edge. It was nothing until it was something, creating absolute chaos and uncertainty within the both of them.
Day 13 Jinenji/ Shiori
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Day 14 Toga
Taisho School of Acting: A Quick Guide by @jeremymarsh (G)
“Excuse me, what?” Kagome looked at her best friend with eyes as big as saucers, lips parted, and her mind replaying what he had said a moment before – trying to find a sense but to no avail. “You heard me.” Inuyasha scowled, looking down, arms crossed and lips pouting, just like he did every time he didn’t like the topic at hand. The problem was he had started it this time. “Yeah, I did.” Kagome shook her head and inhaled deeply before she continued. “And that’s why I’m asking you to repeat yourself since I’m having problems believing that certain sentences left your mouth.” “I said,” Inuyasha started through clenched teeth, still not meeting her gaze, “come to my family Christmas dinner this Sunday.” He stopped, ran a hand through his silver mane, closed his eyes, murmured something unintelligible and then added: “As my girlfriend.”
Where Inuyasha tries to fool his parents and miserably fails.
Day 15 Izayoi
The Silence of Daisies by Fierywenchxo (T)
Inuyasha shares with Kagome one of the biggest secrets he's ever kept. One-shot.
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sklives · 7 months
please heheh
Well well well, I've watched Cinderella again and since she is my favorite princess and since Sasukarin is my favorite couple among all the fiction world...
So then I comissioned something.
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Art by: _kunogi in Instagram
So xD I had posted this as well some time ago and I wanna add some points about them.
After rewatching the film I noticed a certain similarity between Cinderella and Karin, I believe that they were both looking to belong somewhere, they wanted to have a home again... Just like Sasuke said in the manga:
"We were lonely children and hungry for love, but we found nothing but a world full of hate."
It's something Sasuke and Karin had in common... And Cinderella share this same history... Actually, there are some other princesses whom have this same history, Cinderella is not the only one.
While Sasuke and the prince, even though they weren't looking for, they found something unique and special...
Kishi made it very clear that Karin, for Sasuke, is the strongest of all kunnoichis and this is fantastic because in a fairy tale the prince falls for the princess when he sees something especial, beautiful and unique...
Just like charming prince when he saw Cinderella.
Well, since we don't know much about charming prince, the comparisons end here, but it's interesting to think how Sasuke could reacted when he saw Karin's abilities for the first time.
In one of those filler episodes he stays mesmerized and surprised when he sees Karin using the Kagura Shingan...
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Episode 116
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And that is the part in the filme that describes all of this. ✨✨
Suddenly he stops... he looks up and there she stands. The girl of his dreams. Who she is? Where did she come from? Neither he knows, nor does he care, because his heart tells him that she is the woman destined to be his bride.
• Other thing that I love about fairy tale is the fact that they simply don't know each other, it's a sparkle in a tender moment between two hearts...
Cinderella didn't know he was the prince and the prince didn't know who she was and the fact that Kishimoto added a backstory for the moment when they first saw each other it's a lovely thing because at that moment, in that forest, Sasuke and Karin didn't know each other, but even so, he showed tenderness and she fell in love.
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azukisoul · 1 year
Translation of GinHiji manga/dj: "Together." by 礼央。(pixiv) [non-h]
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This was requested on Twitter, a heartwarming reincarnation story :") I loved translating it.
CLICK HERE FOR MANGA LINK | Out of courtesy to the artist I'm not reposting their art here, please visit the page, refer to the translation as you read along, and show the artist some love!
I do not mind uncredited text reposts but please DO NOT use my translation to scanlate/edit the manga and post the edits. Keep it text only and link to the source.
Downloadable translation on Google Docs
[page 1] S: Hijikata-san! H: Oh, glasses. G: Um, have you seen Gin-san?
[page 2] H: Oh, so you're alive. G: Huh!? G: Is it a bad thing that I'm alive? G: Wait. G: Hold on, you're on break? H: Well, yeah. G: Are you here to see me? H: I'm just taking a walk. G: Hmph. I know you're here to see me, though. H: Die, idiot. G: What have you been saying!? Am I not allowed to be alive!?
