#i love it lots ok :sob: it deserved better
katificer · 3 months
Wizard With A Gun is 50% off on Steam Right Now
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If you heard about the news of Galvanic Games disbanding and wanted to try this game, but were turned away by the price, nows your chance to try it out yourself!
I highly recommend it if you're interested in beautiful art and music, lore, and spellcrafting systems, the game has had a lot of improvements since launch, like adding over 50 new guns to play around with, customizable difficulty settings, 4-player mode, and even adding a new boss and more lore. Here's a trailer if you haven't heard of it.
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
The Moon Child Part 2
Part 1
A/n: Wow. I posted the first part to this and you guys like- rushed to it like starving animals holy SHIT... Should I be scared???? anyway- here ya go
Summary: Danny meets the Aqua Family and gets the love he deserves, plus a little comfort.
Tw: hurt/comfort, bad parents, mentioned discrimination, angst, ghost animal cruelty, swears, objectification, fluff
I forgot to mention Danny goes by he/they pronouns, Atlanteans know a lot of animals, and gender is weird sometimes so they aren't assuming anything and that's fair since Danny could shapeshift if he wants
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The Moon Child Part 2 - The Moon Loves the Sea
Warm. He felt warm while in his core. And he could feel the soft cushion he was placed on. He heard the stories that Aquaman Arthur would tell him about all of his adventures and the rambles about his family. He was even told the secret about his stepbrother, Orm, who's death was faked and now lived on land.
It was... nice. Safe. He hadn't felt so loved in a long time. Or, at least, he thinks he hasn't. He had lost track of time while in the labs. It was painful to think about. Visibly so. Apparently, when he drifted into those dreadful terrors, his core's soft light would flicker into a dimmer one which resonated with his sobs. Arthur or his wife, who would keep him beside them at all times, would pick him up each time and hold him close to their heart.
"It's alright" They would say. "You're safe now."
Their heartbeat would always calm him down. It pulsed out reassuring feelings with each beat of their hearts. It was soothing and he never felt so safe. Not even when he was alive. To think he needed to die to feel this way.
It took a while for the pain to finally go away, but he soon felt ready to come out of his core. He couldn't recuperate as much as he wanted to. Not to use his full abilities of his ghost powers. No, there wasn't a massive supply of ambient ectoplasm like in Amity. He learned that what he was absorbing the most was the magic, which acted as a saline solution to blood (which he was pretty sure his blood was fully ectoplasm now).
It was interesting how magic tied in with ectoplasm. He wondered if that's why summoning worked best for those in the realms for that reason. Maybe the specific rituals to summon them even tied closely with their ecto-signatures? It's an interesting thought really.
That isn't the point though. What is, is that he was healthy enough to come out of his core.
"Ok, Danny. Deep breath. Here we go-"
Arthur was doing his usual thing: struggling to wake up in the morning and only really doing it because he didn't want to worry the literal spirit of a god. And it's not even because they're a god, but because they're a child. Should he have kept them in the same room. He feels like that might've been a better choice than just leaving them in a room next to his.
Arthur shook his head, rubbing his eyes as he swung his legs over the edge only to jump at the cold feeling of the floor.
"All kinds of water magic and they still can't stop the floor from being cold."
He huffed, getting up and picking out some casual wear that didn't have a bunch of jewelry with protection runes. Some normal clothes to hang out with family.
Kaldur came back yesterday, so they're having breakfast together. He hoped that he'd believe the whole moon deity thing. Kaldur was pretty good and believing new things, but this was their main religion they're talking about. Religion is iffy, or at least it was for those on land. The ocean folk are... extremely loyal.
Should he worry about them trying to destroy the new moon...?
He shook his head. No, they probably couldn't get past the layers of the atmosphere. Hopefully.
He walked out of the door, now thinking about how sea creatures would even pull that off before knocking on the door of the room next to his.
"It is uh, me. Again." It never sounds less awkward. Maybe I should try adding the dramatics?
And with a twist and push, he opened the door only to freeze with widening eyes. The stone wasn't there.
"Oh my god- I lost-"
Only to hear a chirp. he flinched, attention darting over to the full body mirror on the other side of the door that pushed into the room. A door he was going to have fixed to avoid heart attacks like these.
He let out a huge sigh of relief, walking over and bending down with a crooked grin.
"Well, good morning. I didn't expect you to appear for a while. But hey! Perfect timing! Kaldur's going to be joining us during breakfast today, so we could introduce you guys! We could meet Orm soon too! I bet he'll be absolutely surprised!"
The child only looked at him with their big wide doe eyes. Hope sparked in them, but anxiety kept their body tense.
"You... You were serious about it? About me meeting your family?"
Arthur placed a hand on their shoulder, he could barely notice the cool temperature of their body before he saw them jump. He was going to pull away his hand, but then the child relaxed a bit more. It was as if they hadn't had affectionate physical contact in a long time.
"Have they ever been anything but a moon? Are all moons like this? What about other planets? Earth... we have so much pollution. If it were alive..., would it only just barely be clinging?"
"Yes, I was and still am. You're a part of it now for as long as we live. And even when we pass, you will continue to have a place in the ocean. You might not have realized this, but the ocean worships you like a god. In fact, I think I'm going to have to talk with the Justice League about offering an apology gift of some sort."
The child blinked, eyes wide and glistening as a layer of moisture sparkled more yet made the eye look foggy. Looking closer, Arthur could see how moonstones came to be when they cried. It would hurt if it was a literal stone the kid cried. Like- like kidney stones! He was thankful that it wasn't like that.
"You... You aren't scared of me being dangerous to them? You don't think I'm evil or non-sentient?"
Arthur blinked. What?
"No... Nobody- Why would anybody think that?"
The child pursed his lips into a thin line, averting his eyes. With each blink, a silvery white liquid would start to drip and condense to the moonstones he found.
"I... don't know how things work around here... But on land... I've... They don't respect the dead or those associated to the concept. I've tried to keep both sides from trying to destroy the other- but... but..."
Arthur took a breath, pulling the spirit into his arms into a tight embrace. They clung to their veil that was wrapped around their arms like a shawl.
It seems that he had some lore to read up upon and some things to investigate.
(This bit's about Danny's POV. It'll be continuing with his while he meets everyone)
Danny didn't know what to think when he looked at himself in the mirror earlier. He didn't have a shirt, but the scarf thing was comfy. He could make it into some kind of make-shift shirt if he wanted to too. His memory on how to do it was... foggy and fractured. Some parts of speech were muffled and what he saw from that time would blur or seemed made up.
He knew the person teaching him.
Why can't he remember them clearly? He could hear whispers of something in his head telling him who that was.
And when he pushed that thought aside, he'd look back at other memories and realize who that was.
Tucker. How could he ever forget about Tucker? Why was he forgetting him?
What made it worse was how much he had to stare at the damn mirror to get the knots right. His chest... it wasn't ever that clean. No Lichtenberg scars. No burns, no cuts, no incision scars. Nothing. It was clean of any of his failures. His struggles. His learning experiences.
And yet... he still imagined them being there. Each time his fingers would brush up against places where he knew scars should've been, a shot of pain would spike as if he'd been electrocuted.
It hurt.
He hated how he remembered.
He hated that he didn't.
He used to remember all of it. He did when he was sobbing for days on end.
Now, it was foggy. Now, it was hidden away. He couldn't reach it.
"Oh my god- I lost-"
He chirped in surprise, turning with widened eyes. Oh. It's just Arthur. I really need to get out of my head.
Arthur walked over, looking slightly drained, as if he was relieved of a sudden weight placed on his shoulders. And by the vibes, Danny's guess seemed right.
Relieved Happy Happy Excited Nervous Happy
He was always so cheery in the... well, what seemed to be the day. Sucks to be out now that he thought about it. It would be rude to just fall asleep at random now that they could physically see if he's awake or not.
Arthur greeted him warmly, cheerily saying how he didn't expect him to come out of his core as if the event was a surprise gift. That... was confusing to say the least. It's easier to have a pet rock than a guest. Now he has to feed him to be polite, or at least offer. He has the room covered since the beginning. It was a really big room. A waste for something someone like him.
He felt his body freeze and start muffling sounds when Arthur started mentioning Kaldur and Orm. His family. Close ones, from the stories he would tell.
M4Dd13 and J4Ck would never allow strangers near him, much less Jazz.
"You... You aren't scared of me being dangerous to them?" He couldn't stop the questions from slipping out even when his expression shifted. "You don't think I'm evil or non-sentient?"
He doesn't even know how he could even think of himself as otherwise. He could remember the custom-made, high voltage tasers that targets his ecto-signature itself until he acted how they expected him to. How they wanted him to.
His eyesight became extremely cloudy. It was similar to the green he'd see before he would start crying after he couldn't cry water anymore.
Ghosts... Ghosts cry ectoplasm. What... What was he crying? What is he now? He was- Why wasn't he gone? He was Ended, wasn't he? They got rid of his heart and crushed his core to determine the durability- there wasn't a way to come back from that.
So why was he alive?
Why can't he-
"-think that?"
Shit- he wasn't paying attention.
Danny couldn't bare to look at the man, guilt eating away at him.
"I... don't know how things work around here..."
He could barely register that it was his voice.
"But on land... I've..."
Why was he still touching his shoulder?
Why isn't he disgusted?
Why isn't he scared?
Why isn't he angry?
"They don't respect the dead or those associated to the concept. I've tried to keep both sides from trying to destroy the other- but... but..."
But they destroyed me instead.
It was all for nothing.
Why didn't he listen to the Ancients?
Why did he just kill people?
They already expected him to do so anyway.
So why didn't he?
He couldn't feel the hug he was pulled into until he stopped crying.
What was he even crying about?
Ok so- Maybe Danny should start scheduling his breakdowns. So far, he's had ones at random or ones that goes on for multiple days without any stopping. Or- if he did stop, he really doesn't remember them.
But this is getting embarrassing. He was lucky Kaldur came home late or else they might've either came late or completely missed the breakfast reunion.
Ugh- and don't get him started with anxiety.
His eyes must be puffy or something. Great first impression, Danny! All ya gotta do now is cry again in front of everyone to make it one of the worst introductions in life.
Well, it wasn't really a good start even without him. Arthur had just dropped him onto a very cushiony chair and exclaimed: "Thank the seas! I'm starving!" And just went to devour a whole plate before calming down a bit with Mera scolding him.
He was just awkwardly watching until a plate was placed in front of him. He slightly tensed, attention going from his plate to the hand pulling away from the plate now that it was down. That's when his eyes made contact with Kaldur's. He seemed a bit startled to, as he blinked owlishly before smiling politely.
"Hello, I'm Kaldur'Ahm. You may call me Kaldur."
"U-um.. I'm..." What should he be called now? Phantom didn't feel as right anymore. Ah, what the heck. It's not like they know little ol' Danny Fenton. "I'm Danny." For some reason, that name didn't feel too right either.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard that you've been in a stone, so I was surprised to see you carried in by fa- Arthur."
Curious Happy Happy Nervous
Danny relaxed a bit, turning to his plate once eye contact became too difficult. He picked at his food
"I didn't have much strength when I first formed. I wasn't meant to even have a body but I... didn't want to be discovered and have my core cut up and carved into for some jewelry or something, so I forced myself. you could say it's like... an energy conservation form."
Danny started to actually eat his food, though a bit quicker than he usually would. Stress eating, how lovely.
"Is it a lot of work to stay as you are now? You don't have to stay like this if you're too drained." Kaldur started to fret for him, looking for any sign of strain.
Danny, feeling the worry from him, smiled. It's been a while since someone was worried for him.
"I recovered enough energy that I have a bit extra. I can't do a lot of the things I could before, but I don't feel any pain anymore. So, I'll be fine."
Kaldur relaxed a bit, though still held a slight frown.
"Tell me if you ever feel anything. I'm more than able to hold onto your core and protect you."
Danny hummed, continuing to eat. That's about the time Kaldur remembered that it was breakfast time and started- no, continued to eat from his plate. He must've served himself when Arthur started to or even before that.
"Hey hey hey! Now that the kid's awake, why don't we take a family trip toooooooooo" He dragged out the word as Mera glared at him. "-my brother's grave! I bet he'd love to meet you! And on the way, we can go to the burger place and shop for some clothes, meet my dad-"
Danny looked over at Kaldur, who shook his head fondly at his obvious father-figure. Really, that slip up wasn't getting past him, no way, not possible.
"Don't mind him." Mera sighed. "He's an idiot."
"Danny, you could always say no. We could go a different day." Kaldur mentioned.
"Danny?" Arthur questioned. Mera rolled her eyes.
"Pay attention, will you?"
"No, it's fine." Danny shook his head with a nervous smile. "I'd like to see him too."
"GREAT!" Arthur exclaimed, making Danny jump and Kaldur wince at the volume. "Hurry and finish your meals! I'll call over the pups!" and then he ran off.
"Pups?" Danny asked.
"Sharks." Mera clarified with a fond sigh. "Ever since he heard someone call them sea puppies, he's been calling them pups and puppies ever since."
"That's... really cute actually." Danny snickered.
"He sneaks away to play with them all the time." Kaldur groaned, remembering the number of meetings he had to take over for the man.
Danny reached over and patted Kaldur's forearm.
"You poor child."
"At least you understand."
Kaldur... well, Danny didn't really know how to put it. He was really nice and all, but he was a bit...
"These earrings would look great on you." Kaldur hummed as he held up dangling pearls to his ears.
Kaldur's already bought 3 bags of stuff for him in the last 20 minutes since coming to Reef Town (completely made-up place, just go with it). He even had to adjust his ghost clothes so he could wear the pants and shirt, and other stuff that were bought for him. He still kept the veil since it was really soft and soothed him when he rubbed it between his fingers.
"Ah, but this goes with your clothing... Perhaps we should order one to be made in Atlantis?" Kaldur trailed off, mumbling about different shops and what materials they had along with design names Danny had no clue about. He was almost sure that some of those words were made-up with how they sounded.
