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moonandwind · 3 months ago
In the chapter 407 "Sesshomaru's crisis", where Sesshomaru's heart changes thanks to Kagura, Rumiko Takahashi added the note "The hidden anger in an apparently calm profile... what's the reason!?". 👀
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Well, THIS is the reason! 😏😏😏👇👇👇
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In the chapter 406 "Wrath", when Sesshomaru loses his temper, Rumiko Takahashi added the note "That noble soul, that noble pride, no one can defile them" 🤗🤗🤗
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Of course we know who he's referring to… 👀👀👀
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These details about Sesshomaru's feelings for Kagura are really precious. 🤗🤗🤗
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satoru-taisho · 2 years ago
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postshare-korea · 8 years ago
애니메이션 '이누야사'가 연극으로 공개 된다
애니메이션 ‘이누야사’가 연극으로 공개 된다
▼사진출처 : twitter http://postshare.co.kr/wp/wp-content/themes/viralnova/js/ad_postmiddle_text.js 일본 애니메이션 이누야사가 연극으로 만들어진다. 지난 6일 이누야사 연극 공식 계정에 연극 ‘이누야사’ 포스터가 공개하며 이 같은 소식을 http://postshare.co.kr/wp/wp-content/themes/viralnova/js/ad_google.js 알렸다. 연극 ‘이누야사’는 4월 6일부터 15일까지 도쿄 은하극장에서 상연 될 예정이며, 티켓은 오는 3월 18일부터 구매할 수 있다. 이번 연극에서 이누야샤 역은 칸 유타카(32)가, 히구라시 카고메 역은 와차크치 유미(24)가, 셋쇼마루 역은 사나 하로키(19)가 맡았다…
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katakiyakuza · 3 years ago
Things I want this year:
A routine. Discipline. Confidence.
A Jinx piece I'm proud of.
Fit body. 47kg.
I love the clothes I own.
150만원 income per month without energy-draining labor.
4 hours of focused studying every day.
이누야사 7부 보기
죠죠 6부 7부, 8부 보기
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solplparty · 3 years ago
[TheSOOTORY#36] 어른이 된 수영이가 부르는🎤 이누야사 OST🎵 https://youtu.be/9Y3i3WJLy58 #최수영 #수토리 #이누야샤OST 이누야샤 OST 앨범 재발매 프로젝트🔮 'I am'으로 참여한 수영이와 이누야샤 OST도 많이 사랑해 주세요💕 자세한 내용은 링크를 참고해 주세요 https://tumblbug.com/inuyasha_ost the sootory 더수토리
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moonandwind · 7 months ago
One of the many nice details that the anime staff cut off. Even when Kagura died, Sesshomaru turned one last look towards her, exactly as he did EVERY TIME Kagura left when they met, he always turned his gaze towards her. 🥹❤️❤️❤️
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mocconews · 4 years ago
퇴사할 때 필수품이죠 퇴사짤 모음입니다. 회사를 그만둘 때는 매너있게 그만두는 것이 좋습니다. :-)
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lucymystic · 4 years ago
🎻예찬이 루프스테이션을 만나면? 시공간 초월해버리는 감동 탄생이지👍 #YECHAN #신예찬 #LUCY #루시 #이누야사 #OST #시대를초월한마음 #犬夜叉 #時代を越える想い #violin #violinist
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tianlee726 · 5 years ago
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cloud-some-blog · 6 years ago
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전세계 탈모인들을 울렸던 이누야사 스토리.. 아버지가 가능충이라 일어난 비극. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnkbd4zAMPS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ch5teuka51i2
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treidaily · 7 years ago
[IG] jjun_iii__  작업하다 정줄놓은 검객 @changhyun_iii #Trinitiopus #Trei #daily #이누야사 #검객채선생
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koreanews · 8 years ago
Korea News:[거꾸로TV] #SM #논스톱 #이누야사..서현진, 늦깎이 [TV리포트=김지현 기자] SM엔터테인먼트(SM), 애니메이션 '이누야샤', 시트콤 '논스톱'의 공통점은? 늦깎이 스타의 대명사 배우 서현진이다. 서현진은 만 17세가 되던 해인 2001�� 걸그룹 '밀크'(서현진, 김보미, 박희본, 배유미)로 데뷔했다. 밀크는 한류가 시작되던 2000년대 초반 아이돌 양산에 박차를 가하던 SM의 야심작이었다. 서현진은 ✌ Help me reach 1000 Subscriber in this summer✌ ✌Kor Sub✌ ✌Facebook : http://ift.tt/2rG2kBl ✌ ✌Website : http://ift.tt/2rasN6z ✌ ✌Subscribe: : https://goo.gl/XyI7mF ✌ ✌ NOTICE ✌ Videos at Korean Breaking News can use copyrighted content based on fair use fair use laws : https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright and http://ift.tt/UGhVpp by Korean Breaking News
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moonandwind · 5 months ago
Can we talk about the TOTAL TRUST that Sesshomaru showed towards Kagura at this moment? 👇
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Jaken had clearly told Sesshomaru that Kagura had kidnapped Rin but he never blamed her, never held it against her, never even feared that she could do it again. Don't underestimate this fact, for Sesshomaru Rin's safety came before anything else but, in Kagura's case, he put his trust in this woman, with whom he had only met a couple of times, instead of being alerted with a natural protective instinct towards Rin.
It's true that Sesshomaru knew that Kagura only followed Naraku's orders because she was forced to but, considering how much he cares about Rin, you would expect a reaction from Sesshomaru of at least concern but instead NOTHING OF NOTHING!
Look at this out-of-character reaction from Sesshomaru… 👇 👇
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The SIGNIFICANT thing is that we are shown, by Rumiko Takahashi herself in this scene, that Rin is still afraid of Kagura and also here Jaken yells at Kagura to go away and that Sesshomaru is not interested in listening to what she has to say and what Sesshomaru does?!?!? He GETS CLOSER to her!!!!!! 👀👀👀 Maybe it's also because Rin saw that Sesshomaru trusts Kagura that we are shown that, after this episode, she was no longer afraid of her. This happened LONG BEFORE Kagura's death and these are details forgotten by many people. 🥰🥰🥰
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shaay3488-blog · 8 years ago
이누야사 - 33화
한동안 중드를 끊었다가 ㅋㅋ최근에 다시보기 시작했어요 미미일소흔경성 재밋다고 해서 여주남주 모두 좋아하는 배우라 봤는데 처음에 게임장면 나��고 하는거 정말 제 취향아니고 뭔 내용인지도 모르겠고...
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moonandwind · 3 months ago
This is the moment when we realize that Kagura's feelings for Sesshomaru became UNCONDITIONAL❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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moonandwind · 3 months ago
The moments when Kagura showed kindness and compassion 🥰🥰🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
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