[page 3] H: Earlier, H: I saw glasses. G: Shinpachi? H: Yeah. H: He was looking for you, y'know. G: …. H: You… H: What are you H: thinking of right now? G: What's this all of a sudden? G: Is it because of Shinpachi? S: Gin-san has been acting weird lately. S: This morning, too, he said he's just heading out to buy Jump, but… H: Nah. H: Well… H: Yeah.
[page 4] H: He was worried about you. H: Hurry up and go home. G: Pfft. That's why you were surprised I'm alive? G: Hijikata-kun, are you an idiot? H: Shut up. G: Hey, wanna listen to me? H: Sure.
[page 5] G: You know, I… H: Mm. G: I found myself thinking that I'm happy. H: Mm. G: And then I ended up thinking about whether or not I'm allowed to be this happy. G: And then, somehow G: I suddenly got scared. H: I see. G: If I'm at home, G: there's Kagura, and Sadaharu, G: and during the day there's Shinpachi, too. G: It's fun there even if we're not doing anything. H: Mm.
[page 6] G: I ended up thinking that I don't want to let them go. H: …. G: It's silly, right? G: I've never even thought about what's ahead of me or what my future looks like. G: Someday, they all will go to walk on their own paths and leave my side. G: This won't go on forever. I know that, and I don't have a problem with that. G: I'll tell them that I'm happy they all found something they want to do. G: But then I thought about what I'm going to do by myself when that time comes. G: I closed my eyes G: and tried to picture that now emptier room. G: And then…
[page 7] G: I can only see you there, Hijikata. G: Hey. G: Will you live together with me?
[page 8] H: Those words made my heart clench. H: Ah. H: I want to protect this person. I want to be by his side. H: That's what I felt.
[page 9] H: Things progressed surprisingly quickly after that. H: Kondou-san cried and was happy for us. H: The kids welcomed us. H: And then, we H: someway somehow, became a family.
[page 10] G: Hey. G: Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death.
[page 11] G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. *taps* H: So that in our next life H: I'll keep you from being alone again.
[page 12] H: Hey, hurry up!
[page 13] H: You're so damn slow, you fucking perm! You want us to leave together, right!? G: Wa-wait a minute, okay! I'm coming now, dammit! H: Your slowness is gonna make me end up being late! G: Sorry, sorry. *step step step* G: Man, Mr. Public Servant Police Officer here sure is strict about time. H: You're the one who's too loose about it! Also, hurry up and find a job already! G: No need. Right now, I'm trying to think about what I truly want in life. It's an important time for me. H: You'll probably go to the Employment Service Center today, anyway. G: I can't say anything to that! H: Hey. H: You…
[page 14] G: Okay, then. Be careful. H: What are you thinking about right now? H: Yeah. You too. H: What do you see? G: I'm gonna make dinner and wait for you, darling. H: That's freaking gross. H: Are you not afraid anymore? H: Right now, H: are you happy? *clack*
[page 15] H: Me? H: Yeah. I'm here with you, H: so I'm happy.
[page 16] The following is an additional story for "Together." that I drew for REOLOG (my doujin collection). *Depiction of death *Post-reincarnation
[page 17] G: I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. G: I don't know who it belongs to.
[page 18] G: G to T… G: G is for Gintoki, I guess? G: Then who is T… G: I have absolutely no idea.
[page 19] G: My mom said G: I seem to have picked it up out of nowhere when I was a baby. G: Even when they took it away out of fear of me accidentally swallowing it G: or threw it away because it seemed strange, G: before they knew it, it always returned to the palm of my hands. G: My mom then had the idea of putting that ring around my neck.
[page 20] S: Heey, Gintoki! S: The entrance ceremony is about to start. G: Yeah, I'm coming. G: I have no idea if this ring even has any meaning at all. G: But, G: when I look at it, my heart becomes calmer, yet also excited, yet also painful. It's strange. G: I'm sure there is a meaning. G: I believe that. H: Haha. K: And then, Otae-san was like…
[page 21] G: Hiji… G: …kata.
[page 22] *glare* *ba-dump* G: Huh? H: Who the hell are you? G: Oh, sorry. Did I say something? H: Huh? Say something? Nah. You called my name, right? G: N… Name?
[page 23] O: Hijikata-san! What are you doing? H: Tch. You damn perm. G: His name is G: Hijikata, huh… G: Hijikata? I said his name? I did? G: Why? G: …. G: Hijikata.