"Oookaaayyy- how about we think this over later?" Arthur insisted, a hand on Kaldur's shoulder and the other taking away the earrings in his hands. "We have someone to meet in... about 5 minutes."
"Right, sorry! I got distracted-"
"You're fine, you little urchin." Arthur chuckled, pushing Kaldur towards the door. "Now let's go meet Orm!"
Danny felt a hand on his head. It was a gentle, motherly touch. It nearly made his core let out a purr. Only Jazz could do that with touch alone. Though he nearly started to do the same when they'd mark where they'd cut next. They didn't do that as often with how much they liked to see his organs and bones regenerate.
"Tell Kaldur if it's too much. He's just really excited to have you around and is used to having to give something to keep sea creature friends around."
Ah, he knew that voice.
"Ex..cited? Why?" Danny looked up at Mera, leaning into her touch.
Mera smiled down sweetly at him; her eyes were filled with love that would be pointed to her own child.
She didn't have that drunken lust M4Dd13 had in her eyes each time she came back.
It made his core flutter.
"He sees you as a younger sibling. He's wanted one for a little while now. I... I can't get myself to try again, so he didn't expect to have a sibling. He was really excited to meet you after he heard that you agreed to stay with Arthur. You didn't reject my touch either. I hope it was fine that I held your... core, was it?"
Danny felt her finger card through his hair. He melted at the soothing touch.
"Yeah. It's... it's everything to a ghost. Heart and soul. And... I heard about you from Arthur while I was in my core. And you were the reason Arthur knew to comfort me. So, I knew I could trust you."
Mera smiled a bit more brightly and knelt down, hands holding his face with all the love in the world before she placed a kiss on his forehead.
"I'm glad. Now, let's go catch up with the boys. I'm sure Kaldur and Arthur must be panicking."
Danny could barely follow after her, having to make himself float as she grabbed his hand to lead him outside. Everything was too fuzzy and happy; it was hard to focus.
"Did you kidnap a child spirit?!"
That was the first thing Orm said when he saw Danny, immediately looking at Arthur incredulously as he slammed the table with his hands.
He immediately walked over and knelt down in front of Danny.
"I am so sorry about him-"
"Hey! I didn't-"
"-he's an idiot and really doesn't know any better."
"I didn't kidnap him!"
Orm arched a brow at his brother before looking over at Mera.
"No contracts were made."
Orm looked back at Danny.
"You went with him willingly?"
Danny snickered. "He looked like an idiot."
"You too?!"
"You really can't blame him." Kaldur agreed, smiling over at Danny.
Danny giggled and looked back at Orm.
"I'm Danny."
"Orm, that idiot's older brother. Stepbrother. Now, why did a saintly spirit decide to tag along with this family?"
Mera walked over, placing a hand on Danny's head again. He leaned into it, barely able to keep in a purr.
"You remember the incident with the moon?" Orm nodded. "Well, they're the spirit of the moon."
Orm's eyes widened, head snapping right back to Danny.
"You- you're-"
Danny blinked. He's a what? Wait, not the time to dissociate-
"Is... Is that bad?" Danny hesitantly asked.
"No! Not at all- I just- I've always believed in you, it's just that- Seeing an idol is a bit of an experience-"
"An idol?" Danny questioned, looking up at Orm. He was still kneeling, doesn't that hurt?
"Well, I've heard stories about how you'd battle against the sun gods and sent blessed rain to heal those under incurable plagues. That you split your own soul to assist physically on this world to help those that roamed on it! I've traveled to different places on the land just to see your descendants. And what beautiful white features they have. Did you know that humans call them albinos?"
"Yes! They deserve a better name that fits the position of blessed descendants! The fools!"
"I-it's fine, really! I'm glad they're doing ok and- and that my blessing still lives on."
Orm sighed and stood up.
"You're much too kind. Even after they replaced you, you don't hold it against anyone."
Oddly enough, he felt his chest tighten. It was as if...
"Someone has to do my job in controlling the currents, right?" Danny smiled sadly.
The others seemed to feel sympathy for the spirit, Kaldur going over and pulling him into a hug.
"It's alright. The ocean will stand by your side. Forever. They still worship you even now. So don't think you were only a tool, ok?"
Danny nodded. "Ok.."
He fought back against the tears.
A/n: well, that was a bit longer than the last one. I was planning to write more for this chapter, but I'll just add it to the next one. Sorry if it seems a bit stiff, it'll be better eventually... hopefully.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
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miley1442111 · 4 months
hi! Can you do a Spencer x fem reader where it's her birthday and he promised her he would be there for the party even if there was a case and he calls her right as the party starts and she's so excited and asks him if he's on his way but he says no and he's sorry but there's an important case and he can't make it and she is absolutely CRUSHED but tells him it's ok and she has to go. She can't really focus or be happy during her party and when it's over she's crying in their bed and then her best friend calls Spencer and yells at him bc reader thinks he will always love his job more than her and that the BAU is his priority and he just feels so awful. He comes home early and apologizes and gives her his gifts he got for her and pampers her and makes her feel so loved.
birthday blues (part one)- s.reid
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a/n: i absolutely adore this idea! thank you so much for requesting and sorry that we didn't get to the happy ending yet... but we will eventually!
summary: spencer makes a choice that leaves you alone on an important day and causes something in your relationship breaks.
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: birthday blues, spencer's an ass, your best friend calls spencer a lot of names and curse words, talks of breaking up, no happy ending :(
Your phone rang and you knew what it was. There you were surrounded by your friends in your apartment, getting ready for your birthday party, and your stupid boyfriend had to ruin it all. 
You picked up. “Hey Spencer,” you sighed, but attempted to mask it with a smile. 
You could hear the deep inhale on his end and it solidified what you already knew. “You can’t come, right?” You said it for him. 
“I’m so sorry,” he sighed. “It’s just-“
“Another case. I get it Spencer, it’s fine,” you lied. 
The line was quiet for a moment. 
“Happy birthday,” he said sheepishly. “I love you.”
You scoffed. For a profiler, he wasn’t exactly good at noticing things. Like the subtle shake in your voice, or the small hiccups of tears you tried (and failed) to suppress when you hung up the phone without saying you loved him. 
You turned to your best friend Rebecca, a sad look on your face. “He’s not coming.”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s such a fucking asshole. When is he ever going to just show up for you? It’s your birthday for god’s sake. He missed when you got promoted, he missed your gallery opening, he missed your anniversary and he’s missing your birthday? Why are you even with him?” 
You felt the pressure build up in your throat and she pulled you into your bathroom and held you as you sobbed. She sent everyone home, saying you were sick and she called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. You got out of the dress Spencer had bought you, a beautiful wine colour that complimented you in all the right places. You sat in your bed and cried for hours as Rebecca comforted you with old Disney movies you two watched as kids and your favourite ice cream and some salty popcorn. 
“I just feel like he values his job over me… like I don’t even make top 4 in his list of priorities,” you sighed, your eyes glued to ‘Tangled’ as it played. “Like… look at him! He’s so in love with her!” You pointed at the screen and Rebecca had to surprise a laugh over you being jealous of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, two fictional characters. “Don’t laugh at me!” You scoffed at her, shoving her in the arm as she started giggling.
“I’m not!” She said through laughter. She alighted made you laugh, and you two were stuck like that for a few minutes, laughing so hard you could hardly breathe. “Ok! Ok! Look, to be serious, you deserve so much better than Spencer. You need someone who cares about you more than his job, someone who can actually be here when you need him.”
You nodded along, the weight of her words heavy on your mind.
When you finally cried yourself to sleep Rebecca took your phone from your bedside table and dialled his number. 
“Hey love, are you alright?-“ he started but she cut him off.
“I’m so glad I’m finally meeting you, even if it’s just over the phone because now I know what a fucking asshole sounds like. You idiotic bitch. Stop calling Y/n and let her be with someone who cares enough to be there for important things in her life. Who cares enough to meet her friends. Who cares about her in the slightest!” She argued over the line. “She spent her entire birthday night in her bed crying over you, when she should’ve been out with her family and friends. You’re such a dick!” She seethed. “So yeah, stop calling this number.”
The line went dead and Spencer felt his heart drop. You’d spent your special night crying over him. 
He was an asshole. 
He’d booked the first flight out of Denver and told Hotch it was important, he understood and allowed him to go. 
He showed up outside your apartment bright and early, 5am in the morning. Rebecca opened the door and promptly shut it in his face, something he knew he deserved but it still hurt nonetheless. 
“Please can I just talk to her?” He begged from his side of the door. 
“She’s asleep,” she scoffed. “Why are you here?”
“I need to see her,” he pleaded, and Rebecca cracked the door. “Please Rebecca.”
“Give me a good reason,” she said as you walked out of the bedroom.
“Who’s at the door?” you yawned and Rebecca sighed as Spencer started begging you to open the door. 
“Is that you baby? C-can you open the door? I’m so sorry baby I didn’t mean to-”
“Rebecca open the door.”
She sighed but obliged and stepped out as Spencer stepped in. Immediately, you were in his arms as he kissed you softly, apologies rolling off his tongue in between kisses. As much as you enjoyed him being in your arms, it still felt superficial and wrong. His face fell when you pushed him off of you. His eyes followed your figure as you walked to the kitchen and put on the white kettle that sat beside the coffee machine he’d gotten you last year. 
“What are you doing here?” you sniffled, posture and body language guarded as you waited for the water to boil. 
“It’s your birthday,” he shrugged with a sad smile. “I wanted to be with you.”
“You were perfectly happy leaving me alone 11 hours ago. What changed?” 
“I realised I messed up, and some choice words from Rebecca helped me along,” he sighed. How was he supposed to fix this? 
Guilt started to settle in your stomach. Were you really right to be upset right now? Even since you were a child you were told to ‘be grateful’. You were told to ‘be grateful’ when you stopped getting presents when you were 11, when you stopped getting cards when you were 14, when you watched your dad shower his other children from his new marriage with gifts while he didn’t even notice you in his house. You should be grateful that Spencer was even wishing you a happy birthday earlier, how could you be so ungrateful?
“You should be on the case, I’ll order you a taxi back to the airport and I’ll pay you back for the ticket-” you rushed out, reaching for your phone but Spencer’s hand stopped you.
“I want to be here,” he pleaded. “Please don’t make me go away.”
You looked up at him through teary eyes and his hand came up to cup your cheek, wiping the tears away. 
“I’m so sorry I ever thought it was ok to miss your birthday. You are the single most important thing in my life and I’m sorry that I’m not here as much as I’d like to be,” he smiled softly, but you could tell he was serious. You allowed yourself to be lost in the fantasy for a moment, being the most important thing in Spencer’s life. 
But, as always, reality sunk in and it left a sour taste in your mouth, leading to another change in body language which Spencer picked up on immediately. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Spencer, your job always takes priority over us- over me. Which is fine. I know my place. Just please don’t make promises you can’t keep from now on, okay? My parents were dying to meet you, and now I had to cancel the entire dinner. I just… I know you can’t be here all the time, but I do expect you to show up for things like this. I don’t care when you miss anniversaries or my promotions-”
Spencer’s heart dropped. “Y-you got promoted… and you never told me?” 
“You were in New York,” you shrugged. “On a case with no end in sight. Why should I make your life harder?”
“You’d never make my life harder. You make my life worth it, worth all the shit I do. I want you to tell me everything baby, always-”
“Spencer, it’s okay to say that you’re inconvenienced by our relationship,” you said in a watery chuckle. “I understand, and I’d get it if you’re too busy for this.”
Spencer’s breath caught in his throat. Were you really suggesting breaking-up? 
“I think we should talk another time Spencer, I’ll drive you to your apartment,” you sighed, grabbing your keys. Spencer was much too exhausted and in shock to put up a fight, so he followed you to your car. 
The drive was silent, but full of an awkward silence. Silences with Spencer had never been awkward, always pleasant, or comforting. Never awkward. 
When you dropped him off outside his apartment, he leaned over to kiss you, but you dodged him with a hug. You felt as a small, internal sob racked his body but tried to convince yourself that it was just a hiccup. 
What were you going to do?
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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sp7-mr · 2 months
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓵𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓽𝓸...
Them taking u to their dorm in the middle of the night
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Tom would suffer a lot from the separation, in fact this evening he stayed for hours looking at the ceiling trying to sleep.
He started missing you a lot, plus he had a stressful day because of Voldy, and he needed to calm down.
Tom went to your room and opened the door slowly trying not to make smoke so as not to wake you.
Once inside, he picked you up gently, holding you next to him in a protective mood, to prevent you from waking up.
Once you got to his room, he would lay you down comfortably, making sure you were comfortable. He would never admit it but he has a soft spot for you.
After 10 minutes next to you, Tom would fall asleep.
Y/n's pov
I woke up and noticed that I was in a different dormitory, initially I panicked and started to get up, but an arm held me back. In fact, even while he was sleeping, Tom remained attentive and on guard. Immediately afterwards I heard a voice in my ear, his... unmistakable. "hey darling, it's me, don't worry"
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Mattheo has had a really bad evening since his father forced him to kill dozens of innocent muggles, and he regrets it very much.
He's currently in his dorm feeling like crap, staring at the ceiling and the sky out the window, feeling like a monster.
He misses you, but even though he wanted to come to you, he couldn't even get up, he felt horrible.... like his father.
After too much time spent staring at the stars and thinking he was worthless, thinking about all the lives and dreams of innocent people he had shattered, he was about to collapse.
He walked towards your dorm and opened it quietly, not wanting to make any noise, he felt bad enough already, and he didn't want to ruin your sleep too.
So, he got into bed next to you, facing you, but he wasn't very close, he didn't want to touch you, not after killing so many people.... he didn't want to touch your innocence with his monster hands.
Even though the urge to hold you tight grew, he couldn't do it, you deserved better than someone like him, he thought.
Y/n's pov
after a few minutes I woke up. I saw a figure a little distraught due to sleep. "Theo?" I asked to check if it was him.
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you up..." Mattheo said with a broken voice.
"no no it's ok" I said looking at him and guessing something was wrong.