[page 24] G: Hijikata. G: Who is that? G: Hijikata. G: Is that someone I know? G: Hijikata. G: Who the hell are you? G: Hey, Hijikata. G: Will you live together with me? G: Who?
[page 25] G: Hey, Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death. G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. H: So that in our next life…
[page 26] H: So that in our next life… H: I'll keep you from being alone again. *rustle*
[page 27] G: Hijikata… G: …Toshirou. G: Yeah. I remember now. G: I remember now. G: G to T. G: This is G: the ring I gave him.
[page 28] G: In our next life… G: We met. G: We met, G: Hijikata.
[page 29] -
[page 30] H: I'll go too, soon. H: Wait for me, okay?
[page 31] H: Yorozuya.
[page 32] -
[page 33] H: I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. H: Who does it belong to? H: What shards are these? H: I have no idea.
[page 34] G: And then, Zura and Sakomoto's like… G: Then, Takasugi fell (lol) G: Hilarious, right? H: …. H: Hey, Sakata. G: What is it, Hijikata-kun? H: Which class are you in? G: H (Ecchi) ♥ H: Don't say it in such a weird way. H: And this class is? G: A Class. H: Then, let me ask you this. H: Why are you always eating lunch here everyday!? We're not even on the same floor. H: Furthermore, here in front of me!
[page 35] G: That's clearly G: because I want to be next to you, right? G: Just kidding. *GROSSED OUT* *fidgets* G: Hey, come on! Don't look so clearly grossed out like that! H: Stop those jokes already. G: Hahah. It was just a joke. Don't mind it so much. H: Geez. I really don't date guys, okay? H: ….
[page 36] H: ? G: I know, I know. G: Hahah. H: Sakata Gintoki… H: The first time I met him was on the day of our high school entrance ceremony. G: Hiji… G: …kata.
[page 37] H: Who the hell are you? G: Oh, sorry. H: A guy with lazy eyes that resemble those of a dead fish. H: Rarely-seen silver hair. G: Did I say something? H: It should've been the first time we met, but it didn't feel like the first. H: You damn perm. H: After that day, H: For some reason, Sakata took a liking to me and popped up in my classroom whenever he had the time. O: Oh, it's Danna. K: Ooh, Gintoki, you're here. G: Don't interrupt us. Get the hell away, Gorilla. H: Kondou-san is not a gorilla!
[page 38] H: The guy is suspicious, H: but I don't think of it as strange and end up hating it. H: In fact, that smile H: perhaps even feels familiar to me. *ba-dump* G: Hm? What's wrong? H: Oh, nothing. H: I never knew you wear that thing.
[page 39] G: Oh, this? G: You're curious about it? H: Nah, not really. G: Don't worry. I don't have a girlfriend or anything. H: L-Like anyone even asked about that! G: Come on, just hear me out. G: This is something I've been keeping safe for as long as I can remember. G: I've been holding on to it without even knowing who it belongs to or why I can't let go of it. H: Without knowing… H: All this time? G: Yeah. G: All this time. H: For as long as you can remember? G: Yeah. G: As long as I can remember.
[page 40] H: I was shocked. H: His story is exactly the same as mine. H: The ring in that bottle… H: And his ring… *thump* H: What is happening? H: There's a strange pain in my chest. *ruffles*
[page 41] G: Take your time. H: …. G: I'll wait.
[page 42] H: T to G. H: Does it mean from Toshirou to Gintoki…?
[page 43] H: That can't be the case. H: The first time I met him was on the day of our entrance ceremony. H: I don't think I've met him before that. H: But… is that true? G: I'll wait. H: Could it be that I've just forgotten? H: I want to remember. H: I feel like I have to remember. H: If there really is something to remember. H: Or do I just want that to be the case? H: I don't know. H: On his ring… H: Are there somebody's initials carved on it?
[page 44] H: Sakata. H: Sakata Gintoki. H: Who are you? H: Sakata Gintoki. H: Really? H: Sakata Gintoki. H: I called his name like that?
[page 45] G: Hey, Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, G: what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death. G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. *taps* H: So that in our next life…
[page 46] H: So that in our next life… H: I'll keep you from being alone again. *shock...*
[page 47] H: Right. H: I know him. H: I know Sakata Gintoki. H: Something as important as this… H: How could I forget… *grip* G: Hijikata-kun. H: Tch. H: Damn it…! *runs*
[page 48] H: Haa… H: Haa… *ring* *ring* H: Hey, where the hell are you? H: What? H: Heading back home from work? Where!? H: Whatever, just tell me! H: Huh? H: Near the park? Then right now I'm… G: Hijikata!
[page 49] G: Hey, what's up? H: Sakata… H: Gintoki. G: Hijikata? What's wrong? H: Sorry. G: Hm? H: I said I'll keep you from being alone, but… H: Sorry. G: … H: You've been in front of me all this time, but H: I didn't realize. I'm sorry. H: I've never even called your name properly. H: I'm really sorry,
[page 50] H: Yorozuya.
[page 51] G: Hijikata, you… H: Hey, Yorozuya… H: Can you put it on me, too? G: …
[page 52] H: Hah. H: It fits me perfectly. I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. I don't know who it belongs to. But…
[page 53] G: We finally meet, Hijikata. G: Don't cry. H: I'm just sorry for making you wait. H: Also, I'm not crying. G: You're totally crying. H: I'm not crying.
[page 54] Those faraway memories, bond, love. The miracle of being able to meet again.
[page 55] I won't let you be alone. I'll be by your side. To make you happy. To become happy. From now on, too, always.
[page 56] Together.
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
This is a VERY SILLY idea I got earlier this week and it took over my brain so please enjoy the Fruits Basket characters as cats! (Bonus fun: see if you can guess who they are before scrolling down!)
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Mabudachi Trio + Kureno
Hatori - I went back and forth with him on whether he'd be a black cat or a Siamese cat, but his eyes are so striking! It was hard to find photos of black cats with naturally blue eyes (I'm sure they exist!)
Shigure - a Russian Blue, obviously
Ayame - clearly an elegant white long-hair
Kureno - a derpy and sad-looking chocolate tortoiseshell
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Yuki and the Student Council
Yuki is the silver tabby who looks like he regrets all his life choices lol
Kakeru is the very silly tabby in the top left
Machi is the shy-looking dilute tortie in the top right
Kimi is the white long-haired Persian cat
Nao is the talkative (demanding) almost-still-a-kitten tabby
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Kyo, Tohru, and their families
we already know what Kyo looks like as a cat lol but Tohru is the ragdoll cat next to him in the upper right (because she's OBVIOUSLY a ragdoll!)
Kazuma is the brown-ish Maine coon. Dignified but still a cat!
Kyoko is the light ginger and white tabby (did you know female oranges are fairly rare?)
Katsuya is a handsome adult black cat
Grandpa Honda is a sweet gray tabby
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Kyo & Tohru's Friends
Arisa is a calico (did you know most calicos are female? I feel like that would fit Arisa's feminism)
Hiroshi and Yusuke are twin tuxedo cats! (Right?!?!?)
Saki is a gorgeous long-haired black cat ofc, and Megumi is her miniature
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Youngest Zodiacs
Haru would obviously be a black and white cat. I think he'd have a unique marking, too, like a mustache, or a spot shaped like a heart.
Momiji is a blond German Rex (which is a breed I just learned exists!)
Kisa would be a Bengal kitten because she'd definitely look like a wildcat
Hiro would be a little baby tabby
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Other Zodiacs
Akito would be a slightly intimidating black and white cat
Ritsu would be a rare male calico (and an exceptionally beautiful one, too!)
Kagura would be a very cute Russian Blue
Rin would be a skittish black cat who's actually a sweetie once she gets used to you, if you're her person
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Everyone Else + Bonus Cat!
Mine would be a long-haired tuxedo cat, obvs
I thought about Mayu as a dilute tabby, but I like her as a tortie tbh
Mitsuru is an anxious white and gray cat
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magicalgirlagency · 8 months
Hello! Do you know any comprehensive list of magical girl webcomics? Or alternatively some that you recommend?
I'm gonna go for the ones that have caught my eye, visually and/or otherwise (in a randomized order). Hope you don't have anything to do, you'll be staying here for a while.
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And I might even update it if I see something new!