I hugged him tightly and hugged him, he was uncertain about returning the hug, since he didn't want to 'infect you' but you continued to hug him, knowing that in some moments that hug would mean more than a thousand words and that perhaps he didn't want to talk about it.
After a few seconds, Mattheo broke down and cried.
"I- I don't deserve you" Mattheo said.
"what are you saying matty? i love u"
"no- no you could have someone else... better than a monster" Mattheo said sobbing
"I don't care about others if you're there, and you're not a monster, you're the boy I love, Matthew Riddle"
❦If you want, these days I will add the others too
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mandy-asimp · 3 months
Needed me
Emily Prentiss x fashion designer!reader (they/them)
Warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending
A/n: they dragging babygirl through hell this season 😔
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"I'm sorry, but she is not my responsibility anymore. I can't be there to tell her it's going to be ok when she couldn't do that for me." They grumbled as they sat across from Rossi.
He sighed, "she's dealing with a lot."
"And I wasn't?" They didn't let him get further. "I get that you all are going to support her, she's your teammate. But you all didn't know her as your fiancé. The absolute love of your life who for the love of fucks, left you at your lowest."
The old man wasn't going to give up. He believed that there was still apart of them that would cave. "Y/n, you know I wouldn't have flown out here if I didn't think it was serious. She needs you."
It was them who sighed now. Standing up from the table. Leaning across to kiss the old man's cheek. "I'm sorry Dave. Unless she is at the point of tears and just giving up, I will not be roped back into it. Not again. I deserve better. I'll see you around."
And they were off. They never looked back to that table, knowing they were too close to facing...but they couldn't help but wonder what was so bad. Then there was what she did, how it flashed so quickly.
She came home that day to find her fiancé in tears. Body racking with sobs. "Babe? Baby what's wrong?" She was quick to drop her stuff and come crouch in front of her.
"Everything I've worked for it's gone." They got out between wiping away tears that seemed to never end.
Emily frowned, "what? Y/n, what happened?" She was trying to think of anything this bad. Had they been told bad news? Something someone said?
They picked up their phone and with shaky hands pulled up the news, a video of a burnt down building. "The studio...everything in it. All of it...this sets everything back..." they calmed their sobs to hiccups and a few more tears. "I'm absolutely ruined. This was supposed to be it. This was the break I was gonna get and then actually get to enter the real fashion world. I was going to go somewhere and I was going to make it," they spewed out so many worries. Mentions of how much time they'll need to restart, how this was the such an important thing.
Emily though, she froze up. There was so much happening she didn't know what to do. She's never witness them spiral out before. Within the four years, they knew how to keep themselves calm. Even if they couldn't, it's never been this intense. It scared her.
She knew it was a reasonable response to what had happened. Their entire future just went up into a crisp. Everything in her wanted to try and comfort them, truly she wanted to figure it out together.
Yet, the few bricks of the wall she'd built had more impact. She fell back behind it and regretted her next choice before it even happened. After that, Emily swore she blacked out because when she realized what happened, she was in a hotel room alone.
Y/n was just as shocked. The woman they were about to confess their undying love to just walked out. Not a single word said, but just gone. Even when they tried to ask questions, she gave them nothing.
For an entire week, Emily didn't try to reach out or fix anything. Instead she read every text that came through. Even the one that said all her shit would be on the curb for her. The one that set in what she did was calling off the wedding.
That was only a few years ago. The two had completely moved on, or at least Y/n tried to. Never wanting to look back on how much pain was caused, but apart of them wouldn't let themselves fall in love again.
But here they were. Sitting in the apartment, trying to sketch their next line, and only being able to think of Emily. Rossi came and he wouldn't have if it was serious. If they were to go to her, it would be unwrapping the bandages on a wound that hasn't been fully healed.
"No. You are stronger than this." They whispered to themselves. Staring at the sketchbook once again.
If they did...there would be a chance for closure. It would be nice to know why she ran. Why she couldn't just stick it out. They would've been the most badass couple. The FBI unit chief and a famous designer.
If they did...they would get the chance to finally express their anger. But it wouldn't be the right time if she's suffering. How is she suffering? What is going through her mind?
"Fuck." They shouted before getting up. Heading into their room to start packing a suitcase. Dialing Dave at the same time.
"When are you flying back to Virginia?"
"I'll have the car there in ten. Thank you Y/n."
The call ended quickly, and Y/n was left to grumble. "Oh thank you Y/n! Thank you for having to be the damn adult once again. Thank you for willingly putting yourself through hell for her!" They had a nasty taste on their tongue as they spoke. It's honestly what silenced them.
Throwing a few outfits into a suitcase with the basic needs, they zipped it and began to pack a second bag. Grabbing everything needed to continue working on their summer line. This was done more carefully, with more precision on where everything went in.
Their eyes scanned over the packed bag, making sure everything was in there right. Right before Dave texted the car was out front.
One more sigh was let out before the apartment was locked up. The start of what might be either the biggest, or best choice made.
Emily was in her office. She was lost. She was loosing her mind over this case. Her wack-ass neighbor had hit a nerve she would've never expected.
It was just a mess now. Whoever was behind all this was winning and she couldn't figure it out. She was just fucked.
"Hey...how bad?" Rossi had popped into the room. Watching as the woman pulled out a box of cigarettes and lit one. "That bad?"
"Restricted duty until they see fit, so the BAU is yours." She tried to act calm, trying to keep it together infront of him.
Rossi huffed, "I don't want it. I'm not fit for it."
Emily pinched her nose. "None of us are! Hell! Me most of all. I need you to step up here Dave." She just needed him to make this easier.
"There has to be something?"
"This is happening." She shook her head and turned her back, her purse being a lame excuse for a distraction . The walls couldn't stay up as she felt herself begin to crumble.
A soft hand on her back made her gasp. She expected to turn and see Rossi, someone who she could only go so far with. Yet, her eyes were met with Y/n. She couldn't help it. Her legs gave out as she just sobbed into their chest on the floor.
It killed Y/n to see her like this. Emily was known for her tough demeanor and being able to keep it together at work. But that's what the team knew. Y/n knew her as their fiancé. They saw her breakdown at least once a month from the case build ups.
This however, Y/n could tell this was months on months of a build up. This was a low point, one that they would be there for.
It was half an hour before Emily could get out anything. Her brown eyes, wide and glassy, looked up to them. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was weak and defeated.
"I was told you needed me." Was all Y/n answered with. Naturally, their thumb wiped away the tears. "Why don't you sit on the couch and I'll make you some tea, hmm? Then you can tell me what's got you so...low."
The older got up and moved towards the couch. Y/n leaving the room to make the drink, remembering how Emily liked it like it was their own preferred. Within five minutes they were back and handing over the tea.
They stood, leaning against the desk. "Was it Brian again?"
"How did you...?" The question trailed off as Emily took her first sip. Trying to not let the warm feeling rush through her. They remembered her tea flawlessly.
Y/n glanced out the window, "I saw him lingering on the way in." Emily laughed a little at that. "But really....are you ok?"
"I've failed as a team leader. This job has corrupted me into breaking laws and lying to my team. I'm chasing with nothing but a conspiracy theory. I sounded crazy to the biggest conspiracy theorist in Virginia. I've been benched because of him. I just...I don't know what to do anymore." She so easily confessed. Her head falling into her hands for what felt like the millionth time today. "This can't be how I go out."
Internally, Y/n battled with going over there and holding her or keeping this distance. It put them back once again. They wouldn't be able to live with themselves if they did what she did, it just wouldn't make anything right. So they went over and held her again. This time placing an understanding kiss to her temple.
"It's not. I mean, it will be if you let it. And trust me when I tell you, you're going to want to let it. But that's not Emily Prentiss. She has been through so much worse than some theorist. This will be a fresh start. A chance to start anew. You will take it, and you will figure out this case. You will get your guy or whatever you call it, unsub? This is not your lowest. It's gonna feel like it, but it's just a low before the high. It's all going to be ok." They spoke from their heart. Even as it ached to be back in this position. Even as tears fell from their own eyes.
They were sharing her pain without wanting to, but needing to. Needing to let her know this wasn't it. Needing to let her know that someone was her to share her burdens again.
For the first time, both felt connected entirely. Beating with one heart. Thinking with one mind. Feeling with one body.
That night they had fallen asleep on the couch in her office. Holding onto one another like it would all go away as long as they were together.
Y/n had woken randomly, searching for any source of time. Rubbing their eyes as it was two in the morning. Emily didn't have to be back her till at least eight. They let their eyes fall to Emily. How she seemed so peaceful lying on top of them. She needed this more than Y/n had thought.
So, without much debate, Y/n was carrying the sleeping beauty and her bags out. Doing everything to prevent her from waking, which wasn't hard as she was out cold.
They drove in silence back to where they were staying. Knowing that if it came to it, they could drive to get her an outfit. The silence gave them time to really think. What were they doing? This is the exact opposite of what they were expecting.
Was Emily going to easily fit her way right back? It wouldn't be fair. She caused them the pain and yet they still love her. They would, without a doubt, let her as well. All she had to do was ask. It was just unfair, and they were going to live with it.
Emily stirred in the nice duvet. Confused as it wasn't hers and far too nice to be a hotel. She knew this duvet. She slept in it many times before.
"The coffee is being made. And breakfast is on the way." That voice she missed hearing in the morning.
She hummed while stretching, "how long have you been up?" She finally opened her eyes and seeing Y/n in sweats and a baby tee. Their casual lounge wear.
"Since maybe five. These sketches don't finish themselves unfortunately." They sat down at the desk that was perfectly illuminated by the sun at anytime of the day. "Oh, also your team is coming here tonight. You're taking the day according to Dave. He said it's his order and you should follow it."
"Why are they coming here?" She swung her feet out the bed. Her head turning to take in the room. "You kept your apartment here? What about living in New York?"
"My home in New York makes this look like a doll house. Smallest is the home in California. I move with the seasons." They simply explained. Frowning when Emily laughed.
"You're such a snob. Three houses? Really?" She got up and came to look at the sketches. Not saying anything as Y/n just began sketching again.
She couldn't help but stare at them. They made that concentration face still. Where the creativity would float in their eyes as the rest of their face was resting.
Y/n could feel her eyes on them. It wasn't anything out of their routine. Oh how they fell so easily into the routines.
"I'm a big fashion designer. I'm constantly doing something somewhere else. It's like you, Ms. FBI. Always away doing something," they hummed. Never once did they look up to her, they seemed to be battling the inevitable.
Emily didn't say anything, she just took in the sketches one more time and was off to the bathroom.
Both in their own thoughts and silence. Neither one knowing how to approach the situation of each other. Emily not knowing how to go about work. Y/n not knowing how to go about the designs. There were many thoughts floating in the air.
They let the silence stay around as they waited for breakfast to show up. Emily still clueless on why the team was coming. And she could've asked, but the thrill of a surprise put together by Y/n seemed to make her against it.
Y/n had been trying to sketch within the silence, but knowing Emily was only a few feet away made it hard.
"Babe! I'm home!" She called into the apartment. Noting how quiet it was. "Y/n? Are you even here?" A text saying 'study' came through, leading her through the quiet home.
When she pushed open the door, she found several mannequins with different outfits all lined up. "Isn't it beautiful?" Y/n hummed from the table of gems. They seemed to have been hand sewing each one on.
"Stunning. You didn't have all this done before I left?" Emily came to get a closer look. Being able to see the glimmer of proudness in Y/n's eyes. "What's it inspired by?"
Y/n didn't answer, instead just took int their work. Each outfit was inspired by their favorite memory with Emily. Between outfits they wore that night, or how they felt in the moment. The line was a collection of their love.
"Alrighty, leave me in the dark till it's released. Are you hungry? I imagine you've been to busy working to eat?" Emily left, getting comfortable.
Y/n looked over the sketches one more time. Sighing and dropping their head with a loud bump. They hadn't struggled this hard with sketches since when the two had first split.
They pushed up from their spot and headed into the kitchen. Rubbing their eyes to try and see anything clearly. They lost focus as they stared at the working coffee pot. This trip was already off on a different path than they wanted.
"If you want...I can leave." Emily's voice broke into the silent kitchen. Her head hung low and her hands picking at each other. She looked out the window briefly, bracing herself to meet the others stare.
Only, it wasn't on her. Instead Y/n moved around to get coffee, their back to the woman. "If you want to, I can drive you. But by no means are you gonna get kicked out." Two mugs got pulled down. They were matching ones Emily had gotten for them once upon a time ago.
They frowned to the memories of both mugs. There was a moment with a sigh. They forgot how much they avoided coming here and how they left everything almost the same.
The coffee was poured and the mug was handed over. Now they met each other's eyes. Emily wearing a frown as Y/n tried to keep their shit together.
"Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, I couldn't kick you out even if you stabbed me. But I wouldn't try, we both have too much to loose for that." Y/n kept their distance still. Eyes either on Emily or anywhere else in the house. It was getting quiet again and it wasn't enjoyable. They rubbed their eyes again, "I need to get back to work. Feel free to make yourself comfortable but not too loud."
They were off and back in their study before Emily could even get anything out. "What about breakfast?" She called out and after, following herself.
Y/n flipped over their phone, "it's about ten minutes away." Their voice was cold and stale. Short of the comforting Emily had heard last night.
It confused her. "You are so confusing." She mumbled. Her head shaking just a bit at the cold demeanor.
"Funny coming from you." Y/n shot back almost instantly. A nasty taste washing over their tongue again. They sucked their tooth before turning around. Eyes immediately locking Emily in. "If this is confusing for you, let me tell you what's confusing for me. The fact that when my entire future burnt into literal crisps, the only thing you, my fiancé at the time, quite literally walked out and said nothing. For a week you then ghost me, mind you I was the one you were marrying in less than a month, and then after years of not looking back, David Rossi shows up. You know what THE David Rossi asked me? To come help you. And here I am, trying my absolute best to keep my shit together so you don't have to worry about another thing. Because you know what Emily? I care for you enough to be there for you." They spewed everything out, hands being thrown around in dramatics as their chest heaved.
Emily was too stunned to speak. What was she to say? Y/n was right. She left when they needed her the most and left without a word. And yet, here they were giving her nothing but what they always have, love.
"I'm sorry," was all that she could manage.
They only scoffed, "whatever. Breakfast is almost here." Y/n shook their head and sat back down at the desk. "You can put my food in the fridge."
"Y/n..." Emily sounded broken, even more than last night. It killed Y/n, but they deserved their reason, and she knew that.
Cautiously, she moved in closer. Coming to Y/n's left and sitting down on the floor. Her knees bent just enough to rest her arms on.
"I panicked...I had never seen you break down like that before..I didn't know how to respond and I just fell behind a wall and did what I always did..I ran from it instead of facing it. And it wasn't fair to you. I truly have no excuse for what I did, except I was a coward." She spoke quietly into the air. Feeling tears prick her eyes as the feeling of guilt and embarrassment kicked her hard. "I only can say sorry, and I say it knowing it will never be enough to make up for all of the pain I may have caused you."
Both had taken the next moment to sit in silence and process everything. Y/n had tears falling from the moment Emily had sat down next to them. Emily had let her tears fall once she finished.
A few beats had passed and Y/n had let their hand fall to Emily's head. Sliding to her cheek as she looked up. "You Emily Prentiss, have caused more pain than I can bring up again. And I hope you have learned from it. I hope you didn't do it to anyone else and you won't do it to anyone else." They had this frown she had never seen, one she knew she had caused.
"I'm so sorry Y/n.." she quietly cried leaning into the touch. Feeling the warmth of the designers hands. "I'm so sorry."
"I know," they hummed as tears fell down their rosy cheeks. "I know you are."
Hours had gone by. Filled with nothing but tears and sniffles. Emily had moved from the floor when she began sobbing, into Y/n's lap. Her face buried into their neck as they shushed her to asleep.
Y/n had tucked her back into bed and continued to work on the designs. Pulling out the old sketches from their scrapped line. Staring over each outfit that was designed after their love.
The mannequins were in the studio, locked in a specific room. They questioned if now was the right time to bring them all back out. If it was, they knew it was ready to be launched, giving them more time on the line that sat unfinished.
They picked up their phone, "Jackie? I need you and Joana to bring me Project L.E.P. The key is in my desk, bottom left drawer, hidden under her picture, tied with a red ribbon. It's hard to miss, the ribbon has L.E.P in gold on the end."
"Are we launching it?!" The assistant grew overly excited. "Oh! Y/n you have no idea how wonderful this is!"
"Is that Y/n?" The other assistant, Joana came into the room.
Y/n assumed Jackie nodded, "yes! They want us to bring L.E.P to their home."
"They're launching it? But then that would mean Em- Oh my God!" The phone was snatched and it was Joana now. "Did you guys talk?! I want to know everything! How did you lay it down?!"
"Joana." Y/n simply cut the assistant from bombarding with questions. "When I see you, I will answer your questions. I need that line, bring the truck with them all. We're going to review them."
"Yes boss!" They both said before hanging up. Y/n knew they were geeking out in the studio at this point.
They assumed it would be at least half an hour before the two got there. Giving enough time to finally take a well needed break and eat something.
While they warmed up the breakfast, Emily had stirred awake. She laid in the bed, taking in the familiar smell of Y/n's shampoo on the pillows. She began to think over everything they had said.
They said it was unfortunate that they couldn't kick her out even if they wanted to. What did that truly mean?
Emily realized, they've already gone through the hardest conversation, this one would be nothing. She swung the covers over and began to look for Y/n. Checking the study first.
Her curiosity for the better of her. She came close to the desk, looking over the designs. There were a few that had yet to be finished, and then there was one in red that really caught her eye. She picked it up, scanning over the paper and realizing she's seen it before. On the bottom had L.E.P written in gold. Emily couldn't place where she's seen it, but she knew for a fact she had.
Placing it down, she left to the kitchen next. Finding Y/n dancing slightly to their own tune. She watched as they prepared their food before acknowledging her entrance.
"Would you like yours as well? I can heat it up?" They offered without even looking over before grabbing the second meal. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good...I do have a question though," she came in closer. Leaning against the counter while staying out the way. Y/n looked over, showing she had their attention. "When you said..."
"I meant it." They knew her thoughts better than anyone. Emily swore in another life they were either a profiler, or a mind reader. "If you want to stay, I'm not going to stop you. If you want to leave, I will drive you. I'm here because you needed me, and I think....apart of me still needed you. If I wanted to be over you, I would've been. I know I would've been. I would've cleaned out everything that ties to you, but I didn't."
"When we ended...I thought that everything was going to go to shit. My career was caught in a fire, my relationship was ending, and I began to spiral. I began to just accept that this was how I was going out. Would never be a big fashion designer, never have a love life, nothing to live for....but I thought of it as letting you win without a fight. And that wasn't how I wanted you to win."
"I don't deserve you," she had whispered. Her head tilting and her silver waves fell to the side.
It was the first time Y/n had actually taken her in entirely. How she aged and yet was still the most beautiful woman they had ever come across. It made them want to just kiss her and tell her that she was welcomed home always.
"And yet...you have me." They sighed, hand coming to cup her cheek. "And maybe thats why I've been so confusing. Because I'm supposed to be mad at you, I really really want to..but anytime I try to, this nasty taste fills my mouth. Like I don't mean anything bad I try and say. And I don't."
"Y/n..." she furrowed her brows. This was more confessing than she had expected. "You don't have to tell me anything-"
"Damn it Emily," they groaned. "I'm not telling you this because I think you need it, I'm telling yo this because I need it. I'm being selfish. I'm loosing my shit with you just standing here. Do you know how easy it is for you to walk right back into my life? When I said I was going to love you forever, I meant it. I meant it with everything then. And I'm going to mean it with everything now." They had their own tears now. Finally caving into the painful feeling of being in love.
Emily was stunned, but she wasn't going to miss her second chance. She pulled Y/n in by the pockets of their sweats, standing on her tip-toes to meet their lips in a passionate kiss.
They both felt airy as they got lost in the feeling of home. Holding each other so impossibly close that it was undeniable they were staying together.
Once they pulled apart they just stared at the other. Both trying to find some answer to what they were feeling. Was there anything to say now?
Y/n came out the trance first, a smile gracing their lips. "Why don't we eat? Jackie and Joana are gonna be here soon and will probably want to question us."
"What are they bringing you?" She held Y/n there for a little longer. Enjoying the closeness and safeness. "Fabrics?"
"Project L.E.P." Was all they answered before heating up the other box of food. "I think I'll release it before the one I'm working on now."
Emily watched them move, "what does the L.E.P mean?"
Y/n was quick to shrug. "It's just the name that Jackie and Joana gave it." They dismissed the topic. Eyes trained to the microwave as it counted down the minute. But the small smirk they held told her they knew exactly what it meant. "I got you your usual."
They handed over the box and the two prepped before heading to the couch. Sitting knee to knee as they ate and watched whatever was on.
It was an enjoyable moment, and one Y/n would remember. And that's when the next line came to them. They tried to be subtle to finish up their food before rushing into the study. They grabbed a sticky note, it was red, and they scribbled on it before slapping it against the window.
Soon designs started to be taped up to the windows. The evening sun peaking through the papers. The ideas began to flow and make sense again. They felt relieved at the feeling.
The front door had opened, and the two assistance were quickly to make their presences known.
"Oh my! Y/n! You dog!" Jackie's voice filled the entire apartment at the sight of Emily. Her head snapped to Joana. "This is so not real!"
Y/n forgot how young her assistance were compared to them. They walked out shaking their head. "How many mannequins did you bring?"
"We figured you still had six here, we actually know you do because you never returned them. So we brought the other six. Then each piece is stored in its own bag and box." They stood tall and in line. "We just need to grab everything."
"Well let's get to it. Six mannequins and twelve boxes are not getting up here that easily. Em, you'll stay up here and make the trips from the elevator back. Joana you'll be on elevator duty. Jackie you're unloading and I'll carry everything to the elevator."
It was the perfect team work. And within no time they had everything upstairs and the three were working on setting them up facing the window. Emily, having no hand in sewing or fashion just watched the three move in harmony.
Joana and Jackie worked to just get the outfits on the mannequins as Y/n did touch ups. They worked until the night fell. And it was perfect.
"Y/n you've outdone yourself still. Are we really ready to release project L.E.P?" Joana walked around the designs and took in every seeming detail. "Truly a genius."
Y/n had a glimmer of pride in their eyes. "Yeah. I think it's time." They only broke away to look at Emily who sat on the couch. "What do you think?"
She had dropped her gaze to look at the twelve outfits. "They're absolutely beautiful. They have been since when you first had them all laid out." She stood to come next to them. "Are you ready to release them?"
Y/n inhaled with a smile, exhaling their worries. "Yeah." They grabbed Emily's hand. "I am ready." They were confident.
"So...what are you gonna call it?" Emily went closer to examine the detail as well. The room was silent as everyone thought of something.
Jackie hummed, "mmm what if we keep L.E.P?" She threw out. "It holds meaning, it's cute, it's secretive, secretive is sexy."
"L.E.P in gold writing, your writing. We tease it with close up pictures first. Then we host a big launch party and have them all come out on a runway." Joana began to plan everything out. Already seeing a vision.
"But what is L.E.P?" Emily butted in. Getting silence and all eyes on Y/n, who was looking down to Emily.
"Loving Emily Prentiss," they only could smile even kinder at the reveal. "It'll be the start of a collection. The E.P collection. It's bright, it's new, it's warm and giving. That's how it'll start."
The doorbell had rang. "That must be your team. You two are dismissed. Thank you for the help today. Start your magic and fill me in in the morning. Love you both," they bowed their head. Watching as the two assistants began to pack up.
"Um, Y/n? I have nothing to wear?" Emily glanced down at the big t-shirt and sleep shorts.
"Your outfit was laid out on the bed before we even started touch ups. You go change and I'll greet everyone." Y/n shooed as they moved to the door. Opening and being greeted first with Dave.
"How is she?" He placed a kiss to their cheek before leading everyone in. They all seemed worried at first.
"She's better today. And that's what matters." They hummed. Moving towards the kitchen to begin cooking for everyone.
Stopping at the instant gasp and whispers. The team had seen the designs lined up. "Wait..your the Y/n? Like designer Y/n?" Penelope stared in awe at the outfits.
"Guilty. That's the next line. I guess a sneak peak." They shrugged, smiling as Dave began to prep to help cook. "You can get close, everything is set in stone at this point."
Just then Emily had walked out in a one-of-one dress. Y/n had designed it and worked the first night to make it for her. Telling themselves that it was either a goodbye gift or a welcome home gift.
She looked stunning, and Y/n could take their eyes off of her. Their best model walked into and began to get wine glasses down.
"Emily, you never mentioned Y/n was a fashion designer?!" Penelope was still caught on the fact. Earning a laugh from Y/n.
"Ouch, four years and almost married and you didn't tell them about my job?" They came near Emily, crouching next to her to get out some seasonings.
Emily looked down to them, taking in the moment of being taller for once. "She would've flipped out. I also figured she would've down a background check on you without my knowing." Both glancing to the bubbly woman.
"I...I didn't because I wanted to respect her boundaries." She got out, looking to everyone else who seemed to have knowing looks. "Don't tell me..."
"We all...kinda knew." Tara broke the news, hugging the friend as the look of betrayal washed over her.
Y/n had shrugged from their spot. "I had no part in this." They cleared their name.
That night the team had laughed, eaten, drank a few bottles of wines, and enjoyed a nice round of desserts.
A few months has passed and Emily and Y/n began to work things out. She appreciated Y/n's efforts as well even with all the press and media.
There had been an article that really stood out.
And why did you name it L.E.P?
Well....when I had made it I was with this amazing woman. Each piece was meant to represent a moment of our relationship.
And why are you just now releasing it?
We had honestly gotten into a fight a month or so before our wedding. We ended up splitting and I just couldn't come to scrap it. So I locked it into a room until now.
And what made you choose now?
Because she needed me and I realized I would always need her. And this is my gift to her. A token of my love with what I was meant to be doing. Fashion. And what better way than to express love through fashion?
Emily had came over and smothered Y/n with all the love she could after reading that. It made her look at the entire line differently and hold it near to her heart just as well.
They laid next to each other in bed, just staring and having a wordless conversation. But Emily could see it written on Y/n's face. They loved her. And that made her see everything worth fighting for.
"I love you." She had whispered before realizing.
Y/n smiled. "I know." They switched to a cocky smile. Pulling her closer by the waist and bending her just slightly back. "And I love you too. Always will."
They shared one of their most passionate kisses that night. It sparked a new sense of love. Mature, mannered, and workable. As long as they had each other, it would always be workable.
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bibibbon · 6 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACK👎👎👎 seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid 😭. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason 🤦‍♀️. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo 🤷‍♀️. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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mychlapci · 1 month
Ok but if the techno-organic IS Blackarachnia, she specifically feds from Optimus. He's a little uncomfortable about it after learning who she was (Elita) but takes it as retribution for abandoning her. After all, it's because he left her behind that he got turned into a broodmare anyway. Poor bot is extremely conflicted and this causes some stress for him, and stress isn't good for the bitties. Blackarachnia notices and has two options, give up on breeding the new broodmommas or work out her shit with Optimus.
Turns out a good tender fuck and sobbing session can get people to communicate pretty well. Blackarachnia isn't quite ready to simply forgive Optimus yet, but her anger and betrayal have been quelled. Now she has to convince him he deserves happiness as much as he believes she does. They both have a lot more issues to work out, but with their main problem out of the way, they can work on each other. Blackarachnia practically dotes on Optimus after this, treating him with the utmost care and coaching Megatron on how to do the same. She's known Optimus the longest after all.
Blackarachnia soon becomes Optimus second main stud after Megatron. Both studs have an agreement to make Sentinel pay for what he did to their precious baby momma.
(Sentinel is also very surprised that "his" sparkling has more warframe and techno-organic traits than his own, bittie is still the spitting image of Optimus tho.)
the best way to get over a grudge is to breastfeed from your enemy and getting him pregnant. And then also talking it out or whatever.