Cloudy Wondrous, by Kaninchenbau;
Glitter & Guilt, by RockyBloo;
Star Warrior Cosmos Leo, by Sailorpossum;
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart, by Pyon;
Kid Chrysalis: Butterfly Warrior, by Gabriel Joy Reid;
Supersonic Girl, by Sandra Diaz (okay, this one's more superhero-y, but it follows some MG tropes, and therefore still counts!);
Stardust Slammers, by Brian Wolf;
Angel Blue, by LaurenceL;
DolceCubed, by Sunsetfork;
Pretty Heart Bouquet, by E. Hetrick Jackson;
Mistral, by Amy;
The Tale of Crystal Teresa, by RainicornDraws;
God Has Spite, by Isaac;
In Your Dreams, by Kakathain;
Miracle Sakura, by Aurora Dordain;
Heartful Masquerade, by HANNAHP0CALYPSE;
Magical Package - Lilaca, by Tsunyandere;
O Grimório Perdido, by Guibley;
Starhop, by Cuttles;
Defend!!, by Peachieevee;
Business Magical, by Pizza Paper (this one here's a novel rather than a comic, but it can be found within Tapas, so it goes here too!);
Pepper Pixie, by Soffy;
The Amazing Mirna, by TinyBabyGhost;
Sweet Little Resistance, by Peachchild;
The Good, The Bad, & The Magical Girl, by Failmonger;
Star Savior Bunny, by Kendell and Kay;
Starry Eyed, by Mahoupeach;
Eternal Guardian Kanae, by Edea;
Crossed Stars, by Nyxalwitch;
Pretty Witch!, by Max i mystic;
Foul Maiden Inez-chan!, by alchykiller;
Seasons of Avallen, by Gem.i.ni;
Celestial Princess, by Saint Bree;
Magical Girl Academe, by War Bunny;
Pokey! The Unicorn Magical Girl, by CherryRoseum;
A Magical Girl's Guide to Adulting, by Patrick McCabe;
SuperChic: Rosemary!, by CaptainHAHA;
Honey and the Moon, by Meadow;
Brownie & Barebones, by BubbiBrownie;
Lupe Mágica, by RoninYorch;
Magical Girl Grim Reaper, by Kimo_Neko;
Manual Prático da Garota Mágica, by HeitorPC;
Wimp Witch, by C. Cameron (it's even an indie animated series on YouTube and Newgrounds!);
Retired Magical Girls Support Group, by Hairballdraws;
CMYQ~n: Magical Girl Project, by Marikyuun;
High Spirits Neoma, by Oroor0;
Ghostly Tales, by Hey Izzy;
My Boyfriend is a Magical Girl?!, by IMTHEJOHKE;
Lola Magica: My Grandma is a Magical Girl, by SUPRPRETTYGENIUSMIKI;
Modern Magical Girl, by Replaythepun;
Saffron Wave, by Kellerybird;
Magical Girls in College, by Jay-Taku;
Archmage Ascending, by Magicmooshka;
A Magical Girl's Day Off, by Grant Newbold;
How I Loathe Being a Magical Girl, by Nomnomnami (unfortunately, with the end of Smackjeeves, this one has become most likely a Lost Media);
My Life as a Magical Girl, by Vickycreator1;
Magical Girl Institute, by Portia Hightower;
Magical Boy Troubles, by Red_Mend;
MAGICAL GIRLfriend, by Thisisshaetae;
Anomique: Magical Girls Must Die, by Crayaks;
Dame Daffodil, by Sakura-rose12;
Maho Shonen, by Yana & Nat;
Hover Girls, by Geneva Bowers;
Princess Love❤Pon!, by Shauna J. Grant;
Star Rangers: Magical Space Cadet Squad, by Kagura-kun;
Strawberry Seafoam and Vampire Magicka, by Bryan Golden;
SpectraSpell, by Lisa Harald;
Magical Boy Basil, by Fireside Stories;
Kakkikomi Magical Girls, by HachiwareHouse;
Magical Girl Initiative, by Ika;
Eldritch Magical Girls, by Marighoul;
Magical Mom, by Prinnstar;
Magical Boy, by The Kao;
Magikats!, by Eilie Astara;
Magical Printing: Magenta Ink, by Chicinlicin;
Agents of the Realm, by Mildred Louis;
Shattered Starlight, by Nicole Shartrand;
Mahou Josei Chimaka, by KAIJU;
Brujaha, by Acersecomic;
Mahou Shounen FIGHT!, by Scuttlebutt Ink;
Magical Girl Problems? Magical Girl Solutions!, by Veronica Agarwal.