I would love for Blackarachnia to be Optimus' second main stud... Megatron is not too happy about it, but the broodmare picks the sires, so he better learn how to share :)
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coichii · 11 months
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Perfect - LEE KNOW
pairing: idol!minho x fem!reader
word count: 0.9k
warnings: insecure reader, hurt comfort, lots of crying, cursing, pls dont let this make you think things about yourself 🙏🏾
A/N : I actually, love this?!?! Incredibly self indulgent! PS : YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Despite anything anyone says please know you are perfect the way you are, even tho it may not seem like that.
“You could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me? I’m nothing special..” - Jealousy- eye dress
You were having a hard time recently. You and your boyfriend had finally gotten the go ahead to make your relationship public from his company. You wanted this, to let everyone know you were his, and you had gotten tons of support from fans, but there was still the hate.
The hate was small at first, a negative comment here and there. You knew this was going to happen, you just weren’t prepared for how much it would actually affect you.
You went from laughing it off, to it making you insecure, to crying. The post about you, the comments about how “ugly” and “fat” you are. The numerous tweets that criticize every single thing you do. It made every last day feel like hell.
Now you were here, reading the comments you swore that you would stop reading as streams of tears ran down your face. You know you shouldn’t be doing this, that it’s not good for you. But you can’t help but feel like you somehow deserved this.
“Y/n, im home!” You heard Minho’s voice say. Fuck. He must have gotten off of work early, he’s not supposed to be home for another hour.
You quickly try to gather yourself as you hear him put down his bag, walking towards the door. You tuck your phone away, before looking for someway to cover your face, but he was already at the door.
“Y/n, how was your d-“ he stops as he takes in your expression. Your eyes were puffy and red, and you just had a genuinely tired look on your face.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He asks, trying to find out why you appeared as if you had been crying, and most importantly, why you were trying to hide it from him.
“N-nothing.” You lied, and he knew it. Before you could protest he was already sitting on the bed, pulling you into his arms. Minho looked at you with gentle eyes, silently coaxing you to speak. And like a chain reaction, you started sobbing, hiding your face in his shirt.
He immediately started running his hand up and down your back, making you cry even louder, if that was even possible.
“I- I just-“ you tried to say, but the tears made in sound like pathetic chokes as all the emotions you were trying to keep from him, desperately left you.
“It’s ok, take your time.” He whispers, trying to soothe your crying whilst also allowing you to finish. He knew that you needed to get all of this off of your chest.
After a few minutes, you finally stop crying. You peel your face away from Minho’s now soaked shirt, not that it mattered to him anyways. His soft and glossy eyes met yours, giving you all the freedom to speak up when you were ready.
“I was reading comments about me, and it made me start thinking. I don’t deserve you. You deserve better than me, you could be dating any other person, but you’re dating me. I’m not pretty, I’m not that smart, I’m just everything that you aren’t. You’re beautiful min, you’re so talented and smart. I’m nothing, I’m not special at all.” You choked out, letting everything that was pent up in your mind free.
You reconnected your eyes with his, feeling a little guilty when you saw a fresh tear roll out of Minho’s eyes.
When he didn’t respond, a pit of worry built in your stomach. You thought this was the moment that he was going to admit that everything the comments said were in fact true.
You tried to pull away, but his firm arms kept you in place. You looked away, ashamed to even be in his presence, but he brought up a hand and turned your face towards his.
“How did those thoughts come into that pretty brain of yours, hm? You’re so smart y/n, you’re the smartest person I know. You’re incredibly talented at what you do as well. Don’t even get me started, on how beautiful you are. You’re so fucking beautiful that it makes my head spin. You drive me crazy, you know that? You know how hard it is to keep my composure when you wear that dress of yours, how quick my heart races when you simply look at me, and how you make me feel like I’ve ascended to heaven when you simply flash your gorgeous smile at me. God, you’re so intoxicating. I can’t even imagine how these thoughts appeared in your mind when you’re so perfect.”
You were not sure when you began crying again. You thought he didn’t love you anymore, that he was just keeping you around because he didn’t have the heart to tell you. But his confession was anything but that.
“I love you so much, I love you so much that it scares me sometimes. You mean everything to me ok? Let me love you so much that you never think of anything like that ever again.” He asks gently.
“Okay…” you stammer timidly. The things be said repeating in your mind, coaxing your brain like honey and making anything negative thoughts scatter.
“I’m going to run a bath for us now, ok?” He suggested, and you nodded yes before he walked away, starting the water.
Your eyes watered again, this time not out of pain, but out of love. You no longer had to second guess how much love he had for you, you knew now.
You knew that no matter what you were going through, he would always be there for you. No matter what.
Back to masterlist (skz)
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
For the romantic dialogue prompt 11. “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” Nat is in love with reader but doesn’t want to say it because she doesn’t think reader will feel the same/she’s insecure and doesn’t think she deserves reader. Ofc reader loves Nat (who wouldn’t?) and they get together and live happily ever after. lots of hurt/comfort
Authors note: sorry its so late, but I hope you enjoy it!
Authors note 2.0: requests are still closed. I’m trying to clear my inbox before opening them again. Thank you for your patience 💖
Word count: 3251 Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
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 Natashas heart hammers in her chest as she runs down the compound's various hallways. The quinjet landed only minutes ago so she's racing to make it to the med bay where she knows the team, and therefore you will be.
   As she enters through the double doors the sound of Peter sniffling coupled with the crestfallen looks on Tony and Clints faces tell her all her worst fears are coming true, and she almost doesn’t want to face that. But she knows she has to. If not for herself, then for you. She can be strong for you.
   “How- how is she?” 
   Tony lowers his gaze, “Not good. She got hit really hard out there.”
   “We honestly didn’t think we’d get her back in time. She's very lucky.” Clint admits, looking at Nat in a way the billionaire had never seen before. If he had to describe it he’d say it  was a mix of stern disappointment yet hopeful encouragement. How a person can combine those looks is beyond him, but he's sure it's some sort of signal. A way for the two spies to communicate without words like they so often do.
   “Y/ns strong.” the redhead proclaims, trying to calm herself, “She’ll be ok.”
   Clint looks away from her then too and she can feel her stomach drop and her mouth go dry at his lack of agreement and comfort. She swallows harshly, desperate to keep her tears at bay. If she doesn't cry then she can act like this doesn’t affect her, like none of this is really happening. You aren’t in some operating room right now hanging on against the odds, fighting for your life. She's not head over heels in love with you, desperate to be yours and be by your side forever…But you are, and she is.
   She very much is, and right now she can’t help but feel like an absolute moron. Despite her fears and insecurities she should have risked it. Maybe then she would have had time with you. To hold you, to cherish and love you and get the same from you in return. But now…no, no she can’t think like that. You’ll be ok. You have to be, because if you're not, then she won’t be. 
   “I’m so sorry Miss Romanoff” Peter whimpers, and her head swivels to look at him, “I really messed up. Y/ns hurt because of me….I’m so so sorry”
   Natasha doesn’t know what happened out there, but she knows your affinity for the boy, how you became attached to him nearly the second Tony brought him in. So much so that your protectiveness for him rivals the fatherly instincts the billionaire himself has for the young hero. And she knows Peter, she's been training him, so she knows him better than he even thinks she does. He doesn’t always watch his six and he would never hurt a teammate on purpose, least of all you. This was an accident. Sometimes missions just went wrong, it wasn’t anyone's fault but the enemies and she knows you wouldn’t want Peter to be blaming himself for this.
    “Malen'kiy pauk(little spider), Y/n would do anything to keep you safe. Whatever happened was not your fault, because you've done nothing wrong.” 
   Faster than humanly possible Peter launches himself into her arms, and as his head comes to rest against her shoulder she finally lets her resolve crumble. Hot tears run down her cheeks faster than she ever thought imaginable, and she hopes Peter can't feel the sheer volume that's landing against his neck, though she knows he wouldn't say anything about it even if he did.
   “She's hurt really bad” Peter whimpers out through his sobs, “She might be dying”
   Natasha desperately shakes her head, “No. She'll pull through.”
   A few moments of silence pass before she's brave enough to speak again, “She…she’ll pull through. She has to. I- I need her to be ok.”
   Finally Clint comes over and wraps his arms around the two of them. He knows by the way Natasha trembles that she’s close to her absolute breaking point. And he's not sure that she’d be comfortable being that vulnerable in front of Tony and Peter, even if the genius absolutely knew about the not so secret pining. And of course the teen had his own suspicions. Nat was secretive when it came to emotions, and she had her reasons to be. So he’ll do what he can to help her keep some comfort.
   She clutches onto the archers shirt as if it were her lifeline, and he tentatively squeezes her shoulder to prove he's there for her. He’ll be her rock whenever she needs him to be, it's been this way since she opened up to him all those years ago and he’ll happily let it stay that way until the very end. He considers it an honor that she trusts him enough to let him see this perceived weaker version of herself.
    “Tell me she'll pull through Clint, please.”  
   He sighs, the answer won’t be what she wants to hear and it will break her further, but he owes the truth to her. He can’t give her false hope. She needs to be prepared. “I wish I could Nat, truly. But she really was in a really bad state when we got her here. If Tony hadn’t flown her here from the quinjet I don’t know if she would have been breathing”
   Sure enough a sob escapes her, and her trembling only worsens as Peter all but collapses against her. Clint holds them up to the best of his ability while sparing an urgent glance in Tony's direction. The older man quickly makes his way over to the three and gently loops his arms under Peters.
   “C'mon kid. I got ya. Let's get you sitting down, alright?” 
   Peter only manages to nod as Tony walks away with him, leading him back to where he’d first been sat. Natasha allows Clint to fully envelope her in his embrace then, and she finds the guilt of all the possibilities that could have been between the two of you is crashing down on her shoulders with the weight of cinder blocks.
   “I never told her” she whispers into his chest, and he doesn’t ask for clarification because he knows all too well what she means. He'd been trying to convince her to admit her feelings for years now, “I need more time…I just wasn’t ready, but I should have pushed myself. I should have found a way to make her understand even if I can’t say the words.”
   He pulls back from her, places his hands on both her shoulders and looks her dead in the eyes, “Then Natasha, if she makes it through this, that's exactly what you do, ok? You march in there and you do whatever you have to to get your chance.”
   Her lower lip quivers, “B- but what do I do if she doesn’t? What if…what if I never get my chance because I was a coward?”
   “Oh honey” he coos, pulling her back into a hug, “You were scared. Scared to be loved and to be vulnerable. Scared Y/n wouldn't feel the same. Scared that you wouldn’t know what to do. Scared you didn’t deserve her. And all these are normal feelings somebody has in this kinda situation. Unfortunately the circumstances of your past made those fears even worse for you, that doesn’t make you a coward.”
   She looks at him, tears streaming down her reddened face with her lower lip trembling. His heart sinks in his chest seeing her like this. So open and with her feelings, so scared to lose you. He gently wipes her cheeks with his calloused thumbs, “You're the strongest and bravest person I know Nat.”
   “I second that statement” Tony speaks up from next to the teen, “And I’m lab partners with the Hulk so i know a thing or two about strength.”
   His reply gets a small twitch of her lip and roll of her eyes in response, and he knows that with the way she feels right now that those actions were worth more than a Hollywood actor's showstopping grin. And the fact that he was able to gain that response makes him beam with pride. He cheered her up, if only just a tiny smidge, but he’d gladly take it.
   Before anything else can be said by anyone the med bays main doors open, and a doctor steps through. Natashas attention is on him at once, and she quickly approaches, “Is Y/n- er, Agent Y/l/n alright?”
   “We’ve got her stable now. It was touch and go there for a bit. Her heart stopped on us once but- ”  That's all she registers beforese zones out of the conversation. The same words playing on repeat are all she can focus on.  Her heart stopped. 
   You had died. If anything had happened to slow the quinjet down and keep it from bringing you in then the doctors wouldn't have been there to revive you, and instead of worrying in the med bay she would have been mourning your loss at the landing platform. And that fact terrifies her.
   She isn’t even aware that she zoned out for as long as she had until Tony's hand grasps her shoulder, “Nat?”
  “W- what?” she stutters, blinking her previous thoughts away while looking around, “I’m sorry”
   The doctor nods in understanding, “It’s alright. Agent Y/l/n was successfully resuscitated and though she's currently stable she's still in critical condition. She's still sedated, so that coupled with her original trauma will most likely keep her unconscious for at least the rest of today and potentially into tomorrow.”
   “But she’ll be ok, right?” she asks, needing to hear something hopeful
   “I'm afraid it’s still too early to tell. For now all we can do is wait and see if she makes it through the night. But if she wakes we can properly assess her.”
  The Russian can feel her chest tighten, “If…if she wakes? I don’t understand?”
   “She acquired a lot of head trauma. Alone that trauma is enough to potentially keep her comatose, but when you add in the use of anesthesia that risk becomes even higher.” he explains, “Now normally we wouldn’t have used any, but with her multiple stab wounds we were left with no other options.” 
   Her lower lip trembles as she swallows the lump in her throat, “Can I see her? Please?”
  He nods, “Follow me”
   When she arrives in your room a feeling of nausea fills her. The room is dull, with its lights dimmed and blinds closed but she can still see you clearly. Your skin is paler than normal, lacking its usual glow and she can already see the swelling and bruising settling in on your face, arms and collarbone. The steady beating of the heart monitor is the only noise that fills the small room, and while normally such a noise would put her on edge she finds it calms her this time, because it tells her that you're still here. You're alive.
   Tears roll down her cheeks as her hand makes its way to yours, “Y/n, I...I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m here. I’m right here dorogoy(sweetheart), so please don’t go anywhere.”
   As the hours pass by she continues to sit with you, she's too afraid to leave your side or let you out of her sight. She worries that if she allows either of those things, then the worst will happen to you. Which rationally she knows is ridiculous, her presence and vigilante watch wouldn’t be enough to stop death from taking you if that's truly what was in store for you. But still, being here with you gives her some small comfort and right now she needs all the comfort she can get. 
   At some point she had fallen asleep, it had been rather restless as she didn’t want to risk sleeping through anything that may occur, so she forced herself to stay out of her REM cycle. So what little rest she did manage couldn’t even be classified as such really, but it did end up working the way she intended it to. 
   The faint beeping that she'd become accustomed to suddenly picks up in speed slightly, and her eyes immediately shoot open. She quickly scans the machine to make sure it wasn't malfunctioning and once satisfied they move to you. Nothing appears different, at least not in a bad way. Your skin seems to have gained back a bit more of its natural color and though this relieves her she's still uncertain about your heart rate. Before she can worry any more, a nurse enters.
   “What's going on? Is she ok?”
   The nurse smiles kindly at her while checking your chart, “She's doing just fine Agent Romanoff, the slight increase in heart rate is a good thing. It means she's trying to wake up”
   Natasha can’t hide the excitement that takes over her features, and she grabs your hand once more, “Pozhaluysta, vernis' ko mne. Ty mne nuzhen zdes'(Please come back to me. I need you here.)”
   As if hearing, and understanding, her whispered words, your eyelids begin to flutter and though the room is nearly completely dark you still groan at the way the light affects your sensitive eyes. Sensitive or not though there's no mistaking that bright red hair, or who it belongs to. Even if her form is a bit blurry.
   “Uggh…Nat?” you rasp out, and she immediately moves closer
   “I’m right here” she responds, hoping you don’t notice the tears rolling down her cheeks, “How are you feeling?”
   “Like shit”  
   Your honest reply pulls a laugh from her and she gently squeezes your hand as the nurse walks over to your other side to begin checking you over. Once she's done with her various tests and writing notes in her chart she leaves the room, leaving you alone with the Russian you've come to love. Your eyes glance at your hand to see that your suspicions are correct, the weight you feel in your hand is indeed her own. You gently squeeze it before allowing your gaze to meet hers.
   “You've been crying” you state, allowing your free hand to brush against her reddened cheek. The way she nuzzles her face into your palm takes you by surprise, but you allow to seek comfort this way and cup her cheek. You watch in awe as her whole body relaxes at this embrace
   “I thought…I thought I was going to lose you” she admits in a whisper and her lower lip trembles as she closes her eyes. Despite this another tear slips down her face, but you quickly brush it away. A small whimper leaves her at this gesture, and she leans further into your hand
   And that's when things start to click. Sure, you've had your suspicions that the Russian spy had feelings for you, but she's so closed off to emotions that it's hard to get an accurate read on her. If you were reading too much into her friendship and just projecting your own feelings you didn’t want to make things awkward by confessing your love for her, so you stayed quiet. Those suspicions never quite went away though. And now yearn to know if there's any validation to your thoughts.
   “Nat, I- ” you start to talk but she cuts you off with a shake of her head
   “No Y/n, you don’t understand. When you got here, your heart stopped. You….you died” she trembles slightly, “And you never would have known…”
   You look at her softly, the weight of what she said sinking in. You knew the dangers of this job when you took it, still you're glad to be alive and you can’t help but feel guilty for what Natasha has gone through since you decided to throw caution to the wind and blow your own cover in a means to get attention away from a stuttering and fumbling Peter that had just raised suspicion by admitting to be a Stark Industries intern. 
   “What wouldn’t I have known?”
   She thought that by now, after everything she'd be able to get those three words out, but when she tries her throat goes impossibly dry and her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. 
   “I-  I…” she huffs, “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.”
  You smile at her sympathetically, “How about you show me then? Think you can do that?”
   She eagerly nods her head, desperate to prove to you how much she cares. She moves even closer and you remove your hand from her face to give her full freedom of movement. She removes her hand from yours and gently cups your face. Her thumb brushes over a small bruise while her other hand tucks a stray hair behind your ear, and her eyes swim with a multitude of emotions as they take in your appearance close up. She takes one last deep breath and surges forward, allowing her lips to meet yours.
   It's sloppy, full of desperation and tears, but it's also full of other things too. Regret, fear, and most importantly, love. She finds she needs air far too quickly for her liking so she relents in breaking the kiss. She doesn't move away though, instead she rests her forehead against yours and lets her nose bump yours too. You melt against her, grateful for her open show of affection, her way of saying she loves you without having to actually say it. That will come when she's ready, and you won’t push.
   “I love you too Natasha”
   She gives you a wide watery smile, gratefully that you not only understood her gesture but that you felt the same way she does. She carefully and quickly crawls into the bed next to you and gently wraps an arm around you as she buries her face against your neck.
   “I was so scared” she admits as your own arm wraps around her waist
   “I can imagine. But I’m ok, Natty. I’m here and I’ve got you.”
   She sniffles, “You promise?”
   You tighten your hold on her and plant a kiss to the top of her head, “I promise”
   She nods against you but you can tell she's still not fully at ease. To help calm her fears you take the hand that's around your waist and place it on your chest. She can feel each strong beat of the muscle under your sternum and it's only then that she relaxes against you.
   “You're ok” she says, more to herself than you
   “Mhm, I’m ok” you reply, “Great actually, now that I have you”
   She moves her face away from your neck to look at you with a softness you've never seen before but know is only reserved only for you, “You mean that?”
   “Of course I do. This is all I’ve ever wanted, you're all I ever wanted.” She smiles widely before settling against you once more, kissing your collarbone affectionately and you somehow know what that means, “Love you too Natty, love you too.”
   By the time Clint comes to check in he finds you both fast asleep, intertwined with each other in the small hospital bed, and he happily smiles because you were ok, and now all was as it should be. 
Taglist:@wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight
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By Your Side
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || Multiple scenarios of Bucky loving, comforting, and taking care of you while sick.
Word Count || 2353
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Mild Smut/Angst — implied [s]ex, sick and sad Reader, but lots of sweet fluff as well!
Authors Note || I’ve been sick twice now within a month so I thought it was only fitting to write a comfort fic with Bucky! Apologies if the fic is a little bit all over the place… I also got a bit carried away towards the end. Idk. It’s a strange fic but I like it :)
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
TFATWS!Bucky Masterlist
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In just a few days, Bucky would finally return home from his two-week-long mission overseas, much to yours and his excitement as you'd missed and craved each other immensely while apart for so long. You were longing for all the sex, cuddling, and conversing you and he would do once he was back, but all those plans changed when you got a nasty cold just a day before he was coming home.
The outfit you had planned for him (sexy underwear ofc) was replaced with an old t-shirt of his and some sweatpants of yours—not looking or feeling sexy at all. And the activity you and he were supposed to do once he walked through the door (nasty sex ofc), would be nothing of.
“Baby, I'm home,” he sang, his words laced with sexual desire and playfulness, more than ready to finally have some fun with you after so long. But instead of being met with you pouncing on him and ushering him straight to the bedroom, like you usually did when he came home after a mission, he was met with the sound of you sneezing and coughing up a storm.
He quickly found his way into the living room to see if you were alright. He found you sitting on the sofa, tissue in hand, as you wiped your runny nose. “Baby, are you ok?”
“No, Bucky, please don't come near me! I'm so gross and disgusting,” you sobbed as you were just done with the violent fit, turning away from him so that he couldn't look at you.
“Hey,” he approached where you were sitting, “doll, I'm here now. I want to help you,” he spoke softly as he sat beside you—grabbing your chin with two fingers and turning your face to him so that he could see all of you.
You were sure that once he saw the absolute mess you looked, the cesspool of grossness and sickness that you were, he would take the first flight back to wherever he had just come from. But he did what any good boyfriend and person would do—stay by your side no matter what. He was determined to comfort and nurse you back to health.
“Doll,” he exhaled as he caressed your cheek while the sweetest smile displayed across his lips. “You will forever be the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever gazed upon, no matter what. Even when you're sick.” He smiled brighter, if that was even possible, the edge of his eyes crinkling.
“I don't deserve you, Bucky,” you sniffled while returning the smile as you leaned into his warm palm, that simple touch of his easing some of your discomforts.
“Come here.” He pulled you towards him, tucking you comfortably against his body—your legs draped over his while your head rested against his chest. The motion of his hand softly caressing your back and his sweet words lulled you to sleep. “You deserve all of me, beautiful. And I will be here for you, nursing and loving you back to health.”
Bucky was attentive to your every need and wants when you were sick—no questions asked, no matter what you required—doing everything he could to make you feel better and brighten your spirit.
Whenever you were cold and shivering, he would wrap his entire body around you, engulfing you completely, making sure you were all warm and safe. A fluffy blanket would be thrown over both of you to ensure maximum comfort.
“There we go, is that better?” He asked in a hushed tone as he rubbed your back and kissed your forehead.
You hummed in approval, purring softly as you snuggled further into him than humanly possible.
“Can we watch a Disney movie, please?”
“Of course, we can, princess.”
Not even needing to ask, he put on Tangled, knowing it was your absolute favorite and a must-see when you needed a little pick-me-up.
Bucky couldn't help but chuckle as you settled down even further into your seat and against him, like a cat that was trying to make itself comfortable, ready for your favorite movie and the best warm cuddles.
Bucky was also caring and understanding when you were too hot, practically burning up and sweating profusely.
“Why is it so hot in here,” you cried as it became almost unbearable, desperately trying to take off your thick sweater.
“Let me do it, doll.” He took it off, leaving you in the nude before he went to grab a wet washcloth and the thermometer, opening the windows along the way to let the cool breeze in.
“Here,” he put the thermometer under your arm and the washcloth against your forehead, hoping it would help cool you down.
Once the thermometer beeped and he checked the number, relief came over him that it wasn't anything too serious.
“Phew, only a mild fever. That's good.”
“I still feel like I'm in a sauna,” you sobbed.
“I know, baby. I'm sorry.” You could hear the absolute concern and sadness in his tone that he couldn't do more to help you and take the pain and discomfort away. “Here,” he held your glass up, “drink some. It'll help.” You took a big swig of the ice water and immediately felt slightly better.
“Much better.”
With a sigh of relief, Bucky sat beside you again with a little distance between so that you could have some space to cool down and breathe properly. But he grabbed your hand, which you gladly let him, wanting that bit of closeness despite sitting apart. The soft caresses of his thumb on the back of your hand was such a minor gesture, but it was still the biggest relief out of anything.
“Thank you, Bucky, for taking care of me.”
“Of course, doll. That's what I'm here for. I'm never going anywhere.”
Although Bucky was not the most stellar in the kitchen, he knew how to make do whenever needed. For example, when you were sick and wanted some fresh and delicious soup.
He had been in the kitchen for about 30 minutes now. Banging pots and pans and cursing along as he prepared the dish for you.
“Oh! No! No! No! Ah, it's ruined… no, wait… it's not! ….Hot! Hot! Hot! Oh… that's actually not that bad… Wow, that's kind of delicious.”
“Babe, are you ok?”
“Yeah, it's fine, doll, I'm fine. Soups coming in a minute.”
Not even a minute later, he walked out of the kitchen very gently and with intense concentration as he held the bowl of soup in hand, trying his best not to spill.
“Alright, one warm and tasty chicken soup for the pretty lady,” he grinned as he sat down beside you, making your cheeks heat up at his sentiment.
“You're so good to me, Bucky.” You gave him a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing the bowl and spoon and digging in.
The first taste was delicious—a pleasant chicken taste that warmed you up inside and soothed your extremely sore throat. But the aftertaste was a little bitter, so the more slurps you took from it, the more intense that bitter taste became.
“Is it good?” He stared at you with the softest eyes and a slight pout, hoping you would be satisfied with his creation.
You didn't have the heart to critique his hard work when he had been so kind to make you food. The soup wasn't that terrible, it was made with love, and that's what mattered the most.
“Hmmm, it's warm and definitely making me feel better. Thank you, babe.”
“Anything for my favorite doll.”
Although it was only a common cold you had, it was a nasty one. And you had little to no energy to move around a lot. That's why you spent all your time on the sofa—from morning till night; eating, relaxing, and sleeping.
Bucky had, of course, offered to help you up to the bedroom, carry you even if needed, but you were happy and comfortable on the sofa, so he didn't want to force you to do anything.
But if you stayed, that also meant that he stayed.
You watched Bucky with a pout on your face as he was making himself a makeshift bed on the floor. You felt terrible that he needed to sleep in such an uncomfortable place just so that he could be close in case you needed his help.
“Bucky, I'm so appreciative that you've been taking such good care of me, but you also need to take care of yourself. Please, go and sleep in the bed.”
“Baby, it's ok,” he smiled brightly, trying to reassure you, but you could see in his eyes how tired he was, “it's only for a few days.”
“You can sleep on the sofa with me then.”
“Doll, I'll be alright, trust me,” he answered softly, “I want you to have all the space to be comfortable.”
“Please, baby, I don't want you to be uncomfortable or in pain.”
“Hey.” He sat down beside you again, taking your hands in his and kissing the back of them gently before gazing into your eyes. “I've slept in worse conditions than this floor, much worse. I'll be very comfortable here, especially when you're with me, doll. I promise.”
You pouted again, to which he chuckled at your adorable expression. “Hey, don't pout,” he brushed the corner of your lip with his thumb, ”I'll be alright. Now let's sleep.”
He helped you lay down—fluffing your pillow and tucking you into the soft blanket. Once he knew you had situated yourself comfortably, he laid down on the hard floor, the blanket beneath not providing much cushion, but he didn't mind.
You wiggled your hand out from the tight cocoon to reach down and comb your fingers through his hair a few times before slowly dragging it down to cup his cheek and brush your thumb along his skin. He leaned up to your touch, closing his eyes and humming softly at your loving caresses.
“Thank you, doll.”
“No, thank you, Bucky. You're so good to me.”
He took your hand and kissed the back of it gently before interlocking your fingers together.
“I love you, my beautiful princess.”
“And I you. Good night.”
After four days of intense sickness, you finally started to recover—gaining back some of your energy and only displaying some minor symptoms.
The first thing you wanted to do was take a shower. You desperately needed one after sitting in gunk and sweat for so many days straight.