And this is all I have so far. I wish I could tag the bloggers/creators (those who can be found here on this social, anyway), but I believe that I've exceeded the post's limit to do such a thing, lol. Plus, some of them might be even discontinued.
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moonandwind · 7 months
Before judging Kagura as "bad" or "selfish", think about everything she had to go through.
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Whenever Naraku sensed signs of non-obedience, he threatened her by squeezing her heart to make her feel pain or, even worse, he kept her chained. She wasn't free to do anything and was constantly threatened or tortured. (*Someone* even tried to make a super forced connection between Kagura's desire to be free from all this with not wanting a man by her side, when the two things really have nothing to do!).
I'm not saying that Kagura was perfect and that she never did anything wrong, rather than obeying Naraku she should have preferred to die, but I'd like to make a couple of considerations.
The first consideration is that Kagura never gave me the feeling of being really cruel and heartless, everything negative she did she did exclusively to survive and in her there was the ability to feel compassion, we saw it with Kohaku.
Here we can see that Kagura shows concern for Kohaku and warns him.
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More than one time...
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Here her reaction of shock when Moryomaru asks her to bring him Kohaku's fragment that keeps him alive...
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Just before, Moryomaru threatened her, yet she thinks of Kohaku first than her.
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Look at her face when she realizes that Kohaku's fate is to die anyway, it's certainly not the look of someone who is indifferent...
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And in the end she even lets him escape despite having been threatened first by Moryomkaru and then by Hakudoshi.
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So Kagura is ABLE to feel compassion, she's not heartless.
The second consideration is a question to those who condemn Kagura, in your opinion if Sesshomaru had been in Kagura's place, would he have behaved differently from her? Although now he has become more compassionate, I'm not sure at all that he'd be ready to die for people he doesn't care about, he's still too self-centered to do something like that in my opinion! So why does Kagura deserves to die, for doing what Naraku asked her to do, if even Sesshomaru most likely wouldn't have acted differently?
Also, since I saw Kagura's reaction when Sesshomaru went to save her, I have the strong feeling that LOVE could save and soften her heart. For the first time I saw a sweet and serene expression on her face, as if every negative feeling inside her had gone away.
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This is one of the reasons why I see a romantic relationship between them as something absolutely positive, I'm convinced that Kagura just needed LOVE to bring out even more those compassionate sides that could already be glimpsed in her.
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vaelynez · 5 months
Hey random question but you as frustrated as I am that Lamia has not had a single appearance in 100 year quest? Even Kagura had a single panel with speech but the Lamia Crew (other than an image with Toby on the toilet) has none!
Thank you for the ask! 💕
Let me preface what I’m about to say because this fandom can be a little bit up in arms about this; I have no ill will in saying this towards anyone, this is simply my opinion. I’m fine with discussions on this topic, but I will not tolerate unnecessary hate if it comes.
Moving on…confession time. I haven’t read the 100 YQ. I’ve been avoiding it because Gruvia makes me really uncomfortable for reasons I’m not going to get into in this post, and to my understanding it’s filled with it now that it’s canon. Yes, when a ship is canon it’ll get page time, but I can’t stomach this ship at all. Again, it makes me viscerally uncomfortable.
On the topic of Lamia Scale, I’m always down for more content with them. I love the entire crew so so much. But knowing Hiro Mashima, the appearance would be centered around Lyon and Juvia. While Luvia doesn’t make me uncomfortable like Gruvia does, I don’t like it—I personally feel like the entire thing completely destroyed everything established about Lyon’s character, and I might make a full analysis about it one day, but this fandom scares me and I’m not in the mood to get into internet fights over ships. I have a job and stories to write and summer classes to focus on.
In an ideal world I’d love more content with them. There’s so much to explore with the Lamia Scale crew as a team and individual characters, Gray and Lyon’s relationship has so much nuance and I love to analyze the scenes they have together.
But personally, with the direction the series has taken in regard to these characters (Sherry please come home we miss you. Yuka and Toby deserve so so much more. Like just a smidge of backstory I’m begging you. Jura as a mentor figure PLEASE. Lyon’s growth as a character is so compelling and yet you focus on this stupid jealousy plot that completely undermines his past and current goals—), I don’t think I’d actually like the scenes written.