Although you were steady on your feet, Bucky kept his palm on your back, just for a little extra support, as he walked with you to the bathroom upstairs.
While you undressed, Bucky turned the shower on for you and made sure it was the right temperature—hot, but not so much that it would burn you.
Once you were out of the icky clothes, you stepped right under the running stream, moaning as the warm water hit you, consuming you entirely and washing off all the dirt and muck, making you finally feel fresh after so long.
Bucky leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as he watched you. A smile of happiness displayed across his face at seeing you so content after so many days of pain and misery. “Do you want a minute alone? I can wait outside. Just yell if you need anything.”
“Actually,” you turned to him with a [s]mirk, “why don't you join me, babe?”
You didn't need to ask him twice. As soon as he got confirmation, he undressed quickly, almost tripping as he took off his pants, making you giggle, before he stepped under the warm water as well. His hands quickly found their way to your body, pulling you closer to him, skin to skin after so long. You wrapped your arms around his waist and gazed up at him with a sweet smile, which he returned.
“I'm so happy you feel better,” he uttered softly as he cupped your face.
You hummed, closing your eyes and nuzzling your face into his chest. “Just a little bit tired and sore still. That's all.”
“You'll feel normal again soon, baby.”
You and he spent almost a full hour in the shower—washing each other, teasing, touching, laughing, and kissing, loving the intimacy after so long. All until the water started getting cold.
You felt refreshed and renewed as you stepped out, newfound energy cursing through you.
While you dried yourself off, you studied your boyfriend—examining his muscular physique. He looked even more hench after his few weeks overseas. Lust and desire grew in your stomach, working itself downwards until you felt yourself become slick with need while thinking about the initial plan you had wanted to do when he got home a few days ago—sex.
Stepping towards him, you took his hands and pulled him closer till you were skin to skin again, just like in the shower. It wasn't hard for him to interpret what you wanted. The smirk on your face and your fingers dancing along his V-line giving it away, but he played dumb.
“What is it, doll?” He tried to hide his growing smile but failed miserably.
“Sex. I want sex.”
“Sex?” He raised his eyebrow, no longer able to hide his mischievous smile. “I thought you were still sick,” he teased.
“Sex boosts recovery. Did you know that?”
“Does it now?” He pulled you in closer, hands taking a firm grasp of your behind as he leaned his head down to your level and brushed his lips with yours. “Then what are we waiting for, doll? Let's get to it….”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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rekino2114 · 24 days
Tell if needs to be altered to fit the rules, but how about Chiaki nanami comforting Male reader who she has a crush on after he finds out Sonia cheated on him with Gundham and plans to dump him and get wuth gundam?
Chiaki nanami comforting a cheated on male reader
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Pairings:chiaki nanami x male reader/gundham x sonia
A/n:Don't worry, This is exactly what I meant with the no cheating rule, I love writing comfort fics so this is perfect (even if I really like both sonia and gundham) I'll probably do a part 2
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'Poor y/n, I can't imagine how he's feeling right now, next time I see sonia I'll be sure to give her a piece of my mind'
Chiaki thinks to herself as she makes her way to your dorm room before knocking on the door
"Hey,hey y/n, it's me, chiaki, I got your message and wanted to see how you were doing, can you please open the door?"
The girl waited patiently before seeing the door open before her, you looked at her with a sad expression that made chiaki's heart break, your red eyes made it clear that you were crying, the moment she saw you she immediate pulled you into a hug to comfort you
"It's alright y/n, I'm here, you can cry if you want to, I'll be here with you no matter what"
You broke down in her arms and started sobbing into her shoulder
"I-i loved her so much *sniff*"
"I know you did, but if she did this to you, then she doesn't deserve you"
"Y-you really think so?"
"Of course, you're a great guy and any girl would be lucky to be with you"
"Thank you chiaki, you really are a great friend"
'I can't tell him I have feelings for him so soon after a break up, but I love him so much,I can't stand seeing him like this'
"I brought some of your favorite games to cheer you up, do you wanna play together?"
"OK,thank you"
"Don't mention it, it's the least I could do"
You spent the next hours playing every game chiaki brought (she let you win most of the time) and having a good time, she loved seeing you smile after everything that happened.
"Thank you chiaki, just thank you so much,I think I had more fun today than I ever did with sonia"
"I guess she wasn't that good of a girlfriend then"
"....yeah I guess...."
You sighed before looking at chiaki again, the gamer giving you a gentle nod to let you know she was OK with you venting
"I always knew she had feelings for gundham but I thought she put them aside when we started dating"
"Yeah I thought so too, that's what she should have done, I mean why didn't she just break up with you if she wanted to be with gundham"
"I...... really don't know"
"Well at least you're not together anymore"
"..........hey,hey, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you"
"Of course, I care a lot about you, I hate seeing you sad. If you ever need to cheer up or just talk, just come to me, ok?"
You immediately hugged the ultimate gamer causing her to blush incredibly but she composed herself and hugged you back
"I really can't thank you enough, you're amazing chiaki, thank you so so much"
"You're amazing too and deserve so much better, I'll be the best friend you could ask for"
'I just wish I could be more'
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estranha-de-all-star · 11 months
Oh man I'm excited and very anxious about the whole lore that Bagi and Cellbit are planning with them being twins in the server
Because these two motherfuckers give the best RP like their life's depend on it, and if right now they are giving the RP where Cellbit is mad, mad that they took away his chance to have a normal life, mad that they took his family away from him, that he had someone looking for him all those years, but in all this time he was trying to survive, he killed to survive, he become someone he didn't like (even if he told Q!Bagi he killed someone and liked it, I really doubt it, I almost think he is saying that to try to keep her away, because he doesn't know how to process all of this information, how to accept that he has a sister, who told in his face that doesn't matter what he did in the past, she is not going to give up on him, because she loves him no matter what), and there is a lot going on right now, and he has to deal with all of this because everyone is counting on him but he doesn't want to involve people and risk their lifes, he want to do all of this alone because if he gets killed it doesn't matter, he thinks he deserves it
In other hand, Q!Bagi is sad and a bit mad, mad that her brother doesn't want to talk to her and is avoiding her all the time, to the point she keeps away too, because she thinks he is mad at her or with the ideia that they are related. She is sad because she has become an investigator, a police officer just to find him, and she tracked his steps to Alcatraz! But when she got there, he had already escaped (which I think is a good thing, because things would be way mooooore catastrophic if he knew at that time she was her sister, he was way more unstable and crazy)
And she feels alone, that no one really trusts her or really care for her (I hope that after she talked with Q!Roier she feels like she can count on him, after all they are family too now)
But the thing is, both of them are right in feeling the way they are feeling. Is sad? Of course, but there is no right side here. Both of them are hurt because of what happend to them, but is like Q!Roier said, maybe they won't talk now, but things will be better with time, they just need time to understand what is going on, to process all these informations and feelings and them talk about it and try to figured out how they are going to go from there.
It will be sad, it will hurt, but I'm sure that in the end they will give us a wonderful RP and will become the "Irmãos Mistério", the ones that are glued like glue when they are child.
I know that we wanted a relationship like Dipper and Mabel, but I think a relationship like Stan and Ford makes so much more sense for them because of the life they had.
But as I said before, I am really excited and anxious for their RP. It will make me cry to the point I'm sobbing? Oh, definitely! Buuuuuut I'm sure that it will be good and really worth it!!
I just remembered something that Bagi was talking about yesterday before ending the live, where she was talking more about her character and how Q!Bagi feels inside the island, that she feels alone and that no one talks to her and if things continue this way she is more likely to become like Q!Jaiden and build a relationship of friendship and trust with Cucurucho.
And honestly, if this happens I'm like 99% sure Q!Cellbit would snap with this, probably scream with Q!Bagi but because his worried and would definitely threaten Cucurucho if he ever thinks and going closer to his sister or doing something to her. Maybe this would be a way (not the best way, I think) to them talk about this whole situation of them being brother and sister.
...But if I'm honest, I just want to see Q!Cellbit really pissed off and screaming in Cucurucho face to not touch his sister or his family ever again.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
8? With Jungkook?🤞🏻
"please dont go....I cant be alone right now" x Jungkook
thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy <3
warnings- jungkook has a bad day waaa, fluffy, minor angst, reader and him are cute
The thud of Jungkooks backpack at the front door could be heard throughout the house, making you jump.
"kook?" you called out, "you home?"
After no response, you left the office room and made your way to the kitchen, where you saw your boyfriend searching for something to eat.
"Hi baby, I made dinner" you come up behind him and rub his back
He flinches a bit, making you frown. "oh, hi baby, thanks" he turns to see you-your height in perfect lining for his lips to meet your forehead.
"how was work? you alright my love?" you asked quietly, hand gently rubbing the skin under his shirt.
Jungkook hummed, "it was ok I guess..."
"yeah?" you looked up at him lovingly
"I just missed you" he shrugged, mumbling a bit
"oh sweet boy I missed you too..." you kissed his cheek and hugged him closer.
He released a shaky sigh and hugged you back, the strength of his arms squeezing you tightly.
"are you sure youre okay?" you whispered "because...its ok if you arent" you pulled away from his chest to see his face, his eyes now watery as he tried to even his breathing, almost as if he spoke he knew he would end up sobbing.
"honey..." you pouted and brushed his bangs away, cupping his face, "whats going on? talk to me so I can help"
He shook his head, looking down as a stray tear fell, making his hastily wipe his face with the back of his hand. "its just" he began quietly, "work....everything. its stressful"
You nod, "I know sweetheart"
"I kept messing up the vocals today and everyone was getting mad with me, I just felt like....i dont even know, I felt like a burden to be in the studio" he wiped another tear, sighing and looking at the ceiling.
"Kookie you know that you arent a burden, right? the boys all love you so fucking much...they need you, and they were probably just tired and cranky because you all need sleep and wont rest despite me scolding them" you breathe out a laugh, making him half smile
"I promise, you are so loved and important, so many people admire you, especially me" you pointed at yourself, making him giggle. "its ok to have tough days, its what makes us stronger, its part of being a human, however its how you react to it- thats how you grow and learn and become a better person, right?"
"right" he nodded, looking at you and squeezing your hands.
You scanned over his face and smiled softly, "do you want to take a bath?"
"yeah" he smiled
You placed a few towels on the counter near the tub, where your boyfriend sat.
"the lavender is nice" he spoke, eyes closed as he rested his head against the railing of the tub. "I told you, bath bombs arent just for girls" you giggled
"well it had a unicorn on it for christ sake" he opened one eye to see you, smiling.
"hey unicorns are uni-sex, get it?" you poked
"you...are so fucking corny" he laughed
"but you found it funny!"
you smiled at him, watching his face and admiring his beauty for a moment while his eyes were shut, he was so amazing and loved by you, and he would only know half of it.
"well baby, im gonna go wrap up work in my office, call me if-"
"no, please dont go....I cant be alone right now" he frowned, eyes opening up to see you at the door.
You frowned before nodding, silently making your way to sit in front of the tub. You werent gonna push him to talk, you knew he was struggling today and thats all you needed to hear.
He just needed a little extra love and affection like we all do somedays, its human.
We need hugs, we need to be told we are loved, we deserve to be loved, and valued.
He always made you feel his appreciation for you in any way possible, so you of course wanted to pay it back.
You carefully washed his hair and mindlessly chatted about random things, he seemed to have calmed down a lot in the time being, which made you happy.
He had insisted you join him in the tub-so you did.
"its getting cold, the water..." you mumble, head against his chest.
"meh.....its like lukewarm" he looked down at you, giggling, "are you about to sleep right now?"
"probably" you whisper
"no baby, lets get into bed" he smiled, jokingly patting your butt to get you off.
You pulled away to look at him, smiling, "I love you, you know that?"
the slight pink tint on his cheeks didnt go unnoticed, "yeah...." he giggled, "I love you too...you know that?"
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Stop Your Breath
Kane x Friend Reader
Summary: somethings changed his changed and you don't know if it's for the better
Warning: choking, tied up, breeding, marking
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Yn/3rd person pov
I descend from the top of the stairs slowly holding my up graded bass ball bat the end of it covered in nails, my eyes were locked on the rattling door noob, stepping closer to it and raising the bat up to swing as the door opened.
"Its me" I stop mid swing as I heard him shout "fuck kane I almost killed you" I squealed and dropped the bat he looked between me and the bat and pointed at it "halloween" he asked with a bit of tease in his voice as he grinned.
"Still a killing machine though" I huffed slightly and walked into his arms hugging him tightly "what are you doing here" I murmured and pulled back a little so I could see his face.
His grinned fultered for a split second and his eyes glossed with tears "is everything ok" I asked my voice wavering with concern he bit his lip and looked down to the ground shaking his head.
"She cheated" he whispered so softly I almost couldn't hear it "w-what" I had to ask again just so I can make sure I heard him right, "she.... she cheated on me" his breathing became shallow as silent tears ran down his face.
I used one of my hands to urge him to look at me "it's ok to cry kane" I murmured he always had the tendency to bottle up his emotions due to his training.
He leaned into my hand and bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly his body began to shake from his crys "I-I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow" his sobs echoed through the hallway.
I shushed him gently and hugged him more tighter then I ever have before "it's going to be ok" I reassured even though my heart hurt so much.
"Your going to be ok" I whispered and gently urged him to the couch were we lay in the comfort of eachothers arms, my hands drawing little patterns on his arms as I listened to his heart beat.
His crys of pain made my heart ache but I didn’t know what to say or do, I've only ever see him cry a couple times, "why doesn't she love me".
I wanted to say so many things but I couldn't form the words I couldn't let my feelings get the better of me, I just stayed silent listening to all of his pain it killed me.
"Am I not worth loving" my eyes snapped to look at him and he was already looking at him his filled with sorrow and helplessness, his dark curls framing his face perfectly.
I let my walls break as I adjusted myself fully to look at him "you deserve everything the world has to offer kane and I hate that you can't see that, you risk your life everyday saving alot of people" I paused taking a deep breath in.
"There's a lot of people that love you it doesn't matter if she doesn't she didn't deserve you" tears of my own started falling down my cheeks "you don't deserve this" I whispered.
"You deserve someone who treats you right someone that can handle you at your best and worse" I murmured intertwining one of our hands together.
He smiled softly and leaned up to me his hand gently caressing my cheek "I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner" he said softly before gently pushing his lips to mine I whined softly as he pulled away.
"I deserve so much better" he smiled his eyes no longer filled with sadness he pecked my lips once again and shifted so we were both laying comfortably in eachothers arms, we sat in silence just enjoying eachothers company.
I let out a tired yawn and I felt him shift underneath me "it's ok lets just sleep" he murmured seeing my tiredness.
My eyes slowly drifted shut and I released some soft murmurs I'd hope he'd hear "please come back to me" before drifting to sleep.
"Of course I will" he whispered to your sleeping and gently kissed your temple and falling asleep himself, he was long gone when you woke up but you snuggled in further to were he lay because his scent lingered "come back to me please".
Time skip
It's been 14 months since kane's left my heart aches worst with each passing day the thought of him not returning makes my fists clench I should've tried to make him stay convince him to stay with me.
It takes longer for me to fall asleep nowadays most of the time I'm sitting on my windowsill hoping to see his car round the corner or keep my phone fully charged with full volume notifications.
"Goodnight kane" I whispered to myself and slowly drag my tired self to my unmade bed I lazily covered myself as I got in.
My eyes slowly flattered shut as I snuggled into the pillows "I miss you" I murmured and yawned tiredly slowly drifting to sleep letting my mind disappear into the land of dreams.
Your soft snores covered the sound of your door being unlocked and the soft padding of foots the man you have been hoping for has returned but your sleeping figure went unfazed.
He didn't know why he came here instead of going home, to his wife he didn't feel the need to he felt the longing that the man before him felt kane wanted you he needed you.
His dull lifeless eyes stared down at your sleeping figure not knowing what to do must he wake you or leave you asleep and just leave but his body didn't want to move so he just stood there.
I groaned slowly stirring from my sleep the feeling of uneasiness waking me I sleepily reached over to my bed side table turning on my lights.
I didn't notice the man infront of me in till I opened my eyes after rubbing them "fuck" I scream and threw one of my pillows at the intruder but he went unfazed.
"K-kane" I murmured unsure unsurely and rubbed my eyes again to make sure I wasn't dreaming "kane" I yelled out and threw myself into his arms hugging him tightly.
"I missed you" I whispered as a few happy tears escaped my eyes, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and leaning his head into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent "i-i missed you to" he didn't sound so sure.
I pulled back "what happened" I murmured looking into his eyes but they weren't like I remember they looked lifeless and dull "why aren't you st home" he didn't answer my questions and just continued to stare at me in silence.
"Kane answer me" I was worried for him, I gently raised my hand to caress his cheek he stiffened under my touch he quickly grabbed my hand that was by his face and brought it to his mouth and kissed my wrist.
"I need you" he whispered his eyes darkening as he dragged his gaze up and down my body my body shivered in anticipation and my cheeks felt flushed, I took in a shaking breath.
"I-i need you to" I stammered moving my hands to wrap around his neck and leaned up onto my tippy toes pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss.
His hands planted themselves onto my hips pulling me into him I gasped against his lips feeling his erection he this to his advantage and deepened the kiss more making my knees buckle.
He slowly moved me back onto the bed and slowly took off his shirt maintaining eye contact me, my breath hitched as I gazed upon his body small scars and cuts littered his chest.
"Take off your clothes" he said sternly as he slowly undid his belt I nodded submissively and slipped off my clothes, he quickly took off his pants leaving him in his boxers.
My mouth watered as I noticed the big bulge of his cock, he slowly claimed onto the bed and straddled me with the belt in his hands "hands up" he muttered I nervously gave him my hands.
He wrapped his belt around them and tied them to the headboard sighing out a shakey breathe as he did so he slowly let his hands graze down my arms to my shoulders down to my breast giving them a slight squeeze making me whine out.
A lustful glint appeared in his eyes and pulled his hands away from me, I watched intently as he started to touch himself his hands slowly inching their way to his boxers and painfully slow he pulled out his cock.
"I hope your ready for me" he said and leaned down on his arms and attached his lips to my neck, his body caging me down "f-fuck I am I am" i whined slightly lifting my hips to feel his cock against me.
He let out a deep growl and moved one of his hands grabbing his cock giving it a few jerks before moving it closer to my core, he ran the tip up and down my slight my body trembled slightly.
"Please kane" I whispered gently tugging at my restraints he smirked against my skin and gently pushed in, we both moaned in pleasure my muscles spasming as he split me open.
"Fuck" I moaned throwing my head back into the pillow I felt him adjusting himself and I gasped as I felt him wrap a hand around my throat squeezing ever so slightly "k-kane" I stammered.
He didn't answer instead he started to thrust in and out letting out small groans and grunts as he slowly started quickening his pace, the hand his has on my neck slightly spasming every few seconds.
My breath hitched everytime he thrusted into me and my eyes rolled back in pleasure so many thoughts were running through my mind this doesn't seem like kane, he wouldn't act like this but I just don't care.
"Please kane" I moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist he grunted in response and hardened his thrusts I could swear I head my bedframe crack.
My moans heightened as I felt a knot form in my stomach and kanes cock started to pulse he didn't show any signs of pulling out or stopping which drove me crazy.
"C-cum inside me.... please" I begged desperately it only took us a few more thrusts before we both climaxed making us both cry out, kane slowed his thrusts panting and kissed my forehead loving as he gently pulled out.
He quickly undid my restraints but I still couldn't move my body was tired even though I didn't do anything, I watched him with half lidded eyes as he climbed off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom, I dizzily looked to the right to see my mirror and noticed the dark marks along my neck.
He cleared his throat as he re-entered the room and I slowly looked to him, he sat down on the bed and gently started cleaning my core with a wet cloth his eyes dragging themselves up and down my body only stopping when we looked eyes.
"Rest now"
@neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @sweetirilly
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bae04xx · 4 months
“fuck off!” i screamed, my voice hoarse from being half asleep, while i pushed my brother away from me. rolling over to the other side of my bed, i ignore his giggles,
“bastard, wake me up again and see what happens..” i mumble into my pillow, sensing his spine shoot up after hearing my threat.
“woah! y/n’s cranky aren’t you?” he cackles, before slapping me against the head and strolling out, as if he hadn’t been annoying the living fuck out of me, as if he was completely innocent!
ben being my brother had its perks, like ultimate protection from him and his weirdo gang, but it had a lot more cons. like some bitch at school looks at me the wrong way? oh well, it doesn’t matter to me, ben sees? she’s dead.
they’re so overdramatic.
and trust me, i haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since we moved into this hell hole. either i’m kept up by screaming, ben, gunshots or the lads bringing some random women back- that’s definitely the worst one.
everyone here had a purpose, i didn’t, my brother was some magical ghost that could hack into anything. i didn’t know shit about him, he would refuse to tell me, but he managed to work a deal so i could stay here, to keep me ‘safe’, because what’s safer than being around deranged serial killers? i was just deadweight, and while most people here tried to ignore that fact, considering i took care of them all fairly well, i knew it. my cooking, cleaning and caring skills were not nearly as useful as the dangerous shit they did.
but i’m sure they appreciated a home cooked meal after a long day of work, it calmed me down after a stressful day at school. winding down with them was something i loved, especially with jeff, we got on very well- despite ben and his rivalry. i ignored their petty arguments, and stormed off whenever they attempted to include me into them. i loved seeing how calm jeff could be around me, he was always so on edge, fierce, ready to pounce on anyone, but with me it wasn’t like that.
i could sit with him and just talk, sure he wouldn’t open up to me about anything, too closed off and stuck in his defensive mind to do anything of the sort, but he could relax with me- and i enjoyed that.
i missed normality a lot more than i let on, and ben could see that in me. the way i stared at the photos of us when we were young, how we would get high and i would ramble on about our old memories, he saw through my facade, and knew how much i missed my past life.
but this was me now, taking care of my shitty brother and his coworkers? friends? housemates? whatever he called them.
what pissed me off the most is how i was the only person in the house that still had to go to school. ben insisted on me getting an education, making something of my life- i think it was because he didn’t want me living in this shithole forever like he had to. i would come home from school everyday and waffle to toby about everything, he understood better than anyone. he could tell that deep down i did care, i cared about everything, too much. while i pretending to not give a fuck about the bitches i had to deal with, i would come running to him, crying in his arms after a hard day. i didn’t want a solution to my problem, i wanted a distraction, comfort. and ben couldn’t wrap his tiny brain around that, but toby could.
“they’re.. all just so horrible..” i sobbed as toby stroked my hair softly, holding me tightly in his arms, suddenly flicking his wrist from his ticks, he quietly cursed himself.
“i know, y/n, it’s going to be ok, i promise,” he whispered, gently wiping the tears from my face.
“they’re nasty because their jealous of you, jealous of your beauty and your confidence.”
“but.. i just want them to be nice to me..”
“i know baby, you don’t deserve this.”
toby was like a brother to me, unlike jeff who found comfort in me, i found comfort in toby. he was like my very own safety blanket, he would wrap me up in his arms and let me cry all my emotions out, carrying me to bed when i fell asleep in his arms and tucking me in. he was like the dad i had always wished for.
when everyone would argue, i would lock myself in my room. i hated it with every cell in my body. the boys would scream, yell, punch walls, kick doors in- and the dreadful sound of shots being fired. it would send me into a panicked frenzy. there was one particularly bad argument between ben and jeff once, over something stupid i can’t even remember.
“y/n- knock some fuckin’ sense into your deadbeat brother!”
“don’t bring my fucking sister into this- just because you’re in love with her! don’t think i can’t tell you fucking deranged pervert!”
“fuck off ben, like i would ever want to be with someone RELATED to you. if i had it my way you would be dead were you stand.”
i listened to their harsh words as jeff knocked on my door, making the walls vibrate.
“i don’t want to be involved! go away!” i screamed, tucking myself under the covers on my bed, pulling a pillow over my head to tune out their shouting- until i heard the familiar bang of masky’s gun.
i thought my heart fell out of my chest in that moment, my blood ran cold as i fumbled out of bed and ran to my door, swinging it open to find a hall in the opposite wall to my bedroom. i had never felt more relief in my life.
“stop fucking arguing. you’re keeping me awake.” masky said coldly as ben and jeff just stared at the bullet in the wall.
i hated living here.
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imaginealotofthings · 2 years
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Imagine you find out Chibs is seen with another woman.
"Y/N, they were together."
"We saw them"
"He's moved on!"
.. The old ladies & croweaters- the ones you considered friends, even maybe family now; kept telling you Chibs had moved on. You and Chibs weren't officially a couple, so you had to act like you didn't give a shit, but in reality - you fell in love with the man the first time he spoke to you.
Were they just trying to hurt you? Protect you? Who knew.
All you knew was that it hurt like hell! You had fallen so hard for Filip Telford over the past few months since moving to Charming - you really thought he was the one but you knew everything was too good to be true.
You sat at the bar with the girls in the clubhouse - they told you how much of a piece of shit Chibs was and that I deserved SOO MUCH better... The boys sat in a huddle, keeping out of the way - which seemed out of character for them.
You kept drinking...and drinking. I nodded along but didn't agree with a word they said. To be fair, I never thought Chibs would do this to me but he definitely wasn't a piece of shit & I definitely didn't deserve better. You didn't want better. You wanted him. You want Chibs.
You drank a lot by this point. "Thanks girls, I'm just gonna go out for a smoke."
"But Y/N, you don't smoke." one of them spoke over the others.
"I do now!" grabbing the packet of cigarettes and lighter you head outside.
Leaning against the wall, you lit the cigarette. This was the first one you'd had since quitting 5 years ago. You were ashamed, but you smoked as if it was going to cure everything. Blowing out the cloud of smoke a hand appeared yanking the cigarette from your grip.
"What the fuck are you doing lass?" Chibs face concerned.
"Hey, give me that..." you stumbled. "You don't get to take stuff off of me, like that bitch whore has..."
"What are ya talking about Y/N?" Chibs more confused than concerned now.
"That woman you've been seen with all over town, the girls have already told me, so save it Chibs. I hope she was worth it." Chibs scratched his brow with frustration and realising what was happening.
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By this point the girls and the rest of the Sons had come out to see what was going down. A few of the boys took the girls back inside to talk.
"Y/N, the woman is no bitch whore. I can assure you! It was your sister."
You stare at him, tears leaving your eyes. You waited for more answers.
"I asked your sister, Y/S/N into town for lunch - I wanted to ask for her blessing on behalf of your family. I wanted to seek approval to ask for your hand in marriage.... Goddammit." he began to get angry.
You began to sob, so hard shoving your face into your hands.
"I can't understand why you'd believe them, Y/N. I can't believe you think I'd do that to you! And smoking again after how hard you worked to quit. This has to be a fucking joke." Punching the wall, he storms off out of the Teller Morrow lot.
You fell to the floor in tears. Juice and Tig sat down to comfort you.
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"Hey man, you can't blame her you know what them crow eaters are like, they'll do anything to keep us boys from serious relationships. It'll all be fine man." Jax says before patting Chibs on the back.
"Just the thought of losing her kills me, Jackie Boy." He looked at Chibs with an empathetic look. "I'm in love with her."
A smirk appeared on Jax's face. "Stop fucking about and go get her, she's in love with you man."
Chibs wipes his face and bounds up to wear Y/N sat on the floor in her drunken state.
He reached down and lifted you up. "Y/N, come on. Lets go." You nodded. He swept you up and put you over his shoulder. Taking you to his room and laying you on the bed.
"Asif you got this drunk with worry - I can't believe you think I'd leave someone as amazing as you.
I'm going to kiss the worries away.. all over your body. Ok lass?"
"Okay Chibby.."
"And then tomorrow, I'm gonna ask you to be my wife..."
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Credit to gif/image owners
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