This is all my personal opinion! Again, I’m not trying to shame anyone who likes/read 100 YQ. I want to read it, I do, but again…Gruvia…
Respectfully, if any Gruvia shippers see this and feel the need to argue with me, I am entitled to my opinion even if you disagree with it. Nothing you say will make me support this ship for a plethora of reasons that would make this post way, way too long. Lets save both of our energy. The Gruvia tag is waiting for you to consume all the content to your hearts content.
Again, thank you for the ask! Have a good day peeps. 💕
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Character Interaction Tag
Thank you for the tag (x2) @illarian-rambling , to keep this simple I'll just use one of my OCs. Posting this again because I accidentally posted before I finished.
Rules: post the OCs of the people who tagged you and one of your OCs and say how yours would interact with theirs
Katie's OC #1: Ivander Montane is a 30 year old corrupt detective from the trade city of Unity. He has blue blood and double-pointed ears, wears fancy suits, and walks with a cane. His estranged family runs the banks of Unity, however he left them years ago, and in doing so, broke a divine contract, which left him cursed to slowly and painfully be transmuted into mist over the course of many years. Personality-wise, he's kind of a privileged shithead. He's got the catty attitude and love of gossip of a middle school girl, and can insult your outfit just as acutely. He doesn't have a sincere bone in his body and is afraid of any form of intimacy. However, deep down, he really just wants a friend and to not be in pain anymore. Show him the slightest hint of compassion and he will crumble. His hobbies include being a hater, fashion, and marksmanship (he's a crack shot with a rune rifle). All in all, he's got the snark of a drag queen, the heart of a lonely noir detective, and a body that's been through a cheese grater.
Katie's OC #2: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC: (As of the start of Book 1) Narul is a 23 year-old slave at the Palace of Labisa, the Great City by the Lake. He is a forestfolk, a person or group of people who have been mutated or altered by the effects of wild or ambient magic. His birth mother was a priestess, his father is a mystery. He was adopted by an enslaved woman as an infant, thus how he ended up in the servitude of King Hutbari. He is a giant of a man, literally, at just a hair under nine feet tall. He is additionally quite bulky, much much larger than even the biggest human. He is so large that the door into the slave quarters had to be reconstructed just to fit him as he grew up. Aside from his size he is also just a bit rough in appearance, hairy and broad, picture a DnD Dwarf, just sized way up.
He is inhumanly strong, a fact that causes him a great deal of distress. Because of his size and strength, Narul has the potential to be quite dangerous to normal humans, as he has been repeatedly reminded of since his childhood. Narul has a great deal of anxiety around his body and his potential to accidently hurt others, as such he is quite timid and careful. He has a tendency to mumble when he talks, which unfortunately due to his low voice, often makes it sound like he is growling.He is a gentle person, he likes flowers and abhors violence. He cries relatively easily and gets easily anxious or overwhelmed.Despite all of this he is fiercely loyal and kind. He doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others. 
His fatal flaw is a healthy dose of self-doubt and self-loathing. Narul hates his body, it scares him, and he believes that it scares others. He is often self-deprecating, though not in a joking way. He feels an intense jealousy towards those around him that are able to live normal lives and pursue normal relationships.
How they would interact: Ivander’s propensity for expensive clothes, his snarky attitude, and his privileged attitude is something that Narul is fairly used to, Ivander would fit in well with Labisian Nobility. Upon first being introduced, I imagine that Narul would be polite but ultimately not particularly interested in interacting with Ivander as a person. However, I think upon realizing that Ivander is having his own issues with his body (that pesky mist curse), Narul would begin to empathize. In a funny way, I think Ivander’s cocky exterior and his hidden longing for a friend would remind Narul of Ninma, and even though Ivander is older, I think some of Narul’s fatherly instincts would kick in.
Narul would get along fine with Djek. Personality-wise, Djek seems very similar to Narul’s adopted brother and best-friend, Suru. Both are witty, sarcastic, and quick to make a joke. The big difference between Suru and Djek is that Suru doesn’t have that sense of self-loathing. Suru is quite aware of his flaws and is happy with who he is, even if he isn’t happy with his situation (also Suru is a scrawny guy, with 0 magic and 0 fighting skills, Suru couldn’t hurt a fly not from want of trying, but because in a fight the fly would probably win.) Narul would enjoy having Djek around, so long as Djek didn’t pick on him too much. Narul would eventually try to help with that self-loathing, though with how awkward Narul is, and how deeply his own sense of self-loathing is, it seems doubtful how much he could actually help.
Tagging @roach-pizza , @mk-writes-stuff , @dyrewrites , @finickyfelix , and @kaylinalexanderbooks
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xxsycamore · 6 months
HIIIII ryuki anon here i misread the post!!! srry for that my brain's fried fhdjhsjfhdjs here's a proper request ;w; could i get #2 🥺 with one sir ryuki f keisaiin (cupid parasite)??
No worries anon, I got it! ❤ Your request was such a nice surprise! Let's give Ryuki some love!
[🥺] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚁𝚢𝚞𝚔𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚑𝚞𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜…
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"I'm home."
You needn't hear Ryuki's greeting as your signal to get up from the couch and go welcome him; you did it as soon as you heard the key turning in the keyhole. This time you even beat Kagura at it. Puppy love is no joke.
Ryuki has not yet fully put his foot inside the house when you pounce at him, giving him a warm welcome-home-hug. He yelps, keeping his hands awkwardly frozen in the air as they're occupied with his personal belongings.
"C-can't you at least wait until I change?"
You shake your head and Ryuki can all but feel your answer on his shoulderblade and he lets out a sigh. He lets you be, knowing that there's no arguing with you and your sudden bursts of affection.
That's when your thoughts trail off to how happy you feel to be able to greet him after work like that, in your shared home. For all the maturity he's fixated on reaching, he's probably unaware of what this moment looks like from the side. He's quite literally your husband coming home tired from work. It makes him seem rather cool, you have to confess. It also makes him seem rather...
"What did you just say?"
Oops, did you say it out loud? Either way, you have no regrets as you only squeeze him further. You feel him turning his face to the side - there's a tall mirror there just by the clothes hanger.
You blink in question, and it makes you withdraw a little just to catch a glimpse of Ryuki's face, for answers. When he blurts out a hex code out of nowhere like that he's usually assigning a color to people when he meets them - or perhaps if he's changed his opinion about them - but what's with this random-
You look at him and he's blushing. Hard.
"You made my face go #ff8c8c. I'll...make you pay for that."
The surprise on your own features gradually turns into smugness, as you're rather content with how things turned out. Now you'll just have to tell him he's even cuter than he was thirty seconds ago...
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∎ Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @winglesswriter!
OC Interaction Tag
Kate's OC: Yarren was born into a world where his people are oppressed - their way of life, religion and language were all suppressed and made illegal under foreign rule. But even though his parents were killed for keeping the Istritu traditions, Yarren stubbornly hangs onto the old customs and fights the oppression with all he has. He got his face tattoos and wears his braids proudly. Since a young age he showed signs of being touched by a god - he has the power to manipulate plants. As for his personality, there’s a lot of anger in his short body and it doesn’t take much for it to bubble to the surface. He’s arrogant and prickly and doesn’t trust easily, all to the point of self-sabotage. He cares deeply, though, about his friends and all of his oppressed nation. He is good with words and quite charming when he wants to be and people naturally follow him. Secretly he dreams about a big romantic love, but it’s the kind of love that is also forbidden.
My OC: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
How they'd interact: Djek likes to make new friends, so I think he'd try to cozy up around Yarren pretty quick. He would be legitimately charmed by the man and his fiery determination, but Djek also has a habit of trying to make friends with the toughest person around as a form of defense. I think he'd consider Yarren's stubbornness a bit naive, though he wouldn't consider it his problem, per se. He'd definitely poke fun at all that anger and prickliness, though. Probably, from Yarren's point of view, Djek would annoy the shit out of him, which is all part of Djek’s plan, of course. If Yarren finds this and Djek’s attempts at upbeat humor amusing, he might keep him around long for Djek to lose that shifty sycophant attitude and actually have a chance to display his extreme loyalty and care. However, if Yarren, like many others, gets sick of Djek’s bullshit, he'd probably end up throwing the little man into a wall or something.
So glad to see this game getting around as always! I'll tag @somethingclevermahogony @kaylinalexanderbooks @rkmoon @halfbakedspuds @tildeathiwillwrite and anyone else who wants to play :)
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